i0 rt f tt " . 4 V-Kf(J!?pV" " - ' 'B N"' '"'fP ty'Hs lp Wpa-pssBBv.? Y' ."'i; & V-. to THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902, APJflt.WsWjfiiAW TifW mRP&fb s to 15 n (Published Dlty Except Biinday, by ThB Tribune ' i Publishing Companr,ftt Fifty Cents Month. ,MVY 8. ntCItAltD r.oiTon. O, F. BYXDEK HuaiNu JUvaorii. Entered at tho roatofllce nt Bcr&nton, m Hccond CiM Malt Mnttcr. When ipnce will permit. The Tribune I alwnr Bind to print abort letters from It friend! bearing on current topic, but Its rale If thnt ttieso must be Binned, for iul llontlon, by tho writer' rent name) nnil tho condition precedent to nccoptnnco U thnt nil contribution! ball be subject to editorial rovlslon. THE FLAT BATE FOIt ADV15IITI8INO. Tbo follow Inn table shows tho price per Inch each Insertion, space to bo mod w Ithln one year' timtr av Hun of J." rull mart.A ,,,, npOnng ,,0.uon lew tlmn 60 tnrlics . eel 5 10 M luches -ID .41 .4s 100 " . . i . . .SO .11 .311 SHO " V .275 .TO MO " 20 Si .51 iooo " i8 jn ,i tn. na-ft.nMti.n1f. vo.nlitl lnn nt nnnHnlnnro. nnil llmllur contribution1! In the nature nfiulvertlslng, The Trlbuno mnkei a charge of 5 cents a lino, scranton, ocTounn a, 1002. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Stnte. Oovernor-S W. PENNYPACKER. Lieutenant Governor W. M. BROWN ScCictiuv of Intel mil Affalis-JSAAC B. , BROWN. County. Cohgl oss-WILLlAU OONNELL Judgc-A. A. VOStll'RO CommlFsloiKTS-JOIlN COURIER MOR- fRIS. JOHN PENMAN. Mine Insnoetois-LLEWELYN M. EV ANS, DAVID T. VI I.I.I AMS Legislative. Eehntoi-JOTIN B JORDAN. Itepiosentnthos Fiist DNtiict-josnpir oi.ivr.n Second nistilct-.lOHN SCItEl nil, JR. Thild Disttlrt-EinVARD .TAMES romth DlstilU-P. A. PIIILUIN Election day, Nov. I. Theie K one tiling about Piesldent TtQoseelt. when lie stuits to play on the political organ ho Is not nfrniil to pull out the "plain ilutj" stop mil plav Vhntoei he thinks should be plajed. It usually pleases the public, too. Counting the Cost. HOW Tim stilke Is nrfUt Ing the opei.itois may be gleaned fioni tho statements of the Lehigh Valley anil Rending Coal e oinpimtes cot cling July and August, just Issued. The earning'! and Income fioni n.l souites of tho Lehigh Valley Coal com pany for August weie Jl'-'S.iVJJ, a du el case over August, 11)01, of $1,G'0,I!1; expenses and taxes weie $27.",19-', a de cicase of $1, .199,004, leaving a deficit lor the month of $14G7)'i. .is against a de ficit for August l.ibt j ear of $m 83J. The earnings and income fioin all aouices foi the two months of the pioient fiscal jeai weie $.'10,!s90, a (leciease ot $J,937, 142 over the ten lespoiiellng peilod of las,t eai; expenses and taes weie $5113,031, a decicasu of $J,S4S,40."; leaving ti deficit of $.110,100 as against a dellcit for the same peilod last e.u ot $207,- Receipts of the Heading f'o.U and Iron company lor August weie $.'1-',-"12, a decieabe of $.',182,071. compaiul with Augubt of last eai. Expenses were ?324,4d7, a deticase of $1,GG2,0S1, showing a deficit loi the month of $282,144 as against net earnings in Aug ust, 1901, of $2J7,r41. T'oi the two months of the piesent fiscal je.u the lecelpts of the coal company weie $19S,310, a deciease of $3,Slb,,)7S. com pared with the. coiiesponding peilod last jeai;, expenses $1,030,421, a 0 -crease of $3,064, rB."i; showing a deficit lor the piesent fiscal jear of $,")40 911, at, against net earnings for the cone-' ponding peiiod ot last jeai ot $213,"02 The lato of loss shown in the case of tho Lehigh Valley Coal company would amount, on tho above basis, lor the peilod of the stiike to about $300,000; and in the case of the Reading Coal nnd lion coinpanj to ncaily $2,000,000. This is exclusive, of couise, in each In stance, to the loss in l.iilvvay tiafllc and to the loss of maiKet.s, the latter of which not being jet estimable. The showing is a seilous one, but the loss of tho men on stiike and of the com munities affected has been Inimensui- ably vaster. The "antl-niachlne" imity of Scliadt, Fahey &. Co, can coit.iinly use Itself ns a houlble example. Bryan OuUBryaned in Now York Tim DECLARATION of the New- Yoik Demoeiacy In favor of tho nationalization of the coal mines bids for the suppoit of socialists of all giades and also for that of peisons ordinal lly conservative and nitlonul, but now dis til bed In theii mental piocesses by the h pilee of coal, This distuibance Is ipoiary; and when It .shall have Ised away, as In a few weeks at khest It must, the Paiatoga Demo- Kc platfouu vslll fall fiat. little lelieotlon will show thnt to Cany out David H. Hill's nutloiuilizlns pi ap;i amine would Involve n wholesale iecnnT!nuciou in the AmeiUan gov einflienfi'iAS'atvv'ilter in the New' "Yoik TiiCjfiSotlen'ily points out, nt piesent the.tfn(ted States can acqulto no foot of (iH'iin4l.,vlthin the confines of a Mate wlthput consent of tho btatn nutlior-ttleA-At, 9C( per cent, of the anthi.uito coal fields aie In Pennsylvania, tho New Yoik Demociatlo platform's pol icy could not be can led out without tho consent of Pennsjlvunla. Nobody for an lijgtant supposes that this would bo given, nut if wo assume the linpi cit able, that such consent has been uslfeil awl obtulned, wo are only nt tho be ginning of,,our tioubles. For, as tho New Yoik vvilter fuither shows, If tho fedeinl government must mine the coal to sae the people fioin failiue of the eubiiV.Mt nuist dlsti Unite It also. If the people must hao cheap coal, they must' be protected fioni vailioad mtcs, wjilqli-mlght pentialUe nil the advant age 9f goveinment sulci, at or below cost In the coal legions. This would lead logically and necessailly to the nationalization of tullioads. Hut a Jnrge pait of the countiy's fuel supply consists of bituminous coal. The gov einment could not consistently take over (the anthracite mines without also assuming ownership and contiol of the competitive soft coal mines, etpeclally In view of the Met that the union of mine tvorkors extends throughout both classes of mines. Assuming the power ot the feilernl government to bo so extended, rllhor by constitutional amendment or state consent, as to enable It to own and nmnnge tho fuel nnd railroad liuhtstilos of the country, wo Phould then come plump against the question of denting w Ith the labor pi olileni Involved, Should the government try to tun the mining bimlness at it profit? To do so would mean disputes over wages, and either stilkes or a nititd tllsnppeainnco of the tlmucc to opei ate profltitblj'. To inn It at a loss, on the other hand, would be In effect to pension the labor en gaged In It, nt the expense of the tu paylng public, a situation which would either ciect a pilvllcged class or lesult In n clamor fioin other gtotips of labor ing men to be alto taken under' the fedoial wing that could not bo denied logically nor acceded to without tho utter saci illo of Individual Initiative and pilvatc enteipilse. Hryan In his wildest di earns never went so far as this. Of com so, ns a matter of fart, the Hill platfoun Is not seilous. it Is a ciafty demagogue's leckless gamble on a tcmpoiniy cotulUlon of distuibance In public opinion, a "good enough Mor gm until after election " The veiy faot that political conditions should peimlt so radical a pioposlllon .to be bulled suddenly Into the arena of public dis cussion without the pievlous knowl edge or consent of the men constituting the New Yoik Dpinociatlc convention tin own absolutely by one man, not a master of Industiy or a ptoround stu dent of statesmanship or economics, but just a politician momentarily In control of a piece of puty machlneiy that nssuied compliant e with his wishes lllustiates how dnngeious to stable values would be political roal mining and political i.tllioadlng. Tho Ameilcan people aie sometimes foolish for a spnson, but nt bottom they aie not fools, as David H. Hill, if be lives long enough, will find out to his per sonal disappointment. The Philadelphia Pi ess, now the Quay oi gun in Pennsylvania, gives to Senatoi Quay the ciedit for suggesting to President Roosevelt the idea of In lllng Mitchell and the "coal batons" to a confoience with him. It sajs that when Piesldent Roosevelt stalled West on Sept. 19 Senatoi Qunj, without ob seivation, lode with him fiom Ti en ton to Geimnntown Junction and dur ing this horn's title piesented the ad sdblllty of Piesldent Roosevelt's un officially leuuestlng a joint confeience of mlncis' oflicials and opeiatois to discuss their diffeiences and endeavor to an he at a settlement of the tiouble. Democrats and Cuban Reciprocity THIS DEMOCRATS of Connec ticut cannot have read the Demociatic Campaign Cook issued a few weeks ago bj the Demociatic Congtession.il commit tee In theii state convention at New Haven, Sept. 23, the Connecticut Denio ciats deciaied. "The Demociatic puty believes that leciprocltv with Cuba is demanded bv the highest consider i tlons of moialitj-," a,iT-"we favoi un Immediate and sub-,1 mUal i eduction of the laiiff on Cub in lmpoits by lecip-locitj-, lieatv or otheivvlse, in older that the taillf ulations between the Cnlted States and Cuba may be made mutuallv piofltablo and that oui obli gations to assist the joung lepuhllc to a pel innnent place among the sistei hoocl of nations ninj be fully recog nied and piomptly met." This platfoun ol the Connecticut Deinociats is not in peifect hainiony with the Demociatlo Campaign Rook which dec lai ss "In pi notice leclpioelty is vvoite than pi otec tlon," and "Recip-locitj- is based upon the same false theoiies as is piotectlon, and like pio tectlon is n sliam and .1 humbug." The Campaign Rook nlso sajs; "As Cuba Is comp.uativel.v piospeious, and wages aie about double what they weie a fevv'jenis ago, tiieie I- no excuse foi making donations to Cuba oven if the onlln.ii j people could get them" Again that book sajs: "Recipiocitj as pto posed with Cuba Is of the Haw all in kind, and would benefit the owneis of Cuban lands and the sugai and to bacco ti lists, which nip the piinelpal puiohnsei.s of Cuba s most impoitant pioducts," The question will natuially be asked which lepiesents tlie Demociatic senti ment of the couutiy, the Demociatic platform In Connecticut or tho Pcino cm alio Campaign Rook, published by autlioilty of the DeniOw'iullo Congies slonal coinmittee.' Joseph IJ. Manley may be collect In saIiig that for political i caserns it would not be bad for the Republican pint j- to lose control of the next houtc, inasmuch as it would give the Demoe iacy iiiiothei chance to exhibit its in capacity, NeM'ttlieless', wo consider that the couutij's Inteicst in the elec tion Is too Important to justify foolish experiments. Editor Wauen Wnith Ualloy, of tho Jcflinstovvn Deinoei.it, llguics it out that If the unthi.tcite coul companies weie made to pay full value taxes hardly anjbody else would need to pay any taxes. We've no doubt that not having to pay any tuxes would suit In other Uuiley udinliably. No lenson has been suggested why Mr. Raer should tesign because of the president's Invitation to today's confab. On tho controiy, tho chances nto he will go prepaid! to show that ho Is not the resigning kind, Devc'ty Is tho peisonllicatlon of the backbone and woiklng sinew of the Democratic p.uty, yet Illll turns him down. Evidently David incfeis le spectublllty to votes, The vatious attempts of stock gam bling oilgin (o make out that Secre tary Shaw doesn't know his business aie not succeeding these days. Pei haps as good ,D way as any to settle that Union patty row would be to buiy the paity, - i i The Democratic patty, having laid to rest the entire family of Issues so piomlnent In the beginning of the cam paign, Is now pleading for ts own life. The pathos oi It bilngi to mind an In cident In which a colored man was one time pleading In Ills own defense! "Jedgo," said he, "don't put mo nvvnyj I've been llvln around hcio a good many years nn' I've never been lynched yet." Ily no means do the Republicans look upon a protective tariff as n fetish to ho blindly wot shipped. They rather re gard It ns n simple business pioposl llon feubject to tho nrjlng laws of trndp. it Is a well known fact that a duty necessary this jenr will be to tally unnecessary later on, but It takes time to pass laws to cot root this. There fore dcsliablc changes sometimes have to wait, and this will be tho case with the piesent schedules. They will bo at tended to by their Republican friends In due time. After all Is said, the fact should not ho ovei looked' that Amei leans now tinvel over Ameilcan made rails, diawn by Ameilcan locomotives, eat Ameri can food f i om American dishes, drink fiom American glasses, wear American clothes nnd wore the oceans to become! Impnsslblo no seilous dlscomfoit to Amei leans would lesult, and nil this has been brought about by the Re publican system of protection, , Republican secrotailes of tho tieas ury liao to plan to got their surplus Into the channels of tinde, while Dem ociatic secietaries bad to scheme to get funds for current expenses. m A good bnlance, good wages, good times nnd good tinde as against a de ficit, low wages, hard times and a dim inishing commerce uie the questions befoto the people. - With tpie conclusion of the Pacific cable no- being laid, Manila will be In closer communication with Washing ton than was New Yoik sixty years ago. The fact that Judge Ponnypncker, Candidate Patllson, Manngeis Quay and Guffey and all the small fry aie for ballot lefoim this j'ear should give general encouiagenicnt. The Demociatic idea of ballot reform Is to put the Republican majoiity in the minoiilj-, and that Is why It doesn't go half so far in Pennsylvania as in the Southei n states The tiusts that Demociatic politicians do not belong to, are accoi cling to Demociatic diagnosis, the wicked ones. THE SPEAKEKSHIP. I'rom the Philadelphia. Pies. Pemisvlvauln vear after jear, sends a Inigpr Republican delegation to the house of lcprescntatlvcs thai, nnv other state In tno union A Pennsv lvania Republican lms been the -.cmoi member of the hoU"-e for almost a generation The caiclln.il piinpiplfs for which the Republican partj' staiins ilnds in this state their staunchest and most steadfast advocates. The Re publican mtlonal ticket for many vears his obtained its laigest state mojoritv In Pennv lvania. In ucognition of these ficts, It would be an act of giaee, ns well as an act of ti.stlce, for the Repub licans of the ni-xt house to select tliPir speaker fiom the I'ennsj lvania delega tion. 'fheip Is no luck of men of expeiipiice nnrl ability in the Pennsylvania. Ropubll-c-in deb gat ion Tiieie Hie. several who have ov'eiy qu illfic itiou for the speakPi sblp Oeiicial ningh im, of this citj, tho father of tlin house, is natuially thought of In this cnnupctloii, but It l- mulct stood he does not desire to be a candidate. Congressman Olmsted's ci ilms are being urgnd bj some oi his ft lends. Ho would mike nn excellent speikcr, but his com pel aliv civ biief scivlce In the bouse woulel opeiate against him as a candi date. The' logical Pennsjlvaulu cnniliclito Is Its rtfiroscntntivu in the house committee on rules Hon, John Dalzell, of Plttsbuig. Mom ol the npwspnpeis of the state liiivo ahead' piopospd his name, t'neler Sir. Reed's spcakcishlp, Mr. Dalzell nnd Mr. ALWAYS 1 O THE GOOD PEOPLE of Northeastern Penn sylvania You have the opportunity and we are sure you will take advantage of it You have your choice of selecting your Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Rubbers from our honest shoe stock of over 50,000 pairs. One whole store and basement devoted en tirely to Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes One whole store and basement devoted exclusively to Men's, Boys', and Youth's Boots and Shoes Every pair of Shoes in this 50,000 lot is male by honest manufactu rers and are the worthy product of American citi zens You know our prices are the lowest consistent with honest goods Come to our store Bring your family with you Have them properly fitted We will guarantee you will go through life healthy and happy. Such prices for Dependable Footwear as the follow ing is what makes us "Always Busy." Boys Shoes from .... Men's Shoes from . . . Children' a and Infant's Shoes from Misses' Stioes from . . . Ladies' Shoes from . . . LE WIS & Wholesale and Retail 114-116 WYOMING AVENUE. Henderson were tho speaker's Iteutcnnnts on the lloor, of the homo, nnd with the speaker, directed Its order of business, When Mr. Henderson succeeded to tbo spoakcrshop, Mr. Dntzell, with Mr. Ores vonor, of Ohio, wielded this sntno power In tho Iioubc. Thlrf position, with frequent .pcrvlee as speaker pro tempore, has given Mr. Dnlzell a pnillamentnry skill nnd ex perience whlpli prepare him for tho fa cile dlscliittgo of tho duties of speaker from the beginning. New York, having tho president, Is not In it position to demand nlso tho third office of tho government, though two of lis congressmen are Hpolten of ns candi dates. Now England 1ms enjoyed rather tuoro than her sluiro ot the spcakcishlp In the past thlrtv j-cars. Tho West has thnt honorable ofllco nt present and will, no doubt, want to retain It. In tho mul tiplicity of candidates, It Is, however, nny man's light. The Pciinsvlvnnla delegation should present Its candidate. Mr. Dnlcll Is In a better position than any other member from this state to comnmnd out sldo suppoit, Tho delegation, therefore, should present him unatilmouslj-. It Is true, ho has not nlwnys been In harmony at nil points with tho state organisation, but this Is n year when thcro Is a gcnornl disposition to heal past breaches and unlto the party. Mr. Dnlzell Is and nlwa.vs was a staunch Republican. The principles and measures ot tho Republican party havo no abler odvocnto and exponent on the floor of tho hoti'o than tho member from Plttsbuig. Pennsylvania Is- fortunate. In being able to command his services, and tho Penn sylvania Republican delegation should make a united effort to place him In tho speaker's chair. The Crane Store Opportunities pre sented for a peep at what Mistress Fashion Has consented to approve for Early FalL Take Elevator at 324 Lackawanna Ave. t t h k t . t k fc tt v, t.a OATS! We have dry, clean, Old Oats. Old Oats are much better than New. Sweeter, Cleaner, Brighter, Dryer, Higher in price but "You pay your money and take your choice." Dickson 1& Grain Co Call us by phone: Old Gieen Ridge, 31-2. Now, 11JJ. " it "4 S 4 A " 'A "A " " ' " BUSY. 75c Up 95c Up ' 25c Up 85c Up 95c Up 1 REILLY j OURDESIGftf AfiE THEWORKOF THEtEADiNO AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN ARTISTS THE UP - TO - IN WALL The Butterfly of Fashion is not more up-to-date in dress than the walls of your rooms will be if you make your selection from our new and beautiful offerings in paper hangings. They represent the highest artistic conception of the world's greatest designers. Among the newest of the new might be mentioned, Special French Panel Decorations, Unique Two-Third Effects, Colonial Wainscot Arrangements, New Parlor Crown Effects, L'Art Nouveau, Person age and Verdure patterns. You may select from the high priced lines or the cheaper grades, yet the design will be superior and the quality dur able. We are prepared to fill your order at once. A large stock of all giades always carried in our warehouse. Williams Carpets, Furniture and Draperies 129 Wyoming Avenue. Office Furniture Hill & CotinelS, SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. The temperature at the AGIN'E W. On the Beach, in Chelsea, Atlaitlc City, Wedno'day was 63. i:eiy appointment of a modem Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND, Kentucky jncnue. First Hotel Ironi Beach, ,,t lantiL City, N. J.; CO Ocean Ucw rooms, ca pacity 490, write for special rules J. 11. Jenk ins, Prop PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur ol tlio Alleghany Mountiini. I.t-hlgli Valley railroad, near 1 ow mida lUthlns:, flViin,?, tports, etc. Etcellent tible. Heasonable iites. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P. 0., Ape, Pa. Send for bnol.lct, O. K. HARRIS !"fr I"!' $ ! & ! ! "i" ! 'h ! ! When in M Of anything in tho line ot optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles j and Eye Glasses Properly fitted optician, by an expert From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of pi ascrip tion work and ropatiing. Mercereau & Connell, 138 Wyoming Avenue, .r. v ; pa KaraXEHKM2E!EKa2E3aB3i eadquarters for Incandesce Gas Mantles,. Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterHForsytti 233-327 Fenit AvcmiD. mm Vi HYM wH DATE ODD THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY. Everything that is new everything' that is desirable. Be sure and see, our line and get our pi ices before you buy. 121 Washington Ave. NEW YORK HOTELS. The New and Absolutely Fire-Proof NEW YORK CITY. European Flan. 27th Street Near Broadway, New York Cily. The most central and most accessi ble location In the city, combined with qnlet and refined TARirr OF RATJ3S: Sinirlo room (bath) $1 ."0 to $:00 Doublo looms (bith), 1 peisem $-'00 Double 100ms (bath), .' poisoiis....SJ 0U llatli loom" adjolnlnc. LaiKO doublo 100ms, with pilvnto bull looms, 1 peifeon $3 00 Liiro doublo looms, with pilvnto hath 100ms, 2 pei.sons $100 Suites of puloi, bedioom nnd ' bath for 1 poison $1 00, $4 110, $100. $7.0) Suites of pmlor.bedi 00111 nnd luth, for J poisons ..,.$100, $.' 00. JO 10. JSOO Suites of parlor, 2 bediooms nnd bath $7 00, $s no. $10 00 n. M. 13AIU.T3 & SON, SO years connected with Carlo's Hotel. n Lager eer.. BlfinuiiictuToi's oi' ' j. .j. . . i .j. ; 'I 4"5 ! 'fr h ,SS... Scranton.Pa. Old M'liphs, 2331. New 'Phons, 2935. I TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BjUNG QUICK RETURNS PAFEi McAnnlty, 6 How to Help Voting Men and Women Secure Educations r 44 YOUNG MEN and 7 YOUNG WOMEN are cndeavoilnp; to secure, educations thioilKli THI3 THinUNK'S EDUCA TlflNAT. nnNTCST. Ill which 33 SCHOLAnSMIPS, valued at over JViOO, nro oftcied. Tho scholarships uie: 3 Syrncuse University. 1 Bucknell University. 1 University of Rochestor. 1 Washington School forBoys. 1 Williamsport Dickinson Semin ary. 1 Dickinson Collegiate- Prepara tory School. 1 Newton Collegiate Institute. 1 Keystone Academy. 1 Brown College Preparatory School. 1 School of the Lackawanna. 1 Wilkes-Barre Institute. 1 Cotuit Cottages. 4 Scranton Conservatory of Music. 4 Haidenbergh School of Muslci and Ait. 3 Scranton Business College. " 5 International Correspondence Schools. -; 2 Lackawanna Business College.. 2 Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio. Sovernl of these scholarships include' not onlv tuition, but also board, room. heat, lifrht and laundiy foi periods of two to lour years. Among tneso imy ono young peoplo theie are thlily tlueo who nro leallv striving to eocuto educations, nnd their names appear on another page of Tho Tribune every morning, In the tablo showing tho "Standing of Contestants " They should bo encouraged In tholr com mendable endeavor. HOW YOU CAN HELP If ou are not already a subscriber to Tho Tiibune. send a note to somo 0110 of tho contestants, requesting a call. Oi, better still, send your subscrlp- Hrtn in Tlio TrlhuMA intrMhof wltll thft a money to pay for same, designating H .some contestant which you wish to re I ceive the credit. Contestants are credited with one nolnt for everv month vou nav in ad-. vance. Tho pilco of The Tribune in J aenance is: Points. One month $ .SO 1 .. Three months 125 3 -. SIk months 2 E0 G J One ear 500 12 jl pnrsniSIT ST'nSPRTTlRRS nan (lid contestants mateilally by furnishing! them with a list or rncnas wno migni be induced to take The Tribune. Or, they can personally request these fi lends to subscribe. Oi, they can send The Tribune to their fiiends, piylng tho money them selves Mnnv aro doing this nnd the contestants are very grateful for this whole-heaited aid. ONLY NEW SUBSCRIBERS ARE COUNTED. TO CONTESTANTS Remember: Tho Tribune's Educa tional Contest closes October 25, at 8 p. m. No points not In Tho Tiibune ofllco by tho first stinke of 8, as told by tho Com t IIouso clock, will be counted. EXCEPT: Thosa received by mall nnd postmarked at or before 8 p. m. SPECIAL HONOR PRIZES FOR OCTOBER TIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD to the contestant bilnging in the largest number of points between October 1 and S.itinilay. October 11. 1-IVE DOLLARS IN GOLD to the contestant bringing in the largest number of points during tho week ending Satin day, October 18. a nut Li EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? l not a more course, nor to tuj count, 5 nor a cheap course, Due tbo ben education to bo bad. No other education la north (pending time and money on. It you do, ivrlto lor 0 catalogue ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. ft which offers thorough preparation in tha Engineering and Chemical Professions as well as the regular College courses. fSTATE KOMI SCHOlO EAST STBOUDSBURG, PA. Regular Stato Nnrniil Comses and Special Dcpiutments of Jluslc, Elocu tion, Ait. Pi awing, Stenejgiuphy and Tjpowiltlng! Btioii,; College) Prcpara toiy Depaitment FREE TUTION. Boaidlng espouses $3.'0 psi week. Pupils iielmlttcel at any time Winter T01 in opens Dec ."Jth. Wilto for cata logue. ii, U, iitiinr, A, 10.,, Piinelpal, Ujuciq OlmUBKI ECUANUOJf COBRESPONDEN0E S0HO3I.J faCRANlOV, PA. T, J, Foster, i'lc.iilent, timer 11. Lawall, lrcth U. 3, Foster, Stanley P, Allen, Vice President. Secretary, Machinery Second Hand Pumps Our Specialty Wo cany In stock tho largest Una qt second hand niachinciy ot uuy house In the uuthiiicltei coil illstilcts. It will ntf )ou to phono U3 bci'oia purchasing Mucin, Ji. . Uuiitlugtou, Jl umilindi-O etuct, WIlKcs-Bauc, l'a.