The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1902, Image 1

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Principals In the Great Goal Strike
Have Arrived, In Readiness
lor This Morning.
For Moro Thnn an Hour He nnd the
Senator Were Closeted Together,
While Members of the Cabinet,
Even, Were Compelled to Wnit in
nn Ante-room Everybody Going
to the Meeting Fully Prepared.
Mitchell Before Leaving Wilkes
Barre Scents a Plot Other Strike
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 2. Senator Quay,
of Pennsylvania, was in conference
with the president for an hour today,
nnd It Is understood that he came hero
nt the request of the president to dis
cuss the coal strike situation. The
president and the senator Were not In
terrupted, and two cabinet officers who
called In did nut see the president while
the coni 'ence was in progress. Sen
ator Quay, after he left the president,
would not dismiss the situation or ex
press an opinion as to the probable ef
fect of the coming conference.
During: the day Secretary Root, At
torney Genera! Knox and Secretary
Shaw were in conference with the
president for nearly an hour. It la
understood that the president discussed
the subject of the conference tomor
row, the cabinet officers making: a
number of suggestions as t0 what the
president should say to those who will
participate In it.
It has been decided that Attorney
General Knox shall attend the confer
once tomorrow between the president,
the coal operators and rNlrTJiitchell. of
the miners' union. He will be the only
member of the cabinet who will he
present. Carroll ID. Wright, commis
sioner of labor, who recently made an
investigation of the strike situation,
also will attend on the invitation of
the president. While every one con
nected with the administration is ex
tremely reticent concerning tin; coming
conference, there Is n feeling of hope
among those close to the president that
It Is going to result In ir settlement of
the strike. Tills hope is based on the
acuteness of the situation nnd the ne
cessity that exists for a settlement,
along with the known desire of the
president to bring about a settlement
of the great labor controversy if such,
a thing lie possible.
The I'ost will say tomorrow that the
coal presidents at tonforrnw's confer
ence will decline to accept any plan of
strike settlement which proposes to
treat with President Mitchell, but that
they have considered a tentative plan,
according to which, "the coal presi
dents will propose that the men return
to work with the understanding that
their grievances, as Individuals, shall
he submitted to a board of arbitration,
nnd that the presidents will agree
to abide by the decision of this board,
the members of which shall be appoint
ed by the president."
Philadelphia, Oct. 2. i'nlted States
Senator Quay arrived here from Wash
ington today. He said he saw the presi
dent about several matters and during
the interview tliu coal strike was al
luded to,
'I told the president," the senator
paid, "that I had had some experience
in the strike Held, and that ho would
find some very stubborn gentlemen
when he got them together,"
fly Exclusive Wire from The Assoiiatcd rMJ,
New York, Oct, 2.-Thn coal presi
dents left for Washington at 4,11
o'clock on a special train. The party
consisted of k, u, Thomas, t the
Krio; President Fowler, of the On
tario ami Western; David WIIIcojc,
vice president and general counsel of
the Deluwnro and Hudson, who wont
ns the personal representative of Pros!
dent Olyphant; President Truesdule, of
the Delaware, l.aoknwunna nnd West
ern, mid John Mnrkle, the independent
opera tor.
Philadelphia. Oct. 2. The coal presl.
dents, en route from New York city to
Washington, arrived hero hi their spe
rial train at 6.20 p. in. President Haer,
of (he Heading company, joined the
party here. To this -olnt the train
consisted of a passenger coach mid the
private car Atlas. Here the coach was
taken off and President Huer'a private
car, Phllade'phla, was attached. The
Bpeclul train loft here at t.'iHK running
as the second section of the Koyul llm-
Ited express ovet ye Baltimore nnd
Ohio road, under f grs to run slow.
Philadelphia, Oct, v-Nittlonal Presi
dent John Mitchell and District Presi
dents Nlcholls, Duffy nnd Fnhy passed
through this city tonight for Washing
ton.. President Mitchell and his col
leagues declined to have anything to
say regarding tomorrow's coal strike
conference. Mr. Mitchell said he did
not care to be quoted or referred to In
any way In connection with the meet
ing. He did., however, say that the
three district presidents, nt the request
of President Roosevelt, will attend the
conference. The party left here on the
Baltimore and Ohio rallrond at 0.45
o'clock and are due In Washington at
12.50 a. m.
By Kxclmivc Wire from The Associated Press.
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 2. The special
committee which has In charge the
proposed national conference on the
country's coal supply, to be held here
October 0, met with Mayor Maybury
today and decided to send the follow
ing telegram to President Roosevelt:
Convention called here for October !) to
consider coal supply. Responses from nil
over the country indicate that conven
tion will be large and representative in
character. Wo all hope your good offices
In conference tomoirow may settle dlfll
ctiltles and render all other efforts un
necessary. If we could have earliest ad
vices of result of your conference it would
control our future action.
(Signed) W. C. Mnylutry, Mayor.
F. W. Smith, President Common Coun
cil. After appointing a committee of 100
to take In charge all the details of the
proposed conference and deciding to
hold It in Masonic hall, the committee
adjourned without further action pend
ing the result of the conference at the
white house tomorrow. If the strike
should be settled at tomorrow's con
ference the Detroit conference will be
called off at a meeting of the commit
tee Saturday.
liy Inclusive Wlie from The As-octatcd Preu.
WIlkes-BaiTP. Oct. 2. The mining
town of Plymouth, which has been free
from any disturbances since the strike
began, was the scene of much disor
der today. Mobs surrounded the Ster
ling and North American washerles,
and Sheriff Jacobs being unable to dis
perse them, summoned the military.
Colonel Dougherty sent throe compan
ies of the Ninth regiment to the scene
and they arrested eleven men, charged
with rioting. They were brought be
fore Magistrate Pollock, of this city,
who after a hearing held them In $1,000
bail each for trial at court. A strong
guard was placed over the washerles
tonight. They are expected to resume
operations tomorrow.
The washery at the Hollenhack mine
started up work this afternoon. This
was a surprise to the strikers. De
spite the conference called to meet at.
Washington, the operators of the Wy
oming valley are very aggiesslve.
The following telegram was sent by
President Mitchell to the three anthra
cite district secretaries today:
There lias been placed In my hands in
disputable evidence of an attempt on the
part of the operators to create discord
among our nnn-lhigllsh speaking miners
through the circulation of pamphlets con
taining malicious and dastardly attacks
upon the officers of the organization and
by nn effort to arouse race prejudice.
These circulars will be printed In all the
foreign languages and will be signed by
a person designating himself "A Friend."
Immediately notify all district and local
officers to be on their guard. It Is es
pecially Important that our non-English
speaking brothers be Informed of this
conspiracy. John Mitchell.
Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Indianapolis, Oct. 2. The collection
of the big defense fund for the anthra
cite coal miners' strikers created record-breaking
business for tho money
order department of the Indianapolis
postolllce for the quarter ending yes
terday. The report shows that tho re
ceipts for tho Inst three months were
$S0,",lfil. The receipts for the corre
sponding period last year were $512,501,
Postolllce ofllcluls say the Increase Is
due largely to the. business coining
from tho headquarters of tho mino
workers. As high as $23,000 a day has
been crtshed for W, II. Wilson, secretary-treasurer
of the miners, slnco
the collection of tho defense fund was
It Is understood, on good authority,
that not one-third of the. contributions
come In the form of money orders, so It
seems probable that the miners are not
fulling much short of tho $500,000 a
week they expected to collect, when ar
rangements for the fund were made at
their national convention In Indianapo
lis In July, '
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rtJi.
Mt, Cnrniel, Pa., Oct. 2. Owing to n
crowd of unknown men hurling, rocks
at deputies at Rlghter's colliery last
night, Company Kt of Lancaster, was
posted nt that mine today, while nn
other company was taken to Shumokln
on a special train to prevent pickets
from attempting to hold non-unionists
from going to work at tho Heading
and mines of other companies. Two
special trains have been placed at tho
Heading and Northern Central rallrond
stations so that troops can be rushed
without loss of tlmo to any colliery In
Northumberland county In case mobs
try to raid the mines.
By Kxclmivc Wire liom 'the Associated Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Oct. 2. The Phila
delphia and Heading Hullrond company
has notified Its employes In Harrlsburg
who are heads of families that they
will be supplied with one ton of an
thracite coal each at $1.25 per ton In
less than ten days.
Rending, Oct. 2. Today the Heading
Hallway company claims to have
brought down 2.S00 tons of coal and
yesterday 3,000. This was wushory and
mined. Ofllcluls claim that shipments
since last Sunday amounted to 10,000
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 2. Twenty
five hundred miners In the employ of
the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Hallway
company, on orders from the execu
tive board of the United Mine Workers
of America, district of Alabama, sus
pended work today. The suspension Is
on account of the refusal of the opera
tors to collect for the union the one
dollar per week assessment, made on
all union miners for the benefit of the
anthracite strikers In Pennsylvania.
It is probable thnt the Blue Creek
and Blocton mines of the Tennessee
company also will be Involved If an ad
justment Is not soon reached. About
two weeks ago the Tennessee company
declined to withhold the assessment
money from certain miners at West
Pratt, who objected to its payment,
and 500 men nt that mine were ordered
out. Today's suspension makes the to
tal number out now 3,000.
By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Press.
New York, Oct. 2. Mayor Low today
sent another telegram to Mayor May
bury, of Detroit, regarding the pro
posed conference on the coal situation
there on October ft. The mayor decided
to take no action at present, awaiting
the outcome of the action of the presl-'
dent at tomorrow's conference with
the railroad presidents and President
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Albany, N. V Oct. 2. Attorney Gen
eral Davies announced today that ho
had granted the application of the Xew
York American and Journal that the
coal operators be summoned to appear
before him and show cause why pro
ceedings should not be instituted
against them under tho Donnelly anti
trust law. A hearing will be given in
this city October S.
Former Quits Philippines for Good,
Latter for Five Months' Vacation.
By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Press.
Manila, Oct. 2. General Chaffee and
Vice-Governor Wright sailed for San
Francisco today on the transport Sum
ner. They were accorded a general and
popular farewell demonstration. The
Philippine commissioners, lirlgadier
General Davis, the ofllcers of tho divis
ion nnd the staff assembled nt military
headquarters and escorted General
Chaffee and Mr. Wright to the landing
place through continuous lines of troops
and cheering crowds. The guns of Fort
Santiago, where the travelers em
barked, fired a salute in their honor.
There wns another reception on hoard
the Sumner, which wtis surrounded by
The Sumner will touch at Nagasaki,
Yokohama and Honolulu. The length
of the stops will depend upon Hie health
of Mrs,, who is still weak and
was unable to participate In the faro-
well ceremonies.
Mr. Wright will remain home five
Many Thousand "Endless Chain"
Letters Coming In.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Cleveland, Oct. 2. Colonel Myron T.
Merrick, treasurer of the National lie
KInley Memorial association, Is receiv
ing many hundreds of letters daily con
taining small contributions to the me
niorJal fund.
A ten-cent, n flve-cent nnd n two
cent "endless chain" schemes have been
started by unknown persons, Fully so,
000 letters have been received from all
parts of tho United States, and many
from Kurope,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Oct. 2.-Wlllhim Randolph
Hearst, editor and proprietor of tho
New York American and Journal, was to
day nominated for congress by tho Demo
crats of tho Klovcnth district. Tammany
had announced tliut William S, Devery
would not ho allowed seats In this con.
ventlon, but later recognized tho legality
of the election of the Devery delegates.
Hearst's nomination was seconded in a
speech by Devery. In tho Eighth con
grcsslonul district convention, where Per
ry Belmont v,-n thought to lio tho only
candidate, Htatu Senator Timothy I), Su.
llvau was nominated.
By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated llrss.
Cincinnati, O., Oct. S. Crescent!, Oeorga
II. Kctchain's champion trotttr, made un
attempt to lower tho world's record at
the opening of tho gi;and circuit meeting
In this city toduy. but failed on account
of a lud track, lie went tho mile In 2.0S,
which Is tho ever hung out on tho
Tariff Revision Discussed bu the
Senator in Address to Re
publican Leaoue.
If the Country's Energies Ever Be
come Impotent in the Presence of
Monopoly, the Protection Afforded
by Tariff Is Not Likely to Be Let
Remain, He Says F. W. Fleitz is
Chairman of Committee on Creden
tials J. Hampton Moore Boomed
for National President.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Chicago, Oct. 2. The "Iowa Idea"
came to tho surfuce tonight nt a mass
meeting under the uusplces of the Na
tional League of Republican clubs,
which met in annual convention here
today. United States Senator J. P.
Dolilver, of Iowa, was responsible. Sen
ator Dolllver's distinction ns an ora
tor and statesman Insured him the en
thusiastic reception he received from
nn audience that tilled the First ltegi
ment armory.
Interest became Intense when it was
realized by the delegates to the con
vention and spectators that they were
being treated to the first public speech
on the subject by a national leader of
the party since the Iowa Republican
state convention, air. Dolilver said In
Let us look at the Iowa idea for a
minute, and l select that, only because I
am more familiar with It, and tho cir
cumstances which have arisen to give it a
universal advertisement. It has not been
presented to the country as the sudden
impulse of dissatisfied mischief-makers
within the Republican party. On tho
other hand, it Is the mature Judgment of
a man whose wisdom lias never failed tho
Republican party In tho forty years of
his uninterrupted public service.
Value of Large Capital.
Our people recognize the value of a
Inrge capital for the transaction of a
great business, and especially for the
commercial conquests upon which we uio
now entering. But they recognize also
the danger of abuses, both In the or
ganization and management of great In
dustrial enterprises, and would have liio
government of the United States stand
between the community and the reckless
perversion of the beneficent law of corpor
ate property. It Is evident that, even if
it wore desirable to kill the trusts, It
could not be done by merely remitting
the duties whleh their foreign competi
tors pay at our custom bouses. Even
Mr. Bryan, who talks of putting the cap
tains of industry Into a chain gang and
sending J. Plerpont Morgan first to the
poor house and then to the penitentiary,
admits publicly that the free trade rem
edy falls very far short of the object he
has in view.
I have, from the beginning, been slow
to believe that it is possible lor one man
or any combination of men, to overrule
the forces which make for equity nnd
fair dealing In human society. For that
reason, 1 have been willing to for
tho facts, nnd govern my Judgment, by n.
more, careful observation than has hith
erto been practicable. The census of 1!H)J
bus given nn aenrato account of the
trusts and what they are doing and tho
dally reports of the market place in
dicate what their present standing and
future prospects actually are.
Number of Trusts.
AVe know that they are 18." In number,
representing the consolidation of 2.ul)
separate plants. We know that less than
10 per cent, of tho factory labor of the
country Is employed by them and only
11 per rent, of our manufactured output
Is mndo by them, nnd leaving out chem
icals nnd the products of Iron .and steels,
the percentage Is hardly visible to tho
nuked eye. In tho textile Industiies, they
aro almost unknown and most of tho
other fields of American production the,"
have entered as mere Intruders and dis
turbers of tho peace.
The moro 1 examine the old law of
competition, the better It looks to me.
Already the evidence Is accumulating
from which the doom of tho trusts can ho
foretold, even the most solvent and best
managed of them nil. The figures of tho
census show flint neither In the mercan
tile nor tho manufacturing world, has tho
small dealer, who owns his business nnd
gives It his personal attention, anything
to fear In competition with tho over
grown and top-heavy Investments of
capital that surround him.
There Is no room In tills dlscussslon for
vain exclamations nf alarm anil despair.
Up to this time, the tariff policy tn which
we owo tho prosperity which now sur
rounds us, has been the ally of Inde
pendent capital, In Us grapple with tho
modern trust system: hut if tho day
should ever como when the prnducllvo
energies of American people are Impotent
in the presenco of monopoly, tho protec
tion which for moro than a generation
our laws have given to all our Industries
alike. Is not likely to remain to enrich
such u conspiracy of greed.
Opening of Convention.
Tho annual convention of tho Na
tional Republican League was called to
order In the First Regiment armory
here today with about 400 delegates
present. Ueforo the convention opened
It was commonly admitted that tho
nomination of President Roosevelt in
1001 would ho indorsed, The following
message, received from President
Roosevelt, was rend by Secretary
While House,
Washington. I). (J.. "Oct. 2, line,
Isaac Miller Hamilton, President Nu
, tloual Republican League, Chicago.
At tho opening of the national conven
tion please present to thnso present my
cnrdlttl greetings nnd henrty best wishes
for a successful session,
'Theodore Roosovclt.
Tho president's name was cheered
Tho following was sent by President
Hamilton In response: ..
Chicago, Oct. 2. 1002.
Hon Theodore Roosevelt, Washington,
D. O.
liy Instruction of tho National Repub
lican league nssembled In lis thirteenth
convention 1 tluink you profoundly for
your greetings and extend to you tho
mosf cordial assurances of loyal support
and heartiest wishes for your early ro
turn to your accustomed strength and
Isaac Miller Ilnmllton, President.
F. W. Floltz Appointed.
A committee on credentials, headed
by F. W. Fleltz, war. then appointed.
A resolution providing that resolutions
be referred to tho resolutions commit
tee without reading was passed, after
which n recess of fifteen minutes was
tnkun so the various states could each
appoint u member of the resolutions
committee. Among tho members of the
committer on resolutions nro the fol
lowing: Charles It. Hchlrm, Maryland;
Henry C. Plekels. Delaware; Theodorci
H. Stulb, Pennsylvania; John A. Stew
nrt, Now York! Scott Bonhnm, Ohlnj
Fred E. Meyer, Jr., New Jersey.
After deciding thnt the vnrlous com
mittees should meet during the after
noon, a recess until tomorrow morning
was taken. The delegates, however, did
not disperse Immediately, but waited tio
listen to a song booming J, Hampton
Moore, of Philadelphia, for the prcffl
dency of the league, ,No other canr'll
date wns mentioned during tho session.
One enthusiastic Pennsyivaninn, at the
conclusion of the song, arose and ue
marked: "We all seem to be OllTer
Twists here every one yelling Tor
Moore." This was greeted with roars
of laughter and cries of "You bet we
By Exclusive Whc from The Associated Press.
Black Diamond, Washington, Oct. 2.
An explosion of fire damp occurred
Inst night In the fourth level oi the
Lawson mine, badly wrecking the mine
and killing twelve miners.
Fortunately, no Are was started.
Three bodies have been taken, out.
There are supposed to be nine more
bodies In the mine. Three men "were
injured, one badly. The dead aro: Joe
Jacker, Frank Flinder, Frank RocJhelle,
Robert Lundberg, John Swanson, John
Creghinb, Simon Tersttavlch, Edward
Actlenat, Errlcco, John J.eter,
Hugh Lcvander and Louis Berkinan.
The Pacific Coast company is the
owner of the mine. Everything possi
ble Is being done to recover the bodies.
The fourth level is 1.600 feet below the
surface. The fans are now working In
the mine and the deadly air 1s being
cleared out.
Tremendous Crowds Witnessied the
Rnces Yesterday.
By Exclusive Wire from The. Associated I'rris.
Trenton, N. J Oct" 2 This was prob
ably the biggest day in the history of
the inter-state fair. The attendance
was unofficially estimated nt 'from 40,
000 to iiO.000. The features of the fair
was good racing nnd the attendance of
many men of state prominence, Includ
ing Governor Murphy and United
States Senators Kenn and Diyden.
The 2.1S trot, unfinished from Tuesday,
was won by John D. with Oxfurd Chimes
second, lien Hall third. Seven starteis.
Best time. 2.17U.
The 2.13 pace, unfinished from Tuesday,
wns won by I. T. Washburn. New Jersey,
second, Pollt Hoy thlid. Fifteen starters.
Best time. 2.1.".
Efflo Powers won the 2.0!) pace!. Brown
Heels second.Alnsworth third. Four start
ers. Best lime, 2,4.
Nigger .lack won the 2.13 trot. Walter
II. second. Swago third. Six starters.
Best time, 2.10.
The 2.:m pace was won by W. B. Muck,
".Miss Nancy third. Prince Wilton third.
Three starters. Best time, 2.24Vv
The 2.M.", trot was won by Ilud McCorklo
wtlh Almeda second, Mnudo C. third.
Six starters. Best time, l.'.M'i.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Lancaster, Oct. 2. Delegates to tho
stuto and national convention of tho
Boys" lnlgado which will he held in tills
city on Friday and Saturday, are arriv
ing In great numbers and it Is believed
that fully live hundred of tho young brig
adiers will nvuch In the pa rude Satur
day. Battery B, of Baltimore, arrived
this evening, under command of Captain
Walker. Company fl of Pittsburg, with
Oeneral Hopo In command and accom
panied by tho Third Regiment bund, aro
expected on an early morning train.
Koontz's Paper Rejected.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'icss.
Harrlsburg, Oct. 2. The nomination pa
pers of General Wllllan II. Kn'intsi, of
Somerset, the Union party candidate for
senator In the Thirty-sixth district, com
posed of Bedford, Fulton and Somerset
counties, were today rejected by Secre
they did not contain tho requisite number
thy did not contain tho requisite number
of slsni.tures.
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily Kxclmivc Wire from The Associated I'rci-s.
New Yoilt. Oct, 2. Arrived: Steamer
Germanic. Liverpool; cleared: Celtic,
Liverpool; sailed; Steamers Bremen via
Cherbourg; La Suvole, Havre, Plymouth
Arrived; Steamer Columbia, New York.
Havre Arrived: Steamer La Tourraine.
Now York. Queniutown Sailed: Blcumor
Teutonic, New York,
The President's Condition.
By Exclusive Wlro from Tho Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 2. President Rooso
veil had a comfortablo day and tonight
tho repoit from tho temporary white
linuso is that Ids condition Is satisfactory.
lln spends most of Ills lima ill his wheol
chair and Is able to devolo cousldernhlo
attention to public business,
Think the President Did Right,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Boston, Oct. 2. 'I ho Republicans of the
Twelfth congressional district today ro
nominated Samuel L. Powers and pushed
resolutions commending tlui efforts now
being inailo by tho president to effect a
settlement of tho controversy between
tho coal operators and the miners,
Want the Coal Strike Settled.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Reading, Oct. 2. The municipal conven
tion of third class chics adjourned here
toduy, ' A. resolution was paused ueiklug
tliosu whoso duty it Is to scttlu thu coal
tsttiko to do so ut once.
Friday, October 17, Hits Been Named
ns the Day.
In nccordnnce with the custom es
tablished, Friday, Oct. 17, 1002, has been
named as autumn arbor day, and the
directors, teachers and pupils of the
public schools nre requested to observe
the day by planting trees and other
suitable exercises. In his circular des
ignating this date, Nathan C. Selmef
fer, superintendent of public Instruc
tion, says:
"The story of trees famous In history
may be told. The value of trees for
utility and adornment, the effect of
forests In retaining and distributing
rainfall, and the forestry movement
under which half a inlljion acres have
been purchased by the' state and set
apart as a public reservation may be
profitably discussed. The career now
opening up to young men who make
forestry a profession should be pointed
out. But above till else the pupils
should bo taught by actual experience
how to plant trees, how to promote
their growth and how to protect them
from noxious Insects and other ene
Eight Thousand People Greeted the
Republican Candidate.
By Exclusive Wire from The AssocUttd Press.
Hellefonte, Pa., Oct. 2. Klght thous
and people were present at the county
fair this afternoon to greet Judge Sam
uel W. I'ennypucker and his pdrty. which
included Senator William D. Brown and
General James W. Lattn. They arrived
here at noon nnd were met by n Inrge
delegation of lending Republicans, bead
ed by County Chairman Wilbur F. Reed
er. After luncheon, the party was driven
to the fair grounds, where an hour was
spent In handshaking, lifter which the
party occupied a private box In the grand
stand and wntcned the races.
This evening, a mass meeting was held
hi the court house. Colonel Reeder pre
sided and speeches were made by Messrs.
I'ennypucker and Brown. The Judge
spoke briefly and did not present any new
issue. Senntor Brown devoted most of
his time to refuting alleged ?tatement
of Mr. Paltlsou, regarding the disposal of
the rapid transit franchises and his at
tacks upon the Republican organization.
Senator Brown said that if Mr. Puttlson
made his many charges of bribery nnd
corruption upon his own personal knowl
edge, it was his duty to furnlh the proper
authorities wjth proofs upon which the
charges could be substantiated.
Cnndidnte Greeted by a Large Crowd
nt Bradford.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Bradford, Oct. 2. Bradford gave ex
Governor Paulson and his purty n routing
reception us the finish Of a busy day
that began with a meeting at Tlonesta,
Forest county, before 0 o'clock this morn
ing. The street were filled with people
as tho gubernatorial party arrived here,
and hundreds were uiuibln to gain admis
sion to the Lyceum, where the meeting
was held. The party arrived at Tlonesta
at fl o'clock this morning nnd proceeded
to the court house, where all three of
the Democratic and I'nlon candidates
made short addresses.
Peoplo were turned away from the hall
at Youngstown, whole an hour was spent,
but ut Warren, where nt .". o'clock a meet
ing was held, the theater was not en
tirely filled. The reception accorded the
party hero tonight wns one of the best
the candidates luivo received In the West.
An overflow meeting In the open air was
arranged for, but Mr. Paulson's voice
was too fnr gone to speak outside, and
tho meeting was abandoned.
The President Names Cols. Kimball,
McKibben and Hood.
By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated I'rcM.
Washington. Oct. 2. The president has
appointed the following brigadier gen
erals In the regular uiiny:
Colonel Amos 1. Kimball, assistant
quartermaster general, now stationed at
New York,
Colonel Chambers McKibben, Twenty
fourth infantry, stationed at Fort Harri
son, Mont,
Colonel Charles C. Hood. Sixteenth In
fantry, stationed at Fort Mcl'hersou,
By Exclusive Wire from The As-ociated Press.
Lancaster, Oct, 2. George Winter, of
tho Boston American league pitcher, lias
signed a two-vears' contract with
iduh nt a yearly salary of f:i,Oii, lio lias
received a number of tempting offers from
National iengiio clubs. Winters was in n
Boston hospital all summer suffeiing
from typhoid fever nnd lints Just been
brought lo his home hi this county, ac
companied by a nurse sent by the Unstop
cllib. who have borne all tho expenses of
his Illness.
Clothier Plays Good Tennis.
By Exclusive Wire (roin The Aociatnj Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. 2.-W. J. Clothlei
Harvard university, tho Pennsylvania
tennis champion, today won thu Inter
collegluto tennis championship on tho
grounds of tba Mellon Cricket club at
Iluverford and Clothier and his collego
mate, K. W. Leonard, deflated I. J.
Wright and E. P. Larued, nf Princeton,
fnr tho Intercollegiato championship in
doubles, Leonard was Clothier's oppo
nent In tho single.
Automobilist Bound Over to Court.
By Kxehbhe Wire (rem The Associated I'ress.
Now Haven, Conn,, Oct. 2. Hariy L.
pepuy, of Pittsburg, a Yulu student,
charged with manslaughter In causing
tho death of I). Thorpe Monro, of this
city, by an automobllo collision last June,
waived examination In tho police court
today and was held hi bonds of 1,000 for
thu Superior court.
By Inclusive Wire Irom The Associated Preai.
Berlin, Oct. 2.-Gustuv Kaiift'man. whose
election ns second burgomaster of Berlin
ISmperor William refused to sanction, died
ou Monday.
Montotirsville Passenger Rallwau
Engineer Attacked bu Five Masked
Men and Twice Shot.
He Wns Repairing a Water Pump in
the Power House When They Broke
in the Front Door with a Heavy
Plnnk, nnd in tho Fight Whleh
Followed He Laid One of the In
truders Low nnd Wounded Two
Others Description of the Mur
dered Man.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presi.
Wllliainsport, Oct. 2. Five masked
nnd desperate burglars made a bold nt
tempt to rob tho safe of the Montours
villo Passenger Railway company at an
early hour this morning. In a terrific
battle with revolvers, which followed
the attempt, one of the desperadoea
was killed and two others were slightly
wounded by Engineer Alem Bly, who
was shot twice by the robbers.
Shortly before 2 o'clock this morning,
while Engineer Alem Bly was at work ,
repairing a wnter pump in the power
house in the Atontoursvllle Passenger
Railway company station, he was
startled by a terrific crash, caused by
the front door of the building being
battered in with n heavy plank. Bly
rushed to u desk which contained his
revolver, and, as he turned to face the
intruders, he was met with a fusilade
of shots from the revolvers In the
hands of five men, who had the lower
part of their faces covered with hand
kerchiefs. One of the shots struck Bly
in the hip and another mnrie a flesh
wound In the thigh. The wounds did
not disable the brave engineer, hov
ever, and he leveled his revolver and
fired at one of the burglnrs, who was
several feet In advance of his pals. The
bullet pierced the heart of the desper
ado and he fell dead. The engineer
kept firing at the rest of thegans,,who
kept up a continuous fire, wounding
two of them slightly. After the revol-'
ver had been emptied, Bly retreated
through a rear door of the boiler house
and came to a nearby factory and
aroused the watchman who sounded
an nlarin by blowing the factory whis
tle. While Bly was absent the robbers
dragged the body of their dead pal to
the outside of the building, where they
left It and (led. Fp to a late hour no
trace of them has been found.
Dead Desperado Described.
The dead man wns i feet 914 inches
tall, well proportioned and muscular,
weighing probably ITS pounds. He had
dark brown hair, prominent nose, per
fect teeth and wore no beard or mous
tache. He was. about 33 years of age.
On his right arm was tattoed the Lib
erty bell, the American llag and a cross,
anil on the back of the hand and wrist
a star. On the left forenrni was the
tlgure of a woman. On his left leg, be
low the knee, was a scar, evidently
from a scald. It was two Inches wide
and nine indies long, In a black derby
hat was pasted a label bearing the
words, "K. Novell, leader of fashion,"
the name of the town being unintellig
ible. On the neck nf u black worsted
coat was an Inscription, "One Price
Clothing House, Altoona." In the but
tonhole of the lupel of bin coat was u
small button, on which were t lettcm
which rend as follows: "U. XL W, of
A April 1, 1S!)S: Wight Hours." From
this badge it was at first believed he
was a miner. Some doubt was thrown
on this, however, by the fact that Ills
general appearance- was not likely to
convey that Impression. No powder or
coal murks were found on his body and
his hands were small and the palms,
soft, showing that the ninn never did
much manual labor. 'J he local police
nre working on a clue which may re-i
suit In the capture of the fugitives.
The coroner's jury tonight render.
n verdict exonerating Engineer
from nil bhiino for having caused
death of the unidentified robber.
By Kxrlusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Harrlsburg, Oct. 2, The hearing In the
contest to determine tiio legality of the,
stale nominations by tho Puttlson mvl
Peunypncker factious nf tho Union party
in the Dauphin county court was conclud
ed today. Tomorrow the court will hear
argument on the ohlectlons to tho certifi
cates of the three Democratic candidate
for congress In Allegheny county.
Pensions Granted.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Frew.
Washington, Oct. 2 Pensions granted!
Silas M. IViinimun. of Scruiiton, ; Wil
liam II. Fisher, of Scrunton, S: Charles
Ranch, of Huidetou, S; Sabbath Will
lams, of Wyoming, 0,
m i
Local data for Oct. 2, 1902;
Highest lempornturo ,,,, ,, 5T degree
Lowest temperature .,..,,,,,,,, 51 degrees
Relative humidity;
S a. m. ,.,, 8." per cent,
S p. m. ,,.., tit per cent.
Precipitation, 21 houru ended S p. m.,
4- Washington, Oct. 2. Forecast for
4- Friday nnd Saturday:' Eastern -f
f Pennsylvania Fair Friday, ' In- -f1
-- creasing cloudiness Saturday; prob-''
f ably rain; light north winds.
, t .-fi..1
:- :