The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
Was tho Wedding of Miss Lotltla
Pugllano nnd Mr. .Vincent Cas-
sesse, the Banker and Mnnitfnc-
i tuier of Scrnnton, at the Church
of Our Lady of Mt. Cnrmel.
Willi u brilliancy of ceremony rich
mil dazzling l Its Hplendftr, mid Hint
,ns u hint at tliu show of pageantry 'In
the courtly Uuy.s of their native hoine
In Italy. Miss Letltln PiirIIuiio, si-eond
oldest nlcro of the Pimlliino brothers,
, conspicuous In the city's mtinlclpiil anil
flnuncliil life, nnil Vincent r'assppse, u
prominent young business man of
Seruntnn. weio last night united In Uio
Indissoluble bonds or iniitrlinony.
The simple (Munch of Our l.ady of
311 1. Cnrmel, on Fnllbinok sticot, was
the scene of the beauty, the iiihriiHI- '
entice and ostentation that dignified the
cventfiil happening of the young P
ple'n liven. The church Is not yet dedi
cated, fo the place of worship on the
first Moor was where the nuptials tucik
place. Tho stilToiuidlngs wcie slivplo
nnd humble, Indeed, but only cred to
' nceeiituutu the exciulrlttly beautiful
moving picture of tho leng lirlrlnl p'o
cesiilon, ulmo.n cnuitly In Its slitter and
the rare tableau bcfoie tnr drc crated
and llluinlued sanctuary, while tho
vows were being plighted.
The labor of lovln;; hand.--. guided
by nn artistic mind, wrought much
beauty nbout the altar and sanrttluo,
nnd when the church was tilled with
the easer, cxprrtnut throng tin re
much to admlie In the llor.u rmbellMi
nicntH while Hie coming of the brlce
nnd hrr long train of attendants wv.
nwalted. Palms and ferns-, with bloom
Ihr plants bete and tbcie to hrlRlitcn
the bunk of preen, n'ade .1 pleasing pit
tuie over which the lighted t i p--1 "- ami
other HIiMT.Iuullons nlKd their rlful
Rcnce. Kuniilng across the church,
overhead, and In front of the sanctu
ary, letters of green swelled "1,. Puj;li-
nr.o Wedding V. I'.issri! e." llehlnd !
was the glorious renins' of the tableau
(hat was soen to lake place. I
At 7.u0. thu hour of the nuptials, the I
church thronged. The nsrembhige
v.ns uirely repiercntalive. M'he fashion
nnd society culture and. It mlRht be
said, the whole municipal family, from
the executive to the kat suhoiillnmc
ollice, wore there. Thin latter. It might
be furRCStcd, was In deference to the
standing in the municipal family et
Common Councilman (iiiluiole Ptrli
nnt, an uncle of thu bride. While the
guests walled, tho Mozart oichertia,
with Professor Firth at the organ, leu
dered music.
Shorllj after T."0. the Joyful music of
the wedding lnureli fiom l.ohPiiRiin an
nounced the piesence of the bridal
paity. Tho expectancy and anticipa
tions of tho assemblage broke Itjto a
ripple of comments as the flirt llguies
of the procession came In view In the
center aisle. The four usheis, who
seated the guests, were hi advance.
Then came the four winsome little
misses who acted as flower gill?, the
first glimpse of the i ich pi occa
sion. The four bridesmaids followed,
then tho maid of honor, Mbs Pelicita
Pugllano, sister of the bible: the page,
robed In a court costume of white satin
nnd bearing op a silver tray the plain
wedding- ring. Lastly came the bride,
who was accompanied by her uncle,
Gnbrlelo Pugllano.
From the sacristy came the ten ush
ers, who acted as a guard of honor to
the groom, followed by the groom, him
self, and his best man, Joseph Callnt
rone. of Now York city. M'he uncle be
stowed his niece on the groom, and the
bridal party dls-po.-ting ot Itself beroie
the glowing sanctuary, the plighting of
the vows began.
Uev. Antonio Ceirutl, pastor of tho
church, was the celebrant of the ser
vice. Here, nniiil the extraordinary os
tentation of a wedding ceremony, the
young couple wore united, while the
throng of well-wishing friends, inspired
by the rare circumstances of the event,
joined In tho happy spirit of the occa
sion. While the service was on, tho
orchestra added to the sentiment of the
affair with "O, Promise Me."
The ceremony over, the train of at
tendants led the way from the church,
the fourteen ushers lending, tho wedded
couple, of course, coming last.
Perhaps the most Impressive feature
wis that the glittering spectacle was
Illustrative of the custom In Italy,
where, us one learns in reading, there
Is much sentimental Importance at
tached to tho courtly air and pomp of
wedding festivities.
. Thu reception and wedding supper
followed at the Pugllano homo, which
was aglow with lights and floral decor
ation. The display of wedding robes In the
procession was a charming sight. The
bride In her IrotiKupim iinnrnmi tr .A..i
'7.0 the Ideal lirlrin thill mm ,,!,.!, ,,.,.
IJer gown was truly an nrtlstlo crea
tion, n was a whlto taffeta silk, over
which was rich embroidered silk chif
fon, yhoix: was a sweeping train. Dec
orntklns of Irish point lace added to tho
effeeV, The lovely picture she presented
jvns completed by the long veil of white
Freijfch silk that extended to the edge
flVthe train. The veil was trimmed
.with orange blossoms mid was caught
; Effect of Climate Overcome by Proper
! Pood,
Thei.WiSMty of pleasant, nutritive
jand, proper food is highly appreciated
Jin 'the Philippines, particularly by
j Americans unused to cllnuito and nu
Jtlve custom In cooking,
! WT.TifvOur eolUIcr boys wiltes: "in
I this land of bad food and disordered
.stomachs, a nearly fatal attuck of ma
laria left my digestion for many
months In such a state, that food of any
'clnd distressed me terribly, I suffer
jld froin tho effect of drugs, but dared
'."i1 l!v ll was simply misery to live,
The so-called remedies only seemed to
i-iggravatD my sufferings.
Bomcs friend suggested Grape-Nuts
'tVooayana I gave It a trial. To my sur
prise and pleasure, It did all and moio
lhan was claimed for ft. I am now,
""ifter uslner the food for 18 months, In
Tfood health;, my digestive apparatus In
perfect order, and I have long lost all
feeling of pain or discomfort ufter eat
Jng. In fact, I live again, I would not
bo without drape-Nuts for tho world.
Mt is not only the excellent effect of
our food that renders It valuable, It Is
Also delicious to the taste, possessing
"Javor of ts own, and can be prepared
-n niflnv lvava in unit mnnv tmln.auii
.. .-.n.. . w hh.v ...W4. .M,U.Vi
'S'ama given by
Postum Co., Battle
'3reuk. Mich.
tiy a diamond brooch, the nlft of tho
gf ooni. She carried u half shower bou
iltiet of bridal loses. Her traveling suit
was brown, with hat to mutch.
Miss Pcllcltn PtiRllano, the itiuld of
honor, was likewise rliiirmhtg In a
gown of whlto silk, trimmed with' Val
enciennes lace. Her only liendRPiir was
a white chlrfon bow. Shu wore a neck
lace of pearl beads, to which there was
attnehed u whlto silk fan, Inlaid with
pearl. She carried exquisite pink and
white roses.
The four bridesmaids were Miss An
gela Oblcl, of Wllkes-ltaire-: Miss I.or
cltii PiiRllano, of Cnrbondiilo, sister of
the brlilci Misses Kinmii and Frances
Cassesse, of Seriinton, sisters of the
groom. They wore white lansdowne,
trimmed with crenfn satin llbbou and
chiffon lace. Their reset, were Ameri
can beauties. Like the m.ild. their
heaclRear decoration were bows of chif
fon ribbon.
The cute flower girls were Klvlrn
Pugllano, of Caibondale, cousin of the
bride; Jennie Cassesse, of Scranton,
niece of the gioom; Teiesn Morisinl, of
Scr.inton; Marguerite Cassesse, of
Scrnnton, sister of the groom. They
wore white silk, trimmed with lace, and
carried baskets of carnations, which
they spread along the aisle before tho
Michael Cassesse, of Scrnnton, nephew
of the groom, was the page. He was
most Interesting, dressed In his couit
unirorm ot white satin, with cuffs ot
lace. Ho wore white nllk blockings and
white, silver-buckled, sllppeis.
The groom, the gu.nd of honor of ten
and tho four church ushers weio in
evening dress.
The Pugllano residence on Dundaff
street, recently erectnd, was billllant
with decorations. The handiwork ot
Florist McClintock, of Scrnnton, was
particularly effective In the parlor,
where Mr. and .Mrs. Cassesse received
the guests and their warm-hearted
felicitations. In the midst of the loom
was an Immense palm. The mantel was
banked with ferns, potted plants
bluomed hero and there, and conspicu
ous among the cut flowers wcie carna
tions, tho favorite flower of the bible.
The bay window, where the bride anil
groom received, was a floral bower ot
ferns and blooming plants. A bouquet
of carnations hung irom the overhead
lattice work,
At the rrceptlon were several hundred
guests, a large number from out of tho
city. There was an extraordinary dis
play of wedding gifts, silver and cut
glass predominating. Some of the gifts
came from Italy. Conspicuous among
the offerings was the magnificent silver
breakfast and sliver water service from
Carbondale city olllclals.
At 1 o'clock the bride and groom, ac
companied by a host of friends, left on
a special train over the Delaware and
Hudson for Scrnnton, whence they de
parted on their wedding tour, via tho
Lackawanna, They will bo nt home In
their home, 10i2 West I.ackawnniut
avenue, after October 25. It will be the
earnest wish of Mr. and Mis, Cnssesse's
friends that this eventtul happening
will be the foierunner of years of
wedded bliss,
The groom Is u member of the firm of
Cassesse Htos., bankers and miiuufao
turers, of Scrnnton. Ills brlclo Is an lie
compllshcd young lady, who has a wide
circle of friends In Carbondale, to whom
bho'ls endeared.
Our High School 3oys Xose a Game
to tho Scrnnton Eleven,
Tho Carbondale High School foot ball
team Journeyed to Kcranton yesterday,
and were defeated by the High School
team of that place by a scoro of 5-0.
The fiiuno was very Interesting from
start to finish and was holly contested
for by both sides, The Caibondale
High School was badly handicapped by
tte absence of McClnln, their fullback;
Mason, right halfback, and a few other
heavy men.
The first half Murted at a. 15 o'clock,
Scrnnton kicking off. Connrton got tho
ball, but wus downed before bo made
much gain. Then came a very hotly
contested gume, both sides having the
ball frequently, but Carbondule's goal
wus never In any danger, When time
was culled, Wynn had punted the ball
away down tho line towards, Scrnnton's
goal and Kcranton's goal was In danger.
The second half started at 4.30 o'clock,
Carbondale kicking off. H was ruining
linrd throughout this half, part of tho
field being mud nbout two Inches thick.
Scrnnton got the ball and begun rush
ing the center. As the grass was slip
pery It was hard work holding them,
and they got near our goal, but we
finally stopped tliein nnd secured the
bull. After two unmieeensful attempts
nt bucking the line, Wynn punted away
out through the crowd, Scrnnton's
quarterback secured the bull and, run
ning through the crowd, maunged to
elude everyone but Joseph Connrton,
who lost him by pulling oft half ot his
sweater, and Frank Wynn, who downed
hlin Inside the goal. This was tho only
Scrnnton has a good team, and they
showed their opponents an excellent
Wynn, Mnze, Shepherd, Mun'ln, Han
sen and nearly nil the Carbondale play
ers put up a Rood giiine. Wynn, who
played quarterback, In certainly nn ex
cellent captain and played a great
game. Mane, who wont In In the sec-
one! half, made three very good tackles.
Hansen and Munia did good work also.
The Pan.ous Keds of Taylor to Op
pose Our Local Favorites on Duf
fy's Field Two Closely Played
Games Pulled Off Yesterday That
Drew Big Crowds.
The renowned Taylor Reds will try
conclusions with the Crescents on
Duffy's field this afternoon for the first
time this season. This aggregation of
ball lessors Is one of the most respect
ed In amateur circles. They have
played two games with Honesdale dur
ing the season and proved worthy op
ponents. Morris, who played with the
Pets oa soveial occasions, Is n member
of tho Hods and will be warmly wel
comed by the rooters. Weisenlluh or
Ueed will twirl for Taylor, while Kclle
hcr or McAndrow will serve them up
for the locals.
There weio two games of base ball
decided on the local grounds yesterday
afternoon, and each game was won by
a single tally. MMie first contest was
between the "Old .Maids" of Vandllng
and the South Side "Hoboes." Tho
VandlliiR boys weie arrayed in femin
ine apparel and consequently provided
a ludicrous exhibition. They were vic
torious by a score of 1,1 to 11'. In the
evening the "Old Maids" were taken
out for supper by the "Hoboes." They
partook or a "strike diet."
MMie men of teas, eolfee nnd sugar
proved "too many" for the dlspenseis
of tho products of Swift and Armour
In tho second contest, defeating them
by the close scoro of 12 to 11. The
game was very Interesting nnd some
very earnest playing was Indulged In.
For four innings Hie score was a tie,
but finally In the NMnth the grocers
made one to the good and left the
field humming "In the good old Hum
mer time," to the evident discomfiture
of the ham (dingers. The personnel of
the contending forces were as follows;
Grocers Golden, c.; Hoy bin, p,; Small,
lb.; Hendricks, 2b.; Itlvenburg, 3b.;
May, ss,; MeKennn, If.; Hnboit, cf,;
Golden, if. ihitchers Scheustcr, p.;
niokenshire, lb.; McGurry, 2b,; Iteese,
3b.; McDotioiiRh, m,; Forbes, If.; Sea
man, cf,; Conncrton, if.
The Misses Eula and Edith Carey
Entertain Their Friends.
A party held lust evening nt
the home of the Misses IJuUi and Edith
Carey, In Iteynslianhurst.
Tho crowd was well pleased by tho
efforts of the Mlssen Carey, and showed
their pleasure in every ivuy, Games of
all kinds were Indulged in, but card
A Minister's
A Glowing- Tribute to the Sterling;
Worth of Dr, Agnow's Catarrhal
.."When I know anything woitby of iec
ommendatton I consider It my duly to tell
It," says Ttov. James Muidock, ot Ham
burg, Pa. "Dr. Agnow's Caturi-liu) Pow
der lias cured mo of catarrh of tlvo years'
standing. It Is certainly magical In its
effect. The first application benefited ma
In llvo minutes." K!
Dr. Agnew's Pills euro the liver and stomach, 10c
Bold by Wm. Q. Clark and H. C, Sanderson.
playing nnd dancing were the featured
of the evening. Several vocnl selec
tions were rendered by tho well known
quariette, Robinson, Williams, Wilson
nnd Craft, which were well received.
A zoboo solo was rendered by Freder
ick Glenson, also several plnno selec
tions by Misses Carey nnd Cora Frn
noy. Dainty refreshments were served
by a corps of pretty maids.
Among those present were; Misses
Cora nnd KfTie Frnney, Mlie Itutan,
May Thorpe, Antoinette Wnrfel, Helen
Swnrts, Lena Illsted, Mnggle Watson,
Vcrna Oliver, Lucy Itoblnson, Eula nnd
Edith Cnroy nnd Miss Woodward, of
Olenburni Messrs. Hurry Hobluson,
Claude Oliver, Charles Severance, Wil
lis Wilson, John Williams, Newell
Stoddard, Rr-xford Nicholson, Herbert
Hlstcd, Frederick Glenson nnd Boyd
The Pupils of No. 4 School Cause
Some Trouble.
The pupils ot No. 4 school caused n
great deal of uneasiness to their tench
ers yesterday by their threatening to
leave school In a bods-, rather than as
sociate with n few children whoso rela
tives were on the worklngnien's unfair
list. During the morning session thcro
was a spirit ot rebellion manifested by
the pupils nnd nt dinner hour some of
the lending spirits tried to stop nil the
children from entering for the second
session. They hnd nbout succeeded In
Inducing the school body to return
home, when the iippenrnncc of a school
director from that ward and the truant
ofllcer convinced them that they were
acting foolishly.
MMie affair caused it gieat deal of ex
citement In the vicinity of the building.
No further trouble is feared.
The funeral of the late Charles Sceley,
of Old Forg", will be held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock and will be conducted by the
Rev. James Walker, of the Primitive
Methodist chinch. Interment will bu
made In the Forest Home cemetery.
Mlnooka M'rihe. No. 2(7, Improved Or
der of Red Men, Installed their newly
elected ofllccrs at their lcguljr session
last evening,
Mis. J. U. Daniels, Mis. H. T. Daniels
nnd Mr. nail Mis. II. W. Uowells, of
Main street, attended the funeral of
(leoige Coioawny, the well known Welsh
bald and composer, at WllUcs-Iiarrc yes
terday. John Richards has left for New York,
where ho has accepted a position with a
laige printing office in that city.
The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd West
ern company Is having new steps erect "d
leading from the cliff to the depot lead
ing from the Welsh Rnptlst church.
The fcniliilno members of the Young
People's union of the Calvary Baptist
church entei tallied the male members
with a reception at the church iceepticvi
looms on Tnos-rtay evening, A splendid
time was had by all. Gaines were played
and a dainty icpast served.
Taylor lodge, No. IMS, Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, will Install their new
ly elected officers at their next meeting
on Pn tm day evening.
Tr.Tj evening's session of the T-ac'.n-wannn
Valley council, No. SI. Junior Or
der Cubed American Mechanics, will lie
one of Interest, to every member as Past
Sta a Councillor Mjeis will lie present to
address the older on Its present condl
tliais. Tho piesence of all membeis Is
Weather ncrniltthig the P.cds will jour
ney to C.irlioadile tbli afternoon, where
they ivlll meet tho descents at
Mr1-. Itachel Lewis of West Scrnnton,
was the guest or Mr. and Mis. Benjamin
Llewellyn, of Stnus street, yesterday.
Sir. and Mis. Thomas Reese, of Linn
ford, mo vHtlng their daughter, Mrs.
Kvnn W. D.uls, of Stoirs street.
David Morgans, of Scrnnton, wnh a luis
liics caller In towij yesleuliiy.
Mrs. lleimett. or Pitlnton, visited rela
tives in town on Tmsdav.
The Woman's Christian Tcmpcrnnco
union will meet this aftri-noa at the homo
o. Mis. Ann Arnold. Thcro U business of
lni ortancc to bo attended to, and every
member Is recpie-itccl to bo present.
UMlllnni H.irlctt Is laid up with a
broken leg, the result of a fall on I-'rldny
Mrs. Stephen Cole, aged 3'i years, died
ot heart failure at her home on North
Main street, about b.'M o'clock Monday
evening. She had not complained of 111-ne-s
and was about the house as uaual,
when suddenly she was stilken down, and
bolore medical aid could be summoned,
died. Deceased leaves a husband and
three children. M'he funeral will taku
place Friday morning at 11.30 o'clock.
M'he services will bo held in the Pcck
vllle Lnptist church, Rev. J. S.
ollielulliig. Interment in I'nloa cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Uilsgs leave today
to take up their home at Washington, D.
C. Mrs. II. 13. Hrlggs. of Washington,
who lm been visiting hcie, will accom
pany them,
V. V. Mace, jr., of IMIea. N. Y re
turned beme yesterday after spending a
fewdajs with his parents, Mr, and Mis',
V. V, Jtaec, of Main street.
Mrs. Dennlsnn, of Lanesborn, returned
homo yesterday, after visiting her par
ents, Mr and Mrs. I', V. Mace.
Mis. I-'. L. Taylor and son, Arthur, are
visiting at the homo of Kdward Aldrloh,
of Hyde Park,
Kx. County Deteetlvo Leybhon, of
ycraulcn, was in town' yesterday after
noon. Mrs. J. a. Nicholson and Mrs. David
Cia i ilner, of Her.intou, were visitors In
Jermyn yesteiday.
About twenty men loft Jermyn yester
day tor Ithaca, N. Y whero they have
ticcureil work on a new icsorvolr.
A child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Job Williams,
of l'nuith fticot. Is ill of tonnllltlH.
Thu llargain Store of Mollis Crnnflno
will bo closed today unci tomorrow en
account of tho Jewish Now Year.
Mrs, Prank llemelilght was u Carbon
dulo lsItor yesterday.
Isano nnd Junics Owens mid Oeorgo
Tucker will leave today for Hartford,
Ritlier, the llttlo daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, William Klrkpntrlck, of Second
sticet, who has been herloiisly 111, is 1m
provhis. Dr, M. J, Shields was called to Kast
Denton yesterday, in consultation on tho
cuso of Ci. It. Love, of Brooklyn, N, y,,
who bus been summering there and who
Is 111 of typhoid fever.
Miss Maggie Maxwell, of Main street,
was In Cf.rbondale yesterday,
MMie borough council will hold their
regular meeting tomorrow evening.
John Peurl, of Mooslc, has acccplcd a
position us druggist with Dr. S. D. Davlu,
M'he Independent Order of Odd Kcllowti
have elected tho following otticc'is for the
coming term: Noble grand, Arthur Pet
tlgrow; vice grand, Kdward Itlel: secre
tary, Samuel Piosserj tieumirer, Thomas
II, Rrownj wuideu, Ivor It. Kvuns.
A luigo gathcilng attended tho weekly
social of the Olymplu oichcstra In Ma
lion's hall Inst evening.
Vensel Marvin and Thomas Davis, of
Hlukely, Uft yestcrduy for Cambria
county, wheio they have teeured work.
Qpcclul meetings, preparatory for tho
Lord's supper on Sunday, will bo held In
the Illakely IiaptlsH church tonight mid
tomorrow night.
At a meeting of the Colfax encampment
tho following olllcers were Installed:
Chief patriot, A. D, Haines; high pileat,
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping: Center
Not another such stock of
Goods under any Scranton
The largest and the best.
The freshest.
The most varied.
The most exclusive.
The most for your money.
Hosiery and Underwear
Men's, Women's ChiSdren's
A professor of mathematics doesn't work harder over his intricate problems
thati we work over the proportions of this underwear. Makers say "what!s the
use," and go along turning out misfit after misfit, because other dealers are not
particular. The best fitting underwear to be had is right here.
The problem is different with hosiery it's not so mucli a question of fit there,
but who has the best quality for the money and the greatest variety.
Connolly & Wallace's again.
Striped Waist ings
75c goods at 50c a yard A Connolly & Wallace bargain 2S to 30 inches
wide and in thirty different
Forty feet of counter shelves occupied only by black dress goods, and every
piece different think of it ! Aud all to be seen under the best and clearest day
light that the sun can give. But the backbone of our black dre3S goods is cheviot.
Though cheviots are nearly as staple a9 broadcloth, every once in a while
there is an especially good season for ilism and, to judge from the signs, this
fall is going to be one of the cheviot seasons. We are ready for it with twenty
different style?. 50c to $2. 00 a yard.
Four special pieces ot news about the black goods are these:
75c Black Serge, 52 inches wide, 50c a yard.
65c Black Cheviot, 40 inches wide, 50c a yard
Other good Cheviots at 65c, S5c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Other good Serges at 65c, 86c. $1 .00.
D. J. Coleman; benior warden, I. II. Tol
hiinuib; junior warden, J. T. Joiich: s-ec-retury,
Samuel Pressor; treasurer, Thom
as 13. Broun,
Mis. John I.angan is spending the week
at Tiuikhannnck.
Jlr. and .Mrs. Jl. V. Taylor, Miss Lil
lian Taylor and John Taylor attended the
F.urar-I'lclterlns wedding at Dunmuic
last cxenlng.
Mr. and Mrs. J. "V. Million, of the
Million House, nro icjolclng over the birth
of a baby boy.
rhlllp Monro has reigned his position
as ckk at the Vest Knd hotel.
Hon. I'. A. Plillbln Is la Philadelphia.
C. I'1. Gannon, of Olyplinnt, was n butt
ness caller In town Tuesday.
A. E. NIcnl, of C.monsburg, Pa., Is vlblt
Ing 1 datives hi town.
I "l rn To Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Jones, of
Main street, a son.
Miss Kailey, of Jermyn, was a caller In
town yesterday.
Mrs. V. L. Samson, of White's. Valley,
Is lslthig ielatics hi town.
T. V.". Loftus was a business caller hi
C'arncnidale yesterday.
P. I'. Uiogan was. u caller In Foiest
City last evening.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Oct. 1, Jonas H, HufsoII
returned to St, Luke's school at Wayne,
Ph., on Tuesday morning.
The Fccoud crop of wild raspberries
are being picked In many places In the
vicinity of Honesdale.
Grand jury couit bus, been In session
this week.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of thu P. CI. Parnhain IJrush
company. Incorporated, hold at Cam
den, N. J the following wore elected
directors; P, C. Parnham, Hon. Oeorgo
S. Purely, P. G. Parnlinm, T. It. Thlrsk,
Hon. John Kuhback, N. l Purnham
unci It. H. Martin. The Parnham Hrush
company Is one of the prosperous In
dustries of Honesdale.
' Workmen are engaged replacing that
portion of the Main street bi'ldge.whlch
was can led away by the high water
Monday morning. In a few days the
structure will be ready for teams to
pass over,
Hon. George S. Purely, who has been
spending several weeks at his Cran
berry Marsh In Wisconsin, has returned
Rev. J. J. Ituuion, a former pastor
of the Haw ley Presbyterian church,
will conduct services In the Honesdale
Presbyterian church nest .Sunday.
Preedom lodge of Odd Pellciws have
elected the following ofllcors for the
coming term: Noble grand, H, J, Mil
ler; vice grand, CI, W. .Sell; bcrctary,
Cieorgo P. Hosts; treasurer, A. C,
Lindsay; trustee, G, W, Penwanlon;
representative to grand lodge, C, C.
Gray, Installation will take place next
Monday night.
H. V, Polly, of Ariel; Kruest Al
bert', of Dyberry; Lewis S, Collins
and P. Prank Ham, of Honesdale, hao
been druwn to terve as jurors In tho
Pnlted Stutes court, which convene:!
In Scranton, Oct. HO,
Graham Watts Is attending thu
grand 'encampment of tho Grand Army
of the Ilepubllc, now In session at
Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. K, P. Torrey have gone
to Atlantic City for a stay of three
The thirteenth annual convention of
the Honesdale District Kpworth lca;ue
Is now In session n the Honesdale
Methodist church, A Inrgo number of
delegates representing tho several
churches In the district are in attend
ance, rtey. llobeit Hugnell. pastor of
the Metropolitan temple, New York
city, delivered a very Interesting Icct
ture Tuesday evening,
If you are a stranger, will you
ask for a guide to take you over the
store? Or, if you prefer to wander
about alone, feel sure that nobody
will bother you. Jf there is any
thing we can do to help you, ask
the first person you meet.
color combinations of pretty
36th Annual Encampment G. A. B.,
Washington, D. C, Oct. 6-11.
For the above occasion ticket agents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sell
special round trip tickets to Washing
ton at one way fare for the round trip;
fare fiom Scranton, .$7.7u. Tickets will
bo on sale and good going October 4 to
7 Inclusive, and for return until Oc
tober 11. A further extension of limit
leaving Washington up to and includ
ing November .1 may be secured by de
posit of tickets with joint agent and
upon payment of ."0 cents. Stop overs
will be allowed nt Baltimore, Phila
delphia and one other point en route,
but not to exceed final limit. For fur
ther particulars as to stop over and
side tiips apply to local ticket agent
Lackawanna railroad.
"Washington, D. C, Excursion.
On account of the thlity-sixth Na
tional encampment, G. A. It., to be
held nt Washington, D, C, October G
to 11, Lieut. Kzra P. Grlflln post. No,
139, have anunged for a special
through G. A. It. train via New Jersey
Centiiil railroad, leaving Scranton,
Monday, October C, at S.OO a, in., und
making all stops to Ashley, Inclusive.
The rate will be one fare for the
round trip from all station?. Tickets
good to return on the special train or
on any regular train to October 11.
If an extension of return limit is de
sired p.isscngeis must deposit their
tickets at joint agent's ofllco, No. 121S
P street, N, ' Washington, 13. C
between October 7 and H, and n foe
of fifty cents paid, when the loturn
limit of ticket will bo extended until
November 3. Stop-over will bo allow
ed on tho Philadelphia and Heading
railway and the Ualtlmoro and Ohio
As the New Jersey ' has been
designated nn tho "Ofllcial Itoute," all
comrades and their friends are re
quested tn Join Lieut. Para P. Grillln
post on their special train, which will
arrive at Washington at l.r.O p. in,
Plenso notify the secretary of your
Intentions not later than September 29,
so that nmplo accommodations will bo
provided, '
For any additional Information call
on any N. J. C, ticket agent, or nddresa
K. V. Pearce, secretury, G13 Market
street, Scranton, Pa.
New Terry Boat for New Jersey
Tho New Jer.vy Central has placed
nn order with Harlan it llolllnswortli
for a new Perry boat, tn bo built on the
same Hues as the "Iteil Hank" nlid for
service on the Llboity Street Perry,
The new boat ill lie placed in com
mission at tho em Host possible moment,
and the New Jersey Central's fleet will
then bo tho most up-to-date on tho
$7.75 to Washington, D, 0., nnd Re
turn via the Lehigh Valley Rail
road October 4, 5, 0 ami 7.
On uccount of tho Uranil Army Na
tional HncauipineiU to bo held in
Washington, U. l, October 0-1 1, the
Lehigh Valley Itallroad will sell spe
cial tickets ut $7.75 for the round trip,
good eoing October 4th, Gth, lull and
7th. limited for leturn passage to Oc
tober Hth, good iin all trains except
the Pluck Pluni,cind Lxpress. An ex
tension of rcti)nl limit from Washing
ton, to November 3ul, may be obtain
ed by deiylslt of ticket with Joint
agent nt Washington, between Octo
ber 7th u'ud Hth, una payment of fco
of 60 cJiUs. Special tickets will also
bo sol going via Hurrlsburg and Got-
Washington Ave
TRIAL lojoorown horat. we furnish the cennlne anA enly
tinv rpntlprnf f hla rtfltipr. No mon.rln .dfanfffl v.rvloit COSTS AIMOST HnTHIHO""?""!
ulthmos&aftother treutmontH. Cartinheaallothervltc.
Irlcb.lli, appliance. rind rrmeillta fill. l ICU CCUK (orraor.
thin BO Ailments. Only surf enro for all nerroaa dlieas. and disorders. For complete scaled con.
Uilrntlfll catntoguc. cut thla ud. out and mall to as.
tysburjT. returning via Philadelphia at
rate of JS.Sj. Call on Delaware antl
Hudson or Lehigh Vulley ticket agents
for further information.
To Attend the 36th Annual Encamp
ment, G-. A. R.,Washington, D. C.
A large party, composed of members
of tho Grillln post, this city, will leave
Kcranton for Washington, D. C, Sat
urday, Oct. 4th, taking D L. & W.
train leaving ut 7.50 a. in., arriving5
destination, 4.10 p. in. In order to pro
vide a special through coach it will bo
necessary that a certain number of
passengers bo assured. Those desiring
to use the above train are urgently re
quested to notify by mall or In person,
Mr. A. C. Melnck, ticket agent Lacka
wanna railroad, Scranton, Pa. 'iZ
"Foliage" Excursion. "
Sunday, October fl, Is tho date selected
by the New York, Ontario and Western
Hallway company to conduct Its annual
"foliage" excursion from stations on its
Scranton division, Scranton to Forest
City, Inclusive, to Hancock, N. Y. Upon
that dale they will make a round trip
rate of 51, thus enabling tho public to
take advantage of a delightful Journey
through the hills of Wayne county at
a time of tho year when tho foliage will
bo nt Its best and the scenery en route
surpassingly beautiful. Tickets will
alto be sold on the above date ut soma
rate to Poyntclle, Wlnwood nnd Preston
Pen- further Information consult ticket
agents or J. P. Welsh, T. P. A., Scran
ton. Special Low Fares to Chicago, 111.,
and Return via tho Lehigh Valley
Railroad October 5, 0 and 7.
On account of the national encamp
ment, Pnlou Veteran Legion, to bo
held In Chicago, 111., October S-ll, tho
Lehigh Valley Hallroad will sell spe
cial tickets, good going October 5th,
Oth nnd 7th, at $is.i0 for tho round,
trip, limited for return .passage to Oc
tober Ifith, good on all trains except
the Hlack Diamond Express. Consult
ticket agents for further Information,
National Encampment Union Veter
an Legion, Chicago, 111,, Octo
bsr 8-11,
Por the above occasion ticket agents
nf (ho Lackawanna railroad will sell
special round trip tickets to Chicago
at rite of one-way faro for the round
trip plus ?1.00. Tickets will be on talo
and good going October 5, C and 7, with
return limit to Oct. ICtli.
Lackawanna Railroad Niagara Falla
Excursion, Sept. 25, aid Oct. 25.
Special excursion tickets will be &oltl
for all trains going on the above dates,
good for return within five (5) days
from and Including date of sale. Paro
for the round trip, $5.00 for adults and
$'.'.50 for children between the ages j
five (5) and twelve 12) years. '
iii iTBr-XS n-