The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special to tho Serntiton Tillumc.
Montrose, Sept. 30. Gordon D. Hindi
nr Scrnnton, wub u guest at t datives
nnd friends In town lust Aridity.
Miss Kathleen Ilnnd, ot Wllkos
Parre, wub visiting; fi lends In this
plnce hint week.
The Borden condenscry hiivo made n
pohedtilc of prices for the next six
months, which Is ns follows for WO
pounds of milks: October, S'-1''!
November, Jl.iiV, December, $l.i.": Juti
nary, $1.65; February. Sbr.o; Mm eh,
$1.40. The condenscry Is dully lccolv
Jnjjr moie patrons by Its fair pilees and
Many from this place attended tho
Haiford fair.
Miss Kathcrlno Altken Is IsltttiR re
latives and f i lends In Wllkes-narre.
Owing to tho stormy weather on
Sunday tho attendance at tho "rally
day" services hi tho Picsbytcrlan
church wus comparatively small only
about one bundled and fifty scholar
being present. Rev. A. P. Von Tobel
addressed the chlldion, and tho atten
tion with which his lemnrks weio
listened to plainly showed that they
were Interested. Tlio ringing service
J was excellent, considering the hhoit
' time allowed for preparation. A col
lection was taken for the Home Mis
sionary society, as has been the yearly
custom, which netted u neat sum.
Mrs. W. J. Maxcy, who has been
seriously III shows a maikod Impiove
ment In her condition.
John H. Mungor lecently -old , his
fine little road male to a Ts'ewaik, N.
J., man for $200.
E. C. Smith, Windsor P.. Jeffeis and
Rev. 13. K. Thomas, have been dinwn
'to sere as jmrors for the next teim
of United States court to bo held in
Albert Haw ley, of Tacoma, Wash.,
has been visaing fi lends and i datives
In this place and vicinity the p ist few
days, and has been gieotcd with
uic by all of his, old acquaintance".
On Tuesday bo left for Towanda to
visit his bi other, Chailes.
Tho county te.uheis' institute will
bo held in this place from Oct. 20 to
Mrs. S. M. Wilson, who was painful
ly bruised by a fall last week, has im
proved greatly and no serious results
arc likely to follow.
f m
"Special to'thc Sciauton Tiibuno.
Fnctoiyville, Sept. SO. Mr. Milton
Britton, an aged and highly respected
resident, died last Sunday, aged S2
years. Ho Is survived by two daugh
ters, Mrs. rhocbo Bailey, of Canada,
and Mrs. John A. "N'oodbiirtge, of I3.U
ton, and two sons, Joseph and Samuel,
of this place. Tho will be held
at his late-iesldcncc Wednesday at 2
p. m.
Dr. and Mis. A. J. Wlnobiako and
children, of Scinnton, spent Sunday
with relatives in town.
Mrs, Louise Peet, of "Windsor, is the
guost of lior uruther, Chailes Knapp.
Miss Bessie Spencer is visiting rela
tives at Homer, N". Y. She will give; an
I entertainment under the auspices of the
Epworth League of that town Tues-
Iday evening. Tho ladies of the Metho
Idlst chuich bcivcd a harest homo sup-
ior this evening at fi 30, in the chuich.
Mr. and Mis. William Hdmiston,
who have been spending some time
with the lattei's patents, Mr. nnd Mis.
O. T. Spencer, have gone to Scinnton,
where Mr. Edmlston has a position
with the Lackawanna road.
Mrs, W. Rowland Davies, of West
Scranton, spent last Saturday with her
parents, Mr. and Mis. AV. W. Beard.
Special to the Sei anton Ti Ibune
Honesd.ile, Sept. 30. The Wayne
County fair association aio piep.ulng
an interesting piogi.tmme for the post
poned fair w hich w ill bo held Wednes
day and Thui.-d.iy, Oct. 8 and 9, The
list of races will be inci eased. There
will also bo special attractions each
The evening, Dennis O'Dowd In his
funny Irish farce comedy will appear
at the Opera house for one night only,
a play which pinvides continuous fun
and laughter. Up-to-date specialties,
a full band and oichestra. Watch for
the noon parade.
Mr. and Mis. John L Richmond io-
tuined Monday eenlng from the
L "White mountains, where they hnvo
been spending tho summer.
Tuesday morning, County Cominls-
Isioners George Seamaus, George Tay
lor and George Robinson, went to
Gouldsboio to inspect a bildgo near
i tho county line, made dangeious bl
ithe recent heavy rains.
The local mlnstiel tioupc ate le-
Ihearsing for tho entertainment to bo
?iven at tho fit omen's annual in the
Irmory, Oct. 1".
iFrom a Staff Concspondent.
Ilopbottom, Sept. 20. Mr. and Mrs.
W. Wilght, of Apalachin, N. Y are
tucsts of A. J. Taylor.
I Mr. Gcoige Deimndy. of Scrnnton.
hid Miss Helva Taylor, of Gibson,
lislted George Case over Sunday.
Mrs. c. M. Miller Is visiting her
laughter, Mrs. L. P, Hell, Jn Lester-
ilre, this week.
tow Lewis has returned fiom u ti In
New Yoik.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilmnrtli. of
fvego, N, Y nro spending a few
kys with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
xe Wllmarth.
rriio Unlveisallst Aid society will
pet 'with Mis. M. J, Hnrtley, Wed-
sday, Oct. 8, for tea.
Miss Melhi Hi own Will have a fun
Ic of fall mllllneiy at Frank Janau-
bk's store fiom Oct, 4 to 18. All the
lest New Yoik styles in hats and
ewnre of Ointments lor Catarrh
that Contains flcrcury.
ttlAlnllrv will uiiinlu ilAutin.. .1..
i sense
U.V.f.,1 n.Iil f .llil.llnli .1.....
..W, HMM lUltJiUlCI3' llUlUllgO
B.U.W J 0.1.1. ,IUII 1-IHCllllK Ill
a mllpnllu a, r.K.ou CJ. 1. n. ,, . ..
i should
H, AH lin ..-... 1 . ---- ....,.,
-..... w....Mvu, UIIVII Ul llC'ie'H HI
i'vl w,1'"' jiauuiiv on pieseiiptious
) trnnil
Ifl IhPV Will il U ... fnl.l . ... -
(alls Cutauh Cure, manufactured
'. act.
o mcicuiy, and Is taken Intcinolly.
KirfnrPH nt li auim i 1 i :
ih uiivvhj uiuii iiiu uinnn nmi t
m i . v7 7i i W'"-Ml " uiiyiiie
lO. It iS tuIlQIl lltClliallV liiul ,.w!
hllt(-t ihln li V I rf-I...T . -."
o in
Prl ii. UJuruf Bl4f.-. Prlcc- "V. Per bottlo,
llall's Family Flis ata tho best
veilings will be In stock. Call nnd In
spect, Announcement Is made of the en
gagement of Miss Inolii J. Dunbar, of
ir.7 West nighty-thlrd street, New York
city, to the Rev. Lester L. Lewis, of
Poster, Pa.
Special to tho Scrnnton Tribune.
Now MlUord, Sept. 30. The Woman's
Christian Temperance union will meet
at tho homo of Mrs. Pianels Wilson on
Thursday nt 3 p. in.
Mips Cliaco Golden, after u week's
visit with her giandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Myion Reynolds, returned Mon
day to her home at Cohoclon, N. Y.
Pi of. t M. Snyder and sister, Miss
Hdua Snvder, spent Sututdny and Sun
day at Lenox.
The ladles of tho Methodist chinch
will serve supper at the homo of Mis.
William Van Cotl, In the township, next
Friday afternoon and evening.
Ficdeilck Pcrio, who has been spend
ing a few weeks nt tho homo of Mis.
Chailes Qulnn, has letuincd to his
homo at Indian Oichnul.
Mrs. A. M. Aldilch and Mrs. F. F.
Moss spent Saturday in Blnghamton.
Rev. Webster Cox conducted sei vices
at St. Maik's church Tuesday evening.
Mis. Evnn Pickiell has gone to Phil
adelphia, where she will join her hus
band and make her future home.
A farewell reception wus tendeied
Edward Barnes and family on AVednes
day ccnlng, prior to their dcpartuio
for Youngstowii, Ohio, whole they
will make their homo.
Election of trustees will take place
at the Brick chuich on Thursday
evening, followed by pleaching by the
Tho Junior League of tho Brick
chin cli will give an entertainment in
the chuich on Monday evening, Oct.
13. Admission, 5 and 10 cents. Watch
for tho programme later.
Irene Myers nt the Acndcmy.
lienc Meis will present "The Wlilto" at tho Academy ot Music this af
ternoon, and tonight tho poweiful play";
"Through the Brrukci," will ho the at
tiactlon. ,
Two l.ugc audiences again giectcd
hei jestcrdny. The matinee hill wus
"The Two Orphans" and at night, "Tho
Stow. iw ay."
Funniest Bill Yet at the Dixie.
it is eiy '-elilom that, cen In New
Yoik city, nn one has tho clumcu to
see n pingianimo like that now being
rrlvpn piptv nftpMinnn jitu! nvpiilnir nt llio
DKle theater. !
Nothing could hp more comic than Will
If. Muiphy and Blanche NIi hols In their
original -lt-tch, "The, Tiffin c.ttod Gill."
Tho other numueis nio also line.
"The Messenger Boy."
Since Lam. i Clement tins lieen playing
Mis. Bang In "The Messenger Boy," sho
hns been tho subject of n number of
practical 1okes bi ought about tluough
sorao Incident In this successful musical
comedy in which she figure. Her make
ups ns usual, sin pass dcsciiption In their
giotpsmtunc-s, but complete in their way,
as they aii', of Her friends hao
thought 'they could add to their eccen
tilcitv bv contilbutloiis of wonderfully
outlandish lints, hoes unci sklif-.
Last car tho Clultmas number of one
of the popular magazines published com
munications fiom st' piomlnout
plneis, among them Miss Clement, stat
ing what thev would like for Cliilstmns
piesents. Sho thought me would llko
"am thing fiom a flattinu to a diamond
tlain." A week Inter sho rcccied n (lat
li on by pNjiicss finm Philadelphia, ac
companied hj a letter signed Llliott Cur
tlss John Klngsley, Jr., Bobeit S Di,
H. JncUvon Singleton and Walter 11. Sul
livan, in whhii the writer s.ilil: "Here's
tho flntlron. Put our tiust In God for
the tliu.i." "Tho Messenger Boy" will bo
pjesented at the l.jceum theater Thuis
day night.
"Ailnna" Is coining ug.iin to tho Ly
ceum Pild.iy nlglit. Clihngo enthused
very much over "Ailznn.i," and oddly
enough New Yoik, whlfh Is not usually
fond of accepting outside vol diets, fell
Into line nnd followed tho band wagon.
Since It was seen heic, "Arizona" has
been played for fifteen moio weeks in
the motippnllH, thereby mlilevhig tho
iccoid of mote presentations In New
York within a given thno limit than any
other ilrunintlo offeiing. Mr. LiiShclla
wus wniinly commonded In New York
for the excellence nnd even balanco of
tho cast in "Ail?ona," no less than for
the tasto and opulence of tho scenic In
vestlture. Dlugi.un opci.s Wednesday
"Under Southern Skies."
That Now Yoik thenter-goois nro not
wedded to tho mcictilclous nnd that they
enjoy tho wholesome diumii, was shown
by tho laigo houses that gieeted William
A, Biady's new pindiictlon, "Under
Soutliein Skies." by Lottie Blair Pinker,
author of the Now England play, "Way
Down Bast," night after night dining Its
tlueo mouths' lun tit tho Theater Uepuh
lie. Tho piny was one of tho hits of
tho year.
The story Is nine, wholesome, simple;
containing honest, homely, healthy hu
mor, evoking alteiunto tears and laugh
ter. In tho piesent stinlnlng for bUniio
and Henvatlnniil effects by bomo of our
modem wilteis, I.ottlo Blair P.ukcr
iconid, bo far, to (oiitcnt heiself with the
methods that h.ivo iiiudo her "Way Down
Hast" to biiicctsful ' that In "L'nder
Southern Skies" sho again relies for ef
fect upon tho pnrtianl of tho nut mat
emotions that find an echo In tho hcuiti
nnd mlnil.i of thu audience, "l'nder
Southern Skies" will bo pioduced at the
Lyceum Sutuulay afternoon and .cven
l"g. f baseball"")
Nntionnl League,
At Philadelphia (ilrst gamo) n.H.B.
Boston 00 0 000 0 0 3 J 11 1
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o L' i Li 1
llatteilea Willis and Klttildgo; Pitt
Inner nnd Moian; Dugglchy and Doug
lass, Umplies Latham and Bmallo,
Second name . U.H.K.
Hostou ,., 00101-i 1 0
Philadelphia ,.000000 5 1
Culled, ihiikness. Bntteilcs Hnson and
Moiau; Fiuser and Doolu. Umplies
Latham and Biusllc.
At Biooklyn It.H.B.
New Yoik , 0 0010001--S b 1
liiookljn .00 00 0 000 11 7 1
Batterles-McCllnnlty and Boweiman;
Newton and Bitter. Umplie Iiwin.
Other clubs not scheduled
tC'oncludcd fiom Pngo C.J
tern company, placed It on a tiwitch
near tho Elm stieet crossing nnd wont
out with his horse mid wagon buying
coal from pickets with a view of ship
ping It to New Yoik. He bargained
with a crowd of pickers at the Council
& Co. (lump, nt Meadow Brook for
about thirty tons of coal at $1.50 ton.
When he went off with his fiist load
one of tile pickers trailed him up and
dlscovetcd him delivering tho coal at
his car. When tiio peddler returned to
the dump, ho was given some intlier
lough treatment and stoned out of the
Piesident John aibbons.of the Scrnn
ton school bouid.wns unpleasantly sur
pilsed ycstoidiiy when the children of
No. 11 school, which Is light opposite
the homo of Mr. dlbhous on Plttston
avenue, left their desks and went on
stilke, because the coal, which Is being
used to licit the building, had been
mined supposedly by non-union men.
The old No. 11 school, has been torn
down to make way for n new building
nnd the vaiious classes me being
taught in temporary quaiteis. Tho
tiouble originated In a class which Is
being c.ncd for In icnted looms near
tho new church. It was whispered
about that the stove Was being fed
with non-union fuel, and the childicn
quit the loom In n body.
Two loads of picked coal were de
livered early ycsteulay morning at No.
16 school on Chestnut stieet and theie
wore murium s of Impending tiouble
In tho air when tho pupils assembled.
A number of the boys decided ngnlnst
lemnlnlng under the same loot with
these two loads of "scab" coal, as they
called It and about forty failed to show
up at roll call.
When recess time came these foi ty
bos g.itheied In the school yaid and
taunted the other children, calling
them "scabs." So ciltlcal did the situ
ation become and so feuiful were the
teacheis that a general fight would
lesult, that a policeman was sum
moned to preset vo older. Nearly all
of the stilkeis were back In school In
the afternoon.
The second strike of the school chll
dien in the vicinity of C.ubondalo since
the miners went out, occuned yestei
day foienoon, when over sixty pupils
at the Southeast dlstilct school of Cni
bondale township caused quite a buzz
of excitement In the southern part of
the city.
Taking umbiage at tho picsenco of n
half dozen children whose fatheis aio
at woik about the mines, the bojs of
the school, sWty-four In number, left
at tho icicss In the moining, and, with
lusty shouting, matched away, leav
ing behind the gills of tho school and
the half do.ou who weie the excuse for
tho demonstiation.
Befoie tho ntteinoon session, tho chll
dien pi Intcd banneis leading: "Tho
Union, the Union Foievor," "No School
Pntil the Scab Put hers Quit Woik."
With these at their head, they marched
to the school at May Held Yard, where
m unsuccessful attempt was made to
Induce tile boys theie to leave. It is
expected that theie will be another de
monstiation today.
A slight explosion occuned in the
Oxfoid mine on Monday, In which
John Frabel, of West Scranton, wus
Injuicd. He was taken to the Lacka
wanna hospital, wheie it was learned
his Injuiics consisted of a lacerated
Frank Loptka, of Plttston avenue, a
member' of Company H, Thhtecnth
ipglment, was ui tested by Patiolman
Victor Sartor yesteiday on the thai go
of deseitlon, having failed to icpoit
for duty at lamp. He was taken up
by ofllcers last night and nlacod under
an est,
Joseph Visconeskoy, Bonnie Lut
swlnsco and John Steslng, all stilklng
Illinois living In Thioop, weie nuested
by Constable Donlin. of Aldeimnn
Kellow 's com t, and Constable Nichols,
of Thioop, yesterday, on a
swoin out befoie Alderman Gooige F.
Kellow, on the ch.ugo of assaulting
William Tur, a non-union man fiom
rittston, who, at the time of the as
sault, was passing tluough Thioop.
The men weio hi ought befoio tho nl
rtctman, but tho heating was post
poned until tomouow.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
Patikk Hesslon
Miuy Jlonioe
S) luster M. Gillespie
Allcci O'Connor
Mich id J. Thornton
Katie Dolan
Piiink V. Pickering,
Ldl.i A. Pinter ,
Kiicilclc Podei.uo ...
Miu Don.Uo
Michael Burkn
Miuy Ilasklns
Pru S. TTinmni ...
Ccrtiiidu A, Peal co .
.Old Forgo
... Scrnnton
TOn THE UTTM3 ONKS.-Cut out tho plctuies appcailnu on this pags each
day, diaw a pencil mink mound tho hidden object, buvo them until Satuiduy,
then send them or tnko them to Tho Tribune offlco In un envolopo nddicssed to
'Puzzle Denaitment," Kncloso In the cnvelopo jour numo, ago and nddicss Tho
bos nnd gills who conectly maik the six plctuies npneaiiiiR duiiiiR tho wook,
and whoso ansvveuH aio flist iccelvcd, will have their names published In Tho
Trlbuno Monday motnlng.
,rBP' " "-S," iJrgSS y lll'll '
Mis. Helm was carried to the lake
at Detroit. Auc, 15. 1S12. Find two
Of the City Council, Wilkes
barre, Pa., Cured 'of
' Rheumatism.
Col. Wm. J. Hnrvey, it president of
Wllkcsbarro's city council, who will long
bo remembered for his great work for tho
city, was onco a mcie physical wreck,
torn In every muscle utd ncrvo from tho
frightful palna caused by rheumatism.
He consulted tho best physicians, wont
abroad, took mud baths, and almost
every known treatment for the disease.
A friend had had a very similar cxpcricnct
and Dr. David Kcnnedy'i Pavorito Kern
ed v had cured him, so he recommended
thfsgtcatkldncymedlclnetoCol. Harvey
and ho is to-day a well man, bale and
hearty. Ho writc3 straight to the point:
Dr. David KYnnfuy,
Dear Sir : This Is to certify that I
was peimnncntly cured of rheuma
tism by the use of Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy.
Wm. J. Harvey.
Rheumatism Is but another name for
uric acid poisoning which is caused pri
marily by diseased kidneys. Cure your
kidneys and the rheumatism disappears.
For nil diseases of the kidneys, liver,
bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspep
sia and chronic constipation, as well as
sicknesses peculiar to women, Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Is unques
tionably the greatest medicine known to
the medical profession.
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Now BO Gent Slxo and the regular
$1 .00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Saw fie bottle cnou?!i for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y.
Dr.IlUTld Kenncdj'B Htup Jcllj radical euro
Catstrli, Ha) i'crcr ami Cold lu Head. 00c.
New York Grain nnd Produce Market
Now Yoik, Sept, :) VInui Miulal was
jnnio nc live mill stenciled. Win at Spot
Htendli-i ; No. -' led, Tl'sC elevator; No !
led, 7P4a7I'8c f. o li. ullont; No. 1 noun
1'in Uulutli, 7'J'nC f. o. b afloat: No. 1
hind Manitoba, "O'sc. f. o 1).; op
tions closed lltm, puitly !6c. net higher.
Mny, 71V.; September, : Deccmhei,
7!V. Coin Spot steady; No .'. (,7c ele
vator and i.Su. l. o h. afloat: No. 1 el
low, 70c; No. '1 white, 70c ; options clnsid
firm nt a piutinl ')C not advance; .May
closed IC'si'.: Septrmhei, Ii7n0ic : October,
Me.: December, '.fie. Oats Snot easy;
No. '1, SJ'c; stanuaid white, lie.; No '1
wmte, ;nc : isn. ,i wniie, ji-'-c. ; iiacit
whltu western, .".J.i '.".c. ; tiaek white- state,
SlaJ'c.; options modeiately nctlve- anil
Htcndy. lluttei riun; etr.i cie.imeiy,
"JJ'ie.; factory, IUISc; cieameiy com
mon to choice, 17 V&aL'-'c. ; imitation cioam
eiy, Piainc; state dnliv. 17a-Jl.c.: icit
ovaled, liiinl!)c. Cheese Finn: now state
full cionni, small coloicd fancy, 12e.;
small white, Uc; I.iiru coloiod, 1l'tc ;
huso white', ll'ie. Hkrs Steadv; nvemsc
lust, ,'.'.'a.'lc: vvostein candled, 'JluJJc.;
lcfilg-eiatoi, lOaJlc.
Philadelphia Giain and Provision.
Phlhdolphla. Sept. 30 Who it-Dull and
'ic lovvei; contiact Kinde, spot, 71'ia71hc.
Coin Quiet and steuel ; No. .' vcllow on
tiacU. bUalifVji'. O its steady; No. J white
clipped, uj.iii'ic. Wool I'm h lilted. I'io
vkions rnuhaiiKiei. Uuttci Steaelj,
fall demand: estia vvestein cieameiy,
LJc ; do nciiliy pilutx, Jle. HffBs Klim.
pood demand; fresh iie.iiliy, Jlc ; loss off
do westc.n, -Mc; do, do southwestern,
L'.'c,; elo. do, soutliein, 'Jle , do. Cheee
Phm; Now Yoik full cie.itn", piimo
small, I.e.; do t.iir to ROnd, ll'in11e.;
do pilme I.iiro, ll'Aill'ic; do tali to
Rood, Wj.ill'iC Kenned Sur.iis l'n
ch.niRed. Cotton Uc. lowei midilliiiR up
laudi, SV. Tallow I'nch.iiiwd: city
pilmc In tlei cos, i,,u,'c.; countiy do do
baiuls. .VaVV : iln duik ."V'rV :
cakes, i,iuii'jc. JJvp Poultiy Stendy; f.ili
demand; towls, liallc.; old loosfeis, Klc ,
spiiiiR chicUen!. l!allL.; spilnR ducks, U
nllc : tuikevs, l.'ulie'. : Reese, lie. Dicssed
1'miltiy Steadv, fall demand: low Is
choice western, l'.iic, ; do. soutliein nnd
southwestern, lie; do. fair to Rood, ll'.a
Uc: old loiistei.s, ;u ; loastiiiR chickens,
neaiby laiRe, 11,0.; do. small and medium,
Halle.; u ostein do, laiRc, Uillc. : do.
small nnd medium, ll.ilJc. Receipts
Plmii, I,0il0 bail els and ihjlnOO pounds in
sacks; wheat, 170 000 busliels; com. 1 "00
bushels; nnts, U H00 luishels. Shipments
Wheat 7 ".nil hiisluls; coin, !,0u) bushels:
oats, 41,0m) bushclH.
Chicng'o Grain Maiket.
ChlcnRo. Sept. M Septcmlui wheat to
du.v solil at the hlRbest piiee lecoidcd
on tho bo.ud of ti.ide siro the famous
F.e'itei- deal lu 'J1, the pi lee liiicbliiff 'i
cents and but loi the l"iilencj of th"
Ioiirs, the pi ice mlKht h.ive lieen acl
vaneed Indollnitelv us all tlio av.illabl,
supplv was piactieally lu the hands of
one or two tiadeis The close on Sop
tunbei was nl a Rilli of 7,o. ivhlle Dj
ccinbui' closed 'sa'ic lower: December
mill elotod 'ha'ic lilRhei with oils clown
'si'ic: Juiumiy piovlsions closed fiom
--to 7'.c. lower. Cash rUotatIous weie
us lollows: l'loui Quiet, steady; No. J
smliiR wlieit, IjS,i7.'c : No i coin, .I'i i'Sc.j
No. J vcllow, .'ihi'iSc; No 2 oats, JS',11
S'lUc: No. i while, :N.l i lie ; No L' ive,
l'i'.c , No. I fln scmI. 51.J')V2: No 1 ninth
western. ?1 :'",': miH.s poik, lii 1", ilii.vM,
laid,; shoit lilis, JlO.SOalO Oil.
sliouldeiM. 'l.'"a9 Mi; slant cleat aldetf,
tn.Ulsi'll 37i; whiskey, $1 JJ.
Chicago Xivo Stock Market.
ChlciiRo. Sept. JO C.ittlo lleiclpts, 1,
(0(1, iucludliiR I..V) vvestein; Rood .steady;
othei.s lowei: Rood to pilmo steels, nom
inal. $7..)aS,'ii; pom to medium, $la7.
stockei.s unil foecHis. $-'."11.13. cows, lowei,
SI.MMI.'in: lulfeis, UiTia-iMi: ciuneiH, J1.2'i.i
L'.'iO; Jmlls, $.'al."0; eulve.s, Jli7: Tesun led
stiois, J,l 1 1 .'"i; vvestein Bteeis, $J 7i.ii, .V).
IIors Uci'ciptH today, IS.O'i'i; tomouow,
LM.OCii: ueft over, S mo; iiilscd am. Initeli
eis. $7,'-'(i.i7.Im; Rood to ehnlco heavy. S7.!"i
ii7 70: loiiRh heavy. $7n7.-'i; light, $7 1:0 1
7.10; bulk of sales. $7 2"j.i7.I0.
Oil City.
Oil City, Sept :S0 Ctedlt bnlances. 12J;
eeitlllcntes no bid: shipment:), HWWl bai
icls; avoinRi1, f".F77 biuiels; lillirf. OJ.loO
bands; uvoiiiko, Sl,61ti baucls.
by an Indian Chief In the massacre
other Indians.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
mil ItMNT S-rnnm holiao with Imnrove
mcntB. Slit Woodlawn Paik avenue,
(been Itltlue.
For Sale.
PUPPlICTtA" MATCU13D Diamond ear
Hiirs, balls of lite, I carats, JUTO. Benu
ti Till diamond llnpr, over Wi carats, JUKI,
Diamond rhiR, lino white Btone, 1 cniat,
S".. Addicss X, P. O. Pox 93.
POP 8 ALU SolMiliiyltiK oiehcstrloii.
bonis, iilpes, ell um, tiliuiRli', etc.; will
bo sold nt n small pi Ice, which It will
quickly ruin lu hotel, hull or club. Yi. C.
lttckci, Plnno Denier. 2lii Adams avenue,
act oss Hcpimo fiom Postoffleo.
POP SAI.K-An eiltlio lis conslstlnR of
llve-ycui-old black pacbiR hoise, l lib
ber Hied top vviiRim, lminoss, bluii
kctM. whips, etc.. will bo sold ehcnp for
want of nso. D. Sweet, lilt Sboit ave.
FOR SALtl-About 20 foot of desk coun
ter, sin mounted with glass front and
tvv o openings, lower poi tlon nicely pan
elled, with dinwcis and shelves undoi
nentli. May ho scon nt tho offlco of Tho
Benl Estate.
I'AUM VOIl SAl.H-Aliy one wIslihiR to
buy an excellent fnim can scenic n
Rieat b.iiRiiln bv ciillliig on or addiesslng
M. M. Kvnns, Consumois' lee Co , ?"'
TOn SAI.n Elegnnt sites for homos In
upper Green Icldgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most dcsbablc locality for home
In I.ncknwanna county. J. A. Marvlne,
1730 Sanderson nvenue
Boom for Bent.
FOP RUNT Two fiont looms: one furn
ished; one unfurnished; all conveni
ences; for Rontlemcn only, lnqulie 1311
CapoiiHo iiv eni'e.
FOR Ri;NT 2 fiont looms, choice loca
tion, line view, well lighted, roimI en
tilatlou, steam heat, bath, gas. bl9 Spi lice
FRONT ROOM for lent; desliable, 421
Adams avenue.
Furnished Rooms for Bent.
I'OR RUNT Pin nished looms lor lent;
all impiovcmonts. Apply 11J Mulheiiy
Board and Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE suits of room3 with
first class tnblo boaid, can bo obtained
at S.!o JctTcison avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
BOARDERS WANTED-Ooocl bo.ud and
ideas mt looms; fiunNlioil oi unfiiin
lshed looms nl -li Noith Main avenue.
LOST On Thioop car which left Couit
House "-quale at I id o'clock on Tluns
d.iy.afteinoon, ,n open laced ellvci watch
vvtlh monoRi.iin, G. M. . also fob with
same monoiam Suitable lowaid foi ic
t ii i it to rJi .Monioe avenue.
l.MI'OFNDED-At I1 ! aieen Ridsu stioet,
one spottod heltci. white and elluw.
if not called lot will bo sold aecoidtiiR
to law. Oct. I, at in a. in. V. E. llen
lickson, poundmaster.
TnES7orfEf.XmDRY Dittunoiei
laundcis sblits nt be. each and collars
and cuffs lit P.Jc. ench.
Situations Wanted.
A SEAMSTRESS wishes sowing by tho
cluy. Addicss M. E. 11., Tiibuno ofllco,
woik in small tiimily Addicss A. M.,
UJu Von Stoich avenue.
S1TPATION WANTED-As chamboimulel
oi uiistaliy ghl, city or countiy. Ad
elios", Miss M. 11., I l.'i Vein Stench live.
SITI'ATION WANTED-As dining loom
gill. Adihess E. S., "J.t Reeso stieet.
A POSITION wanted bv a gill au wait
icss and chamber maid, in at light
hoiQWoik or us mil so Rill. Addicts 1.:.'.'
Remington avenue, South Side,
gist, li jcais, deshes peiniaueiit po
sltiuu; lefeicuces. C. A, Stuuit, .OJ Wash
ington uvciiuo.
THE SOl'Tll SIDE HANK-A special
meeting of tho stockboldi ih oi" iho
South Sldo Bank will bo held at tho hank
Iiir houso on rilonday, November 21th,
J'joj, botvvecu tho liouiH of a and I o'clock
p. in,, to take action on uppiovul or ells
lippiovnl of tho pinposcd llicieise of thu
capital stuck of tho bank fiom $,0u0 to
FRANK llt'MMl.Ett. Seciotniy.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In
the otitic of tho City Rceouler, by tho
Dlicctor of the Dcpnitineut of Piihliu
Winks, at J o'clock p. m, on Monday.
October tith, 1U0.', tor tho constiiicllon of
a stem of sovvois lu tho Nineteenth
dlstilct, with thu uucess.iiy llMuies mid
uppllauces accoidliig to ptnus and sped
tlcutloiiH on tlio In tho Bui can ot Engl
iliellug. Each bidder shall euilnso with
his pioposal. cash or cci titled check In
thu sum or fifteen bundled tfl,f0oj dollni.s
as a giiuiunteu to execute a eoutiaet If
iiwaidcd tho .imo, lu taso tho bidder
to whom Hie contiact shall bavo heeii
uwaided, icfuses or neglects to nsocutu
u contiact for the woik lu uccoiil.iuco
with tho plans and specifications thoiefor
within ten (10) dava tiom tho datu of tho
uwuicl, tho euclosiiio accompanying his
piopnsnl shall hu foi felted to thu uso of
tho city of Scinnton,
Blddc-iH will he furnished with pioposal
blanks at tlio lliucuu of Engiuccilng and
no (illicit) will bo uccentcd.
All pioposals .shall bo tiled with tho
City Coiitioller, at his ofllco in tho City
Hall, Sciauton, Pa., not later than INJO
o'clpck p. in., on Monday, October 0th,
'iho city leserves the light to loject any
or all bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE. Dlicctor,
Derailment of Public Woika.
Scranton, Pa., September 30th, 10OJ.
See the Cut Man.
Effective and attractive half-tones
and line cuts for card, advertising or
any other put pose, can be secured at
The Trlbuno ollce. Wo do work that
Is unexcelled, do It promptly and at
lowest rates. A trial oider will con
vince you.
imm STEEL u
,A72Erl3 Co. Bank Blclg.,V
n BuTalo, N. Y. t
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Thnn 10 Cents.
Branch WANT flfflcai.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received nt Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
berry street and Vebtor avp.
GUSTAV I'lClIHL, 050 Adams
West Side
ai:o. U". JENKINS, 101 South
- Main avenue.
South Scinnton ,
'PRED L. TERPPE, 7:0 Cedar
North Scrnnton
GEO. DAVIS, coiner North
Jlnln uvonuo and Mntkot
Green Ridge
CHARLES 1'. JONES, 1557 Dick
son uvonuo.
P. J. JOHNS, D.'O Gicon Rldgo
C. I.ORENZ. coiner Wnshlngton
nvenue nnd Mntlon stieet.
AV. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 living
Help Wanted.'
HOME WOUK-Jifl monthly cop.vlng let
tcis; either se-. Send two stamps for
pnitlctiluis. Illck's Supply Co., Mjl II li
sted stieet, Chlcngo.
"WANTED At onco, cpeilenced Htcnog
inpher nnd typuwiitoi. C. S. Woeil
woith. WANTKD-Agents to sell Jen anil cof
fee to consunicis. PosIiIoiim peimi
ncnt. Ginnd I'lllon'Tca Co.. 311 Lacka
wanna nvenue.
Help Wanted Male.
Life Insuinnco sollcltliii;; Hist clns,
old lino compun; not indnstilul; our sjq.
tern ot (tiding new iiRents Insuics piollt
while learning. Answer box M Tribune.
WANTED J"; lugged Inbnieix at once, to
work In stono eiti.uiv near Buffalo
Apply A. D Blacklnton, 109 Fiankllu nve
WANTED Ding cleik: niiiililled asslst
unt. G. Plchcl, ImO Adams iivenue.
WANTED Jlcchanical eiiRlneer unci as
sistant to siipeilnttndent. ugo about .'0;
one epeilcticod In lion business pio
fened. Sciauton Bolt nnd Nut Co.
SIX good caipcntcis wanted foi to build
foims fcji cone i etc mnsoin at Sche
ncctudv. N. Y. Wngcs, .10 cents pel hour.
Buike Bios
SALESMAN Epeilenced In placing pto
piletaiy medicines with letall elius
Rlsts; high class line; lihcinl pay. Adcliess
statins pxpeiloncc and lefeionce E. 11
Giles tv. Co. 2JJ0 Maiket stieet, Philadel
phia, Pa.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Woman to do fnmllv wasli
Iiir. Monnav wash eluj. On piemlses.
Apply .109 Whecloi nvenue.
WANTED At once, .m Intelligent young
woman foi geneial housewnik. l'am
lly ot two. Applv 9-0 Vine sticot.
WANTED Expel lencecl ladv shoo cleik.
Stuto expected. Addiesi, CleiK,
Tiibuno of lice.
WANTED Lidv bookkeeper. Addiess S
Hull ih, .",9 Seventh nvenue, Cnibon
dnlc Pa. Refcionccs deslicd.
WANTED A gill for geneial housewoik.
Call anv iwenlng nt :'.'! Reese sticul.
Agents Wanted.
GENERAL agent wanted to handle' one
ot tlio best investments on the mm kit
A good mini should make pi to $7.1 week
ly. Indue ements aio the best; giiuiun
teed position No capital needed Wis.
cousin Oil Conip.ui, turn Block, Mil
waukee, Wis.
LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigotlc
Geneial Agent lor this county. No
books, insuinnee, or canviibsluq. Ac
quaintance with moie hauls um! nianu
fnctiiicis necessniy. Peimanent. Hond,
Stnlo age, expedience leleiences (list let
tei. Addiess, Suite 57.', No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Salesmen Wanted.
cupjblo of euinliig good money, to
handle our lino of caibou copjing pa
pois, either tegular or on tho side, Philip
Iluno eS. Co, 1-u Union Sepiaie, Now York
Ceitifled Public 'Accountant.
Tiadeis' Bank Building. Old 'phono ISO I
Rcul L'atuto E.chungo Bids,, Uu Wash
ington avenue.
Civil nnd Mining Engineeis.
noil building.
building, Spiuco stieet, Scinnton,
Fiio Insuinnco.
SCIILAC.ER & CO, Tiadeis' Hank Bids.
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor lu tlio city No chumo for In
formation on patentability; over ton
eais' expei leneo
Hcplotrle & Co., Vicar Hid jr.
Hotels and Restaurants.
lln avenue, Ilnton leasonablo
P HIEGLEB, Piopiletor.
Passoiigor depot. Conducted on tho Eu
lopeiiu plan. Victor Koch, Piopilctoi
and less pools: no odor; only Impiovcd
pumps used. A 11. Bliggs. piopilotor.
Leave oi tiers 1100 North Main avenue,
or Elcke's ding stoic, corner Adams and
Mulbeuy. Both telephones.
Wire Scieens.
nve., Scranton, infra, ot Wlru Scieens.
piles, envelopes, paper bugs, twine.
Wa) chouse, lid Washington u venue.
Only llatt a Cent a WorJ.
Buslnosa Opportunity.
. out dolay. Wrlto for our special mnr
Itot, lottor. Frco on nppllentlon. B. M.
Illhbntd & Co, memboi-s N. Y. Consoli
dated nnd Stock Exchange 44 nnd At
Ilrondwny. Now York. Eatablldhed 18(11.
Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 2.1S8 Broad.
Monoy to Zioan.
Qulck, n ti night loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to B per cent. Call on
N. V. Wnlltor. 314-315 Connell bulldlnff.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
m , In Effect Juno 1, K0J.
Tinins leavo Sciauton for Now York
At l.W. 3 20, 0 03, 7.D0 and 10 10 a. m.i V.'40,
.1.10, 3 33 p. m. For New Yolk mid Phila
delphia 7.50, 10.10 a. nl., nnd 1210 and 3 33
p. m. For Gouldsboio At tf.10 p. m. For
ButTalo-1.13, o.! and 9 00 n. m.J 1.53, 0 50
nnel 11.10 p. jr. For Blnghamton, Elmlra.
nnd way stations-10 '.3 a. m , 1.03 p. m.
! or Oswego, Svi ncmH nnd Utlcn 1,15 nnel
i" --, n. m.; 1.33 p. in, Oswego, Syiaousn
and Utlc.i train tit nsJ a. m dnlly. except
Siiiiduy. For Montiose-9 00 n. in,; 103
anil liuO p. m. Nicholson accommodation
1 00 and C 15 p m.
Bloomsbuig Division For Noithumbet
lnnd, at 0 33 and lu.lo n. m.; 153 nnd (ill
p. in. For Plymouth, at 810 a. in.; 3 43
and 9 03 p m.
flundiiv Tra:ns-Fnr Now Yoik, 1.30, 8 29.
COj, 1010'if. m.: 3-10 nnd 3 33 p. m. For
Htiffulo l.n nnd L'J a, m.; 1.53, 8R9 and
11.10 p. m. For Elmlia and way stations
in 2 a. in. For Blnghamton and wnv sta
tions, 9 00 n, m. Blnomsbing Dlvlslon
Leavo Sciauton, 10.10 a. in. and 0.10 p. m.
Xehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect June 13, 1902.
Tialns Leave Set anton
lor Philadelphia and New Yoik via D.
& II. R. R . at nt 7 41, tluough Pnilor Car
and Duy Coich Ciubondnlo to Now York
nnd 9 47 n. m . with L. V. Coach Cnrbon
dale to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 4J3 (Black
Diamond Expies). nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun
dnvs. D. fr II. n. r , 1 5S. 9 17 p. m.
For Wiilt" Ilnven. l!a?leton and princi
pal points In the conl regions, via D. &
H. R. R 7.11, 2.18 and 4 35 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7.11 n. m. l
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Hnr
llsbiug and prlnclpnl Inteimedlate sta
tions, via D. &. II. R. R.. 7.41, 9.17 a. m ;
2 IS, 4 33 (Black Diamond Espiess), 11.49 p
m. Siinilajs, D. A: II. R. R, 93S n. m.;
1 58, 9.17 p in.
For Tunkhnnnock, Townndn, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva nnd pilnclnal Intermedlnta
stations via D, L. & W. R. R.. G 33 n. m.
and 1.53 p m.
Tor Genevn. Rochester. Buffulo, Nlag
nia Falls, Chicago nnd nil points west via
D. &. H. R. R, 12 01 p. m.: 3 28 (Black
Dlnmond Express). 10 41. 1149 p. m. Sun
el.ivs, D. & II. R. R., 12 03, 917 p. m.
Pullmnn parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Vnlley Pallor enrs on all tialns between
Wilkes-Rnne nnd New York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLL1N II. WILBl'R. Gen. Supt., 2d
Coitlnnd street, Now York.
CHARLES S LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 26
Coitlnnd stieet, New Yoik. .
A W. NONEMACHER. Dlv. Pass. Ast..
South Bethlehem. Tn.
For tickets and Pullmnn reservations
npply to cltv ticket office, 69 Tubllc
Squat c, Wlikcs-Baiio. Pa.
Central Raihoad of New Jersey.
Coircc'ted to Septembei 1G, 1902.
Stations In Now Yoik, foot Liberty
stieet nnd South Fein, N. R.
Tinins leave Scinnton for Nuw York,
Philadelphia. Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mnuch. Chunk. White Haven, Ash
lev, Wilkes-Bai io nnd Plttston nt 7.30 a.
m', 1 I) m nnd 4 pm. Sunday, 2 10 p. m.
Ounker City Evpiess leaves Scranton
" 3o o . in, thinugli solid vestibule train
with Pullmnn Buffet Parlor Car for Phila
delphia with onlv one change of cais for
P.nltlmoio and Washington, D. C, and all pclnts south nnd west.
Foi Avocn, Plttston and Wllkes-Barro,
1 p m. nnd I p m. Sunday. 2 10 p m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc ,
7 30 n. m. nnd 1 p m.
For Reading, Lob inon nnd Hnirlsburg
via Allentovvn nt 7 30 n. m , 1 p. m. and 4
p m Sunday, 2 10 p m.
For Tamnrpia and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m ;
1 p m. and I p m.
For rntes and tickets npply to agent at
W. O. BESSLER. Gen Manager.
C. M. Bt'RT. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In Erfect Juno 1G. 1902.
Tialns leavo Sciantou GJS a. m., wcok
clnvs, tluough vestlbulo train from
Wllkes-Bniio. Pullmnn buffet parlor cat
nnd coaches to Phllmlelphln. via Potts
vllle; stops nt principal Intel mediate sta
tions Also connects for Sunbury. Una
ilsbuiK, Plillndelpliin, Bnltinioie, Wnsh
lngton nnd for PlttsUuig unci tho West.
9 47 a. m . week days, for Sunbuiy.
lisbniB. Phlltdelphln, Biltlmoro, Wash
ington and PlttsluiiK and tho West
1 iJ i m. week da Vs. (Sundays. 1 .S p.
ml. for Sunbuiy. Ilniilsbuig, Phllnelji
pliln, BaltlmoiP. Wnshlngton nnd Flus
hing nnd the West
,I"S p. m week dnys, through vestlbulo
tinln Horn Wllkes-nmio Pullmnn huffft
p.ulor cm nnd cotches to Phllndelphln vlt
Pottsvllle. Stops at pilnclpal Intel meell
nto stations.
133 p. m.. week divs. for Ilnzloton. Sun
buiy, llnulsbiiis, Philadelphia and Fltts-
hmS' J. B. IH'TPHINSON. Gon. Mgr.
J B WOOD. Gen Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
lu Effect Juno PI. 1902.
Tialns for Cubniidillo leavo Scranton nt
fiji 7.:ii, s:v,, io u n. m: 12 03. 1,12, 211.
5X 520! G.'3, b21, 9.13. 10 01 p. m.; 12 18,
1 vi n ni
I'm llnnesdaio-i'i II, 10 U n. m ; 2.11 and
5 For' Wllke-P.aiie-(1SS 7.41. S4I. 9 47. '
10 ran m: l-'W. i.i-. 21s, 32s, 433, 010,
7 IS. 10 41 U I'1 P m. '
Foi I. V R It. 9.47 a. m.
"IS. 133 nnd 11 19 P m
I'm Pennsylvania R. R. PoInts-C3l)
9 17 n. in ; 1 I-. :! -'5 ""d I 33 p. m,
Foi Alb my and nil points not th 7.30 n.
m, nnd 3. "9 n 111 v.
Tor Caiboiulnlo-S.rin, 11 3J n. m.; 2.11,
3, "nl, 5 52 and 11 17 p. 111.
Pol Wllkos-Buiie 9J8. n. m; 12 03, 153.
3 2S, G32 uud 9 17 P. m
For AiMtlytind pointK noith-ioG nita
For llniiehdalo-Sji1) u, J'lvi,", mid to
PW'L PRYOIV D. P..A.;,,S,4)V5?'t(Tn,5a.
Eiie Rnlltoad Wyoming Division
lu Effect SepteinbelJ, 19JJ, &
Tinins leavo Stinnteili forJsuw. njlc.
Now bill Kb nnd Intel tnedlato points. aVi
for 1 law lov nnd local stations at 7.2iil.
''o" Hontsikilj' and Ahlto Mills nV$h
''t'mIus nnlveiit Scranton at 10.3S n.jSn.
and 9 13 p ,111 '
New Yoilt, Ontaviohntli Wester
Time tnblo lu offisit Sundi'y. Sept. 2J, llfiii.
Leavo ' l,ouvo Airlve
Tinins, Siumtim. Caiboivdulo. C.jdcJjU.
voi. 1010a in lllonim 'looprpi.
No 7 ...... G10P 111 Ai.CaiboiiuaIe6,lli iwn
0, ' """ SOl'Tll BOPND .rr -
l.eavu Leave r'Ar6a
Tialns. Cadosla Cuibondulo. SciantOi.
No 8 05011,111 7.!".Uijn.
N 2 ..... 2.F' P m I.M P m, 4.13 iCtl).
Leayo Leijvp A'"0
Tinins Scinnton Cuiboiidule. Ciclota.
No. 9 ...... SSOa.m, I'AlOHJIil 1013il..m.
No 5 ...... V.00 P ni ' Ai rX'111 bcmdnlo 7.13 tgm
' SOllTlt LOaNtr, O"
Leavo .Leavo Ainva
Tinins Cadosla, Carhondnle. Seiantpji.
No, ii , ,03nn. m. 7.33 a,.m.
No 10 I30P in 0111111.111. u43p,.m.
Tialns Nos 1 011 week das, and 9 -on
Sundays tiinnect for New Yoik city, Mid
dletovvn. Walton, Noivvlch, Pneteta, Og
vvogo uud all points west.
Tialn No. 1). with "Quaker City Br.
pi ess" at Scinnton. via 0, It. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia ...Vtlatitjo City. Paltlmoro ,
Washington JaildVi Pennsylvania stau
points. .'.
See time-table and consult ticket agonti
for counectloijs vvltli other Jbies,
J. C. ANPtlRSON. Q. PA, Now Yowls."
J. E. WEL&1I, T. P. A, Scianton. Pa.