i - iS' fp$i( ' 'f t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1902. 8 vw ' -if rj '' f - "Wb hv w-''j'Viir'' ! '.TTV'2 i i WEST SCRANT0N JFuSieral of Miss Minnie Bauer from. Family Residence, 121 North Bromley Avenue. Meeting of Baptist Young People. The funeral of the into Miss Minnie Bauer was held yesterday afternoon from the fuinlly home. 121 North Uroin lcy nvciuie. The homo was crowded with the sorrowing friends of the de feased, who had learned to knu'v and lovo her for her hind, affectionate dis position. Hew Hugh U. McDormott, pastor of the Simpson Methodist Kpls copal church, had charge of the sor vIcck and paid a glowing tribute to the life of the one gone home. He took for his text. II for., Iv:17, "For our light nfllletlon, which Is but for u moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding weight of glory." The Simpson ipiartette, composed of rW. "W. Jones, Harry AVrlgley, Thomas Abrnms and Harry Acker, softly and sweetly sang "I;end Kindly Light" and "Saved by Grace." At the conclusion of the services the friends were per mitted for the last time to look upon the face so dear. The funeral cortege moved to the "Washburn street cemetery, where the quartette softly sang "(loot! Night," as the dower laden casket slowly sank ft nm view. The pallbearers were: Charles Lee, Henry Urunnlng, Thomas lJhllllps, Harry Battenburg. Devotlonnl and Social Session. The Baptist Young People's union of the Jackson Street Raptlst church held n largely attended and most enjoyable devotion and social meeting last even ing In the church parlors, with Presi dent Alfred Huberts In the chair. Al fred ttcvun read a paper of deep thought on the subject "t'haracter, or the Hoad to Success." Miss Ida Lewis read u most touch ing story, entitled "Saved to the Utter most," which was lollowcd by V, H., "Williams, who recited In a pleaslnjj manner. At the close of the session Alfred Bevim rendered a number vt well-received musical selections. Sherman Avenue mission. Prof. Phillips and a choir or 100 voices are preparing for the rally day servicer! which will be held next Sun day. The programme will appear later. The programme will be lepeated at the Plymouth Congregalionul church on the same evening. The large new library has been put in place and Sunday school scholars can receive books next Sunday. The librarians, Messrs. Hopkins and Heme, have the books ah numbered and In readiness for distribution. The nttcudum e last Sunday was very large notwithstanding the incle ment weather, and with one exception Ut Five stamps given away with euch bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. nil teachers were present. A commit tee has been beautifying the rooms and they now present u very neat appearance. her home In Denvjr, after nn extended visit with her sltlcrs, Miss Florence Irving und Mrs. A. F. Yost, of Jcckson street, David Reese, of North Sumner ave nue, left yesterday for Hulfstead, where he has secured a position, John II, Williams and family, of Stratford avenue, have moved to Dal lon. Frank Watklns, of Philadelphia, Is the guest of his uncle on Academy street. The dammit Nus of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church have com menced fall work, after the summer vacation, and Judging by the stare they have made, this year will be utj eventful one for them. Officers Elected. At a recent meeting of Hippie Divi sion, No. 45, Sons of Temperance, held In Hed Men's hall the following officers wore elected and lnstnlled for the com ing year: Past worthy patrlach, Thomas J. Jones; treasurer, J. D. Lewis, financial scribe, Thomas Thomas: recording scribe, Bert Thomas: assistant record ing scribe, Hnrry Jenkins: chaplain, Wllllnm Hcese; S. Y. P. IT., d. D. Heese; conductor, J. M. Udwards; In side sentinel, J. W. Thomas: outside sentinel, Hurry Thomas! worthy asso ciate, Charles Hoss. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will meet at the home of Mrs. K. M. Francis, North Bromley avenue, tomorrow evening at 7.1.0 o'clock. The presence of every member Is desired as business of Importance will bo transacted. Ethan Allen Court, Ancient Order of Foresters of the World will meet In Morgan's hall this evening. Rev. J. S. Wrlghtnour, of Oil City, will have charge of the First Baptist church prayer meeting this evening. William MeC'racken was a West Side caller last evening. Wendol Evans, of Jackson street. Is home' from an extended visit through New York state. A. R. Khno, of North Hyde Park avenue, and William Williams, of Rock street, nfc hojne from New York city. ? Miss dertrudo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. CaVi'tirbury. of Frink street, was taken fvtfrjrt ill while on her way to the centjfall jJty yesterday. A friend took hert"o(' tj home of Mrs. Evans, of JaeKfptr SMeft, wnere ur, jy Hummuiiuu. emporary re k removed to tefyl yet, Miss over ana ue re. owned by P. fjjlircctor, was on Swetlnnd ctumlng from a legys wusJroni' physlciaUjyenfl so that ne c.8 home. XUh teruury ,wll hie to be aroi A very vilual i Cusick, yhgl trlcken with,! Comegyi Tlln nil! lief so that he her home. Xuliou Canterbury' jwW sloo able to oe aDux one valuable hi F, st street. Monday funeral at the jcthedral cemetery. The animal was unhitched and taken to the barn of' M. 2. Mayo, nearby where a veterinary surgeon was called. The veterinary found that It was im possible to help the horse so he was compelled to shoot It. The wedding of Miss Alice O'Connor, of Division street, to Sylvester dilles ple, of Plttston, will take place at St. Patrick's church this morning. Thomas H. Jones. E. E. Thomas and E. J. Davlcs are at Slatlngton on a business trip. Miss Alice Irving has returned to I The Globe Warehouse Dress Goods Department I S Has no rival in this state, outside of Philadelphia and :5 Pittsburg. No other store carries such a large stock, or can t va show such a complete assortment, Not a handful or an odd SL 2s piece or two of new weaves and novelties, but all the good g" things the home and foreign looms have to offer for the season, ; and always at prices a little less than at other stores, where the assortment will not compare with ours. 3 This Week the Display Of the Latest Dress Fabrics Will form the chief attrac'ion at the store. It's a big event, and in order to realize its importance you must coma to the store and see the special exhibition which has been postponed lor your benefit and instruction. You need not think of buying, however, as th.it is purely optional on your part. All we ask is that you look carefully over the stock. ' Among the Leading Weaves This Season We Suggest a t-X' -A distinct novelty and peculiar tucked effect. es-All Corded Annum Suitings peciallv desirabl. becjuse of its shades and black. Basket WPavc Suitings Have hit the popular fancv quite strongly. Being soft in texture, with a delicate finish, the light and shade effects are remarkable. Besides, thev adapt themselves better than most other weaves to the prevailing styles in skirts and gowns. Camel's Hair VlntlllllS Lovely soft mixtures of exquis ite texture. Thesa are the genuine Twill Back Vicunas, and no matter how long or how hard they are worn, they will retain their lustre. Heavy Prilliclln Suits With the new mirror finish. As high-class weave for fine gowns, these must take first rank. 'Nothing can surpass them for quiet elegance and here they may be seen in all colors and black. ' t All the Standard Cloths and Suitings will also be shown this'week, St: 1?, Lovely Waistings on View & l (..-I r -i i -- .i JSn n a prolusion of weaves, colors and patterns that is simnlv bewildering. By far the best pisplay of its kind ever seen in Scranton, I'PFalllll Wnlttt ninths An Armn .,,,,, ...Ut, ..III. . -m .-.,.... ......j. ....,,.., .... , ,. mimiw vtv..iru wini 31111 ?3 and satin stripes, in charmint, Persian effects. Another style is l9 shown with ribbon stripes on an armure giound, All colors fjJ .and color combinations. :r3 Leno Satin Stripe Waist Cloths Veay dressy and so -Ug and so soft that they can be worn to great advantage indoors, i Also (or Dressing Sacques for dressy women. ja' , OtlCl' Styles include Corded Stripes, Tucked Elfects, Uce Stripes, Satin Stripes. Tlllets, Granites, Parlsiannes, Crepe '2-E8vptes, Bedford Cords, i tc All the shades that are worn, S and, as usual, for a little ksj money than is askedelsewhere, 0". CASHIER PLOKENCE 1IELRIEOEL. SOUTH SCRANTON. A number of the ofllcers nml directors oC the now South Side bank mot yester day and Inspected the premises in tho Ilublnson block on Cedar avenue, wheio the business of the bank will bo trans acted. The officers wciu well satlsllrd tltli the location and the arrangements, mid the building was accepted fiom the cnntiaetors. The doois will be thrown open for business tlilh morning 'nt 9 o'clock and iminv of tho directors will bo on hand. Tho Interior is nicely Mu lshed In polished oak, and dosha of tho same material are placed for the benollt of pations. Tlie officers of the bank are: President, Comnd Schioedor; cashier, Florence IlelricRpl; bookkeeper, Robert llecnoy; clerk. Wllllnm Sillier. After the Inspection and after tho bank premises had been approved of, a meeting was held and by-laws to govern the now llrm were piosontcd and adopted. Property owneis alone the line of the sewcih, now being consliiictcil In the city, may not know that they aie being charged six per cent. Intel o.st upon tho amount of their assessment, from the time the woik began on the sewer, yet this Is a fact. Property owneis there fore, who havo tho money, or who can obtain It at a lower rate of Interest, would do well to pay their assessments, and tints prevent the running of the In terest. At a rehearsal of the Junker Mnenncr cbor held last evening announcement of the election of officers for the ensuing tonus was mudo as follows:: Picsldcnt, Uustav Repeit: vice president, William Klcsinor; iccording secretary, Fred Her mann; Ilnanclal secretary, Fred Shank; treasurer, Alfied Gutheinz: llbrailan, John Kempfer; trustee, Theodore I.cwcrt. At the meeting which followed it was de cided to bold a concert in a few weeks, and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. Anango nientH will also be made in the nenr fu tuiu to piepare a plan of action for at tending the Tri-nnmial Sriengorfest of Ameilcan which takes place In italtimoro next June. Dr. Schley's J.ung Healing Ralsam is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealcis. A pretty wedding took place In St. Mary's church at D a. in. yesterday morn big, whoa Philip C. Miller, of lili) Hrook select, and Miss Caiolino Schidcrcr, of Petcrsliuig were joined for life. Tho words that made the happy pair man and wife were piouounced by Rev. Father Christ in the piesenco of many friends of both pai ties. A reception was afterwards held at the home of the biicle's parents. The wedding of John Tschopp, resid ing at IfiJT Meadow avenue, and Mips Mary I.ambeit, of 11." Willow street, will take place at 0 o'clock today in St. Mary s Catholic church on River street. The Junior Order of Amoiican mechan ics met in regular session last evening, ut their head(U.irters on Cedar avenue. Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, met In Hartmtnn's hall last evening. GREEN RIDGE. Tins (Ireen Ridgo Woman's Chiistinn Temperance union will meet this after noon at 3 o'clock at Mrs. J. M, Howell, 7:'0 Ureen Ridgo stieet. Mis. T. Turner will bo present and deliver an nddiess on work among toielgneis. A coidlul in vitation is extended to all. Tho foot bridge crossing tho Lacka wanna liver trom lloulevard avenue to the Driving park plot, was can led down tlio liver Monday night. Heglnnlng tonight all liieen Ridgo drug gists will close their places of business nt tt o'clock In tho evening instead of 10 o'clock as heretofore. Mrs. Thomas 11. Payne will entertain the members of tho Ladles' Aid suciety of All Souls' I'nlversallsl church at her home, Sd.1 F.lectrlc avenue, this afternoon, Miss l.lzzlo Tillnu, of llonesdale, a for mer lesldent of Ureen Ridge, has returned to this place and will reside on Dolawuro street. A telephone box has been placed at tho corner of Cnp.iuso avenue and Marlon Htrcot for tho convenience of tho police men of this section who will now bo ablo to report to pollco headquarters from thlu point as well as from tho huso house, which hiiH up to this tlmu been tho only telephone ut their service A. L. Fowler, of C.ipouso avenue, is hi Ilaiilsburg. lleorgo Syden, of Penn avenue, 1ms re turned from Ilughesvllle, Pa. A son was born to Piofessor mid Mrs, M. Joidan, of Larch street, yesteiday, Hugh Douglas, of Green Ridge streel, had Patrick Dovlne arrested and taken before Alderman ll.iyloy last uvening charged with threats to bniash Douglas' head. After hearing both sides of the affairs Aldeiman iiayiey placed Uevlnu under $Joa ball to keep tho peace and ap pear at court. Tho Kpwoith league of Asbuiy Meth odist Kplscopul chinch hold an Impor tant meeting III tho church parlors last evening, ut which reports of tho past year's woik wero read and other matters of Importance given attention. Officers of the leaguo weo elected for tho ensuing year as follows; President, Uwlglit Saf find; Hut vice president, Kdwnid Lord; second vice president, (to bo chosen later); third vlco piesldent, L. F Rower; fourth vlco president. Miss Oiuco Block house; secretary, Marlon Renjainln; tieasurer, It. II. Campbell; pianist, Miss Lizzie Olver; choilster, F. S. Olver. Miss S.ullo Campbell and F. S, Olver weie elected delegates to tho Wyoming DIs tl let Hpwoith leaguo convention, to bo held in Simpson church Oct, 11 and 15. Globe Warehote?.! -a ibioDe wareDOus?.! AH OLD ATO WEtL-TRIED REMEDY, MRS. WINBLOW'S SOOTHINO SVnUB for children teething, Is tho prescription ol ene of tho best femula pliyblciana and in,, ko in iiiv tiiuvou oiMies, tinu nus Deed used sixty years with never-falling sue, Sesa by millions of mothers for their chiU NORTH 3CRANT0N SHAMROCKS DEFEATED BY THE ST MARY'S TEAM. Junk Dealer Nnmed Selgel, of Sec ond Street. Arrested for Purchas ing Scrnp Iron from Boys Elec tion of Officers of Lincoln Lodge of Odd Fellftws Notes About the Glee Club Junior Sowing Circle of tho Young Women's Chiistinn Associa tion Will Reopen Net Saturday. The Shamrock basket hall team ndded another victory to their list last night by defeating the strong St. Mary's tenni, of South Scrnnton, by a score of 3J to B. The game was unin teresting, ns the visitors did not seem to know much about tho game, while the home tenm plnyetl excellent ball, both as Individuals and In team work. Michael AVells, it member of the North 13ntl Stars, played tho star game for the home team, throwing eight goals. "Johnson, of the visitors, did some clever pass work. The following was the line-up. Shamrocks Wnlsh, right forward; Wells, left forward; Duffy, center; Wells, right guard; Rarns, left guard. St. Mary's Fish, right forwiud; Mosh er, left forward; Johnson, center; Rob ling, light giuu (1: M. Johnson, left guard. Goals were thrown from the field by "Wells, Duffy and Uurns, of the Sham rocks, and ?. Johnson and Itobllng, for St. Mary's. Junk Dealer Arrested. A junk dealer named Selgel, of Sec ond street, was arraigned before Magistrate Fidler last evening, charged with receiving stolen goods. Selgel purchased some scrap iron, valued at $3, from several small boys residing near the Simpson shop, for thirty cents. An Investigation showed that the Iron was taken from the shops by the boys. The practice has been go ing on for quite n while and It was de termined by the forcmun to break It up. Yesterday, one of the employes no ticed Slegel around the shops and finally saw him purchase some Iron from the boys. Word was Immediate ly sent to the station house and an officer was sent to the scene and placed Slegel under arrest. At tho healing, the magistrate held him in default of $300 ball and com mitted him to the county jail, to await the next term of court. Election, of Officers. At a meeting of Lincoln Lodge, No. 191', Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held In their rooms In Osterhout's hall, Monday evening, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Noble grand, Ilollis J. Smith; vice grand, John K. Jones; secretary, David Jenkins; assistant secretary, William II. Johnson; treasurer, Wil liam R. Jones; representative to the grand lodge, It. J. Richards. Glee Club Notes. The members of the society assem bled at their rooms Saturday evening and went to the home of their treas urer, William Hughes, of William street, and serenaded him on his re cent marriage. Mr. Hughes was wedded to the society's pianist, Miss Elizabeth Owens, on last Thursday evening. A new sign, bearing ttio name of the society, has been hung over the win dows In front of the building and Is attracting much attention from the public. It has been decided not to compete In the Brooklyn eisteddfod, on account of the present strike. Messrs. William Davis, Morgan Ed wards and David Smith have received nn invitation to compete with tho Arion society, of Brooklyn, on Thanks giving Day, at the Brooklyn eisteddfod. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. oren. waring mo process of testhlng iti 4 ,. . .f, ..." f.wiTaa u, IVHIUIIIK II llillln let nn.. Inn nlila f. nn,n..n. a... . from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in tha fcowels, and wind-collc. By giving health Jo tho child it rests tho mother. Price, tweuty-nv ceata tt bottle. ' The junior sowing school of the Young Women's Christian association, L'048 North Main avenue, will reopen next Saturday afternoon, October 4 at ii p. m. All girls from C to 14 years of age are Invited to attend. No fee Is charged. All who wish to enter are asked to come on the opening day. Marquette Council, Young Men's In rtltute, met In regular session In their rooms In St. Mary's hall, last evening. The North End Defenders will have for their opponents next Friday even-, lug In tho Auditorium the Olyphant Stars. A social will follow the game. The Ladles' Aid society of the Provi dence M. K. church will picnic at Nay Aug park on Thursday, October 2, All members are requested to meet nt tho park at 10 a. m. Mrs. Patrick Cullen, of West Market street, is recovering from un nttack of typhoid fever. George Bamburg, of Klmlra, return ed homo Monday after a visit with friends. Patrick McMannmon, of MeDonough avenue, Is slowly lecoverlng after a two month's Illness of typhoid fever. Company C, of the Father Whltty society lancers will conduct a social In St. Mary's hall on tho evening of Oct. 10. Patrick Kane, of Rock street, who has been III for tho past six weeks with typhoid fever, Is slowly recover ing, The repairs on West Market street, between North Main avenue nml Sene ca btreet, which have been under way for the past six months, have been completed. The road hiw been maca dnmlzed tho entire distance, nnd makes a very desirable driveway. The work has be-an completed under the direction of Ebenzer Evuns, who has consider able experience In road making, OBITUARY. DR. II. R LACKEY, aged 73 vears. dlnl nt 0 o'clock Inst night at tho Chlro-Medl-cal hospital, Philadelphia, where ho was taken on Saturday last and underwent an operation for liver trouble, lie had been suffering for u long time, and the only hopo entertained of saving his life was centered in tho operation, but ho was unablo to stand tho ordeal. Dr, R. 11. Gibbons, Dr. T. II. Rodham and W. P, Roland, of this city, woro In attend ance on htm when he died. Ho had been a practitioner in this city for thirty ycurs. und was a graduate of tho Bellc vuo Hospital Medical school. His wife, ouo sou and two daughters survive him, Dr, Joseph II. Lackey, of California; Mrs. T, li. Rodham and Harriet Lackey, of this city. The remains will arrive at tho lesldence on Washington avenuo this morning, and the funeral will bo an nounced later. MRS. CORNELIA WARREN IVES, wlfo of Edwin Ives, tsr., died yesterduy ufteruoou ut 3. SO o'clock' at the residence .M . . I - ' 1 it nouaes red blooe MI5.aiAN.D'HE131T"lIlSl the queenly and brilliant wife of the Manager of Armour & Co. is stocking a private Zoo at her Oconomowoc summer home. The up-to-date housewife always sees that tho larder 13 well stocked with America's delicious ready-to-eat wheat flako cereal MW1'S1ftiWfciM'Biffif; MRS. P. V ysnfirfssi epL Iff CSV lmFJMw'lWfffri AMUSEMENTS, p r r I I nnd she also knows to a certainty, that owing to its impregnation with Pepsin and Celery it's the food for growing children and that it builds up stomachs that heavy meat diets have almost ruined undoubtedly to dyspeptics and weakly child ren it s worth its weignt in goiu. a startling novelty, a trial package of Trya- bita, and a doll receipt book FREE for your grocer's name and 4 cents in stamps. TRYAB1TA FOOD CO., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. Lager Beer., Manufacturers of Old Slock 'S''i"3"!'"la'!"3"!''ill4'iaZ!"i'i4Z'4''2, OSS v&iil S 4s S S 2 S $ 2 -S S Z 2 llrewrv, c ., 43St0 45'i 7 N. ccventust', 1 Old 'Phone, 333i, New 'Phone, 2oj5, of her daughter, Mrs. J, "W. aucrnsey, (lis i'hiK street. She was born In Ruthauy, Conn., Feb. 5, 1S27, and was married May SO, 181", ut tho sumo place, to lOdwhl Ives, of Goshen, Conn. Blio came to .Seiuiiton with her huxunud In U71 and lived hero since. Her husband and llvu children survlvo her. Tho children arcs Mrs. J. W. Guernsey, lid win W. Ives, Henry SI, Ives, Albert O, Ives, of Scran ton, and Qcorgu II. Ives, of Wllkes-lluire. Harris 1 Warren, of this city, Is a sur viving brother, Tho tuneral will tako plucu tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Ouciiisey residence. MRS. STWIIKN-COLH died last night nt her homo on Hell Place, l'cckville, af ter n brief Illness. She Is survived by a husband. DUNMORR Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Presby terian church havo decided to hold u fair and supper uu tho evening of November 11 und l'i In the church parlois. As this Is tho first affair of the kind held by thu society in scvcial years, It is expected Academy of Music M. Reis, Lessee and Manoger. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. Week fl& Sept. 29. Matinees dally commencing Tuesday TIIH FAVORITES, IRENE MYERS, AND IIKR BIG STOCK COMPANY Staudaid Play. Now Specialty Keutuics. WKHNKSDAV MATlNi:K, "The White Rat." AVKDNKSPAV Nil!! IT. "Through the Bionlcers." All new scenery and effects. Prices Miitincc. 10 and 'J0e. Night, 10, CO and M cents. Seats on salu. Dixie's Theatre, HENRY rARNSWORTH DIXIE, Lessee and Manager. W13KK OKSHl'T. J3. Dolan and Lenharr, In Comedy, Whistling Tom Hiowu. Denton & Dioolis, Kicd Html. Magician; Raymond .V: Ivtirkamp, Musicians, ami Murphy and Nichols EIGHT GREAT ACTS. Two performances daily, S.Btf and S.13. l'ilces-15, "", 33 and Mo. Special inatluco prices. EVTrnctlun cms stop at tho door, STAR THEATRE ALF. O. HKRltlNOTON, Manager. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, SlU'T. '-"J. :w AND OCT. 1. Sam Devere's Own Company MAT1NHH KV1IRV DAY. that ii largu number of articles will be on sale and a regular old fashioned, rousing fair will result from tho efforts of tho ladles. Yesteiday another car load of stiiUiug iiiino woikers left this place bound for Towuuda, wheio they will work at iuIIt mad construction woik on u blanch of tho New York Central, Another hundred are to go this morning. MjEMJENTS xeum Theatre,! M. Reis, Lessee nnd Mnnuger. A. J. Duffy, Ru.slness Manager., tiii'rsday'niout, oct. 2. Nixon cJi Zimmerman's -THE MESSENGEI BOY" WITH FRANK DESHON JXPy .. nnnn. i- r-nl DU-rcurLc 3ui 'natter Than Ills Slsteis." '! id npishn." "A Runaway f!hl, rho Cirj cus airl," "San Toy," etc, by tho autlioriuid coinpoBOis, rh es $1.30, $t.(l. 7uc, 50c and Hoc, Scats now on halo, Friday Night, Oct. 3. Kirk La Shelle 1'ieseuts Tho Oicat London and Now Yolk Succel Arizona Augustus Thpnuih' Powerful l'lay , New Yolk l'roduetlon and Cast 'li Draiuallc i:ent of tho Season "Tho pluv of a generation " N on Il Ices 23c, rie 73e., SLOO. Seats on sale wcuncMiay, a a, 111. Saturtlav. ',"?" Oct. 4 WILLIAM A. BRADY'S Rinductluu of the Vnlque Anieiicanl'lnl II UNDER SOUTHERN SK1E! Dy l.OTTli: BLAIR DARKUR, Autll of "Way Down i;asi' ana "i.iuuis Home." Presented as for three mouths at tl Theater Republic, New York, and wll gient Hiiccess at the (irnnd Opera iioii Chicago, and tho Walnut Stieet Theatl Philadelphia. Pi Ices Matinee, 23 and CO cents. Nlgl 23. 60. 73 cents and Jl.uO. Scuts on sale Thursday nt 9 a. m. J" f.y ,