jr THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE O K THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. XJjS,f SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MOHNfNG, OCTOBER 1, 1902. ii TWO CENTS. TEN RAGES TEN PAGES TWO CENTS; V '1 41 ) CONFIRMATION OF PEAa RUMORS Mitchell Saus That the Man He Saw In Philadelphia Did Not Rep resent the Operators. Parkle, too, says HE KNOWS NOTHING The Belief tit Strike Headquarters Is That Mitchell Has Given His Terms of Settlement and That These Ate Being Considered by the Operatois, but from the New York End of the Lino Thoie Comes No Woid of Any Kind Piesident Roosevelt Confers with Advisors Concerning the Stiike Situation. Other Developments and Runtois. 3y Kxihrtlve Wlrcfinm 11k Aochteil I'lcsi. New Yoik, Sept. JO The heads, of the coal lalho.icis, weie In confeience today at one of the weekly meetings of the Temple lion company, of which they compose the bo.uil ot dlieetots. Theio weii' picscnt: Piesidents 13.iur, of the Rending lnllnud: Ti lies-dale, of the Lackawanna; Oljpliint, of the Dclaw.ue and Hudson, and Fowler, of the Ontailo anil Wesdein, and John Maikle, ot the lliui ot I! H JLnkle & I'o , independent upei.Uois. HoToie JIi. Maikk went Into the meeting he was, .ibkul .is to the tuith of the lopoit fioin Philadelphia tli.it John .Mitchell had been in cimfoiencG at the llottl Walton in thai city with a leptesentative of the opeiatois anil J, Pieipont Jioig.in. "It Is not ti no," said Mr. Muikle, "for if ii lepie.scntalivo ot the opeia tois. and Mi. Moig.in had been thoie I would be In a position to know it, .mil I h.ic he.ud nothing of the kind." It was unnoted in Wall btieet today ih.it Pi evident Roosevelt had asked teitnin pteMduit.s of the io.il loads, to go to Washington to discuss with hiin a plan to end the stiike. A , MITCHELL HAS r - NOTHING TO SAY ill 1:l1u5Uo Who iiom 1 tic .Wuciitcri Picw. Wllkes-Haiic. Sept. 30. Piesident Mitchell Is still silent 011 his islt to Philadelphia Jlondaj. He says he U not in a position to speak, but de clares that the paity lie was in con ference with did -not l-epiesent the 1 oal operutois. Mi. Mitcnell would not deny Indiiectlj that the peison lie met might be authoiled to speak for the coal companies. The linpiesslon at strike headquur teis in this city is that the mj'-teiious man in the case is one of J. Pieipont Morgan's financial iirciiis. It is also believed that the paity who coufened villi the miners' chief got his best terms tor the settlement ot tlio stiike and that those tci nib aie now being discussed by the mine owucih. Dlstilct Pieslilonts NIc bolls, Dtiny and Fahy uie still heie, It Is thought they ate waiting developments and may be cummoned to a council any time. Tills evening, Piesident Mitchell talked over the long distance telephone with a n paity In New Yoik. It Is lumoied that Mi. Mitchell may go to New Yoik utmost any time now. An air of mysteiy syhnngs mound mlneis' hoadimni tei.s tonight. Presi dent Mllchell icHlieil eaily, with in sti actions that lie was not to be dis till bed by any one. In older that his insti unions, might lie cimled out to the letter, National iioaul Member John Fallon stood gu.ud nt Mi. Mit clieU'.s bedioom (loot and no one was allowed to approach any wheie near the sleeping apartments of the iiiIiipi.s' chief. It Is said Mr. Mitchell Is booked for an em ly tall. His fuiiiie movements will depend upon teloKiiiphle intoimatlon lecelved fifjjti New Yoik between midnight and the depaituie of the emly morning tialn on the Lehigh Valley i.illroad tor the east. The dlstilct pie-ddoiits aie walling lor n call fiom their chief, The feeling Is st longer than ever that a Kcltlement of some :::nd Is pending, fiovemoi Stone is said to be liiteiesHed ih the negotlatloiiH. It Is known that he has bepii In 1 or reFpondenco with Mr, Mitchell this week and It, Is nh-o iiimoied Hint he hud a messenger here who conferred with tho chief otlleer of tiic'mlneis. STRIKE CONFERENCE IN THE WHITE HOUSE iij ;.clude Wire Iromllio AioiUtcil I'rrss. Waahlngton, Sept. 30. The piesident today took liiitutlvo steps to ascertain what, If anything, could be done by federal authoilty to settle the iinthia cl(e stiike. The lesiilt was a utlier general expiesslon of opinion by the advlseis of the piesident who weie paities to today's confeience to the ef fect that the fedeial laws and consti tution did not affoid means of federal Jnterfeience to end the stMke, but an other conference will be held tombiiow and the president 1I do all he can piopeily nnd legally to biliiK about a settlement. At the tempo) ary white house, a eon feieuee was held by the president with Attorney Qeneiul Knox, Secietary Moody and Postmaster General Payne. Governor Ciane, of Massachusetts wus ahja present. Thes? gentlemen met with Pietddent Itoosevclt first and af ter the subject had been consldeiecl for foine time they adjourned to another A room a. AAonfeired together for nn houi. 'A -Juill lettlrned later In the day aiiil iA another eonteiciue with the pielft "TAnnd the strike situation wus discing Aftirther. PicHldent". )!eelt Is deeply con cerned tve jA situation. The up pio.uh of r. V with n coal famine Imminent, uftv p dl.sttes antl suffer ing that mua-""ensue unless coal be comes available, ptehents n feltuutlon which he thinks should lecelvo the at tention of the administration If there Is anything that can be done by the gov oi anient. Many nppealst have been made to him anil many suggestions hae been received by him, and It was with a view to usceittiin what power the fedei.il authority could evoke that caused the eonfoiorioo to bo held. During the iimfcri'iu'e, every phase or tlio situation was discussed. The geneinl opinion or the udvlseis of the piesident was that the situation did not piesent a wise In which thoie could be fedin.il Intel ferente bv any pioies.s of law. There lias been no in liifeienie with fedoial authoilty In the mining region, either by stnppigo of the in. i lis oi resistance of United Stairs couit pi ores. It was pointed out that then- was no occasion for the use of reiki al tioops, 113 Governor Stone, of Pennsylvania, hafluat called on the government foi assistance, nor had ho oven exhausted the lesoutees of the state by calling out the full btieiigth of the .state militia. The question of the light to seek ap pointment of leceivois for tlio mines In 01 del that they might be opciated was discussed, but neither in the con stitution nor in anj known law could any legal w.ui.int be found for such notion, though the discussion on such lines even went so far as the consid eration of how the pinpcitles could be lilimiulslitil and contiol siuiendeiod aftei the object of supplying coal had been accomplished, assuming the led ei.il government could Intel eno thiougli reoieis. The tenor of the whole discussion ' V, A 5 was to the effect tti.it time was a lack of power la the fedoial riilminlH ttatlon to take any action at the pics ent stage of the strike, although the soiiousncss of the 10.il famine now and the much gi eater evils s-oon to fol low vvuie consldcicd at length and with a wish to discover sonic method of ending the industrial deadlock. PROPOSED NATIONAL STRIKE CONFERENCE By Exclusive W lie from 'flic Xskoililrd Prcii. Dcttoit, Sept. 30. The teleguiphlc In vitations sent out last night by Mayor William C. M.ibuiy to goveniois of a number of states and majois of the piincili.il cities in the east, middle west and noithwest, asking them to send delegations to paiticipate in a national confeience on the coal stiike, have met with a gie.it number of accept ances and the pioposed confeience bids fair to be a tiemendous gather ing. A gieat majority of the messagis ex-pies--ed hp.uty stnpithy with the conference and a piomlse to send dele gates. Piesident D. M. P.ury, of the Na tional Association of Manufacturers,. tonight lecelved fiom John Mitchell the following- telegram In answer to one sent nki asking If the mine vvorkeis woiTMkpoInt a committee to meet with a coniniittce of the associa tion to discuss means of ending the coal stiike: Slmll bo pleabcd lo npiiolat committno to innfer with lomniittep of Nntloiuil As'-oi'iatlon of Mniuiractuicis. Should pietor meeting in the cast. John Mitchell. In reply Mr. Parry sent Ml. Mitchell another telegiam as follows: Your committee should lepresont thoso in full authoilty. Including youi -.elf. Wo suggest liufl'ulo as plain or the meeting, any day this week ou may designate. Advise number of your committee. Telo giaph me hoio full p iitlcuiiiis. ALL IS QUIET NOW, DOWN THE VALLEY D; Fxclushe Wire from '1 lie ssotlileil PrMs. WIlUes-Bane, Pa Sept. ao. Detach ments fiom the Klghth and Ninth leglments made touis of the Wyoming and pint of the Lackawanna legions today but found no ciowds at the mines. The sti liters me very peaceful now, the feeling being stiong among them that the end is near and that no moie agitation Is needed. An explodon took place at the Kxeter mines today. It Ih haul to Ret any paitleulais of tho affair. It Is said three men weie badly buned and one has since died, Dlstilct Piesident Nleholls says -H non-union men employed In the mines at Hyde 1'nik quit wuik today, He aIso reports thnt the Cayuga mine In the Heiantnn dlstilct Ih Idle after being in opeiatlon for a long period. Piesi dent Fahy says many non-union men In his dlstilct aie alto quitting woik and Joining the inlneis' union. COAL PINCH BAD IN NEW YORK Uy ricluslve wjre fiom 'Ihe Associated Press New Yoik, Sept. 30. The coal situa tion In New Yoik today is nunc seilous than at any lime since the stiike of the until! acltc miners began, Instead of 100,000 tons, us.unl!y In stock at this time of the year, theio aie but 2,000 tons of haul coal. In tenement dis tricts, the ptlcu Is 75 cents a bushel, which Is at the rate of $25 a ton. Dealeta In other paits of the city who yesterday were selling half tons, today cut the allowance to customers to quar ter tons. Coal and coal dust by the pall of 20 pounds, is selling at 25 cents, Ptesldent Uuer waB asked today if thoie would be enough coal In this city to supply the demand before win ter sets In. "Oh, certainly," he said. "This Idea that theio Is going to be a scarcity of coal this winter Is simply a scare. There will bo plenty of coal In New York before Ihe loltl weather." ' Mayor Low lecelved a tolcgiahi from the mayor of Detroit today, asking 111 in to appoint ten men to conler In Detiolt on October !), legarillng the coal strike situation. After consldei Ing the matter all day, Mayor Low de cided to seek fuithcr Infoi million lo garding the conference before ho would lake any action. He sent the following telegram to Mayor Maybuiy, of Detiolt: Telegiam tccolved. 1 shall bo voiy glad to join In any ptactlt.ihlo movement that ptomlscs to aid la liilnglng to an end tho pu'Mcnt doploinbto atithtaclto coal famine. Hefoio dotei mining whether to appoint delegates to pioposed toufoicnce. 1 shall bo gliul to be Infoimed whether a pin gramme has been formal Ucd for thu guidance of the cuiifeieuce, and If .so, vvhut It Is. SHERIFF KKOBR ACTIVE. Arrests 127 Strikers at a Meeting of Centralia Local. Uj Kulu.lie Mit fiom flic Vswiulid I'rt". Shenandoah, Sept. 30. Sheriff Knoir, of Columbia county, ancsted 127 stilk ers at Contialla tills afternoon. They were chaiged on the wan ants with llotlng and Inciting to riot. The sher iff attended a special meeting of the Contiallu local union of United Mine Workeis, at which the 127 men weie surrendeied. Hearings In the cases w ill be held nt Ulooinsbutg tomoiiow. No deputies weie witli the sheriff when the anests w ei e made. SOLDIEKS ESCORT TRAIN. Company Detailed at Request of the Pennsylvania Company. By Evclmhe Wire fiom The s.oUatnl Prcn Shamokln, Sept. 30. At the lcqucst of tho Pennsylvania Ttallroad company, Oeneial Ciobin tonight detailed a com pany of infantiy to cscoi t the mlneis' accomodation tiain fiom Mt. Canned to this place, because It was fe.ued the stilkeis would hold up tho tialn In seal eh of non-unionists, as was the case near CJicen IJIdge jesteiday. A mllitaiy escoit will be accouled the tialn on its dally tilps until fur ther notice. REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGNERS. Hundreds of Men Follow Penny packer in a Blenching Rain. Dv Inclusive Wire from J lie Associated Presi. Huntingdon, Pa, Sept. SO The Ee publlcun. spell-blndeis came back to this city today after their meeting at Lvciott lust night. Despite a haid lain, which compelled tho calling off of the parade ai ranged for this even ing, several bundled men followed the cat i iage In which Judge Pennypacker lode to the meeting place. A luge audience was In the coutt house and the applause was almost continuous fiom the time A. S Welch, the county chaiiinan, Intiocluced H. H. White, of Huntingdon, as tlio pio slding ofilcer. Judge Pennj packet's speech was cntiiely national in char aetei. TEN COMPANIES GIVE TIT. Threatened Stiike of Ferry Boat En gineers Wont Come Off. By Kcluhe Wne from The Assoclatul Press. New Yoik, Sept. 30. Of the twelve ferry companies tunning to and from New Yoik city, all but two, the Penn sylvania and the Hoboken Feuy com p my, have given In to the demands of the engineers, who today threatened to go on strike If their demands for an eight hour work dny and an In cie.iso of wages weie not acceded to befoie midnight tonight. The Pennsylvania and Hoboken men have agieed to take the boats out as usual hi the morning and will submit the questions at Issue to arbitration. NEGROES SENT AWAY. Steel Company at Lebanon Gets Rid of Colored Stiike Bieakers. By Kvclusive Wire from the Assoelitril 1'ie-s. Lebanon, Pa,, Sept. :w. Tho Ameilcnn lion and Steel company tonight bent nwav In a special tialn tho tlneu bun dled negroes who had been employed In its woiks at tlio eastern end of the city, under guai d of two companies of the Tvvollth uglmeiit, Tlio ilipaituro of tlio ncgioc-. was not espected and there was no demonstration. It Is now expected Hint the battalion or the Twelfth tegl inent on duly here will be letmned to the coal fields It was learned fiom an uuttioi lntlve souuo tonight that tho compiny may move Us mills fiom this city to Pltts burg. No lurllur eftnit Is to bo mndo by tho company to setllo tho stiike. The iompau,v will continue to npeiatu its fuc toiy inauufnctiiiiiig bolts and nuts. WOMEN GOLFEBS HAVE A BUSY DAY. By Kxcluslvo Vt Ire from 1 1 e Associated I'rest. Biookline, Mats, Sept, SO, Through fog and inlt, and over the soggv tuif of thu Countiy club, plodded today neaily ninety of tlio best women golfois of thu countiy In a qualifying i omul of tlio na tional championship, and when tlio last player had mveied tho tlueo miles mid had completed tho IS holes, It was found that Miss Maigniot Curlls, of the Kssoc County club, Manchester. Muss , and Mlsa J,oulsa A. Wells, of tha Homo club, had excelled all otheis and vvero tied for tho 111 st place with scoie.s of M each. PoU lowing clos?o at their heels wciu Mlsa lluth I'lidt'ihlll, of the Niibsnu Countiy club, (ilea Cove, Long Island, nnd .MN:i neoiglauua Illsliop, of thu Uiooklawu Uolf club, of lludgepoit, Conn,, also tied for thhd placo with scoiua of 'JO each, Twenty-seven other plajeiM with scoies uinglng up to 10.' uto la tho i tinning for the (list lound of match play tonioiiovv. Mis. J. T, Ilubbuid, of the Harbor llllj club, Wateitowii, Muss., weio tied for the thlity-seioiid position wltbscoiea lauglng fiom 101 to US. Coal from Scotland, By Exclusive W'jre from 'i lie Assvciitrd J'rrss. Glasgow, Sept. 30. It Is said Ueio (hat the Scotch coal masteis Imvo bccuicd luigo coiitiacts for authiaclte coal to go to tho United States. C0LER SLATED FOR GOVERNOR Ex-Senator Hill Chooses Former Controller to Head New York Democratic Ticket. OPPOSITION TO THE SLATE MAY DEVELOP Ticket Wns Promulgated After a Long Confeience of State Leaders. Ssnator Hill Won't Discuss Prob ability of the- Ticket's Success. Platform Will Declare for a 1,000 Ton Barge Canal "Big Bill' Dev ery's Delegation Will Probably Be Seated to Avoid Trouble. 15 l.clu;hc Wire from 'the Associated Ircas. tjaiittoga, N. Y Sept. 30. l'or Ooveinoi XJliil S. Color, of Kings. Tor Uciitciiant Govoinoi Cbailcs N. Bulger, of Oswego l'or Contiollei C. M. Pieston. of Ulster. l'or Scciet.it y of State Fiank 11. Mott, of Chatituutiua, Poi Attorney Goncial John Cunncen, of Lhle. l'or Ungineci rtlch.ud W, Herman, of Oneida. l'or Trcasuier D J. Van Auken, of Oiit.uio l'or Judge Couit of Appeals John C. Gi.ty, of Now Yoik. 'Ibis is tlie ticket piomulgated to night fiom the headquarters of Sena te! Hill. It was) the tesult of a long confeience of many of the state lead ers, In which Senator Hill and Hugh McLaughlin took a leading part. The announcement of this tentative ticket was lecelved quietly by the thiongs in the hotel conldors, and later Illinois were ch ciliated that when It got before the convention it might not stand. The Kings county delegates, led by Senaloi McC'anen, weie pioml nent in talking of piospectlve changes. Despite this, the Hill people went se lcncly on, making aiiangements for the nomination of the ticket. In alt of this piollminary work, Tammany took no pait, and, in fact, after the Hist confeience, Kings county ab sented itself. Senator Hill, during the evening, did not alllun or deny that the slate as given out by thoso in his loom was absolutely that which the convention would finally nominate. hnpoitant news of the night from semi-official soiuces, but lacking au thorization, was that the committee on platform had decided to declaie for a 1,000-ton baigc canal, and that the committee on ciedentlaU, to avoid fur ther trouble, would seat the delega tion headed by William T. Devciy. Late tonight Senator Hill absolutely lefused to say that the slate as pre sented was peimanent. He said: "My position is the same as heicto fore. The convention is to decide. THROW UP THE SPONGE. People's Party Leaders Decide to Withdraw State Ticket. Bj Etclusht Wire fiom fhe Associated Prcs. Erie, Pa.. Sept. .10. The following letter, which explains Itself, was Issued tonight: To the Members of the People's (Popu list) Paity ot Pciinsjlvanla: Owing to our inability to raise a fund sufllcient to make a gieat public speak ing campaign, such as is being made by tho Republican and Democratic parties, anil thui bringing our financial and in dustilal policies beforo the voters, It is deemed vlso by a -majority of our lead eis to withdtaw our stute ticket from tho Held for this yeai, which Is heieby done. (Slgaid) Tlieodoio P. R viler, Chaltman Slate Committee, People's Purty of Pennsylvania. CONTRACT PRICE REDUCED. Changes Made in Specifications for New State House. By Kxclmhe Wire from 'I lie Associated Prcs. llaiilsbiug, Sept, M, Tho state capital commission, at a meeting tonight, niada ccitaln alteiatlonsj and omissions In the specifications tor tho now stato house so as to leduce the contract mice of the building fiom U710,000 to JViffi.liK, This will leavo n considerable Hum toi onpch dltiitcs In sciilptuio and miual itilutlugs to bo piovlded lor later by tho commis sion, the nppropilatlon for tho building being $1,000,000. Joseph M, Huston, of Philadelphia, aiililtect for the building, and 11, N. Guen, ot Washington, consulting engi neer to the commission, both advised tho commission thnt tho changes which have beep niado w'6uld not nutoilailv change the character of tho building, The con tiuct for tho construction of tho building by Geoigo P. Payne & Co., of Philadel phia, was executed nnd woik will begin on the structure at onco so that it may lie completed by Januaiy 1, 190ii, as le qulicd bj tho act ci eating tlio commis sion, -. COAL STRIKE MADE THIS MAN DESPONDENT. By r'JkClushe Wire from The Atsoclated Preu. New York, Sept, SO -In financial diffi culty as a icsult of the loal stiike, Hen ry V. Scheel, a coal mei chant of thlH city, tiled to kill hlmseir today by bhoot Intf, Tho doctoib suy theio Is llttlo hopo for htm. Mr. Scheel Is ii yeais old. Ho lives with his wlfo and tlneu chlldicn in a liandsomo icsldcnce nnd geneially has been thought to bu piospeious. A rela tive of Mr. Scheel said ho had n lareo sum of money about S.'OO.UOOlleil up in litigation and that his business wan his bouicti ot t incline. 'iTio dlstuibanco in the coal imtiket had uffected his busi ness scilously, causing him to becomo de spondent. -' .i Ssction Men Strike. Bjr Ixcluslie Wire from The AuociiteJ Preai. Tonsillolith, O, Sept. SO. All tho Nor folk and Western section men fiom this city to Kenova, W, Ya , sti tick today fqr an luciciuo of wages. It Is gold that tho section men fiom Poitsmoulh to Colum bus will follow If tho demand In not gi anted. HAVING A WET TIME. Pattlson Campaigning Party Ran Into Rain Everywhere. Dy Exclusive Wire from Tlio Assoclitcd l'rcss. Erie, Pa., Sept. 30. Cold, rainy weather nuule this a dlfllcult day for the Pattlson campaign party for It ran Into rain whenever it went. Thd first mooting of the day was held In Tltus vlllo at 8 o'clock, a cannon salute be ing fired there In honor of the former governor's arrival. About four hundred people attended a meeting In the openi house. While the meeting was In progicus, A, B. Osborne, the Democratic candidate for congress ip the Eric-Crawford district arrived and mndo a speech following Pattlson and Guthrie. An hour later a .meeting" was held at Spartensbutg. The hull was packed for it meeting that lasted just an hour, when the party started for Corry, where It was met by a big crowd at the station and escorted to the armory, the latter pluee being packed beforo the meeting was called to order by Munley Crosby. Several hundred people stood out on the rallioad trucks and listened to Mr. Pattlson for twenty minutes at Union City, where the gubernatorial candidate bpoke from the platform of his car. Instead of coming direct to Krle, the paity left Its car In the su bmits and bonided a street cur for Notth East and H.ubor Creek, wheie good meetings weie held, though It tallied vigorously as It did help to night while the meetings were being held. Two meetings were opened here sim ultaneously, one In Mnnnertlior hall and the other In the Audltoiium, the candidates relieving each other, ad dressing both meetings. A. B. Os borne, and James A. Stranahan made speeches at each. The speech of Mr. Pattlson was a reply to the defense of the Republican stnte oiganization. Senator Quay and tho last leglslatute, made by Samuel W. Pennypacker in his speeches at Sharon, Beaver Falls, and Johnstown. At tho conclubion of the second ad dress Mr. Pattlson regretted hl3 In ability to talk about state finances, on account of the late hour, but In dicated that he would take the matter ur In speeches he is to deliver in this and Crawford county tomorrow, when he closes the day nt Me.idville. PAPAL BULL ON PHILIPPINES. Clergy Asked to Shun Politics and Aid Authorities. By Exclusive Wire irom Ihe Associated Presi. Rome, Sept. 30 A papal bull on the subject of leligious affairs In the Phil ippines was issued today. It concludes by inviting all tl)C eleigy to use their best endeavors to bring about the le establlshmcnt of peace and order, help ing with their Influence the authorities working to the same end. The document at the same time ex horts the tleigy to hold aloof from politics and to devote attention to re ligion and to promoting by every means the welfare of the people under the new leglme. PRESIDENT DOING NICELY. Dr. Lung Announces That the Wound Is Healing Satisfactorily. By Fxcltichc Wire from The Associated lieu. aWshlngton, Sept. 30 Tito president had a comfortable day and tonight is reported to be doing nicely. The day has been a bu. ler ono than for some time with him, tlio conference on tho coal strike making It necessary for him to see more people than has been his cus tom since he camo to AV'nshlngton from lndlanopolis, He maintains his cheerful disposition, the wound continues to heal, and Dr. Lung announced tonight, as he left tho house, that the case was progiesslng satisfactorily. m TROLLEY CAR COLLISION. Six Passengers Taken to Hospital at Taunton, Mass. By Exclusive Wire from 'lite Associated Press. Taunton, Mass, Sept. 30. In a head on collision between a lepalr car and a car loaded with passengers bound for the Biockton fnlr on the Old Colony Street Railway line in Raynham today u number of persons were badly Injur ed. Six were brought to tho Morton hospital In this city. None was in dangeious condition. - PHIPPS TELLS HOW HE GAVE TO THE BOERS. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. New Yoik, Sept, 30 Ileniy I'hlpps, ot tho CainogU Steel company, who gave JIOO.000 to tho lelief fund for destitute Iloeis, am lived on tho steamship Kaiser Wllhelm dci Giosso today. Mr. Phlpps was leluetant to talk about his Blft, but said, "I sent Arthur White, tho author, to seo Mr, Chambeilaln befoie I decided what to do, and tho nnswer camo back that the gift would be all light. If tho situation had been changed and Knglaud had been tho suffering country I would have given thorn tho money. Steamship Arrivals, by Kveluslie Wire front Tho Associated Press. New Yoik, Sopt, 30. Arilvcd; Files land, Autweip; Ulucher, Humhiug, Kals nr Vv'llheltn der (liosse, Hi omen; Piled elicit der Orosse, Hi emeu and Suuthamfl ton, Ethiopia aiasgovv. denied: St. Louis, Southampton; Mnjestlc, Liverpool, Sailed; Kensington, Antweip; Patilda, Hambuig. Hi emeu Ai lived; Kion Pilnz Wllhelm, Now Yoik, Queenstown Ar ilved; Oceanic, New Y'mk for I.t vci pool (and pioceeded), Iloulogiio Bur Mei Ar rived: Uyiidum, New Yoik foe Rotter dam (and piocepded), Antweip; Kroon land, Now Yoik, Pattlson Men's Sly Move. U) Exclusive Wire pom The Associated press. Ila'uisbuig, Sept, 30, Tho Pattlson fac tion of the Pnloit paity filed nomination papei.s In tho stuto departr nt tonight for Its stato candidates. Tills Is dono for tlio puiposo of giving tho faction a column on tho official ballot even If the Dauphin county limit should u'Jcct the ccitlllcuto of Its stato nominees. President Peeling Better. By Kxduslve Who from The Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 30. No bulletin was Issued fiom the white hosuo today, but It was stated that tho president's condition was satlsfuctoiy. He passed a comput able night und paitlclpatcd today in tho conference over the coal situation, which ua held at tho temporal y white house, THE STOCK REGAINS HAY-WADSWORTH WEDDING. Daughter of Secretary of State Mar ries James W. Wadsworth, Jr. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Newbury, N. II., Sept. 30. The wed ding of Miss Alice Hay and Mr. Jamca W. Wiidsvvoith, Jr., was solemnized to day nt the Pells, Newbury, N. Il tho slimmer home of the secretary of state. The officiating clergyman was the Rov. Dr. II. C. Hayden, of the Stone church, Cleveland, Ohio, who performed tho mairlage ceremony for Mr. and Mrs. liny. Tho maid of honor was Miss Daisy Wilson, of Washington, D. C. , The lnldesmnids were Miss Hairlet Wads worth, of Genesee, N. Y.; Miss Eve lyn Runisoy, of Buffalo: Miss Ruth Pruyn and Miss Gertiude Sard, of Al bany; Miss Hthel Greonough, of Cleve land: Miss Catherine Eddy, of Chi cago; Miss Fiances Grlscom and Miss Lily Rhodes, of Philadelphia. Tho best man was Mr. Fiedeiic Ker nochan, of New Yoik. The usheis were Mr. Eugene Hale, jr., of Ellsworth, Me.; Mr. P. G. Hinsdale, of Pittsfleld, Mass.; Mr. Gouvomeur Morris, of New Yoik; Mr. Greenway, of Pitts burg; Mr. C. D. Cheney, of Manchas ter, Conn.; Mr. Foiysthc Wickes, of New York; Mr. Payne Whitney, of New Yoik, and Mr. Clarence L. Hay, of Washington, D. C. COURT TO DECIDE SP RAN TAN niCPHTP Question of Validity of Democratic Nominations for Congress in This County Raised at Harrisburg. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Harrisburg, Sept. 30. In the Dau phin county couit today, a hearing was given to objectors to the certifi cate of nomination Hied by the Quay whig of the Union party of Philadel phia, which, it Is alleged, seized con tiol of the recent convention and forced an endorsement of Judge Pennypacker, the Republican nominee for governor. J Rush Jermon, a Philadelphia magistrate, testified that the doors of Musical Fund hall weie broken down by a mob, led by William It. Knight, Jr., of Philadelphia, which took pos session of the loom und created such disorder that State Chairman Rltter was unable to tiansact business and adjourned the convention to the Con tinental hotel. His testimony was cor loborated by Phuirmnn Rltter, O. H. Hewitt, of IIollidayBOurg; Charles Heber Clink, of L'onshohocken; Ben jamin Tioup, of Pottsville; Henry A, Mackey, Noiman T. LewsIIe and J. C. Mansfield, of Philadelphia. A large number of witnesses will be called on both sides, and the Indications are that the contest will be a long-drawn-out one. This was the last day for filing ob jections to certificates of nomination, and several additional elections suits weie bi ought. Among them weie ob jections and counter-objections to the nomination of Congressman William Council, Republican, of Scranton, by the Demociats of the Tenth dlstilct for congress, und Geoige Howell, of Scran ton, who also claims the Democratic nomination In that district. All of these cases will be disposed of by Oc tober 15, the last day for handing down opinions in contested election cases. Objections were also filed against the nomination ot Michael F. Sando, of Scranton, Democuitlc nominee for oiphans' couit judge In Lackawanna county, The hearing was fixed for Oc tober 7. BRYAN BOLT IN CONNECTICUT. Convention to Bo Called on Oct. 7 to Name Third Ticket. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Now Haven, Sept. SO. Dissatisfaction felt by sonio membeis of the Domociat'o party In Concnctlciit over tho falluiu of their stato convention to pass losolutlons endorsing tho Kansas Pity platform, has resulted in miasm cs for culling u state (onventloii of "thoso loa membeis of the Demociutlo paity of the nation who adheie to tho dnctilucs promulgated la 1900 at Kansas City." The call for this convention, which will bo held Oct. 7, In New Haven, will bo Is bued tomoiiow, CHAFFEE GIVES UP COMMAND, Orders Placing Gen. Davis in Charge Read at Manila. By Exclusive Wire from 11 c Assoiiated Press. Manila, Sepl, 30 Gene) al Chaffee to. Unfinished tho lommuiid of tlio division to Hilgadier (leituial Davis today, lien eial Davis and his peisonul staff nssem. bled at hcadu.i!tois, wlieio tho oideia weio lead. Tlio ceremony was bilef, NAVAL OFFICER WHO DIES FROM WORRY, By Exclusive Wire from Ihe Associated Press. New Yoik, Sept. 30. Lieutenant Com. m.inder William W, Bronaugb, of the United States navy, committed suicide to. day on tho battleship Keurtuigo at the navy yard by blowing out his biains with n revolver, Pi lends of Communder IJro. naugh believe that ho was very much worried over tho manifold duties of Ida position as executive offlcor which aie considered to bo inoro arduous than those of any other position of rank in tho navy, MARKET CONFIDENCE Sensational Recoveru Made from the Panicku Conditions Which Were Prevalent Mondau SECRETARY SHAW IS THE DELIVERER His Action in Removing the Re straint on Bank Reserves Is Chief ly Responsible for tho Return of Confidence, Though Rumors of Strike Settlement Aid Call Money Down to Ten Per Cent. In Active Season and Down to Two Per Cent. at the Market's Close Coalers Ota Soaring. Dy Exclusive W ire from The Astoclatett Pre!. New York, Sept. 30. The stock mar ket, which closed utterly demoralized yestoiday as a result of stringent mon etary conditions and other unfavorable circumstances, made a sensational re covery today. The chief causes for the complete teveisal were the action of the secietaiy of the treasury In re moving the lestraint on reserves, and persistent reports from various quar tets that the coal strike had at last reached the point where negotiations for a settlement were actually under way. For this last rumor there ap peared to bo little or no foundation, according to the indhylduul and collect ive statements of the leading operators made after the regular weekly meeting. Another Influence for better prices was the decline In call money rates, though dut lug the morning loans were made as high as 19 per cent. A large pait of the day's loans was made aiound 10 per cent, and the rate at the clop went down to 2,but -this was really nominal no money being placed at that figure. , Opening prices were better all tho way from a fraction to five points. Wide openings, in vvhichiblocks-ofviwo thousand, tbiee thousand and1 nve - iiMHiHiuKi snares cnangea nancnv-wovvi numeious. The gioatest gains were ln the standard railways shares, notable St. pain, Louisville and Nashville, M8 souri Pacific, Union Pacific, the coor ers and a number of specialties. An Animated Spectacle. On the floor of the slock exchange the greatest excitement and activity prevailed during the first hour. Brok ers on the shot t side were covering with nil possible speed, and the bull faction wns in absolute control. The list manifested a vaccllatlng tendency soon after the first bnlge, and many of the active stocks whose initial gains had been laigest receded from 1 to 3 points. The opening rate for call monev; wns 1" per cent., but soon advanced to 18, cm eating general confusion among those committed to high pi ices. The sensational fentures of the maiket developed In the early after noon on news from Washington In timating that the piesident and his cabinet had taken steps to terminate the coal strike. In spite of the ab sence of any confirmation the market seized upon this announcement, and with the coal stocks in the lead the entire list shot upward. The market developed a bouynnt tone In the last t hour, though opeiatlons were confined largely to the coalers, which were heavily ti ailed In and closed at prac tically best pi Ices of the day. The day's opeiatlons weie In excess of 1,- ' 200,000 shines, Secietaiy Shaw's visit to the street and his talksvith the leading (bank ing Intel ests, helped In no small tneas uie.tci testoie confidence. Lgcal flanks loaned moderately. i SOME INTERESTING FIGURES. Taken from Report in the County Commissioners' Office. John F. Williams, clerk In the coun ty tommissioneis office, has rueparcd a icpott concerning taxes in this coun ty which has been forwarded to the secretary or internal affahs at Har hlsburg. Following are some of the, facts It contains: Number of taxables in the county, 75,580, of which 42,205 live In Scran,tQn. Acres ot cleared land In county, 1?3, 927; acres of timber land, 45,063. Value of all real estate In eou.irty, $38,027,102; value ot real estate ex efiipt fiom taxation, $4,90,65l; value of real estate taxable, $31,851,306. Amount of money nt Inteiest, In cluding mortgages, Judgments, bonds, notes, stocks, etc, $6,504,444. Value of salaries and emoluments of afilce, offices, posts of profit, profes sions, trades and occupation, $2,670,285. Number of meat cattle, over age of 4 yeats, 6,441; their value, $74,724. Number of horses and mules over 4 yeais. 10,814; their alue, $391,991. YEbTERDAY'S 'WEATHER 71 I,oca data for September 30, 1903J; , Highest tcmpciatuio ,, ,., "o degreei Lowest tempeiaturcs ,,,,,,,,,,, 63 degreed Relative humidity: 8 a. m. ,..,,,,,,,.,. S3 per cent. 8 p. m., .,,.,,.., ,,., $ per cent. Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 P. m., 0.01 Inch, 4- 4- 4- -f 43 WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, Sept. 30. Forecast 4i 4- for Wednesday and Thuisduy: 4 4- Daejtern Pennsj Ivunla Rain Wed- 4 4- Thursday fall ; fresh south to west M 4- winds. 4 4-4-44- t 4-4 4t'Hi 1 ,t ' 'Hi 9 3 r 4i ' 'A j ' V. fl 3. V a t1! 4 j.i ri i n 1 rl r , f .-Mj taf-L. L,,