The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 29, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Or. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by people of reflnemont
for over a quarter of a oontury,
Cotinfy Savings Dank
and TrJisf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
Receives -d and
Deposits fc I Up
in Sums of r wards
and pays 3 per cent, in
terest thereon.
I. A. WATRES, President.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pros.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
Wm. P. Ilallsteud,
K. P. Kingsbury,
O. S. Jolmson,
Kvcrctt Warren,
August Robinson,
Jos. O'Urlen,
L. A. Wntros.
FICC111 in Hi
With purchase of Wall Paper,
Shades, Picture Frames, Burnt
Wood and Leather Novelties.
Now is the best time to
bring us your unframed
pictures for framing. We
have the best assortment
of frames in Scranton.
All Kinds of Interior Decora
tive Work promptly done. Best
COUPON Cut this out and
present it at our store. Pur
chase goods to the amount of
91.00 or more and you will re
ceive 30 STAMPS PREE.
Jacobs & FasoSd,
209 Washington Ave.
V "They Draw Well." 0
g Morris' Magnet Cigars I
Try ono and you will smoko no
J. II" UL.'E1L 'UlllO 1U1 U V-VIHOi
All the loading brands of fie.
cigars at 1.7 per box. or fi for 23c.
The largest variety of Pipos and
Tobaccos In town.
The Cigar Man
323 Washington Avenue.
In and About
The City
The Eighteenth Anniversary.
The dedication of St. Peter's occurred
just eighteen yeais ago yesterday. There
wero no special commemorative servlcis
conducted yesterday, however.
Insulted a Lady.
Robert Arts! Insulted u liuly on Sprue
street Saturday In the presence of Su
perintendent of I'ollce Day, who arrested
hem, and he was lined J3 In pollco court
Stolen Horse Recovered.
An unknown young man took Wallace.
MacQulino's horso and buggy from
Kresslor court yesterday afternoon, and
lifter the pollco scoured the city for the
missing outlll, It was located In Jlfklns'
barn, near where It was taken from.
Large Class Confirmed.
Ut. Itov, Bishop M J, yesterday
afternoon confirmed it cJuss of "12 chil
dren nt St. Joseph's chinch, Mluookn, Af.
ter the benediction of tlio blessed sacra
ment at Hie same church last nlcht tlio
bishop received over ono hundred young
women Into tho Hlesscil Vlriiln sodality,
llo was accompanied to Mluooka by Itov,
liernurd O'Hyrno.
Pinals in Tennis Tournament.
Tliu Uiuils In tho tents tournament at
Country club wero played Saturday af
ternoon. Tho match was for the best
three out of llvo and was played between
Kdwln Shufer and II. MeK, Olazehrook.
Hliufcr won, wetting three straight at the
outset. Score by sets: Hhal'cr, 1-S; (Jlazo.
brook, ti; Shufer, 2-li; Glazcbrook, sj
Shafer, a-Uj Cllazohrnolc, 3.
J. J, Robling to Be Ordqined.
John J, Robling, son of Peter Robling,
ir,, of Cedar itvcmio, will bo ordained to
tho Catholic priesthood on Saturday
evening next ut 8 o'clock by Rt. Rov,
Bishop M. J. lloluiu, Tho ceremony will
bo performed In St, Mary's German Cath
olic church. Tho young man who Is about
to take orders was educated at Inns
pruck, Austila,
Teachers' Association,
Treasurer I). A. Stone, of tho Teach
ers' Mutual Iluncllt association, submitted
his annual report at a meeting held on
Saturday morning In tho select council
chamber. This report showed that a bal
ance of remains In tho treas
ury, of which amount ?:0oo Is Invested
In bonds. It was decided to hold future
meetings on the first Saturday of each
month Instead of tho third Saturday as
Hiss Susan Morris
Will show pattern huta today and to
found Hint death wuh due to n fracture
of the skull. An Inquest was deemed
Word of the coming of the Sheridan
troop, of Tyrone, to assist the Thir
teenth in patrol work, as told In the
Associated Press dispatches, was llrst
Riven to the nion In ciinip by The Trl
lmnu and, us may bo believed, the news
was Joyously received,
No one welcomed It more than Col
onel Wutres. He had received private
advices from Harrlsfourg that cavalry
was to be sent to his assistance, but
until the details -of the matter wero
communicated through The Tribune, ho
was not at liberty to discuss It pub
licly. That the men aro to bo relieved from
a part, at least, of the hardest of their
duties, Is a great gratification to the
colonel. Having shared their every
hardship, he was In a position to real
ize what real severe service they have
been called upon to perform. He has
nothing but the warmest words of
praise for his men and particularly for
the soldierly spirit they have shown In
going almost to the limit of physical
endurance, without as much as n scowl.
Saturday aiid again yesterday, despite
the? rain, there were big crowds of vis
itors to tho camp. Most of them had
to content themselves with a view of
the camp from a point forty feet out;
side the lines. Soldiers were permitted
to go as far as the lines to see relatives,
but no one who had not a pass from
the colonel could get within. Yesterday
afternoon tho colonel extended to the
majors the authority to Issue passes to
men, but persisted In his embargo
against women folks. Not even tho ofll
cers' wives are permitted to cross the
One of the main reasons for exclud
ing visitors Is that most of the soldiers
are out every night, and what sleep
they get must bo gotten In tho day
time. AVItli visitors running unre
strained through the camp, this would
bo well-nigh impossible.
Dress parades took place Saturday
and yesterday on the field to the west
of the camp. The parade today will
take place either at 4 or 5 o'clock p. m.
A stockade of twenty-foot poles is
being constructed, after tho plan of
"Sorrow Castle," at Camp Alger. The
work is being done under the super
vision of Lieutenant D. J. Davis. The
stockade Is to be used for civilian pris
oners. The canvas guard house will
continue to be used for soldier prison
An out-of-town Sunday paper which
contained a cheap and mean attack on
Hie regiment was peddled In the camp
yesterday morning. AVhen the article
was read a crowd of soldiers gathered
up the papers, made a bon fire of them
and chased out of camp the boys who
were selling them.
Henry Collins, national organizer of
the United Mine Workers, waited on
Colonel Wntres Saturday to ask that
Captain Blgelow and Company E bo
taken away from Forest City. It was
stated by Mr. Collins that their pres
ence only had a tendency to create
bother and that there was really no
need of soldiers there. AVhat answer
the colonel made has not been disclosed
but the troops are still at Forest City.
That town Is reported to have re
sumed its wonted iiuiet. Although each
evening a large crowd lines Main street
to see the soldiers accompany the non
union workmen to their homes no ef
fort Is made to interfere with or annoy
the men. John Corsnlck, the man ar
rested by Captain Jilgelow, Thursday,
for disorderly conduct, was given a
hearing before a Unlondalo justice Sat
urday and held in JliOO bail for court.
No. 2 colliery of the Erie company at
Forest City is to have a largely in
creased force of workmen today, It was
yesterday reported. It was also report
ed that No. 5 colliery of tho Erie, at
Dumuore, would resume today with a
good-sized force.
A number of lending Industries are
hard pressed for fuel and may any
day be compelled to shut down. One
of these, the Scranton Axle company,
saved Itself from Idleness by nrranging
to take coal from a "cropping" located
on Its land.
The Engineering and Milling Journal
In Its current coal trade review says:
"The demand for coal Increases, and
the market all over the country shows
rising prices with small holdings,, and
at some points no anthracite at all,
At the head of the lakes supplies are
now practically exhausted with little
prospect of any great amount arriving
by water before navigation closes. In
Chicago territory supplies are waning
fast, and consumers, realizing that no
large shipments of anthracite can bo
expected for some time yet, aro pre
paring to burn bituminous,"
The Eighth regiment has moved from
the Fuller & Co, store, at lower Duryea,
to tho large Held In Lawrence, near tho
Brick church, which Is just over the
line la Lackawanna county, Tho boys
In blue, buff and gum are well pleased
with their camp grounds,
Colonel Hoffman stated that he was
pleased with tho camp and the cordial
way the troops were received. Thou
sands gathered ut tho camp, yesterday,
and watched the soldiers go through
guard mount.
The soldiers aro till In excellent
health, except Private H. D, Hubbler,
who was Injured at tho Phoenix col
liery engine room, Friday night, by
having a piece of Iron full on his hip.
He was removed to the Pittston hos
pital. Saturday evening, while John Dick,
of Duryea, was sitting on his porch,
some unknown person shot at hlin. Tho
bullet went through his hut, fortunately
not Injuring him. His son Is tin em
ployo of the Erie Coal company.
Rev. W. H. Swift, or Honesdale, chup
laln of the Thirteenth, conducted the
from Parra 1.)
first religious service of tho present tour
of duty, yesterday morning, Hi Com
pany D's mess tent, The tent was
crowded and tho soldiers Joined with.
Unmistakable steal In tho services.
Uauef's band accompanied the singing
or "Onward Christian Soldier," "Star
Spangled Manner," and "America,"
Chaplain Swift delivered an earnest
and timely sermon which Is reproduced
In full.
t fear that In this whole field of public
duty, tho conscience of our people Is
strangely blunted. We speak of our rights
as citizens, but I fear that we some
times forget that our right U also our
duty. In these matters we have no right
to do simply as wc like our right Is only
tho duty of doing right. We have Junt
passed tho anniversary of that day on
which tio hand of the assassin laid low
another president an assassin who re
fined to recognize tho claims of Imperial
law: and was the foe of organized gov
ernment. There Is no time so hallowed
as the present: no place morn appropri
ate In which to face the foots.
God Is calling to us out of the darkness.
At the great meeting held In the armory
after the death of President McKlnlcy
our own Colonel Watres said with great
force: "Ours Is n land of law and order
wherein every man may exercise liberty
within the law." American soil Is not In
tended for and will not abide the growth
of anarchism. To this every loyal citizen
agrees. Tile disease Is recognized and It
rremalns to ascertain the remedy.
The only sure and abiding remedy
against anarchism in to he found in tho
education of our people. The stability of
our government, the permanence of our
Institutions depend upon our ability to
educate the youth of our land: to Instill
Into the hearts of the millions who aro
coming to our shores and the millions
born among us that wo are a God-fearing
and law-abiding people, and one ot tho
saddest facts In the present crisis Is that
tens of thousands of children are being
trained to trample law under foot and
despise constituted authority. Yes, laws
must be enacted, and It must be empha
sized that wc are a law-abiding people.
It Is a time for sober thought, and calm
speaking, for their aro two dangers:
First, Thnt of being swept away by un
reasoning Impulse, as many good men
were when Mr. McKlnley fell, and
Second, The danger of settling back
again Into Indifference. "There is a tide
in tho affairs of men, which, taken at the
flood leads on to fortune." There was
such a tide thirty-seven years ago, when
the Immortal Lincoln fell, not at the
hands of a foreigner, but a native Ameri
can citizen, of good lineage, educated In
our schools, trained under the Influence
of our institution?, Its honors within his
reach, Its flag affording him protection.
Wo did not take the tide at the flood; wa
sank back inro Indifference. We wero
warned again twenty-one years ago, when
the gifted r ml gracious Garlleld fell fell
at the hands of an American citizen, a
native of Illinois, son of an honored
cashier of the Second National bank of
Freeport. that state, a lawyer admitted
to the bar on motion of fellow lawyers.
We again lapsed back Into Indifference.
Now the thunder-bolt has fallen out of
the clear sky. I am impressed with what
I suppose are the fact In the case: That
the anarchist who fired the fatal shot
Sept. G, 1001, was born in this country,
educated for a time at least In our public
schools, reared under the shielding folds
of the stars and stripes. Wo talk of
shutting our doors against the anarchist.
The nnnrchi-t Is here and nourishes on
American soil. The law makers need no
suggestions from us perhaps as to what
legislation is needed to stamp out the
spirit of unrest and hate, though It must
U V ii V i ii d v i id d i
Grand Display of
New Dy Goods I
S A Fancy Hosiery Season, a sure departure from the solid J
. blacks. We have an immense stock of Fancy Hosiery, '.
9 neat stripss and checks of white and black, drop stitch, lace J;
9 sides with silk clocking interwoven. New Dolly Varden 5P
.-$ Woven Effects, very natty. Solid color feet and ankles, 5i
with bright boot top effects, graduated bright stripes on
ja black ground, etc. Onyx Fast Black Lisle and Silk Hose, g,'
!i fleece lined. 5.
j New Walking Suits gj
! Suit Jackets, cut seams, strapping or Norfolk effects, skirts '
9 close fitting, extra Hare cut seams or stitching. 51
j-j New Black Dress Tailored Suits $18.00 to $35.00 ;
'X, Great variety of the ever ready Walking Skirts.
9 Pretty Knitted Worsted Vests. SP
New Knitted blouse Jerseys, all colors ' $5.05
New Mercerized and Flannel Waists, some plain, gt
some embroidered, others prettily tucked ....$1.00 to $5.00 &
Ls Mercerized Sateen Petticoats $i.qoto$5.oo
' Dress Trimmings and Furnishings $i
Laces, All-Overs, Silk and
New Lace Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Belts and Bags. &.
New Corsets fe
3 Our Celebrated "P. N." Corsets, straight front, gored fc
S3 shapes, all lengths. Prices range from $1.00 up to $5.00 for .
the hnest trench Models. We
thU rnrset. We make a KneHnltv of nernllnr shnnQ nnH will .-
give you a fitting free. Come and visit an up-to-date Corset .
Department. 51
New Waist Silks
Bright Clan Plaid Silks...
9 Moire Velour Fancies, plain and stripes 75c to $1.00
3 Jasper Brooch Mixtures, a new lot $1.00
jg Soft Peau De Soie and Granite Crepe Silks, new
I3 Autumn shades 85c to $1.00
!i Dress and Lininn Silks, Cashmeres, Taffetas, sodffferent
9 shades 755;
9 Crystal Satin Brocade, 24 inches wide, 12 shades $1,00 fri
r$ Haskell's and Cheney's Taffetas,- Peau De Soies, Etc,
j Dress Goods Black and Colors
Black Cheviots, Zebelines and Camel's Hairs 5oc to $3.50
9 Black Whipcords, Serges and Granites 50c to $1.00
S3 Black Armures, Melrose, Lizards and Pebbte Cloths, 75c to $3.00 Sri
5 Separate
:r Homespun, 50'incii Mixtures.
tleavy Meltons, greys anci DiacK
9 Uxtra Heavy Cheviots. Meltons
Mears &
415417 Lackawanna Ave.
l)i! said that Very llttlo has been done
toward throttling Ui but wo have our
mission, ft lends, and that U agitation,
agitation, agitation, until something Is
dona to clip the wings of lids foul brood,
nbla at any time to 1111 the land With
In the llrstvplnce, I am Inclined to think
that unarclilsm grows In the soil of un
limited free iipcech. I suspect that wo
have rung Hie changes too often in tho
words of the Inintortal Declaration of In
dependence. Indeed wc hnvo Inserted a
word not found In It, "All men nro cre
ated free mid equal and nre endowed
by their Maker with certain Inalienable
rights among which aro life, liberty and
the purtllt of happiness." We liavoieen
particularly Jealous In guarding tho right
of free speech, Hut the time has emtio
when tho freo speech, whose purpose and
effect Is to weaken tho sacred character
of law, undermine government, and tear
down tho barriers that safeguard life,
should bo rigorously checked,
Opinions that nro expressed through
public prints, or the human voice, that
are disintegrating, thnt teach the young,
particularly, lightly to estimate the vatuo
of law, the courts of Jmtlce, established
government life, must be suppressed In
sell-defence. Liberty Is one thing; li
cense Is another.
Sold Archbishop Ireland, I think It wns:
"O Clod of Nations! Has It come to this,
that wo must ask ourselves whether lib
erty Is to be allowed on earth, such as wo
have worshipped In our dreams and
sought to embody In tho Institutions of
America. But God reigns and liberty will
reign. Not ngnlnst liberty must we un
sheathe our swords, but ngnlnst license,
that daughter of hell which drapes Itself
In the robes of the daughter of heaven,
and dares call Itself liberty." The un
checked privilege of freo ppeech Is the at
mosphere that at last breeds all crime.
Anarchism can propagate Itself most
ranldlv under the folds of our own flag:
anarchism! nurtured and ted under tho
influences of our freo institutions. Three
presidents laid upon the altar of liberty
of snecch In thirty-six years is more man
our share to appcasa tho demand of this
molnch. O Liberty! what crimes nave
litcn done In thy name.
Now the right of free speech must be
maintained nt any cost. My llrst recol
lection of any political campaign was
that In which tho battle cry was the
bit In cry of a new party: "Free speech,
freo press, free soil, freo men, Fremont
and liberty." Tho right ot free speech
must bo maintained nt any cost, I say.
We must see to It that the pendulum of
public opinion Is not allowed to swing
to tho other extreme tho repression of
nil free speech that Is despotism, that Is
un-American, that must not be permitted
under the folds of our flag, stained so
often by tho best blood In tho struggle
for liberty.
God bath Joined together law and lib
erty. What God hath joined together let
no man dare put asunder!
"O Law. fair form of Liberty, God's light
Is on thy brow,
O Liberty, thou soul of Inw, God's very
self art thou!
One, the clear river's sparkling flood, that
clothes tho bank with green,
And one. tho line of stubborn rock that
holds the water In;
Friends whom we cannot think apart,
seeming each other's foe,
Twin flowers upon a single stalk, with
equal grace that grow:
O fair Ideas! wc write your names across
our banner's fold,
For you the sluggard's brain Is fire, for
you the coward bold;
O daughter of tho bleeding past, 'o hope
tho prophets ss'iw!
God give us Law In Liberty, and Liberty
In Law"!
Put the teaching, whose legitimate goal
Is murder; the teaching that has tho dis
integrating power of dynamite: the
teaching that will surely undermine tho
walls of beneficent government, must be
Not another anarchist may ever coma
to our shores, but he Is here everywhere,
multiplying with frlghtrul rapidity, be
coming bolder in his utterances, hU In
fluence Is widespread and dangerous, nnd
while we are wasting our breath In ad
vocating tho closing of our doors against
his coming, nro fixing our eyes on lands
Lace Appliques, Insertions, etc.
are sole agents in Scranton for C-
:!... ..,ii. i 1 ...;u
7Scto$i.oo J
and Kerseys $1.00 to $3.00
across the sea trying In discover the an
archist whoso ticket Is purchased for Now
York city, wo arc exposed to tlio pistol
shot ot Hie anarchist at home, right bore,
born In our own country, educated In our
own schools, become strong ns he litis
breathed In Hie pure air of liberty, ho
raises his hand against the mother who
begat him, who saerlllccd for him, who
trained him, who laid tit his feet evety
opportunity that beckons on the must
ambitious of her sons.
The frozen serpent, warmed to life by
tho beating heart of tho shepherd, struck
Its fangs Into tho llfeblood of Its benc
fa'ctor. The American citizen, warmed
Into life by tlio beating heart of our freo
Institutions, sacred liberty, has turned on
tho nourishing mother, and struck Us
fangs Into tho very heart of tho republic.
That snnko mtlt be scotched and killed,
nnd In letters of lire must It bo written
across our flag:
"Liberty Is not License! Any attempt
to weaken tho force of law Is a' crime
against good government"!
This Is not all, Tho soil that produces
the anarchist Is atheism. No more start
ling lesson comes to us than this.
Kditcntlon Is not enough. If you have
studied the faces nf the men who planned
the baymnrkct riot In Chicago, you havo
boon Impressed by their evident brain
power. The only bnlanco wheel, the only
safeguard Is belief In Cod. Tho wretch
who shot President McKlnley was an
atheist tho crime was no longer a crlmo
In his view of It, but placed upon his
brow a crown of glory. If thcro Is no
God there Is no such thing as morality
even, and to take the life of any man Is
simply a pastime; cannot bo crime. If
God Is not, my will, and wish, and whim,
are tho only laws to guide and control
me.' It Is well In this tlmo of hush, when
we nro puzzling over this problem, to face
this fact.
Says the Chicago Trlhuno: "Annrchlsts
nro always atheists. Their fundamental
proposition that there is no rightful gov
ernment begins with the nssertlon that
there is no Cod. If there Is no God there
Is no moral government of the world, and
in the general chaos It Is every man for
himself. If anarchy has any logic, any
thing besides Its brutal hatreds, that is It,
When that typical anarchist, the unsav
ory .Tohann Most, was In Chicago, In a
meeting of anarchists, speaking freely In
German, he declared that tho first thing
they as anarchists had to do was to de
stroy every altar, to extinguish every re
ligion, to tear God down from tho heav
ens, 'What right,' he said, 'would any
man have to govern other men, less God
gave him that right, "Down with God!" '
In this Most was only a rabid echo of
of Karl Marx. The assassin of President
McKlnley, like Kmma Goldman, was blat
ant In protesting his atheism, declaring
that there Is no God, that he has no lire
for God, It Is a remarkable fact, and one
that will not ho soon forgotten, that Just
when tho assassin Imagined he was doing
something to usher In the new social
condition, In which there would bo neither
God nor government of any sort, there
came from the heart of the president such
an acknowledgement ot God as had
the effect to waken In the hearts of all
the people such a sense of relation of God
to human affairs ns had never before In
our history found more Impresslvo utter
nnce. "It Is God's wny; Ills will be done,
not ours."
A friend of mine, when a student in
Germany, attended an Immense mass
meeting of socialists and anarchists where
some question was under debate, and as
they were separating ho spoke to ono
and another, nnd having used tho name
of God In conversion, a man turned to
htm and said, snoerlngly, "Do you he
llo vo in God? You aro the first man I
have met In filfteen years who believed
In God." Tlio anarchist first drives God
from His throne votes Him out of ex
istence, and then consistently seeks tho
overthrow of all government. Said Bishop
Hoban at tho meeting In tho armory In
Scranton: "The hand that struck down
our president did not strike to gratify a
personal animosity. It was a blow of
disorder against order; chaos against
law; anarchy' against government. All
anarchists are either atheists or materi
alists. Education Is not tho only remedy
of this anarchical evil. Anarchists aro
mostly all educated men that is, edu
cated without God. Law alono will not
eradicate It. Russia Is full of laws. The
panacea must bo something higher nnd
superior to education or law. Ho must
go back to God. Religion Is the cure."
The belief In God, I say, is tho great
remedy for the great bulwark against
anarchy and ns tho good bishop says,
"Churches stand for law and order and
tho churches keep alive the sense of God's
nearness. On this ground as the foe of
disorder pi ejecting tlio fact that God Is,
and so raising a bannt. against wrong,
the church makes her appeal to every
right thinking American citizen. As a
law-abiding, liberty-loving, anarchist
hating, American citizen, throw all the
inuflence God has given you into organ
ized Christianity, "tho pillar and ground
of tho truth," nnd the recognized foo of
Atheism, which breeds, and always
breeds anarchism.
Brothers, tho blow has fallen, smiting not
one, but fill
Over the world of nations, Liberty's
blood-drops fall.
Rally then, nil yo peaple ono In tho com
mon cause
Order against sedition Order, tho first
t of laws!
Brothers, tho truth Is spoken, smiting tho
III at root.
Cursing the seed of ovll, judged by Its
harvest fruit!
God is tho lack of nations, Christ Is tho
lack of men:
Anarchy (Ices religion, Ciimo is Faith's
Liberty is not license, Christ on tho cruel
Symbols suprcmest freedom! Hither hu
manity Must, first or last, turn humbly, search
ing diviner ways,
Klso are its straying footsteps lost In tho
social maze,
Face Hie great truth, my brothers! Mur
der and hate and greed;
Envy of lofty places, egotists' scales and
Thebo ore tho fullen human; only in God
Charity social keynote; singing where
peace presides.
Annrchy's Irrellglon, falling God, falls
Christ's are the only ethics potent to
draw and bind
Men unto men as brothers, striving for
human good
Sons free add equal under God's father
hood! Choose, O ye kings nnd rulers! Choose,
yo courts nnd schools!
Anarchy reigns red-handed over mere
human rules.
Peace ami tho clvlo safety bide where
Iho soul laws are
Back to Faith's social gospel God and
tlio Christ-child's star!
Friends, whatever undermines tho sa
cred character of law Is an Impulse to
ward anarchism. No thoughtful man but
that 'Is Impressed with thu fact that tho
tendency of all life is In this direction,
Tlio anarchist finds encouragement la
thnt fact. If ho goes a step further It Is
because ha has been keeping step with
tho general trend; Is because ho has been
breathing tho atmosphere of lawlessness,
What of tho home Ufa? Family govern
ment Is nt fault. Reverence for tho au
thority of tho mother and father Is un
dermined. '1'hero Is no doubt of It.
Commands nro Ignored, disobeyed, un
punished, wo coax, and bribe, and buy
children to do what wo want done. Dis
cipline In tho public schools Is mado ex
ceedingly difficult, because rebellion
against established government Is winked
at In tho homo,
Tho undermining of reverence for par
ental authority a process carried on by
parents themselves, undermines reverence
If quality is a factor in the selection of your dinner
ware, these open stock pieces will surely arouse your
appreciation, for they contain the characteristic strong
points of excellence that have made Haviland & Co.'s
wares famous the world over.
Thuro nre 110 pieces In the set! they are of an cxtUlsItc pat
ternthe Juliet and beautifully decorated In delicate shades of
pink 'mid lavender, with hero and theru a loosely strewn spray of
honeysuckle. The dainty effect obtained reveals tho hand of the
true artist.
If you wish you may
The complete set costs
Geo. V. Millar & Co,
Walk In nnd
I October
lis Knocking
3 At the door, and the cold weather may come along at
M any time. Prevention is better than cure when Jack
W Frost is to be reckoned with.
g Knit Goods Are Popular
They never were more worn than they are todav, and na-
0 ture offers no safer protection against cold than fine wool.
JJJ Human ingenuity has fashioned it into many exquisite wavs for
your comfort this year. See our line of Squares, Shawls, Vests,
5 Scarfs, Jackets, Sacques and Hoods for the babies. The exhi-
ft bition 01 Fancy Knit Goods cannot fail to interest you. and
n prices are very moderate.
X Children's Coats
P5 Your children cannot be as well treated anywhere else in
0Z. this city in the matter"of Fall Coats as here. Sizes 2 to 12
Jff years. Thousands of garments and dozens of styles
j to choose from. Fall Weight Coats from VoC
S Winter Undergarments
m . Our full line is now open for the season. The last deliv
5 ery arrived from the mills on Friday. All the good makes and
Q none of the poor makes in our stock.
3fi Our line of Underwear embraces everything that a mortal
gZ being can wear in that line from the time he enters the world
J till gray hairs and stoopjng shoulders proclaim the approaching
W end ot life's journey. Extra sizes in all makes.
v Winter Weight Cotton Underwear 25c
9 Fine All Wool Underwear 75c
v Other Makes That Are Called Wool, from 39c
! ilcConnell & Co.
The Satisfactory Store.
Beds and Box Springs
Are our specialty. We sell the very best iron and brass beds
made. Their quality shines all over them! Of course, we
make fine mattresses to go with fine beds. Prices are low.
f A, KAISER, Manager.
Lackawanna and Adams.
J J J a o t 2
If You Want DI A lJO for Cash or on Easy J
The Best MT il J J Payments. Call on
Wareroom, . . , . 117 Wyoming Avenue
Various Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old 'n-
struments Taken in Exchange.
$ iji ! ! ! !
For One
In order to introduce our $2.00 Hat, we
are offering for one week only, this hat at
a9 .jL
We guarantee this hat to be the equal of
any $2,550 hat in Scranton. The latest
shapes in both Derby and Soft Hats.
The Color In Every Hat
for Cod, and tlio young American llfo Is
woefully, t-ailly Itruvorcut. Wo sen Its
manifestation in ynniuj children ami olilev
t'htldrun-nat tlio children of tlio slums,
hut children in the best homos. Wo
must go hack to tlio "lmrnluu bush" and
listen to God's voice: "fako thy shoes
from oft thy feet, for Hie pluco on which
thou Blandest is holy ground." Wo must
teach loveiencM for nil law In tho home,
or help train a gonurutlon with tendon
rles toward unarclilsm everywhere. Noth
ing is uacred, If parental authority is not,
Every endeavor to bilbo voters, nail do.
prlvo men of tho right of franchise, and
to ili'lllo thu ballot box, ami defeat the
will of the peoplo In Now York. Philndel.
phlu, Chicago r Georgia is a gigantic at
tempt on a largo scale to sweep away at
ono fell stroko all reverence for law, and
select a few pieces
134 Wyoming Avenue
look around.
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
Both 'Phones
b . mJ
412 Spruce St,
309 Lackawanna Ave.
We Sell Is Guaranteed.
recognized authority, Tho capo of thu
ballot box ft a crime against tho itanplo
nnd lends not only to dishonor and pos
sihlu revolution, but to olmos, confusion
and tlio running up of Hie rod Hug,
Uvery tlino lynch law bus Its hearing,
ami tlio peoplo listen to it, submit to It,
fall to protest against It, north, south,
east or west, another stone Is piled out
of tho foundation of stable government.
That was a plc'tuio for a painter. Tho
vcnerablo Judgo Lewis defending tho as.
sasslu of thu president, and moved to
tears uh ho spoke of "the deep damnation
of Ids taking oftY' Juilgo Wlilto presiding
uud moved to tyaru whvn he charged tho
" T"" 'I ii.
(Continued on Puso 7.J
Week Only
1 si
If'j&t '. i'ft yjat,,, ,jj,t
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