r rrti. 'AfoV,.? ' Nl;'",' !' ..1i , " , 3tfnttt& jcrmttort r t "' f'J, m ft I'M theVy scranton paper receiving the complete news service of the associated press, the greatest NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. l S5 SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1902. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. MORE CAVALR The Sheridan Troop, ot Turone, Will Report to GotoYiel Watres, at Oluphant, Today. A BOLD ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE GOVERNOR Officers of the Centralia Local Allege That Sheriff Knorr's Bequest for Troops Was a Forgery They Send a Telegram to That Effect to Gov ernor Stone General Gobin Will Send Troops to Centralia and Aid In the Arrest of Persons Who Have Stopped and Belayed Trains and Forcibly Taken Non-Union Men from the Cars. By Exclushe Wire Irom The Associated PrMi. Hnrrlsburg, Pa., Sept. 28. Governor Stone toduy ordered the Sheridan troops of Tyrone to report to General Gobln for duty in the anthracite strike ter ritory. The troop loft Tyrone this even ing by special train under orders to reinforce the Thirteenth regiment at Olyphant. Camp equlppnge and can vas was shipped from the state arsenal in this city In a special car, which was attached to the troopers' train at Ty rone. Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 2S. Colonel Watres,' who is in command of the troops stationed in Lackawanna coun ty asked General Gobln today for cav alry and the Sheridan troop, of Tyrone, lias been ordered out by the governor. The cavalry left Tyrone this evening and are expected to report to Colonel Watres of the Thirteenth regiment early tomorrow morning. Sheriff Knorr, of Columbia county, fays he did not sign nor authorized his lame to be signed to the telegram ivhlch was sent to Governor Stone ask ing that troops be sent to Centralia. The following telegram was sent to the governor tonight: Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 2S, 1902. To William A. Stone, Governor, Hurrlsburg. Pa. Sheriff Knorr says call for Hoops for i'ola( 1,1 county is a forger.v. General Gohin f."y he will send troop-i to Ceiy tr.illa to make arrests. Action certain to caui-o complications ami Inj.istlce. Wc gu.unntec peaceful surrender of all n'c ' cmetl persons to civil authorities. .Tele grams to sheriff and the general will show until of these statements. (Signed) Tcr?neo Glnlcy. Member Executive Roard, United Mine Workers. John J. O'Donnell. President Centralia Labor Union. Thomas J. Qulgley, Secretary. Harrlsburg, Pa., Sept. 28. Governor Stone called up General Gobin by tele phone tonight and advised him that he had received a telegram from Shenan doah advising him that -the call for troops to Columbia county was a for gery. General Gobln replied that the sheriff's call for soldiers was authentic, and that Knorr had sent his deputy to him (Gobln) for troops. After his tulk with Gobin, the gover nor said that the general would send troops to aid in the arrest of persons who have stopped and delayed trains and foiclbly taken non-union men from cars. MB. MITCHELL'S STATEMENT. By Eiclushc Wire from The Associated I'mi - Philadelphia, Sept. 2S President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, today gave out the following state ment. He replies to President liner's statement Issued Sept. It, and touches on the coal strike situation. The stutement In full Is as follows: The lucent utterances of Mr. lfuer, spokesman of tho authiaclto coal trust, Mr. Hewitt and other luteiested pur sons, dlhclo:.es u well defined puiposo to ennfuso and cloud tho real causes which resulted In the coal stilkc, and an at tempt to divert attention from the actual issue Involved; however, misleading as nrn their utterances. It is a relief to know that they now admit that tho pub llu has lights and Interests which cannot bo Ignored with Impunity; and inasmuch as tho public must be the final arbiter of the coal stllko it Is Imperative that It shall not be deceived by statements which aio ot vaiiauco with the Touts. AVIth tho puiposo of correcting borne of the fnlso impressions and misrepresentations con tained in tho statements of tho gcntlo men ro foned to I Issue this letter, It Is not my Intention to point nut tho Innumerable Instances in which Mr. liner lias erred In statement mid allegation. Ills unsupported nssortlou that certain things are true cannot bo accepted as final or conclusive, partlculaily la vlow of tho fact thiit'unquestloned nuthniltles cun bo cited to provo him to bo In error, Mr, IJaer states that tho wages paid in the nuthinclto region are, compared with the wages paid in llko employment, fair and Just." Dy "llko employment" Mr. liner must refer to bituminous coal mining, I nm willing and pieparcd to demonstrate, that wages in tho bituminous coal Holds tiro from 20 to -10 per cent, higher than thoso paid for similar classes of work in tho 'anthracite' Ileitis. Tho fact Is that tho minimum wago received by any class of adult mine woikers In tho soft coal minus is Si'J cents per hour, while tho minimum paid to boys is i cents per hour; in tho anthracite coal mines men who nro performing precisely tho same la. bor recetvo from 13 to 20o. per hour, whllo boys are paid as low as 5 cents per hour and rarely receive to exceed 8 cents per hour. Tho bituminous miner works n maximum of eight hours per day, which Is two hours less than men In the anthra cite Held aro required to work; tnoveoyor, the anthracite mtuo worker labors under the further disadvantage of being moro liable to. bo killed or Injured, tho cas ualties being HO per cent, greater In tho anthraclto than In tho bituminous mines. There are other statements of Mr. Ilae'r which aro equally Incorrect; among these Is his asset tlou that "the minors only IS ORDBSD OUT worked from four to six hours per day"; und his further assertion "that tho lowest scnle at wages was S3 cents for boy slate pickers." If Mr. liner desires I shall gladly furnish him with the names und dresses of thousands ot slate pickers, each of whom lecelved much less than S3 cents per dny, and I shnll be willing to have the returns verified by tho compa nies' own pay rolls. l The next misstatement of Mr. liner to which I shall give notice Is that which claims that "for somu mysterious rea son" the miners restricted the output ot the mines. Mr. Haer claims "that In this manner the product of the collieries lias been reduced about 12J4 per cent, and that In the case of the Rending company It amounted to more than 1,000,000-tons." This Is vltnlly Important, If true; but It Is not true. The fact Is that Instend of a loss of 1,000,000 tons there was an Increase in the year 1901, from the mines operated by the Heading company, of 8:18,213 tons; und a total Increase from nil tho anthra cite mines of 0,000,noo tons. (Seo report ot Pennsylvania State Jiuienu of Mines). The output of coal In 1901 was far In ex cess of that of any year In the history of coal mining, and even a paper so avow edly and bitterly hostile to the Mine Workers' union ns the Knglnerlng and Mining Journal admits that "virtually the only restriction on output was a shortage of cars." "This shortage," the Journal continues, "soon became marked," and "by the end ot November the Reading collieries and those of some other companies were mining on short time." (Issue of January 4. 190.!). Al though his statement does not admit of any such consti action, It Is still possible that Mr. Baer refers to the per capita output; but even hero he errs. A careful calculation of per capita output from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Mines, shows that despite Mr. Boer's assertion that the miners worked only from four to six hours per day, despite the assertion that the men lestricted the output, tho per capita production In 1901, the year com plained of, was greater than the per cap ita output 'for any single one of the thirty-one years of which we have reeotd, from 1ST0 to 1100. in attempting to ac count for the Increased tonnage the op eratois point to the Installation of labor saving machinery, which reduces the pro portion of men and boys employed by the dny. If we disregard nil mine workers whose labor might bo saved by such ap pliances and take simply the output per certificated and employed miner, wo tlnd that the production per miner was 1,271 tons less in 1S17. 1.29S tons In 1S9S, 1,:!Si tons In 1S99, 1.311 tons In 1909, while In the year 1901 It was 1.3S," ton. 1 refer Mr. Baer to the annual rcpo s of the Penn sylvania State Bureau of Mines, and ask If these figures do not refute the state ment that organization In Ilic coal mines is Inimical to good workmanship. Ideals of Mine Workers. Since '.he veil l.'uerti(;i iC this strike tho aims objects mid ideals of the United Mine Workers of Ameilca li.tw been will fully distorted by a small aimy of critics. Wc have been unjustly malliriicd and our motives and purposes maliciously Im pugned. We thciefore take this oppor tunity to l client specifically that we do not seek to interfere with the manage ment of the coal properties or with the proper discipline of the working force, but we do demand: First An Increase in wages for men employed on piece work. Second A reduction In the boms of la bor for men employed iy tho day. Third Payment for a legal ton ot coal. Fourth That the coal ve nilno shall be honestly weighed and coirectly re corded; and Fifth Wo favor incorpoi siting In tho foim of an agreement the w.iges that shall be paid and the conditions of em ployment thnt shall obtain for a specified period. As to the reasonableness of these de mands wo luivo pioposed to submit to and abide by tho awaid of an Impartial board of aibitratlou. There could bo no grosser perversion of truth than the ns-eitlon of the opeintois that tho Mine Woikers' union Is a law less organization. During the past twen ty wcehs tho whole power of the union has been exerted to preservi. tho peaco among a voluntarily Idle population, of three-quarters of a million; and It is a tribute to the activity of our ofllcors and the loyalty and self-restraint of our mem beis that wo have been more successful In allaying violence thnn tho coal and Iron police in Inciting It. Despite nil our pre cautions we regret that occasional vio lence has resulted, but it would bo as log ical to chargo any one of the religious, social or political oiganlzatlons, or even tho United States government with being an unlawful organization ns tho United Mine Workeis of America with being an unlawful organization because somo of Its members violate the law. The officers of the union nro as severe as tho opeintois In their earnest condemnation of nny and every act of vlolenco upon tho part of a striker; and no attempt has been mado or will bo made to condono any offenso of t,hls sort. Tho publlo should bo mado aware, however, that tho operators and a certain section of tho press aro by no means discriminating In tho fixing of responsibility, and that crimes of vlolenco aro laid at the doors of strikers when Imported guardians of law and order, tho armed coul and iron police, aio clearly and unmistakably at fault; and T, challenge the operators or their friends to point to ono slngio utter ance on their part of disapproval of tho lawless actions of tliefr hired guards, Somo time ugo tho Bollovuo wasliory at Scranton was destrnjed by lightning; a re waul was offered by the coal companies for tho arrcbt and conviction of tho per son who sot llro to tho wnshery. This Is mi exnmplo of tho maimer in which tlio stiikcis nro maligned, About Pumpmen. Mr. Baer assumes that tho pumpmen, englneeis and llromcn were called out so that "tho mines would bo destroyed and wth their desttiictlon HO.ooo mop with their wives and children dependent upon their labors would bo depilved of work for a long tlmo," The truth Is thnt tho stllko of tho pumpmen, engineers and firemen wits cailed In their own interest absolutely, and by their own request; it was for the purpose of removing griov. imces against which they aloiio, com plained and against which some of them had Inaugurated an Independent, ul. though unsuccessful, strike moto than ono year ugo. Tho fact that sovcral weeks elapsed between tho strlko of tho miners mid tho Independent strlko of the pumpmen, engineers and llremen, and the further fact that tlio operators wero glyon twelvo days' offlclul notice that tlio pump men, englneeis nnd firemen would strlko unless granted an eight-hour workday, should conylnco Mr, liaor that tho stilke of theso men did not oiigluato in any do slro on tlio part of tho Mino Workeis to deprive themselves of tho sourco of tljelr own livelihood. It tho mino workers had sought tho destruction ot tho mining properties they would havo ordered tho strlko of tho steam men without giving tho companies any notico nt all. Similar accusations against the mino workers nro mado In a public utterance, by Mr. Hewitt, In which that gentleman reveals his real feeling toward organized labor. I do not refer to his expressed fear that I shnll become a "dictator," "In control of votes enough to decide the next presidential election"; or to his asser tion that In thin contest "tho allied coal presidents nro lighting the battle of in dependent labor against tho aggressions of the United Mine Workers in older that the Individual workman may bo em ployed upon terms satisfactory to him self." As an Influential director of ono of the coal roads Mr. Hewitt Is undoubtedly aware that tho compiinlcs are lighting to compel tho workmen to accept employ ment under conditions satisfactory to the coal trust, and that the preservation of men's individual rights Is simply a cloak under which they seek to destroy or ganization among their employes. He is undoubtedly in a position to know that membership In an organization was frowned upon by the mine manngors and that specific Instructions were issued from tho general offices of the coal companies notifying somo classes of workmen that they must cither sever their connection with the union or surrender their posi tions. In fact many ot tho local strikes which occurred In 1901 "were in protest ngninst the action of the companies which discriminated against and discharged union workmen beenusp of their affilia tion with tho organization. Mr. Hewitt's Utterances. In Ihls strike It has bben claimed by enemies of the union and believed by Mr. Hewitt, although acknowledging himself a "recognized friend of trade organiza tions," that men were prevented from go ing to work through fear of bodily barm, and It was confidently predicted that the moment the militia cume tho strike would resolve Itself into a stampede. The militia has been In Shenandoah for moro than eight weeks, and still, for lack of mine workers, not a pound of coal has been produced in that vicinity. The inllltla is now stationed In the Panther Creek val ley, in Wllkes-Bnrre and In Scranton, and yet Its presence has not been fol lowed by the desertion of a single miner who laid down his tools on the 12th day of May. On the contruiy, many bi ought here to take the places of the strikers have Joined the ranks of the strikers since the arrival of the mllltla; and their is not the lemotcst possibility of the mines being successfully opeiated until an honorable and equitable settlement of the strike has been made. Reverting to the demnnds of tho miners for Increased wages and improved en vironment, Mr. Baer claims that he can not possibly pay an Ineiense in wngjs that would amount to 10 or 13 cents nor ton to the miners, but he and the allied presidents admit that they can afford to sncrlllce. temporarily, a large market and lose millions of dollars rather than pay this Increase; nevertheless, without ad vancing the mliiets' wages one cent tho operators did raise the market pi Ice last year from 30 to 50 cents per ton, and at the present time Mr. Baer and his follow presidents are forcing the public to pay from six to ten dollars excess upon a ton of coal in ordeito save this same pub lic ten or fifteen "cents. Mr. Baer states that 40 per cent, of the coal produced Is sold In I ho market below tho cost of mining; but ho fails to say. that the lntgei poillon of this 40 per cent. Is made up of grades of coal for which the miners received no compensation whatever. Indeed, up to a few years ago, or before the Installation of washerles, the miners wero docked for loading this very coal which brings small prices now In the maiket; nnd nccoidlng to Mr. liner's process of reasoning the miners should receive less wuges for the larger grades because they mine the small sizes gratuitously. 1 shall not enter elaborately into tho question of cost, but shall merely say that Mr. Baor's statements arc utterly misleading. The rise In wanes In 19no wns moro than counterbalanced by an In crease in the coist ot living which left the miner worse off than before. Mr. Baer claims that this advance of 10 per cent, which was paid tho miners in 1900 cost the companies more than 10 cents a ton; but this is, nt least, problematical. In March, 1902, tho Engineering and Min ing Journal (seo Issue ot March 29) mado n caieful calculation In order "to show what effect tlio Increase in wages last year had upon tho cost of coal." As a result of this romnutallon, based upon the figures of tho Delnwnro and Hudson, tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western und the Lehigh Coal and Navigation com pany, the Engineering nnd Mining Jour nal, which cannot be accused of being cither-friendly or fair to us, states that "tho conclusion to be diawn Is that tho resulting Increase In cost was not largo; jln nil probability not over 3 cents a ton at tho outside," Mr, Baer claims that the average pay per working day In his mines Is ji.SD. Ad mitting, for tho sako of argument, tho correctness of his figures, this would make, upon the average number of working days in 1901, n grand totnl ot J.1G3 per employe, or an avoiase of $7,fl"i per week; thus as a lesult of tbu strenuous ly opposed and bitterly regretted advance wrung from the operators by tho strlko of 1900, tho avcrago adult employe of tho Iteading Coal and Iron company Is per mitted to spend upon himself, his wlfo and his childicn tho munificent sum ot $1.01 por day, In closing this statement I deslro to say that wo havo entered and nio conduct ing this htrugglo without mallco and without bitterness; wo believe that our antagonists aro acting upon misrepresen tation itither than in bad faith; wo re gard them not as enemies but ns oppo nents, and wo strlko In patlciiro until they shall accede to our demands or submit to impartial arbitration tho differences be tween us. Wo nro striking not to show our strength but the Justice ot our ciiuso and wo deslro only tho privilege of pre senting our caso to u fair tribunnl, Wo ask for no favors but for justice and wo appeal our case to tho solemn Judgment of tho American people. Involved In this light nro questions weightier thun any question of dollars and cents. The present minor has had his day: ho has been oppressed and ground; but thero Is another generation coming up, n generation of little children prematurely doomed to tho whirl of tlio mill und tho uolso nnd blackness of tho breaker, It is for these children wo aro lighting. Wo have not underestimated tho strength of our opponents; we havo not overestimated our own power of ps sistauco, accustomed always to llvo upon little, a little less Is no uucndurnblo hard ship. It was with a quuklng of hearts that we called for a strike; it was with a quaking ot hcuits that wo asked for our lust pay enveloix8i but In tlio gilmy, hrulbcd hnnd of tho miner wns tho llttlo wlilto hand of n child, a child llko tho children of the rich, and In tho heart of tho miner was tlio soul-rooted determina tion to starvo to tho last crust of bread anil Jlght out tho long dreary battle to win a llro for tho child and secure for It a placo In tho world In keeping with ad vancing civilization. John Mitchell, President United Mine Workers of Amor-lea. PREPARED FOR THE VETERANS Wastitnoton In Readiness tor the Thlrtu-slxth Annual Grand Army Encampment. PINE PROGRAMME OP MANY FEATURES Among the Notable Incidents Will Be a Reception to Pensioners by the Commissioner of Pensions. Brotherhood Meeting of Blue and Gray to Arrange Aid for Indigent Confederates Fireworks, Music and Other Accessories. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Washington, Sept. 28. Ono week from today will mark the opening- ot the thirty-sixth encampment of tho Grand Army ot the Republic, an event for which Washington has been preparing for months. On that day one of tho large tents In Camp Roosevelt will be given over to religious exercises, con ducted by clergymen noted during the war. Next day at the same pluce, Sec retary liny will deliver the most mem orable oration of the reunion and dedi cate the huge canvases all about him to the camplires of the men, who, like himself, "od with Lincoln. That even ing a campflre for' all the veterans as sembled In the city will be held in Con vention hall, nn auditorium which seats comfortably 0,000 persons. A reception will be tendered all pen sioners the second day of the encamp ment, October 7, by the commissioner of pensions. This is to occur in tho afternoon nnd will include a personal greeting to every pensioner who wishes to call on Commissioner Ware, the pres entation of a souvenir card to every veteran whose application for pension is now pending, and a notable concert conducted by the clerks of the bureau. The key to the city will be presented to General Torrance In Convention hall the evening of Tuesday, October 7. The next night that building will be in tho hands of the woman's auxiliary com mittee, which will tender the officers of the Grand 'Army of the Republic and the auxiliary bodies allied therewith a reception which will be graced by the presence of Mrs. Julia Dent Grant, Mrs. James A.' Garfield, .Mrs. John A. Logan, several scores of old army nurses, and ninny other women whose personalities oxcltc the chivalrous championship of every old soldier In the country. Brotherhood Meeting. Thursday evening Is to be marked by a meeting intended simply to reflect the memorable open letter recently Issued by the commander-in-chief and intend ed to enlist the support of ills com rades for the help of Indigent Confed erates. This gathering is to have the force of u voluntary and earnest plea on the part of northern men who fought on a hundred battlefields for a closer affiliation with those who contended against them with such notable valor and spirit. The programme of this meeting is now only tentatively deter mined. Jt is fair to say, however, that six brief addresses will be delivered ex-Governor Beaver, General S. S. Bur dette, formerly commander-in-chief ot the Grand Army of the Republic, and General Torrance, to represent the North; and General J. B. Gordon, Gen eral Fitzhugh Lee nnd General Joseph Wheeler to represent the South. Most of the encampment's attractions will be presented In the open air. Every night in the week, from Monday through to -Saturday, tho executive committee will present a display or fire works in the grounds about tho im pressive white shaft of the Washing ton monument, which is Intended to surpass any similar display ever mado here. Boxes and reserved seats to ac commodate 20,000 persons will bo pro vided nt nominal charges; but an en tirely adequate vlow can bo had from any place In the parks near by, and tho entertainment will thus bo- free to all who so desire. The historic upper Poto muo will bo allvo with picturesque river craft Monday afternoon attendant upon the regatta of the Potomac bout club. Here miles of clean, dry wharves, n bridge across the river, nnd the ex pansive banks on the Virginia side af ford n free grandstand view for hun dreds of thousands, In the morning be fore this meet on water automobile en thusiasts to tho number of nt least 300 will contest In a floral parade for hand some silver cups to be awarded in tho name of tlio president to tho most beau tifully decorated carriages. Tho tribes of Red Men in the east havo arranged to hold a pow-wow hero nt tho same time nnd puss through the streets In war paints nnd feathers to welcome the honored warriors of tho pale faces. A Successful Encampment. All signs point to the fulfillment of Communder-ln-chlef Torrance's pro phecy that this would be "the most successful, the most Interesting und tho most significant encampment In the history of the organization," The support of the administration is to bo manifested by the presence of tho executive on tho reviewing stand whllo tho veteran soldiers march past In ser ried ranks; by nn executive order grant ing veterans in the civil service leave of absence for their participation in tho exercises; by nn address from the sec retary of state, who will formally dedi cate the expansive ellipse south of tho white house to tho many corps and army reunions which aro to occur hero durlnB tho week; by the service of tho secretary of war as chairman of the re ception committee, and by the most gen erous grunts of publlo reservations and decoration of public parks which Wash ington city Juib ever known. Tho entire Cupltal city has pledged itself to make this thirty-sixth encamp ment even more notable than that held here ten years ugo, when In attendance and Interest Grnng Army encampments reached their high-water mark. Every building along every street where tho lines are to "arch Is to be transformed Into a held of waving color. Flags will bo hung aslant from every window. Hugo banners suspended across Penn sylvania avenue will gleam nt night in light of dozens of searchlights. Every hotel, every boarding-house, every lunch room has been pleged to maintain its regular prices, nnd these pledges nro signed In writing by the managers. Nine-tenths of the residences in the city will entertain visiting veterans or their friends. About halt the entire space available for lodging has already been pre-empted. The contributions to tho entertainment fund represent, In all probability, a larger number of citizens than' any similar subscription list ever created in Washington. -The executive committee has hnd the support ot every person in the entire district from whom It could reasonably expect help. Music will abound to a degree almost distracting. Tho -United States Mnrlno band, which is the president's official band, has been contributed by the navy department, to be the official band ot the citizens' executive committee. It will head all parades. It wilt assist nt the public meetings indicated. It will provide a promenade concert for the reception In the pension olllce, which seems llkely to be the most notable event of the encampment. About 150 other bands have been hired. ELKIN WILL MAKE FIGHT OVER AGAIN In First Speech of Campaign Says He Has No Apology or Excuse to Offer Is Not Disheartened. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Johnstown, Sept. 2S. From the same platform here Judge Samuel W. Penny packer and Attorney General John P. Elkln, the successful and the unsuc cessful candidates, respectively, for the Republican nomination for governor, spoke last night. It was the first time In the present campaign that Mr. El kln has made a speech with Judge Pennypacker. His pledge to give his earnest support to the Republican state ticket evoked shouts of approval from his auditors. He said: Under all the circumstances It has seemed to mo proper that a statement of my views should be frankly and freely mado so thnt my friends may know my attitude in this contest. Tho question has been frequently asked me during the past three months whether it was my purpo e to support the candidates on the Republi can ticket this fall. My answer to that question has never been In doubt. I want to say in this presence nnd before tho people of the entire stato that I have been, am now and always, expect to be a Republican. Why should my support not be given to the Republican candidates? Some people have thoughtlessly suggested that my support should not be given the ticket be cause I was a candidate for office and was not successful in mr aspirations. It Is true thnt myself, in common with) somo others, aspired to bo tho gubernatorial candidate on the Republican ticket this year. It U the unquestioned right of any citizen to bo an aspirant for any office within the gift ot the people. I exercised my right and submitted my candidacy to tho Republican voters throughout tho state. Tho contest was waged with great enrncstness on all sides and it looked ns though success might crown our efforts, but in the manipulations of the state con ventions we went down to defeat. For the part my friends ami myself took In that controversy wo have no apologies to make to any human being and no excuses to offer for tho course pursued by tlio opposition. If the contest had to bo mado again wo would conduct It Just the same as wo did, only a llttlo harder if possible. While our friends wero disappointed, they wero neither discouraged nor dis heartened, nnd when, tho proper time arrives wo shall consider it a duty we owe to the people of tho state to light tho battlo over iignlu. The soldier wlin goes into battlo must filways tnke tho chances of defeat, and tho citizen who nspires to ofllce must b generous In vic tory and also when his amhitions are not gratified. IIo would bo an unworthy sol dier. Indeed, who would desert his com rades, throw down his arms and join tho enemy became ho had been repulsed In battlo. It would bo unmanly nnd unre publlcnn for myself or nny one clso to asplio to oflloe as tho candidate of tho Republican party und because we wero unsuccessful In our aspirations Join tho ranks of tho enemy to help defeat tho party through which wo had hoped to gain offlclul preferment. To mo It would bo a humiliation for either my friends or my enomlcs to entertain tho thought that tho test of my loyalty to tho Republican party would bo measured by my ability to get u placo upon tho ticket ns a can didate. Tho Republican party means much moro than a device for lifting men into publlo place, It h the avenue through which tho loftiest ambitions tlio highest aspi rations nnd tho noblest purposes of man kind find their way to tho best fruition. In this controversy wo must rlso nbovo political disappointments and personal grievances and stand by the party bc causo wo love It, In passing permit mo to mako this fur ther suggestion. There will be contests fought within tlio ranks of tho Repub lican party In the future as there hnvo been in tlio past. In order that the peoplo may havo the largest opportunity and amplest latitude la dealing with all ques tions that pertain to tno publlo welfare. When these controversies arise It will afford me great pleasure to tako my place in the ranks of the plain people to aid them In securing tho rights, liberties and privileges guaranteed to them under our constitution nnd laws. Lot It bo under stood, however, that so far as I am con cerned theso contests will be fought within parly lines. If abuses exist In our political affairs. If evils aro to bo cor rected In party management, there are enough honest men In the Republican party to overconio tlio ovlls and drlvo out tho abuses. Personal grievances and disappointed ambitions must pot Inter fere when our party needs our cervices und when duty points tlio4way. Steamship Arrivals. Dy Eicluilic Wire from The Associated Vitti. New York, Sept. SS. Arrived: Celtic. Liverpool and Oueenstown; Noorilum, Rotterdam and Boulogne Sur Mcr; St. Louis, Southampton and Cherbourg, Mo. vllle Arrived: Columbia, New Yoik for Glasgow (and proceeded), Liverpool Ar rived; Umbrla, New York vlu Queens town. Queenstowij Bulled: Campania (from Liverpool), New' Vork. I.Izard Pussed: Kronprinz Wilhelm, New York for Plymouth, Cherbourg ,uml Uremen. TROOPS SHOOT AT STONE THROWERS Bullets Make Reply to a Volley of Stones Hurled at Thirteenth Regiment Sentries. CAVALRY BOUND Sheridan Troop, of Tyrone, Ordered to Come to the Aid of Colonel Watres Eighth Regiment Moves Into Lacka wanna County Local Industries Need fcuel. For the first time since the strike be gan, shots wero fired by militiamen at strikers, or supposed strikers, at Grassy Island, Saturday night. A detachment of Company A, of tho Thirteenth regiment, under command ot Captain Conrad, was patrolling the CAPT. K. H, F. CONRAD, ,of Company ,A. . r region In and about the Grassy Island wnsher.y and' colliery:' "Becuuse' of the forbidding nature of tli'e country, tho sentries were posted in pairs. Along about 0 o'clock at ' night, Privates Charles Edwards and R. G. Stanton, who were In a clump of underbrush, at the extreme easterly end of tho pa trolled territory, wero assailed with a volley of stones. One of them struck Private Edwards in the neck and felled him to the ground. Ho was on his feet again In an instant, however, nnd with his companion made a rush towards a piece of woods, where they heard a noise. FIBED AT FIGURES. As they ran, they saw two dimly out lined figures crossing a clearing, fifty yards away, and when no responso came to their cry of "halt!" they began to blaze away with their Sprlugilelds, until their ammunition was exhausted. Captain Conrad, with a squad of men who were in the Grassy Island engine room, heard the firing and hastened to tho scene. The searchlight operator on top of tho Grassy Island wnshery dump heard the shooting and saw tho flash of the rllles, and Immediately turned tho powerful rays in that, direction. Tho region all around was made as light as day, but no trace of the fugitive stone throwers could bo discovered. That tho searchlight Is, however, an efficacious institution, was proven three hours later, when its ruys made pos- . ti'n; iitb iit t Vkik Jfc it in iti. ii-kiw iif-) it i i tO turner. Nearly every night since the arrival of the soldiers there have been reports of shots on tlio wooded hillside above the camp. Colonel Watres has been greatly annoyed nt tho Inability of tho patrols to put a stop to It, and on Sat urday he gave special orders that if tlio shooting was repeated that night, he would expect the commander of tho patrol to bring In the shooter or shoot ers. TWO SHOTS FIRED. About U'.SO o'clock yesterday morn ing, two shots rang out from tho hill side. TIip search light opeator heard them and saw the (lash of the second report. Sweeping tho hillside with tho light ho soon discovered a man with it gun running for tho woods. Soldiers from the outpost followed tho light and soon same up with the fugitive. He stopped when tho soldiers were nlmost upon him and nonchalently wanted to know what they wore looking for. The soldiers took him Into custody, disarm ed him und sent him to the guard house. Ho proved to bo no less n personage than Constable M. J, Onughan, of Oly phunt. To Colonel Watres questioning he simply explained that ho wanted to see if the soldiers weio nwnke, The colonel confiscated the gun, dismissed the constable, and reported tho matter to President Judge Edwards. DISTURBANCE AT JESSUP, At Jessup, Saturday evening, a detnll of sixteen soldiers from Company O, guarding men on their way from work found themselves confronted by an ugly mob of 500. The order to dlsperso was replied to by the women und chldren taking n position In the van. of tlio mob. The soldiers llxed bayonets nnd mado a charge, but when It wns seen that the women and children were prevented from falling back by the men in the rear, the soldiers wero halted. Word was telephoned to camp, and In ten minutes, a train with two com panies under command of Lieutenant Colonel Stlllwell came steaming up the Delaware und Hudson road. Tho crowd I Immediately broke and ran, Most of FOR OLYPHANT the men took to the saloons, but Lieu tenant Colonel Stlllwell, believing they would be better oft home, cleared the saloons at the point of the bayonet and drove everybody from the streets. The town was quiet for the rest of the night. A woman residing near the Sterrlck Creek colliery telephoned to the camp, late Saturday night, that eight men, apparently foreigners, armed with guna had gone into some bushes on the side of the road near her home and wero evidently lying there in wait to do harm. Soldiers were sent to the scene but their approach was evidently sig nalled for when the' soldiers arrived they had disappeared. That the woman's story was true was proven by the foot prints In the soft earth at the place described. John Shennnskl, a non-union man who has been living at the Glenwood colliery stockade, made bold enough during the past few dnys to go out and visit some friends nt Mayflcld. Lnst evening, while en route to the stockade after a visit ho was set upon by a crowd and roughly handled. While the crowd wns debating as to whether It would lynch him or just cut his fingers off, a number of his friends arrived and succeeded In rescuing him. He- reached the stockade unscathed but very much terrified. RIGHT MEN UNDER ARREST AT HOBOKEN It is now almost as good as certain that the men arrested on a Lackawan na train at Hoboken, Saturday morn ing, are the Grassy Island Hungarians wanted for the brutal murder of James Winston, Thursday morning lnst. A representative of Sheriff Schadt who was despatched to Hoboken Sat urday, identified the men as Harry Slmroth, Harry Shubah, Thomas Prls tosh, Stephen Frenchko and Peter Kromlnskl, all residents of Grussy Island. Tho first three are the ones charged with tho actual commission of the deed. Frenchko and Kromlnskl may also be held as principals. It Is understood the men were in hiding in the old mine workings near Grassy Island, and that when they learned Colonel Watres had hunted'fer them there, decided they had better get out, and lut,e at night cut across tho mountains to Moscow, where they boarded a Lackawanna south-bound train to their undoing. The word sent by the vigilant station agent resulted CAPT. W. A. RAUB, of Company L. in them being headed oft nnd now they nro in Jail. They will be given a hear ing at Hoboken this morning and will bo held pending the arrival of extradi tion papers. Coroner Saltry held a post-mortem examination Saturday on tho body of James Winston, who was murdered at Grassy Island by theso men. IV. Continued on Pugo 3. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER, Local data for September 2S, 1002: Highest temperature .,,,,,,..,,, 1 degrees Lowest temperature ,,.., ,. W degrees Relative humidity: S u. m per cent. S p. m. ,.....,. 00 per cent. Precipitation, SI hours ended 8 p, m 0.49 Inch. 4- -f 4- WWi'tltSM J! U-tV.CU.ft.Bi.. Washington, Sept. 58. Forecast for Monday mid Tuesday: Eastern Pennsylvania Fair Monday; light to fresh winds; Tuesday, partly ciouay. BBMeJsaiJ IB "WMi' &.&.&.&.:&:t...t&.l ?! 4 ' L . Vi i -' 4 m $ 'A y V i4; "-' X J) ' , A tw vjM -i: I' tM "A M . it T pi il "t i , si ' i i ti 1 --C5v ,xK v. 1 tr ' i ,si ' I l' ,