rn v. r THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-r SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1002. A' WEST jCRANT0N Supper Served by the Ladies' Aid Society of the First Baptist Church Number , of Social Events, The Ladles' Aid society or the First nnptlRl church t.prvct onn of their fur famed suppers lust evening. A largo crowd was In attendance, and a neat Rum of money netted. The inonii com prised all the delicacies of the season. Those who furnished and served the supper were: Mrs. Lucy Asbury, Mrs. 8. Acker, Mrs. Jennie Hums, Mrs. Fred Carpenter, Mrs. Emerson Cnnklln,, Mrs. ,T. li. Davis, Mrs. W. C. Davis, Mrs. Ed ward Davis, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Mrs. Charles Bryant, Mrs. John Ury ant, Mrs. A. Bryant, Mrs. F.. Adklns, Mrs. Russet Chumard, Mrs. Charles Bush, Mrs. Bella Dershlmcr, Mrs. W. J. Davis, Mrs. Charles Corless, Mrs. Sam uel Coslett, Mrs. Chnrlcs Cndwgnn, Mrs. M. Bartholomew, Mrs. Charles P. Eshclman, Mrs. E. Dlohl, Mrs. 15. Davis nnd the Misses Annie Anderson, Ruth E. Bcddoo, Florence M. Fowler, Mary Dean, Lizzie Butt. Clam Chowder Supper. The ladles of Mrs. W. F. Hallstcad division, No. S2. Grand International Auxllia'ry to Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, conducted it clam chowder supper nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Loomls, 122 North Lincoln ave nue, last evening-. The supper was very well patronized nnd most thoroughly enjoyed by a large crowd. The com mittee In charge were Mrs. Charles Seeley, Mrs. C. "Wettllng, Mrs. Edward Hand, Mrs. V. Butler, Mrs. Frank Staples, Mrs. D. T. Swartz, Mrs. John Loomls and Mrs. William Yohe. At the conclusion of the supper, Miss Mary James and Miss Gertrude Loomls ren dered very sweet Instrumental solos In a faultless manner. Miss Jessie Brlst ley also sang a vocal solo with usual Brace. Election of Officers. The Intermediate Baptist Young Peo ple's union of the First Welsh Baptist church held their yearly business meet ing last evening, and elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing term: President, Rev". D. D. Hopkins; first vice-president, Elmer Jenkins; second vice-president, Verna Williams; third vice-president, Rcba Williams; secre tary, Elizabeth Lewis; financial secre tary, Mabel Evans; treasurer, Sarah Lewis; organist, Llla Watklns; assist ant organist, Martha Thomas. Jackson Street Baptist Notes. The chorus for Harvest Home and Rally day, under the leadership of Prof. Lewis Davis, assisted by the King's orchestra, which now constitutes ten T FffPRf Tive stamps given away with each bottle of Duf our's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. &jAiAlAiAlJAiAiW Saturday Specials... Extra values for on Saturday, in most in demand 5 HALF PRICE NECKWEAR Imperials. 4-ln-Hands, Tecks, etc. Regular half- a dollar styles and qualities. Todav. onlv Today, only 25c 3 if HEN'S UNDERWEAR REDUCED 5 Natural Wool Underwear, i in grey and white; all J2 styles. A genuine 75c. ?3 quality for only 45c : BARGAIN IN HANDKERCHIEFS a a a men's au Xiinen .Hand kerchiefs, in rgulation size, '4-inch hem, and standard 15c. quality. Today .... 10c MEN'S GLOVE SPECIAL , Dressed Kid Gloves in Tans and Light Browns. Sizes 7 to 0. The most re markable glove ever shown at 50c a BARGAINS IN RIBBONS a a a a a a i 5-inch Satin Libertv Bib- bpns at 25c 3-inch Satin Liberty Rlb bons at 20c 5-inch Silk Taffeta Rib bons at 15c 3-Inch Silk Taffeta Rib bons at , 10a The color range is complete in all of the above. LADIES' FLANNEL WAISTS S A truly impressive display in g these popular garments may "5 now be seen in the department A especially created for that pur- .C P0Be- All the novelties, all the T9 oddities, all the popular fash- ions nnd seasonable fads, S Prices from $1,00 to $3,50, Globe Warebods?. m(tnan(f(ts(f(fMMO(f(f(fHt(fi(f pieces, will meet for rchcnrsal every Monday evening. The chorus Is com posed of one hundred voices, and will render "Praise Ye the Father," "Hull, Joyous Rally Day," and many other choruses. The prayer meeting last Thursday was u spiritual uplift. Many more ought to attend. Next Tuesday evening will be social night for our Baptist Young Poople'H union. Recitations, solos, duets and speeches will be the order for the hour. Let all our young people come together for a renl social hour, nnd bring others with them. The anthem rendered by the choir Inst Sunday evening was appreciated by the audience and' spoken of with praise. Pleasant Social Events. " Mrs. Thomas Allen, of North Hyde Park avenue, entertained a number of her lady friends ut a 6 o'clock tea, Thursday evening. A delightful musi cal programme was enjoyed, Mrs. Allen being nsslstcd In entertaining by Mrs. Anna Evans. Those present wore: Mrs. Holwell Oliver, of East Plttston; Mrs. Samuel Williams, of Wyoming; Mrs. Richard Hughes, Mrs. James Jeremiah, Mrs. Jane Mnthlas, Mrs. A. B. Eynon, Mrs. Luther Jones, Mrs. Anna Phillips, Miss Elizabeth E-nns, Mrs. Anna Evans, Mrs. Lizzie Moore, Mrs. M. P. Daniels. Mrs. Frank Slote, of North Lincoln avenue, entertained the degree team of Hiawatha council, No. 2G, at dinner on Thursday. A most enjoyable time was spent. At 1 o'clock Mrs. Slote served dinner, assisted by Miss Ida Ames, and a number of the ladles made very In teresting after-dinner speeches. The members of the degree team are: Mes dnmes G. Dorsey, DeWile, Grasse, El dred, Stark, Slote, Dunning, McDon ald, Roberts, Robbins, Jones, Transue. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Williams, of 1603 Price street, a large party of friends were entertained on Thursday evening, in honor of their eighth wedding anniversary. Arthur Davis entertained with his phonograph, and several very sweet vocal solos were rendered. After a bountiful repast had been enjoyed the guests departed, with good wishes for the kind host and hostess. In attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Roberts, Miss Marlon Rob erts, Miss May Roberts, Miss Margaret Roberts, Rachel Roberts, Ida Roberts, Mrs. James Webb, Mrs. Cramer, An drew Davis, Russell J. Williams, Miss Lizzie Richards. Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Eynon entertained a few friends at their home, on North Main avenue, last evening, the event being the first anniversary of their mar riage. A most enjoyable evening was spent, and at a late hour Mrs. Eynon served refreshments. Peculiar Fire. The West Side fire companies were called out toa Are at 5 o'clock last evening at the Lackawanna avenue as 9-1 bt: : s those who shop goods that are on that day. LADIES' SMART JACKETS Made from. Medium Weight Suitings of high 6? est quality. Colors, castor & and black; silk lined, silk 55 faced reveres, new sleeve, 5i etc. A $7.50 value for. .$4.79 J? i g LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS & Made in new 7-gore style, ft with full sweep. Slotted seams and full stitching at 5s bottom. As attractive a ft skirt as you can find any- fit where for ?7.50. Today, S bargain price $5,79 W. , gj HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR ladles' Full Bleached, Fleece Lined Vests nnd Pants, a nice quality, ex cellently finished ....... 25c Ladies' Medium Weight, Fleece Lined Underwear, in cream shades only. A real ly good quality at a spe cial price for today, only, , 45c Ladles' Hermsdorf Dyed Black Hosiery, in fancy drop stitch effects. Real 35c. Hose at , , , io0 6 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft FOR THE BED CHAMBER Fine Swiss Embroidered Cov ers for Bureau or Chiffonier, with fancy colored linings. $2.25 quality today, at. . ,82.00 2.25 quality today, at. , , 1,80 1,50 quality tqday, at, , , 1.38 1,00 quality today, at. . , 89c 50c quality today, at, . , 30c & bridge. The onn1 on which the trolley wire runs across the brldgo took lire In some unnccountnulc manner, nnd a passerby turned In nn alarm from box 414. The Columbia, Franklin, Eagles iml Hook nnd Ladder companies responded, but the Hook nnd Ladder company put It out with chemicals before the nrrl vdl of the other companies. Rally Day Service. The following programme will be given nt the Rally day service In the Washburn Street "Presbytcrlnn church Bible school tomorrow nt 12 o'clock: Selection, orchestra; song; recital of apostles' creed; prayer, Dr. Moffat; singing; responsive reading; recitation; report of classes! singing; address, Rev. W. I, SleanH! offering for Bible school work; selection, orchestra: sing ing; recitation; secretary's report nnd distribution; singing; selection, or chestra. Every person who has ever been con nected with, ns well as every friend of the school, will bo cordially welcome to this service. Display of Fine Millinery at Saxe's, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26 and 27. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. On Sunday the Rev. J. S. Wrlght now, D. D., of Oil City, Pa., one of the strongest men In the Baptist ministry In Western Pennsylvania, will occupy the pulpit of the First Baptist church at both services. He will also be pres ent at the church prayer meeting next Wednesday evening. It Is understood that Dr. Wrlghtnow is a candidate for the vacant pastorate. Mrs. Joslo D. Knnuss, of Jackson street, entertained the Y. L. A. of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church last evening. The Open Window club will meet on Sunday afternoon at the Young Men's Institute rooms. Miss Laura H. Edwards, of South Rebecca avenue, Is entertaining Misses Edythc Evans and Nina Robertson, of Plttston. Miss Sarah Thomas, of Corbett ave nue, is on the sick list. David Williams, of North Main ave nue, is home from nn extended trip to the Catskill mountains. Job Harris, of Eynon street, Is out after a protracted illness. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams, of South Main avenue, will entertain Rev. W. I, Steans and family during their visit on this side. The residents of North Keyser ave nue have reported to the department of public works a large pool of water on the above avenue. The,mlnlature lake extends entirely across the street and is so deep nnd wide that school children were unable to pass it yesterday and so were compelled to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anthonv have returned to their home In Buffalo, after a visit with West Side friends. Gordon Evans, of Eynon street, Is In disposed. The funeral of the late Thomas Caw ley, of 912 Lackawanna avenue, was held from St. Patrick's church yester day morning at 9 o'clock. The funeral cortege moved from the late homo to St. Patrick's church, where Rev. P. E. Lavelle officiated at a mass of re quiem. At the conclusion of the said ser vices, the remains were borne to the Cathedral cemetery, where interment was made. The pall bearers were: Michael Cawley, Lawrence Rooncy, Edmund Cuslck, Patrick Lavelle, Frank Hefferon, Thomas AVhite. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Father Whitty Society to Parade on Oct. 10 Druggists Will Close at 9 p. m. Hereafter. The members of the Father Whitty society, one of the largest temperance organizations In Pennsylvania, met In their rooms on Thursday night and de cided to participate In the parade which will be held in West Scranton on October 10. President P. ,T. Mulherln urged all members to turn out on that day and participate in the parade. Ho Is trying to arrange to have all members wear the society's uniform on that day. During th meeting, Rev. Father J. W. Moylan, spiritual advisor of the society, delivered a brief address, which Wns well received by the audience. At the close of the meeting, a social session was held. Drills are being held in St. Mary's hall every Monday evening, and the young men are taking an ac tive part In the society's welfare. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The nnnual meeting of the North Scranton branch of the Young Women's Christian association will be held at the rooms, 204S North Main avenue, to night at 7.30 o'clock. The musical numbers will be as follows: Piano solo, "Consolation," Miss Elizabeth Hen wood: vocal solo, Mrs. Cramer Von Storch; closing number, "Mtzpah," Tresbyterlnn choir. A vesper service will bo conducted on Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The Sunbeam club will have Its meet ing for the llrst time this season on AVednesday, October 1, at 4 p. in. All girls are cordially Invited to uttond. The Junior sewing school, which was so successful last year, will reopen on Saturday, October 4, at 2 p. m. Girls from C to H years of age are Invited. Any ladles who wish an opportunity of doing good and who can glvo an hour and a half Saturday afternoons, will enjoy teaching in this school. Come to the secretary and volunteer your as ulstance, BRIEFLY NOTED. The druggists of this part of the eltv have signed an agreement to close their stores at ! o'clock every night Instead of 10 o'clock, as heretofore. Those who have signed the agreement nro as fol lows: George W, Davis, Honwood & Co., Edward Rrenium, Howard Gtillln and John Llttlejohu, The funeral of the late Thomas Row ley was held yesterday afternoon from Holy Rosary church, where services were conducted by Rev, J, V, Moylan. Interment was made In the Cathedral cemetery. Miss Bessie Hobbs, of LegKett's street, left Thursday to visit her father at Buffalo, N, Y, Robert Williams, of Hlnglininton, has AH OLD AHB WELL-TRIED REMEDY. MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHINO SYRUP for children teething, Is the prescription ol one of the boat female physicians i and Eurees In tl.o United States, and II is beS2 tted sixty years with never-falllng suoj ecss byinl ifons of mothers for their chffi jlren. During the process of teething iti Value Is Incalculable. It relieves the ch I from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In th towels, and wlnd-co 1c. Dyglvlns health Fo the child It rests tho mother. Price twenty.flv cenU a. bottle- -rce, The Green Ridge Sanitarium 7 1STO N, Washington avenue. Scranton, Pan Is .tho, best equipped Osteopathic Institution In the East. Here Osteop athic treatment In given In Its most npproved form, nnd only by nn ex perienced grmhlato Ontcopnth, who linn nt his command nnd uses (when Indicated) every modem successful ad juvant such, at Hot Air, Electricity, Ruths, Exorcise, Rest, Diet, etc. Book let and consultation In person or by mnll, free, Outsldo patients treated dally from 1 to 0 p. m. by ' DR. HERBERT I. FURMAN, Osteopathic specialist In Chronic Diseases and Deformities. Down town, ofllce, HOI Linden Btrcct. returned nfter spending a few days with his family on Putnam street. Arthur Weston, of Depot street, has left for Bethlehem, to enter Lehigh uni versity. Patrick Knnc, of Rock strct, Is slowly recovering from nn attack of typhoid fever. The Shamrocks base ball team will have the Centuries, of South Scrnnton, ns their opponents Tuesday evening. Mr. nnd Airs. James McGulnness, of Church avenue, have gone to Dimock, Susquehanna county, to attend the funeral of Mrs. McGulnness' mother. Mrs. Emma Butcher, Mrs. Sarah Brong and Mrs. Eva Arnold, of Stroudsburg, arc the guests of their brother, Jerry Arnold, of Wayne ave nue. Mrs. William Jones and son, AVIlllam, of West Alarkot street, have left for Utlca, N. Y., where they will perman ently reside. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funeral of Mrs. Henry Walter fro: the Family Residence on Cedar Avenue Shorter Notes. The funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Walter took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, 1011 Cedar avenue, and was very large ly nttended. Services were conducted by Rev. AVIlllam A. Nordt, of the Ger mun Presbyterian church, at the house. The reverend gentleman paid an elo quent tribute to the memory of the deceased lady. The casket, which was almost hidden from view with (loral tokens of esteem and respect, was borne to the Plttston avenue cemetery by the following pall bearers: Charles Klrst, John Demuth, John Schneider, Oscar Helrlgel, Charles Heuster nnd Charles Neuls. Tendered a Farewell. Miss Anna Witt, who has been the guest of friends on this side the past two months, and who will leave jljis morning for her home in Philadelphia, was given a farewell party at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Schwenker, 720 Plttston avenue, last evening. Music was furnished by Miss Anna Heinz and Christ Seheuer, and re freshments were served at a seasonable hour. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Schwenker, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Conley, Mr. William Stein, Christ Seheuer, Herman Schwenker and Hen ry Schwenker; Misses Anna Helntz, Lena Berghauser, Anna Witt and Mar garet Mun welter. NUBS OF NEWS. The euchre party which should have taken place Thursday night at St. John's hall, under the auspices of Miss Kate Reunion, was postponed until last evening. The weather however, con tinued unfavorable and the social was again put off until next Thursday night. One candidate was Initiated in the green degree at a meeting of General Grant commandery, Knights of Malta, last evening. Edward Rader, of Birch street, has arrived home from a visit to Manunka Chunk. Fred Westpfahl and Isa Corson, of Mountain I,ake, held a harvest festival on Thursday, which was attended by many residents of this part of the city. Rudolph Frantz, who has been sum mering at Mountain Lake, was com pelled to break camp yesterday, owing to the rain. John and William Zelsmer, Joseph Conrad and Charles Wlrth went fishing yesterday. George Schumacher, of Atlantic City, Is visiting friends at Mountain Lake. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers. Robert Shumer, who shot a bear on the South mountain last Thursday, will give a party and serve It for lunch this evening. The funeral of the late Mrs. Rorlck will take place this morning from the residence of Prof, Ackermnn at 415 Hickory street. Services will bo held at St. Mary's church and Interment will be made at No. S. Owing to the weather, the trolley party of the Young Women's Christian association has been Indefinitely post poned. To visit the soldiers' camp at Oly phnnt, take the Throop or Carbondalc car; both are convenient to the camp. GREEN RIDGE. The sucrament of the Lord's supper will be administered at the morning services of the Green Ridge Presby terian church tomorrow, by the pastor, Rev, I, J, Lansing, and the annual ral ly day festival will bo celebrated by the Sabbath school la the church chapel Immediately after the church services. Every member of the school Is urged to be present at this rally, which will bo made most Interesting by splendid nd dresses, beautiful decorations and ex cellent music. Mrs. M. D, Street Is 111 at her homo on Sanderson avenue, Messrs. J, M. nnd E, W, Hornbaker, of New York street, have returned home from New York city, where they attended tho ilfty-slxth annual session of the Senior Order of National Me chanics, Beatrice lodge, No. 70, Daughters of Rebekah, entertained the members of the Clark's Green lodge at their rooms In Mnsonlu hall, Dickson avenue, last evening. A banquet was served, and was followed by a well-rendered liter ary and musical programme. The foot bridge from Boulevard ave nue to tho Driving Park plot was In such a bad condition last night that It was Impossible to cross on It, The flooring had torn loose at both.ends and the structure was .dependant for sup port on tho wire cables. It will be small wonder It It Is gone altogether before morning. ' Mrs. W. II. Ford and children, who huvc been guests of M.r.'and Mrs. John Harvey, of Perm avenue, for tho past month, returned to their homo In Jamestown, N. Y yesterday. Sunday will be an Important day nt the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church being Sunday school rally day. There will bo a special programme nt 2.30 p. m., nnd an address by Rev. H. C. Mc Dcrmott. Tho music nnd addresses will be bf a very Interesting eharncte'r. All members of tho Bchoal nro expected to bo present, and nil of tho home de partment, Tho parents nnd friends arc invited. Tho pastors pulpit themes nt 10.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m. will bo of Interest In this direction. J. M, Atherton has received the ap pointment of collector of state nnd county tnxes for the Thirteenth ward. A considerable amount of tho rain that has fallen In tho neighborhood of Dickson avenue tho past three days has found Its way Into the cellars of business houses on this Important thoroughfnre. Following Is tho rally day programme at tho Asbury Methodist Episcopal Sunday school for Sunday nt 2.30 p. m.: Overture, orchestra; song by school, "The Joyful Song"; prayer; "For Sun dny School Work and Workers," L. F. Bower; responsive rending, Psalms 119, 97. 112; song by Sunday sehol chorus; "Hall Joyous Rally Day"; recitation, "Doing Duty," Lydla Osenbnugh; wel come by the pastor: song by school, "You May Have the Joy Bolls"; ad dress, "Purpose of Rally Day," Dr. Mc Dermotl; song by " Sunday school chorus, "Little Deeds"; roll call of teachers and nfltccrs; song by school, "Wanted"; offering; song by congre gation, "America"; benediction. DUNMORE. During the troublesome times that are agitating the people of every other borough In the valley, Dunmore goes on her usual way without the least semblance of disorder. Tho casual visitor would never suspect that a large majority of our workmen had been engaged In a labor war for five long months. The streets are compara tively deserted, the strikers evidently taking their leaders' advice and re maining quietly at home. This place seems to stand alone among all tho towns of tho valley. Word was received 'by friends In town yestercTny, announcing the death of Robert Edgar In Jersey City on Thursduy. .Mr. Edgar was the last sur viving brother of the late Rev. William F. Edgar, a former pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church here, who died about a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Correll, of Cherry street, nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bishop, of Blakely street, returned yesterday from a two weeks' stay in Chicago and other points In the Northwest. Miss Beulah Ives, of North Blakely street, has returned from a visit with Philadelphia friends. Miss Sadie Miller, of Green Ridge stret, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at Moses Taylor hospital on Monday, Is progressing very favor ably and her entire recovery is a mat ter of but a short time. William N. Stevens was among those who enjoyed the steady rain at Allen town on Thursday. Joseph Burns, the young man in jured In the Model laundry on Tues day, Is somewhat improved and the at tending physician now thinks the dan ger Is past. Dunmore Presbyterian church, Rev. W. H, Gibbons, pastor Preaching ser vices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morn ing subject, "Mysteries Solved in Christ": evening subject, "How to Find Jesus"; Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Tripp Avenue Christian church Preaching, morning and evening, by the pastor, J. D. Dabney. Morning topic, "The Gospel Foreshadowed"; evening topic, "Alpha and Omega"; Sunday school at 10 o'clock; Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor at 6.30, topic, "Missions, Missionary Heroes, Cheerful Amid Adversity"; leader, Mrs. Fred Van Horn. Rev. S. F. Mathews, of the West Side, will occupy the pulpit at both morning and evening services nt tho Dudley Street Baptist church tomorrow. Services at the Methodist church nt the usual hours tomorrow. Rev. Joseph Coleman will preach at both services. At the last regular meeting of the Dunmore lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the following odlceis were elected for tho next term: Noble grand, Fr.uik Marshall: vice grand, Warren Grant; secretary, Byron Brady; npslt-tnnt secretary, Harry Klzer; treasurer, Orrln Correll; trus tee, Harry Klzer; representative to the grand lodge. H. E. Spencer. Tho In stallation win take place on tho last Wednesday in October. OBITUARY. MARY E. SECOR, nfied I! yenrs, wife of Alonzo Secor, died yesterday nt her home, C26 Breaker street. She Is sur vived by her hnsbnnd and several chil dren. Tho funeral services will be held at 8 o'clock this evening at the house, and ut tho church nt Lake Winolti to morrow afternoon at L' o'clock. , MRS. CLARENCK KETTLE, of 40S Chestnut street, died nt u o'clock yes terday afternoon, after u short Illness, nged 21 years. She was tho daughter ot Henry Early, formerly of this city, and Is survived by her husband, one child, several sisters and one brother. Funeral notice later. ASA EUCJE.NH COBB, of Mt. Cobb, died Thursday at l o'clock. Funeral notice later. FUNERALS. Tho funeral of John D. Amli-ons will tnko place at '.'.) on Monday afternoon at. tho Oilman Methodist Episcopal church. PUNCHING BY ELECTRICITY. Novel U38 of "Magic Touch" "by Western Cowboys to Drive Cattle. From tho Philadelphia Pi ess, Cow punching by cowboys under tho plctruesfiuo conditions of wild western llfo will noon be a lost art, Electricity Is taking tho cowboy's place, and re ports of Its success In this novel Held credit tho new agency with remarkable success. One of tho largest packing firms In Kansas City employes elec tricity to drlye cattle Into tho beef hods, Instead of shouts, clubs, whips -and prods, Tho electricity Is applied by mcaiiH of two Insulated wires, connected with the light wlies over tho catching and knocking pens. Tho current passes through a stick and connects with two brass points on tho cud. "Punchers" la tho nuino given tho sticks. There ure two punchers, each six feet long, in the eutch pen, and live, four feet long, in tho knocking pens, Tho Insu lated wires aro about twenty feet long, thus covering u distance in the pens of DRUGS KILL MORE THAN DISEASE Tha lending doctor iayl "There nro more deaths caused by drugn thnn dlea; )i tvety oiio would keep his or her ayatem fortified with nn invigorating etlmulant and tonle nnd leave druga nlono tho death rate would bo lowered." Statistics thow that these doctors nro right, nnd this Is why nil leading doctors pr ycrlbo Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, exclusively for consumption, Orlp, tlronchltls, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, Dyspepsia, Malaria nnd all low fevers. Nervous Prostration, Female Troubles, Sleeplessness and Weakness from whatever causo; nil theso diseases are cautsd by u run-down condition of tho system. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY fullds new tissue; It enriches and stimulates tho blcod, oldB digestion, tones up the heart. Invigorates tho brain nnd strengthens tho Bystcm so It throws off disease, it kills th terms. ., i'f' ?,nd Mrs. Adim Llvcngood, of Elycrsnn, Pn., who have been mnrrlcd Co years, say . Duffy's Pure Mnlt Whiskey has prolonged their happy union many yearn beyond their1 sliver wedding. Mr. Llvcngood Is 91 years old nnd his wlto Is 84. They aro both halo and benrty, nnd feel vigorous as n cotiplo r.O years of ngo. Mrs. Matilda Walts, who Is 63 years of ago, says DufTy's Pure Malt Whiskey curod her of grip and has kept her strong and well. "1 suffered terribly with .the grip, nnd tried every known remedy. Changes of weather always found mo In bed, and 1 often felt as If llfo was not worth tho living. Picking up a npwspnpcr ono day, I read of tho great benefit derived from tho uso of Duffy's Mnlt Whiskey, and sent for a bottle. The beneficial effects were nlmost Instantaneous. Th terrlblo lassitude with which I had suffered so long disappeared. 1 wni romnlcteh curei and havo felt no bad nftcr-nffects, and today, nt the ngo of (a, t feel ns though I waT tay JiO. Mra. Matilda Wntts. 251 W. Wth St., N. Y. C." New fork's leading doctor said: "Duffy's Puro Mnlt Whiskey Is a food already di gested. If you wlshi to keep young, strong nnd vigorous and lmvo on your cheek tho glow ot' perfect health, take, DUFFY'S PUItB MALT WHISKEY, regulnrly, a tcaspoonful In half a glas of water or milk threo times a day and tnko no other medicine. It Is dangerous) to nil your system with drugs; they poison tho aystem nnd depress tho heart. "Duffy'a" la nn nbsolutcly pure stimulant nnd tonic, frco from fusel oil and other dangerous In ercdlents so common In whiskeys. CURES WITHOUT DRUGS. Oulnlnn donrpftsfifi thp hpnrt. whlln ' DUFFY'S PUHE MALT WHISKEY tones and strengthens tho benrt action, Invigorates tho brain, purines the entire system and keeps It In n normally healthy condition. It kills oil disease germs nnd microbes. CAUTION. WHEN YOU ASK FOR DUFFY'S PUUE MALT WHISKEY BE SUIIE YOU OET THE OENU1NE. UN SCRUPULOUS DEALERS, MINDFUL OF THE EXCELLENCE OF THIS PREPARA TION, WILL TRY TO SELL YOU CHEAP IMITATIONS, AND SO-CALLED MALT WHISKEY SUBSTITUTES. WHICH ARE PUT ON THE MARKET FOR PROFIT ONLY, AND WHICH, FAR FROM RE LIEVING THE SICK. ARE POSITIVELY HARMFUL. DEMAND "DUFFY'S" AND BE SURE YOU GET IT. IT IS THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY PURE MALT WHISKEY WHICH CONTAINS MEDICINAL, HEALTH OIVINO QUALITIES. LOOK FOR THE TRADE-MARK, "THE OLD CHEMIST," U.N liltt LAULi, It Is the only whiskey recognized by tho government as a medicine. This Is a guaran tee. The genuine nt all druggists nnd grocers, ur direct, (1.00 n bottle. FREE If you are sick nnd run-down, wrlto tho Medical Department, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y., nnd state your case. It 'will cost you nothing to learn how to regain health, strength nnd vitality. Medical booklet, containing symptoms nnd treatment of diseases and convincing testimonials of wonderful cures, sent frco to any leader ot this paper who will write for It. AMUSEMENTS, NEW ARMORY,SCRANTON,Pa SONG RECITAL BY ME. SEMBRICH Leading Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co., TUESDAY PRICES. 75c to EVENING, PRICES, 75c to $2. SO. Diagram now Store, Wilkes-Barre ; H. F. Clark's Drug Store, Carbondalc. Orders for seats received by mall or 'phone.; about thirty feet each. One hundred and twenty-five volts of electricity aro turned on, enough to make a sharp, stinging sensation, without leaving a mark or bruise on the beef. The work of punching Is done in one-half the time and with half the exertion. The effect 'of the magic touch on tho steer is amusing to see. A steer touched on the left hip imme diately throws his hind quarters as-far as he can to the right. Then he cocks one ear straight ahead and one straight back, switches his tall and starts straight ahead. Ho don't care for a second attack. The electricity speaks to him In a language he doesn't un derstand. There Is a look of surprise In his eyes, and he seems to know that all the trouble lies in the end of tlmt stick. He doesn't stop to get mad or howl. He has urgent business at the other end of the pen. That Is exactly where the drivers and knockers want him. The now method completely does away with all back rushes und drag ging In with chains, for just as long as the puncher Is behind the steer Is just as far as he can get in front. The saving of time and bruised meat ure also Items to be considered. MARSH HUNTING. A Rare Sport Which Is (it Its Best in September. From Country Llfo hi America. Shooting in tho greenwood Is more or less difficult because of the foliage, but along the seacoast and on the .open marshes sport Is at its best. Septem ber brings the great lllght of wander ers, the yellow-legs and plover and their sniuller cousins, the sand-pipers. Yesterday the marshes stretched Hat and 'brown, a desolate waste over which a fish crow croaked dismally and a nlght-herron labored with heavy wlng This morning ns you set your decoys and established yourself com fortably in your snug blind an hour before sunrise, out of tho dusk north and eust nnd west conies the clear piercing whistle of yellow-less nnd tho long-drawn, plaintive call of the black-breasted plover. Above the white sand dunes rises tho rod rim of the sun. Reforo Its broad bhafls the hosts of the night flee to tho distant hills. The browns and greens of the mnrshes assert themselves. IlnrkS Those whistlers are In tho creek-bed a mile away. You tnko out your little tin call and reply. Presently you know that the birds are n-wlng. Call for call they answer. You can sec them now, a uossen specus against tne sicy liiiG far Hi) thd niai'sh. Nearer thov come and louder nnd clearer becomes the whistling. In xplendld lllght, they nro passing. Now for your art as a caller! Carefully tho little tin whistle talks for you. The birds reply. A few coaxing notes bring doubtful In iuliles. Then the birds see the decoys and swing to them sharply. Now must tho little tin whlstlo tulk to them un ceablngly. What does It say'.' Only the birds know. All tho air. Is filled with their whistling as they wheel over the decoys. Now the long legs drop and tho equally long wings meet above their heads as they alight among tho decoys. It Is the moment you have waited for, The good gun speaks, and speaks again. Then as sounding the alarm, tho burvlvors tuko wing, tho seductive traltomus little tin whistle begins again, Tho birds hesitate, clr cl, then back they come. So tho day passes. Now It la a (lock or mnyhay a single bird, n yellow legs, 11 curlew, a black-breasted plover or beetle-head. A sudden bliowcr sweeps across the maishes, and as tho Min 'breaks out nsjuln, behold each blado of grass tipped with u diamond, On one side low sand dunes shut out tho sea. On the other sldo In tho far distant circle tho highlands. Between Is tho level stretch of brown marshes broken by stilled stack of null hay nnd rut by winding ciecks. Theso aro tho environments of 11 sport with which comparatively few shooters are acquainted, the sport of marsh bltd shooting. And It Is ut its best In this llrst month of the full. AMUSEMENTS. OCX. 2S1, 1902, AT" 8.3C open at Powell's Music Store, Scranton ; Marx Long's a Lyceum Theatre,. M. Rcis, Lessee and Manager. A. J. Duffy. Business Manager Saturday "fft!" Sept. 27 WM, A. BRADY'S Famous Original Production, Lovers' Lane The play that ran an entire year in threo cities and was witnessed by two million people in New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. PRICES- Seats on sale. Matinee, 35c and 50c "Night, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. Academy of Music M. Rels, Lessee and Mann cor. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. Week &" Sept. 22. - 411U11UUJ M DANIEL RYAN And His Big Company SatuidaJ1 Matinee. "His Llfo for Hcr's." Saturday Night, "O'Brien, tho Contractor" Pi ices Matinee. 10 and 20 cents. Night, 10, a) and SO cents. ALL NEXT WEEK, Irene Myers Stock . Co., Monday Night, "The Electrician." .' Dixie's Theatre, HENRY FARNSWORTII DIXIE, Lessee and Manager: WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 22. .. Hugh Stanton & Co. In Comedy. Forester & Floyd, Coster Delineators and others, and NET WEEK. Dol an and Lenliar, Raymond and Iiurkamp Two performances dally, 2.S0 and 8.1S. Prices 15, 23, ffi and DOc. Special mntlneo prices. ICTmctlon cais stop at tho door. STAR THEATRE ALl' G. IIERrUNGTON, Manager! Thursday. Filday and Saturday, SEPTEMIJER 23, 20, 2T. "THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER"-, MATINEE EVERY DAY. MUSHROOM RECIPES. Sweetbrends with Mushrooms. Wash and blanch two pairs of sweet breads, and cut Into largo slices. Take ns many largo fresh mushrooms ns you have slices, und saute both In a lUtlo butter. Lay on a platter In alternate slices, and pour over them the sauce called niultrc d'hotelj cream four table-1 spoonfuls of butter and two of lemon Julco with ono of chopped parsley; serve very hot. Fresh Mushrooms, ruff-lull mushrooms ure plentiful liv tho fall, and n-e among tho best which grow, tlet thriu 'large und fresh, nnd, cut In slices; cither saute them in but ter or bioll quickly in n buttered broiler, Servo with u sauce made of two tuhlespooufuls ut melted butter, half u tablespoonful of vinegar, ono teat spoonful of Worcestershire banco, salt, and papiika, ' - Cutlet with Mushrooms. If one Is to lmvo meat for breakfast' at nil, this Is a simple dlt.li. Cut thu slices of veal Into binull narrow strips llko cio()uettes, dip In beaten eggs well beaboiicd, and then Into chopped mush rooms. Fry and serve with tho maltro d'hote) sauce given before, Cutlet n these strips Is alto ulco with the mlx tuto given for the Spanish omelette. Harper's liuzur. -1 .i- ' t J&VP Jlfcirf..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers