The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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$ fbtmM iktiiuw
PnbttDhtd Dully Erpt Biin.taj, by The TrlhntM
Publishing (.-ompnr,t Finy WhW n Monin.
MVY B. IttCftAliD
...... Kditok,
j Entered (t the t'oitofflca Hi Scranton, Hecoml-
TVhem Pstncst- if IILpermlt, The Tribune It
( nlwnyi Kind tn V
frlnndi lieitrlnir i
tn limit
short letter, from Its
'frlandi IxinrliiK current tnnli'U, lint Id
imln la Hint thcis mtiat bit alsrnfad. for tmb
Jllontlnnt liy the 'writer, real hhiiici anil
( the condition precedent io itccoptance li
that nil contribution ihnll he ulliject to
y editorial retlnlon.
is -v-si-iis
" The following table ahowi the price per Inch each
i Insertion, apace I? bo lined within one year:
rVOiw tbanto Inchee .
to Inches . . . ,
t, wO,.,','";',a :c.
Him of
.17f. .
V .' For card orthnnk, resolution! of conilolenre, and
( slmllat contribution" In. the,
The Trinurle.inn.kes a cfiarge o5 centa a1 line.
C ft ANTON. SKPTHMHKU 27. 1902.
v ;.) .
$- ' State.
,? Goveinrir-8. V. PHNNVIWUKHU.
5 Ueutcimnt (loveinor W. M. BROWN.
t Seeivlmy of Jiiteitml Affitlrs-ISAAU U.
,? Countjr. , ,
,.t CmiKrcsa-Wlt.MAM t'ONNRf.Ti.
JMudtrc A. A. vosiirim.
.. ConimUxloiH'rs-.IOIIN (Will UK MOIt-
f Mine .Inspector-I, I, KWKI.YN M. KV-
, , Legislative.
t t-Vimtni-jnilN It. .JOIUMN.
c, Rf-prosciitiitlves
; First nistilct-.IOSKPII Of.tVl'.ft.
, Srcntid Distili'l -.IOIIN SCHHI K)X, JR.
Thilil nistlU't-KDWAIin JAMKS.
i; Knmtli lJMtlct P. A. PHII.HIN.
i tllectlon duy, Nov. 4.
', tt la to be regretted Hint Mr. Kokels'
$ crlllt'Isnis were nut tireoniiiiiiilcri by a
lew more miggeMtluns.
Th Naw York Campaign.
INCIO tllB fonimtloli of the Ue
piibllcun party there have
been nine Republican ami
i? seven Uciiinerutic Kovernnrs of
J New York, but nut slnee 1S60 has ii He
V publican governor succeeded In winning
' a second consecutive term. Rach party
i lias had control of the executive office
; for a total period of 2;t years, and on
'', each side the majorities have ranged
from a mere bagatelle to nearly a
, quarter of a. million in the case of
, 'Frank Black.
v No state hi the union Is more tnde
( pendent of party lines than New York
in the election of Its governors. The
. iiualitles which have been most fortun
J situ in winning strength among the vot
r t;rs of the Kmplre state tire, first of all,
4 the ability to show results in economy;
' Secondarily, personal Independence, and
,; lastly general ability. We know of no
1 state In the union so much wedded to
y "economy as New York. The fact that
v Ben Odeli has reduced" the tax rate Is
the one fact that the average voter In
". the rural district considers In coniiec
. tlon with the governorship. This pas
sion for economy does not seem to ob
tain in city affairs and it Is seldom so
'-pronounced in county circles, even in
the rural counties; but the governor
'who -wants to win votes for re-election
' inust trim the taxes.
. Fortunately Governor Oib-n has scored
' a notable success in this 'direction
' without causing a decline in admlnls
. trative efficiency. Kospect for his
ability as an executive Is not confined
among those who measure it solely in
dollars and cents. He has shown a
a broad-minded comprehension of state
.i needs and a judicious grasp or 'the
i means necessary to supply them which
jjiave stamped him as one of the most
successful governors the state has ever
i had. Moreover he hits bee'n' politically
jj efficient and successful. He is the real
jit; not the recognized boss of his party,
;;an honor he wears modestly and dls
ftcreetly. He Is personally a rlean-
ftlimbed and clean handed good fellow,
whose word Is ns substantial as a
'.bank note, and it therefore Ih not singu
lar that he should be a prime favorite
among the people, We have little
'doubt of his re-election.
,'j The reason the Democratic orutors
jare shouting 'Imperialism and Trusts"
! -with such vim Is to down the echoing
.o( the sound of the empty dinner palls
I .made during the administration of
CSrover Cleveland.
Up to Russia.
UK APPKAh which .Secretary
Hay made to the signatory
powers lo the treaty of Ber
lin to alleviate the position of
the Houmanlau Jews Is not. It appears
'typin our London despatches, likely to
SMwmt)trieli'''phllunthrople enthuslfiiSni,'
The majority of the signatories have
' I rnrhfJ-nt-ntPrPMitndeil of that
document. It Is very Inconvenient In
ai3&a$fi feradliTlalbiitaueerhig to
have tlielr attention drawn to the lu-
tliTiVtifiiV(fi t ri k JiV 'o r- f h i1! Slavonic im
tcges. flAli'Vhe reifres'enf'atives who drew
Juprand..riliu,4'Uie Berlin, tre-aty have
pjHV5.HMiyiiy except, Lord Salisbury, All
the sovereigns whom Mhey 'represented
tiro dead except the emperor of Austria
-BTTd?Clniut'"fi'ii ml il , 'TreTufeT'wliich de-
.J'tMid for thelrjiprfornianre upon a. cpnt
M.cert of 'fcurripean powers, retain no
s4jjiiy,7J n;cIi ,secnrci( to the. people
tofjyeijtjjalKuigpe proleetlou froiu the
Jstroclous mlsgnvernment o'f Turkey, It
created klngjioniH , (o secipv religious
liberty otU lfliijitljtyh. This was
tf.lho nvoweirpbJcr."''nii;,iitea design of
Hh4-Qii)?jlKt '" -S;Jf',,urt !-'tlu ,ult!
orWh?t'rutri'tolivetf iiirKuroiiean wnr,
',J(40 sfalWi ,'upsl(l m. llKllllatlon of
'belnglforced'to,'pai't with her legitimate
JtiysaJa busneltlior forgotten nor for
ApQfltheWreatytoK Berlin." Hlsmark
'aojylV-;liK?,d fjnglauij pt'.tie BejVlIn con-
;erf. He4fiuc?aw,h(jt, liiUajn'fiyitlng
Turkey, Itusslu sooner oy later" wottlil
possess all that was ceded lo her Jj
1;li$ ttaiy.oOAiiinopliffi tttcMttfife. Bejj
Jn treaJj,f,,iijinerfede(l,(tKjigand wais
lutlFtcd; slie'br'ougiit as she supposed
..vltalltJi.beyoiimthn JnelileiittMirtUe oo
easIonfi3l $'ejtnijji, f'?rtli."'liJsten
lbly tfntvpary rtMierflrtwHS an in-
fiance with honor from Berlin. The
terms or the trenty nie jilnln, but since
then Orrnt Britain has lint dared, and
not .one of llio .abler powers has trlnl,
to enforce them 'in the face' of their
intiiileroiis reitidlaHon by the govern
ments that cotlld be made to live tip to
them, Turkey hits conllniicd on her
career of pillage and massacre, ttiul the
-ltd I tut it principalities have lived up to
their reputation of lawlessness nnd
national turbulence Without the slight
est rebuke from their lordly neighbors.
Secretary Hay will rijeelve u cour
teous response to his diplomatic repre
sentutlons. lint the tone of the press
In Berlin, Vienna uhd St. Petersburg
siiniclently Indicates Hie popular feel
ing .of these cities, The iintl-Semltlc
prejudice Is so strong In the countries
of which these capitals tire the Intel
lectual, social and political centers that
It l a factor which must be tolerated
If not placated by their respective gov
ernments. Mr. 4lny very wisely stated
In set, plnlu terms why this government
Is anxious that the Jew of Eastern
Europe should have bestowed upon htm
the ordinary liberty gtiarranted by law,
but absent In fact, in appealing to the
signatories of die Berlin treaty he was,
in effect, addressing Itussla. .She Is the
only country which can or does exercise
the smallest weight over the counsels of
those wretched satrapies that constitute
the "Independent" principalities of the
Balkan peninsula.
Parcel Post.
T SKRMH tin Interesting fact that
In order to arrange for the car
riage of small parcels to persons
.living In this country the British
post otllce had to enter Into a contract
with it private company of carriers, the
American ICxpress company. Yet this
has been done. The Britisher wishing
to have a parcel delivered within New
a'urk city, .lesey City, Brooklyn or Ho
bofien can have that wish gratified at
the cost of LT. cents, If the weight be
less than !l pounds, or If It be more
than three and less than seven pounds,
the fee hecomea fit) cents, an eleven
pound limit calling for a "S-ceiit charge.
Delivery to 'places In tills country other
than those just named is made for a
slightly larger charge, ranging from r0
cents to $1. But the United States
postal authorities have nothing to do
with tire American end of the trans
action. It is wholly In the hands of a
private express company.
Possibly for this reason there Is a
charge of L'5 ce.nts for the clearance of
parcels through our customs and an
other charge of the same amount, levied
by our government as a "sample office"
or "storage" fee; all of which, of course,
are In addition to the ordinary duties,
if the contents of the parcel be dutiable.
The effect of these various charges will
be, naturally, to limit the availability of
the new arrangement among persons of
moderate means, though the proportion
of the charges kept by the actual car
riers Is very reasonable. There would
seem, therefore, to be room for the
suggestion that our postal establish
ment take Into consideration whether
there is not some better way of ex
pediting parcel delivery between the
two countries. This Is not, to be sure,
the most urgently needed postal de
velopment, but it is one which the
ITnlted States government ought not to
leave to the enterprise of a private car
rier, The resignation rumor is now pursu
ing Secretary Shaw with unnecessary
The Qerman War Bogey Again.
IX YEARS from this time the
German empire will have at
its command 38 battleships.
14 armored cruisers and R8
cruisers a naval force In the
advanced state of nierchanieal
etllclency. it will constitute a sea
power larger than that of any other
country except England, and, compar
ing Germany's length of exposed sea
front with England's, larger than the
power which Great Britain could mass
at any point or In any ocean. No clear
reason has ever been advanced In ex
planation of the building of so large a
navy by a country with so small a lit
toral and so meagre a colonial inter
est. It Is true that Germany's mer
chant marine is large and growing;
and that Germany's foreign trade
seems to have a flattering future. But
none of these facts nor till of them in
combination .suttlees to account for so
large a naval force or for the extreme
eagerness with which It has been
pushed to completion.
It Is a curious fact that among
Aliierlcuii naval olllcer.s the theory has
by no means been abandoned, in spite
of the marked efforts of the German
emperor to cultivate close relations
with the t'nlted Slates, that the real
objective In this colossal programme of
naval roiiMrucllon Is to override the
Monroe doctrine by enforcing German
colonial ambitions In South America.
Those who hold this view make the
plausible argument that the emperor's
policy Includes lulling the Americans
Into Inactivity while his warships aro
being got ready, so Hint when he shall
make the move In South America,
which they think he has for some years
been aching to make, we shall have no
alternative but to acquiesce In It,
thanks to his superior force. It Is un
doubtedly true, as they contend, that
the .Monro.) dbctrlne Is :ts dead as a
diior nail If the balance of lighting
power Is on the other side,
But would that be true In the sup
posed situation? 1 not our navy, with
the adcjltlons that will accrue In the in
iervenlng time, adeiuaK to cope with
even the admittedly line navy that
Germany will then have? Vi'e may be
sure that nobody wants to see the
question brought to a test, yet thu
li.ivul ti'iuliyniiH are n our favor, No
doubt we need more ships, whether we
are to huve tussle with William or
not. And no 'doubt that Is one of the
considerations in the minds of the gen
tlemen who from time to time hold up
the Monroe-doctrlne-und.Gerinany bo
gey. If bur fellow-cltlnens were not
unduly sensitive on the subject It
might be worth while tn nak why a
well-ordered colony of Germans In
fclouth or Central America would not In
all respects be preferable to the "mon
grel governments and lazy methods)
customary among the present bene
ficiaries nnd, by the wny, Ihe ungrate
ful beneficiaries of our dogma of
"hands olfl" But lo ask such a ques
tion In Ihe rlrrunislitnees Would he
..'onsldereil uupittrlollc,
In selecting the county fairs lis cam
paigning grounds the lenders ot the
PaUlson "uprising" have displayed
ralher mor Judgment, tt IM illlllctilt to
effectually Impress the calamity the
ories Upon the average farmer, who
has Just harvested the most bountiful
crops In years.
What Protection Has Done.
HAT hns protection done
for America? An observ
unt Englishman has told
u part of the story In his
complaint that America has Invnded
Europe. He complains that the Eng
lishman who a few years ago supplied
the world, today sits down In his break
fast made of cereals manufactured' In
Michigan, beefsteak from Chicago, a
slice ot bacon from New York, and
bread made from Minneapolis Hour. On
the wny to his otllce he rides In a car
built In New York, propelled by elec
trical machinery made In Schenectady,
over u railway constructed by Ameri
can engineers, largely of American ma
terial and projected by American capi
talists. When he enters his otllce, If ho
Is up to date, he sits In a revolving
chair made In Chicago, before a roll
top desk made In Buffalo; his letters
are written on a typewriter made at
III. .n, N. Yy he signs thefn with an
American fountain pen, dries the ink
with u New England blotter and flies
his letter copies In Hies manufactured
at Grand Itaplds. If he goes to the
races for pleasure he sees the highest
stakes won by an American horse
ridden by an American Jockey. And
when he rends his evening paper he
finds that European nations nre having
battleships built In American shipyards,
.learns that an American artist is to
pant the coronation of King Edward
and that 40,(100 gold, silver and bronze
medals ordered by the king to com
memorate that coronation were ma'de
In Massachusetts; that the emperor of
Germany had his royal yacht built in
Xew York and sent Prince Henry across
the Atlantic to attend the launching
when the daughter of the American
president should christen It. These are
some of the changes of which the Eng
lishman complained and they are large
ly due to the policy of protection to
American labor which developed Ameri
can Industry and enterprise until It in
vaded the old world nnd made the Brlt
ains fear that some American would
come along and annex the British isles
ns a museum of antiquity when free
trade ruled the world. The Democrats
would, however, stop the wheels of
progress and again change the current
ot business from England to the ITnlted
States, Instead ot allowing it to con
tinue from the ITnlted States to Eng
land, Continental Kurope and all the
The action of Ttev. Mr. Hennes, ot
Iowa, who laid all of his troubles at
the door of his "nagging" wife, ap
pears to have been a good deal like
Adam in spite of all the teachings of
After the king of Helgium's treat
ment of his daughter, we think he had
better abandon his contemplated
American visit. He might get a frost.
It is a relief to know that at least no
one lius suggested arbitration as a
means of settling the war between the
base ball leagues.
The singular part of Kobert Emory
Paulson's career as a reformer Is that
it lias always been in the subjunctive
Itecent remarks of Prophet Dowle in
dicate tliat the .Ion contribution box
has been accumulating pewter nickels
Outline Studies
of Human Nature
Stories of Kitchener.
The Kugllsh papers are full of stories
about Kitchener. One of them tells how
General llelarey described one ot his In
terviews with I .aid Kitchener, In which
he made an earnest endeavor to obtain
an armistice during the progress of thu
negotiations. "I told htm," said Uelarey,
"lhat I considered It extremely unfair for
his columns to gallop about the country
after my commandos while I was here to
discuss the possibility of a peaceful un
durstnndlng with your people. .My men
weie'depilv.'d of Ihelr leader and placed
tit an unfair disadvantage. It wan no
good, though." continued the Hour
general. "Kitchener turned lo me and
leplled: 'General llelarey, I am not
n wine that anyone ticked you to come in,
You can go out again tomoirow, If you
like,'" Cliilstlan He Wet seemed thor
oughly to enjoy describing bow lie
tackled the man of Khartoum over tint
continuance of our occupation of the
country with a large military force,
which, he ptotested, would be an unde
sirable charge on thu lesources of the
country and a handicap lo Its speedy dt.
vcloiucut. "I told him," said Do Wet,
"Hint I must stipulate for the with
drawal of tlu whole of your army nt ih.i
earliest possible dale after the signature
of peace." Kitchener's only reply was;
"Don't be childish."
A New Kftilnml olllcer Is nuthnrlty for
another story Illustrating the same
laconic, business. like traits, lie had been
sent to Pretoria. While he was enjoy
ing a pipe u tagged looking "gentleman
In kluikl" came along tlui line.
The stranger wore no stars or othr
distinguishing marks, apd did not Inou In
any wny Impressive, Passing In front nt
thi) young ortleer, lie linked; "Colonial?"
"Yes," was the teply.
"Thlid New Zealand."
"Ah, you are to join Pliuuer."
The stranger then begun to talk of "In
side orders" In n way that surmised I he
New Zealandir, who remarked that he
was awaiting Just such orders from Lord
"Well, you've got Ihem. I'm Kllchen
er," was the unexpected reply.
Trials of Shah's Court Poet.
The fate of the court poet lauieato in
tho time of Ihe present shtih's father was
not to be envied, On one' occasion tho
shah rend In lilni one of Ids una poems,
and nskcil for his opinion! "Even If 1
deserve your majesty's anger," said tho
candid poet, "1 must say that It Is any
thing but poetry," The shah, feeling In
sulted, cried out lo those who walled on
hhn: "Take this donkey to tho stable."
After a little while, becoming calmer, ho
tried Hie poet onco' more, lids time with
a fresh set ot verses. WJieu ho had fin
ished lending, die poet stinted to go
away. "Where ate you going?" asked
the ninth. "To the stable, your majesty,"
wits tlin reply nt the poet. This time, tho
shah enjoyed the Joke niid tho poet was
forgiven. Clilengo News.
Published Too Late,
A dnpiiei .wning stationer lb it certain
small SeotllMh town liutl lolig wooed the
beautiful daughter of a ptosperotts filmi
er In the Vicinity, n nil albeit receiving Ill
He or nli encouragement from the young
lady, still, having a "gulil conceit o' him
nel" ns they say In thu north, considered
himself as holding the first place In her
This stale of thhuii went on for porno
time until the farmer engaged it stalwart,
handsome young Irishman as his farm
malinger, who tn a very short time be
came high In favor with 'the daughter,
and In a few mouths their entrnijenicnt
was nmnmnci'd, .
A short time nflerwards the Intended
bildegrootn walked Into the ntntluner's
shop one tiny nnd asked to see some
bunks suitable for presents, 'flint gentle
man thought lie saw an opportunity of
taking u ."fall" out of his successful
rival, so winking to some other custom
ers who wen standing by, he took a vol
ume from a nelghbuilug shelf, and ex
claimed: "Here's' n newly published volutin)
which should Just suit you. It's entitled
'How to Hear Pigs Successfully.'"
The young Hibernian glanced nt tho
book, and then, with a wilhevlng glnneu
of contempt nt tho other, .he remarked,
"Newly published, you say? Jinn
alive! Isn't It n mortal pity your mother
never gut a chance of reading that
And wllb that he turned on bis heel
and left tho shop. London Tit-Hits.
Brother Dickey's Yankee Folks.
"I don't quite on'etstnn' dem Yankee
folks," said Brother Dickey.
"Why, they've done a grent dent for
your race."
"Yes, sub, eii tint's des wbnr de trou
ble comes in. Dey gives dollar utter dol
lar ter eddlrnte de nigger, en w'en de
nigger done pull thoo college he go ter
'inn en lit' he hat on sav:
" 'Mawuln', sub! lilt's a fine mawnln',
"'Yes. de Yankee tell 'lm, 'Hit Is a
wcry fin' mawnln'; but what is it you
wants wld de mawnln' en me?'
" 'I des driip In ter say dat I done got
my Mldliatlou, sub.'
" 'Well, wlmt de devil Is I got ter do
wld dat?'
"'Well, sub,' speak up de nigger, 'hit
wuz you dat gimme de eddiciitlou, en
now 1 wants you ter tell me what lei do
with It!'
"En what you reckon he say In an
swer ter dat? He open be eye wide -Ink
dls-en den he say, wld a fur-'way look
In he eye:
" 'D ef I know! T ain't got no job
fer you. You better go back whar you
come film, en settle down. 'Sides dat,
(lis Is my busy day. John, show dls cul
lud gentleman whar de do' at! wish you
good luck. sub. Good mawnln'!" Atlan
ta Constitution.
Boy Wlio Knew Chauncey.
Perhaps Hie fact that telling rtbs Is
alluded to In many families as "story
telling" may account for tho subjoined
It Is told of Chauncey Depew that ho
proved of considerable Interest, to tho
small boy of a family on which he once
made a call. After dinner he and the
head of the house were closeted together
for two hours or longer. When Depew
bad departed the boy inniilred the iden
tity of the Important-looking visitor,
"That, my son, Is Chauncey Depew, the
greatest story teller in America," ex
plained the father.
The business that had kept Depew nnd
the father closeted together for so long
brought the former back In a few days.
The boy was playing near the bouse ns
Depew approached, and, running up to
the visitor, exclaimed:
"I'll go tell pop you're coming. I know
who you are 'Mr. Depew, the greatest
liar in America." Chicago Chronicle.
Stretching the Hope and Locating- a
A newlv nuoolnted Georidn lustli-n of
the pence was Informed that some one j
had stolen Ills horse during the night. '
He was not long in locating the crimi- i
nal, who was .speedily brought to tilal,
when the justlie said: "I ain't qualified I
ter set on tills ease, seeln' as the horse ,
was mine; but I'm gnln' to let tho bailiff ,
preside, an' while he's n-trylii' of the
criminal. Ill be out yauder n-stretchln
of the rope an' loeatln' of the tree." At
lanta (-'(institution.
From the World's Work.
In a factory where 1,500 men work, their
labor union made an unreasonable de
mand of the owner. The next day a
number of old men went to him and
said: "We are sorry that the union did
tills, and we want you to know that we
were not at the meeting."
The owner replied: "Then you are to
blame for it. You belong to tho union
properly; and It Is your duty to attend
Its meetings, If nil the best men had at
tended the meeting, the action of the
union would have been wiser. Any de
mand Hint nil the men In the shop make
after careful deliberation Is likely to be
n reasonable demand."
Then ho went on: "Labor unions some
times have bad government for tho same
reason that cities havo It the best men
do not vote. To be of use tlui union
should compilse the best men, and they
should attend its meetings and direct Its
Such an Incident as this tells Its own
story and carries Its own moral, Tho
more you think of It, the wiser tho
owner's conduct seems. He ha.i never had
a strike.
'See the many, many bugs
Buggy bugs!
How they Hotter through the twilight,
causing us excited shrugs!
How lhey rustle, rustle, rustle,
In the dreamy nlr of night;
Flipping, flapping on the highway,
Blooming, misszing on the byway,
I'nder each elect i In light.
How they dip, dip, dip!
How they zip, zip, zip!
Till they whisk about our whiskers nnd
go mugging at our mugs!
Ob, the bugs, bugs, bugs!
Oh, Hie bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs,
bugs, bugs!
Oh, the night Is two shades darker from
the bugs.
All sorts and kinds of bugs!
Fuzzy bugs!
Hugs Hint humbly beg your pardon; bugs
that proudly throw on lugs! .
How they flutter, flutter, llutlor,
Till some lady gives a slujek;
Till she clutches at her bonnet
Shouting that a bug's upon It.
For she felt It cllnib her cheek,
How they wing, wing, wing!
How lhey sing, slug, slug!
Tho mosquitoes and tho beetles and each
huzzy, buggy tiling.
Oh, the bugs, bugs, bugs!
Oh, Ihe bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs,
bugs, bugs!
There's n million miles of breeze contain.
Ing hiiss.
There are June and lady buqrs!
Whiskered bugs!
There are bals and Heas and locusts;
there nre moths In Hearch of rugs.
Hugs that hurtle like u missile!
Bugs that roar and bugs that whistle;
Hugs hi many colors tinted;
Hed-(let that one be but hinted).
Hugs with fares llko n pug!
And they hold a big convention under
each electric llsht,
Oh, the hugs, bugs, bugs!
Oh, the bug's, bugs, bugs, bugs, hugs,
bugs, bugs!
iVhnl a buzzy, buggy, bumping bunch of
Baltimore American
The nctiinl Influence of our greitt lake
on Ihe cllmafe of stations on the wind
ward side is appreciable by the Increased
cloudiness twenty miles from tho shore,
hut not much beyond! Its Influence on the
temperature Is only appreciable by the
prevention of early frosts by roneon of
Hie formation of cloud ami fog.
The brains of new-born boys weigh, on
tho average, nil grams! of now-born glrl,
::ol, At tho end of the first yrnr tho
figures are! Boys, !K!J girls, MM. By the
end or the third year, the weight of ihe
brnlit has tripled, and from this epoch It
Increases .very slowly, especially with
girls. It attains lis greatest weight nt
about nineteen and n half years for men,
ut about seventeen for women, The
average weight of the brain of an ndult
mule Is 1,400 grnmsi of an ndult female,
1,270 gratn.i. Tho reduction of weight due
to senile atrophy commences with men
about tho eightieth year, with women,
about the seventieth.
In fifty ot the largest cities of tho
Pulled Slates, 4.".l dally newspapers are
published, or which 201 urn In the morn
ing and 217 In 'the evening. Evening
newspapers ore Increasing more rapidly
than mi. ruing papers. Out of twenty-six
of the largest cities III the ITnlted Slates,
fifteen show an exees of morning publi
cations, and three have the same number
In each class. In ISIl there were f.".n
morning papers nnd 1,0"1 evening papers:
In HKril. there were ..!.." morning papers, mi
Increase of 0.1 per cent,, nnd 1,11.11 evening
papers, an Increase of ."..2 per cent. This
difference Is the more striking when Ills
recalled that the Increase hi all dally
publications was R8.S per cent.
In the year Just closed, the Soo canals
were open to navigation sevi.1i months.
The trafrie Hint passed through was
three times that of the Suez canal, in.
value, the freight carried reached a total
of J.IOO.IOO.UOO ami the cost of transporta
tion was $.11,000,0(10. The year closed with
a total of L'S.WO.OOl) tons, ugalust 25,0u0.OC0
in 1D0O. Last year's business nt the Soo
canals was double that of 1S04 and equal
to that of- tho lint twenty-eight yeats
after the. Ilrst canal, with limited depth,
was opened, Freights on the lakes urn
the cheapest In the world for water
borne commerce. Hulk freights In and
out of Lake Superior averaged less than
one mllJ tier ton tier mile; coal, upbound,
was carried at less than one-third of a
mill per in Ik. Iron ore and wheat
brought SO cents u ton for an average of
!.0 miles. During the season, one steel
ship can led 1",7,000 tons of freight, nnd
traveled :i;i,MW miles. Another ship, with
barges, carried 2l,0(Kl tons of freight on
one trip, moving at over seven miles an
hour. About 110,000 passengers traveled
between the upper and lower lakes.
The New and Absolutely
Hotel Earlington,
2.7lh Street
New York
The most
central and
most accessi
ble location
In the city,
with quiet
and refined
Single room (bath) Jl.iVO to ZM
Double rooms (bath), 1 person 12.00
Double rooms (bath), 2 persons.,.. &.O0
Hath rooms adloinlng.
Large, doublo rooms, with private
bath rooms, 1 person ..J.1.00
Large double rooms, with private
bath rooms, 2 persons $4.00
Suites of parlor, bedroom and
bath for 1 person. $.1.00, $4.00. $.'..00, $7.0)
Suites of parlqr.bcdroom and bath,
for 2 persons $4.00, $.'.00, JjG.OO, $S.00
Suites of parlor, 2 bedrooms and
bath $7.00, $8.nn. $10.00
v E. M. KATU.E .i SON,
SO years connected with Earle's Hotel,
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct
to hotel.
Iloomii with Hath ) (Suits with Hath
S'-'.uo i" $:i.oo.
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir Ins Place,
American Han, $3.50 Per Pay and Upward
European Plan, $1,00 Per Day and Upwards.
Epeclal lUtea to Families.
tM.,fr-i--f "f4-
Tor Ttiislness Men
In Hie heart of tho wholesale dls- 4-
trlct. f
For .Slioiuiers t
II minutes' walk to Wunamakcrs;
2 minutes' to Siegel Cooper's Dig T
Store. F.nsy of access lo t lie great T
111'." Utneoa
For Sightseers I
X One block from IT wny l!ars, glv- L
Ing easy transportation to all I
.J. points or Interest, I
f Cor 11th ST. .t PNIVHHSITV PL.
f- Only 0110 Mock from iiro.ulway. --
T RnnrrK $1 Tin kestaukanp -f
f AUUal), .PI Up, pdces Keaionjbli J
Atlantic City.
The temperature at the AI1NRW,
On the Ueacli, In Chelsea, Atlantic City,
TliuiMluy was 63",
lCvery appointment ot a modern Hotel.
KcntucVy Atcuue. First Hotel from, At.
Until) City, X. J,; ft) Oicau view room.; ia
pailty too; write for ales. J, 1). Jentc
liu, I'top,
On a tpur of the Alleghany Mountain, l.ehlgh
Valley ralboad; near Touandi. lljllilnij, tls'.ilni,,
(.port), etc. b'xietlent table, IIeaoiiihlo rules.
', O., Apci, Pa. Scn.l for bouldct.
. O. K. HAI1HI3.
Entries Close
After October I , no more new con
testants dan enter
lie His 1.1;
Contest Closes
List of Scholarships
2 Scholarships In Syracuse University, at $432 each...? 864
1 Scholarship In Bucknell University 520
1 Scholarship In the University of Rochester 824
Preparatory Schools
1 Scholarship In Washington School for Boys .81700
1 Scholarship in WilHamsport Dickinson Seminary 750
1 Scholarship In Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School 750
1 Scholarship in Newton Collegiate Institute 720
1 Scholarship In Keystone Academy 600
1 Scholarship In Brown College Preparatory School... 600
1 Scholarship in the School of the Lackawanna 400
1 Scholarship In the Wilkes-Barre Institute 276
1 Scholarship in Cotult Cottage (Summer School) 230
, 86028
Music, Business and Art
4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at
S125 each $ 500
4 Scholarships in the Hardenbergh School of Music and
Art , 460
3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College, at S100 each 300
5 Scholarships in International Correspondence. Schools, '
average value 857 each ' ." 285
2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at 885
each 170
2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio " 125
Rules of
The special rewards will be given to
tho person securing tho largest num
ber of points
Points will be credited to contestants
securing new subscribers to The
Scranton Tribune as lollows:
4 Pts.
One month's subscription $ .r.0 1
Three months' subscription.... 1.2.1 3
Six months' subscription 2..10
One year's subscription 15.00 12
The contestant with the. highest
number of points will be given a
choice from the list of special rewinds;
tho contestant with the second high
est number of points will be given
n choice of the remaining rewards,
nnd so on through the list.
Tho contestant, who secures the
highest number of points during auv
calendar months of the contest will
receive a special honor reward, this
reward being entirely Independent of
Hm ultimnto disposition of the schol
arships. Each contestant falling to secure a
special reward will be. given iu per
An Excellent Time to Enter
A new contestant beginning today has an excellent opportunity to
secure one of these valuable scholarships. Thlrty:three are sure to get
scholarships. Only three'yearly subscribers, counting 36 points, would
place a beginner In 29th place among the "Leaders."
Send at once for a canvasser's equipment.
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa V
Four Special Honor Prizes.
To be given to the four contestants scoring the largest number of
points during the month of September. This Is entirely additional to
the main contest, all contestants starting even on September 1.
First Prize A handsome Mandolin, valued at $10, to be se
lected by the successful contestant from the stock of J. W. Guernsey. '
Second Prize No. 2 Brownlo Camera, including one ,j of
Third Prize No. i Brownie Camera, including one roll of films
and a Brownie Finder.
Fourth Prize No. 1 Brownie Camera, including one roll of
films and a Brownie Finder.
Crane Store
Opportunities pre
sented for a peep at
Mistress Fashion
Has consented to
approve for
Early Pall.
Take Elevator at
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Fall Styles
Now Ready
412 Spruce Street
309 Lack. Avenue.
Agent Dr, Jaeger's
Sanitary Underwear,
October 1st.
October 25.
the Contest
cent, of nil money he or she turns In.
All subscriptions must bo paid in
advance. '
Only now subscribers will be counted.
Rene wn Is by persons whose names
are already on our subscription list
will not bo ci edited. The Tribune will
Investigate, each subscription and if
found Irregular in any way reserves
the right to'.rejeit It.
No transfers can bo made after
credit hasohcc been given.
.All subscriptions and the cash to pay
for fliem 'must bo handed in at The
Tribune ofllco within the week in
which they aro secured, so that pa
pers can be sent to the subscribers at
once. (
Subscriptions must be written on
blanks, which can bo secured at The
Tribune office, or will be sent byp
Do You -Want
a Good Education?
Not a thort course, nor an tuj course,
nor a cheap course, but the best eifucatloo
to be had. No other education ia worth
pending time and money on. U jou do,
write for catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
ivhlrh offers thorough preparation In ha
Engineering and Chemical Profession ai uJl
as the regular College courses.
Chestnut Hill Academy ,
Wlssnlilckon llcljrllts
Chestnut Hill. Pa.
A lioauliiig acliool tot boya
In tho cluvatcd mill beautiful
open country north of Phil
nilulplilu, 20 minutes from
llioart St. station. Cata
logues on application.
.... 4
T. J, Foster, i'olJent. Klmer li. LanaU, tlea.
B. Si Foster, Etanle; P. Allan,
Vict President. Becrettry
Done quickly and reasonably
at The Tribune office.
v? $9,500
. f :