The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
&,A, A .it' u'y ft ,, . V J V 'lw ..W iu t'i r", r,. Y ' fii. iiV 4 OLD MEMORIES WERE REVIVED IELLOWSHIP MEETINO OF THE GREEN RIDGE BAPTISTS. An Enjoyable Social Gathering Held last Might In Connection with the Celebration of the Tenth Anniver sary of the Church Addresses Were Mado by Former Judge J. W. Carpenter, E. F. Gharaberlln, Thomas Johns and Others Pro gramme for Tomorrow. The second meeting In connection with the celebration of the tenth annl versary of the Green nidge BnptlBt church was held last nlstht In the spacious Sunday school ronniH and par took ofUhe form of a delightful social gathering. Supper was served by the ladles of the church, beginning at 7.30 o'clock. Three long tables, extending the full length of the room, had been arranged and decorated, with the assistance of McCllntock, the florist, who had banked REV. II. S. STERLING. palms at one end of the room. About ISO members of the congregation sat down to the elaborate shipper which had been prepared. .7 PASTOIl MADE ADDRESS. Shortly before 3 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. H. S. Potter, who occupied a seat at the head of the center table, made a brief address, serving to Intro duce In a general way the speakers who were to follow. The first nddress was made by Thomas Johns, who was one of those most active In organizing the church, ten years ago. He Spoke on the past history of the church and told of the struggle made for an existence at first and of the gradual growth in both temporal nnd spiritual things. Ten souls wpie saved in the mission from which the church sprang, he said, and dozens have been brought to Christ since the organization of the church itself. . The second speaker was Prof. P. M. Loomihl or the High school, who spoke on the future of the church. "God rules the universe," he said. "He lules Individual lives and He rules churches. If we take a broader out look of life, we will realize that God's piomlses are being fulfilled in our church life. The success of this church in the past has been due to the faith ful, consecrated souls who have de voted their lives to its service. Now that our membership Is increased, we are assured of far greater success in the' future." He said that though the congrega tion had been saddened by the depart ure of Rev. Mr. Ford, a large hand of dispensation might be seen in the com ing of a new woiker on the walls of Zlon. He said that no Baptist church In this part of the state has a brighter outlook and none has brighter hopes, FINANCES OF CHURCH. E. F. Chamberlin, the treasurer of the church, next gave a talk on the church finances. The total receipts for ten years, he said, have been $20,000, of which amount $16,000 has been expended for current expenses nnd $10,000 for property nnd Interest . on the mort gage. 'In 1S93 he said the church was twenty third on the list of the Abington Bap tint association as far as membership was concerned. In 1S!)4 it was ninth on the list in membership and fifth in the matter of contributions for benevolent and missionary work. In 1901 the church was sixth In point of member ship und second In the matter of con tributions being only surpassed In this latter lespect by the Penn avenue Bap tist church. "No church In the Abington associa tion," said he, "has a better Held and a better prospect for the curylng out of the Master's work. If we work earn estly and zealously for His cause we shall find pleasure not only In a sense of duty done but In the growth of mind, of health, of body and above all, the growth In grace which will come to us all." J. Nelson Garret, the superintendent of the Sunday school, sketched brlelly the history of that adjunct of the church, which started ten years ngo with but twenty-four scholars and which now has a membership of 360. Former'Judgo J, Wheatou Cuipenter was called upon by Rev. Mr. hotter to speak on "The Law and the Gospel," but he announced a desire to be held down to no particular subject. JUDGE CARPENTER'S REMARKS. "There Is no doubt," said he, "but that the time which Is now being spent by this church In celebrating Its tenth anniversary will have a tendency to renew the spiritual strength of the piembers of the congregation and en able them to accomplish greater achievements In the future. The record of this church has been remarkable both for Its growth In- membership and for the character of Its membership. Tour past Is secure. The future Is your only concern and with such a beginning as you have had you need have no cause for anxiety, "I want to publicly record my belief that the greatest Institution for the moral education of the people of this world Is the Christian church. Its teafchers have always been men who by precept and example have always sought to rescue their fellow men from the pit of despair; Its ministers have been the purest souls Into whom the breath of life has ever beep breathed and the best qnd noblest men of every nation are proud to stand together under tho banner of the cross. If the time ever comes, and I believe it will, when all the churches will be united to fljrht for the common- good ugulnst a common evil It will constitute a power whose Influence will be Irreslstable." Brief addresses were also made by Mrs. G, T, Prlchard, who Bpoko for the ladles; Miss Agnes Nicholson, who told of the Junior work; E. George Trlmby, who spoke of the Young People's society nnd Bert Unit, the musical director. A greeting from across the sea was pre sented by H H. Loughnm, of England, who Is visiting friends In this city. The celebration will be continued with special services on Sunday. The theme of the morning service will be "Retro spect." Communications from Rev. Warren G. Partridge, D. D., of Cincin nati Ohio; Rev. J. C. Brooklns, of Auburn, N. Y and Rev. William ,T. Ford, Ph. D., of Jamestown, N. Y., will be read. The theme of the evening ser vice will bo "Prospect." MIsb Cornelia Freeman, Miss Julia Clapp Allen, nnd Tom Glppel will assist In the musical part of the services. The Sunday school will hold a special "rally service" at the usual hour. The juniors and the B. Y. P. B. will also hold special services. AN IMMENSE SEWER. Nineteenth District Sewer Will Be Nearly Twelve Miles Long. Some Interesting Figures. Bids will soon be opened by Director of Public "Works Roche for one of the largest sewers ever constructed In this city. This la the sewer to drain the Nineteenth dlstilct, comprising the Bellevue section of the city. It will be upwards of twelve miles long, and the estimate of Its cost, prepared by the superintendent of' engineering, Is $185, 000. Some most Interesting figures regard ing the proposed sewer have been com piled from the specifications by Super intendent Phillips, of the bureau of en gineering. These figures show the Im mensity of the undertaking better than anything else. There will be 5,260 feet of brick sewer required, ranging in diameter from thirty-three to sixty-three Inches. The total length of pipe sewer to be laid will be 57,070 feet. Of this number of feet 18,185 feet will be eight Inch, 17,355 feet, ten Inch, and 10,320 feet, twelve Inch. In addition to this, 26,100 feet of slx lnch house connections will have to be put In, requiring the use of 1959 bends of six Inch pipe. There will be 364 ordinary manholes and seven tunnel manholes. Sixty three corner basins and ninety-eight side basins will also be put in. Work on the sewer canont be com menced until spring, but the bids will be advertised shortly, to save any de lay. W. C. T. U. AT TAYLOR. Officers Elected at the Sixteenth An nual Convention. Tho members of the Lackawanna county Women's Christian Temperance union held their sixteenth annual con vention in the Methodist Episcopal church at Taylor on Thursday. The morning session was devoted to the re ports of officers and the appointment of committees. In the afternoon officers were elected, as follows: President, Mrs. Martha De Graw, of Scrnnton; vice-president, Mrs. D. B. Hand, of Seranton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Beck, of Peckvllle: re cording secretary, Mrs. Gabel Swartz, of Dunmore; treasurer, Mrs. Squires, of Carbondale. Resolutions were ndopted reaffirming allegiance to the basic principles of the organization, pledging the union to a new and deeper consecration to the principles for which the white ribbon stands, nnd endorsing the movement among many leformers of all political parties favoring the ennctment of the law known as direct legislation. Regarding the strike, the resolutions expressed the following: "We firmly believe that the governor of this state should do his utmost to bring the con tending factions In the present labor tioubles together, and advocate the en actment of a compulsory arbitration law, In order that justice may be dealt out to all." In the evening, Mrs. Holvey, of West Plttston, dellveied an address on "The Wedge of Gold." Mrs. I,. E. Vnughan, the retiring president, was presented with several beautiful bouquets of (lowers, among them one from the Dun more union, consisting of roses and car nations, as a token of high esteem. CONSULTED WITH ARCHITECT. School Board Committee Wants High School Flans at Once. The high and training committee of the school board consulted last night with Gilbert N. Kdson, the architect selected to prepare the plans for the new high school annex, to be erected on the Adams avenue site, adjoining the proposed manual training school. There was a general Interchange of Ideas on the pioposed annex, but no definite conclusions were reached. Mr. Edson will consult Immediately with Edward Langley, the architect who Is preparing plans for the training school, so that there will be harmony In the general plan of the two buildings. The members of the committee desire to have the plans prepared as quickly as possible, so that some work may be accomplished before winter sets In. It Is desired to have both buildings ready for opening by September 1 of next year. It was decided (o notify a number of parents living outside the city that the tuition for their children at the high school must bo paid ut once or the lat ter will be prohibited from attending, The committee nlso decided to recom ment that the appointment of E. h. Fellows as teacher at the high school be made permanent. C. T. A. U. SOCIETIES. Will Hold Their Quarterly Conven tion on October 12. Delegates representing nineteen soci eties in the Second dlstilct of the Catholic Total Abstinence union of the Seranton diocese, will hold their quar terly convention In St. Thomas' Col lege hall, Wyoming avenue, on Sunday, October u The principal nddiess will be deliv ered by Superintendent Bower, of tho Allls. Chalmers company. A prize of $5 will be given to the member who pic Bents the best paper on "The Best Means to Induce the Elder Membeis to Retain Their Membeishlp." The olllcers of the Second district are: Vice-president, J. o. Gallagher; secre tary, John Baldwin; treusurer, John Lavln. They have decided to procure as much talent as possible befoie going out of the district for assistance. To visit tho soldiers' camp at Oly phant, take the Throop or Carbondale car; both ure convenient to the camp. ftHB SCRANtON CRYING NEED OP THE Y.W.C A. MRS. E. H. RIPPLE BAYS IT IS A NEW BUILDING. In Her Annual Report as President, Delivered Last Night, She Referred . to the Necessity for a Building Where Young Women Can Be Boarded In a Home-like Manner. Public Meeting to Be Held in the Elm Park Church Sunday After noon at 3.45 O'clock. The fourteenth annual meeting of the Young Women's Christian association was held last evening In the rooms of the South Seranton branch, when re ports of the work done In the past year were read, and the following members elected to the board of managers: Mrs. J. A. Price, Mrs. A. F. Law, Mrs. James McAnulty and Mrs. Robert Williams. The board will hold n meeting next week and elect olllcers of the associa tion. The present .officers nre: President, Mrs. E. H. Ripple; first vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Price; second vice-president, Mrs. C. D. Simpson; secretary, Mrs. C. B. Derman; treasurer, Mrs. H. J. Hall. In the president's report, Mrs. Ripple says: "Ever since our organization It has been our nlm to be a help to women nnd girls, and until 'the secret of all hearts Is mado manifest,' no one can estimate what hus been done for those among "us In these fourteen years. Our work has been constantly limited by not having the means to carry It on a larger scale, but our lunch room Is dally crowded and our noonday services well attended. "Our crying need at present Js to own a building, where we can board and lodge In a home-like way the many girls and women who And it hard and burdensome to work and really have no home life in the boarding houses. May we hope ere long there shall rise in this city a building for the Young Women's Christian association, now that the young men are provided for. God will surely reward those who do it." FOR CENTRAL BRANCH. The report of the central city branch, submitted by the secretary, Miss Bertha M. Wood, was a review of work done at the rooms on Washington avenue, showing the average attendance at noonday meetings, Sunday afternoon gospel meetings, gymnasium classes, domestic science department, etc. She emphasized the great need In the center of the city of a good boarding home for self-supporting young women In connection with this Christian organ ization. The report for the South Side branch, submitted by Miss Marie J. Meredith, showed the urgent need "of more equip ment to carry on the work among the young women, and the Importance at tached to the junior work, of which there Is a class of from 45 to 100. Simi lar reports were also received from the North End branch, where the junior sewing school has registered 120 girls from 6 to 14 years of age. The treasurer's report showed total receipts of $8,020.10, nnd disbursements of $8,013.63, leaving a balance on hand, September 3, of $12.47. The association's outstanding Indebtedness on the above date amounted to $1,182.24. All classes of the association work will open on October G, unless other wise stated, nnd will Include Bible classes, domestic science, physical cul ture, English classes, Christmas nov elty classes and shirtwaist class. The West Seranton branch of the associa tion has been closed, but not aban doned, until it can be opened in a more satisfactory manner. CANNOT COME. Miss Wood, secretary of the Young Women's Christian association, re ceived a telegram yesterday, stating that Mrs. Margaret E. Sangster Is un able to fulfill her engagement In Seran ton, because of a cold, which has de prived her of her voice. This is a great disappointment, for Mrs. Songster's coming was anticipated with extraor dinary Interest. Her beautiful poems are familiar as household words; her gentle, helpful thoughts are known and loved the world over, and she" would have received a hearty welcome. But It has been decided not to postpone the public meeting In Elm Park church at 3.45 tomorrow, when it Is expected that a great audience will be present to hear about the woik of the associa tion, and when an excellent programme will be presented. If ever there was need of an active Young Women's Christian association, It Is in this city. Not half enough in terest istakon in this most noble work, which has wrought out wonderful re sults so quietly and unassumingly that the public hears but little of it. if It were generally understod what a faith ful, tender, beneficent inlluenco it throws out around the path of tho young glrlH whose feet must walk In perilous places because of the .struggle for life, perhaps It would receive more earnest recognition here. NEEDS OF THE GIRLS. A gieat deal Is being done for the young men and little children and al ways appeals to the kind hearts of public-spirited citizens, but the work for the thiong of young girls who are a large percentage of the wage earners In this region, lecelves very little atten tion, except from the few devoted wo men who have long tolled In Its behalf, amid very dlscoui aging conditions, At tho meeting tomorrow nt Elm Park church, many points which havo been hitherto unpublished will be given to the public. It will be a meeting of exceptional Interest nnd value. No one who has any sympathy for one of the greatest of all philanthropic efforts will fall to be present. WYOMING SEMINARY, Special to the Seranton Tribune. Kingston, Sept, 2il.-Cec!l Shield. 'OJ, of Nicholson, has leturned for a post-giad- mile cnutse, I). Johns, a former teacher, has taken up a position In Luhlgh Piepuratory school ami has entered for studies In the unlvumlty. Jesso Cooper, '0J, of Montrose, was a pleasant caller at tho seminary befoie going to his work at Wcsleyan uuivcislly, Mr. lllakeslee, a younger brother of Ir ln Blakeslee, '02, of Erie county, has en tered a preparatory course. Piofessor Lofkln, of Maine; graduate of Wesleyan untveislty, has taken tho placo of Piofessor Ferguson as coach and phy sical director, The first games, the Irst victory! Tho. first game of the season was plujed on Wyoming field last Wednesday with the Alumni club of Seranton. Score, 11-0. Tho team goes tomonow to Bella's Grove to play tho strong team of Sus quehanna university. TRIBUNE- jTltttoAlzV lMl!l!llI?1ft TBSfc A HUSBAND'S ADVICE AND THE SATISFACTORY RESULTS TO WHICH IT LED. The Story as Mrs. Cooper Told It to a Reporter After Her Recovery. "It all came about through the ad vice of my husband," said Mrs. Sadlo Cooper, of No. 329 Main street, Auburn, Me., to a reporter. "1 suffered Intensely with Inllamma tlon of tho stomach for four months," she continued. "I had a naturally weak stomach and In December, 1897, It began to trouble mc more than usual. I could not' bear tho least pressure on It without feeling a terrible falntncss, nnd I had so much gas Ui It that It caused pains to go all through the upper part of my body. When I got up quick ly my head would feel so dizzy that Is would have to lie down again and then rise gradually. There was a poor cir culation of the blood and for days at n time I was obliged to Ho down nearly nil the while. I was under a doctor's caro for about four weeks. I felt Hlghtly belter just while taking his medicine, but it left no lasting benefit. "My husband, who had taken them himself with good results, at last In duced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. So In January, 189S, I began taking them nnd In two weeks I was able to notice a decided gain. I kept on taking them for three months when I had entirely recovered. I am glad to say that I have never suf fered with the trouble since." The pills which cuied Mrs. Cooper are an unfailing specific for all diseases arising from disorders of the blood nnd nerves. Among tho many diseases they have cured are locomotor ataxia, par tial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, lheumatlsm, nervous head ache, the after-effects of the grip, pal pitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions nnd all forms of weakness either In male or female. Dr. Will lams' Pink Pills for Palo People arc sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box; six boxes for two dollars and a half, by addressing Dr. Williams Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Special Reduced Rates to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles, Cal., and Return, Account National Whole sale Druggists' Association Meet ing at Monterey, Cal., Oct. 7-11. The Lehigh Valley railroad will sell special tickets at $99.70 good going September 2Sth, 29th nnd 30th, good for leturn passage to November 15th, on all trains except the Black Diamond Express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. 36th Annual Encampment G. A. R., Washington, D. C, Oct. 6-11. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell special round trip tickets to Washing ton at one way fare for the round trip; fare fiom Seranton, $7.75. Tickets will be on sale and good going October 4 to 7 Inclusive, and for return until Oc tober 11. A further extension of limit lenving Washington up to and includ ing November 3 may be secured by de posit of tickets with joint agent and upon payment of 50 cents. Stop overs will be allowed at Baltimore, Phila delphia nnd one other point en route, but not to exceed final limit. For fur ther particulars as to stop over and side trips npply to local ticket agent Lackawanna railroad. Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Railroad Company National Wholesale Druggists, Monterey, Cal., Oct. 7-11, 1902. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell special lound trip tickets to either Los Angeles or San Francisco, Cal. The round trip f.ue from Seranton will be $99,70. Tickets will be on sale and good going September 2S, 29 and .10. Return ing, passenger must reach the original starting point not later than November 15, 1902. For full Information as to stop overs nnd vnilable routes apply to your local ticket agent. Washington, D. C, Excursion. On account of the thirty-sixth Na tional encampment, G. A. R., to be held at Washington, D. C, October 0 to II, Lieut. Ezra S. Grltlln post. No. 139, hnve anauged for a special through G. A. R. train via New Jersey Central railroad, leaving Seranton, Monday, October 6, at S.OO a. m nnd making all stops to Ashley, Inclusive. The rate will be one fare for tho round trip from oil stations. Tickets good to return on the special train or on any regular train to October 14. If an extension of return limit Is de sired passengers must deposit their tickets at Joint agent's otllce, No. 1218 F street, N, W., Washington, D. C between October 7 and 14, and a fee of fifty cents paid, when the return limit of ticket will be extended until November 3. Stop-over will be allow ed on the Philadelphia and Reading railway and tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad, As the New Jersey Central lias been designated as the "Official Route," all comrades nnd their friends me io quested to Join Lieut, Ezra S. Grlflln post on their special train, which will airivo ut Washington at 4,30 p, m. Please notify the secretary of your Intentions not later than September 29, so that ample accommodations will be provided. For any additional Information call on any N, J. C, ticket agent, or nddress K. W. Pearce, secretary, 613 Market street, Seranton, Pa. "Foliage" Excursion. Sunday, October 5, Is the date selected by the New York, Ontailo and Western Railway company to conduct Its annual "foliage" excursion from stations on Its Scrnnton division, Scrailton to Forest City, Inclusive, to Hancock, N. Y, Upon that date they will make u tound tilp rule of $1, thus enabling tho public to take advantage of a delightful Journey through the hills of Wayne, county at a time of the year when tho foliage will bo at Its best and the scenery en route surpassingly beautiful. Tickets will also be sold on the above date at saino rate to Poyntelle, Wlnwood and Preston Purk, For further Information consult ticket agents or J. E. Welsh, T. P. A., Scran ton. Reduced Rates to the West. Commencing September 1st, aud dally I 4- 8 The treatir a doubt the best not change the i does keep you Will Not induce Perspiration. style mackintosh was uncomfortable; the wearer and induced perspiration. 'Cravenette" Rain G cits will not do this; they are cool and com .ciuie. For $15 we can sell you a very good quality; other finer grades at $20 and $25. R Samter Bros.. PYROQRAPHY Proper Poker Work has been the aI-absorbing topic at the Studio this week. Many are enrolling and hours are arranged to suit the individual. New Outfits, New Pieces and New Designs just in this week. Come in, and talk it over. We Buy the Best and Buy it First. Meldrum, Scott & Co. 126 Wyoming Avenue. The Little Niceties of Dress are here today, new and fascinating. Gloves to freshen up the toilet, black and white and colors, fine quality, soft kid $1.00 per pair. Black Chiffon Ruffs more popular than ever, double, triple and single. An Exquisite Line of Fall Veilings. thereafter, until October 31st, 1902, the Wisconsin Cential railroad will sell Settlers' tickets fiom Chicago to points In Montana, Idaho, Oiepon, Washing ton and Hi Utah Columbia, at greatly reduced rates. For detailed Information inquire of npnrcst ticket agent, or nd dress W. II. Allen, D. P. A., 621 Paik building, Pittsburg, P.i or James C. Pond, general passenger agent, Mil waukee, Wis. $7.75 to Washington, D. C, and Re turn via the Lehigh Valley Rail road October 4, 5, 0 and 7. On account of the Orand Army Na tional Kncampment to be held In Washington, D, G October 6-11, the I.ehlgh Valley Railroad will sell spe cial tickets at $7.75 for the round trip, good going October -1th, nth, Cth mid 7th, limited for loturn passage to Oc tober 14th, good on nil trains except tho Black Diamond Express. An ex tension of return limit from Washing ton, to November 3rd, may bu obtain ed by deposit of ticket with joint agent nt Washington, between Octo ber 7th and 14th, nnd payment of feo of 50 cents.' Special tickets will also bo sold going via Uarrlsburg and Get tysburg, ictuinlng via Philadelphia at rate of I8.S5. Call on Delaware and Hudson or Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further Information. Lackawanna Railroad Niagara Falls Excursion, Sept. 25, and Oct. 25. Special exclusion tickets will be sold for all trains going on tho above dates, good for return wjthln five (5) days from and Including dato of sale. Fare for the round tilp,$3.00 for adults and $2.50 for children between the ages of five (5) and twelve (12) years. Special Low Fares to Chicago, 111., and Return via the Lehigh Valley Railroad October 5, 6 and 7, On uccount of the national encamp ment. Union Veteran Legion, to bo held In Chicago, J11.4 October 8-11, the vmHtsWlil ' IB The "Cravenette" Rain Coat. ent of Cravenette Cloths is without waterproof known. pattern or appearacce dry in a downpour of Complete Outfitters. Griffin's Art Shop 211 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell spe cial tickets, good going October Mil, Cth and 7th, at $18,00 for the round trip, limited for return passage to Oc tober ICth, good on all trains except the Black Diamond Kxpress. Consult ticket agents for further Information, National Encampment Union Veter an Legion, Chicago, 111,, Octo ber 8-11. For tho above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna rnllioad will sell special round trip tickets to Chicago at rate of one-way fmo for the round tilp plus $1.00. Tickets will be on sale nnd good going October 6, 6 and 7, with leturn limit to Oct. 16th, BASEBALL, j American League, At Washington Philadelphia vs. Wash ington, no game; iiiln. At fJaUlmoic gamo; lain. Iloston vs. llaltimoic, no At Detroit- R.H.K. Cloveluml 1)000 0 3 000 S 8 2 Doll (lit 0 I 30000 0- I It 2 Hattoilcs Walker and Hetnlsi Kissinger and Uuclow, Uniplru O'Loughlln, At 8t. Louis , n.H.lJ. Chicago .., I 2 1 000 0 0 0- 4 II 4 St. Louis 003000002 5 7 3 H.ittoiies Calahan and Sullivan; Dono hue aud Kahoe. Uiuplics Carutheis and Sheildan. National League. At Philadelphia New Yoik vs. Phila delphia, no game; iiiln. At Cincinnati- It.H.U. St. Louis 0000003003 5 1 Cincinnati t 0 0 1 0 0 I 1 7 12 J Mattel Ics-lluckett and Weaver; Phil lips aud PviU. Umpire IU own. Other Uubs. not uclicdulcd. MtftMUMMai c I. J.t,.rti-fc.t.,..l' ,r aur ' ti - ::T r '4 w Sheds Rail Perfectly. While it does of the cloth, it rain. The old it overheated OPPOSITE OOURT HOUSE CONSUMPTION AND CANCER. Dr. Bullard Says They Are Surely Curable. At the meeting of the Homoeopathic State Medical society In Philadelphia, Thursday, Dr. A. J. Hullard of Wilkes. Bane delivered a paper on "Some Ob servntlons of an Old Practitioner.1' Among other thin gs ho said: Cancer and consumption aie surely cmnlilo diseases; but, nluu for tho pa tients and for the doctors who are In n. hut i y, them is no louttne treatment, no shoit cut to huiltli, lio spucillc, no tone, two or tin vu Hiuo cities. These casea above all othcis icqulro handling And now let mo glc you a (lit ect pointer. Tlio ctuatlvo agent may bo aconite or It may I hi zinc, and If It should happen to be neither of these two look carefully for It among the remedies placed alpha betlcally between the two, nnd, belleva me, you will Had It often enough to give you t lie feeling that you have not lived In vain. I believe that the physician who will take the time to btudy anil prescribe care lull) not foigettlng cm of ul uttcntton to diet and hygiene will cine ninety per cent, of his c.uly stugo cases, and very many of those that aio generally called hopeless. What Is inoio, 1 know It can be done, for 1 am doing it myself. Pleasant sur pilses await rnicful preset llbng, 'and the so-called ln)po:i-blo is frequently bo easy na to make oven the most haidend per bciiher blng the puilsu of Hahnemann and homoeopathy, Seranton was selected as the maetlni place for the convention next year, Dr, Theodore Suretli, of this city was elect ed second esldent. HUNGARIAN FEASANT REVOLTj Military Fire, Killing Four Persons, in Disturbed District. By Exclmlu Wire from Ihe Auoclitrd Freii. Vienna, Sept. " Tho News Welnei Journal today announces that as the re suit of a rovolt of peasants In the dis trict of Badadcny, Hungary, the military weie called upon to suppiess the dlsor. tier, and tired a volley, killing four per tons und wounding otlwis, v. , ! -A 4 ' .ila.!"' Vv s.fl . i:ri J & l ), tfj i n 'U i Ml ' ' 1 i '01 2i VI rj 1 .31 'V J. v 1 AI 1 irA A . :a TS ' (T I ' fit J t 1, A 1 1 $ ,M V t :t ' ?, 5jJM. ". I '& -" 4fci