The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carbondale.
Succumbed(to Heart Trouble Yester
day Conspicuous In Public Life
nnd Highly Regarded Death of
Mrs. Robert Tralles.
Poor Director Jntncs McMillan, of the
first wnrct, succumbed yesterday
morning at S.30 tit tho reHldence, 43
North Church street. Heart trouble
was the cause of his death. The news
oC hln demise conveyed u shock to the
t'oiuiuttnlly. Tor while he has been con
lined for. a month, there was little In
timation of Ills death.
With life passing of Mr. McMillan
goes a lsliully old gentleman, a man of
the most rugged honesty, faithful In
juiblle olilce us he wan to lifs neighbors
and friends. He wus a native of Scot
land. Horn In Dumfries, seventy years
ago, he came In his childhood to Ameri
ca, the family settling In Hochester, X.
Y. Forty-live years ago, he married
.lane Maxwell, daughter of the late
Robert Maxwell, moving soon after
ward to .Carbondale, where he entered
tho employ or the Delaware and Hud
son company. He was a pattern
maker, it mechanic of skill, whoso ser
vices were so appreciated that he was
advanced to the head of that branch
of tho company's works. He retired
two years ago, IiIkIi In the favor and
Bodo-wllf- of the officials and em
ployes. Mr. McMillan was always conspicu
ous In movements for the city's pro
gress and honest government. He was
an active and faithful Republican and
had the honorable record of serving
three terms as common councilman
from the First ward, and as poor direc
tor since the spring or 1301. 'He wtis
fleeted secretary of the poor In April
last. As a councilman, he was Active
In the bringing about or the Improve
ments that marked the awakening of
tho city from a long-stnnding state of
apathy. Among these were the re
modeling of the city building and the
sewers and pavements, so creditable to
Carbondale. In the poor board, Mr.
McMillan carried the spirit of honesty
that was characteristic of him in all
his private dealings. He was scrupu
lously exact in disposing of the tax
payers' money and would never care to
make any outlay unless assured of an
adequate value for the investment. He
appreciated fully the trust reposed in
him, and it was always his aim to be
faithful to bis constituents to even the
smallest degree, llu tool; a good deal
of interest and satisfaction in visiting
among the inmates of the almshouse,
and they all looked upon him as their
friend. There will bo regret and sad
ness there when it becomes known that
"Mr. Mac." as they called him, has
passed away.
Mr. McMillan was a member of tho
First Presbyterian church, and for
years one of Its zealous workers and
' liberal supporters. He was ti Mason
almost a half century nnd a .charter
member of Fidelity conclave. Improved
Order or Heptasophs. He was united
In the strongest fraternal bonds to the
members or these orders.
The survivors are his wife nnd four
daughters and three sons, as follows:
Mrs. Frank E. Burr, Misses Jean, An
nie and Nettle McMillan, Thomas I..,
James D. and Robert McMillan. All
are residents of Carbondale but Miss
Nettie, who is a trained nurse and re
sides at Brooklyn, N. Y.
The funeral will bo Monday nfter
non from tho -home on North Church
r.treet. Rev. Charles olllclating.
Burial will be in Maplewood cemetery.
within one year or being a nonogenur
lan, one of the most aged residents of
Carbondale, died Thursday night at
the home or her daughter, Mrs. Mary
Tinker, at Uniondale, where she had
been visiting for a couple or months.
Death followed from tho Infirmities ac
companying old age. v
.. Mrs. 'frolics' maiden name wns
'Klolnod. She was born In Germany,
.eighty-eight years tho tit It of December
i last. Artec marrying In her native
"country, she came with her husband to
.America, locating In Honcsdnle. Tills
Avns over fifty years ago. Thirty years
ago, Mr. und Mrs. 'frolics moved to
'Carbondale, where the deceased has
i since lived. Her husband passed away
To Stay at Post While Others Got
How U trained nurso keeps up
strength on properly selected food Is
worth knowing. Tho experience of Mrs.
Charlotte Frank, of Covington, Ky Is
probably familiar to ninny. She says:
"I am a professional nurse and most
of my tlmo is spent in the sick room.
Last Spring I attended a very serious
caso nnd after ten weeks close applica
tion I was in such u condition that I
could neither eat nor sleep, being too
much worn out. After tossing In bed
vJHin.jilght for three hours without be
.liig able,, to sleep I happened to think
o&OrnperNutsatid the good It had done
in, number of my-imtlonts,
.-."I got up and ato one-hulf cup of tho
rfood with about that much milk and rc
'ty r'neif to' bed and slept live hours, and
(when,,! uw.he I felt fresh and strong
t(gulir, The continued use of Drape-.Nuts-
enabled mo to stuy nt my post
while others got sick,
-'"I have a son eighteen years old: ho
ys fdx; feet and ono Inch tall, lie was
'to thill that tho doctors and myself
.thought lis had consumption. I com
.inonced giving him Grapo-Nuts every
jlay. und ho gained rapidly In weight
and now la healthy and strong,
U; "A 'family In Cincinnati on my advice
-guVo drapo-Nuts to a sick child whom
no,.doc(or could help. The girl Is now
'wplljuuf strong. Another lather hud
,the samo) experience with his youngest
'child' und ho is loud in tho praise of
"One: of my former patients who went
to England, had a little child that suf
fore'iTfoUf years with stomach trouble,
llast ""May'tHa mother und child came
tiacli hbfhe', both sick. I advised them
what I thought best. The child, now
five years old, nte Grape-Nuts three
times a' day and tho mother once a day,
When they wen back to England Jn
'September they were in the best of
health and tool; with tlicm upon the
steamer fourteen boxes of Grape-Nuts,
'their ''only fear was, that, they might
jitbe,ah)e tq.gct it In England, 'flio
'mother .wrote .ino afterward that she
had not been so seasick, this time us
jwis tho wso before,'
twelve years oro. For seVofnl years,
Mrs. Trollcs made her hohio with her
daughter, Mrs. OeorRo A. Herbert, on
River street. Mrs. Trollcs had a kind,
generous nature, and strove to realize
her IiIrIi Idenls of womankind. Shu
passes to her reward, after having
served with lldellty In all her relations.
The deceased Is survived by two sons,
Robert H. Trollcs, the North Main
street confectioner, and Paul Trolles,
of Washington, D. C, and three daugh
ters, Mrs. George A. Herbert, Mrs, S.
0. Smith, of this city, nlid Mrs. Mary
Tinker, of Unlondnlc. -
Tho funeral will be private. Services
will be conducted at the Herbert resi
dence, ."iou River street, nt 2 o'clock
this nfternoon, by Itov. Charles Lee,
pastor of' the First Rrcsbyterlim
church. Uurlul will bo In Maplewood
But Dill Higgins Wasn't the Ono
nnd the Waymart Sleuth's Achieve
ment Was in Vain as Well as in the
The prediction made In The Tribune
of yestcrdny has been verified. Lufay
ctte Smith tho keen old sleuth, who
would make Old King, Brndy feel like
resigning bagged the prisoner yester
day that he came Into Carbondale for
so mysteriously the day before. Lafe
took 1111! Higgins, of Forty-third street,
In Ills Iron grasp on the charge of steal
ing sixty-six bottles or beer from Rob
Alexander. Lnfe may not have exactly
the right man; but that's not tho ques
tion before the house: he nailed tho
man he was after, and after a cross
country drive through rain and muddy
mud, and that's all there's to it.
Tho charge against Higgins is that
on Thursday of last week he and a com
panion from Carbondale drove to Rb
Alexander's house In Canaan, Rob's
mother warned tho men away, but they
paid no heed, Rob swears, Higgins
breaking Into the house and making
away w Ith the sixty times eleven beers.
On the way Into Carbondale the nalr
met Rob, the story goes on,
"Have a drink, Hob?" naked one of
the travelers.
"Don't mind If I do," says Rob.
"Wlui t you got?"
"Oh, a little beer." Then they pro
ceeded to treat Rob to two of ills own
beers. Another man, who was there,
was likewise treated to the hospitality
or the alleged Carbondallans. When
Rob reached home he was apprised of
the tbert, and his temperature rose a
few degrees as he contemplated the
joke perpetrated on him. Straightway
he proceeded to the temple of Justice in
Wnymart, the ofllce or Justice of the
Peace Lafayette Dimock. where he
charged Bill Higgins, of this town, as
me man wiiom lie met on the highway.
who was so generous with another
man's beer. A warrant followed for
Hill's arrest, and was handed over to
faithful La re Smith, whose name makes
trespassing fishermen at Lake Lodoro
shake with the ague of fear. No in
structions were given Lnfe. when the
warrant was handed him; tills is never
necessary. Simply band him the war
rant nnd he'll do the rest.
Lafo came to town Thursday and
posted himself, and yesterday he came
loaned Tor Rill.
At one o'clock, Lafayette drove up to
the Harrison house with his prancing
team In front of his own private rig.
Constable Edward Neary and The Tri
bune man took seats in the surrey and
went along for company's sake. Over
muddy roads and through pelting rnln
went the prancers like the Major Sykes
from the Lookout crossing in the days
of tho old gravity. The trail was a
muddy one but to the Sherlock Holmes
of the party, Mr. Lafe, It was easy, even
for him to discover the foot prints or a
man In the muddy mud, all the way
from Joe Scheck's to Loney Harris'
where It was believed the man desired
might be found. Rut nae Rill. The
horses and private rig were turned nnd
a strike made for Forty-third street.
Bill was in his cabin nnd smilingly
greeted tho Wnymart sleuth despite the
steel-like grip of the latter as he laid
hold of his man's arm.
"Say, you sheriff of Wayne county,"
said Higgins, with a hearty laugh, "Rob
Alexander's coddln' you, If he says I
was over to his place. T haven't been
to Wayne county in four years, and I
don't know ns I over want to go there,
"Now, see here," exclaimed Lafe, as
he departed with his well-chewed cud
of fine cut,"'I nint no sheriff of Wayne
county; und if Rob's made a mistake
and we happen to have the wrong man,
then we can let you go, I recollect,"
An unsuccessful effort was made to
secure ball which would allow Higgins
to remain nt home. Then the party
struck out for the county over the
Mnoslcs to tlie temple of Justice In
When Justice Dlmock's ofllce was
reached i und Mr. Alexander wns called
to Identify Higgins, something "busted,"
Things went all to smash for, be gosh,
they had tho wrong man, Higgins
couldn't be Identified nnd ho came home
on tho Delaware and Hudson train duo
here at 0.50 last night. He came home
chuckling more than when ho went.
Some body, Constnblo Edwnrd Neary,
perhaps, whistled ns the party left the
ofllce of the Justice, "Alnt That n
Shame, a Measly Shame," etc. And It
wus also raining,
Foot Ball Game Today.
The Ilurly Hurleys and tint Jlodocs
will meet on Sandy's field this after
noon. Tho Dumlaff Snorts have reorganized
their foot bull team and ore willing to
pluy any aggregation under 125 pounds.
The line-up for tho season will bo as
follows: Center, W. Thompson; right
guard, A. Medulre; left guard, A, Mul
downy; right tackle, p. Roland; left
tuckle, l, Connor; right end, J.
gnn; left end, W. Murphy; left half
back, M, Tlerney; right half-back, J.
Duggau; quarter-back, D. Alalia; full
back, T, Ouggan,
The Whirlwind foot ball team bus
been reorganized nnd Is ready to play
any teuin under 150 pounds. The fol
lowing Is their line-up; Center, J, Car
den; right guard, 1'. McCuno; left
guard. J. Duggan; left tackle, Kdward
Langan; right tackle, C, Jordan; right
end, J, Barrett; left end, Joe Harden;
quarter-buck, James Hare; left half
back, J, McDonough; right half-back,
A. Delosky; full-buck, George Cuff.
After tho 4th of October they ure ready
to accept challenges. ,
Sewing Society,
The P, C. and L. Sewing society met
at the pleasant home of Mrs. William
Piederivl, at Reynshauhurst, on Wed-
ncsday. Those whrf ventured out were
not sorry, for it was nTnerry party that
sat down to dinner at noon. TIiobo
present were the Mesdaines Carpenter,
Carlton, Scull, Spafford, Howen, Daven
port, Newton, Htoddnrd, Qlllls, Dllby,
Neary, Rounds, 1 J, Foster, of this
cltyj McCartney, of Jermyn; Mrs. D.
Stewart and Rurnlce Stewnrt, of drnnd
Rnplds, Mich,, nnd the Misses Edith
Carey, May Finch, Mabel nnd Jessie
Stoddard, of this city.
West Scrnnton Friends Make Pleas
ant His Fiftieth Annlvorsnry.
W. J. Morgan, traveling circulation
ngent of The Tribune, will always re
call with pleasure tho fiftieth anniver
sary of his birth; nnd his former neigh
bors In West Scrunton will be given
credit for making tho occasion so pleas
antly memorable.
Last night, about twoscoro of them
enmo up from .Scrunton on the Dela
ware and Hudson train due hero at
1.30, nnd going to the Morgan residence,
on Salem avenue, surprised Mrs. Mor
gan, took possession of the home and
with pleasant contemplation awaited
the coming of Mr. Morgan. Mr. Mor
gan arrived home 'from Scrnnton at 7.30,
and on approaching the residence was
surprised at the bright lights that Illu
minated every room. He was bewil
dered when he walked Into the crowded
parlor, but his surprise changed to a
happy mood as he recognized his for
mer neighbors. His equilibrium wns re
stored, and then he wns fairly Inhn
dated with congratulations and good
wishes. After muklng hearty acknowl
edgments, ho assumed. the role of host
and aided by his hospitable wife as
hostess, he provided many things for
the pleasure of his welcome guests.
After a delicious luncheon, there was
an Impromptu programme. Music, In
strumental and vocal, Mowed from the
musical crowd, and there were a few
Impromptu speeches, one by John R.
Thomas, of West Scrunton, who was u
capital entertainer; and another by J.
Wellington Grant.
The guests departed on the 11.10 Dela
ware and Hudson train, after a delight
ful, evening having been passed by
every one. The guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. J. It. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Davis, Mr. :ind Mrs. Roger Evans, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Wntklns, Mrs. T. E.
James, Mrs. S, R. Powell, Mrs. Richard
Owens, Mrs. J. L. Hughes, Mrs. W. T.
Davis, Mrs. William H. Davis, Mrs. W.
.7. James, Mrs. J. A. James, Mrs. David
Reese, Mrs. J. S. Evans, Mrs. J. H.
Williams, Mrs. John R. Richards, Mrs.
Jonathun Thomas, Mrs. John Phillips,
.Misses Jennie Lewis, Martha Vaughn,
Lizzie Lloyd, A. Evans, Margrctla
Price, Margaret Davis, Lizzie S. Davis,
Everet Davis, AV. Haydn Evans, E. E.
Evuns, of West Scrunton! ' John W.
Grant nnd Martin 'f. O'Malley, of this
Ike Will Be Busy.
Isaac Singer, of Olive Leaf lodge.
Odd Fellows, and district deputy of this
the First district of Lackawanna coun
ty, will become active In office on
Thursday, Oct. 2, when he will conduct
his first installation at Prlceburg. His
installations will bo disposed of as fol
lows: Golden Chair, No. 04.", Prlce
burg, Thursday, Oct. U; Harper, No.
707, Peckville, Friday, Oct. 3; Archbald,
No. 392, Archbald , Saturday, Oct. 1;
Olyphant, No. E81, Olyphant, Holiday,
Oct. (i; Rushbrook, No. S50, Jermyn,
Thursday, Oct. 9; Cambrian, No. 58,
Carbondale, Saturday, Oct. 11; Olive
Leaf, No. 1HC, Carbondale, Monday,
Oct. 13; Willow Loaf, No. 9S5, East
Benton, Saturday, Oct. IS.
Important Meeting.
Tomorrow morning's meeting of the
men of the Berean Baptist congrega
tion will bo an important one. Tho
committee apopinted to prepare plans
tor an organization will make its re
port, and ir the plans are adopted, ofil
cors and committees will be, elected.
All the men or the congregation are
cordially invited to be on hand prompt
ly at 9.43.
Poor Board Meets.
The poor board held a mooting last
night, but did not transact any busi
ness. President McCabe appointed Di
rectors Lynch, Burke nnd Morgan a
,commItteo to draw resolutions on tho
death ot Director James McMillan, who
died yesterday morning.
Dancing Class Opens.
The Bon-Ton Social club onenerl their
dancing class In the Burke building last
night, under the management of Prof.
William Collins, and In spite or tho in
clement weather, had an acceptable
Gennania's Special Meeting.
Tho Germnula Singing society will
hold a special meeting at -l o'clock Sun
day afternoon, at which all members
nre requested to he present. By order
of Louis Brunner, President.
Miss Mottle Bailey, "of South Church
street, who was operated on, at Dr.
Thompson's private hospital in Scran
ton several days ugo, Is considerably
M, II. Sullivan, of this city, has ac
cepted a position as foreman In one of
the largest shoe shops in Scrnnton,
which is located on Spruce street.
Louis Hill, of Sidney, N, y was rid
ing on n street car In this city yester
day when the cur jumped the track
and IIIIl wus thrown against the side
of the car and his collar bono was
broken. Ho hs taken to the hospital
for treatment.
Charles Melville has joined tho Mo
zart orchestra of Carbondale. lie man
ipulates the bass viol. Forest City
News, .
Owing to bad weather the Wayne
county fair has been declared off,
Maurice T, Church spent Thursduy
with friends In Ilouesdale,
Miss Ituth Dlits, of Carbondale, Is
visiting In this city. Pittston cor.
J, P. Sullivan of Sullivan Hynn, Is
confined to his homo on South Terrace
street, by Illness. .
John Uoland arrived home from Col
orado yesterday, after a month's visit
with' tho family of his lately deceased
Mesdaines Butler, Kstabrook, Squler
and Davis, of this city, attended the
county convention of the W. C. T. II.
which wus held Thursduy In the M, E.
church nt Taylor,
Mr, and Mrs. Job Hawkins and son
Wulter and grandson, Freddie Booth,
have returned from a visit to the form
er's daughter, Mrs. James E. Atchin
son, of Albany, N. Y,
The hour for Presbyterian Sunday
school has been changed, beginning to-
morrow the hour will be 2 o'clock in
stead of 10.
Miss Katie McDonald has returned
to her homo In Glchburn after a plena
nnt visit with friends In town.
M, T. Butter wan a business caller in
Scrnnton yesterday.
Miss Anna Ball Is visiting her moth
er on South Main street.
Miss Lena Simon, of Carbondale, vis
ited relatives In town yesterday.
Mrs, W, F. Davenport spent Thurs
day with relatives In Honesdnle.
Dr. J. ,T. Kelly has returned from
Htonlngtnn, III.
Regular Episcopal services will begin
In St. George's mission, on Scott street,
tomorrow 'nfternoon nt 3.30 o'clock,
Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D., of St. Luke's
church, Scranton, will have charge,
Services will be held nt tho usual
hours In tho Blukcly Baptist church to
morrow morning and evening. Rev.
David Spencer, D. D., pastor.
A missionary tea wiih served by tho
ladles of the Blukcly Baptist church at
the home of Mrs. Jane Davis, In fllake
ly, yesterday afternoon, Thcic was a
large number present, who enjoyed a
delicious spread for the small sum of
fifteen cents. The afTnlr was given In
aid of the foreign missions.
D. W. Harris spent yesterday at
Wllkes-Barre. '
Gilbert Williams, tho young son of
William Williams, of Blakely, fell from
a. tree, near his home, and broke his
nrm In two places. Dr. W. W. Jenkins
was called and set the Injured member.
John LUUbrldge Is critically 111 at his
homo In Blakely.
John Rogan, of Montrose, Is visiting
his brother, William Rogan, of Dun
more street,
Mrs. D. W. Harris, of Delaware
street, was called yesterday to the bed
side of her brother, William William
son, who Is dangerously 111 at his home
In Iowa.
Mrs. Z. D. Edwards, of Blakely, Is
quite ill.
Mrs, A. W. Benscoter, of Carbondale,
visited relatives in Blakely, Thursday.
Miss Loretta Dundon, of Susquehan
na, Is the guest of Miss Mary Kelly,
the assistant at the postofTice.
Miss Esther Harris, of Pittston, Is
visiting Miss Tlllle Davis, of Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buddie, of Hobo
ken, nre spending the week with rela
tives In Blakely.
William Warfleld returned last even
ing from Beuch lake, where he has been
visiting. He brought with him about
forty pounds of fish, the result of a
duy's fishing.
John LUUbrldge, of South Main street,
is seriously ill.
Peckville Baptist church, Rev. J. S.
Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at
10.30 a. m. and 7,30 p. m. Morning sub
ject, "The Disciples In a Storm." In
the evening Mr. George Cook will
preach. All nre cordially invited to hear
Tho funeral or the late James Win
ston will take place at the Peckville
Methodist Episcopal church at 2 o'clock
Sunday nfterdbon.
Announcement is made of the mar
riage or Mr. Wright Brown and Miss
Anna Clarke, both or this place. The
wedding took place in Buffalo, N. Y.,
on Thursday of this week, the Row II.
W. Jones officiating. The groom is tho
son of Mrs. H. A. Brown, of Main
street, and the bride is the daughter of
Air. and Mrs. Thomas Clarke, of Occo
quan, Virginia. She has made her home
with Mrs. Brown for the past year.
Both young people are highly respected,
and their many friends will join in
offering congratulations nnd best
Miss Nnn Brown, of Honesdale, and
Miss flattie Beers, of Scranton, have
been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Roberts, of Main street, this week. On
Tuesday evening a reception was held
in their honor, which was largely at
tended. Refreshments were served nnd
the occasion wns a most pleasant one.
Charlie Pedrlck left Thursday even
ing for Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Winnie Median has returned
from New York city, after a visit of
several weeks.
Mr. and airs. Charles Depew, of
Lnnesboro, were visitors here on Wed
nesday. Mrs. Nichol and daughter, Ida, of
York state, have been visiting Jermyn
Patrick Cunningham wns yesterday
united In marriage to Miss Margaret
Kearney, of Rendhnm.
The case of Mrs. V. R. Hass, of this
borough, against tho Scranton Railway
company was before court yesterday.
Several witnesses from Jermyn were in
Mr. J. D. Stockor Is at Pittsburg.
Richard Kearney expects to move to
Scrnnton about Oct. 1, where he will
be employed by the Delaware nnd Hud
son Railroad company.
Mr. nnd Sirs. Victor Burschol, of
Scranton, were visitors nt tho homo of
E, N. Swarts, last Sabbath.
The funeral 'of Frank Frazer, who
died suddenly Wednesday morning at
Hotel Dixon, will bo held at Madison
villa this afternoon at 1! o.'clock.
Among those who attended tho Wo
man's Christian Temperance union
county convention nt Taylor, Thursday,
were; Mrs. James Shoemaker, Mrs. M.
W. Vaughn, Mrs, Philip Swarts and
Mrs. L. P. Watts.
Mr. Stookey has moved In the Weed
house, which ho purchased a short tlmo
All men are Invited to nttend the Y.
M. C, A, meeting In tho Calvary Baptist
church, Sunday afternoon at 7.30
o'clock, L. F, Bowers, esq, of Scrun
ton and Rev. E. L. Santec, of Taylor
will each deliver un address full of In
terest to men.
The three locul unions of United Mine
Workers of America, of this borough
held an enthusiastic muss meeting yes
terday afternoon at Webber's rink,
Notwithstanding unpleasant weather u
largo gathering turned out, The speak
ers were 'William J. Thomas, M. J.
Huley and Vice President Ryscavage.
The Union band was present and en
livened the meeting with several ex
cellent selections, ,
A pleasant surprise was tendered Miss
Mamie Connolly ut her home oq Taylor
Street on Thursday evening by a num
ber of her young friends. The guests
took possession of the home In the ab
sence of Miss Connolly and made the
surprise complete. The usual party di
versions were Indulged In until a late
hour after which delicious refreshments
were served.
All are cordially welcome to attend
the rally ot the Young Men's Christian
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping: Center
It's easy enough getting the
new styles nfter another store has
shown what's going to be worn.
But then they're NOT new.
New Fall WaistS Ql"te a lot oi cax here now you can get
vliue otfthe new styles.
Walking Suits
y Are hi formal by nature perhaps that's one reason why so many are seen i
this fall, with Norfolk jackets, whose loose, easy lines suggest the greatest comfort
and freedom -even those that are half-fittinc show no sortse of rMtrnitir or nnnmn.
tionality. Skirts clear the
tailor stitching. For $i?,
English Novelty Suitings.
ilore Table Linens
The kinds that the autumu house-replenishing
home. The qualities that will give good service. The
Table Linens
Half-bleached Irish Table Linen, good qual
ity, made of clean spun yarns. 62 inches wide,
50c yard.
Bleached Irish Table Linen, in several good
patterns, 67 inches wide, 75c yard.
Fine Extra Heavy Half-Bleached Irish Table
Linen, in a range of good patterns ajew wash
ings will bleach it, and then you will have the
equal in appearance and quality of the $1.25
damask. This is 72 inches .wide 90 cents a
5 a ciearup aie ot corsets loaay
A P. D. French, ,$i.o grade $1.00 j J, B., regular $1. 00 grade..., 69c
P. D. French. $2.7 5 grade
P, D. French, $3.50 grade
association to be held nt the Calvary
Baptist church tomorrow evening com
mnecing nt 7.30 o'clock. J. E. Wntklns,
esq., will be chairman of tho evening.
The speaker of the evening will be L.
P. Bower, of the Allls-Chalmers com
pany at Scranton, who Is also trustee
of the Y. M. C. A. of that city. Mr.
Bowers is an eloquent speaker and no
doubt his address wil prove a treat.
Tho many friends of Mrs. Domlnick
Moran of this town will be pained to
hear of her untimely death which oc
curred yesterday morning at her home
at West Minooka. Mrs. Moran former
ly resided in. North Taylor.
Richard Williams and Dan O'Brien
have been matched to contest In a
quoit match for 50 a side nt Nuylor's
hotel, Old Forge, on Oct. C.
John C. Richards, of Clrovo street, is
spending a few days in New York.
The heavy rain storms of the week
have Interfered with the arrangements
of many who planned to go to the Har
ford fair from this place.
Miss Kate Atherton visited friends
In Scranton recently. She expects soon
to resume her duties as teueher at the
high school.
Mrs. C Colvln, of Scranton, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hall.
Mr. P. J. Walker, reports the satis
factory recovery of his hand, recently
Injured by a saw, and will bo able to
use it again In a week or two.
The law suit which has been pending
for two years between Messrs. Joseph
Walker and C. E. Weise, was decided
at tho Scranton courts last week In
favor of the. former gentleman. Tile
trouble grew out of a sale Instituted
by Mr, Weise In order to recover rent
claimed to be due. Those who attended
the sale were subpoened as witnesses
and much Interest has been shown in
'the development of tho case.
The cantata which was to have been
produced at the M. E. church on Thurs
day and Fridny evenings of this week
will be given on Saturday evening, Sept.
27, If the weather proves favorable. The
rain having prevented people from at
tending on the nights stated.
From the Brooklyn Eaule.
Wo do not want to mid to our laws,
which are already so numerous and com.
plex that It Is Impossible to execute thorn
Willi tho speed and certainty that 'per
tained to law In the old days; yet new In
ventions and new conditions lures changes
In our vast body of rules and prohibi
tions, and one that wo may expect to
see Introduced In curly sessions of tho
eastern legislatures Is an extension of tho
death penalty for tho cowardly and hldu.
our modern crime of dynamiting. This Is
an Importation from tho old world, and
we take only shamo to ourselves that It
over obtained vogue hero, oven though it
Is among the lowest and most Ignorant.
Than this It Is almost impossible to con.
ceivo a meaner and more heinous crime.
It Is as huso as thu shooting from am
bush, but docs not ivqulio us much skill;
It Is as sneaking as tho act of the pois
oner, but does not require his cunning.
None but a coward and a cur, lost to ev
ery morul sense, lll attempt a crime
llko that, and If any body of men Is found
that countenances such deeds, our coun
try Is no place for them, nor havo tlioy
a right to walk In tho free air with their
fellow creatures. Tlio offense Is growing.
In several towns wlieru stiikes havu oc
curred on street railroads, (ho strikers or
their allies havo placed explosives bu
neuth the curs, to kill tho people who
wero tiding to and from their business.
Ono such explosion occured only a few
days ago la this city, and the excuse of
fered for It was that tho laborers placed
the cartridge there In order to havo fun,
Probably that Is nl that Nero sought
when lie lit his living torches. No doubt
Lucretlu llorgla found tho dying contor
tions of her victims laugable. The vie?
tims did not.
In this ututo it Is a capitul crime to
Wherever there's, a window
showing the new styles, there's a
crowd. Host of the windows
these days seem to be at Con
nolly & Wallace's.
ground, of course, and are
'$18, $20 but you can pay
Silver Bleached Austrian Damask Napkins,
18 inches square, $1 a dozen.
Silver Bleached German Damask Napkins,
neatly hemmed, 18 inches'square, $1.25 a dozen.
Bleached Scotch Damask Napkins, hand
some, good and strong, 20 inches square, $1.50
a dozen.
Bath Towels
Big, thick, spongy towels, three grades; all
absorbers of indefinite amounts of water a good
towel, I2j4c.
Another, larger, at 20c; and one still larger
and better, 25c. """
r . .
Kabo, regular
Kabo. regular
attempt to derail a train. Highwaymen
who do that havu at least a reason; they
want to rob the dead. But tho dyna
miter has not even that excuse. Ho kills
from cruelty; he kills a muii.hc. has never
seen, not In bold and open duel, or even
with the ehancif of hurt In a street light,
but at night, light lug his fuse and run
ning to a safe distance, leaving his sleep
ing victim to be blown to pieces. Tho
thing is monstrous. Among men who
talk loudly of human brotherhood and
right and these dynamiters talk loudest
of tlmt-it Is so preposterous that It be
comes almost farcical, if tragedy could
bo farcical. Hut the cure will not bo in
mere prohibition of murder. There must
bo a prohibition of the sale of dyiuimlto
to individuals; It must ho made illegal
to havo possession of It. There is llttlu
sense in those laws that forbid the use ot
anus, explosives and poisons, yet allow
them to bo sold to law breakers as freely
ns soft coal Is sold in tills city. And
against the wretch who seeks to put an
other to death, not iu a quarrel, not even
as a revenge, but in cold blooded malign
ity or class hatred, society has not one
recourse, and that is in his death.
For Tho Tilbtinu by Walter J. Ballard.
Nobody contends that our trade with
Cuba amounts to so llttlu as not to li
worth tho effort to keep and Increase it.
Yet tho figures of Cuban trade recently
given out by the biireuu of Insular af
fairs show that during tho period of
American occupation of Cuba tho Island
bought only 13 per cent, of its foreign
purchases In this country. It Is ready
und anxious to buy more If the t'nited
States will only consent to a reasonable
incasuro of reciprocity. In fact, thero Is
no good reason why Americans should
not supply Cuba with all that sho buys
outside, and It will bo poor business Judg
ment If an arrangement to bring about
this Is not enteied Into. Troy, N. Y.
"Wo are Justly proud of our country's
record iu behalf of Culm and hi Cuba.
Wo mo In favor of a policy which, while
giving Cuba a favorable opportunity to
find here a market for her products, will
glvo us tho trade of thu Cuban peoplo for
what they need to buy abroad. Wo,
therefore, heartily second thu positlon'of
President Itoosevolt In demanding reci
procity with Cuba on the grounds of hu
manity, of fair dealing, and our coun
try's Interests." Congressional Conven
tion Twenty-lirth Dlstilct, New York.
American inuniifuetmvrs nro finding
Cuba u very good customer, Our shoes
especially nro popular down there, anil
eastern shoemakers nro doing a big bust,
ness, As affairs iu Havana get settled
the demand for American goods will In
rrenso. And a fair system ot reciprocity
wilt bo beneficial nil round.
Cotton promises to succeed sugar within
a few years as tho staph) crop of Cuba.
A Philadelphia syndicate proposes to
raise cotton iu tho Island on a lui'Re
scale; and It Is predicted that In llvo
years Cuba will have more than cotton
mill In operation.
President Estroda-l'uhna. of Cuba, is
showing himself very much of a states
man, He Is persevering iu his purpose
to keep aloof from factional elements iu
the Island and to emphasize tho lilea of
Cuba as a unit nnd Cubans as working
together for their country. ThlH Is tho
proper platform, and th new president
shows his wisdom In adopting it,
From n recent bulletin Issued by the
t'nited Stales geological survey, entitled
"A Gazetteer of Cuba," comnllcd by
Henry Gannett, geographer, tho following
suggestive facts rcBUi'Uhig the Islands
nro taken. With an uwac of G,0D)
squaro miles and a population In ISM of
1,.TC,?J7, only 3 per cent, of the urea of
tho Island and only ID per coat, of the
area In farms was mulct cultivation, Tho
most highly cultivated portions of the
Island wero In Matunzas and Hubann
provinces, which Ho adjoining In Its west
ern part, wliile In Puerto Principe, tho
largo centtal province, cultivation was
comparatively sllsht and tho land wns
used mostly for .cuttlo ranches. Thu
crops. In tho eider of areas cultivated,
wero: First, sugar cane, occupying some
what less than half of tho cultivated
area; next, sweet potatoes, occupying H
per cent, of tho area, tobacco, 9. per cent.;
and bananas a tilllo less than 9 per cent.
Tobacco and sugar wero grown In all tho
provinces. In 1S99 there wero In Cuba
plain, except for some eood
as much as $xo for Mixed
calls for in almost every
prices are little.
$1.00 grade OyC .
$2.00 grade.
.$1.00 4.
Washington Ave
207 sugar mills, wHh a daily production
of lil,107 bags. Light is thrown on tho
depopulating effect of tho war in Cuba
by tho o6niKii'lci of tho censtia of -1KD3
with that of 1&77. Tn tho latter yenr It
was l,ti.ll,CS7, or 59,000 more than twolvo
years later, in 3S93. Allowing for the
probublo increnso In tho population be
tween 1SS7 and 1S9.", the year In which tho
Insurrection broke out, the loss of life,
us Indicated by the two censuses, may ba
estimated nt nearly L'00,000, a loss to be
attributed to tho war and the accom
panying rcconoentratlon.
From Harper's Weekly.
It seems that wo were all wrong about
tho hurtful and life-shortening effect of
American "hustle." Our national motto
niny be said to have been "A short life,
but a strenuous one," Wo wero willing,
as ii people, to have tho span shortencd'a
little If only wo could havo something
worth while, something actlvo and effect
ive, going on all the time. But It seems,
according to the latest bulletin of the
census bureau, that the fast life is also
thu long one. Our "median ago" that Is,
the ngo which Is such that half the popu
lation Is under It and half over it is more,
than seven years greater than It was n
century ago, and Increases from deendo
to decade. We nro surpassing oven tho
luoso-Jolntcd, Indolent, beautifully re
laxed, nevory-worrylng African in our
midst; for wlieioas tho median ngo of our
American whites Is LM. I years, that of tlio
devil-tnay-earo colored person Is but
Lately much confusion 1ms arisen In tho
minds of many Americans over the state
ment made by certain eminent neurolo
gists that it is next to impossible for a
man to "overwork," provided his bodily
functions are kept In good order by tern,
pernio and wholesome living. Other phy
sicians, to be sure, tell us that hurry and
worry spell death. Wo had accepted the
latter judgment, with tho qualifying re
flection that no matter what science tells
us, It always seems to havo "another
think entiling." This census bulletin
which links tho long life with tho fust
ono nppcars to bo tho other "think,"
Tho charm of n lovo Is its tolling, th
telling that goes with the giving;
The charm of a deed is its doing; the
charm of a life Is Its living;
Tho soul of tho thing Is tho thought;
the cluPi'in of the act Is tho actor;
Tho soul of tho fact Is Its truth and the
Now Is its principal factor.
Tho world loves tho Now and Its Nowlst,
and tests all assumptions with rigor;
It looks not behind It to falling, but for-
wurd to ardor and vigor!
It cares not for heroes who faltered, for
martyrs who hushed and recanted.
For pictures that never woro painted, for
harvests that never were planted,
Tho world does not care for n fragratics
that never Is lost In perfuming;
Tho world does not euro for a blossom
that withers away boforo blooming;
Tho world does not care for tho chimes
leiualiilug mining by the ringer;
Tho world does not euro for the songs un
sung Iu the soul of tho singer.
What uso to mankind Is a purpose th'at
never sliono forth In a door?
AVhat uso has tho world for a loving that
never hud winner or woer'.'
Tho motives, thu hupes und tho sehomes
that have ended In Idle conclusions
Are burled along with tho failures that
coma in a life of illusions.
Away with tho flimsy Idea that life with
a past Is attended;
Thero's Now only Now-and no Past
there's never a fast; it has ended.
Away with tho obsoleto story and all of
its yesterday sorrow; '
Thero's only today, almost gone, and in
front of today stands tomorrow.
And hopes that ato quenchless nro
brought us like loans from a gener
ous lender,
Enriching us nil In our efforts, yet mak
ing no poorer the tender;
Lightening all of our labors, and thrill
ing us over und over
With tho ecstasy of success and tho rap.
tuiu of present endeavor.
Eugene F. Ware.
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