f& ie' V&39 nwWTBfiiwr5v (fW A '" w? ., VV ,V vrw.,l''-',i','? ' " "" Jp J." Vl - i" &&. 1 c ,? . ,. " i " f J - i ji. i f ' ' ? ifir THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 1902, &lf GOES TO THE JURY TODAY TESTIMONY IN HAAS CASE IS ALL IN. i Before Judge Dunham Yesterday the Trespass Case of John Newell Against Dr. William Decker Was on Trial Sues to Recover the Valuo of a Mare Equity Suit of Walter S. Devon, Trustee, Against John M. Coloman, of Dunmore. Burnett Renews Bail. The trespass suit of Mis. Emma Hnns BPralnst, the Scrnnton Hallway company wnu on'trlnt nil day before Judge New comb. The evidence la all In and this morning the closing arguments to the jury will be made. The witnesses examined for the plain tiff yesterday were George Cobb, George Dunn and Blanche Brooks. The case for the defense was opened by Major "Warren and the witnesses examined were John Fnirell, Drs. Dalley, Van Sickle, Shield, John Lee, P. J. Kelly, J. Dcmpsey, M. Burke, C. Whltlock, P. J. Swift, M. Collins and Patrick Lough ney. The defense Is that the troubles fiom which the woman Is suffering are not due to the accident, halng exlslted long prior to that. It Is also contended that the company Is not responsible for the accident since It was caused by an obstruction placed on the tiack. Befoie Judge Dunham the suit of John Newell against Dr. Wilson Decker a -veterinary surgeon, to recover the value of a horse, was on trial all day. Mr. Newell lives in this city and owned a valunble mare which he took to Dr. "Wilson's stable to be operated upon. The mare died two hours after Jhe npciatlon for the reason, as Is alleged, that the male was not given the proper kind of an anaesthetic and that the operation was not performed In a proper manner and that the right kind of In struments were not used. Dis. Helmor nnd Paget gae It as their opinion that the operation was not properly perform i rt and that It ought to have been com pleted in twenty minutes whereas it was testified that Dr. Wilson was three liours perfoiming It. These eterin niians also gave It as their opinion that the instruments used weie not ade quate. Dr. Wilson In his o.n defense de Fciibed the chaiacter of the operation, the manner in whcih It was performed and the Instruments used. He said everything in connection with the oper ation was in accordance with the meth ods considered in the veterinaiy woild as the best. The doctor was defended by Attornojs John F. Scingg and M. W. Lowiy nnd the plaintiff by Attorneys O'Bilen and Mai tin. The case will be lesumed this morning Divorce Mattel s. Judge Ddwauls in an opinion filed jesteiday, lefu&ed the motion for an ntlmlhsion of the letter fiom wife to husband and In the dhorce case of Geoigo H. Ti auger nnd Vita. Ti auger which lesulted in a eidict Monday in faor of Trauger. John R. Lewis jesteiday, through Attorney C. W. Dawson, filed a petition for a divorce fiom Lily Lewis to whom he was wedded July 3, 1S96, her name befoie their manlage being Miss Lily Docbuck. Lewis alleges that his wife deserted hlin on June 15, 1001, and has since peislsted in this deseitlon. A rule was gi anted in the divorce case of Viola V. Tiipp against Almon T. Tripp yesterday to show cause why a decree in divorce should not be grant ed. Testimony will be heard before Judge Newcomb on Oct. 3. Other di vorce cases In which ordeis were yes terday made for hearings on the same day before the same judge follow: Al bert Coddlngton against Elizabeth Cod dlngton, Selino Williams against John Williams, Sare E. Keller against James J:. Keller, Jessie Kimble and Fiank P. Kimble. 1 Burnett Renews Bail. William Burnett who on Tuesday right shot Wujclack Wajewsky near Archbald was brought into court yes terday to have the amount of his ball fixed. He was released Thuisday in $3,000 bail pending a hearing yesterday to give the district attorney an oppor tunity to ascertain the condition of the Injured man. Assistant Dlstilct Attorney W. Gay lord Thomas told Judge Newcomb when the matter came up yesterday afternoon that Dr. Beck, of Peckvllle, the attending physical), had joportod that injured man Is in a critical con dition and will probably die. Mr. Thomas suggested that the ball be rais ed from $3,000 to $5,000. Judge Newcomb thought that it would he sufficient to allow the bail to stand ftt $3,000 pending definite knowledge as tn the condition of Majewsky. John R. Brydcn qualified as bondsman. Fraud Is Charged. Walter S. Bevnn, tiubtee of the credl tots of John M. Coleman, of Dunmore, josterday filed a bill In equity to havo nnnullcd deeds for two propeities in Dunmore and two moitgugcs against two other properties also In Dunmore which it Is alleged were given by Cole man for the puichuso of defrauding his ii editors. The deeds for the properties were given by Coleman to his wife the con sideration In each enso being $1, At torney c, C. Comegjs tiled the bill for Mr. Bevnn. Household Goods Seized. The declaration In the case of Geoige II. Shnip against Domlnlck Lavelle, landloid, and T, 8. Hulling, constuhle was yesterday filed by Attorney J, M, Walker who represents Slmip. It 13 alleged 'that the defendants have unlawfully seized and held household goods valued at $250, The action Is for the purpose of collecting $1,000 damages. To visit the soldiers camp nt OJy plront, take the Throop or Caiboiulale car; both ute convenient to the camp. If It's Catarrh, Here is a Cure. ltellof in It) Minutes. Too many ncoplo dally with catanh. It Btllkcu oiio llku a thunderclap, ilovolopa with a rapidity that no other disease does. Dr. Agnow's Cutuulml Powder is the iudtcal, quick, safe, and pleasant euro that the dlseuuo iloniHUcla. Ubo tho means, rn event It's ileep.seatliiR nnd years of dis. tie.'s. Don't dally wtlh cnhnrh. Ae ricw's gives relief in ton minutes. Dr. Agnew's Ointment pares salt rheum., tetter, eczema. 21 Bold Uy Win. G. Clark and H. C. San- Bej'ao.j. T DAY WAS DEVOID OP EXCITEMENT Concluded fi om Page 0 scone eager to lentn the cause of the coll. Colonel Hofmnn, simply wnnted the men to remain nt the building nnd got rested. A reglmentnl gunrd was then riluced about the building. Klght companies are stationed nt the building, Including two companies of tho Fourth regiment. Three companies of the Eighth were left nt Shenandoah, but these will be brought to Durjea just us soon ns a battalion arrives nt Shenandoah to relieve them. The armory has been connected with long dlstnncc telephone, nnd Is placed In position to easily be communicated with. A detail was sent to the pro posed camping ground yesterday morn ing nnd the ground staked out. This Is the Eighth's fifty-eighth day In service, but the soldiers seem quite contented. Three companies of the Ninth regi ment were sent to the Exeter colliery at West PIttston ngnin yesterday morn ing, but there was no dlsoider there. The strikers seem to have nbandoned the place for the present. Yesterday morning six members of the Exeter borough police force hand ed their stars In at the office of Bur gess Max Gross, saying they would not serve under a "scab" chief of police. The burgess took their stars and w 111 refer the mutter to a special committee of the borough council. Sanford L. Geddls, who Is chief of the borough, has been an employe of tho Lehigh Vnlley Coal company for some time, and Is now serving as a coal nnd Iron police man for the company at the Pettlbone colliery. Wednesday night a gang of men stoned the house of Dald Owens, on River street, Stunnervllle, breaking In a number of windows. Owens Is a son of Superintendent W. D. Owens, of the Exeter colliery. Mrs. Owens -and the childien weie the only ones In the house at the time, he being at woik. Emissaries of the stilkers hae been at work during the past few days and hae succeeded in inducing a number of men to quit work. Fifteen Italians hae left the No. 6 washery within the past few days. ACCUSATION BY PRESIDENT NICHOLLS The following w as given out by Pres ident Nicholls yesteiday: Scianton, Pa . Sept. ij. 1902 To the United Mine Woikeis of Dlstilct No 1. Dear Sirs and Biotheis: I Iiae just come Into possession of facts which are of so -vital impoitance to ou that I take this opportunity of making them known to you all. Notwithstanding that the op erators stated that no effoits would be made to get the miners to letuin to woi It till they came back of their own olUion, despeiate efforts aic being made to bilbe a portion of our membership so that they will use their influence to get the lest oflflflie men to return to work. Michael Gi lines, formerly a mine foie man at diffeient collieries in the legion, with hcadquarteis now in the Valley ho tel at Scranton, is apparently an agent for one or more companies, nnd has tiled to biibe some ot our local oflicers to use their Influence to get their local to break the strike. He offeied to give local piesldents two thousand fle handled ($.',500) dollais each if they -would get ten othci men from their locals to diaft a iesolutlon declin ing that the local would go to work and hac it adopted by the local union. Two of tho men were to get live hun dred dollars apiece, and the other eight weie to lccehe ono hundred dollais eieh This would bo paid, besides the j:,M0 to each piesldcnt. He offered to furnish money for ex penses, and said that if they weio ex posed they would bo taken caie of. He said they could get any position uiulei tho "company that thoy weie able to fill, but not to ask for It until thiee months after the strike was bioken. He said if thev were not qualified for foremen, he could onange for the ceitlll catcs as the examining boatd was con trolled by tho companies. He said for his woik he -was to receive a lease of coal land from the Erie comnanv. Now, be wnined by the foregoing nnd keep jour ejes on all member and of ti ed s. Let no aigumcnt causo sou to let go tho lctoiy j ou hae so nobly fought for nnd won. Bewaro of "Grimes'" and his hhellngs nnd stand true nnd ininly. Remember that those who havo hired "Gi lines" to tiv and coirupt membcis with money cannot bo ti listed no matter what their professions, and that to return to work and tiust their piomiaes to adjust jour giiovantes will ho the height of folly, Tho nbovo statements weie furnished to mo by men who nio willing to testify to tho same In court, If necessaiy. Fiatcinally youis, T. D. Nichols, Dlstilct President. Attest John T. Dempscy, Secretary-Treasuicr. DENIAL BY GRIMES. Mr, Grimes, when seen last night by a Tribune man, said that Piesldent Nicholls' statement was untrue. Tho coal companies' supctlntcndents who were asked concerning the matter also de clared the statement to bo false. It is admitted by the companies thnt In isolated Instances, where lawless ness has been paitlcularly laiupant for the past week, a few men hae quit woik, through fear of bodily harm, but that these losses havo been made up many times over by new additions to tho working forces. When the men find that they can have protection, tho com panies contend, there will be constantly Increasing additions to tho i units of the workmen, and that, in duo time, a bieak will come and the strike be oer, The mine workeis declare positively that such ti break will never come, nnd that since the soldiers urilved here the non-union men nre quitting work and applying for admission to the union, snylng they will not work under mili tary ptotectlon. Stephen Reap, piesl dent of the Olyphant sub-dlstrlct, stated yesterday that twenty-five men In that region quit work yesterday and applied for reinstatement In the union. D., 1. & W. BOARD FOR TODAY. The following Is the make-up of th Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today; rniDAV, sjjPTKMmm so. Extias Hast 10 p. in . Lniighucy, Pusheis 10 p. m, I.atlimci. SATURDAY, BBPTUMHBR L'7. Extuis Dust-330 n. m,. Thomas; lib p. in . Dishing; 0 30 p. m.. Fltzpatiltk. Summits 8 a. in , Nichols. Pushers 7 a. m., Wldnorj 8 a. m., Houser; 11,45 a. in., Moran; 1.30 p. m., Murray; 7.30 p. in., Murphy; 8 p. in., IV, II. Bartholomew, Helpcis-130 a. m., Magovcrn; 7 a. m., Gaffncy; 10 a. in , Sccor; 3.15 p. m., Stan ton. Extras West 6 30 a. m work train, John Gahagan, with Carrigg's crew. "To visit the soldiers' camp at Oly phunt, take the Throop or Carbondule car; both are convenient to the camp. Cure for Asthma and Hay Favor Tho statements published below con flrm tho claim of Dr. Bchlffmann thai his remedy la an absoluto euro for Asthma and Hay Fover. , Mr9. Mary Zachory, Pleasant III1I, La., says! "I havo found your Asthma Curoa porraanont euro for Asthma, for which I used it 7 years ago. I havo novcr had the slightest rotum of tho troublo since. I havo alo found your remedy excellent In lironchlal affections." A Hay Fever sufforer writes: "I have had Hay Fovor for 14 years. I bought a pncltngo ot your romody (Schiffmann's Asthma Cure), of our druggist and duo to Its uso this Is tho first summer thatl have not been troublod." Mrs. Frank Gullfoglo, 6237IU(lgoavonuo,Koxtioro, Philadelphia. Bold by druggists at 50c and tl.00. Bend 2c stamp to Dr. R. Schlffmnnn, Box 800, St. Paul, Minn., for a frcasam plo package THEATRICAL. "Sergeant James." "The romance of a nun who Misted" Is the mib-tltle of "Sergeant Jones," a dtnma which was pioduced last night at the Lyceum. It Is a clean cut play of military life In tho west, has good dia logue and an abundance of dinmatlc bcencs. The diama was written by Du geno Walter and was put on tho stngo several weeks ago by Kltke La Sltclle, whose other military play, "Arizona," piovcd such a wlnnci. "Sergeant James" Is by no means a som bre play. The somewhat tragic theme has tho lctncn of a delightful vein of com edy iimnlng nil thiough It. Tho company is not a notable one but It gave a most effective piesentntlon of the drama last night. Tho leading toles aie In the hands of llenty Kolkcr, who has tho title role, and Miss Dllen Boei who Is the Mis, Lucy Bonldgo Penis of tho cast. Both of them did ecellent work last night, showing the nice discrimination of tho tine artist. Other excellent membeis of the com pany weie Joseph Manning, Hariy Glbbs, Nina Dunne unci Jane Field. The play has an exceptionally line stage setting. "Lovers' lane." AVIlllam A. Bi.idy sends to the Lyceum this afternoon and evening ono of his eiy stiongest and most widely popular attractions, "Lovci's Lane," of which everbody liiteicsted la the theater has lip.ud, Is by Chde Fitch, the most pio llllc and popular playwilght of the pies eut. "Lovei's Lane" enjoyed a ticmendous ogue in Now Yoik for live months, Im mediately followed by n iccoid bi caking nll-stimmei inn In Chicago, and fouiteen weeks at the Paik theutoi, Philadelphia. "Lover's Lane" avoids the conventional fnim scenes and bainvaid effects, and uistlc quaitettes, but has taken the dis sensions of the choh and cliuich chclf. tho pei seditions of a piogicsslve minded ueatme, and the abandonment of little childien at school play, anil a dozen other plctuiesque elements, blending them all into a composite that Is said to be pro togiaphlc in exactness Irene Myers Stock Company. Seldom aie the local theater goeis pio vided with a popul.ii pi Iced atti action which offeis sulIi a .uled list of stand ard di.tmas as the bene Mjcis Stock company, which is announced for next week at the Atarienu Anothei feature wortj'of note Is that Mmuigci Mjeis has pin chased ilie exclusive lights to most ot the play contained In the icpeitolie, and it will theiefoie be the only oppoitunlty offeied this season of witnessing them. Among those to bo given dining the en gagement .nc: "The Ulecti icin.ii." "Tho Tide of Life, i'ho Stovvuw.i," "The Pi lee of Honoi," "The White Rat," "My Lidy Nell, I'lnough the Bicakeis," "The Powoi of Wealth." "T.vo Oiphans." An elaborate pioductlon of "The Elec trician" will be given Monday evening, presenting Miss Iiene as Nellie Randolph. STAGE NOTES. Daniel Rjnn will (lose a successful en gagement at the Academv today with the piesentation this nCteiiioon of "Ills Life for Iici s" and 'OBiiui tho Con ti actor" tonight. Pel sons who have failed to hear Oith nnd Fein nt Dixie's thcatei this week, havo missed oppoitunlty of listening to tho best coon song sinscis on the load. The programme at the theater this week has been the most entei tabling jet pie sentcd, and no doubt the attendance at tho closing pel foi mances today will be even largci than at anv time duilng tho week Next week, beginning with tho Monday matinee an entlielv new bill will bo piesentcd, headed by Dolan & Lon bar. Tho eontinct iccently signed between Klaw . L'rlanger and Prank PKley, the llbictllst and Gusttiv Luders, tho (ompo ser, by the terms of which this flim ob tains the exclusive contiol of all their woik for tho tcim of llvo years, Is ono of tho n.ost lmpoituut agreements be tween managers and authors made in several years Mesers Plxlcy and Luders havo sprung into gieat prominence in a comparatively shoit lime thiough the ply piciiiounird success of thiep musical pioduclions of their authorship "King Dodo," "The Buigom.ister" and "The 1'iinco of Pilsen" each in turn evincing maikcil ability in book, ljilcs nnd music 1 oi etching of conspicuous future develop ment on tho part of tlieso writers. Mr. Pixley was foimerly a newspaper man in Chicago. , Mnnngets Wngenhnls andKomper aie now able to announce that the new play which Stanllaus Stango has written for Blanche Walsh will be called "Tho Daughter ot Humllcur." The fundamen tal thenio of tho play Is that of physical affinity. The most dramatic situation In Mr. Stingi 's tragedy Is almost Identical with tho great scene In Maeterlinck's "Monua Vanna," tho peiformanco of which was pinhlbited by tho play censor In London, There is haidly n doubt but that Maeterlinck found his tuspliation for "Monna Vanna" In Falubeit's "Sa l.unbo," ns did Mr, Stango for his "Daughter of llamllcar," tho themes be ing so similar that tho successful pro duction of tho latter would more than likely preclude that of tho former In thli country. Maeterlinck, howover, has given his story u comparatively modern sotting, while Mr, Stnnge has retained tho original localo of ancient Carthage. Miss vanish's play will theroforo permit of tho i:i eater spectacular treatment, and it tho ideas of tho author aro followed by the inaiugcis, tho production. It Is said, will recall In Its ensemble Snrdou's "Cleo p.itin," or lather Charles Kcan's pro duction cf "Surdlnnpiiluj," Tho "Daugh ter of Humllrai" will havo Its first pro duction nt MeVlcker's theater, Chicago. Tho story of "Old Limerick Town," Chi.uucey Olcott's newest and most suc cessful pluy, is laid In tho county of Claie, Ireland, on tho hanks of tho River Shannon (cnlled tho "King of Island Rlvors") near Limerick, In 1835. As the River Shannon pears Limerick tho hills uro covered with villas. Castle Council Is unrivalled In Ireland for natural beauties. Immediately bolow It aro the "Falls of Doon is," whero tho river rushes over high rocks, affording a passago which only tho most during venture through,, for tho channel of barely a boat's length rushes along with frightful rapidity, and tho deviation of u few Inches would be destruction. Theso fulls aro succeeded by several smullcr ones, between Castle Council and Limerick. Tho boatmen are so skillful that they pilot their boats through these rapids with absolute safe ty. Tho boats are called "cots," and the boatment uso a paddle similar to those used by tho North American Indians tn their canoes. In tho first act of tho play, tho River Shannon and rapids are shown at the back; in the second act, an exact painting of the "Fallj of Doonas" is shown. THE MARKETS Wall Itrtet JUvlsw. New York. Sept. 2& There was a show of consldcrnhln strength In the stock mar ket today. Tho principal movement was in St. Paul, in Lotitsvillo nnd Nnshvllla nnd tho extreme advance of tVHc In tho latter nnd 3ie. In the foi mer had consld rrnblo sympathetic effect on tho tnllroiiil list generally, Thcro wns brisk buying of Rending nominally based on the sup position that tho end of tho coal sttlko Is near. Manhattan was largely bought by tho speculativo Intel csts which havo bcon accumulating tho stock for some time. Theio wns a notable disposition to ad vance on tho part of a number of minor low-priced Indiislilnls, especially the lall wuy equipment companies. During tho llnal hour tho professional opeiatots, whose buying had advanced prices, took their pioiits veiy gcnciaily with tho ic sults that llnal prices for a number of leading stocks aro from 1 to" 2 points lower than tho best. Net gains nio veiy gcnciaily indicated for tho day, never theless. Tho special ground for tho movement In St. Paul wns tho publication of a report thnt Important stock sub scription privileges nro to accruo shortly, LouIhvIIIo and Nashville was helped by tho color of nuthotlty clvcn to a icpoit that tho control of the svstctn Is to be lodged with tho Atlantic Coast line. To tal sales for tho day. 703,400 shales. Tho bond mnrkot was dim In tone. Total sales, par value, $3,740,000. United States old 4s coupon declined U per cent, on tho last call. The following quotations nro furnished Tho Tribune by 1 might & Frcpso Co , 314 815 Mcars Building. W. D. Runyon, man ager. opcn.Hign.Low.uiosq Amal. Copper ... Am. C. &F American Ico ... Am. Ico, Pr Am. Locomotive Am. Loco , Pr ... Am. S. & R. Co.. Americnn Sugar , Anaconda Conner i, 01.4k t"!4 60 37 11 37 323, 9H8 4b 128 104 921 10244 109U bbVfc 141V4 G29 40 3n4 197V4 201 82 32""t 1714 92 2J 3994 G9 r4)4 8014 1'ibH 41 3VA 13 imi 1I3V4 279, 329 U4 117 M-, 7J'k 31 4 IffiiU W fii.V4 1.11.1 87' 4 77ai 224 71V4 SOI r,b 77 TS SO", 1,71, IS8 lOSig 1" i 9114 19 40Vi Mi4 .: 11 91 2S 29 33V4 1P4 37 31 94 40 127'4 104 914 102'8 103 Gl 140V4 62V4 39M 31W 19IVS 200 MH4 3U4 47 924 21H 39? GS14 T.4V4 9"i4 134'4 451,4 . lol 131.14 1I2V4 2h 1,2 MV4 11.V4 1VJ 735s 34 4! lfcl 10194 .".4 G7 R." 77U 71 79J4 .I.14 7!'4 3S 9b"4 6Pi 4S 107" 4 ll'i in isu 40'A S'4 34 1,2 "1 IP. 2S'4 2S18 3C14 11). 33 32 91 4M 128 101 92U lttfS, 108 00 140J4 52 39 31 19b 201 81 H 329i 47 MM . mi . 37 . 31S . 94 . 4UV6 .12! .101 Atchison 91 Atcnison, pr iibvs Bait. & Ohio 108 Brook. R. T CI Canadian Pacific ....1I0V4 Ches. & Ohio 5254 Chicago & Alton .... 39H Chic & G. W 31i C, M. &St. P lit"! c. r. 1 & p :oo Col. Fuel & Ron.... 80V4 Col. & Southern 31'i Den. &. R. G 47H Den. & R. G., Pr.... 92T& Detroit Southern ... L'2 Krlo 39 L'He, 1st Pr GSf, Bile. 2d Pr 51 Hocking Valley Oj'i Illinois Central : Hl'l Iowa Central 45)4 Knn. City & South.. 3i! Louis. & Nash 151 Manhattan 136'A Met. St. Ry 142 Mexican Ccntial .... 20 Mo, K. & Tex 321 ji Mo, K. & T.. Pr .. (!4 2214 3'J GS r.i 90 ltM 45 3B 15.. r.s 141 27U 32 04 110 100 .73 34 13 lt9i 103 M OS14 87 77 h 22", 71V4 80 33 7b34 .38 9;v4 07 48 30714 li's 90 1S1, 40V. S9 34io r.iu 91 Mo Pacific 11 N. Y. Cential 100 Noifolk S- West .... 7 lr 'a Ont. & West 34 Pacific Mall 44 Penna. R R lfil', People's Gas 101s Piessed Steel Cai ... 53 Reading 6S1 Reading, 1st Pr KM Reading, 2d Pr 774 Republic Steel 22 Republic Steel St. L & San F Pr. 79 7")i TVi 7l)r 3SV IfiVi St. L So W Southern Pacific .. Southern R. R .... Southern R R , Pi To mi Coal & lion. 11.11 Texas & Pacific 4S3, T'nlon Pacitlc 107 1 S Leather in V. S Leithei, Pi ... flJ'i t'. S Rubber IS'i V S Steel 401,4 V S Steel Pi S9 wabash Wababh, Pi Western rnlon .... AVheel & I. B .... Wis. Cential .... IJx-iiclits f 34ii 51 9-P.i 2S"!, 2S'i 2Sii Total sales, 704 100 shaies Monc, 11 pel cent. CHICAGO GRAIN & PKODVCE WHKAT Onen. Ill sh. Low Close ueiemuer (j9's llnv CORN- Decembcr 40 May OATJR- Dpcember 0I14 M.iv PORK. October 1MD Jnnuarv 1j 'j LARD October Jnntntiy RIBS Octobei lOftrt Jainuuy S 15 1)94 1.916 1,95 701 i l,-' 4P 3J54 Hi r.-, 15 2) 10 00 1OII0 8 17 .ii 4G 3114 3114 ii. i,"i 15 r, 1(, fi) 15 .'". 11m 817 io no su NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Onen. Hlcrh. Low. Col September 8 V1 Sfil SKI 8 fi.t October 8 51 K t.4 So S ',2 Dtcembei S (.2 8 73 8 r,2 8 7" Janu.uy 8 07 8 7a bC7 876 Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Eased on Par of 100. STOCKS. Laeltn wanna Dairy Co, Pr.... County Sav. Bank &. Ti list Co Plist Nat. Bank (Ciiibondaio). Thlid Uational Bank Dime Dep & Dis Bank Economy L, II. & P. Co Kiist Nutlonal Bank Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co . Claik & Snoor Co, Pr Scianton Salngs Bunk Tiadeis' National Bank Scianton Bolt & Nut Co People's Bank BONDS. Scranton Packing Co Scianton Passenger Railway, llrst moitgago, duo 1U20 People's Sticet Railway, flist moitgage, duo 1918 People's Stieet Railway, Gen- oi al mortgage, duo 1921 Scianton Tiac Co , t par cent. Economy L , II. Ac P. Co N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co,... Consolidated Water Supply Co Bld Asked. W 300 5M 300 1J65 193 1:5 500 2.'3 123 133 600 48 33 115 113 no ... 113 97 97 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Collected by H. G, Dale, 7 Lacka. Avo ) Flow $4 40. Buttei ricbh cieamciy, Sic; fresh daily, L'2c, Chcesc-lHiullc. Eggs Neai by, S2Vic; western. Sic. Mai low Beans Per bushel. $.' J5a2.49. Giecn Peas Per bushel, D2 25. Onions Por bushel, 90c ' Now Potatoes 05c. per bushel. Philadelphia drain and Provision. Philadelphia, Sept. 0 -Wohut-Stcady; contract grade, September, 7Ji!a7Jc'. Corn Unchanged; No. 2 yellow on tiack, C9ao9!Ac. Oats l'limi No 2 white cllppcil, 33,Sc Butter Quiet but steody; otra western cieameiy, 23c, j oxtiu nearby pilnts, 24c. Eggs riim. good dumand; fiesh ncaiby, 24c.; lohs off fiesh western, Sic,; loss off fiesh southwestern, 22c, loss off flesh southern, Jlc, Cheeso I'll m, good demand; Ntw York full cieuniH, piimo small, llVialliic; Now Yoik full cietims, fair to good small, 10s4uUVic.; Now Y'oik full cieums, pilmo laige, llu lli.ic; Now York full creams, fair to good, lOiJulOc. Rellued Suguis-Qulot but film, Cotton Unchanged. Tallow Quiet but steady; city prima in tloices, Gauftc,; country, prime, In baiiols, Sa&tic.: conn tiy dark, pi lino In b.urels. Sa5c; takes, (ji&uGUc. Live Poultiy Steady, tair demand; fowls, IJalJHc.; old loosters, 9c; Bprlng chickens, IL'alJMc; spilng ducks, 12alJ!c. Dicssed Poultiy Steady, talr demand; fowls, choice western. 14c; do southern and south western, UulJi&c; do. fnlr to good, IL'alSUc; old loosteis. 9c,; chickens, noaihy laigo. ICc; do. small and medium, H4al5c; westein do., laige, 14al5c; do. tmall and medium, l.'alJc.j roasting chickens, choice Illinois, 1'alCc. Receipts-Flour. 1,100 barrels and 3,251,000 pounds In sacks; wheat, iB.ooo bushels; corn, 800 liushels; oats, 5,500 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 800 liushels; corn, S00 bushels; oats, 18,000 bushels. New York Grain and Produce Market New York, Sept. 2ti Fiom I'ulrly act ive Wheat-Spot flrm; No. 2 led. 74c. clo vutor; No. 2 red. Hie. t. o. b. ulloat; No. 1 1101 thorn Dulutli. 81c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, iSO'.sC. f. o. ). aollat; op tlons closed llrm at 9gc. net advance; May closed 74To.; September, 75c ; December, 74i,Jc Corn-Spot flrm, No. 2, 72c. ele vator and 6814c t. o. b afloat; No. 2 yel low. 70c; No. 2 white, 70c.; options closed llrm ut MaUc not advanre: Januaiy clohed imc; May, 4ti4c.; September, WUcf Octobej', Cic; December, u. Oata FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 SURPLUS (Earned.) $600,000 Pays N39& Interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange, BOODY.McLELLAN &C0. BANKERS, No 57 Broadway, New York City. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXOHAXflE STOCKS.BONDS nnd INVESTMENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN OlH6 CGnt wHrlnyou nor hnnblct "Thn Onn A7rw" Giving full pnrtlcularf bow xn mnko yon r money enrn a regular monthly income wltfiout risk ot lo43 Write at oncu to AMERICAN Fl! AfiCC JL HonTGACE CO. X1VS wall street, sow lorn. IOWA FARM Cl PE o-pT.Atr CASHBAUNCEiCROPTILWI HAU. Slou.CiTT.tA It . I? t 1? p. tr. n wt ss K tn t? ft OATS! s a . x X X X X X X X X X r We have dry, clean, Old Oats. Old Oats are mucn better than New. Sweeter, Cleaner, Brighter, Dryer, Higher in price but 'You p.iy your money take your choice." and X n x x x Dickson MilJ& Grain Co x x x X 31-2. X X Call us by phone: Old Green Ridge, New, 113J. yt"A'4'4'A4'A"4A4AA4Al4i Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ol Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scrantoa and Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Spot steady; No 2 oals, 33e ; stanrtaid white, ,34c; No 2 white, i4V4c; No 3 white, 3,!c; tiack white, JJalTc; options opened p.ibloi but paitl ircocred latei with other maikets Buttei Steadv ; ox tia ei cameo, --'2c; factoiy, l'al7Hc; cieameiy, common to cholcee, 19,iJJc ; im itation cieameiy, luilSVtc.; state daliy, HiH,H21V5e ; iennuted, liiilSc. Cheese Kiiin; now hluto full cieum, small col oiod, fancv, Ulic; small white, ll'4c; lingo colored, lie; lingo wliltf, lie llggs Steady; aveuigo best, l.a2lc; western candled, 21aJJc; lotiigcrated, lSi:i21c Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Sept. Lti The gialn maikets weio gcneuilly Him todaj, desplto lower cables and llbeial iccelptn in the noilh west. September was ciuitic again anil toveilng by shoits Liuiicd tho pi ico to S7e, 11 now iccoid for this jcai's clop. Tho closo was HJe. higher; December closed vsc higher and December was c. higher, with oats Vie. lower. Jumiary provisions clojed 2V4nl0c. low pi. j)rolslons j-IosmI JVtulOc lower. Cash quotations woo as follows; Klom Dull nnd stead v: No 2 sin lug wlifiit, 72i75c; No. 3, 0t.a7.lc: No. 2 ied, tl.it7c; No. 2 101 n, tOUt'.; No, 2 vcllow, WiUc: No 2 oats, L'7'fic : No, 2vh!to, ; No. .1 white, 2SUallc; No. 2 rvo, 50c; fair to tholco malting, Biuwie,; No 1 llnx heed, l.2S; No 1 noitliwcstein, $1.2S; prlmo timothy seed, ; mess poik, per buiicl, $10 bOalO i..; laid, per 100 pounds, ?11 ili'all .!i; shott libs, sides, loose, $10S0aloS5; diy salted shoul dois, boxed. $9 25a9 50; shmt tlear (.Ides. lioed, JU.VJ'Snll JHVSi whiskey, basis' of high wines, 51 aj Chlcnpo Live Stock Market. Chicago, Sept. 20 Cattle Receipt.!, r.5(0, lutiudlng 50f) westeins; steady; good to jiilme steeis, $7.'i0ii 2"; poor to medium, Sla7.'3; stockeis tind feeders, J2r0a1; cows. J150a4CO; lielfeis. $2 25ar..7'i; tuiinoiri, Jl.Wa 2 50; bulls, $J2ia4 75; calves, fJa7.25; Texas fed steeis, $3alR0; western steeis, J75.Hi. Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; tomouow, 9,000; left oer, 8,500; dull unci lower, mixed unci butclieis. ?7 23a7,70; good to choice heavy. J7.4'a7.70; lough heavy, $7.20 a7 35; light, $7 25a7,t0; bulk of bales, $7.J0a 7,50. Buffalo Live Stock Market, Kust Ruflnlo, Sept. 20 Cattle-Receipts, lr); no dcmuiul; eablor, Veals Hecolpts, 250; stiong; 50c hlghei; tops, fi 50.1875; common to good, J5 50.iS. Hogs Reeclpts, 8,400; blow, 10c lower, heay. $7G5h7.7': mixed, 7 r."a7 U; Yoik eis. $7 40a7r3; light, do, J7.3S.i7. 10; pigs, J7 20a7 30; loughs, tb50ai!S0; stttgs. f3 5ikn,; giubseis. J7a7.40; dallies, $7.2oa7 50; clos ing weak. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 7.000; sheen flim; lambs sliong. 10c, hlghei ; top lambs, $3 35n3 50: tolls tn good, Jla2i: yearlings mid wethois. Jlu4 2i: owes, JJ2j oJ75; sheep, top mixed, Jio0.iJ75; culls to good, J1.75.U) 50. ' Oil City. Oil City, Sept. 24-Cu'cllt bulances, 122; cei tlticites, no bid: sliipmonts, 77, lti bu ivls! uvciugo, 89,180 baiiclb: tuns, 9-,l9i baucla; uvciagc, 8J.0J7 baud , Let Us Think for You. We' are always doing that, just to be ready when you think of us. 'And bid you remember that wo men's money and men's money goes as far, if not farther, here in true value getting. That's the test of a store. NEW WAI8T8. What's tho uso of buying tho ordinary kind when you can got our kind at tho camo price. Mer cerized Etamlno Waists, white with black figures and side pleat back and front. 98c EACH. Plain White .Waists, vlth slot soams, very stylish, 51.25 EACH. Novelty Pique Waists-flocco lined and fancy. $1.98 EACH, WALKING SKIRTS. Koraey Walking Skirts, with eight rows of btltchinp, and flvo goro flaio. S1.49 EACH. With corded and stitched flounce. $1.98 EACH. With deep flounce all stitched. $2.93 EACH. $ A Hosiery ''Happenstance." A feV dozens of a line of Hosiery we don't want; we prefer the "Wayne Knit" now. This price will dispose of them. .Ladies' Black Hermsdorf Hose, imported from', Germany, wheie they were made, extra spliced heels' and toes, embroidered in white, red, purple, blue and , p nk. The embioidery goes half way up in some: and all the way up in others. The price Qf, now, a pair B 3 ! 1 1 m y HP G. iiesos 1 r -ifKvrrTTmw' "i wjwswsa ASK TO SEE OUR $2.50 FALL SHOE FOR. MEN. We can shoe the school boy and youth with our Special School Shoe for 75c, $1.00 or $1.25. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVJES & MURPHY. 330 Lackawanna Avenue. vHp0SBffiiSsflNNflBu Kjjp 'JuJ rjf MILLING CO. 3t JsssslB5i?ggt?BBSs! I IS Lager Beer.. Sliinufiiotiirors of Old Slock i PILSNER j -I' Nt'SS.Scranton.Pa, Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'Phoas, '2QJ3, m HWWi-fe-.P.LiJX: MEN'S THINGS. . This Men's Furnishing Slock Improves dally. It keeps Mi busy thinking to produce bar gains, but we do produce them. THE NEW 4-IN.HANDS, 50 inches long, ono inch wide, niack Peau do Solo, Moire, Satin nnd Barathea. Itod, Oreen and Royal Dluo In Peau do Solo. 25c EACH. MEN'S BAND BOW3, 10c EACH, 3 for Twenty-flvo Cent, MEN'S SHIELD BOWS, 5c EACH, r 6 for Twenty.flvo Cents. MEN'S GOLF 8HIRTS, Solid Oxhlood Cheviot and fig ured dimity shirts with separate cuffs. 49c EACH. MEN'S LACE SOCKS. The usual twenty-flyo cent -i Kind. 15c THE PAIR. Two Pairs for Twenty-five Cents B. gTb tilth's Bazaar Tested and Not Found Wanting.... We desire tb say just a word about our medium priced shoes for men. They are made for every day wear, from medium weight, A No. 1 stock. We have thoroughly tested this line of footwear, and know it measures up to all that could be asked for in a durable, well made fall shoe. Headquarters for Incandesc?nf Gas Mantles, -Portable Lamps. - THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterHForsytli 2.")3v5'27 Poiin Avcuuo. A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby, A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALl wlw maybe contemplating., a change of residence. . Only One-Half Cent a Word 1 ) ajfeM .it "rL,4ij,t, a . .j1,tv Itytfi. - , i'jj -Jimt &- . -.
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