THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1902. fit - i ... ! i i , i . iii i """ rrjv ' " " """"" t-ttss I . .. Mt , . 4 I .. " " ! " . .. t. , I ' A ft ' 4 A3 A - r 4 ,i RELIGIOUS NEWS Roily Dny Services. vnf liv rnllv dav la nro wlncr in favor among Presbyterian churches. It Is nn organized intelligent cnort to pathor together, nfter the vacation nerlod. the young and old In the bible school work. The Sabbath school and missionary ,iot,,ifhiinit nf the Prcsbvlorlnn church has sent out a delightful programme for use on rnuy nay. in many ways this, board of tlic cnurcii does a wont l.l.. Im nnl ntilv ttpmlftll hilt nllrt t lint. limb la .HJfc wi1rf .,...... p-. ..- ls.nodono by nny other agency In the Frosnytcrinn cnuiui. ine wum ui una imnt-.l la mi nrenlilzed niul- systematic ,nv-t in i-pnoh the children of all na tionalities, especially those In regions remote from the Influence of the Chris tian worker. The record of the Wash burn street bible school In the line of work carried on by this board Is an cn Vlnhlo one. A large contribution Is given each year to the board and In dividual effort Is made at home to look up those who ,may be gotten Into the bible school. Rally day, next Sunday, will have this object In view, the entire pro gramme to bo given, presents this sub ject. The orchestra will bo present. Teachers and pupils are all expected to bo present, Invitation has been extend ed to all, who In times past have been Identified wl'th the church and school. The sermon of the pnstor, nt the morning service will no in iwrmnny wlth the thought of the day. At 12 m. 4V. 1,11. In ur.l'.nol Villlv with fll-ollOS t Yll nnd special .programme. At G.20 p. in. Rev. Dr. Sloans, a former pastor will deliver thc-C. K. "Rully Day" address. This will be consecration service. A number of new members will bo received At 7.30 the evening church service, this service will bo along the same line. Or chestra and choir will give special music. A special feature of the pro gramme will be the address of the Rev. James A. Word en, D. D., L. L. D sec retary of the board of Sabbath school work of the Presbyterian church. All bible school workers are cordially in vited" to nttend the evening service to hear Dr. Worden. Sunday School Rally. The Providence Presbyterian people will devote tomorrow morning's hour of worship beginning nt 10.30 o'clock to the Sunday school rally day service. As Sunday, Sept. 2S, is set apart by the general assembly as rally day In the Sunday schools of the denomination. The service, which will be in charge of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Guild, will bo the one arranged by the board of publi cation and Sunday school work. One of the interesting features of the service in the Providence church to morrow morning will be the presence and address of Rev. Dr. James A. wor den, superintendent of the Sunday school mission work. The Sunday school will convene In the rooms at 10.30 n. in. and from there will march in a body to the auditorium of the church. The programme will be ns follows: Organ Voluntary Mrs. Will McDonald Singing. "Who Is on tho Lord's Side." School, Led by Choir Prayer Pastor Singing, "Throw Out tho Lire Line. I Responsive Service, Psalm 72. I Sieging. "Whore Are the Reapers." I Recitation, "Tho Lord Wants Reapers." I Miss Ruth McDonald Slnghig. "Cod Bless Our Native Land." Recitation, "Lot uociuc iTieu. Walford Lewis Address Rev. James A. Worden, D.D., Address, Rev. James A. Worden, D. D., LL. D. Offering and Prayer of Consecration of offering. Singing, "The Whole Wide World for Jesus," Benediction. Organ Postlude. Harvest Home Festival. On Sunday, at Calvary Reformed church,' Monroe avenue and Gibson street, Rev. Marlon L. Flror, pastor, nt 10.30 d. m. and 7.30 p. m. tho great festi val of Ingathering, or harvest home, will ho observed. For many generations tho Reformed church hns kept this fes tival," until It has become a season of great Joy to all her loyal children. All members of the Reformed church and nil persons of Reformed antecedents, together with nil who believe In God, whosc"provldenec crowns the year with goodness, are Invited to Join in this service; ORDER OF SERVICE, MORNING. Processional, "Sowing In the Morning." Hymn Anthem, "Thanks Ho to Ood for 'ills Wonderful Love," Volunteer Choir Invocation. Hymn, "Now Thank Wo All Our God," Psalm 03. Apostle's Creed, Scripture Lesson. Gloria Pntri. Prayer. Hymn, "Tho God of Harvest Praise." ignorance jlows out the gas and furnishes pe newspapers with a jest and ti obituary notice. "Didn't mow it was loaded" may be. In honest plea, but it never irought a victim back to life. Those who let a cough run on, in ignorance of the danger, ifind uo escape from the con sequences when the cough de velops into lung trouble. The best time to kill a snake Is in the egg, The best time to cure a couch is when it Istarts. Ordinarily, a few doses of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery will cure a cough at the beginning. Hut even when the cough is deep seated, the lungs bleed and the body is wasted by emaciation, ur. Pierce's Golden Medical r Discovery will in niiiety-eight m cases out of every hundred effect I e. perfect and permanent cure. ( My husband had been coughing for ye nri and people frankly told mcthat lie would go into con tuniptlou," writes Mrs. John Sldreman, of No. pSj sjtl.i Place, Chicago, 111. "He had such terrU ble coughing knells we not only grew much klarnKdliut looked for the bursting of a blood. vessel or a hemorrhage st most any time. After three days' coughing lie was too weak to cross the room, The doctor did him uo good, I staled the case to a druggist, who handed me a bottlaof Dr. l'ierc's Goklcu Medical Discovery, My husbands recovery was remarkable. In three days alter he began using Dr, Pierce's Coldcn Medical Discovery he was up and around, aud in two more days he went to work. Two bottles cured him." The Common Sense Medical Adviser, ,1008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay eitpeuse of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Announcements. , . Carol, "Sowing Tlmo" Sunday School Sermon ,..."Tho Hnrvcst Is of the Lord" Prayer. Offering (for missions). Hymn, ''Come Yo Thankful People Come.'1 Doxology. Benediction. 7.30 P. M. Processional, "Onward Christian Sol diers." Harvest Hymn, "Pralso Yo the Lord," Volunteer Choir Hymn, "Prnlse to tho Lord, Ho Is King Over All the Creation." Invocation. Hymn, "Wo Plow the Fields nnd Scat ter." Psalm 147. Scripture Lesson. Prayer. Hymn, "O Blessed Lord tho Earth Is Thine." Sermon "The Ripe Harvest Fields" Prayer. Offering (for missions). Hymn, "My Country 'TIs of Thee." Doxology. 'Benediction. Epworth League Convention. The thirteenth annual convention of the Honcsdalo District Epworth League will open nn Tuesday evening, Sept. 30, at Honcsdalo, and continue all day Oct. 1. The programme follows: Tt'ESDAY EVENING, 7.50. Dovotlonul Rev. Clins. E. Wntdron, Lucknwuxcn "Why Wo Invited You," .1. A. Brown, Honcsdalo "Why Wo Came." Rev. S. C. Slmpkln?, Hnwley Address "Tho Value of Personal En thusiasm," Rev. Robert BagncII, New York City (Pastor Metropolitan Temple,) Appointments. Notices. Benediction. WEDNESDAY MORNING, 0.00. Devotional Rev. Alfred Eastman, South Canaan Topics and Discussion, Three-Minute Reports of Sub-District Work. Business Transactions. Notices. ' Beatitudes. Benediction. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 2.00. Devotional Rev. Peter F. Mead, Carlcy Brook Topics nnd Discussion. Election of Ofllcers. Unfinished Business. Notices. Doxology. Benediction. WEDNESDAY" EVENING. 7.30. Louis D. Tyler, Beacli Lako Solo Miss Kstella Howard, Thompson Lecture "Thousand Miles Up tho "Nile," (Illustrated with the larg est known map In the world), Rev. Dr. L. M. S. Haynes, Blngbamton Adjournment. Benediction. The following are tho district ofllcers: Presiding elder, Rev. Justus F. Warner, Carbondale: president, Rev. George H. Prentice, Moscow; recording secretary and treasurer, Miss Sadie L. Miller.Cur bondale; corresponding secretary, Miss Ruth A. Gardner, Moscow; Junior league superintendent, Mrs. James Bush, Honesdale; chairman of mission ary committee, Perry A. LaBarr, Honesdale. Religious Notes. The Baptist Ministers' conference will meet next Monday in the Penn avenue Baptist church. A paper by the Rev. II. P. East, of Clark's Green, on "The Historical Argument for God," will be the order of the day. The annual convention of the Wyom ing Conference Epworth League will be held "at the Simpson Methodist Episco pal church on October 14 and 15. An excellent programme Is being urrnnged nnd a large attendance Is looked for. Rev. E. H. Brown, D. D., of the First church, Albany, N. Y., and Rev. S. F, Uphnni, D. D of Drew Theological seminary, are among the speakers who will attend and deliver addresses. Rev. M. V. Williams, of Binglmmton, Is president of the league, and Clinton B. Henry, of Luzerne, secretary. Rev. James A. Worden, D. D super intendent of mission work of the Pres byterian church, with headquarters nt Philadelphia, is spending a few days In this city, a guest of Rev. Dr. Guild of the North Main avenue Presbyterian church. He will give an address to morrow morning In tho Providence church, and at 12.30 o'clock In tho First Presbyterian church on Washington avenue, In the evening he will give the address nt the Sabbath school exercises in tho Washburn Presbyterian church In the ubsenco of Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith, Rev. George Alrich, ex-pastor of tho Grace Reformed church, of this city, will occupy the pulpit of the North Main avenue Baptist church, morning aud evening, at 10.30 a. in, nnd 7.30 p. in. Sunday school 2 p. m Y. P. S. C. E. C.30 p, m. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR SEPT. 28 THIRD QUARTERLY REVIEW. BY REV. J. K. GILBERT, D, D Secretary of Ameiican Society of Re ligious Education, Introduction. During tho quarter wa bnvo studied select passages In tho his tory of Israel from tho giving of Manna In tho wilderness of Sin to tho death of Moses In tho laud of Moub, Tho tlmo coveted Is nearly forty years, 1190 to 14rl II. C, Every lesson has had some refer ence to Moses ns tho great central figure. Wldlo thcro has been a disclosure of tho Intellectual aud religious lifo of tho peo ple there Iuib been more striking represen tation of this great leader. In the main thcro has been much to adn,ll'o only on ono or two occasions did ho exhibit weak nesses, Grcnt progress was mado In thoso years. A nation was organized, Its laws wero enacted, and Its forms of public worship were lixed, FIRST LKSSON.-July C. The Giving of Munmi, (Ex. xvl. 1-15). Tho first of tho long series of murmuriiiKs In which Israel enguged, wns for luck nf food. A few weeks nut of Egypt, the supplies ex hausted, they turned against Moses mid Aaron as responsible for their misfor tunes, longing for tho flesh pots of their nominee, -ino i.ord promised to relievo tho distress by sending both llesli and breud; making this the proof of Jits preseiu'o und care, The promise was fill, tilled and tho supply of food continued throughout tho wundeilng, SCEOND LESSON.-July 13. Tho Ten Commandments. Duties of God. (Ex, xx, Ml). Tho national foundation was nffected In n constitution of ten parts tho first four of which established mono theism. Of these three wero negative and ono positive. Other gods were prohibited, Idolatry was forbidden, and blusphemy condemned. Thus tho Individual and the community nlllto began with a correct idea of God and the proper attitude to. ward Him. This was fundamental and vital. To preserve this thcistle concep tion one-scvcnth of tho tlmo was net apart to sacred uses and tho other six Bovcnths wore consecrated to secular pur poses. THIRD LESSON.-July 20. Tho. Ten Commandments. Duties to Man (Ex. xx, 1217). Under this codo mdrntlty Is Inseparably enjoined with religion. Duty to God Involves duty to ,tnnn, Neither can bo truly met whllo the other is neg lected. But thera Is a natural order, hero nnuounccd first, filial reverence, tho mother regarded as well ns tho father; tho life to bo held sacred! then chastity to bo obsorvod; then property rights to bo respected! tho reputation and truth to bo preserved! Inst of nil tho invasion of rights by desiring another's possessions to bo denied, It Is probable that thoso six precepts directly or by Implication deal with nil tho relations nnd conditions of life. FOURTH 'LESSON.-July 27. Worship ping tho Golden Calf. (Ex. xxxlll, 1-3."). The second statute of tho decaloguo was soon broken, proving that tho people wero not prepared for tho high standard which bad been set up. Tho occasion wns the long nbsenco of Moses In tho mount whero ho wns receiving Instructions from God. Tho religions sentiments of tho people were not satisfied with a spiritual being. There was need of something that appealed to tho senses. . Hence, Idolatry enmo In, llko that practiced In Egypt. FIFTH LESSON.-Aug. 8. Tho Tab ernacle, (Ex. xl, 1-13), During the pa triarchal dispensation worship was per formed nt an altar of stono which might bo erected anywhere. God met tho sili cons worshipper. Under a national sys tem, especially after sojourn In Egypt, a moveable tent was sot up as tho abiding place of the Almighty. Constructed with tho free will offerings of tho people nfter patterns shown In tho mount It was sot up In tho midst of tho camp nnd became the center of nil religious life and Influ ence. It served to unify nnd educnto and to prefigure things to come. SIXTH LESSON.-Aug. 10. Nadab nnd Ablhu. (Lev. x, 1-11). As tho law was broken so tho holy place was pro faned. Two sons of Aaron, high officials In tho sanctunry. disregarded tho regula tions which had been adopted for tho proper conduct of worship. Unless ror buked their example would havo been followed by others, and In a short tlmo nil reverence would have departed from tho sacred place and Irregularities nnd Improprieties would havo beeen mul tiplied. Tho offenders were Instantly de stroyed; nnd their bodies wero carried out of tho camp for burial. No mourning was allowed even by relatives. From that time forth a difference was mado be tween things holy and unholy. SEVENTH LESSON.-Aug, 17. Jour neying toward Canaan. (Numb. x. lt-13 and 29-36). The toilsome marches through the wilderness are described only In part, and then very briefly In the sacred vol' nme. The way wns beset with peril ngalnst which Moses sought to protect himself by securing the presence of his father-in-law, who, having long lived in thnt region, was familiar with It. But tho Invitation was rejected and Hobab re turned to his old home. What was more valuable than human escort, tho pillar of cloud, wherein was tho Divine pres ence, remained with them leading them on and showing them when to pause. The piety of Moses appeared in Ills trust in God, ready to move whenever tho cloud Indicated. EIGHTH LESSON.-Aug. 24. Report of tho Spies. (Numb, xill l!ii, to xlv, I). Twelve men, one from ench tiibe, went forth from Kndlsh Balnea to explore the land of Canaan. After travelling through tho entire country they returned and reported that the land was beautiful and fruitful, bringing a huge bunch of grapes to verify their statement, but thnt tho Inhabitants wero very strong. Caleb and Joshua advised nn immediate ad vance clalmng that they wero able to subdue and possess the land. The other ten spies gave nn evil report which wns accepted by the body of the people who murmured ngalnst Moses. Supposing the expedition was a total failure there was a proposal to elect another captain and return to Egypt, thus rejecting the mis sion and tho leader. In this Instance there was nn eellpso of faith and an In cipient rebellion. NINTH LESSON.-Aug. 31. Tho Rrnzcn Serpent. (Numb, xxl, 1-9). After many years of wandering In the wilderness Is rael was turned n second time toward Ca naan, Discouraged In the weary march there was general complaint ngalnst Moses as on tho other occasions. To chastise them and bring them Into hu mility nnd submission fiery serpents were sent among them. Groaning from pain nnd bereavement were heard through out tho camp. The spirit of penitence followed: Moses Interceded nnd God pardoned. But to help tho fultb and sym bolize great truths to be learned a brazen serpent was lifted upon a polo In tho center of tho camp. Whosoever looked toward this should live. (John, ill, ll-ir,). TENTH LESSON.-Sept. 7. The Proph et llko Moses. (Dent, xvlll, 9-22). This lesson might bo styled "God's method of giving Religious Truths." Tho peoplo wero commanded not to be practice thoso arts by which tho Cannanltes sought In formationIncantations, spiritualism, di vination, etc., for which they had been expelled from their country. These prac tices were abominable in tho sight nf tho Lord, likely to corrupt aud de grade. But Instead God promised to ralso up a class of men, to bo knwon ns Divinely commissioned when they rest ed their sayings upon predictions that afterward come through. ELEVENTH LESSON-Sept. II. Lov ing and Obeying God, Dent., xxx, ll-2. Tho truth delivered by Inspired men, al ways near at band nnd easily under stood, was tho ono rule oj" conduct. If followed, llfo and blessing would result; If disregarded or violated, death or na- FREE BIBLE LECTURE. Scranton church goers who havo been banded copies of ZION'S WATCH TOW ER on leaving their services, or havo read tho MILLEN1AL DAWN Series of Helps for' BIbto Students, or who heard tho lecture In July by CHARLES V. RIJS. SELL, tho editor and author of tho fore going, will bo interested In tho frco Rlblo Lecturo to bo given by UAVDEN SAM SON, traveling representative of tho Watch Tower Rlblo and Tract Society, In GUERNSEY'S CONCERT HALL, SUNDAY, Sept. 28, at 2.30 p, m. HAYDEN SAMSON. All people, also, who aro Interested in ways and means for the betterment of social, economic nnd religious conditions, as alt in this valley must bo In such times of unrest as the present, will be doubly interested In the subject for dig. cusslon, "GOD'S AGENCY FOR THE I1LESSING OF THE WORLD." All aro welcome. No collection, Seats free. Guernsey's Concert Hall Sunday, Sept. 28, 2.30 P. M. tlonitl disaster would succeed, Alt this had been repeatedly set beforo tho nation so thnt tho choice might bu made. But obcdlenco to bo acceptable must bo from tho heart. Love must prompt and gilldo the will. Righteousness of this sort would secure nil tho blessings promised to Abra ham nnd his posterity In tho land soon to bo entered. TWELFTH LESSON-Sept, 21. Tho Dcnth of Moses, Dcut., xxxlv, 1-12. Do llied tho privilege of entering Canaan, Moses was taken to tho top of Plsgnh from which ho could obtain a view of the whole land. Thero bo was burled In an unknown grnvo having attained tho ago of 120 years. National mourning fol lowed for thirty dnys, Joshua, who bail been previously consecrated, succeeded to tho command, and tho heart nf Israel turned toward him, By some later his torian a postcrlpt wns added to tho book saying that Moses was nn llicompurabto prophet who talked with God fnco to face. CONCLUSION.-Flfleen hundred years nfter Moses died In Monh ho appeared upon tho Mount of Transfiguration with Ellas, tho great prophet to converse with Jesus. (Matt., xvll, 2.) Later stilt a New Testament writer nsserts that tho law giver was Inferior to Jesus Christ (Hob., Ill, 3), and shows wherein. (Heb., Ill, r-(.) From thoso passages It Is evident thnt the Mosaic economy looked forward to tho Christian era In which It wns fulfilled. It would bo wlso thcrcforo to retrace tho steps ulong tho quarter's lessons to see bow they lend on toward tho Intended goal, All true souls that preceded Jesus helped to make tho world ready for him. All tho work of tho earlier tlmo con tributed something to tho building of tho now church. SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Elm Park church Dr. C. M. Glfiln, pas tor. Prayer and pralso meeting nt 9.30 a, m.; tho pastor will preach nt 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Junior leaguo at 3.30 p. m.; Senior league nt 6.30 p. m. At 7.30 tho pastor will preach on tho sub ject, "Hard to Harness." Simpson Methodist Church Rev. II. ,C. McDermott, D. D pastor. Prayer meeting at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 10.30 a. m, nnd 7.30 p. in. Morning sub ject, "Walking In Love." Evening sub ject, "Pence Llko a, River." Sunday school nt 12 m. Junior League nt 3. p. m.; Epworth lnguo at C.30 p. m. All Invited to these services. Embury M. E. church Rev. James Ben nlnger, pastor. Preaching nt 10.30, sub ject, "A Request and Its Results;" class meeting at 11.30; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Epworth leaguo at 0.20, leader, W, M. Prestwood; prcaeblng service at 7.30 subject, "How Sho Obtained Forgive ness." Ash Street Methodist Episcopal church Rev. J. R. Austin, pastor. Morning preaching service at 10.30; subject, "Suf fering nnd Its Uses"; class meeting nt 11.30 n. m Charles Croop, leader; Sun day school nt 2 p. m., E. W. Stone, super intendent; Epworth League at 0.43 p. m Miss Henrietta linns, leader; evening preaching service at 7.30, subject, "Does It Pay to Be Good?" Preaching In the Nay Aug Methodist Episcopal church, Saturday evening at 7.30. A cordial wel come. Court Street Methodist Episcopal church G. C. Lyman, pastor. Class, 9. 13 a. in., O. D. DeWItt, leader; preaching. 10.30 n. m.. subject, "The Unseen"; Sun day school. 11.45 a. ni G. R. Clnrk su perintendent; Epworth League, 0.30 p. m.,' Geneva Kresky, louder; preaching, 7,30, subject, "Touching Christ"; class No. :', Tuesday nt 7.30. ,). Archer, leader. Prayer meeting. Wednesday nt 7.30. Seats free. Providence Methodist Episcopal church Rev. George A. Cure, pntnr. Tho Brotherhood of St. Paul meet for praver nt 10 n. in. Preaching at 10.30; Sunday schnol nt 2 p. m.; Epworth League at 0.4.', p. in., topic, "Cheerful Amid Adversity," Mrs. .1. C'liPiioweth, leader; preaching at 7.30, fiubject, "Three Hours nf Darkness." Asbury Methodist Eph-copal church Rev. Charles A. Benjamin, pastor. Brotherhood at 0.30 a. m.: preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., by the pastor; subject In the morning. "The Ministry of Love"; evening, "Heart and Hand": Sun day school Rally Day programme at 2.:0; address by Rev. 11. C. McDermott, of tho Simpson Mothndi't Episcopal church; League at ii.30 p. m. Seats free; lareo choir. All are welcome. St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church F. P. Doty, pastor. Services hi Phillips' hall, nn Fig street. At 10.30, nioni'ng worship and sermon; 11.13 a. in., Sunday bchool; 3.30 p, m Junior League at the piirsonago; 7 p. in.. Epworth League; 7.30, evening dlsrouivc. Wednesday even ing, prayer meeting. African Methodlht church Dr. D. S. Bcutly, pastor. Preaching. lO.I'O a. m.; subject, "The Life of tho Gos pel," Sunday school, 2.30 p. m. Preuch Ing, 7.15 i. in.; subiect, "Tho Duty of Christian Helpfulness." A cordial wel come to all. BAPTIST. Penn Avenuo Rapllst Church. Penn ave nue, between Spruce and Linden streets. Strangers cordially welcomed. Preach ing morning at 10.30 and evening at 7.30 by tho pastor. Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. Morning prayers In tho lower turn plo at 9.13. Thome of the morning ser mon, "Tho Epistle of Christ, or Human Letters and How They Are Read," Sun day school nt 12 o'clock, Immediately fol lowing the services In the auditorium, Sunday school at tho Memorial mission on Prcscott avenue, at 3.30 p. in. Young People's Society of Christian Ende.nor meeting at 0.30. At tho evening "Bright Hour" service tho pastor will speak on the theme, "Going Home." Excellent music nt all of tho services. Tb? First Baptist church, South Main nvenuo Preaching at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. .by the Rev. J, 8. Wrlghtnor, D. D of Oil City, Pa, Sunday school at 2 p. ni.; B. Y. P. J I. nt 0.30 p. in. Wednesday evening at 7.15 covenant service to bo lend by Dr. Wrlghtnor. Everybody wel come, scats free. Jackson street Baptist church Rev. TIioh, tie Grucby, D. D,, Pastor. Men's morning prayer meeting nt 9.13, Brother A'm, D, Jouklns, lender. Sermon at 10.30; topic, "Tho Church Triumphant," Sun day school at 2 p. in., John Lloyd, Supt, At 3.13, chorus rehearsal for Harvest Homo and Rally day, with full orchestra, Evening servlco nt 7 sharp! pralso and song servlco assisted by tho choir; con gregational hymn, "Babel, O, Sacred Heart of Jesus"; nddrcss by tho pastor, topic, "Popular Drifts," Tho publlo is cordially welcome. Seats aro all freo, First Welsh B.iptlst Church, West Mar kot street Rev, J, V. Davles, pastor, Tho pastor will occupy tho pulpit on Sunday next nt tho usual hours, 10 u. ni. and U p, m. Sunday school nt 2 p. m. Tho cola brntlou of tho Lord's supper will follow the evening sermon. A cordial welcome Is extended to till to nttend. All scats free'. Memorial Baptist Church, Church ave nuePastor Rev, W. F. Davles. Ser vices next Sunday nt tho usual hours. Welsh In tho morning, and English In tho evening. Bihlo school nt 2 p. m. The ordinance of tho Lord's supper will bo ndinlnistrred after tho evening ser mon. Tho young people's society will meet next weok nt tho homo of Sister W. II. Phillips, West Market street. Shlloh Buptlst church, corner Mulberry street aud Adnnn avenuo Rev, J. II. Boddle, pastor. Preaching nt 11 a, m. by tho pastor, subject, "Should Wo as Bap tists Advocate ItH Belief and When"j Sunday school, 12.30 p. ni., R. S. Timber lake, superintendent; 7.43 p. ni,, preach ing, subject, "Tho Stain of Blood on the Door and tho Distress Wboro It Wns Not Found," Tuesday evening, monthly church meeting. Wednesday evening, preaching. Frlduy evening, general pruyer meeting. PRESBYTERIAN. First Preibyterlan church-Services at mumMKma tii wm.wmtwwmnmi 1 1 11 f .-s - - -A. DOMESTIC In conking mushrooms, It should bo remembered thnt the simplest way Is tho best. Much cooking, tougheni, whllo tho delicate flavor needs no dis guising condiments to tempt tho pnl ate, In ercnmlng llicm, peel cnrofnlly, trim oft tho stalks, but savo them for your breakfast omelette or steak, and lay fnco down In a clean granite or porcelain-lined snticepnn, In which hns been melted u tablespnonful of swcot butter. Let tho Juice oxudo for n few moments, then add as much rich milk or cronm ns there Is mushroom liquor. Simmer slowly for live or six mo ments, senson lightly with salt nnd pepper, nnd pour over dellcntely browncd slices of tonst. Other delicious ways of preparing j, .mushrooms lire baking and broiling. T In baking, you can utilize tho small or Imperfect mushrooms and the stems. Spread thickly on slices of toast which nro rather underdone, sea son with salt, pepper nnd a llttlo but ter, and bake In a moderate oven, un til the toast Is well moistened with the mushroom liquor. For broiling, select large, perfect mushrooms. Trim off the stums, nnd lay them fnco upward on a well-buttered gridiron. Sprluklo lightly with salt, nnd when tho cups nro lilted with Juice, lift carefully on slices of but tered tonst, taking caro not to spill the Juice. A little llmejulco ndded to a cup of hot or cold tea Is considered by many to bo an Improvement over the uso of lemon. A new sandwich filling Is made of preserved ginger, chopped fine, nnd moistened with rich cronm. Tho housewlfo who lives In a city with a Chinese quarter will find It to her advantage to buy her preserved ginger by tho pound nt the Chinese grocers. It can be .bought In bulk for 50 cents a pound. When a stylogrnpblo pen sticks and refuses to uncnp, hold It over a light ed match for a moment and It will loosen. Half a pound of dry bread, one quarter pound nut kernels and ono pound of raw fruit, furnish a dinner, it Is said, that will give good staying power for six or eight hours. Food for the nged, according to a prominent English nuthorlty, shall consist In the main of fruits und vege tables, ns the acids dissolve out the lime salts from the tissues, nnd so prevent too early stiffness of tho Joints and other parts. Tea nnd coffee nro best avoided, ns they cause paralysis, or want of proper control over the limbs. Pork, veal, cheese and much flesh food must be avoided, as n heavy meal of nny nf these foods Is liable to Induce a stroke of apoplexy. All food should he simple, plainly cooked, and taken in great moderation, lest tho di gestive organs bo overtnxed. Break fast may consist of porridge nnd milk, or whole wheat bread and fruit and a cup of cocoa or milk. Dinners mnv consist of vegetable soup and bread, macaroni, vegetables, and sonic simple plainly cooked 11011 flesb dish. For desert, stewed fruit and bread, or plain rlcf. sago, tapioca or maca roni puddlncs. If llesli or fish aro eaten they should bo of tho most di gestible kinds, as lean beef or mutton, or boiled or ba':ed white mealed fish, and then hi moderation. Better than meit nro vegetables flavored with the gravy. Supper may consist of whole wheat bread nnd fruit, or boiled onions, cel ery or beet root, and a cup of cocoa or' mil!- and water. Food should not be taken for at least three hours be fore going to bed. While exercise for elderly peoplo is J- ' 10.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m. Dr. Mol.end will preach. Mid-week service on Wednesday evening at 7.13 o'clock. Strangers wel come to all services. Second Presbyterian church, Jefferson avenue, between Vino and Mulberry streets-Morning worship, 10.30: Sunday school, 12 m'.: Young People's Society of Cluixtlnii Endeavor, Ii.30 p. m.: evening worship, 7.30. Rev. Joseph II. Odcll will preach. Evening subject, "Tho Need of a Judgment Day." Green Ridge Presbyterian church-Rev. 1. J. Lansing, pastor. At 10.30. worship, address reception of members und Lord's supper; 12 ni., Bible school Rally Day; 0.30 p 111., Christian Endeavor; 7.30, even ing worship and sermon by tho pastor. All aro cmdlally Invited. Providence Presbyterian church Rev. Cieorgo E. Guild, D. D pastor. Sunday school rally day service, 10.30 o'clock. Sunday school will meet In the Sunday school room promptly at 10 o'clock. Ad dress or tho morning, Rev. James A, Worden. D. D., superintendent of Sunday tcliool mission wink of tho Presbyterian church. Pleaching service at 7.30 p. 111,, with sermon by pastor. Tho public are cordially Invited to the services of tho day. Washburn street Presbyterian church Rev. John P. Moffat, D. D pastor. Ser vices at 10.30 a, m. and 7.30 p. 111, Bihlo Echool, "Rally Day Services;" special pro gram, orchestra present, at 12 m.; Rev, Dr. Steans, a former pastor, will deliver the address. C, E, Young People. Rally Day Service; consecration meeting at ii.20 p. in. Tho pastor will preach nn appro priate sermon, In tho morning, at tho Rally Day Services. In tho evening, tho Rev. Dr. Worden of Philadelphia, Pa secretary Sabbath School Board will speak. Tho orchestra and choir will ren der special music at tho evening servlco. All aro cordially Invited to all of theso services. .Adams Avenuo Chnpol, New York street Rev, James Hughes will preach at 10.30 aud 7.30; Sunday school at 3 o'clock; Christian Endeavor at 0.30, Wednesday servlco at 7.30. Thursday thcro will bo a grand rally of tho church nnd congrega tion at 7.30 p. 111. All are Invited to theao services. EPISCOPAL. Saint Luke's Parish Rev. Rogers Is rael, D. D rector; Rev. Edward John Haughton, Senior Curato; Rev, Robert Ewell Roe, Junior Curate, ISth Sunday ufter Trinity. St, Luke'H church 7.30 n, ni Holy com munion; 10.30 u. in., morning prayer and sermon; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon; 9.15 u. in., Sunday school and Bihlo classes, St, Mark's, Dunmore 10.30 a. m morn ing prayer and sermon; 7.30 p, 111., liven ing prayer and sermon; 9.30 a, m., Sunday school and Bible classes, East End Mission, Prcscott avenuo 3 p. 111., Buiidny school and Rlblo classes. South Side Mission, Fig atrcet-2.30 . in., Sunday school und Rlblo classes. St. George's, Olypbaiit-3.30 p. m., oven lug prayer and sermon. St. James', Nicholson 10.30 n. ni., even ing prayer and sermon; 9,43 u, m., Sun day school. Church of tho Good Shepherd, corner Mousey avenuo nnd Green RIdgo' street. Row Francis R. Bateman, rector, Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion at 7.30 a. in.: morning prayer at 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school and rector's class, 2.30 p. in.; evening pruyer, 7.30. St. John's Mission, Osterhout hull, Providence- bquare Sunday school, 2 p. m,; evening pruyer nnd sermon by Rev. F. R. Butcmun, I o'clock. Ub- 'f.l wtv.' .-. . - I' - i' - i' - i'i' - ? 4f 4.-M-f.f-f4"f-f-M-M""M-i Menu for Sunday, Sept. 25 BROAKPAST. Grapes. Frizzled Beef. Baked Potatoes. Sour Milk Pnneakcs, Syrup. Coffee. UINNUR. f Lettuce nnd Tomato Salad, f Barley Soup, s -5 Olives, Radishes. 1- Roast Lamb, Currant Jolly. i. Boiled Potatoes. Succotash. 4- Apples. Cheese. 4 Tapioca Pudding. 4 Black Coffee. 4 SUI'PUR. T Creamed Mushrooms T In Chafing Dish T Tonst. T Baked Apples with Cream, I Molnsses Fruit Cake, I Tea. H"f-f-f444444"-4444444- Imperative, It should be gentle. Level ground Is best to walk on, and exer cise should never be taken within nn hour after mcftl. Heavy lifting, strain ing or hurrying must bo avoided, Fresh air Is tho best tircvcntlvo of chest complaints, and If well protect ed, thcro need be no curtailing of ex ercise, even in wet und stormy weather. If ono has a toothache and can't reach the dentist, try this method of temporarily delaying the pain: Cleanse nnd dry the hollow tooth with n bit of cotton. Then put In a small cotton plug dipped In creosote or oil of cloves. Cover this with another bit of dry cotton, or, still better, a llttlo beeswax and cotton kneaded together. This keeps out the air and downs tho "mis cry" until u dentist can be reached. While the habits and customs of the untutored savage nre not always to bo commended to his white brother, there are some things that boar tho Impress of good, sound, common sense. For Instance, among the Hopls and Mnrcjos, who stand at tho head of all the Indian tribes, for their feats of strength nnd endurance, It Is the cus tom to leave an opening In all their garments just under the arm. Instead of covering up tho nrmplt with extra shields, a silt about six Inches long Is cut In the under wnlst nnd nrm seams. This gives the air freo access to that part of tho body when perspiration Is most profuse. In New York city ono of the best known professors of the "benutlfler" cult lays stress on tho vnluo of, ollvo oil as a hair restorer and wrinkle era dlcator and preventive. Tho pores of tho scalp and skin, sho declares, drink tho oil In with avid ity, and thlck.glossy hair and well rounded contours follow Itsi persistent application. In shampooing white hair, the up-to-dato hair dresser uses a llttlo laundry blue In the last rinsing water. This gives the hah- a clear white tinge, much more beautiful than the yellow cast which 13 common to tho unlnl ated. If you hnve a basement dining room or rather dark bedroom whero long curtains shut out too much of tho light, try tho effect of the linen Anno Hathaway curtains, copied from tho old house at Stratford-on-Avon. These aro simply scrim or dottd Swiss, mado about three-eights of a yard In length, finished with a linger and a half hem at tho bottom and n two-Inch hem nt tho top, shirred very full upon a brass rod or cotd and hung across tho top of the window casement. These do not cut off tho llcht, but give 1111 nrtlstlc finish to the windows, which shades alono leave too severe ly plain. A bunch of the pretty, slender-necked Chimin Coutes, with their twisted straw covers and handles, helped to REFORMED EPISCOPAL. Grace church, Wyoming avenue below Mulberry street Pruyer und pralso ser vice at 9.30 a. m,: dlvlno worship, 10.30 a. 111. Rev. G. A. Redlcs, first pastor of the church, will pieach morning and evening; Sunday school at 12 ni. : Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0.30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 7.13 o'clock. Seats free. Everybody welcome. Branch church, Hose House, Tripp Park Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Henry Cardcw will preach at both services; Sunday school at 12 m. Prayer meeting, Thursday nt 7.13 p. 111. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Evangelical Lutheran Eighteenth Sun day after Trinity; Gospel, Matthew 11, 34-40; Epistle, I Corinthians, i, 4-9. St. Mark's, Washburn street Rev. A, L. Rumor, Ph. D., pastor. Services: 10.30 a. m., and 7.30 p. m Luther league, C.30 p. in.; Sunday school, 12. Morning sub ject: "Our Daily Bread;" evening sub ject: "Tho True Vine." Festival of Har vest Home will bo celebrated at morning service, Special offering for tho Or phan's Home, Christ church, Cedar avenuo and Birch streot Rev. James Wltko, pastor. Ser vices, 10.20 11. m Sunday school, 9.00 a, m. St, Peter's, Prcscott avenuo -Rev. John Randolph, pnstor. Services, 10.30 a. m,; Sunday school, 9.00 a, m. Emmanuel German-Polish Lutheran church, Reese street Rev. Ferdinand Satelmeler, pnstor. Services In ho Ger man language, 10.30 u, m.; Sunday school, 2 p. in,, St. Paul's, Short avenue Rev, II, A, Kuukle, pastor. Services, 10.00 11, m nnd 7,20 p. 111.; Sunday school, 11.00 a. m, English Evangelical Lutheran church of tho Holy Trinity, corner Adams avo. 11110 and Mulberry streeb-Rav. I'M'. Rlt tter, A. M,, pastor. Services, 10.30 11, m, and 7,30 p, m,; morning subject, "Which Is tho Greatest Commandment?" Even ing subject, "Christ and Divorce." Sun day school, 12 m.; Luther leaguo, 0.13 p, in, Seats free, ,nll wclconio, Grace English Inithoran church (gen eral synod), corner Prcscott avenuo nnd Mulberry street Rov, Luther Hess War ing, pastnr.Sundny school, 9.30 a, in.; Div ine worship, 10.30 u, in.iY. V. S. C, E., 7.00 p. in,; evening worship with sermon, 7.30 p. 111, Tho pastor will preach morn, lug and evening. Everybody wclconio, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Short ave nue Rov, II, A, Kuukle, pastor. Morn ing services at 10 a. m. Subject. "Tho Great Commandment." Sunday school at It a, in, Evening services nt 7.30 o'clock, Subject, "Procrastination,'' Installation of tho pastor of St. Paul's to tuko placo next Wednesday, October 1, at 7.30 p. m,, ut which occasion tho president of the conference, Rov. J, O, Sclilcnker,, of !lu zleton, will bo present. SII011 German Lutheran church, 220 Mlfllln nvenuo Rev, D, O. Gallenkamp, pastor. Morning service, German, 10.30 a, m.; subject, "What Dost Thou Know About Christ!" Sunday school, 2 p. m,j evening service, German, 7.30; subject, "Death, the King of Terror," Scats free, all welcome. German school for boys and girls every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 in. MISCELLANEOUS. All Souls' Unlvcrsijllst church, Pino street, between Adiiins und Jefferson avo nue Rev. Thomas D. Puync, pastor. Dlvlno service, with sermon, ut 10.30 a. m.; subject, "Tho Glory of Service"! Sunday school, 12 111. Seats free. Stran gers welcome. First Primitive Methodist Church. Graea A ! w-- 4, A v iU t. , .1 (1 Jl X I' rvv " i.. mnko a very effective wall cornenln- n dining loom, noted lately. They wero bung diagonally on the wall nnd connected by a strand of twisted grain. Just across tho wall ntigte n couplo of 1,1, tin.. l.natfA. tilnntlna r.,,.1 .. t.r, ...I,,... J .,...(,, .run...... r(.iUin .ill.. ,l Ulllliwuu & Umvi, llnlnn,! In lirltrlitnn nn nlhui' wise dark and sombro bit of wall, ,. 4. With ment still so high ns to mnko It a luxury Instead of u dally neces sity, vntlotis vegetable substitutes nro finding their way on breakfast tables nil over the land. Tho Now Englaud cr, loynl to tradition, llnds plenty, of' company thoso days In his Sundny morning breakfast of beans and brown bread, lit the cxtrcmo west and south west, tho brown frlgoll, cooked with plenty of pepper, serves the snmo pur pose. Green corn cakes, fried toma toes wllb erenin gravy, fried egg plant, fried mush or hominy, samp, or rice, prepared utter tho Spanish meth od, nro all satisfying and Upproprlalo breakfast dishes whero something hcurtlcr than rolls, fruit and cofteo Is f ( required ' '. To prepare tho Spanish rlco have ready n saucepan In which are two lablcspoonfuls of ulco but drippings. Throw in a half cupful of well-washed rlco nnd tows about until lileelv browned. Add ono sliced tomato, 0110'' f sliced onion nnd a clove of gnrllo and brown lightly. Cover tho whole with hot water, season with salt nnd pop per. Cover and let the .rice cook, thoroughly, adding more water as needed. Do not stir, ns the beauty of It lies In the plump brownunbroken kernels. Rlco nnd toasted chcoso Is n good combination, though better for lunch con or supper than breakfast. Cut slices of cold boiled rice and fry to a rich brown In butter or drippings. Cut cheese Into pieces about half as largo ns the slices of rlco and toast over tho lire until beginning to soften. Lay oh the hot rlco nnd serve Immediately. An excellent substitute for beef tea, according to vegetarians, may bo found In a stew of haricot beans, pearl barley, rice, carrots, turnips and nn onion. Strain off the fluid nnd servo with toast. When cold this broth forms a Jelly which Is exceed ingly nourishing. It contains soluble starch, albumen and sugar, all of which are easily taken up by the sys tem. ' . Thin slices of mellow, juicy pears, with boiled custard poured over them, afford a timely nnd delicious dessert. Servo cold in sherbet glasses or deep saucers. A successful venture in a new food combination, tho other day, deserves passing on. The dinner was being prepared over a gas range, and the gas refused to glvo more than ono burner of good llamo at a time. The cook had started to boll new potatoes In one saucepan and lima beans In qn othcr. When she found that only one kettlo could be kept boiling, sho put the contents of the two vessels to gether and finished their cooking. When tender they were set back to steam, whllo a white sauce, was pro pared and turned over them. The result wns so delicious and sat isfactory that tho combination will bo used again, even if not necessary. The poison Ivy, with Its brlillnnt au tumnal colorlHg and pretty berries, will soon bo counting its victims by tho score. Tho wiso Individual who goes out Into the country for nuts, bit tersweet or other trophies of the woodland, takes bis antidoto for su mac, poison oak or Ivy with him. This Is a solution of common baking soda, a tabiosnoonful fo a pint of water. If npplled at once, it Is almost always effective. EMMA PADDOCK TELFORD. Ridge Rev. G. Lees, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. Subject, "Palm and Cedar." At 7 p. m., Subject. "Brevity of Time." Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. . All welcome. Plymouth Congregational church, Jack son street Preaching service nt 10.30 a. 111. and 7.30 p. m.: Sunday school at 13 o'clock; Sunday school at Sherman ave nue at 2.15 p. in, Mr. A. V. Brower will occupy the purplt at both services. Gospel Tabernacle, Jefferson avenue, Dunmore James Lelshman, pastor.Ser vlces at 10.20 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. ; Sunday school, 12 m,; Young People's Missionary meeting, addressed by tho pastor, at 6.30 p. m. Christian and Missionary Alliance meetings on Tuesday at 2.20 and 7.30 p. m. Seventh Dny Adventlsts, Guernsey hall, 31ti Washington avenue Preaching ser vice ut 7.30 p. m.. by Pnstor C. F. Mc Vagh; subject, "Blblo vs. Superstition." All welcome. Gospel hall, No. 1301 Lackawanna ave mio Sabbath school at 12.13 p. m.; even ing service nt 7.30 o'clock. The Blbla class will meet 011 Monday evening nt 7.45. Mr. Alrlcb will teach thn lesson anil continue tho studies In tho Book of Ro mans. All nro welcome. AN OCEAN POSTOFFICB. Scheme for Establishing Mldocean Wireless Telegraph. From American Shipbuilding. A scheme Is on foot In Liverpool which It is claimed by tho English ship ping journals, will soon bo In commer cial operation for utilizing wireless telegraphy In n mid-ocean pnstofflca ' nnd signal station. It Is tho Intention-' to permanently moor at 'a point 110 . miles west of tho Lizard a ship wlileli' will be equipped with 11 searchlight and . a complete sot of Miircnnli apparatus,! A3 the water nt tho point selected will '; Involve the use of n moorlngi chain 40f""'' or M0 feet In length, the weight- of ' which would prevcut the bows from- . riding buoyantly over tho heavy sous,- k tho vessel will bo prqvlded with a w hawse-pipe placed In the heel of - the foremast, . !.. The searchlight Is to havo a vertical' beam for the purpose of. Illuminating , the clouds and enabling tho flouting -.5 postofllco to bo picked up at night froip , a distance of sixty ii)!es, or more, As, the vessel will bo located In,, the .fair, r way of tho English chunncl, It will ,be , advantageously placed for ,ti6 . illst,!-!.-, , , btitlop of orders sent from shpre,by.1tlho ., owners of vessels which nro passing, Jrij ,,.. and out of the channel. Thus a s)pn '" coining In from the west or from ,tli n ,, south could be directed eRhec to Mv'er-, pool. Bristol or an English cjutnnpl , port. Uy this means pilotage pud port " dues would be reduced, 'nnd. of course; -there would bo n considerable'1 savjng ' of time. The vessel will 'serve as- a ' floating station, which can be picked ; up for wireless communication. Th'e ynlue of this form of postolllce U'Vx'- n pected to be very great. Moreover, ly. lug ut tho junction of the three great thoroughfares of- Urltlsh nnd continent- ul marine truffle, the stutlon should prove particularly valuable In salvage work. "The scheme-on the (uce of it uppears to bo thoroughly pruct!cableM and, If carried out, It should bo' of considerable servlco In the marl tlmo world, '" -