The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1902, Image 1
Wf ,ippi M ",,.:Wt(i,! If. '. V ? I. ; . f fT ' anton SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. - TWELV&k PAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1902. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. m K S I'vA f V i MEN ARE RETURNING TO THE COLLIERIES Operators Sau That Under Protec tion of TrooDs a Larae Num ber Have Resumed Work. THE WYOMING REGION is'now'at PEACE Collieries Have More Men at Work Than at Any Time Since the Strike Began Mr. Mitchell Will Soon Prepare a Long Statement on the Strike Forty Men and Boys at Nantlcoke Are Arrested on Charge of Breaking Windows of Non Union Workmen. By Exclusive Wire (rom Tlie Associated Press. Wllkes-Barrc, Sept. 26. A peaceful condition of affairs prevailed In the "Wyoming region today. Battalions of soldiers made tours of the districts where disturbances have heretofore been frequent, but found everything quiet. At the offices of the coal com panies, it was stated that now since the soldiers are in control, a large number of their old men, and those who were prevented from working, have returned and that the collieries now being oper ated have more men at work than at any time since the strike began. At strike headquarters, those in charge during the absence of President Mitchell, whp went to Philadelphia this afternoon, say that the ranks of the strikers are as firm as ever and that no desertions are reported anywhere in the region. Mr. Mitchell has pre pared a lengthy statement on the strike situation, which will be given to the press In a few days. About forty men and boys, all resi dents of .the town of Nuntieoke, who are charged with breaking windows in the houses of non-union men at that place, were arraigned before a magis trate in this city .this afternoon and bold In bail for.trlalatuourt. SHERIFF ADVISED TO ACT. General Gobin Refuses to Send Troops to Centralia. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 26. Sheriff Knorr, of Columbia county, this after noon asked Governor Stone to send troops to Centralia. The governor re ferred the matter to General Gobln and the latter advised the sheriff to make a further effort to preserve peace with the resources at hand. Strikers today held up three trolley cars filled with non-union men and stoned " the workmen. Guards from neighboring collieries were called and drove the rioters back. A workmen's train was held up and those on board were warned to quit work, under threats of being harshly dealt with. Centralia is a small community, and General Gobln says the men who have been violating the law' there are known to the sheriff and his deputies and in stead of applying for troops the hitter should arrrest the lawbreakers and put them In jail. THE DETROIT COUNCIL ACTS. Pressure of Public Opinion Will Be Brought to Bear on Strike. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 26. The common council, at an adjourned session today, adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That a committee, con sisting of the president of the council and six other members, be appointed to consider the advisability of extending an Invitntlon to the people of all tho cities and towns depending upon the Pennsylvania fields for their "coal sup ply, to appoint representatives to meet In a great convention In this city, at the nearest possible date, to consider ways and means to force a resumption of the coal production, either by pres sure of public opinion or by govern ment Intervention, which should he de manded If other measurcs'full." A committee was appointed by Presi dent Smith, nnd they will meet next Monday night to discuss and consider tho proposed convention. OPPOSED TO COAL STRIKE. The Y, P. C. U,, of Worcester, Mass., Passes Resolutions. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Worcester, Mass., Sept, 20. At tho thir teenth annual convention of tho Young Poplo's Christian union in session In this city today a resolution was adopted unan imously to thu effect that tho convention put Itself on record as being opposed to tho coal strike and that It condemns the Attitude of tho participants. Further, that It Implored that tho trouble bo sub mitted to arbitration, A copy was sent to President naer, ot the Reading railroad, and Pieslduut Mitchell, of Jho Mine "Workers' union. President of.Carpenters' Brotherhood, By Exclusive Wire horn Tho Associated Picss. Atlanta. Ga., Sept. 26. "William V. J In ner, of Philadelphia, was today reelected president of the' Brotherhood of Carpen ters and Joiners, defeating J, W, Slay? ton, or New cnhtlo, i'a.; Hiigcnc B. Odell, St. Louis, and T, M. Gueiln, of Troy, " , Banker Commits Suicide. By Exclusive Wire liom The Associated Press. Atchison, Kan., Sept, 26. Norman Bar ratt, president of the defunct Atchison National Kink, committed sulcldo In tits room at Bryan hotel hcio today, cutting his throat with a razor, Wbrry oyer the failure of Ills bunk and the financial tiou. les thut followed probably ury tho cuusj. SMALL-POX AT SYRACUSE. A Student of Syracuse University Is Suffering from the Disease. By Exclusive Wire hum The Associated Prcis. Syracuse, N. Y Sept. 26. Ralph Holmes, of Franklin, Pa a student of Syracuse university, who has been here one week and has not yet at tended class, Is' suffering from small pox. Physicians say the case Is light. Chancellor Day has ordered the vac cination of every one of the 2,000 stu dents. BONDS WILL BE PURCHASED. Secretary Shaw Prepared to Take the Issue of 1004. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 26. The secretary of the treasury has Issued the following circular: By virtue of the authority contained In section 3G94 of the revised statutes, notice Is hereby given that this department will pin chase any of the United States 5 per cent, bonds of the loan ot 1901. If pre sented for that pin pose on or before Oc tober 15 next, and will pay for them at the rate of 10.1 flat. Bonds -rmiy bo pre sented nt this depaitment, division of loans and cuirency or at the of lice of the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York. (Signed) L. M. Shaw, Secretary. The amount of rs of 1904 now out standing "is $19,410,330. MITCHELL SPEAKS AT PHILADELPHIA He Charges the Operators with Being Lawless Other Remarks Upon the J6trike Situation. H.v lAclu-avo Wire from 'J lie Associated Press. Philadelphia, Sept. 26. President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, took up at length the charges of lawlessness on the part of the miners, in a speech at the Third regiment armory tonight, under the auspices ot the South Philadelphia Business Men's League. He made the counter charge that the' operators arc guilty of lawlessness ln""tfiV"'eTriployment of professional criminals as coal and Iron police men. Mr. Mitchell came here at the invi tation of the league, to address Its meeting. He received about $700, which had been contributed by various organ izations for the benefit of the miners. Mr. Mitchell, in his address, said in part: 1 have .some doubts in my mind whether the rc&Ments of Philadelphia have cause to feel aggrieved at Mr. U.ier or to leol giatefiil to him. It ls.tiue that the trust he icprrsents Is extorting from you fabu lous prices for coal, but as a compensa tion feutuie, he has taken from Philadel phia the largest portion of the criminal class that formerly resided here, and now has 'them commissioned by the gov ernor of Pennsylvania as coal and Iron police. Philadelphia criminals ate now preserving the law In tho coal fields. But I did not come here for the purpose of discussing that phase of tho question. 1 came here to tell you something about the coal stilhe. It is not the miners' fault that the residents of Philadelphia aro paying Jir, a ton for coal. In this strike the people have p.tsiiil judgment, I am willing to s.iy thut If !(0 per cent, of tho American people would not cast their votes in favor of the miners If It wcie left to them I would order tho strike off. Recently tho papers, or that small num. her of them fi loudly to the coal trust, have boon printing stories of lawlessness and they say the mlncis want to go back to work. Let mo sny to you for more than eight weeks the militia of Penn sylvania have surrounded the mines and not ono Hlngle sti liter has returned to woik. Yet It Is ti no that my people are Buffeting for tho necessities of lite. It is truo that their children are going about bareefooted, Hut tho Pennsylvania coal miners havo for yeais lived on little and a llttlo loss is no uuendiiiablo haidshlp. Soma of tho papers have printed tab ulated statements of the earnings of an thracite wnrkets, Let mo call your atten tion to ono authority upon the earnings of tho mlncis and no ono will complain that that authoilty Is either friendly or fair to the miners 1 am sine Mr, liner himself, In a public statoment recently Issued ho says that thu average earn ings of men under his company was a day. Tho largest number of days tho nnthracltc miners havo worked was VH'A, which means that under his company and according to his llguies tho miners earned tho grand total in a year of $3GS, it Is J7.0.-I n week, of $l,()l a tiny. Mr, Mitchell left late tonight for Pittsburg, where he will meet National Secretary W, R. AVilson, of the miners' union, for tho purpose of transacting business connected with the organiza tion. Fancy Prices for Coal. By Excludve Wire from The Associated Press. Now York, Sept. 26. Tho coal shortago reached an ticuto stnto today, Tho prlco of soft coal Jumped to $S a ton, $2.50 moro than tho prlco Wednesday and three times as much as before tho strike was Inaug urated, The quoted price of hard coal was $15, but It was merely nominal, as there was absolutely none to bo had nt any pi Ice. The prlco of wood followed coal, Kindling wood, selling a few days ugo ot $10 a cord, today brought $12. X'ractlcully a complete fuel famlno exists. Bequest to Princeton. Jly Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press. Plluceton, N. J.. Sept.' 20. It was learned hero today on good authoilty Mary J. Winthiop, of Now York, wlilcl was formerly reported to ho about JUOO, Miss Ich 000, will amount to $1,400,000. ' i m i ii Gompers Calls Convention. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. AVashlngton, Sept. 26.-Presldent Gom pcrs, of tho American Federation ot Labor, has Issued a call for tho twenty second annuul convention of the Federa tion to bo held ut Now Oilcans bediming November 13 next; THE BOODLE CASES HEARD AT ST. LOUIS. Sensational Developments nt Every Turn of the Wheel. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 26. Develop ments in the "boodle" Investigation were sensational today, subpoenas hav ing been Issued nt the instance of Circuit Attorney Folk, commanding Broker James C. Campbell nnd Will iam Heed, his cashier, to appear In court with two checks aggregating $47, 000, dated November 28, 1899, and pay able to Edward Butler, a prominent local politician, and to explain tho pur pose for which the checks were drawn. It WAS found on Investigation by tho grand jury that both checks had been cashed and returned to Broker Ca"mp bell. The date of these checks was tho same as the day on which the ten-yenr lighting bill passed the house of dele gates, for which nineteen members are said to have received $2,500 each for their votes. Up to a late hour, deputy sheriffs were unable to serve the sub poenus. At Broker Campbell's office It was stated that Reld had not been there since yesterdny and that his em ployer was In the east. CONSPIRACY CHARGED IN LAURA BIGGAR CASE Warrants Issued Also for Her Asso ciates, Samuel Stanton and C. C. Hendricks. By Exclusive Wlie from The Associated Press. Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 26.- The contest of Laura BIggar for the estate of Henry M. Bennett, a Pittsburg capi talist, was withdrawn in court here to day. When the case was called, C. C. Hendricks, counsel for Miss BIggar, an nounced that he desired to discontinue the contest. "My client," he said, "has signified her readiness to rest content with the provision madp for her by the will." A representative of Peter J. McNulty, one of the heirs, made the following announcement to the court: "There are warrants out charging Laura BIggar, Samuel Stanton and C. C. Hendricks with conspiracy. Miss BIggar is not here, but the other two are here and the warrants will be served at once. I apprise your honor of this so that you may fix bail." The two were arrested and bail was fixed at $5,000 in each case. Stanton is the justice of the peace, Who, It is al leged, said he had married Miss Biggar to Mr. BenrteTtT C. C. Hendricks, Miss Biggar's attor ney, is a physician and owner of a sanitarium. Miss Biggar asserted that a child, of which Bennett was tho father, had been born to her in Dr. Hendricks' sanitarium. The present case first came up in court befoie Judge Wilburn A. Hersley last Friday, when a motion was made to set aside the probate of the will. Miss BIggar was a beneficiary under that document, but if the truth of her statoment about her marriage to Ben nett and the birth of the baby were demonstrated, she would bo the legal heir to the entire estate. According to her claim, the baby died fifteen days after its birth. The estate Is said to be worth more than $1,000,000. When the warrants were served, Stanton and Hendricks asked for an immediate hearing. The complainants were not prepared, their counsel said, to go on with the case Immediately, but the defendants insisted upon having a hearing at once, and the court decided thut they were acting within their rights. Tho hearing on the alleged conspiracy case was accordingly begun. Among the first of the witnesses to bo called to the stand was John F. 'Hawkins, who drew Mr. Bennett's will. Mr. Hawkins testified, among other things, that on one occasion Miss BIggar had remarked In his presence that If she was not taken good care of in the will she would sue the estate for her long services In caring for air. Ben nett during his illness, or else bring suit against the estate as Mr. Bennett's common law wife. Peter J. McNulty, tho executor who filed" the complaint alleging conspiracy, also testified. Mr. McNulty was em ployed by Bennett. He testified that he had an interview with Stanton In Ho boken, with reference to the alleged marriage of Miss BIggar ami Mr, Ben nett. Secretary Tooker, of the Hoboken board of health, testified that on Frl-, day last Stanton told him that, ho had married Mr. Bennett and Miss BIggar about two years before, but had for gotten to file the certificate. Stanton, so Tooker said, wanted him to testify that he (Stanton) called on him a week earlier and told him that the Weber woman named as a witness to the marriage, was dead. This Tooker refused to do. The next morning, Tooker continued, Stanton called on him, accompanied by Mr. Young, of counsel for the heirs, who, as It sub sequently appeared, was arruifglng to entrap Stnnton, Stanton, Tooker testi fied, asked him for u blank marriage certificate, which Tooker gave him, and which he presently returned filled out, wth tho retfuest that Tooker tes tify that he found It In his desk. Ho also asked Tooker, to make an entry of the certificate In his books, Tooker said that ho turned over the certificate to Mr. Young and that on learning of this, Stanton declared that he had been entrapped and begged Tooker to swear that he was drunk, when he gave him the paper, The blank Identified last week s the original certificate and which appeared to have been altered, was Identified by Tooker as tho one filled out by Stanton, No other witnesses were called and Judge Heisloy then refused to reduce tho ball and committed both prisoners to Jail. Pension Granted. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 26. John F. Mear Ion, of Archuatd, has been granted u pen sion of $i). SHIFT OF THE DIPLOMATS Hon. Robert S. McGormlck, of Illinois. Secures the St. Petersburo Post. OTHER APPOINTMENTS GENERAL CHANGE D. E. Thompson, of Nebraska, New Appointee, Going to Brazil No Place Made for Henry White. Tower to Berlin, Storer to Austria, A. S. Hardy to Spain and C." P. Bryan to Switzerland, Appointed. By Exclusive Wlrp from The Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 26. The following diplomatic appointments were announc ed from the state department today: Charlemagne Tower of Pennsylvania, now ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Russia to be ambas sador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Germany. . Robert S. McCormick, of Illinois, now ambassador extraordinary and pleni potentiary to Austria-Hungary, to be ambassador extraordinary and pleni potenlary to Russia. Bellamy Storer of Ohio, now envoy extraordinary and minister plenipoten tiary to Spain, to be ambassador ex traordinary and plenipotentiary to Austria-Hungary. Arthur S. Hardy og New Hampshire, now envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Switzerland, to be envoy extraordianry and minister plen ipotentiary to Spain. Charles Page Bryan of Illinois, now envoy extraordinary and minister plen ipotentiary to Brazil, to be envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipoten tiary to Switzerland. David E. Thompson of Nebraska to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Brazil. These appointments are to take effect when Ambassador White leaves Berlin, in -November. QUIET ON THE ISTHMUS. Por-'.ithe, Present the United, States Troops at Panama Will Be Suf ficient to Preserve Order. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 26. The navy de partment today gave out the following statement In regard to a cablegram re ceived from Commander McLean: "Commander McLean cables that for the present situation the United States forces now on the Isthmus will be suf ficient. Accordingly no more need bo sent, unless some unforeseen contin gency should arise. "It Is thought the marine battalion being assembled at Norfolk probably will not have sent to the Isth mus." DOWNPOUR OF RAIN CONTINUED All Races at Allentown Fair Had to Be Postponed. From a Staff Correspondent. Allentown, Pa., Sept. 26. The Inces sant downpour continued all night and today here, preventing any possibility of the races scheduled for today at the Lehigh county fair grounds from be ing held. Very few persons came In on tho trains today. In fact there was qulto an exodus of those who had remained over from the earlier part of the week. A large number took trolley cars and hacks to the fair grounds, but most of these visitors were Allentown resi dents who were concerned over the ex hibits they had on the grounds, The stables of tho racers were closed In most Instances and many of the doors were covered with blankets and sacks to prevent the moisture from penetrat ing Into tho stalls. If the rain ceases tonight the races will fake place tomorrow, beginning at noon. A largo gang of men will be put to work draining the track and getting it In shnpe. Crcsccus will fulfill his part of tho programme during tho af terpoon If tho going Is safe. Tho Allentown people, outside of tho stockholders of the fair, havo lost thousands of dollars through the weather conditions that have prevailed. Every met chant and many other citi zens had laid In largo stocks, and as most of theso are perlshablo there Is much lamentation In this thrifty Penn sylvania Dutch city, It Is said that Allentown has hitherto been uniformly fortunate In selecting tho dates for their annuul big fair, but tho miscalculation this year will mako a big difference probably In their out lays In succeeding fairs, "l1-1- Hatfield, BULGARIAN REBELS FIGHTING. Turkish Cordon Broken at Salonica. Troops in Pursuit. Uy Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Constantinople, Sept, 26. Tluee hun dred Bulgarian revolutionists were stir louuded by Turkish troops In tho Vilayet of Baloulca, Thoy succeeded In forcing the, cot don after a tight, during which both Bides suffered severe losses, Reinforcements of troops havo beon sent in pursuit of thu Bulgarians, Tho Turkish government bus culled nut fifteen battailous of Reditu (militia) to deal with tho' revolutionary bands which ato roaming In Macedonia, This forco has beon dispatched to the Interior of Muccdonla, Educational Association. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press. Harrisburg, Sept. 0. Tho executive committee of the State Educational as sociation met In this city tonight and de cided that tho next meeting of tho ut-yo-elation bhould bo held at Wltkes-Durre during the first or becond week hi July, THE PRESIDENT IMPROVING. His Injured Leg Shows Satisfactory Progress in Healing. By Exclusive Wire fromTlic Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 26. The condition of President Roosevelt's injured leg shows stendy lind satisfactory progress towards improvement. There la only a slightly perceptible change today, as the healing process Is naturally slow and tedious. The presi dent spent the day very quietly his principal visitor being Secretary Moody who had some navy department matters to bring to ,hls attention. Dr. Rlxey called for a short visit about 4 o'clock and Dr. Lung, the president's regular physician was with him for a brief time during the evening. Indianapolis, Sept. 2G. A microscopic examination of the execretlon of Presi dent Roosevelt's wound has been com pleted by Doctors F. B. Wynn, Charles E. Furguson and WAS. Dodds of this city. The physicians agree that no trace of dangerous matter was found In the serum. .The five doctors who performed the operation to relieve the abscess oh the president's leg expressed the conviction at the time that there was no danger of blood poisoning, but as a matter of precaution the serum was submitted for examination to the three microscopic experts, ANTI-CANTEEN LAW INJURES THE ARMY General Frederick Funston" Points Out That Percentage of Trials by Court Martial Has Increased. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 26. Brigadier Gen eral Frederick Funston, In his annual report for the department of the Col orado, points out that the percentage of trials by court martial of enlisted men has nearly dotfbled during the past year. He says: . It Is', therefore, plain that theie has been a deplorable Increase of offenses in general and of desertion in particular. In my opinion, there were two principal causes for this state of affairs; first, re sentment of unaccustomed limitations and restrictions felt by men returning fiom field of service to the monotony and rout ine work of garrison life; second, the abolition of tho canteen feature of the post exchange. Since this action was taken, saloons of tho lowest typo have been established just1 outside tho' boun daries of the various .reservations; their proprietors are, in almost ovpry cat,e, un principled scoundrels who leave nothing undone to debauch the soldiers and obtain their money. Being, In all cases outside ,the limits of any .city,, the, preprioiorsot these resorts aro subject to 1Tb" municipal ppllce initiations and sell liquor regard less of hours and whether thev' buyer 'is 'aheady intoxicated or not. Gambling Is universal In these "dives and they are frequented by dissolute women. The soldier deshe for u drink would ordinarily bo satlslled by a few glasses of beer in the canteen of thu post ex change, goes to one of theM: resorts and docs well if ho escapes, befoie he has spent or gambled away ull his money, overstayed his leave or engaged in an altercation. As a rule, tho local authori ties regard tho existence of th,ese places with indifference or appioval as it causes the soldier to spend Ills money in tho community. The efficiency of the army or the ruin of a good soldier is nothing to them. There can bo no reasonable doubt that most of the trials by general court martial and summary couits, at least so far as this department Is con vemed, are directly traceable' to this cause. Since I have had command here, there hasf taken place the ruin and deg radation of several non-commlslsoned of ficers of long service and fine record, la short, the recent legislation bv congresr on this question, so far as this department Is concerned, has had no effect excciit to lower the discipline of the army, ruin scores of good soldiers nnd fill tho pock ets of n lot of saloon keepers, gamblers and :rostltutcs. MR. YOUNG HOPEFUL. Still Believes His Son Is Innocent of tho Crime 'Laid at His Door. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Paris, Sept, 2G. A representative of the Associated Press has interviewed John W. Young, father of William Hooper Young, who is charged with the murder In New York ot Anna Pulit zer, oh the developments In the case against his son, Mr, Young said; I am now convinced, trom what has been published and from my own cable advices that my son hi innocent, nnd I sliull do tho utmost In my power to help him, whllo if 1 thought him guilty of such a horlblo cilmo I would not movo my hand to wive him from justice. Ho Is wayward, but ho never hail a criminal tendency, Tho only explanation to my mind which cun connect him with this crlmo Is that ho foil under tho Inllu oncu of some designing person who per petrated tho murder auPthvough whom my son acquired a guilty knowledgo ot tho crime, or possibly became an acces sory after tho fact. Tho boy Is not Insane, but his mental strength has beon undermined by vicious habits Into which he fell while young. The dispatches say that a suit of my son's clothes was found In tho trunk with tho murdered woman's clothing, this Itself Is In his favor, for tho perpotrator of a crlmo would never convict himself In such an obvious way, This was dono by tho real mmderer, who Is using my bon as a screen. 1 wlbh to say that my son Is not a member of tho Mormon church, nor has ho beon connected with it for many years. Wo havo beon estranged for fifteen years, I helped him frequently through my other son, but havo not seen him because of his waywardnoess and his vicious habits, to which his unfortunate fulllngs aro due. It was without my knowledgo nnd con sent that my sou was living in my upart ments dining my absence, Double Murder at Upatoic. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Columbus, flu., Sept. 20. Information has reached this city of a double murder at Upatoic, On., eighteen miles from here, lust night. During a quarrel, Arthur Comer lustuntly killed his wife. Louise, shooting her with a pistol. Shortly af terward, J. W. Murphy, Mrs. Comer's father, heard of his daughter's tragic death, went to his aoii-ln. law's residence and shot him dead with the tamo weapon Comer had Ubcd to kill his wife. SEVERE CYCLONE SWEEPS SICILY RECEPTION TENDERED JUDGE PENNYPACKER. The Republican Gubernatorial Party Warmly Welcomed. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Butler, Pa., Sept. 26. The enthusias tic reception tendered Judge Penny packer and the Republican guberna torial' party at Beaver Falls and Sharon was tonight repeated by the sturdy Republicans of this community. The opera house was packed to the doors with an audience which loudly applauded a vigorous speech by Judge Pennypacker cm ballot reform, In which he outlined the character of ballot re form he would give his support should he be elected governor. Daring the morning, tho judge, Senator William M. Brown and Gcnernl La.Ua visited South Sharon, where they visited the steel plants and shook hands with the work men, who congratulated "him on his speech In Sharon last night. HUDSPN VALLEY QUIET. Traffic on Schedule Maintained Few Guardsmen on the Cars. By Exclusive Whe from The Associated Press. Saratoga, Sept. 26. While three com panies of National Guardsmen remain on active duty In Saratoga.Warren and Washington counties, comparatively few of the trolley cars this forenoon were accompanied by protecting squads of soldiers. Cars are being operated on schedule and there Is an Increase In passenger traffic. Three rioters were arrested at Mechanlcsville, today, and lodged In the county jail at Ballston. Ballslon, Sept. 26. Patrick Rooves, of Mechanlcsville, was held today for the grand Jury on the charge of using lan guage tending to Incite riot In connec tion with the Hudson Valley railroad strike. About 150 similar warrants have been Issued at the request of ..Sheriff Carpenter's attorney. DUN'S WEEKLY REVIEW. Commercial Activity Continues De spite the Fuel Famine and Other Drawbacks. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Sept. 26. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomor row will cay: Notwithstanding the disarranged money market, almost a fuel famine and somo damage to ciops, Industiial and commer cial activity continues unabated and tho magnitude of plans for tho fu tuio indicates that confidence not been shaken. Scarcity of tinds has thus far caused no hardships ex cept to speculators, and the strlng encv will remedy Itself by con tracting loans on stock exchange collat teial, together with such aid as may bo offered by the treasury. Injury to crops by fiost has no moro than offset tho in creased no cage, whllo high prices fully compensate produceis. Railway earnings for September thus far exceed lust year's by 6.S per cent, and those of 1900 by lfi.5 per cent. Pressuro in tho iron and steel indus try hns been somewhat alleviated by larger receipts of coke and liberal Im ports or pig Iron, yet the outlook Is by no means devoid of unfortunate features. No fuel famlno exists, although tho fur naces aro consuming receipts ot coko as they atrlvo and it Is impossible to pro vldo for moic than Immediate needs, Somo Idle plants Irivo resumed nnd now operate, from day to day with the con stant menace of an Interrupted movo mont of fuel, which would suspcend op eiatlons. At tho west this factor Is most serious, coko commanding JM a ton or more, whllo In exceptional cases $13 has been paid. Owing to numerous Influences now In evidence there Is less disposition to place largo contracts for distant de livery of pig Iron and sales aro chletly of small lots. Fallot es for tho week numbered 207 In tho United States against 227 last year and 02 In Canada against 31 a year ago. DESPERATE BURGLARS. They Blow Up a Safe and Overpower a Policeman. By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Youngstown, Ohio, Sept. 26. A gang of burglars today blew up the safe of the Beechwood Improvement company, of South Shut on, Pa. and secured $100 in cash. After robbing tho safe, the men, four or five In number were first seen by Policeman Newton Stamp, whom they overpowered, bound and gagged, Oeorgo Haynes, another police man, was knocked down and tied to a post and Policeman Sayler kept up a running fight with the men for some distance, but they finally escuped. The men were heard to remark that they would attempt to blow the safe of the Colonial Trust company's bank and a ladder was found up to a window but no attempt was made. The men escaped toward West Middlesex and are supposed to be in the vicinity of New Castle, m CENSUS WILL BE TAKEN IN THE PHILIPPINES. Uy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. ' Washington, Sept. 2d.-Presldent ltooso. vclt has signed tho order providing for tho taking In a census of tho Philippines In accordance with the terms of tho 1'hlU Ipplno net passed at tho last session of congress and upon tho certlllcato of the Philippine commission thut tho lusuriec. tlon has been suppressed. Receivers for Canners. By Exclusive Wiro from The Associated Press. Baltimore, Sept. 26. Receivers wero ap pointed today for tho Maryland Car Man ufacturlng company. Tho indebtedness Is placed at $300,000 and assets $225,000. Re ceivers wore also appointed by consent tor tho William Fait Cunning company, the Indebtedness alleged to bo $200,000 and Uisets $300,000. It Is Estimated That at Least Four Hundred Have Been Killed. RAIN ACCOMPANIES. THE HURRICANB The Torrent Destroys Everything on the Ground Floors in Houses in tha Lower Portions of Modica Survi vors of the Catastrophe Take to tha Hills Disaster Supposed to Hava Been Caused by a Marino Water- spout. t ' By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Sjffncuse, Sicily, Sept. 26. A severs cyclone has swept over Catania, a city on the east coast of Sicily. For twenty-four hours before tho cy clone burst over the Island a-vlolent' storm raged on the eastern coast ,of Sicily. The path of the cyclone was 124 miles long, and everything In the line of the storm was destroyed. The sea swept Inland for several kilometres, doing enormous damage, while there were violent submarine agitations be tween Sicily and the mainland. Along the railroad from Catania to Palermo the force of tire cyclone was such that rails were torn up and hurled a great distance. It is reported from Modica (thirty two miles west-southwest from Syra cuse) that a hundred bodies have al ready been found, but that the number of bodies swept away by the torrent Is unknown. The newspaper Fracassa expresses -the belief that some four hundred peo-a pie have been killed. The torrent destroyed everything on the ground floors ln"houses.lnTtho-lp.yjB5tt7.fw.T-portions of Modica. Bridges and roads have disappeared, and damage amount ing to many millions lire has been done. (A lire is worth about twenty cents.) The survivors of the cutastrophe have taken refuge in the hills. A relief com mittee and searching parties have been organized at Modica. The disaster Is supposed to have been due to a marine -waterspout. The German steamer Cap- rora was wrecked at Catania, after a terrible struggle with the waves. MABINI IS OBDURATE. Other Filipinos Returned from Guam Without Demonstration. By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Manila, Sept. 26. Tho United States transport Sheridan, from San Fran cisco, arrrlved here today. She called at the Island of Guam nnd brought hero thirty-five political prisoners who took the oath of allegiance to the United States. Mablnl, the former president of tho Filipino Supreme court and Filipino minister of foreign affairs, refused to tnko the oath and was kept prisoner at Guam. Two prisoners who had accept ed work remained on that Island. There was no demonstration on tho arrival of tho released prisoners at Ma nila. The people hero did not know of their coming, there wns no ceremony on their landing and they soon scattered to their homes. No decision hns been nrrrlvetl at re garding Mablnl, but he probably will ba left at Guam Indefinitely. Steamship Arrivals. ' By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Now York, Sept. 26. Cleared: Steamer Lucanln, Liverpool; Rotterdam, Rotter dam via Boulogne; Zeeland, Antwerp; I.ahn, Naples and Gonoa. Southamptoit Sailed: Steamer Augusto Victoria (from Hamburg). Now York via Cherbourg. Genoa Arrived: Steamer Aller, New York via Naples. Boulogne Sailed: Steamer Statendam (from Rotterdam), Now York, Dr, Humphrey Dies from Chloral. By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Tress, Princeton, N. J Sept. 26.-Dr. Willard Humphreys, head of tho department ot Gorman hi Princeton university, who on Sunday night took an ovordoso of chloral hydrato In an effort to gain relief from a severe toothache, died at 'his home on Bayard avenue today. Shot in the Back. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Muhanoy City, Pa., Sept. 26. Edward Wood, a non-union workman at one of tho Lehigh Valley Coal company's collier ies, was admitted to the hospital here to, day suffeilng fram a serious gunshot wound In tho back, Ho had been fired upon from ambush, m v YESTERDAY'S WEATHEK. ,?fj Local data for September 20, 1902: Highest tomperuturo ,, ,,,,. M degrees Lowest tempcraturo ,,,,,,,,,,.. 46 degrees Relative humidity; t S a, m ..,.,., .,,,,. W per cent. 8 p. m. , 90 per cent. Precipitation, 21 hours ended b p, m. 1.31 Inches, 4- 1 f WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Sept. 26. Forecast- for Saturday and Sunday: East- -f em Pennsylvania Fair Saturday -f, and Sunday;. light to fresh eust -J winds, becoming variable.. . . . .. & .. .. .. m '.VI m si r,l - M 2 ml sil I Mj tf N I A fl ", V I 's. I.. j .i- ' r t'S