fp w rf '7'it 3 I. iC-1 i THE SCIUNTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY,' SEPTEMBER ,20, 1902. 1 Ul &. s.'l J M 'tJW&V r.-v:irwcft: ' ' r r r s -.a ta MMtaMM MMMMMMMMteMll ! Pf" ii"i """""-- ----,.---- - - - - j osssss'i w i irrrn a HAYES & VARLEY 424-426 Sprnce St. Bet. Washtnittyn and Wyoming Avci 30 Trading Stamps Given Away-30 It tt it it it it it it n it HSU On Friday, Saturday and Monday, purchase over ono dollar by presenting In order to stimulate business ? matchable values In the following lines : SILKS Black Taffeta, tho best grade ever offered for tho price 50c and 75c. 30-in. Black Guaranteed Taf feta, warranted, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. DRESS GOODS Plaid for children's school wear, 10c; regular price 25c. Black and cold. Cheviots and Venetians, strictly all wool, 49c, worth 60c. Fleecy Amoskeag Outing Cloth, good designs, 7'jc; worth 10c. , Imported Fleeced Back F. K., in white; all the rage, 35c and 45c. Fancy Granite Walstings in a lnrge variety of designs. Special price, 8c, 10c, 12',ic. 3 "A "A "A ' K M "A "A "A A "A "A H W BAD DAY AT THE BIG PAIR RAIN PUT A DAMPER ON DAY'S ENJOYMENT. Fifteen Thousand Persons Braved the Elements and Splashed Around in the Mud On the Same Day of Last Year the Attendance Was 80,000 Excursion from Lackawan na and Luzerne Counties Cairied 300 Persons to the Fair Races Were Postponed Until Today. Trom a Stnff Col respondent. ' Allentown, Sept. 2.". Fifteen thousand pel sons paid admission today to the grounds of tho Lehigh County Fair as sociation. Fifteen thousand peisons tramped out of the giounds again later In the day soaked to the skin, with mud splotched up to their knees and a heay weight of disappointment upon them. Thursday Is usually the record day In Allentown duilng fair week. Last ear S0.00O souls weie inside its hospl table gates on that daj ; but then it was a sunshiny, clear afternoon, and each of the thiee lallro.ids onteiing this city lolled tiain arter train of ex cursionists to help swell the ciowds fiom heie and suiroundlng towns. To day tho lallioads gave special excui slons f 101:1 Reading, Scianton, Tam.v quit, Sajloisburg, Philadelphia and AA'hitchouse, X. J., hut the long tiains of empty cusibore mute testimony to the uncommon good-sen.se displaced hy the usual fair habitues who had elected to stay .it home. The ciowds that did get here came on th eaily moinlng trains, when hope jelgned high that the heavy downpour was "just a showei" that would be suc ceeded by sunshine and warm air. The exclusion on the Jeisey Central from Lackawanna and Luzerne counties brought about 300, while a smaller num ber came on the Lehigh Valley fiom the same locality. DOWNPOUR CEASED. About 11 o'clock the downpour ceased for a time, and those who had not -ventured fiom the shelteis ot hotels and laihoad stations began to take tiolley cais for the grounds, a mile away fiom the business centies. At noon the ex hibition buildings weie packed and the "baikeis" for the eight dime shows be gun to pipe up their l.is and attiact audiences. The 111. in who had '"em all hot" and the waim toffee man began to leap a hnivest of nickels, while tho lemonade and Ice cieam stands, got the "marble heart." The buildings and shows that 'gave piotectlon fiom the downpour weie packed so full of wet humanity that the air In them soon became vitiated and stilling, while the floors were as wet and muddy as the giound outside. Enteipilslng cndeiF, with a shiewd sense of fitness, hastened from the stores in the city with armfuls of lain coats, uuibiellas and other like commod ities and set up shops In any old place, in the cattle sheds, hoise buildings and undei full-leaved tiees, A gieat traffic was done by them. The tiack, which was in such magnifi cent shape yesteiday, 'almost dievv tears from the ecs of vetei.in hoi semen when they contemplated It. It tpsoin liled nothing in the woild so much as n bi o.ul stteuk of wot mustard encir cling a huge gieen tomato. The blight yellow clay, however, has one ledeem lng chaiacterlstic. It diles quickly, and should the lain cease tonight It can be speedily put Into shape for the laces tomonow, PICKPOCKETS NABBED. Several pickpockets were nabbed on tlio fair gi omuls during tho day and brought to the city to the lockup. The jnunugeis have the grounds eMiemely well policed mid suspicious uhaiacters 1110 quickly sUed up. Seveial games of chance wete work lnng on the quiet In out-of-the-way nooks, vguines in which the player does not have 11 ciuinco for u fair deal, Among them was the famous but fa miliar tluee-shell game, which wus In charge of a youngster scaicely out of his teens. Ho was w 01 king away in dustriously with his device when ho saw one of 'the dliectois with 11 big blue badge picking his way cautiously to ward hlin over u muddy road. Calling a boy from tho crowd he asked him to iewarc of Ointments for Catarrh gthnt Contains ilercury. Ji8merciuy will Biirely dostioy the sensa or vsuieii unci toinpieieiy uciange tno w Ik1" sj stem when enteilng It tluough tho taucous ttiii faces. Such uttlclea should neveiX bo used except on pi ascriptions fiom joputnhle physicians, as tho dam. hro thYy will do la ten fold to tho good ion lujii possibly deilve fiom thorn. Hall's Catuuh (.'me. manufactuied by r J. Clktjney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no meicuiy, and la taken internally, att. (ng dlicctlj upon tho blood and mncoua sin facta of tho aysteni. In buying Hall's Catanh Cure no auio you gel the genu ine. It la takeh Internally and mado In Toledo. Ohlo,by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes. tlmonlals free Bold by drugplsts. Pi Ice, 75c. per bottlo. Hall's Fundlyi'llla aro tho best- MM HHIill HHHKKHKKK in t wi7 nKHKiD Sept. 26, 27 and 29, with every j" this "ad." Jt . during these three days, we offer un . ,t 5 5 . , LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Three special the material would cost you more than wo ask for tho suit. $7.50, $0.08, $12.50. WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS Our $5.00, $0.50 and $7.50 5 Skirts, in either Walking or Diess Skirt, is pronounced tho best values ever offered. Ask to sec them. SILK WAISTS This special lot includes about three dozen. We have put the price at $2.75; thoy are worth 85.00. WOOL WAISTS The prettiest line we have over shown, and the prices $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $3.75 and $3.08. A " ' mind the outfit for a. minute while he went to "see a fellow." The boy had haully got behind the shells when the heavy hand of the law alighted on his shoulder. The boy got out of his pre dicament after some trouble, but the sharper never came back. The crowds commenced to leave the grounds about 2 o'clock, when hope of tho weather clearing gave way to dis palr. The main streets of Allentown began to present a metropolitan appear ance nfter that hour and tho stores that had protecting canopies wore blockaded by Bulging crowds that swayed back and foith to the curb stones. The hotels weie filled with im mense groups that talked horse, plajed billiards und drank whiskey until the excursion tiains began to return with their disappointed loads. RACES POSTPONED. The laces that were scheduled to be decided today will be disposed of to monow, while tomonow's races will go over until Saturday. The postponed race from yesterday, the 2.1 & pace, will be called for its fouith heat tomorrow at 12.30 o'clock sharp, piovldlng, of course, that the lain has ceased by then. On Saturday the races that were scheduled for Fiiday will be gotten away with. Cresceus. the king of trotteis, will rest until Saturday befoie attempting to lower the world's lecoid. He had been Uejed up to .1 high pitch for to day and was In tho very best shape. Tod.ij's lack of exercise precludes his starting tomonow. The two bicycle experts, Arthur and Miss Ainistiong, who weie .Injuied while attempting their difficult feat yes terday on a wet Hack, aie icported to be much impioved and will piobably be able to perfonn their act tomonow. Seeretaiy Schall put In a lot of time today making airangements witli the dlffeient uillroads for an extension of their excursion l.ites until Saturday. He was successful in some cases, but could not infoim the w liter at a late hour today whether his negotiations would be equally so fiom Lackawanna and Luzeine counties. The judges of the exhibits enteied for piemiutns started at, their work yester day. That their task is a tiemendous one can be conceived when it is said that there sue moie than 33,000 exhibits. The Scranton Correspondence schools' Philadelphia blanch has a booth in tho main exhibition building, which attracts consldeiable attention, AFTER SOUVENIRS. Souvenir hunteis were out in force today and were well lew.udetl for their efforts. Demonsttatois ot coffee, buck wheat cakes, ceieals and Battle Cieek bieakfast foods weie liberal in their donations to appease the appetites of the soaked ciowds, while miniature bags of salt, ciackeis In atti active packages, plctuio cards, calendais, fans, match safes and many other advei Us ing devices wrie can led home for dis cussion and peiusal. Resides the 2.15 pace, continued fiom yesteiday, there will be thiee races to monow. In the 2.13 pace thiee heats hae alieady been Hotted, of which Gainet has won two and Bessie Rus sell one, There aie eight other staiteis, and all gave good accounts of them selves yesteiday, so the winner of the raco may have to go moie than one journey befoie the .deciding heat Is ti.neled, , The next rnce to be called will be the 2.40 trot, for a puise of $500, which has eleven entries. The second race will be tho 2.23 pace, with an Inducement of $300. Among the sixteen entiles Is Lucy L, In contiol of M. L, Pen In, of Plttston, and Avoca Gill, the chestnut nuue of W. H, Howell, of Avoca, HAD NINE ENTRIES. Tho thlid race, with nine entries, Is for tiotters of the 2 20 class, and this also should possess Interest for Sciau ton hoi somen, for theio nro two In It fiom 'Northeastern Pennsylvania Dick, owned by John White, of Gieen Ridge, and enteied by Dr. Heckenbeiger, of Plttston, und Loid Middleton, under the caic of M. L. Perrlu, A number of Caibondale, Scianton and Plttston hoiseinen are noticeable In tho crowds that thiong the hotel coi rldors and give vent to their disgust at tho worst weather Allentown has ever known during fair week, E. L. Hatfield. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scianton Tilbune. 'i'linkhaiioiick, Sept. 23 Commander R. I', llobson, of Santiago fame, has boen engaged to deliver a lecturo at tho teach eis' institute to be held heie In the eaily IMit of Decineber. Homy Ilclser la about to open a store In tho Bunnell building on tho comer of Tioga and Waiien atieet, Judge 1: m, Dunham wus hcio on ThuiBildy In atlendanco at tho funeral of Claience A, I.lttlo. Suivema weio on tho giound on Thin sday und staked off tho slto for the milk station, to bo built on tho ilver bank near tho Klttiidgo fouy. John Flummeifelt and wlfo will leave next Monday foi Tempe. AiUonu, whero thoy will make It their futiuo homo. Mis. Mnitha nunnell und daughter, Miss Elizabeth, left on Thuisday for New yoik city, wheia they will lemaln until the holldajs. Mlsa Phllena Aciy, who has boen the guest of cousins at Towando. the past two wee' tinned homo on Tuesday. Mrjl. Elizabeth S. Spauldlng Is In at. tendance at the meeting of the Wyoming waEBM ' Kf4f!Kkl HImHI Dnptlst apsoclrttlon at Laceyvllto this weok. Mr, and Mrs, Charles P. McKown are In Now Yoik city this week. llaiiy Cooper, who has been with llio United States Hoops In tho Philippine for tho past tlneo jonis, Is now on tho 1'aclilc const, and wiltes that lio will bo home nbnut tho middle of next month. Wllllnm Hosengmnt, of Denver, Col., who linn been visiting fi lends nt this place, left on Tuesday for HhiRliamton, N. Y wheio ho will visit his sister, llo was nccompanlcd by Miss Mnme Will iamson, of this place, Tho contiact for building tho tlvcr bridge was lot on Tuesday to tho Penn Bildge company, of Heaver TalK ln nnd by the tenns of the specifications, work Is icqultcd to be commenced on the stiurtuto within ten dnvs. The Lchlgli Valley company Is also en gaged In building a lalhoatl bildso hole, and this with tho now creamery to bo built, should make tilings lively hero for somo time to come. AVOCA. Miss Kale Cummlngs has returned home, after spending two months with friends throughout tho state. Alex, I.nlrd, having scoured a position at Syracuse, offeis his property on Main stieet for sale. Ho will remove his fam ily there this full. Mrs. James Allen, of Scranton, spent yesterday with friends here. Clair Hollistor, of Main street, is seri ously 111 of typhoid fever. Dr. Pilcc, of Plttston, will locate In thli town after next week. Charles F. Druffner will leave on Mon day to enter Baltimore Medical college as 11 student. Miss Gertrude Sanders entertained a party of friends tit her home last even ing. The funernl of Michael Gllroy wlir tako place this morning at 0 o'clock. A te quiem mass will bo celebrated In St. Mary's cjiurch. Intel mont will bo In St. Mary's cemetery. Mrs. L. D. Sanders and daughter, Mac, are visiting friends In Blnghamton. V. J. Rcnnlman Is spending a few days in Pike county. - DALEVILLE. On Saturday tho Alerts went to Dale vllle to show tho Athletic club of that place how to play base ball, but on ac count of tho rain, there was no game, and tho Athletics nto still anxious to learn. Tho teams lined tip, however, about Fi o'clock to test each othcis meilts, and tho lesult Is still uncertain, as the scoie stood (j to fl when the game was called on acocunt of darkness Tho Aleits aio 0110 of tho stiongest amateur teams of Scranton nnd tho Athletics also demon sttated that thov could tun bases, etc., as well as hoe coin. In the evening the young ladles served a ery good supper to both teams In tho Athletic club 100ms, and all present had a veiy enjoyable time. Admheis of both teams aio anxious to see them come together and no doubt a game will be ni ranged next season, if theio happens to bo a div Sutuiday. THEATRICAL. "An Enemy of the King." The Daniel Ryan company will piesent "An Enemy to the King" at both pei foimances at tho Atademv today. Tho company continues to draw ciowdcd houses Ycsteid.ivs attiactlons weie "A Roal Loer," matinee, and "The Fatal Wedding" at night. A Merry Programme. In the matter of humotous fe.itines tho ptogiamme at Dixie's this week is ad mitted to be far supeilor to any hereto foie presented. From the opening to tho close of the pcifoimanco tho laughter is almost continuous. In spite of the unfavorable weather tho attendance thus far this week has been larger than at anv period slnco the tliea tei was opened and the management is giatified at this substantial evidence that effoits to please amusement seekeis aie appt eclated. "The Devil's Daughter" at Star. "The Devil's Daughtei," the attraction at tho Star theater for the balance of tho week, Is next to .1 comic opera In constiuctlon and contains manv excel lent musical numbers. A laigo audience witnessed ' iho Devil's Daughter' jes teiday nnd thoroughly enjoyed the fea tures. Olaienco Wllbtit, as Patsy Boli var, Is the leader in fun making, and also gives' feveral catchy topical songs, the most attiactivo probably being the tiavesty upon Seabrooke's "Mr. Dooley," of the "Chinese Honejmoon." Flo Jnnsen, in tho title role, is ns lively as over, and Is ably nsslsted by Madge Woods .and Lillian Hathaway. Nat Je rome, Sam Gill and Kddlo Mack aKo came In josterday for a shaio of tho honors as comedians. Tho pilnrlpals wero suppotted by an excellent chorus-, composed of accomplished vocalists and dancers. "Tho Devil's Daughter" will be seen afternoon und evening at the Star today und tomorrow. "Sergeant James." In "Sergeant James," the atti action which will bo seen at tho Lceum to night, Manager Khke La Shelle piomlses a play of exceptional human Intel est, of varied and Inteicstlng chaiacter tjpes, and of pictoilal effectiveness beyond tho ordinary. Tho lotalo la Montana, and tho scenes, which havo been painted by Jo seph Physloc, will Include two beauti ful exteriors with mountainous back giounds, calculated to develop lemark nble light effects, Ono ot tho bcenes is tho colonel's headquaiteis nt a iegul.tr army post, and tho fouith Is tho lfome of a mining supeilntemlent, wlieui tho strongest moment of tho play orchis. AH of theso scenes havo been studied PICTURE PUZZLE. 1 FOR THB LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho plctuies appealing on this page each day, diavy a pencil mark aiound the hidden object, save them until Satuiday, then send them or tako them to Tho Tribune ofllco In an envelope nddies&ed to t'uzzie Dopaitmont." Enclose In tho envelope jour name, ugo and addiess. Tho boys and gills who correctly nmik the six pictures appealing during tho week, S.I11, W10I? n"aweis aie fliat received, will havo their names published In The Tribune Monday morning. I IR These storks are looking for the two fina tne irogs. f HE ROOT OP THB MATTER Ho Cured Himself of Serious Stomach Trouble by Getting Down to First Principles. A man of large affairs In one of our prominent eastern cities by too close nttontlon to business, too little exercise and too many club dinners, finally be gan to pay nature's tax, levied In tho fonn of chronic .stomach trouble; the failure of his digestion brought about a nervous Irritability making It Impos sible to apply himself to his dally busi ness and finally deranging the kidneys and heart. In his own words he says: "I con sulted one physician after another mid each one seemed to understand tuy case, but nil tho same they each failed to bring about the return of my former digestion, appetite and vigor. For two yenis I went from pillar to post, frpin ono sanitarium to another, I gave up smoking, I quit coffee and even 10 nounced my dally glass or two of beer, but without any marked Improvement. "Friends had often advised mo to try a well known pioprletnry medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and I had often perused the newspaper advertise ments of tho leniedy but never took any stock In advertised medicines nor could believe 11 fifty-cent patent medi cine wouty touch tny case. "To make a long story short, I final ly bought u couple of packuges at the nearest diug stoic nnd took two or three tablets after pach meal and oc casionally a tablet between meals, when I felt any feeling of nausea or discomfort. "I was surprised at the end of tho first week to note n lmuked Improve ment In my appetite and my gen eral health, and before the two packages weie gone I wus cer tain that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets was going to cure completely and they did not disappoint mo. I can eat and sleep and enjoy my coffee and cigar nnd no one would suppose I had ever known the horrois of dyspepsia. "Out of filendly curiosity I wrote to the ptopiietois of the lomcdy asking: for Information as to what the tablets contnincd and they replied that the principal Ingredients were aseptic pep sin (government test), malt diastase and other natuial digestives, which di gest food regardless of the condition of the stomach." Tho root of the matter is this, the di gestive elements contained In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest the food, give the overworked stomach a chance to recupeiate and the nerves and whole system receive the nourishment which can only come fiom food; stimulants and nerve tonics never give teal strength, they give a fictitious strength Invariably followed by reaction. Ev ery drop of blood, pvety neive and tis sue is manufactured from our dally food, and If you can insure Its prompt action and complete digestion by the regular use of so good and wholesome a remedy as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets, you w ill have no need of nerve tonics and sanitariums. Although Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets have been in the market only a few years, yet piobably every druggist in the United States, Canada and Great Btltnln now sells them and considers them the most popular and successful of any preparation for stomach trouble. bv the artist with gieat caie, and a quar tette of unusually handsome stage sets is tho lesult. Tho company has been ns caiotully made up as tho staging, and Mr. La Shelle Is confident thut "Seigeant James" will be ted as capitally acted as was "Alizona." 'Lover's Lane." "Lovei's Lane' will bo moduced by William A. Biady at the Ljccum Satin -day afternoon and evening. Eveijbody knows the wondeiful lecoid of this Cljdo I'ltch play. Jt 1.111 live months in New Yoik, four months in Chicago nnd la tently closed a phenomenal engagement of 1 1 J nights in Philadelphia. It Is one of those plajs that abound In heart Intel est, sentiment, comedy and pathos, so thoioughlv mixed and inter speiscd with such delightful humnr that ono teallzes a continuance of suipilscs fiom the moment tho cuitnln Uses until Its final descent. ) Irene Myers Stock Co. Tho electilc light plant scene in tho sec ond act of "Tho Bloc tilLi.m," which is to bo given by the Iipne Myeis company at the Academy Monday evening, is said to repiesent ono of tho most lo.ilistlc effects known to modem stage ciaft. Tho full sized w 01 king d)itiimo, tho Illumination of the distant tity, tho switch boa ids and tho elect! ocutlon, pioduco an excitingly realistic scene, sufficiently stiong to stir tho audlenco of any theatei. Miss Mj,cis lias an especially pleasing 10I0 in Nclllo Randolph, known as "Peaches," a chaiacter which she plajed with veiy pionounced success last sea son. Tho ever populiti "Two Ot plums" will be given Tuesdny matinee. I The Sembrich Sale. Tho subscription salo for tho Mme. Sembtlcli conceit opened at Powell's Music store estetday, and a largo num ber of seats wero reserved. Tho now nriangement of the diagiam was favot nblv commented upon, and all agreo that It Is a vast Impiovement over tho old one, Tho pi Ices uinglng from 73 cents to J.J&0 glvo all an oppoitunlty which will bo Impioved to hear this great artist. frogs who setenaded them last night. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. Eor Bent. $18 For Hcnt Tcn-lnom house; excellent nclghhoiliood; all modem improve ments, on avenue. Apply to II, P, Hum. 1 i ton, 42(1 Spiiicn street. roil UKNT-Blx loom house with bath, US South Lincoln avenue, Boom for Bent. t'noNT ItOOM for rent; desirable, 421 Adams avenue, Furnished Boom for Bent. FOIl ItUNT-A pleasant room at 43s Qtilncy avenue, to ono or two gentle men. Dccllcnt eating house near, Por Sale. I'OIt 8ALC Self-playing mchestrlon, bonis, pipes, dium, tilanglc, etc.; will be sold nt a small price, which It will tiulckly cam In hotel, hall or club, 13, C. Itlckcr, Piano Dcaloi, 240 Adams avenue, act osa Squill o fiom I'ostofllcc. FOIl SALD An entile rig consisting of ilve-ycai-old black pacing horse, i ab hor tired top wagon, harness, blah kcts, whips, etc, will bo sold cheap for want of use. W. D. Sweet, 1214 Slioit ave. l"'OR SALE About 20 foot of desk coun ter, surmounted with glass front and two openings, lower portion nicely pnn olled, with draweis and ohelves under neath. May be Boon at the office of Tho Tribune. Eeal Estate. FOR SALI3-Hotcl nt Wavcily, Pa.; tho only hotel at Waverly with a largo bain and on an ncio of ground; on tho coiner of two strectB; doing a good busi ness; icnts now for $600 per year. Will sell cheap; good teuson-for selling: ulso a laigo farm. Call and see J. C. 55ur llleh, 517 Lacka wanna avenue, tho teal cstato man; bioker. i FARM KOR SALi:-Any one wishing to buy an excellent f.um can secure a gieat bargain bv culling on or uddiesslng M. M. Evuns, Consumers' Ice Co , city. FOR SALI3 Elegant sites for homes In upper Qreon Ridge; cholco neighbor hood; most doslrablo locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlne, 1730 Sanderson avenue Wanted. WANTED Any man that has never had comptcssed air used on him after shaving should have his woik done lit the bather shop under the Tiadois National bank. John A. Smnle, Pi op. Boarders Wanted. BOARDERS WANTED Good boaid and pleasant looms; furnished or unfurn ished looms nt 213 North Main avenue. Lost. LOST On Thioop cur which left Court House squaie at 4 SO o'clock on Thuis day .aftei noon, an open faced silver watch wtlh monoginm, G. M. W also fob with same monoginm. Suitable lewaid for la tum to 520 Mouioe avenue. LOST A music portfolio containing music, near Linden street nnd Qulnc avenue. Finder please letuin to 317 Quincy avenue. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WAN'I'ED-Reglstered duig gist, 45 !cuis, desires peimancnt po sition; lefeiences. C. A. Stuait, 330 Wash ington avenue. SITUATION WANTED as gneial team ster. Addiess 221 Reese stieet. SITUATION AVANTED A ladv wants a good home In Piotestant family foi her daughtei, wheio she can do light honsewoik for her boaid and attend tho high school; has had good training; good lefeiences given. Inquiie at Y. W. C. A, lobms, or U13 Clav avenue. WANTED By lefined American lady, a position as housekeeper or seamsttess whole other help is kept. Addiess M. C , this office. LEGAL. IN RE: Estate of Cathailne Mlttan, lato of the Boiough of Wavcily, deceased Letteis of adminlstiatlon c. t. a. in the abovo cstato having been ginnted to the undei signed, all pet sons having claims against same will present them for pay ment, nnd all poisons indebted theicto will mako immediate payment to D. W. MITTAN, Admlnisttatoi C. T. A. FRED C. IIANVnN, Attomev for Estate. JlOs Washington avenue. IN RE: Petition to fico tho Rldgo Turn pike Company's load fiom tolls and tub aios Notice is heiobv given that an appli cation will bo mado to the Couit of Quoi tor Sessions ot Lickawann.i county, on Monday, the uth day of Octobei, 1302, at 9 o'clock a. in., hi accoi dance with tho piovlsious of an Act or Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap pioved June 2, lbS7. and the supplements theicto, for the appointment of a jmy ot view, consisting of flvo icputnblo citizens of said count v, to vlovv and condemn thn Kidgo Tuinplko Company's toad, 'a load located wholly In Lackawanna county, extending fiom Sanderson avenue In tho city of Scranton, to Main stieet, in the boiough of Dickson City, ana to mako the same fieo fiom tolls and toll gates, and to assess tho damages to which the owneis oi nvvneis theieof may bo en titled thoiofoi Tho samn being a load upon which tolls aio now chaiged tho tiavellng public by litue of an Act of Assembly. T. P. DUFPy, Attorney foi Potltloneis. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo lecelvcd by tho county of Lackawanna, foi fin nlshlng nnd electing complolo ono con cieto and expanded metal inch bildgo on tho abandoned Factoiyvllle and Ablngtou Tuinplko load, over Dean's Mill cieck, near tho residence of Uoiaca Seumuns In La Plume boiough. All bids must bo accompanied by a cer tified check for C per cent, of amount and In hands ot uudeislgncd on or bnfoie 12 o'clock noon, September 30, lOuj, Plans and specifications at county commission ers olflco. The light to icject uny and all bids Is icscivcd. E, A. JONES, Countv Cunt i oiler, Attest: JOHN MORRIS, Deputy, C BASE BALlTl National League, At Chicago- R.U.E, St. Louis 000030200510 3 Chlcugo 001 40 I 14x-U 16 1 Uatterlcs-Sudlioff und Snyder; Pattei bon and McFailand. Ifmplies Sheridan and Ciuutlieis. Tho llaltlmoie-Phlludelplila, Boston Washington and Detlolt'Clev eland games wero postponed on account of lulu, Ametlcan League. At Cincinnati- R,1I,E. St, Louis ,,, 00000 10001 4 5 Cincinnati 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 x-G 9 2 Batteries Cm rle and Ryan; Poolo und Bcigen. Uniplie Brown. Other clubs not scheduled. I Exhibition Game, At Worcester, Mjh. , R.II.K, nttsburg 300000000 :i i s Worcester.,,, 200000000 2 7 7 No Order Accepted for Less Thnn 10 Gents. Branch WANT Offlcss, Want Advertisements Will Do Eocclved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCIIULTZ, coiner Mul beny stieet and Webster ave, GUBTAV PICIIEL, 0T.0 Adams nxenuo. West Side 0130. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. AV. DAVIS, Main avenue stieet. cm nor North and Muikot Green Bidge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 820 Ot cell Rldgo Rtiect. C. LORENZ. coiner Washington uvcntie and Mai ion stieet. Petersburg W It. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON Help Wanted. WANTED Agents to sell tea nnd cof feo to consumers Positions peinui nent. Ginnd Union Tea Co.. 311 Lacka wanna nvenue. Help Wanted Male. An experienced young man in men's Shoe Department. SAMTER BltOS. ! SIX good carpentois wanted for to build foims fot concicto mnsouiy at Sche nectady. N. Y. AVages, 30 cents pel hour. Buiko Bios. AA'ANTED A first class olccti iclan. Send applications to Bet wick Electilc Light Co., Bciwick, Pa. AVANTED Men Hint want work. Call or addiess C. B. Sharkey, Supoilntendent of National AA'ashciy. SALESMAN Expot lenced in placing pio piictniy medicines with ictail dtug gists; high class line; liberal pay. Addiess stating experience and lefeience. E B Giles & Co, 2330 Market stieet, Philadel phia, Pa. AVANTED On account of Inci cased woik competent machinists to woik In laigo railroad shops near Pittsbuig; wages, 23. 2G, 27 cents per hoiu : peimanent employ ment given for satlsfactoiy soivfce; fiee railroad transposition furnished fiom AA'llkes-Baire to Pittsbaig. For further infoimatlon addiess C. L Snvdei. Ij22 Moonev building. Buffalo, N Y , in wilt ing: glvo date of bhtn, expeiience. wheio last employed; on what kind of wprk, and when able to icpoit for duty, Help Wanted Female. THOROUGHLY expciienccd sales girl for notions and laces; cential city stou-; good opening. Addiess Confidential, Trib une office. AA'ANTED A waltiess Apply to Mrs Heniy Belln, 117 Jeffeison avenue. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants cneigetic Geneinl Agent foi this county. No books, insuiance, oi canvassing. Ac quaintance witli met chants nnd niaiiu factuicis ncces'-ary Peimancnt Bond. Stute age, experience. lofeiencps (list fet ter. Addiess. Suite 572, No 1001 Chestnut St . Philadelphia. Salesmen Wanted. SALESMEN AVANTED-Competent men cnpablo of earning good money, to handlo our lino of caibon copying pu peis, either tegular or on tho sido. Philip llano & Co, 1-3 Union Squuic, Now Yoik City. Board and Booms. A'ERY DESIRABLE sulto of looms with first class table boaid, can bo obialnsd at 333 Jeffeison avenuo. PROFESSIiONAL Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINO, V, V A. 2.1 Tiadeis' Bank IiuJIdliig. Old 'phono IWjI Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN", ARCH 11 Real Estalo Exchange BUlg , l.'li Wash Ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineeis. 11. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL HLDO. STEVENSON & KN1UHT, 72ii CON ncll building. Dentists. DR. C E EII.IONBEHGIJR, PAULI building, Spiuco stieet, Scianton, DR. C, C. L.U'BACII. 115 WYOMING nvo Pile Insurance. SCIILAGER & CO , Tiudeis' Bank Illdg. Patent Attorneys. PAT E N TS Hl'filir Tho only licensed and equipped patent solicitor in the city No chaige foi in foimatlon on patentability; over ten euis' cxpeiieuco itcploglc & Co., Wears Ulclg-. Hotels nnd Restaurants, THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK llll avenue, Hales leasoiiablo P, 55IEGLI3R, Piopilolor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W, Passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu lopenu plan. Victor Kculi, Piopilctor. Scavenger, JvirBIHCiGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS anil cess pools: no'odor: only impioved pump? used. A. B llilggs. piopiiotor. Leave ouleis 1100 Not th Main nvonuo, or EIcUo'b ill tig Htoie, comer Adams, and Mulbcity. Doth telephones. Wile Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. ave Bcianton, mils, ot Who Bcivens. Miscellaneous. MHGARGEE "BROS, I'RINTEHS' SUP plles, envelopes, paper bags, twluo. AVuiehousc, 13a Washington uvuuuu. THE AVILKLS.BARRE RECORD CAN bo had In Struhtou nt tho news aluud of IteUman Bios, 4u0 Spruco and 50J Linden; M. Not ton. 322 Lackawanna ave.; I. 8. SchuUcr, 211 Spruce street. B WANTED I p DIRECTOR Only Halt a Cent a Word. Business Opportunity. MOCK ANDwTlEAT TRADERS witli out dolay, AVrlto for our special mnr ket lottor. Prco on application. B. M. Hlbbaul & Co., mombeis N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange. 44 nnd it Broadway, Now York. Established 1S6I. Long Dlstnnco 'Phone 2383 Broad, Money to Lean. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Qulck, sti night loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent Call on N, V, AVnlkor. 314-313 Connoll bulidlnir. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY. Dunmoro. lnundcis shlitB nt Sc. each and collara and cuffs at ljjc. each. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. ... In Effect Juno 1, 1102. Trains leave Scianton for Now York At l.TO. 3 20, 0 05. 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.; 12.40, .140, ,1 3u p m. For Now Yoik and Phila delphia 7.50. 10 10 a. m., and 12.40 and n?o p. in. For Goitldsboro At 0 10 p. in. For Dufralo-1.15, C22 and 9 00 a. m.; 153, U50 and 11,10 p. tr. For Blnghaniton, Elmlia and way statlons-10 25 u. in. 103 p. in. I-or Oswego, Svtacuso and UtIea-1.55 and "--,":. .m,S ' "S P' ni. Oswego, Syiucuso and Utlca tinln nt G22 a. m dally, except tiiuulay. F Monti ose-9 00 n. m.j 103 ntul B50 p. ni. Nicholson accommodation 4 00 and ti 13 p. m. Bloomsburg Division For Noithumbci land, at 0 33 and 10.10 a. m.i 1 53 and II 10 p- mA-For riymouth, at 8 10 a. m.; 3 10 and 9 03 p m, Sunday Tralns-Enr New York. 1.50, 3 20. noo, loio n. m.; ,: 40 and 3&3 p. m. For Buffalo-1,1- and is 22 a. in.; 1 55, (.50 and 11.10 p. m. Tor Elmlta and wny stations j0 2d a, rn. For Blnghamton and wav sta tions, 9 00 n. ni. Bloomsbuig Division Leave Scianton, 10 10 a. m. and 610 p. m. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect June 13, 1902. Trains Leave Scianton Tor Philadelphia und Now Yoik via D; S. II. R. R at at 7.41, tluough Parlor Car and Day Couch Cnibonrtalo to New York and 9 17 a m , with L. Ar. Coach Caihon dale to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 4 33 (Bluclc Diamond Expiess), nnd 11.49 p. m Sun dnvs, D. & H. It. R., 1 5S, 9 17 p. m. For AVhlti Haven, Hajdcton nnd pilncl pal points In tho coal legions, via D. Sc II. R. R, 7 41, 2 IS nnd 4 33 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 7.41 n. m. For Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Har rlsbuig and pilnclpal Intoi mediate sta tions, via D. & II. R. R . 7.41, 9 17 n. m ; 2 IS, 4 33 (Black Diamond Exptess), 11.49 p. m. Sundnjs, D & II. R. R, OSS a. m.; 1 .r.S. 0 17 p in For TimMinntiook, Towondij, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and pilnclpal Intermediate stations via D , L. .t AV. R. R , 033 a. m. and 1 53 p m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo. Nlag niu Falls, Chicago nnd all points westla D. & IT. R. R, 1201 p m.; 32S (Black Diamond Expicss). 1041. 1149 p m. Sun d.ivs, D & II. R. R , 12 03, 9 17 p. m. Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh A'alley Pallor cais on all tiains between AA'llkos-Bui re and New Yoik. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bildge. ROLL1N II, AV1LBUR. Gen. Supt., 20 Coitlnnd stieet. New A'oik CHARLES S LEE Gen. Pass. Agt , 2(5 Coitlnnd street, New Yoik. A AV NONEMAC1IKR, Div. Pass. Agt.. South Rpthlehcm, Pa For tickets and Pullman leservntlons applv to cltv ticket offlce, 09 rubllo Squaie, AAMlkes-Bane, Ta. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bailroad of New Jersey. Collected to Septembet 10, 1002. Stations In New Yoik. foot Liberty stieet and South Feny, N. R. Tiains leave Scianton for New York, Philadelphia. Easton, Bethlehem, Alloii towu. Munch Chunk, AVhlte Haven, Ash ley, AVilkes-Bano and Plttston at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m and I p. m Sundav, 2 10 p. m. Quaker City Expiess leaves Scranton 7"0 a m , tluough solid vestibule tinln with Pullman Buffet P.uloi Car for Phila delphia with o.ily ono change of cais for Baltimore and AViishlngtnn, D. C, and all pilnclpal points south and west. For Avoca, Pittston nnd AA'llkcs-Bai re, 1 p m. and I p m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. l"oi Long Binnch, Ocean Glove, etc, 7:'0 n. ni and I n ,m. Tor Reading, Lebanon nnd Haiilsburg via Allentown at 7 30 a. m., 1 p. m. and t p m. Sundav, 210 p m For T.imaqu.t and Pottsvllle, 730 a. m.; 1 p m and 4 p m. For Kites und tickets npply to agent at station AAr. a BESSLER. Gen Manager. C M. BURT. Gen IMs. Agt. Pennsylvania Bailroad. SchiHlulu in Effect June 10, 1902. Tiains Icavn Scianton (1 3S a. in, week dnvs, tluough vcstlbulo tinln fiom AA'HUes-Baiie Pullman buffet piilor car und coaches to Philadelphia, v i.i Potts vllle; stops at pilnclpal Intel medlnte sta tions Also connects foi Sunbmy. Hni lisliilig. Phllulolphl.i. Baltimoie, AA'osh ington and foi Plltsbmg and the West. 9 17 ,i. m.. week davs, foi Sunliuiy. Ilar llsbiug, PhlliidPlphlu, Baltimoie, AVnsh lnglnii and Pittsbuig anil the AVest 111 p in. weok dav, (Sundas. 1 .s p. m.). tor Simbiiiy. Ilaiilsluug, Philadel phia, Baltlmoio. Washington nnd Pitts buig and the AVi"t. 3s i) in., wcelt dnvs. tlunuch vestlhuli tl.iln rioni AVIlkPs-Biiin I'ullmiili buffet pallor c.u and conches lo Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at pilnclpal Intel medi ate stations. . , lS'i p m . week davs, for HnidPton, Sun liiuv, HtuilsbiiiK, Phil ulelphla and Pltts- H"S' J. H llt'TCIHNSON, Gen Mgr. J B. AVOOI), Gen Pass. Agt Delaware and Hudson. In Effccl June Hi, 1902 Tmlns foi Cuihoudnlo lravo Scianton at 0 II 7 !i., S, 10 11 n in i 12ir,, 1,12, 2 11, iirij; 5 2'i. 0 2", S2I, 0.13. 10 01 p. m.; 12.18, 1 3S a. m .,..... Poi' lIonesil.ilo-ii 41, 1013 a m : 211 and 5 For' Wilkes-Bail o-fi 35 7.41. R II. 9 47, 10 M a in.: 12 0!, 1.42. 2.1S, 3 23, 133, GJO, 7. is. io ti, 11 I'' 1 1 m For L. V. It. It. Polllts-'i.ll. 917 a. m, 2 IS. f." and II P P, ni , li'or Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6 33 9 17 a. m ; 1.42, :i 2s and 41". 11 m, Tor Albani and all points north 1.30 a. m. and 3 50 i m. SUNDAV TRAINS. Vnr C.iilioiiilnle-siO, 11.31 a. m.: 211, 3fTi."i2 and 11.17 p. in. Tor willtns.iinno 9 3S a. m ; 12.03, l.ES, 3 2S, 0 32 and 9.17 P. 111. , . Foi MImiiv and points nnith 15(5 i-tn. For lloncsdalo-S50 a, ni ; 11,33 nmL353 V'V L PIIYOR. D P A , Scnnlon,iPa. Erie Bnlhoad Wyoming Division, III Effect Soptombor 13, 1902.. "- Tiains leave Hciunton for Nhw ACHl, New bin gh nnd iutt'i mediate points. ilf.n tin llawlev and local stations at 7,ST a. m nnd 1 Ti p m. y For Ilonesdalo nnd AVhlto Mills at J.33 Tmlns urilvo at Scianton a't 10SS a, m. nud 9 13 p in. ' TT New York, Ontario and Western. Time table In effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1JW2. NORTH HOUND TRAINS. Lctivn Leave Arrlva Tiains, No, 1 , No 7 . Seiaiiton Cnibondiilo CndQsla, ,.10 30)1.111, 11 10 a. m lOOPjm. , i; 10 p m.Ai.Caibnndalo 0 10 t m SOUTH HOUND. Ti" Leavo Leavo ACrtVQ Ciulosla, Cailioiidiiln, Scianton. ,, ulna m. 7,23a. m. .."lAn m 4 00n m. 4.13 ll-m. Tiains No 0 Nil 2. SUNDAYS ONLY. NORTH BOUND. Leavo .Loive Aitlvo Tiains. Scranton,! C u boudalo.sT'ailpala, No, 9 8U)n. m. Pltfii, ra .1043am. Nu, 5 7.i) P. in Ar.Cuilmndalot.ISjrm. SOUTH BOUND. T' Leavo Leavo ArrlVe Tiains, Cadosla. Caibondale. Scianton. No. I. ,,,,, 05011.111, 7.2.3a. in. No 10,,, 4 30 p.m. tiOjp. in. )43p,m, Tiains Nos. 1 on week days, and 9 on Sundiija iiinnect for Now Yoik city, MM illetovvn, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os wego und all points west. Train No. d, with "Quaker City E pie,ss" at Scninton, U C. R. R. of N. J,, forThlludclphlaJ Atlantic pity, Itnltlmoro! AVashlngton apd "Tsnnsylvanla stato points. - ?. ' Seo tlmo-tablo and consult ticket ngent for couiiectlous with otliei- lines, . J. C. ANlMlHSaNiG.-pjAi-New YorH. J, U. AVELSH, T. P, A., Scianton, ra. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers