The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 26, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' M; h$k y w!tt&
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) Tlilli SUKAnUXlJJM TJKlJBUJMJbi XJtllJA-ii jriJ2ilVJLttJ2il Z.U, JLUU.
.. .
$$e kcrattfoit viBune
rnbllihtd Dully Except Sunday, tr Th Trlhnn
Itibllahlag Compnr,t Flftr Cento a Month.
I O. F. BYXP.KE IUjmhem Manahrb.
Entered at th PoatoOtcs at Bcritnton, m Second
Clasn Malt Matter,
When ipftoe wilt permit, The Trllmne If
klwnn Bind to print ihort letters from Its
(rlendl bearing on current tuple, hut It
rule li that them must be algned, for puh
llentlon, by tho writer! real nnmet and
the condition precedent to acceptance li
that nil contribution! shall be subject to
editorial revision.
The following tablo elionn the price per Inch each
Inaertton, apaco to he lined within one year:
nranr v Hun of H'2? Full
I)13rt'AY rP A
leu than 60 inchM . .(0 .11 .no
0 Inche 40 .44 .48
loo " ., -5J
MIO " 20 .12 .54
1000 " .19 .17 .!
For cards ofthnnks, resolution of condolence, nd
llmllar rnntrlbiitlnni In the tintiiroof ndvcrtlMng;,
The Tribune makes a charge of 8 centa a line.
Govrrnnr-S. V. PH.VNVPArrcnH.
l.ltMitmmiit Oo oilier-W. M. HHOWN.
Sc-ciPtnry of Intrinul AffnliK ISAAC B.
Coimross- Wfl.LIAM CUNNKI.L.
.iut!n a. a. vositrnc.
CoiniiNEloiitlH-JOIIN COl'Kinil MOIt
Jlino rnsiKi'loix-l.I.KWIII.VN M. EV
ANS, DAVlll T Wtt.MA.MS.
Scnn'.nr-.lOllN H. JOHUAN.
1'lnit DlHtrlct-JOSKl'ir OI.tVRR.
?( ond niKtiii-t-.ioiiN sriiKt kii, Jn.
Third DlKtilrt-KDWARI) JAM MS.
Fourth nistilet-P. A. I'lIll.Ul.V.
Hluclloii day, Nov. .1.
A little more or thlt firmness earlier
In the Kiiino would have been u vnltt
nlilo thlntr for the anthracite region
mid the commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia.. Personal Registration.
U" "" HKKRKD by the endorsement
of electoral reform contained
in the Republican state plat
form and by Chairninn Quay's
appointment of a special committee to
look Into this subject, the Joint Com
mittee for tho Promotion of Electoral
lleforms In Pennsylvania Is circuIatln'K
throughout the state the draft of a
personal registration act prepared by It.
The proposed act piovldes that the
county commissioners shall divide the
cities of tho state into registry dis
tricts to contain not over -"00 voters.
Three registrars are to be appointed for
each district on the flr&t .Saturday of
August of each year by the court of
quarter sessions. The registrars are re
quired to sit at the designated place of
registration In each district between
the hours of 10 a. in. and C p. m., and
7.30 and 10 p. m.. on the 64th, G2d, 29th,
27th and 17th days before the general
election In November; and on the 29th,
27th and 17th days preceding vthc mu
nicipal election, for the purpose of reg
istering voters. Two weeks notice shall
be given of the time and place of the
meeting of the board of registrars.
Every claim for registration must be
made in person. If required by a reg
istrar or watcher, the claimant shall
subscribe his name, at the place pro
vided, in the leglster of voteis which
Is Intended for ue on the day of elec
tion at tho polling place. If the major
ity of the registrars are of the opinion
that tho claimant Is entitled to vote
In that district, his name is placed on
the register of voters together with his
occupation, age, place of birth, time of
lesldence In state, and other general
Information necessary to Identify him.
K.teh registrar shall prepare a register
of all persons admitted to registration
in each election district. No poison
hhnll have" the light to vote who shall
not have been duly registered, but the
names of jlersons who have personally
uppeaied and been reglsteied, shall be
continued on the registers for a year
from the date of registration without
further action on their part. Two of
the three lists are to be (lied in the
office of the clerk of the court of quar
ter sessions until required for use at
the polls. The third list Is to be ex
hibited at the place of registration until
the day of election.
If any citizen shall object to the ac
tion of the registrars, he may appeal
to the court of quarter sessions; but
all such applications for correcting the
registration lists intuit bp made to the
court not later than ten days preceding
the election. Political parties which
may be entitled to wutehers at the
general election shall, be allowed to
appoint three watchers In each place
of registry. The net n)so makes pro
vision for a giuduuU'd seiles of lines
of from $100 to $1,000 and of Imprison
ment from one to three years In the
cases of registrars convicted of violat
ing their oath of olllce and of persons
found guilty of false personation or of
aiding or abetting false personation,
When an act of this character, to
Bother with a uniform primary law,
BhaU"liuve found plnces on the otutute
boqlls of Pennsylvania, theie will re
main for reformation little else. In con
nection with elections save the voters
who dan't agree with us.
All of which goes to show that it Is
easier to start a strike than to end one.
Tariff nnd Trusts.
In his Cincinnati speech; "If
. m any case me lunrc is lounu
; to foster a monopoly which
does 111, why of course no protectionist
w((uld'uDject to u modification sufficient
toineet that evil." Jn that sentence tlte
president suld about All there Is to be
said on tho question of tariff revision.
The Democratic talk about placing all
tri(st-madc articles on the free list Is
euilly demonstrated faulty because It
no 'happens that no trust has a mon
opoly on the production of any one pro
tected product In thla country.
The Standard Oil company hus prac
tlcully a monopoly in petroleum, but
that article Is not protected and the
turlff does not affect M8 nipnopoly one
way or another. The' coal rouds ure
charged with holding a monopoly In
anthruvlte coal, but uiithi.aclte coal Is
not protected' by the tariff. It s al
ready on the free list ntul has been for
many yeurg, Any American Is at lib
erty to Import nnthruclto coal from
Wales without paying u penny of cus
tom tax. These two great corporations
or combinations come nearer to hold
ing n monopoly In great stnple products
than any other lu the United Btnten.
No eo-cnllcd trust comes anywhere
near to exercising the monopolistic
power that the Slnndnrd Oil company
exercises or that the railroads In the
coal combination have exercised In re
gard to the output of anthracite coal.
And yet neither of these great products
has over been affected lu any way by
a protective tariff, because they have
always been on the free list.
It was admitted In the testimony be
fore the Industrial commission by such
trust malingers as Mr. Hchwab that
the trust could continue In business
after serious reductions In the tariff or
even With free trade, but the tariff re
ductions that have been advocated by
the Democrats would utterly destroy
all competition with the trust In this
country. It would present a condition
of a home trust fighting foreign trusts,
with the American market as tho great
object of all.
President Roosevelt, therefore, wnrns
the country against vindictive legisla
tion nnd agitation against corporations
simply because they are big. The best
way to destioy tho evil of trusts Is to
follow the president's plan for their
regulation by government control and
not their destruction, which would de
stroy the business In which they nre
engaged and at the same time destroy
our prosperity.
Even Tom Piatt's enemies will have
to admit that ho took the axe gamely.
Compulsory Arbitration.
TOM MANN, tho noted English
labor leader. Is In New Zea
land Investigating the work
ing of the compulsory arbi
tration la- In that country. Mr. Mnnn,
if not a professed socialist. Is an advo
cate of radical changes In the existing
relations between labor and capital. In
the Nineteenth Century for September,
Mr. Mann publishes a short article on
the working of the compulsory ar
bitration act In New Zealand. He
bad, at date of writing, been
seven months In the island. lie
had. therefore, had sufliqlent opportun
ity to observe the practical application
of n law which the New Zealanders
believed would end the antagonism be
tween capital and labor. Compulsory
arbitration has not been a failure there,
broadly speaking. In its New Zealand
application it has practically subserved
so far the purpose for which" It was
instituted. During the five or six years
In which disputes have been brought
before them, the judgments of the ar
bitral courts have been loyally accept
ed. There have been few occasions In
which the penalties which bring the
statute within the definition and usage
of organic jurisprudence had to be en
forced. Perhaps It Is not altogether the
more socially serviceable for this. The
virility of law Is In an appreciable
measure maintained by the occasional
enforcement of Its mandates.
Although Mr. Mann does not say so
directly. It can be readily deduced from
his statement of the case that compul
sory arbitration in New Zealand will,
In the course of a short time, either fall
Into desuetude, be radically altered to
meet the views of trade unionists, or
be altogether repealed. Since the law
was passed trade In New Zealand has
been In a very prosperous condition.
But In Mr. Mann's opinion the prevail
ing hours of work and wages would
have come about, without the law, by
automatic Increase or by strikes. The
time when the arbitration law was
passed was un era of great depression,
when strikes weie an every day occur
rence, when the little commonwealth
was driven to find an escape from its
economic dilemmas in some direction or
perish. Compulsory arbitration brought
harmony out of chaos, not so much by
virtue of Its wisdom or the piinclples
upon which It was based, as through
the tranqulllzlng effect which It had
upon men's minds lu an exceptional
Mr. Mann does not believe that com
pulsory arbitration Is adapted to the
settlement of labor disputes in coun
tries like England or the United States.
New Zealand has only a population all
told of six hundred thousand. The gov
ernment finds work for the unem
ployed. There are no extremes of
wealth or poverty, although living nnd
house lent are exceptionally high In the
cities. The Island Is verdant, fruitful
and with an equable temperature win
ter and summer. If compulsory arbi
tration could succeed any whet e It
should be theie, Hut It has not succeed
ed axlomatliMlly, It does not realize
the expectations that were formed of
It. As a provisional experiment It has
served (Its purpose, locally. Only a
visionary can hope for Its universal ap
plication. ,
It may be true that the use of a neu
tral flag is permissible In war when
the object Is to deceive tho enemy and
When the flag Is lowered before the at
tnek begins; but our government does
well to notify the frisky cutthroats in
Venezuela that" Old Glory Is something
they had better leave severely alone.
We haven't enough confidence In their
judgment to let them take .liberties
with It.
The Princeton professor who took nil of chloral has awakened. It
evidently takes more than an ordinary
drug to ptoduce slumber at a period
when tho boys are practicing tho foot
bull yell.
ISefore Uncle Sam gets through with
tho Venezuelan navul commanders It
may be demonstrated that there Ih a
sweeping copyright upon "Old Glory."
There Is a possibility that the specu
lators who corner anthracite for fancy
prices may get caught with a Mtrplus
stock ere many duys have passed,
Lieutenant Peary Is still confident of
reaching the pole, but the element fur
nishing the funds begins to tuke on the
air of Keely motor stockholders.
In tho language of Quigg, "the signal
service which Governor OdeU huu ren
dered Is to prove that every necessary
and legitimate expense ot state gov
ernment, with tho exercise of only fair
and proper economy, can be met with
out Imposing one dollar of taxation
upon the farm owners, the house own
ers nnd the rent payers of any com
munity, nnd without laying hard or
unreasonable charges upon other forms
of property." Without detracting any
thing from the credit properly due to
Governor Odol, It Is satisfactory to be
able to say tliat long before he worked
out such welcome results In New York
state the Republican party had ac
complished them In Pennsylvania.
It Is true, as some of the continental
critics of Secretary Hay's note on tho
Roumanian Jew question tnkc evident
plcnsuie In pointing out, that the pro
test of the United States Is not backed
by either an emphatic public opinion
or a military strength sufficient to
cause, It to' be effective. So fur aH ac
complishing anything Immediately It
Is probably a failure. Rut In Interna
tional, us In personal affairs, It Is a
long lane that has no turning. Secre
tary Hay Is not given to shooting Into
the air. Neither docs he miss many
As an Indication of the direction of
the Industrial wind It Is merely neces
sary to mention the fact that railroads
have placed orders for locomotives for
ten years nhead. Did such a state of
affairs exist under a Democratic administration?
When the Northern Democratic can
didates for congiess appeal to the sol
dier vote, have them explain why their
brethren In Virginia disfranchised 3,000
old soldiers In the National Soldiers'
Home at Hampton, Virginia.
It Is hardly fair to Senatorial Candi
date Guffey, the payer of the freight,
for' Make-Belleve Candidate Pattlson
to try to piny away from the fact that
he Is a Democrat.
The Issue of "imperialism" has gradu
ally dwindled to such lnflnltesmal pro
portions that even the most radical
Democratic orator can hardly locate It.
"Holland,". In Philadelphia Press.
President Roosevelt, who knows tho Ins
and out of New York politics ns well as
any man who has fnthomed the Inner na
ture of many who nre of high authority
In tho counsels of his party, will, upon
his convalescence in Washington, read
tho report of what took placo at Saratoga
probably with no great surprise. And
just here an anecdote may lie illustrative.
At the time yhen It was deemed essen
tial that there bo a chance In the direc
tion of the police department of New
York city, Senator Piatt was strongly
committed to a plan Involving tho es
tablishment of a stnto constabulary. He
felt sure that the evils that saturated the
New York police depm tment could not
bo cured In any other way. The legisla
ture was Impressed with his view. He
urged that body to adopt legislation ot
that character.
One Saturday afternoon there filed into
the senator's ofllce on lower Broadway
a company ot legislators. They had come
not to conbiilt with the senator, but to
nsk him to relieve them of an embar
rassment. They said to him: "We are
anxious to do what you want to have
done, but Governor Odell tells us that ho
will not stand for a constabulary bill,
that he will veto it if It Is passed, and we
know that we will Incur bis personal dis
pleasure if wo pass a bill of that kind.
Y'et you want It done. Now, wo feel that
wo ought not to be placed In this position.
Won't you help us?"
The senator was of very grave mien for
a moment. Then lie said: "Does the gov
ernor intend to veto a constabulary bill If
It passes?" and they told him that the
governor did. They noticed that the sen
ator became very pale, his lips weie tight
set; he staled vacuously nt this self-appointed
committee for a moment, then
be went to the water cooler and drank a
goblet of water. Then returning to his
seat, evidently having mastered the
strong feeling that for a moment pos
sessed him, be said, speaking In the gen
tle, moderate way that is characteristic
of him. "Well, Roosevelt was a pretty
good governor, after all." That was all
ho said, but the committee understood
that he did not Intend to keep the legis
lating In embarrassment.
From a recent bulletin issued by tho
United States Geological survey, entitled,
"A Gazetteer of Cuba," compiled by Hen
ry Gannett, geographer, the following
Hiiggestlv? facts regarding the Island
nio taken:
With an acreage of 11,000 square miles
and a population In lSDO of 1.57S.797. only 3
per cent, of the urea of the Island and
only 10 per cent, of tho nrea In farms
was under cultivation. Tho most highly
cultivated portions of the Island were In
Matanzas and Hit liana provinces, which
Ho adjoining In Its western part, while In
Puerto Principe, tho large central prov
ince, cultivation was comparatively slight
and the land was used mostly for cattbi
ranches. The crops, In the order of areas
cultivated, were: First, sugar cane, oc
cupying somewhat less than half ofho
cultivated niea; net, sweet potatoes, oc
cupying U per cent, of the area; tobacco,
ii per cent, and bananas a trlllo less than
1) per cent. Tobacco and sugar were
grown in all tho pi evinces, In 1&99 there
were In Cuba 207 sugar mills, with u dally
production of lit, 407 bags.
Light Is thrown on the depopulating ef
fect of war in Cuba by comp.ulson of
the census of 1899 wtlb that of 1ST7. In the
latter year It was 1,fi11,GS7. or Ki.OOO more
than twelvo years later. In 1S99. Allow
ing for the probable inciease In tho pop
ulation between 1PS7 nnd 189.",, tho year lu
which the Insurrection broke out, the loss
of life, ns Indicated by the two censuses,
may bo estimated at nearly 200,000, n loss
to bo ottl United to tho wnr and the ac
companying i econcentratlon,
Tho bulletin Is accompanied by maps
nnd charts, and contains neaily 4,000
geographic nnmes,
In Harper's for October Rret Harte's
last poem, found after his death, Is
printed for tho first time. It was written
at tho time of the death of Queen Vic
loi lu. The poem Is reprinted in full:
When your men bowed heads together
With hushed litis,
And (he globe hwung out from gladness
To eclipse,
When your drums from tho equator
To (lie pole
Carried round It an unending
Funeral roll,
When your capitals from Norway
To tho Capo t
Through their streets and from their
Trailed their crape,
Still the sun awoke to gluduebs
As of old,
And the stars their midnight beauty
Still unrolled, '
For tho glory born of Goodness
Never dies,
And Its flag U not hulf-mastcd
In tho skcs.
Lest You
Should Forget
We Handle Furniture.
The success which our Furniture Department has
met with during the past year has encouraged us to carry
a larger assortment for the coming fall trade. No matter
what you may desire in this line you will find it here,
and you can always depend upon the style and design
being the latest.
t TV
v in. ;t.
9 '
v--Htsv-' ''-
WWi k i ' "a. albss. j.
fully convince yourself of this fact, take the elevator to
third floor. Here you will find Suits in Mahogany, Curly
Birch, Bird's Eye Maple and Quartered Oak of superior
quality and finish. These Suits, although of the latest
design and of unexcelled workmanship, are reasonable
in price, ranging from
$22.50 Up.
Distributors" of
in Home Furnishings
129 Wyoming Avenue.
Crane Store
Opportunities pre
sented for a peep at
Mistress Fashion
Has consented to
approve for
Early Fall.
Take Elevator at
324 Lackawanna Ave.
? n it n .t,tt ..
We have dry, clean, Old Oats.
Old Oats are much, better
than New.
Higher in price but
"You pay your money nnd
take your choice."
Mill & Grain Co;;
Call us by iihone
Old Green niUKO. 31-2. X
New, 1133. t
m lm im m " 'a " lm
Otnertl Agent (or the Wyoming District (or
Dupont's Powder
Ulolng, Diluting, Sporting, SmoKeless tnJ the
Itepauno Chemical Compauy'f
Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Itoom 401 Con
ceit Building .Scrantcn.
J01IS n. SMITH k SON Plymouth
K. W, MULUQAN Wllkcj-Uarra
s Atlantic City.
The temperature at the AGNCW,
On the Beach, In Chelsea, Atlantic City.
Weiluesilny wus 63".
Every appointment of a modern Hotel.
Kentucky Avenue. First Hotel from Ueacb, At
lantis, City, K, J.i (JO Ocean view rooms; ca
pacity tUO; urite for epeUil rates. J, U. Jenk
jus, j'rop.
On a spur of the Alleghany Mountains. Lehigh
Valley railroad; near Towanda. Uatbing, Ashing,
sports, etc. Excellent table. Reasonable rates.
l 0., Xvu. Ft. Send (or booklet.
' O. K. HARMS.
The exhibit of new
roofinnc in fnomhor
q,,ir; ic lnVi:h Tn
Honest Values
I When in Need
Of anything in the line of
optical goods we can supply it. .j,
i Spectacles I
Sand Eye Glasses
Properly fitted by an expert .g.
optician, .;.
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds nf Tirfiqerln.
tion work and repairing.
Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
The Sew and Absolutely
Hotel Earlington,
27tli Street
New York
The most
central and
most accessi
ble location
in the city,
with quiet
and refined
Slnglo room (uuth) l.M to $2.00
Double rooms (bath), 1 person $-'.H0
Double rooms (liuth), 1! iors(ius.,,.$J00
Tlatli roomp adjoining.
Largo doublo rnomn. with pilvato
liatli rooms, 1 person $3.00
Lnro doublo rooms, with pilvato
buth rooms, '2 persons $4.09
Suites of pni'lni. bedroom and
bath for I person. W.oo. $1.00. $ $7.03
Suites of purlor.beilroom nnd bath,
for 'J persons $1.00, $J.OO, $0.00, $S.OO
Suites of parlor, 'J bedrooms anil
bath $".M, $S0O. $1000
1 E. M. KAllI.n & SON,
30 years connected with Knrle's Hotel,
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not a short course, nor an easy rourse,
nor a cheap course, but the best education
to be bad. No other education is worth
spending time and money on. II you do,
uilte for cataloguit ol
Easton, Pa.
which offers thorough preparation In tb
Engineering and Chemical Professions as well
as the regular College courses.
'aCfVsulr aWffljjoi fETflaniBifl!
Entries Close
After October 1 , no moro now con
testants can enter
i Ws
Contest Closes October 25.
2 2 Scholar- Value $fl Cflft
IlJcJ ships Over $7)0vv
List of Scholarships
2 Scholarships In Syracuse University, at ?432 oach...S 864
1 Scholarship In Bucknoll University '. .. B20
1 Scholarship In tho University of Rochester 324
Preparatory Schools
1 Scholarship in Washington School for Boys 81700
1 Scholarship in Williamsport Dickinson Seminary 750
J Scholarship in Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School 700
1 Scholarship in Newton Collegiate Institute 720
1 Scholarship in Keystone Academy 600
1 Scholarship In Brown College Preparatory School... 800
1 Scholarship In the School of the Xackawanna 400
1 Scholarship in the Wilkes-Barro Institute 278
1 Scholarship in Qotult Cottage (Summer School) 230
Music, Business and Art
4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at
S125 each 8 500
4 Scholarships in the Hardenbergh School of Music and
Art 480
3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College, at $100 each 300
5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools,
average value 857 each 285
2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at ?85 v
eacn ...... ... ...... ......... ... ... ... ... 170
2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's
Rules of
The special rownuls will bo given to
tho pel son securing tho largest num
ber of points.
Points will bo credited to contestants
secuHiig now subscribers to The
Scranton Tilbuno ns tollows:
Ono month's subscription $ .BO 1
Three months' subscription.... 1.-3 3
Six months' subscription 2.r0 G
Ono year's subscription 5.00 12
Tho contestant with the highest
number of points will bo given a
choice from tho list of spcrlal rewnids;
tho contestant with tho second high
est number of points will bo given
a choice of the remaining rewards,
and so on through tho list.
Tho contestant who secures tho
highest number of points during nny
calendar months of tho contest will
receive a special honor reward, this
reward being entirely independent of
the ultimate, disposition of tho schol
aishtps. Each contestant falling to securn a
special reward will bo Given 10 per
An Excellent
A new contestant beginning today has an excellent opportunity to
secure one of these valuable scholarships. Thirty-three are sure to get I
scholarships. Only three yearly
place a beginner In 29th place among the ''Leaders.
Send at once for a canvasser's equipment.
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
Four Special Honor Prizes.
To be given to the four contestants scoring the largest number of
points during the month of September. This is entirely additional to
the main contest, all contestants starting even on September 1 .
First Prize A handsome Mandolin, valued at $10, to be se
lected by the successful contestant from the stock of J. W. Guernsey. '
Second Prize No. 2 Brownlo Camera, Including one .'11 of,
Third Prize No. i Brownie Camera, Including one roll of films
and a Brownie Finder.
Fourth Prize No. i Brownie Camera, Including one roll of
films and a Brownie Finder.
This popular State Institution is located in the midst of the
Delaware " Water Gap-Mount Pocono Summer Resort Region,
the most healthful and picturesque in the state, and one that is
visited by thousands of tourists annually;
Iu addition to the departments of the regular Normal Course,
we have special departments of AUisic, Elocution Art, Drawing and
Water Color, and a full College Preparatory Department. You can
save a year in your college preparatory work by coming here.
Tuition is absolutely free to those complying with the new
state law. This gives a rare opportunity to those desiring a com
plete education and should be taken advantage of at once, as this
law may be repealed by the next Legislature.
Boarding expenses are $350 per week, which includes fully
furnished and carpeted room, heat, electric light and laundry. The
additional expense is less with us than at most other schools.
Among these are a new Gymnasium, a fine Electric Light
Plant, and 'a new Recitation Hall now being erected, which will
contain fifteen large and fully equipped recitation rooms. In ad
dition all bed rooms will be replastered and fitted up, and various
other changes made in the dormitories for the further comfort and
convenience of the pupils of the school.
Catalogue for 1902, gives full information as to free tuition.
expenses, courses of study, and other facts of interest, and will be
mailed without charge o those desiring it. Fall Term opens
September 8th, 1902.
Chestnut Hill Academy
Wlnsulilckou llciRlits
Chestnut lllll, l.
A boaidlng schoul lor boys
In thu clovutud and biMUlltul
open country north of Phil
adelphia. 'JO minutest from
Rrond St. station. Cata
loguos on application.
T, J. Foster, I'leildcat. fclmcr .11. tawall, litu,
U. , Foster, Stanley f. Allto,
Vice President Secretary.
October 1st.
Vocal Studio 125
the Contest
cent, of nil money ho or sho turns In.
All subscriptions must bo paid In
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