The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 26, 1902, Image 1

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v fo&t&i
Expresses Determination to Sup
press Tumults, Riots and Mobs
Regardless ot Cost.
The National Guard Will Aid and
Assist the Civil Authorities in Pre
serving the Peace Distribution of
the Troops General Gobin Superin
tends the' Placing 01 battalions in
Luzerne County President Mit
chell Says the Presence of Troops
Strengthens the Cause of the StriK
ers. ,
By Exeltisbe Wire from The Associated Presi.
Harrlsbdrg, Sept. 23. Governor Stone
was asked tills afternoon If he would
declare martial law In the coal regions.
He said:
Without discussing the power of the
governor to declare martial law, it will
bo wholly unnecessary to resort to that
remedy. Tho flfty-llrst section of the act
of assembly, approved April 2S, 18!)9, pro
vides that when a tumult, riot or mob
shall exist, tho commander in chief shall
call upon tho- National Guard, ami ho
may, at his discretion, order any number
of men of the enrolled militia to bo
"drafted, and may detail or commission
officers to organize tho forces. The Na
tional Guard, have been sent into the coal
legions to suppress tumults, riots aid
mobs where the civil authorities are un
ablo to suppress them. They will not In
terfere with the civil authorities, but are
there to aid and assist them in preserv
ing order.
There is now a surplus in the state
treasury, and tho state is prepared to
maintain a large army in the field for an
Indefinite time. 1 have no hesi
tation In expressing my disapproval of
tumults, riots and mobs and all acts of
violence and my determination to sup
press them and preserve order, regard
less of consequences and regardless of
Arrival of the Eighth.
Wilkes-Karre, Pa Sept. 23. General
Gobin and the Eighth regiment, Na
tional Guard of Pennsylvania, arrived
at the mining town of Duryea late this
afternoon. The town Is almost on the
dividing line between Luzerne and
Lackawanna counties, and ever since
the strike begun has been the scene of
many acts of violence. The military
authorities thought it would be advan
tageous to have a large contingent of
soldiers at this point, as they can be
moved into Lackawanna or Luzerne
county at short notice. A drenching
ruin prevailed when the soldiers arrived
and the camping field was everything
but an Inviting one.
After issuing some orders, General
Gobin came to Wllkes-Barre tonight.
He Is the guest of Colonel Dougherty,
of the Ninth regiment. The general
says lie will return to Shenandoah to
morrow. He does not know yet whether
he will continue his headquarters In the
Schuylkill region or move them to Lu
p zerne or Lackawanna counties.
The Ninth regiment, with headquar
ters In this city, did its first guard
duty today. Two battalions made a
tour of the upper and lower end of the
county., One battalion, In command of
Lieutenant Colonel McKee, went to
Nnntleoke, Plymouth and Wanamle,
where they dispersed large crowds that
had assembled In the vicinity of tho
mines. It was a new experience for tho
strikers, but they did not linger long
after the arrival of the military, but
made haste to disperse. Sheriff Jacobs
accompanied the soldiers and at Nantl
coke placed under arrrest John Zucho,
who wns heavily armed. Burgess Will
lams has asked Sheriff Jacobs for spe
cial ofllcers to patrol the streets of the
town of Nunttcoke. He says he can no
longer control the strikers ind their
sympathizers, who stone the houses of
non-union men. The windows In sev
eral houses were broken this morning
by unknown parties. A detail of sol
diers may bo sent to Nantleoke to keep
order. The strikers had their pickets
out nt all tho mines this morning tho
' same as usual, and wherever they could
they persuaded men who wanted to go
to work to return to their homes.
Policeman Assaulted.
David Aknew, a coal nnd Iron police
mun, was assaulted by strikers at
Urookslde, in the northern part of the
'.Sty, this afternoon and left on the road
v dead. Ho was removed to the hos
j Uitl In a critical condition,
president Mitchell and his advisers at
slike headquarters say the presence of
ttfe troops in Luzerne nnd Lackawanna
counties has had the effect of strength
ening the ranks ot the strikers, An
urly collapse of tho strike Is the last
tilng Mr. Mitchell looks for, The local
ctni operators clajm the usual amount
ofpoaj was mined today, One hundred
nm fifty miners left hero for Ohio to.
k , day where they have secured work In
i Jfie ion coal mines.
PaVric, Brann and Patrick Loftus
Charged with Rioting,
Spectal b tho Scranton Tribune.
PlUtyoi, Sept. 25. Constable William
Purrow Ifct evening landed two of the
twentyjVi men. for whom warrants
had ben sworn out beforo 'Squire
Ehret foK lirtlclpatlou In yesterday's
riot at th Nctcr colliery, They were
Patrick UkaJ.., 0f Hturmerville, und
u .1
1'atrlck I
lentte1 the other secretary
xctoirKMlllcry miners' local.
of the
were hcltV'4ler $300 ball each on
barge nfl&Mtlnff and felonious
the charge nfvW
wounding. Tvtg'iorc were nrrestcd
thin morning. 3, were John Stead
and John Schof1e& Tho first was held
under $1,000 ball.Ut'nd the latter under
$2,000 ball.
Three companies of the Ninth regi
ment, n, L nnd I, of Wllkes-Bnrre, and
Company M, of West PIttston, were
sent to the Kxeter colliery this morning
In anticipation of trouble. The com
panies landed nt the collltry at 5 a. m.,
and went inside the stockade. Large
crowds assembled In the vicinity of tho
colliery but no demonstrations were
made, although twenty-five or thirty
workmen went to work. Between -8
und 9 o'clock the companies left the
place, everything being peaceable. The
Wllkes-Barre companies returned to
that place and tho local company went
to Its armory. A carload of Imports
were brought to tho Kxeter colliery
during the morning.
While everything was peaceable at
the colliery, and the companies had,
just about left, the only act of violence
reported In tho district today took
place at Sturmervllle. An Italian, who
was walking through tho town was
chased by a crowd and took refuge In
a house on Grant street. The crowd
followed him here, however, and after
ransacking the house, found the man
hidden in the attic. He was dragged
from tho house, given a severe beating
and then stoned from the town.
Says Reports of Lawlessness Are Ex
aggerated No Serious Outbreak;
No Reign of Terror.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 23. President
John Mitchell, of the United Mine
Workers of America, in a long distance
telephone message to the News today,
from Wllkes-Barre, said:
Tho press reports of lawlessness in tho
strike region are greatly exaggerated.
There has been no serious outbreak.
There hayc been Individual acts of law
lessness.' but nothing more hus ap
proached concerted move on the part of
tho strikers.
There Is no reign of terror and the
minors are conducting themselves as
peaceably as when tho strike started.
It is not for me to criticise the state
authorities In sending out troops to the
strityo region, but I do not see any moie
need for troops now than there was the
day tho strike began.
The miners are standing firm, and I
can see no evidence of weakening on
their part. Kvery day non-union minors
are quitting the mines and joining
forces with us.
Chairman Rynder Points Out
Way to Settle Strike.
By Exclusive Wire Ironi The Associated Press.
Erie, Pa., Sept. 23. The following ap
peal was forwarded to Governor Stone
William A. Stone, Governor of Pennsyl
vania: Dear Sir: You -have executive power.
The people should take military posses
sion of the anthracite mines and set
them at work, giving the miners wage
conditions which they propose and which
tho conl combine refuse to arbitrate.
The coal combine gets Its power from
the state of Pennsylvania. To that It Is
amenable. Yon are now preserving tho
peace by tho military power of the state.
You can stnrt the mines' production by
the same power. President Roosevelt
said: "It Is up to the stuto of Penn
sylvania," In this great emergency, you
represent the power of the state.
I pray you exercise executive power,
public weal and justice, and the people
of tho whole country will do you honor.
(Signed) Theodore P. Rynder,
State Chairman, People's Party of
Ten Thousand Tons Promised hy the
End of the Week.
By Exclusive Wlie from The Associated Press.
Reading, Sept. 25. Since yesterday
morning until this afternoon the Read
ing company's reports show that It bus
brought down 160 carloads or 4,800 tons
of coal. About half of this was mined
anthracite and the remainder washery
The company Is accumulating the
coal now produced In the western
Schuylkill region and probably 10,000
tons Is promised by the latter end of
the week.
Pour Thousand Tons Received in New
York City.
Ilyajxcluslvc Wire from The Associated Press,
New York, Sept. 23, Four thousand
tons of Welsh coal, chleily large size
anthracite, reached hero today. None
was offered for sale, as all had been
contracted for before tho order was
placed by the local compuny, which
made the importation.
All day tho officers of tho company
were besieged by coal dealers, eager to
obtain some of the coal, or to place or
ders for shipments to be made here
ufter. The price at which the Welsh
coal Is quoted could not bo learned.
By Exclusive Wire Irom Tho Associated I'rcjj.
Terro Haute, In.d., Sept. 23. Tho grand
circuit trotting races liavo been post
poned until tomorrow.
Alcntown, Pa.f Sept. 23. Today's rucca
were postponed on account of ruin.
Columbus, O., Sept. 23. Tho fall race
progrummo for today wus aguln post
poned on account of rain.
Baltimore, Md., Sept. 23. Tho light bar
ncsa raco at Gentlemen's Driving lwrk
were postponed toduy on account'of rain.
. SCllAftTON. PA.,
Ticket Nominated nt New Haven
By Kxclusbe Wire trom The Associated Press.
New Haven, Conn., Sept. 25. The
Democratic state convention adjourned
at G.1G tonight, after a. session lusting
all day, A full state ticket was nomi
nated and a platform was udoptcd, und
tho convention, which had promised to
bo one of the most bitter In the. history
of the party In this state, closed In har
mony. Tho ticket nominated follows:
Governor Melbcrt C. Cary.
Lieutenant' Governor 13. . Kent Hub
bard, jr.
Secretary ot State-Arthur II. Calkins.
Treasurer Philip Hugo.
Comptroller Edward G. Kllduff.
Attorney General, Noble K. Pierce.
Congrcssman-at-Large Homer S. Cum
mins. Tho platform rc-afllrms allegiance to
the Democracy ot the nation and re
asserts faith In Its principles. .
The most stringent enforcement of all
legislative laws against trusts and the
passage of such new laws as are re
quired to supplement and give potency
to existing statutes are demanded.
Reciprocity with Cuba Is favored, and
an immedlute reduction of the tariff on
Cuban Imports Is urged. Other planks
protest against the granting of ship
subsidy, favor tho election of United
States senators by popular vote, and
demand legislation to prevent "govern
ment by injunction."
Former Comptroller of the Currency
Eckels Is Severe in His Address
Before the Bankers.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Sept. 25. Tho United
States treasury system came In for a
severe criticism today at the hands of
former Comptroller of the Currency
James H. Eckels, before the Pennsyl
vania Bankers' association. His address
was on "The Government's Relations to
the Citizens' Business Affairs." He said,
in part:
The plea which I make is for less gov
ernmental intimacy nnd influence In tho
business world and tho protest which I
enter is against tho ever-recurring in
voking of the sovereign power of legis
lation in matters of banking, trade and
Tho glaring inadequacy ot the treasury
department as at present working under
tho operation of law, for accomplishing
results and embarrassment was never
more strongly evidenced than today.
There can bo no secretary of tho treas
ury, no matter, how wide his experience
or acute his financial perception, who
can accomplish more than a temporary
makeshift for relief with the half cre
ated banking system which makes up
the sub-treasury an Institution based
upon false theories in economics and
which in every part violates correct
banking methods and principles.
These officers were elected: James R.
McAllister, Philadelphia, president-;
David McCabe Lloyd, Pittsburg, vice
president; L. L. Llndermuth, Clearfield,
The following were elected delegates
to the National Bankers' convention:
W. AV. Ramsey, Pittsburg, and J. Wag
ner, jr., delegates at large: L. L. Rue,
Philadelphia; I. W. Spange, Reading;
W. H. Peck, Scranton; J. G. Reading,
Wllllamsport; James Brady, Harris
burg; J. G. Davis, Altoonu; D. L.
Gerald and R. W. Wardrop, Pittsburg.
He Addresses Large Crowds at Beav
er Palls and Sharon.
Hy Kxclushe Wire (rom The As-ochUcd Press.
Sharon, Sept. 23. Judge Samuel W.
Pennypacker addressed large crowds at
Beaver Falls and this city today. Af
ter a brief stop over In Pittsburg the
party, consisting of Hon. W. M. Brown,
candidate for lieutenant governor, and
Hon. James W. Latta, went direct to
Beaver Falls, where a big meeting was
held In the opera house. Judge Pen
nypacker discussed state Issues, In re
futing accusations made by the Demo
cratic candidate that the Republican
legislature Is corrupt.
Tonight at Sharon he discussed fran
chises. His speeches were liberally ap
plauded. The candidate will be here until noon
tomorrow, when he will go to Butler,
Pa. Candidate Drown nnd General
Latta made speeches at Beaver Falls
and Sharon,
Colored Puddlers Still at Work, but
Badly Frightened.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Lebanon, Pa., Sept., 23. There wus
some stray firing In the vicinity of tho
American Iron and Steel company's plant
tonight but no one was Injured. It has
been raining all day and tho streets uro
deserted. Most of the soldiers nre at
the armory, but pickets are stationed
about the big plant. Tho coroner will
tomorrow hold an Inquest In tho case of
William Hoffman.
Tho colored puddlers are still nt work
but some arc so badly seared that they
declare they will leave town IT the sol
diers are withdrawn, They live In tem
porary buildings Inslda n stoekado on tho
company's property and nearly all aro
armed with either revolvers orsshot guus.
Alger's Candidacy Endorsed.
By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Press.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept, 23. Tho can
didacy of former Secretary ot War R. A,
Alger for United States senator to suc
ceed tho Into James McMillan, was en
dorsed today by tho special Republican
state convention called to select a can
didate for supremo court Justice- to suc
ceed t)ie late John P. Long,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Pawtucket, II. I.. Sept. 23.-Colonel
Henry A. Pierce, treasurer and general
muuuger of the Pawtucket Electric com
pany, a prominent figure In tho political
und military llfo of tho state; und from
jsia to 1S9I, assistant hecretury of tho
United States senate, died toduy of ap
pendicitis. Boston, Sept. 23. Lnniont G. Burn
hum, prominent In the coal Industry, died
suddenly of upoplosy at his home In Ha
sex toduy. Mr. Burnhum wus president
of tho tho Metropolitan Coul company.
United States Marines Drive In
surgents from a Panama
- Passenoer Train.
A Party of Insurgents Board a Pan
ama Train in Order to Capture
a Colombian Officer Colt Gun
Trained to Drive Off Party Which
Attempted Search on Railroad To-v
day Insurgents Fled Our Forces
Guarding Whole Line.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
AVushlngton, Sept. 25. The navy de
partment hus received two cubic dis
patches from Commander McLean, of
the Cincinnati. The first, dated at
Colon today, reports:
"Wednesday afternoon 300 Insurgents
attempted to board train about leaving
Empire Station and capture Colombian
officer, passenger Colon to Panama.
Murine knocked Insurgent ofilcer with
butt of musket. Guards trained Colt
gun on them, but did not fire, as they
The second dispatch, dated yesterday,
"Russell and two companies marines
railway station and wharves, Panama,
one company marines Colon. Marines
sharing duty with sailors, who had been
doing all guard duty. Pluced Mason
command forces doing duty ashore."
Commander; N. E. Mason was sent
down to Colon to relieve Commander
McLean of tho command of the Cin
cinnati, but, as indicated In the above
dispatch, he Is to co-operate with him
there for a time.
Head-on Collision Between Two
Freight Trains Near Mercer.
By Exclusive Wire from ThoAssoclateil Press.
Mercer, Pa., Sept. 23. The worst
wreck In the history of the Bessemer
road was occasioned by a head-on col
lision between two freight trains at a
point two miles east of Mercer today,
In which four were killed and three
injured. The dead are:
J. K. MACKEY, conductor, married,
PETER LOFF, fireman, Albion.
C. II. CASKEY, fireman, Greenville.
The wreck was caused by a cross
order issued for the two freight trains.
At present the blame cannot be ascer
tained. Three engines and eight steel
ears are badly wrecked. The Injured
are In the Mercer Cottage State hospi
tal rind will recover.
National League Representatives
Discuss the Ball Situation.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Sept. 23. The National
League representatives got down to work
early today.
At tho conclusion of the session, which
lasted until a late hour of the afternoon,
John T. Brush said:
"We spent the entire session in a gen
eral discussion of the situation, and not
a single action was taken that would
Interest the public. As a matter of fact,
our hands are tied In certain respects,
and we can do nothing in the lino of
what the public expects."
Mr. Brush admitted that the magnates
had discussed tho situation regarding
New York, but ho also admitted that his
followers were completely battled, so far
as talking any action was concerned.
According to James A. Hart, of Chi
cago, there Is absolutely no chance of
peace between the two big leagues next
"Peace?" repented Mr. Hart, In answer
to a question, "There Is no chance of It,
There certainly huvo been no advances
made by tho other sldo and none by us.
The American league, to my mind, does
not wnnt pence, Just at present. They
will never be satisfied until they have
placed teums in botli New York and
Pittsburg. Then they think they will bo
able to talk terms to tho major league."
Mr. Hart declared that tho situation us
to players had been gone over carefully,
and that the publlo would be surprised
when they learned how few players
would Jump their contracts this year on
cither side.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Inclusive Wire Irom The .Undated Pies.
Now York, Sept, 23. Sailed: Steamers
Columbia, Hamburg: La Touralne,
Havre; Hohenzollern. Bremen und South
ampton. Liverpool Arrived: Steamer
Teutonic, Now York. Plymouth Arrived:
Steamer Furst Bismarck, New York for
Cherbourg and Hamburg and proceeded!.
Queeuatown Bulled: Steumer Majestic,
(from Liverpool), New York. Rotterdam
Sailed: Steamer Statendam, Now York
via Boulogne Bur Mer. Naples Arrived
Steamer Alter. Now' York, for Genoa,
(anil proceeded).
Mi'. Henderson's Successor Selected.
Hy Exclusive Wire irom The Assocl iteil Press.
Hampton, Iowa, Sept, 23, Judge B. P.
Birdsall, of Clarion, lowu, was nominated
for congress today by tho Third district
Republican convention. Tho nomination
was made on the second ballot, by a vote
of 83 to 2ii for C K. Ransler, of Buchan
an. Tho Third district at present is rep
resented by tho speaker of tho national
house, David B. Henderson, who recently
declined a rcnonilnutlou,
Killed by a Lunatic.
Exclusive Wire bom The Associated Press.
Nashville, Tonn., Sept. S3 Polk Hill,
guard at tho Davidson county asylum,
o nines nom ims ciiy, u kiiivu iuuay
Thomas Copely. an Inmate of tho In-
Ittitlfin lltll wnn iihnllt to HPlTft Cnnell'
ltli liiv.nUfitsf when ihn hitter riiinu tin
behind and stabbed tho guard below the
heart with a knife. Jllll dk'd two hours
Dr. Dullard's Opinion as to tho Cure
of Cancer and Consumption.
By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Sept. 23. The State
Ilomeoputhlu Medical society closed Its
thirty-eighth session toduy by the elec
tion of these ofllcers:
President, Dr. O. S. Haines, Philadel
phia; first vice president, Dr. W. A. Scl
bcrt, Kuston; second vlco president. Dr.
Theodore Surcth, Scranton; recording
secrctnry; Dr. Gcorgo B, Morelund,
Pittsburg! corresponding secretary, Dr.
George B. Morcland, Pittsburg; corres
ponding secretary, Dr. Edward M. Gra
ham, Philadelphia; treasurer, Dr. Ella D.
Goff, Allegheny; necrologist, Dr. Chand
ler Weaver, Philadelphia; censors, Dr,
Anna C. Clarke, Scranton, for one year,
and Dr. George W. Smith, Philadelphia,
for threo years; trustees, Dr. O. S.
Haines, D. P. Maddux, Chester, and Dr.
J, A, Bullard, Wllkes-Barre.
Scranton was selected as the next
meeting place.
Dr. J. Arthur Bullard, of Wllkes
Barre, read a paper on "Some Observa
tions of an Old Practitioner," In which
he asserted that with careful Individual
treatment at least 90 per cent, of can
cerous and consumptive cases can be
cured In tho earlier stages of these dis
eases. Papers were read by Dr. H. B. Bler
man, of Bloomsburg; Dr. A. P. Bowie,
of Uniontown; Dr. S. G. A. Brown, of
Shlppensburg; Dr. Anna C. Clarke, ot
Scranton; Dr. Bushrod W. James, of
Philadelphia; Dr. D. S. Klstler, of
Wllkes-Barre, and Dr. Z. T. Miller, of
A resolution wns adopted urging the
legislative committee to work for the
appointment of a member of the ho
meopathic school on the state phara
maceutlcal board.
One Hundred Persons Killed Five
Villages Completely Wrecked.
Towns of Importance.
Dy Exclusb e Wire Irom The Associated Press.
Berlin, Sept. 23. A dispatch received
here from Tashkent, capital of Russian
Turkestan, reports a terrible earth
quake August 22, the shocks continuing
until September 3. One hundred per
sons were killed at Knshgar, In Eastern
Turkestan; four hundred In the village
of Astyn; twenty nt Jungl, while the
town of Aksuksltsche was completely
Kashgar, capital of ihe province of
Slnklang, Is-situated at the-confluence
of roads leading to Pekln, India and the
Russian empire, and Is Of "considerable
Importance. It has a population of fifty
The gazetteers mention the town of
Ak-Su, In Eastern Turkestan, and suys
it is an important center of trade. Tho
population of the circle about Ak-Su Is
given at one hundred und eighty thou
sand. There are four thousand houses
in the town.
Mr. Roosevelt Resting Comfortably.
Good Results Are Apparent
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
AVashlngton, Sept. 23- T1'e president
was resting very comfortably when his
physicians called to see him this even
ing. He Is complying strictly with their
Injunctions to give his injured leg com
plete rest and good results nre appar
ent already.
In view of the satisfactory Improve
ments in the president's condition no
prepared statement was made, Secre
tary Cortelyou simply saying when he
left the temporary white house at 10
o'clock for the evening that Mr. Roose
velt was doing nicely. Dr. Lung, the
president's regular physlclun had left
the house an hour earlier.
A Yellow Yarn Telling a Supposed
Attempt on Life of the President.
By Exclusive Wirt (rom The Associated I'resn.
London, Sept, 23. Great excitement
wus created In London this afternoon
by a story sent out by the Dalsslel News
Agency, under a New York date, say
ing It was supposed that an anarchist
attempt on the life ot President Roose
velt was Involved In the wreckage ot
the Golden Eagle hotel at Washington,
D, C with dynamite and the subse
quent suicide of tho perpetrator of the
The newspapers hero got .out "spe
cials" and fiamlng placards and boys
were shouting the startling news In the
streets, with the result that half ot the
population of London went home bollev
log that the assassination of the presi
dent had been' attempted,
Wfniam Michael Byrne Resigns.
Dy Exclusive Wire fiom The Akkoclated Press.
AVIImlngton, Del,, Sept, 23. William .Mi
chael Byrne, United States district ot
tnrney for tho district ot Delaware, to
duy sent a letter to President Roosuvolt
tendering his resignation, to tuku effect
on October 1. Ho guve us his reason tho
feet that ho desired to conduct thu cant,
palgn unluuullcapped by official duties,
He Is a candidate for congressman on
tho Union Uepubllcun ticket.
Street Car Strike Threatened,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Now Orleans, La., Sept. 23. Tho street
cur employes hero liavo submitted u now
set of demands to tho New Orleans Rail
way company asking for an eight-hour
day and an Increase In wascs. An an.
swer is demanded by 3 p. in., Saturday,
when, if no reply Is received, tho men
will strllto, Tho electric workers have
promised tho cur men their support.
Demand for Bituminous Coal,
Hy ExclusUe Wire irom The Atsoiljtcd Picas.
Altoonu, Sept. 23. Tho deniuud for bi
tuminous coal Is so. great, duo tu the
strtko In tho anthracite region, thut tho
Pennsylvania railroad. Is prosing Into
service Its box curs and stock curs to
carry coal and coko cast. Several truing
of theso curs passed through hero tu
Hungarian Strikers Crush a Work
man's Skull and Dance About
His Prostrate Form.
Will Go Into Camp Today Near the William A. Colliery.
Across the Lackawanna County Line Troops Called to'
North Scranton Have Hard Day of It in Camp.
Yesterday's rain somewhat discouraged the congregation of mobs, but
there were a number of incidents, one of them an atrocious murder, which
occurred, within half a mile of the Thirteenth's camp.
Troops were summoned within the city of Scranton for the first time
last night, when a call was made for protection at the Storrs colliery in
North Scranton. A company of militia was on' guard there all night.
Stone throwing at Forest City last night resulted in the soldiers be
ing ordered to form and load for firing. .The mob melted away before
the loaded guns.
Troops were called to the Pancoast colliery at Throop to disperse a
mob which was tearing up railroad tracks.
A plucky colored woman, at Jessup, armed with a revolver, escorted
a non-union man through, a big crowd that was trying to get hold of him'
and, then, when the crowd attacked her house with stones she scattered it
by peppering a dozen men with bird shot.
The two soldiers accused of assaulting non-union men. were
drummed out of camp and then arrested by the civil authorities.
Cold and wet weather made camp life miserable but the hospital is
yet to have its first occupant.
The Eighth regiment arrived at Duryea yesterday from Shenandoah,
and will today go into camp on the Luzerne side of the county line.
What is probably the most atrocious
assault that has occurred since the be
ginning of the strike, took place yester
day morning at Grassy Island, half a
mile from the camp of the Thirteenth
James Winston, aged 48, was killed,
and his son-in-law, S. J. Lewis, badly
injured by a trio of Hungarians, abetted
by ten or more of their countrymen.
The assault took place about 7 o'clock,
as Winston and Lewis were on their
way to work at the Grassy Island col
liery. To avoid passing through the
village street, It has been their custom
to go out from the rear of their lot and
thence along a byway to the colliery.
One of the few houses they would pass
by this route was occupied by Harry
Shubah, a Hungarian striker. As Win
ston nnd Lewis hove In sight, three of a
dozen men who were in the Shubah
house rushed out and pounced upon
Lewis was felled by a stone, but got
to his feet and escaped. Winston went
down beneath a blow from a club, with
the whole top of his head caved in. As
he was prostrate and unconscious, the
trio jumped upon him, kicked him In
the face and beat him further with their
clubs. By this time, the others came
from the Shubah house and joining the
murderers In n ring around tho dying
man, danced, clapped their hands and
sang In tlendlsh glee.
The whole affair was witnessed by
Mrs. William Doyle, wife of a non
union mun, whose homo was nearby.
She and some other English-speaking
neighbors got the wounded man Into
her home and sent for medical assist
ance. Doctors Crane and Grover re
sponded, uiit found they could do
nothing to save the man's life. He died
at 11.50 a. m without regaining con
sciousness. He leaves a wife and three
Harry Slmrault, Hurry Shubah nnd
Tom Prlston were positively Identified
by Lewis nnd others us the trio who
Committed the assault. They lied, and
up to a late hour lust night had not
been located,
The following are descriptions of tho
murderers, furnished by the Delaware
and Hudson company:
Harry Slmrault About 3 feet C Inches
tall, weight about 1M pounds, very fair
complexion, good looking, red face, clean
shaven, blue eyed, apparently nbout 1(2
years old, short hair, very light colored,
wore light brown suit In falily good con
dition, sack coat, black derby hat and
black shoes, ,
Harry Shulmh About ! foot IS Inches
tall, thick set, weight 130 pounds, dark
complexion, slightly pock-marked and
lather thick lipped; small brown mus
tache, dark hair cut short; appears to bo
about 30 years of ago; dark clothes, well
worn, sack coat, wide brimmed black
slouch hat and black shoes.
Tom Prlston About & feet S Inches tall
and slim; weight nbout 133 pounds, fair
complexion, ruthcr dellcuto looking; small
face for a man of Ills size, with light col
ored mustache not very heavy und smnll
ptoilclng eyes; light colored hair cut
short; stoops considerably when walking;
about 2S or 30 years otigo; has generally
been wearing overalls and dark sack
coat; black slouch hut and black shoes.
A reward of $300 Is offered by the
company for their detection.
Six men and one woman, who were in
tho crowd In Shubah's house, were ar
rested und held In 11,000 ball for court
as witnesses, hy 'Squlro Cummlngs.
They aro George Gugellck, John Shl
kowskl, Mlko Ktloplnskl, Andrew Dod
ick, Andrew Domnyne, Thomas Polu
beck and Mrs. Harry Shubah,
Tho llrst semblance of a clush be
tween btdkei's and tho militia, in theso
parts, took place Inst evening at Forest
City. Companies E and I, under com
mand of Captain Kambeck.went thither
yesterday morning, arrrlvlng at 4.30,
and when the town awoke It was sur
prised to find Its one principal street '
patrolled by soldiers, with fixed bayo
nets and belts filled with 45-callbro
Men employed at the collieries came
and went without encountering any of
the crowds that had made things so
lively for them the day beforo, and nt
only one point, a corner opposite the
hose house, where .Captain Kambeck
had his headquarters, was there any
gathering. This crowd of about half a
hundred wns made up mostly of a mot
ley crew the burgess had sworn in to
assist him "In protecting the citizens
from the coal and Iron police," as Cap
tain Kambeck got it from one of the
habitats. They scattered, after satisfy
ing themselves the soldiers looked as If
they didn't need any local assistance.
In the evening, about 6 o'clock, some
non-iunlon men, returning from work,
were followed nt a distance by a small
sized crowd of strikers. One company
of soldiers, in command of Captabi
Blgelow, which had been left behind at
Forest City, was patrolling the street,
and, seeing the mob, hastened to glo
protection to the non-untonlsts. Just
about this time stones were thrown by
the mob and some of them fell near the
soldiers. Captain Bigelo'w formed his
men In a firing line, ordered them to
load their pieces, and then addressing
the mob told them If another stone was
thrown he would give the command to
lire on them. The crowd melted away.
One man, who was making a show of
resistance, was arrested by the soldiers
and locked up In the hose house. He
gave the name of John Karliss.
Early yesterday morning, troops were
called to disperse a mob which was
tenring up the tracks to the Pancoast
breaker at Throop. They had desisted
before the soldiers arrived. The' tracks
were repaired, under guard of the sol
diers. Another company of soldiers went out
yesterday to protect George AV. Lobe, a
watchman at the Johnson colliery, whp
wns arrested on the charge of pointing
a gun at a striker, John Komlnskt, and
who wns to be given a hearing before,
Burgess Kennedy. Tito hearing took,
place without disorder. Lobe gave ball
In the sum of $500 for bis appearance at,
Troops were summoned within the
city limits, last night, for the llrst time.
An engineer bound for work at Storrs
shaft, No, 2, of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western company, at, B
o'clock was held up by a crowd of strik
ers and compelled to turn back. Word
was sent to tho company's ofllces, and
notification given Sheriff Sehadt. Ha
referred the case to Colonel Wnjres,
and a company of the Thirteenth ,was
dispatched to the scene on an Ontario
und Western special, arrrlvlng nt ?
Continued on Pago 3.
iu -i
Local data for September 25, 1002:
Highest temperature degree
Lowest temperature , ,,,,, 13 degrees
Itelutlvo humidity;
8 a. m. ,,, I, SO per rent.'
8 p. in, ., , ...,, . per cent.
Precipitation, 1 hours ended it p. m,
Inches. ,
. f -f -f -f ff '
Washington, Sept. 23. Forecast
for Friday and S.iturduy: Kustcrn
Pennsylvania Fair In south, clear
ing In north portion Friday; slight
ly warmer; Saturday fair; fresh
east winds.,ii
y i 3.J&
, .fit
- 4
. -