The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 25, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
. i.rLC'V K' x- - f v V'w'j,' 'r '' ,' " V' v "" "' " ' ' i 'hK "f ' ' ' . ' i .ri"J 1-r"'' t1 r" '-fi V ' fK - r -. n v THE SfcHANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, JSM2. ; n7 .j. ;i (HERE'S MONEY FOR YOU.) H COULD Hem one UIU ulU $100 $175 THE QUICKEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO BORROW ON YOUR Household Furniture. We say thin Is the quickest wny, because t you must wait a day or to for the loan. ir or so. that you hour or so If You Get a You will keep ALL tho (urnlturo your self. There vlll be no publicity. You will get tho lowest rntcs to'be had In Lackawanna county. SGRANT0N LOAN No. 227 Wyoming Ave,, Scranton, Pa., Near Cor. Spruce 8t. Business Hours: 8 a. ra. to C p. m.; Saturday, 8 a. hi. till 9 p. m. mmmammmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmamwmammmmimi WEATHER WAS NOT PLEASANT SHOWERS FREQUENT DURING DAY AT ALLENTOWN. In the Morning Occuned the Grand Cavalcade, When All the Cattle En teied for Exhibition Appeared on the Track Later, the Roadsters Appeared for Inspection In the Afternoon a Number of the Horses Weie Judged and Following This Came the Races The Summailes. Prom a Staff Coricspondcnt. Allcntown, P.i. Sept. 24. Tho second clay of the Lehigh county's flfly-flt s-t annual fair was not vciy ntti active as far as weather conditions weie collect li ed. A cold foggy mot nine undoubtedly kept away many thousands oC intend ing visitors. Notwithstanding more than 30,000 spcetatois weie inside the grounds this afternoon and tho lnigp giundst.tnd, with a seating capacity of 12,000 was ljeaily filled hefoic the first lace Has called at 12.30 o'clock. Showeis weie frequent duiing the afternoon and a cold wind made those without top coats and wiaps stiffen up and hug themselves to keep the blood circulating. The laces lasted more than six hours-, but long before the ldht heat of tho afternoon was over nine-tenths of tho spectatois left the bleak, exposed stand's and blcacheis and sought shelter and waimth. The day'.i pioceedlng began eaily. At 10 a. m. a geneial cavalcade was hold, .headed by the Allcntown and Pioneer bands, and followed by stallions, geld- 1 lugs, maies and colts, single and double teams, cattle, etc. They weie dtlven thteo times around the futther side of the track. All the horses en tered for premiums, except those in the speed events, appeared in the caval cade and nn inteiestlng and lengthy procession they made. The cattle weio under pole and halter and the sheep were the last in line. FOR INSPECTION. At 10.45 the roadsters appealed in front of tho giand stand for inspection. These included the standard and non standard entries for piemlums. They were walked aiound the truck onco and trotted around tho second time. At 11.30 a. m. the toad teams appeared In front ot the judge's stand for Inspec tion under the same conditions as the preceding class. The first lace was scheduled for 12 m., but It was half an hour later be fore Staiter Prank Smith, with his cyclonic Icc, appeared In the judge's stand. There weie four races on the slate, but after three heats had been paced In the last one, it had to be postponed until tomonow at noon for the deciding one. Tho track was In splendid shape for fast going and the races, ith the ex ception of the fli st one, which looked like a gift to the winner, weie excellent. So close were some "of tho finishes that epectutois stood up in their seats, tlnevv The 5 Hour Day Which the working man has fought for rind succeeded in obtaining is something the wife has no share in. Her day be gins before his and ends long after it, u a rule, and many a night her rest is uroten Dy tlie Daby's fretfuluess. Tho healthiest womau must wet out under such astiain. What can be expected then oi tnose women who are weaken ed by woman ly diseases? women who are weak, .worn-out and run-down will find new life aud new strength in the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and m sick women well. Sick people are invited to consult Dr, Pierce, by letter, free, All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr, R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N, V. "I suffered witli female weakness about eight ycsri tried se era) doctors but deriveil no neue fit until I hffcnu tifiinir Dr. Pierce's Knvorite I're- l scription," writes Mrs. John c; recti, of Dam Me, Boyle Co , Ky. "TllU medicine was recom- ucnaca to nit uy otner paiicnis. i usvc ihkcb six bottles aud I feel like another ptrsou." The dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription," is only seeking io make ttte utile niore prom pam on i me sate oi less meritorious jueuiciuea, His profit is your loss. Refuse all sub- Kitutes. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should bt tied with "Favorite Prescription " when tw Uxatiye is required. p"?0jr PW YOU USE ccn !7C UU vIU $250 $300 If you come to us you will not be told You get tho amount you want within an Loan Here Tho payments may bo made In small, easy Instalments to suit your own con venience, You will get tho full amount you want nt onco. GUARANTY CO., J their hats In tho air and yelled them selves hoarse. During the afternoon a vaudeville entertainment was given on an un coeted plntforni opposite the grand stand, The showers had made tho boards very slippery and the acts all had to be cut more or less. Two of the three performers In the cycle w;hlrl had nasty falls. Miss Armstrong sus taining a severe header from the In cline which necessitated her having to bo helped fiom the ring. HOUSES JUDGED. During tho afternoon the following classes of hoises were Judged In front of tho stubles: 1.30 p m Class 4, stnndaid bieil stall ions ami nunc. 1.50 p. m Class Ji, heavy tlianght stall ions and mines, not eligible to leglstry. 2.10 p. m. Class 0, heavy di aught hoises, ipgistei(d nnd tintcglstcieil. 2 35 p. m. Class 7, light ilwiuglit stall Ions nml marcs, not eligible to leglstry. 3 in i m Class 8, light ill aught horses, stamlnul. 1 p m, Class 0, tiottlng, bted horses, standnid and non-standaid. t JO p m Class 2, coach stallions and m.tics This fe.ttiiio of the iln's "doings" pioved veiy popular and as the sttlvcis fot gloiv and medals weie niimeious and or the best of theli kind In the state. It nttiactctl uowds near the hotso ex hibition buildings FIRST race. The Hist nice of the, the 210 trot, had but tluee st.utei.s and pioved a tame, spltltless ptoces.slon. In fact It looked so pcciili.n that after the second heat tho tin en drheiH weie called Into the judges' stand and had to listen to n little lectin ami a cannon inai muie musi uu a iii-iu-i account given ot the thild heat, Sum iiiai;. : 2 30 class, tiottlng; pill so, $500. Xoicdl, b. g, by Non is, Plunk L. Tuinci, Ambler, l'a. (Tiunei)... Ill Ainnla. eh m, "V. II. Cnville, Three Ifildgcs, N. J. (Covllle)... 2 2 2 Tho Doctor, b g, Ifotace Stokes, HiicUcttstown. N. J. (Ciueiy).... 3 3 3 Time, 2 20'4. 2 2S, 2 22'J. si:cond racu Theio weio six starlets out of tlilitccn entiles, among those going being a Seian ton hoise, Minnie Mills, owned, by Citv Tiensiuci E J. Robinson Minnie Mills paced nicely and finished ' Inside the niqney," and undoubted would hnve done better had It Pi-been fot the gicat amount of scoihg te, which unsettled her. Jn the second heat of this race the field came to the wlie seven times nnd then the st.utei gave, them a few mln utis' icst to get their bieath. They were then sent away to a veiy poor stmt, two of the hoises being on the Jump audi Min nie Mills not getting any of the best of tho "go." Summary: 2.T class, pacing; pin so, VM. Boia Roslc, ih. m, liv Olllo AVIIkes. Dr. Mitchell AVnltet, South Bethlehem (Waltcis).., 2 111 Katlo 1I D. B. Hill, Reading, Pa. (Hill) ... 1 Miss Bhcliwood, b m . W. It, iiwln, New Biunswlck, N. J (Iiwln) 4 2 6 4 Minnie Mills, ih m D. Itobln son, Scianton (Pen In) 3 4 3 3 Majoi 'Wells, s. g , s It Clink, Naibeith, Pa S 3 1 5 Baker Hoy, li. g, c II. llach, Allentown (Qiilnlon) c ills. Time, 2.191J, 2 21J, 2 201J, 2 J1J. TlIinD RACE. Tills hi ought out a Held of seven, and although It was decided in stnilght heats, It was won stilctly on Its met Its. Tho ncgio ill Ivor ot Onld Bug came In for a good deal of chafllng, as ho inn his hoi so lor lluec-foutths of a mile to anld tho flag, ho being left at tho stnrt In tho (lint heat. The third heat was a (Inn one. anil tho finish was of tho kind that would make im tako jour hat off, six of tho seven being lined up acioss the track, all within a length of the leader. It took tho judges cnnsidoialile thno to agico how to place nil hut the IliM two. They finally decided that tho laeo was won In this way: 2.1(1 elns.s, tiottlng; puiho, JS00 Ben Hal, b. g., by Wm. I... Prank Ij. Turner, Ambler, Pa, (Tur ner) i i j Kid Slmv. b, g D. S. Gohle. Sus- sex, N. J, (Gohle) 2 2 2 Blown Jim, U.K., J, V. Stall, Eph- rata. Pa, (Stall) 0 3 4 Tillby Simmon, b, in,, J,uue A, Urennan, Phllndelphla (Green) 3 4 7 Tho Charmer, b. Ii Woortlumi Kill in, Mt. Holly. N. J (Kll- born) 5 5 3 Swago, b. g,, Peter Cotginve, Plilladelphla (Cosgrove) 4 C S Gold Bug. b. g II. E. Wilson, SlHterlllo, V. Va 7 7 0 Tlmr21SH. 2 21, 2 21',i. KOHRTII RACi:-(lInniilshed.) Tills hrnuubt nut a Hold nt Inn lii,ln,a and wiih another "cinekajutk'' nice. Tlio iiiihb iiiiiicn Willi iiiiwieiuy ana unlit to lino up, hut when tho word was given, It wus to a fine bend-off, Tho Hist quarter of Urn Hint hiit was negotiated In 32i seconds, and th llrst lmlf In l.oa',4. and tho hope, of the spectatois weie lalsed to a high pitch, In expectation of seeing the track loenrd (2.13'J) smushed. Tlio lenders eased up, however, In the l.ikt half nnd llnlshed tho heat In 2.11'i. Tho winner wan dona up by the fust going, however, and could not keep tho pole In the next heut. This was a startler from the wonl "Go!" tho leuder being changed at fienucnt Intel uls. Maco was In front at the quarter, Jonn ut tlio hulf, Mace again at six furlongs, nnd coming home, Garnet started from fifth placo llko a whirlwind and under heavy punishment, took tlio heut by a nobe, with tho other drlveis all plying tlio whip In earnest. Tho third heut was won by Garnet under Ilka conditions, and then, It being too close to ulglit to Mulsh, the laca was postponed until 12 sharp tomorrow. Sum mary! 2, IS class, pace; puise, IS0O . Garnet, eh. in., Vornon Miller, Oneida, N, y. (Wells) 3 1 j Bessie nunsell, blk. m., J. 11. Illnklo, Rending, Pa. (lllnkto). 1 S 8 Joan, Henry Y, Hawn, Johtistowh, Pa, (Haws) ii,i.iii.ii,..i. 2 3 4 Captain Chtick, b. g Krcd Uurns, - Marietta, tin. (HurnO , S 10 2 Mace, b. g Dr. Walter, South Bethlehem ((laitff) 841 New Jersey, b. It., William Hun yon, Philadelphia (Ueaver),.... 7 f S Bcsslo C.i b. 111., II. A. McClelilll & Bro., Philadelphia (Simmons) 4 0 10 Queen of Spades, Idle, m., J. J. Shield", runxntawney, Pa 0 0 7 Bobby ll.i 8,g., J. C. milegiiBs, lied Hill, Pa. (IIIIclKiiss)., 0 7 0 Silver Pcnn, b. g., Phoenix Stock Inrm, Plilladelphla (I.udwlg).. 10 D S Tlmc-2.14'J. 2.13M. 2.n'i. After the third race, Crcacctm was led In front of the stand with a linttor and received quite an ovation. Ills owner, Goorge 11. Kctchnm, tirrrlved fiom Toledo this morning and will dilvo him tomorrow In bis great attempt to lower tlio world's record on a halt-mllo Hack, 2.09M. for a purso ot $3,000. If the course Is as fast as It was today, Cicscetis should make a succrss of his flight, as lie Is In pi line condition. Tlio bnlloon ascension did not tako place, on account of the rain. Besides Uichcouh' exhibition and tlio finishing of the 2.15 pace, there will bo three rnccs tomonow, the entries for which follow: 2 40 Hot; putHc, J.'iOO-Kentucky Joe. s. g, A. A. Obcrholtzer. Coopetsburg. Pa.; Bnion Alfied, b. c, Dr. G. G. Blank, Al lentown; Blllv Pane, b. g., J. I.. Opdycke, riemltiKton, N. J.; Dr. Muck, br. s, A. II. Balllet, Allcntown; Bell K b. m., Gcoigo Kelncr, Oiwlgsbttig, Pa.; Maud C, cli. m W. II. Covllle, Tlueo Bildgcs, N. J.; Ainola, ch. m, W. H. Covllle, Tin co Bildges, N. J.; Vcinon. J. B , b. s , Jones Bros , Rending, Pa.; Almeda, 1. in,, Thomas McPailand, BuilliiRton, N. J.; The Doctor, b. g., lloiaco Stokes, Ilack ettstnwn, N. J. 2 23 pace; ptnse, J'00 Olgus, s. g., Will iam R. Kalilcr, Nazal olli, l'a.; Not man S, b. g, Samuel Wlndt, Bath. Pa.; Ma jor Wcllngton, b. h., W. B. Claik, Cata sntiniia, P.i.; Boia Roslo, ch. m., Dr. Mitchell Walter, South Bethlehem, Pa.; Miss Blrchwood, b. m, W. R. Irwin, New Brunswick, N, J,; Blon Girl. b. m., W. R. Irwin, New Brunswick, N. J.; Zlva, c. m , Dr. G. G. Blank, Allcntown; laioi Wells, s. g S. R. Clark. Naibeith. Pa.; Baker Boy, b. g, C. II. Bach, Allcntown; Katie II D. B. Hill, Reading; Mabel Beck, b. m., S. E. Ealing. Glovcisvllle. N. Y.; W. B. Mack. ch. g.. W. II. Covllle, Three Bridges, N. J.; Ora. blk. m., 11. M. Cox, Washington, N. J.; J. C. B , b. g., J. C. Becker, Rendng; I.uey D , b m., 51. I Peirln. Plttston: Avoea Gill, ch. m., W. B. Hollistcr, Avoca. Pa. 2 20 tiot; purse, $S00 Sliver Ctown. b. s , Robert K. Good, Allcntown; J. B. Mc Robcrts, b. g., Gcoigo Dctwcller, Allen town; Oxford Chimes, blk. g J. U Mat tell, Albany, N. Y.; Little Patsv, b m., W. Colllo. Thieo Bildges, N. J.; D010 tliy, S.. blk. m , Horace Stokes, llack ettstown, N. J.; Dick. b. g., John White, Scianton; Loid Mlddleton, b. g.. M. U Penln. Plttston. Pa.; Noicol, b. g, Kinnk L Tinner, Ambler. P.i.; B01 tint dine, b. m, Fiank I, Tinner, Amblei, Pa. The lecoid for huge attendance at Allcntown was made a year ago tomor iow, when 80,000 persons passed through the gates. The dliectois have expecta tions of sin passing those flguies tomor row, if the weather is favonible. E. L. Hatfield. THEATRICAL. Academy of Music. Ciowds continue to tluong the Academy of Music at each peifoimnncc to Bee Daulal Ran and his big company. Yos tciday "O'Bilen tho Cqntiactoi." was piescnted In the attciaooii and "Tho Tlueo Musketceis" in tho evening. Tho plajs today will be "A Roval l.oer." matinee, and "Tho ratal Wedding," in the evening. Tho management of tho Iicne Moyeis Stock company, which w.111 be at tho Academy for a week's sojourn, claims to have 0110 of tho most supcibly equipped popular piired oiganlzatlons that will bo seen at tho local play house this season, cveiy piece of sceneiy used In mounting the cloven dlffeient plas contained In tlio lepeitolie being tallied. Some Idea ot tho magnificence of tho ptodtictlons can bo had fiom "Tho Electilclan," which will seive as the opening play. Good Bill at the Dixie Theater. Whllo theatei-gueis feel pretty sure of nlwajs finding a good peifotmance nt the DIlo vaudeville house, the 0110 of fered tills week Is particularly Interest ing Evciy act Is a good one, and almost oveiy bianch of this stjlo of entertain ment Is repiesented In tho piogiaminc. Abovo all, It ! a laughing bill all laughs and the matinees nro crowded dally with ladles and children, who spend two bouts and a half In constant laugh ter. "Sergeant James." "Seigennt James," Kiike I.a Shcllo's now piodtietlon, wiltten by Etigeno Wal ter, a ilslng young vv ostein aiithoi, which will ho tho atti action at tlio Lyceum Kil day nighty should meet with tho s.imo gicat success iih did "AiUona," for with 11 stiong cast and claboiutu scenic en vlionment, togethei with a beautiful stoiy, a perfonnauco of gicat excellence Is assuied. Ascnsatloiinl scene of gieat diamntlc Intensity ends tho third act. A wife, loft alnno by her husband, defends her homo against a gang of lobhcis and shoots 0110 of tho numbei, us they batter down the door, only to loam that sho has slain her own husband, who had planned tho vill ainy in older to 10b his cmploycis J "Lover's Lane." Tho enoimous Intel est in tho pi educ tion of Lord's Lano" at tho Lyceum on PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho plctuios appearing on tills page each day, diaw a poncll mark aiound tho hidden object, suvo them until Saturday, then sond thorn or tnkc thorn to Tho Trlbuno otllcu in nil onvclopo addtcssed to "Puzlo Department." Enclose in tlio cnvelopo your namo, ago and nddiosa. Tho bojs and gills who conectly maik tho six pic tin ch appealing dining tho week, and whoso answeis aio (list received, will have their names published In Tho Tilbuno Monday morning. ,-- --" Thieo little kittens have lost their mittens. Probably the other two cats In the prt'if h'v thr-. Kind two 111010 cut!. NEIGHBORLY ADVICE. Freely Given by a Scranton Citizen, "When one lins suffered tortures fiom a bad back nnd found out hnvr tho aches and pains can bo removed, ad vice Is of untold value to friends and nolghbois, particularly when they know the statement Is absolutely correct. Tha following neighborly ndvlco comes from a Scianton resident: Mis. 1:. Davis, of 018 Hampton street, says: "My kidneys troubled 1110 for tin co years more or less, with shaip shooting pam In the small of my back, less during the day than nt night, un less I lifted anything or strained my back or over-exerted myself doing my houscvvoik. At night I turned fiom side to side trying to find a comfort able position, and It kept mo uvvakc for hours. There was also n kidney weak ness which was very annoying and dls tie.sslng at all llnios. I became so bad that I was confined to my bed for over a week and had to have a doctor. It was then that I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and ho highly recom mended by Scianton testimony that I was Induced to get them from Mat thews Bros.' drug store. They proved to be just what I needed and helped 1110 light away. My bnck was better and Etionger than It had been for n long time and the kidney weakness com pletely disappeared." For sale by all dealers; pilco 50 cents. Koster-MUtjurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y solo agents for the United States, Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. Satin day afternoon and evening Is In dicated by tho unusual Inquliy at tho box office. It Is evident that this famous Clyde Fitch play will llvnl the tie mendous business that has been done by William A. Bt ady's preceding attractions. Its famo Is nntloiint because of Its enor mous urn ot live months In Now ,Voik, all last summer In Chicago, and moio 10 cently, fomtcen weeks In Philadelphia, wheic the "standing 100m only" sign went out at every pctfoimance. Tho ef fects will bo pel feet, Including tho beau tiful applo orchard of ical tiees in tho contiastlng hues of autumn nnd sptlng tlme. Dlagiam opens this morning at 0 o'clock. "The Devil's Daughter." Brennan's "Devil's Daughter" com pany, a popular extravaganza, which played an engagement o twenty-two weeks at the Pan-Ainorlcan, Buffalo, comes to tho Star today. The company is a sterling aggregation of ai lists fiom beginning to end. Leading the list of plajcrs Is Clarence AVIlbur, a comedian such .as the builcquc stage may well bo pioud of, and second to him Is popular Plo Janscn, In whom Mr. Wil bur limbs a congenial and harmonious p.utnct, and their pcifoimance Is a never censing delight. Others ot prominence In tho case are Miss Hattle Tox, a biilllant prima donna, who Is singing as tho de nim e Quakeress; Ml" Madge Woods, Miss Violit St. Clnir, Mr. Henry Blckcn- son. Mr. SVm Gieono nnd Al Clement, every one of whom Is a versa'tilo and clover entertainer. Tho patrons of the Star may look forward to genuine amuse mfi't -ilean, wholcsomo and enleit.iin Ing. Sembrich Subscription Sale. Tho dlagiam for the snlo ot seats by subset lptlon for the Sembilch lecltal whlih will fittingly open the muslpnl sc 1 snn in Ibis city will open at Powell's music stoic this moinlng at 9 o'clock at which time all who deslic can subscribe and senile a choice ot scats. Tlio prlcis aio such as will mako it pos sible for all to hear this geait aitiit and tho nrmorv will no doubt be thronged by our musical loving people. To ac commodato out of town nations subscrip tions will be iccelvcd by telephone and mail at Powell & Co.'s. NEW BRIDGES TO BE BUILT. Will Replace Structures Washed Away by Floods. Contracts have been let by state offi cials for tho election of a number of bridges In Lackawanna and adjoining counties, which weio washed away by floods scveial months ago. Tho awards made aic as follows; Nelson &. Buchanan compjny, Cham bersbuig. Old Forgo bridge, SC000; Penn Biidge company, Beaver Falls, Hones dale bridge, Wayne county, $40,713; Mangs biidge, Wajno county, $6,930; Sugar Cieek bridge, Bradford county, $21,090; Tunkhannock biidge, Wyoming county, $141,375: W. II. Gulick, Phoenlx viilc, Dixon biidge, Wyoming county, $23,100' King Biidge company, Cleve land, O., White Haven bridge, between Carbon and 'Luzerne counties, $80,400. i Three Insane Fiisoners, Joseph Kohler, Mnry Evans and a Po lmidcr from Throop, who arc all 10 portcd to bo Insane, weio transfoned fiom the Lackawanna hospital to tho nollco heailnuaiteis within tho pnst two days. Ariangcments will be mado for tho admission or tno nrst iwo uumcu Into tho Hillside Home, and tho Polan der will be taken euro of by tho Blokcly pour authorities, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" I IUI1 IIUII I u, Only Half a Cent a Word. For Rent. $18 For, Rent Ten-loom house; excellent liclgliboihooii; all modem unpiuvo' meats, on avenue. Apply to It. P. Hani' llton, 2ii Spruce Bttcct. FOR RENT-Blx loom Iioubo with bath, Lis South Lincoln avenue. Room for Rent. FRONT ROOM for icnti desirable, ti Auams avenue. Furnished Room for Rent. KOR RENT-A pleasant room at 411 Qulncy uremic, to 0110 or two gentle men. Excellent eating hottso near. ELIGIBLE SECOND stoiy fiont room for lent; ftitnlshed; city steam heat, ton dotlats a mouth to select gentleman. Apply hiu Spiuco Htieol between 10 and 11 n. 111. or 3 nnd 5 p, m. For Sale. KOR SALE Self-playing orchestilon, hoins, pipes, dm 111, triangle, etc.; will bo sold at a small pilco, which it will quickly cam hi hotel, hall or club, E. C, nickei, Piano Denier. 2HI Adams avenue, act oss Squai a fiom Postofllco. ! OR SALE All entire rig contesting of llvo-ycin-old black pacing hoisc, lub ber thed top wagon, harness, blan kets, whins, etc.. will bo sold, chean for want of use. W. D. Sweet, 1211 Shoit nve. FOn SALE About 20 foot of desk coun ter, sut mounted with glass front and two openings, lower portion nicely pan elled, with diawcis and shelves undor neath. May bo seen at tho office of Tho Tilbuno. FOR SALE A first class meat market. Owner will work for party. Address 131 Chestnut street. Dunmoro. Pa. For Sale or Rent. FOn SALE OR RENT Residence of. L C. Wethorly, 73 Wayne stiect, Car bnndnle. Inqulio T. C. Robinson, Cur bondnlo. Real Estate. FOR SALE-Hotel at Waveily. Pa.: til oniy uoiei at vvaveny witn a latgo bain and 011 an acre of gtoiind; on lliq coiner ot two streets; doing a good busi ness; leuts now for JiiOO per eni. Wilt sell cheap; good icason for selling, nlso a laige farm. Call ami seo J. C. Zur lllch, 517 Lackawanna avenue, tho leal estate mini; biokcr. FOR SALE Double houso on Washbuiu stieet; for paiticulais addicss M. A. N Hotel Nash. FARM FOR SALE-Any our wishing to - buy an excellent faim can secino a gicat b.ugnln bv calling on or addressing M. M. Evans, Consumcis' Ico Co, clt. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in . upper Green Rldgo; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlno, 173G Sunderson avenue. Wanted. WANTED Either on stumpago or in land tlmbeied with ash, lOu.MX) feet. William O'Kcefc, Foiest City, Pa. WANTED Any man that haa never had eompicsscd nil used on him irttor shaving should have his woik done In the baibor shop under the Tiadeis 'National bank. John A Smale, Piop. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo leeched bv tho count of Lack iwuilna, tdr furnishing mid electing complete one con cicto and expanded metal inch biidge on tlio abandoned Factoiyvlllo and Ablngton Tuinplko load, ovei Dean's Alill cieik, near tho icsldcnce ot Horace Scamans in La Plume boiough. All bids must bo accompanied by a cer tified check for C per cent, of amount and In hands of undei sinned on 01 bcloio 1.' o'clock noon, September JO, 19U- Plans and specifications at county commission ers otllce. Tho light to 1 eject any nnd all bids is lcscivcd. E. A. JONES. Count v Cnnti oiler. Attest: JOHN MORRIS, Deputy. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo iccelvcd by the county of Lackawanna for fui nlshing nnd election complete of a con cieto and expanded metal inch bridge, witli steel beams imbedded in concrete inch, located on tho abandoned Factoiy villo and Ablngton turnpike road In bor ough of Dalton. near icsidenco ot W. S lluslander. Bids to bo accompanied by a 1 ci tilled check for 5 nor cent, ot amount. Plaiu and specillcntinns at county eommlssloneis' ofllce. Bids to bo In hands of uudcisigiicd on 01 bcfoio 12 o'clock noon, Sept. .'.0, 1902, Tho light to 1 eject any or all bids Is icseived. E. A. JONES, County Conti oiler. Attest:-JOHN MORRIS, Deputy. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo icceived by tho county of Lackawanna foi the furnishing and erection complete of tho following bildges: Ono expanded metal (ouiictu nich bildgo on tho abandoned Factoiyvlllo and Ablngton Tuinplko load, near Dcluwiuc, Lackawuuu and Western station nt La. Plume. Ono steel glider conugntcd lion, concrete-llooied bildgo 011 up abandoned Fnctoryvlllo and Ablng ton Tuinplko load in Gleiibuin boiough near Waveily lino. Ono steel glider cor mgated lion, couciotc-f looted bildgo over Kennedy's creek In Noith Ablngton town ship near, fai m of Norman White. Ono steel glider coniigatcd lion, tnnciotc ilooipd bildgo over Whltiipy's cieek In West Ablngton township. O110 stool tmss luldgo over Sptlng Biook at mouth of Gieen Run In Sptlng Biook township. All bids must bo accompanied by a cei tilled check for 5 per cent, of amount ns ovIdPiuo ot good faith nnd bo In hands of mideislsncd on or betoio 12 o'clock noon September 30, 190.'. Tho tight to 10 jeet any and all bids Is hoieby leservcd. Plans and speculations at ofdeo of County Commissioner. Cottit Houso, Scianton. E. A, JONES. County Coiitiollcr. Attest! JOHN MORRIS, Deputy Conti oiler. f BASE BALL. 1 Ameiican League. At Philadelphia tii'iit gamo R.H.E. Baitimoiu 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 10510 0 Plilladelphla ...1 0 1 0 0 2 0 Ox 7 10 3 Batteries Butler and Smith: McAllls- ter and Schrockengost. Umnlro Con nolly. Scioud game n.H.m. Biilttmoio 0 2 0 0 0 10 104 7 i Philadelphia 0 0 0 110 0 2 13 9 1 Batteries WiltbO and Hmltli; Wilson and Schicckengost. Umplio Connolly, At Washington- R.H.E. Boston ,,,,.,, 100 00000 J 2 5 5 Washington 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 Ox 8 11 1 Batteries Sparks and Winner; Orth and Claik. Umpire Johqstuuc, At Cleveland Detiolt-Clev eland; lain, At Chicago St.. Lotiis-Chlcugo; rain. National League, At New York Boston vs. Now Yoik; nn game; wet giouuds, Other clubs not scheduled. Officials Will Participate. Tlfo gcmuul committee of tlio Father Muthow Day paiado has issued invita tions to nil tho city ntllcials, Judges, chairmen of councils, boaids of nude, and boat d of contiol to p.uticlpafo In the pauide. A numbor havo alicady ac cepted the Invitations No Order Accepted for Less Thnn 10 Cents. Branch WANT Officii, Wont Advertisements Will Bo Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ' ALBURT SCHttLT.. cot nor Mill bony slicot and Webster nve. GU8TAV P1CHEL, 1.50 Adams avenue. West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 7:0 ' Cedar avenue; North Scranton GEO W. DAVIS, cm nor North Main aveuuo and Maikct sttcct, Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Gieen Rldgo stieet. C. LOnENH, coiner Washington avenue nnd Minion stieet. Petersburg W. It. KNEPPEL, 1017 living avenue. Dunmore J. G. BONE &. SON. Help Wanted. WANTED Agents to sell tea and cot fco to consumeis. Positions pcima ncnt. Grand Union Tea Co . 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. f WANTED An experienced young man in I SAMTEtt BUGS. lueu's ouoe .department. AVANTED A Hist class olectiiclan. Send applications to Dei wick Electilu Light Co , Bciwick, Pa. AVANTED-Men that want woik. Call or 'addicss C. B. Shaikey, Stipeiintendent of Nutlonnl Washeiy. SALLSMAN Expoilenced In placing pio piietaiy medicines wltlp letall diug glsts; high class line; llbotnl pay. Addicss stating expei icnee and lofeience. E IS, Giles Co, 2330 Maiket stioot. Plilladel phla. Pa. WANTED On account of lnci eased Woik competent machinists to work in huso uillioad shops near Plttsbuig; wages. 2",, 26. 27 cents pel linn'.- pcimancnt employ ment given for satlsfactoiy seivlco; fico lailrond tiniibpoitntlon fuinishcd fiom Wllkes-Bane to Plttsbuig For further infoimatlon nddiess C. L Sn.vdei, C2J Moonev building. Buffalo. N. Y in wilt ing; glvo dnle of bit th. exppiiencp. whole last employed; on what kind of woik, nnd when nblo to icpoit for duty. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic Geuciul Agent foi this county. No books, insuiance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with mci chants n'ud inniiii factuieis necessaiy. Pcinianent. Bond. State age, cxpciience. lefoienecs (list Iot tei. Addles" Suite 572, No 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Salesmen Wanted. SALESMEN WANTED-Competent men capable of earning good monoy, to handle our lino of caibon copying pa pois, either legulnr or on tho side. Philip llano & Co.. 1-3 Union Squat e, Now Yoik City. Situations Wanted. AVANTED By letined Ameiican lady, a position as housekeeper or se.nnstiess whole other help Is kept. Addiess M. C, this ofllce. Board and Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with first class tablo board, can bo obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. Lost. LOST Two class pins; ono Tiiilnlng School '02, one S. II. S. '01. Return 227 Piospect avenue. PROFESSIONAL. Cei titled Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING, O. P. A.. 23 Tiadeis" Bank Building. Old 'phono ISO I. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCH Il" Real Estate Eschaugo Bids., 120 Wash ington uremic. Civil and Mining Hngineeis. II. L. HARDING, M3 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CON noll building. Dentists. dr. c. i j. eilenhergi:r, PAULI building, Spruco stieet, Scianton, DR, C. C. LAUBAC1I, HI AVVOMING avo Flto Insuiance. SCHLAGER & CO,. Tiudeis' Bank Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PAT E N TS ttVtiWZ&r Tho only licensed and equipped Patent solicitor in the city, No chiugo for In foimatiou on pitontaliillty; over ten ycais' epoilenco gflcplojrlc & Co., Alcara Blclr. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, J23 AND 127 FRANK llll aveuuo. Rules icasouablo. P. XIEGLER, Propilclor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NI3AR D L. & W, Passenger depot. Conducted on tho En lopeiin plan. Victor Koch, Piopiletor. Scavenger. a. n. inuaas cleans privy vaults and cess pools; no odoi; only tmpiovid pumps used. A. 1) Dilggs.Muaptiotur. Leavu oideis 110O Noith .Aluiu avenue, or Elcko's ding stoic, loiner Adams and Mulbeiry. Both telephones, Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. ave., Scranton, mfis. ot Who Si icons. Miscellaneous. MEGARGEE nROS., PRINTERS' "Blip, piles, envelopes, paper bu's, twluu, 1VUICIIUU3C-, OU IVtlBlillltilUll UICIIUC. THE AV1LKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo hud In Scianton at thu nows stuud of Rclsmaii Bios, too Spiuco and Du) Linden; M. Not ton. 322 Laikuvvamia uvc; I. 8. Schutzci, 211 Spruco ulicct. DIRECTORY; BUSINESS ONTIM R Only Half a Cent a Word. Business Opportunity. STOCKANirTvHEAT TRADERa vilih out dolay. Wrlto for our ppcclnl mar ket lottcr. Freo on application. B. M, Hlbbnrd Sc Co, mnmbcis N, Y. Consoli dated, nml stock Exchango. 44 and 4J Broadway, Now York. Established 1661. Long Dlstnncn 'Phono 2381 Broad. Money to Loan. AnTaMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Quick, Btinlght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to o por coat. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connoll bulldln. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmore, lattndots shirts at 6c. each and collars and cuffs at lJe. each. gALffODJ3WJTASiLS. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. , . In Effect Juno 1, UOJ. 'Iinlns Icavo Scianton for Now York At 1'iQ. 3 20, t)03, 7.50 and 1010 a. in,; 12 4?, a , ?. ?' P- m. I'or Now Yoik and Phlla-dolphlii-7 50, 1010 a. in,, and 12,40 and :;:.5 p. m. I or Gouldsboio At tf 10 p. m. Fo.-Burralo-i.ic, 022 and noo a. m.; 155. c.i') and 11.10 p. ir. For Blnghiimton, Elmlia and way statlon3-10 23 it. in.. 1.0.1 p. m. I' or Oswego, Siiicuso and Utlca-1,13 and . "; .ln'i 15.1 p, m. Oswego. 8ytacu?3 and Utlca tialn at h 22 a. m dally, except Stiiiday. For Montroso-9 00 a. m,; 1 Oi and duo p m. Nlcliolson accommodation 4 00 and U in p. in. Bloomsbiiig Dlvlslnn-For Northumboi land, ut 0 33 and 10.10 a. m.; 151 nnd (ill P. in. Foi Plymouth.' nt 810 a. m.; 3 43 and 9 03 p rn, Stindav Tl.i'ns-For'Ncw Yoik, 1.50, 3 23, .,;. 1,nln " ': " l0 and 3 31 p. m. Fot Biiffalo-1.15 nnd i! 22 n. m,; 153, U50 and 11.10 p. m. For Elmlin nnd way statlons 10 2, n. in. For Uliichamton and wny sta tions, 9 00 a. in Bloomsbiiig Dlvislon Lcavo Scianton, 10.10 a. m. and 0 10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Juno 15, 1902. Tialns Leave Scianton , For Plilladelphla and New York via D. 6 II. R. R . at at 7.41, thiough Parlor Cat nnd Day Coach Caibondnlc to Now York and 9 47 n. in., with L. V. Coach Carbon dale to Phllndelphla, and 2.1S, 4 33 (Bl'idl Diamond Exptess), nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun davs, D. fit H. R. R., 1 OS, 9.17 p In. For AVhit? Haven, llazlcton and pilncl pal points In the coal regions, via D. & H. R. R 7.11. 2 IS and 4 35 p. m. For PottsIIIe, 7.41 a. m. For Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Har rlsbutg nnd pilnclpal lntermedlato sta tions, via D. & 71. R. R.. 7.11. 9 17 a m.; 218, 1 31 (Black Diamond Express), 1149 p.' m, Sundays, D. & II. R. R 9 38 a. m.; 1 ."S. 9.17 p. in. For Tunkhannock, Tnwnnda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva raid principal IntermcdlnU stations via D , L. & y'. R. R., 0 35 a. m. and 1 55 p m. Foi Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlng aia Falls, Chicago and all points west via D h II. II. It, 12.01 p. m.; 3 28 (Blaos; Diamond Espicss). 10 it, 11 49 p. m. San d.ivn. D & II. R. R., 12 03, 917 p m. Pullman pallor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley Pallor cats on all tialns betwesn AVIIkes-B.iiio and New Yoik. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bildgo. ROLLIN II. AVILBUR. Oen. Supt., 20 Coitland fitieet New A'ork CHARLES S LEi:. Gpu. Pass. Agt, 2i Cortland stieet, New York. A V. NONEMACIIER, DIv. Pass. Ast.. South Bethlehem. Pa. , For tickets and. Pullman resei rations npplv to dtv ticket office, 69 Public Squiu e, AVIIkcs-Barrc, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Cential Railroad of New Jersey. Collected to September 10, 1902. Stations in New Yoik, foot Liberty stieet and South Ferry, N. R. Tialns leave Scianton for New York, Plilladelphla. Fusion, Bethlehem. Allen town. Mauili Chunk, AVhlto Elaven, Ash ley, AA'llkes-Baiio and Plttston at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m and 4 pm. Stindav, 2 10 p. m. Quaker City Expioss loaves Scranton 7"n a. m, thinugh solid vestlbulo train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila delphia, with o.ilv ono change of cms for Baltlmoio and AVashlngton, D C, and all pilnclpal points south and west. For Avoca, Plttston nnd AA'llkcs-Barre, 3 p m. nnd 4 p m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. For Long Blanch, Ocean Grovo, etc, 7 30 a. m. and 1 p m. For Reading, Lebanon nnd Hnrrlsbtirg via Allentown nt 7 30 n. m., 1 p. m. and I p m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. For Tuni.tqtui and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a.m.; 1 p. in. nnd 4 p m. For latcs and tickets apply to agent at station. AA G BESSLER. Gen Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Effect Juno 10, 1902. Tinins leave Scianton 0 38 a. in, week davs, thiough vestlbulo tialn fio.n AVIlkes-Baiio. Pullman buffot pallor car nnd coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo; stops at pilnclpal Intel mediate sta tions Also connects for Sunbuiy. Hai lisbuig. Philadelphia, Baltlmoio, Wash ington and for Plttsbuig and tho AA'cst. 9 17 a, m . week days, for Sunbury. Har lisbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, AVash lngton and Plttsbuig nnd tho West 1 12 p. m.. week davs, (Sundas. 1 3S p. m,). for Sunbuiy. Ilairlsbmg. Phlladol phla, Baltlmoio, AVashlngton and Pltts buig and tho AVcst. 3 2S p m . week davs. thinugh vestibule tialn fiom AVIIkcs-Barro. Pullman buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia vh Pottsvllle. Stops at pilnclpal Intoimedl ato stations 4 33 p. m , week d ivs, for llazlcton, Squ inny, Hai lisbuig, Plilladelphla and Pitts- l"E' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gon. Mgr. J. B. AVOQD, Gon, Pass. Agt. Dehvwaie and Hudson. In Elfect Juno 10, 19nj, Tialns foi Cuibondnlo Icavo Scianton at fill 7..M., ion a. m: l2a-, 112, 2.11, :i3i! 5 29. 0 23, 8 21, 9.13. 10 01 p. 111.; 12.13, "ror'Uoncsdalc 0.41, 10.13 a. m.j 2,11 and 5 For' Wllkes-B.ll I c-C 38. 7.11. S4I. 947, 10 :a 11. m: l-'03, 1.12, 2.1S, 3 2S, 133, 010, 7.4S, 10 II, 11.41 P m For L. V. R R., 9.47 a. m. 2,is, 4 3." and p in. For Peimsvlvanla R. R. Points 6 35 9.17 a. m ; 1.12. 32S nnd 4 33 p. in. I'or Albany nnd all points noith 7.36 a. in. and 3 50 i). m SUNDAY TRAINS. For C.iibondale SMi, II JJ a. m.; 2.11, am 552 nnd 11.17 p. m. For AVIIkcs-Bniio-9 3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.0S, 3 2(. 0 32 and 9.17 P m. t. For Albany and points noith 3 50 p.m. I'or Uoncsdalo-8 50 u. in.; 11 33. and 3.53 ''wL PRVOlt. D P A., SeraiTton, Pa. Eile Railroad Wyoming Division In Effect Reptembei' 13, 1902,. '; Tialns leave Scianton for Now A'nrk, Nowbiugli and Intel medlato points, also tor I law ley and local stations at 7.20a, For Hoiiesdalo'nud AVhlto Mills at 1.33 Tialns nrrlvo at Scianton nt 10 38 a.m. and 9.15 p. Ill ; New York, Ontario and Western." Tlmo tabic hi effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1902. NORTH BOUND TRAINS. Leavo Leavo Arilve Tialns. Scianton. Caibondalo. Cadnsla. No. 1 ......1030a, m, 1110a, in I 00 p.jn. No, 7 0 hi p. m.Ar.C'aibond.ilo 0 46 pitn SOUTH HOUND. ",- Lpiivo Leavo Arrlvo Trains. Cndosla, Caibondalo. Scianton". No. ti ,,,,.. 05nn, m 7.21a, m No. 2 2.11 P ni Iftlp m. 4 45 p. III'. SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND, Leavo Leave Anlva Tialns, Scnmton Caibondalo. Cadosla, No. 0 ,,,,., S 30 a. m. 910a.m. 10 41a."m. No, 0 ,,..,. ''O P- ni.Ai'.C.iibnidale7,4Sp,m SOUTH BOUND. - l.caro Leave Arrive Tialns. Cadosla, Caihondale. Scianton. No. a , 7.23n.m. Nn 10 ... 4 30 p. in t) ft, p. 111. b.41 p. in. Tialns Nos 1 on vveek days, and 9 on Sundays cunnect for Nov York city. Mid illetovvu, Walton, Nolvvlch, Oneida, Os wego and all points west, Tialn No, 0, with ''Quaker City Ex pi ess" at Sciaiitpn, Via 0. R, R of N. J., for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore. Washington nnd Pennsylvania stato points. Beo tline-tablo and consult ticket agents for connections with other Une. J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A., Now York. J. JJ. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.- .& ' : e y