iiaaaaaaaa waaaaiaa inn i i i 111miiniwwiP i in 1 1 in i it-1 nEnrrrr'rr'(L',JVMUFJHijTr""'"v- F'vrm ,1ra-' r .-j. -rv."K 'M mwv ujjh w r-1 " i " . .V VW w THE SCRAOTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 25, 1902. , ,f tf.l a , WEST SCRANT0N Columbia Hose Company Leaves for Allen town Today -Will Present a Trumpet of Anthracite to Allentown Boys. The members nf the Columbia IIoso company will Icnvc for Allentown via the Central nallroad of New Jersey this morning. They will present the Allen town Engine company, No. 7 with a handsome souvenir trumpet mitdo from Anthracite coal. It will be remembered thnt this trumpet was on exhibition nt the store of William K. Johns for several weeks. Those who will ro are: Messrs. Jacob Klnssloy, William K. Johns. William T. Lewis, John D. Lewis. William Phillips, Kvnn Walters. William Lyman, Harry Colle, James MeCIevelntid, John Mor gan,. Kdwnrd Davis, Timothy Jones, Albert Lewis, Joseph Oliver, William CI. Jones, S. B. Price, Bert Follows, George Hughes", William Marsh, John Davis, Isaac Kvans, Scth Jones, Bert Williams, Simon Thomas and T. Owen Jones. Social and Smoker. West Side Conclave No. 211, Improved Order Hcptasophs enjoyed a social and smoker In Ivorltc hall Inst evening. It was unusually well attended. Those present enjoyed Interesting Instructive addresses by Henry A. Parsons, Hon. T. Jefferson Heyno'Ids, William Corless, Hlltis Kvans, Charles Lull and L. A. Stevens. L. A. Howell w;is chairman and read letters of regret from Hon. A. A. Vos hurg and C. C5. Bnlnnd who were de tained from belnsr present. After the speech making light refreshments and cigars were enjoyed. Jones-Sheppie. Miss Minnie Jones, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. David W. Jones, of North Fllmore nvenuo. and Fred Shcpple, of Green Blilge, left via the Lackawanna on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock for Buffalo. Upon reaching Buffalo they repaired to the home of the groom's uncle where they were united In marriage. After a brief wedding trip they will return tn this city and will reside In Green Ridge. The announcement of the wedding of these popular young people will come as a surprise to their numerous friends. Pleasant Birthday Party. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Jeffrey, of South Hyde Park avenue, entertained a host of young people Tuesday evening, In honor of Pearl, their eldest daughter's birthday. The usual pleasures were in dulged in until a late hour, when dainty viands were served by Mrs. Jeffrey, as sisted by Mrs. J. Pellam, of Waveiiy. In attendance were: Misses Helen ntnniin riniMixn nnllnn. T.nlii Jones. Norma' Jones, Blanche Evnns, Iluth Acker, Elsie Ackei. Florence Crawford, Mlna Haus, Gertrude Blddlcmnn, Har riet Thomas, Mattle Poole, Katie Davis, Myra Smith, Adeline Thro, Ella Paine, Ruth Carson, Ruth Williams. Mildred Wrlgley, Mildred Whitman, Margaret Tcrwllllgcr, Elsie Becker. Margaret, nraro nnri Prnrl Jeffrey: Messrs. Hugh Gray,, Bruce McDermott, Arthur Phil lips, Claude I'liuiips, tinrry uious, ny Whitman, Ralph Whitman, Ray Will lams, Harry Johnson, Harold Davis, Walter Smith, Newton Roberts, Ralph Ilouser, John Apgar. Rovengo Wns Expensive, 'rim thrnwinp nf i stonn through one of the large plate glass windows In the saloon of C. C. DeckeinieK, or bouin Mull! nvonlln mat T.HWrpnce BUrllS. Of 2012 Luzerne street, $44. Burns entered the saloon nnd nsKctl for annus on nrnilll. Tlnnn linlni? refused, he stenncd outside, selected a nice lurge stone and sent It crashing tnrougn me winuow. He was arrested and locked up. In police court yesterday morning Magis trate Davles fined him $5 for the exer cise he indulged in and ho al'so paid $39 for the broken glass. Beautifying Church. Twelve men, under Charles B. Scott, are at work Installing the steam plant In the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. This much-needed Improve ment will be completed in ubout a week. Several painters nrc engaged in giv ing the outside brickwork a coat of red paint, and after this Is completed the church will bo painted throughout. An Iron fence will also be erected In front of the edifice. AVhen these Improve ment) arc completed, the members of the church can boast of one of the pret tiest and most commodious churches on this side. 30 Stamps Given Away. See our advertisement on nnother page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. FREE! FREE! FREE! Five stamps given away with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Baptist church will serve supper in the church parlors from 5 to 0 this evening. Navajo tribe, Improved Order of Red Men, will meet In Red Men's ball tomor row evening. Entprpil.se lodge. No. 21, Loyal Knights of America, will meet on Monday even ing In special session. As Important bus iness Is to bo transacted the presence of every member Is desired. The Men's league of the First Welsh Baptist church met last evening. Ml.ss Louise Loomis, of Toklo, Japan, who has been the guest of Miss Paulino Pitcher, of Price street, has loft for Col umbia university. The Bcllcvuo Loyal Crusaders will bold an Important meeting In the Ilcllevue mission this evening. The Christian Endeavor society of the Washburn Street Presbyterian chinch & XiAtitiAtAlritttiA HighClass 3 TAILORED SUITS For Ladies' Wear. There are many Suits advertised, all repre- 1st sented as of more than ordinary merit. But none 3p :$ know better than the well informed woman who Jj 3 has tried, and tried in vain, to buy a ready-to-wear 5! "C gown that would fully mast her ideas of merit, how jj i9 7 ......,., . hard it is to get such a thing. We cordially invite the la lies who have trie'd to 5! 2 get suitable ready-to-wear gowns, and failed, to visit st! 2 our Suit Department this week. We are thoroughly IS convinced that we have succeeded in overcoming the $: objections they had came to find in most of the so- 5! 3 called "htffhlv tailored suits," These eowns snec- 51 g ified below have all been made to our especial order Si and fully represent our ideas of what correct tailor- g a made gowns ought to bs like. A At $22.00 3 a f3 3 3 3 3 Suits In fine Black Venetians, models of lady-Ilka elegance, nnd perhaps the bpst examples of correct fashion that this sen son will produce. The Jacket lias embossed satin slot scams, cut satin ruff, Is prettily lined with Skinner satin; blouse shape, with satin ripple. The skirt is cut In the- new seven-gore style, with full sweep, welded scam and satin edge, Price, $:'2.00. I At $20.00 3 3 3 ,3 25 3 3 3 High Grade Pebble Cheviot Suits (camel's hair lustre), In bucj(, blue and dark grey. Jack ets 1 are tight fitting, double breasted, with reveres faced with silk and full taffeta linings. Borne plain, others trimmed. The skirt Is flared and has stitched finish. A very handsome gown nt a moderate pi Ice, 1 At $18.00 f LadlcsLadles' Black Broadcloth Suits, double-breusted jackets, 3 3 with two ripples; silk faced, welded seams and full silk lin ing. Seven-gore skirt with full flare. For those who like quiet elegance, coupled with correct style and unquestionable quality, this suit at $18,00 will meet their utmost expectations. At $i5.00 Dark Gray and Black New Style Blouse Jacket Suits, with ripple, taffeta waist band und six rows of stitching. Lined through out with silk taffeta. Skirt has graduated triple flounces, with ticks. A smart suit for smart women and not too expensive. At $ 1 0.00 A new Walking Suit, in dark grey and other shades; good win ter weight and very stylish, The Jacket, Norfolk effect front nnd lack; darts finished with velvet: satin lined throughout. Skirts 3fi are uiilined, as the muterlnJs ; used aie all double faced. They . are finished with stitching und 5 have welded seams. fe . 1 Globe Warehotis?.! mmmmBer!W9f!W Asthma and Hay Fever Cured. The truly marvelous euros of Asthma, which nro being c Hoc ted by Dr. Bchlff mann's Asthma Curo certainly call for notice. Ilov. O. L. Taylor, of Washburn, 111., says: "Somo 1 years ago my wife- used several packages of your Asthma Curo which resulted In a permanent curo." A Hay Fovcr sufferer writes! "Ihavo boon 0 BUfTorcr from Hay Fovcr for over COyoars, nnd It scorned harder every year. Tho first night I used your Asthma Curo I was groatiyrollovrd. It cured my cough after using a fuw times. 1 shall rocom mond it to all sufferers of Hay Fovcr." Mrs. MarthaSlmorson, Lnlnosburg. Mich. Sold by nil druggists nt hoc nnd 11.00. Send Sc stnmp to Br. K. Schlffmann, Box 805, St. Paul, Minn., for a frco trial package. will hold a harvest home Boclnl thin oven lug. The Y. 1j. A. of the Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church will hold their mutual entertainment nnd social In the church parlors thin evening. Tho Wnhnctii dnnclng clani will hold their regular weekly dance this evening. Miss Jennie Morgan, of 117 North Pll moro nvenuc, milliner at Dougherty & Thomas', has resigned her position to ac cent one with Ocrson. Bev. Dr. Wnrdcn, of Philadelphia, sec retary of the Presbyterian Sunday school board, will address the members of tho Wnihbiirn Street Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Itepalrs to the North Hyde Park ave nue brick pavement, between I.nfnyctto and Price, are almost completed, William II. Courtrlght, of ll.in Boek street, is out again after u severe Ill ness. Mls Mary Mnhon, nf Jackson street, Is recovering from an Illness. Miss Margaret Kvans, of Hock Htrcct. lias returned home, after an extended visit with WIlke-i-TSnrro friends. Thomas Jones has returned to his homo In Dickson city, after a visit with West Scranton friends. The nollco were called lat evening to arrest a fellow on South Main avenue, who was drunk and using obscene lan guage. Two patrolmen went to the scene but when they placed him under arrest, he laid down on the sldewnlk and abso lutely refused to move. Ho was carried to tho station house, where bo gave tho name of John Statts, and said ho lived in Taylor. He will bu given at hearing this morning. DUNMORE DOINGS. Friday Afternoon Exercises at High School Death of Mrs. Charles Bice, a Former Resident. At the Friday afternoon exercises at the Hltth school this week, tho literary (se lections will be taken from Longfellow s wotks. Tho exercises begin at 2.0 In the High school assembly room, and tho pub lic Is Invited. The following Is tho pro gramme In detail: "AN HOUR WITH T.ONG FELLOW." Song "The Standard Bearer" ....I. Class Kssny "Longfellow" Bertha Cullen Recitation "The Psalm of Life," George Rauschmcycr Solo "Afterwards" Anna McC.inn Recitation "The Builders". .Helen Kurrer Recitation "Paul Rcvcrc's Ride," Marlon Swartz Song "Song of the Volunteers'... .Class Recitation "The Old Clock on the Stalls" Minnie Webber Song a Class Death of Mrs. Eice. The many friends in town of Mrs. Charles L. Rice, who many years ago was a resident here, during the time Mr. Rice was pastor of the Methodist Episco pal church, will be grieved to hear of her death, which occurred on Monday at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. N. II Gillette, in Cortland. N. Y. Plans had been made for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of her mar riage, which occurred on the Sunday be fore her death, but instead of a day of gladness, tho day was spent In silent waiting for the coming of the Grim Reaper. During her residence here. Mrs, Rlee formed ninny warm filendshlps, which had been continued through these many years. Interment was made yes tcrdny in Cypress Hill cemetery In Brook-lyn. 30 Stamps Given Away. See our advertisement on nnother page page of this paper. Meats & Hagen PERSONAL NOTES. B. K. Branson, of Elm street, has re turned from a week's stay in New York. Miss Marlon Brydcn, of Blakely street, is spending the week with PIttston friends. Mrs. John Hoffman, of West Drinker street, is visiting friends In Philadelphia. Mis. A. J. Murray Is visiting her son nt Lopez, Sulllvun county. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burschell have re turned home from n 'short btay with friends In Moscow. Mr. and Mrs. Krunk AVhecler, of Phila delphia, aro visiting at the home of Friend Bles:eckcr, on Church street. NORTH SCRANTON. A very pleiibiint mu prise party was ten dered dairies D.indo at his homo on Diamond uvenuo last evening by a num ber of his friends. Singing and dancing and other diversions weio Indulged In un til nearly midnight when refreshments were served, Among those present were: Misses Murtha Jones, Jnno Sunders, Murgaret Davis, Kuto McDermott, AniilQ Smith, Annie K.irwltz, A. Bennett, Ollle Lash, Gertrude Lash, Romor Bemmur, Mollie Jeffreys, Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Bem mor, Mrs. Decretsh, and Messis, Will iam Leonard, Silas Evans. Nathaniel Jehu, George Lash, A. Bennett, David Davis, Robeit Arlg, Prank Lash, James Cininer, Charles Dando, Cliff old Gay and Fred Ransom. Services over the remains of tho lata Mrs. Richard Sharpies wero hold yester day at the homo on William street, and later the remains weio taken to the Welsh Congregational church, West Mar ket stieet, where tho funeral services were held. Long beforo tho tlmo set for the arilval of tho funeittl at the church lurge throngs of people gathered to view tho remains for tho last time, Tho ser vices wero In charge of Rev, It, S, Jones, of tho Welsh Congregational chinch, as sisted by Row, H. J. Reese, of tho Puri tan Congregational church. Dr. Jones spoke highly of the Christian life tho deceased hud lived while a member of his church. Piuyer was offetcil by Row Reese. Tho floral offerings wcto many nnd beautiful. Tho remains were bnrnu to tho Cumbrian cemetery and laid to rest, The members of the Oreon niduo cas tie, No, 1'. Ancient Older Knights of Mystic Chain, met and organized a uni form auk of knights nt their lust meet ing. Richard Ilurluml, senior member of tho order, was elected captain. The other of fleets chosen weio: Ed waul Jones, first lieutenant Hugh Thomas, sec ond lieutenant; Richard Ascott, ser geant; Benjamin Roberts, corporal, und William R. Jones, treasurer Mrs. Mniguict gangster will address the annual meeting of tho Young Women's Christian association tit 2 North Main uvenuo, Saturday evening at 7,30 o'clock. Ladies ami gentlemen nio Invited. Miss Elizabeth Hcuwood will play "Consola tion" for an opening number and Mrs. Cramer Von Storch will sing, nnd the Presbyterian choir will render "Mlzpuh" In closing. 30 Stamps Given Away. See our advertisement on another page puge of thla paper. Mcuru & Haecn SOUTH SCRANTON PEETTY WEDDING AT OHUBOH OF PEACE. THE Tho Contracting Parties Wore Miss Loulso Anna Allam ami Johann Carl Moesel nnd Rov. E. J. Schmidt Performed the Ceremony An Inr teresting. Bowling Match Paul J. A. Schmidt and Miss Kate Gardner Wedded Bell of St., John's Church Wns Rung for First Time. Colds, Headache Catarrh. Relieved In 10 Minutes by Dr. Ajt Mew's Catarrhal Powder. Rev. W. It, Main, pastor of tho Baptist Emanuel Church, Buffalo, given strong testimony for nnd is a linn believer In Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder. He has tried many kinds or remedies without avail. "After using Dr. Agnow's Ca tarrhal Powder I was benefited at once" rn his words. It Is n wonderful remedy niiu win leiiuvu iiuy miiiii ui iieiiu pitui In ten minutes and eradicate catarrh, 20 Dr, Agnew's Heart Cure helps the orerworked heart Sold by Wm, G. Clark and II. C. Sun del son. i A very pretty wedding took place last evening nt tho Church of Pcaco on Pros pect avenue, tho principals being Miss Loulso Anna Allam, and Johann Carl Moesel, of Cedar avenue, recently of New York city. The ceremony thnt made them mnn and wife, took place at S o'clock and wns wit nessed by many friends of the brldo and groom. Itev. i. J. Schmidt, pastor of tho church, ofilclntcd, nnd gave" the happy pair his blessing at tho reception which followed. Tho brldo was attended by Miss Mary Seldc, of New York city; Miss Anna Kuhn and Miss Barbara Gchhurdt, of this city. They were all charmingly attired In while. Tho groom was at tended by Fred Moesel, John Schroedcl and Albert Kuhn. A reception was held nftcr tho cere mony at 712 Cedar avenue, whore tho newly wedded couple will begin house keeping. At the supper which followed Mr. nnd Mrs. Mocsol were presented with many tisetul nnd costly presents. Schmidt-Gardner Wedding. Paul J. A. Schmidt and Miss Kate Gardner wero joined In wedlock last evening. Tho ceremony wns performed by Itev. E. J. Schmidt, at the residence, HI Kim street, In tho presence of many friends of both parties. Tho brldcsmnld was Miss Lily Schmidt, the groomsman being Georgo Gardner, a brother of the bride. A reception nnd supper followed the wedding when tho happy couple received many useful and costly presents. German M. E. Notes. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Prospect Avenue Gorman Methodist Episcopal church met in monthly session yesterday afternoon and transacted routine busi ness. The choir met for practlco In the even ing, nnd there was a Inrgo attendance, their work being highly commended by Pastor Hausser, who attended tho meet ing. Next week a debate will be conducted by fhc Young People's Boclety of tho Kpworth league. Tho subject will be, "Resolved, Thut labor unions are detri mental to the welfare of the country." Tho negative will bo taken by Charles Naeher nnd the nfflrmiitivn by Leo Rnt zel. A discussion in general will follow tho debate, and refreshments will bo served. An Exciting finish. Tho Arlington took two out of three games from the Backus team last night on the former's alleys. The bowling on each side was Just about nvorage hut ox citement ran high at the end of the third gamo when It took the last ball to decide the contest. Vogelsang, the new Backus player, was high average man. The score: ARLINGTON'S. J. Klofer Davis .... C. Klefci- Roll Mcistcr .. 170 119 1M 14.' Peckham Coons Fnhrenbolt .. Vogelsang .... Hopkins 7ti0 BACKUS. .... ivt .... vo .... 112 .... iiiii .... IS! 1.13 HO l.T, 130 JOS 127 201 119 ISO 127 779 790 High score Mcistcr, 205. High average Vogelsang, 177 171!- r.0l MS- 117 1 17- 44.1 170 47ii HO- 4S7 7SS 20oli 143- 421 133 MM 137- 41S 1S1- Wi 109- 479 785-2331 , 30 Stamps Given Away. See our advertisement on another page pago of this paper. Mears & Hagen NUBS OP NEWS. Miss Mary Reardon, will have charge of the euchre party which takes place In St, John's hall this evening. Some new fea tures have been arranged and tho affair promises to bo Interesting. The St. Aloyslus Total Abstinence so ciety, has nrranged for a debate this evening on this subject: "Is John Mitch ell a greater man than J. P. Morgan?" William Rode, clerk for Gutheinz, Wcls scr & Krayer, the Cedar avenue butchers, surprised Ids friends by getting quietly mariled Tuesday evening. His brldo is Mrs, Rnlsey, of West Scranton, and tho ceremony wns performed by Rev. W. A. Nordt at tho Hickory street parsonage. After the wedding Mr. nnd Mrs. Rode left on a wedding tour, nnd on their ic turn they will go to housekeeping on Stone avenue. Dr. Schloy's Lung Healing Balsam la guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers. Tho bell for St. John's new church on PIttston avenue, which was dedicated re cently, rang for the first time yesterday. Tho work on tho new church has so far progressed that tho Rev. R. J. Mellcy ex pects to hold tho dedicatory services on the first Sunday In November, Tho wedding of M. J. Syron. of Emmet street, and Miss Elizabeth Horch, of First street, will take place at St. Mary's Ger mnn Catholic chinch Wednesday morn ing, October S at 9 o'clock. Election of officers was held nt James Council lodge of Odd Fellows last night and the following offlceis wero chosen: Noble grand. W. W. Howltt; vice grand, Rutherford B. II. Klnback; assistant sec retary, Nicholson; delegate to stato con vention, Slim ell, Installation of ofilcors will ho held nt their hall next Wednesday evening, GREENRIDGE. Mrs. W. Tlnglcy, of Derrick Center, Is spending a few days with Green Rldgo friends. Miss Frank Lewis, of I'nlondale, Is tho guest of Mrs. A. II, Shannon, of Now York street, John Hangl, of Dickson avenue, has re turned from Ithaca, where has wus on business, Walter Ilnrbor, of Mousey avenue, hns accepted a position with C. II. Curen. 30 Stamps Given Away, See our advertisement on another pago pago of this paper, Mears & Hagen Scranton Choral Society, One hundred and ninety-one singers were In attendance nt tho rehearsal nf tho Scranton Choral society In Muslo hall last evening. Conductor Watklns direct ed the chorus in the reheaisal of tho threo choruses to bo rendered ut tho Brooklyn eisteddfod. All tho singers wero assigned tn their recrnhii uivitu Itiut ovm,. Ing. Tho proposed concert to be given In mo i.yceiim m njovemuor was discussed. AIT OLD ATO Wftt-TRIED REMHDT, uma tit ttj or f-vw a arrrnz-wY-K-m nvn.n for children teething, is the prescription of VtnA rtt thn tins fatnntn U..I ..I .. J burses In the United States, and him been used sixty years with nover-ralllng suoj flren. During tho process of teethlnc its ttulue is incalculable. It relieves tho chllj rom pain, cures diarrhoea, urlplng In thi nw.la a n1 wlnl.All, n.. ..,.., ...- to the child it rests tho mother. Price. fxlTFAT!! tr2 nnmumr QN ACREAGE LOTS CASH OR EASY TERMS NEAR THE MAMMOTH LACKMAKKR STEEL MI AND TWO BBAU1IPUL PARKS. n.cn t DriDiMonM .ui-ui 1 1 nuuiiiouit, . S.) . 72 Erlo Co. Bank Bldg., JvA w n,.r.i m v VN V " WHM..IV, .,, ,, !A- es' AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre, M, Itcls, Lessen nnd Manager. A, J, Duffy, Business Manager. Friday Night, Sept. 26. K1RKLASHELLES Big Scenic Production. The Heroic Drintt, SERGEANT Play and Company a Terrific lilt I JAMES U rect from Its great run at the IIIk Boston theatre. Same Cast and Production, by niraBNB WALTER A Romnnco of mi Enlisted Mnn. I'rlfcs Sue.. We, 3c., $1.W and J1.60. Scats on sale. Saturday Jf$!Je Sept. 27 WM. A. BRADY'S Famous Original Production, Lovers' Lane The play thnt ran tin entire year in threo cities fcnd wns witnessed by two million people In New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. DQIPE0M,,ln'e' asenndsoc. rniULJ NlRht, IJC, 5c, 75C, $1. Dltigrnm opens Thursday at 9 a. in. NEWARMORY,SCRANTON,Pa SONG RECITAL BY EVIME. SEMBRICH Leading Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co., TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 21, 1902, AT 8.30 PRICES, 75c to $2.30. Diagram now open at Powell's Music Store, Scranton : Marx Long's Store, Wilkes-Barre ; H. F. Clark's Drug Store, Carbondale. Orders for seats received by mail or 'phone. AMUSEMENTS. JU A Academy of Music M, Rele, Lessee nnd Manager. I A. J, Duffy, Business Manageft week xsjs.7 sept, 2Z. , And Nil Dlf I Company Thursday Matlnee.'"A lloynl Lover.'' i TllllrHrlllV TJlt-1, .'Pttn 1.-.lnl -tFir1.1lnJH V nt-oiiiiiiicc, id una zu corns. NIrIU, 10, 20 and 30 ccntfl. -- monaay f " DANIEL RYAN AM. NEXT WH13K, , Irene Myers Stock Co., Monday Night, "The Electrician." Dixie's Theatre, ' IIENUV KARNSWOnTII DIXIE. Lessco and Manngor. 1 WUUli OK SUPTUMBEU 22. Hugh Stanton &, Co. In Comedy. Forester & Floyd, Coster Delineator nnd others, and NKT WEUK. ' Dolau nnd Lenlinr, Itaymond and Kurkamp Two performances dally, 2.30 and 8,15. Prices 15, ::, s.1 und W)c. Special matlueo prices. S7Triictlon cars stop at tho door. STAR THEATRE ALF. G. IIERIUNGTON, Manager. ThurMlnv. Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER. 23, 26, 27. "THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER? MATINEE EVERY BAY. - r jjiauiMwi "YOUR HAT" What's the Style for Fall ? '' There is no doubt in the minds of men who have visited this store that our Hat Depart ment' is not only the largest, but the most pop ular in this city. The larg-e display of strictly new Hat Styles from season to season is the only mag-net that attracts the stylish dresser to this department. This Fall season every known shape and block is represented, both in soft and stiff hats, and by keeping- constantly in touch with the leading manufacturers we secure the exclusive Shapes that appear in the best hat stores of the larger cities. From such a display as is shown here you can best select your Fall hat, and whether you want to pay $1.50 or $3.50, you will find the quality strictly in accordance with our well known policy : "The best for the price you pay." amter Bros., " Complete Outfitters. I I M rf- " V moEeaa Grffins Art Shop mmmamm Vu I Getting Ready for Xmas 211 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Why not make your own gifts this Year. Beautiful pieces of Burnt Work are acceptable everywhere. Come in and talk to us about it. Classes have been formed in Pyrography and in dividual instruction given or assistance rendered on original designs. Outfits on sale. Terms, 50c a lesson. You Must Be Ready MELORUM SCOTT CO. For the cold days already upon us, with a gown for street wear, just a little nicer than any you have yet possessed. It's possible, too, if you purchase one of the Handsome Dress Patterns we are selling this week. 126 WYOMING AVENUE COME IN. inVHW'MII VMIM Wtti "X , -' A t fy, -v, . Ntff-agjtA.i;, jr. e."',f.-c4 u,.i"fi.U.. .s '. ) .'r... 5f.Vi' .'' .....Wl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers