A r . " f 1 - ' j th" ' if m .VJi i THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. T ': TWO CENTS. r SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MOllNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1902. TWO CENTS. m IMl V"t ADDITIONAL ARE National Guardsmen Will Soon Swarm the Anthracite Goal Region. LAWLESSNESS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED The Ninth Regiment, of Wllkes Barre, Now Under Arms Quick Response to the Call President Mitchell Refuses to Make Any Comment on Sheriff Jacobs' Action in Calling Out More Troops Un known Fiends Derail a New Jersey Central Coal Train The Crew Has Narrow Escape from Death in the Wreck Martial Law Proposed for Schuylkill County. By Exclusho Wire trom The Associate J Press. Wilkes-Hnrrc, Sept. 2i. In coni nncc with the request of Sheriff Jacobs ami numerous citizens of Lucerne county, Governor Stone Issued an order at noon today, ordering the Ninth leglment, N. G. P., to mobilize at Wilkes-Barre. Three hours after the ' order had been received, Colonel C. Bow Dougherty, the commanding officer, had the regiment, with the exception of the Hazleton company, ready for the Held. The regiment consists of twelve companies and has a membership of about 750. There are quite a number of mine workers In the regiment, but all responded readily to the call. Colo nel Dougherty says he does not appre hend any serious trouble. Ho thinks a lew hot heads in the strikers' ranks are responsible for the many outbreaks In the region last night and this morning. It was the original intention to camp out tonight at the park on the oppo site side. of the river from this city, hut owing to a heavy rain, which fell all day, the grounds are not In a fit condition and the soldiers will remain in the armory tonight, ready to respond to any call. President Mitchell refused to make any comment on Sheriff Jacobs' action in asking the governor for troops for the "Wyoming region. He said the presence of the militia would not in terefer with any of his plans, which were to push the strike to a successful Issue. Some of the Mitchell lieutenants think the sheriff acted rather hastily, and that the bringing of the troops here was for the purpose of enabling the mine owners to operate their col lieries , but they would be disappointed as the strlkeis were as determined as ever. Statement of Sheriff Jacobs. Sheriff Jacobs, In a statement issued to the public, explains at length why he called upon the governor for troops. Ho says the outbreaks were becoming too numerous, and with the limited number of men at his command lie could not cope with the unlawful as semblies that gathered In various places throughout the county. A Central Railroad of New Jersey coal train, which was moving out of a mine siding at "Warrior Ilun last night, was derailed by an open switch, which had been tampered with by unknown parties. The crew escaped by Jumping nnd the cars were plied up in a big wreck. The coal which the train was carrying was Intended for the New York market. A big crowd of strikers attempted to prevent the non-union .wn employed at the Kxeter colliery of the Lehigh Valley Coal company at sturnicrvlllo from going to work tills morning. A number of deputy sheriffs, In charge of Thomas Burke,, tried to protect the workmen. A light followed, In which several shots were fired. David Itlchards, a llrcboss, was shot In the leg, and David Harris and John P. Sti-oh were beaten on the heads with clubs. Burke was also knocked down with a stone and rendered unconscious. Coal and Iron police finally dispersed the mob. Magistrate F.hret, of West I'lttston, Issued warrants this afternoon for the nrrest .of twenty-live of the ringleaders engaged in the riot. A crowd of f00 men and boys refused to allow non union workman to cro.ss the Susque hanna river bridge at Nantlcokc this morning. A deputy sheriff read the riot net, nnd the mob dispersed. The pres ence of the military has already hud n good effect. Everything Is quiet at the mines tonight. General Goliln is ex pected hero early tomorrow nnd will probably make his headquarters heie. Martial Law Proposed, Shenandoah, Pa,, Sept, SI Asked to night about the request made by Sheriff Ileddall to placo Schuylkill county under nutrtlal law, General Gobin an swercd: "I did not consider tho proposition, nm not considering It now and do not Intend to consider It, I have nothing to do with It. It Is entirely a question for the governor to decide, To placo this county under martial law would he a mighty big undertaking. It would menu tho usurpation of all civil authority In every mjunlclpullty, It Is one of tho most serious undertakings under a re publican form of government and I loubt vci'y much Its constitutionality, The sheriff wants to rellovo himself of all responsibility, but (ho fact that tho troops are hero Is no reason why he or any other civil olllccr should bo relieved of their duties," It Is likely there will he an Important movement of tho troops already in the Held late tonight and that additional troops will be ordered out, but General Gobin says, a a precautionary meas ure, future movements will not lp mudo public, lie says there hua been bo much TROWS CALLS dynamiting of bridges throughout tho region that he considers It a part of wisdom to keep the knowledge of tho movement of troops trains from the public, t. CvQulct at Lebanon. Lebanon, Sept. IM. lOverythlng Is quiet horconlght. The troops are still on duty nlid tho colored Iron workers Imported from the South are helping to operate the mills of tho American Iron and Steel company without moles tation from outsiders, although there Is much regret expressed as it be comes apparent to the public that tho statement made yesterday that tho negroes would be taken nway would not bo carried out. It Is believed by the public that tho promise to send them away was done with the Inten tion' of gaining time until the arrival of the soldiers. At police headquarters tonight, It was given out as the opin ion of the department that as long as the colored Iron workers were kept in the employ of the company, the troops would be needed. TROUBLE AT THE . EXETER COLLIERY The Beginning of Operations at the Breaker Arouses Slumbering Lawlessness at Pitt3ton. Special to the Scruntnn Tribune. Pittston, Sept. 24. The Exeter col liery of the Lehigh Valley Coal com pany, located In Exeter borough, just outside of West Pittston, commenced work today, but not without opposi tion of a determined nature from the strikers. The result was a victory for the company. The strikers and their sympathizers did all in their power to persuade and prevent men from going to work this morning, and the result was a fierce light, in which three non union men and a sheriff's deputy were injured. The victims' are as follows: DAVID RICHARDS, of "Wyoming, Pa., lire boss: shot In leg, DAVID HARRIS, of North street. West Pittston, the boss; beaten over the head with a lead pipe, and bruised on the back: condition not soilous. JOHN P. STROII. of Exeter ,-trcet. Wcsf 1'ltts.ton; a carpenter at the colliery, injuied the most severely, not neces Miilly serious, but very painful: back n mass of bruises wheio he bad been stiuck with pick handle; face scratched and bruise on head from a s.ind bag. THOMAS BCRKE, of Roi t Griffith, a" deputy sheriff, face pummelled and eye blackened. The trouble took place shortly after six o'clock this morning. It was gen erally known last evening that an at tempt would be made to operate the colliery, and this fact was widely dis cussed at a mass meeting held in nn open field at West rittston. There was no speech-making at the meeting, but the matter was quietly discussed nnd a determination reached that work at tho colliery must be1 prevented If possible. The rising of tho sun found every avenue leading to the gates of the colliery stockade well picketed, and a crowd of fully a thousand people were about the vicinity. Every person who attempted to roach the colliery was halted and an effort made to In duce them to return home. The pick ets were successful In a number of In stances, and their presence had the ef fect of keeping othets within their own doors, they being afraid to venture to reach the colliery. Others, however, were more daring and refused to be Intimidated by the strikers, and among them were the victims of the assaults. When the attempt was made to check Harris1 progress, he drew his revolver and tired several shots In the air. Bo fore he could re-load his revolver, how ever, tho crowd was upon him and had used him roughly. He finally got away, howeer, and got within tho stockade. Slroh was pounced upon and knocked unconscious by a blow from a sandbag. While lying on the ground, he was beaten over the back, and then dragged to tho Delaware, Lacknwanua and Western tracks shortly before the south-bound passenger train was due, and laid across the rails. He revived shortly afterward, and, taking advant age of his temporary abandonment by the mob, got away from the place and was taken to his home by friends. The crowd was well armed with guns, revolvers and pick handles, and about fifty of them had in their pos session pickets, about an Inch and a half square and four feet long, which they had torn from a fenco on their way to tho colliery, Over a dozen or two shots wore llred, nnd Itlchards, the fire boss, fell a victim to ono of them. Ills wound Is nut considered danger ous. The sheriff had been notified and several deputies weroi hurried to tho Hcene, Ono of them, 'Uurke, of Port Grllllth, was attacked and hud his face punched. Electrio cars bound for West Pittston wero stopped by some of tho pickets, who Inquired If there wero any "scabs" uboaid. Five carpenters, bound for tho Slovens colliery, wero taken from ono cur, but later 'allowed to depart, Tho noise of the shooting had been heard for u mile or so around, and thousands of slght-scors wero soon on the scene. Tho trouble was of short duration, however, and by 8 o'clock the crowd was driven to seek cover by a ruin shower. No attempt was mado to opera to tho plant this morning, but everything was In readiness, nnd the men who wero afraid to venture to the colliery dur ing the presence of tho crowd, took advantugu of the rain-storm and got within tho stockade, The breaker was put In operation this afternoon and about seventy-llve tons run through. Work will bo continued tomorrow. An attorney went before Squire Eh ret, of West Pittston. (his evening and placed Information for tho arrest of a number who were recognized among the rloteis. Twenty-seven warrants wero Issued, and the men will be given it hearing as fast ns they can bo brought before tho Justice. Among those to be arrested am several well known'' English-speaking miners and ofllcers of tho Exeter colliery local. About G o'clock this evening, Joseph Adams, n teamster employed at the Ex eter mine, was overtaken by Us-mob of about a hundred strikers, while on bis way to his homo in Sturmervlllc and assaulted with clubs. Ho was rescued by tho local police, but not before ho had been seriously Injured. PACKER'S DEAL OFF. Roosevelt's Attitude on Trusts Stops Meat Combination. By Excluihe Wire from The Associated Prett. Chicago, Sept. 21. The combination of the great packing houses of tho coun try, which has been In process of for mation for the last six months, has been abandoned, at least for the present, says the Tribune. The decision Is due, In n largo degree, to the attitude of the national administration toward trusts, as outlined by President Roosevelt In his recent speeches, and to the possi bility that In the event of a consoli dation congress might remove the turlff on cattle. It was learned Inst night tho a final meeting of the heads of the firms known as the "Big Four" packing houses hud been held, ft-t which it was agreed to end all negotiations at once. This was followed by an order Issued from the office of Swift & Co. that tho firm's employes Immediately should dis continue the Inventory of property and stock, which had been ordered and started for the purpose of tabulating a report of the financial condition of the company. THE TICKET FOR NEW YORK President Roosevelt Indorsed in Platform Adopted at Saratoga. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'reat. Saratoga, N. Y Sept. 24, State Sen ator Frank Hlgglns, of Olean. will be the nominee for lieutenant governor at today's Republican state convention. George It. Sheldon, to whom Senator Piatt has clung with characteristic tenacity was forced off the ticket early this morning and gave out a letter of withdrawal, after a conference In which Governor Odell who hud been sum moned here from Albany, Senator Piatt, Senator Depew, Mr. Sheldon, ex-Governor Black, Senator Ellsworth, Lou Payne nnd Robert C. Morris, chairman of the New York Republican county committee participated. It was 2 o'clock when the conferees finally em erged from Senator Piatt's quarters and Governor Odell announced to the wait ing newspapermen that Mr. Sheldon withdrawn. Further than that he was silent. Completing today In three hours a state ticket, nnd promulgating a plat form of principles, without the least indication of friction and amidst much enthusiasm, the state Republican con vention adjourned sine die. The can didates with three exceptions are at present state officers. The planks In the platform which attracted most at tention were those protesting against combinations and trusts and the declar ation for Improved canals. The ticket nominated was: For Governor B. B. Odell. Lieutenant Governor !'. W. Hlgglns. Secretin y of State John F. OBcien. Treasurer John U. Wlckser. Comptroller N. I! Miller. Engineer E. A. Bond. Atoruey Seuer.il II. II. C'oman. Judge Couit of Appeals William 13, Werner. The platform also endorses the ad ministration of President Roosevelt and Governor Odell, calls attention to the abolition of tho direct tax rate; dis courses on the economy that has char acterized tho administration of state affairs, considering the largely In creased responsibilities; congratulates President Roosevelt for laying tho foundations of local government In the Philippines; endorses the relief fur nished local education In the state; calls for good roads and Improved can als; endorses the constitutional amend ment allowing the legislature to rcgu lato the houis of labor for working men; calls for the preservation of tho protective tariff In tho Interest of the worklngnuiu; favors legislation to got more speedy results In Supremo court actions, n high standard of state erne for the Insane; appropriations for the forest preserves and recognition of the veterans of all wars. The friction which developed yester day nnd which threatened to result In u party breach, had entirely disap peared this morning and the leaders talked In the most harmonious way. Senator Piatt said that If he made uny aspersions on Sir. Woodruff ho had for gotten them. Mr. Woodruff failed to remember any criticism of Senator Plutt. THE CANDIDATES MUST FILE CERTIFICATES. Opinion of Attorney General Elkln Delivered Yesterday, By F.xcluthe Wire from The Associated Press. Harrlsburg, Sept. 21, Attorney General Elkln delivered an opinion today In which hu decides that candidates for mine Inspectors must tile ccitlllcatcs of nomination with tho county commission. CIS. Steamship Arrivals. Of Eicluihe Wire from The Associated Trtis. Now Yoik, Sept. 21. Arrived. Majestic, Llveipool. Oleuied; La Tourulne, Uuvro; Columbia, lliimbuig; Rotterdam, Rotter dam; llohcnznllurn, Ilrcmcn ami South ampton. Sailed: St. Paul, Southampton; Oceanic, Liverpool. QueenMown Ar. lived: Teutonic, Now York. Southamp ton AnlvtMl; Philadelphia, Now Yoik. Bulled: Kulser Wllhrlm dor Giosse, New York. Itotteidam Arilycd: PoUduni, New Yoik. ROOSEVELT RETURNS TO WASHINGTON The Condition o? the President Is Entirely Satisfactory. In Everu Wau. HE SUFFERS NO PAIN FROM THE WOUND The Trip Home from Indianapolis an Uneventful One Mr. Roosevelt Sleeps Soundly nnd Apparently Suffers but Little Fain All Fever Has Disappeared The Patient Will Visit the Northwest in the Spring. Mrs. Roosevelt Meets the Train. By Exclusive Wire from The Aswclated Prcs. Washington, Sept. 24. President Roosevelt returned to Washington nt half past six o'clock, via the Pennsyl vania railroad from Indianapolis, where he was compelled to abandon his wes tern trip because of an abcess on his leg, which developed ns a result of the trolley accident at Plttsfleld, Mass. He stood tho Journey from Indianapolis remarkably well and when he was car ried in a wheel chair from the railroad car to his carriage, he was in excellent spirits nnd appeared to be free fhmi any pain. With Mrs. Roosevelt, the president was driven directly to the temporary white house on Jackson place, where, according to the present arrangements, he will remain until the wound Is healed and he is able again to )e on his feet. The president was taken to his room on the second floor of the house and made comfortable and his wound dressed. Later he was re ported to be resting easily and the ex pectation Is that within ten days the president will be himself again. The trip home from Indianapolis was an uneventful one. He remained inbed all day and executive business on the train practically was discontinued. Few letters or telegrams were written or received. A telegram was put on the trnin nt Pittsburg from Mrs. Roosevelt., stating that she had left Oyster Bay for Washington. The president slept soundly all through the night until 8 o'clock this morning. Even the noise In the depot at Pittsburg, where the train remained in the early morning for about twenty minutes foiled to awaken him. When Dr. Lung went to the president's state room shortly before 9 o'clock, he found his patient in rare good humor nnd his physical condition, perfect, barring the wound on his leg. The slight fever which the president had hud-p'esterday afternoon had disappeared and his temperature was normal. In fact, ho felt so well that he told the doctor he would like to get up and go Into tho parlor of his car. Dr. Lung strongly protested against this, telling the president that It was absolutely necessary for him to remain quiet and President Roosevelt good naturedly gave in. The pain In his leg had prac tically disappeared and tho conditions there were so favorable that the doctor did not think it necessary to redress the limb. The president's leg Is lightly bandaged and Dr. Lung does not look for a recurrence of the swelling, al though this would be nothing unusual and would cause no alarm. During the forenoon's run. In describing his con dition to a cnller, the president said he could feel that something had happened when he though about it, and that was all. After eating a hearty breakfast, the president called for a book, remark ing that as ho was an invalid he pro posed to enjoy himself. He was prop ped up In bed with his left leg on a pillow and spent most of the day in reading. Train Time Slow. Tho running time of the train was slow, In order to reduce the jar, and as few stops as possible were made. Whenever the train stopped, crowds gathered about the president's car, but there was no c.heerlng. All tho people seemed anxious to secure tho latest in formation regarding the president's condition, nnd the members of his party who stepped from tho train were plied with questions. After dinner the president expressed a desire to seo the members of his party and they went into his stateroom a few at n time. He chatted pleasantly with all of them nnd expressed his great disappointment at not being nblc to continue tho trip. Ho said he had strongly opposed tho decision of tho doctors to have the operation per formed at Indianapolis. Ho wanted to continue Ids journey and mako tho speeches he had planned, but finally yielded to tho strong pleading of tho doctor, who represented that there was danger, If not promptly attended to, that tho bono might become affected and an allllctlou result that It would take months to cure. The president re marked that In his younger days ho had broken a rib and his collarbone at a sheep herding, but had not allowed It to Interfere with his work. In his talk with his callers, the picslilcnt made known his determination to vUlt tho northwest next bprlng, where ho will extend his trip as far as tho coast, dur ing which time ho will visit all the states In which he Intended to stop on tho trip just ended. The president feels very close to the people of tho north west, as many years of his life wore spent In that section, and It whs here he raised his regiment of rough tldcrs ut tho outbreak of tho Spanlsh-Amcrl-van war. Ho will allow nothing to stand In his way of going theie In the spring. He had nothing but kind words to say of tho treatment )u received from the sisters who have charge of St;. Vincent's hospital, ut ludiunnpolls, where ho was operated upon. One of them was u uurso at Mnntuuk when the great hospital was established on Long Island utter the Spanish war, nnd she romlnded the president of tho fact that slit! had often seen him there and had admired him for tho way In which ho looked after the comforts of tho men. Tho president was delighted at meeting her and conversed with her for some time. Mrs. Roosevelt at Station. When tlie train bearing the presi dent rolled Into the station nt 6,30 o'clock this afternoon, on schedule time, there wus u large number of people around the railwuy station, awaiting Its arrival, but a special de tail of police nnd detectives kept them In the rear, so that few were nblc to sec him, Mrs. Roosevelt, who had reached the city during he day from Oyster Bay, had been one of the ear liest arrivals at the station. She was accompanied by Rear Admiral P. M. Rlxey, formerly the physician attached to the presidential household. Secre taries Moody nnd Hitchcock nnd Dr. John F. Urle joined them before the train's arrival. As soon as the train came to a stop, Mrs. Roosevelt boarded It, followed by the cabinet ofllcers and the others who had come to welcome the president home. They remained aboard for fifteen minutes, chatting with the president, before ho wns re moved from tho car. An Invalid wheel chair was backed up against tho platform, and Into this, tho president, borne in tho arms of Drs. Lung, Rich ardson and Rlxey und another gentle man, was lifted and was carried across the narrow platform entrance onto the pavement where tho white house car riage was standing. The president took his Infirmity good naturedly and extended n happy greet ing to several persons whom he recog nized as he wns being wheeled to the carriage. He was attired as usual, ex cept that the shoe on tho left foot was off. He jokingly remarked to a crowd of officers and trainmen who were standing around looking on sympa thetically that he felt better than he looked. He was In excellent spirits and apparently suffered no pain from the wound in his leg. As he was lifted into the white house carriage ho was given several hearty rounds of applause by the bystanders. Mrs. Roosevelt already had taken her place in the vehicle and the were driven to the temporary white house on Jackson square facing Lafay ette park. Here the president was as sisted by the attendants to an ordinary cane seat chair placed on the platform and when he had got comfortably seat ed a half dozen ushers and policemen carried him to him room on the second floor of his temporary home. This floor contains three large rooms and a hall room with a bath at the extreme rear. The room fronting on LafayetttPsqtfare had been made into a sitting room and the other two into bed rooms. The president was taken to the second room from the front and made comfortable. Steward Plnckney, under the direction of Miss Hagner, Mrs. Roosevelt's pql vate secretary, was engaged all day in putting the second floor Into condition for the chief executive and his wife. Flowers were arranged on the mantles and tables. Arrangements were made at once for dressing the president's wound, and for other attention necessary after his long railway Journey. Doctors Lung, Rlxey and Urle remained with him some time after he wns taken to his .room and gave their personal at tention to every detail. Dr. Lung, the regular white house physician, will have immediate charge of the presi dent's case, nnd if.it be deemed neces sary will consult Drs. Richardson and Urle in the further treatment of the wound. Must Rest Ten Days. The president, as stated by a gen tleman fujly ncquninted with the presi dent's condition. Is that after ten days or more of rest, the chief executive will be himself again. During that time it will bo necessary for him to keep In bed or on a couch In a re clinlng position, so ns tto give the In jured leg complete rest. Tho wound Is In splendid condition now and should ileal rapidly. There Is an accumulation of business demand ing the president's attention, and he will be able to dispose of much of it without serious personal Inconvenience, According to present plans, during his period of recovery, the president will spent his time at the temporary white house, Secretary Cortelyou saying to night that no other arrangement for him had been made, Mr. Roosevelt ex pects to view the parade of the Grand Army two weeks from today, but It Is not yet known whether he will remain hero during tho entire Intervul between now nnd then. BANQUET FOR CANDIDATES. Judge Pennypncker, Senator Penrose and Others Guests of the Tariff League, Dy Kxclmhe Wire from The Associated Press, Philadelphia, Sept. 21, Judge Penny packer, Senator I'curo-o and other prom inent Republicans wero the guests to night of tho Protective Tailff league, at a banquet In honor of the Republican stuto and city candidates In Kensington. About tho board wero four or (Ivo bun dled men who gave nu eiithusiastlii wcl come to their guests. Tho latter Included Judge I'ennypackor, Senator Penrose, ex Hciuitor nrown, tho candidate tor lieu tenant governor. Martin St, Ledger, tho president of tho club, was In the chair, Senator l'eiiiuso was tho first speaker anil was followed by Judgo Ponnypacker, Ho responded to tho toast "Pennsylva nia," and among other things t-uld the nitidis of tho state uro well managed, Candidate Hi own also spoku, Seven Strikers Fined, Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rm. Han labors, Sept. il. Seven of the stilk. ers arested at Wllllamstown on Monday for ) latins wero given a hearing today beforo Alderman Jackson and lined $5 each nnd the costs. Tluco others, who wero arrested at tho samo time, weio dis charged. Tho charges against tho u. leged offcndeiH was disorderly conduct, Emperor of Corea Dead. By Exclusive Wire from The. AMoclatril I'reaa. Paris. Sept. IS. lq a dispatch from Seoul, Corea, ho correspondent of the Figaro says It Is reported that the em peror of Corea la dcud. MORE SOLDIERS TO BE SENT HERE Eighth Regiment Now on Duty in Schuylkill Region Ordered to Proceed to Duryea. FIERCE RIOTING Sheriff Maxey Was Unable to Troops Two Companies 1 here Rioting All So alarming is the strike situation becoming in the anthracite coal Aelds that all of the remaining companies of the Third brigade are to be called out at once Susquehanna's sheriff has called for troops and a detatch ment of the Thirteenth has been, or dered to respond. When interviewed over the long distance 'phone last night, General Gobin, who is in the Schuylkill region, said he had determined to send the Eighth regiment to this region today. It will be located at Duryea, and protect the northern part of Luzerne and southern part of Lackawanna county. The headquar ters of the Eighth is at Pottstown, and it has been in the field since July 31. The regiment has nine com panies. General Gobin may estab lish his headquarters with the Eighth. On account of the number of col lieries in this and Luzerne county, General Gobin feels that the Thir teenth and Ninth will not be able to cope with the situation. The Ninth was called out yesterday, but has not taken to the field yet. The rain yes terday and the failure of the tents to arrive caused Colontl C. Bow Dough erty to hold his men in their armory until today, when they will go into camp at West Side park, Wilkes Barre. From there details will be sent to any point where trouble may occur. To take the place of the Eighth regiment, which will be sent here, General Gobin intends to call out the remainder of the Fourth regiment, of Allentown. The regiment now has two companies in the field and the remaining eight companies are to be ordered out nt once, General Gobin said. The other troops in the Schuyl kill region are the Twelfth regiment, of Williamsport; the City troop, of Philadelphia, and the Governor's troop, of Harrisburg. Within a few days Battery C, of Phoenixville, which has three two-pound guns nnd three gatling guns, will be called. This will place the entire Third bri gade, or 3,150 men, in the field. Sheriff Bedell, of Schuylkill county, yesterday asked. the governor to put the entire county under martial law, and the request was referred to Gen eral Gobin, who has given it his dis approval. The general believes he has quite enough to do at present without giving to Schuylkill county the attention it should receive if martial law is declared. The Thir teenth had a busy day yesterday, and last night it was the opinion of the officers that the situation is threaten ing. SHERIFF MAXEY ASKS GOVERNOR FOR TROOPS Sheriff Maxey of Susquehanna county lant night asked Clovernor Stono to send troops to Forest City because of u serious outbreak there. Two companies of the Thirteenth under command of Major Field will proceed to Forest City ut 4 o'clock this morning. Tho HlllHldo Coal and Iron company started its No. 1! colliery at Forest City yesterday. It Is tho flr.st bicak hi tho lines of the strikers In that part of the field and tho strikers of that place aro very bitter against tho men who return ed to work. They hung about the col liery yesterday and tho few men who ventured out for dinner wero stoned and hooted. When evening came n crowd of fcev eral hundred congregated near tho breaker and when tho workmen camo forth they wero bot upon. They ran and the mob ran lifter them throwing stones and clpbs. Brought to bay some of the pursued men halted and drawing their revolvers fired. Kvldcnt ly they fired In tho air for mi one was hurt. The firing held the crowd back long enough to allow the men to reach their homes, SHERIFF POWERLESS. Sheriff Maxey was present but power less to do anything to stay the mob, lie had a conference with the burgess ufter the rioting and as tho streets were filled with excited men tho burgevs Issued an order directing every saloon. AT FOREST CITC Control the Mob and Asked for of the Thirteenth Sent ' Through the Valley. S" In the town close Its doors and he sent out ofllcers to see that his order was obeyed. A number of special officers and deputies were sworn In to preserve order for the night and Sheriff Maxey then called up Governor Stone on the telephone and asked that troops be sent at once to Forest City. At 10 o'clock last night, Governor Stone called up Colonel Watres to learn the details of the situation In this county and to Inquire ns to the advis ability of taking a detatchment from the Thirteen to do duty at Forest City, providing it wns decided to respond to Sheriff Mnxey's requisition. Colonel Watres explained that nt that hour he had Ave of his eleven companies out on patrol nnd guard duty, but was ready and able to take care of Susquehanna: county, at least temporarily, If the em ergency demanded It. At an early morning hour, Governor Stone decided to grant Sheriff Maxey's request, und telephoned Colonel Watres to send him soldiers at once. Colonel Watres Instructed Major Field to tako two companies and start for Forest City nt 4 o'clock. When Forest City awakes this morning, it will find sol diers on hnnd to prevent a repetition of yesterday's mob rule. Colonel Watres In his conversation with Governor Stone told him the situ ation In this county was at Its most acute stage; that the day had been the most disorderly since the beginning of the strike, und that anything approach ing a general outbreak in the lower part of the county would tax the resources of the Thirteenth to the straining point. That the colonel was not adding any coloring matter to his report of the local state of affairs may be judged from a survey of the following synopsis of the dny's disorder: DISORDER OF A DAY. Early in the morning a mob held up n train at Prlceburg, blocked tho rail road and nssnlled the trnin hnnds. At 5 o'clock p. m., nt the snme place, a mob nssaultcd workmen. Imprisoned others In n brenker, nnd drove back others coming to work. Two of tho mob, one nrmed with nn nxe nnd the other with a big knife, were nrrested for brandishing their weapons at a small group of soldiers. Detween fi and 6 o'clock, Jessup and Peckvllle were the scenes of a general uprising against non-union men. Sol diers quelled the disturbance, and went away. It broke out again, nnd soldiers were again sent to the scene. Three non-union men were laid low with clubs nnd stones, nnd four strikers are re ported to have been shot. Forest City wns given over to tho hands of a mob during the most of tho day, and In the evening the sheriff, h despair of being able to restore order, made requisition for troops. Incidents of violence of a less serious character were reported from many places. NUMEROUS CALLS ON THE THIRTEENTH Tho first call for protection to which" the Thirteenth made response came yesterday morning from Prlceburg. Tho Ontnrio and Western company attempted to take out a train of conl ftom Johnson No. 2, colliery, early In tho morning, but found that tho track had been blocked with huge boulders und that a big crowd of strikers and their sympathizers would not nllow the train hands to clear away tho obstruc tions. Upoik receiving a call for aid, Colonel Watres despatched Major K. Itusli Field and two' companies to the scene on a special train. At tho ap proach of tho soldiers the crowd re treated and the company was freo to take out tho train. Tho obstructions wero so heavy and numerous thnt the train hands could not move them In any reasonable time, so to get tho bother over with ns quickly ns possible Major Field directed tho soldiers to glvo a hnnd. In doing so, however, tho Major ln formed tho company ofllcers that here- Continued on Pago 3J YESTERDAY'S WEATHER, ') T.acul data for Sent. !M, 1002: Highest tompcraturo 65 degreed Lowest temperature ....',....,... 63 degrees: Relative humidity; ' S a. m, ,,.,..,,.,.,...,,...,., 00 per cent, 8 p. in .... W per coat, Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m 0.11 Inch. 4- t " WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Sept. 21. Forecast for Thuibday and Friday: linstern Pennsylvania Italu ThuiKtlay und probably Frlduy; fresh northeast M cuat winds, ..., .: t t t M 41 vVfcl $i ij V.l ii ulV.i T '1 tt K. . -r . i: ., j'k&mkim a.v!tfatiLikl .. J,.. . .Uk.ti,- at .V.