The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 24, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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' J3 ' " ,'
Bpcclnl to tho Scrnnton Trlbuno.
Montrose, Sept. 23. Hurry Prink, of
tHinmorc, who hug been .visiting his
parents In tills place for the past
.week, returned Inst evening to resume
Ills duties In that place.
Miss Jennie llltchner, who litis been
the guest of her sister, Mrs. "Wirt
Conklln, has returned to her homo In
fWest Plttston.
Fny Curtis Is tho new clerk at Mc
Catislund's pharmacy.
As Is customary with nil the Prcs
bytcrlnn Sunday schools throughout
the country, next Sunday will bo ob
ticrvod In tho Presbyterian Sunday
Bchnol hero ns "rally day." An es
pecial crfort Is being made to recruit
new scholars.
Thomas AV. Tinker, coal dealer, hns
received n quantity of washory coal,
nnd he has no Iron bio In disposing of
Gregory Scott, 'of Great Bend, has
been visiting In this place for tho past
lew days.
Many from this place contemplate
attending tho Harford fair.
Fnyetto Sprout and Harry Prink
klrovc over to Blnghamton Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James P. Taylor are
ton an outing to Atlantic City.
Miss Lillian Tltsworth is attending
tin art school in Syracuse.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Scott, of Sernn
'ton, returned yesterday, after spend
ing Ecveral days In town.
P. I. Lott's racing horse, W. J.
Maxey, won second money at the
Wallsvillc fair last week.
All friends and all who expect to be
friends of the new Presbyterian pas
tor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. A. P.
von Tobel, have been requested to meet
In the chapel of the church Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock, where a recep
tion will bo given.
Tho Gun club, which for several
.Weeks has been busy In preparing tho
room in the Republican building for
occupancy, now have it most elegantly
carpeted, papered and painted, making
It a very congenial and cozy meeting
place. The place will be conducted on
the very best lines morally gambling,
liquor and vulgarity being prohibited.
Mrs. Marlon E. Grlflls (nee Mary
Catlln), who has been ill for several
weeks, died at her home on Cliff street
Saturday afternoon, between tho hours
of 5 and C. She wasa member and
earnest worker in tho Presbyterian
church, and was a prominent member
of the Christian Endeavor. Deceased
was beloved by all, and her death is
greatly lamented. She Is survived by
her hitsband, one daughter and two
sons, Louise, Carl and Arthur. Her
oge was 39 years. Interment was made
In the Montrose cemetery, Rev. A. F.
von Tobel ofllclntcd nt both this ser
vice and at tho one held at the house
at 2 o'clock.
Rev. A. P. von Tobel will bo regu
larly Installed as pastor of tho Pres
byterian church on Thursday, Oct. 10.
William H. Warner Is in Philadelphia-
C. M. ' Hawley was called, to Owego
Sunday by tho Illness of his wife, who.
was visiting there.
W. W. Reynolds Is in Atlantic City
ton n short vacation.
Company O, National Guard, left at
noon, on the 12.20 train for Scrnnton,
where they will be stationed until or
dered elsewhere.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Sept. 23. Miss Helen
Lewis is tho guest of friends at Elmira,
Is'. Y., this week.,
Thomas Cuddy, of Wilkes-Barre, who
lias' been seriously ill with typhoid
fever, at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Margaret Cosgrove, at this place, Is
improving slowly.
Misses Marlon and Eleanor Metcalf,
students nt the Elmira Female college,
returned to their studies on Saturday.
Mrs. "Martha nunnell and daughter,
Elizabeth, leave for Now York city this
week, where they will remain until
January 1.
Clarence A, Little, esq., a prominent
member of the Wyoming cnipity bar,
died nt his home, on Wyoming street,
Monday at noon, of blood poisoning, re
sulting from an Injury received somo
two or three months since by being
thrown from a passenger train while
disembarking. He wus a member of
the law llrm of W. E, & C. A. Little,
and well known and highly esteemed
in legal circles throughout the north
cast. The Bar association will hold a
meeting this morning at 0 o'clock to
take action on his death. The funeral
will take place on Thursday afternoon
nt 2.30 o'clock,
Guy TItman, son of John Tltman, has
entered Munsileld stnto vnni c.,i,nni
ns a student, mid Prank Newbury will
i" lu muiiyeiio coucgo at Easton.
iurs. uiunnio Carter, of Scranton, la
the guest of Mr. mill Mi- nou ir
I rick, on Putnam street.
I Clarence George, of Sayre. spent Sun
Iday with friends at this place.
' -
Special to tho Scranton Tribune,
Honbattom. Sent. "1 Sirs n.n,.
3ell entertained for dlmmr sm,...,i....
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ballov. of s,.,.,,,,.
ton; Mr, nnd Mrs, O, D, Roberts,
Claude Roberts and Glenn Roberts, of
his place, unci Mrs. Estelhi Jcftcrs of
Mr. atld Mrs. Josenb C!iiriiinni. nt
Nicholson, were guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
o. v, neiium, sunuuy.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Alexander, of
Scranton. and Mr. fiooro-n ArliH. nt
Bilnghuinton, spent Sunday with N. AV.
Mr. Leon Tlffnns-. of Klncsiev. wna n
aller In town Sunday,
Mrs. AV. A. Joffers snrnt tli flrot nt
he week with Blnghamton friends.
Miss Melln A. Brown, nf Nnu-iirlr
ley, N, Y,, will be at Frank Junaushek's
icware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contains flercury,
s mercury will surely destroy tho sense
f smell and completely derange tho
fholo system when onterlnur It tlnnnuli
he mucous surfaces. Such urtlclea should
lever bo used except on prescriptions
rom reputable physicians, as tho dam
ige they will do Is ten fold to tho good
rou can possibly derive from them,
lull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
f J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.. contulnn
10 mercury, ami Is tukun Internnllir. n.
list directly unon the blood and miicouu
Surfaces of tho (system. In buying Hull's
ICaturrh Cure bo sure you gel the genu-
Ene. ii is mikcu uiioriiniiy una inucio in
roledo, Ohio, by P. J, Cheney & Co. Tea-
iimumuia iree.
bom by druggists. Price. 73e. per bottle.
ui b -ujHiiy 4-1113 uru nig Ul'9t
Btoro on Saturday, Sept. 27, and Satur
day, Oct. 4 with a full line of fall mll-
.llnery, Ladles are cordially Invited
to rail nnd Inspect tho stock.
Mr. Solomon Hell Is critically III at
this writing.
Mrs. P. Williams was tho guest of her
sister, Mrs. II. E. Hertholf, last week.
Tho teachers Institute Saturday was
well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey, of Scran
ton, are visiting nt O, U. Roberts.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Springvlllo, Sept. 23. Sprlngvlllc needs
somo road-working. Sonic of the roads
are more like cunuls than what they
were Intended for. The supervisors are
clonrly nt fault, and the remedy lies
With the people,
Mrs. Rozelle, relict of tho Into J. A.
Rozelle, died at her late homo on Wed
nesday last. The funeral was held on
Friday, Interment being mndc In tho
Catholic cemetery over In Auburn town
shlu. O. H. Rlsley is building a silo on his
Tho contractors hnjvo finished the
Thomas hill road, have received their
pay, and the thoroughfare Is now open
for travel. It is a great Improvement
over the old ono,
William Ellis, sawyer over at tho
Stlllwell mill, has been suffering with
a largo boll on his hand, which has put
him out of ii job for a time.
Tho members of Vesta lodge had a
very pleasant meeting Saturday even
ing. A delegation came down from
Montrosci Ice cream and other refresh
ments wore served, nnd an all-round
good time was had. A lodge social will
be hold at the homo of A. O. Dunlnp
and wife on Friday evening, October 3.
Morris Sleight's oldest son and
daughter will start for the state of
Washington next week, where each has
secured a good position.
Every man having a fodder cutter
and power Is very busy now tilling silos.
Mrs. George C. Stevens hns been very
sick with typhoid fever. A trained
nurse from the city Is caring for her.
Tho band will vacate their present
quarters October 1, and move Into the
postolllce building, which has been
vacant since last April.
Four heavy frosts In September, and
all before the 20th, ought to satisfy tho
most critical man. Three of them came
last week.
Will Gray's horse broke through a
bridge one evening last week, injuring
it considerably, and breaking the buggy
W, A. Taylor, of Dixon, Wyoming
county, visited his son, George, in this
village last week.
Mrs. D. J. Koons has moved from
Lynn to the rooms over Henry Will
iams' hardware store.
Theodore LaBarr nnd wife were vis
iting friends in town the latter part of
the week.
John O. Lyman Is putting up a silo
at his place up on the hill. R. A. Squler
is also building one.
-The house of Alvln, Button, over near
Scott corners, just In the edge of La-
throp township, was burned,, together
with a portion of tho contents, on Sat
urday morning about 7 o'clock. The
cause of the (Ire is unknown.
Gray squirrels are plentiful this fall,
and, regardless of laws, are being killed
in large numbers.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
New Mllford, Sept. 23. Mr. and Mrs,
Albert Moss are entertaining air. and
Mrs. Strickland, of Sprlngvlllc.
Leon Tiffany, of Plttston, visited in
town last week.
Prof. O. M. Snyder and sister, Miss
Edna Snyder, nttended the Teachers'
association at Foster, Saturday.
Mrs. Patrick Hand nnd daughter.
Lizzie, spent Friday in Blnghamton.
Mrs. II. J, Brown, of Hallstead, was
in town last week,
The ladies of the AVorking guild of
tlio Presbyterian church are requested
to meet nt tho church on Wednesday at
3 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, of Kane,
Pa., are guests at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. 13. T. Oakley.
Mrs. Ogden Pratt Is entertaining her
brother, from Catskill, N. Y.
Miss May Rose loft Sunday for Blng
hamton, where she will spend somo
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bullard and chil
dren, of -Hallstead, were guests nt the
home of S. V. Trumbull Inst week.
Miss Estelhi Oakley, of Kane, is visit
ing her fnther, E. T. Oakley.
Special to tho Scrnnton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, Sept. 23. Mrs. Henry
Jones and Mrs, Ruth Cannon returned
last Friday from Rhode Island, where
they had boon vlsljlug friends for the
past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmlston nnd daugh
ter Dorothy, of Buffalo, are guests of
Mrs. Edmlstou's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O, T. Spencer.
Rov. G. R. Smith presided nt tho
meeting of Baptist ministers at Cnr
bondale last Monday.
The six principle Baptists will hold
their yearly meeting at Dnlton next
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Septem
ber 20, 27 nnd 28. Delegates are expected
from Rhode Island.
As A. W. Gardner was driving down
tho Depot hill this morning, his horse
beenmo frightened and unmanageable,
throwing Mr, Gardner out and Injuring
his leg quite severely,
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Wlmmers, Sept, 23, Miss E. Munson,
the homo missionary, la now homo from
Tennessee and North Curollnu, visiting
friends at her homo at Cnnnnn Corners,
She Is barely out of her teens, and has
given live years qf her life to mission
work In those southern states nnd has
caused muny u ruy of light to shine on
tho superstitious part of humanity.
The annual harvest homo festival was
observed III the Evangelical church hero
Sunday, The church was decorated
with (lowers and neurly all kinds of
fruit. The sermon delivered by Rev,
Kgge was very touching, , inviting tho
people to bo prepared for their eternal
harvest, when the wheat will be separ
ated from the tares.
My. Drinker und wife, from the Hotel
Columbia nt Ariel, are now boarding at
Hotel Wlmmers.
Samuel Clminbcrllh, who was former
ly u. marblo polisher at Schohurle, N.
Y., Is now very HI at his home, and Is
attended by Dr. A. B. Stethens, of South
Cnnnnn. Mr. Chnmberlln lives nt Sim
ons, nnd has a wife and ono child, He
has been nearly blind for about fifteen
Charles Tresstor, operator nf, the
Wlmmers station, Is ono of tho most
agreeable of men, and Is very Attentive
to his business.
Tho Drnke & Stratton company, of
New York, now purpose building u coal
station at Saco, to supply their engines
with coal,
A farewell reception was tendered
Mrs. Henry Sperbcr and family, of Tay
lor street, on Monday evening, previous
to their departure to Camden, N, J, A
most delightful 'time wus spent. Doll
clous refreshments were served, Those
present were: Air. and Mrs. .John F.
Tubbs, Mrs. Fatzlnger, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Watklns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil
liam 0. Watklns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elinor
T. Daniels, Rev. and Mrs. T. L. Snntee,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Athorton, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Nelgcr, Mrs. Henry Sperber,
Mrs. ttelnhnrdt, Misses Laura Hatton,
Jemima Evans, Mary Van Busklrk,
Edith Van Busklrk, Rebecca Davis,
Polly Davls, Lena Dalley, Anna Fnlr
olough, Jessie M. Jones, Jessie Mor
gnns, Blodwln Grllllths, Helen Cnrdwell,
Ida Sperber, Ada Hatton, Blanche Pur
dy, Lillian Stone, Maud Davenport,
Hannah Cooper, Ida Kerr, Daisy Rein
hardt, and Messrs. 'John Morgans, Ja
cob Robblns, John Hughes, William and
Lester Cooper, W. A. Fatzlnger, Ed
ward Watklns, D. J. Davis, John D
Day and W. B. Evans.
A mass meeting of the United Mine
Workers of America will be held at the
Old Homestead park grounds, at North
Taylor, on Frldny afternoon, coinmenc
Ing at 2 o'clock. The speakers for the
day will be President John Fahy, of
District No. 9; T. D. NIcholls, of Dls
trlct No. 1. The members of the vnr
lous locals will mnrch In a body to tho
Mr. and Mrs. John E." Evans, of Sputh
Muln street, gave a birthday party In
honor of their little daughter, Miss
Margaret, who was 5 years old yester
day. The reception was held on tho
lawn surrounding their home, und a
very pleasant time was had by tho little
folks present. Games and many en
joyable amusements were Indulged In.
During the afternoon dainty refresh
ments were served, Including Ico cream
and various other luxuries. Miss
Evans was tho recipient of many pres
ents from her young friends. The lit
tle guests present were: Misses Laura
Fern, Lulu Jones, Margaret Davis,
Viola nnd Margaret Powell, Vcrna and
Ray Jones, Verna and Hannah Rltlge
way, Mabel Davis, Catherine Ayers,
Bessie Davis, Mildred and Myrtle Con
nolly, Mercedes nnd Gertrude Watklns,
Lucille Davis, Mildred Athorton, Mu
riel Grldlths, Minnie and Adeline Har
ris, Edith Jones, Mninle Owens, Ger
trude Morris, Gertrude Weber and Ed
ward Morris, Willie Thomas, Clarence
Stone, Carlton Atherton, Russell Jones,
Clifford Connolly nnd Milton Evans.
Tho Taylor borough council will meet
in special session this evening. Busi
ness of Importance is to be transacted.
The funeral of the la to Mrs. Anna G.
Williams, of Old Forge, took place from
tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan D. Gwynne, yesterday after
noon, and was largely attended. Ser
vices were held at the house at 2.30
o'clock nnd were conducted by the Rov.
J. J. Jenkins, pastor of the NeboCon
gregntlonal church, who preached an
impressive serinbn. At the close of the
services, the remains, which reposed In
a handsome oak casket, were viewed
for the lost time, after which the cor
tege moved to the Morcy cemetery,
where Interment was made. The pall
bearers were William Hnrlos, Wallace
Ormston, David J. Davis, David Had
dock, Edward Davis and John Moyers.
The American Protestant Ladles' asso
ciation, of which the deceased was a
member, attended the obsequies In a
body. Those from out of town who at
tended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Davis, Mrs. Margaret Shaw,
Mrs. Tnlbett, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones,
Mrs. Levy, Mrs. Roberts and Miss Jon
netto Jenkins, of Kingston; Mr. and
Mrs. William Gwynne and family, of
Daleton; Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Gwynne and children, of Luzerne.
Mrs. William Thomas and daughters,
Mrs. Ke'ster and Mrs. Alfred Hewitt,
of South Scranton, visited friends in
this town yesterday.
The eighty-ninth yearly meeting of
the Six Principle Baptist association of
Pennsylvania, will bo held In tho church
at Dnlton on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, 26, 27 and 28. The following
being tho order of services: Friday,
preliminary meetings, consisting of
praise prayer and short addresses at
2.30 and 7 p. m.; Saturday, praise and
conference at 10 a. m opening sermon
by Rev. F. J. Caterer, nt 11 a. in., busi
ness session, 1.30 p. in., covenant meet
ing 3 p. in., addresses by various
speakers C.30 p. m.; SutOVday, praise
service 10.30 a. nt., sermon by Rev.
Warren Dawley, of South Kingston, R.
I., at 11 a. in., addresses by various
speakers 2.20 p. m., nnnual communion
service 3.30 p. m. and nt 7.30 p, m. ad
dresses by Rov, Warren Dawley nnd
P. J. Caterer,
Miss Susan E. Jones, a Baptist mis
sionary in Mexico, gave an Interesting
FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho pictures appearing on this page each
day, draw u pencil mark around the hidden object, savo them until Saturday,
then send them or tako them to Tho Trlbuno ofilco In nn envelope addressed to
"Puzzlo Dopartmont." Encloso In the cnvelopo your namo, ago and address. Tho
boys and girls who correctly mark tho six pictures appearing during tho weak,
and whose answers nro first received, will havo their name3 published lu Tho
Trlbuno JMonday morning.
" ! iiiwiumiii ii i.iiTiiriTii mil i inWMim
The frog he would a wooing go.
A Sure Sign of Kidney
Trouble, Dr, Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy will
cure you.
Pain In the back Is a never falling sign
of kidney disease ; another sure sign Is
the condition of the urine ; if you have n
pain in the back then look to the condition
of your urine. Take a glass tumbler and
fill It with urlno ; after It has stood 21
hours, If It has a sediment, If It is milky or
cloudy, paleordlscolored, strlngyorropy,
your kidneys and bladder arc in a danger
ous condition and need Immediate atten
tion, or the consequences may prove fatal.
P. C. Wilcox of G5D New Britain nvc,
Hartford, Conn,, says:
"I had a frightful pain in my back,
the result of kidney trouble. My
physician seemed powerless to relievo
me. I determined to try Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy ; it
helped me wonderfully, nndinashort
time cured mo completely."
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
Is the ono mcdlcino that renlly cures all
diseases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder and
blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic
constipation. It is wonderful how it
makes that pain in tho back disappear,
how it relievos the desire to urinate often,
especially at night, and drives away that
scalding pain in passing water awd makes
you well and strong.
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Now SO Cant Slzo and the regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Ilr.Darlil Konncdy'n Roue Jclljr radical cure
Catarrli, Hay Kotcr and Cold lu Head. 60c. ''
address on Christian work In that coun
try In the Baptist church, Sunday even
ing. A supper will bo served In the Metho
dist church on Wednesday evening be
ginning at fi.30 o'clock.
"The Mistakes of Life Exposed," will
be the subject of the humorous lecture
to be given In tho Baptist church on
Thursday evening by R. S. Seeds, of
Birmingham, Pa. Mr. Seeds Is a popu
lar lecturer and all who want a good
laugh nnd sound phlllsophy should hear
him. The admission will bo 15 cents
and Ice cream will be sold at the close.
The W. C. T. V. will meet at the
homo of Mrs. W. E. Smith on Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The nnnual elec
tion of otllccrs will occur nt this time.
The recovery of Mrs. Harry Dean Is
quite hopeful as her condition seems
much Improved.
Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Caterer have
returned homo from their visit to Provi
dence, R. I.
The having of our town lighted by
electricity seems to be an assured fact.
Arrangements have been about perfect
ed by the borough councllmen with the
company nt Factoryvllle to furnish up
lights to the number twenty-tlvo with
twenty-four candle power. There Is no
doubt thnt when the electric system Is
established many residents and busi
ness places will have lights erected in
them nnd then our ever up-to-date
borough will bo indeed a twentieth cen
tury one. especially with our concrete
new arch bridge.
Stanley P. Allen arrived home last
week from a two month's business trip
in England. He went abroad In the
interest of tho International Corres
pondence schools. It Is contemplated
by the oillclals of this school to establish
a branch olllce of the schools In Lon
don in tho near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rozelle, of Scran
ton, spent yesterday at the Baptist
Miss Molly Brown returned home
from Montrose on Monday where she
visited relatives for several days last
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kimble gave a very
pleasant party In honor of their son,
Lee, It being his tenth birthday. The
Clara's Summit band during tho even
Ingcllscoursed some flue music. After
spending the. evening In games and
music, they partook of a bountiful re
past which was served on the lawn.
About seventy were present, among
those were friends from Scranton,
Wayne county and Clark's Summit.
The following is tho make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
Extras East 10 p, m., Hnllett.
Pushers 10 p. m., Lamphi.
Extras East 3.30 a. in.. Mcslcr; 11 a. m.,
Ilurkhurt; 1.30 p. in., Hush; 4.13 p. m.,
Stevens: C.30 p. in., Haggcrty.
Summits S a. m Nichols.
Pushers 7 a, m Wltlner: S a. m.,
llouser; 11 a. in,, Murray; 11.13 a. in., C.
Bartholomew; 1 p. in., Caso; 1.30 p. m
Lattlmer; 7,30 p, m., Murphy; S p. m,, W,
II, Bartholomew.
llolpeib l,:w a. m Magovern; 7 a. m.,
Guffiioy; 8 a, m Coslar; 10 n. m., Secor;
3.13 p. in., Stanton.
Find a rabbit and a squirrel.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Tor Rent.
POIt RUNT-Hlxroom house with bath, aoum i.incom uvlmuil
Plttston avniiue.
Room for Kent.
FRONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 121
Adams avenue.
For Bale.
llOUSM for snle, $10.00. Lackawanna
Liiunury, 30S I'onn avenue
FOR SALK-Lady's bicycle; first clnsn
mako and goud condition; cheap, 30
i-aiiii uuuuing.
FOR SALK-Abont 20 feet of desk coun
ter, surmounted with glusu front and
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with drawers nnd shelves under
neath. May be seen at the ofllce of Tho
FOR SALE-A fliBt class meat market.
Ownor will work for party. Address
131 Chestnut street, Dunmorc, Pa.
For Sale or Bent.
FOR SALM OR RKNT-Rosldenco of li.
C, Wetberly, 73 Wayne street, Cnr
homlnle. Inquire T. C. Robinson, Cur
boudalo. Real Estate.
FOR SALK Doublo house on Washburn
street; for purtlculais address M. A.
N., Hotel Nash.
FARM FOR SALK-Any ono wishing to
buy an excellent farm ran secure a
great bargain by calling on or addressing
M. M, Evans, Consumers' Ice Co., city.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In
upper Greon llldgo; choice neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlae,
173G Sanderson avenue.
WANTED Any man that has never bad
compressed air used on him after
shaving should have his work dune in the
barber shop under the Traders National
bank. John A. Smale, Prop. '
Salesmen Wanted.
capable oC earning good money, to
Imndlo our lino of carbon copying pa
pers, either regular or on tho side. Philip
llano &. Co., 1-3 Union Square, New York
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with
first class tablo board, can bo obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
LOST On Lncknwanmi avenue, Scran
ton, near Delaware and Hudson de
pot, lady's gold watch. Finder will bo
suitably rewarded by leaving tho sumo
at Tho Tribune ofllce.
LOST Two class pins; one Training
School '02, ono S. II. S. '01. Return
227 Prospect avenue.
meeting of the stockholders of tho
South Side Bank will be held ut the bank
ing house on Monday, November 24th,
10o2. between tho hours of 3 and 4 o'clock
p. m., to take iuMoii on approval or dis
approval of tho p, -nosed Increase of tho
capital stock of the bank from $30,000 to
FRANK IltlMMLEU. Secretary.
American League.
At Philadelphia R.H.E.
Baltimore 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-3 u 1
Philadelphia 0 4 00000004 0 4
Batteries Katoll and Smith; Plank and
Towera. Umpire Connolly.
At Washington- R.H.E.
Boston 0 110 4 2210-1111 2
Washington 10 0000 0 00-1 0 5
Batteries Young and Crlgcr; Curricle
and Clark. Umpire Johnstone.
At Cleveland- R.H.E.
Detroit 3200000005 7 2
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 5 3
Batteries Mercer and lluelow; Darner
and Bemls. Umpire O'Loughlln.
At Chicago Chicago vs, St. Louis; rain.
National League.
At New York- R.H.E.
Boston 11 00 00 000 2 G 3
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 7 0
Batteries Plttlngcr and Morau; Mnt
thewson and Bresnahan. Umpires La
tham and Irwin.
At Brooklyn- R.H.E.
Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 0-3 S 1
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 01 G 2
Butteries Eraser and Dooln; Gurvl'i
and Rltter. Umpire Emsllo.
Other clubs not scheduled.
Charles Drlffner will leavo next wcok to
enter tho Pennsylvania college as a medU
cal student.
Miss Josephine Healcy Is attending Mt.
St. Mary's academy.
Luke Burns, of Wntertowu, is tho guest
of his cousin, Mrs. James Gllhooley.
P. B. McKcon, of Mllford, Utuh, Is
spending a few weeks with friends here.
Wnltor Fitzslnnnons and family spent
Sunday at Ehnhurst.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dempsoy, of Dun
more, spent Sunday at thu King residence
on Mnln street.
Mr. and Mrs. George McArt and duugh.
tor, nt Plttston, spent Sunday at thu
Cranston rcsldenco lu tho North End.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Snyder entertained
a party of friends on Saturday evening
In honor of the tenth birthday of their
daughter, Sludge, Tho following were
present; Misses I.IhzIo Newton, Florence
und Frances Berge, Anna nnd Helen Mor
ton, Besslo Walter, Jesslo Illuckwell,
Mury Anderson, Maud and Frances Da
vis, Margaret Lower, Laura Ellis, Jean
Hustle, Anna Jones, Phyllis Mitchell,
Allco Alger, Joiinlu Guppy, Itena Fergu
son, Jenu anil Ethel Weir, Musters John
Graham, John Lower, Harold Hollster,
Floyd any, Gcorgo (Utterly, Ernest Bun.
nett. Obadlah Williams, Edwin O'Brien.
Thu death of Michael, tho 21-year-old
sou at Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilroy, of
North Main street, occurred yesterday
afternoon nt tho family rciddcuco after
sucffiing four months with pleurisy, An
operation was decided upoi) ail tho only
means of saving tho patient's life. Dr.
Berge, assisted by Dr. Watson, of
Mooslc, was about to proceed with the
surgical work when to their amazement
they found that the patient hud passed
nwuy. Deceased wus u man whose life
wus well worthy nf emulation und there
a io muny fi lends who feol deeply grloved
over his sudden taking away. Tho fu
neral urrungcmenls aro not yet completed.
No Order
Accepted for Less
Than 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offfloaa.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Eecoived nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALtlEItT SCHULTS?, comer Mul
berry street and Webster nve.
West Side-
CKO. A JENKINS, 101 South
Main uvotiuo.
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE, 710 Cedar
North Scrnnton
GEO. w. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuu nnd Market
Green Bldge
son avenue.
P. J. JOHNS, 920 Orcon Rldso
C. LORENZ, corner Washington
avenue and Marlon street.
1017 Irving
Help Wanted.
WANTED Agents to sell tea aTuf'cof
feo to consumers. Positions perma
nent, Grand Union Tea Co.. 311 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male,
An experienced young man in
men's Shoe Department.
WANTED-A llrst class electrician. Send
applications to Berwick Electric Light
Co., Berwick, Pa.
WANTED Men that want work. Call or
address C. B. Sharkey, Hotel Schudt,
A AN 1 ED Accurate man with somo
knowledge of booltkeeplng for olllco
work; start next Monday; hard work.
Address, giving age, experience and sal
ary expected, J. K. L., Tribune olllce.
A ANTED Good man for shoo repairing.
Stoutly work for right man. Apply
J?;. Duvls' 1S Luzcrno avenue. West
WANTED Electricians and helpers. Fred
n. l' ?m, "07 Linden street, Board of
Trade building.
SALESMAN Experienced In placing pro
prletary medicines with retail drug
gists; high class line; liberal pay. Address
stating experlenco nnd reference. E. B.
Giles & Co., 2330 Market street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
WANTED On account of Increased work
competent machinists to work in large
railroad shojps near Pittsburg; wages. 25,
.6, 27 cents per hour; permanent employ
ment given for satisfactory sorvlco; freo
railroad transportation furnished from
Wllkos-Barro to Pittsburg. For further
Information address C. L. Snvder, C22
Mooney building. Buffalo. N. Y., in writ
ing; give dato of birth, experience, whero
last employed; on what kind of work,
and when able to report for duty.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Ladies to join evening dra
matic class. Call Wednesday. Call
this afternoon or evening. C. A. Stuart,
Guernsey Hall.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond,
State age, experience, references first let
ter. Address, Sulto 572, No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Situations Vvanted.
WANTED By refined American lady, a
position as housekeeper or seamstress
whero other help Is kept. Address M. C,
this ofllce.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old "phono 1S0I.
Renl Estato Exchange Bldg,, 120 Wash
ington avenuu.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
noll building.
building, Spruce street, Scranton.
Fire Insurance.
SCIILAGER & CO,. Traders' Bank Bldg.
Patent Attorneys,
PAT E N TS L,tt!,,ocSi,&,.c'
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In (he city. Nn churgo for In
formation on patentability; over ten
years' experience.
Kcploglc & Co., Wears Bldg.
Hotels and Bestaurants.
liu avenue. Rates reasonable,
P, 551EGLER, Proprietor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor,
and cess pools; no odor; only improved
pumps used, A. Ii. Brlggs, proprietor.
Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue,
or Elcku's drug store, corner Adams and
Mulberry, Both telephones,
Wive Screens.
uve., Scranton, infrs. of Wire Screens.
piles, envelopes, puper bugs, twine,
Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue.
bo had lu Scruutou at thu uows stund
of Kclsunan Bros., W Spruce und 504
Linden; M. Norton. 322 Lackawunuu
uve.; I. S. Schutzer. 211 Qurucc street.
Only Half a Cent a Wori.
Business Opportunity.
. out demy. Wrlto for our special mar
l .lott.or' r'rce on application. S. M.
Illhbard a Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated nnd Stock Exchange 44 nnd 48
Broadway, Now York. Kntnbllsliod 1S6I.
Long Dlnlnnco 'Phone glS.1 Broad.
Money to Loan.
Quick, Btmlght loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 0 por cont. Call on
N. V. Walker. 3H-313 Connoll building.
v,j Miscellaneous.
launders shirts nt Sc. each and collars
and cuffs at l'.Jo. each.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
, , In Effect Juno 1, 1C02.
trains leavo Scranton for Now York
At 1...0. 3.20, G.03. 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.; 12.40.
3.40, 3.3j p. m. For Now York and Phila
delphia 7.50. 10.10 a. m nnd 12.10 and 3.33
,'. 'i? lm' Goilldsboro At C.lO p. in. For
Uuffiilo, . nnd D.00 a. m.j 1.55, G.30
and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton. Elmira
and way statlons-lo.25 n. m.. 1.03 p. m.
?.'.?' Oswego, Syracuse and Utlcn-1,13 and
"". I1: .m,; ''", ! m. Oswego, Syrncusa
and Utlea train nt 0.22 n. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose-ii.OO a. in.: 1.01
"".'L1"0 f- " Nicholson accommodation
1.00 and 0.15 p. in.
Bloomsbtirg Dl vision-Far Northumber
land, at 0.33 and 10.10 a. m.: 1.53 nnd 0.10
" ,n,AJ',or Plymouth, ut S.10 a. m.; 3.40
and 9 03 p m.
Sunday Trains For New York, 1.50, 3.20.
ii.Oj. 10.10 n. m.: 3.10 and 3.35 p. m, For
Buffalo 1,13 and fi.22 n. m.j 1.53, U.50 nnd
11.10 p. m. For Elmira and way statlous-lo.-i
a. m. For Blnghainton and way sta
tions, 0.00 a. m. Bloomsbtirg Dlvlalon
Leavo Scranton. 10.10 a. m. and 0.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
In Effect Juno 15, 1902.
Trains Leave Scranton
For Philadelphia and New York via D.
& II. R. R., at at 7.JI, through Parlor Car
anil Day Coich Cnrliomtulu to Now York
and 0.17 n. in., with L. V. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 4.35 (Black
Diamond' Express), nnd 11. 43 p. m. Sun
days, D. & II. ii, n .r,S. 0.17 p. m.
For Whits Haven, lluzleton und princi
pal points In tho coal regions, via D. &
JI. R. It., 7.11, 2.1S and 4.33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7.11 n. m.
For Bethlehem. Easton, Rending, Ilar
rlshurg and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. a II. n. R.. 7.11. 0.17 u. m.;
2.1S, 4.33 (Blade Diamond Express). 11.49 p.
m. Sundays. D. & 11. R. It., 9.3S a. m.;
1.5S. 0.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Tnwnmln, Elmira,
Ithiten, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D., L. & AV. R. It., C.33 a. m.
and 1.55 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chlrago and all points west via
D. & If. R. R., U'.n'l p. m.: 3.23 (Black
Diamond Express). 10.11. 11.40 p. m. Sun
days. D. & II. R. R.. 12.03. 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Valley Parlor cars on all trams between
Wllkes-Bnrra and Now York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLL1N II WILBUR. Gen. Supt,, 20
Cortland street. New York.
CHARLES S. LEM. Gen. Pass. Agt., 23
Cortland street. Now York.
A. AV. NONRMACITER, Dlv. Pass. Agt..
South Bethlehem. Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations
npply to pity ticket ofllce, GO Public
Square. AVIIkcs-Barre. Pa.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
Corrected to September 1G, 1902.
Stations In Now York, foot Lluerty
street nnd South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leavo Scranton for New York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bfthlehem, Allen
town, Mauch Chunk, Whllo Haven, Ash
ley, WIIkes-Bnrro and Plttston at 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., through solid vestlbulo train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila
delphia with only ono change of cars for
Baltimore nnd AVashlngton, D. C, and all
principal points south nnd west.
For Avocn, Pittston and AVIlkes-Barro,
1 p. m. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 a. m, and 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon nnd Hnrrlsburg
via Allentown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m, and 4
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For nnd Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.;
1 p. m, nnd I p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent al
W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect June 10, 1902.
Trains leave Scranton 0.3S a. m., week
days, through vestlbulo train from
WIIkes-Bnrro. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stopa at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Hnr
rlslmrg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, AA'ash
lngton and for Pittsburg nnd tho AVest.
9.17 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Hnr
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, AVash
lngton and Pittsburg and the AWst.
1.12 p. m., week days, (Sundays. 1.3S p.
m.l. for Sunbury. llarrlsburg, Phllnd-Jl-phla,
Baltimore, AVashlngton and Pitts
burg and the west.
3.2S p. m.p week days, through vestlbulo
raln from AVIlkea-Harro. Pullman buffet
parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops at principal Intermedi
ate stations.
4.33 p. in., week duys, for Ilnzlolon, Sun
bury, llarrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
""" J, B. III'TCIIINOON. Gen. Mgr.
J, B. AVOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno hi. VJ02.
Trains for Cirbondalo leavo Scranton nt
G.4I. 7.i, S.3. 10.13 II. Ill,; 12.03, 1,12, 2,11,
3.50, 5.29, G.25, 8.21, 9.15, 10.01 p. in.; 12,18,
1,58 a. m.
For Honcsdalo-fi.ll, 10.13 n. m,; 2,11 and
5.29 p. m.
For AVllkes-Barre-G.3S. 7.41. 8.41. 9.47,
10.53 a. 111.: 12.03, 1.42, 2.1S, 3.2S. 4.35, 0.10,
7.1S, 10.11, 11.49 p. in.
For L. V. R. R. Polnls-7.41, 9.47 a. m.
2.1S, 4.33 and 11.49 p. in.
For Pennsylvania R. R, Points 6.38
9,47 a. in.: M2. 3.2S and 4.33 p. m,
For Albany nnd all points north 7.30 a.V
n. and 3-ay m.. TnA1K8, . ,;.,' 5
For Carbondalo, 11.33 a. m.; 2.1V'
3.Bil. 5.52 and 11.17 P. .in. V i.-
For Wilkes- Ha rre 9.3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.53,.
3.2S. G.32 nnd 9.17 l). nif!i. ' -
For Albany nnd points north 3.50 p. nv
For Honesdnle-8 50 'a. m'.; 11.31 and 3.53-
PW.L. PRYOR, D. P. A., Scrnnton, PaV
Erie Bailroad Wyoming Division.
In Eltect September 15, 1902..
Trains leave Scr.iuton for. Now York.
Nowburgh und Intermediate points, nisi)'
for Hawlov and local stations at 7,20 a.
in. and t.25 p. in.
For Honcsdalo and AVhlto Mills nt 1.33
Trains nrrlvo nt Scranton nt 10.38 a. m.
nnd 0.15 p. m.
New York, Ontario and Western. .'
Time tnblo in effect Sunday, Sept. 23, 1902."
Nfllt'1'll BOUND TRAINS. ".
Leavo Leavo Arrlvo
Trains, Seianton, Cnrbondalo. CndoslA,'
No, I 10.30a, in, 11.10a. m. 1.00 p, m,-
No. 7 0.10 p. m.Ar.Ciuboudale 6.4G p.m
Leavo Leavo Arrive
Trains. Cadosla. Carbnudnlo. Seianton,
No, i U.50a, m. 7.25a, m.-
No. 2 2.13 p. 111. 4.00 p. m. 4.1.1 p. 111.
Leavo Leavo Artlva
Trains. Scranton. Cnrbondalo, Cadosla;-
No. 0 S.SOn. in, 9.10 u, m. 10.45 a. m,
No. 0 7,'0 p. m.Ar.Oaiboiidalu 7.13 p.m
Leavo Leavo Arrive
Tialns. Cadosla, Curhnndale. Scranton.
No. U U.SOu. in, 7.21a. in.
No. 10 4.30 p. m, U.OG p. in. G.41 p. Ill,
Tialns Nos. 1 on week days, and 9 on
Sundays cannect for Now York city, Mid
dlotown, Walton, Norwich, Oneldn, Os
wego nnd all pqlntir west.
Train No. G. with "Quaker City Ex.
press" nt Ucrniiton.'yl.-t i l. il..of.N. J.,
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore.
AVashlngton and Pennsylvania state
points." ' ,. . -
Seo tlme-tnblo and consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines. "
J. C. ANDERSON. O. P, A.. Now York.
J. E. WELSH, T. l A., Scranton, Pa, (
MM,,, itfia
i a.
5.. -
.wUHiV !feM.w'iWiliftlliiriiiilli!W in'.
0-. a
,.'. L,.
J&.W1M. 6 .