-tTHE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, iOOl WEST CRANTON Pretty Wedding in Washburn Street Presby- tern ChurchCall Extended Rev. Humphreys Other Items. David J. UrlflUhs, one of tlio thief clerkB in the ofllcc ofPicstdont Weh rum, of tltp Liitknwnunn trott and Steel , company at Jiuffnlo, and Miss Mabel Clementine Spencer, daughlcr of Mr. and Mm. T. J. Spoiicci, of ,Tiuknn etrcct, and for many .veins a cashier In the 'Globe Warehouse, weie happily united In man luge last evening by Kr-v. J. "P. Moffat, n. D, at Ihe Washburn Street Ptosbvterlnn church. The edifice was rilletl with Mends and relatives of tlio continuing patties, and the event wnt one of (lie leading not lal functions of the season. The pulpit was hanked high with palms, autumn leaver and fein, behind which the oiganist, Mips Cnrilc Hi 111, sat and pluvcd Men delssohn's tn.iuh as the wedding paity cntcied the aiidltoilmn. The two bildonml(K Misses Minnie "Wilson and nicunor (iilllillw, wealing vlillo Pel slim lawn gowns, nvei iiintis-fellne-dc-sole, trimmed with late and tucks, and curving clu.vs intliemuins entered fiom the loom on the light of the pulpit and pi o ceded to the end of the center aisle, and thoie mot the ush ers, Edwuid D Mot so, Fill man S. Spen cer, Leslie K. Mnio and IMw.ml H. Slnjcock, who pruedid the bridesmaids up the aisle to the pulpit. Then came the m.ild of liiinoi. Miss llaillet I!. HPMin, of West Plttston, Bow tied In pale gtccii silk inullo, trimmed with es-iuila lace, and i.mv lns chrjwinthemums The bible fol lowed, leaning on the aim of her father. She woip embroidciod chiffon tilmmed with dtichobs lace, with medallions over pllk, and Lai lied bildal ioes and maiden-hair fetus. She also woie a bridal veil, caught with a dl.iinoiid miii bui.st, and looked like a faliy qui en. The giooni and his attendant, "Will lam Mi-Ciaikcn, approached tlio pulpit enclosure from the light aisle, followed by the pator, and .is the pai ty giouptd together foimed a spml-ihclu, with Dr. Moffat In the eontci. He lead the chuich iltual,vwhlch Is eii bilef, anil after pronouncing the words, whlih united the happy couple, the oiganist began plaving a ieiessioii.il, and the paitv left tho chilli h bv wnj of the centei aisle. The pai tli Ipints and guests weie Im medl iteiy dihen to the Clcitilc City Wheelmen's pilatlal ilub house, whldi had been espeiiilly dciomted foi tlio event, anil thoie spveial htimlipd people passed the lemalndei of tlie cening In lunchon, comet Mug and dancing. At midnight Ml. and Mis niiflltlis de paited for New Yoik, and after a biief II I 11UUI 1 nuut Five, stamps given away with each bottle of Dufom's Fiench Tar G. W. JENKINS. 1 A Sato of a ITT 11 HIT 1 a 1AaII nflniA lYtl VM K & la up-to-date models, does not happen very often in this or any other city. With & but one or two exceptions this sale fills the g LS bill perfectly in that respect. The Corsets & offered are all by representative makers, Jj and stand as the highest type iu their 5! ?5 respective classes. ii 3 I 1 The Redfern,, Corset I :c if you know anything about good corsets, you know the & g "Redfern." g 3 3.00 "Redfern" Corsets, in black only, at $2.50 p S 2.50 'Redfern'' Corsets, in white only, at $2.00 2T: I Popular "J. B." Corsets 1 ' In white or drab, Full line of sizes and models. gp S The standard $1.00 Corset for 75C 5 Corsets Worth $1.25 the Pair I 2 Various models, all standard makes, however, and j S55 not a pair in the lot ever sold for less than 1.25 : 3 thepair. Sale Price OC 1 Women's " Health" Corsets f '"3 This line is known wherever Corsets are sold on & !J8 Ameiican soil, Sizes are slightly broken in this & lot, but the chances are that you can be fitted. 0 5! ia - White and drab only. A $1.25 Corset for 89C St 5 ! A Good Nursing Corset g La That is ranked as a staple at $1.35 the pair. White S! 3 and drab in all sizes. The sale price, this week n " g only, Is 98C fi I "P. D." All Whalebone Corsets 1 I? In white and black. A strictly high class corset 2 that sells regularly for $5.50 the pair, Most of . ft Z9 the sixes but not all. Extra Special Sale Price $ 1 .50 ft id 600 Good Corsets at 39c 3 In white and drab. Sensible models to fit all fig- ft 9 tires, Never sold under half a dollar. The price, & 9 during this sale only, will be ,,, 39C fe ji jp Corset Sale Continues All Week, i ft Globe wareboiise. I immtommvMiNimmmmmmmmit honeymoon, wilt establish their home In Iltiffalo. Father Mnthew Paiade. Piepnriillons for tho Father Mnlhew day paiade, picnic and ball on Friday, October 10, aie being made rapidly, and It Is expected the detailed pi ori amine will be lently for publication In a few dnvs. The (ommlttpp In chnige can not tell, as jet, how many societies will paitlclpate la the paiade, owing to the unsettled state of affalis In the laieku wannn alley. They have ittiue.sted nieiihalitH anil otheiH to dpi orate along the line of mm ch. The paiadp will stmt about 10 o'cloik. and the picnic will be held 1m miMllatelv afttiwaid. The annual ball of the Hyde Park Father Mathew sot ! ply will take place at Meats' hall In the p piling. The following olllcci.s and'ioinmlttees hue been appointed to (oliduet the bill: Master of ceipinonles, John Kliaughiipssy, Ii,: assistant master of ceiemonles, M. S. I.uvcllo: floor com mittee, J. II. MeNultv, Thomas Mc Oniwi Michael Donohoe. M. A. Culla ther, nichind McHale, T. J. Fleming, M. .1. Jennings, Pntilik Devets, William Khk, Chailes Canaan, James Regan, John McHale, William King, IMward J. Mollale: iPieptlon committee, John Ciowley, John Claike, Hugh Logan, J. C. Giillngliei, A. J. Iamny, Michael Colenuin, Anthony McAndiew, Kdvv.ud Kenny, John Muiphy, John Coleman, Anthony McAndiew: cloak loom, John Shnughnessy, sr., John Donohoe; door committee, John W. Can oil, Daniel Coleman, William Oinney, T. P. Mc Hale: bov otlice, M. T. Walsh. Simpson Church Meetings. The Young t. idles' auxlll.il y of the Woman's Foielgn Mlsslonaty sucietv will hold thelt annual social In the ihurch totnotiow evening The Motheis' .Towels will meet Fi Iday nftoinoon, the Ptobatloheis' class Fil da evening. Mis Josie D Knnuss, of Jaikbon stieet, will onteitaln the Young Ladles' auxllluiy Ft iday evening. Theie will be a speilal meeting of the Woman's Home Mlssionaiy so i Icty of the Simpson church this even ing, after pi aver meeting, to consider an appeal. Metz-Mauer. Adoliili Motz. of South Main avenue and Miss Mlldted Mauei. of Tenth sttect, weie man led In New Yoik cltj on S itui da v last by Itov. G. Parson Nicholas pastor of the First Piesby terian clutich The couple ate now enjoving a wed ding tiip and upon theli ictuin will le- side on South Main avenue. Funeial Announcements. The tuuiial of the late William G. Cietcr occuncd vcslcidaj aflcinooa li om the house, on W'cbt Linden btteut Df ceased was a Spanlsh-Anieiiean war filftan 1 n j lATiAtn 1 1 "NK N & i veteran and a member of the Painters' union, both of which were represented at tho funniali Interment wan made In the Forest Hill cemetery. The services were In charge of Hev, Gallenknlnp, of the Ml lit In Avenue church, The fall bcareis weic ,T, At rlil'on, Mi laingruth, A, J, Shaftcr, J, UtleMiaiiRh, Owen Moon and IMwntd Sampson, ' The ftineial of the Into MIhr Mniy Rtilllvan will take ptaco at D o'clock thli morning fiotn the home of her imithnr, 2!) South N'lnth street. Sri vices will be held at St. Patrick's church, and Inter ment will bo made In the Cathcdial cemetery. A Unanimous Call. The members of the Plymouth Con Eiegutlomil cliiiiili hrld n meeting Init evening to consider the ndvliablllty of extending a call for a pastor. Since the withdrawal of Itev. 13. A. Boyl they have been without a lender. The result was unanimous In favor of Itev. T. A. Humphrcvs, of Sharon, Pa., who has so acceptably lllled the pulpit (lurlDfc the past thiee Sundays. He Is a ginduute of Oberlln college, nnd hns been veiy successful In Cleveland, .tolinstown and Shnioti, The meeting was presided over by lltchnrd Owens, and the (lunch cleik, Miss Elizabeth Kvaus, was lustiucted to communicate the tall to Kev. Ilumphieys. JIo leturned to his home on Monday. Ill all piohablllty he will accept the call. Foot Ball Games. Tho foot ball team lepicsentlng the Alumni Athletic association villi piny the stiong Wyoming Seminary team ut Kingston this afternoon. The Alert Foot Ball team has been oiganbed and Is now leady for games. Thomas Williams, the North Main ave nue baibor, Is manager of the team. The Wct Side Blues have oiganlred, and aie open for challenges from teams whose aveiage weight Is not over 10"i pounds. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. I'red, the voung son of Mr. and Mis Heibert Idovd, of 1309 Luzerne sticet, fell f i om a tiee lecently, a distance of thlity-llve feet, and fractured his left aim. The attention of the health ofllcei has been called to tho condition of the gut leis In the vicinity of Lincoln avenue nnd Lafayette htieet, caused by the stagnated sin face wateis. A number of boys frightened one of the Keystone lanndiy horses on South Hvde Paik nvenue, Monday afternoon, and the animal inn away. A small boy In the wagon was badly frightened, but the horse was caught before any dam age lesulted. The pupils of No. 13 school who left the building on Monday, because tho fatheis of two teacheis continue at woik about the mines, leinalned nway again vesteiduv. Out of a total of 6J0 em oiled, 310 weie absent. The Men's le iguo of the Tiiht AVclsh HnptKt (hut cli will meet this evening. The Wet Side Biowns defeated John Ooi don's team leiently bv a score of 1S-J William H. Thomas, of Noith Hvdc Paik avenue, who leiently returned home Mom the Moses Taj lor hospital. Is seiiously ill. Aldeiman Geoige J Kollow returned home vesteiday fiom Honosdale, vvhero he attended the funeial of his biothei. Gwlljni Owens the boy anested on Monday night for disoideily conduct, was discharged fiom custody by Police Mngistiate nales Tho Sci.mton Siml-Piofesslonals and Olv pliant Biowns villi play base ball at Athletic Paik this afternoon. The game will be called at 31i o'dock. Miss Annie Dunning, of K.vnon tieot, left for New Yoik jcstoiday, and will sail today on the Oceanic for a visit in Bilstol, England. Mis. Benl.nnln SnydPr and son, of Beatilce, Neb, aie visiting Mr. and Mis. Samuel Jones, of 10S South Hvde Paik avenue. The Oxfoid Accidental Fund will meet In (.'o-opeiative hall Ft Iday even ing. James O'Haia, or Wilkes-Barre, a student of Georgetown college, was the guest of his cousin, Thomas Fleming, Inst evening. Dr. P. F. Stiuppler, of South Main avenue, has returned home fiom Lake AVinola. The foity houi devotional seniles at St. Patilck'h hutch will bo hi ought to a close today with masses at .", (1 and 7 o'clock, nnd a solemn high mass at 9 o'clock. The lltnnv vv HI be said at the end of the last mass Andtew Muir. of the I'nhetslly nf Pennsylvania, has i elm lied to school for the winter. Ml-s Hattle Cooper, of South Hvde Park avenue, will leave today for a visit with ft lend" In Honesdalo. Thomas Muiphy, of Jackson street, Is visiting in Toledo, Ohio. Fiank Nichols, of New Yoik, Is vis iting at his patents' home, on Lafay ette sticet. Mis. John Smith, of Hancock, N. Y has icturned home from a visit with Miss Mlldied Coons, of Ninth Lincoln avenue. Miss Pauline Pitcher, of Pilce sheet, has gone to New Yoik, euioutn to Limestone ollege, Gaffney, South Caiollna. Miss Louise LoomK of ToKio, Japan, has ictilined to Columbia imlveislty, after a visit with West Set anion fi lends. Miss Ktlicl Andoison, of Noith FII moie avenue, Is tepoited to be III at her home. James Blown, of Llbeity, N. Y Is vlultlner at the home of his brother on Tenth stieet. John Jit Donald, of flalhoad avenue, Is In PlttHbuig. William John, of Weatherby, Pa Is visiting James Watklns, of South Main avenue. Hev. A. I j. Ttamer, Ph, D, pastor of St. .M.uk's Lutlieian chuich, Is attend ing the Evangelical Lutheran Mlnlster luin umfeieme at Lehlghton. A daughter was lecently boin to Mr, and Mis, Walter Noithiup, of Tripp Paik. A son has bilghtened the homo of Mr. mid Mis, James Bojd, on Noith Main avenue. Itev. Di. Woiden, of Philadelphia, sec letaiy nf the Piesbyteilan Sunday school boaul, will speak at tlio Wash bum stieet Piesbyteilan chuich next Siinduv evening, The Chilstlnn Endeavor society of the Washburn stieet Presbyteilan chuiih will conduct a Harvest Home social tomorrow evening. AIT OLD ARB WELL-TRIED REMEST. MB3 WIN8LOW8 SOOTHINO 8TRUH for children teething, Is the prescription oil bne of the best femule pliyniclana and tiurnes In tho United States, and has beed used lxty years with never-failtnc suoJ M88 by mlllona of mothers for their chlW ttea. During the prscess of teething ta Jalue Is Incahjulable. It relieves the chill from pain, cures diarrhoea, jjrlplng in the bowels, and wlnd-cpllo. By givlnsr healtH (o the child It rest thn mother, Price. NORTH SCRANTON STABS MET I.AST NIGHT AND ELECTED OFFICERS. They Made a. Great Record in the Basket Ball World Xast SeaBon. A Lemon Party Held at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Snook of Depot Street Shamtocks Defeated St. Mniy's Team of South Scran ton by a Score of 18-5 Notes nnd Feisonals. Tho Noith End Stars Basket Ball team met In John's hotel Inst evening and elected the following olllccis: Itobeit Connolly, trcasuicr; John Tlgue, captain; Mlehnel Wells, secretary; Bnbert Connolly, tempo! my business manager, until Manager Hiiswoll comes back fiom West Vliglnln. The team thin ) car consists of William Davis, John Tlgue, James McCluskle, Daniel Thomnx, Peter McCluskle, Hobert Connolly, James McCluskle, Michael Wells and Thomas Evans. The team made a gieat lecord last sensnn by defeating the teams of Phila delphia, Allentown, Archbatd, Potts vlllc, Wllkcs-Bane, Pittston, Danville, Nantlcoke, and several teams fiom Sci anion. It has been decided by the management to open the season In two weeks. The opposing team has not yet been decided upon but a game with South Scranton Is wanted. A "Lemon" Party. A "lemon" puity was held at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Snook, of Depot street, Monduy qvenlng. The pallors were beautifully decoiated with, golden lod, nnd piesonted a veiy pleas ing appeal ance. Singing mid games to gether w 1th the usual pai ty diversions weie indulged In until a seasonable hour when lcfieshmenls were servd. Among those present vveio: Mr. nnd Mis. Gaid. Mr. and Mis. J. Allen, Mr. and Mis. Shlpton, Mr. and Mrs. DePuc, Mr. and Mis. Weston, Mr. 'and Mis. Woithlnglon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Peck, Mi. and Mis. Wheeler, Mr. and Mis. Snook, Mis. Butler, Misses Edith Slote, Eva and Cauio Huff, Wells, Lulu and Helen Dolph, Maud Jenkins, Mabel and Alice Evans, Messrs. Lawience Miller, D. S. Flekes T. F. Klzer, G. Lorimei.J. Shop lmd, R. Wheeler, Elv Sherman, Krlst, Kimble and George Wheelei. Out of town guests weie: Misses Mae Kcllum, of Haw ley; Muigaiet Acknian, of Avoca, and Mr. G. B. Ackman, of Avoi a. Shamiocks Again Victoiious. The Shamiook basket ball team gave St. Maiy's team, of South Scian ton, u sevoio drubbing at the Audltoi lum last evening. The game was too one-sided to be Interesting. Tho game ended by a score of 18 to R In favor of the Shamrocks. Wells did the star pla.vlng for the Shnmiocks, and Covne for St. Mary's. The fol lowing was the line-up: Shamrocks St Jlnrv's Raddv left forward.... Rlchnrdsou Wells light forwaul Munav Duffy centei fnvne Wills left gunid Kahoy Bums light guard JlcClaln TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Mr. and Mis. G. T. Wescott and daughter, of Stockport, Pa., are v lslt lng I. V. Wescott, qf Church avenue. Mi. and Mis. Thomas John, of Noith Main avenue, spent jesterday in Oly phant. Misses Anna and Loietta .Ionian, of Olv pliant, visited Misses Sadie and De He McDavitt, of Leggctt's stieet, yes teulay. Tho funeial of Mis. Richaid Sharpies will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Intel ment will be made In the Cambi Ian cemotei y. Miss Floy Klntuei, of Summit ave nue, has left to attend Wilson col lege, located at Chambeisbuig, Pa. Miss Kintner was a member of class of 'OJ of the Scranton High school. I. V. Wescott and son, rtaymond, of Chuich avenue, ate in Nineveh, N. Y., on a hunting expedition. "Some Bible Commands on Daily Life" will be the theme of the seivice this evening in the Piovldence Pres bvteilan chuich. On Thursduy of this week, Bui ton Motss will enter Mount Pleasant Mlll taiy academy, Hudson, N. Y. Mr. Morss is the joungest son of Mi. and Mis. L. W. Moiss, of Noith Main ave nue. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. A daughter of MnUIn Doughfity, re siding at Cheity stieet and Stone ave nue, met with a soilous accident yes tcidav, whli h will keep her at homo for some time. The little one was wending her way to school, and near the Me.idow Biook embankment slipped and fell. Her light hand c.imo In contact with some pieces of glass, and the palm was laid open to the bone. Di. Walsh was summoned and a num ber of stitches were tequlied to dose the wound. No serious tesults aie anticipated. Aldeiman I.entes was called upon last evening to adjudicate In a family dispute, In which Btldget McNuIty had her sister-in-law, Annie McNuIty, in tested for assault and battel y, ag gravated assault and battery, tin eats and attempt to kill. Both pai ties live, adjoining, at 1313 South living avenue. The defendant wus hold for court In JSOO ball and wan also tequliod to glvo suiety that sho would pteietve a peaceful (Jemeunor towards her neigh bois. Mr. and Mis. Henry Michel ate the guests of Chailes Schumacher nt the Lakeside House, Tied Bnldnei has loturucd fiom a Biiciessfiil llshlng ttlp at Rattlesnake pond. He caught about thirty pounds or fish, Alts. Cluist Stange, who has been seiiously III for several months, Is con valescing. Mr. unci Mis. David Castle and Mis. Joseph Andeison have ui lived fiom a tluee weeks' vacutlon, spent In New Yoik city. Robert Seliuiner 1ms built an addi tion to the Mountuln Lake Athletic club tooms. The funetal of Mis. McAndiew took place yesterday afternoon. The obse quies were pitvnte and wete attended by only near relutlves. Sei lies weio held In St. John's church and Intet ment was made In the Cathedtal ceme tety, August Schlmpff, John Kcmpter and Councilman Chntles Graf left yostot day morning, to spend a few days at the Allentown state fair. Constable Peter Marker and Jacob Kacstner leae for the Allentown fair today, wheie their hotses, Kitty D. and iEK i the perfection of manufacture has been admitted by many of the best shoe manufacturers. Its not the best leather alone that makes the best shoe; it's the genius of the man who designs the models and lasts, it's the man who makes and finishes the shoe, fol lowing closely every line of his model. Such men are employed on t4Sorosis" Shoes, and it's their only reason for being popular among women all over Europe and America. Price J Zf always the same ...... 4LtJvr The "flanan" Shoe for Men No other shoe for Men has ever received such praise for style and per fection of last. We're ready with the Hanan" new SAMTERBROS. COMPLETE OUTFITTERS. Wallace are entcied In the 2.14 pacing laic. The Juuloi Older of Amcilcau Me i hanks met last evening In legular s-issloii at Oei mania hall, on t'edai ave nue. The Jungcr Maonnoiihor Singing wi dely met for ptactlce in Schlmpff 's hall, on Cedai avenue, last evening. The Set anion Siengeiiundo was ngalu led In singing piaetlie by Mis. Theodoie Hembeigei last evening. She Is lining tho place of hci husbnnd, Piof. Hembeigei, at piesent confined to his mom bv Illness, Dr. Schlev's J.ung Healing D ilsam Is BUatnntPcd to cuio till coughs, "No cine, no pay." For sale by all dealeis. All membeis of the Koui teen Ft lends aie leauested to meet at Hotel Host tomnitow evening, nnd attend a lecnp tlon and social In honoi of John Si hunk and Albert Outheln, recently wedded. DUNA10RE. As foietold in vestet day's Tilbune the bniough council met Coiiti.ictor M, J. nibbons yestetday inoiiilng and all obstacles In the way ot tho Mgnlng of the contiact having been temoved tho nccesbaiv slgnatuies weio offered and thcie beeiu's to bo no lenson for futther delay. Mr. millions' bond contains the mines of P. J. Mulheiiii, M. P, Judge, and J, .1. Jot dan, who sign a joint bond for $20,000. Fiom Jit. Olbbons' letnaiks on Monday evening It Is likely that sevetnl beutlons of tie woik can be commenced very boon and In tliut man ner employment can be found lor 200 or 300 men who m fouling to the, tetins of tho bid urn to be paid $1,50 per day. The regular Wednesday ovenlng pinyer meeting In the Piesbyteilan chuich will tonight be devoted to the consideiatlon of matteis peitainliig to the Sunday school. Plans aie to be made for the obsei vauce of Ually day on the 111 at Sunday In October, It Is earnestly hoped that all those who have been either teacheis or schohus will make an eftnit to be piesent tonight. notn To Mi, mid Mis'. Call Ncuffer, of Dudley sticet, a daughlcr, Mis. Cltuce liairls, of Imyle street, Is Buffeting fiom an attack of appendici tis. Mis. Sidney Matthews and ton, Stun ley, i etui ned vesteiduy fiom a stay of several weeks with Yotk btate friends, i The Perfected Shoe for Women The women who have worn "Sorosis" Shoes all think alike when ' you ask their opinion of shoe style or shoe comfort, and for Fall. . SANTOS DUIYIONT with his mechanical bird returns to Paris after a flying visit to this country. is dissatisfied with America and Americans. Perhaps he suffers from indigestions as do many Americans who eat meat too often. A package of TRYABITA ini-.Vo nnn nutriment than ten Dounds 'weakest stomachs welcome it. Mothers will iwutaius utvtw " weakly and growing children, building up bone, tissue, muscle and brain, and making rich, red blood. It is a ready-to-eat wheat flake cereal food, each flake being a grain of wheat. It is the only food impregnated with Bmeln nrl Ooloru and made bv exoert Uninfl I nhnr Ask vonr crocers for Tryabita beware of cereal foods that are counterfeiting TRYABITA HULLED CORN put up in handsome three-pound tins at all grocers. A sample package o Tryabita, a startling novelty and a Doll receipt book FREE for your grocer's name and a two cent stamp. IKTABIlA F0UD CU., UB., Bamo liraen, miun. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. Itcls, I.c'bsco and Manager. A. J. Duffy. Biibtness Manager. Friday Night, Sept. 26. KlllKLASHELLE'S II ii; Scenic Production. The Heroic Drama, SERGEANT Play anil Company a Terrific Hit! D'rcct from IU creat run JAMES at the Hie llostuu theatre. Same Cost miU Production. by HUGKNE WALTER A Romance of an Enlisted Man. PlIieH ."rt , rmc, 7(, ft HO and $150. Dlngiam opens Wednesday at 0 a. m. Saturday MV Sept. 27 WM, A. BRADY'S ruinous OiJkIii.iI Ptoductlon, Lovers' Lane Tho play that inn an entile year In three cities and was witnessed by two million people In New Yotk, Chicago and Philadelphia, nninpn Matinee, age and 50c rnllibO Nuiit, is, soc, 75c, 4.1. Dl.igiam opens Thuibday at a a. m. GREEN RIDOE. Mis. Thomas Ii. Puvne, with lur chlldion, letuilied to the city fiom the family summer home in Maine last Filday. Mis. Pavne will ho nt homo us fotmerb to her fi lends on Tuesdajs, ut 803 Klectiio avenue. The many fi lends of Thomas Honear tendered him u veiy plc.ibant sutpilbo pmty last evening at his home on New Yoik stieet. Although taken by sur prise Mi. Honeui ptoved a veiy pleasant host nnd an cnjoyablo evening was spent by all. Tho usual patty divi sions weie indulged In and at 11 season able houi refieshiuents weie beived. Among those picbent weie Mabclle Keith, J. Morgan Hovt, Mamie Arnold, r.ouise Waiien, tliaco Mlirlam, Hthel Cooper, Itose Plttock, ITotenco Cla(k, Jeanvtte Uatdner, Giace SIbtu, Alice OD of beef and is soeasflvdk'esttAtttfi.tffc''' " ., find it i3 a nourishing food for tbeip'S Food, but lS A? our name. H. s, 1 ST.d KlBH AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music M. Rcls, Lrcssce and Manager. A. J. Duffy, Business Manasr. Week j&n? Sept. 22. DANIEL. RYAN '..::' The stiongest tcpcitolro company on tho toad. Thirty Pcaple Two curloads 0 bceneiy. AVcdnesdan Jlatlnee, "O'Biien the Contiactor." vvi;d.n'i:sday night, "The Thiee Musketeeis." Pikes Matinee. 10 nnd 20 cents. Night, 10, 20 and 30 cents. Suits on sale, Dixie's Theatre, IIUNRY FAUNSWOUTH DIXIE, lessee nnd Manager. WUKK Or sTnTKMBBR 22. Berol and Berol, I'nlquo Uuiopfan Specialty. Hugh Stanton & Co., In Comedy, I'ot ester & riojd, Coster Dellntatori and othcis, nnd Eight Unique Acts Two pel foi minces dally, 2 30 and 8.1S. PiUes Ti. 2". M and 00c. Kpcilnl matinee pi Ices. CJ'Timtlrm tais stop nt tho door. STAR THEATRE AM O. HUnniNOTO.V, Manager. MONDAY, Tl'KSDAY, Wi:DNESOA.T, Septcinliet 2.', 51, Jl. DAINTY DUCHESS Burlesqaevs .Miitinco i;ery uay. DoncHi, lalwnid Kutler, Jesse fllcklefl I.etoy Woiden, Hairy Haller, Clayton Hauowclllf, Chailes nines, Wtlllar Gatdner, Sidney I-angliam, Charles lliandt, Thomus Hcmear and BlinptOr I.ee, Miss Jennie nunn, of Delaware BtreetJ has ictuiucd home fiom New York cltvJ M. W. Lewis, of Kast Maiket street,! ictt jesteraay lor nurtaio where he naS accepted a position. Jm i 'fiiiaUiHtf . i j Ik.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers