i4j1'wvw v?V r VwStw U ."jWtfWTtton t'WiiflFTW'' si'"y fV vtf '-fV"' v; W '. ;.T(-': '-W"'r,i L W'l-V- . '. v'l s , ii ,4 THE SCRAtfTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1002. & 1 roooooooooooc THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. A Coal Famine Strikes terror to the pockqt bonks only of those who have not a Sterling Range In their homes. The Ster ling requires one-third less fuel than nny other range unci bakes perfectly, "Has No Equal." TRAUGER WILL GET DIVORCE JURY GAVE A VERDICT IN HIS FAVOR. b Foote & Shear Co. H9 Washington Ave. xxxxxxxxxxxx An Apllcation for a New Trial Will Be Made Non-Suit In the Case of Murray AgalnBt the Greenwood Coal Company It Was Not Began In Time Interesting Case of H. S. Gorman & Co. Against John S. Miller Tho Form of Action Was Changed. Mr. Siimner Salter of New York City, will re sume his classes in piano, organ and harmony Wed nesday, September 24th in the Hardcnbergh School of Music and Art, Car ter Building, 004 Linden Street. Scranton Investor Vol. 1. Council Building. Xo. 9. NOTICE to persons who want to sell their securities. We will sell them for you on Mimll commissions, from 1 to 2 per cent. Come and talk the matter over. 'Phone 109, Seventh floor, Council building. Richard Kriiest Comegys, Broker. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Cab Service, Shop ping, Opera, Party, Wedding nnd Train Calls. HEAVY TEAMING AND DRAYING New Stables, 1415 Mulberry Street. New 'Phone 2057. We offer two, One Thousand Dollar, 5 per cent, gold bonds: Waterloo Water Co., You can buy these right if you call for them quick. I. F. nEGARQEL & CO. i v Buy your drafts. Cash your checks. Deposit your funds. THE PEOPLE'S BANK. NililB PERSONALS. Mrs. J-li'tiry Walters, of Ceil.ir avenue, Is seriously ill. Mr. Pearson left for school In Massa chusetts ycteidiiy. Arthur James Weston, -IIS Depot stivcl. left this inornlux to u'suniu his studies. at Lehigh umvuislly, South lit'thlehem. I'ostmuster John Thomas, nf Cnihon dnlc, was in tho city yesterday, on, his way homo fiom an extended Western trip. Gemgu H. Hus and Dr. Church, of Luzerne, wiuo gucts of tlio former's brother. J. Kllltit Hois, in tills city yester. day. Mr, Itoiu is tho ItepuhlUuu nom inee ifor the IcgMutuio In ills district, which Is nvurwhehuliigly Ktpiilillcin, bo that the nomination Is equivalent to election. (Iporso II. TroitBcr was grunted a divorce from Vlni Trnliger yesterday. After court opened In tho morning, At torney John V. Scragg argued the case to tho Jury for the defense, nnd Mujor Hverett Warren for the plaintiff. Each of them spoke for about nn hour. Judge Kd wards concluded his charge nt noon nnd the Jury retired. Three hours later It reported n verdict in favor of Truuger. Neither Mr. or .Mrs. Truuger were in the court room when the verdict was reported, Mrs. Truuger's attorneys will at open apply for a new trial. Before Judge N'eweomb yesterday morning, the ease of John Murray and Murtln Mm ray, his father, ngnlnst the Greenwood Coal company, limited, was called, ft was shown that the action was not begun until more than two years after the accident and the milt was therefore baried by the statute of limitations. Mm ray l a young man nnd was employed In the tunnel of the Ureenwond company. One morning, while at work In the tunnel, he slipped on some ice and fell under a. car nnd had one of his legs cut olT. The plain tiff was represented by Attorney C. H. Super and the defendant by Attorneys K. N. Wlllard and C. '. O'Malley. VKRD1CT VOi PLAINTIFF. Before Judge Morrison, the case of the Kcononiy Furniture company against M. I.,. Jones and AVIIl'lnm An deison was given to the jury yesterday morning. A veullct of J24.-IS was re turned for the plaintiff. The next case tried before him was A. P. Mi'Donougli against Patrick Gor don. McDonough says he bought n conch from A. 1'. O'Donnell, and was told bythe latter that he could get It nt Gordon's blacksmith shop. Gordon refured to part with It and sold It to another party, alleging that it had been in hU possession for more than three yeais to secure a debt which O'Donnell owed him. Attorney (J. II. Soper ap peared for the plaintiff and M. W. Lowry for the defendant. The verdict of the Jury was In favor of the de fendant. There wns no appearance for the plaintiff In the case of the Sunshine Bottling works against George W. Kellow, nnd a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum or $lfi..":i was taken. THE GOKMAX CASK. Before Judge Dunham In court room No. 2, yesterday, the trespass case of 11. S. Gorman & Co. against John S. Miller was called for trial. When the Masonic building on Sprtice street, owned by Mr. Miller, wns being erected Mr. Gorman entered Into an agreement with Miller by which tho latter agieed to erect a building in the rear to be used by Gorman & Co. as a livery stable, the agreement being that the floor of the second story, where It was proposed to keep hoises, should be water-tight. It Is alleged that the floor was not water-tight and that c.nrlages kept nn the first floor were badly damaged. Suit is brought to recover the loss sus tained by reason of the alleged failure of Miller to carry out his contract. . After a considerable portion of the evidence was In, Judge Dunham sug gested that the action was not of the right kind. Instead of trespass, he said It should be assumpsit for breach of contract. The pleadings weie accord ingly amended and the case pioceeded. The plaintiffs aie represented by At torneys Joseph O'Brien, M. J. Martin, H. H. Patterson and R. AV. Rymer. The defendant's attorneys are I. II. Burns and If. D, Caiey. The case of John Benore against John Kelly, an action to recover 51,600 on a mortgage, was begun before Judge Mor rison, Just before adjournment. It will be resumed this morning. Turn to Page 5 and read the Speca Illustrated Arti cle About the Conservatory. JURORS FOR OCTOBER TERM THEY WILL SEBVE IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. I TOURISTS IN THE CITY. They Are from New England States and Maritime Provinces. A party of thirty-live tourists arrived In this city last night. They are Odd Fellows and their wives and daughters from the New Knglnnd states und the maritime provinces, who are on their wny home from Des Moines, Iowa, where they attended the sessions of the Sovereign Grand lodge of Odd Fellows which were held there. Monday night the party spent at Watklns glen and reached this city yes terday ufternoon and registered at the Jerniyn. Last night they went to the Dixie theatre, escorted by a number of local Odd Fellows. The visitors will leave for Glen Summit today and will remain there tonight. They will reach men- nomes Friday. CROWDED CONDITION OP PUBLIC SCHOOLS Teachers' Committee of the Board of Control Will Begin nn Investiga tion of Matter Today. A SALOON BURGLARIZED. William Walter's Place, on Linden Street, Entered. William Walter's saloon, on Linden street, adjoining the Star theater, was entered by burglars -early yesterday morning and money and goods to tho value of $30 were taken. The thieves first entered the shoe shop, which adjoins the Star theater on the west, and crawled through un der (he sidewalk to the basement of Walter's place. They broke In the door at the head of the stairs leading to the saloon, and rilled the cigar case. Sev eral boxes of cigars were taken, as well as a number of bottles of whiskey and some change, which was In the cash register. The matter has been reported to the police, but there seems to be no clue. TO STOP WORK AT PARKS. Gang of Prisoners Will Be Taken Off Next Week. Director of Public Works Boche said yesterday that work at Connell park will be stopped tomorrow until next spring. The gang of prisoners who have been working there will bo trans ferred to Nay Aug park, where they will remain until next week, when work there will be stopped also. "It was most unfortunate." said Director Roche yesterday, "that we couldn't have that $25,000 provided In the bond Issue to use this year, but I think that splendid results have been accomplished, considering the small amount of money we did have." The teacher's committee of the board of control will make a. tour of the schools throughout the city today for the purpose of investigating the over crowding of a number of the buildings because of the strike. Ways and means for relieving this over-crowded condi tion will be considered before the next meeting of the board. Though no exact figures will be avail able before the end of the nresent month it Is estimated that the increased attendance at the schools is at least 3,000 and some are Inclined to think that it Is much higher. In some schools In North Scranton and West Scranton there are as many as seventy pupils in some rooms where there are proper ac commodations for only forty-eight. The controllers differ us to the best methods of meeting this question. Some favor the Immediate renting of annexes and the engagement of as many extra teachers as will be necessary In order to give each Instructor only the aveiage number of pupils. President Gibbons Is Inclined to the belief that as the condition can only have a. tem porary existence the best plan will be to insist upon the children attending the schools which are not crowded even If it should necessitate their walking a little bit farther. The objection raised to this plan Is that it would mean the destruction of the boundary lines of each school. A number of other controllers favor the immediate establishment of night schools for those children who work under ordinary circumstances and who are only attending school now because there Is a strike. It Is pointed out that the presence of these children In the rooms with the regular scholars has a tendency towards demoralization. "It Is certainly not conducive to dis cipline," said Controller Jennings at Monday night's meeting, "to put a fourteen year old boy who has never been to school before in a room with little children of six and seven year of age." The night schools open ordinarily the first week In November and It is point ed out that they might just as -well be opened a month earlier. All these mat ters will be threshed out by the com mittee before the week Is over. THEATRICAL A "Schriever" Souvenir of Lasting Value. The dainty gohl chain necklaces, pre sented to uvery child sitting for photo graphs at the Gold Medal Studio, are being distributed at a ruto that will undoubtedly exhaust the Mipply much sooner than was anticipated. An early engagement to pose is advised, HAMPE TEAM DEFEATED. .West Siders Took Two Games Easily Last Night. Tho Humpo bowling team was easily defeated last night on the Becker al leys by thu West Side team. The Hampe ployers were not up to their usual form and rolled poorly tluough out. No high totals wciti mudc on either side. Tho scons; JIAMPU. Prime .,, U'l H Maishull 1'I7 Vil McAloon ,,,, in jm Wharton ,,,,, luS in UHoVJlllams,, jiju 17.) Grand Jury's Big Task. It is not likely the grand Jury will complete Its work before Saturday, and will have the distinction nf having passed on the greatest number of cases nf any jury in the county. Yesterday the liquor cases of the grand Jury were considered and the oleomargarine cases. In which Stanley J. Stevens, special agent of the depart ment of agriculture, Is prosecutor. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses Mllie Shoiblc riilirlM'u Wolliiskay Scianton Henry (1. Limuim Wilkes llnna Mary AWImiici- Willies-Harr John Kllgallon Sciuntou .Maria Letmlun Scranton Large Audiences. Two laige and appreciative audiences again greeted Daniel Ryan and Ills big company at the Academy yesterday. In the afternoon, a very finished version of "A Fatal Wedding" was presented, and in win ecnmg j-j. jj. Botlicrn's success, "An Knomy of the King." Hath plnys were admlmbly staged. This afternoon, "O'llrlen, the Contractor," will bo tho at traction and tonight, "The Thiee Muske teers." Amusing Programme. The comedy sketch given at the Dixie theater this week by Hugh Stanton and Floieuce Modcna, Is without doubt one oC the best seen In tho vaudeville houses, These talented artists aie well known In drama but they certainly appear at their next in .mi-, amnion's successful satire, "For Refoim." The net of the above ns well as thoso of thu Hernls. Gruels, I.o Moines and others go to make up a most amusing pro gi amine. BARRETT-MANGAN NUPTIALS. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES 138- .' J.VI- L'S in- m 120- fa A chnt ter was guinted by tho court yesterday to thu Nineteenth Wind Ath letic club, Mnry !:. Lynch, formerly .Mary II, Mo run, yesleul.iy began suit ukuIuhi tho Motinpnlltan Life Insuinnce. company. Comt yestoid.iy named W. W. Il.iylor, R. J, Hughes and D, F, Kelly as viewing nf section G, of thu Seventeenth district sow cr, Mary K, Dlmler sued tho Scranton Steul comiMiiy yesterday thioiigh Attorney A, A. Chase to recover damages for Injury done to her pioperty In South Scianlou by tho overllowlug of tho I.iiekuwannn, "Sergeant James." Ivlike l.ii Kiw.n.t ,....,.... i. I.,- bcinui.m scenic production, "Scigeant James," nt me Lyceum Friday night. It U from tho pen of Kugene Walter, who Is a military man, Inning served In tho Cuban cam paign; coneuiienlly, every detail of mili tary life treated has been made to con form Willi the regulations. The third act Is one of great dramatic Intensity. A wife left alone nt homo by her husband defends the housu against a band of robbers, shooting one of their number, who proves to ho her own hus band, who had planned tho whole villainy In order to rob bis employers. This opl sldo U ono to stir an audlenco depply Seats on salu this morning at 9 o'clock. S VU t)9J 2133 WEST SIDh'. IP"'!" Hi) lowlands , kji Jones no ?eynon , .-, -cons ii 7ts Ifti m 170 157 1CS gtt 127- m li'l- 501 113- KJ 13i- m 1W- 479 T1S-SWI High score ItiuvliuiiiH. isi High average-Rowlands, 107. A Valuable Gold Necklace Free iith every order of children's nlctmea it Schriever's. They are going fuat. ANNUAL MEETING YESTERDAY. Central W. C. T. U. Re-elected Last Year's Officers, The annual meeting of tint Central Woman's Christian Temperance union wus held yesterday nflernoon, He ports of ofllcers showed much good work done during tho year, as did also the superintendents. Tho olllcers of last year were le-elected by acclama tion, except the treasurer, who re signed, Mrs. ihnily F. Ulorns was elected treasurer, The state convention will bo held at Allentown, Oct. 2 to 7, Mrs. Campbell, of Green Hldge, wus piesent, and urged a largo attendance at tho state convention, Miss Frances Buub wus elected delegate, with Mrs. Ulorns, ul tti mite. "Lovers' Lane." A play Read this week's "Seen and Heard," by Megargee. All about Sloion Camer on and Uncle Sam's bun un spuriuus money. ' IV of crou! runs In i-r.vit ,.ino i. "Lovers' Lane." by Clyde Fiieh. wi,i,.t, William A. Ilrudy prisents at tho Ly ceuni Saturday afternoon nnd evening. After its ncceptanco for months in Now Vnrlt, Chicago and Boston, It went to Philadelphia last spring and ran for ISO nigiiis. inn company which Interprets It hero Is tho Mime. The production l upon tho same scale of scenic perfection. "Lovers' Lann" owes Its success and uni versal popularity to the fuct that it In forests all classes, There are crowds of children In It. together with all the pas time in which tho llttlo ones Indulge, The real orchard In tho clergyman's Burden, in which ninny of the most pa. incuii ni'iii-a in nm pmy are enacted, showing tho tiees In full bloom In the spring and again In tho full, when tho fruit Is mellow, la very beautiful, l)la gram opens Thursday morning. Sembrich Subscription Sale. Tho subset Iptlon s.ilo for the Mine Sembrich recital will commence at Powell's music utoit) tomorrow morning ut 9 o'clock, at which time all who do sho may subscrlhu for und reserve seuts for tho recital, to be given at tho New Aimory, Oct. 21, The new dlugram, prepurcd expressly for this concert, Is now on .exhibition at Powell's, and is pronounced most per fect. Tho arrangement makes ull seats deslrublc, and the change will bo received nltli fuyor by the many patrons of music hi tliN cliy and vicinity. Ceremony Wns Performed by Rev. J. A. O'Reilly. John Barrett, of North Ninth street, and Miss Agnes Mangan, of Phelps street, were united In marriage by Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, at 7.30 o'clock yes terday morning at St. Peter's cathe dral. The bride was dressed In a tailor made gown of blue. A wedding break fast was served at the home of the bride, after which Mr. and Mrs. Bar rett left for New York. They will reside at 617 Adams avenue. m Emphatic Success of Schriever's Eree Necklace Distribution. Sehriuver's, these days, presents an animated appearance that suggests a children's convention. Every Juvenile patron receives, gratis, one of those exquisite gold chain necklaces, in addition to photo graphs of the most- satisfactory char acter. The time limit on tho distribution of these necklaces Is governed by the de mandand they are finding wearers with little loss of time. 1000 Gold Necklaces Free to Children Artistic Juvenile pictures nt regular prices and a gold necklace free, at Schriever's. Distribution Is limited, so do not delay the children's sitting, Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. in.; 7 to 8.S0 p. m. , Last Week on Fancy Michigan Peaches Fruit is fine Price invit ing. Today, fancy Rare-Ripe Jer sey PeachesDelicious whlto fruit. E. G, Coursen, Must Report Here on Monday, Octo ber 80 Some of Them Are Grand nnd Others Petit Jurors Four Aro Residents of This City Cases Scheduled for n Hearing in the Circuit Court Two Cases on the Equity List Ono of Great Local Intorest. Deputy United States Marshal Sny der and tho Jury commissioners yes tordny drew the names of the grand and petit Jurors to servo at the full term of the United States court, which opens In this city on Monday, October 20. They are as follows: GRAND JURY. Alhcrty, Brncst, laborer, DybcrrjVWnyno. Diluted, Geoigc, tipstaff, Wllkcs-Bairc, Luaerne. Iluckbee, J. II., merchant, Klkluml, Tlngn, Burchutd, If. T editor, Htisituuhitnna, Susquehanna. Cunningham, L. L., painter, New Grcv ada, Fulton. Davis, Otis If., gentleman, Wellsboio, Tioga, Ilogorinun. Thomas, artist, Wllllumsport, Lycoming, Isler, Win. A., gentleman, Bcllcfonte, Center. Klnsloe, W. A., editor, Lock Haven, Clin ton. Llndley, II. P., farmer, Factoryvllle, Wy oming. Mitchell, W. II. A., cleik, Mllford, Pike. Morltz. W. II., real estate, Lchlghton, uiirnon. Mullen, John H., merchant, Plttston, Lu zerne. Nclfert, Nathan, railroader, E. Mauch Chunk, Cut bou. Paterson, D. II., lumber, Webster Mills, Fulton. Shellcnbeiger, D. G., farmer, McAllstcr vllle, Juniata, Short!!. Kdwln, Jr., lawyer, Wilkes-Banc, Luzerne. Sweet, Howard R., miner, Dudley, Hunt ington. Smith, A. F., county commissioner, Shln glehouso. Potter. Smith, K. C farmer, Montrose, Susque hanna. Trumbower, S. T contractor, Danville, Montour. ?" Thomas, E. K., minister, Montrose, Sus quehanna. AVetzel, A. J contractor, Carlisle, Cum berland. PETIT JURY. Aldrlch, K. S.. gentleman. New Mllford, Susquehanna. Appleby, Bruce, farmer, Decorum, Hunt ingdon. Archbald, James, civil engineer, Scran ton, i.acuaw.uina. Babeock, Henry R farmer, Babcock, Bradford. Bachmim, AVilllnm A., Insurance, Ann ville, Lebanon. Ballard, J. W., farmer, Troy, Bradford. Bentz, S. C, Insiuance, Newville, Cum berland. Brooks, Reese G,, coal operator, Scran ton, Lackawanna. Brundage, R. B gentleman, Wllkes Barre, Luzerne. Collins. Lewis S., lawyer, Honcsdale, "Wayne. Dick, A. E., contractor, Hnzleton, Lu zerne. Doyle. P. J. clerk, Scranton, Lacka wanna. Elllnger, Jacob, agent, Lowlstown, Mlff- iiu. Fargo, C. S., insurance, Nnnticoke, Lu zerne. Ham, F. T laborer. Honcsdale, Wavne. Hatfield, B. It., clerk, Huntingdon, Huntingdon. Hyatt, Urn T., law student, Lcwisburg, Unl. I Hubbai 'W. S.. farmer, Sylvester, Tioga Jeffers, V. B., miller, Montrose. Susque hanna. Leggctt, John, lumberman, Beech Creek. Clinton. Mack, Arthur I. Susquehanna. McCoy, W. S., merchant, Lcldy, Clin ton. McDowell, R. J., freight agent, Wlikes Barre, Luzerne. Millett. G. W carpenter, Scranton, Lack awanna. Moore, William H., faimer, MeAllster vllle, .limit ta. Morgan, G. W., farmer, Mapleton, Hunt' ingdon. Polly, II. W., farmer, Ariel. Wavne. Potter, M. J real estate, Coudorsport, rotter. Pringie, S. It., merchant, Port Matilda, Center. Rentz, G. E agent, Willlamsport, Ly coming, Bobbins, C. B., talesman, Bloomsbuig, Columbia. Sclbdch, G. Alfred, banker, Mlddlobuig, Snyder. Sheller, S. B., clerk, Duncnnnun, Perry. Smltli, Byron E merchant, Sterling Run, Cameron. Zimmerman. R. A., lawyer, Scranton, Lackawanna. CIRCUIT COURT TRIAL LIST. The cases that arc on tho list for a hearing at the tcim of tho United States circuit court, beginning Oct. 20 In this city, follow: William Robinson iigulnst Delaware nnd Hudson company; tic-pass. P, M. Thornton nsaiust tho Socially Insurance company of New Haven, Conn,; assumpsit. P. M. Thornton against tho National Assurance Company of Ireland; assiinip. sit. Adelaldo L. K.iy against tho Fulled States Casualty company; assumpsit. Tho Dickson Manufacturing company ngnlnst tho American Locomotive) com pany; assumpsit. T. F. Frawley, C. T. Bunby and R. P, AVIIcox, co-pai tuers under tho lltm napiu of Frawloy. Bunby & Wilcox, iltlzens of tho state of Wisconsin, against tho Penn sylvania Casualty company; assumpsit. Thcro nro two cashes nn tho equity list. The first Is Mary K. Bishop and Elizabeth S. Smith against Luella York nnd the Union Savings Bank and Trust company, a corporation under tho laws of Ohio, botli in Its corporate eupuelty and ns executor and trustco of tho last will and testament uf Elizabeth P. Patterson, deceased. The second, that of Ellslui Corny against tnu now ork, husquehaima and West ern Coal company, tho Now York, Sus quehanna and Western Railroad com puny, E. N. Wlllard, 10, B. St urges, John Jermyn, Joseph J, Jcrmyii, S.iiu ucl Wurren, Joseph Curt and ISverctt Warren, Is a new phtisa of a case of long standing, concerning tho title to certain coal lands. SCRANTON AND OLYPHANT. Base Ball Plnyers Will Meet at Ath letic Park Today. Owing to the unsatisfactory results of last Saturday's base ball game at Ath letic park, between the Olyphunt Browns and Hetunton soml-professlon-ills, Manager Wlrth has nrrnnged an other game for this ufternoon, com mencing nt 3.1B o'clock. Tho llno-up will be ns follows: Scranton, Olyphnnt. wlith catcher Ames Griffin or Biay,, pitcher Laird Viands Bhort stop Cleary Gallagher .Ilrst huso O'lloyle 'I'onhlll second bnso Gallnghor MctttiRh third base Whcoler "olden left Held Mnhon Madenspnehcr ..center Held Wnlsh Ferris tight Mold Kllkullcn P. A. Mnllahan, of 400 Park avenue, Wllkcs-Barre, malinger of the Stuffords, a very strong team, bus written to The Tribune, asking that arrangements bo made for n. gaum on October 10, be tween me starrnniH and Scranton scml prnfesslonals. The game to bo played lu this city, and the irate reprints tn ho divided. Ho says a largo crowd from Wilkes-Uarre wll attend the game. Manager Wlrth Is arranging n gnmo with the Plttston Brothers for next Saturday. WATER IS SHUT OFF. Borough of Blakely Would Not Settle Its Score with tho Scranton Gas and Water Company. IT Ten Dollars for Guesses i . Who can hnmc tho wnuior in Tho Tribunal Educntlnnal Contest ami tell tlm. number of points ho or sho will havo? First Prize S5.00 in Gold. Next Throe, $1.00 each. Next Two GO cents oncli. Next Four 20 cents each TOTAL Ten Prizes, Ten Dollars. Cut out the coupon bnlow, nil It in, and send to "Scrnntnti Tribune, Scran ton, l'a Guessing Contest." Wednesday, Sept. 21. I thlnlc tho winner of Tho Trib, unc's Educational Contest will bo No. of points , , Nnmo Address Cut out this lower coupon only. On account of the Blakely borough council not paying the Scranton Gas and Water company tho rental of six teen fire hydrants when the rent be came duo, the Scranton Gas and Water company yesterday had a large force of men ut work in the borough, and tho entire sixteen fire hyrnnts were dug up so that Blakely borough is now In a de plorable condition In case of a fire. The water company oflloluls stated yesterday that If the borough again wished to have fire protection they would have to Ilrst purchase tho hy dunts nnd pay a lump sum for the water per year to supply them. Tho council bus been slow in acting upon tho matter und tho water company has taken this method to bring about a set tlement. Meanwhile Blakely borough Is ut the mercy of the Humes, should a lire break out. The citizens nre up In arms over the matter nnd unless council takes quick action lliey will call a mass meeting to take preliminary action upon the matter. Peckvllle had one experience of a huge conflagration which is still fresh In their minds. V,- THAT SUPPLY HORSE. The Title Guaranty and Trust Co., Will bo pleased to receive deposits of money in nny nmoiint and pay liberal rato of Interest thereon. Whllo our CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ONE MILLION DOLLARS qunrt ers Wusli. somewhat nro ly able to dato onr Incrcnslntf 'Open an account with us. tomporary at 185 ave. nro small, wo abundant, i pntronugo ; Committee to Look Into Its Disap pearance This Week. A number of the members of the school board, notably President Gib bons, are determined to sift to the bot tom the disappearance of tho old horse used for hauling supplies to the several, schools and tho purchase for $250 of u new horse to take Its place. There Is no record showing what be came of the old animal, nnd though the board authorized the payment, of the bill, the purchase of the horse was never authorized. The supply com mittee, which has boon directed to make an Investigation, will meet some night this week to consider the mat ter. k t pTiiffii. Pre3ldon Third Vlco-Prcsldent and Treasure EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Abram Nesbllt. Thomas E. Jones. William F. Hullstead. O. S. Johnson. Thomas II. Watklns. L. A. Watrcs. mediant, Lindaville, See the Cut Man. Effective and attractive half-tones and line cuts for card, advertising or any other purpose, can be secured at The Tribune oflice. Wo do work that Is unexcelled, do It promptly und at lowest rates. A trial order will con vince you. Men's Fall Hats at a Saving.... Tho Autumn Hats are ready in every favored shape. With us it's a matter of shapes, faces nnd prices never makers' names. We've gathered of all blocks that you may have the widest latitude in selecting. We've brought here models of modern hatters' skill that you may ho satisfied with the qual ity, and we've gathered so liberally that you'll not go elsewhere and command ns much true worth for ns littlo money. .!. ...,.!.,, , t Masury's 1 Cliult3tOCM Are tho best in the world. In VAENISHES we carry f Parrotts, Masury's, Valentines and Lawsons 4 St Also a full line of Brushes I Bittenbender & j 126-128 Franklin Ave. Moil Shi Fall Styles Now Ready MU, 412 Spruce Street 309 Lack. Avenue. WYOMING SEMINARY. Kingston, Pa. Special work; Character-building and preparation for college and business. Certificate received by colleges. Uo-edu-cutlouul. Ample attention given to tho ornamental branches. Supeilor dormi tories, bclencohali, chapel, dining loom, gymnufeluiu and athletic Held. A llnely equipped preparatory school, $300 a year; term now open. For catalogue, uddiess U. L. Sprague, D. D., piesl t "I, Henry the Fourth Cignrs. Clear Havana. Wholesale at O'iiura's. When in Need Of anything in the line of optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Properly fitted by an expert optician, From $1.00 Up Agent Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear, SCR UNION'S BUSINESS HOUSES. Also all kinds of prescrip tion work and repairing. Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, THESa ENTERPRiaiNQ DEALERS QAN SUPPLY YOUR NECOS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY. ' f"OR SALE PUaOIKS and WAGONS of all kinds; the, i ?,'S?.B "na I,ulldln 't burealns. HOltSKS CLIFl'UD and ClltOOHKD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage WorVi SECURITY BUILDING ASAVINOS UNION I Horns Office, 20S-200 Hears BuiUllns. Wo are nutnrlncr kliaica each month which fhowr a net Bain to the Investor of about 12 per cent, Wo lean iiionev. Wo aUj issue IIJM( I'AII) STOCK ?HO,W) per iluie, Inter cut pa; able scml-annujll, AMlKltr nAMi, Secretary, E, JOSEPH KUETTEL, rear 611 Lackawanna aunue, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepare! for the spring scaton. Wo irulo all kiniU ot porch screen, etc, ' PETER STIPP, ileneral Contractor, IlullJer und Dealer In Ilulldlug Stone, Cementing ot cellaii a spe cialty. Telephone .. OlrUe, 'HI Washington avenue. the scranton vltripied brick andTile Manufacturing Company Maker of I'm In; Uriel, etc. M. II. Dale, (leneul Sales Agent, Qfllsp ?i3 Washington ac. Works at Nay Auy, l'a K. & W. V, U.K." r 4 &!.. .. , rfrtfirtiau.' ,e JWttW i..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers