e, t ' . .V v. r '' tV- ?i??' ' f; THE SCllANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1902. ? Jtt. Jtl h r y. i& ?rJ i--.t ', w M .! ir' C Cotinty Savins Dank ai)d Trd5f Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receive Deposits in Sums of and pays .3 per ferest thereon. $1 cent. and In- A, WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON1, Vice-Pros, A. H. CHBISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS! Win. V. Hultslead. u p. Kingsbury, P. 8. Johnson, L, A. Wot res. Kvci elt Warren, AtiRust Hoblnson, Jo?, O'lliicn, shot ntfd seriously wounded Ills wlfo yes terday mbrhlttR nt their hoine. lie was, cleaning a revolver In the kitchen where sho was engaged rtt her household duties when tlio-wenioii wns accidentally dis charged, The bullet entered Mrs. Hud Jack's right breast hut wtifl extracted Inter by "Mr. Homestead, who says slio will recover though there Ih a danger of blond poisoning. SAID IT WAS SCAB COAL. Pupils of Go on Something New A I bums for Souvenir Postal Cards Also a most complete line of Abums for Kodak Pictures. Horn baker, 211 Washington Ave. Everything in the lines of Cameras, Kodaks and Supplies. No. 31 School Strike. About twenty-flve children, pupils nt No. 31 school, oh Jackson street, left the building yesterday mornlhg, alleg ing thnt "scab cout" had boeh jvut -In the building for heating purposes. Prin cipal Wittkln 11. Williams tried to ex plain to them that the coal Was not of "scab" origin, but bail been picked from the dumps, but Hie pnplls would not listen to him, and left the school. They did not return In the afternoon. John Kullck, of Luzerne Btreet, who Is employed nt the Mt. Pleasant col liery, hud Joseph Mtigoch, of .214 Broad way, arraigned before Alderman Noone last evening for calling lilm names and threatening to shoot him. Mngooh ob jected to Kullck continuing nt work. lie was held In $300 ball. Benjamin Kvans, foreman at the Cen tral mine, yesterday Caused the arrest of Michael Iludack, on the charge of pointing firearms. At ti hearing before Alderman Ruddy, Kvuns swore that Iludack shoved a pistol In his face on Thursday morning and threatened to shoot him. Alderman Ruddy held Ilu dack under $300 ball for his appearance nt court. GUESTS OP B. L, PULLER Alfred Wooler, Instructor in Voice Culture and Singing, harmony, Counterpoint and Musi cal Composition. Special , Classes : i &l?nZ F.!Na,.N CI--AS3 FOR ADULTS-Evory Monday evening nt 8 o'clock. Tuition, $10 tier year. . i J'IlRAMAT.OUy cr'ASS' ,:K CIUIiDnKN, who Intend later to study tho piano. J.very Monday nfternooon at 4 o'clock. Tuition, $10 per year. SATURDAY MORNINO SINQINO BCHOOL-For children 7 to 14 years of . j..j' uHiii.tiiij jiiuiiuiiM ii iv u 1'iuui, i union, (J ngc, Private lessons also given. per year. Voices tested free of clint'gc. PUPILS ENROLLED AT ANY TIME-Stlldlo hours, 0 a, m. to 0 p. m. Studio nddresH, 21. Carter building, second tloor, (Ml Linden street, Scrantun. c BOWLING. J BASE BALI. TODAY. Ploy the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. 0 0 0 "They Draw Well." Morris' Magnet Cigars Tli bent value for 5 cents. Try one and you will smoke no other. All tho lp;idlHK In amis of c. cigars at $1.75 per bos. Or C for !3e. Tho largest variety of Pipes and Tobaccos in town. , E. C. MORRIS, The Cigar Han 326 Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In and About jtjtjt The City Elected School Principal. The Plttston school uoaiu last elected as .principal of its newly llshcd commercial school, P. L. McGiUg can, of St. Thomas college. night estab- Trustees and Directors of the Y. M. C. A. Met at the Scranton Club Last Evening. Franz for Commissioner. Ex-County Commissioner William Fiani is circulating a petition, preparatory to iiling nomination papers as an independ ent candidate for county commmlssioner. Building Committee. The building committee of the board of control met last night and audited a number of bills which will be piescnted Jor the iippronl of the board at next Monday night's meeting. Will Be Dedicated Sunday. Tho new Catholic church of St. Law rence, at OKI Purge, will be formally dedicated tomonuw morning at 10.30 o'clock, nt. Rev. Bishop M. J. Ifobnu will ofllclato. Culm Dump on Eire. This lire which destroyed the Taylor Coal company's wasbcry on Wednesday night spread to the culm dump and tho North Scranton companies wore kept busy nearly nil day yesterday extinguishing the blaze, assisted by the General Phln ney Engine company. Fire in Freight Car. A car of charcoal in a freight train In the Central Railroad of New Jersey yard, caught tiro nt 1.30 tills morning Just iib tho train wus ready, to move out. The cur was cut out and the Haines subdued. It Is Hiipofcd to have been caused by spontaneous combustion. Route Mapped Out. A. B. Dunning, chief engineer for tho Scranton, Dunmoru and Mooslc Luko Railway company, has completed the work of surveying and has mapped out the routo to be followed, Tho ulnns and maps have been piepared and Uurko brothers nro about leady to begin the work of constuictlon, A Magascopic Exhibition'. A largo oudlcnco gutheied In thu base ment of the Elm Park church last night in attendance1 nt a megascopic exhibition conducted by F. L. Meyers under tho ausplces.-.lof."Jtho King's Daughteis, A number of Inteiestlng views' were thrown upon the-screcn and Ice cream was serveu by u numjbci: .yoiii) ladles. V(, Malicious MiscWat, Charged. W. i McDonnell. 'of West Scranton, yestotday swore, out unrrunts for the arrest jof Patrick Porkln and William Lloweln, two boys whom ho chniges with malicious mischief. They wero ar rested and airalgneil before Alderman M. J, Ruddy, who held them under $:"00 bail for n, louring next Monday. . Oy6ter Roast a Success, Aboujg sixty members of the Scranton Bicyclojucluh dtove up to thu Speedway hotel qctu yesterduy, afternoon and par took oRan oyster (oust which had been preparjfl under the .direction of Dr, G, 11. Hill. Tjio oysteis wero roasted In a pit on thejiotel guitinds and with them was served yrecn corn and sweet potatoes. a Peculiar Address. A letHr Just received at tho local post, office Mara tho following rather remark nblo address; "Robert Travis. Work InsvllteSFarm. 234 Miles from Scranton, Pa." 3he latter was sent by Travis brothers, of PoughUeupale. N. Y. A dead letter aaareesed to William Sayreg. of An enthusiastic meeting of the trus tees and directors of the Young Men's Christian assosclatlon was held last evening at the Scranton club, the gen tlemen present being entertained as the guests of E. L. Fuller. The purpose of the meeting was to report progress on the canvass for the balance of the furnishing and equip ment fund. As reported last week, a decision wns reached to order no work done without pledges to guarantee an amount sufficient to pay for each con tract ns Jet. The secretary was able to report that during tho week an additional amount was pledged of $5,433. This .amount, with what lins been previously re ported, was found to be sufficient to permit of closing up the contract for the electric lighting plant, the decor ating of the building and the gas and electric llxtures. These contracts will accordingly be executed and work will begin at once. The work of securing the balance needed will be rapidly pushed by men who are not only solicitous for the building but themselves heavy givers. It Is Interesting to note that out of thirty-six men who have been asked to contribute within the past three days, twenty-eight cheerfully responded with subscriptions, five promised to give later on to the furnishing fund, and only three men positively refused to give anything. A trip through the building is the strongest inducement to liberal giving. The secretary will be glad to act as guide to any one" who would like to know how and for what his money Is being spent. The letting of the contracts above mentioned will greatly facilitate the opening of the building, and if funds were in hand now to complete all the needed contracts, the hearts of the management, of Interested friends, and of the hundreds of prospective mem bers would be at rest. Who will come forward with a generous gift to close up the whoje matter. Two subscriptions of $,,000 are con ditioned on getting two other subscrip tions of like amount. It is these gifts that the&Sirectors are now earnestly looking for, while thankfully receiving all gifts, no matter for how small an amount they may be. Semi-Professionals Will Olyphnnt Browns, t. Tho Olyphnnt Browns will face the Scranton Seml-Professlonuls at Athletic park this afternoon, and a lively and Interesting game Is promised. Walsh, who will play center field, played with the Toronto club during the season just ended. A live pigeon shooting match, between Arthur U. Monies nnd John Von Bergen, jr will be pulled off nt 2.30 o'clock. The game will start at 3.30. The line-up will be as follows: Scranton. Position. Olyphant. Wlrth catcher ,, Aim's Uray pitcher Laird Francis shortstop , Cleary Owens tlrst base O'Uoylo Totiliilt second base Qallugher McCue third base Wheeler Ferris left Held Malum Culklu center neld Walsh Madenspacher ..light Held Kllcullen Manager Wlrth, of the Scranton team, Is out with a challenge to the Plttston Brothers team for a game next Snturday, for $100 a side. He also chal lenges the Crescents, of Cnr.bondale, the celebrated "Our Pets," for $100 or $200 a side. ORPHANS' COURT MATTER. Judge Vosburg Disposes of & Large Amount of Business Yesterday. In the orphans' court yesterday Judge A. A. Vosburg heard the testi mony ih the audit of the distribution of the fund arising from the sale of real estate in the estate of W. W. Smith, deceased. Attorney A. D. Dean, appeared for the estate and Ballentlne & Howell for some of the helrB. A number of bills weie presented as claims against the fund for distribution and several contested claims were held open until a date to be fixed at a later time. The audit in the estate or Nora Golden, deceased, was fixed by agree ment of counsel for Monday, Septem ber 22 nt 9 a. in. sharp. In the estate of Frank sennefelder, deceased, Judge Vosburg heard testl mony In the matter of the distribution of the funds In the hands of tho exe cutor. The principal contest In this estate Is with reference to n claim presented by Mrs. Schmidt for nursing and other services performed by her for the decedent which she claims she has never been paid for. T. K. Hoban, esn... appeared for the claimant nnd H. Osthaus, esq., and Ballentlne & Howell for the executor and some of the heirs. Testimony was taken for and against this claim and the decision was reserv ed. The account of the executor of the estate of James Patterson, deceased, was also admitted, Attorney James J. O'Malley appearing for the accountant. There being no matters In contest In this estate the only matter to be ad judicated Is the distribution of the funds among those entitled thereto. Several orders were also 'made in other estates. Judge Vosburg handed down his report in the estate of Daniel Howell, deceased. In which the contro versy between the parties was disposed of In accordance with the agreement between Franklin Howell and Jennie Howell Dean the exceptant. There will be a session of the orphans' court today at 10 a. m. The Ilnmpo team was entirely out matched lust night by tho West Sldo or Becker team, Which won till three of tho games rolled on the Hatnpc alleys, making the splendid grand total of 2, 591. The score! WEST SIDE. Davis , 107 Rowlands IDS Jones 1CS Bcynou .'.. 1GT Coons I.... ISO RSfl HAMPES, Murphy 1st: McAloon ir.1 Price II." Wharton 18.1 McWllllnms 155 '793 W7 High score Davis, 233. High average Davis. ISO 2-3. 23.1 1,'t K.H 139 200 (kSS 111 111 ,1M 131 113 H.9- r,f.9 148-MO 17.1- 497 ltll 407 108- K1S 817-2301 r 131- 4i5l 173- 471 137- 403 llll- 4SI 157- 401 7G2-222 NIOHT SCHOOL. Scranton Business College. The seating capacity is today being Increased for the night school. Many more students than a year ago this time. The night scholarship (time un limited) is the greatest educational bar gain ever offered. Call and ask for par ticulars, Adams avenue and Linden street. Artistic picture framing at reduced prices at 209 Wyoming avenue, Griffin Art company. Robert Wharton, manager of tho Hnmiie nlleys, nnd captain of tho Hampe team, yesterday Issued a sweeping challenge to any tenm of colts which Molster may organize. "I Ivvlll organize n team of players who have never rolled In a lengue game," said lie yesterday, "and I'll pit them against Melster's colts for $30 a side, the match to bo rolled before the open ing of the City lengue season on Octo ber C." The three bowling alleys In the new Y. M. C. A. building have recently been completed nnd nro now practically ready for use. They are what Is known as the Narragansett alleys, n typo new to this city. They are made of maple and have square gutters instead of the round ones on tho Brunswlck-Bnlke alleys which are made of hard pine. Bowlers who have sfen the alleys pre dict that they will be very fast. The Arlington City league team will roll the Backus team on the Backus alleys next Monday night. Melster's place on the Arllngtons will be taken by John Murphy, who rolled last year on the trophy winning Hnmpe team. A meeting of the directors of the City league for the purpose of concluding all arrangements for the opening of the season will be held tomorrow after noon at Roll's hotel in Soifth Scran ton. They Pay the User. If you wish a half-tone or line cut, let the Scranton Tribune make it for you. Our equipment for this work Is complete and up-to-date. We have facilities for doing tho finest sort of work at lowest prices and what's more, we do it. A trial order will convince you. Buy peaches today. Coursen's. I Obstructions to Health Removed1 Health means the free flow of Ijlond nnd a continuous ncrvo current. winciipc inuiiiiH ousirucuon 10 wiu ireo now oi oiooii, or it means an in terrupted iiervii current. .1. All tiosslbla nhtrtlrl nits to tho free (tow tit blnnrl nr In H. .,.- n.. rent, ho It p titer n illsinl Irnl Ihiiid. n roll Intel nil mimd. mi Mmtu.1 ,1 - n constricted vessel, arc easily i cached nnd removed by tho external me chanical innulpulnttr.n peculiar to tho Osteopathic practice. For Ostconathln Treatment you should consult. Dr. Herbt. I. Furman, Spcclnllst In Chronic Diseases and Deformities. Orccn Ridge Sanitarium ,ir.lo N, Washington avenue. City Treating 'Rooms, col Linden Street, Scranton. Mears & Hagen's Special Stamp Offer WE WANT YOU To know exactly what the facts are concerning this new Loan Company before you go to the old-fashioned concern We. nsk for your patronage on tho distinct understanding that our now methods give you a positive advantage. MONEY TO LOAN We have done away with several dis agreeable nnd expensive features. Less Expenses. Less Interest. ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITUlfe without any other security. More Reasons for Coming Here: SMALLER PAYMENTS. LONGER TIME. You will not have to get some one to endorse papers for you. You will not pay interest on the paid-up principal here. You may move whenever you like. NO PUBLICITY. NO CHARGES IN ADVANCE. New 'Phone, No. 2826. P. O. Box, 94 Scranton Loan Guaranty Co. No. 207 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.. Near Cor. Spruce St. Business Hours, S a. m. to C p. m.: Saturdays, S a. m. till 9 o'clock. ;: Big Display of New Goods j 20--TWENTV STAMPS--20 Friday, Saturday, Jlonday, September 19, 20, 22 STAMPS GIVEN WITH EVERYTHING SOLD. Cut out the coupon attached to the bottom of this advertisement, present at our office, purchase a dollar's worth of goods, and you will receive 20 stamps. New Dress Goods and Waistings. 1 Philadelphia and signed '"Jessie,.' '.Is algo ttwaitinf o claimant. ft JSJE ' Accidental Shooting. John Jludjuck, of Taylor, accidentally CLARK'S GREEN. Rev. A. E. Douglas and wife, of Vine land, visited his old-time purishioners here this week. Miss Irene Snook Is visiting friends In Wnymnrt and will return on Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Colvin, of Scran ton, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mullinlx, on Monday and Tuesday last and are no- visiting relatives In Benton. Webster Swallow left here on Satur day morning lust en route for the Srtate college, where he Intends taking a four years' course In electrical engineering. Miss Elizabeth Frnce Is attending the wedding festivities at Plttston of her friend, Miss Edith Brown, daughter of Wesley Brown, n former resident of this place. Rev. Elkanah Hulley, of Keystone college, will occupy the pulpit of the Bnptlst church here on Sunday morn ing next at 11 o'clock, DURYEA. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Duryen, Sept. 19. Thursday morning, Ebenezer Foofe, one of the oldest and highly esteemed residents of this place, passed to the great beyond, after sev eral years' ailing. Deceased was 83 years of age and has been n citizen of Uuryea for the pust fifty years. He wus an alTectlonate father, kind neigh bor and worthy citizen. He Is survived by one ao nnd three daughters, W. L. Foote, of Wllkes-Bnrre Mrs. II. D. Knapp, Mrs. II. L. Edsall, Mrs, Nettle Lamont. of this place. Funeral ser vices will be conducted at the home at 2 p. m. today. Interment will be made In Marcy cemetery. New Walstings Imitation Worsted Walstings IBe Woven Tucked Walstings, all colors 25c All Wool Jersey Tricot, choice shades 23c Silk Stripe Prunoll Wnistings 00c New White Silk Stripe Bedford Cord 75c Beautiful Mercerized Blended Stripes 7Ec Fleece Back White and Fancy Pique 7Cc to $1.00 Corduroy, good grade, all shades EOc Best Heavy Wide Welt Corduroy 7Co COURT HOUSE NEWS .NOTES. The Brand Juiy will not complete Its work this week, and will be held over until next wack. ' Court made orders, yestei day fixing Oc tober 3, deform Jutlgo Newcpmb, as n tlmu for hearing testimony In seven dl voice cases, The certificates of nomination of the candidates named ot tha Fuhey conven tion of Tuesday were tiled yestoiduy with tho county commlslsoneis, T. 11. Qroves yesterduy sued William A, Simmons, a former employe, for Blan der, Tho slanderous words nro said to have been utterqd on September 15. Mrs. Muiguret Coxe applied yesterday for a divorce from T. Harry Coxe, to whom she was man led June S, 1900. They lived together until September 23, 1801, when Mrs. Coxo says sho Imd to leave her husband because ofhls abusive treatment. 'Queen Quality" Shoes For (he ladles at Mnhon's shoe store. Fifteen green trading stamps ' with every dollar's worth Saturday, La Luclda 10c value for 5c, Dress Goods Granites, Plumettes and Satin Finish Mixtures; SCc value 25c 75c Dress Goods Values In Cheviots, Whipcords, Henriettas, Granites and Basket Weaves; special COa Homespun Suitings, 50 Inch, 75c value 50c Venetians, all colors, tailor weight COc Illuminated Basket Camel's Hair Mixtures ,. 50c B0 Inch Basket Suitings, navy and black 7oc Venetians, blue and grey mixtures, 50 Inches 75o Poplins, Armures, Etc, $1.00 value 75c Melton Skirtings, grey mixtures, 95c value 75a French Broadcloth, shrunken finish, $1,50 value. ..$1.19 Sharkskins, Melrose, Prunelles, Etc., $1.25 value... '$1,00 Heavy Shrunken Tailor Suitings, with dash of color $1,50 $2.00 Heavy Pedestrian Skirtings..'. $1.50 Wash Goods New Granite Fancy Stripe Walstings 10c New Flannelettes, over 100 styles, full yard wide., 1214c Percales, full width, extra cloth go Outings, soft and Huffy o&c Outings, big rnngo of styles; 10c goods Sic Eiderdown Outings, 60 styles 0o Blue Stripe Seersuckers giAu Bate's Seersuckers and Best Ginghams l6o Polka Dot Duck Skirting So Best Dark Comfort Prints , 4q White Shaker Flannel, 5c kind , 4c White Shaker Flannel, 8u kind ,,. Co White Shaker Flannel, lOo kind So Good Grade Tucking, lOo value So Best Blue Stripe Feather Ticking.., ..12V&C Fancy Stripe Extra Heavy Ticking , ,., i5o Best German Ticking, fancy stripes, 20c value 15c New Black Goods Black Brocade Satin, 40 inch 29c Black Melton Skirtings, value $1.00 75o Black 45-inch Cheviot, value 63c 50c Black 50-inch Cheviot, value 93c 75c Black Shrunken Tnllor Cheviot, value $1.23 $1.00 Black Thibet Cheviot, soft nod heavy, $1.50 value. .$1.25 Black Basket, Pebbles and Aimures E9c Black Heavy Hard Finish Whipcord, 50 inches.... 93c Black Fancy Skirtings, Mohair figure, $1.50 value. $1.00 Black Prunelle and Peau de Sole, $1.50 value $1.25 Black Shrunken Venetian, $1.75 value $1.50 Black Heavy Belgian Twill, $2.25 value $1.75 Black Mohair Basket Canvas Weave $1.25 Black Panne Finish Broadcloths $1.50 Black Bedford Welt Silk Broadcloths, wool... $1.50 Silks 19-inch -Black Taffeta Silk 49c 19-Inch Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed 69c 19-lnch Block Peau do Solo Silk 76c Rain-proof Black Taffeta Silk , $1.25 Haskell's Pure Dye Taffetas, guaranteed, 79c, 95c, $1.25 Black Taffetas, full yard wide $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 Cheney Bros.' Peau de Sole Silk, all colors 75o Black Moire Velour, 27 Inches 76c Foulards, to close $1.00 value, 69c; 7uc for 49c; 58c for 29c Notion Sundries Shetland Floss, Lion Brand, Sc skein 13 for $1.00 Germantown Yarns, Lion Brand, skein 6c Saxony Yarns, Lion Brand, skein 9g Hand-knitted Shawls, $2.00 $1.50 Hand-knitted Shawls, $2,50 $1.75 Hand-knitted Shawls, $1.50 $1.00 20c Art Cushion Tops ,,,,, 19c White Pearl Buttons, four sizes, per doz Ec -New Line Torchon Luce 3c 23c nnd 30c Fine Embroideries , 19c Imitation Shell Hair Pins , 4 for 0c Good Bristle! Tooth Brushes ioc New Circular Lace Collars coc New Belt and Neck Brooches, 20c , 100 New Chatelaine Bngs 23c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Cutlcura Soap, per enke isc Cashmere Bououet Soap, per cake ,,, 200 t UKKKnS:KK50KKKKttOKMUJ:HKKKK I These Satisfying I Fall Opening Days 5C Have brought pleasure to hundreds of Scranton's best 3C posted women of fashion. j The' have unqualifiedly declared that a new era has 0 dawned in fashion's realm, as far as Scranton is concerned, 3 and gladly admit that the loii, tedious, tiresome trips of otner years to iNew i'ork or riulaclelphia are things of the past. They Found Just what they were looking for in the Dress Goods and Silk Department. They Were Delighted With the display in highly tailored and real Dressmaker-made Gowns in the best Parisian and American Models. They Lingered Long Over the new Waists, Dress and Walking Skirts, be cause they had never seen their like before in this city. They Were Amazed At our display of Coats and Smart Jackets. It sur passed their utmost expectation and taught them a lesson. They Heartily Commended The excellent taste and good judgment shown by our buyers in the Lace, Ribbon and Trimming Departments and said that our line of cloves was matchless. That's what other people have said and of course their flattering commendation pleases us. Opening Days, Friday and Saturday ilcConnell & Co. M.0 The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. KMSOJOSKKnKKMIHKKUKnKJCUKX 3 jcaniagyt, Green Valley Rye is not a cheap whiskey. It's the best, at an hon est price. In purchasing a full quart bottle, you get $3.75 back from a five dollar bill. Housekeeping Goods Turkish Bath Towels, Bleached and Brown. Special sale prices 5c, .10c, 12t$c, 15c, 18c, 25c Cotton Huck Barber Towels.,,, 5c, or 45o dozen Huck Towels, heavy cotton.,,.,,, So and 100 Linen Huck Towels, wash finish ,,,10c, J2lic, 15o Extra Heavy Pure Linen Huck Towels ,.,,lSc, 23c Steven's Pure Linen Crashes.,,, ,co to 16o Washed Itussla Crash , , 121.0 Heavy Barnsley Crush,, , ,120 Extra Weight German Crushes ,.,.., i5o Huck Toweling for Embroidery , J2,$c to 33o New Counterpanes, special prices 75c, $1.00, $1.23, $1,50 and $2.00 VNrtVNVN Cut Out This Cpupon Present at our office, purchase $1.00 worth of goods and you will receive 30 stamps. Sept. 19, ao, 33. MERS & MAUEN, Mears & Hagen 415 and 417 Lackawanna Ave ; New 'Phone 2974. f J JULES DEPJRTMEtlTfl 216 Lackawanna AvcScramtonV Old 'Phone 2162. $fiiiitgfg$i ) r If You Want The Best N. Wareroom, PIANO .....l. i..l .,3, for Cash or on Easy Payments. Call on A. HULBERT, J , , , , 117 Wyoming Avenue Various Iakes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In- 2 struments Taken in Exchange, J jf i' MW, rt . & -i. 5 , vi'. ' ?l. ? . M.m, V X Z tSJt. ! A .: 1U!H k - -i A- k
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