V I " J V ItH' , ,-lv r h I - A V THE SOKAiNTOJN TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1002. Ufr vln RELIGIOUS NEWS UK Luthcrnn t" a torn of the city will ntteiul the ninth annual Sunday school convention oC tho Wllkcs-Hrtrtc conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Alln- Isterliliu ot Pennsylvania nt Tilnlty Evangelical Luthontn church, Lchlgh- ton, Tit. on 1'itemlny nnd Wedncsdny, Scot. 23-21, loo.'. The following piogrnnimo hns boon iirnngod; TUESDAY, 10 O'CLOCK A. 51. Opening Seivlco.. ..Rev. Edgnr P. Ximder Jlcmutks or Welcome" Pastor LucI Qignnlnitloii. Inslioducthm to Blby Study, Rev. W. M. Rclnlg, Ph. D. TUESDAY. 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Doiotlonnl Sol vice. ..Rev. W. C. I,, Luticr Tho Sunday Sohool- 1. The Impoitunco and Necessity, P.uv. 13. F. Hitler 2. The Relation to the Cotigiegnllon, Rev. M. B. Schmoyer 3. The Duty of Patents Ton ni d It, Mr. T. It. Se.ufass I The Tciiclici 1. What Constitutes n Compotonl Tonther Rev. II, J.'. J, Solicitor 2. How to Seethe Tliein, Rev. A. L. Rnmcr, Ph. D. iMIsccllcnneous Business. TUESDAY, 7 IS O'CLOCK P. M. Devotional Sen it u ....Rev. H J, Kucllng Addtcss How "Wo Cot Oin Bible. Rev T. J. Baetos tidiest, Rev. AV. K. Ki Ick. D. D . Milwaukee. V Is WEDNESDAY, SIM O'CLOCK A. M. devotional Servico .. ..Rev. II. E. Mojor 1. The Pi limit y Deiuttinent .. (n) its Management. (l) Us Teaching. (c) Its Aim nev. L Llndoiistinlh Home Department, St. John's. AVllUps-n.it i o Teaching the Lesson (lor Sept 2S), Rev. J. .1. Kuiitz WEDNESDAY, 2 O'CLOCK P. M. IDeiotIoml Scivlce Rev. A. O Ebcrt 1. The Bible Class. ...Rov A. C. Wuchlor '. Tho Appui.tttis of the Sunday School, Rev. C. O. Onliel 3.' The MKilon Woik.. Rev. II. II. Hi lining Repot t ol the Statistician, Rov. K. T. Killer IMIscelleanenus Business. Adjournment. Harvest Home nt Holy Trinity. The animal harvest home festlvnl of Holy Tilnlty Evangelical Lutlieian church, Adnms aenue nnd Jlulboi ry stieet, will be obsetved with special services tomouow. Tho nicnibeir. of ihe Ladles' Aid society, assisted by tho jiiomueis of the Luther league, will Decorate the chinch with ftuits and lowers as an explosion of thanks giving to God, for the bounties lecelved Burins the past yeai. At 10.30 a. in., a special sermon on lie theme, "Consider tho Lilies," will be reached by the pastor, Rev. E. E. Rit- r. Theie will also bo special music tho choir tit 7.30 p. in., the Sunday Ihool, under Supeiintendent R. H. radon will lender the following pio- I amine: bthem Choir llptuto Pastor bed Seltriol Hjer P.istot aim School rymn, ''Now Thank AVo All Out Coil." Jccltatlon, "A Basket of Summer Pi tilt," Wilhclmlnn Ticiiihtidt, Fiedciick Gei- Lj lockv amdic.d-.Zci be, Esther .Rlltei, 1 1 Ezm Kflim. Recitation, "A riaor for Missions," AVIlhelmlna Beinlmidt Hymn, "In tho Vino aid of Our Fnthei" JxeieiFC, "Set Ice," Helen Ccgllzei, Beatilco Zcibe, Glads New halt, Isabel Fcnne, Mnrguict now. Sunbeam Song, Piimaiv Depailnient Tcaeheis, Misses Lillian Rlaschko nnd Anna Ucinliaidt. lymn, ' Pulse My Soul the King of ileal en. ' jxcicbe "Tell Cotlli the Stoty," Qliidvs New bait. H.sther Rltter. WII helmina Dcinliiiult. Isabel Pernio. kddiess Pastor Itymn. "Wiicli All Thv Aletcies" tccltation and Song, "Water Lilies," Mamlo Scliubort, Nettle Iieinhaddt, Maigaict JJeibe, Amelia Fennc. Vnthem 4 choir -irtcilnss, Rocltatlon, "Sunday School I at vest." M sh Jennie Se.im.in Hymn. "Beautiful Savloiu." Solo and Choi us, "What Pmlt Ilaio e Gatheied Korbn Lmolla Fennc, Nettlo Beinlmidt, Mui- ir.n nt y.oi lio. locltatlon, "When Fields Ale Cold," Amelia, Fcnno Hymn, "Amcilca." Joxologv, 3cncdictlon. their names. On Friday evonlnpr will ho a "church family gnthbrlng," nt which supper will ho served nnd brief speeches made by novel nl members and friends ot tho church. Sunday, September 23, the services of the tiny will be given up to tho annl veisury Idea, the Sunday school ami oilier organizations tit tho church hold ing appropriate services. These serv ices will be followed on Wednesday evening. October 1. by a "consecration service." The church has experienced ii remarkable growth during Its ten Jems of life and Is today In splendid condition, Closing Says of Alliance. Last Kildny evening was set apart for u set vice of song and testimony by the students ptesent nt the Christian and Mlssionniy alliance from the Mis sionary Tialnlng Institute at Nyack, N. Y. Sixteen of these gathered and le heaised their cxpet lento while In at tendance at that place and the change (tod had wrought In their Hies, which nio now consecrated for service .-for Illni. Sevetal of them are volunteers for wotk In fotclgn Holds, two of which number nic nbout to leave homo for India. Saturday the meetings were held as usual and proved to be very Interest ing nnd ptolltable. Rev. Dr. Riles, of New Yotk, gao the Clnlstlans some timely p.utlug woids before leaving tTie convention. As was expected, "Missionary Day" Sunday was one of unusual Inteiest. At 9 o'clock n. in. the communion serv ice was held In the Gospel tnbernacle, after which the company gathered under the tent to learn more of the work of tho society and Its needs. The speakets were: Rev. S. F. Senft and wife, of Philadelphia, on the "Work In Palestine:" Rev. Howard Smith, on "Wotk In the Soudan," Attica, where ho has lived seien yenis; Miss Seach oldlz on "Tho Woik In Orphanages In India," and Miss Compton, of Plttston, who is under appointment for the same country. So much of Inteiest was manifested thioughout the day and evening that $1,530 was gien in money and pledges as "fiee will offeilngs," which, added to that given at other places where Rev. James Lelshtnan has conducted set vices in the tent (lining the sum mei, amounted to the sum of $3,138 38 to help on the woik of missions for the coming j car. Eeligious Note3. Tho Sunday evening sen Ice nt St. Luke's will be at 7..J0 p. m. hereafter, beginning with tomonow. The pastors and lajinen of the Wjoming tonfeienco will hold a con ontion at the West Plttston M. E. chinch on October G and 7. Rev. Dt. Guild and Rev. W. F. Gib bons and F. K. Tlacey. of tills city, are delegates fiom Lackawanna Piesbytery to synod in Pittsbuig In October next. conduct nt Motllmh'Kndlsh (Dent, xxxll, t0-Bl). Accoullligty hla RravC Whs htndo nenr Hothpeor, and no tnnit knew where. It was nn unmarked spot (Judo, D), which no ono In nil after ccntlnlrs might visit, n sepulchre nnpuluted by the LoiM him self, a scciet testing plnco far removed Tiom tho habitations of Israel. Clod him self pet f ot mod the funeral tiles. ADVANCED AaW.-(Verso 7). Long evity Is promised ns n r own id of light coti.Miipss (Psalm xcl, 111: Piov, III, 10). It came to the pntilnrchs In n most tetnni li able way (If the statements may bo io eel veil its historical), ptobably through simplicity of life, or phslcal righteous hob (Oen. v, 27). Moses nt the time of his death hud l cached onu hunched nnd twenty vcais, llfty-llve jcins less than Alunhnm (den, xxv, 7), and tea ciiih nioio than Joseph (Ccn, I, 2ii). The life of Moses was divided Into tin oo equal parts foity yen i a In Kgvpt, foity yenrs In Mldlau, nnd foity venrs hi the exodus. It Is noted hole ns a matter of special In teiest Hint ho came to tho end with much vigor. "Ills eyo was not dim, nor his natliint foicc abated." This- indicated that lio might have lived longer, but that lie passed nway nt this tlmo because It was the will of the Loid that he should go. Ills woik was done, nnd another must load Isiael wheie ho was not per mitted. NATIONAL MOURNlNO.(Vciso 8). When Jacob died thcio vvcie tlnco pe tlods of mourning, forty days by the Istaelltes, seventy days by tho L'gvptlnns, accoidlnjf to their custom to fulfill ic llglous obligations, and seven days on in rival In Canaan (Gen. 1, 3-10). But nf ter the death of Moses tho public c piesslon of gilcf and lespeet was limited to thlity days as It was In tho case of Anion who died at Mount llor (Numb. nx. 29). Tho oeiclses connected with such occasion wcte exceedingly vailed compilslng the beating of the breast or other patt of the body, wecplnc nnd screaming In nn excessive degiee, wear ing sad coloted garments, dressing In sackcloth, uttering songs ot lamentation, f uncial feasts, tho employment of pio fesslonal persons to lament. Theie can be no doubt that much of this originated In supcistitlou. There was nn opinion Hint the soul of tho departed llnscicd nenr the body for a time and was con scious of any expicsslon of sonow, and that by It releaso was found to enter Into the habitation of depaited sphlts. AVlth the supeistltlon theie was probably much genuine gilef. APPOINTED SUCCESSOR.-(Verse 8). Tho death of Moses had been anticipated. Ono who came up fiom Egypt with him, Joshua, the son ot Nun, had been ap pointed to leadeishlp (Numb, xxvll, 18), a j ear befoie and solemnlv conscciated to tho office by tho Imposition of hands which slgnllled the tiansfer of authority (I Tim. Iv, II). Joshua had a lone nnd vailed tialnlng for tho position. He com manded the military oiKimlzatlon as a lieutenant, nnd his abilities were dls plaved in tho battle with Amalek (Kk. Mil, 13). Ho had been In close lelatlonb as minister or ptlvate sccietary to Moses (Rx. wlv, 13). Ho had been admitted to seciot consultations In the tabciiiaclo (Ex. xxxill, 11). Ho was one of tho spies who went to exploie Canaan (Numb xlil, lii). And now when the great leader dls appemed upoh whom all had ti listed so long, heie stood the man icady to take up and cniry foiiwnd the work which tho other laid down. lie was full of the sphlt of wisdom, that special gutce which completed his equipment for seivlco (Dan. vl. 3). And Isiael tinned to him with conlidcnce. r. P. .Doty, pastor. Services In Phillips' hall, on Fig street. At 10.30, mdrnlng worship nnd sermon! H.t." n. m., Sunday school! 3.30 p. m., Junior Lcnguo! 7 p. m , Hpworth Lcnguo service! 7.S0 p. m,, even ing dlscourso by tho pnslor. Piovldcnco Methodist Hplacopnl'ehlirch Rev. tlooige A. Cute, paBtor. Tho Rrotheihood of St. Palil meet for prnyOr nt lo n. m.j pretirhlng nt 10 30! Siitidny school nt 2 p. m.i Ilpwurth lenetio nt O.JGJ subject of evening lermoil, ar7.30, "Humiliation and Exaltation." Afilcitti Methodist HplBcopnl ctituch, llowaid place-Dr. D. S. Ilentley, pastor. Prenchlng, 10 30 a, m.s subject, "Tho Work of Sowing nnd the Ceitninty of Rcnplng." The Sunday school will give a special programme nt 2 30- p. in. Sub ject at 7.41 p. in , "A Ueller Educated Mlnlstiy tho Need of tho Hour." It be ing the nniiunt rallv for our church schools, n ft eo will olTeiing will bo taken at each service for Wllbetfoico unlveis lly, A very coidlnl welcome Is extended to nil. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR SEPT. 21 THE DEATH -OF MOSES. DEUT XXXIV:1-21. BY REV. J. E GILBERT, D. D , Secietaiy of Amerlean Society of Ro-llglouslMncatloii. Its Tenth Anniversnry. The Gicqii Ridge Buptlkt chinch will next week celebrate Its tenth annl- reiauly by nppiopilatc exeiclses. On ednesday evening will be held a "toll fall" service, nt which It is hoped that largo per cent, of the meinbeis of the chuich win be present to respond to IHHmBmHEjHBF!jHHV zjB0&WL who 'fcS3Z Just withiuher grasp i saieiy out sue oes not see it ; she looking the wrong ay. There's many woman struggling i a sea of disease is doing the same thing looking the WM wrong way r snatching at medicinal straws when the life buov. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is within her reudi. Many a woman has testi fied: "I know I should not be alive to-day but for Dr, Tierce's ravorue rrescriptton." Tins tamous nedlcine establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation land ulceration, and cures female weakness. Weak and sick women, esneciallv those suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, bv letter. ftce. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential, (vuuress ur, K. V, Pierce, Jiultalo, N, v, ! take nlt.1filir In wflllnv tn 1ft vnn L'tin.w 1 1 lie great good I received from your 'Favorite If reicription ' and your ' PIeaanit Pellets. ' says tin, Nora Caddie, of Rio, Hart Co, Ky. "I rj--.-; r cigui iwiiie 01 i uvorac i'reycrii- IfOn' aild nilf. nr tivn villa .T tltn IIJlfful riiluk I would have beeu lu my grave had it .w uu iui juur mriuciucs n lias oeeu auoui our months niuce I took the medicine. I was p u run uowu. uaa loss or appetite, could not lleep at ulgtit, Wa nervous, had bacLache, Dlaclc SDOtl mi nivll.ttlid a.i.i ii t.-.a-t..l. nil llietlme. I bavi? nnt li.A kIIt l.aitin l, f look your medicine." "Favorite Prescrlntion ' makes weak womeu strong, sick women well. Accept Be substitute for the medicine which i ironcs wonders for weak women. INTRODl'CTION-Tho book of Denter onom.v, tiom which our last two lessons weto taken, is leally tho dving messngo of Moses. It was customaiy in tho pa tilaich.il times foi men befoie passing nway to mnKo some nu.il utterance, longer or shot tcr. So it vvns with Jacob (Gen. xllx, 1). Such dclivcinnccs weie highly esteemed by those to whom they weie made, as they came fiom tho ac cumulated 'wiulom of the ve.us thnt weie gone and tho liopes of the tlmo to come. Moses in his nddiess iccupltulatcd tho l.ivv of God and made comments Iheieou, ntlni which ho gave wholesome advices. The nddiess ended with a Blow ing tiihuto to Jehovah and to Isiael found In the last veises of the thiity-thlid chap ter, n passage ol late beauty and stiength, Tho ihnplei now tn bo studied, an account of his death and builal and some nialteis connected thoiowlth, must have been wiitten bv some other liand, piobahly by some sulbe at a later time. CLOSING VISION.-(Vei.ses 1, 2. 3). Ono gicut pilvllego was gi anted to Moses befoie his death -ho was poimltted to see fiom a distance the land of piomlse, tho land of his hopes and ciuleavoia. For this pin pose lie ascended Mount Nebo, a peak of the i.ingo Abailm. which extend ed fiom not Hi to southeast of tho Jot dan. Tho oilglu of the name has been as signed to tho meaning of the woid "high" oi "elevated," but lomii think that It was del I veil fiom tliu (act that Nebo, n heathen oily, was once worsblnned tboio. Nebo was ono of soveial peaks belonging to Mount Pifgah. Theie God showed him Canaan, on both sides of tho liver. Plist the 0)0 swept noithwiiid over Gllend to Dan, thenco west lo Naphtall, thence southwaid to Enhiiilm nnd Mn nnsseh, thenco to Jtidnh nnd the gieat sea, tho Medlteiiaueaii, and tho Inter vening countiy, ns It would bo Inhabited by Isiaol. Stanley said, after visiting tho heights, "Tho wholo inngo is ono vast i'lsgau, riom which views may bo had of tho hills and the vnllejs of the enllio land of piomlse," DIVINE RnSTRAlNT.-(Vciso I). It may bo icadlly behoved that Moses had a stiong desho to ontor Camiun. That had been tho ono conti oiling motive fiom tho day ho loft Jethro's flocks In Midlan (Ex 111. 17). It bad tilled his inliiil' uln. hop and coutago nnd patleuco aH ho stood befoio tho obdunito Pluuaoh plead ing for tho releaso of his people, It hud sustained him dm lug tho wandeilng of neatly foity yeais In tho wilderness, n time of soio tilal and great suspense. It had been tho burden of his long uddicss In which be sniittht to picpnio Israel for tho now homo (Dent, will, 0), Standing upon Plsgah and viewing tho land In the distance, ho must Imvo folt a stianeo do, sto to Head its valleys nnd visit Its cities. Hut Uod hud otdered othetwlso. Ho was not poimltted bo much as to en. ter, JI hail led Isiael to the bolder, but ho might not eioss It. They sliould go In hofoio him. Moses know tho teasou lor this lestiulnt and ho told It to tho peo ple. Ilo pleaded, but God had lofused luein, in, -U-.7). A sin committed twenty eais befoio (Numb, xx, J.'), kept him out. SECRET HPRlAl7-(Verses n und i) Tho patilittchs esteemed their burial places. Abiahmn piiiclmsed a cave for hemsolf and Saiali In tho land of piomlse (Gen. xxlll. 19). Theio Jacob was laid to rest by his sous (CJcn. I. D). Tho boncK of Joseph, the last of his moitul pait. af IiIh dlscietlon weio can led from Egypt to Caiman (Ex. xlil, 19). pom tlmo lm memoilal 'the orientalist felt It to bo a high honor to sleep his lust sleep In tho ruinpuiiy oi ins inmeis (I Kings , IO) INCOMPARABLE PROPHET.-(Vcises 10, 11. 12). Now comes tho Una estimate of Moses, which, like an inset iption upon n tombstone, foinis the closing section of the last book. Bilef, eompiehenslve and beautiful It is in five great paits. 1. Ho was a piophct, an inspired teacher, one who gave God's word as ho lecelved it, prompted bv the Holy Ghost (II Pet. i, 21), overlowing with tho message. 2. Ho was supeiior to any who came after him to the time of this wilting, date un known, although nnother like him (Dent, xvlll, 1,1), was promised nt a later date. 3 He Knew God face to face, being ad mitted Into the closest Intimacy of asso ciation and speech (Exod. vlli, 50), din ing tho long peilod in which ho piesidcd over the Intel ests of bis countiymen. 4. That Intimacy enabled him to Mil two of fices successfully rlrst as God's lepiesen tatlve at tho court of Phaiaoh by signs and wondeis, and second as the special ngent to make known God's judgments to Isiael. If we gather up and put in ono sentence those five points we may wiite, "Tho Ineompaiablo prophet, who con voised with God, who ndmlnlstcied God's will to the Egyptians and tho Isiaelltes." CONCLCSION.-Theie is a place and mission for ovety man, adapted to his talents, appointed by tho Almighty, a placo which should be piavcrlullv sought (Acts, Ix, 0), and conscientiously filled. It often oceui s thnt one is cut shoit in his cnieer, denied tho pilvllego of complet ing what he began, tluough somo weak ness or Indlscietlon. Neveithcless, for all ti no wotk well done theie Is a i award, tho lasting honor duo fiom postcilty (Psalm xc, 17). Tho woik of one pic pares for that of those who come after, so that continuity and completeness nio se emed by succession (John Iv, 3S). After Moses camo Joshua. Happy the man who cat ties foiw.trd a cnuso that nn other may take up and continue (I Cliinn. xxll, fi). It Is well for eveiy ono to feel thnt he Is a eo-vvoiker with those who went befoie nnd those who came nftcr, for a little tlmo tolling nt an unlinlshod tnsk, obligated so to toll that God's pur pose mny not bo fiustrated nor God's plan mailed, but all may go forward to ward the far oft but unseen end that lies In tho etcinal mind. BAPTIST. Pcnn Avenue Hnptlst church, Penn avc line, between Sprueo and Linden stiets. Strangers cordially welcomed. Preaching, moaning at 10.30 nnd evening nt 7.30, by tho pastor. Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce. 1). D. Morning prayers In tho lectin o room nt 0 43. Theme of morning sermon. "Tho Secret of Power." Sunday school nt 12 o'clock, following the services In the au ditorium, Sunday school nt tho Memorlnl mission, on Picscolt nvcntle, nt 3 30 p. nt. Young People's Society of Christian En deavor mooting nt 0 30. At tho evening "Wright Horn" services, theio will bo sixty minutes of Scripture, sermon and bong. First Baptist church, South Main aVe niie. Services nt 10.30 n. in. and nt 7.30 p. m. Prenchlng by tho Rev. George II. Swift, of Philadelphia, Pa. Sunday school at 2 p. m.i Baptist Young People's union at 0 30 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting nt 7.13 p. m. All are wel come. Seats free. Jackson Stieet -Baptist chinch Rov. Thomas do Gitichv. D. D . nastor. Jlnin. Ins men's piayor meeting at 9 43, Htother William Piothcroc, leader. At 10 30, preaching service, seimnn by tho pnstor. At 2 p. m., Sunday school, John Lloyd, supeiintendent. Evening service nt 7 shaip. Pi also and song scivlee, led bv tho choir. Tho hymn, "Oh, Sacred of Jesus," will bo sung to the old Welsh tune, "Rabol," followed by a short nd diess; topic, "The Lost Choid." The laigo congiegatlons nttest to the popu lailty of this meeting. EVeiybody Is cor dially welcome. Seats ale all fiee. North Main Avenue Iiaptlst Chinch Pastor, Rov. Albeit Hatcher Smith. The pastor Is nt his home In Virginia. At tho morning service. Miss Susan M. Jones, a letutned missionary from Mex ico, will pteach and piescnt her woilc. Rov. David Spencer, D. D, will picnch in tho Tnbeinaclo ot 7"!(l o'clock. Green Ridge Baptist church Henry nierung i'ottcr, pastor. Tho pastor will pi each, both morning nnd evening. The Sunday school will meet at 11.43 a. m. Noith Main AVenue IJaptlst church Mis. Jones, a l etui nod missionary fiom Mexico, will speak in the ehuich at 10 30. Rev. David Spencer, D. D, will occupy tho pulpit in tho tnbei uncle in the even ing. Dr. Spencer is tho oignnber of the chinch and many fi lends will bo glad to see and hear him. Fiist Welsh Baptist Chinch. West Mar ket stieet-Rev. J. V. Davies. nastor. The pastor will occupv tho pulpit on Sunday next at tho usual hours, 10 a. m. nnd 0 p m. Sunday school nt 2 p. m. The evening sen Ice will be conducted in English. A coidlnl welcome is extended to an to attend, Seals fiee. JJUntMI iULINUt, In consctvlng "Auttiinn'n best of cheer," against tho winter's day of heed, don't fotgot a llbotal allowance, of peaches. Homo canned or pic sciiod penches me mtlell Bilpctlor to any but the most expensive factoty canned goods, while the cost la usual ly less thnn half. Onu way ot preserving peaches, which has been successfully tested, Is this; Peel llpe, perfect peaches and pack closely In glass Jnis. They may be left whole or pitted, ns pro fened. In tho latter case, save nno or two pits for each Jar, to give fla vor, Piepaio it ilcll Hvnlp In the pto pottlou of nbout two nnd ono-half pounds ot sugar to a pint of water. When scalding hot, pour over tho peaches hi tho Jais, lotting It tuh down ntnohg them, to till every de vice, He suic tho Jar Is llllcd to tho Vciy brim. Sciow the covets on "T tightly und stand the Jam in n holler of scalding hot water. After tho cans nio all In cover tho holler with Us lid and llteti n blnnket nr thick cloth of some kind, to allow tho wa ter to lotuln llto bent ns long ns pos sible. When tile water becomcrt pei fectly cold, tcmnvo tho Jills. If tho heat has loosened the covois at nil, sciow as tight ns possible, Set nway tn a coot, dnik closet. Pickled peaches oto the nicest of all sweet Dickies. Peaches Intended for pickling should not bo too iliic. Dip for an Instant In hot water, nib oft tliu skins, or "wool," with a com so towel and stick two or thlce cloves In each lleach. Hnvo inmli' In thn innRorvInn' kettle a scalding svillp, mnde 111 tho pioportlon of live pounds ot blown sugar to a quart of cider vinegar (not too strong), nnd ono cup of mixed spices cassia buds, stick cinnamon, nllsplco nnd a vciy few cloves. A bit of green ginger mny bo added, It da shed, Tie tho spices In several Ilttlo Cheesecloth bags, tied with n stout tin end. A ciicular piece of cheese cloth nbout tin ec Inches In diameter Is be,st for the pin pose. Put in tho peaches, cook ten min utes or until scalded nnd tendot. Skim out, cat chilly pack In stOne or glass jnis, leaving a splco bag In each jir. Cook tho syitip for Ave minutes longer nnd pour over the fitdt, It is not necessary to Seal them nli-tlght ns they should keep perfectly well In any pieservo closet where It is cool nnd daik. Peais may be pickled in the same way. If the skin is tender, do not peel but theio is a great dlffcience in peais. SERVICES IN MB VARIOUS CHURCHES llness and sick headache- METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Elm Park, chut ch-Dr. C. ji. GUT.n, pastor, Piayer and pi also meeting at 1)30; Hcrmon by pastor at 10 JO; Sunday school nt 2 p. m.; Junior lcnguo at 3 20; Senior league at t30. Worship and word ,at 7,30. Tho pastor will speak on the topic, "I'ut yourself lu Hla Plato." Shnpbon Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. II. C, McDeunott, D. D., pastor. Pienchlng at 10.30 a, m, and 7.30 p. m, Moinlng topic, "What Is Man?" Even ing topic, "Our Ebenezer," Sunday school at 1.' in,; Junior league at .1 p. m,; Ep woith leugue at b 30 p. m. Special music lu tho evening. The pcoplo tuo coidlally Invited. Embniy Methodist Eplsoop.il Chinch Rov, James Bennlngor, pastor, Pi cach ing nt 10 30. Subject of soimon, "Tho Old Well at Rothlehom," Class meeting at 11.30; Sunday school at 2 p. m,; Ep woith league nt 0 30, Pienchlng sorvlco at 7.30 Subject of soimon, "A Royal Banquet." Asian y Methodist Episcopal chinch, coiner wcniwnie street mm .Mousey live nuo Rov. Cluulcs A. Benjamin, pastor. Rrotheihood at 9 30; subject, "Tho Rea sonableness of Religious Obligation." Sunday school nt 2.A); Epworth leuguo at B30; pienchlng at 7.30; topic, ''Ilorulds of tho Ctoss." Seats free. Largo choir, Every body welcome. Ash Stieet Methodist Episcopal church Rev. J. R, Austin, pastor. Morning pienchlng seivlce nt 10 30; subject, "Spending nnd Being Spent." Class meeting nt 11.30. Charles Croop, leader, Sunduy school nt 2 p. in , U. W. Stone, superintendent; Epwoith leaguo nt 0 43 p. m. Evening picuchlng service at 7.30; subject, "A Ptvlng, Father." Preaching In the Nay Aug Methodist Episcopal chinch Sntuiday evening nt 7.30. A cor dial welcome to all the sei vices. Comt Street Methodist Episcopal church--G. C. Lyman, pastor. Class, 9 13 a, m O. D. DeWltt. leader. 1'ieachlng at 10 30 a. in.; Sunday school, 11.-15 a. m, a. R. Clark, superintendent. Epworlh league, (ISO p. m, Oeitiude Tripp, leader, Seats fico. 1 must remain, and that because of his J St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal chtirch- PRESBYTERIAN. Tlrst Presbyterian church Services nt 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Dr. McLeod will preach. Sunday school, 12.13. Mid-week Fscrvlce, Wednesday evening nt 7.45. Strangers welcome to nil services. Second Presbytciian chinch, Jefforon nvenuo (between Vino and Mulbeuv stieets.) Morning woiship, 10 30; Sunday school, 12; Young Pooplo's Society of Chtistlan Endeavor, 0 30; evening wor ship, 7 30. Rev. J. If. Odoll Will olTlclate. Evening subject, "Tho Delusions of Imagination." Gtecn Ridge Presbvteilan c hnreh Rev. I. J. Lansing, pastor; Re. L R. Foster, nsslstnnt. 10 30 nnd 7.30. sei vices of wor ship, with seimons by tho pastor; 12 m., lllblo school; (.30 p. m Chilstlnn En deavor. A coidlnl invltntlon and wel come Piovideneo Pieshvteilan Church The pnstor. Rev. Dr. Guild, will pi each nt 10 30 n. m. nnd 7 30 p m. Offeilng for boaul ot mlnlstoilnl icllef. Sunday school at noon. Jimloi Endeavor. 3 30; Senior Endeavor, 0 30 Seats of tho church nio fiee. Wnshbuin Street Presbyterian church Rev. John P. Moffat, D. D pastor. Ser vices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Rbi0 .school at 12 m.; Christlnn Endeavor voting i-eopio nt 6 20 p. ni. Prayer meet ing Wednesdny at 7.30 p. m. The sacra ments of baptism and tho Loid's supper will be administered by tho pastor at tho morning sei vlco. Usual preaching servico in tuo evening. All coidlally welcome. Cnpouso chapel (Presbytciian) Rev. L. R. Poster, pastor. Seivlces nt 1030 in the moinlng, and nt 7.30 in tho evening. Ser mons by Rev. J. J. Rankin. Bible school at 3 o'clock. Peach jelly is ono of llio most lin ed tnln of the ft ulf jellies, nnd It hardly pays to make a specialty of its ptepniatlon. Maimalado Is much nioio satlsfnctoiy. When canning savo tho peelings from tho flesh clean ft nit, ns it Is fiom tho skin Itself nnd the flesh next to it that tho fruit flavor Is scouted. Add to them as many soft llpo peaches ns oii wish, cutting in small pieces. Crack somo of tho pits, take out the ker nels, blanch, cut in stilps and lay in cold water whlio jou cook tho peaches. Put tho peaches over the flte in tho pieseiving kettle, allowing thieo qunttcis of a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Let the kettlo stand on the back of the stove n few mo ments to draw out tho juice, then cook about twenty mlniitcs stirring often with a wooden spoon, mashing the peaches as much ns possible. When a thick oven paste add tho peach kernels and cook five minutes longer, stilling all the time, to mo vent scorching. Before the kernels me added, put through a pilrca slcvo ! should It seem "lumpy." Pour into ,J. bowls or sti night sided marmalade jais. cover with waxed or brandled paper, and seal. Biandlcd peaches aie highly es teemed by many housewives, though they cannot bo commended for gen eial use In families where there nio bovs glowing up. Mnko a syiup of four pounds of sugar nnd n quart of water. Let It como to a boll, cook five minutes, and M.f-M-4- 444-4M-444, Menu for Sundau, Sept. 7. DKUAkPAsr. arW',-,. . ttonthiy aills. Pmk Chops. Applo Rings. Re Mtiniiis, Coffee. MNNftu. .... Vegetable Soup. .Pickled Choi lies. ' Olives, ltonst Beef, T Ui oen Corn Pudding. r Bi owned Potntocs. f . Tomato Salad, Wafcts. Cheese. Pencil Cobbler. Black Corfeo. t SUPPUK. T Creamed Oystcis, I In Chaflnc Dish ., , U!cna nna Butter. Sli'ic.t,I Hilm' ' i .Catsup. I Applo Baucc. valiigorbicnd. X Tea. t4M40 4 -M-f-fsj-M-f add four pounds of peeled peiiehbs. Cook flVo mlhiltes longer, tnko otlt tho fiult within skimmer and pack in glass Jars. Boll tho sytup until it thickens, add a pint ot biandy, und tnko tho kettle nt once fiom the liie. Fill tho Jars With the hot syrup and seal at once. Any fiult Jtllces that may bo left af ter canning should nlwnjs be saved to cat with pancakes or to rtdd to tho wlhtei'S stock of mincemeat. Peaches and tapioca malto nn ex cellent pudding. To n cupful of tapioca udd two qttntls of cold water. Set where It will keep warm, but not hot, Ulltll soft. Tnnloc.i vailrs. snhih m. milling moie tlmo than othois. It Is usually safe to let It stand oV'er night. In the moinlng peel and slice eight or ten penches. Add to tho tapioca with ono cupful of sugar and n Ilttlo snll. Pour Into a butteted pudding dish nnd bako until tho fiult Is tender nnd tho tapioca like Jelly. If to bo eaten hot, seive with haid sauce. Jf moulded and eaten cold, .servo With sugar and Cieam. Peach Brtly Is a good old-fashioned dish, hot so ilcb as tho "eobblet," and therefoto better for the thlldion's table. Spi Inkle n layer of butteted ci umbs in the bottohl of a blttteicd pudding dish. Over these put a lujer of halved or tflinttcied peaches nnd ' sugar tintl) tile dish Is full, having tho ct umbs on top. Bako In n model ato oven about thiec-quatteis of an hotlr. Seive with sweetened cieam. Tito "cobbler" Is found In pcifccllon in the south. Tho tidiest and lipest peaches nre selected Tor lhls chef d'oouvte of the southern "mammy.1 Butter a deep eai thenware puddlng dlsb nnd line tho sides (not tho, bot tom) with a Hell pastry ciust. Peel enough llpe, delicious peaches to fill dish, and tear them open, leav ing tiie-plts In. Sweeten well, throw a half gill ofbinndy over them, toss ing with a foik so ns to distribute tho flavor evenly. Cover with a llch lay er of ciust, sealing caiefully to tho bolder of pnstiy nt the sides to pio vent Its bubbling over. Bake for about an hour In a lather quick oven, covcilng with paper if it shows signs ot scoichlng When neaily done, dtaw In the side of the oven, diedse with powdeied sugar nnd set back a fow moments longer to "glaze " Filed apples with poik chops, ham or sausages nio now timely and ac ceptable. Select lingo fitm apples, rather tail. Wash and diy, but do not peel, nemovo stems, blossom cud and coic, Slice ncioss so as to mnko lound slices about half nn Inch thick. Fiy in hot bultei, olive oil or poik dilpplngs. Till n so ns to blown both sides and servo Immediately. If a sweet dish is piofened. sprinkle tho slices with sugar and a little cinna mon over tho uncooked side Just be foio turning. The popular fancy for cheese Used In tho preparation of multitudinous dishes evidently glows by what it feeds on. Not only is grated checso seived with tho soup at tho best French nnd Kalian restaurants, but dates aio now stuffed with cream cheese, apples nio accompanied by cheese, melons nnd checso nio said to be giistloiiomlc complements nnd to matoes Bluffed wltli egg nnd ehceso nio commended ns excellent for luiien con or supper. To propitro them, so lent lis many lound film tomatoes ns nio needed. Wnsh, wipe nnd cut from tho top cf ench tomnto ft thin slice to servo ns a cover. Bcoop out n Ilttlo of tho Inside of the tomnto, put In a bit of butter and then drop In nn egg, taking cine not to brenk tho yolk. Spilnklo salt nnd pepper over It, dot with butter nnd cover with a thin lay er of grated cheese. Replace tho trip of the tomnto nnd bake In a hot oven for nbout twenty minutes, or until tender. fi At With tint glowing nppieclfttlon for decotutlons Indian comes the newly nwukencd interest to the Inct that tho Mexicans of Old Mexico nnd mir own Southwest have many beautiful things to offer us. Tho sei apes or blankets me lino In weave, nnd often of beautiful color ings nnd design. They me too light In weight to bo used ns the Nnvnjo rugs aie for floor covet lugs, but they rnako beautiful couch covets, portlctes and wnll hangings. Tho rebosa or picturesque long scarf which all women In the Spanlsh Ameilcnn comttiles wear thrown over the hend nnd sltnuldeis lends Itself ad mirably to decorative put poses. It v comes In all colors, though tho soft cadet bltto nffeetcd by most of tha Mexican women Is usually most effec- j, tlvo. When the tebosrts ate made In , silk, tho color harmony Is particularly T fine. Thov nio usually finished on the ends with a deep knotted filhge. Their long, n it row shape makes them specially suitable for piano di aperies s and the like. & Before washing red tablo linen add a Ilttlo boiax to tho watei. If an ordinary dining chair needs to bo mado higher to nocommddato a smnll child tiy n California expedient, that Is almost equal to having ittbbor ; lifts nnd Is a vast linpiovement oil J, using tne uictionnry. Tills Is simply to procute four of tho glass Insulators Such ns nio used on tcleginph Poles, and sot the chair legs Into tlioni. Another- pointer that, llko youns Lochlnvar. "comes out of the west." An excellent housekeeper who has learned to do her wolK tho easiest v way, washes her Navajo nigs every two or tin co months With tho bore, instead of tho otd-tlmo back-breaking beating, siio has tho nigs brought out of doors, hung over a line ot on the fence, nnd then turns tho hose on them. When ono side Is well washed thoy are turned over, and "tho wcttlns lepealed. When diy, they are blight, fiesh and perfectly fteo from dust. The unfortunato possessor of a red noso may bo glad to know thnt n cei taln cure Is piomlsed If tho following dlicctlons nie obeyed. Cut the meals down to thieo a day, and take all foods and dunl'g cool. Do not cat meat moie thnn thieo times a week, nnd then only the lean. Tho foods which chlelly give Use lo tho com- plnlnt nie sweets, fats nnd vciy lich , ones. Theso must be avoided, par- tlcularly tho sweets. Tea and coffoo must be left entirely alone. Dilnk cocon, cool nnd only slightly sweot cnod, milk nnd water or bntloy water at meals. Tnko two horns' open uir cxeieise dally and sleep with open windows, and cure will undoubtedly lesult. An excellent oyster snuco for fish Is mado in this way: Stir together tn a saucepan a half cupful of butter and two tnblespoonfuls of flour. When ftothy, add one'plnt of boiling water and stir constantly until thickened. Add one-half dozen ovstcrs cut in bits, nnd a few drops of lemon; let It just como to a boll, nnd sorve. EMMA PADDOCK TELFORD. 4'4all4'4'4'l4'44ll444a4aa2a4aiia,lifliail4a'l4'4i4l4alll'4lll4a4'4lia444l4alI,l,,(ia4'41 I)rPlZ.0pi weaK women. nut even this wus denied to Moses He ;Xl?,Le.U,t.PenelSCUredlz' "!.' "' !' Mo.1, and9 there I,U bodv EPISCOPAL. St. Luko's Pniish Rev. Rogets Israel, D. DVectni; Rov. Edwuid J. Ilnughton, senior cm ate; Rev, Robeit E, Roe, junior cm ato. Seventeenth Sunday after Trin ity. St. Luko's church 7.30 a. m., holy com munion; 10 30 a, m morning piayer, llt uny and sermon nnd holy communion; 7 30 p. m,, evening piayer and seimon; 9 13 n, m , Sunday school and Bible classes, St. Mntk's. Dunmore 7 30 a. m, holy communion; 10.10 n. m moinlng pinyor nnd seimon nnd holy communion; 7,30 p. m evening prayer and sermon; 9 30 a. m Sundny school and Blblo classes. East End Mission, Prescott nvenuo 3 P. m Sunday school and Blblo classes; 7 30 p. m evening piayer nnd seimon. South Sldo Mission. Fig streel-9 a. in , Sunday school and niblo classes. St. James, Nlcholson-10.30 n. m morn ing prayer and seimon nnd holy com munion; !.u n. m Sunday school. Chinch of tho Good Shephotd, corner Monsoy nvenuo and Otcen Rldgn stieet Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, Moin lng pinjer nt 10 30 a'elock; Sunday school and rectoi's class at 2 30 p, in.'; evening piuyer'nt 7.30. St. John's Mission. Ostei limit hall, Piovideneo Squat o Holy communion, 7.30 a. m,; Sunday school, 2 p. in.; even ing prnyer, 4 p, m, St. David's church-Rev. Edward James Mcllenry, lector, Colobiutlon of holy oucharlat, 7.30 a. m, uM 10.30 n. m,; oven song and sermon, 7.30 p. m.j Sunday school, 12 in. REFORMED EPISCOPAL. Grace church, Wyoming avenue, below Mulberry stieet Ptnyer and praise ser vico at 9.30 a. m.: Dlvlno worship. 10 30 a. m. und 7.30 p. m. Rev. W. D. Stov ens, of jvewara, n, j., win prencu morning nnd ovonlng. Sunday school at JJ m.; Young People's Society of Christian Endenvor nt .S0 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7,45 p. m. Seat free. Evaty body welcome, Binncli chinch. Hose house, Tripp park Services at 10 30 u. in. and 7.3) p. m. Henry C'atdew will preach at both ser vices. Sunduy school at 12 in. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.43. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Gos pel. Luke xlv, Lit: epistle, Eph. Iv, 1-0. St. Mark's, Washburn street Rev. A. L. Ramer, Ph. D., pastor. Seivlces, 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Luther league, 0 30 p. m.; Sunday school 1.' in. Moinlng subject. "Tho I'nley of tho Sphlt." Even ing subject, "Dlvlno Assistance for Be Ileveis." Christ church, Cedar nvenuo and Birch stieet Rov. James Wltko. nastur. Her. Mces, 10 30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9 a. in. ot. reter s Prescott u-v enuo Rov. Jojjn Randolph, pastor. Services, 10 30 n. m. ; Sunday school, 9 a, m. Emanuel Gcimnn-Pollsli Lutlieinn Chinch, Reese stieet Rev. Feidlnaud Sattelmeler, pastor. Seivlces In tho Po lish language, 10 30 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m. St. Paul's, Short avenue Rov. T. A. Kttnkle, pastoi, Seivlces, 10 30 a, m. and 7.30 p. m,; Sunday school 11 a, m. English Evangelical Luthoian church of tho Holy Tilnlty, coiner Adams nve nuo and Mulberry street Rev. E. F. Rlt ter. A. M., pastor. Seivlces at 10 30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. Moinlng subject, "Con sider tho Llllos," annual harvest home. Evening, special proginmnie with tho Sunday school. Sunday school, 12 m.; Luther league, 0.41 p. m. Zlon Evangelical Lutnernn ehuich, 228 MIITlin avenue Rev. A. O. Gnllenknmp, pastor. Morning seivlco, 10 ?0; subject of sermon, "Tho Heavenly War Order for All Christians Issued by St. Paul." Sun day school, 2 p, m,; Geimnn school every Thutsday In chinch bnsemont fiom 9 to 12. All welcome, Evening service, Eng lish; tnemoilnl servico for the lato Will iam McKJnlev. All welcome. Graco English Ltitheinn chinch, coiner Mulbeiry stieet nnd Piescott avenueIn the absence of the pastor, Rov, Luther Hess Waring, tho pupllt will bo filled tomoirow by Rov, L, P, Young, of Sus quehanna uulveislty, Sellnsgiove, Pa, services at 1030 a, m. and 7,30 p. in, St, Paul's Lutheran church. Short ave nue Rov. If. A. Kunklo, pnstor. Moin lng services nt 10 n. m,, nt which tlmo tho nniiual hnivpst homo bervlco will bo held; subject, "Ilnrvest." Special musla is expected for tho occasion. Evening seivlces at 7,30; subject, "A Downward Tendency," Sunduy school nt 11 a, m. Do not forget your leson leaves and quartet lies und your friends, Music for harvest homo servico; Trombono solo, by Mr, Albert ICelslIng; trial (vocal) by Mr. nnd Mrs, Robert Blnckman. All aro cor dially invited. MISCELLANEOUS. All Soul's I'nlveiaallst church, Pine stieet, between Adams and Jcffetsnu nvo lines Rov, Thomas B. Payne, pastor, Dlvlno sorvlco, with soimon, nt 10 30 a, m,; suli lect, "Tho Woik Bofoto Us," Sunday school, 1J m. Scats tico, Sli an gers coidlally welcomed. No evening ser vice. Calvary Reformed church, Monroe nve nuo and Gibson sticot Rev, Marian I,. Flior, pastor. Services ut 10.30 a, pi. nnd 7.30 p. tn,; Sunday school, 11 30; Cluistlaii Endeavor, 7 p. in. Evening subject, "No Room hi tho Inn." Bents free. Every body welcome it Is tho people's church. Klon United Evangelical church, 1420 Cnpouso avenue Rov, J. W, Messlnger, pastor. Preaching at 10 30 n. m. and 7.30 p, in.; subjects, "A Llvo Church" and Satan In White"; Sunday bciiool. 9.30 u. in.; Junior Christian Endeavor. 1 p. in.; Keystone League Christian Endeavor, 0.30 p. ni. Beats are free. Everybody wel come to all services. Gospel Toboinaclo chinch, Jeffcison avenue, Dunniore James Lehlimau, pas tor, Seivlces Sunday, picuchlng by the pastor, 10.30 a, in. mid 7 30 p. in. Bible school, 12 m.; Young People's meeting, 0 30 p. in,: Cluistlaii and .Missionary Alli ance meetings Tuesday in tho chmch ut 2.30 and 7 30 p. m. All aio invited. Flist Piiniltlvo Methodist ehuich, Gieeu Ridge Rov. Q. Lees, pastor. Picuchlng nt 10 30 n. m.; subject, "Lovo Ques tioned;" At 7 p. in., subject, "Tho Cost of Disobedience." Sunday school ut 2.30 p. m. All welccmo. Flist Church (Chi 1st Scientist), 019 Ad nms avenue Sunday seivlces, 10 30 a, nt. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school, 11.43 n. m.; subject, "Reality," Testimonial meet ings, Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Tho chinch is also open evoiy day dtulng tho week. Tho Blblo and nil Clulstian Science Ltteiatuio Is kept In Its fiee public rending loom. "Science and Health, with tho Key to Scilptttre," ly Mary Bn kor Eddy, will bo loaned to Investigators without chnigo. Visitors nnd letters of Inqtilty nro welcomed nnd given cour teous nttcntlnn nnd Infoimntlon fie'e, Plymouth Congtcgatlonal Church Rev. T, A. llumplirojs will preach his last Sunday of supply ot 10 30 a. m. and 7,30 p. m,; nlso ot the Tabemnclo Congiogn tlonal church at B p. m. Subject ot tho morning sermon, "Qod Resting In His lovo"; of the evening seimon, "The Mi gration of Abraham," The Loid's supper ndmlnlstcied In, tho morning. Sunday school nt 12 m nnd nt 2.13 p. m. at Sher man nvenue, Piajer meeting ut 7.13 p. m Thuisday. Bollovtio Welsh Cnlvinlstlo Mothodlst church Rev. William Davlcs, pnstor. Seivlces timing tho week ns follows: Prayer meeting, conducted by the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, tomorrow at 10 n, m,: class meeting, 11,30 a. m.j Sunday school, 2 p. m.j pruver meeting, (i p. in. Prayer meeting Monday evening nt 7.30; Young People's Society Christlnn Endeavor meeting Tuesday evening at 7.30, Mny Jones to lead, Ed waid Davies to address; a business meet ing In which tho recording secretniy of tho society nnd the societal lea of the vailous committees will rend reports of tho woik done In past month. Clnss meotlng. Thursday evening at 7.30; meet ing of tho Biblical und Literary society, Friday evening ut 7 o'clock. Gospel hall, 501, Lncknwnnun avenue Sabbath school ut 12.15 p, m.; ut 7.C0 p. m,, Mr, Dlggoiy, of Wllkcs-Biuro, will preach. On Monday evening, at 7.43 p. m, Mr, Alrlclt will havo charge of a meeting for tho stuqy of the lesson and studies lu the book of RoUiuns. All aro Invited. 'Wt CLARK'S SUMMIT. Owing to nn error In getting out tho progi aiiimes for the cantata, "Our Flag with the Ktufs und Stripes," to ho given in the Methodist Episcopal ehuich, under tho management of tho choir, the (lutes piinted weie Sept. 21th and 21th, Theso dates are vviong, as Thin 3day and Fildny lire tho evenings for the llnnl pioductlons, and tho (lutes, therefoie, will be Sept, 25th and 20th, On most of tho piogtumines the dales have been corrected, but somo vvcio sent out before tho eiror wus observed. The cantutu Is In two parts. Tho Hist patt takes up the otlgln of the Hag und the story of the Revolutionary period; the second part Is based upon the Civil' war und tho return of peace. Tho stuge scene is constantly vailed, as the slngeis weave (ho stories of tho na tion's history with beautiful solos, duets und tilos, ending with Inspiring choruses. The ehuich wll bo appro priately decorated for tho occasion and refreshments will be served In the pal lors after the cantata on Friday even ing. Tho following Is the cast of ehai neter3: Liberty, Miss Bessie Emory; Colum bia, Miss Emma Von Storch; Standard Bearer, Miss Mattle Wnrnock; Guards, Misses Etta Mann and Ha Jennings; Father Time, Mr. Morris Thomas; Un cle Sam, Mr. Harold Paiker; Pages, Master Edgar Moyer and Miss Elsie Moyer; Colonial Chorus, Miss Nellie Alger, Mayo Myers, Ethel Singer, Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Al. Walker, Mrs. Hurt Holllster, Mr. Frank Linder, II. Q. Hall, Bint Holllster and TUghman Dally; Mllltaiy Drill, Misses Hazel Em ory, Myra Williams, Lucy Waters, Gladys Mann, Lorettn Iloivlsby, Nettlo Nnumann, Ethel Young, Helen Von Storch, Maggie Waters, Alary Custard, Maud Bostedo, and Lou Williams; Thirteen States, Luelln McOeehln, Rena Naunian, Ruth Col vln, Elsie Walker, Florence Norton, Edna Hall, Edna Fer lis, Lenn Pedtlek, Bernlce Pedilck, Lottlo Emoiy, Vlrgle Cooper, Lydla Stnples, Emily Waters; Boys' Chorus, Enimett Fish, Henry Bunnell, Claire Young, Hairy Justin, Geotgo Isby and Hay Smith. Patronesses Mrs. J. S. Custard, Mrs, L. M. Potter, Mis. B. F. Ackorly, Mrs. Wind Parker, Mrs, J, B, Shlppey, Mrs. Wllllutn P. I.lttfl. Mis. J. A, C. Stone, Miss H. B. Konns, Mrs, C E.Ici;rlll, Mrs. Robeit Cameron, Mis. Schuyjer Konns, Mis. F. J. AV.ilker. Mrs. Tllsh man Dally, Mis. H. C. Hall, rsvJnna M. Smith. Miss Idelln P, Swtft, Mrs Coidclla Alger, Mrs, J. J, Jennings, Mis. Cleoigo P. Myers, Mrs. S. T. Wait her, Mrs. F. M, Moyer. DALTON. -i '( r A Inrge number attendqd the fair al Miiltlniul puik this vcek fiom. thj? plitcp, Tho Lnckiiwqna id a thilvlns busliies on Thuisday, fanvoylng peopg to tho fair fiom the Lackawanna sta? tlon heie. '.j,. Another opciutlon was pet formed on Mis. Hniry Doan on Wednesday by Prs, Oiiulenor and Y Sickle, n Scinnton nnd Dr. Pi lea, of this place, on Thuisday morning. Her fnthef, nnd mint urilved. While her condition Is ciitlcnl theio Is hope or hor tecovery, "Justification" vll bo the subject-pf tho sei moii lu the Baptist c)iuiel-pii Sunday morning. In the evening- the pulpit will be occupied by Miss Susan E. Jones, of Mexico, a mlssionniy fo-f the Women's Homo Mission society. Woikiuen have been engaged this wok digging a tiench und "laying a ihaln to dittln the mad. This will lemovo iv nulsmice which a patient public bus hud lu long eiuluie. At the M. E( church Sunday morning tho pastor's theme will bo "Saint Set on Nebo." In tho evening he wjU gjyo nn illustrated Bcimon to chlldier s- X
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers