The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 20, 1902, Image 1

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The Homp. of Rlr.harri Parfltt it
.... .
fltlhnnfnn Rsrllll Him-innf!
bu an Explosion.
& Mob Onthcrs nt a Small Breaker
Where Union Wages Have Been
Paid nnd Attempt to Burn the
Building Bishop Fallows, of
Chicago, Issues n Statement in
Which He Says That Arbitration
Is the Only Hope of Bringing
About a Settlement Between Minors
and Operators Efforts to Prevent
Work in No. 10 Colliery at Pitts
ton. By ExcluMie Wire from llio Associated Press.
Shenandoah, Sept. 19. The homo of
Richard Pa Witt, of Gllberton, was bad
ly damaged by an explosion of dyna
mite about 11 o'clock last night. The
dynamite was placed under the from
part of the house and the front porch
whs, completely wrecked. Parfltt was
Ht work when the explosion occurred,
but his wife mid two children were in
bed. Mrs. Parfltt was thrown Into a
ptate of nervous prostration by the
shock, from which she has not yet re
covered. The windows In several of
the nearby houses were shattered by
the concussion.
Parfltt Is a fire boss at Draper col
liery, but since the strike he has been
employed as a fireman at the Gilber
ton water shaft. Almost the entire
population of the borough gathered
about the house in less than live
minutes after the explosion occurred,
and Parfltt, who hurried home from the
water shaft, was compelled to pass
through the crowd of strikers. He was
not molested. Arrests are expected to
follow. John Boath, stable boss, and
John Molter, assistant Hremnn at Mil
hanoy City colliery, were held up by a
crowd of 300 strikers, while on thir
way to work at C o'clock this morning
and were being roughly handled when
the coal and iron police rushed from the
stockade and rescued them.
Bishop Fallows' Statement.
Wllkes-Barre, Sept. 19. Bishop Fal
lows, of Chicago, Issued a statement to
day, after conferring with President
llltehell. In which he says that arbi
tration Is the miners' and operators'
only hope of bringing about a settle
ment. He left this afternoon with
President Mitchell, for Priceburg, near
here, where Mitchell delivered an ad
dress. Peter Remlnsky, a Georgetown miner
who applied for work at the stockade
of the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal
company, was shot in the leg 'today by
John Savage, a union miner, who saw
him desert the striker's' ranks. Savage
Is In jail. The injured man is not ser
iously hurl.
Peter Kemlnskl. a Slav, miner, of
Oeorgetown, Is alleged to have tried to
cremate his mother, who Is 70 yeais old.
Kemlnskl Is said to have set fire to the
bed clothing. The firemen extinguished
the flames, after the woman had been
neverely burned. Kemlnskl is under
Dam Blown Up.
Wllkes-Barre, Pa Sept. 1!). A dam
om Solomon's creek, near here, ftom
which the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre
f'nal company obtained water to oper
nte Its Alaffet washery, was blown up
by dynamite this morning. The Le
high and Wllkes-Bane Coal company
intended to start the washery today,
but owing to the lack of water the ma
chinery could not be put In operation.
Striking miners are accused of blowing
up the dam,
President Mitchell returned to head
quarters tonight from Scranton, where
be delivered an address this afternoon.
He said theie was no change In the
.iltuatlon and that he knew of no plan
of settlement of the strike being on
Hi order to set all rumors about a
settlement of the mlneis strike at rest,
President Mitchell stated this evening
that If any overtures weio lecelved
from the operators they would bo first
submitted to a miners' convention and
the acceptance or rejection of any
proposition made by the coal companies
would test with the men themselves,
Big Mob Fires n Colliery Where
Union Men Are Employed,
Special to the Scranton Tilbune,
Plttston, Sept. 19. Disturbances la
this city nnd vicinity yesterday and to
day Indicate a feeling of unrest among
thn striking workmen, There was no
serious outcome to any of the upris
Ings, tho worst of them being a bold
attempt to burn down n small onc-horso
breaker which has been operating on
North Main street for the past week or
more. The breaker Is owned by Wheeler
Holmes, and Is located on a knoll just
nt the Hnvlne railroad crossing, Mr,
Holmes ownes a small plot of ground
there and tho coal underlying. During
the last strike he built a small breaker,
which was first operated by the aid of
n horse. Later steam was used us a
propelling power, When the strike was
settled the plant was closed down. A
few -weeks ago, when coal became
Hcnrcu In tho local markets, Mr, Holmes
decided to reopen his plunt and one or
two miners and laborers, union men,
were hired and given the union de
mands, About ten tons of fcood coal
have been turned out every duy eyer
by This morning a crowd of sev
BiJfrMtrfMpjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjyjP 1 llgHll llMHlr jliii li I I . 1..-.4&-
eral hundred people collected In the
vicinity and Induced the miners to stay
away from the place, and a half-hour
later the breaker was discovered on lire.
The flames were extinguished before.
much damage had been done.
Andiow Suscuvltcz, of West Plttston.
while passing down Main streoC near
the Ferry bridge, last evening about 8
o'clock, was set upon by a crowd of his
fellow-countrymen, who accused him of
trying to Induce men to return to work.
He whb knocked down with a stone and
then several of the crowd rushed at
him and beat him until Constable Keat
ing rescued him. The man was after
ward placed In the city lockup for cie
atlng a disturbance. Several carpen
ters, who have been working at No. 8
colliery of the Pennsylvania Coal com
pany, were attacked last night, while
passing through a rock cut at the head
of William street. The men are usual
ly escorted from the stockade by a
squad of police, who see them safely on
their way home. Lust evening, shortly
after tho deputies had left them, the
men were passing through the above
rock cut, when they were pelted with
stones by a gang who were located on
the top of one side of the cut.
The deputies quickly returned to the
rescue, however, and fired several shots
after the offenders, without hitting any
of them. For several weeks past No. 10
breaker of the Erie company has been
running several hours every "day, and
was run the greater part of yesterday.
Several men from up the valley have
been coming down on the electric car,
alighting at the St. James hotel and
then walking over a back road to tho
colliery, where they have been em
ployed. Yesteiday they were stopped
and compelled to turn back.
A number of men who have been
brought here from Scranton and other
points In that vicinity to lay a branch
line from the Krlo railroad to the old
Cork and Bottle culm pile at Cork Lane,
were driven away from their work yes
terday morning. They were at work
yesterday afternoon and today, under
the protection of a force of armed
guards. It Is common gossip on tho
streets here that one of the United
Mine Workers' locals, at a meeting here
this week, decided that decisive steps
must be taken to stop work at No. 10
colliery, and that Burgess Hunt, of
Hughestown, has Instructed his police
force to exert unusual vigilance that no
rash deeds shall be committed.
Judge Field Says McGovern-Corbett
Fight Will Not Be Allowed to
Take Place in Kentucky.
Bi Exclusive ire from The A'ociatcd Press.
Fiankford, Ky Sept. 19. The in
junction granted yesterday by Judge
Emmett Field, of the Jefferson circuit
court, restraining the Southern Ath
letic club and others from holding the
McGovern-Corbett contest for the
feather-weight championship of the
world at Louisville, next Monday even
ing, was sustained by Associate Judge
James D. White, of the court of ap
peuls, this ufternoon, and the contest
will not be held In Kentucky. Judge
White Invited the lull bench of the
court to sit with him and hear the
case, which all but one member did,
and tho decision Is one of the court,
although the motion to dissolve the In
junction was made before a single mem
ber of It. A majority or the court ex
pressed tho opinion that the glove con
test which was enjulned In the lower
court Is a prize fight and that It Is
Immateilai whether or not the purse
was to be evenly divided.
The six members of the court were
divided equally on the most Import
ant legal question raised In the ease,
that of whether the chancellor hud
power, by Injunction, to restrain the
commission of a criminal act.
Manager Gray, of the Southern Ath
letic club, was sorely disappointed at
the action of the court, but stated that
It wus flivil so far as the club was con
cerned. He said there will be no at
tempt to hold the fight uny where In
Kentucky, so far as he knew. Tho
decision Is, so lawyers say, so far
reaching, that it will prevent all box
ing contests in Kentucky in the future.
A Hazleton Lawyer Wants a Receiver
to Take Charge of Coal Mines.
By Kxi-hislte Wire from Die Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Sept. 19. Daniel H. Mc
Carthy, a lawyer of Hazleton, Pa vis
ited Senator Quay at Republican state
headquarters here today and submitted
to the senator the draft of a bill mukluir
provision for the appointment of a re
ceiver to assume control of the anthra
cite coal mines under certain. contin
gencies. Mr. McCarthy recentljsubmlt
ted the same bill to President Mitchell,
of the United Mine Workeis,
The measure authorizes tho appoint
ment of a receiver for the coal compan
ies on the giound that tho corporations
have violated the state constitution
which provides, In article 10, section 3,
that charters and frucnhlses of incor
porated companies muy be revoked If
the business of the corporation Is so
conducted us to Infringe the rights of
Individuals or tho public welfute,
It could not bo learned what tran
spired during the conference, but Mr.
McCarthy Intimated tho Senator Quay
had agreed to give the subject careful
Insurance Agent Drops Dead.
By Exclusiic Wirt from The Associated I'rew.
Atlantic City, N, J Sept. 19.-Alficd
Koile. u Now loik Itisiminco broker,
dropped dead In tho surf this afternoon,
wniiu Diluting, no imu cntuicd the wa
ter for a plunge when stricken with
Governor Stone Appoints Delegates
to tho Mooting at Macon.
lly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Harrlsburg, Sept. 19. Governor Stone
today appointed the following delegates
from Pennsylvania to the Furmors'
National congrcssss, to be held at Ma
con, Ga., during the week of October":
Levi Morrison, Greenville: W. K.
Lulrd, Llvcrmore: W. B. Powell, Shade
laud; S. T. Hcllnmn, Hcllmausdulc; A.
L. Martin, Hnoii Valley; C. W. Ostcr,
Ostcrburg; S. F. -Barber, Harrlsburg;
A, F. Kimmcl, Orwlgsburg; Stephen D.
Yost, Huntingdon; William Knoderer,
Allegheny; Sumuel McCrenry. Neshan
nock Fall?: W. H. Stout, Pino rovo;
W. C. Patterson. State College; W. A.
Gardner, Andres Settlement; II, J.
Weld, Sugar Grove; H. N. Clark, Clar
Idge; Hiram People, New Providence;
T. K. Orr, Pittsburg; W. W. Brltton,
Upper Strasburg; S. B. Buckalew, Fair
mount Spring; Bruce Larncd, Hun
tingdon Mills: M. W. Learde, Indiana;
G. H. Patterson, Williamsburg; Nelson
H. Thompson, Elorn; It., H. Thomas,
Mechanlcsburg; J. P. Taylor, Beads
ville: J. S. Burns, Clinton; Levi Wells,
Spring Hill; John Hamilton, State Col
lege; M. K. Conrad, West Grove; Ga
briel Helster, Harrlsburg; W. F. Hill,
Westford; L. W. Llghty, East Berlin;
William Penn Lloyd, Mechanlcsburg;
Kdwin Londnle, Wyndmoor; T. O. Mll
llkon, Huntingdon; Thomas Phillips,
Atglcn: O. W. Stoughton, Prospect: D.
W. Cooper, Sunbury; W. II. Dodson,
York; S. H. Ituthcrford, Paxtang; Ju
lius Lemoyne, Wushlngton; Irwin
Chapln, Townhlll; Oliver D. Shock,
Hamburg; W. H. Broslus, Lancaster;
John D. Sorder, Harrlsburg; George G,
Hutchinson, Warrior's Mark, chairman,
The Republican Nominee Is
Accorded a Rousing Re
ception at City Hall.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
rittsburg. Pa., Sept. 19. Ex-Judge
Pennypacker, Republican nominee for
governor, and his party of campaigners
was accorded a rousing reception to
night at Old City hall, which was pack
ed to the doors, standing room even be
ing at a premlupi.
The visiting party was escorted to the
hall by a number of political clubs,
headed by the Amerlcus, and the
Young Men's Republican club.
The demonstration along tho line of
parade was enthusiastic and when the
members of the party entered the hall
the large audience arose us one man
and cheered them collectively and in
dividually. County Chairman Andrew
Robertson had difficulty In securing
order for opening the meeting.
After ex-City Attomey Clarence Bur
leigh hud welcomed the guests, he in
troduced Judge Samuel W. Penny
packer as the first speaker. The
speech of the gubernatorial nominee
was devoted to general Issues between
the two gieut parties and was well re
ceived. Senator Boise Penrose followed Judge
Pennypacker. He In turn was followed
by James Francis Burke, Congressman
Littlefield, Dr. A. J. Barchlield and ex
Postmaster General Charles Emory
All of the speakers were given close
attention and hearty applause.
The Pennypacker party arrived In the
city this atternoon instead of last
night, ns was expected, the delay being
caused by a stop-over at New Castle
last night, as the guests of Hon, Will
lam M. Blown, candidate for lieutenant
governor. The party were taken to the
Duquesne club for luncheon, where they
met a number of 'the more pinminent
politicians of the city. After luncheon
a public reception was held at the Du
quesne hotel, and many of the local Re
publicans availed themselves of the op
portunity to meet the party leaders.
After the mass meeting tonight. Judge
Pennypneker was again greeted by
many of his followers, and he was com
pelled to shake hands with them for
quite a time beforo he was permitted
to retire.
The party will leave for Philadelphia
on the 2.50 train in the morning.
Decision Rendered in the Case of
Mrs. Berger.
By Exeluslie Wlre.from The Asoclilrd Press.
Trenton, N, J Sept. 1!). Tho court of
eriors and appeals this afternoon, by a
vote of eight to thieo, decided In favor
of tho rnlted States Steel corporation
la tho suit brought by Mis, Borger to
lestraln the coiporutjon fiom convert
ing j:0O,0OO,0OO 7 por cent, prufened stock
into 5 per cent, second mortgage bonds.
Vlco Chancellor Emory, lit tho court
below granted an injunction lestralulng
mo company nom currying cut Its pur
puso. Tho decision nt tho comt of errois
and uppculs today Ih a reversal of the
vlco chancellor and leaves tho United
States Steel corpoiatlon fiee to carry out
Its project so fur as tha Merger litigation
is coiicerueu.
No opinion wns filed, tho court Bimply
announcing Its decision. Tho opinion will
be tiled later.
An Oleomargarine Conviction,
By Exclusive Wire from The Asjoclited IVmi.
Philadelphia, Sept. 19.-A Jury In tlia
United States circuit court today ren
dered a verdict of guilty In the case of
William II. Ogilen, charged with vio
lating tho law regulating tho salo of oleo
margaiiuu, Tho trlul took place yesler
day bufoie Judgo MePheison, Ogden will
bo sentenced on Mopduy.
Flying Machine in London. (
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prss. '
London, Sept, 19. Stanley Spencer, a
well Tinown English aeronaut, today suc
cessfully accomplished a rnmarkublo
flight over London in up airship of his
own Invention, n Is estlmuted that his
ullllk tl'Mt'olml nimili, tl.l..,.. .rtll..u C.n..
I .....,- .....vv ....m,;; t,,iiij (iiii-a. EJi-l-cer
seemed to liavo complete cop' of
tils vessel.
Fine Equestrian Fioure Is Unveil
ed on Gulp's Hill at
The Governors of New York, New
Jersey and Pennsylvania Take Part
in the Exercises The Seventh
Regiment of the New York Nation
al Guard Acts as Escort to the
Veteran Infantrymen and Artil
lerymen Who Served Under General
Slocum Addresses Are Made by
General Sickles; Governor Odell;
Governor Murphy and Governor
Stone nnd Mayor Seth Low, of
New York.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Gettysburg. Pa., Sept. 19. Tho fine
equestrian statue of Major General
Henry Warner Slocum, a tribute to his
memory from tho stute of New York,
was unveiled toduy on Culp's' Hill,
where his line was located during tho
historical battle. The governors of New
York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania,
the Seventh regiment of the New York
National Guard, which acted as escort,
and veteran Infantrymen and artillery
men who served under General Slocum
attended tho ceremonies of dedication.
The unveiling of the statue was the
principal feature of the thirty-third re
union of the Society of the Army of tho
Potomac. At this meeting Major Gen
eral John It. Brooke, U. S. A., retired,
was elected president and General King
wus re-elected secretary. General
Daniel 13. Sickles was the principal
speaker at the meeting.
The march to the battlefield began
promptly at 2 o'clock. The procession
formed at Centre square under com
mand of General Lewis R. Stegman, of
New York, and moved out Baltimore
sti?et to Culp's Hill. In the parade
were the New York battlefield commis
sion. General Sickles and .family, Gen
eral Jumes C. Rogers and Colonel
Archabuld E. Baxter, the orators of the
day, the Seventh regiment of New
York, escorting Governor Odell and the
Society of the Potomac. Governor
Murphy, of New Jersey, and Governor
Stone, of Pennsylvania, the Gettysburg
National Military park commission and
retired officers and veterans. A detail
from the Second United States cavalry,
Corporal Skelly Post, G. A. R., of
Gettysburg, two troops of Second Unit
ed States cavalry and Fourth battery
United States field artillery ulso par
ticipated. Aniving at the monument, a vast
concourse of people was assembled. The
exercises at the monument were opened
with music by the Seventh regiment
band, followed by prayer by Rev. W. T.
Pray, of New York, and an address by
General D. E. Sickles as chairman of
the New York board of the Getttysburg
monument commission. After music by
the Second United States cavalry band
Governor Odell, of New York, unveil
ed the statue and the United States
battery fired a major general's salute.
General Rogers and Colonel Baxter
then delivered their orations and they
were followed by Governor Odell.
Governor Murphy and Governor Stone
were Introduced and made brief re
sponses. D. C. Sprague, of Washington,
read a poem dedicated to the occasion.
After the benediction the Fourth United
Stutes battery fired a Balute.
A public meeting was held tonight,
at which Mayor Seth Low, of New
York, wus the principal speaker.
Mrs. Annie Pulitzer the Detectives
Say Was killed by Hooper Young.
By Kiclmle Wire from The AsioclJted Pren.
New Yoik, Sept. 19. The mystery of
the murder of Mrs. Annie Pulitzer,
whose nude body was found yesterday
In the Morris canal, near Jersey City,
has been clenred up by the discovery
that the woman was killed in a flat at
103 West Fifty-eighth street, where her
clothing was found tonight.
This announcement was made late to
night by Captain Titus, of the detective
bureau, who alleges that the murder
was committed by a man named
Hooper Young, who has recently been
employed In a cheap restaurant. Titus
bus learned that the woman's body was
kept for some time under tho sink In
the kitchen of the Hut In which she was
Young has not been arrested and Is
believed to have lied the city, He Is
suld to have shipped a trunk to Chi
cago last night. He formerly worked
for the Hoboken Crusader, and the po
lice found his picture taken with a,
group of employes. This picture wua
shown to the Hoboken liveryman, who
at once picked out Young us the muii
who hired n buggy, from him on Wed
nesday night.
Tho house In which the murdered
wonuin's clothing was found Is a cheap
tenement In a block containing many
stables, but is within a stone's throw
of some of the most splendid apart
ment houses In the vicinity of Central
park1 south.
Mr, Murphy to Lead Tammany,
By EiclusUc Who from The Associated Vitu.
Now Yoik, Sept. ID. Clmrlos V. Murphy
was tonight elected leader of Tammany
Hall at the meeting of the executive com
mittee. A resolution was adopted declar
ing that the position and duties hereto
fore occupied and pei formed, by tho com
mittee of thicc, bo hereafter occupied und
performed by Charles l Murphy
"v. Mil.
They Refuse to Handle Non-union
Coal nt Shenandoah.
By Exchuhe Wire from The Associated Pre.
Shenandoah, Sept. 19. Three crows,
of which Thomas Cook, Charles Han
Ion nnd Peter McConncll were tho con
ductors, refused to handle non-union
coal from the Philadelphia and Read
ing company's North Mahanoy colliery
today. Several strikers were assem
bled near tho colliery when the engines
arrived to take awny the coul curs, and
the strike loaders appealed to the rail
road men to refuse to haul the coal.
The train mrfn held a brief consulta
tion and decided to grant the request
of the strikers.
The engines steamed away without
the cars amid the cheers of the strik
ers. The crowd about, the colliery soon
Increased to several thousand nnd the
company officials appealed to Sheriff
Beddall for assistance. The sheriff ex
plained the situation by telephone to
General Gobin, In command of the state,
troops here, and the general ordered
the Eighth regiment to- the scene at
By the time the soldiers reached the
scene, two other engines and crews hud
arrived from Gordon. Company I, of
Carlisle, wus ordered to mount the cars
and with other soldiers guarding the
track for over a mile, the train pro
ceeded. The train consisted of twenty
three cars loaded with coal and it is
the first coal to be shipped from this
district since the strike began. The
members of the crews that refused to
haul the coal do not belong to any lubor
Is Accompanied by Senator
Quay from Trenton to
By Kxclusie Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Harrlsburg, Sept. 19. The presiden
tial special arrived here at 7.10 o'clock,
and after a. nve-minute stop, pulled out
to r Pitttsburg. Frank P. Sargent,
commissioner of immigration, who
Joined the party at Powelton Junction,
left the train at this point. United
States Senator Quay rode with the
president from Trenton to German
town. A large crowd greeted the president'
nere and gave him three heurty cljeers.
He responded with a few words of
A little child was held up to him. "I
have a number of those at home," he
Senator Quay discussed the Pennsyl
vania situation with the president, his
talk being supplemental to the confer
ence the president had with Senator
Hanna and the other senators at Oys
ter Bay Tuesday. The senator talked
over the political conditions in this
state and touched briefly upon the coal
strike. He did not, however, Intimate
that he desired the president to take
any steps toward ending it.
Commissioner of Immigration Sargent
came aboard the train at the president's
request. The president is to deliver
an address before the Employers and
Employees convention at Minneapolis
next Thursday morning and desired to
consult with Mr. Sargent regarding the
labor situation In the northwest.
Altoona, Pa., Sept. 19. The presi
dent's train arrived here at 10.33 p, m.
The president, who had not retired,
found several thousand people as
sembled to greet him. They gave him
hearty cheers when he appeared on the
plutform of his car. The president de
livered a short speech of thanks for the
greeting and was cheered when he con
High Rates for Money Fail to Check
Industrial Operations.
By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Sept, 19. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomor
iow will say:
Domestic trade continues active, high
rates for money having thus far failed
to check the industrial operations or
unsettlo confidence. Stringency Is con
sidered only temporary and chiefly of
importance to speculators, while large
Imports of gdld promise relief, Labor
disputes are few, tho anthracite coal
strike being tho only one that retards
progress, and each week shows some
Increase in output. Relief comes slow
ly to consumers of coke, although each
week hi Ings a new high record of out
put. Stocks are becoming burdensome
In the Connellsvllte ynrds, but facilities
for transportation show little Improve
ment, despite numerous promises that
coke shall have precedence over other
freight. Tho woist effect Is the ln
creasing iiiiiioruuion or pig iron, ureal
Britain alone sending 70,000 tons during
August, while arrangements are now
being made for remote deliveries. Steel
Is also coming In freely, German pio
ducers accepting orders at gradually
advancing quotations, Estimates of tho
tonnage on the books of the leading
domestic concerns full little short of
G.000,000 tons covering deliveries nine
months ahead, while nv'w contracts for
railway und structural material shapes
ure constantly offered. The abnormal
condition of this Industry bears testi
mony to tho unpiecedented expansion
of business In the United Stutes, und it
Is unfortunate that such heavy pur
chases abroad are made necessary by
the Inadequate supply of fuel. Recent
advances In tin und copper were not
maintained, supplies proving fully
equal to demands, ,, Cotton goods arc
more firmly held, ns the raw piaterlal
develops "strength, nnd light stocks In
first bunds give tho market additional
support, Woolens and worsteds are
notably quiet because leading concerns
have sold their entire product of stuple
goods. f '
Failures for the week numbered 199
In the, United Stutes against 107 lust
yuer and 25 n Canudu against 20 a
year ago.
life.. Vi . Htiit, . tA.kSii.
The Gloucester Wife Murderer Fays
the Penalty of His Crime, ,
Bjr Kxclmlve Wire from The Associate l'ti,
Camden, N. J., Sept. 19. Lafayette
Gruff, of Gloucester, was hanged In the
county jail here today for the murder
of his wife, Mary Ann Gruff. The crime
wns committed March 11, nt the home
of Mrs. Gruff's aunt, Mrs. Susan Gowle,
at Westmont, neur here. Mrs. Gruff had
left her husband and was boarding with
Mrs. Gowle.
Gruff visited his wife and attomntod
to secure possession of their 7-months-old
child. Falling In this, he cut his
wife's throat and attempted to shoot
his baby. The bullet went wild und
struck Mrs. Gowle, but the wound was
not fatal.
He Arraigns the Republicans for
Alleged Failure to Keep
Their Promises.
By Exclushq U Ire fiom The Associated Press.
Bedford, Pa.. Sept. 19. The Democ
racy of Bedford had a political field day
today, the state candidates of the party
having devoted the entire day to tho
county,, which wus out In force to give
them hearty greeting. Ex-Governor
Pattlson und George W. Guthrie talked
on the issues of the campaign at Hynd
man, Everett and Bedford, and at each
place had large and attentive audiences.
The campaigners were met at Hunt
ingdon by a Bedford county committee
headed by County Chairman F. E.
At Hyndman, a few miles from the
Maryland state line, a large crowd cur
rounded the stand that had been erect
ed in the open air.
The presiding officer was Rev. A. R.
Kramer, pastor of the Reformed church.
Governor Pattlson spoke first and de
voted considerable of his time to an
arraignment of the Republicans for
their alleged failure to redeem their
promises to enact legislation providing
for the equalization of taxation.
After pointing out the Iniquities of
ripper legislation and referring to the
disorder at the Union state convention
in Philadelphia, Mr Pattlson said he
thought lie had shown that the people
were not getting the kind of govern
ment to which they were entitled and
that, therefore, he had a right to ask
for their help in overthrowing the mi
dline now In power. He closed with an
appeal that the voters come out in No
vember and roll up such a majority as
to defeat the Republican ticket outside
of Philadelphia, where the Democrats
were honestly doing their best to secure
at least a semblance of an honest elec
tion. The candidate for lieutenant governor
followed. Mr. Guthrie dwelt with em
phasis on the dangers that threaten
citizens because of the iniquitous work
of the Republican organization.
From Hydman, the campaigners went
across the country to Everett, where
the meeting was larger and much more
The night meeting at Bedford was
an open-air affair and wns largely at
tended. Both the candidates were
aroused by the enthusiasm displayed,
and both spoke with a degre of vigor
that delighted their hearers. Repre
sentative Mayne and Major Veale also
spoke. '
Tomorrow the campaigners will spend
the day in Blair county, holding meet
ings at Tyrone, Hollidaysburg and Al
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Kaston, Pa., Sept. 19. D. II. Shall, of
Monroe county, was this morning nomi
nated for congress in tho Twenty-sixth
district, Momoe and Pike und two of
Carbon's delegates voted for Shull mid
Northampton's live nnd one of emboli's
conferees votel for llowuul Mutchler.
Stroudsbiilg, Po Sept. 1!). Thu Demo
ciats of the Twenty-second senatorial
district, composed of the counties of Mon
loe. Carbon and Pike, met in convention
today and nominated James T. Mulheurn,
of Carbon county, Thero was ono ballot
taken, Momoa and Pike agreeing to the
former custom of rotation.
Philadelphia, Sept. 19. Tho Democratlo
conferees of tho Seventh coiiBiesslonal
district, which Includes Delaware and
Chester counties, today selected Flunk B,
Rhodes, of Media, for coiuiiebs.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
New York, Sept. 19, Aruved; Lu
canlu, Llvuipool; Columblu, Hamburg;
La Touialnu,' Havre, Cleared; Umbila,
Liverpool; Ryndliam, Rotterdam via
Boulogne; Kiooiilund, Antwerp. Sailed;
Cymilc, Llveipool. Havre Ai lived; La
Uiotagne, Now York. Boulogne Sur Mer
Sailed; Nooidam (fiom Rotterdam),
New York. Southampton Arrived;
Soutliwaid, Now Yoik for Antweip.
Queen of Belgium Dead.
fly Exclmhe Wire from Tho ssocatcd Press.
Spa, Belgium, Sept. 19. The queen of
the Belgians died at I'M this evening,
Local data for September 19, 1902;
Highest temperatiuu ,,,, Ti degrees
Lowest tciupcriituru ,,,,,, E degiees
Uolutlvo humidity;
S a, m i ,,,,, M per cent.
8 p. m. ,., 78 per cent.
Precipitation, -1 hours ended 8 p. m.
4- 1
Washington, Sept. 19. Forecast -f
f for Saturday and Sunday; Kastoin -f
f Pennsylvania Cloudy, anscttleil 4-
f weather Saturday; Sunday fulrj -f
4- diminishing northeast winds. -f
...rf. ir
1 .Aw. ,1. : - w, . . . v,, .,. . r
An Awful Crush o! Humanltu In a
Colored Baptist Glmrch at
BY THE CRY OP ' Wife8'
The Disaster Occurs Just at tha Con-
elusion of an. Address by Booker
T. Washington The House Filled
with' at Least 2000 Negroes When
n Dispute Near the Door, Caused
Some One to Cry "Fight,". Which
Was Mistaken for "Fire" Tho '
Audience Rushed for the Door in
Spite of Efforts'of Speakers to Stop
the Stampede and Many Were
Trampled to Death. l
By Exclusive Wire from The Asociated Prm;.
Birmingham, Ala., Sept. . 19. In an
nwful crush of humanity, caused by a
stumpedo in the Shlloh Colored Baptist
church tonight, sixty-live persons were
killed and as many more seriously In
jured. The disaster occurred at 9 o'clock,
just as Booker T. Washington con
cluded his address to the national con
vention of Colored Baptists, and for
three hours the scenes around the
church were indescribable. Dead bod
ies were strewn in every direction and
the ambulunce service of the city was
utterly unable to move them until after
1 o'clock a. m. The injured were at
tended to first and meanwhile dozens of
dead bodies were arranged In rows on
the ground outside the house of wor
shlpsawaltlng removal' to the various"
undertaking establishments, while more'
than a score were laid out on the
benches Inside. What was supposed 'to
be a cry of "fire" caused a' panic 'which
resulted In the loss of life.
Shlloh church Is the largest house of
worship for negroes in , Birmingham,
and the pastor says there were at least
2,000 persons In the edifice when the
stampede began. Instructions had been
issued to allow no one else to enter
after the building had beyn filled, but
the negroes forced their way Inside,
the church and were stnnding in every
aisle when the cry, of "fight," "fight"
was mistaken for fire nnd a deadly
scramble began to get out. The en-,
trance to the church was literally
packed and the negroes were trampled
to death In their struggle to escape.
Booker T. Washington had Just con
cluded bis address when Judge Blllou,
a negro lawyer from Baltimore, en
gaged In a dispute with the choir leader
concerning an unoccupied seat. It Is
said a blow was struck.' Some one In
the choir cried "They're fighting." Mis
taking the word "fighting" for "fire,"
the congregation rose en masse and
started for the door.
An Effort to Stay the Stampede.
One of the ministers quickly mounted
the rostrum and admonished the people
to keep quiet. He repeated the word
"quiet" severdl times and motioned to
his hearers to be seated.
The excited congregation mistook the
word "quiet" for a second alarm of Are
and again rushed for the door. Men
and women crawled over benches and
fought their way into the aisles, and
those who had fallen were trampled
upon like cattle.
The ministers tried ngaln to stop tho
stampede, but no power on earth could
stay the struggling, fighting mass of
The screams of the women nnd chil
dren added to the horror of the scene.
Through mere fright many persons
fainted, nnd as they fell to the floor
were crushed to death.
The lloor of the church Is nbout fif
teen feet from the ground, and long:
steps lead to tho sidewalk from the
lobby Just outside the main auditorium.
Brick walls extend on each side of theso
steps for six. or seven feet and this pro
vided a verltablo death trap. Negroes
who had reached tho top of the steps
were pushed violently forward and
many fell. Beforo they, could, move,
others fell upon them and In "a few
minutes persons were piled upon each
other to a height of ten feet, where they
striiBBled vainly; to extricate them
selves. Mori than twenty persons lying on
the steps underneath the heap of bodies
died from suffocation.
Two whlto men, who were In tho
rear of tho church when the rush be
gun, escaped and realizing tho serious
ness of the situation, rushed to a cor
ner nearby and turned in a fire alarm,,
The fire department answered quickly
and tho arrival of tho wagons served
to scatter the crowd which had gath
ered around the front of the, church.
A squad of police hastened to the
church and with the firemen finally
suceeded In relieving the negroes front
their pinioned positions In the entrance.
Many Are Injured.
Tho dead bodies were quickly moved,
and the crowd Inside, finding an out
let poured out. Scores of them lost
their footing In their haste and rolled
down the long steps to the pavement,
suffering broken limbs and Internal in
juries. In un hour, the church find been,
practically cleared. The sight which
gieeted those who hod come to aid tho
Injured was sickening. Dawn tha
aisles and along the outside of tha
pows tho dead bodies of men and wq-.
men were strewn, and the maimed anct
crippled uttered beat-rending cries.
Tho work of removing the bodies won
begun at ouco. The walls of the rela
tives of the dead, who hud waited or
the outside, could be heard (or several
blocks. h
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