i- v, , - p ?rv tKWV ' " ' V" s TTyJ V'" M t-sfc " '1M ;!, r !- ?i ' V . ., 4 ' , tun V r s r, "i c . Wv 5 iJ 1 , W t THE SCRAjXTON TRIBUNE- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER ID, 1902. . . V& 8 m Theaters "St. Ann" Last Night. "St. Ann," a ptity by Paul Ai msti our. Klilcli Ib nuclei going n. polishing proo fs on tbo roail in lor to 11m metiopollliin picsontatlon, was neon nt tho I.jccum Inst night. It Is the list ctfoit or Mr. Mmatiotig, whose woilt as n wilier of ipoitlng events for Kew York pnpcis mi ner tho pen muno ot "Right Cioss," has amdo him fnmlllnr to newspaper rend ers. Ho struck out boldly In his llist effort nml wiotc a piny Unit will bo ills uscil. Ills heiolno In Ann Laniont. a painter, known In tho bIihIIom of Now Voik us St. Ann. She has talent of no uncertain Older, but Boems to ImVo tiren weak or unutilekeneil moinlly md this Loon ltlehmoml, a follow ar tist, dlfeoeis to her undoing. Then comes Goidon Titus Into her life. She loves hint nml on her awakening cou nt lenco dan its the full foieo of her sin. Tlttis offers his love but she will not nttept him because of the led stain on her past, fblie would not do him such a umiig She goes to London and wins uicnt fnnte tinder the name of Miss John, Itlchmond maiilcs fot money and Is no less miserable than his wife. IIo dls tovets that he has u teal love for St. Ann and when he meets net lit London, wheio he Is with his wife, he declares himself nnd wants to dltoiee his wife nml many her. In tho meantime Titus igiiln declines his love, and Is let Into Hip seeiet of Itet "nffnh" with Richmond. Hi' Is Biluf-btiltkeil. horilllcd. but he will many her neveitheless nnd 1:111 Richmond If he Is given opportunity. Hut Miss John will he no wife of his until she has rlennscd hei-"lf by dilvlne ftom Rlch inond's egotistical mind the Idea that all he hns to do Is to hold out his band and she will lly to his aim. Once Richmond Is convinced that she will not mairv him even II dhoiced, th.it she loathes nnd de spises him she mnv with Rood faith and iiopilety wed Titus nhn tells hctself. It will be oldened tliat St. Ann has her own Ideas of morals and piopilety. The tlimim dinvvs to a close ncai the leper i olony on the Island of Molokal, wheio St. Ann flics to Titus' aims, Richmond's plans to sepai ate. them bavins ended tliMistiouslv. lie Is bv this time con ilnccd that be is piopeilv loithed and despised and St. Ann and Titus aie h.ip pv. Seveial sub'-ldlaiv plots that have a inmedy iluvar levolve about tlie cn tial theme The pliv Is well wiltten, the situations nlcelj managed and many ot them of ri eat diamatic value But the pl.iy has an unsubstantial foundation. The woild, let us hope, has never pio liticd a woman with the clouded moial outlook ot St. Ann The chat actor was pssavod bv Miss I'loia Fahehlld, who was not eiiu.tl to tho task of making St. Ann convincing Miss Fafi child displaved evidence of ability dining the piogiess of the play but the ihaiactcr K not one In which she can shine. The best woik of the evening was done by Robeit MoU'ade as Ulclmid Stoiiedgc Smthc; Chailes D 'W'aldioii as, Rnidon Titus and Miss Laicllc Yotk, as I'laho I.amont. The other membeis ot the companv weie clthei unsuited to tlieli paits or bad not j.et aciiuiied easo in tliem. The pliv ii niielv staged in ivetv lespcit and lor one lli.tt has be'ea pn tfie boaids but a shoit time moved With commendable smoothness "Kidnapped in New York." R.uney Gllmorc, the oiiuk lomantle lilsli comedian, opened a tbiee davs' en gagement In "Kidnapped in Now Yolk" at the Academv of Music last evening to ii l.uge audience. "Kidnapped in New Yoik" Is a comcdv-diania In four acts bv How aid Hall, and Is based upon the kidnapping il Raby Million Cl.uk lit fintial I'aik, Xevv York cit.v Mi. Clll inore has alwas been a lavoilte with Scranton audience, and last night he still fuithcr Ini leased his circlo of fi lends. Uiuing the pi ogress of the play he made bits vvitli Ills Mings, "Taking the I'll Hue ol Baby," "Who Do You Love," "A l.ittlu Bunch ot Rosebuds" and "M,i, l)oiilo." .Mi. Ollmoie assumes the loie of Mr. Tinoley, a novv.spupcr conespondeut and tUleclive. The cli.uacler of Baby Clink Is taken bv Babv Abbott, a iciy clever i hlld actiess. 'I'hc time between the acts Is filled up bj a niimbci ot enlei taining speiiulties. Amiing them aie: Billv llall niali, of National la ague hasp ball lame, lu a Geiniin eliaiacter oketch: the Pow ers liiotheiw, in u blcj ele .specialty, In vvblcli tlie.v iulioduce Alfonso and Gas ton; ?Iss Lillian Slililcy In eatchv comic hongs, togetliet with a number ot otheis equally cntei tabling. The pluv -lll bo tepcated this aficiunim and evening. Miner's Bohemians. Tom Minei'-s Biilicmhins gnv.' nn cnccI lent liei foi manco at the Stai theater jesteiday In picscnting tho siiectac ular ixttavaganza, entitled, "A Bohemian Rcniitj." The composition, which Is the work of Gcoige Tot ten Smith, affoids oppiu tunlt.v tor tho iuliodiietlou of homo of the latest .songs"nud clinni'ts that .lie l endued by handsome poling .women lu t laborate cohtumes. An unfoi Uinato fca tuio of the cnteitnlnmcnt was the at tcniit to (It the well-known comedian, Chnilcs Hiiike, to a putt entliely tiu hiilted to his talents. Ah u delineator of Irish and Hebrew chnraclers Mr. Burke hns few emmlH and It seems n pity that ho should wnstc tlmo upon a cheap pail. Tito sped titles wore nil Rood, John ston and Hlllard, In their character crea tions, nnd Grnco Ln lltto nnd her picka ninnies were received with enthusiasm, nnd the numbers by IMna Davenport, the phenomenal ilhneor, and Nicholas Wright, Invisible singer, wore excellent. 'J he Uohemlnns nio among tho best on tho rond. They will bo nt the Stur tho bal ance of tho week. Inst Nights o Ametn. Amcln, tho great fire dancer, will bo seen at Dixie's theater for tho last tlmo dining her piesont engagement at the performnnrcs todny nnd tomorrow. Tho poetic act given bv Ameta Is ono of the best In the line of artistic dancers. Tito Kentons, Joe, AIra nnd Buster, nio also closing n most successful engagement In which they havo established themselves ns favoiltes. The Inci eased attendance nt the popular house Is tho best evidence that the theater-going public, not only hns developed n tasto for tellned vaude ville, but nlso appreciates the efforts of the management to give them the best. "When We Were Twenty-one.1' "When Wo Were Twenty-one" will be presented at tho Lyceum Saturday after noon nnd evening. This piny has won the sincere admiration of everyone who has had the good fortune to seo It. It tells a story so pine and so true to hu man life nnd the trngle moments that come to the life of so many, that It goes straight home to every heart. It h full of dramatic .situations, but thev are so nntuial, and so possible, that the whole Is the sequence of things that happen eveiy day and might happen to you or me. At no moment Is there n flagging of the Interest, nnd the events lollow e-icli other so naturally nnd so logically Hint It Is n delight to hee. Though dealing with one of the moot dtamntlc phases of human life. It Is heightened with the light and shade of human experience The author has given: a true and delightful play to the woild. Seats on tale. Thomas Jefferson Coming Again. After an absence of two 3 cars, we are to once mote have the pleasure of seeing Thomas Jeffeison in Washington Irvine's maslei piece, "Rip Van Winkle." Now adnjs, when a hon of one of our gieat actors is advertised to appear In his father's plavs, the public are apt to be come suspicious as to the ability of tho .son to follow In the footsteps of the father. Such has not been the case with Thomas Jefferson, who lias been pre senting "Rip Van Winklo" for tho past six seasons with financial results. He is said to have dc.tu.i1lv fallen Into bis father's bhoes, and there aie times on the stuge when the audience leally think the elder Jeffeison Is befoie them Thomas is to be here on Monday night at the Lvi'cuin, .'lid will piesent the de lightful "Rip Van Winkle." Scats on sale this motnlng. Kyan at the Academy. Tho pleasing anonunccment is made that we aie again to have that populai oung actor, Daniel Ian, wlih us for a week at the. Academv, opening on Mon day evening ln n big production of "A Rojal Lover." Over a caiload of gor geous sceneiy and electrical effects in tills one pioductiou will be used: in fact, not a piece of the Academy sceneiy will bo used fluting Mr. Itjan's engagement tills season. Tuesday night, (mother big piodiiction will be Rlve,u, "An Ihiemv to the King." This play will bo presented by special uiiangcmcnt with K. II. Sothern. Mm SKIN TORTURES And all Forms of Itching Scaly Humours Instantly Relieved and Speedily CURED BY CUTICUM. Complete Treatment ($1), consists of Cuticura. Soap, to cleanse tho skin of crusts nnd scales nml soften tho thickened cuticle, Cuticuiia. Oint ment, to instantly allny itching, irritation, and inflammation, nnd soothe nnd heal, and CimcuitA Re solvent Pii.i.8, to cool nnd cleanso tho hlood. A Single Set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, dlsllgtnlng, itching, burning, bleed ing, scaly, crusted, and pimply hu mours, when all else falls. MILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by CuticukvOintmi-nt for beautify, lug tho uKIn, for cleansing thcscnlp, nail stop, ping of falling linlr, for softening and w hlteii lug the lmnd'i, for baby ltchlngs and mslies, ln baths forannoylngltrltattonsondclntlngs, or too froo or offeneivo perspiration, for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which suggest themselves to vv omen, nnd for all tka purposes of the toilet, bath, nnd nursery. Cuticura Resolvent Tills (Chocolate Coated) nro a new, tasteless, odorlesn, eco nomical substitute for the celebrated liquid Cotiouiia Hi soi. vkxt, as wcllas for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. In screw cap vials, containing CO doses, prico i!3c. Cold throngho.it the world. Soap, 'i5c , Oismcnr, tOc , Hills, jm Drlilih Dcpoti .7 21, Chtrttrliouio bn , London, t rench J)pott A Rue do U Talx, Purli. Potter Dbuo ap Ciixu. CciRr., Bole l'rops., Bolton, U.S.A. Ladies to Canvass. At a meeting of the ladles ot the Hol Cioss pailsh held on Tuesdiy night lu the palish hall it was decided that two ladies fiom cacli sheet in the palish bo .selected to make a canvass for funds to pav fot the fin nibbing of the new pa locblal lesidence. A meeting of the fol lowing committee will be held tonight to holect the comas eis: Highteentb waul. Mis. O'llaia. Miss Maiy Huffy; Sixth waul, Fli.st distilct, Miss Katie Clobeity, Miss Katie Conve.v; SKlh waul, Second dlstiict. Mis. Mai tin Regan, .Miss M.il gaiet Huclclcy; Talk 1111! and Mciidiuu hticet. Mis. Kelly, Miss (Jctilty. Undertakers Organize. The undeitnkeis of Scmnton and vlciu itj pn fcited a pcimnncut oigiiulzatlon ut a meeting held last night in A. R. Ruub',s otllco on Spiuio sticet. It was decided to call tho oiganlzatlon tho t'n clcitakei.s' 1'iotectlvo Association of Sciantnn and vicinity. Tho ofticeib elect ed weie ns follows: I'icsideiit, M. P. AWvmbs; vice piesident, l V, Tague; ucciutniy, "William lUiub; ticusuiei, A. R. R.iub; cNOuuttvo committee, P. !'. I'uslck, cli.iliniitn: "William I'llco, 'I'. P. Regan, 'I'. J, O'Honnell and T. J. Davis. About twenty-llvo nuclei takets have itlicucly joined tho association. m mm tf9 mm ImT mm mm mw mJ r Ki mmr S ' mMmtmmmmmW. B - mmmmmmmm lO I' SPECIAL BARGAIN. 4 Jardiniere Stand, Jfv Another use'ul article for every home. Friday only we place on sale a Jardiniere Stand , exactly like cut, with bamboo legs and oak top. It's value is not less than 75c, but ii you come Fri day you can get one at the ridiculously iuw price, THE MARKETS Wall Street Ha view. New York, Sept. IS, The &tock matket maintained its undeitone of fatiength to da.v, but the ti acting was extiomely apathetic outblde a spotty as-soitment of stocks whose show ol stungtb helped to sustain the geneial list. The Gould gioup was the most conspicuous, Tho muiKet i losed dull and steady. Total sales tor the da, 17.1 000 shines The bond mar ket was dull and about atfncl. Total .sale.. p.u value. $.',250 000. Halted States lefunding 2s advanced "i. the .Is H and the old Is '& liei cent Tlio new -is de clined "i on the last call. Tho following quotations are furnished The Tilbune bv Hnlglit At Ficcse Co , 14 13 Meals Building. W. D. Runon, man agei. Onen.Hlirh. Low. Close m.u. copper i-s3j. Am. C & K .!1 Ameiican Ice li8 Am. Ice, Pr ,'UVa Am. Locomotive ... ::: Am. I.oco., Pi oiiy. Am. S & R. Co 17 " Ameiican Sugar ....Ill's Atchison !H"S Atchison, Pr linyi Bait. A: Ohio ll)i; Uiook. R. T fl Canadian Paellle ...111 ('lies X. Ohii y,v. Chicago & Alton Chle iV; (.J VV C, M. & St P C. R. I. & P Col, Fuel &. lion,.. Col. & Southern . . Col. & South , Jd Pr Hen. & It, (J Den & R C, , Pi D. Detiolt Southern .. Hiie Uiic, ls,t Pr Kile. M Pi 1 locking VhIIpv Illinois Cential Iowa Cential ,. Kan. City K. South I.nuls. & Nash Manhattan Met. St Kr Movk.ui Centinl Mo , Kan. .v.- Te Mn , K. & T , Pr Mo Paellle N. Y. Cential ... Noifolk & West Out. .t West r,7'4 IJi ,100 . ::i r.j 411', Ol'i . -1, .. ii'4 . 70s . ."Mi .1111 .171'A . ISVa . iS'J, .r.i ... I 111'. ...111. ... L'S'G ... ill's ... ImSk ...1.'1'4 ...llil T,1i IVA ..ll.S .,1117'A .. r.i . :isii . 7S7g . 10 . 0714 . 7(Vi . v .110 . B.'ii . U", . 8Mt . 41Vi . 01 . .17 . Kite , !ii ui'i IS 3V'8 aivi 0791 !7Vs 1 11-', "Hi KI1'R 3H Ifllt lll'i r.-.'s u' .ii--!. nt'd jii'l sir, SPj Ho"R fiv 4 -'lU 70 r,i,V4 101 17-'- 4S :s4 ns', H7i 2S1. si'i iii'i l-'J's b.l'J ""Va Hi 1'iVS b.s'4 10714 r.4w It 71 10 17'4 70 ".i's hoi; sA HH S1 4I1A ni'H S7", fil(, "U',i '.S's .r IPs S9' .U' W.'l 17 I !0"i Ol'b UU'a 114 Utl's 110 1114 !P4' an S-l'i .r.-8 5J ia'i 1414 "11 '4 i.t- 5R'i 101 171 'J 4S". ns's 1,1.1 1 in'A Hi! js". 3 Hi I.7--8 l-'O", K.I 7.V4 .iv; 4-1'. H.'A 107', .11 'VA 7S 2-'7a W 11714 78g ."Hi !)i.4 1.1 (S'4 li5''a H',8 !''k 38 7',! 47Vfj IWj, 34'4 30 IH 11IV4 Ill 191 Ml M Wa r) I AVA !1-. il'8 41 '8 ey Tbli Kll ISli .iS',4 I.Wf, 347'4 I'SV- J.14 tiTU Pacllio Mull Pcima. R R People's Has Piesscd Steel Cai .. Rending Reading, 1st Pr ... Republic Steel Republic Steel, Pr St. h, So W Southern Pacific . Southern R. R . .. Southei n R R . Pr Tenn. Coal & linn. Texas & Pmillc... Hnlon Paellle Union Pacille. Pr . I'. R. heather P. S. heather, Pi. H. S. Steel P. S Steel, Pr .... "Wabash Wabash, Pr Western l'uinn .... Wis. Central Total sales. 4;.l.mn him inn Monuey, oft and 7 por cent. K '".AOP GRAIN AND PROVISION 110 !h!'4 li'4 KSi: 40'i 90'4 37 .M'4 l)-.3 -1a 3-.14 r,Vi Il,7'i 107 .ird 71 7S,; 22 R2V :,s 79 :.9-f8 9h7K 7014 rij)4 110' ; 92'i io'4 SI 41',4 HI 37'i 19c The Store That Saves You Money." 322 Lackawanna Avenue, WHEAT December Slav , CORN December May OATS- Dofcuiber May PORK. October ,, Jnuuaiv I.ARD- October Jtiuuaiy , R ins October ,,,, Junuaiy NUW YORI Open.Hlch.l.ow ninsn r.9H 1.914 i,sw ra 70U 704, 44H I1U 3t'4 3154 , 3 21 , l'i 03 , 0 7.1 , 8.V5 4I4 4U4 31 14 3154 in. 10 35 07 9,7s Sf.7 4:54 4014 S0'4 3154 10:0 H9J 9G0 b 17 70 4114 4054 30H 3t4 111 20 14 97 om 8 47 pm m9Jfyi A DOUBLE MEASURE OF VALUE FOR FRIDAY Solid Oak Book Shelf 27 In. high, 24 In. wide, made to either stand or h'ang, Six feet of shelf room. Shelves fast en wlthwood enpep,s, asil lustrated so the entire piece may be taken apart a n d packed flat. Actually 2 0 0 cents worth d A for... D I Friday only. s 1 K7te &0N0MY Credit you? Certainly ! 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Avenue. a FINANCIAL. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCR ANTON. Capital, $200,000 fgS3 $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. CASHBAWNCncnOPTILliflfeMiis Soranton Wholesnle Market. (Collected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave ) rioui ?4 40 Butter Fi Cbh cieameij, 21c; ficsh daily, 'lie. Cheese HnlQc. 3gBh Ne.uby, "2c.; wesltm. 21c. Mai 1 ow Beans Per bti&hcl. i$J J3a2.40. Gieen Peas Per bushel, $J23 Onions Per bushel, 90c New Potatoes 05c. per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market New Yoik, Sept IS Flour-Qulct and 11 shade lower to sell. Wheat Spot mar ket cislei ; No. 2 led, 73?4C clcvatoi; No. 2 led, 71C'aC'. l'. o. b. allo.it. Beats had theti inuiiiKS in tho wheat maiket tod.iv. Led by Septembei which bioke .shatplv under llbei.il conti.ict dellveiies the vvliolc mailct sold off and was weak .ill d.ij. The c ioso was easy a's.i'Hc. net loss May, 71Tsc.; Septembei, 74Vic ; Do c embei , 7,ir8e. C01 n Spot cas.v ; No 2, 7-'i elevator nnd GS&c. fob. ntloat; No 2 jellow, 70c; No 2 white, 70c. ; option maiket opened ill 111, but latet fully Miami the wheat bie.ik, closing weak and ",ta Mi. net lowet; J.imiuiy closed lSc; Muy, 4"e.; Septembei, ci'ic; October, iklKc; Deccmliei, 1aBo. Oata Spot dull; No 2 oats, IlJVie ; No. 2 white, 33c: No .! while, 33c; Hack white, "lalOc; option maiket vvus weak and lower, especially on Sep tember at Chicago under liquldatlnn. May closed ".'iVsc. ; September. Il'i'c ; De cember, U'Hc Battel Steadj ; extra cnamcry, 22' factoiy, HV-al7c.; cieam ery, common to choice. lt',..i.'2c; Imita tion cieameiy, ISViulSKc.; utato 'dally, HiHa2tc: lcnnvHted, 1V4 ilSVic. Cheese Finn; now stato full cienm, .small col 01 ed fiint v. He, j small white, lie; large eoloied. lOVfce.: l.ngo white. IJalOHc llggs Stcadv State and nveiage piime, 20a22c: coiintiy candled, 20a2Jc; nncan dicd, ISaSO'c. 10 02 7,90 10 02 7.S3 10 02 7.S7 Bld.Asked. w 1010 7.90 COTTON MAltk-l'T . , upen. JJIBIi, WW, Colse September 8(V S7t SO.". S73 October 8 17 877 8 07 8 75 December 8 Ml 8 79 8GI 8.7H Junuaiy s,C7 sso sci 8.77 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co . Pr. Counts' Saw Bank & Ti list Co I'll st Nat. Hank (Cuibondalfri. Thlid Untlonal Bank ,, 550 Dlmo Dep & Dls. Hank .,,,,,. 300 Economy I... 11. & P, Co Flist National Bank .,,,,.,.,, iy Lack, T list la Safe Dep. Co , 193 Claik & Snovor Co, Pr,.,.t,,, 125 Scranton Savings Bank .,,),,, BOO Tradets' National Bank 223 Scianton Bolt &. Nut Co,,.,... 125 People's Bank ,,,., .,,,,"., 133 BONDS. Scionton Packing Co , Bcrunton Passenger Ballvvay, llrst moitguge, duo 1920 113 People's Street Itallway, tlrst moitgage, due 1918 ,,,,, 113 People's Stieot Hallway, Gen eial moitguge. duo 1921 113 Scianton Tiuc. Co , 6 per cent. 113 ... Kconomy L , 11. & P. Co , 97 N, Jersey & I'ocono Ice Co.... ,,, 97 Consolidated ' - ,,, xqj SOD 509 48 ... 33 Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Sept. 18 Cialn ttaileis weie vvultliiK lor a hlgu today. Business was less 'active than it lias been 101 many ilnvs. Suppoitlng oulcis weie not in evi doiHO enough to hold up pi Ices and with a bcatlsb icpoit on the coin ciop iut out hy a leading statistic journal, seveial professionals took adv-antago of tho clull iie.13 to put ,i selling picsstuo on all mul kets. The weather iciuditioiis weie an eaily nld to pi'lees, paitlculiuly tu coin, but ilepiesslon soon followed tho soiling. At tho close December coin was l&iiKc lower; December wheat, 'Jac. down; September oats. Jlc lower nnd December oats. y-c. on", Piovlsions closed 2l4a22Hc down. Cash fiuotations vvoio iih follows: Fiom Stcadv; No. 2 spring whaet. 7-'a 74c; No, a, "Jn7.iVCc; No: 2 icd, 72a72e.; No. 2 coin, rSVia."')'ic.; No. 2 yellow, W.ti (pOc; No, 2 nats, 2Slc.; No. 2 white, : No, 3 white, 29n24e.; No. 2 rye, TOc; good feed ing bailey, ; fair to choice malting, IS11 nsc; No, 1 tlax seed, $131; No. 1 noith westein, $133; piime tlmnthmy seed, $1.10; mess poik, per ban el. Jli, lOai!l,ri; lard, per 100 pounds. SlO.MalO 5JU; slinit libs, sides, SI0r,2!iai0.G7,i; shouldois, UliuOVic : shoit clear sides, HUnU'ac', Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Sept, 18 Cattle Receipts, !, HOO, including WW Toxans, 2,0)O westerns; steady; good to piime stecis, $7.."oa8 ul; poor to medium, ?ln7; stockei.s and feed eis. $2 50ar5 23; cows. $150.14.73; lielfeis, $.'.2)ii5,75: ranucis, $160a2W; bulls, 2 2.a; culves, $3a5ri0; Texas fed steeis. tJ.il.S0: western steers, $J.73a5 90. If ogs Receipts today, 10,000; totnoirow, lS.Ou); left over. 7,500; opened steady to 0c. higher; closed lower; mixer unci butchuiH. $7.23a7.S3; good to choice heavy, $7.3oa7 90; inugh heavy, $7.20a7.40; light, $7J0a7.75; bulk of sales, J7.40a7.U). Sheep Receipts, IJOOO; strong; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, $J r,0a4; fnlr to cholco mixed, $2.50 u3.2j; native lambs, 3 50a5(i3. Buffalo Xive Stock Market. East Buffalo, Sept. 18,-Cuttlo-Steady; demand light; veals, steady; demand light; tops. $i)23afi50: common to good, r.E0a7,75. ITogs-Reeelpts, J,(,00; lbow. 5i lOo. lower; heavy, $7.90a8; mixed, $7.7047.83; 01kers. $7D3a7.U'); light do.. $7,40a7.i0; Pigs, 7$3(U7.40; ronglis. $0 50i7,10; stngs, $3Wa0.10; giasseis. $7a7.W; dallies, $7.40a 7.0j. Sheep and Lnmbs-Recelpts, 4.W; steady; top lambs, $3 50a5W; culls to good, $la5,40; yearlings, $la!50; wetheis, $)a!23; ewes, $J.23aJ73: sheep, top mixed, $3.73at; culls to good, $1.73a3 DO. Oil City. Oil City, Sept. IS -Ci edit balances, 123; cei tllicatcs, no bid: shipments, 80,50rbaiT iel; aveuigo, 9I.77J bauols: iuns, 99,794 buuels; uvciage, S2,70ti banols. m Races Postponed. Now York, Sept. 18. Tho races at tho Kmplio City tuick weio postponed today on account of lahiA Thuisday's pio giumma will bo 'decided tomnriovv and tho taid for Filduy will go over to Saturday. K K . t t X K K K K K t K t. P. I Special t I Oxford Sale I If you desire to save J money, come in and look $ at our Oxfords. We are V selling our Men and Wo ? ..... f .i t ii jucu a yjtiuius at greaiiy reduced prices. The Johnston and Murphy and -The" Stet son" Oxfords at $3.50. Lewis, Rdddy, Dauies & MUrphy ; te ti 330 Lackawanna Ave. K " ' 4 'A 4 it 'A 'A "A ' '- ' ' 'A H Dr. Dei rnels' Linen I Underwear. Dr. Jaegers Sanitary Woolen Underwear Sole Agency. diMJLmfii 412 Spiuce Street. 300 Lackawanna Avenue, The most completo assoitmcnt of underwear in town. All Grades 50c to $5.00' per gaiment. inn's is Lager Beer.. Maniifacturcrs of lock (it24S'2aiiiial'!iZ'i4 ; PILSNER l itS. ScrantoiiiPa. Old 'Phone, 333!. New 'Phone, 2P35, Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps, THE NEW DISCOVERY ftern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterSForsylii 253-327 roil II AVCIIUO. JONAS LONG'S SOVS JONAS LONQ'9 SOVS. It Is not necessary to debate about coming for the splondld Items offered at today's Hourly Sales. They aro expressive of tho best values : oniy go to snow tne groat amount of e me Interested In OUR GREAT of their kind, and only go to show the groat amount of economy that can uo louna uy any one interested in FRIDAY AFTERNOON . SALES These Sixty Minute Sales continue to add to their splendid past success. You will find seasonable goods at unseasonable prices. Tho Basement, the Main Floor, he Second Floor and the Fourth Floor all add to make today's sale one of continued Interest from the first to the last moment. Wa. rw SALE NO. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. In the Basement At 2Jc. White semi-porcelain Fruit ' MDx Ml "S nr Snlnrl Sniicorc- romilni- irnlim An ot.rl -ON. " . ",. "' h" """- """ a gooa laoie iitniDicr. tiny i cither item at this hour sale for 2aC Rfcd T B At 5c. Sale of white scmi-porce- Iain soup .Plates; new style: called 9rAff t1tr Tfrii'1i rrnrr Alcrv Tm-a Plates ; regular Sc. value. Fri- day 5C Kxtinordlnary Sale of Blue and White Steel Enamel ware. An ex ceptional offer, and In Ueeplnp with the season. At 23c A 3 and 4-quart Pieaeivlng Kettle; blue and white steel en amel waie; white enamel steel chamber, wash basin, white en- ja amel; choose either of these items Friday, each XOw At 3,")C. 5 and C-quait Pieservlng Kettlen, blue and white steel enamel ware, and a huge size Jardiniere; comes In solid colors; ie pilced at OOC At 49c. Sale of. C-quart Beilin Kettles, with enamel covers; and S quart Preserving Kettles,; regular value of either Item Is 7Sc. This Afr Friday buy them for 'c At 59c Sale of 6-quart Beilin Kettles and Sauce Pots; sauce pots have hide handles, and the Berlin Kettles have ball handles and enamel coveis; also ln this sale Is a 10-quart Pieservlng' Kettle. These sn. three ni tides are woi th 89c. each. Friday one hour OVt At C9c. Sale of 8-quait Berlin Kettle and Sauce Pots with ball and side nandles, enamel covers; value of this kettle and sauce pot zn Is $100. Friday buy either one for OVC Sale of Groceries, Good Groceries, the Kind Yon Want Sale of Coffee and 5 Pounds of Sugar Free Our combination Java and Mocha Coffee, considered the best 25c. Coffee ln this city; demon stration In booth now going on (main floor). If not satisfactory after a home trial please leturo. Friday, for one houi, 5 pounds of nn line gianulated sugar free with eveiy 4 pounds of Coffee for.. 3I.vV Sale of Soap Siift & Co.'s Mohawk; regular value, 9 for 25c. ')Br One hour Filday buy 12 cakes for , Sale of Ammonia Full hnlf-gallon bottle; goods guaranteed to bo fli&t quality. Sold usually at 25c. This sixty minutes sale buy It c at, per bottle '1' Sale of Buffalo Washing Powder; good as the best; regular 'BP 4-pound package, for one hour buy two packages for '"' At 4c Cake Ivory Soap; pint bottle of best liquid blueing, large cake of band or scouilng soap, half-pound package of powdered borax; tin Easy Blight stove polish, large box ball blue; full pound can lye, or potash, one-pound package of bird boed. and full size package a of biul giavel. Choose either Item and give but " Sale of Skinned Harhs Weighing from 15 to 20 pounds; no -yji waste or fat. For this hour sale pay but ''2r' SALE NO. 2 Begins' Promptly at 3 O'clock. Sale of Men's Fancy Half Hose Em broidered in all colors, figures and stripes ; usual value is 17c. a pair. This Friday we will sell them for i one hour for 1 JLQ Sale of Blankets This is a heavy fleeced full llx-l sic; comes in tan, white and gray, with assorted color bor ders. The first frost the other morning reminds one of colder nights. This is ii good value and usually retails at flltc. Friday for one hour buy them at 7C Sale ot Men's Working Shlits, near Wyoming avenue entrance This shirt is made fiom Cheviot, in plain blue and blue iiilxtuic; full -yyr bUu. Pilced for this sale at '' Sale of Boys' fine All Wool Suits, on the Second Floor Well made nnd tilmmed. Newest styles, colois aie plain blue, grey and mlxtuies, Sailor blouse styles; 3 to 8 yeais. Manly styles with ests, .1 to 9 years; 2-plecc, double-bi pasted style, 8 to 15 years. Pants have all taped seams and good waist bands. Choose from lot and pay the c q small price of ,,uy ' Sale of Diess Goods. In the Dress Goods Aisle 1,000 yards of extra heavy 27-Inch wool Thibet Skirtings; all the now oxford shades; navy biown and gioy stripe effects. One of tho best diess goods bar gains of the day. Regular value 49 cents. Friday Hour buy n,, it at ZVt ' Sale of Medicine Cabinets, on the Fouith Flooi Construc'ed of po lectcd inatciial and well finished. Size 22xlfi inches, with doublp shelf; 9x12 minor In cabinet door; will accommodate all articles for the toilet or bath loom, Koia usually tor i.uu. uur price lor ou muiiuc-a j"7r this Friday.' "'" Sale of Women's Handkei chiefs Warranted all linen: como with one-quaiter, half and one-Inch hem. A legular 15c. nlue: today buy two tor tho in co of one very near. Jt win no ciouum icunuiuy iu m- est In these handkei chiefs, They are so inexpensle. Filday hour buy them at 8ci n i a vjjgr n NSy.- T A w ul KJ SALE NO. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock. Sale of Wonieus Heavy Ribbed . JMcecc-luiecl csts and iJants fants well made and are usually sold at 50 ImH cems chcii. i-iuiii iiuur ny -yf "s .WJ bac ol lorcnon Lace and insertion . T . ... . to Match the widths range trom a to H inches wide. This class of lace is very desirable for trimming muslin underwear, and good many other ways that it can be used. And instead ot paying trom . 7c. to 10c. a yard, but it today at 4C Sale of Hair Brush and Comb Biush Is of medium Blze of 4-iow bristle, veneeied back, laign handle. Comb Is n Goodyear Rubber, Has fine and couise teentli. Seven inches long. Both items would p cost at any other time 15c, Friday buy them for ,v Sale of Cotton Dress Plaids A case of remnants In 10 to 20-yard lengths. All dark colors, lellevcd In bright stilpes of many colorings. .Suitable for school dresses; good and serviceable. Jf In the piece they would retail for l-'Vic. Today buy them nt only 'a Sale of Boys' Kneo Pants, on the Second Floor Murto from Wool Cheviot; plain blue and giey colors; full cut and well made; taped seams mul good duck bands; 3 to 10 years. Regularly 33c. value. otc Filday buy them for only ,v' Sale of Huclc Cotton Towels SUo 19x40 inches; hemmed ends and colored bouleis; woven llim. Now, Mr, Hotel or Restaurant Man, this Is your opportunity to buy this big towel, worth 12,c. each, this -r Filday for one hour at.,.,..,..... ,.,.,,, w Sale of Women's Jackets A seasonable offer nt a sacrlllco on the Second Floor. Fifty-seven, all told, In this lot, comprising Ktons, Single and Double Bieasted Box Coats, 19x20 Inches long, made ftom Venetlon Cheviots and Covert Cloths. Not every size of every kind, but nearly eveiy size of a few styles. They oie. In a few Instances, slightly shop worn, but neveitheless me a splendid value. The Hist piico on them was 1100 to $5.00, This hour (and baigalns for somebody) buy gj no Advertisers of Facts Only. Jonas Long's Sons , vAvXXN. y'fl & A' -A js.- - ... i tm& , . ,iw iA Ymf