The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 19, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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two of the Racing Events Were Won
by Carbondalo Horses, nnd the
Third by One fiom Cloik's Sum
mit Base Ball Gnmo Between
Waverly nnd WnllsvlUe Resulted
in n Vlctoiy for Wnllsvlllo by ft
Score of 0 to 7 Programme for
fiom n Staff Conespondent.
WullsvIHe, Pit., Sept. 18 More tlinn
1,000 pet sons ctowded onto the grounds
If the Mnltlnml Fair and Dilvlng Tail:
'ompaiiy here today, Moio paid ad
missions weie taken In at tho Kate than
8ii nnv day In tho history of tho asso
ciation. Kiom caily morning tin til long
after noon the loads wete filled In all
alieetlons as far ns tho c.e enuld ipoch
tvlth ptoocsslons of cntrhiges, hacks,
ttnges and pcdestihins.
This huge eiowtl wore well repaid for
llielr journey. Theic was "something
Doing" eeiy minute all day. No ucol
flonts ocrutrcfl to mar the ploasuio of
the gicut throngs, who were handled In
t-ccllont Htvlo by tho illi octets, who
hnd mounted police In t lunge of the
imck whllp thp i.ices were under way.
The. crowds purged In and out acinus
the track and at limes Intel feted with
lhc start", but no one was hint, olhelt
Ihoio wolc seveiiil naiiow escapes.
The Sot anion spoils wcio disappoint
ed In not seeing a ltoise fiom the Elct
trlc City cany away one of the rateh
Cnibondalo had eveiyUilng Its own
Way, hoisos hnlllng fiom the city of
ttcrnal Sabbath eaiijing all hefoie
The flist uip, tile 2 32 class, was won
by Fuiipoit Hello, owned b II. II.
"Pierce, of Caibondale, attei finishing
thlid In tho (list beat. Minnie T., nun
td by MoMullcn & Hubbard, of C.uuon
fiale, finished second, and Lady Me
Nlel, owned by W. S. Fiace, of Clark's
Elreon, thlid. The fastest mile was
E 27tt.
AhnoKIn, the soirel ni.ue of II. II.
tierce, of Caibondale, who won the
C24 race yestoiday, was equuVv suc
cessful In picking up todav's 2.19 race
In tin eo sti aight heats. Tlnkei, owned
by Dr. Huggeitj, of Scinnton, won s-ee-ond
place, and David Coppei field, the
propel ty of H. Joidan, of Scianton,
tame In tbiid. Rest time, 1 iV&.
The Hillside band, of Clat k'b Sum
mit, furnished music. Though few in
numbers their eneigy was leinui liable
nnd they had to be cautioned fiom the
judge's stand not to play too much.
A base ball came on the lawn Inside
the race-couise diew a huge numbei of
loeis of the national game The gamp
vas statteri about 11 o'clock, and foi
two hours the alt was pui.cluied with
the appropilatn doiihp and one out ag
ing jells of looteis. The umplie, John
Itlnk, of Benton, passed 120 minutes of
nilseiy, the nine that was behind seem
ing to have a pooi opinion of bis abil
ities. Tho nines wete plaets fiom
V.ietly and a nine supposed to i effic
ient Wallsille. but in lealily picked
from all over the county The AA'nlls
v ille team won by the &coie of 9 to T.
Claik, of East Benton, and Ch.uies
"Rolls, of Peckvllle, weie the battel) for
the winncis, and N.ifus and Smith weic
tho battel y for AA'aveily.
There were no end of dlveisions for
the big ciowd, Besides the basp ball
Rdmc and the laces, theie was a pull
ing match for heavy dinught teams A was filled with boulders and
team 'vfter team was hitched to It, each
In turn. After several additions had
been made to the load and tbtee teams
bad failed to budge it, a team owned
by Joiome Thomas, of Dalton, walkpd
off with the boatload of stone and as
many men as could ciowd on It, as If
they weie going to the bain aftet a
peck of oats.
Theie aie probably moic gamps of
chance on the giounds this jear than
there ever wete befote, and all seemed
to bo doing .i tushlng business They
were all placed on the lawn Inside tho
race-couise f.u enough away fiom the
exhibition buildings to lolleve them of
their human blockade.
Tho hillsides and lawns wcio coveted
With multitudes of can luges and the
many hitching mils were filled as close
ly as they could be packed. TIipio ate
piobably more fanners that come to
tire AVallsvllle fair than In any of the
But rounding counties, and as most of
them drive to the fair and btlng their
wives and -families, with a well-filled
basket of eatables, the lawns and eai
liages at dinner time lcmind the on
looker of a gigantic family picnic.
Everyone seems to have plenty of
money to spend. Crops must bnve been
exceptionally good this fall. The dime
Hhous, the meny-go-round, and tho
many' games of chance were libeially
pationlzed and so vvetn all other op
portunities to spend impioved.
The first uice was called nt I. SO
o'clock. The 2 35 class, which was sched
uled to go first, did not fill and a 2 32
class wns substituted, Tho officials In
the judge's stand were: Staitei, James
Kelly, Dunmoic; judges, C. Hat low and
AVIUIam Shafer; tlmeis, F. I. Lott and
J, Nelson Graves; clerk, V. C. Smith.
"The racers were disposed of us follows:
rmsr hack.
2 32 class, hot nnd pace; put he, J100
Theto weio six stuitots Lady McNc
drew tho pole, Llllla.u Hoy waj i-ocoud,
Fnirpost Hello thlid, Guld Itiin fouuh.
l'O Mlnnlo T. fifth nnd Hauy D. sixth. Tho
crowds on tlio coinso inteifeteii gtontly
with tho hooting until vlgoiotis meusuies
wore put In play to cleat tho tinck, DIs.
tanco flag and weights weto waived,
Starter Kolly hud to can I Ion tho dilvcis
Bovcial times about coming up ahead of
tho polo hot bo, It i emitted consider,
abjo patlenco and tactful handling befoto
tho vvotd was given, Tho Manor Mild
that ho would let them scoio nil day bo
foto ho would let tho field iret away
ahead of tho polo hoi&o and ho kept his
wotd until tho hoiaes had come up ten
times. Then they wete tent. Ono of llio
horses ridden by tho mounted police in
terfered somewhat with tho shut. At tho
quarter Lillian Hoy was a head In fi out
of Falrpoit Belle, with MIiiiiIq T, a lengtli
hack. At tho half I.lllliin Hoy was In
flout, with Mlnnlo T. a leimth behind
nnd Falrpott Hello thlid. At six fin
longs Mlnnlo T, had moved to (list placo
a half length In ft out of Llllhm Hoy, with
Lady McNfel thlid by a head fiom
l''Hlipott Holle. Tho beat was won by
Mlnnlo T. by a length and a half fiom
1-llllan Hoy, with Falipoit Holle, four
lengths behind, thlid. Tlino by (ptartcis,
0 33. J.13. 1M, 2 27?4. Tho dtlver of I.ady
McNeil made a protest, claiming that tho
addle horso ridden by a polUcmuu hid
held him back. The ptotest was not al
owed. Second heat It was a long and tedious
Rait befoio tho ncifoiincis cot under
way, night after the woid was given
t,he drivers of Lillian Roy ami ralipoit
nolle got their- sulkies tangled up nnd It
looked as If thcio would bo a spill, but
tho danger was averted by tho skillful
handling of Slaltery, tile driver of l.llllan
ltov. Toll port Hello led to llio tiuniler,
Willi Hold rtrln second, tlttep lengths
nheiut of l.llllan Hoy. Fall pott Hello
mnlntnlned her ntxdtlOu to Hie finish,
which was a stltrlng one, them being onlv
n length's dlffetenco botwien her and
Hold Heln nnd l.llllan Hoy. Mlnnlo T,
vvlto won the Ihst heat, finished last.
Time bv iiimiters! or.14, 1.1 J. 1.13. '.V.'Pi.
Thlid ItLiit They wete sent awnv on
llio fntutli stoio In a poor stall. I.tdv
McNeil being nwnv buck. Fnltpoit Holle.
Gold Rein and l.llllan Hoy wpip lenglhs
npait nt the iiuitltei In that 01 del. Tlnie,
3.V4. At the half Gold Heln was pirns
lug Talipoit liello Inird foi the had. with
Minnie T. two lengths bock, thlid. Time,
1.11. At sK futlniigs (t.lfl) IhiMO thleo
side by side, wllh the Hello 11 head in
flout, (niiilng honip l.ndy McNIel cnino
wllh a lush, lmsslng Gold Rein and Mln
nlo T. nnd finishing second n length be
hind I'nlijioit Holle, Mlnnlo T. beating
Gold HpIii by 11 head for thlid plate.
Time of heal, 2 27'.
Foul lb heat Unity 11. wns diawu.
night scoips wpip nepc'siuy to get a
still t unit then t.ady McNIel btoUe as
soon 11M thn wotd was given, Tali poll
HpIIo teat hid tho (iiiaitci III it, 111 Sil sec
onds, Mlnnlo T being trcoud half a length
Imtk, wllh Gold Heln thlid. loo up
'Ihcsc thiee made It 11 ptettv nice almost
In Hip six fin long pop. when l.adv Mc
NIel amo li) and took thlid place. On
tho dilvp foi the who l.ady McNIel
pnsxeil Mlnnlo T nnd made t'nlipmt Hello
stop lively to win Hip heat, thp Caibon
dale mate getting It bv half it length
Minnie T. was tlilfd tluce lengths back
Time bv rpiaiteis: 0 3ii, 11", 15), 2-8
1 rnlipoit Hello, b in, II. 11.
IMpicp. Caibondalo H 1 1 1
J. Mlnnlo T.. h m . M Mullen .v.
tfnbbaKl, Catbondalo 1 t 1 1
J I.iily McNeil, eh in . AV. S
I'tiup. Claik's Oicen 4 12 2
1 l.llllan Ho.v. b m, John Slat-
teiy, Seranton 2 3 " G
"1 Gold Rein, blk. s . Hairy Hin-
nptt. Itoncdalo 5 2 1 1
0 Hanv D, In. g, AV. II Stone,
Hdella C 4 5 dr
Time, 2 27. 2'.Si, 2 27'J, 2 2i'.
riit heat 2 10 class; trot nnd pipe;
purse, Jlil Theie were four Mattel Tin
ker diew the polp Almnkln wns spcond.
Giavdon third nnd Dnv Id Coppcrlleltl
fouith. Tin- horses scored five times and
then got tho woid to a good stmt. Giav
don bioko light after the word was
given and wns npvrr In It nflpi that
Tinker led t ho wnv to tho quartet, being
a length and .1 half ahead of Almokln.
Dnv Id Copperflcld being a poor third At
the half, Tlnkei was n head In ftont of
Almokln, but was passed as soon as tho
stand was left behind, and Almnkln took
the lead fiom then on and was never eii
dangoud Ho finished two lengths In
ftont of Tinker, with David Copperflekl
100 feet behind and Giavdon jogging cos
11 at the beginning of the homo stretch.
Di llaggpriv. tho ownet of Tlnkei, made
n pintest against the ting being wnved.
but was Infoimed that his complaint came
too late Time bv quartet'- 0I.J, 1.1S, 1.4S,
2 2Pi
Second heat This was tho best heat o
far of this meeting After the third
score, the botses wete lined up flnelv and
weie sent awav 'I lukoi led almost to
the qti.utPi. when he slowed up a trifle
and Almokln stuck his nose past the
pole Hist David Coppei Held v 11 . two
length back nnd Gnu don out of It. At
the h ilf. Tinker led bv half a length and
David was third l the samp distance.
At tluee-qu liters, linker, David and Al
mokln were heads apart In the oidir
named. The three um up Hie sueicn
side h hide. Almokln flashing past the
wire bv a shnit held in front and Tln
kei and Coppei field aligned so closely
that It looked like an oven tiling for sec
ond place. The Judges decided, hnwevei.
Hint Tlnkei had s(.LOiul place Time by
qunileih-0 )V4. 1 12 1 tSi- 2 21'4
Third heat The field of four got the
word at once llukei went In front for a
shoi t wavs, but went on tlptoe and Al
mokln caught him At tho qtiattcr post,
these two weie on even teims, Copper-
field two lengths back and Gravdon out
of It once more. At the half, Almokln
was onl a nose in front of Tinker. This
slight advantage was lost when the
horses got three-foul ths of tho way
around, for tho were again evened up
Coming home, Tinker eased up nnd A1-,
mokln won the heat and raeo by .1 length
and a half. Tinker beating David Coppei -
field bv UK) ftet and Grnydon being a fur
long link. Time bv quartets 0 3I'4, 119,
1 I11K, J 2!4. Sunimmv .
1. Almokln, s m , II II. Pierce,
Cirbondale Ill
2 'tlnkei, b g , Or Haggertv,
Scianton 2 2 2
3 David Coppertield, b g, II. J01-
bunuton 3 3 3
1 Giavdon br g, Paikor & Mll-
lei, AVaverlv 4 1 4
Tlme-2 2P, 2 2l'i, 2 2!'l
Toinonow theie will bo a balloon
ascension and painthuto ill op. There
was to hive been .1 high divo fiom a
tower b a woman toclaj, but she miss
ed her connections fiom Chicago and
failed to got to the giounds. The man
agement piomiso the balloon ascension
tomonow without fall.
Theto ate two good laees scheduled
for tomonow aftet noon, one being In
the 2 27 class and tho othet a fiee-foi-all.
The entiles foi these two events
2 27 elnss, ttot and pace, puise, $12".
Gold Heln, blk. s. Unity Bennett,
Honesdale; Fiances J blk. 111, Hobeit
AVestlake, Scianton: Falrpoit Belle, b.
m., II. II. Hleice, Caibondale; Lillian
Hoy, b. m.. John Slatteiy, Scianton;
Hiiny D. bt. g, AV. E. Stone, Edella;
Mnxey. I I, Lott, Montiose; Daisy D,
gr. m , James Justin, Elk Lake;
Thonins AV A. V. Sheiwood, Seranton;
Kate Medium, b, in., M. Sheiwood,
Jetmyn; Minnie T., MoMullcn & Hub
baul, Caibondale,
Fiee-foi-nll, put he, $200. Tinker, b.
g Dr. Haggeity, Scianton; AVIIkes
Medluni, L. A. Patteison, Caibondale;
Almokln, h. in., II. H. Hleice, Caibon
ilalp; Eth Hel, s. s., AV. C. Not ton,
E. L. Haneld,
The following Is the make-up of Hit
Delaware, Lackawanna and AVeslern
board for today:
Extras East 10 a. 111, l'ltzputllck.
Pusheis 10 p. in,, L.iinplug,
KNtrtiH East- 3 30 a. 111 , Staples; 11 a, m.,
Devliie; 1 j) p. in,, Mosler; 4,13 p. m,
AIcLino; GJO p, 111, Hush,
Summlts-8 a. in., riaimftlker,
Pushtii 7 a, m., AA'lilner; S a. m ,
Ilousei; It a. 111., Jlurraj ; 11.45 a. 111,
Motan; 150 p, m, C, Haitholomew; 730
p, m, Miuplij; 9 p. m , AV, II. Bartholo
mew. Helpers 130 p. m, Mngovern; 7 a. m
Gnffney; 10 a. in, Becor; 3.13 p, 111, Stan
ton. Exlins AA'est 6 JO a, m ,' wotk train,
John Gahagaii.
Singer will run McCue's ciow on 11 so
p. m , extui cunt, Thurbday, September 18,
He Missed His Tialn,
A diiinken man fiom Vomlng, who
had been having a wild time In Huanton
and who was. on his way homo fell asleep
In tho Dcluvvmo and Hudson station )cs
teiday and missed ,3 tialn. Ho was
taken In custody by Special Offlcei
Spelhuun nnd was tinned ovet to Putiol
man (loci JItz, who lodged him In tho cen
tiul pollto station.
And, see if your Kidneys
are Diseased.
A very simple way todetermlnc whether
your kidneys or bladder arc diseased is to
put some of your urine In a glass tumbler
and let It stand .24 hours ; if it has a sedi
ment or a cloudy, ropy or stringy nppear
ancc, if it is palo or discolored, you do not
need a physician to tell you that you are
In a dangerous condition. Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy speedily
cures such serious symptoms as pain in
back, Inability to hold urine, a burning
Bcnlding pain in passing it, fiequent de
giro to urinate, especially at night, and
the staining of linen by your urine.
Tho Rev. Anron Coons, D.D,, pastorof
"I most sincerely believe that Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
is the best kidney, liver nnd blood
medicine made, and urgently recom
mend it, for I know by experience it
will do all that is claimed for lt'
"Favorite Remedy" is o vegetable help
to the stomach nnd bowels In performing
their duties properly. It overcomes and
permanently cures dyspepsia, indigestion
biliousness and rheumatism. It is abso
lutely harmless and purely vegetable. It
contains no narcotics or minerals in any
form, no dangerous stimulants, no mer
cury or .poisons, and is the only kidney
medicine that does not constipate.
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Mew BO Oent Size and the regular
1 .00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle-enough for trial, free by wait.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y,
Dr. DbtU Kennedy's Jlajrle EyoSslTe for all
thcaici or Inflammations of tUe Eje. 23c.
Concluded from Page "
A'cper Ilvmu (Beethoven). Male Quartette
Concluding Scivlce,
Rev. AVllllam Lowcnbcrg
Henedlctlim Rabbi Marcus S.ilzmuii
Saturdav, 9 V, A. M.
Otsran Pi elude -Selected.
Anthem "Pi alse Ac the ratliei," bv
Gotland 1 Choir
Opening Prajer,
Rabbi Abiabam S Anspacher
Service I'nlon Piajei Book, pages
","-101 Hev. AVllllam Lowcnbcrg
Anthem "Lp.iiI Klndlv Light," bj
Depuvv Evans (Sopinno Solo).
Scimon Rabbi J. Leonatd Levy
Anthem "Pralc tho Loid," bj Ran-
deggar Choir
Addiess and Benediction.
Rabbi Emll G. Hlrsch
Addresses bv Rabbi Anspacher, RabbJ J.
L. Lew. Rev. R 1". A Pleiec. Rev.
L. H.iteman, Rabbi M Snlrman, Rev.
Joseph 11. Odell, Rev. James McLeod,
Rabbi E G tflr-efi
Musical Nnmbeis Intel speised:
Efrst Movement from Thlid Quanottc,
by Beniamln Godaid.
Andante ion Vaiaulnnl, from tho A ma-
lor Quaitctto op 18, No C, bj L van
(a) Andanto Cantablle
(b) Allegto 11011 tinto f&ehei7o)
I"iom the D major Quartette op. 11,
bv Tschalkowski
Hemberger Quartette Theo Hember-
gci, fit st violin; 1'ied AVhlmaver, second
violin; A. N. Rlppard, viola; T. Rlppard,
The entertainment given by tho Ep
woith League of the Asbur.v Methodist
Episcopal church In the chuieh parlors
last evening, was ono of tho best ever
given bj this society. The vocal num
bers by Miss Reynolds and Ml. Leonard
were splendidly tendered, and Mls
Dickson's violin placing was a laic
tieat to those who heaid It. MIss-LId-stone,
who took tho chaiaeter "of Jin.
I'ease, added to the lam els she had won
un fonner occasions. The following Is
tho cast of cli.uactcis In "Tho Grand
inothci's Album": Mis. Pease, Pearl
Lldstone, Jin, Lillian Biooks; Va, J.
Dwlght Stafford; Ma as a Little Girl,
Mhlam Taj lot; Ma as a Bilde, Grace
Menlman; Eben. my husband, Henry
Smith; Our Old Parson. It. AV. Kcllovv;
the Parson's AVIfe, Bess Stiickhouso; tho
Parson's Boj, Homy AVllllams; tho A'll
lago Belle, Peail Oscnbach; Giundpti
llobbs, Mi, Levi Tavlor.
At a legular meeting of Gieen Ridgo
lodge, No. 60 1, Independent Older of
Odd rellows held lift evening hi Ma
sonic hall, Dickson avenue, the follow
ing ollleeis weie nominated: Noblo giand,
B. II. Eldrcd; vleo giand. AV. J. lleek
niiin; thltd membei lellef coniinlltee,
R. J. Patteison; tiustccs, AVllllam Hen
drlekson, I.. AV. Lewis; repiesentutlve to
grand lodge, Err.i Graj, M. J. Kemp;
member excursion committee, AV. E.
Among the prominent lesldents of
Green Ridge who wcro visitors at tho
Muitland fair josterday weie Alfted Hut
vey, Staulej Stevens, Geoigo Gardner,
II. M. Cole, I. II. Stevens, y. u. I'lui
lips, E. D. riun and Thomas Jackson,
Mr. and Mis. Tiank Mnnsteis. of Penn
nvenue, entertained Inst evening In honor
of the sKteenth annlversaiy of theli
wedding. The guests were: Mi. and Mis.
TOR THE LITTLE ONES -Cut out tho plotutes appeal Ins on this page each
day, dtaw a pencil mink mound tho hidden object, savo thorn until Saturday,
then send thorn or tnko them to Tho Trlbuno ofllco In an envelope nddic3ed to
"Puitzlo Depnitmetit." Encloso In tho cnvclopo jour name, ago and addiess Ilia
bojs and gills who eonectly mail; the six plumes appealing dm ng tho wpek,
nnd whoso nnsweis 111 0 Hist received, will have their names published In Tho
Tribune Monday morning.
Emily Gclger, brave Ameilcan messenger, cuptuied by Totles. Find t,vvo
other Tot lea.
E. G. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. AV. V. Osen
batich. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Uctuton, Mr.
and Mrs. I. It. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. 1
C. Blockhouse, Mr. and Mrs. r. L.
Green Ridge lias tho honor of furnish
ing tun of the ucwly.eleeted tinkers of
tho Sorahton High nclinl cIiipm of 100.!.
Tile ptesldont, Joseph Kelly, Ih the oldest
noil or Mr. and Mr. T. .1. Kelly, of Ca
liotmo avenue, and tho treasurer, CharleH
Tobcy, Is u well-known icsldont of North
I'm It.
nt Huiintoii, hi tho Stnto of Pennsvt
vntilii, at tho tlosc of biiHlnens, Sept. 1j,
Loans and discount!! ?2,3ll,C0O 83
Oveidiafts, seemed and iiiihu-
lined CS3 19
U. S bonds to secuio ilicttla-
tlon ),) W
U. S. bonds to scenic l. S. do-
poslts -ITLOnooo
Piemltiins 011 U. S bonds Nono
Stocks, HcitnltlcH. etc Cll.Uli. r.7
Banking house, fuinltuio and
llsttnes KO.0OO 00
Due ftnm National baukH (not
lescivc ngctilH) 7,270 M
Due fiom Statu banks and
bnnkeis 1, MO 7(5
Duo fiom upptoved tcscive
agents sdinnsri
Intel nu 1 levenuo Htanips I'll ffl
Checks and other cash Items .. i. 78S 7S
Em luinges for eleailug house.. 7,7.17 ..0
Notes of olhei National banks. 1,010 00
Ki actional papci cuiicncy,
nickels, and cents l.lJO CO
Lawful Money Heseivo In
Hank, viz :
Legal tender notes., r0 000 00
17C.1I0 Dl
Kedempllon fund with U. 8
lieiisiucr (" per cent, of clicu-
latlon) :,u00 00
Due fiom t S. tteasuiei, other
thin G per cent lcdemptlnii
' Hind 1,000 00
Total $3,970,15S 'IS
Capital stock paid lit $ 200.000 00
Suipius fund 1 WW.000 00
Undivided piollts, less expenses
ljlid tucs paid 47.0S7 31
National bank notes outstand
ing GO 000 00
n,i, In nlhiii htltilfa .. . t.fll.l S
Duo to State banks and bank-
eis 1,31 73
Due to Tiust Companies and
Savings banks 3 170 70
Due to appioved ies,eivo agents l.'ill 1!
Dividends unpaid 21J D9
Individual deposits subject to
check ..... 2-)llS7.:77
Demand cei fille Ues of deposit. ..1 'I'd 00
Time ceitlllentes of deposit None
Ceitlllid checks 2.17". !t
Cashlet's checks outsl Hiding... IAS 4",
I'ltltcd Stales deposits 470.1SJ 17
Deposits of L. S dlsbuising of-
fleeis 7100!
Total $)07n,ir,S S3
State of Pcnnsjlvani 1, County of Lack
awanna, ss
I, AVllllam If. Peck, Cashier of tho
above named bink, do solemnlv svvcai
that the above statcmuit Is Hue lo tho
best of my knowledge and belief
AVM. II. PECK. Cashlei
Subset died and swmn to befoic mo this
17th day ot Septembei. 110.'
Notaty Public.
Concet A Host
at Scianton, In tho State of Pcnnsvha
nla. at tho closo of business Septembei
"., 190.
Loans and discounts $1,140,37.5 57
Ovcidialts, seeified and unse-
euied SJD7J
U. S bonds to tccmc clicula-
tlon I... ISO.000 00
U. S bonds lo eclllc U. S.
deposits l.'OOOOOO
Piemiums on U. S bonds li.OOOOO
Stocks, bceutitles. etc 103,480 43
Banking house, fuinltuic, nnd
IKtuies 110,000 00
Othei leal estate owned 7,100
Due fiom National Banks (not
leseivo agents) 10,022 81
Duo fiom appioved lcscive
agents lii9221"S
Intel 11.1 1 lovemio stamps "S7 .M
Checks mill othei cash Items .. 4 78S 70
Exchanges foi dealing house.. l.lS'i'O
Notes ot other National Batiks 2.3J3 00
Pi actional paper cuiiene,
nickels, nnd cents 2,230 20
Lawful Money Reseive in I? ink, viz :
Specie V-!.41"i 10
Legal tendei notes 21,000 00
B0,415 40
Redemption fund with If. S.
Tiensinoi" (A PCi cent, of eh-
ciiiiition) 9,000 00
Duo fiom IT. S. Tteasuiei. oth
er than 3 pel cent, icdcmp
tlon tund 1,100 00
Total $.',3I0,I9J 51
Capital Mock paid In $ 230,000 00
Suipius fund 123,000 00
Undivided piollts, less expenses
nnd ttiNcs paid 31,91107
National Bank notes outstand
ing 1S000O0O
Duo to nlhir National Banks . 41.0IS 4S
Duo to Slate banks and bnnk
eis 13,1,12 11
Dividends iinpild 12 Ou
Individual deposits subject to
cheek 1.111 fi." Of
Demand ceitlllcates of deposit. 117,'i32 tl
Cet tilled (hecks ,157219
Cashlei s eheekH outstanding.. Si,i. K,
I'nlted States deposits J0,no0 (M
Notes nnd bill icdlseounted.... 21,000 CO
Total $2,310,49! 51
Stole of IVniisjlvMiila, County ot Lacka
wanna, hs .
1, 1 AV. Wolleiton, (nslilor of the
abovo named bank, do solemnly sAvear
that tho abovo statement Is tnio to tho
best of mv knowledge nnd belief
Subset ibed and svvoin to befoto mo this
lSth day of September, 1902
Notmy Public.
Concet Attest'
jioti 1 11 1 1 11
Only Italf a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
roil RENT-Klist floor, TJO N. AVashlng
tou av f line. Hath, steam, clcetilo
light and gas, '
TOR RENT-ruinlshcd hottseTMl Mou
loe nvcni e, cntho possession, or would
consider unliable patty desiring to lease,
and bonid tho picsent occupants only.
Mis. L. S. Hat tics.
JIS Tor Rent Ten-mom house; excellent
neighborhood: all modem lmpiove
ments, on aventto, Apply to II. P. Ham
ilton, 420 Sptuco street.
roil RENT Km nlshcd botiFO to Finnll
family, model 11, veiy pleasant nnd de
shnble Patt of second lloor lescivid.
711 Qtiincv avenue.
For Sale.
I'OR SALE Coupe Rockavvay, miiUo by
. Htuuciiaiici : entlteiv new: seats 10111
Inside; gtcat bat gain. Addiess 5.17 Linden
stloet, city.
I'OR SALE-Ponv outllt: Shetland. IH o
.eais old; good diivcr mid Kiuldlet ,
weight 500 pounds, riist class cut. hiu
nesS, saddle and In Idle; been used bv gill
eleven cni i old. R P. Patteison &. Sons,
Caibondale, Pa.
TOR SALE Good stvlo matched pilr
buy geldings. 7 veins old. P hands
high, weight 2,700 pounds. Addiess C. A.
Tappnii, New at k A'allcy, N. V.
POR SALE-IIousohold fuinltuic, cheap,
, 701 Qulncy avenue.
I'OR SALE About 20 foot of desk coun
tei, sin mounted with glass fiont and
two openings, lower poitlon nicely pan
elled, with diaweis and shelves ttnd't
nenth May bo seen at tho office of Tho
I'OR SALE Cider pi ess, dallv capacity
330 bushels: easy pajments. A. M.
Gecio, 1107 Klsk iivenuo
roil SALE Cheap, ono laigo now gio
ceiy wagon, canjlng capacity 1500
pounds; also ono Hi go coffeo gilnder;
can be 1 un bv motoi 01 hand povvei. Ap
ply to B Moses, 51S Lickawanna avenue.
TOR SALE A flist class meat maiket
Ownoi will work foi patty. Addiess
131 Chestnut stieot, Dunmore, Pa.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
TOR RENT Handsomely furnished
100m, 200 block. Jeffeison avenue, all
modem conveniences Addiess B, Tilb
11110 oltlco.
Boom for Bent.
TRONT ROOM for lent; deshable, 421
Adams avenue.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In
Hie ofllce of the City Recoidei 1 the
Dheetoi of the Depaitment of Public
VVoiKs, at ! o clock p m , on Mondav,
September 29th, 1902, for the eonsti notion
of a sjstem of sewers In the Nineteenth
DIstilct, with the necessniy tlxtuics nnd
appliances according to plans and speci
fications on flic in the Buieau ot Kngl
nieiing Eich bidder shill encloso with his pin
posil, cash 01 ci 1 tilled cheek In the Mini
of fifteen bundled (51, "00) dollais as 11
guniantce to eecuto a contiact If avvaid
ed the same In case tho blddei to whom
the contiact shall h.ivo Ik'cu awauled,
lefuses 01 neglects to oxoeuto 11 con
tiact foi the woik In aeeoidanco vvtlh
the plans nnd specifications thciefoi
within ten (10) d- s from tho date of the
aw. ml, tho enclosmo accompanying his
pioposal shall bo foi felted to the use
ot the City of Scianton
Blddei s will bo fui nlshcd with pioposal
blanks at the Buieau of Euginecilng and
no othcis will be accepted
All pioposals shall bo tiled with tho
Clt Conti oiler, at his olhce. in the Cltv
Hall, Scianton, Pa, not latoi thin 2 '0
o'clock p in , on Monday, September .9,
Tho City resolves the light to 1 eject
any or all bids
JOHN E. ROCHE. Dlicctor.
Depaitment ot Public AVoiIis.
Scinnton, Pa , Sept. lb, 1902.
BRIDGE PROPOSALS-Sealed pioposals
will bo iceolved at the ofllco of tho
Siipeiintendent of Public Giounds nnd
Buildings, Haiilsbiug, Pa , until 12 o'clock
m , on Tuesday, Septembei 2J, 1902, for
tho lebulldlng of tho siipei-stnictuio of
tho bildge over Lackawanna rivei, at tho
Boiough of Old I'orge, Lackawanna
County, Pa Bids must Do placed in sop
aiato envelopes endoised on tho outsldo
with tho name and locution of tho biidge
and tho name of tho blddei. Plans nnd
spci Ideations can bo had on application
to tho Superintendi-nt of Public Giounds
and Buildings nt Hiiuisbuig, Ta Bids
will be opened In the presence of tho bld
dei s or their lepiescntatlves in the Ro
ccptlon Room of tho Executive Dopait
ment at Haiilsbiug, Pa, at tho tlmo
named above
By older of tho Hoard.
T. L EA'RE, Supeilntondont.
AVllllam A. Stone, E H. Hnidenbeigh,
Einnk O. Hauls Boiid of Commlssloneis
of Public Giounds and Buildings.
IN RE: Petition to fieo tho Rldgo Tuin
pike Companv'H 10 id fiom tolls and
toll gates
Notice Is heiobv given that an nppll
lation will bo mado to tho Comt of cjuai
tei Sessions of Liekavvauna county, on
Momlti. tho bth dny of Octobci, 1902, at
9 o'clock a. 111, In nccoidnneo with the
piovislons of nn Act of Assembly of tho
Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, ap
pioved June 2, 1SS7, and tho iiupplenicnts
theicto, foi tho appointment of a jmy of
view, consisting of llvo lcputnhlo citizens
of said countv, to view and condemn the
Rldgo Tuinplko Company's load, a load
located wholly In Liicliawnuua countv,
extending fiont SandeiHon avonuo In tho
cltv of Scianton, to Main stieet. In tho
boiough of Dickson City, aim to make
tho sntiio fieo Horn tolls nnd toll gates,
and lo assess tho dntnnges to which the
owneis or owueis theieof may bo en
tltlul theiofor Tho saiuo belns a load
upon which tolls mo now dunged the
tiavellng public by vlttuo of an Art of
Assembly. T. P. DITFV,
Attoiney for I'otltlnnois.
Nationnl League.
At Hottoii- H.H.i:.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 I 1
Boston 2 2 2 1 000 I ?,-R 11 2
Batteries l'taor uitd Douglits-s; Willis
and Kitliidge.
At Pittsburg-ten Innliigh- R.H E
fit. Louis ,01200030001, 8 0
PlttHhlllg 13 00200001-713 0
Battel jes Haeutt and Weaver; Tunno
hill anil Klinmer. Umpho-0Day.
At Cincinnati- itll.ll,
Chicago 0 0 0000000-0 2 1
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 x-2 S 2
Battel les Williams and Kline; Pooio
and Hoi gen, Umpire Hi own.
At Bionklvu New Yotk vs. Hiooklyn;
no gnmo; iiilu.
Ameilcan league.
At Philadelphia- R H.E.
AVashlngton ,, 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0210 1
Philadelphia , 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 - 0 10 0
Battel les A'orliecs and Clink; Hust
ings, Plank and Poweis. Umplie John.
At Boston- RILE.
Raltlmmo 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0- 2 7 3
Boston 10 100000X-S b 1
Balieiles Wultte and Smith; Dlncen
unci Crlger. Umplie Connolly.
At Bt. LouL- n.n.n.
Detroit 1 0000 1 030- 5 12 3
St. Louis 000050 0 1. -0 1 0
No OrdcV
Accepted lor Less
Tlinn 10 Cents.
Help Wanted.
AVANTED Agents to sell ten uitd cof
feo to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Giand Union To.t Co.," 311 Liicku
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Mnlo.
An experienced young man
men's Shoo Department.
WANTED A voting mini, good pen
ninn, neat appeal nine, for assistant
bookkeepei; pcimnncnl position H. 13
AV., Tribune ofllce.
HELP MALE-Olass cutteis, lougheis,
smnotheis and pollsheis; good wages.
Excelsior Rich Cut Glass AVoiks, 23
Johnson avenue, Iliooltljii, N. A'.
SALLSJf AN Expei Icnicd In placing pio
pi fetal y medicines with lottiil diug
glstsi high class line: llbcial pnv. Addiess
stating expetlcneo nnd lefeience E U
Giles .v. Co, 23,10 Maiket stieot, Philadel
phia, Pa.
AVANTED On nceount of Inci cased work
competent machinists to nolle In lnigo
tnlltoad shops neai Plttsbiug; wages, 23,
20, 27 icnts per I10111 ; peimancnt employ
ment given fm siitlsfactoiy service; fieo
inlltoad trnnspoitntlon fut nlshcd fiom
AVllkes-Bnno tn Plttsbiug. 1'or fuither
Infoi motion nddiess C L Sin dor, 0
Mooney building. BufTalo. N. A'.. In wilt
ing; give date of bhth. excellence, wheio
last employed; on what kind ot woik,
and when nblo fo icport for duty.
Help Wanted Female.
EXPERIENCED gill for geneuil house
woik. Call b.32 Clay avenue.
AVANTED-Cook: apply to Mis A. K.
S.indeison, 1313 S.indetson avenue
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants encigotlc
uenei.ii vgent tor tins county. No
books, Insuiance, 01 canvassing. Ac
niiaintahce with meielinnts and mnnu
lncttueis necess.iiv. Peimancnt. Bond.
State age, epeiieneo. lefeiences flist lot
tei. Addiess. Suite 572, No 1001 ChCstnut
St., Philadelphia
Salesmen Wanted.
capable of earning good money, to
handle our lino of eaibon copying pa
pois, cither icgulnr or on tho bide Philip
Hnno & Co , 1-3 Union Squaie, New A'ork
Situations Wanted.
lady to go out woiking by tho dnv.
Addiess Matilda Ciawfoid, C27 Leo comt ,
AVANTED A good second hind bollci,
10 to 20 hoi so povvei, hoilzoutal pic
fencd Addicts Bo 78. Allel, Pa
Money to Loan.
Qulck, stialght loans or Building and
Loan. At fiom 4 to G per cent. Call on
N. V. Ara!ker. 314-313 Connell building.
Board and Booms.
A'ERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with
first class table bonid, can bo obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
Beal Estate.
TOR SALE AVIIIIum Gnidner fin in, ono
mile fiom Glcnbiun station, LOO acics,
excellent faim laud; beautiful: sightly
placo for country lesldence Addiess M
D , Dalton, Pa.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in
upper Giecn Rldgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most dcshnblo locality foi homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvloo,
173C Snndeison avenuo
LOST About two weeks ago, a ladj's
gnu metal watcii Willi leatner ton
Rcttitn to 101 Jeffeison avenuo. Rcwaid,
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiadeis" Bank Building Old 'phono 1SUI
Iteai Estnto Echango Hldg, 1.0 Wash
ington avenue,
Civil and Mining Englneeis.
ncll building.
huildhig. Spin to sticet, Seiautou
DR. C. C LAUHACfl, 113 WYOMING avo
Fiie Insuiance.
SCIILAGER & CO.. Tiadeis" Bank Bldg.
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only lleonsed and niulppcd patent
Holleltoi In tho city No ehtiign foi in
toimatlnu on p itentnbllity; over ten
penis' ipcileiuo
KcploKlo & Co., Mears Hlcl(r
Hotels and Bestauiants.
lln iivenuo Rates leasoiutbln
P. 5CIEGLER, Piopiletor.
Passenger depot Conduct' d on the Eu.
lopeiiu plan. A'lctor Koeh, Piopilctoi,
and tess pools; 110 odoi; only Impioved
pumps used. A. H Ililggs, piopilctoi,
Leave 01 dels 1100 Noith .Main avenue.
01 Eleko's ill uk stoic, coimn Adams ami
Mulbouy, Botli telephones.
Wiie Soieens,
live,, Scinnton, liifis ot WI10 Scieens
plies, cnvelopis inper lugs twlnu
AVuiehouse, IM AVnslilngtnn uvenuo
ha hnd In Seiautou nt tho uiws stand
ot Itelsniaii Hios, loO Sprmo uud t3
Linden; M. Notion. J22 Lickawanna
live.; 1, S SchiiUct, 211 Spilico stiect.
Batteries .AlU'intliy and Huelowj
Shields uud Sugdcn. Umplie O'Lougli
lltt. At Chk ago Cleveland .vs. Chicago; no
game; wet gtouuda.
J uiiimiui
Only Hall a Cent a Word,
Business Opportunity.
1BCK'Dwrt'l3AT" TRADERS with
out aolny. AVrlto tor our special mar
ket letter. Freo on application. 8. M.
Hlhbnrd Sc Co, mcmbeis N. Y. Consoli
dated nnd Stock Exchnngo, 41 nnd 44
Broadway, Now York. Established 1801.
Long Distance 'Phone 2.1SS Broad.
launders shirts at 8c. each and collars
and cuffs at H4c. each.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1. IttW.
Tinlnn leave Scinnton for New Yoik
At 1 30. 3 20, ti 03, 7 60 and 10 10 a. m.: 12 40,
.140, 3 33 p m. Foi New A'oik and Phllit
dolphin 7 50. 10 10 a. m , and 12.10 and ".15
P 111. For Gouldsboio At U10 p. Ill For
BufTiilo-1,13, 0 22 and 0 00 a. m.; 153, 0 50
and 11,10 p re. For Binghnmlon. Elmlra
and way slatlons-10 23 11. in, 103 p. 111.
For Oswego, Sviacuso nnd Utlca 1,15 and
(.22 n. in,; 1.33 p. in. Oswego, Syiftcttsa
and Utlca tinln at 0 22 a. m dally, except
Suiidav. For Montrose 9 00 a. in; 103
und C 30 p m Nicholson accommodation
4 00 mid 0' 15 p m.
Bloomsbutg Division For Noithumber
Innd, nt 0 33 nnd 1010 a. m.; 153 nnd B10
p. m For Plymouth, at 8 10 a. m ; 3.10
nnd 9 03 m
Sunday Trains For Now Yoik, 1 30, 3 20,
G 05, 10 10 11 m : 3 40 and 3 33 p, m. For
Huffnlo-1,15 nnd 0 22 a. 111.: 153, t, 50 nnd
11.10 p m. For Elmha nnd way stations
If) 23 a. m For Hlnghamton nnd wav nt.i
llons, loo 11. m. Hlonmsbuig Division
Leave Scinnton, 1010 a. m. nnd 010 p. m
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
In Effect Juno 13, 1902.
Tinlns Lcavo Scianton
For Philadelphia nnd Now Yoik via D.
6 II. n R , at at 7 41, through Parlor Car
nnd Day Coich Caibondale to Now York
and 9 47 a m , with L V. Coach Caibon
dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2 18, 4 33 (Black
Diamond Epiess), nnd 1149 p m. Sun
dnvB, D &. H. H. R , 1 58. 9 17 p m.
For AVhlte Haven, Hns'Ieton nnd princi
pal points In tho eoal regions, via D &
Jr. R. R, 7 11. 2 1S and 4 33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle, 7.41 u. m.
Foi Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Har
ilslmig nnd principal Intel mediate sta
tions, via D. Ac II. R. R. 7 41. 9 47 a. m ;
2 IS, 4 33 (Black Diamond Expicss), 11 49 p
m Sundnjs, D. & 11. R. R , 9 3S a. m:
15S. 917 p 111.
For Tunkhnnnock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intel medinti
stations via D, L & AV. R. R , 633 a. m.
nnd 1 53 p m.
.Foi Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and nil points west via
D & 11. r. r, 1201 n m : 328 (Black
Diamond Express). 10 11. 11 49 p m. Sun
davs. D & II. R. R . 12 03, 917 p. m.
Pullman pallor and sleeping 01 Lehigh
A'nlley Parlor cais on nil tinms botweon
AVIlkes-Bano and New A'oik, Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Biidge.
ROLLIN II. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt , 26
Coitland sticet. New A'oik
CHARLES S LEC Gen. Pass. Agt., 28
Coitland sticet, New A'ork.
A AV NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.
South Bethlehem. T.i.
For tickets and Pullman rcseivntlons
apply tn cltv ticket ofllco, 69 rublic
Squaie, AA'ilkes-B.uie, Pa.
Central Baihoad of New Jersey.
Collected to September 10, 1002
Stntlous In Now Yoik, foot Llucrt?
hli cot and South Feu v. N. It
Tinlns leavo Scianton for Now Yoik,
Phil idelphla, Easlon, Bethlehem, Allon
tovvn, Mnueli Chunk. AVhlto Haven, Ash
ley, Wilkes-Bnuo and Pittston at 7 30 n.
m , 1 p m and 4pm Sunday, 2 10 p m
Qunkci City Eptess leaves Scianton
7"0 11 m, thiough solid vestlbulo tialn
with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phila
delphia with oilv one change of cais for
Baltlmoro and AVnshlngton, D C , and all pclnts south nnd west.
Toi Avon, Pittston and AVI Ikes-Bane,
1 p. in nnd 1 p m Sunday. 2 10 p m
Foi Long Blanch, Ocean Grove, etc,
7 '0 a m nnd 1 p m.
Foi Reading, Lebanon and Hanlsburg
via Allentovvn at 7. SO a. m , 1 p m. and 1
p m. Sunday, 2 10 p m.
Foi Tnmnnun and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m :
lpm and 4pm
For latcs and tickets apply to agent at
AAr G BESSLER, Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen Pass Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule In Effect Juno 10, 1902
Tialns leavo Scianton 0JS a. m, week
davs, thiough vestibule ttaln fiom
AVIlkes-Bnie. Pullman buffet pallor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at pilnelpal lutei mediate sta
tions Also connects for Sunbuiy, Hai
ilsbiug, Philadelphia, Bnltlmoio, AVash
lngton and for Pittsburg and the Arest.
9 17 a. 111 . week d ivs, foi Siinbury. Har
llsbing, Phlladelphl 1, Baltimoie, AVash
lngton and Pittsbuig and tho West.
1 12 p 111. week davs, (Sundavs. 1 3S p.
m), for Sunbuiy, Hinilsburg, Philadel
phia. Baltimoie. AVashlngton nnd Pltts
biug nnd tho AVest.
.I2S p m , week davs, tlunugli vestlbulo
tl.lln fiom AVIIkes-Bnuo Pullman buffet
pailoi ear and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops at pilnelpal Inteuncdl
uto stations
4 33 p 111 . week davs, for Hnzleton. Sun
buiv, Haulsbuig, Philadelphia and Pitts-
J, B AVOOD, Gen, Pass, Agt
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect June P.. 1902
Trains foi Catbondalo leavo Seranton nt
0 14. 7 Si, S '0, 10 1J a. Ill I 12 03, 1,12, 2 11,
it -,!,, D29, ti 25, S2I, 913, 10 01 p 111 ; 12 18,
I'oi 1 lo'ncsdale fi II, 1013 a, m ; 211 nnd
5 29 P. in.
For AVIlkes-Baue-CS 7 11. S II. 9 47,
10 M II. m.: 12 01, 1.12. 2.18. 3 23, 4 33, G 10,
7. IS. 10 41. 11.4' P m
For L A'. R. P.. Polnts-7.41, 9 47 a. m.
2 is, 11.3 nnd 11 I't p ni
Foi Pinnsvlvanla R. R. Polnls 6 33
9 47 a. m.: 1 I-', 3 2S and 1 15 p m.
Foi Albanv and nil points north 7 30 a.
m. und 3 30 ii m
For Caibondale S 3d,1 113.1 a. m.; 2,11,
3"i. 5 52 nnd 11.17 p. m
Fill AVIlkes-Hillie 9JS n. m.i 12.03, 153,
SIK 0 32 and 917 n m
For Albinv nnd points noitli 156 p. m.
For Honedtilu-Su0 a. in ; 11 3J and 3 53
'' W, L. PRA'OR, D P A Scianton, Va.
Eiie Bailroad Wyoming Division.
111 Efteet Sifptcmbei 15, 1002 , ,
Tinlns have heianton im- New A'ork.
Nowbutgh uud Intel mediate points. Alsn
nn Haw ley and loial stations nt 7.20 mid
1 '13 p m.
For Hoiiesdtlo und AVhito JIllls at 3 33
Tinlns nulso ut Seiautou at 10 3S a.Jm.
and 9 13 p pi.
New York, Ontnilo and Westom.
Tlmo Tnblo In Effeit Sundnv, Juno 13, 1902.
Lciivo Leavo Aulvo
Tialns, Suaiilini I'.iibondnlu Cadosla.
No. 1 lojon m 11 to a. in, loop, m
No. 1 ...... loop nt I44p m t. no p. in.
No 7 o 10 ii m Ai CaibondaloO 4u p m
Leavo Lenvo AirlVQ
Tinlns Cndosln Ciiiboiiilnle, Snanton.
No 6 50 a m, 7 25 a. in.
No I in oi ii, in, 1040a.m.
Nn 2 2 1.3 111 4 00p m. I 15 p In.
Luivo Leavo Anno
Tialns Scianton Caibondale. CailoBl.a,
No 9 S',i)n in 910P in 1015a. hi
No 5 7o0p in Ai C.iiboudiilo7.n pm
Lcavo Leavo Aulvo
Tialns. Cadosla Caiboudnlo, Seiantpn.
No 1. .... i'3in in. 7 25 arm,
No 10 1 30 p m. 0 01 p ni Ii 15 Pc hi.
Tialns Nos 1 on week ilas, nnd fl.ou
Stuiilas lanneit for New A'oik city. Mid
dletnwn, Walton, Noiwlch, Oneida, Os
wego nnd nil poInU west.
Tialn .1 foi Pojntelle, AVnlton, Delhi,
Sldnev, Noiwlch and all Now Beilhi
hiaiHh points
Ti.ilii Nn 0. with "Quukcr City Ex
in ess" at Seiaiitiin. vlaC. R, R of N. J.,
foi Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimoie,
AVashlngton und Peiili3lv.inla stuto
points . .
Seo timc-tablo nnd consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines. '
J. C. ANDERSON. O P. A . Now Yotk.
J. E. WELSH, T. 1'. A., Bcianton, Pa.
iS'M v A
s i