The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 19, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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.1 .
ening Social of the Wahneta Dancing
Class Parsonage
Social Events
The opening social oC the Wiihnctii
Dancing Hnss lit Mcnr'H hull Inst even
ing ciitlpfctt nil previous efforts tnmlo
by this pnpuliir club, the attendance
far exceeding nil pxpeetntlnns. Over .'!.0
young people were gathered In tho hnlt
und dniifcd merrily to music furnished
by Halter's orchestra.
The hall was decorated with buntliiR
n'nil the singe was banked with palms,
which utmost hid tho musicians from
view. A prngininnip of twenty-four
numbers was enjoyed and dancing was
continued until 2 o'clock.
The committee of uriuligeinentR In
ehurgc of last night's affair was Ilnrry
P. Duvles, Fred Hvnns, Robert .T. Hub
erts, Evan A. Abrams, William Haines,
"William Thomas nnd Mcndy Davis.
A Birthday Party.
Miss Ada, the eharmlnR diiURhter of
Air. and Mrs, Frank Cilenson, of Four
teenth street, entertained a number of
her friends Wednesday evening, In
honor of her birthday. Music and
Karnes of all kinds were Indulged In
until a late hour, when refreshments
were served. The Ruests then departed
for their homes, wishing Miss Glcason
many more happy birthday.
Those present were:
Mlsycs Sara .Jones, lCinnin Nash, Min
nie Oleasou, Mary Jones. Minnie Kami,
Lottie. Hlrtlcy, Miirlhn Thomtis, Lonl-e
Wholnn, Edith Kami, Elizabeth Coombs,
Anna Djiiglierly, Mame O'Hrlcn, Lizzie
Whetstone. Jeniiif Gleuson, Dora Smith.
Margaret Lance, Mary Stamford, Minnie
Davis, Eleanor Lance, Itmmn Dobson,
.Mary Seymour, Lulu Rrcese, Lois Hed
doc. Myrtle Seymom. May Durkln, Car
rie Dakln, Murgrellu .Tone", Ilottle
Lewis, Edith Davis, Lottie Rosar. and
Messrs. Archeleans IOvans, William
Nash. Hairy Jonc, Ezra Kami, Walter
Gotz, Frunk Nash, Ezra Gaul, Thomas
Feymour, George Uroese, Thonins Phil
lips, Vollle Rlrtley, George Wheeler,
Rosar Price, Bert Hvnus, James, ICklxi,
Howard Gleason, John Halm, Charles
l'crghnusor, D.ive Davis and llowaid
A quartette composed of Ada Gleason,
Mary S.inford, John and Charles Berg
hnuser snag a number of selections.
Before Alderman Noone.
Magpie Dimler, of Raymond court,
had Lizzie Toomoy, of 630 Rreck court,
arraigned before Alderman Noone yes
terday on the charge of assault and
battery and surety of the peace. The
defendant was discharged In one case
and held In $200 bail In the other. Ball
was furnished.
Hugh Winkler, of 107 South Seventh
street, had a warrant issued by Alder-
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufouv's French Tar
For three days now the store has been thronged
from morning till night with appreciative iu- sg
quirers after Fall Fashions. :
The New Dress
1 The Exquisite Silk Weaves
The Novelties in Cloaks
S The Smart New Suits
1 The Sensibfle Walking Skirts
The Laces and Trimmings
The Ribbons and Gloves
The Hosiery and
And all the other things that dehiaud attention
these days, either for personal wear or home S
comfort. All these have been scrutinized care-
fully, and with an intelligence that proves wo- $j
men hereabouts know what is what in fashions, $j
As usual, W2 carry the largest assortment,
3 offer the bast values, and meet the require-
ments of the local trad 2 better than any
ja other house in the city, because we have
S made a study of the people's needs for
j over twenty years.
The special display will coutinue till Saturday S
evening, All visitors are welcome. Buying '
CUtS no fipure thess rlavs. :
-C ' '" -
Globe Warehouse.!
fvfrwff$fenm( I i
Wedding Other
and Personals.
man Noone yesterday for the arrest of
Mrs. Jennie ltccd, who lives In the rear
of fi33 North Main avenue. Ho nllcRcd
she assaulted hlni In a house tit 210
Railroad avenue. The woman wns hold
In $200 hnlt,
Sunday School ClnB3 Entertainment.
On Wednesday evening. September 17,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. Davles, of South
Hromloy avenue, entertained the Con
gregiitlotutl Sunday school convention
class, of 1SI02, of which Mr. navies was
teacher, nnd who missed their exami
nations with blpli honors. In addition
to the class, a few other friends were
Invited. Music was tho chief feature of
the evening.
The following programme wns ren
dered: Piano solo, Hazel Betterly;
vocal solo, Huth Thomas; piano solo,
Annette Howell: recitation, Amy Da
vles; piano solo, Mabel Wheeler; vocal
solo, Isauc Davles: piano solo, Amy Da
vles: duet, Pearl Fuhrman and Ethel
Lewis; piano solo, Huth Thomas: reci
tation, Mrs. G. W. Powell; piano solo,
Gwladys Lillian Jones; piano solo,
Anna T. Humphreys; closing hymn,
"God He with You Till We Meet
Many Intel estlng games were played,
In which the young folks heartily
joined. Refreshments were served at a
suitable hour. The following were pres
ent: Amy Davles, Mary Davles, Armcs Da
vIpm, Gwlndvs Lillian Jones. Edna Evans.
S.ullc Davies, Margaret Coleman, Mary
L. Junto, Pearl Fuhrman, Annette How
ell, Margaret Phillips. Anna Phillips,
Huth Thomns. Mabel Wheeler, Blodweu
Lewis, Hazel Iletterley, Ethel Lewis..
Anna T. Humphreys, Arthur Jones, Ar
chie Thomas, Rmlyu Davles, Isaac Da
vles, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Davles, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
James, and Mr. and Mrs. John D. D.ivle.
Wedded nt the Parsonage.
David Davis, of 137 South Rebecca
avenue, and Miss Sallie Sherman, of
2643 Jackson street, were united In mar
riage at S o'clock last evening by Rev.
H. C. McDermott, D. D at the parson
age of the Simpson M. E. church.
The couple were unattended, the biide
appearing in a pretty traveling gown.
After a short wedding trip they will be
gin housekeeping In a newly furnished
home on Jackson street.
MKs Jessie Becker, of Academy street,
entertained the members of the Dollar
club at her home yesterday afternoon.
Miss Annie DonncRaii. of Luzerne
street, entertained a larso natty of
friends at her home lecently.
Preparatory communion services will
be held at the Washbiiin Street Presby
terian church this evening.
Lackawanna council. Royal Aic.inum,
will initiate candidates this evening.
The ladies of Holy Cross parish will
j - i
mrcl In Hie parochial rclricnco this even
ing lo nirnligc for collecting funds to
furnish ttn new p.uoolilul residence.
Tho probationers' class of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church will moot
this OVCIllllB.
A nUlllhpr of rum were firrnltnd nil the
Kcyscr Valley branch of the Lackawanna
railroad Wednesday afternoon, whllo
they were being run lulo tho Cayuga
switch, No one was Injured,
A new steam heating plant Is being In
stalled hi (he. Simpson Methodist Epis
copal church by (J. H. Scott & Co. Re
pairs to tho brlek-work are also being
mane ny Contractor Peter Htlpp, and
Contractor Klugt Is engaged In painting
tho church.
, While the occupants of tho Gospel
wagon were conducting services on
Jackson fticet last evening, a man
named Martin, icsldlng on Jaeksnn
street, fainted and fell on Jho pavement,
striking hls head, lie was carried Into
tho station house, where he soon ic
vlvrd. The Alert Dancing class Mill conduct
their weekly dance In M oars' hall this
evening. Music will bo furnlshrd by
Table Lewis. ,
Mis, Martin, of 117 Luzerne street, bad
a needle peiietrnUi her hand recently,
causing much pain.
John Maloncy, a n-yoar-old lad resid
ing In Hennessy court, had two lingers
on the light band nearly soveied by an
axe recently,
Hernaid Coons and William Ludwlg lira
arriiiiRlng lo have bowling alleys Installed
In the fit. David's hall building.
Panookn tribe or Hed Men have elected
(ho following officers for tho coming
term: Sachem, Thomas D, James; senior
sagamore, Valentine Hern; Junior saga
moie, Ell W. Hoiiscr; past sachem, R.
Hen. F. Allen, of Hyde Park avenue,
lert yesterday afternoon for a visit hi
Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
Mrs. Thomas Anthony nnd daughter, of
Huffalo, nrc visiting West Scranton rela
tives. Mrs. William X. Chase nnd daughter,
Huth, of North liromley avenue, have
returned home from a visit with rela
tives In Plttston.
Miss Gertrude Lindsay, of Wllkcs
Harre, Is visiting at the home of W. II.
Freeman on South Main avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lumley. of North
Hromloy avenue, have retained home
from n In New York.
The weekly euchro party proved an
attractive drawing card at St. John's
hall, on Stone avenue, last evening, and
the piomoter, Miss Molly Lundy, was
much Kr.Ullled by the lartre attendance.
Every one of the titty tables were occu
pied, and play was kept up until 11
o'clock, when the winners were an
nounced. The pilzes contested for weiu
a black silk tie for Konts and a pair of
silk hose for the winning lady. The
donkey or booby was rewarded with a
bale of buy, while the lady received a
violin that had een better days.
A merry gathering of young people
assembled at the ttl.itter residence, on
Maple street, last evening, when a pleu-s-ant
social evening was thoroughly en
joyed and dining supper the engagement
of the hostess, Miss Hose Platter, to
Druggist Harry Brown, wns announced.
Those present were: Mr. and Mr-. John
C. Blatter, Mr. and Mrs. William Rein
hard; the Misses Rose C. M. Platter,
Louiaa A. Blatter, Carrie Von Bergen,
Millie Von Bergen, Kate Opper, Caroline
10. Reinhard; Messrs. Henry Brown, Dr.
John Donohoe, Professor David Owens,
Ray Jeffreys, Henry Frcuchtol, Samuel
Castle, John Solicitor, jr.
The funeral of Jacob Klein, who died
at the poor farm Tuesday, took place
yesterday from the home of his 'on on
Stone avenue. Services were conducted
at St. Mary's church, and Interment was
made In St. Mary's German Catholic
church. The pall bearers were furnished
by St. Peter's society.
The funeral of Martin Hughes, who
met death on the railroad Tuesday, took
place yesterday morning and was largely
attended. Services were held at the fam
ily residence, on Maple street, and in
terment was afterwards made In tho Ca
thedral cemetery.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam is
guaiantced to cure all coughs. "No cure,
no liny." For sain by all dealers
A regular meeting of the Knights of
Malta is called for this evening In Hart
man's hall and all members are urged to
Tho members of tho Young Women's
Christian association will be glad to hear
that the iooitk are being renovated.
Owing to this, we will be unable to have
the Loyalty club meeting Friday even
ing, or tho Sunday Gospel meeting.
All readers of The Ladies' Homo Jour
nal will be glad to note that Mrs. Mar
garet K. Sangstcr, who writes to young
girls, will lie with us at our annual meet
ing on Friday evening, Sept. 35.
Tickets are out for tho trolley ride to
Carbondale on the :17th. Can purchato
tickets ut the rooms.
WILLIAM PRICK, senior member of
tho undertaking tirm of William Price &
Son, died at ii o'clock last evening at his
homo on South Main avoniie, ITo had
been falling for some time, his con
dition was not serious until a week ago
last Mondey, when a ehango for the
worse e.imn and ilnco then he failed
rapidly. Deceased was born In Dolgetlia,
North Wales, and was Til yenrs of age In
May last, Ho came to Aim.rlc.i about
llfty-flvo years ago and settled In St.
Ciiilr, Schuylkill county, afterwards mov
ing to Plttston, and then located iu
Scranton about thlrty-nlno years ago.
At St. Clair ho was united In niarrlago
tn Jane Reese, who died on October II,
11101. Mr. Pi Ice had been 111 tho under
taking business over fifty yeais, and
was ono of tho oldest and best-known
residents of West Scrunton, When tho
end came, ho was surrounded by the
members of his family. Three daughters
and ono son siirvlvo him, Mr-. Susan
Green, of Syracuse, N V,; Mrs, Anna
Hurnes, Mns.'Almu Connolly mid William
C, Price, of tills city. Tho fifenral ser
vices will bo held at the houso Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment will
bo inndo Iu thu Washburn btreet ceme
tery, KBKNKZUR FOOTH, aged M years anil
S months, died at :i o'clock yesterday af
ternoon at his home In Durjca, whero ho
had i raided for half a century. Ho Is
survived by ono bim and thieo daughters,
W, L. Foote. of AVIIkcs-Bario; Mrs. H
D. Knnpp, Mrs. II. L. Kdsall, and Mrt.
Nottlo Lamont, of Duryen. Tho funeral
services will bo conducted ut tho house
In Duryea at '.' o'clock tomorrow aftei
noou. Interment will bo nmdo in tho
Marcy cemetery,
CAMILLA WILLIAMS, tho 1-year-old
child of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Williams,
of 72 Arclibald stieet, died Wednesday
night. The funeral will occur nt 2.S0
o'clock this afternoon. Interment will
bo 'mado In tho Washburn stieet cenie
tery, HARRY A. MHINUIII-in, aged 37 years,
died at midnight last night at his home,
Cfliiij West Linden street. Ho Is sur.
vlvcd by Ills wlfo and two children. The
funeral notice will appear later,
for children teething. Is the prescription ol
w,,v ut -uu uwi luuiiijti pnyticinns an
burses. In tha United States, and his w.
ne oftho best female p
used sixty
cess by mil
i,!xt 5n,Tvears with never-falling sue,
by ml lions of mothers for their clill.
llrun n,, -!,. i. -;.';..". ''.'r1.1 Ktlit'
w.w... ..., j, tfiu inuwcaa uj leeiiuiif; hi
Value la Incalculable. It relieves hi nh 1
,rri,SacuJ,e3.,d'?r.r'10,S.'. f M"R .' ...
Z t.Z' miU """-'" y giving neaitl)
0 the Child It 1'estn thn rnntl.n.. 1..I..
twenty-Jlv ccnU a bottla. ,
The Request Is Grnntcd Hundreds of Seriously Sick Ask lor a Lower Rate All Persons Applying Now Will
Be Treated for $10 Until Cured, riediclnes Included. This does Not Hean $10 a Honth, but $10 for a
Complete Cure All Persons Accepted Under Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money Refunded This
Offer Hay Be Withdrawn at. Any Time It Is Important to Call at Once The Great Quaker Physi
cian's Work for Humanity, One of the Brighest Epochs in Medical History.
It has nlwayn boon tho cardinal pilnol
Plo of tho Great Quaker Physician's Ufa
to do tho greatest amount of good to tho
greatest number of people. Ho has real
ized that during the past fow months
many people In Ser.inlon have been mir
roring from lluaiirlal depression owing to
the existing labor conditions. Hun
dreds or people have asked to bo treated
at a I educed rate. They have staled that
their llnanclal condition was inicb that It
would be impossible for them to pay tho
ordinary fee charged by pliyslclans.
Doctor Byers' offices urn crowded to
their utmost capacity. Ills practice In
this city Ih the laigcst ever nccoided to
any physician In tho history of medicine.
Hundreds of hopelessly sick have been
restored to perfect health and Ills nnme
' a household word throughout the state
of Pennsylvania. It would he manifestly
unjust to treat a few at a reduced rate
and charge others a higher pi Ice. Irt or
der to give all an opportunity to be cured
at a nomlnn! price, lie will treat all per
sons applying at Ills offices on tho follow
ing conditions:
All persons applying for tieatmeiit at
"nee. no matter what the trouble may be.
will ho treated for the nominal sum of J10
until cured, medicines Included, Tills
does not mean $10.00 a month, but $10.00
for u rompleto nnd radical cure.
He nirthcrmore agrees that ir the pa
tient Is not completely cured In a speci
fied length of time, to return the money
paid without nny quibbling or evasion; In
other woids, It will not cost tho patient
one cent unless a cure Is effected.
Doctor Byers wishes to emphasize
the fnet that this offer mny be with
drawn at any time, and In order t
get the benefit of it, it is import
to en 11 at once. His practice is s
large that it will he impossible fo
him to continuethis offer indefinitely
If you call now you will receive th
most careful and scientific X-Hay ex
amination known to science, free oi
charge, and you will be treated untt
cured at the nominal sum of $10.00,
medicines included. If you are not
cured your money will be cheerfully
returned to you. Call at once, as this
offer may be withdrawn at any time.
The different tissues of tho body are
made up of minute cells, and when these
cells become disarranged, disease is the
result. By supplying tho proper mitt I
ment to the cells, perfect health can !
obtained. All diseases, no matter how
chronic, can be cured by bringing thy
cells back lo their normal condition. The
tientment used by Doctor Byers Is not
nllopathlc or homeopathic. It is a treat
ment based upon an exact science and
cures with the certainty of a fixed law.
Dr. Byeis never accepts n case unless
ho knows to a certainty the cause or the
tiouble, and this can only bo determined
by a scientific X-Ray examination. His
X-Ray outfit Is tho most elaboiate and
complete In this country. By his special
Fluoroscopic attachment he is able to
examine ..II pails of tho body and Unci
out to an absolute certainty the cause of
tho patient's affliction. Come and bo ex
amined; It is absolutely free. Ho will not
chargo you one cent. Come and find out
what your tiouble Is and lie will advise
you in reference to a cure. It Is all free.
He asks no compensation.
Ceremony Was Performed in the
Home of the Bride's Mother, on
North Blakely Street, by Bev.
Charles H. Hayes, of Norwich, N.
Y. Autumn Foliage Was Used in
Decorating the Rooms Bride and
Her Attendants were Most Beauti
fully Gowned Other Notes.
One of the prettiest weddings that
has been witnessed in this place in
some time occurred Inst night at the
home of Mrs. William Heiuvood, of
North Blakely street, when her daugh
ter, Anna, was united in marriage to
John Keagel, of Wltkes-Barre, by tho
Rev. Charles H. Hayes, of Norwich, N.
Y., who was a former pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church here.
Miss Emily Rich, of Jermyn, a cousin
of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and
P. Creter, of Wllkes-Barre.was grooms
man. Charles Henwood and J. V. Kea
gel, of Hnzleton, were ushers, The wed
ding march from Lohengrin was ren
dered by Miss Klslo Powell.
All the beauties of the now resplend
nnt autumn foliage were utilized in the
decorations of the rooms, which weio
at once unique and beautiful. Tho bride
was most becomingly attired In a
clinrmlng ebstume of inoussellne-do-sole,
with Valenciennes lace and satin
The hrlde was given away by her
older brother, Thomas Henwood. The
bridesmaid was attired In ualo blue
lansdowne, with white silk applique and
satin ribbons,
The bride Is ono of the borough's
most popular young women, and her
many amlublo traits of eharnctpr havo
endeared her to a large circle of friends,
by whom she will be much missed, Mr.
Keagel holds a responsible position with
tho Lehigh Coal company at Wilkes
Bane, They left on the midnight train
via the Lackuwanna railroad for Buf
falo, Niagara Falls and other points of
Interest. They will reside In South
Among those present wore tho follow
lug: Mr. nnd Mis. James Gumney, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Davis, .Mr, and Mis. A. W.
Close, Mis, Andiew Allen, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John Wert.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biooks, Mr, aud
Mrs. Alex McKay. Mr, nnd Mrs. Frank
Manley, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Schoonover,
Mr, nnd Mis. John Thomas, Mr. and
Mis. Charles ICngle, Mr, and Mrs. P. G.
FrlU, Mr, nnd Mis. Albeit Moweiy, Mr,
and Mrs. Georgo Young, Mr. und Mrs.
Sudler Hopkins, Mrs, H. D. Slovens. Mrs.
Hoyt, Mrs. I.uclnda Dllley, Mr, nnd Mrs,
J. W. Plunell, Mrs. Rlclmid Angwlii, Mr,
nnd Mrs, H. K. Spencer, Mr, nnd Mis.
John Coidy, Mrs. a, Mowory, Mr. anil
Mrs. Theodore Helglor, Mr, and Mrs, Will
iam Siolglcr. Mr. and Mrs, Powell.
Rev, nnd Mrs. Nowlng, Mr, nnd Mrs. 1.
U, AVert, Mr, nnd Mis, Oscar Yost, Mr.
and Mrs, A. M. Bingham, Mr, and Mrs.
Hurry Kdwiuds. Mr. nmliis. John Os
wald, Mr, and Mrs, Frank ISInghum,
Misses Anna Kelglor, Klslo, Anna and
Bessie Powell, Lottlo Lucas, Bessie and
Kmiua Bone, Ruby Yost, Rlnnclio Har
per, Martin Kinney, Genovlovo Uleseeker,
Peail Siitllff, Lottlo C'locker. Kva nnd
Clnin Hess, Loulso Lutz, Ida Stone, Min
nie Sanders, Jennlo and LUHo Thomas,
Rachel Williams, Jennlo Moigans, Laura
Hlghfleld, S.irnh llerilncr. Leah Mow
cry, Salllo Price, May Daniels, Daisy
McCroiy, Graco Kngle, Lueetta Miller,
Kvn Montgomery, Floia Dony, Alum
Young, Hopo Plnuell. Uoulah Ives, Yorim
Ilallock. Ida White. Sarah Faddon, To
icsa Mclliile, llmuuili Hushes, Sudlo
Mr. Fred Rentschler, 351 Elm St.:
"For a number of yenrs 1 had been ailing
with what the doctors called kidney trou
ble. There piilnrf across tho 'sinal'
of my back which would at times extend
around In front down toward tho groin.
My appclllo was poor, I grow weak, nerv
ous nnd could not sleep tho night
through, t treated with doctors bore, In
Now Yoik and clsewheio, hut they did
not oilie mo, It was hi the early part of
May that t began with Doctor Byers'
treatment; I Improved right nlong until
I was completely cured. I never felt bet
ter In my life than I do now."
Doctor Byers was born of Quaker
parentage and receivea his early edu
cation under the influence of that re
ligious denomination.
He graduated with honor from the
Jefferson Medical College of Philadel
phia, 1872.
Matriculate of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy.
Pull course attendance Pennsyl
vania Hospital for Acute and Sur
gical Diseases.
Thomas, Jessie Lewis, Hannah Jenkins
Mury Samuels.
Henry Zeigler. John Dreyer, Lester
Yost, Geoigo Oswald, Hairy Harper,
Georgo Kinney, C. G. Honing. Dayton
Kills, Will Young, Hairy Stevens, Gar
field Angwln, Dr. E. P. Carty, Charles
The folowlng were In nttondimce from
Jermyn: Mr. and Mrs. George Diine, Mr.
and Mis. T. Henwood, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mellon, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Norcomb, Mr.
and Mrs. W. V. Hill.
Rev. N. T. Houser is a cuest at the
home of J. B. Bronson 011 101m street,
W. R. Wilson, of Mlnersvllle. Is circu
lating among his many friends In town.
Misses Mary and Ellen Bionson have
returned from a visit with Caibondale
Mrs. William Matthews, of Waymarl,
has returned homo fiom a visit with
friends In town.
Mr. and Mis. James Skeoeh have 10
tuiuod home from a stay ot several
months In Europe.
Miss Lucy Dean has returned to her
home In Biooklyn after a stay of several
weeks In town.
Thomas Monies, of Franklin street, left
yesterday for Fernle, B, C , whero he will
make his homo In tho future. ,
Tho North End Stars basket ball team,
which made such a great record lat
season, met in John's hotel, on North
Main avenue, last evening and reorgan
ized for the coming season. Another
meeting will be held on next Tuesday
evening at tho same place. The follow
ing will compose this year's learn: Peter
McCluskle, John Tigue, Daniel Jones,
William Davis, Michael Wells. James Me
Closkle, Robert Connolly, Thomas Mc
Clo'klo and Thomas Evans. Several
other players are under consldeiatlon,
Mrs. Joseph Goss, of Depot street, was
tendered a pleasant birthday surprise by
a number of her friends Wednesday
evening, Mrs, Goss mado a call on a
neighbor of her's, and upon returning
to her homo sho found her house Invaded
by a number of her friends, who had
como to celebrate tho anniversary of her
birth. On behalf of tho family, Mrs.
Joseph Reynolds presented her with a
beautiful Morris chair. Tho guests de
parted, after wishing Mrs. Class many
more happy birthdays,
A biirprlso party was tendered Master
John Uornu by a number of his friends
at liH homo 011 Reeso street, In honor of
his twelfth birthday, Wednesday even,
big, Singing and games, with tho usual
party diversions, weio Indulged hi until
a sonsonnblo hour, when refieshments
were served.
Class No. 2 of the Court Street Metho
dist church Sunday school will hold an
Ico ci earn social lu tho church on Filday
J. H. McConnell, tho florist, of 0,1k
Ktreot, has leturued homo ftmn a visit
Willi his brother lu Newark, N, J.
Miss Nelllo Moran, of Cayuga street, Is
visiting friends In Avoca.
Miss Bildget Gibbons, of Steele street,
Is visiting friends In Plttston.
Edwaid Brennaii, thuJ West Maiket
street druggist, Is entertUhllllg his sister,
Miss Margaret Breiinah, of Wilkes
Barre. .
All members of tho Alpha Gama font
hall team and all those wishing to be
come members nro requested to meet In
tho North Scranton Bivvllng alleys this
Miss Edllh William.', df Margin et avo
line, and her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Car
roll, of Syracuse, N. Y have returned
home, after visiting wilkes-Harro
Misses Thomas and Mabel James, nf
Taylor, havo returned homo after a pleas,
ant visit with Miss Annlu Reese, of
North Main avenue,
Mlsa Uesslo Molllncaux, of Clark's Sum
mit, has it Jin nod home, after visiting
Mr, and Mis. C, T. Crossmau, of Tluoop
Miss Mamo Thomas, of Belmont Ter
race, has returned homo, fumi u thieo
months' visit lu Europe.
Mr. und Mrs. Charles Mitchell, of
Illicit avenue, has returned fiom u three
month's Islt with relatives lu Wales.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Rlclmids,
of Killing street, a sou
Nvs, Samuel Brokenshlrc, Jermyn,
1'n.i "For over ten years 1 silfforodWhn
most agonizing pain from eczema. Both
legs welo entire! V raw from the Uiieen
down to tho feet. They Itched and burnt
so 1 had lo sit and fan my legs to keep
them cool. Had to lay ut night with my
legs on a pillow. Hat) spasms as the re
sult of tho tmln, coming on every twenty
minutes. My friends expected me to
dlo In every spasm. All doctors gave mo
up; said It was Impossible to curu me or
even for mo to live.' Rending about Doc
tor Hyeis my hushnnd decided to try him
us n Inst resort. Ills treatment acted
like magic, tho pains nnd Itching bavo
entirely censed, I sleep nil night, hnve
no more spasms, am nble to do my house
work, and the legs ore almost healed up.
I feel that Doctor Ryors has saved my
Full course attendance Blockley
Hospital for Skin and Chronic Dis
eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's
Hospital, Philadelphia.
Late of Prof. J. Solis Cohen's" Clin
ics Diseases of the Throat.
Late Examining Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid
Association of Cincinnati, O.
Late Examining Physician Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Association of
New York.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Rels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Saturday ff,$.nee Sept. 20.
Morris Hall & Company.
Present H. V. Esmond's Exquisite Ro
minco in 1 Acts, entitled
When Ye Were Twenty-One
Pronounced by the Bo3ton, New York
and London press,
"Greatest Play of tho Century."
As produced at the Knickerbocker The
ater, New York City, and the Comedy
Theater, Lo.idon.
PRICKS-Matlnee, 23 nnd 30c. Night,
23. 30, 73 and $1.00.
Seas now on sale.
Monday Night, Sept. 2.'.
and a Splendid Supporting Company In
Prices 23. 30, 73, $1.00.
Seats on sale Friday, 9 a, m.
When in Need
Of anything in the line of
optical goods wo can supply It.
and Eye Glasses:
.j. Properly fitted by nn expert .j.
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of prescrip
tion work and repairing.
ftlercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenuo,
D,, L. and W. Mine Pay Days.
Tho employes of tho following col
lleries, mines and washerles operated by
tho Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western
company will ho paid tomorrow: Arch
bald, yllellovue, Bellovue wnshery, Ilrls
bln, Cayuga, Continental. Diamond, Dia
mond wnshery, Dodge, Hampton, Hump
ton waHhery, Ilolden, Jlydu Paik, Pyne,
Sloan, Storts, Taylor aud Oxford. On
Monday, the employes of the following
collleiles will bo paid; Auchlncloss,
Avnnilale, Pettebone, llllss, llullstead
und Woodward,
Ilev. W, D, Stevens to Speak,
Rev, W. 1). Stevens, of Umanucl Un
formed Uplscopal chinch, Newiuk, N. .1,.
Is expected ti) pi each at Gtaee Ueforined chinch lu this clt on tho
coming Sunday, Mr, Stevens Is a sou ot
Bishop Stevens and ono of Iho leading
cloigynien of tho denomination to which
ho belongs, lie Is said lo bo especially
gifted lu speaking to young people.
Puneral of Martin Hughes,
Tho fuueinl of the lato Martin Huglio,
who was killed on Iho Lackawanna iall
load, was held ycslcul.iy morning fvom
St. John's church, whero a high mass if
ivquloin was solemnized by Row E. J.
. AVW M . -ftKMST. AXBSK . 1
(ill fo
Irvln Goarhart, 2006 Smith Place,
corner Jndwln street, a well-known car
penter nnd citizen, Bays: "I don't know
how I can express In words sufficient
prnlso for Doctor Byers' treatment. I
had been troubled a year with pains that
often kept mo rrnm work. Last August
T was laid up llireo weeks and nearly all
of January anil tho whole- of February.
The pains seemed to como through tho
small or my hack down Into tho left
groin. At limes they were so sevoro 1
could neither lln or sit down, t was also
troubled greatly with my head. Dr,
Byei-s' treatment bns cured mo of all
theso distressing conditions."
Mrs. Barbara Dickson, Parker
street, Prnvldenco: "1 had chronic diar
rhoea for fourteen years, which caused
violent hearing down nnd dragging pains
in my abdomen nnd loins. My bowola
were often moved ns high as seven tlmca
In ono day, The straining finally brought
nbout sovcro protruding piles, ThC30
caused mo much misery. When I wont
to Doctor Byers' office I was so weak
from my suffering that I could hardly
drag myself along. Tho first treatment
ho gave mo drovo nil tho pains out of my
hips and legs. My bowels now movo
regularly once a day, nnd the piles havo
censed troubling me. God bless the good
Quaker doctor for what ho has done for
Mr. Conrad Hoilig, 115 Ash. St.,
Scranton, says: "I bad been troubled
with Rheumatism for over six years. In
fact, my condition wns so bad that I was
unable to movo around without assist
ance. Vv'hen I sat down it was lmpossl7
bio for mo to get up alone. Tho pain was
something terrific; mo one will ever bo
able to appreciate tho torture that I en
dured. I tried various doctors only to get
temporary relief. Finnlly after hearing
so much about tho wonderful cures being
performed by Dr Byers' treatment I
concluded to get to his office and place
myself under his enre. Today I am a
living example of this man's superb skill,
t can walk around liko other people, and,
In fact, I am a now mnn In every par'
tlculnr. God ble'ss the great Quaker Doo'
tor for what ho has done for me."
Mr. William Snowden, Farewell
Wayne Co., Pa., says: "I had been
troubled for over threo years with a se
vere cough. I lost over thlrty-nvn
pounds In weight; I had no appetite, and
was unable to sleep, tn fact, my condi
tion becamo so alarming that I had al
most given up hopes of n cure. Doctors
were unable to do me any good. "! con
cluded to try Dr. Byers' treatment, aud 1
commenced to gain In strength and
weight almost Immediately, Now I sleep
well; my cough does not disturb mo as In
the past, and every ono remarks about
the wonderful Improvement that I hav
made. I shall never sounding thi
Great Quaker's praises for what ho ha
done for me."
Chief Consulting Physician of tho, Bb
Chemlc Treatment.
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa
Office Hours, D a. m. to 12; 2 p. m. to, 4.
Kventngs. 7 to 8 Dally.
Sunday, 10 a. m. to 12 m.
Academy of Music
M. Rels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager,
3Nights Sy"" Sept. 18,
Matinees Friday and Saturday.
Tho Irish Romantic Actor and Comedian.
S Big Specialties S. Beautiful Scenery,'
Prices Matinee, 13 and 25c. Night, 15
23, 33 and 50c.
Monday Night, "A Royal Lover."
Dixie's Theatre,
Lesseo and Manager.
Ametain New Dances
The Keatons
Sisson and Wallace
Berol and Berol
Unique European Specialty.
Tfo performances dally, 2.30 and S.lo.
Pi lees 13. 23, 33 and 00c. '
Special matinee prices.
ALF. G. 1IERR1NGTON, Manager.
Thursday, Filday and Saturday,
Matinees Every Day,
Sept. 23 to 26.
The Finest Grounds and Best
' Exhibits Fifteen Races Dur
ing the Week on the Best
Half-mile Track in the Coun
try Baloon Ascension Each
Day-Dally Concerts by Two
Bauds-Special Attractions In
Front of Grand Stand Re
duced Rates on All Railroads
for the Week -Special Dally
Excursions from All Points.
Admission to Qrotintls, 25 Cents,
H. B. SCHALL, Secy.
Mellcy, Tho p.ill-bt'aiers were: Thomaa
Liuigan, Frank Munley, Thomas Qiilnn,
Adolph Ilelnz, Frank Ilcupo and Rich
uid Hundley
r- -"
. 3-. . t.