f ... , ' r 1 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1902. -a V, $gc $cttmfon CtiBtme rubllitud Dtty Except Bunds?, by The Tribune Publlihlar Oompnr,t Fifty Centi a Month. I WW b. nrciTAnn kmto, I o. i nyxniiH . jiusimbm MAMAmtn, r ' . . feotered t the rostoBlce at Bcranton, M Second CUs Mall Matter. TVhon apnea will permit, The Trlhnne la lwnye Rind to print short Icttora from Hi friends bearing on current toplm, hut ll rule I that theie mutt lie signed, for pub Mention, by thn writer' real nnme and tho condition precedent tn acceptanoe I that all contribution atmll be subject to editorial revision. i THE FLAT KATE FOH ADVERTISING. The following table aliowa the price per Inch each Iniertlon, apnre lo be used within one year: tiuMiv llun ot al"g Full Irtn than to Inches . .CO I ,M M) to iDChf 40 ! .44 .44 ino to .11 ..id 550 " S .275 .30 COO " '.'0 .Si .21 10IK) " 10 I .178 .1 .IB For card of tlianki, resolutions of condolence, and llmllsr contributions In tho nature of advertising, The Tribune) makes a charge of S cents a lino. r ' SCRANTON, SKPTKMBEU 10. 1901 REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Oovernor-S. W. PHNXVPACKKIl. Uoutcnnnt Governor-W. -M. IIHOWS. Secretary of Internal Affnh-s-lSAAU B. imowN. County. CniiBlVM-WIU.IA.M COXXKM.. jikirc-a. a. vosnnta. C'onimKslouoiH-.lOIIN t'Ot'ItlKIt MOIt- nis. joiix im:nman. Sllno liiHnectmw-U.UWKt.VN M. EV AN'S, DAVID T. W'll.MAMS. Legislative. Senator-.IOTIN li. JOIIDA.V. Representatives First Dhtilct-JOSKPII OMVKIt. Hernial Uhttilrt .IOIIK SCIIIJI Hit. Jit. , Third OlKtilct-mnVAHD .IAMKS. Foiuth Dltlilct -P. A. PIIII.UIX Ulcotlon day, Nov. I. Wo Photilil pay there was "n technical violation of rules" In Sehailt's rump convention. The Speakership. IX VI RW of the apparent determi nation of Hon. David 1$. Hender son to ndheip to his decision to retire from congress a determi nation which lias evoked countless ex pressions of regret and protest, without, however, modifying It' in the slightest degree it Is not surprising that Itppuh llenns throughout the country are al ready giving consideration to the suc cession. The t-poalcetshlp Is the- most Important position in American public life next to the presidency, t'pon occa sloiw It Is the most important one. The speakership In a largo degree controls the house. To be elevated to it Is an honor and a token of confidence to which no man In congiess would be in sensible. We observe the suggestion In a num ber of newspapers It Is even more than a suggestion, It x an assumption that the successor to Colonel Henderson will be a western man. We are unable to understand why. If what Colonel Hen derson says with lefeieuce to western sentiment be true, the election of a western man might be interpreted as a blow at protection. We do not think that the Republican party Is ready to abandon or In any way weaken the doc trine of protection lo American Industry and labor. If the selection of a western man for speaker should lay the party open to any misunderstanding on this fcore. then emphatically a western man should not be cho.'en. Hut regardless of the sectional ques tion, why should not the next speaker be chosen because of his Illness for tho place becai:s. of his long experience, Ills familiarity with legislative methods and government needs, his understand ing of parliamentary piactlce and of the fin rents and cross-cm rents of public life? If a staiulaid of this kind were to govern, then Pennsylvania could e.isly till tho hill In the peison of Hon. John Dalzell. Mr. Dalaell is pel haps the nio.n Industi lot's man In congress. For yrars he has been lvcognlztd as one of the foremost leadcis. He has risen to this rank through no Uctltlous aids, but solely because of his signal ability. Industry and reliability. The His.al;ei.sh!p in his hands would involve r.u expeilment; the houte and the coun try would liulli fetl Immediately at ease. There Is another member of the Penn sylvania delegation who would acquit himself with distinguished credit in the speaker's chair. We refer to Hon. Marlln E. Olmsted, who has upon occasion presided over the house with exceptional skill. He Is. It is true, one of the younger members, but his growth In usefulness and la the recognition of his colleagues has been vapid and steady. He would mnke a line speaker. Tho talk of selecting the next speaker with a view to revolution ising the house rules so as to thiow debate and piocedure wide open? Is to be taken with discount. In si) largo. a body there must neces sarily he' Ilrifltudon of speech and In dividual peiogatlve. The house Is now a wdiklng Institution, because Its rules enable 'Its responsible leadership to guide. Its action, Remove this cheek and for a time chaos would follow. Judge Pennypaeker's campaign speeches show sclf.polse, an amiable temper and good common sense. These are Vuluuble finalities In a governor, Imperialism" HI3 JtEPUHMC'AN emigres sloual committee has Issued for the public's Information a document entitled "What la -Il'lng Done In the Philippines" that Is truthful and Instructive, Its prep aration reflects credit on the Judgment Ion, Jesse Overstreet, Its compiler, Here are some salient points from it! "Tho doleful prophecies that It would taken a hundred thousand men a score of years to puclfy the Philippines have, been proven false by facts. Peace has beeen restored, civil government has been established, and tho army hat. been reduced to about eighteen thou sand, men, a much smaller number of soldiers to tho- population than the United States maintained In the, early days of the republic, "Even while the military government was being organized President McKlli Icy ana Ills udvlsers were engaged. Ja preparing a plan of civil government to replace tho military. I-ess than six months nfter tho capture of Manila the first Philippine commission was ap pointed, and reached Manila on March 4, ISO!), and this original commission wns superseded a year later by the Tart commission, a non-partisan body, carefully selected for their special tltiatlllctitlonp, and the president's In structions to this 1'oinmlsslon mnke one of the few epoch marking state papers that llguic In tho history nf our conn try. "The spoils system was rigidly barred from the Island. Tho fifth act passed by the commission provided for a thor ough and complete civil service In which proven met It wns the only open sesame lo position or advancement. As far as possslblejiadves were employed, and the Amei leans who secured posi tions under the Insular government were given (o understand thnt nn lm pottnnt part of their duties was lo train natives to perforin the work at pres ent In chai'Re ot Americans. "A careful system of accounting was established, based upon the experience gained In handling of public funds In tho United Htutes, anil the funds have been carefully safeguarded and ac counted for from the date of occupa tion ' Tho harbors of the Philippines are generally shallow. At Manila till the freight of seagoing vessels of over six tern feet has to bo transferred by light ers between ship and shore for several miles at great expense and risk. This has been a heavy burden upon com merce. For example, the freight rates between Manila and Hong long, n dis tance of about seven hundred miles, are as much and sometimes more than between Hong Kong and San Fran cisco, a dlnance nf about eight thou sand miles. "The commerce of Manila urgently demanded the creation of a thoroughly protected harbor, with a suflkient depth of water to accommodate the largest vessels. The Spanish government had been working at It for twenty years be fore the cession of the Islands to the United States, and had finished about 30 per cent, of the work. The commis sion has-appropiioted $2,000,000 to com plete the work, and within two years Manila will have a safe, commodious harbor, with modern facilities for hand ling freight, thut will cheapen every pound of merchandise which enteis or leaves that poll. "Nearly every account ot the Philip pines dwells upon the wretched con dltlon of the toads, or, rather, internal LOinmeice, except upon the navigable livers. The commission appropriated $2,000,000 (Mexican) to he expended In the construction of highways and bridges, and this work, as well as the harbor improvements, has been placed under the direction of the United States corps of engineers, and during the year 1901 they built over eight hundred miles of roads, and built them so solidly as to resist the tropical rains of those Isl ands. More public improvements In the way ot works of general utility have been made during the less than four years of Ameilcan control than Spain accomplished In all her centuries of domination." Hut this Is not all the story. "It is evident that, with their great extent of fertile land and wide variations of ele vation, and therefoie ot temperature, Improvements in the agriculture of the Philippine Islands could be made lo the Immense advantage of the people. Their methods of cultivation were primitive and Ineffective. The ordinary vege tables, notwithstanding the fertility of tho soil, are small and poor, and many vegetables are Imported from China and other points. Many grains and vege tables unknown to the people could un doubtedly be raised. In view of this condition, a department of agriculture was organized, and an expert from the t'nited States department of agricul ture was put In charge, experiment sta tions and farms were established, seeds and plants weie Introduced, and a series of agricultural primers Is being printed and distributed nmong the people, written In simple language, that will aid them In Improving their crops and methods of cultivation. The agri cultural possibilities of the Philippines may be Imagined when account Is taken of the fact that good sugar land in the Hawaiian Islands Is worth fiom $S00 to $1,000 an acie, while good sugar land in the Island of Xegros, In the Philippines, can be bought for from $30 to $00 an acre. Under Intelligent cultivation, with good seed and Improved machinery, the Philippines can and will become the agricultural Monte Crlsto or the world, able to vie with Java, that has been such a mine of wealth to the govern ment of Holland." Moreover, In the way of education, American control hns done wonders. No less than one hundred and fifty thousand pupils are now enrolled. Over ten thousand adult natives are study ing English In schools under American teachers, and more are applying than can becared for at present. There ate more people anxious for education than theie are teachers to furnish it, and there are more teachers than there are schoolrooms to teach in. Every dollar that can be put Into extending the school system and in supplying the needs of additional natives Is promptly expended. Another great reform has been wrought, in sanitation. Conditions In the Philippines were, when the Ameri cans went there, as they were In Cuba dirt and neglect everywhere. Vac cination was made compulsory; drain age was Insisted upon; garbage, lefuse and night soil were disposed of. House to house visitations were mode by the sanitary olllcers and every possible ef fort Iiob been made to Improve the sur roundings of the people. This has b?en no grateful task, but the authorities have not wavered In the discharge of their duties. It Is this condition which has made the battle against the cholera so dlfllcult. The natives would not re port cases which came to their knowl edge; they would not observe the In structlonb as to eating, cooking and drinking which were distributed, and the Inspectors have been obliged to light, not only the cholera, but the people as well. Nevertheless, great pro gress lias been made, and tho time Is not far distant when Manila will be come one of the most healthy cities In the tropics. If this be Imperialism, make the most of It. Common Sense on Tariff Revision From n Iteeent Speech by Secretary Shaw. IlIAVt: HKI1N mioled ns opposed to revision of the tot Iff. I hayo never opposed readjustment of the tariff. Whenever congress reaches the con clusion that the friends of protection are strong enough lo conservatively modify certain schedules, so ns to meet chnnged conditions and nt the same time success fully resist the efforts of the oppsltlon to revise the entire tariff law, thus para lyzing business for n setton, I nm In favor of It. I have expressed some doubt, however, about tho wisdom nf Instruct ing by resolutions, or exacting pledges from candidates for congress, when tho effect Is liable to preclpltnte a protracted debate, with very uncertain results. There ought to be some more tangible reason for such n dangerous expedient than the etlstence of a sentiment In certain locali ties, now as always, that demands n re duction of the tariff on articles there consumed nnd not produced, while It stnnds ready lo tight to u finish any re duction on the things It produces I have never seen the time slneo I lmve given public niiPtlons consideration that T would not reduce the rate on nulto a large number of Items, nor when I would not Increase tho rate on other Items. It Is not likely that any member of either house nf congress ever voted for a tariff hill entirely to his liking, nor Is It prob able thnt any president ever signed n bill that ho would not have changed In some particular had It been In his power. I nm willing lo concede that conditions cbnnge, nnd that the old Morrill bill of the sixties, for instance, when tho coun try was Involved In war, would not 1 appropriate for us now; but I will not admit thnt the tariff Is the mother of trusts, nor will I concede that any trust owes Its pxlstence to the protective prin ciple. Neither will t concede that n tariff for revenue only will destroy trusts on any other theory than that a fire In a wheat Held will destroy Canada thistles. Business depression dissipates both or ganized and unorganized capital. En forced Idleness means financial ruin to Individuals, to business firms and to cor porations, both great and small. On the contrary, business prosperity Inspires hopefulness. It encourages tho Individ ual to reach out, to expand, to buy more land, more houses, more cattle, to erect more stores, build more shops nnd to embark In now enterprises. It leads to the organization of corporations. It leads to the combination of capital and the or ganization of labor. Organized capital dissipates nnd lobor unions perish with the approach of hard times, whatever the eause. Does nny one suppose that the anthracite coal miners could be kept together if therp were n million men out of employment nnd thPlr families begged bread? "Will any one contend thnt they could be sustained were It not for a great army of bituminous coal miners who are receiving such compensation ns enables them to contribute n dollnr per week for the maintenance of tlielr breth ren? The protective tariff Is not the mother of trusts, though It Is the parent of conditions that make It profitable for capital to combine and congenial for labor to organize. The Republican parly In my state re cently reaffirmed the tariff platform of 1901. This has caused considerable com ment. It hns been misrepresented, not quite as persistently, but In tbp same way that the memorable speech of Presi dent McKlnlcy at Buffalo hns been mls rpprpsented, misquoted, misconstrued nnd misapplied. This platform was unani mously ndoptod both years. Its state ments nro academically correct. Every man In the United States, Republican and Democrat, believes In the truth of Its ut terances. It declares "In favor of such changes In the tariff from time to time as become advisable through thp pro grpss of our Industries and their chnng Ing relations to the commerce of the world." Is there any one who Is not "In favor of such changes In the tariff from time to tlmp as are advisable?" I am willing the jury shall be polled nn thnt proposition. So say we all. It also de clares "in favor of nny modification of tariff schedules that may he required to prevent their affording shelter to monop oly." And, again, we all f-ay, "Aye, sir." to the proposition. There may be quite a radical difference of opinion as to tho truth of the Implied admission that the protective tariff does afford shelter to monopoly, but there would be no dif ference nf opinion about removing it If It did afford such shelter. A few days ago, the butchers in con vention assembled, declared In favor of abolishing the tariff on cattle nnd meat, to the pud that this supposed shelter for the alleged meat trust might be removed; but I am ill-posed to think the good far mers of my state would vote quite unani mously against such an experiment. Ry the trend of the speeches made nt the hutehei.s' convention. I dlscovored a sen timent well-nigh universally expressed there that meat Is being monopolized by thn gieat packers. Hut I happen to have a tenant nut in Iowa who has a flue bunch or fat cattle, on which no packer holds a lien of any kind, and he writes lire that ho Is willing to sell them to the butchers If they will pay ns much ns the packers offer. I am qtille sure tho peo ple would as soon buy this meat of the butchers as of the packers. Thus there Is afforded a splendid opportunity for nny one to make all kinds of money If he will but give the farmer as much money for his beeves and give the people as much beef for their money. Rut suppose we tnke the tat Iff off beef and then suppose tho herds of cattle from Mexico and South America are brought In by the hundred thousand. They will find their way to the stock yards and the butchers will be compelled to bid against tho packers then as now. No, The removal' of the tariff on live stock and meat would not restore tho butchers to business It might ruin tho farmers, but the packers could stand It; for nothing less than organized capital could enter the Import meat business with packing houses In foreign countries, refrigerating ships and other expensive equipment, I happen to know that fit ieast one. and I understand two, of tho big Hacking houses have had men looking Into the South American Meld for more than two years. Tho farmer, as It Is, has ample reason to bo apprehensive, I huvo taken occasion to look this mat ter up since rending of theso resolutions, nnd I think I can find reasons for the present pilco of meat other than thn pro tective tariff. I find that there were re ceived at the stock yauls in Chicago. In tho one month of July, 1902. 65,000 fewer beeves and 170.000 fewer hogs than In tho nuuo month one year ago. That means 7,000 fewer anlmnls per day. Thn Q, road alone, during tho entire mouth, brought from tho Southwest, where the corn crop was a failure Inst year, 1,000 fewer fat Hteers per day this year than Inst, Let no one understand this to ho n de fence of tho packers or an extenuatlun of their offences, A suit Is new pending against them, nnd If the allegations of the petition me sustained (and that teems probable), they are going to have trouble, and It will lake a very much more acute form than It would to say to the farmers of the United Htates that their Industry shall be opened lo competition from the unlimited ranges of South Ameilca, Tho senior Phil Armour told me that he got rich, while a young man, by watching the Iron and coal mlneis. He said; "Whenever these men were at work I used to pack every ham I could get my hands on, and my old partner would say, 'Phil, you will bieak us up.' I would answer, 'No, these fellows are working.' Hut when tho coal and Iron worker were Idle, I used to sell every thing I could dispose of." The secret of Ameilcan prosperity, gentlemen, can be couched In four words, "They aro work ing now," And "they" means everybody farmer tiud artisan, mechanic, and mer chant, tho muu at the forge and the man la tho field and they are all Inter dependent. Away back In 1816, Daniel Webster, Jn tho course of a three duys' CRANE STORE SCRANTON, PA. Announce Their Initial Display of AUTUMN STYLES. Ladies' High Class Tailored and Semi-Tailored Suits. Individual Skirts & Waists. Ladies' Outer Garments for Street, Carriage and Evening Wear. The best foreign models have been utilized to produce new, original, and strikingly pretty effects. A Tempting TIT-BIT Pedestrian Skirt, slot seam, kilt effect in snow flake effect in Black and z . Bluest..., JpO.OO CRANE. 334 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa fnke Elevator. Office Furniture fi)HBIiiiiyi"u?!MiiBtliHiiiiHi Hill & Connell, NEW YORK HOTELS. The New and Absolutely ' Fire-Proof Hotel Earlington, NEW YORK CITY. European Plan. 27, h Street Njar Broadway, NJv? York City. The most central and most accessi ble location In the city, combined wltb quiet and refined surround ings. TARIFF OF RATES: Single room (bnth) Sl.M to COO Doublo rooms (bnth), I person W.O0 Double rooms (bath), " persons, ,,,sj.00 Uuth rooms udjolniug. Largo do ub hi rooms, with private bath rooms, 1 person..., $3.00 Large double rooms, with private bath rooms, 2 persons J 1.00 Suites of parlor, bedroom nnd bnth for 1 person. $3.(H. J4.no. $:,.wi, J7.W Suites of pnrlor.bedroom and bath. for '1 persons Jt.00, $5.00, J0.O0, IS.OO Suites of purlor, - bedrooms nnd bath $7.00, $s.00, $10.00 E. M. 1JARLK & SON, 30 years connected with Carlo's Hotel. speech against that most unfortunate bill which repealed tho protective tariff act which bore the signature of old Tippe canoe, uttered this maxim: "When there Is work for the hands there will bo bread for tho teeth." 80 I appeal to you, gen tlemen, to see to It that the next con gress Is Republican by u largo majority, so that there shall bo ample couragu to do that which Is deemed wisest and best, Then let theso lepresentatlves of tho peo ple from the manufacturing districts of New Hnglnnd, from the coal regions of Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio, and the Iron producing legions of Sllchlgan, and the Iron manufacturing districts of Ohio and Pennsylvania, tho agricultural dis tricts of the middle West, the stock ranges of tho mountain states and ten! torles, the rice and cotton states of the South, and the fruit and lumber districts of tho P.iciflo const, got together, mid If they can agree upon one or a dozen Items In the present tin Iff bchcdulo that can be reduced, et It bo done, nnd done without three months' acrimonious debate. Cer tainly no man will contract for the con struction of any large building while congress U considering a bill thut has for Its ubject' the cheapening of iron and steel and granite and marble and glass and lumber. No factory wilt lay In a very lurge Mipply of material pending a three months' debate on a bill proposing a reduction of the tariff on hides and wool. When I was a boy we could al ways tell when tho old miller was pick ing his burrs because tho mill was thut down. I anticipate there will be found thoso who will not favor shutting down tho mill, while wo aro turning out ns good a (piallty of flour as at present, es pecially If it Is likely to take very (one to restore conditions. flBllEaglrffgSgga THE if THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY, Everything that is new everything that is desirable. Be sure and see our line and get our prices before you buy. 121 Washington Ave. The Moosic Powcle Co Booms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bldg. SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Uade at Mooslo nnd Itushdalo Works. LafHn & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER electric Batteries, Electric Exploders, Ex. plojlng Dlasts, Safety Fuse. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. SUJMMEFiESORT Atlantic City. The temperature at the AGNEW, On the Beach, In Chelsea, Atlantic City, Wednosdny wuu 50, Every appointment of a modern Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND, Kentucky Avenue. Hist Hotel from Beach, At Iintic City, N. J.; CO Ocean view rooms; ca pacity 400; write for special rates. J. B. Jenlc Irn, 1'rop ; PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On t epur of the Alleghany Mountain'. I.ohlgh Valley railroad; near Tawamla, Bulliing, fishing, eports, etc. Excellent table, Reasonable rates, LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P 0.. Ape..', Ta, Bend for liool.lct. O. K. 1IAHIUS. EDUCATIONAL. w Do You Want a Good Education? Kot a tbort course, nor an eisjr course, cor s cheap courte, but the lest cducitlon to be bad. No other education is worth spending tlrao and money on. It you do, write (or catalogue ol Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which offers thorough preparation lo the Engineering and Chemical Professions, as well u the regular College courses, Entries Close After October 1, no more new con testants can enter i Contest Closes October 25. 3 -5 Scholar- ' Value $Q CM OO ships Over tyyfiVV List of Scholarships Universities 2 Scholarships In Syracuse University, at S432 each...S 864 1 Scholarship hi Bucknell University 620 I Scholarship In the University of Rochester 324 Preparatory Schools 1 Scholarship In Washington School for Boys S17O0 1 Scholarship In Wllllamsport Dickinson Seminary 750 1 Scholarship In Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School 750 1 Scholarship in Newton Collegiato Instltuto 720 1 Scholarship In Keystone Academy GOO 1 Scholarship in Brown College Preparatory School... 600 1 Scholarship in the School of the Lnckawanna 400 1 Scholarship in tho Wilkes-Barro Institute 276 1 Scholarship id Cotult Cottage (Summer School) 230 Music, Business and Art 4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at $125 each 9 4 Scholarships in the Hardenbergh School of Music and Art 3 Scholarships in Scranton Business College, at ?100 each ocuoiarsnips in international uorrespondence Schools, average value 857 each 285 2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at 885 each ; 170 2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio 125 Rules of The special rewards will ho given to th" person sccuilng tho largest num ber of points. Points will be credited to contestants securing now subscribe! a to The Scranton Tribune as lollows: Pts. One month's subscription .r,0 1 Three months' subscription.... Li", 3 Six months' Mibscrlptlon 2.n0 fi One year's subscription 0.00 12 Tho contestant with the highest number of points will bo given a choice from tho list of special rewards; tho contestant with tho second high est number of points will bo given a choice of the remaining rowaids, and so on through the list. The contestant who s-ecures tho highest number or points during any cnlondnr months of tho contest will receive a special honor reward, this reward being entirely independent of the ultimate disposition of tho schol arships. Each contestant falling to secure a special reward will bo given 10 per An Excellent Time to Enter A new contestant beginning today has an excellent opportunity to secure one of these valuable scholarships. Thirty-three are sure to get scholarships. Only three yearly subscribers, counting 36 point's1, would" place a beginner in 27th place among the "Leaders." Send at once for a canvasser's equipment. Address CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa . i Four Special Honor Prizes. To be given to the four contestants scoring the largest number of points during the month of September. This is entirely additional to the main contest, all contestants starting even on September 1. First Prize A handsome Mandolin, valued at $10, to be se lected by the successful contestant from the stock of J. W. Guernsey. Second Prize No. 2 Brownie Camera, Including one . '11 of films. Third Prize No. 1 Brownie Camera, Including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. Fourth Prize No. 1 Brownie Camera, including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. EDUCATIONAL. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. EAST STROUDSBURG, FA. LOCATION. This popular State Institution is located in the midst of the Delaware Water Gap-Mount Pocono Summer Resort Region, the most healthful and picturesque in the state, and one that is visited by thousands of tourists'annually. COURSES OF STUDY. In addition to the departments of the regular Normal Course, we have special departments of Music, Elocution. Art, Drawing and Water Color, and a full College Preparatory Department. You can save a year in your college preparatory work by coming here. FREE TUITION. Tuition is absolutely free to those complying with the new state law. This gives a rare opportunity to those desiring a com plete education and should be taken advantage of at once, as this law may be repealed by thf next Legislature. (COST OF BOARDINQ. Boarding expenses are $.3.50 per week, which includes fully furnished and carpeted room, heat, electric light and laundry. The additional expense is less with us than at most other schools. IMPROVEMENTS, Among these are a new Gymnasium, a fine Electric Light Plant, and a new Recitation Hull now being erected, which will contain fifteen large and fully equipped recitation rooms. In ad dition all bed rooms will be replustered and fitted up, and various other changes made in the dormitories for the further comfort and convenience of the pupils of the school. NEW CATALOGUE, Catalogue for IQ03, gives full information as to free tuition, expenses, courses of study, and other facts of interest, and will be mailed without charge lo those desiring it. Pall Term opens September 8th, 1902. E. U. KEHP, A. M,, Principal. Chestnut Hill Academy Wlasahlckon IIcIkIUs Chestnut Hill, Pa. A boatdlng school for boja In tho clovuted and bcuutltul open country north of Phil adelphia, 30 minutes fiom llro.ul St. station. Cata logues on application. 6CEANT0N CORRESPONDENCE S0U03M SCRANTON, PA, T. J. Foster, I'lesiJcot. Klmcr 11. Lavcitl, lieu. B. , reetcr, Etrultjr l, Allen, .Yice rreaiJcnt . fccrettrj, October 1st. mi 10 -81703 .36026 500 460 300 81840 80574 the Contest cent, of nil money ho or she turns In. All subscriptions must bo paid In advance. Only new suhscilhors will bo counted. Renewals by persons whoso names are already on our subscription list will not be ci edited. Tho Tiibune will Investigate each subscription and If found irregular In any way reserves the right to reject It. No transfers can bo mado after credit has once been given. All subscriptions and tho cash to pay for them must bo handed In at The Tilbuno ofllco within the week In which they aro secured, so that pa pers can bo sent to tho subscribers at once. Subscriptions must he written on blanks, which can bo secured nt Tha Tilbuno office, or will bo ,sent by mall. NOTICE THAT ACCORDING TO TH 13 ADO.VE Rrr.ES, EVERY CON TESTANT WILL RE PAID, WIIKTIIER THEY SECURE A SPE CIAL REWARD OR NOT. EDUCATIONAL. Linotype Composition v Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. "I s