"W'Jflpf -JR Ltms4- , .i -!" t ta A .-- ..,'- ,wr - -A 'i t" " . ."-n. Uc- MWIBgW&- f' -H" '?, l"';i-jliSr'V ?'-'."'l.'f;v ' W -" ' ' Ji,s" mwww j .. i, - H , ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1902, rfe "- ' ' ' I r t" s ' , i The News of Catfcotidale. . J V FOUR MORE DEATHS THE RECORD OP A DAY ;JKrs. Jessie Jones, Wife of Albert B. Jones, Mrs. Marlon Fnrnham Mel- , Hus, of Garfield Avenue, and Mrs. ' Surah Hoyle, Formerly of Promp ton, nnd Seventeen-Months-Old Hazel Downing Join the Great Ma jority. f The extraordinarily high timrtullty of tTnrbontlule in a single week was ln , :reascd yesterday by four more death!", 'niakliijr nine persons Who have passed nwoy since Sunday fast. The victims of the grlin reaper yesterday were Mrs. Jessie Jones, wife of Albert It. Jones, ,"of Wayne street; Mrs. Marlon Kurn liatn Molllus, of Garfield avenue; Mrs. Sarah Hoyle, formerly of Prompton, nnd 17-innnths-cild Hazel Downing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Down . Ing, of Park street. MRS. JICSSIK .TONKS. wife of Albert n. Jones, formerly of this city, but now located In Trenton, N. J., passed away yesterday ..morning at .1 o'clock at the , residence on Wayne street, this city. Mrs. Jones had been a sufferer for over a year from diabetes, which caused her death, A few weeks ago she joined her husband at Trenton, hoping that the change would so benefit her she might remain there, near her husband. The first few days spent In the Jersey capital were beneficial; then Mrs. Jones took an alarming change. She weak ened to such a degree that It was deemed prudent to have her return at once to Carbondnle. Her weakness Rrcw alarmingly and Mr. Jones was hurriedly summoned here Tuesday night. Mrs. Jones sunk slowly until she passed away during the early hours of yesterday morning. The end was hap pily peaceful and edifying, those dear est to the passing wife and mother be , Ing beside her. Mrs. Jones was the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. C. Wcatherby. 7:1 Wayne street, and was born In Clifford August 13, 1S73. The greater part of her life was spent In I'urbondnle. Tier friends were legion Indeed and she retained them to tin! Inst by her warm-hearted spirit and her gentleness under all clr ' cumstances. Ilcr sufferings were keen nnd sore during her long allllctinn, but her patience nnd fortitude concealed this fact from those about her. The news of her death will be depressing to her close .friends nnd a source of sin cere regret to all within the circle of acquaintanceship. The warm-hearted sympathies of the community go out to Mr. Jones In the unlooked for grief which overwhelms him. Mrs. Jones' survivors are her hus band, two dnughters, Gladys, aged seven, and Catherine, aged two; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, C. Wentherby, and two brothers, Jerome Wentherby, of Wllllamsport, and H. L. Wentherby, of Florida. The funeral will be Saturday after noon. Services will be at the residence at 2 o'clock by TSev. Dr. II. J. Whalen. assisted by Itev. W. B. Grow. Hurlal will be In Maplewoocl. MUS. JULIA J12SSUP III'DSOX HOYLE succumbed yesterdny morning nt 6 o'clock at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Walters, at Church street and Salem avenue. Mrs. Hoyle hud been ailing for u number of years. In March last she came to this city from her home in Honesdule. preliminary to going to Green nidge, where her husband is em ployed under the Delaware and Hudson company. She remained here and was able to be about, though In frail health. Saturday she was taken with conges tion of the lungs. Heart failure was the consequence, causing the end yes terday morning, Mrs. Hoyle was born In Waymart April 10, lS3r, and came to Cnrbondule 'In childhood. Ilcr mother died when she was but six years old and she then made her home with her grandparents. Her grandfather was the late Deacon Jessup, who was first among the early settlers in Cnrbondule. Ills Identity with the very parly history of the Pioneer City Is an interesting one, for he made his abode in those days In the old log tavern which cared for so many of the newcomers to the sort of wild erness here at the time. Mrs. Hoyle spent n number of her earliest years under the rugged roof of this historic; habitation. In her young womanhood, Mrs, Hoyle was a member of the First Presbyterian church, was active In all Its work nnd sang In the choir, In 1S,"4 ' she married Silas Hoyle at Ilonesdnle. to which place she bad just moved, and where she lived until her temporary re moval to this city In March last. Mrs. Hoyle's wedded life was a happy onp, marked with all that Is the portion of the faithful nnd forbearing wife and the loving nnd self-sacrificing mother, The separation from his devoted helpmnte after nearly a half century of such hap py and blessed association Is u deep sorrow for Mr. Hoyle. Mrs. Hoyle's acquaintance was ex tensive and the circle of her friends was wide. Respect nnd love were shown her, won by the womanly qualities which made her character forceful und bcnutlful. Her death will call forth re gret throughout this section, where she was so well kVownmnd respected, Mrs. Hoyle's. .survivors are her hus band, SlhiH.Ho'yle, who hns been em ploy$um1er jjie Delaware and Hudson at Green-Ridge ii'lnce fie shutting down of the gruvity railroad, where he was np engineer; the following sons and daughters: Mrs, Kdlth Simons, cio au.et, MJnn.; Miss Vurn Hoyle, Hones dale; Miss Carrie, Walter, Horace H. nilil,. Ambrose V, Hoyle, Cnrbondnlo; Wellington R. Hoyle, Minneapolis, Minn.; one sister, Mrs. Catherine Stone, Clark's Green; two brothers, Hiram Hudson, Waymart; Arthur Hudson, naliqta.. 11.05 Delaware and Hudson train to Honesdnle, where services will lie held on Sunday. Hurlal will lie In Glen Dybcrry cemetery. MRS. MARIOX FARXHAM MKL LIUS died yesterdny afternoon nt 3 o'clock at her home on Gnrilcld avenue. Mrs. Molllus Was born In Ludlowvllte, Tompkins county, N. Y In 1843. Most of her life up to 1S06 was spent In Klmlra. In the latter year she name to Carbondnle. She has been very poor In health for u long time, spending the last nineteen months In bed, The sym pathy ut many friends goes out to her three daughters nnd her son In their nflllctlon. Interment will be at ICImlrn, X, Y. Short services will be conducted nt the home at 4.30 p. m. today by Rev. Tile deceased will be taken on the Charles Lee, after which the funeral party will take the (1,10 train for Klmlra. DOWNING Hostel Relle, the seven teen months nnd twenty-three-dnys-old daughter of John and May Downing, of Xo. ISO Park street, died yesterday morning after a brief Illness, The funerul will be Saturday afternoon, Rev. Rollln A. Sawyer, rector of Trinity Episcopal church officiating. NEW SANITARY OFFICER AND GLERK ELECTED Michael Gallagher, of the West Side, Succeeds P. F. Moifltt, and Russell Shepherd Captures the Coyeted Position of Board of Health Secre tary Dr. J. A. Kelly Elected Chnir man of the Board. The knotty question of reorganizing the board of health, and disposing of the two ofllces that were regarded as plums of rare variety, took place last night. Michael Gallagher, of the West Side, brother of School Director Joseph Gal lagher, wts elected sanitary policeman over P. F. Moflltt, the former ofucer, by u vote of 3 to 2. Kx-Councllman J. Russell Shepherd was the fortunate winner In the race for the position of secretaiy of the board, which, at one or more stages of the game, had n whole Held of contest ants In the chase. Joseph O'Xeill was the only one named with Mr. Shepherd. The vote was 4 to 1. Dr. J. A. Kelly was elected president of the board. The meeting of the new appointees of the board was called to order by Dr. J. S. Nlles, president of the old board, whose term holds over. The other mem bers of the board are Dr. J. A. Kelly, Nathan English, P. G. MeDonough, Patrick Hart. Dr. Nlles, seconded by Mr. Hart, nominated Dr. Kelly as temporary president, and Russell Shepherd as temporary secretary. Mr. MeDonough objected to Dr. Nilcs' motion to make tiie temporary organization permanent. Then Dr. Nlles, seconded by Mr. Hart, named Dr. Kelly for permanent presi dent. After bis taking the chair, on motion of Mr. Hart, seconded by Dr. Nlles, It was decided to take a secret ballot for the offices of secretary and sanitary policeman. Russell Shepherd was named for sec retary by Dr. Nlles, and Mr. MeDon ough nominated Joseph O'Neill. The result of the ballot was: Shepherd, 4; O'Neill. 1. Mr. Hart nominated Michael Galla gher for sanitnry policeman, and Mr. MeDonough named the outgoing ofllcinl, P. F. Moflltt. The vote was 3-i In favor of Gallagher. Dr. Kelly, In accepting the office, ex pressed his gratitude to the board for the choice manifested In his election, and he pointed out the Importance of the board In preventing disease and the factor that the co-operation of the physicians always Is In making the board's work effective. Former Sanitary Policeman Moflltt spoke a few pleasant words to the board, and reminded the members that be always sought to do bis duty, no matter what the circumstances. Mr, Shepherd, the new secretary, likewise thanked the board, and in formed the members that he would re ceive notices and communications re lating to the board's work nt his oflice In the Sixth avenue side of the An thracite. The board fixed the first Tuesday In each month as the meeting night. Thus was solved one of the most vexatious problems in the city's history. PITTST0N BRO.'S AND SIMON LONG'S SONS Manager Tnppnn Arranging for Games With These Strong Clubs on Tuesday and Friday Next on Duffy's Field. It will be grateful news to the base ball rooters, the supporters of the Crescents who are at this very mo ment more than ever "Our Pets" to learn that Munager Tnppan Is arrang ing for two big games next week, one with the celebrated Plttston Ihos. and the equally noted Simon Long team, of Wllkes-Harre, The game with tlio Brothers will probably take place on Tuesday after- noon anil the Simon Long team on Fri day afternoon. Roth .games will, take place on Duffy's field, provided the en gagements of the two teams do not con flict ' with these dates. U Is certain. however, that the games will take jimrc iiv.m nv-rit. uvru iiiuiigii lapse IWO days be taken up otherwise, These games will be the (rent of the yeor, nnd undoubtedly the biggest crowds of the season Will be on hand, The two, contests will be keenly antici pated by the rooters, , t Happily Surprised, Mr? ill. C, Hartman, a well-known citizen of Annmosa, Iowu, hns every summer for several years been troubled With attacks of diarrhoea, which were frequently accompanied by severe grip ing pains. "I used to call a doctor," he'says, "but It became a regular sum irtera(lllctlon, and in my search for re- llet, became acquainted with Cham berlain's ' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,. Ths proved so effective and go prompt t)iat I came to rely excUt liveiy upon It, and what also happily surprised me was that while it stopped the diarrhoea It never constipated, l'lils is a favorite remedy for diarrhoea wherever known. It Is not an a stFlng tnt, hence does not constipate. For late by all druggists. A Becherche Event. Cards of invitation have been Issued for the marriage of Mss Letltlu O, Pugllano nnd Vincent Casspse, The ceremony will tuke place nt tho Church of Our Ludy of Mount Carmel nt 7,30 .o'clock Wednesday evening, October 1, The prospective bride is n uleco of Common Councilman Gabriel Pugliuno, the well known business man among the Italian people of this city. She has had muny educational udvuntages and Is endowed by nature with a beautiful form, which Is accentuated by the graces- which come from contact with people of culture and refinement, Mr, Cassese Is it member of the bank, ing firm of Cassese Hros.v Of Scranton. He is idenufied with ninny business en terprises uT the county scat and a man of prominence nnd influence umong the Itallun people In this valley. There Will be a reception at the coun oilman's home from I) lo ll o'clock on the evening of the ceremony. The resi dence is nt 00 Dundaft street. After a wedding tour, which will In clude many of the Important cHles, Mr. and Mrs. Cassese will bo nt home lo their friends after October 25 at No. 1020 West Lackawanna avenue, Scran ton, Pa, NEWS IN BRIEF. A new stono sidewalk Is being laid nnd gcneiAl repairs mude on the property corner of Cemetery street and Cherry avenue which after completion will be oc cupied by Conductor Frank Millard and family. A new stone walk has also been laid hi front of tho Felts homo on Cherry nvenue, Robert Klubnck and It. A. Purple, of this city, nro the delegates to tha sixth annual convention of the Retail Mer chants' Association of Pennsylvania, which opened Tuesday afternoon in the hnll of the. local merchant's association In Scrnnton, William Mitchell, who Is employed In tho nickel plating works of Carbondalo, Is doing quite on cxtonslvo business tak ing orders for tho firm, His success Is ns siircd, ns his work gives perfect satlsfac-, Hon. South Cnnnan Correspondence. Warren P. Luke, representing Shlpmnn Rrothers' attractions, of Now York, Is In town making arrangements for "The Prisoner of Kcndu," which Is to bo played nt tho opera house on Sept. -. Miss Genevieve I.owo, of South Main street, left this morning for Carbondnle, where she wllUundergo nn operation for the removal tyr a portion of the car bone. Wayne Comity Herald. The tnnn'yfiienils of Miss Jennie Hun ter, who Is'serlotisly lit will be painfully surprised to hear Unit her recovery is doubtful, Announcement is made of tho engage ment of Miss A. Josephine Follett. of this city, lo Rutherford B. Hayes Klnbnek, of Scrnnton. Rev. A. F. Chaffee, of this city, and Rev. G. A. Place, of the Hoilesdalo Meth odist church, will exchange pulpits next Sunday. H. G. Young, of Albany, second vice president nnd general manager of the Delawnrc and Hudson railroad, arrived In this city In his speclnl car. John Wark, bollermnkcr nt the Hen drlck works, resumed woik yesterday after a week's Illness. The game between Mayfleld clerks and the clerks of this city was a long drawn out cohtest. Tho. score was tied In tho eighth Inning ami at the end of the thir teenth Inning the game was colled on ac count of darkness with the score still a tie, -2. JERMYN AND MAY FIELD. John Lee. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, of the Kast Side, had his foot pain fully but not seriously crushed by n heavy timber while at work m tho Hen dricks shops at Carbondalo yesterday. Rev. M. D. Fuller was elected chap lain nt the reunion of tho Fifty-second regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Wed nesday, Floyd Hunter is a student at the School of Lackawanna. Arthur Winter left Wednesday lo re sume his studies ut the Kingston semi nary. He was accompanied by George Harris and Merlon Wheeler, who will tnkn np the business course nt the semi nnry. Dr. Jt. J. Shields Is nt Allentown at tending the Stale Medical association meeting. Mrs. If. N. Rnrrett returned home yes terday after several days' visit at Mid dle! own, N. Y. Mrs. It. A. Williunn nnd daughter. Mrs. Rnttenberg, left yesterday for Ocean Grove. Mrs. Hartley Mullen, wht has been se riously ill for some time. Is again a pa tient at Dr. Wheeler's hospital at Car bondnle. Joseph 13. Sullivan, the Republican cor respondent, Is ill at his home on the East Side. At a special spssIoii of the Maylleld council, Tucsdny evening, called for the purpose of considering the advisability of repairing the arc lights, advantage was taken of an opportunity afforded by the electric light company and instead of having the old lamps repaired fifteen of thum will be displaced and the new enclosed lamps substituted. The new lamps are designed so ns to reader pos sible the burning of their carbons for sev era I days without being replaced by new sets. These lamps are being Installed In Jerniyn and the company assures the pro pie of both boioiighs that In a little while they will give mi excellent nervlce ana remove all cause for complaint or the uru lights. TAYLOR. Executive Board Member jr. J. Healy, of the I'nlted Mine Workers of America, addressed an enthusiastic meeting of Archhald nilno local, No. lilll), at the Odd Fellows' hall yesterday afternoon. A large attendance of ini'iirbcrs were pres ent. The members of the local Woman's Christian Temperance union are making extensive arrangements for the district convention, which will be held in tho Methodist Episcopal church on Thursday, Sept. . The best of speaker will ho present to address Hie different sessions. W. W. Davis has returned to bis home In Plymouth, after visiting relatives in town. Mrs. John B. Reese, of Grove street, visited her sUter, Mrs. David S. Price, at Clark's- Summit, yesterday. Mrs, Christopher Mutlhewson, of Fac toryvllle. Is tho guest of Mrs. W. 11. Davenport, of South Main street. Mis. Watklns, of Plymouth, and Miss Jones, of Mlncrsvllle, returned home yesterdny, after being tho guest of Miy. David J, Harris, of Union street. Miii-cH Kdlth Thomas and Mabel James have returned home from a pleasant visit with .Miss Annie Reese, of North Main avenue, Providence, - James Reese, of Lnusford, has re turned home, after being the guest of .Mr. and Ml. Kvuu W, Davles, of Storrs street, Miss Jessie and John Owens, of North Taylor, attended tho Robertson und Per ly nuptials at Green Rldgo on Tuesday evening Druggist Alfied Davis, of Forest City, called on his brother, Druggist Joseph Davis, of Main street, on Wcdncsduy, WAVERLY. Row Mr. Johnston, of Dublin, Ireland, filled' the pulpit at tho Methodist Epls. copal church last Sunday morning, O, S, Johnson, of Scrnnton, who has been a guest of Mr, Christy for somo time, has returned hums. Tho T. C, Kennedy propurty on Beech street, has been purchased by Theodore Stone, of South Abhigton, who Intuuds to maku It his future home, Frank Jermyn has completed his well near his new residence nnd bus an unlim ited supply of water, A few of our summer boarders nro here, but the most of them have returned home. Wo think that they mnko u mis take, us this Is tho most delightful time (of thu year In the country. , FREE TO MILLIONS. A Valuable Little, Book Sent Free for the Asking. Median! hooks are npt always Inter esting rending, especially to people en Joying good health, but as a matter of fact scarcely one person In ten Is per fectly healthy, nnd even with such, sooner or Inter sickness1 must come. It is nlso n well established truth that nlno-tcnths of all diseases ori ginate with a breaking down of the dlgostlon, a weak stomach weakens nnd Impoverishes tins system, making It easy for disease to gain a foothold. Nobody need fenr- consumption, kid ney disease, liver trouble or a wenlt heart nnd nervous system ns long ns the digestion Is good nnd the stomach able to assimilate plenty of wholesome food. Stomnoh weakness shows itself in" a score of wnys and this little book de scribes the symptoms and causes and points the way to a euro so simple that anyone can understand nnd apply. Thousands have some form of stom aeh trouble and do not know It. Tl)ey nscrlbo the headaches, the languor, nervousness, insomnia, palpitation, constipation nnd slmllnr symptoms to somo other cause than tho true one. Get your digestion on tho right track and the heart trouble, lung trouble, liver disease or nervous debility will rapidly disappear. This little book treats entirely on the cause and removal of Indigestion nnd its accompanying nnnoynnccs. It describes the symptoms of Acid Dyspepsia, Nervous Dyspepsia, Slow Dyspepsia. Amylaceous Dyspepsia, Catarrh of stomach und nil affections of tho digestive organs In plain lan guage easily understood nnd the cause removed. n It give's valuable suggestions ns to diet, and contnlns n table giving length of time required to digest vari ous articles of food, something every person with weak digestion should know. No price Is asked, but simply send your name nnd address plainly written on postnl card to the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., requesting a little book on Stomach Disease and It will be sent promptly by return mall. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Special Reduced Rates to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles, Cal., nnd Return, Account National Whole sale Druggists' Association Meet ing at Monterey, Cal., Oct. 7-11. The Lehigh Valley railroad will sell speciul tickets nt $03.70 good going September iSth, 20th nnd 30th, good for return passage to November loth, on all trains except the Blnck -Diamond Express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. ALLENTOWN FAIR. Special Low Rate Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Tickets will bo sold September 23, 21, 25 and 26, limited for return passage to September 27 Inclusive, good on all trains except the Hlack Diamond Ex press. Rate from Scranton, $1.10. SPECIAL ONE-DAY RATES Thursday, September 2,",. Round trip rate from Scranton, $2.C0; children, $1.50. Leave Scranton at (1.S8 a. in., re turning leave Allentown at S p. m. See Delaware and Hudson and Lehigh Val ley ticket agents for further informa Excursion to Allentown. On account of the great Allentown fair, to be bold Scplsmber 23 to 23, the Xew Jersey Control railroad will run n speclnl excursion Thursday, September 25, leaving Scranton at 7 a. m., slopping at all stations to Ashley Inclusive, and arriving at Allentown at 10 a, in. Through solid train in each direction. Rates from Scrnnton and all points to Vatesvllle, $2.00; Wllkes-Uurre to Ash ley Inclusive. Sl.Tfl, Returning special train will leave Allentown at 7 p. in., nrrlving nt Wllkes-Uarre at 0.30 und Scranton at 10 p, in. Tickets good only on speciul train in each direction. September 23 to 20 tickets will be sold good going and re turning on regular trains, including the "Quaker City Flyer," at the following reduced rates: From Scranton, $1.10: Plttston, $3.70; AVIlken-Uarro. $3.3.1, and proportionately low rates from Inter mediate stations. These tickets are good to return until September 27, For nny additional information call on any Xew Jersey Central ticket agent, or address .1. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Scranton, Pa. 30th Annual Encampment O. A, R., Washington, D. C., Oct. 0-11. For the above occasion ticket ugenta of the Lackawanna' railroad will sell special round trip tickets to Washing ton at one way faro for the round trip; faro from Scranton, $7,75. Tickets will be on sale and good going October I to 7 Inclusive, and for return until Oc tober 14. A further extension of limit leaving Washington up to und Includ ing November it may be secured by de posltJ of tickets with Joint agent and upon payment of no cents. Stop overs will bo allowed at Rultlmore, Phila delphia nnd one other point en route, but not to exceed final limit. For fur ther particulars us to stop over and side trips apply to local ticket agent Lackawanna railroad. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Hercury, as mercury will surely destroy tho sonsu of Hinell and completely derange (tie whole system when entering It through the mucous sui-fiices. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as tho dam ugo they will do Is ten fold to lliu good you can possibly deilve from them Hull's Cuturrh Cure, mamifuctured by F. J, Cheney & Co,, Toledo, O., contnlns no mercury, and Is taken Internally, act ing dlreetly upon the blood unci mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu ine. It Is taken Internally uiul mado in Toledo. Ohio, by V. J. Cheney & Co. Tes timonials free. Sold by druggists. Price, 75e. per bottle, Hull's Family Pills are the beit. Change in-O. & W. Timetable. Importiint changes In the timetable of tho Xew York, Ontario & Western Railway will very shortly tuko place, some trains being discontinued and others altered. Wo recommend our readers, who uro contemplating a trip over tue untario & western, to com municate with tho nearest station agent In reference to train service, una thereby get correct Information. Lackawanna Railroad Niagara Falls Excursion, Sept, 25, and Oct. 25, Speclnl excursion tickets will be sold for ull trains going on the above dates, good for return w.lthlu live (5) duys from and including date of sale. Fare for the round trip, $5,00 for adultB and $2.50 for children between the ages of five (5) and twelvo (12) years. O, A. R. Veterans In Washington. The mutual encampments of the vet erans are conclaves climaxing every other kind of a convention both lu In terest und In vastness, and always a city Is chosen which shall have ample provision for the entertainment und care of the delegates. Washington, tho nation's capital, wus chosen for this Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center What is a "cheap" store? One that puts price before quality, that sells anything it can, that lives on thegultibillty of peoplealways promising something for nothing. To make this store more worthy is the daily study of its one hun dred earnest business workers. : : : . i Dress Trimmings Buttons and Buckles for Fall It Is not going to bo a year of much pomp nnd glittor nnd splendor but all of the new dreBB trimmings that have come are beautiful with a quiet, rich, subtle beauty that will linger long after tho noise nnd dazzle of tho Coronation months liavo died away. Fall dress-goods turned out to be uncommonly plain In color nnd weave perhaps for that reason trimmings are more In demand than usunl. At any rate, garnitures, braids nnd passementeries are a necessary part of Fall gowns nnd wraps, to tho minds of tho great Paris makers, and the rest of the world bids fair to follow In the same Idea-pnth. The right colors are black and white, though tho peacock combination of blue and green Is a favor ite, and little touches of Oriental color have crept In, like tongues of flame, to light up many dark jorners. J Paris has sent us more than her usual share this Pall year by year she slips further ahead In the art of making lovely garnitures. But besides the robes and appliques and passementeries from France, there are hosts of braids and braid trimmings from Switzerland; jets from Germany, and a brilliant array of fancy buttons and buckles from every country where they are best made. PENDANTS Little drops hanging from an ornament are one of the newest things. They are very good In black. Chenille fringes are in the air already on the gowns and wraps that Paris couturiers are fash ioning. Velvet crops out everywhere, not in heavy masses, but in little delicate touches that are very effective. This year, for the first time, it has been introduced into appliques. Slednllions and separable gimps that can be cut apart between any two figures are among the most practical as well as the most beautiful trimmings that have come. Spangles promise to be even more popular than last year, which is saying a good deal for them. They cover many of the most beautiful robes or unmade gowns in glittering profusion. CORDELIERS Bits of fancy braid to be put on gowns in the style of frogs are among the newest ideas, and somo are very elaborate and very beautiful. , BlailketS and QuiltS The Annual Sale Still Lively. Perhaps it's the coal scarcity. Maybe people think there will be few opportunities to get warm blankets and quilts at these September prices which is right. It is certain, anyway, that bed cloth ing is going to new homes in enormous quantities. Heavier underwear is necessary these days and we have ordered our full stock In earlier than usual men's, women's, children's. (- Not the very heavy, but the medium weight it's unwise to jump from gauze to heavy wool. : t : CONNOLLY-& WilLlACE, 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave ,t e u CSE22I2Z230:5Z3a V M I "ATTBBURI SYSTEM" THE designers have produced by this system many new style effects that will ' become popular among the well dressed men who know the advantages of this "Atterbury system" of clothes making. YOU can only realize what "Atterbury system" means when you visit our large show room. The standard of development shows plainly the co-operation of designer and tailor. WE'RE ready to show you "Atterbury" Suits and Overcoats. SAMTER BROS., COMPLETE outfitters. year's meeting und no liner place could have been selected, The broad ave nues are line for (lie parades the pub lie buildings und cupltol are the meceu for the sightseers, and tho close prox imity of Washington to the famous battlefields make It the Ideal meeting place for the 0. A. ft. The New Jersey Central or lioyul Blue route to Wash ington Is 'Itself famous, and the service to Washington from New York nnd Xew lCnglaud points or, from Hernnton or Wllkes-Harre regions Is superb, Fust and frequent trains are run and tho country traversed Is not only pictur esque, but interesting us well. Luw rates have been arranged for this event, which takes plneo Oetoher G to U, 100:', und if you are Interested in the encamp ment und Intend visiting Wushlngton, drop n postal to O. M. Hurt. (I. P. A., New Jersey Central, Dept. C1S0I, New York, for a guide replete with Informa tion and pictures. OLYPHVNT. The following list of letters remain un called for at the Olyphunt postolllee: Inn II. Allen. Mrs. l.uftus. Air. Mnrkle, John Iiclck. William J. Illehurd), II. I,. Hmlth, A. fckutt, l-Mwui'd Thumus, James Kane, 5l-s. W. Hunt, S, J. Matthews, postmaster. linn. I'. J. Thnllu, of Jerniyn, was & caller In town yesterday. Mrs. S. H. AeliiTly attended the wed. ding of a relative at Justus yesterday H. 1.. Met 'alio left last evening to spend a few days lu New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howard nnd Mr. and Mrs. J, V. Sweeney attended tha WnlUvllle fair ycsteidiiy. Mr. and .Mrs. Warren 12111s, of Cur Imutmlo, vistcd friends at this placo yes terday. John O'lloyle, of Lackuwuuna street, is in New York. John Newi'Oinbe, of Archbuld, ipent yesterday in town. t f !, -.; X ;- iWU-A