i ' yv . ;jl ' V7W 'lUP ' J-J"J vu ns' v, i "V l -f i1 ..( i , , -'"i vv ,yfc ftv: rsii 1 fiu ' " f 1 W -V ', i S THE SCRANTON TMltoNI-THUItSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, lOOfc. . . i fc M l K ?iS '1 aarr Swiss Flannels Per Yard This Week 8 Cents 10 Cents 15 Cents flou) Yoti Do Like A nice warm Comfortable Kimona, or House Jacket We can appreciate the situation, too, and have one of the finest lines of Swiss Flannejs and Flannelettes in the city. Five, six or seven yards will make such a garment. Pretty Persian Stripes or Checks and the beautiful solid colors in the Warm Winter Shades. MELDRUM, SCOTT & CO., Wyoming Ave Lackawanna County JERMYN AND iHAYFIELD. At the conclusion of the tegular busi ness of MuyHowcr lodge, No. 3, Sons of St. Geoige. Holiday evening, u soelul Bosslon was held which was im tic luiitnil In and enjoyed ly u number of visiting members fiom Piovldenco and the los unci daughter of the members ol tho lodge, lntcicstlng routines of tho even ing wcio the uddiosses of Judge Vosbiug, ot Sciauton, and Piofeaor R. It. Martin, of Piovltlciicc. The former In hit ncl iliess complimented the lodge on the pos-i-csslou and piesoi v ition of the beautiful Amciicun Hag which tiny held for the past ton yoais Ills lemaiks weie, how over, mostly routined to the topic. "Our Ancostois." He pilded tho meinbei.s ot tho lodgu on their adheiencc to tho cause oC their foicfatheis and gloiled In tho fact that they advocated lux ally to Amoilcn, Ihu land of tin Ir adoption. He bpolco with cheilshed loudness on the i-intoninl sjihlt that existed In the uni ons lodges of the older thioiighout Noith f.istein Potiiisvlvu'nla and epies-ed u liopo that it would continue to the end. I'l nfosnr Mai tin spoke on "Tho Idenl Nation." He snoke of It as that do v eloped on Aiiieiltan ".oil, the dlflloul ties which stood hi the wav of its giowlh of llbtity and the tuinsmlttnl of Its ex cellent examples to the old continent. The speaker showed Ills pilde ol the de scendants In the woik of their old Eng lish nncestois for their posteiitv and tho ploiy of "Old England." the land of their birth. At tho conclusion of the uddrcssos hcveial vocal and musical numbers vveic iendoic.il and much enio.ved. The ofllceis ul the lodge ale: Piesident, Reginald Waters; ico piesident.' Chuilis Leo; 10 t'oidlug and lluaiulal seeietny, Samuel Walter: tienstuci, Geoige Blake; eltnp lnln, George Pcudicd: Inside sentinel, H.uiy Smith; outside -p-ntlm I. John East Inkc: master at aims, AVilliam Small combo; assistant master at aims, John II I.PC Adam Schwnnik. of the Hast Side, was in rested Monday on a clinige ot assault and battel y, the prosecutrix being Mis Cl.uk,' ii neighbor of defendant. The c iso will be disposed of Thuisday even ing bv 'Sqiiho Keil'er. l.ibcity lodge. Knights of P thins, chal lenge Couit l.llv, Foiesteis of Ainciioi, nf Carbondale. to a letiiiu game of ball on Fovvlei's llcIU Sutuiday aftcinoou at ." o'clock. Jesse Snvder mid Jesse Guiuhuii. of Gicen Ridge, weie on giind.ij. gucjsts of Iillss Nellie Scvniour .ind Miss Mmgiiict Glbbs , Mis Fiank Kong and tluee chlldien, of Rliieksblnny, who have been visiting the round's motliPi, Mis Willi im Sejniour, of Tlihd stieet, for the past follnlghi, lotuincd home Monday. Peal sou (llbbs. of Mnvllild. ciitMit Itcd fimong nreeu RUUe friend- Tuesday. Mis, Samuel Riokonshlie. of Third Mioct, spent Monday with Sciauton li leads. DALTON. Miss Susan E Jones, wlio lias been n inlssinimi) 111 tho lopublic of Mo.ko tho last seven jeuis. will .speak ill the Bap tl.st chinch on Sund.iv evening nel. Mis. O V. Mason Is visiting hoi hi oili er at Milton, Pa. Hi. Fuller, the dentist, assisted by Dr Chillies Zullei, luifoimed a delicate and successful opeiatlou on a patient last Tvcek. Mr. and Mis J. H.ivlcs, of Sciau ton, spent Sunday at the Baptist pat tonnge. Willie wnikiiieu on the now biidgo weie low ciiug a lieav.v stone Tuesday morn ing the laigo cog wheel on the hoisting ciciiick bio'te. Theie was a ciovvd of men btanding nearby at the time, hut fortunately no one was lilt by the Ilvlns; pieces of iron. Tho body of tho lato William A. Pear- eon, of Sciiinton, wns muled in Shoe maker's lemetety on Mondav. II, S. heeds, of Blimlnshum, Pu a popular hiimoious lectin or, will appeal In the Baptist cl.uieh on Thuisday evening, September 21 His subject will bo "Tho Mistakes of Life" and the admission will be 15 cents. Mis. Riovvn, who has been spending eomo time with Miss Mury Gardner, ie tinned to her home In New York on Mon day. llaiiy Finn, of ninghnmtnn, N. Y (spent Sunday with his patents here, Fiost has undo Its appeaianco hero al ready and has damaged somo vegetables, Mr. and Mis, Pied Palmer and Mis. Ildward Noithup and mother loft on Monday for a visit nt Piovldence and Boston. Mr, and Mis. Pi auk Culvlu mid sous, Philip and Robeit, visited i datives In Serautou on Riindnv. A petition Is being cli ciliated among tho lesldents of this place to have tho county commlsslniieia build a cone i eta nich biidgo over tho cieek near V. S, IIuslnudci'8 place on tho old tuinpiko road. Miss Fanny Deishlmei leaves this week to enter Wvomlng seminary. Mr. and Mis. Unity DiiDols ontertiilued this vveok their bon anil wife, of Now yoik city. Somo lepalilug has been hi piogiess About tho Old Uaptlst chinch building dining tho past week. The Maitland fair is tho event of tho week In this vicinity. Tho piospectH ,no that thoio will ho a laigo attendance and a good fair, GREEN GROVE. Tho Kpvvorth League convention of the HoncHdale district will be held at Hones 3ali September 30 and October 1. The third quarterly meeting nf tho N'oith Ablngton chaigo will bo held at tho rnmkllli Valloy M. I!, church on October lb ami 19. Since It ruined last Saturday, tho Sun day school of the M. K. chinch will pic lilo at Chapman lake on Saturday next. MIUs Mumlo 'Morrison Is vlsltlnb" her parents. Hon. y, A. Vosbuig and wlfo spent Sunday with his uncle, C. 12. Vosburg, Scott is tho fplaee whero Mr, Vosburg spent his childhood days. He taught the Montdalo school, as also did Judge Nowumib unci ex-Judge Carpenter, Ho, has many frlendu In this plucc, which act will be denionstiu(ed nt the full (lection, Mrs. U)dlu Taylor, of Peckvlllo, la vis illng Mrs. Abram Oakley. Mrs. Iru Clark, an used and esteemed re.ldent nf this place. Is dangerously 111, Philip Morgun, of Montdale, has traded property at Green Mrs. A. J. Whltlock, his farm for the Grove belonging to of Jcrmvn. Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Wctheiby nre visit ing Mrs. Wothcrby's daughter, Mis. R, W. Lowry, of Windsor. OLYPHANT. The funeral of the late Mis. Alice Thomas took place from the home of her parent', Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Phillips, on Scott uvrnuc, jesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Short sci vices were conducted at the housp, then the remains wpro borne to the Cnlvlnlstle Methodist church, on Susquehanna street, which was tilled lo overflowing with friends of the departed. The services were conducted by Rev. Ki lls Roberts, of Providence, formerly pas tor of the oilmen, assisted by Rev. Wil liam Moignn, of Hyde P.nk, and Rev. Geoige Hague, pastor of the Susquehanna Street Paptlst church. Mr. Hague spoko feelingly of the beautiful life of the do ceased and offered mtisch sympathy to tho bereaved ones. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Moig.iu al'o delivered eulogistic ad dresses. During the service the choir sang veiv eifectlvclv "Good Night," "Nearer Mv God to Thee" and "Yu y D.vsfioodd Mawr n'r Tonan." In conclu sion the lcm.tlns, which leposed In a handsome velvet couch ca-ket, amidst many beautiful floral tokens, were viewed bv hundiods of persons, while tho choir sang. "Shall We Meet Bejond the River." At tbp close of the services, the laigo funei.il procession moved slowly to I'nlon cemetery, vvheie burial was made. Tho pall l.'iirots wcio John Williams, W. J. Thomas, John T, Jones, William Wil liams, Samuel P.iriv and William Hvans. The flowers weie carried bv Henry Row lands, W. D. Patiy. William Harris, IJod P.mv and William Davis. The members of the new Olvphnnt band nre iciiuestrd to meet at Gllnsky's hall this afternoon for lehearsal. to partici pate In the put ado tomorrow. Mrs William Uprkheiser, Mrs. Frank 1J.iv, Mrs. John Hurrctt, Mrs. U c. Hvnns. Mis. White. Mrs. John Daklu, Mis. Ransom, Scvmour and Alls Kdwaid Mills leave this moiulng to attend the Wallsvllle lull. Mrs Wllllum RIlIiiiuIs. of Piovldence, visited friends in town estordny. Miss Susna V. Jones, of Moteo, gHVP an Inteiesting talk on mission woik In that (Oiintiy In the Blakcly Baptist chut eli l,i(t evenlrg. She Is an entertain ing speaker and held tho closest attention of a large audience. Mrs Mary Prohert. of Delaware street, has leturned homo from a visit with rela tives at Kingston. A new club hns been organized, which will he Known as the Oipheus club. It is composed of a number of oung ladles, and its oflieeis aie as follow"!: President, Miss May FeiBiisoii; soeietarv. Miss Sadie Rogaii; ticasuier. Miss Nellie Far rcll. Meetings will bo held Tuesday evening of each week. T. Fiank Jordan Is 'pending a few da.vs nt Lake Poyntelle. Mrs. J. J. C'ummlngs Is hi New York, buving hoi fall stock of mllllnei v. Mis Maiy Prober! leturned homo Tues day fiom n visit to Kingston, accom panied by her dnughtei. Mis. John R Jones, of that place. Tho fuuoi.il of John Minnie was held fiom his late homo on Sandeison sticet Tuesday atteiaoon nt 1 o'clock. The seivlces welo conducted nt tho house bv Rev. B. F. Hammond, tnimerly pastor of the Piesbyteiian chinch here und weie attended bv ninnv filends mid ac ciualntanees of the deceased man. Inter inont was made in Uuumoio cemeteiy. The pall-beniois wcio: James Vine, Ace Dally, Joseph Dodson, Wllllnm Hoyes-, Nathan Dodson and William Wright. Tho llower bearers weie IMvvard Reed und John Hnrtmau, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Mosely, Mis, An nie Jones and Mis. Jane Huglus nttended the funeral ot Mis. Maiy Bejnon ut Old Foigo Tuesday. The No. 2 collloiy of the Deluvaro mid Hudson company was opoiated for n fow hours Tuesday. About a thousand tons of coal, were mil tluough the bienkoi Most of 'this coal was mined bofoio the stilke went Into effect. Dr. David Jones, Mis. Viola Pugh nml Miss Hllzaheth Jones letuined to Balti more Tuesday, after on extended visit bcie. The dlffeient locals of the mine work ers' union of tills place will attend n mass meeting nt Prlceburg tomorrow, where It Is expected that Piesldent John Mltche 1 wlll'dellver nn address. Miss Nettle Mason has leturned home, after a visit with Wllke-Bnire relatives. Miss Mnrv A. Hvans left yesterday for Wales, whore she will spend tnvo months. PECKV1LLE. Miss Hmm.a Kimball, of Philadelphia, Is visiting Mrs Flunk Chtveis. Charles Keller Is vciy III at hU home on Main stiect. Mrs. I. dlu Talor Is visiting iclntlvcs in Scott. James W. Smith, S. W. Arnold and Joseph R. Bell aio on a lishing tilp near Aubiiin, N. Y. Mr. and Mis. Charles Wnlliok left yes teiday for St. Paul, Minn., where they will attend tho twenty-llfth wedding an niversary of Mr. Walllck's brother. Ilavdpii Samson has returned home, af ter visiting the principal cities of the Wct. Mrs. Frank Vnndeiburg attempted sui cide by plunging n knife into her breast at about 10 o'clock Tuesday night. The wound made was slight and her cries of pnln brought neighbor to the scene. Medical aid was summoned and tho In jtliv dressed. Mrs. Vaiidcrburg had be come despondent ot bite, which causid her lo attempt the rash act. Miss Fdlth Henry has accepted a posi tion with the Coiesnoudetico School of Scrnnton. ' John K, Doyle Is ill at his home on South Main sticet. A laige niimbei fiom here attended the raibondale-Aichbalel base ball game at Sciauton '1 uo'day. Mis. Fiank Div. of Wilkes-Ran e, has l etui nod home after spending a few da.vs with her sister, Mis. H. J Barthold, of Main .sticet. TJbt ot lettcis iLmnlning unclaimed In the postoflke at Peckvllle, Pn., week ending September lit, I90J: l-.una Ken nedy, Chnilcs Giadv. jr.; foielgn. Janoi Kacsokwiscz Pci sons claiming tlie above will please sav "advei tised" and give date of this list. I'. V. Mace, postmaster. MOSCOW. Miss Rnch.icl Van Burnt Is vlslth'g lel.itlves hi Now Yolk. Pi of. F. 12. Bush will move with his tamllv to Gouldsboro about October 1. Miss Helen Clouse left Tuesday for llonosdulo, where she will work at dressmaking. Mis. Pirns' Is ill at her home on Church street. At the Democratic primaries, held Sat urday atteinooii. Mr. Richiud Knrnoy was elected as delegate to tho county convention held today. Miss Helena Holllater Is teaching school at Yobtvlllc. JESSUP. Hundieels nf people fiom this place wit nessed tho C'aibnndale "Pets" go down in the hands of the Aichhald boys at Ath letic paik, Scrnnton, Tuesday. The Jessup hall team Is very anxious to know when the Atchb.ild team is going to give them the letuin game they owo us. PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC SALE OR Seated and Unseated Lands BY THE Commissioners of Lackawanna County OIM 13th Day of Octobsr, 1902, at 10 O'CIock A. M. Notico Is heieliy given in puisiinnco of thocgeneinl acts of assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania diiectlng tho mode of selling seutcel and unseated lands that have been In tho possession ot tho County Cnmmlssloneis and ie malnlug iiniodcemed for two ycuis and upwiuds, them will bo exposed to publlo snlo on tho utii day of October, A. D. MO.', at 10 o'clock a, m at tho Grniiel Juiy loom In tho couit house, in tho city of Sciauton, tho following propeitics. unloss tho samo aio icdocmed piovlous to that time, to wit; Unseated Lands No. of No. ucics, otc, 1 100 I 2J0 :i 4ui 4 410 0 W 6 110 7 377 K lU't 9 100 10 210 It 100 u ano 1 1 40T ' 14 Kb " I'.'l Hi SU 17 30 15 21 1 40 t'O f 109, 1 houso '.'l U :-' loo a iiu LM 9S .'.i sun W 4-D S7 474. ARCHBALD Owneis or icpiited owneis. BOROUail. Descilptlon of pro pony. Amount of tax, luietesi una costs. Jones, Uilwuul, ct, ol. Nathan Wade tract S CARBONDAI U TOWNSHIP Wills, W, W Charles Huiat tiuct $ Owner unknown Jesso Shovo tiuct Ovynor unknown Benjamin Shovo tiuct Williams & Smith Jonathan Dllley tiuct JUFFERSON TOWNSHIP. I'eirls, Freemont J. Dllley tiact J Iwanoskl, Rev, U Mis. J. Conrad tiact W s, w, w Robeit lrvvln tract Wlls.jw. w Hllzabeth Brunhum tiact LUIIiail TOWNSHIP. liutUe, Win. J Wllllnm Wllmot tiuct .. Iwanoskl, Rev. 11 James Burnsldo tiuct .,, Koch, John II J. Morioll tiact ,, )U,S'.'. W John Reed tiact ,.,, OUojIe, A. F ,.,,, Hannah Reeso tract .... Behumaii, Karl John Stein tinct Wugner, Chuiles F,,.H. F, Monro tiuct ....... ., , RANSOM TOWNSHIP. l.veihait, James M..,Dan Tuiner tiact i MltHtMM 98 57 US 01 M03 627 40 114 CO 44 29 11167 f..' U 40 51 35 83 14 03 Si 31 4L'61 17 16 Zl Set :i5j ) 90 44 JS 429 ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP, Wills. W. W 13. Gruse truct Owner unknown Near No. 11 school ,,,, SPRING BROOK TOWNSHIP. llunett. JJdward ,J. l.awience tiact Dunning, A. B ..Thomus Duiulus tiuct Jenkins, John II.,,,,,, Joseph Bonnott tiact , Phelps, Jacob ,,,,, Thomas Dundas tiact . Hchultz. Theodoie Rhoda Holcomb tiact Kehwenk. John Casper Thtel tiact .,,. White, it, F and JI. J. Zelgler J. Wentnor tract White. B. I. and II. J. Zelgler .....J. Young tract ,...,,... WINTON BOROUGH. VIIU, W, W, ,..J. Btelnberu tract ... ... ....MM. 18 99 11 83 70 32 13(91 172 114 90 59 74 183 40 50 84 230 12 , 137 11 No. SO so ill .12 3.1 nt .15 :i ,17 as ,19 40 41. 42 41 44 41 40 47 48 49 50 M ta Kl G4 r. nu r,7 r.s nn CO Gl 02 til (A 1.0 1.7 I.S Ml 70 71 i; 77 7S 79 SO S1 82 R.1 St s-. 80 87 SS SO HO 91 100 107 120 127 12S 129 I!0 HI 132 1U 1.11 HI 130 1.17 118 139 140 141 142 14! 141 141 140 117 IIS 140 150 111 1.12 1.1 1 1.11 153 15b 157 158 159 100 1C1 162 1CI Hit 101 IMS ll7 II.S 11.9 170 171 172 17.1 174 17.1 170 177 178 170 ISO 1S1 183 1SI 185 ISO 187 188 189 190 191 192 191 194 191 190 197 193 191 200 201 :02 01 204 20.1 200 207 208 209 210 211 213 ;i3 PUBLIC SALE. m- PUBLIC BALE. Seated Lands i AnCHDALD BOROUGH. ,No, of Owners or Description of lots, etc, reputed owners. property. lot, 1 hoiitie Bensklc, Joseph t'list ward ....... i ioi.i nouse .rain . ucnson anil I.oulse Dozening First waul -i i lot, house Colchv. George First ward i ioi.i nouso uaiovvicn, Joseph.,.., First ward , Amount of tax, Interest and costs. i si li i t IMHItlttttlMI MlHHMIIinlllHHHttl J ot.i house Hot net, Paul .....Fltst ward j ioi.i nouso aontosKy, Michael.... First ward 1 lot,! houso Kenna, Sinnlsk First wnrd 1 ot.l house Kiomore, Stiuilsh First ward 1 ot,1 house Kline, Joseph First ward 1 ot.i house laicns, Wllllnm First ward 1 ot.l hotlBO Lewis, Richard First wnrel 1 lot.l llntlno Wnlnaltnv .Tnunnli. l?lBt wnnl ... nfi 71 1 lot.l house Novcott, Oeorgo First ward ., 15 32 4 97 11 22 2.1 73 OS 32 i :u 10 00 4.181 It! 00 13:8 1 lot.l house O'll sklo. Mlohnnl K'lrat wnnl 1 lot.l hotlso O'MnsIck August First wnrd 1 lot.J house Pllltchkey, Farrls First ward i !u!'i ."use i-revuie, .Michael, First ward 1 lot, house Rtidlcvltz. Joseph First wnrd 1 lot, 1 house Boloskl, John First ward 27 70 Zl 70 10 5.1 1147 19 22 4141 1 lot.l house Sanzcrokey, John First ward 22 10 10 ncics BLAKHLY BOROUGH. McMillan, Louisa Third ward J 19 82 CARBONDALK TOWNSHIP. 1 lot Buike. Chns. J Mavflold Yard J 1 lot, 1 house Cordner, Henry Honcsdalo road 12 30 1 lot 1 lot Hot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot. 1 lot lo't 1 lot I'.ilots Carroll. Aithur Honcsdalo rond Kennedy, Patrick. i.,..Mnyflold Yard Wahtner, Peter Cottage streot CARBONDALE CITY. THIRD WARD. Corkln, A. W Third wnrd : Davis. Mrs. George... Third wnrd Messot, John, Kst Shanty Hill (or Brooklyn street).. McGurry,Mrs. MlchaelWoodfawn avenue Phillips, Rav Waytio avenue nilley, Mntthow Shanty Hill CARBONDALD CITY. FOURTH WARD. Anderson, Christian.. Cottage street Gavin. Mury Pike street Hopkins, John Brooklyn street 1 lot.l house Honlcy, Bi ldget Pike street CARBONDALIO CITY. FIFTH WARD. 11-3 lots Loftus, Alice Thlity-slxth streot .. CARBONDALi:, SIXTH WARD. I lot Gillespie, John Canaan street 1 lot Loftus, Michncl Oieen stiect 1 lot Robinson, Wllllnm,... Upper Belmont street 1 lot Snyder, AVllllam Fulrviovv avenue ii 01 11 01 19 28 5 50 0 71. 15 .1 7.1 II 03 (i 03 fi 00 f. 02 r. 50 5C9 590 0 fl li 18 7 2.1 f. 20 1 noio 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Itncics 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 IICIO not 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot b lot 1 lot. 1 lot Hot DICKSON CITY. FIRST WARD. Davis, Wm. R Flistwnrd Hoffman. Wm First wnid Kaiuowskv, Albert... First ward Rogers, Thomas First waul Williams, David Flist waid Murphy, Mis. IV. W.. First ward DrCKSON CITY BOROUGH, SCCOND WARD. KumauMsoy, Andro... Jackson stiect Walkn, Joseph, Second waid Patteison, Thomas.... Second wuicl Pinko, Builon Second waid DICKSON CITY BOROUGH, THIRD WARD. J C19 10W 10 00 19 47 IS 70 21 17 $ 7 20 Bolton. John. Flnkus, Amon Kellv, Patrick Lewis, William , McCoimiok. James.. Norton. William Pus'enskl. Frank..... Polomonskl. Anton , Raker for Relker). M. Thlid waid Till id ward Thlid ward Third ward Thlid ward Third warel Thlrel ward Third wind Third waid 9 20 o bi 7 20 V) 48 7 117 10 OH 7 97 8 01 14 09 7 50 8 71 8 52 18 02 10 30 13 30 91 1 lot ! :i lots 95 GQlacics IK .", lots 97 2 lots 93 1 lot f'l 1 lot 100 I lot 101 1 lot 102 lis lots 10.! Idiots 101 1 lot 105 1 lot States. Wm. (or W.V.IThlid ward Sturfnskl Frank Third ward Stogen (or Stayer), Hituis Third ward Dl'NMORH BOROUGH, FIRST WARD. Bin tli, Abiahum Scrnnton and Forest Hill Ceme tery S 51 21 Bum. W. J Apple street 12 01 III owning. William. ...Giandviow stiect S9 82 Dunmnie IJulldlnc As sociation 3,0i.i Oi Gathercoli'. Seldon....Throon street Moshen. Mr. or Mrs..T'lectrlc avenue , Rodcilck, Thomas Throop street Sonn (or Stoner), Wm. Sherwood avenue Slatteiy, .1. P Monroe avenue , DFNMORH BOROUGH, SHCOND WARD. Latney. Mary A Di Inker sticet 51 03 . 1.11 8.1 . 13 31 . 14 SS . 16 03 J 12 97 IH'NMORB ROROUOH. THIRD WARD. Mirt, Henry, Est Third street alley t Mht, Henry Thlid .street alley Watson, Jane B Blakcly street AV.atson, James Blakcly street DUNMORU BOROUGH. FOURTH WARD. llot, lacic Owner unknown Paff lot $ Hot DFNMORE BOROUGH, FIFTH WARD. Build, G. A Bunker Hill 13 50 10 32 12 01 12 93 7 19 6 42 103 1 lot 100 1 lot 110 1 lot 111 1 lot 112 4 lots 111 Hot lit 1 lot 111 1 lot 110 2 lots 117 2 lots US 1 lot 1VI 1 lot 120 2 lots 121 I lot 122 .! lots 121 1 lot 121 2 lots 124 2 lots DFNMORK BOROUGH. SIXTH WARD. Aichhald. James Quincv and Dlmont avenues. Adams, M. F 12.1 Jefferson avenue Fioar, 10. 13 Dlectrlc avenue Gallagher, Kdwaid....Qulncy avenue Howe. T. B Klectilc avcniio Howell, Benjamin Adams avenue Howell & Jones Adams avenue Keniy, Anthony Qulncy avenue Ilalllgan, Rlchuid Adams avenue ..Monroe avenue ..Qulncy avenue ..Sixth street , .Indvvin. C P. Jeff lies. Thomas. Long, J D M. & M. Bank... Adams avenue, . 10. 17 block 311, lots 14. 15 21 H 9J 15 78 29 31 48 91 11 90 44 87 59 10 61 41 24 40 22 21 44 64 21 80 3 lots 1 lot 3 lots 2 lots '' lot, Js house .1 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot Hot Slots 1 lot 1 lot 41 acies Hot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots Hot 7 lots, 1 house. 1 lot :i lots 3 lots 1 lot 4 lots 2 lots Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 2 lots 'I lot 1 let 1 lot llot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot outhouse OOneies 2 lots Uncles 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 4 lots llot Slnties 58acies 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 2 lots Hot Motzenkncher Est 10, 17 35 61 Owner unknown 13 41 O'Malley Di Inker street 1142 Stieeter, It. II Monroe avenue 19 01 Rillev (or Rellly), John U Jefferson avenue 61 43 Schiocder, Aimenla.. Monroe avenue 25 72 Stuait, Peter Clay avenue 16 03 AVIIIIams, W. C Electric and Clay avenues 100 61 Wnltets, John Momoo avenue 50 07 I3LMHURST BOROUGH. Bioss. niilrn Knickerbocker plot, Gardner tract. $ Oienlnger. J. Baptist. Baumnn's tract, Joidan's addition Ludwlg, B. F Baumnn's tract, Jordan's addition FELL TOWNSHIP. Aveiy. Thomas J Rlchmondale, Asher (or Ashur), John Rlchmondale?, lienjumin, B. P... Blown, J. C Buck, D V Ruins, Anthony... Biadlcy, Hdwurd. Blackmnn. Nellie. Cunningham, J. II.. 8 48 11 20 8 80 ! 10 92 10 92 16 40 13 71 10 92 15 07 13 07 10 92 10 40 9 39 Fourth dlstiict Fourth dlstiict ..Rlchmondale, Warren tract .. .. Vandllng, Third district ..Rlchmondale, Fouith dlstiict ..Rlchmondale, Fourth district , ..RIchmondalo, Fourth dlstiict , ..Rlchmondale, Fourth district ..Rlchmondale. Warien tiact .. uorcoinn, i'airicK Kicnrnoncinie. warren tract ... Crosby, Mary Rlchmondale, Warren tract 15 08 Cunningham, T Rlchmondale, Warren tract 8 15 Davis, Michael Rlchmondale, Warren truct 24 90 Davis, George Rlchmondale, Warren tract 9 59 Dudllck. Michael Rlchomndale, Warren tract 22 02 Davis, Thomas Rlchmondale, Warren truct 1121 Dunn, Putiick Rlchmondale, Warren tract C 93 Dait, Han let Rlchmondale, Fourth district, Warren tract 40 2.1 Gilflin, A Rlchmondale, Warren tract 12.15 unsworn, unns vnnuung Gllck. Joseph Rlchmondale, Warren tract Hauls, John Rlchmondale, Warren tract Horton, H Rlchmondale, Warren tract 16 40 17 73 10 9i 10 91 Hlgglns. Charles Rlchmondale. Wurren tract 24 82 Horton, llemy Rlchmondale, Wairen trtict 9 59 Iteibeit & Summers 13 22 Hoiton, X. H Rlchmondale, Warren tiact 10 91 Hendlcr, John., Rlchmondale, Wairen tract 2197 tint icon, ueoigo ana J. II Jondiy, T. 11 Jenocl, Michael,.,. Jones, R. W Jones, Dunlol Kizlka, James Kenzle, A. L Morgan, T. J, .Rlchmondale. Warien tract 23 31 ...Rlchmondale, Warren tract 6 73 ...Rlchmondale, Warren tiact 27 5S ...Rlchmondale, Wnrrcn tract 16 53 ...Rlchmondale, Warren tract 10 93 ...Rlchmondale, Warren tiact 6 75 ...Rlchmondale, Warren tract 8 01 ...Rlchmondale. Warren tinct 10 92 Modem, John Rlchmondnle, Warren tract 111.1 aiaoy, uennett iticnmonaaie, warren tract lo iri Mitchell, Chailes Rlchmondale, Warren tract 9 71 Meyer, Philip...., Rlchmondale, Wan en tract 10 90 McGinth, John Vandllng, Third district ., SO) Neville, Aithur Vnndllng. Third dlstiict 10 51 Odell, Fiank , Rlchmondale, Warren tract 6 71 Osboin, A. P Vandllng. Third district 10 05 Owens, Edwaid Rlchmondale, Warren tiact , 10 92 Owens, Elizabeth Rlchmondale, Warren tract 10 92 Owens, W. D Rlchmondnle, Wau en tract 13 89 Pallce, James Rlchmondnle, Warren tract , 10 92 Reed, Mis A, J Rlchmondale, Wairen tract ,..,.,, 10 92 Russ, II. H Rlchmondale, Wairen tract 10 CO Russell B. Coul Co 1,323 52 Sklndlo (or Shlndlo), Mnitin RIchmondalo 16 10 Squires, F. B Fieel Porter trnct 16 78 Stanton. L Rlpholz and Rlttonhouso tract 13 43 Tripp, Claicnce RIchmondalo ,,, 10 91 Thomas, Philip Rlchmondale, Warien tract 9 37 Tattle, Charles ,, Rlchmondnle, Wurien tiuct ,,.,,., 6 73 Vandllng. Abtnham,,, Vandllng , 39 00 Yams, W. T RIchmondalo, Wau en tract 9 37 Yma. Valentino ; I S 99 Wells. Frank 59 33 White. Amos Vandllng, Thlid district 10 63 Wilcox, R , Rlchmondale, Warien trnct 16 11 Williams, John and U. RIchmondalo , , 9 53 Williams. G. R. (or O, J.) Rlchmondale. Warren tract , 16 40 Wogal, Michael Vuudllng, Thlid dlstiict 15 03 JHFFERSON TOWNSHIP. 12 nci es 23 ucies 2.1 ncies Uucies Mots C lots, shops, etc ,11, Wilson tract .',,,... , T. Conrad tiuct , .Thomas Com nil tiact , Susan Oglesby truct . Cannon. B. J,.,, (linen, Michael , Glnssuei. James Smith, William, J13RMVN BOROUGH. PhoenW Casket WoiksThlrd vvuid .,,, Phoenix Casket Co , ,,....,, LACKAWANNA TOWNSHIP. 1 lot.l house Gllioy, Mrs. Thomas,, jliu uci es 105 ucies Hot loacics r. i 17 81 17 84 23 72 itfMM Hill 113 ncies 74 act es 74 ucies 120 acres Lotz. Jucob. Miles, Wllllum Michaels, Peter Miner Hciunton meet uo Pait of Wm. Black, Ball. Hull und Springer, William..,., Wm. Wright tract .,,...,, LEHIGH TOWNSHIP. Wagner, C , B. McShane tract , f Fenner, David B. McShane tract , , MADISON TOWNSHIP. Wulsh, Maurice ..John Svron tract ,.,.'..$ 37 72 172 73 9 07 J'29 19 10 3.1 7 31 CO 21 807 49 9 74 6 80 30 91 No, 214 213 216 217 218 210 220 221 223 221 226 227 223 220 230 231 232 233 2.1 i 235 202 2M 201 263 2ii6 267 26S Lb') 270 271 274 271 270 277 27S 279 280 281 282 2W 2M 285 286 287 288 289 210 211 2"2 293 21 J 2H 216 297 29S 291 300 .101 302 .10.! 301 303 321 330 331 332 233 331 335 336 337 3.18 339 310 341 312 343 344 345 346 317 319 250 351 352 25.1 231 357 353 300 361 362 3J 304 265 300 307 363 369 370 371 372 37J 371 .171 376 377 278 379 2S0 331 382 383 384 383 386 387 3SS 3S9 290 291 192 39J 291 391 590 397 f9S t9 400 401 402 40,1 401 403 PUBLIC SALE. 1 ySv&a BALET , No. of lots. etc. llot Hot 1 20 ncies 1 lot llot 2 lots 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot Hot 2 lots Hot .AM.l.l .. I... Intel est nnd cestui 14 7.T 17 04 92 85. MAVFIDLD BOROUGH. Owners or Description of lentllftri nwnarn hinnwlv. Furry, Patrick..,.,,.,, Second Rtreet. v.m.i,...i....i . Cjulnn, John V, Cor, Penn nnd Maple street ....(.. NUWTON TOWNSHIP. Wlcklzor. P. li ,, ii..iit.ii.ii,ii,,,ii...ii..i...).i, old Fonan township (now BORouaH). ''" : ' Durhnnncr Draketovvn ., $ .uavenport, Maiy j.,.i.ltt1o nnglnnel .'..;...,...'.... jinrns, milium lini oertovvn .... Jcnncll, Angcllo Mudtown ......,, Moylcs, William Ilnrbertowu ..,, Pnone,, Myson Austin Heights Hcog & nice... Austin Heights Bchona, Samuel Mudtown Tnlcncl, F Mudtown OLYPHANT BOROUGH. HolyKo, John Fourth ward ..., Jenkins, David Fourth wnrd .... Jackyciock, John Fouith ward ..., Jakrovitz, Jennie Fourth ward ,,.. i. ... . . ... , i . 14 7 12 4 21 3! is sr 6 51 nc 6 5 ISC'i 15 1 7BI 7 94 17 51 IS 03 uun.uni., UUI1IIIU...... I Ulll 111 Willi! ..............( JO V. Jones, John R Fouith waid 12 65 Lavman, Jacob Fourth ward 9M Millard, George W.,.. Fourth ward 6 93 TOWNSHIP. 236 1 lot 137 1 lot 233 1 lot 239 2 lots 240 1 lot 211 1 lot 242 2 lots 243 2 lots 214 1 lot 245 1 lot 216 1 lot 247 1 lot 243 2 lots 219 4 tots 250 1 lot 211 2 lots 212 1 lot 253 2 lots 251 2 lots 255 1 lot 250 I lot 217 I lot 215 1 lot 210 1 lot 209 1 lot 261 1 lot RANSOM 3Iots Tompkins, W Est $ 5 Rl ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP. Hot.llioviso Hartley, Carrlo William Hill tract j I 7 S8 20 ucies, 1 1 house Nay Aug & nimluust Boulevard Co , 7 67 south AuiNn'rnv towmbiiip ' Austin, Hayden Lot 123, Highland park $ 6 78 Butts, Chester Lot 491, Summit paik 10 47 Bell,- Mary T Lot 01. Patrick & Powell plot 6 70 Betz, Burton L Lots 131-112, Summit piiik 11 40 Christian. Conuolsollu.Lot 119, Summit avcniio 10 81 Crofut, Josh T Lot 41. Highland paik 9 59 Dunn. Phillip B Lots 559-560. Summit park 12 43 Dollogolln, Peter Lots 18-301, Summit paik 11 4 Dnnkwcit. Koto Lot 220, Summit paik 10 82 Dechnn, John Pntilek & Powell plot 0 71 Dopue, John J Lot ,190, Summit paik 0 31 Deffenbach, Rlchaiel.. Lot 43. Highland park sit Davis, Berton II Lots 441-442. Snmmlt.'park 12 43 Lots 2i.9, 270,. 271-272'tfummlt paik.. 0 21 Lot 212. Summit paik 10 87 U.... Lots 112-111 Summit paik 16 Oi Lot 20.!. Summit paik 10 33 Lots 41.1-102, .Summit paik 17 43 Lots 211-212, Summit park 7 42 Lot .ISO. Summit park 10 47 ....Lot 431. Summit pink S 37 ....Lot 110, Highland paik 5 01 P.. Lot 68. Summit paik 10 37 ,...Lol2IS, Summit pink 10 27 ....Lot 76, Summit park 8 Pi (or Lot 51, Highland pail; 8 BJ 1 lot noacics 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot noaeics Dunncll, Georgo I'jvnns, vv. u ... Edwards, Saiah Farr, Gomor FrnnU, Knto E... Gudwood, Mary .. Grove, Caulo .... Gurrell, Mm tin ... Hccknmn, 11, L . Hannon, Korman Hitchcock Rollln. Hoover. Aithur T Jennings, David Daniel) ..v. Johnson. Wels ... King. John! Est , Knufman. W. It , Kellv. Paul B .... Lnvclnnd, W. E... Liiiney, Wllllnm . Moyer, Isabella .. Moiton. John A .. Muiphy, Mrs. W. Minpliy, Bellow .. ( Aiiillev. llenrv I lot, 1 house Paddock. David It 1 lot Pi Ice, Thomas Hot Puipoia, Lawicuco 1 lot Powell. Agnes 1 lot Revnolds, John H . 2 lots Rodney. Elizabeth 2 lots Stage. Mm tin Martha) 1 lot Saul. Georgo L Lot 211, llot Smith, J. L Lot 282. 2 lots Suburban Building & Loan Association Lots 21-26. Huron. Abnor Titmnn, Alexander . Van House. Wllllnm Van Buskirk, Lena. .Lot 251, Woodluvvn paik .Lot II'!, Summit paik .Lot 201, Lmiatlio pink . Lot 81. Pntilek & Powell plot .Lot 119. Highland paik .Lot 119. Summit tmik .Lot 216. Hlghluud p.nk , Lots 53-59. Summit paik Lot 202. Summit paik .Chinchilla Mouutuln land ... , Lot No. 130 .Lot 524. Summit pnik .Lot 41. Summit paik .Lot 663. Summit lialk ....Lot 90. Highland park ...Lots 516-517, Summit put It .... (or Lots 4-3, Summit pailc Highland park Summit park .. 1 lot.l house Vnnnkcn. A. C 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot llot 4 lots llot IIlL-hlnnd nark Hot Sitron. Abnor Lot, Pntilek Powell plot 1 lot Titmnn, Alexander ...Lot 111. Patitck & Powell plot .... Hot Van House. William.. Patrick & Powell nlot Hot Van Buskirk, Lena.., Lot 314, Summit uaik Lot 287. Highland pink Weeks. Mary Lot 223. Highland paik Wnlkcr, Fred V Lots 179-180, Summit paik THROOP BOROUGH. Gusslcnr, John Block 4, lot 4, Boulevnid road J Sturkman, Adolph ....Block 4, lot 4, Boulevard toad Starkman, Adolph ....Block 4, lots, 19-20-21, Sandeison st Spccshock, Stephen WINTON BOROUGH. Hot.l house Kunz, Fred , Second waid $ llot Kunz, Netltlo Second waid 1 lot.1 house Kunz, Henry Second waid , 1 lot, 1 houso Konltzcny, Topholla.. Second ward 2 lots 2 houses Ott. Anthony Second ward 1 lot.l house Reed, Mis. Mary.... Second Ward 1 lot, 1 house Snick, Charles Second ward z SCRANTON, FIRST WARD. 2 lots Claik, George R Block 110, lots 8-9, Woodlawn nve..$ llot Dougherty, Michael... Block 79. lot l.Durkln street llot Domen, Fred Block 125, lot 8,,-' Reeso street Isaacs Dlmmlck. J. E On Riverside llot Gilbeit, J. H. & S. G. Block 19. lot 16 or 17. North Main avenue Block 14, lot 18, 17.1.1 Perry avenue. Block 1. lot 18. West Market street Block 83. Lot 6 Block 1 or 3, lot 33, Columbia avc and Block 23. lot IS. Race street .Block 117. Jot 9. Flsk street .Block 116, lot 28, Washington ave(. 306 1 lot 307 1 lot 308 1 lot 309 1 lot 310 1 lot 311 1 lot 312 1 lot 311 1 lot 314 2 lots 311 2 lots 316 1 lot 317 1 lot 518 1 lot 310 1 lot 320 1 lot 321 1 lot 322 1 lot 323 1 lot 321 1 lot 321 1 lot 320 1 lot .127 1 lot 328 16UC1C3 Galngher. R. J . Hoover, James .. McGoff, John .... Owner unknown Pace, Thomas Jennie Williams, J. D AVIIIIams. John ... 1 lot 16acics 1 lot llot llot 1 lot Hot llot SCRANTON, S ECOND WARD. Cavanaugh. Patrick J.Block 96, lot 2 $ 5 82 Davis. J. Alton Est... Block 1. lots 23-26, Columbia nvc... 14 53 Evans, Saiah Ann Block 119, lots 37-38, Theodore st... 6 15 Gerrity, John, 2nd Block 118, lot 23 5 52 Gallagher, Bridget,... Block, 86. lot 9. Beaumont nve 5 71 Gioen, L D Block 8, lot 3. Monscy avenue 7 41 Gilbeit. Joseph Block 96, lot 3. Summit avenue 6 SO Hnrrick, John Block 97, lot 6, Summit avenue.... 5 91 Hoggerty, Cathei inc.. Block 96, 'lot 1 6 81 Judge, Catheiino Block 75, lot 78, Ferdinand street.. 6 11 Keller, M. F Block 7. lot 30, Electric avenue.... 8 21 Mnloney, Bildgct Block 97, lot 9. Clarke street 10 21 Morgan. Cadna Block 97, lot 13, Summit avenue.... 6 69 Miles, Edward Block 7, lot 35, Columbia avenue .. 8 21 McKclch, John Block 8S, lot 4 7 59 Piovldence Coal Co... Block 6, 96, 97, 98 and part of 99 Kelsey &.. 42 Poiter, John T Block 1, lot 2J, Columbia avenue.. Providence Coal Co... Block C6, 107, 108, G. S. Robinson Reed, Harrlrett Block 114, lot 3, Blair avenue. 4 ucies sin faco coal, 1 nci o Leach, 2 houses Sttpp, 1 lot.l houso Koon, Shields. Michael Zaluskey;' Andrew ... SCRANTON, riood, Michael , Gilllgan, Thomas ...., Lcacli, Ann , Poi i y avenue Cross .street .. Block 84. lot 19, Block 76, lot 12 THIRD WARD. Block 31, lot , Tron street ... Block 39, lot 10. Market stieet Block 31, lot 30, lion street ... ... Giles Est Iron stiect Matthias Block 59 Peter Block 7, lor-7, No, lilt Stanton St.. SCRANTON, FOURTH WARD. Hot Hennlgnn, John Block 39, lot 14, Pi Ice, Pancoast & Throop tiact 5 SCRANTON. SIXTH WARD llot Duhlgg, Lawrence Jr. Block 2, lot, First stiect llot Reese, 'William Lot, 9, Roland uvonuc 1 lot, 1 house Smith, Andy Block 20, Lot 3, 121 Connois couit.. SCRANTON, SEVENTH WARD. 1 lot Owner unknown Block 21, Lot 16, Gibson street 1 lot Owner unknown Block 26, lot 3, Mousey avenue ,,,, SCRANTON, NINTH WARD. Hot Richards. Fred Block 11, lot 17 $ SCRANTON. TENTH WARD, 1 lot Bnumnn, Kntherlno Estate Block 38, lot 15, Paul stieet ? Hot Keller, Chailes Block 5S, lot 6, Mnik stieet SCRANTON, TWELFTH WARD. 1 lot, lhouse Lockson, Muiy 128 living avenue S llot 1 lot 1 lot llot 1 lot nnd pait ot lot SCRANTON. THIRTEENTH WARD. Hallgan. Rlchuid ....Lot on Cnpouso avenue ,. Rlchaids, Catheilne,, Block 7.1, lot J, Nay Aug avenue,. Rtlley, David Pait nf lot on Mai vine street ,,, Rlchaids, Cutheilnu.,, Block 75, lot 9, Gaiducr avenue ,, Walsh, John J .$ ,. Block 29, lot 8, pait of lot 9, R erson street SCRANTON, SIXTEENTH WARD. Qoidou, S. B Blocks, lot 11, Anthony stieet SCRANTON, EIG HTEENTH WARD. 1 lot.l house Welly. Mury Block 2, lot 12, Ralhnad and Em met stieet t 1 lot, 1 house O'Donnell, P. J Block 7, lot 22, "u'J Sciauton .st SCRANTON. NINETEENTH WARD. Bint, Hunuuli Block 42, lot 16, Stuffoid avenue ..5 Murray, Thomas Block 11, lot S, Locust street Muuley, John, Jr.. ,.,, Block 7, Hit lb, Piospi'ct avenue... McDonald. Block 22, lot II. 7.13 Beech st Ryan, Hannah Bloclc.27, lots 27-28 Sheridan. John Block on. lot 637. 1107 Mend avo,..., Taylor, U. II Block 62, lotg42-4VIi!ooie'JriLci'.!;'. SCRANTON TWENTIETH WARD'.' Butler, Rlchuid Cedar uveiuio ,, .'.f Cuiey, Mis. Stephen., Block 53, lot 17. Piospeet u venue,. It 56 42 7 62 5 7! 5 62 .1 53 5 73 6 59 16 Ot 8 hi 5 0l 7 81 8 21 7 S2 16 14 15 11 1J50 12 20 5 71 5 43 6 61 it J'j II 5 6 87 12 63 Hot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 2 lotH 2 lots .$ 6 99 8 7.1 11 32 5 50 0 41 10 89, 7 11 .6 51 5 63 5 4S Hot 1 lot Hot 1 lot Cliff oid. Frank cnioy, Patrick 1 lot, 1 houso Curr, Ed. Est Mots Hot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot Hot Hot Hot Hot llot Hot Hot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 6 lots 16 lots 2 lots Hot 4 lots 7 lots 1 lot 1 houso 2 lots llot Hot Hot Block 52. lot ,. Block 59, lot 16, Piospeet a von no ,, , Block 88, lot 21, Stone u venue . Block 89, lots, '23.21. Palm stieet.." ,, Block 88, lot 17. Jrving avoiiuo ,, Block 80, lot lo, Qhmiy street.,,,,, ,, Block 88, lot 2, Ciown avenue ,, Block 19, lot 21, Piospeet uvenue,, ..Block 68, lot 15, Palm sticet ,, Cedar uveiuia ,,, ,,,,,, ..Block 19. lot 21, Palm stieet, ,, Block 55, lot 8, Stono avenue .,,',,, ,, Block 58, lot 17, Prospect avenue ,, ,, Block 58, lot 1, Piospeet avenue.,, ..Block 50, lot 1, Stouu uvenue .,,,.. ..Block 59, lot 1, Stono avcniio ., ,, Block 59, lot 14. Pear streot ,.,,,.. ..Block 78, lot 28, Fig stieet ,...,..." ..Block 84, lot II, Palm street ..,,, ,, Block 19. lot 11, Piospeet uvenue., ,, Block 88, lot U, Ciown aveiiuu ...jiiock no i..,v, ,,(,,;, c ..Block SO, lot 28, Diook btieot .,..,.r .,, Block 77, lot 2, living avenue ,,,,,, ,,, Block 95. lots 95-90, Crown avenue; iocs u-i-o. munoru uvinuu .,,,,,., Remington Estate ,.,, Block 96, Stafford avenue ,.,- Roberts, Maiy Ann... Block 90. Iota 37-38. Crown uvenue, Skelly, Juines J ...... Block 10. lot 10, Cherry street ,.'.'.. SCRANTON. TWENTV-FIRST WARD. ' ' Iluckhoru, Ellen E ...Block 51, lots 9 to 12, South Key Congregation of Ben- scr avenue ,,...,,,,,,,....,,,.$ nl Isruel , Block 45. Eureka uvenue Hoffiker, H. II Block 27. lot 17, Avenuo A ...... ... McLoughlln, John, ,.,,846 Piovldenvo road ...,,.,. Owner unknown .Block 29, lots 14-15, Frlnk stieet ... Owner unknown Block 31, lot 17 , Welssetal. Edwiud.... Block 44, Eureka street ,.,.., ... Williams, Humphiey., Block 52, lot 4, Koyser avenue.,,,,. Dnvltt. Michael .... Donnhoo, James ... Duffy. John T Dinner, Jacob ,,,,,, Fisher, Gcoigo .,,,, Flshei, Geoigo ,,,,, Fnnell, Ellen Fisher, Geoige Fisher, Georgo ,,,,. Fisher, George ,,,,, Fisher, George Fisher, George Fisher, Geoige ,,,,, Fisher, Geoige Fisher, Oeorgo Fisher, GeorSi Gibbous, Catlioilue, Muuley, John, Jr.,. Moeller, Flunk McDonnell. Michael Owner unknown ... Remington Estate S47 7 51 7 41 11,52 10 37 9 21 0 57 6 30, "7 69 L 9 '50 6 89 , bJJO 7 40 7'92 10 62 11 6) 7 91 , 7 75' u m i 62 . HO, 9 20' tr2T H M) 7 61, 7 11 9 21- 5 51 720 ... , b -7 63 8 07 7 it 5 Si rfl82 5 93, 8 If' 7 M ' Attest! W, G. DANIELS, Clerk. JOHN J. DUIUCIN. J. COURIER MORRIS," ,,0HN PENMAN. . ,. County Commissioners. 10 71 12 ?' 8 07 10 6! 12 61 11 43 i! 23 12 61 8 PI 8 01 7 5? 7 27 SO) l(v:;o 8 05 s 7: S70 12 li 11 61 S90 5 51 11 4t 12 4) S81 15 81 0 81 11 IS S00 11 01 9 V) 1101 2J 57 13 64 1152 68 29 hS 63 13 10 19 33 15 59 7 45 fa 5S 6 57 8 21 5 73 6 75 7 41 9 22 5 9t bl7 C36 " M J t, lj& j -'.el .rfi. f S; iAA.r'.'z&.- n K? & &lf$i fc.