The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 17, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Wedding of Dr. J. J. Brennan and Miss
Loretta E, Cannon Wheelmen Enter
tained Ladies Other News Notes.
One of the prettiest nuptial events
tlint has otruireil recently In West
Scrnnton took place nt St. Patrick's
rhuich at 11 o'clock yosterdny morning,
when Dr. J. .1. Brennnn and Miss Lor
rtta E. Cannon, of Jackson street, ueic
united by Itcv. J. J. Dunn.
As the chuich oignnlst, Miss Mame
Johnson, played the Lohengrin wedding
march, the bridal party cnteied the
rluirch nnd pioceeded up the center
tilsle to the altar rail. Flist came the
tishers, Dr. II. II. Flaherty, ot Wllkes
Barre; Dr. L-. H. Raymond, Edward
BIcLaln and Joseph Heftron. They were
followed by the bridesmaids, Miss M.
Louise McGarrnh and Miss Margaret
Urennan, a sister of the groom. The
maid of honor, Miss Geitrude Cannon,
n sister of the bride, followed. All were
attired in gowns en tialu of point de
wpray, over taffeta silk, trimmed with
liberty satin ilbbon, and carrjlng M'htto
nnd pink roses and maiden-hair leins.
Each wore a picture hat of tucked chif
fon, with white plume.
iThe bildo came aftct wards, wearing
a' gown of embroidered chiffon, over
liberty satin, trimmed with duchess
lace and gauze ribbon. She also wore
n bridal veil and carried white roses
nnd lilies of the valley. At the altar
lall they were met by the groom and
his best man, Edward Brennan, brother
of the groom.
During the ceiemony Miss Johnson
played Jansen's bildal chorus, and as
the party was leaving the church she
played Mendelssohn's wedding inarch.
The ceiemony was witnessed by sev
eral hundred people. Immediately after
the wedding, the party was driven to
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Henrietta Cannon, at 1723 Jackson
Ftreet, whore an informal reception was
held, participated In by the Immediate
relatives and friends.
The bride's gifts to the maids were
turquoise rings, and the groom pre
sented the tishers with stickpins with
pearl settings.- Mony beautiful and
costly wedding gifts were received by
the bride and groom, consisting of fur
niture, cut-glass, silverware, etc., and
among other presents was a check for
$1,000 from the bride's mother.
The guests at the house were served
with an elaborate dinner, and during
the reception Miss Nellie Cut ran played
piano selections. Dr. and Mrs. Bren
nan left on the 3 33 Lackawanna train
for Philadelphia and the South, and
will be at homo to their friends at 129
South Main avenue nfter October 1.
The groom Is one of West" Set anion's
most popular young physlclal'is, and
during the few yeais he has been a
resident of the city has built up an ex-
Five stamps given away "with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
3 fl
Your Presence
at the
Globe Warehouse
On Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday or Friday of this
week, will be much appre
ciated. Alterations at the store
have now been completed,
and on the above dates a
yeneral opening will be held,
during which the latest modes
and fashions will be shown
in all departments,
1 '
tensive practice. His bride Is a charm
ing young woman, who hns nttatned a
high social position In West Scranton
society. Both have a wide circle of uc
qualntonccs who congratulate them on
the happy event.
The out-of-town attendants at the
wedding were Mr. and Mrs. John
Maher, of Plymouth; Mrs. M. K.
Grimes, of Wllkcs-Barre: Misses Sadie
Timlin, of Jcrmyn, and Bicnda Hlg
glns, of Carbondalc.
Indies' Night at the Club.
Ping-pong poles Into Insignificance
when the ladles try to bowl, nnd In con
sequence the popular parlor game was
side-tracked last evening at the Elec
tric City Wheelmen's social, which was
tendered the lady friends ot the club.
The remodelled tenpln alleys had an
unusual attraction for the fair sex, and
as a result nearly three hours wero
consumed In lecordlng strikes, spates,
breaks and misses principally misses
which were made by the club guests.
Teams of flvo each rolled five-frame
games, and some unusually "striking"
plays were made, but In the majority
of cases the balls "sp.ned" the pins In
their flight down the alleys, and rolled
Into the gutters. Two of the ladles,
however, succeeded In scoring "strikes,"
and one made a "spaie," and the high
est score made was 42 for flc frames,
an average of a little more than S
points per fiamc.
It would be impolite to mention any
particular players, as the others may
feel offended, suffice to say that all en
joyed the sport Immensely, and uic
anxious for another try at the game.
Fifteen ball pool was also played by a
few, but this game was considered
tame as compared to bowling. Cards,
dominoes and other features wcic In
troduced duiing the evening.
Cieam nnd cake was served at 11
o'clock, and then followed a number ot
lound and square dances, with piano
accompaniment by Miss Kate Iteardon.
Those who enjoyed the novel event
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Daniels, Mr. nnd
Sirs. Samuel McCrnckcn, Mr. and Mr
Herbert Cluitflcld, Mr. and Mrs,. Ii. A.
Howell, Mr. mid Mrs George Howell, Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. H. Fellows, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Smith. Dr. 'and Mrs. T. A. Eynon, Dr.
nnd Mrs. W. Rowland Daics, Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Pfeiffer.
Misses Jennie Lewis. 'Margaret Rece,
Lillian Davles, Kato Reunion, Majbello
Sweetser, Sarah Davis, Mary Owens
Elizabeth Coombs, Belle McDowell, Mm
garet Hlldobrnnd. Lena Cook, Hattlp Bc
an, West Pittston; Bosslo Praunfelter,
Boitha Davis, Jennie. Hawkins, LouWo
l-'lynn, Margaret Grossman, Anna Dal,
Jessie Kern, Annette Howell. Henrietta
Hltzelroth, Elizabeth Engcl, New Yolk';
Anna Powell. Dunmorc: Isabolle McDow
ell, Mame Hodgson, Lucy Faust and
Laura Davis.
Henry Morgaji, Hugh Hughes, "Will
Davis, Edward Thomat Skerrett,
Arthur Dals, John Thomas, Samuel T.
Jones, C. A. Eynon, John P. Williams,
Will Lewis, Aithur T. Stover, Emijs
Joseph, Walter Jones, Will Wclddncr,
Thomas Stevens, Dr. B. C. Font, W. It.
Hoc, William Williams, E. L. Bevnn,
Daniel Owens, Fred Boftloy, John Howell,
Barry Davis, Ely Harris, Ilnrry Davle,
Will Dlchl, Dr. Struppler nnd Sjilney
Means. t
It Is the Intention of the club to con
duct socials once a month during the
winter months, varying them from
"stag smoke talks" to "ladles' bowling
night," and In this way create renewed
Interest In their nffalis among tho
young people of West Scranton.
Reception and Presentation.
The pastor's Bible class of the First
Baptist Sunday school met nt the homo
of Mr. nnd Mts. W. H. Fowler, on Jack
son street, last evening nnd tendered a
fntewcll reception to Rev. S. F. Math
ews, pi lor to his departure for St. Louis,
Mo., where ho will visit for a few
w celts.
Tho evening was spent In social In
tercourse, music and singing being en
joyed nt Intervals, after which refresh
ments wero snived. Rev. Mathews was
presented with a traveling case, and
accepted tho gift with a very nppro
pilate speech. Dr. B. O. Bcddoe nlso
made a few icnmiks. The event was a
very enjoyable one for all In attendance.
Sold Without n License.
Jolmcndnnce and John M. Curias,
street iVrldlei s, were nnested by Con
stable Timothy Jones yesterday and
taken before Alderman Dals, charged
with violating tho city ordinance In
peddling without a license.
After tho healing they weio each
committed to tho county jail for Uility
days In default of a line of $10 each,
and $3.47 costs each. A number of ped
dlers me selling without the proper
license hcicabouts and if caught will
be similarly dealt with.
The members of tho Jackson Stieet
Baptist chinch will hold a eoufeicnro In
the cliuich this evening for tho lmivest
festlMil. the oichcstia will bo In at
tendance. The Epuoilh league of the Simpson
Methodist EpNcopul chinch will hne
chnigo of the sci vices at tho Allls mlslon
tomenow evening.
Scrlces over the lemnlns of tho late
Mrs. Mniy Beuion, who died at her homo
In Lncknnannn, wcie held In tho Fhst
Welsh Baptist chinch j,estorday nftri
noon. Rev. D. D. Hopkins officiated, and
intci ment was made In tho AVashbum
Micct cemoteiy.
Tho Tiibune was in cuor ycsleiday In
announcing the inauiago of Dald J,
Gilfflths. ct Buffalo, and Miss Mabel
Clcmentlno Spencer, of Jackson stieet,
The cent will take placo ut tho Wash
Inn n Street Piesbjfcilan chinch nt 8
o'clock net Tuesday evening, Sept. "3
Miss Rhnda IJllnn, of Washburn stieet,
Rae a luncheon at noon jcstciduy to a
number ot fi lends in honor of MIhs
Stiout, who is a cucst of Miss Anna
Thomas, of Washburn stirot.
The Dcmociats of tho J'hst !eg!Mntio
dlstilct will hold their convention hi
Mulheiln's hall, Noith Scianton. this
evening. A laige number fiom West
Scranton will attend.
A laigc p.ntv ot .oiinK people enjoved
a stiawildo Monday evening to Newton
and return. The event was given hi
honor of MNs i;ilalictli Moise, of Pattl
son avenue. Kejscr vallcv.
Mr. nnd Mis. David l.avvirnco, of Tripp
paik, gave a childipn's pnitv at theh
home ireently In honor of their on Al
bert's Jlfth blithda:-. Mis Law l once
was assisted In serving bv her bisters,
Misses Iminia and Lulu Title!.
A cottngn piajer meeting w is hold last
evening bv tho rinKtlnn Woikeis' league
at tho homo of Miss Alice "Williams, 1117
Luzetnc .stieet. i
Local union. No. 17JS, United, Mine
Workois of Ameika, will hold a meeting
at 7.30 o'clock this evening in Co-opcia-tlvo
Tho teachcis of St. Davids Episcopal
Sunday school ate lequpstnd to meet at
S o clock this evening In tho chinch.
Tho teachcis and oftlcois of tho Junior
Dpnorth league wcie entei tallied last
evening at the paisonago of tho Simpson
Methodist Episcopal chinch.
Ptcpaiatciy services will he held nt the
Washburn Stieet Piesbjfcilan church
this evening nnd Fildav evening for tho
communion sen Ice next Sunday.
Will Williams, of Rock stieet. Is homo
from a three weeks' visit In Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mts. G. "W. Doud, of West
Park, have letutncd fiom a week's so
journ at Saiatoga.
Ai thur Davis, of Noi th Sumnei avenue,
loft leccntly for Chicago and tho middle
Mr. and Mts. B. L. Jones nnd childien,
ot Tilpp pa ik, have l etui nod homo fiom
a pleasant sojourn at Lake Sheildan.
Miss Rosa Reed, of Lincoln Heights,
entei talncd a paity of young fi lends at
her homo recentlv.
William Rlchaidson bus ictuined to his
homo In Corning. N. V.. after a visit with
West Scianton fi lends
Samuel B. Powe(l and family, of Jack
son stieet, have lotuined homo fiom
Lake Wlnola.
Mr. and Mis. John lr. Phillips, of
Washhuin stieet, huvu ictuined homo
fiom Donvei, Col
Miss Saiah Vamleibeck, of New YoiK,
Is the guest of lelailves on Pi Ice stieet.
Miss Louise Loomls, of Washington, Is
tho guest of Miss Paulino Pitcher, of
Pilce stieet.
A well attended meeting of the Saett
genundo society was held last evening
In Athletic hull, when neatly a full at
tendance was present at tho
nnd-piuctlco. At the meeting which tol
lowed a discussion took placo ubout en
terlng the i.nltonal Mngltig contest to tnko
place In Biooklyn on Thunks,gllng day,
but owing to the ubseneo of Piofessoi
Hcmbeiger, tho leader, nothing was done.
A bitbiness meeting followed tho pmc
tlce, and the namo ot Jttago Vosbutg was
fuvotably acted upon.
Tho tuiieinl of Jacob Klein, whose
death took placo Momlav at tho Hillside
home, ns lepotted In ycslei day's Tiibune,
will tnko placo nt 8 o'clock this morning.
Services will be held In St. Mary's Cath
olic cum en, Tlio dec eased is muwved by
two sons, Joseph and Cieoige, of Buffalo,
and thieo mauled duuglitois, ns follows;
Mis, Clturles Robinson, Jin. Joseph
Brier and Mis. Jlemy Hell.
Mcmbeis or tho I.ledeiktnuz societies
bowling ttum paid a visit to this side,
last evening, and plaod sevetal good
games on tho Aillngton's alleys on X'ltts
ton uveiuie,
Dr, Schley's Lung Iltullus Balsam Is
guaiautccd to into all coukIis. "No cine,
no pay." I'or snlo by all dealcts.
MM r.llen DiiunlnK, daughter of Mr,
ami Mrs. A, Ii. Dunning, of Mousey ave
nue, Iiiih to fin lecovciiMl fiom her (econt
npcintlou ns to bo aula to bo icmoecl to
her home, '
J. Haiti on Smith, of MoiiHcy a venue,
left ebtiiilay to cuter Iioulentown Mill,
tiny Institute,
Mis. Townsend I'ooio ami Mls8 Pooio,
of CupoiiHo nveiiuu, left jesteulay i
Vciniont, wheio they spend a wei
lor children tocthliitr, Is tho piescrlptlon ol
ene of the best female physicians anl
tiurses In the United Btates, and has bee2
Used sixty years with never-falllnc sucJ
tess by millions of mothcis for their chllj
dren. During the process 'of teethlmj ill
Julue Is Incalculable, it relieves tho chill
from pain, cuies diarrhoea, urlplng hi th
towels, and wlnd-collc. Ry Klvni; healtl)
to tho child It tests thn mother. Pilce
tweaU-flv ctaU . botUs, '
hs guests of Rev. nnd Mrs. W. B. Waller,
former residents of Green Rldgc.
Tho matrlago of Miss Myrtle O. Peiry,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. R. Perry,
nnd Louis J, Robertson, was solemnized
nt tho homo of tho bi Ida's parents, 11JJ
Cnpouso avenue, Inst evening. Tho wed
ding was a quiet otto at which only I da
tives wero guests. Rev. J. It. Dabncy,
pnstor of tho Tripp Avenue Clulstlan
church, peif owned tho mtirrlngo ceie
mony, and John Shepherd, of Wilkes
Bairc, picslded nt the piano. The In Ida
nnd gioom wcie unattended. Tho lit Ida
looked charming clnd In whlto dimity
trimmed with wilonclcniiqs luco and car
lied a boquct ot bridal loses. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Robertson left on a Into tinln on un
extended western trip, They will loslda
In Pat sons, Knn. Friends fiom out of
town who attended tho wedding were:
Mr. nnd Mis. J. R. Perry, Mr. and Mis.
lleibcrt Hopkins, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson
Boyd, Mr. nnd Mrs. L, D. Peiry, Mis. O.
M. Sclueme, Mis. Mary Nelmeycr, Miss
Emma Boyd, Mls Louoio l'eiiy, Miss
Carilo Blown, or Wllltcs-Baire: MIhs
Jesslo Owens nnd John Owens, of Tnjlor,
Tho Gicen Ridge Woman's Clulstlan
Tempeianco union will meet this uftct.
noon nt ,1 o'clock nt Mis. B. T. .Jackson's,
MM) Mousey avenue. Subject, "Evange
listic Work." The meeting will bo In
chnrgo of Mis. J, S. Miller, mipcihiton
dent of tho depnitment. A cord In 1 Imi
tation Is extended to all Intel cstcd.
Basket Bnll Season Opened by the
Shamrocks Defeating tho South
Scianton Sunsets.
The basket ball season was opened
last night at the Audltotiuni In thu
ptesonce ot a large ctowd, which lust
ily cheeied the newly organized Sham
rock team, which downed tho South
Scianton Sunsets to the tunc- of 16 to A.
The Shainiocks had things nil their
own way throughout. Tho plujlng of
Wells was the featuie.
Tho line-up of tho teams, was us fot
lows: Shitmtocks Ready, r.f.: AV'cl-h, l.f.;
Duffy, c.i Burns, r.g.; Wells. I g.
Sunsets Kotss, r.f.; Folcn, l.f.; Wndc, c;
Miles, r.g.; Judge, 1 g.;
The Shainiocks will play the Tlguo
gymnasium team next Tuesday night.
John Laird, of Robert avenue, was ten
dered a farewell surptisc by a number of
Ills friends Monday evening. Mr. Lnlrd
left cbtetdny for tho Wyoming scmln
aty, where ho entered tho .sophomore
class. Those present ut the pleasant oc
casion were: Misses Gcoiglo Cine, Luc?
DeWltt. Lena Slckler, Alice Ltilid, Jen
nie Kiayne, May Butson. Hattic ClORg,
Susan Dawson, Gcrtrudo Suhcnnoutli,
Alice Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lln
ncy, JIIss 'Wells, AlKs Haswcll; Messrs.
William Blight. Aithur L'dgar, Ohatlcs
Bceis, Janici! I.ahd, John Lalid. David
Laird, Homy Kcmt eillng, John Wcbytor,
Ami ' McGulimess, James Cuhbeil,
Claude Cubhctly and Mr. nnd Jlrs. Thom
as Laird, ji.
Master Nelson White was tendcicd a
surprise at his home, on Tluoop street,
Monday aftoinoon. The usual party dl
vcislous weio indulged in until a. .sea
sonable hour, when rcfieshmcnts wero
served Present wero: Misses Grnco
White, Minnie Newberry, Gertlo Tatter
son, May Lancaster, Mabel llsldon, Bes
sie and May Rodham, and Masters Nel
son Whlto, Ravmond Hams, Richaid
White, Gcorgo llrldon, George Patterson,
Thomas Patteisou, and the Misses 'Wlilto
and Mls Cora White.'
Tho home of Mr. and Mts JIlcliucl Me
Guire, of Ditrkiu stieet, is brightened by
tho arrival of u baby git I.
Mr. and Mrs. Homy Baumgaidncr have
ictuined fiom a week's wedding tout,
which they spent at Atlantic City.
Miss Lottie Wish, ot North Main ave
nue. Is recovering from a recent Illness
Miss Jennie Hoffman, of Noith Main
avenue, has returned fiom a visit at New
York city.
John Jarvis, ot Wane avenue, is pars
ing around tho cigars over tho arrival of
a baby ghl.
Dnos Fbnn, ot AVcst Maiket stieet,
has returned fiom Philadelphia, vvheic ho
lias been attending to some important
Geoigc Dlckerson, ot Putnam street,
has returned fiom a week's visit at tho
Toronto exposition and othci places of
lntercstln Canada.
Mr. and Mis. 'William C. McDonald and
daughter, Ruth, of Noith Slain avenue,
have returned from Lake Sheridan.
Miss Gertrude D, Guild, ot North Main
avenue, left yesterday morning for New
ton, Mass, wheie sho will attend the
Merton semlnaiy.
Mr. and Mis. S. J. Owen", of North
Main avenue, ate spending a lew dajs at
Unlondalc, Pa.
Wlllaid Shafer, of Parker street, is
entertaining AVesley Hadsel, of Brldge
poit, Conn.
Mis. George L Guild, of Noith Main
avenue, Is spending a few weeks In New
ton, Mass.
Mrs. T, B. Collins and children, ot
Short avenue, aie visiting tt lends in Car
bondalc Mrs. Michael Lynch, of Putnum street,
has leturned home, after spending thiee
weeks In Taylor.
Miss Kathryn Moran, of Oak street, has
returned home, after spending tho sum
mer as tho guebt of her sister, Mrs. J. W.
Splccr, of Rockuway Beach.
Mr. and Mis. Harry McGulmiess, of
rcrdlnnnd street, has leturned fiom a
visit In New York city.
Misses Moynio McHtile, of Oak street,
and Isabel Bums, of We-t Market street,
are visiting Buffalo friends.
John O'Neill. Wlllllam Saltry and Wll
Ham Ruddy have leturned to icbutne
their studies at St. Michael's college,
Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Myles Gibbons, a physician at St.
Luke's hospital, Bethlehem, has le
turned after spending a few days at his
home on Summit avenue.
Caids arc out annouuclntr the coming
manlago of Mlfeh kydla Fauai, ilaughtci
of Mi. and Mis. Chailes S. Faiiai. and
rinnk J. Plclteilug, In tho Duumoui Piea
bteilan chinch on Wednebday ovenlng,
October 1, at S o'clock,
Theio will bo a meethui of all the pei
sons who hae made application fur po
sitions us substitute teacheis, In tho im
pel lutewlent'ti office In the high school
building on Thiusday nfteinoon at 4
Ollbeit Close and deoigo Kills left yes
teiday to lesume their studies at Pi hue.
ton unlveisity.
John Hi own. of Woid stiett, left es
teiday for Vlllan&n college, wheio hu Is
a membei of the Junior class.
Mis. J, T. Whitman, of .Mooslc, spout
jesteiduy with fi lends In town.
Mrs. John llnughter and duughter, Mis,,
i;imu. lunii ictuined riom a lMt with
f i lends In Ro bourne.
Patents Chanted Citizens of Noith
eastern Pennsylvania.
According to a bulletin Issued by
rteplogle and company, sollcltois of
American and foielgn patents, the fol
lowing patents lune been Issued dur
ing the (list half of September to citi
zens of Northeastern Pennsylvania:
Finnklln S. ThomuH, Uast Strouds
buig, Ph demijohn eoeilng; Joh P.
Welhei ill, South Hetl.lehem, Ph., mag
uetle sepumtor; Irwin S. Davis, Seiun
ton, Pa steam motor; Lucy H. Ingham,
Wllkes-Barre, Pa corset attachment
nnd Blocking suppoiter; William J,
Mai tin, Catuwlsbu, Pa,, furniture cas
tor; I'VuiiVIs 10. Quest. Knoxvllle, Pa
switch operating device-
Failed to Do for Miss Mabelle L. La
Monte What Was Accomplished
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
She Has Written a Faithful Aooount of Her Oase to
Convince Other Suffering Women,
.Tho beautiful young lady whose portrait we publish In this nrticlo hai
only one object In view in allowing us that great privilege, nnd that Is to help
convlnco othor young wpmen that Lydia 13. Phiklmin'fl Vegetable Com
pound will positively restore their health and relieve their suffering as
surely as the Min shines.
Leader Nielsen Singing Society, Chicago, 111.
'"Dear Mrs. Pin-kiiam: I wns in nn awful state for nearly three
years with a complication of female troubles which three physicians
called by different names, but the pains were all the same. I dreaded
the times of my monthly periods for it meant a couple of days in bed in
awful agony. I finally mado up my mind that the good doctors were
guessing; and hearing from different friends such good reports of
Lydia 13. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound, T tried that. I bless the
day I did, for it was tho dawning of a new life for me. I used five
bottles before I was cured, but when they were taken I was a well wo
man once more. Your Compound is certainly wonderful. Several of
my friends have used it since, and nothing but the best do I ever hear
from its Yours, Mabelle L. LaMonte, 222 E. Hist St., Chicago, 111."
If Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound will euro Miss
LaMonte why not you? You cannot tell until you try it. If
you are ill, and really want to get well, commence Its use nt once,
nnd do not let any drug clerk persuade- you that ho has something
of his own which is better, for that is absurd. Ask him to pro
duce tho evidence wo do.
Women who are troubled with painful or irregular menstruation, back
ache, bloating (or flatulonce), leti"orrhcea, falling, inflammation or ulceration
of the uterus, ovarian troubles, that bearing-down feeling, dizziness, faint
ncss, indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues, should take immediate
action to ward off tho serious consequences, and be restored to perfect health
and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound,
and then write to Mrs. Finlcham, Lynn, Mass., for further free advice. No
living person lias had such a vast and successful experience in treating female
Ills. She has cured thousands of others, and she will cure every suffering
women who will simply ask and follow
ItEWAKD. Wo have deposited with thoNatlonal City Bank of Lynn. $5000,
V7hlcli will 1)0 paiii to any person who can Unit that the abOTO testimonial letter
la not gonulue, or was published before obtaining tho vvriter'e apooial per
mission, Lydia E. Vlokham Mediolno Co., Lynn, Moat.
Pontifical High Mass of Requiem
Celebrated by Her Son.
Tho of tho late Mrs. Bridget
A. Hoban was attended ycsteiday
morning from the family residence, 51S
North Washington avenue. At St.
Peter's cathedial a pontifical high mass
of lequiem was celebrated by her son,
nt. Rev. Bishop Hoban, with Rt. Rev.
E. A. Garvey, bishop of Altoona; Vlcnr
Genet al Hodohoy, of the Greek Catholic
chinch, and neaiiy nil the priests of
the Scianton diocese assisting on tho
altar or in attendance In the sanctu
ary. Veiy Rev. T. F. Coffey, V. G of Cai
hondnle, was aich-pilest; Rev. J. A.
O'Reilly, lector of the cathedial, was
deacon of the mass; Rev. J. V. Hussle,
of Hnzlpton, sub-"deucon; Rev. John
O'Mnlley, of Pittston, and Rev. J. J.
Ruddy, ot Ashley, deacons of honoi ;
Rev. P. C, Wlnteis, ot Honesdule, and
Rev. J. J. Gtimn, chancellor of the dio
cese, masteis of ceiemonles.
The seimon was pieachcd by Bishop
Garvey. He sulci, In pui t:
My dear biotluen jou have assembled
huio to honor a good Clulsltuu woman,
and thn Catholic chinch touches us to
honor the dead by piayeis, not by elo
quence. She was tiuly a Chiistlun wo
man and hoi's was tiuly u Clulstlan
home. Soma euis ago the good father
of tho heieuved family died and like a
good, tlulfty man left his family a com
petence. Never was a little foiluno but
ter caieil for or used moio Jiidlclousb,
Mis, Ilohau like u titiu Chiistlun moth.
ei. hud place in her heait for two things
which weio uppeimost; lovo for the Iioiiib
and love for tho chinch ot God, Theio
was always a tie ol lovo binding tho
mother to her chllihen und tho ohildieu
to each othei llei caio and Insliuctlnu
lit ought ubimdnnt fiult. It made a Imppy
family and u happy mother, Sho was
happy In her declining j.enis to see her
chlldieu houoied, My deal lilemhi tho
gicatest (oiiholotlon wo have now Is that
hei litiif.s ueto tellcctcd In htr lainlb.
In closing, Bishop ciiuvoy uiged the
ieluttes to he constuut for tho de
ceased, that In the end they may ho
happy with her In the Kingdom of God,
During the muss the choir lemleied
the solemn and Impiesslve nnislu of the
lequiem muss, and npptopiiatu solos
weie sung by Mis. M. J, heonuul, .Miss
l.avollf, und Joseph P, Burns, of
Wllkes-Baiie, The chinch was lllled
with sympathizing friends of the de
ceased and her hei caved family,
At the grave, In tho Cathedial ceme
tciy, the absolution was pionuuncetl by
Bishop Hoban, und the "Benedlctus"'
was sung by Rev, J, V, Mojlun, of
Noith Scianton, and Rev. Juiiies A,
Moflltt, of Taylor,
The pall-bcuieis weie John C'Juik,
Patrick Dm kin, Jllchiiel Wulsh, .JI.
Keuiney, M. W. Moulls, of Pittston,
and Thomas Mangun, of Pittston.
Descendants of Mrs. Sophia C. How
ard Met nt Wayinait.
The childien, giuudchlldicu and
gieut-giuuddiildien of Mrs. Sophia C.
liuwuid met ut her honiu In Wuynuut,
her advice.
Thursday, September 11, to celebiatc
her eighty-sixth anniversary. A bounti
ful dinner was piepaied for ubout
foity that had assembled to do her
Among those present were: Mr. nnd
Mis. Thomas J. Andetson, Mr. and Mis.
L Manzer, of South Gibson; Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. How aid, Mr. and Mis, W.
J. Sweeney, of Olyphunt; Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar AVells, Mr. and Mis. John Uns
lln, Mr. and Mrs. Loien Felldlng and
daughter Reba, Mr. Alyn Rockwell, of
South Canaan; Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Shaf
fer, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Howard, of
Wnymart; Mr. A, W. Howard, Mr. W.
G. Conrad und duughter Ruth. Mr, und
Mrs. Chailes Keech, Mis. N. W. Hoiv
ui d and son, Mrs. Joseph Chnmberlln,
Mr. und Mis. George W. Rice and
duughteis Daisy and Maud, Mrs.
Stephen H. Rlee, of Scianton.
Twenty-sixth Senatorial District
Conferees Deadlocked.
The Democratic confeiees for the
Twenty-sixth Senatoilal dlstilct, com
prising the counties uf Susquehanna
and "Wayne, held a pi oti acted session
ut the St. Charles hotel jesteiday, but
weie deadlocked on the selection of n
candidate when an adjournment hub
tuken nt 4,30 o'clock.
The Susquehanna county Deinoci.its
selected M, S, Allen, of Montrose, us
their candidate, while tho Demociuts
of Wayne county selected J. O, Hill, of
Lookout, us their choice, In accoi dunce
with established custom, these two can
didates appointed the following con
ferees to meet and select a candidate!
Susquehauiui county, J. M. Kelly und
W. O. Ciuser, of Monti use; It. N. Buish
ami R. J, Maiming, of Susquehauiui;
Wnyne county, F. P, Kimball, John
Klnback and Dei mud Riley, of Ilones
dule. und F. P. Tllfuny, of Pleasant
FIo ballots weie taken jesteulay, all
lesultlug In a tie, neither side being
willing to give in. Adjournment wan
tuken until tomoiiow moinlng nt io 30
o'clock. If none of the tonfeiees have
(hanged their mind at that time, State
Chuli man Cieusy will be n sited to ap
point nn umpiie, us nomination pupeis
must he filed ut Uaulsbuig befoie Sep
tember 2.'.
Tho Republliun cundldate Is Colonel
Chuiles Piutt, of New Mllford, who was
selected at Caibondale, Monday,
At the meeting of the Woman's Cluls
tlan Tompeinnce union held yesterday
the following delegates were appointed
to attend the county convention; Mis,
DeGruw, Mis. Ihnlly Hloins, .Mrs. A,
F. Yost. Altci notes, Mis. Geoigo Rey
nolds, Mis, O. D, Simpson, Mis. M,
By an ngi cement made in IS'JS the
nfllceis of the local union have u vote
In the convention. The sessions will
he held ut Taylor on September 23.
The annual meeting of the local union
will bo held ncNt week, when tepuits
will bo leeched fiom supeilntcndcnta
uud olUccrs. und ollltcis wll) be elected.
Sept. 23 to 26.
The Finest Grounds and Best
Exhibits Fifteen Races Dur
ing the Week on the Best
Half-mile Track In the Coun
try Baloon Ascension Each
Day-Dally Concerts by Two
Bands-Special Attractions In
Front of Grand Stand-Reduced
Rates on All Railroads
for the Week-Special Dally
Excursions from All Points.
Admission to Grounds, is Cent.
H. B. SCHALL, Secy.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Rely, Lessen nnd AlnniiRcr.
A. J. Duffy. Business Manager
Thursday Night, Sept. 18
Paul Aimstiong's Xew Comedy Drama
A talc of I.OVi:, A11T1STS and BO
A plav uhli h Is destined to become one
of the theiitiical hits of the seifion. Bui
thuoie Amu han.
li l cs Se., 5(lc , 7uc, $1.
Seats on silo.
Satin day Matinee, Night. Sept. 'JO.
Morris & Hall Co.,
Piescnt II. V 12'tiinnilH Kviiiislto rto.
m iiicu hi 1 Act", entitled
When WV
Were TwentyOne
rionnumeil bv tho Boston, New Yolk
and London pi ess,
"Gicatest Plav of the Contui."
As pioduced ut llio Knit Kut booker The
ater, Now Voile City, and tho Comedy
Theater. I.o.idon.
PmcnS-RlHlliiec, 23 and 50c. Night,
r.. TO, 7"i and ?1 0ft
Seals on salu Tluusdaj at ! a. m.
Academy of Music
II. Ucls. Leseco and Mnnnsrcr.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Tin co Nights, Commenting Monday, Sep
ti'inbcr 11.
Matinees Tuesdiu and Wednesday.
Matinee Pi Ices 1.1c. and 21c
Nlht Pi ices 11c , ")C, 31c and ,10c.
Thico Nights. Commencing Thursday,
September If,
Matinees 1'ilil.iv and Satin day.
Mi. Bm ney Ollmoie in
Eight Big Specialties.
Dixie's Theatre,
Lessee nnd Manager.
WEEK 6r" SEPT. 13.
Ametain New Dances
The Kenton s
Sisson and Wallace
Matinee Today
Prices 13. 21, 33 and COc.
Special matlneo prices.
ALr. G. 1IERR1NGTON, Manager.
Septembei 11, ID, 17,
The Cracker Jacks
Matlneo Eeiy Day,
Allis-Chalmers Co
Guccessois to Machine Business at
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mlnlnf
Machinery, Pumps.
The subject taken up for discussion
yesteiduy was "I'nfermented Wine." It
wnn shown conclusively that Christ
used tho unfeinieiited vlno at the In
stitution of the Lord's Supper.
T. T. Homey, who was foimeily sec
letaiy of tho Y. M. C. A. In this city,
suffeied the lo-is of his sou Udwaid
last week, who died In the west from
consumption. Mi, Homey Is now man
ager and piopiletoi of the Hotel B.od
mun on Uio.ul stieet, Philadelphia, be
sides being still dliector of John .Wuna
makei's phllunthioplQ entuie, the
Fi Jendlv Inn
Tho Hodman wus stinted ns a ladles'
hotel, hut the Idea, did not seem to he
uppi eclated by the expected patrons, so
almost two yeais ago, under nn nr
langemont with Mr. Wauamuker, Mr.
Homey took chaige, with fiuch siiccess
that the hotel Is now classed among
the best in Philadelphia und is a
CHARLES SCIUJIREIi, un ugod uud re
spectcd iciidcut of tho South Side, died
Into Monday ulglil )at thu humo of his
son. Chailes Sthclber, Jr., of l.!S Beech
street. Thu deceased wus wutthmukcr
lj undo, uud for iniiiiy caii had a
placo of business ut 1J0.1 Cedar acuuc,
Tho deieastd I sunlvcd by Adolph,
Clmrlts and, of this city, aiuj
Mathlus, ii student at St. Aiiscllus col
lege, Manchester, N. H. Ills wlfo dlc4
only bIx weeks ul'u.
"V... S152
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