The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 16, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Bpfcltl to the Scranton Tribune.
lloiiesilnlc, Sept. 13 -Ml. Cimliam
AA'ntls, the hutdwiiie merchant, will, In
the nenr future, open u brunch Htme In
llawloy. wlilili will he In thuigo of his
ton AVIIIIitn.
Tho tlftnosdalc Tlgeis made u clean
sweep In the gamo with the AVest Hide
Blow ns, nr Horanton, mi Butiiiilay. Tho
score was !) to 0 In favor of ltonesiliilo.
The supper given by thp Luilles' Cliolo
tit Hip Grand Almv In the post looms
was laiRPlv putionlzcil Frldnv evening.
TIipup ladles still mnlntuln their loputii
tlon of serving excellent supper. The rc
oclptM will grentlv aid In thn Impiovo
ment of the Orund Army eomoteiy lot In
Olcli Dvborrv.
A chicken Clipper will bo solved In pirn
ncrtlon with the Ateit hook and ladder
toinpunv's annual ball, which will tuko
place In Alert hall, East Itoncsdale, AVed
licdnv evening next.
The llohemlau Bililcsquo company will
be the attraction at tho opera house
Wednesday evening, September 17, with
lleli costumes, laughable furies and
intiMlc to plpuse. They will entertain n
largo oimvd.
Special lallroad lutes ale offeied for
tilt' coining Vnnc county fair, which
t omniPiicoA September 21, The nuts
proinWo lo bo the beat ecr witnessed
on this track. A new covered grand Miami
has been elected. Theio will be special
nltrnctlons eacli of t,ho fotli days and a
lino collection of exhibits.
Ma 11 to Jacobs, the supposed wealthy
gcntlimiin who negotiated foi 'aluablo
llonestlalc pinpeity, left town a few
weeks iign, piomNng to letuin In 11 few
du.v. lip to the present time the gentle
man has failed to retiiiu or reveal tho lo
cation of his petson or monev.
Last night the third ftost of the season
tut vegetation badly thioughoiit AVuvno
The count v eommlssloncis will widen
the nppioiches to the tcmpmiin wooden
bildgo on Mntn stitet oei the Lacka
wanna river for the convenience of tinvel
duilng fall week.
Special to the Scranton Ti Ibune.
Ilanillton, Sept. 13 Dr. 1. P. Cook and
family, of Haw lev, spent Sunday with
Jlr. and Mis. Thomas Cook.
Ml-s Emily Oi chin d, of Scranton, 1b
the guest of Mis. V. A. Oichaul
Mr. AV. fl. Christmas, of Scrunton, was
visiting ielaties heie last week.
Mrs, J. A. McKee, tlailghtei and hon,
liave icturni'd to their home In Wilming
ton, Del. after having spent the sum
mer with Mi-s D. P. Hamlin
Miss Katiiii Edwards lias returned
fiom Englewood, X. .1., wheie she has
been tho guest of hei niece, Mis. ,T. P.
Kurcstelnei. foi the p it two mouths
The Ladles' Aid society of the 51. 13.
chuich was held Thursdav afteinoon .it
tho residence of William Stone. A cry
cu lovable time is lepoited
The annual reunion of the f'
families was held Fiiday. September 1.',
at the resident e of Mi. Frank Chapman
at rink, Wavno county, Pa Several
families from this place were in attend
ance. Miss Alice Hamlin leaos this week for
Wjomlng semlnn, expecting to betome
a student at thai institution 101 tho com
ing jcui.
Special to the Scinnton Ti Ibune.
Nicholson. Spr ''17 Miss' Blantho
Walker, of Salem., is stlng tis. Steph
en Jay. , V
Mls Roso Judge", of Moiitltise, spent
Sundav at the home of Mis Oscar Will
lams. Mi. and Mis Sweet, of Haifoid, spent
n few das with theii daughter, Mis C.
V. Oslioine.
Jlis Thomas Judge, of Mansfield, and
Mis. Gcoige Ileiinlngei. of Weatheilv,
N. Y aio isitlng their mothci, Mis.
Klin Williams
Leo Taloi Bole is speudlug some
time with his ft lends, Mi, and Mis I X.
Hov lo.
Miss Nell Decker, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with her bi other, Dr. V. C.
John Bailey, of JIariisbuig, spent Sun
day at tho homo of D. G. Blacks.
Miss Mildied Nichols and Mis. Will
Squires, of Glenwood, spent Sunday with
their mother. Mis. Geoige Nichols.
Dr. V. C. Decker was a caller In Scian
ton Monday.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Tuclthannock, Sept. 13 The elates fixed
for tho lnimers" institutes to be held in
this county this year tiro December 1 and
'i at Tunkhannock and December 3 and
at Laceyvllle.
John Borden, who has been spending
his vacation with his parents at this
place, returned on Monday to resume his
Etudtes at Cornell miKcivlty nt Ithaca,
Tho canniner factory plant will bo sole!
on an execution 'issued by the Wyoming
National bank b Slierilft John W. Giay
on Saturday, Seritember 27, 1002. Tho
amount of the debt is $10,000.
131 ton Closs, who has been tho guest
of friends nt this placo tho past week,
otnan is
nervous her
tion givea
and threat
shapes to
the most fa
miliar ob-
jects. By day
she starts in fear
at every sudden
or unfamiliar
sound. By
night the furni
ture of her room
takes on af
frighting forms
of ghost or gob
tin. You cau't
treason with the
(merves. Neither
'logic nor love
can quiet them,
Thev must lie
Jourished and then the outcry of the
nerves will cease as naturally as a hun
gry child ceases to cry when fed.
For nervous women there is no better
tonic and nervine than Dr, Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It cures the dis
eases which produce uervousness in
women, irregularity, debilitating drains,
inflammation, ulceration and female
weakness. It tranquilizes'the nerves,
encourages the appetite, and induces re
freshing sleep.
- ".wi?,en,.l b8n taking your medicine I wm
01 able to taud ou ray feet tea minutes at a
I'?'" writes Mr Battle Uorradaile. of 113
Spring- street, Nahvll!e, Teiiu "Had falling
o( iiterui, and kidney and liver dlteake, and wa
., w,jk. an1 nervous 1 could uot Lrep still
Would taWe nervous spells aud almost die at
i""'!: .IJ""1 "veral dillereut doctors attend,
lug, but they could not do me any good. The
fast ouo I had said I would uever Ret up again.
I old lilm that I was Ulcluff vour ' Favorite 1're.
fripton andJOolr-eu Medical Discovery,' aud
le said, 'Might just as well take that much
water eaeh day,1 but thought I would give the
pedicine a fair trial. Before I had finished the
Irst two bottles I was able to get outside tlie
eXW 2d "? ,"und the ard. I kept 04
klsf the inedlcluea and they cured tne.''
jDr, Pierce's Pellets cure biliousnew.
rrtlirnrd to his home at Hone, N. Y on
The Citizens National bank, recently or
ganlpd nt this plaer, expect to lie open
for bushiest ubiillt the ISth e)f Ottoher.
Mis. Adolph Lnbeck. of New York city,
who has been the guest of Mrs. Mario
Lobcck-riear and Misses Hannah mid
Maltha Lobeek, on Hrcond street, re
turned homo on Monday. She was nt
t'oinpanlcd bv her niece, Miss Hilda
J'ri'iir. who will spend the greater part
of the wlntpr there.
Mis. Arthur Sterling and daughter, of
Meshoppen, were calling on friends In
town on Mondav.
Mrs. CtntU Hitch is onlt'ttnlnlnfr her
sister from lliooklyn, l'a nt het homo
on Woinlng avenue.
Mis. James Deubler and daughter
Haehacl spent Saturday on their farm
lit Hpriugvllle.
Miss nulh Piatt, a student at Svraciife
university, letutneil to her studios on
Monday nfter spending the summer with
her pnienls here,
Special to the Scianton Tribune.
West PlttHton, Sept. 15 Suveml illicit
laeis t'mploed on the Plttston theater
wpie held up bv a eiovvd at men Just
above Dm yea tills 11101 nlug but man
aged to get tiwny iiuhuit.
Tho Biothcis' liaso ball team will be
tendered 11 chicken supper at their head
qumteis In iiamtown oil Wednesday
evening of this week.
Tor i-omo time past Oliver Hen on, the
daliymau, has been botheietl consldeinblc
bv fiult thieves. Ycsteiday a eiovvd of
bovs lslted Ills otchaid. Ilenon dis
covered them and otdeicd them off tho
place. The bojs woie obstinate, liovv
eci, mid icfuscd to go This moused
Hei ion's lie and going Into the house ho
loaded his gun with buckshot and Hied
a charge at the ciond. Two of the bo;,s,
who aie of lespectalilo llughcstown fami
lies, weio stiuck in tlie back bv the bul
lets Tlicli Injuiles aie not seilous, how
ever. Haston nnd Plttston switchmen will
tioss bats In .1 base bull game at Rlcl
sidts patk Wednesday.
J. C. Manning of Savannah, Ga , was a
rallei Iiele todav. lo was on his wav
to New Yoik city, and will letuin heie
foi a slioi t lslt within 11 few d.os
J. B. Mncniratllek. of New Yolk cltv.
the well known thealileal aichitect, was
In flip cltv today looking aftci the woik
on tlie new Plttston theatei, the plans foi
which weio dinwn up by him
Philip Gustnv Lewis, of Philadelphia,
has act opted the position tit ph dl
lpctoi ot the pin sit .il depaitment of the
Plttston Young Jlen's Clulstlnn associa
tion to take tlie place bv the
leslnation of John McGuftie Mr. Lewis
Is a son eif Piofessoi L Lewis, wlio has
been plnslinl illieeten of Gil aid college
foi the past twontv-slx 1.P1IS Tie was
espectPii to ,11 live lieio todav.
Tbcio was a slight Ihe at Llllv & Nagl s
li.ilbei shop 011 Liueino luenue tliii
moining.' In lighting a Hie in the stove
the loof ot the building bet.ime Ignited
owing to a defective stovepipe
Tlie Ueds will hae as their opponents
the John Gibbous team ot Scranton, on
the liver side grounds this afternooi .
The funeial of the late Mrs. Maiv
lJpvnnn, of Old Poige. will be held this
afternoon. Services at the house. In
tel ment lu the Washburn stieet come
terj .
Tlie funeral of the lato Po'stmastei
Casppi Weisenfliih, of Old Poige, will
ooeui this morning at 10 a. m. Inter
ment will be maelo in Dunmore ceme
tet. A pleasant reception was given by Mr.
nnd Mit. Samuel T. Gordon at their
home in North Tnvlor on Friday even
ing to theii many friends in honor of
tlieli marriage, which occurieel lecenth.
A delightful time was spent by the as
sembled guests. Games weio plaved and
other pleasant incidents Indulged in At
a letlrlng hour dalntv refreshments were
seived Those piesent were: Misses
Bessie and May Phillips, Geitiude Sim
mons, Jli7abcth Owens, Susie Powell,
Busptta FrancK Katheilnc Gilllltbs,
Susie and Lillian Harris, Mary D.uls,
Miirtlin. Powell and Messis. U. G. Wat
kins. David J. Davis, John Davis, J.
Williams, John J. Francis, all of Tavloi;
Misses Stella C. Wills, Annie G. Rhodes,
Adeline Rhodes, Sadlo Gordon, Jennie and
BlUabeth Wills, Blsie Reindenbach and
Messis. A. L Leach, Chailes and Robei t
Goidon, Guy Pettibono and Leona,
Pnik, all of Scranton.
Tlie remains of tho late Miss Nevlda
Beechnm, of West Scranton, were In
terred In tlie I'oicst Home cemeterv lieio
j esterday.
The quoit match which had been caus
iu bo much talk for the past lew weeks
between Richard Williams and Daniel
O'Brien took place vesteulay afteinoon
and was won by Williams by a stoie of
.It to 11
The tollowln unclaimed letteis lemaln
nt the Taylor postofilco foi tho pciiod of
Septcmbei 16, 110J: Domestic II. W. Grif
fiths, Mllss Mary Jones, Joseph Knox.
Forein John Copjah, Seenbak Bai.l,
Georo Koieny. J, Sv. Roese, postmaster,
per B. R.
Mr, anil Jlrs. W. G. Howells nnd Mtc.
John Basham, of Main stieet, left es
tciday for Philadelphia and Washington,
D, C, to visit jelatlves,
Mcs-srs, Joseph Coombs, John Ott and
John A. Evans aio homo fiom Atlantic
Mis. Coin Sevmoir.' mid bou L, 11 nest
cf Wllkes-l'aire, sjent tho Sabbath as
tho guests of Mr. and Mis, W. J. Stone,
of South Main street.
AVnlter Meckler, of Scianton, Is visit
ing lclatlvcs In town,
Miss Sadie Timlin, ot Jeimjn, was a
culler lu town jestciday,
Miss" Mnigaiet Thoiiipsou, of Jcinijn,
spent Satin day with Mrs, Rkhaul Clink-
J. J, O'Neill was u pleasant caller In
town ycBteiday,
Joseph Miller left last ev ruins to ic
sumo his studies at St, Bouavcntuic's
college, Allegany, N V,
Tho Misses Zlnlc nnd Iluike, of Scian
ton, aio visiting Miss Julia Doughci,
Theio will bo n gumo of biso ball this
afternoon at Atblotlu park, Scianton bo
tween C.iibondalo and Aiclibaltl,
Tlio Aichbald team defeated thu Oly
liliant team jcsteiday afteinoon by a
stoio of 28 to 4.
The Carbondale Ciescents, hotter known
as "Our Pets," qualified yesterday mom.
lug as qultteis of tho especially lank
validly, The gumo was armnged for
Satuiday but tho timid creutures from
Spotless Town would not inuko good, ul
though nssiued thut tho diamond wus In
good condition and the Aichbald team
leudy foi tho gamo, That they fully Jn
tended to quit tho gumo was evident
fiom the veiy stmt. Thn qultteis did
not wait to bo told by their niaiiugor
that the gamo was oft hut departed lu
such hasto that they left their piotector,
that the catcher weuis, beehlnd them on
tho Hold, The tioublo occuued In the
second Inning, the bcoio stuudlns 2-1 In
fnvor of Aichbald. Mini ay lilt one to
ten hum, IIOIIK1I18 on second lmsn inn
to till! el Tho hit was caught by Golden
lu left Held and tin own to McDonnell,
tho second basemuu who stood soveial
feet down tho baso lino. He caught the
bull uud touched the lunniicr as he
passed. Tho Curbondalo qultteis quos
tloned the? decision of tho tunplia who
tailed tho uinner out. They wanted to
liavo a different umpire put In and upon
this icquest being icfuscd they mudo u
hnftty exit from tlio dlnmond and could
not be induced to return.
Mis, Kdwnrtl Dougherty tcturncd linmo
jcsteiday after siendltig it few ibiss
with her mother, Mis, Llovd, of Main
Samuel llcniv, of Oak Pailt, 111,, Is vis
iting at tho home ot Mrs. D. P, Taylor,
D, D, Barber icturncd to Moscow yes
loiday after spending Sunday with Ills
Mr, and Mis. A. W. Brundnte, ot Peck
lllc, wore vcty plensnntl sin prised,
when nt lu 11. m. on 1'ilday, September
IS, lelatlves nnd fi lends begun to nssem
bln nt their henullfiil homo 011 Main
fitt cot, lu honor of tho twenty-fifth mini
veisniy of their mnrrlnge. in a short
tlmo thlity-two besides tho family had
assembled. After 1111 hour nr two of so
cial plensuie, tho guests silt down to an
excellent dinner. After nil hud pnrtnltcn
of tho good thlmts to thelt satisfaction
nnd ns they weic about to letlre fiom tho
tables, Mrs. J, K, Do)le, sister of tho
gloom of twenty-five yeais ngo, arose nnd
In a few well chonen wmds congratulated
Mr. and Mrs. Btundago upon their
twont-llve enr of mnirled hnppliiess,
and expicssed the hope that thev might
have many happy retains of the duy.
Sho ended bv presenting to Mr. and Mis.
Biiindngo on liehnlf of those piesent, a
beautiful set of dishes. Mis. Biundage
then nioso nnd expicssed their nppiecla
llon of the gift, nnd especially ot tho mo
tive which piomptcd it. After dinner tho
company was entertained bv vocal and
Instiumental music. Those piesent woie:
Mr. nnd Mis. J. K. Dojle and son Homy;
Mr. nnd Mis, Nllos Johnson, daughter
Peat I and son Willis; Mis. r. G. Until
nnd son, Pcaison. Mis. Geoige Dovlo
nnd dniighter Candiue. Mi. and Mis. Bl
mer Robeits, Mr. and Mis W. J. McCor-
mlck, nil of Peckvllle: Mis llaiiletJ
Brundage, Miss Bva 1, Biundage, Mls
Jennie Brundage, Mis. Jesse f'llffotd,
Mrs. Jnno Biundage. Mis. t'annle Cnr
penter. JIis olive Glbbs, of Scinnton, Mr.
and Mis. Favotto Mlllaid. Mi. and Mis.
Abel AV. Biundage, Mr. nnd Mis. Thomns
Caipcnter and son Pony, of Flcotvllle;
Finnic Brundage nnd Mis Ansel Cnipen
tei, of Marshbiook; Mis U. D Bnslgn, ot
Blnghnmtoii, N. V besides tho mcmbeis
of the Immedhtc family.
Mrs. Holvey, of West Plttston, tlie
tnlented and populnr temperance let
tuicr, nddressed the congregation of the
Primitive Methodist church in Dicloon
City Sunday evening. Her sublect,
"Heroes nnd Sncilflces," held the atten
tion of the large congrcgntlon for over
an hour.
At the conclusion of her address the
county piesddeiit, Mrs. Vnughn, spoke
brlcflv of the need of tempeiance work
nt this time, and uiged the benefit of
oiganlzed effort. Sho made a soul
stlning appeal to tlio women lo unite
their effoits against tho bome-destiov-Ing
Influence of the saloon. Slips con
taining the pledge weic circulated In tlie
congregation, and 111 a result ,1 union
was organized with about twenty mem
beis The Mist meeting of the new 01
gnnlation will be held nest Tilday aft
einoon, when Mrs Vaughn will again
meet with them
Miss Maine Graham has letuined homo
aftet spcdlng a week lu Dunmore.
Miss Anna Loveiing Is slowly recover
ing lifter a serious Illness.
Mis. Jennie Giover and niece. Miss Llla
Ostiander, are visiting ft lends in Allen
town. Mr. Robert Mutklow, ot Piatt, AV. Va
is vi'Itlng In Oircnwood.
Mis. i:d. Mor.tu Is suffeilng fiom
Uphold fever.
The following1 is the make-up of th
Delawirt-e, Lackawanna and Western
board or today:
Btias Bast It a. 111. II. Liirkin: ISO
p. m , i: M. Hallett; 4 l", p. m , V. L.
Rogeis, 0 :,0 p m, II. Dohcrtv.
Summits S .1. m, Cairlgg.
i'usncr 1 a. m , winner; ! a
Housei , 11 a. m JIurr.i.v ; 111", a
Morgan; 1 id p. m, C. Bnitholonicw
m ,
p. m, Murphv; 3 p. m, W. H. Bnitholo
mew. Helpers 1 30 p m, Migovem, 7 a. ni
Guffney, 10 a. 111 , Seeoi , J 15 p m., Stan
ton. NOT1CB.
Rufferty will tuke Ills run net tuin
out. Singei biings the tun in.
O. Kearney and crew will run 11 M p.
m. extra east Mondav, September 15.
J. Geirity and crew will inn S 11 m.
extia oust Tuesday. Septcmbei Id, In
place of Medio and crew.
AV. r. Mann and crew and AV. A.
Baitholomew and Flagman A. Bhigood
will report nt tialnmiiHtci's office S a. m.
AVednesdny, Septcmbei IV.
Exciting Amateur Ball Game.
Bv ')ccluiie Wire fiom Tlie .U-.othtesl Trass,
Philadelphia. Sept. 1.' The baseball
gamo heie today 011 tho Ameilcan league
bull giouuds between the Wilmington,
Del, Athletic association, and tho Uian
dwvltie. 1 lull, uf AVest Chestei, Pa, was
witnessed by 20,000 people. Tho gamo was
hotly contested fiom beginning to end,
Willi biilllant fielding on butu sides ami
was 11 thmoughly enjojable one for the
big ciowd of spectntois, Thi spacious
giund stiifd and bleat her seats of Ami-i-lcnn
league paik weio ctovded and ths
oveiilow on the giour.d back ot tlio lleld
eis made a gioimd mlo lor two-baso hits
neeessaiy. Tho gamo was foi $7)0 a sldu
and tho winning club to tuke nil tho gato
lecelpts AVIlmlngton won tho gamo by
leason of better woik in tlio Held bv n
scoio of 2 to 1, Stoie; R.ii r;,
Biandvvvlno 011000 000-1 7 .1
AVIlmlngton 1 1 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 2 7 1
Batteiles Tn,vIor, Slovenian and Som
mer.s; Huitley and Haitou. I'mpiies
Haidy Hendcison and Aithur livvlu.
rqn TUB. LITTLB ONBS-CiU out tho plctuics appealing on this page each
day, diavv 11 pencil mark mound tho bidden object, savo them until Satuielny,
tlion semi them or tnko them to Tho Tilbuno office in uu cmolopo witnessed to
l'uzzlo pepattment," Bntloso In tho cnvclopo our linmo, ago nnd addiess, Tho
bovs nnd gills who coiiertly mink the sl plctuics uupciillug dining tho woek.
and whoso nnswciM nio (list iccelvcd, will luno-their names published In Tho
Tilbuno Mondav morning.
Uxcelsloi! a touilst leucues Alpine
Greater Than Assertion.
There Is none of us so hmtlenott but
Hint when wo Imvc boon nble to nld our
fellow ciontutes by t'onferrlner a bene
fit or bringing n little comfort Into
their lives p like to luive npprcclntlon
shown. This generally nfforelR 11101 c
pleasure thnn the priformnnco ot tlto
act Itself, anil In this connection the
following loiter from 11 Purls, Texas,
lady Is of more thnn usual Intel ost:
"Donr Friends: I niltlrrss you ns such,
for you have been nitch In me. t suf
fered for three years off nnd on with
pllos. I was tientcd at the hospital,
ntul the now nnd elegnnt hospital, of
Memphis! thoy only guvo mo tempor
al y tellef. 1 cninc west, thinking the
change of ulr and water would benefit
1110; live months ngo tho blceelhiK piles
came back nn 1110, nnd bled so much
that I thought I would tile. I have had
four of the finest doctors In this sec
tion of Texas; nil thoy did was to final
ly nearly let hip go to my grave; all
they wanted was u blgr sum ot money
from ino and to opointe on mo, I snltl
no, no sin goon's knife would enter mo;
if It was my tlmo to die Ood knew It,
nhd when I tiled t would tile all to
gether. 1 began healing about your
medicine, I had no faith In you, but I
sent and got a box of your Pyramid
Pile Cine; In two dns tho blood flow
had slackened to one-half the nmouiit,
nnd In one week I felt so much bettor
I walked tour blocks and did a little
housevvoik. I wns not bleeding then;
In three weeks I was well. Ood bless
you for putting such a wondetful
medicine within tlie reach of suffering
men and women. I shall never cease
to lecommentl your medicine or be
without It; also I used your Tyranild
Pills. Salllo A. Henrndon." Testi
mony like this should be moie convinc
ing thnn all claims and asset tlons, and
should leave no doubt In the mind of the
leader as to the merit of the remedy,
P.viamid Pile Cine Is sold by drug
gists for fifty cents a package, or will
be mailed by the makers to any addiess
upon receipt of pi Ice. AA'i Ite Pyramid
Diug Co, Mitish.ill. Mich., for their
book on cuuse nnd ruie of piles.
National League.
At Philadelphia m st game R.H.K
Boston 0 01 '10 00 11 8 11 0
Philadelphia 0 I 0 0 2 0 1 0 7 7 1
Bateiles Willis and Kittritlgc; lbeig
and Douglnss. 1'mpire BmsIIe.
At Philadelphia Set ontl eame It ILL.
Boston 000 1000 102 i I
Philadelphia 10 10 0 0 11! S 1
Uatteiles Plttingri nnd Mourn; AVhlte,
Shea and Dooln. t'mplie L'mslle.
At St I.ouls-
St. Louis
b nn:
.10 0 0 2 1 0 0 0-1, It 2
00000100 0-1 7 3
Hatterii' !. cover
and Phelps; AVlcker,
McFuiland and Weaver. 1'mplie 0'Da.
At Chicago- BH B.
Chicago lOOOlllOO-UU 4
Cincinnati 10000 I 010-1 0 3
Batteiles Luntlgi ell and Kllng; Thlel
man and Bergen. Umpire Iirovvn.
At New York R.II B.
Biooklvn 10 0010210-710 1
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 fi 7
Batterie Newton and Bittei ; Mat
thew son and Bowel man. Umpiio La
tham. Ameilcan League.
At Boston First game R.II, 13.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0-b 10 2
Boston 0000 0.J02 0-4 0 3
Batteiles Plank and Poweis; Dincon
and Cilgcr. Umpire Connollj.
At Boston Second game R.H.B
Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2-0 l", 2
Boston : 10 00 100 02 C 3
Batteries AVaddell and Sehieckongost;
A tiling and Crlger. Umplie Connolly.
(lame tailed at tho ontl of eighth inning
on account of daikucss.
At Baltimore First game R.H.B.
Washington 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 11 Iti 1
Bnltimoie 0 I) 0 0 0 2 0 3 ! 0 8 14 2
Bat.terie Orth and Drill; AVllte and
Robinson Umplie Johnstone.
At Baltimore Second game R.II.E
Washington 10 10 01 7 3
Baltlmoie 0 1 0 2 1 I 4 0
Batteries 'J ownsend and Drill; Butler
and Smith. Umpire Johnstone.
At Clilcago-Flist game R.H.B.
Detroit 0 00 02 0 0 00-2 3 1
Chicago 00200.-, 0 0 -1 11 .1
Batteiles McCarthy and Buelow ; Cal
lahan and Sullivan. Umpires Curutliers
uud Shcildau.
At Chicago Sec and game' R.H.i:.
Detiolt ., 0 1002 00-1 S 2
Chicago U20 020' I 1
Batteries Mullen and Buelow; Durham
and Sullivan. Umplies Sheridan and
L'ui iiitlior-i.
Game called at tlie end of seventh In
ning ou account of daikucss.
They Pay the User.
If ou wihh a half-tone or line out,
let tho Scianton Tribune make It for
you. Our equipment tor this woik Is
complete and up-to-tlntc. AVc have
facilities for doing tlie finest sort of
woik at lowest pi lees unil what's more,
wo do it. A tilul older will convince
Peak. Vtl two more mountain
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Bale.
roit SAI.B-Secd io.
Antliow Leigh-
lun, uicunuiu,
1'Olt SALH-Oood styln matched pair
bay geldings. 7 jeals old, 1B hands
high, weight 2,700 pounds. Address C. A.
Tappini, Now ink Valley, N. Y.
FOR SALB Two hot nlr fuinnces In good
order. Apply at fi.17 Linden slrcul.
FOR SALU Household ftunltuie, cheai),
i01 Qutncy avenue,
I'OR SALB About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, Bin mounted with glass ftont and
two openings, lower portion nicely imp
elled, with tliaweis and ahelvcs under
nentli. Muy bo seen at tho office of Tho
Ti Ibune.
VOn SALB-Clder pi ess, dally capacity
RTiO bushels; easy payments, A. M.
Cleeie, 1107 Flsk avenue.
JUST ARHIVBD with a carload o"f
hoiscs. Saddlers, dilveis, general
pin pose and heavy draughts Can bo
seen nt 331 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb.
FOR SALB Cheap, one largo new gro
ceiy wagon, cutrylng cnpaclty 4 000
111111,1,1,1, Mlun nnn ln..A nfVnn nxllltlaKI
can bo inn bv motoi oi hand power. Ap
ply to B. Moses. D1S Lncknwannn avenue
FOR SALE A fhst clnss meat market.
n. ..a .. ,, ,. ... . ., .,
w"c-r win wont tar pany. ivuetruaa
131 Chestnut street. Dunmore, Pa,
Boom for Bent.
FRONT ROOM for rent; dcstiable, 424
Adams avenue.
Wanted To Bent.
AVANTCD To lent, a good sized b.nn
with at least six stalls, cent! ally lo
cated; not ftuther up on hill thnn Qulney
avenue. AVould piefci one with apiut
menls foi coachman C. S. AVoolwoith,
310 Lackawanna avenue.
AVANTBD A small house or fiat, piefor
ably furnished, In desliablo location
To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Boc
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR Rlrr'-"mniTsoinb''Tu7nrs1ica
loom, 200 block, JolTeison avenue; all
modem conveniences. Addtess B, Tilb
uno office.
FRONT loom with bath; gentlemen pie
ferted. 2"!4 Pcnn avenue
FURNISHBD ROOMS foi ront. tuodjrn
Improvements; pilvnto family; gen
tlemen pieferred, at 537 Adams avenue.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pio
fened, at 539 Adams avenue.
Furnished Booms "Wanted.
AVANTBD One oi two furnished loom
foi light housekeeping; no children;
not moi e than ten minutes' walk fiom
corner Spiuce and AV,oming No fauc
pi Ice Addiess C. II., Ti Ibune
WANTED Bv a voting man. a loom
nicelv furnished and well caied tor,
with light, and bath furnished Lo
tntlon near Adatas and Mulbeuy. G. II,
Ti Ibune
Wanted To Buy.
WANTED To htiv one S oi 10 hoibo
powci engine at once S C. Boitiee
& Son, Ailcl, Pa.
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of looms with
first class table board, can be obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
Boardeis Wanted.
mei boaidcis, throe laigo ally looms
and good tabic bouid. Addiess O K ,
Dalton, Pa.
Beal Estate.
BUSINESS toinei lot foi sale cheap; ono
of the best locations iu Scianton;
money loaned to build. Appl) at 5.17 Lin
den steeet.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homes In
upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for home
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlne,
173G Sandeison avenue.
LOST Mondav morning on AVood stieet,
between Diamond and Wood stitets,
a pocketbook containing J-'l. Llbeial le
waid If letuined to M. H. Finn, !M1 Wood
FOUND Jci spy heifer stinyed to my
piemises on Woodlnwn avenue, Gieen
Rlee. . Ownei cull und paj costs. F. M,
Situatiuus Wanted.
man; good penman; speaks Gcimau
ami English and willing to leain. Ad
diess C. F. AV .il Adams avenue.
ofllco man, at piesent eonnecled with
lingo manulactiiiing conceiu in neaiby
clt, but vvlslies, for good ipasons, to
locate In Sciantnii. Undei stands bonk
keeping, coiiespondence, linanto and
managemoul. Evccllent lefeience em
plo.vcis, baiiKiug uud business people.
AddiPhS P. O. Box 110, this cll.v.
maii gill tor geneial housovvoik, olS
Lavello couit.
BRIDGE PHOPOSALS-Sculed pioposals
will bo iccclved at tho ofllco of thn
Supeiiiiteiiileut of Public Grounds and
Buildings, ilaulsbuig, Pa , until 1.' o'clock
in,, on TucMluy, Septcmbei 2J, 190.', lor
tliu icbuildlug of tlio supci-stiuctiuo of
thu bildgo ovoi Lackawanna rlvm, at tho
Boiough of Old Foigc, Luckawiimiu
County, Pa Bids must no placed in sop
liialo envelopes ondoisetl ou tho outsldu
with tlm I'limo and locution of tho bildgo
uud Um linmo of tho bltltlci. Plans ami
t-pctllleutlous imii bo had on application
to thu Supeiintoiidtmt, of Public Gi omuls
uiitl BiiildlngH ut Hnilisbuig, Pa Bids
will bo opened In tho piesencn of tho bld
deis oi theii iepiet,entallvea lu tlio Ru.
t option Room of llio i:ceiillvo Depait
inout at iiaiilsbmg, Pa., ut tho time
named abovo
By Older of tho Rnaid
T, L EVRi:, Siipeilntendont.
AVIlllam A Stone, JJ R llaitleubeigli,
Flunk G, Hauls, lloaid of Commlssloneis
of Publlo Giouuds und Buildings,
NOTICE is haiebv given that nn niinll-
cation will bo niude to tho Gnvuiuor ot
tho State of l'eniisi liuulu on edne'sd.iy,
the 17th da of September, 100J, by James
Gillespie, Mcii'i' Stein und Adolph
Elcholii, undei tho Act of Assembly uf thu
Commonwealth of Peiiusylvuuiu, eutltltd
"All Act to piovulo for lucoipointlon uud
icgulutlon of ceitulii toipouitlous," up
pi lived Am II 20, 1871, and tho supplements
llieielo, for the t baiter of an Intended
t ot iio atloii to be tailed "Lackawanna
Light, I lent nnd Power Company," tho
tluuaUei und object, of which Is sup
plying light, heat and pnwei or nny of
them, by mtiiuu of clecti Icily, to tho pub
lie In tho city of Scianton, In tho county
of Lackawanna, htatu of Pennsylvania,
and to such persons, paitueiulilps uud
cm potations icsldlng theieln, or adjacent
theielo as may deslie tho wime, uud for
this puiioso to have, possess and enpoy
nil tho lights, benefits and pi Iv I leges of
tho suld Act of Assembly and Its supple
Jfo Order
Accepted Tor Less
Thnn 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Office
Want Advertisements Will Be
Becelved nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
berry stieet ontl Webster uvn.
dl'STAV PICHEL, L7) Adams
West Side
C1KO. AV. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPB, 720 Ccdnr
North Scranton
GEO. AV. DAVIS, col not North
Main avenue and Muikot
Green Bidge
CHARLES P, JONES, 1",7 Dick-
son avenue,
r. J, JOHNS, 0J0 Oicen Ridge
C. LOREN55. coiner AVashliiKton
avenue and Mai Inn street.
AV. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 living
Help Wanted.
WANTED A family of Mvu oi sl silk
wlndeis to move to New Yoik state.
Stead woik ut $i per week. D. S. Co.
Help Wanted Male..
JANITOR and geneial helper wauled.
Must be stiong and willing to be gen
'Jnly useful Must live iu building. Ap
ply N. A. Hulbert. 117 AVomlllg avenue.
MEN, not undei 2."i jeais, to call on old
and new customers. No dellvciing.
Position peimanont to the light part v.
Pay weekh. aien Biotheis, Rochestei,
N. Y.
SALLSMAN IlNpeilenced In placing pio
prletaiy medicines with letnll ell ug
glsts; high class line; pay. Addiess
stating expeilonce and lefeience. E
Giles Ac Co, ."330 Mniket btieet, Philadel
phia, Pa.
A ANTED On arcount of Inci cased woik
competent machinists to woik iu large
i all load shops near PIttsbuig; wages. 25,
2u. 27 cents per liom ; permanent employ
ment given for satlsfactoiy service; fiee
'nllioad tiunspoitation fuinlshed fiom
A ilkes-Rauo to Plttslmig. j.'or fiuthci
infoimntlon address C. L Snjdei, C.2
Jloonev building. Buffalo N. A'.,' In wilt
ing; give date of blith. expeilenee. wheie
Inst emploved; on what kind of woik,
nnd when able to leport for dutv.
Help Wanted Female.
AVANTBD In stenogiairiiei s offli p, glil
dcslious of learning stpnoginpliv and
tjpewilting Thoinugh lnstiiictlon; no
chaige. Good tomnion school education
neeessaiy. Foi infoimatlon nddiess
"Lucy," Ti Ibune of lice
AVANTED A gill for genpinl boiispwoik,
who can do plain tooking, wnshiog
,..,il llnnlnir r... ,, ll'.I.U
Si'i.'G Noith Bioad stieet, Philadelphia. Pa.
AVANTED Cook nnd wnitiess. Applv to
Mis A. K. Sandeison, ljl", Sindeisou
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigetlc
Geneial Agent for tills county. No
nooks, insuinnec, oi canvassing Ac
tiuaintaucp with meipliants nnd mnnu
factmers neeessaiy. Peimaiipnt Bond.
State age, espeiience, lefcieiiics (list let
tei. Addiess. Suite 57-', No 1001 Chestnut
St.. Philadelphia.
Salesmen Wanted.
capable of eainlng good money, to
linndle oiu lino of cnibon copjing p i
peis, elthei leguiui oi on tlie side. Philip
llano Ac Co , 1-J Union Squat e, New Yoik
Money to Loan.
Qulck, stinight loans oi Building nnd
Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cont. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-313 Connell building.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tintlcis' Dunk Building. Old 'phono 1801
Real Estnto Exchange Bldg,, Lo Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineeis.
ucll building
KNIGHT, "-'ti CON.-
building, Spuico stieet, Scinnton,
Fire Insuinnce.
SCHLAGUR & CO,, Tiadeis" Bank Bldg.
Patent Attorneys.
PAT E N TS rtUiSttr
Tho only lliensed and equipped patent
solicitor lu tho city. No chaige lor In
foimutloii on pituntablllty, over ten
ctus' oxpeilencu
Hcploitlc & Co.. AlcarsBldg.
Hotels nnd Bestnuiants,
'iTTi: elk- cafi:. i.'-i and 127 frank.
lin avciiuo Rates icasouablo
P. .1EGLER, Piopiiutot.
Passengei depot Conducted on the En
lopean plan. A'lctoi Kogh, Piopilctor.
mid tess poolij: no odoi ; only liui'iovul
piiiiiim in id, A. B. llrlggs. piopilc'toi,
Leave oitleis BOO Noith -Main iivonue.
oi Elcko's ding stoio, toinei Adauib uud
Mulbeuy, Hoth tvlephouus,
Wile Scieens.
live., Sciuiitou, mfis. oi Who Scieens
piles, envelopes, papei bags, twlno.
AVuiehousc, 1J0 AVashlngton u venue,
ba had iu Scianton at tho news stand
of Relstimii Bios, 406 Spiuco uud 501
Linden; M. Norton. 322 I.acUawainm
av.; I. 8. Schutzei, 211 Spiuco stieet.
v. v M V
business oppiiim uimi
Only Halt a Ctnt a WorJ.
Dullness Opportunity.
stkand wheat traderb witii-
out delay. AVrlto for our nptitlnt mar
Itet letter. Frco on application. B M.
lllblmrd & Co., mcmbeia N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exclmngo, 44 nnd 4J
Broadway, Now York, Established 1844.
Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 5381 Brond.
TnntODETi LAUNDRY, inmore'
launders sbli Is nt St?, each and collars
and cuffs nt l'.Jc. each.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Ilfffnt .tlllin 1. ltd"
Tinlns leave Si'iiiiitou for Now A'oik
At 1 10. 3 20. liOo, 7fi0 nnd 10.10 n, in.; l.'lii,
3 10, 3.33 p. in. For Now York ntul Phila
delphia 7 CO, 1010 n. ni nnd 1.v40 nnd ST!
P m. For Gouldsboio At 0.10 p. m For
Buffalo 1,13, 0 2.' nnd 9 00 a. m.; I Jiff. 0 30
nnd ll.lo p, n For Blnglinmton, Klmiia
nnd way ntatlons-lO'Jr, a. m., 1.03 p. m.
For Oswego, Syracuse nnd Utlcn 1,13 and
0 2." ii, m ; 1.53 p m. Oswego, Syiacusn
nnd Utlc.-i trnln at 0 22 a. m dully, except
Sunday. For Montiose 9 00 n, m.; 1.0
and I! W p. m. Nicholson accommodation
4 00 and CJffp, m.
. Bloonisbiug Division For Noitliumnat
land, at 0.33 and 10.10 a, m.; 1.53 and B10
P m. For Plymouth, at 810 a, m.; 3 40
und 9 03 p m.
Sunday Tialns For New Yoik, 1.30, 3 20.
0 0",. 1010 n. m.; 3 40 and 3 35 p. m. For
BufTnlo 1.13 and 0 22 a. m.; 1.55, hUl and
11 10 p. m. For Elmlrn and way atatlons
10 23 n, m. For Blnghnmtoii nnd Way sta
tions, opo n. m. Bloomsbuig Division
Leave Scianton, 1010 a. m. nnd 010 p. in.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
In Effect June 15, 190.!.
Tialns Leave Scinnton
For Philadelphia and New A'ork via D.
6 II. U. R , at at 7 II, thiough Parlor Car
and Day Conch Carbondale to New York
nnd 9.47 a. m , with L A'. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, und 2 IS, 4 35 (Black
Diamond Expiesl, and 11.49 p. m. Sun
dav s, D. & If. R. R., 1 58. 9.17 p. m.
For AVhlt" Hnven, Hiizleton and pilncl
pal points In the coal leglona via D. &
11 R. R , 7.41, 2 IS and 4 33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7 41 n. pi.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Ilnr
tlsbuig and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. Ac H. R. R., 7.41, 9.47 a. m ;
2.1S, 4 33 (Black Diamond Express), 11.4!) p.
m Sundn.vs, D. & II. R. R, 93S a, m.;
1 .IS. 9 17 p 111.
For Tunkhnnnock, Tnwandn, Elmiia,
Ithncn, Geneva r.ntl pilnclpal Intermediate
stations via D , L. & AA'. R. R , 635 n. m.
and 1 53 p m
Foi Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Nlag
nia Falls, Chicago and nil points west via
D AV II. R R., 12 01 p m : 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express). 10 41. 1141 p. m. Sun
days, D & II. R. It. 12 03, 917 p. m.
Pullmnu pallor nnd .sleeping or Lehigh
A'nlley Pallor on all tialns botwen
AVIlkes-B.uro and New A'oik. Pliiludcl
phiu. Buffalo and Suspension Bildgo.
ROLLIN II. AVILBUR. Gen. Sllpt., 26
Coitlnnd stieet. Now A'ork
CHARLES S LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt , 26
Coitland stieet, New A'ork.
A. AV. NONEMACHER, Dl Pass. Agt.
South Bethlehem, Pn.
For tickets nnd Pullmnn reservations
npplv to cltv ticket ofllce, 09 Public
Squ.ue, AVIIkos-Burie. Pa.
Centtal Bailroad of New Jersey.
lu Effect June 21, 190.'.
Stntions In Now Yoik. foot Liberty
stieet nnd South Feuv, N. R
Tinlns leave Scinnton for New A'ork,
Philadelphia. Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mnuch Chunk, AVhlto Hnven, Ash
lev, AVIIkes-Bane nnd Plttston at 7.30 a
m . 1 p in and 4 p. m Sunday, 2 10 p m.
Quaker Cltv Expicss lenves Scranton
7:.o a. nit through solid vestibule train
with Pullmnn Buffet Pr.ilor Car for Phila
delphia with onlv one change of cats for
Baltlmoie and Washington, D. C, nnd all
piineipil prints south and west.
Foi Avoca, Plttston and AVilkcs-Barre,
1 ii m. and I p. m Sunt! IV, 2 10 p m.
Foi Long Hianeh, Ocean Glove, etc,
7 30 a m. und 1 n m.
For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsbuig
via Allentown nt "JO u. m , 1 p m and 4
p m Sundav, 2 10 p m
Foi Tamaeiua and Pottsvllle, 7 30 n. m ;
1 p m. nnd 4 p in.
For lates and tickets apply to agent at
AV. G. BESSLER. Gen Manager.
C M. BURT, Gen Pass Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect Juno 16, 1002.
Tialns leave Scinnton t,JS n. m, week
dnvs, thiough vestibule trnln from
AA'llkes-Baiie Pullman buffet pallor enr
and coaches to Philadelphia,- via Potts
vllle, slops at principal Intel mediate sta
tions Also connects for Sunbuiy, Hai
ilsbmg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, AA'ash
Ington and foi Pltlsbuig and tho West.
9 47 a. m woek davs, for Simbury. Har
ilsbiug, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, AVnsh
Ington and Plttsbuig and the AA'
1 12 p m , week das, (Sundays. 158 p.
m.). foi Hunbuiy. Hanlsbtiig, Phllndol
plilu, Baltlmoie AA'ashlngton nnd Pltta
buig and tho AVest.
3CS p. m, week tlajs, thiough vestibuln
tinln fiom Wllkes-Bauo. Pullmnn buffet
pailoi car and t oaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops at pilnclpal Intel medi
ate stations. '
4 ".3 p m.. week davs, for Hnzlcton. Sun
buiy, Hnilisbuig, Philadelphia nnd Pltts
buig. J B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B AVOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delawaie nnd Hudson.
In Effect Juno 10, 1U0.'.
Tialns foi Cniboiulnle lenvo Stiiinton nt
fill, 7..i, J3. 10 13 a. in; 12 03, 1.12, 2.11,
".3li 5 20, 0 23, S24, 913, 10 01 p. Ill,; 12.18,
1 SS n m.
For HonesdaIe-0.41. 10 11 a. in,; 211 nnd
0 20 p, m.
Foi AVIIkes-Baiio-G.iS 7.41. S 11. 9 47,
10 ."J a. m : 12 01, 1 12. J.1S, 3 28, 4 33, 010,
7 4S. 10 II, 11.11 p m
For L A'. R. R. Points-', .41, 9 17 n. m.
2 18, 133 nnd 11.19 p m
Foi Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6 38
9.47 ii. m.; 1 42, .! JS and 4 J"i p 111
For Albuny und till points noith 7 36 a.
m. and ,1 r'0 ii in
For Cnilioiidiili'-S.riO. 1133 a. m.; 2.11.
3 50 5T,2 and 11 17 p. ill.
Foi AVIIkes-Bane 9JS n, m; 12 03, 153,
3 2S. 0 32 and 9,17 i), in.
For Albany nnd points noith 3 56 p. in
For Honesdulo-S50 a, m ; 11. .U and .'f2;
Pv!'L PRYOR, B P A Scianton, Pa."
'Eiie Bailroad Wyoming Division
In Effect September 15, 1102. "
Tinlns leao Sei.antou fur New A"orIiv
Nowlmigh nnd Inteimeillato points, ntjr
lor Ilawley unil lotnl stations ut 720 njM
1 " p. ni. - ,-
For UuiiPHilalriMiild AVhlto .Mills nt fcp
p m i .
Trains aiilvn, ut ,Sciuiiton at 10.LS n, Vtjfl
nnd 9.13 p in '
New Yoik, Ontario and Westenui
Timo Tallin In Effeet Sniidnv, Junn 13, 11&5.
I.enve Leave Aillvw
No, 1 ,
No. 3 ,
No. 7 .
intern, carnundaio. cnuosia
in .10 a m, ll.loa, m, 1 nop in.
,, 4 00 p m, 4 II p. Ill, liixip. IU
,, h lo p in Ar.l'uibnudalo 6 tu
Leave Leave Auh'a
Cudosla Caihoudiili Sei aiitoij
,, 1, 30 a in 7 23u. n
,. Rio u, m. 10 oi a ni. 10 lo a. m.
..2.13 n m lm)ii m 143ii in-
No. i,
No t
LJi .-hi'
0 13 a, pr
i.eavei i.eave
No. ') ,
No. 5 .
Hl'i anion C.iibondalo c:
8 ion in o lo ii in to
7 00 p. in Ai (Mibnndalu T 13 Pjn
l.p.ivo Leave Alilttj
Cudosla, Cniboiulnle, SciautaJC
i 50 a in, 7.23 a, nt,
4 30 n. iu. I oi! n m i, 43 n. in.
No. il
No 10
Tiuius sos. i on week uas, nun v Oh
Stiliilas tannect lor New A'oik city, Mid
dletovvii, Walton, Noiwicli, Oneida, G
wego uud all points west.
Tiuln 3 for Pojutollo. Walton, Delhi..
Sidney, Noivvkh nnd all Nuvv Iletlln
lji tint It points. v
Train No. ti, with "Quaker City E
mess" ut Scranton. via C. R. R. of N. J .
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore.
AVashlngton nnd Pennsylvania state
See time-table mid consult ticket agent?
for connections with oilier )nf ,
J. C. ANDERSON. O p! A , New Yoik.
J. E. AVELSII, T, P. A., Sciunton, Pa.
f -
M. -ftf.
r- ,
, JhEi$S- t- ''- v I