V ? ""' 51 !- - W'FTI-TT? ,"Y V . , JV,? MtTo !,! V T1WJ"i' JP v- i... Hvw. .;kV? U, ..x. iV.2S9BEi r i. v " ''- ' .-! ' " - ir vfr. 1 ., 1 - ' T ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1902. WEST SCRANTON Attempted to. Blow Up a House in Keyser Valley with Dynamite Street Repairs. Other News Notes of Iriterest. Mrs, Hllen Anderson nnd family, of 804 South Keysrr uveniip, arc the vic tims or ileep-ronteil persecution, nnd are living In constunt fear of some dire calamity befalling them. On Sunday night a dastardly attempt wns made to blow up a house. In the rear of their )iomc, with (tymimltp. but fortunately the orfcndcrH were only partially HUC CCSsfUl. Some time ago Mrs. Anderson eon verted a barn, on the rear or her lot. into a double house, and advertised It for rent. A few days ago a tenant was nccurcd, and the house put In readiness for occupancy. The tenants were to have moved In yesterday, and to pre vent them, It Is supposed, the house was dynamited. About U o'clock Sunday night, while Sirs. Anderson was retiring, she heard nil explosion In the rear of the house, nnd upon Investigating found that some i me hud placed a stick of dynamite underneath the base of the unoccupied house. A large hole was torn In the founda tion wall, and the woodwork above It wus also shattered. Several windows In the front of the house were broken by the force of the explosion The house faces on an alley, and the offenders could easily escape detection. No clue lias been ascertained of the perpe trators. Mrs. Anderson Is a widow, and her two sons, Bert and Will, support her. The former works with the mason's gang of the Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western company around the mines, and the latter was engaged as a watch man at the Archbald mines. By reason of these facts the family believe the outrage was committed, r.ert Andoison Is the young man who was arrested In connection, with the Slary Qulnn murder, and notwithstand ing the fact that he wns discharged from custody, considerable feeling still exists against him. ' Engine Company No. 3. Contractor Edwin O. Hughes, who wns lecently awarded the contract for making needed repairs at the quarters of Kngine company No. 3, on North Hyde Park .avenue, has a force of men at work putting In n new lloor and making other alterations. The permanent men arc engaged in breaking in a new horse, which was purchased recently from Frank Cobb. The animal takes kindly to his new duties, and will undoubtedly piove a vnluable acquisition to the department. Death of Former Resident. Mrs. Mary Bpynon, an aged resident ! FREE! FREE! Five stnmps given away with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. & ttAttitAiAlAlAlAttra a 3 Your Presence at the Globe Warehouse On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of this week, will be much appre ciated. Alterations at the store have now been completed, and on the above dates a general opening will be held, during which the latest modes and fashions will be shown in all departments. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. a s a a a a a '. a a a a a a. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a mmmmmmimmmmnm of Lackawanna, who formerly trslded In West Scranton, died at her home on Sunday morning. Deceased Is survived by two daughters and two sons, Mrs. Mary Keeney, of Lackawanna; Mrs. Charles Willnrd, of Mooslc; David and William Bevnnn, The funeral will take place this after noon from the house In Lackawanna at 1.30 o'clock. Services will be held In the First Welsh Unptlst church, South Main nvenue, nt 2.30 o'clock, und Inter ment will be made In the Wushburn street cemetery. i Repairing the Pavement. Workmen were engaged yesterday In tearing up portions of the brick pave ment on North Hyde Park avenue, which has been In need of repair for a long time. The pave was laid on a sand base, and In consequence the heavy rains of the past few months had washed the dltt out from under the bricks, causing them to sag In different places. "It Is expectPd that the pavement will be fully repaired before the frost sets In the ground. Repairing Sidewalks. The department of public safety or ders relative to the repairing or side walks are being curried out by many West Scranton property owners. This Is particularly noticeable on Jackson street, where many flagstones have al ready been raised to the proper grade. Ordinances nre now pending In coun cils for the Inylng of sidewalks In the Fifth and Fifteenth wards, and it Is expected the work will be under way within a few weeks. The opening of Price street, between Main and Hyde Park avenues, Is a possibility or the near future. EVENTS TODAY AND EVENING. The wedding of Dr. .). J. Brennan and .Miss l,orctta K. Cannon, or Jackson street, will take place at St. Patrick's church at 11 o'clock this morning. The lady friends of the Electric City wheelmen will be tendered a social at the club lioli-e this evening. ' David Urlfflths, of Buffalo, and Ml.- Mabel Spencer, of Jucksoa street, will bo united in marriage today by Rev. .1. P. Motfut. D. D., pastor of the Wash burn Street Presbyterian church. The Harvard dancing class will hold a social In Mear's hall this evening. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Klmer Be.ich, the S-year-old boy. who tiled to set lire to his home at 137 South Everett avenue, has been turned over to Mrs. DuRgnu. who will pl.ice him In an Industrial school The Mt. Pleasant kindergarten was re opened esterday in Bi-cr-' hall under the direction of Miss Margaret GIbos, Bom To Mr. and Mrs. George Hoff man, of North IlebecPH avenue, a dausli ter. To Mr. and Mrs. John Ford, of Re becca avenue, a son. The remains of an Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Redmond Gallagher, of Ruck 5?: 5 J-A. Si en CM e: & & & & street, were. Interred In tho Cathedral ctmelcry Sunday afternoon, Tho McFnddcn Camping club tins rc turned homo from a thtco months' so Joiirn nt Lake Ariel. Theodoro Naiimnn nnd fnmIL', of North Gnrlteld nvcnlic, have gone to Mt. Pocono to reside. Siimuel McCracken. Will C. Williams, Harry Dnvls and Frank Wetlllng, of the Klcctrlc Cllty wheelmen, participated In the bowling contests at tho Country club lent evening, TliomiiH Duggan, Leo and Thomns Carey, of Luzerne street, were nrrnigntd before Alderman Nonnc lint evening at the Instance of Bridget Mornn, who charged them with throwing Btonejt at her. Tho prosecutrix could not Identify the boyii and they were discharged, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Isaac 1 hurls, of North Bromley nvc nUe, left for New York yesterday nfter noou to visit Ids sister, Mrs. Max Mo rcllo. Charles Corless, Jr., of South Main avenue, who Is employed In New York, returned to the metropolis yesterday after a visit with Ids parents. Mr. and Mrs. John O'ltnra, of Kinmct street, are home from n month's visit hi Chlritgn. Miss Anna Williams, of Scranton street, Is the guest of relatives In Hazloton. Mr?. Philip Staff, of South Seventh street, has returned home from a visit with relatives in Wayne county. MI'S Bessie Nceloy. of North Rebecca street, has returned from a brief sojourn In New York. Misses Helen und VDulsy Stone, of fthnca, N. Y., are visiting the Misses Jessie and Augusta Polhamus, of North Main avenue. Herbert Evans, of tlnllstead, Is the guest of relative on Lafayette street. Mrs. .Martha Millard, of Division street, Is sojourning In Factoryvlllc. Miss Maud Kvuns, of North Main ave nue, is recovering from nil attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Frank Harrison, of Hnekensnck, N. J.;, Mrs. .1. M. Williams and Mrs. Clarence 11. Shryer, of North Main nve nue, nre home from Lnke Wlnoln, where they spent several weeks. Mls Jennie Williams, or North Sum mer avenue, Is spending her vucatlon nt Atlantic CU:. Rhys Powell, or North Gurlield nve nue, has taken up his studies at Brown university. Thomas Evans, of the West Side bunk, Is spending his vacation In Pittsburg. Mrs. Floyd Heberllng and chlldicn, of Kingston, are vldtlng relatives on South Lincoln avenue. Willis Dnvls, of Ifoncsdnle. Is the guest of Thomas Davis, of Jaeksoa street. Mrs. E. T. Relber. or Philadelphia, Is .spending a few v days with friends In West Scranton. Miss Susie Edwards, of North Bromley avenue, is convalescent after a seveie Illness. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Thomas Lewis Arrested for Discharg ing Firearms Other News and Personal Notes. Thomas Lewis, of Church avenue, was arrested Sunday ctenlng for discharg ing firearms. For the past several weeks Lowl has been In an Intoxicated condition and complaints came to the police that he was breaking furnituic at his home. He set lire to his bed one night dur ing last week, but the blaze was extin guished before any damage resulted. The neighbors were afraid of him, and many times have stopped him fiom committing suicide. Sunday evening he discharged a revolver, and the neigh bors thought that he had shot himself. Word was sent to the station house and Patrolmen Ross and Sultry went to his home and placed him under ar rest. T'pon going into the house to ar rest him he was found lying on a lounge with n revolver lying alongside of him. He was fined In police court yesterday. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. An association rally will be held In the Yoinig Women's Christian association p.irlois, 20IS North Main h venue, Tues day evening, September 1ti, at 7.!M p. m., to which all who wish to take any part in tliu work of the association tills j ear arc invited to attend. Girls and young women will ln given opportunity to reg ister for sewing, gymnasium and cook ing classes; also classes In conversation and letetr writing. Adolph Felrtmon, of West Market street, left Tor New York yesterday, where he Is to wed .Miss Tessle Schwartz, a charming young lady or that city, to day, Mr. and Mrs. Feldmnu will return home tomorrow nnd for u time they will make their residence with his parents on North Main nvenue. On next Monday evening they will tender u reception to Ills patrons ut his homo on North Main avenue. The Independent orchestra, which ran such excellent socials in I he auditorium last season, has decided to conduct them thU year. On Wednesday evening tho opening social of the season will tulto place. An orchestra of eight pieces will render dance music. The services of Peter Saltey, the well known dancing in structor, have been secured this season to conduct the dancing school. Every evening before the regular dnnco an hour will be set aside for the accommodation or those wishing to learn In dance. A delegation consisting or Oito I). Myers, Charles Miller, Couucllniiiii John Evans, L. M, Roberts, Richard Thomas anil a number or other prominent Re publicans leaves this morning Toy Krlc. where they will represent the North Suauton Republican club at the Re publican Slate league convention, which Is being held at that place. Reduced rales have been secured Troiil tho railroad companies for transportation, The North Scinnloii delegation will remain In Erie, ror tluec days, returning on Friday. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Miss Olive Tlinmas, or Church incline, pleasantly eulerlalucd a number or her friends at her home on Friday evening, Edward Sanders and Jesso Sickles havo returned from a few day's visit at Jcmiyn. John Jervls, of Wayne avenue, is pass im; around the elgnrs over the arrival of Mr, and Mrs. Morris Fcldcnay and son Joseph, of North Main avenue, nro In New Yoik city. OBITUARY. MRS. Sl'SANE RAFNR, an old re.sl dent of South Scranton, passed nwuy nt 72t Hickory street eurly yesterday morn ing at the rlpo old age of 82 years. Tho deceased wiih one of tho llrst Vettlers In this vicinity and was well known and hlslily esteemed In the community. One son and live daughters, all married, sur vive. Tho funeral will take place nt 2 p. m. tomorrow afternoon and services will bo held nt the Iioubo and I'lttston Ave. nuo cemetery by Rev. W, A. Nordt. MILDRED TERRY, tho Infant duugh ter .if Mrs. Margaret Torry, of 723 Clay avenue, Dumnoie, died yesterday, Tho funeral will be conducted this ufternon with Interment' In tho Cathedral ccme terj . AIT OLD AND WElL-TRiTO REMEBT. MRS. WINSLOW'B SOOTHING BYRU fvi vmiuicii ictuimiK, in me Prescription 01 burses In the United States, and has bee; used alxty years with never-falllng sue? teas by millions of mothers for their chlU (ran. During the process of teething ita Value Is Incalculable. It relieves the chili from pain, cures diarrhoea, urlplng in the fcowels, and 1 wlnd-cpllc. By giving health to the child It rests tho mother, Price; twenty-live cuU a bottle. r" SOUTHSGRANTON THEY WERE MARRIED FIFTEEN YEABS AGO. Anniversary of the Event Celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dlppre at Their Home 732 Pittston Avenue. Twentieth Birthday of Miss Llbbie Lotz Observed Large Number of Persons Attended the Funeral of the Late Mrs. Knoller Heard Be fore Alderman Lentes. A most plenslng affair occurred nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dlppre, of 720 I'lttston nvenue, last evening, when they were serenaded, the occasion being tho fifteenth annlversay of their wedding. Relatives and friends gathered nt tho Iioubo about 0 o'clock, nnd after it sea son of social enjoyment, refreshment were served. Cut glass and crystal ware appropriate to the occasion were presented to tho happy couple as mementos of tho day, and the guests Joined In wishing Mr. and Mrs. Dlppre muny happy returns of the day. Mr. Dlppre is foreman of the puttern shop nt the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western car shops, and Is nffllllated with many secret und social arganlza tlons, besides being a member of Union Lodge, F. and A. M No. 29,". The guests present were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dlppre, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Illldebrandt, Mr. and Mrs. John Gahn, Mr. und Mrs. S. P. Reiner, Mrs. C. Haas. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Kolb, Mrs. William Kornacher, Mrs. Barbara Gahn. Mrs. Elizabeth Shall. The Misses B. Coar, Freda Kornacher, Gertrude Dlppre, Louise Hlldebrandt, Lilly Reiner and James Touhlll, Peter Reiner, William Kornacher, John und William Heldebrandt, nnd Masters Aaron, Howard and Philip Dlppre, Jr., John and William Gahn. Pleasantly Remembered. A merry surprise party was tendered to Miss Lotz, a popular young lady, a few nights ago, In honor of lier twen tieth birthday. The guests assembled at the Lotz residence on Hickory street about 9 o'clock, and arter hearty con gratulations set about having a good time. Music and dancing was enjoyed until 11 o'clock when rerreshments were served. The festivities were resumed after supper and kept up until the eurly morning hours. The guests present were the Misses Martha, Llbbie, ISmmn and Henrietta Lotz, Minnie Neuls, Rose Kugler, Theresa Kraft, Emma Myers, Margaret Freuchtel, Messrs. Fred Lotz, Carl Wagner, William Lotz, Henry Ulrlch, Edward Kroll, Siebert Wetzel, George Ulrich, Bernard Kautack, Chatles Dieslng nnd Mr. and Mrs. Kautack. Laid nt Rest. The funeral of the late Mrs. Kneller, took place yesterday morning and was largely attended. Hundreds viewed the remains at tho family residence, prior to closing the casket, and St. Mary's Catholic church, where a requiem mass for the repose of the dead was cele brated, wus filled with sorrowing friends and relatives of the deceased lady. After the services in the church the cortege started for the German Catho lic cemetery In the upper portion of the Twentieth ward, where Interment was made. The remains were borne to their last resting place by six cousins as follows: Fred Ueidenbach, Jacob Reidenbach, Gus Reldenbach. Harry Rem po, Joseph Flempe, and Anthony Rompc. Aldermanic Doings. Joseph Wirth, or 1113 Stafford ave nue, had Edward and Joseph Dupost arrested yesterday for defrauding a board bill to the amount of $5.13. The evidence showed they did not leave with intent to defraud having paid $7 on the account. The case was heard before Alderman Lentes, who discharg ed the defendant. John Lewendousky, was brought be fore the same ulderman last evening on churges or disorderly conduct, point ing a pistol, discharging firearms and threats. The charges were preferred by Michael Mathuschek, whose state ments were endorsed by numerous wit nesses. After hearing all tho evidence Lewendousky was held on the charges of carrying nnd discharging firearms within the city limits. His bail was fixed at $.'00, In default of which he was committed, Hurt While Playing. A Iwelve year old son or Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, residing on Maple street, met with a mlsfortunnto acci dent last evening that may disfigure him for life. The lad with n number of companions wns indulging In horse play, when a stone inlschlevlously thrown, caught young Woodward In tliu face, Indicting a long Jagged wound running parallel with his lip, 'tho Injured boy was taken to the office of Dr. J. J. Walsh, and live stitches were necessary to close the gash. NUBS OF NEWS. Tho lost child, whoso case was reported !!n these columns yesterday, turned out to bo n lllttlo Polish boy. Ho hud won dered a long dlstani'o from home. Ills father, n man named Langdnsky, resid ing In tho Twentieth wind, claimed him about II o'clock on Sunday night, Miss Mollle Luiidy, a popular young lady of the South Side, will entertain tho progressive euchro party at St, John's hall Thursday evening, Tho pio. coeds nro to help swell tho funds of the new Cnthollo church to bo erected on Ornhnrd street. All nro welcome, Comet lodge, Knights or Pythias,, will meet In regular session nt Ilnrtmnu's hull, on Pittston nvenue, this evening. Tho Scranton Suengerrunde will meet for singing practice In Athletic hall this c cuing. Dr, Schley's Lung Healing nnlstim 'Is guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No cine, no pay." For salo by all dealers. The Jungor JIaennerchor Bocloty will meet In special session at 7 o'clock to. night for rehearsal. Professor Iluusea will bo present und all members are urged to attend, News of the death of a former real, dent won received from Illllallilo House last evening. The deceased was named Jacob Klein and tho Hcsslnger ambulance proceeded for the body, which will be taken to tho home of Joseph Klein on Btodo avenue and prepared for Interment, GREEN RIDGE. Miss Imogeno Hoyt, of Dickson avenue, was tendered a surprise party last oven Ing at her homo on Dickson avenue by n number of her young friends. ,Tlio gath ering was In honor of her birthday and a delightful evening wus spent. Among thoso present were tho Mlsse3 Imogens Hoyt, Mumle Osmond, Bluncho White, Swiss Flannels j Per Yard This Week 8 Cents 10 Cents 1 5 Cents AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre, M. Itcls, Lessee and Malinger. A. J. Duity, Huslncsi Manager. Tuesday Night, Sept. 16. W. E. Nankeville's Now Melo-Dramntlc Success, Entitled, The Little Mother Hy Lawrence Murstun, esq. A pathetic story Intermingled with bright nnd sparkling comedy. Special scenery, electrical und mechanical etTect Prices lfio, Xie, 30c and 73c. Scats on sale. Thursday Night, Sept. 18 Paul Armstrong's New Comedy Drama, "ST. ANN" A tale of LOVE, ARTISTS and HO IIL'MIA. A play which Is destined to become one or tjic theatrical hits of the season. Dal thnotu American. Prices 23c, 50c, 73c. $1, Plagium opens Tuesday at 9 a. in. Academy of Music M. Rels, Lessee and Manager. A. J. Durry, Business Manager. Three Nights, Commencing Monday, Sep tember J3. Matinees Tuesday and Wednesday. NKW YORK'S BIG HIT. "THE FATAL WEDDING." Matinee Prices 13c. and 23c. Night Prices 13c. 23c. :!',c. and 30c Three Nights. Commencing Thursday, Sentember IS. Matinees I'liday and Saturday. Mr. Barney Gllmore in "KIDNAPPED IN NEW YOBK." Klght Pig Specialties. Dixie's Theatre, HLNRY KAr.NSWORTir DIXIE, Lessee and Manager. WEEK OK SEPT. 33. EIGHT BIG ACTS Ametain New Dances '1 lie Kcatons Sisson and Wallace Matinee Today. 1 'rices 13. 23. X, and 30c. Special matinee prices. STAR THEATRE ALP. U. IIEItniNC.TOX, Manager. MONDAY. Tl'ESDAY. WEDNESDAY, September 1", Hi, I". The Cracker Jacks Matinee Every Day, Uesslo Addyniaii, Jennie (,i anger, Grace Slsco, Lulu W.irren. Mnhelle Keith, Kmma Baker. Gertie I.a Ito.-e. Clara Slo cum, Will ltallcr, Harry Mailer, Jesso Slcklcr, Je.-se Gardner. Carl tlaidnor, Clydo Wolehcl, Claroneo Hoyt, Joe La Rose, Prank Aildymun. Edward Butler, Lo Roy Warden, Paul Kelfer, Tom Iton enr, Charles Brandt and Eddie Jaines, of Jerniyn. P. S. Oilier, or lloncsdale street, has ie. turned from llamliiitou, AVayue county, where ho and his brother have been en gaged the past row days In settling up their fath'T'H estate. Miss Maude Temple, who bus been tho guest or her school friend. Miss Cl.irn Woodruff, of Eloclt Ie avenue, returned to her home in Philadelphia yesterday, Prunk Elwood, or Dickson avenue, left ror Ithncu, N, V ycstoidiiy, where ho will enter Cornell. DUNMOitt DOINGS. Fire Alarm System Is Not In Working- Order School Board Awards Its Bonds. An alarm of fire lute yesterday after noon called the lire department to Petersburg, but tho lire was out beforn their arrival and fortunately their ser vices were not needed. The alarm system Is not working nnd tho ilreincn must wait In their houses until the gong Is blown by hand ut No. 0 breaker, ut tho pleasure of the fire man there, before they can tell in what purt of the borough they may bo needed. It seems as though It ought to be somebody's business to keep this piece of borough property In working order, und If It cannot bo kept In that con dltlon it should be turn out and the citizens would know what to expect and act accordingly In summoning the lire men,' As It Is now, the money Invested In llro alarm systems In this borough Is n dead loss, and somebody should nnswer to tho tux-payers as to why It Is so, i In the Neptune hose house yesterdny tho llrst Intimation the permanent man there hud that there was a (Ire was the blowing of the gong, which might some times bo ten or llfteen minutes, or longer, after the alurm from the box is turned In. The School Board Bonds. The school board met vpslrnlnv nftn,-. noon and awarded tho (55,000 Issue of i tier cent, bonds to tho successful hliirifi- F. h. Fuller, Cleveland, O. Bids were received from Joseph Parker & Co.. flow You Do Like A nice warm Comfortable Kimona, or House Jacket We can appreciate the situation, too, and have one of the finest lines of $wiss Flannels and Flannelettes in the city. Five, six or seyen yards will make such a garment. Pretty Persian Stripes or Checks and the beautiful solid colors in the Warm Winter Shades. MELDRUM, SCOTT Prove The Quality jffBttA, flwm $l Si.vl'",' dSKSBm "The Rocktan" It's a new introduction of ours in Men's Shoes. We have1 been successful in securing- a style and finish which now compares with many of the higher priced shoes. The leathers used have been tested for their wearing qualities. We've tried in every way we know to make "The Rocktan" the most perfect shoe to be had Will you call and "Sorosis" This name is well known among women who seek comfort and style persection in shoes, not only in Scranton, but all over Europe and America. The Fall styles await your inspection. They are always 2 EA A PJUJ pajr. Samter Bros. Complete if "" " ((o y $1.25 Pays for a full quart bottle of Green Valley Rye "The Velvety Whiskey." During a changing season like this, it is a grateful stimulent. New 'Phone 2974. m Lackawanna AvcScramtonV Iloston; S. A. Kenrn, Chicago, mid F. I.. Fuller, of Cleveland. Parker & Co.'s bid was pnr, while Kenrn offered ?"23 premium, but did not comply with the advertisement and send a certified check. The Fuller bid was accompanied by a certified check and offered $75 iircpiluin, and to them the bonds were awarded, Brollors Disappeared, Obctii' Yost, the well-known Jeweler, is mournliifc' the loss of four chickens and also for his loss of fulth In some body lu town. lie Instructed an Klm liUTbt eurly riser that any time he might come with anything for him In tho early hours, that It would be per fectly bafe If left lu his doorway at the corners, and yesterday mornlnt; about 6 o'clock his Klmhurst friend unloaded four prime broilers In the doorway, About 7 o'clock Mr. Yost appeared, & CO., wAve See The Style at . see them? Outfitters. mrm . n..i!.yj..gj U! Old 'Phone 2162. but his broilers had disappeared and have not since appeared, which ac counts for Sir. Yost's somewhat stormy uppearaueo yesterday, TOLD IN A FEW LINES. $3.50 Mr. and Mrs '. W, lilxhop, Mr, and Mrs. Wlllliim Cutrcll and Mrs, Chilhlo phcr Moirutt and Mrs. Kuucue llarton mid children, formed a puny liut left yestcidny for Chicago and other points In the purthwest. Mis, Molfatt ami Mrs, llniton will bo met In Chicago by Mr. lluiton, who will accompany iheni to their now homo lu Tnpolcn, whmo Mr. Ilartoa Is hunted, holding th position of muster mechanic of the AtchUnu, Topokn und S.intu l'i system. The best wishes of their many fi lends here bo with them to their far western home. finds am out uiiiiouiicIiik tho coming m.iriiiiKe of Mlfs Jiuitlu Sloat. of Ituo street, and Tlinmas Owlnllrk, of Avoca, at tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr, auU Mix. Cluulcs Blouii, on September '.'4, I OH I t ,&& ?m. ,., Wiifc e.-tw'- JUtA lfa!tiJlJ.iL .,,J,, . . aMfc. ltofc.-t.... $.'