?u? Vi & t-A" , fc " A S .. " "". -- V .T, ir.i-M 1 vv, $i i THE SCRANTON TMBDNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1902. I ISJsTv, ooTP Cotinty Savings Dank and Trtist Company, 506 Spruce 5treet. Receives to 4 and Deposits tN I Up (n Sums of K M wards and pays 3 per cent. In terest thereon. Xi. A. WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: ,Vm. V. Iliillntend, IKverett AVnrren, Mi. P. KltiRHbiiry. Aiigust ttnblnson, O. S, Johnson, I Jos. O'Brien, I.. A. W'ntrcs. Kftfe Kit . ML ttK Kttlt KKKM '. " M S STEINWAY STECK CHASE X : KRANICH & BACH i MONROE X X Now that the music X lessons are beginning, A" ft ft X .t . n Remember That we sell pianos on easy monthly pay ments as well as for Cash, and that we have pianos for RENT. N. A. Hulbert, 117 Wyoming Ave. .s "A 'A "A 'A "A 'A it M St "A '4 'A "A "A A "A 'A ooooooooooooooooo O v X "Thoy Draw Well." 0 l Morris' Magnet Cigars S v Tlio best "nine for." cents. 0 v Try one ana you will smoke no A , filler 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All til A Irtrlilll-ij- litinmln nf rTrt cigars at Jl,7r per box.' or fi for Ke! j ku liiificHt vurieiy oi I'lpt's aim lyuucuos in town. E. C. MORRIS. The Cigar Han 325 Washington Avenue. 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In and About The City MJi'J Board of Managers to Meet. Thi board of niuiuiKfrs of tho I'lorenee hIfMoii will mrft ut the home this morn ing at 10 oVIock. Central W. C. T. TJ. Meeting. 'J'hc CViitnil 'Woman's Chrl.itlnu Tem jienuioc union will meet thin afternoon at n o'clock in Guernsey's hall. Sub ject, "1'nfcniK.Mitcil Wino." Entertainment Friday Night. Tin- Kind's D.'itiKlilors, of Kim Park Miurch, nve nrraiiRiiiK for a very Inter fstliiK mcKascope t'litvrtiilnment, to lo ield next Frlilay evening In the lecture uom. i Cottage Prayer Meeting, The Chl'Mlan AVnrkrrs' Iriirrtin will hold cottage pijayer meeting at the homo of Miss Alieo AVilllams, 1117 Luzerne Street, Tuesday evening, September IB, at , 8 o'clock. Meeting of Associated Charities. The board of associated charities of auiiiiiiun win iiieei mis evening at s o clock in the postmasters room, post oflicc building. They Are Now Operative. Recorder Council yesterday signed the ordinance providing for ' sidewalks mi Division street and the resolution prc vldlng for the appointment of a commll 1"'o to locate the proposed new bridge at Race street. Board of Health Report. The returns In the board of health showed twenty-eight deaths for last week, line was from whooping cough and 01m from typhoid fovcr. Three new casei of typhoid and one new case of biuallpox were reported. Killed a Rattlesnake. A three-root r.Ullesnakn was klllcl on the west moiiulalu on Sunday by a party or young men vomprlslug Ueorgo .lone--, Walter Gtiems, John Sehrneder and Ju lius Levy. Tin- saakn wound Itself nliout hehroeder'H leg, hut was fortunately pull ed off before It bit lilm. Prayer for McKinley. At the regular meeting of the eiioucuel y.inn society, ueiu III the Linden street irmpln on Sunday, a memorial prayer for tho lato President McKinley whs offered ny uev. 11. Lewis, who was In charge Rev. A prayer of thanksgiving for the saving of President Roosovelt's life win "also U1IC1CU, Fair at Montrose. Tho annual fulr of tho Stimiuelianna County Agricultural society will he held at Montrose today mid tomorrow, Scran ton peoplo taking tho fl a, m. train en tho Delaware, Lackawanna and AVest ern may reach tho grounds about 11, and returning at (! can arrive homo at 8.10 in the evening, Returned from Oregon. - Ex.3herlrf Charles Roblnsoi), Victor Koch and John Ilenoro have returned from Astoria, Oregon, where they went several weeks ago to complete the ar rangements for tho transfer of u large brewing plant In which they are Inter ested. Kmll Schlmpff, of this city, has been Installed as manager. Civil Service Exams, The local board or civil service exmnln trs announce thut on October 81 und 2 examinations will bo conducted In the federal building ror the positions or civil engineer and superintendent or construe Hon la tho quurtermuster'H department at large, salary Ji.COO pur annum; mid tor draftsmen (p the lighthouse service, salary 5100 per month. Persons desiring lo compete should at once apply to either the clvl service conimlsslolii at AVabli Uuton or tho local board of examiners, FIRST DAY OP THE NEW TERM COMMON PLEAS LIST FOR TWO WEEKS READ. Judge Newcomb Is Presiding In the Main Court Room Judge Edwards Spent Yesterdny Hearing Applica tions for Naturalization, but Will Hear Common Fleas Cases Today. Cases That Were Tried Yesterday. Contractor Matthew H. Dale Is Sued for $30,000 Damages. The three weeks' term of common picas court opened yesterday with Judge E. C. Newcomb on the bench In the main court room. Judge II. M. Ed wards spent the day listening to appli cations for naturalization, but will hear common ulens cases In No. 3 today. There will be but two judges presiding this week. When the list for this week was taken up yesterday morning the following oases were disposed of as fol lows! Continued Btldget Gray against Mary McCormlck and others, ejectment; AV. W, Williams against John Iv. Jones, appeal; I'attllon Scheuer against Henry Sehcuer, divorce; Elizabeth Carmen against Hcran ton Hallway company, trespass; 15. M. Wlnton. administrator, against l.ucku wanna Coal company, limited, assumpsit; t' C. Buunull against ',. M. ward, as tttimpslt; Lillian Anthony against 'I'. Hunt Brock, appeal; K. R. Depuy against M. M. Spencer, assumpsit; Bridge Mt I.ane against Unnmore borough, tres pass; Michael llcNIff against William Hart, appeal; Hannah J. Schlagur against Nay Aug Kails and Klmhurst Boulevard company, trespass; Nolan Brothers against K. S. Peck, executor, appear. Ueferred I,. SI. Cafferty against Charles II. Schadt, assumpsit. The list for next week was also read and the cases not for trial marked as follows: Settled Edward Hoom-y against city of Carbondalo. trespass. Continued Joseph Jlelvln against A. I. Bedford, assumpsit; Mary Koch against C. 1.. Smith, replevin; Safety Investment and Loan company against John K. Jones. nel. fa.; Peter Plpswlez against William Jervls, tiespass; S. W. Reynolds ngahi'-t Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad company, trespass; C. AV. Khington against II. W. Palmer and others, executors, trespass: Lackawanna Rooting company against Mary Barrett, appeal. John Campbell was the plaintiff in a case called before Judge Newcomb. He sued to recover wages from Joseph Cassesse. The latter -employed a man named Barber to move a bulldlna: for him on AVest Lackawanna avenue, Campbell was employed by Barber, but fearing he would not get his wages went to Cnsaesse and said he was about to unit. Cassesse said he had S160 of money belonging to Barber, and he asked Campbell to continue at work and he would pay him out of the money he had in hand. When the work was completed the money In Oassesse's hands was not sufficient to pay Camp boll the entire amount coming to him, and he sued for the balance. The court decided that Cassesse was liable only for the amount in his hands, and a non suit was granted. Similar action was taken in the case of William Brown against Cassesse, whose caFe was Identical with that of Campbell. By agreement a verdict for $7.",0 was taken In the case of Annette Reynolds against Thomas Brooks and the Green wood Coal company. The plaintiffs thought they had title to certain land nenr Moosic and cut 1,500 trees it con tained for timbering the Greenwood I'pon It appearing that the land was the property of Miss Reynolds the de fendants agreed to compensate her, and the amount was fixed at $7.,50. Attor ney c, Balrntine appeared for the plaintiff, and Major Everett AVurren for the defendant. Late In the afternoon the ejectment case of AV. O. Miller against G. W Cramer ami John Cure was put on trial before Judge Newcomb. Some land in "likely containing coal Is in dispute, 'J'llr' f,ase was tried here once before and the verdict .was for the defendant. The plaintiff took an appeal to the nnpromc court and the court of this county was sustained. The defendant tnen ruled the plaintiff to bring his sec 0IK' fult. two verdicts being necessary iu n.x inin to land, The dispute is as to the boundary of the land, the deed prescribing an out crop of conglomerate rock as one of the boundaries. There Is 11 difference of opinion between the parties to the suit us to Just where this outcrop Is. The witnesses examined yesterday were Ira E. Hurt well and V. G. Ml'llor, The plaintiff is represented by Attorney S R. Price, and the defendants by Attor neys Watson and Dlehl. Suit Against Contractor Dale. The Misses lliilliilhi and Concella Cardello by their guardian, Glovunna Do Murco, brought suit yesterday against Contractor Matthew H, Dale In recover .$110,000 for the death of their father, Dominic Antonln Cardlllo, who was employed by .Mr. Dale in grading tin.' bed of the new Rapid Transit com pany rnad in October, lflOl, On October 31, it Is alleged that Car dlllo was directed to w(,r ,lt tle f0()t or 1111 embankment. A considerable portion or the bottom had been excav ated leaving the top overhanging. This fell and Cardlllo was killed. Tho i-on- iracior is cuargeir with responsibility for the condition whlcIO resulted In the inuil'H death, Two Misused Wives. Miss Cora" M. Junes, through Attor ney R, A. Capwell, yesterday asked tho court to divorce her from Gwllym Jones to whom she wns married Aug, 5, 1830, Because of his cruel and bar barous treatment Mrs. Jones says she was compelled to leave her husband May 7, last. Attorney Capwell also filed a. petition for a divorce for Mrs. Dora E. AVilllams Avho was married to John H, AVilllams, Jan, 1, 1S90, She says she had to leave him Sept, 4 of this year becauso of his cruel and Intolerable treatment, Dividing tho Indebtedness, Attorney Louis drainer, who was ap pointed by the court to ascertain the Indebtedness of the township of Fell at the time-, the borough of Vandllng was created out or It and to apportion the inuBuieiiuess oetween them, yester day filed his report and it wus ap proved, ' He llnds that on October 17, 1S99. when the borough was created the total Indebtedness was ?6,552.?2. The value or the property In the township was .$451,217 and or the borough, $U4 94" Fell's portion or tho debt Is found to be $5,229.38, and Vandllng's. $1,323.2-. Each of the municipalities ure assessed $252.- Alfred Wooler, Instructor in Voice Culture and Singing, Harmony, Counterpoint and Musi cal Composition, Special StdltT SINdlNcl CLASS FOR ADULTS-Every Monday evening nl o'clock, Tuition, Jlo uer year. M'itEPARATORV CLASS, POR CHILDREN, who Intend Inter to study the piano. Every Monday afturnooon at I o'clock. Tuition, Mo per year, 8ATPIIDAY MORNlNd SINGING SCHOOL Por children 7 to II years of uge. Every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Tution, $3 ped year. Private lessons also given. Voices tested free of charge. PI'PILS ENROLLED AT ANY TtME-Studlo hours. Pa, 111. to 9 p. m. Studio address, :!17 Carter building, second Hood, ti$l Linden street, Scranton. 94 as their share of the cost of (he Fell township election contest. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. George AA Hakuln Aberdeen Peart AV. Brink Elmhurst John H. Onkey Dickson Amelia Rltsch Dickson Ell White Justus Olive Miller Edelln Samuel Helmbock Danville Sadie Preliafar Danville Edward AVest Purdon Carbondalo Mnrgaret Louise Marry Carbondalo Wlllllnm A. Bates Manslleld Helen E. Leiirch Chinchilla Eugene Masters Old Forgo Emma Abplnnalp Old Forgo Louis J, Robertson Parsons Myrtle O. Perry Scranton George M. OKell Scranton Laura Blanche Shaffer Scranton COURT HOUSe"nEWS NOTES. Charles Taylor was yesterday appoint ed minority Inspector of the First ward of Olyphant. Over one hundred candidates for citi zenship were examined before Judge Edwards In the Superior court room yes terday. Naturalization papers were grant ed to ninety-six. A rule was granted yesterday to show cause why a divorce should not be grant ed In the case of Chloe A. Sehriver against George Sehriver. A slmlllar rule was granted in the case of Berton E. Fish against llattle M. Fish. Fred Hrower brought suit yesterday against the Scranton Steel company to recover $,"0U for damage done his prop erty hi South Scranton by the overflow ing of the Lackawanna river. Attorney A. A. Chase Is his attorney. A statement tiled with the clerk of the courts yesterday shows that the Indebt edness of Taylor borough is Jti.OOO. It Is proposed to Increase the debt of the bor ough $t-l,ww for the construction of sew ers. The taxable property of the borough is valued at Jl.O37.-iH0. The viewers in the case of Bridget Golden, .Alary Crlder, Ann Forgan and Patrick Golden against the Scranton and Northeastern Railroad company pre sented their report to court yesterday and It was confirmed nisi. Each of the plaintiffs Is awarded 125.r.fl for land taken by the defendant company. MERRILL WILL CONTEST. It Again Comes Up in Orphans Court Yesterday Before Judge Vosburg. Number of Orders Mede. In the estate of A. J. Merrill, de ceased. In which the will of the dece dent Is contested, Attorney John F. Scragg. appeared In orphans court yesterday for the estate of the respond ent, Mrs. Merrill, who committed sui cide on Sept. 7, and Attorney A D. 13. Alney, of Montrose and W. II. Jessup. Jr.. for the contestants. A caveat hav ing been filed in the estate of the re spondent the hearing was again con tinued and will probably be taken up during the common pleas argument court week. An opinion and decree was handed down In the estate of Ambrose Mulley, deceased. In this estate a partial ac count was filed by the executor, George M, Mulley, to which many exceptions were filed by the various legatees. As this controversy arose before the es-. tabllshinent of the new orphans' court in this county, tho matter was referred to J. M. Harris csn,., as auditor, and ho filed a report sustaining a portion of the exceptions, particularly with respect to the commissions charged, and dismissing others. Exceptions having been filed to this auditor's report, the court now direct that the account be restated, practical ly in accordance with the report of the auditor, with a few changes, and the exceptions are all disposed or. It Is held in the opinion, that it is the duty of tho executor, under the terms of the will, to dispose of all the real and per sonal property of the testator, as soon as possible, It Is also held that the costs of the audit should be paid out of the estnte, In the estates or James J, Crosdalo iimd AValter D. Rounds, widow's ap praisement was confirmed nisi, In the estate of John Reese, widow's appraise ment was excepted to. In tbe following estates widow's appraisement was con firmed absolutely, to wit: A, B. Har rington, Joseph Ober, James Chambers, AVIllam J, Morgan, William Evans, Jr., Charles McMullen, Josluh II, nought. The audit In the estate of Norah Golden, deceased, was continued until Wednesday of this week. The audit In the estate of James Barrett was con tinued until September 27th at 10 a. in. The accounts of forty executors, ad ministrators and guardians wero con firmed nisi. Exceptions were filed In the estate of Cornelius Compton, de ceased, to the account of the adminis trator, The court fixed Saturday, September 2"th ror the flnnl confirmation and ad judication or nil accounts confirmed nisi at this time. In tho estate or Frank J, Belcher, deceased, In which an appeal Is asked ror from the appraisement of collateral Inheritance tax, the answer having been filed, by agreement or Mr. Lowry repre senting the respondent nnd Mr. Pitcher for the petitioner, the hearing was 'fixed for Saturday, September 27th at 10 a. m. A number or ordem were made In other pases, The orphans' court will be In session each day this week be ginning at 9 o'clock. Are Not Mall Soxes, Tho polilce say that a great many peo. pin mistake tho waste paper cans on tho various street corners ror mall boxes and drop parcels Intended ror delivery by Uncle Bam Into them, Patrolman Con pery noticed a man drop two boxes Into the can ut the corner of Lackawanna and Wyoming avenues on Sunduy, He thought at llrst that they were empty, but the thought came to him that the man might have mbtaken the tin re ceptacle for a mall box, and he Investi gated. He discovered two boxes or cigars packed up and addressed to two parties In Wllkes-Barrc. It Is reasonable ta presume that many people liavo been similarly mistaken and that the loss of I ninny packuges can bo accounted for In I Hits w:iy. I this way. Classes: SECOND REPORT OP THE GRAND JURY Men Who Tried to Hang Fireman John Flnnigan Are Indicted Big Batch of Ignored Bills. Tho second report of the grand Jury was made to the court 'yesterday morn ing, and among the true bills returned were a number against the men who tried to hang John Flanlgnn.-a tlreman at one of the collieries In Dunmorc, during the early days of the strike. Among the big batch of Ignored bills was one against Patrick Abeam, who was charged with holding up and at tempting to rob P. Dougher, near the Bellevue breaker. The case against Jennie Duffy, charged with conducting a bawdy house, preferred by Constable James Clark, was also Ignored. The true bills returned by the Jury follow: Riot Mazzorlo Dlsantl: John Flanlgan, pros. Lulgl Pane; John Flanlgan, pros. Antonio Mnzzn; John Flanlgan, pros. Frank Pane; John Flanlgan, pros. John McGlone; John Flanlgan, pros. Samuel Hndden; John Flanlaan. pros. AVllilam Coulter, jr.; John Flanlgan, pros. Embezzlement by Tax Collector Fran cis U. Clifford; If. AV. Watkilis, pros. Assault and Battery William AVother by; George AV. Decker,' pros. Marvlne Blauko; Mary Finarl, prox. Anthony Grocheskl; Helen Grocheskl, prox. Jo seph Listens ; Leopold Gratski, pros. John Bosak; Andro Oetzll. pros. Stephen Mal kovltch: William Geravls, pros. John Caulleld; Sarah Cmifleld, prox. John Ko lilck; John Datsko, pros. Louis Meyers; William Connin, pros. Edward Myers; William Connin, pros. Joseph Lacovlto; Samuel Craigo, pros. James Bell; Mi chael Corbetl. pros. Domlnick Seavo; Domlnlck Constanzo, pros. Mary ,Mu loney; AVllilam Eggert, pros. Michael Moloney; AA'llliam Eggert, pros. Simon Schoen: S. M. Freedman, pros. AVllilam Toomey; Thomas K. Dorphy, pros. Tony Dutzman; Charles Aukiewlcz, pros, Mike A'ukas; LesUo Dembko, pros. Kate It nan; Frank Gydon, pros. Larceny and Receiving John Baldwin; Daniel Gallagher, pros. Edward Rock; Ida Gcisner. prox. Thomas Baldwin; Daniel Gallagher, pros. Simon Schoen; S. M. Freedman. pros. Charles Secley, .Jarah A. Seeley; E. F. N. Edwards, pros. Lewis Horr; Charles P. Ford. pros. Isaac Baldwin: Daniel Gallagher, pros. False Pretense Joseph Liskus; Leop old Gratski, pros. Catherine Peel; P. J. Conroy, ,pros; Minor E. Wordcn; Matilda Fahrig, prox. Common Scold Carrie Sayers; Martin Deichn.iller. pros. Perjury John Bosak; Andro Gctsle, pros. Disorderly House Peter Runnr Frank Gydon, pros. Extortion George B. Morris: Frank Dopko, pros. Assault with Intent to Kill Frank Pane: John Plunaghan, pros. Misdemeanor In Of lice Michael Duffy; Anthony Chllwinskl, pros. Nuisance Otto Mllr; John Coslett, pros. Playfully Pointing Pistol Ernest Leler rl; Michael Brngan, pros. Krn.'st Leter rl; Thomas Flannelly, pros. Anthony Betty, Frank Gydon, pros. John Loftus; John M. Flynn, pros. Fred Butner: Peter Aulbach, pros. Selling Liquor oil Sunday Fred Bald ner: Peter Aulbach, pros. Breaking Fence Stanley Dukat: Charles Cooper, pros, MERCHANTS HERE TODAY Convention of the State Association Opens in This City This After noon at 2 O'clock. The sixth annual state convention of tho Retail Merchants' association of Pennsylvania, which opens In this city today, will bring here upward(s of 150 retail merchants, principally 'grocers, from all parts of the state, and three busy tlnyh are In store for tho visitors. The oponlng session of the conven tion will be held in tho hall of the Re tall Merchants' association, 26 Lacka wanna avenue, at 2 o'clock this after noon, Jay G, Seamans, the president of tho local association, will deliver an address of welcome, which will be re sponded to by Albert Kaiser, of Phila delphia, the state president, Two sessions will be hold tomorrow and Thursday, the convention to bo brought to a close with Thursday after noon's meeting. Tomorrow afternoon Hon, AVllilam Drury, of Plttstou, and P, M. Mulley, of AVIlIlamsport, will de liver addresses, A smoker for the en tertainment of the visitors will bo con ducted tomorrow night, Addresses will bo made by n number, Including AVlli lam Smedley and E, J, Buckley, editors of the Grocer's Review and the Grocery World, respectively. On Thursday, after the closing session, tho delegates wilt be taken for a ride over tho Elmhurst boulevard and around Lake Scranton, Dinner will be served at the Speedway hotel. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. Adopted at a Meeting of Methodist Ministers' Association. Tho following resolutions wero adopt ed at a meeting of the Methodist Min isters' association held yesterday; Whereas, Our Heavenly Father litis called from tho field of toll to the re ward of tho righteous our brother, the Rev, Francla Gendall; therefore, be It Resolved by the Methodist Ministers' association, of Scranton; First, that we have suffered a great los by tho death of our brother, whoso ability as a think er and cogency as a writer and speaker added greatly to the success and Interest of our gatherings; that as u preacher he was strong and sympathetic and loyal to his church; that his high Ideals of lire and keen some of duty nnd pronounced convictions and fidelity to his Lord made lilm a Christian of defined character. Resolved, second, That wo extend our heartiest sympathy to the widow and children of our brother and pray that tho consolation and help promised by our Futher to tho bereft may bo graciously given to them In this hour or their need. Resolved, third, That a copy or these resolutions bo presented to the family nnd n cniiv 1m sntvmri mi nii mlmttpn. 1 and a copy bo spread on ouY minutes. REGIMENTAL RIFLE MATCHES THEY WILL BE CONDUCTED ON OCTOBER 4. Official Order Issued Last Night by First Lieutenant Carter, Inspector of Rifle Practice An All-Comers' Individual Match Will Be Shot, nnd There Will Be Company'and Stnff Contests Musician C. W. Moore Challenges Members of Rifle Team to Contest with Krag. First Lieutenant Lewis P. Carter, In spector of rifle practice for the Thir teenth regiment, Issued an order lust night providing for a regimental rifle tournament to be conducted on the Dickson City range on October 4. The contest will bo similar to tho one con ducted last year and will comprise two matches, an all-comers' match and compnny and staff contests. The full text or tho order, Including the detailed rules and regulations, Is as follows: Headquarters Thirteenth Regiment, Third Brigade, N, G. P, x Scranton, Pa,, Sept, 15, 1902. Regimental Oiders No. . Office of tho Inspector of Rllle Practice. Circular No. 3. A regimental tournament for all offi cers and enlisted men of this regiment will take place on the Dickson City rifle range Saturday, October 4, 1902, at 9 o'clock 0. m. The tournament is to con sist of two matches: Flrst.an all comers match; second, company and staff con tests. Tho following rules nnd conditions shall govern this second annual tournament: INDIVIDUALS. Individuals shooting as Individuals and nnd connected with a team, shall chooso for place and target by lot. They will shoot between the various company and staff contests, at such times as the range officer may designate. The scores made by the mombers of the company or staff teams shall be taken as their Individual scores In the alt comer's mutch. No re entries allowed. Company and staff teams shall choose for place and target by lot, TEAMS. Company nnd staff teams to consist of four men and one reserve, only one of whom may be a commissioned officer In the company teams. Non-c.emmlssloned staff teams to be on the same footing as a company team. Commissioned stnff teams to be handicapped three points per man on their scores made for the veter an's trophy in this contest. Four men only will shoot on a team. PRIZES. The winning company or staff team will hold in Its possession for the year tho proposed veteran's trophy. This Is at the suggestion of Colonel F. L. Hitchcock. The Inspector has good assurances of se curing a. splendidly rich and valuable trophy for these tournaments. Terms and conditions under which this trophy shall be competed for after this year will be announced later. The contest this year to be the first of the series. The winner of tho all comer's match will receive a new regulation Smith & AA'esson revolver, tho gift of Hon. Frederick W. Fleitz. The second will receive a prize presented by Captain F. M. Vandllng, regimental quartermaster. Tho third will receive a handsome pair of Imported toilot brushes presented by tho Foote & Shear company, of Scranton, Pa. Tbo following prizes for the high scores in the company and staff teams are announced: To Company A, an elegant Morris chair, by Captain ;. F. F. Conrad. To Company C, a Dunlnp hat, by Major Frank Robllng, jr. To Company V, a new designed regi mental pin, by Lieutenant F. Honshaw. Prizes for the other company teams will be announced later. EXHIBITION MATCH. Musician Charles AV. Mooro challenges the other members of tho rifle team to a contest with the Krag-Jorgensen rifle. The contest will consist of a string of five shots each per man at 200 and 00 yards. No sighting or warming shots to bo al lowed. This contest will bo shot at tho close of the other contests. The prizo for this will bo a gold stick pin. RIFLE AND AMMUNITION. Tho Springfield rllle with cither ramrod, bayonet or the old style of Springfield. Sight covers for front sights will bo al lowed, but no other artificial sights, mini mum trigger pull six pounds. Each con testant will furnish his own ammunition which may be the ammunition furnished by the state this year or regulation U. M. C. smoky powder ammunition. RANGES. Tho ranges to be shot over shall ho 200, 500 and U00 yards. Tho regulations for litle practice, current season, excepting that no sighting or warming shot shall bo allowed, will govern this contest. Seven shots will be fired by each contest ant at each range, TIES. Ties to be decided In every c.iso by tho highest score at tho higher ranges. HANDICAPS. All competitors who havo shot on brig ado teams shall ho handicapped six U) points. All who havo shot on regimental stato teams but not on brigade teaais, four points. Officers not Included In the above, to bo handicapped two (2) points In favor of iion-commissioncd officers and privates in tho all comer's match, No handicap shall be placed on the score of any participant In his score for tho high score of his team organization. Nor shall there be a handicap on any company team score, The commissioned staff team, should there bo 0110 In tho contest, shah bo handicapped as above. Tho handicap In every caso will bo mado by deducting tho points of handicap from tho seoro of tho competitor handicapped, TIME LIMIT, A limit of 32 minutes shnll bo allowed each team organization ut each range, Tho officers In charge of the tournament will bo announced later, Lewis B, Carter, First Lieut, and I. R, P. The trophy which the regimental team won at Mt. Gretna a few weeks ago will bo on exhibition after Thurs day of this week In ono of the show windows or the Connolly & AVnllaco store, on North AVashlngton avenue, Scranton College of Music, Commonwealth building, corner Spruce street and Washington avenue, Haydn Evans, director, College now open, Instructors: Piano and organ, Haydn Evans; voice, Dr, D. J, J, Mason; vio lin, Miss Nellie Holllster, Now 'phone, r--M--H--K-r-r-M-4 The Hardenbergh School of Music and Art ! f Thursday, September 18th T registration day. Private and t X class lessons. Carter Building, X i 601 Linden Street. i WE WANT YOU 1 To know exactly what the facts are concerning this new Loan Company before you gototheoldfashloned concern Wo ask for your patronnge on the distinct understanding that our " now mclhoUs give you a positive advantage. MONEY TO LOAN More Reasons SMALLER PAYMENTS. You will not have to get some ono to endorse papers for you. You will not pay Interest on tho paid-up principal here. You may move .AVhenever you like. NO PUBLICITY. NO CHARGES IN ADVANCE, New 'Phone, No. 2826. Scranton Loan Guaranty Co. No. 207 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.. Near Cor. Spruce Si. Business Hours. S a. m. to C p. m,: Saturdays. 8 a. m. till 9 o'clock. V BHIiHHMiMHBHMMMimHBMntHMM f KKnKKKKKKKKUKKK:UKKKHUKXXXS On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Next, We Will Hake Our First Fall Display Of advance styles in Dress Goods, Silks, Cloaks, Tail ored Suits, Walking Skirts, Silk Gowns, Waists, etc., etc. Every item shown will be of this season's production, and the exhibition ought to prove one of the most inter esting and novel fashion events that has ever taken place in this city. You are cordially invited to be present on any of the dates named above. h ricConnell & Co. " The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Avs. M If For Dry Goods and Cloaks. n Office Furniture Hill & ConneM, washing Brewed from the best Barley-Malt and imported Hops and "lagered" (stored for maturing) until just ripe and most Wholesome. The Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S, A. VrtWers also of BlacK Ct Tan, Anheuser-Standard, PulcLager, Faust. Export Pale, Exquisite, Mlchclob and Mol.Vurn. r'AQCTV nDfC. Wholesale Dealers, VMOC T PrV-J., SCRANTON. I' A,'. ! : Needs No Painting, Attention or Care I ? Ehret's Slag Roofing i GUARANTED 1S YEARS, j WARREN-EHRET COMPANY, 3S1 WASHINGTON AVE. J a M We have done away with several dis agreeable and expensive features. Less Expenses. Less Interest. ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE without any other security. J , 1 for Coming Here: LONGER TIME, P. O. Box, 94 0 THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY. Everything that is new everything that is desirable. Be sure and 'see our line and get our prices before you buy. 121 on Ave. EudWeiser is King of bottled beers, because of its uni form excellence. product of i , n i Kfr- &M-. ,4?4, jfTfo-J-.. -r.. . j- wM ?rf.lrfffiffiyT.frf.? .jtAj4ai4MMtfit.3vit.i.M.u mi.:J- 4 .cJksl.