The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 13, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Alderman Noone Had a Number of 'South
Washington Avenue People Before Him
Yesterday Miss Jones to Talk.
Susie Mimchento, of South Washing
ton avenue, njipeurctl before Aldcrmun
Noone, yesterday and swore out it
wnrruiU for the arrest of John Zlnsdl,
nlHO of South Washington nvenuc, on
the charge of assault and battery,
calling vile names and making threats
to kill. Zlngll wiih placed under arrest
nnd given a hearing which resulted In
Ills discharge on the first two charges,
lie being placed under $!!00 ball on
the charge of threats. M. J. Harris
qualified as bondsman.
Susie Mnnchlnto, the same prosecu
trix as In the previous case, swore out
a wurrnnt for the arest of John Jovls
key, of South Washington avenue, on
the charge of assault and battery,
threats to kill and disorderly conduct.
As In the first ense the evidence was
not sufficient to hold him on the first
two charges, but It was shown that
he was the ringleader of a bad crowd
In his neighborhood nrttl so he was
compelled to pay the costs on the dis
orderly conduct charge.
Richards Club Wins.
The third and last, quoit game be
tween the Richards and Cambria Quoit
club, for the championship, was held
on Thursday evening, on the Cambria
club grounds on Price street. A large
crowd was In attendance, and they ex
pressed themselves as being most thor
oughly satisfied with the bright and
Interesting game, which resulted In a
victory for the Richards club by a
6Coro of 31 to 23.
The first game between the clubs was
played on the Richards club grounds,
and was won Viy the Cambria club, by
a score of 31 to 39. The second game
was played on the Cambria grounds,
and was won by the Richards team by
a score of 31 to 18. The winning club
express themselves as highly pleased
with the victory, as this is the first
contest game they have entered. The
contest was a friendly one, and the los
ing club received almost as many con
gratulations as the winning club. John
Hughes and John Morris pitched for
the Richards club.
A Brutal Man.
Patrick Joyce, of Christ court,
nrrested for treating his wife in a
most brutal manner. Joyce was de
cidedly drunk nnd because his wife did
not move just to suit him he deliberate
ly kicked her out of the house onto the
porch, and then not satisfied kicked
her down the front steps, ten in num
ber. Patrolmen Daniel Davis and John
Five stamps given nway with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
Naturally drift to the center of ths local Dry Goods Trade
and nover around the Globe Warehouse. Their money
goes further there; they get the largest selection, and they
get styles far in advance of those offered elsewhere. Prob
ably vou can gue.-,s the reason why. Anyhow, the fact
remains, and so doss the trade of the intelligent buyer, who
does not want a few odds and ends to look at. hot de
mands all that's worth seeing, so that she may use her
taste and discretion in tmkin hir selection.
2 A Few of Saturday's Offerings g
Corset Couers
Strictly high-grade qualities, slsea
snmowhnt broken, and countor
soiled. They wore used as sam
ples of the fluo goods and i(r
nobby styles. Choice OVU
H The flrf
a Department
Special salo of Mlks, for drnpciles
cushions, etc, one or two score of
color combinations to select from:
fiOc Silks go at.
73c Silks go at.
Men's Hosiery, Sale
Your choice at 13c and thore is
not ouo pair lu the lot that could
be nought under ordinary eh cum
BtiiuccH for less than Sic. Full
seamless feel, absolutely ntulnlebs,
dyes, fancy colors, plain
tans, nnd hind;, spilt feet, e
etc. Choice I04
Regular J3c garteis at samo pi Ice.
a Men's Fall Shirts
Men's Ox-Dlood Shirts, plain
fronts, separate cuffs, cut very
ftdl nnd guaranteed to lit pet feet
ly. Splendid $1.00 quality, on ft
Saturdny only UOC
Men's l.lnen Shirts, with neat
stilpos anil llgurcs, Bupniate 75
cuffs; best fl, quality at C
Ladles' rare. Irish Linen Hand
embroidered Initial) lhuid
kpi chiefs, nearly half piIcoIaJjC
Children's All-Llncn llauUkrr
chlofs, quurtor-lnch hem: endless
wear lu them. Saturday c
only ,,,,,, ,
Globe lrfapebote?. I
W A 4A& A& dtt Mlft B A Mk Afc U M AK UV Jik Ak. .& Ak. -ifc ok ... .. .. .. ?
McColllgnn were called to the house
and when they attempted to place
Joyce under arrest he produced a heavy
ax and threatened to use It on them.
To his surprise he found that Instead
of kicking his wife he was up against
the law and after having the club
used on him ho submitted to arrest.
Good Fellows Entertained.
West Side assemblies, No. 391 nnd 388,
Royal Society of Good Fellows, attend
ed a banquet given In their honor by
Assembly No. 10. at Wllkes-Bnrrc.
There wcro about two hundred in at
tendance, Including the premier, Dr.
MncGregor, of Montague, Maine. The
occasion was it most happy one, and
nfter the menu prepared by Caterer
Becker had been enjoyed, the merry
making began.
Dr. Weaver, of Wllkes-Barre, was
toastmaster and delighted the Good
Fellows with his witty remarks. Frank
Stover and William Williams, of As
sembly No. 391, nnd Brother Bates? of
No. 3S8, contributed to the pleasure of
the evening by responding to toasts on
behalf of the West Side Good Fellows.
Dr. MacGregor, Supreme Deputy
William Finney and W. W. Davis
transacted some very Important busi
ness pertaining to the order, at Hotel
Jermyn yesterday afternoon.
Pleasant Party.,
Miss Edith Griffiths, of 145 South Fll
more avenue, entertained a party of
friends at her home on Thursday even
ing. Vocal and piano selections were
given by the Misses Tessle Brogu:i,
Margaret Duffy, Bridget Geriity and
Mary A. Rellly. Refreshments were
served at a late hour by the hostess.
In attendance were: Misses Edith
Griffiths, Mnrgaret Duffy, Mary A. Rell
ly, Bridget Gerrlty, Tessle Brogan.Mnry
McCormick, Marie Mulderlg and Nellie
Donough. z
Before Aldermnn Hoses.
Mrs. Anthony Ford, of Lnndls street,
appeared before Alderman Daniel
Moses, of the Fifteenth ward, recently,
nnd swore out a warrant for the ar
rest of her husband on the charge of
assaulting her.
Mrs. Ford stated at the hearing that
her husband has been in the habit of
coming home late and abusing her. Af
ter the evidence had been submitted the
alderman thought the charge of suf
ficient gravity to hold Ford under $300
ball for his appearance at court.
Recent Weddings.
Rev. A. L. Ramcr.pnstor of St. Mark's
Lutheran church, united in marriage on
Wednesday evening, Fred W. Krager
to Miss Anna Jenkins. It was a par
sonage wedding, the contracting par
ties being unattended.
Miss Myrtle ('. Savlts, of 13S South
Filmore avenue, was united In mar
riage to Ernest B. Baumgnrdner, of
EJj.ra Ribbon Sale I
The following b.11 gains m.t,y lie
had in nil colors, and the qualities
ara llrst-cluss:
RU-lnch Silk Taffeta Rllibons.iit lue
5-Inch Silk Taffeta Ribbons, at. .1.1c
li-luch Moire Silk millions, at...L'"ie
."H-inch Liberty Satin Ribbons., Sio
5-Inch Liberty Satin Ribbona.ut.'.'.'ic
Ladies' Waists, 69c f
In while, with nil-over tucks, in
fancy ciiIiiih, with pnllsn dots', etc..
nicely tl limned. '' Ilolh fusion ut
back, and were sold at l.-"i a
few dajs ago. Choice Sut- sn
uiday OyC
OnderuJear, Etc.
Ladles' hlgh.rlnss, medium
weight, White I'mlervosts. FIo
ribbed, hl?h nock, long or bhoi t
sleeves; lino sill; tilm, On crK
Satunlay OVC
Nxtr.i large sizes lost l.'e. extia,
Ladles' lino cream coloi Vests;
high neck and long sleeves; -medium
weight; all slsses..., OC
Special sale of Ladles' strictly
high-class hosiery-all tho newest
conceits and fancies;
l'5c. Hosiery, on S.ituidny., ISo
fiOu. Hosiery, on Saturday,,,,,,,, SHo
73c. and Jl Hosiery on Saturday .59c
Ladies' Fall
Beautiful Jackets, for Autumn
wear, In black or tan, cheviots,
serges and silks, A raro bargain
opportunity for Saturday buyers
only, Choice of 3X1 llnu Cc nn
garments tor only,,, 3o,UU
Ladies' DrubH Skirts, m.ulo In the
new 7'Koru style, with extra
spring, plain and beautifully
tilmi.'ed with taffeta sllli, ,
hamlsnmo skirt, that ought not to
bo offeied for less than Ae n
JU.50. Just for Saturday., $3.UU
Albright avenue, on Thursday evening,
by Rev. O. C. Lyman, of the Court
Street Methodist Episcopal church.
They wcro unattended.
Arrest Last Evening.
Tho police have been receiving num
erous complaints nbottt n crowd of men
who have been using Doyle's barn In
Hcnncssy court ns a boarding house.
Last evening Lieutenant Davis and
Patrolmen Peters nnd James Thomas
went, to the barn nnd arrested Bob
KviuiB nnd 'a couple of other fellows
who wcro In thep Ineo. They were
lacked up and will be given n hearing
this morning.
First Baptist Church.
Miss Susan 12. Jones, of the City of
Mexico, will deliver nn nddrcss nt tho
Sunday evening service of the First
Baptist church, her subject will be, "A
House to House Visitation In the City
of Mexico."
Miss Jones gave nn nddrcss before
the Abington Baptist association which
met at Factoryvlllo during the past
week, nnd she Is such an eloquent and
Interesting speaker that she was se
cured for tomorrow evening. Miss
Jones hns labored In Mexico for a
number of years and Is thoroughly ac
quainted with every phusc of life there.
Deacon Charles Corless and William
M. Fowler were appointed on Important
committees which will have charge of
the next meeting of the Bnptist as
sociation which will be held In the
First church In September, 1003.
Jackson Street Baptist Notes.
The pastor Is very anxious to pro
mote tho men's meeting held In the
morning. Mny' there not be a largo
gathering next Sunday morning of all
those Interested In the fall nnd winter
work of our church?
At the Sunday school session next
Sunday we will hear Miss L. Jones, tho
returned missionary from Mexico, who
will present her work. Miss Jones was
heard at the association nnd was deeply
Interesting. Let there be a large at
tendance next Sunday.
We will begin next Sunday the re
hearsals of our harvest concert. A
chorus of one hundred -oices will be
organized by our chorister, Prof. L.
Davis, and a rehearsal held after the
Sunday school,
Let us try and keep everything out
of the church but the spirit of co
operation in tho great work of building
a spiritual church. This is no time for
trilling, but let us all get down to work
for the master.
The association meeting this year
was largely attended. The Factoryvllle
Baptist church will be remembered for
Its large hospitality. A good feeling
prevailed, and we have returned home
after having been on the mount of
transfiguration to return down from
tho mount to do the work which Is
awaiting each church.
30 Stamps Given Away.
Sale of new Silks, Dress Goods, Out
ings, Linens and notions. Sec our ad
vertisement on third page.
Meats & Hagcn.
Hew A. L. Ranter, pastor of St.
Mark's Lutheran church, has returned
from his vacation, nnd will occupy the
pulpit as usual on Sabbath.
The social committee of the Electric
City 'Wheelmen are making arrange
ments for a members' social to be held
at the club house on Tuesday evening.
William Davis, of Swetland street,
who was arrested at the instance of
Mrs. Warner, a neighbor, Wednesday
evening, desires The Tribune to an
nounce that he did not throw stones or
in any other manner maltreat those
who appeared against him, but rather
that he was made a victim for the
nii0chief done by children.
This evening the executive committee
of the Bloomsburg Aluuinl tissoclatlon
will meet In tho West Side library.
James Davis Is building a very neat
homo on Xorth Lincoln avenue.
Arthur E. Morse, of South Bromley
avenue, Is home from a business trip
to Philadelphia.
Thomas Tague, of Luzerne street, was
quite seriously Injured while at work
Charles Klnimlch nnd John Larson
returned yesterday from a successful
(l"hlng ti ip in Susquehanna county.
Attorney Cleorge L. Peck and family
are homo from Lakrj Winola.
Dr. P. F. Struppler and A. M. Morse
are at Lake Winola, fishing.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles La Bar, of
North Hyde Park avenue, and Mrs.
Frank Reck, of Xorth Sumner avenue.
are visiting friends at Buffalo.
William Riley, of West Linden street.
Is home from a visit to Plttston.
The Mount Pleasant kindergarten will
re-open next Monday.
The Klectrlc City Wheelmen will hold
a club i-ociul next Tuesday evening for
members nnd their ladies.
Mis, M. P. Daniels and daughter,
Jennie, of Division street, returned
home yesterday fioni a three months'
tour of England and Wales.
Mi?s timet Pi tinner, of Eighth street,
is homo from a visit to Dundaff.
Mrs. Hannah Miles nnd son Daniel,
of North Bromley avenue, left yester
day morning for nn extended visit to
Owing to the failure of the members
to appear, the West Side board of trade
meeting was again postponed.
Thomas M.illarkey, of the Scrunton
Packing company, has returned homo
from it visit with friends at Throop.
Mis. Adklns, of Washburn street, has
returned finm an extended visit In
Wales. While In the old country Mrs. I
Adklns was taken seriously ill, and has j
jusi recovered ner usual goon ueaitli.
The Colonial dancing 'class held Its
opening dance In Wnshlngton hall Inst
evening. The hall was prettily decor
ated with palms and American Hags.
The Moor was crowded, Lawrence fur
nished the music for dancing,
The Misses Ida and Nellie Davis, of
North Rebecca nvenuo, hnvo gone to
Now York city, where they will perma
nently reside,
For Rent Ivorlto hnll, 128 So, Main
nve first and third Thursday nnd every
Saturday evening of tlu month. Apply
to J. M, Powell, U'fi Washington nve,
Miss Llndu CSrtihnm, of Tenth street,
has returned from a visit with friends
at Newnrk, N. J and Hartfprd,-Conn.
Mr, and Mrs. Wright, of Luzerne
street, ure entertaining Mr, and Mrs.
Gorman and daughter, of Chicago.
Miss May Moore, of Philadelphia, Is
the guest of Mr, and Mrs. John J, Da
vis, of South Main avenue.
for children tccthlnK. is the prescription o
pno of the best female physicians and
purees In tho United States, and has been
used sixty years with never-falling sue,
tees by mllliond of motheiu for their chIL
Sron. During the process of teething iti
Value in Incalculable. It relieves tho chill
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping li th
towels, and wlnd-cpllo. By giving health
to the child It rests tho mother. Price.
twenty-Uv cents a, bottle. "
Asthma Can Ba Ciirad
Tho statement of Mr. J. F. Uoman, 20
E. Adams St., Chicago, proves that the
worst cases of Asthma in the world arc
not only relieved, but are readily cured
by Dr. Schiffmann's Asthma Cure. He
says: "Asthma kept me In terrible mis
cry lor ten years until I used your
Asthma Cure. After the first trial I was
a changed man. I went to sleep that
night and awoke next day much relieved
and I have gotten entirely over the Asth
ma, ft is now nine years -since I was
Sold by all druggists at 50c and $1.00.
Send 2c stamp to Dr. R. Schifimann, Box
804 St. Paul, Minn., for a free trial
Kiss Grnco Griffin Entertained a Few
Friends nt the Home or Her
Grandparents Other Notes.
Miss Grace Griffin entertained a few
of her girl friends yesterdny afternoon
at tho homo of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Shlffer, of North Main
nvenue, It being her eighth birthday.
Lawn games were Indulged In until n
seasonable hour, when Mrs. Shlffer, as
sisted by Mrs. Griffin, served a bounti
ful repast.
The following little misses were pres
ent: Irene Jones, Ruth Norton, Dor
othy Crlppen, Ella Lewis, Ethel Stlvlus,
Frances Ichnrds, Celeste Crlppen, Nellie
Richmond, Catherine Cowles nnd Mabel
Pleasant Party.
A very pleasant surprise was tend
ered Miss Helen Cnfferty at her homo
on Thursday evening. Singing nnd
dancing, with tho usual party diver
sions, were Indulged In until a season
able hour, when refreshments were
Among those present were: Misses
Helen Cnfferty, Margaret Kelley, Agnes
Barett, Mohica Coyne, Kate Shields,
Lucy McCarthy, Anna Barrett, Bessie
Davis, Clara Barrett, Mary Kelly, Mag
gie Boylan, Sablna Rellly, Bridget Caf
ferty, Mame Barrett, Molly McAndrew,
Kate Dougherty, und Messrs. John Cnf
ferty, John Moran, Joseph Mofflt, John
Lally, Francis Cawley, John Kelley,
Patrick McQuInn, Charles McAndrew,
Frank Mahon, John Dougherty, George
McWilllams, John Bone, John Samuels,
John Davis, David Davis, John Devine,
John O'Boyle and Michael Walsh.
30 Stamps Given Away.
Sale of new Silks, Dress Goods, Out
ings, Linens and notions. See our ad
vertisement on third page.
Mears & Hagen.
Miss Susan N. Jones, a missionary in
Mexico, will speak at the First Welsh
Baptist church, on Market street, Mon
day evening. Miss Jones is an eloquent
speaker, and her stirring address at the
Abington association this week was
most effective and well received. A
crowded house should greet her on
Monday evening next. No admission
fee will be charged.
An enjoyable Ice cream social, for the
benefit of the Court Street Methodist
Episcopal church, was held on the lawn
of G. R. Clark, of North Main avenue,
last evening.
Ernest Baumgardner nnd Miss Merl
Savlts were united In wedlock at the
parsonage of the Court Street Metho
dist Episcopal church, by Rev. G. C.
Lyman, Thursday evening. ,
The Amity club will conduct its first
Monday evening social In 'the Audi
torium, September 22. Music for danc
ing will be furnished by Lawrence's
Mrs. M. E. Sanders, of Church ave
nue, pleasantly entertained a number
of 'her friends Thursday evening.
Messrs. Gordon Hlnes, William Jones
and David Sprout spent yesterday at
the West Plttston fair.
Mrs. Margaret Hunnfl nnd Mrs. John
Hopewell, Jr., of Northumberland, were
guests of Mrs. M. E. Snnders, of Church
avenue', during the week.
Patrick McMannan, of McDonough
avenue, Is ill with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Edward Roderick, of North
Main avenue, has been quite 111 during
the past week.
The North Scranton Republican club
met last evening and made final ar
rangements for their trip to Erie, Tues
day morning.
Mrs. David J. Edwards, of Brick ave
nue, left yesterday to visit her daugh
ter In Slatlngton, Pa,
Patrick Kane, of Rockwell street, Is
seriously 111 with typhoid fevqr.
Henry Davis, of Brick avenue, has
returned from Wales, where he hus
been visiting his parents for the last
two months.
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel
Coleman, of Summit avenue, Is bright
ened by the nrrlval of a baby boy.
Mrs. S. P, Crossman and children, of
Aldenvlllo, Pa Is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
C. T. Crossman.
Miss Grace Evans, of Plymouth, who
has ljeen visiting Miss Carrie Evans,
of Wayne nvenue, has returned to her
Mrs. Thomas H, Evans and son,
Stnnley, of Jermyn, spent yesterday
with relatives on Spring street.
Evnns Slmins, permanent man of
Hose Company No. 1 started 011 his
vacation yesterday,
Tomorrow morning the Rev. W. F,
Davles, of the Memorial church will
preach In Welsh on the theme, "The
Unknown God," nnd In the evening on
"Xehemlah and Reforms."
F. F, Hendrlckson and family, of
Dickson avenue, are spending 11 few
days In Susquehunna county,
Mrs. D. B. Oukes, of Marlon street,
has returned after spending a few
weeks In Plttston.
Rev. II. a Plumb und fnmlly, of
Granville, N, Y are spending the
week with Green Ridge friends,
.Mrs. W. E. Greely, of East Market
street, 'has jeturned nfter spending u
few dnys with relatives In Albany,
Carl Garahan, of Columbia avenue,
Is spending a few days at Lake Sheri
dan. Mr, nnd Mrs. L. II, Slmrell, of New
York, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Slmrell, of Dickson uvenue.
Mrs. W. R. Kays, of Sanderson ave
nue, has returned from a short visit
with friends In East Benton.
Class No. 27 of tho Asbury Methodist
Episcopal church were pleasantly cn
tei tallied last evening by their teacher,
Attorney II. F. Tlnkhum, nt his home
on Sanderson nvenue. Among those
present were: Ralph Snowdon, Austin
Kellow, Charles Ilelns, Clayton Bur
roclyff and Nicholas Oliver,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi, of Canouso nvn.
nue, Is visiting her parents, jr, and!
Mrs. Qdlnn, of Chinchilla, where she
hopes to entirely recover from her re
cent Illness.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stnnley Stevens, of
Marlon street, were among the Green
Ridge people who enjoyed the races
at West Plttston this week.
Joseph Mornn, of Breaker street, who
left here a week ngo for Buffalo where
he hnd ,ncceptcd a position with a con
tracting firm, fell front a high scaffold
a day or two Blnce and sustained seri
ous Injuries.
The regular monthly meeting of the
young men's club of the Church of
the Good Shepherd, will bo held this
evening In thc'rlub rooms nt 8 o'clock,
ns business of Importance will be
brought before the meeting, nil mem
bers nre requested to be present.
At the Green 'Rldgo Cash store today:
Fine celery, 10c: upples, peck, lOej No.
1 mackrel, 15c; elder vinegar, white
wine vlnognr nnd pure spices. 1410
Cnpouse avenue. Both 'nhones.
30 Stamps Given Away.
Sale of new Silks, Dress Goods, Out
ings, Linens and notions. Sec our ad
vertisement on third page.
N Mears & Hagcn.
Phnrnincy hnll wns comfortably filled
with prominent young people last even
ing, who assembled to bid fnrewell to
Jnmcs Crane, a prominent member of
Columbus council, Young Men's Insti
tute, who will leave shortly for Villa
Nova college. Mr. Crnnc Is nn athlete,
nnd hns gained some prominence ns a
foot ball player. Ho Is scheduled for a
place on the Villa Nova college team.
A short reception took plnee nt 9
o'clock, nfter which those present set
out to enjoy themselves. Dancing was
the principal pastime, nnd it was kept
up until nfter midnight.
The funeral of Mrs. Kate F. Kneller,
whose death occurred late Thursday
night nt the family residence, on Brcok
street, will tnke place Mondny morn
ing at 9 o'clock. Services will be held
In St. Mary's church, on River street,
and Interment will be made In No. S
Herman Freuhan, of this side, Is vis
iting friends In Lebanon. '
The Junger Mnennerchor held n large
ly attended rehearsal In Schlmpff's hall,
on Cedur nvenue, last evening.
Miss Nellie Blglln. of Plttston ave
nue, Is the guest of friends In Jermyn. i
Twenty young ladies will give a con
cert In St. John's hall on October 23,
the proceeds of which will be given to
the new Twelfth ward church. '
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
Miss Marie Meredith will lead the
gospel meeting at the Young Women's
Christian association, Sunday after
noon at 3.45 o'clock. All young women
arc invited to come nnd bring friends.
The Pansy club will meet Saturday
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. All members
are urged to be present and bring their
The Round X dub met In social ses
sion last evening at their headquarters.
Alder street and Cedar avenue. The
club will conduct 11 social tind dance at
Athletic hall, Oct6ber 27.
Joseph Butler, the 20-months-o!d
child of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Butler
died nt 103 Stone avenue yesterdny.
The funeral will take place this after
noon at 2.30 o'clock.
John Schunk gave a party and social
to his fellow-members of the Scranton
Athletic club last evening, in honor of
his recent marriage.
Henry J. Zicgler, Jr.. Is enjoying a
vacation at Cambridge Springs, Mass.
30 Stamps Given Away.
Sale of new Silks, Dress Goods, Out
ings, Linens and notions. Sec our ad
vertisement on third page.
Mears & Hngen.
m -
Contractor Gibbons began the pre
liminary work In collection with the
sewer construction yesterday. Th"
start will be made at the lower end
near the city line. Only a small num
ber of men were employed yesterday
but It Is expected that In n few days
work will be found for at least 200 men.
The Democratic primaries wll be held
this afternoon between the hours or 1
and 7 o'clock. The candidacy of Bur
gess Victor Burschell for the county
commisslonershlp is causing unusual
Interest and in some districts n large
number of candidates are In the field.
The I. T. club held a social session at
the home of Miss Alice Tuft, on North
Blakely street, last evening. A large
number were present and a thoroughly
enjoyable time was spent by all.
James Sweeney, of Xew York city. Is
visiting ills parents on Walnut street.
Mrs. William Brower has returned
from a visit with Waymart friends.
The condition of G. W. Potfer, shows
no Improvement und It Is feured that
the end of his long lllnpss cannot be
much longer delayed.
The First Methodist Episcopal church
Rev, Charles Henry Netting, pastor.
Morning prayer at 10 o'clock: services
at 10.30 a, 111. and 7.30 p. 111, In ac
cordance with the proclamation of
Governor Stone, Hip evening service
will be a McKlnley memorial service.
The pastor will preach on the life and
character of Mr. McKlnley. There will
be special music for tho service, Clas
meeting at 11.45 a. m.j Sunday school
at 2.30 p. in.: evening prayer service
at 6.30 o'clock. Tuesday evening Ep
worth League service at 7.43 o'clock.
Wednesday evening, Christ prayer
meeting at 7.30 o'clock.
The Tripp nvenue Christian church
Preaching both morning and evening,
by the pastor, J. A, Dnbney. Morning
topic, "Obedience;" evening topic, "The
Purpose In a Christian Life," Sunday
school nt 10 o'clock: Y. P, S. 12, at ii,30
Sunday evening, "Delight In God's
Preaching services ut Dudley street
Bnptist church, morning und evening, '
at 10.30 and 7.30 by Rev. H, P. East, of
Chirks Green. Sundny school at 12 m.
Former Win Two Games nnd Latter
Score Most Fins,
An Interesting howling match was
rolled on the Arlington ulleyu In South
Kcrantim liiBt evcnlnir, between the
Arllngtons and Iltimpe teams. The Cor
mer won two of the three, gnmeti, but
tho latter led them In the totul by 111
pins. The details follow:
J. Klcfor II.' K9 Ml- 17?
Jones , , 133 Ji) HI 13!
O. Klofcr 179 i:!ii 177- )-
Muiphy 130 11) 1W- 417
Mclster ,, 1!7 13'; l'ib-Ml
813 ti SH-aiJ
Prlne ., , l.3 113 J IS 205
Murphy .,., 177 IbS 1US- .W
McAloou 1G3 11m 13U IX!
Wharton , 131 Mi 1W-KM
Morgan .,,,..,.,., U'O 1UI HI- m
711 SSI
High score Mclster, "."OS.
lllght avciugc, Whurton, 17o !M'
May Need Helpful
Times. They
Mrs. Pinkham
Motherly Advice.
" O, if my mother -wore only rtlivo." . j
How frequently young mothers use tills expression! .
All through her life tsho hna known a mother's watchful euro."
She Is now a mother herself nnd gains in strength but slowly.
She would givo worlda to do everything for hor babe, but cannot. "
That tiny babo has unfolded in tho young mother's heart now
emotions; sho has a living responsibility, and requires strength to
enable her to perform a loving duty. At mich a time too muoli card'
cannot bo taken, and tho greatest assistant that naturo can have ia
Lydla 13. Plnklmm'H Vegetable Compound.
Tho birth, of tho first child is an especially trying experience and
naturo needs all the help it can get. A happy, healthy, young mother
is a delight to herself and all who know her, and Mrs. Pinkham's medl-
cino will build her up as nothing clso can.
Mrs. Pinklinm especially requests younpr mothers nnd wives
to wrlto Iter If they need advice. Sho hns been mother, helper.
nnd friend to thousands lot her help you It will cost you
IIIiIKHI JVZSamaSP i s3L IP? JvJlAlJllllll
llllHr J!?-'!. "aBEtg "yh xriMm6'HHI
IfedSSJI Iff
PlwKfflm Li Ii ' I
By special permission we publish below the correspondence between
Mrs. Pinkham and Mrs. George Traub, of Elizabeth, N. J., which goes'
to prove our claims.
" TE.n Mrs. Pinkham: I will take my husband's advice and write to
you, for 1 will uot. have any doctor examine me. I have one little gifl. Two
months before iny baby was born I beian the use of Lydia E. PfnKham's
Vegetable Compound and have now a fine healthy little girl. At five
months she weighed twenty-one pounds, hut my health is not so goocj. I am
in Bitch misery, pain, have dreadful boaring-down feelings, and something like
a lump seems to bo coining from me. Please ffivo me vour advice.',' MBS.
George 1'r.i.un, 113 Jliller St., Elizabeth, N.J. (Dec. 1, 1809.)
t " Deau Mrs. Pinkitam: I have now taken four bottles of Jjjrdia E.
Pinkltnm's Vegetabla Compound.' When r had finished the firs bottle,?
that lump 1 wrote about' grew smaller nnd has now gone entirely. 1 feel
that I do not need any doctor beside your medicine. Your Vegetable Com
pound lias cured all my' pain, boreness and bearing down. The benefit I have
received from it is wonderful. You and you alone will be my guide as long'
as I live." Mits. Trauu. 1 1.1 Miller St., Elizabeth, N.J. (Jan. 27, 1900.)
tmm he
Mb 4b. 11 & b
R pi B I l H p r be paid to air
VP V5f V?& R'nulns. or
-- af xiw -zy SiCm
ll'i'i " -
Dixie's Theatre,
l.essco nnd Manager.
y-ki:k or' si-:i"r. is.
Second wee'- of AM ETA tho Flro
Dancer, Now Fe.ittues.
Geo, Gorman and MmvLaw30D.
In comedy.
P.111I Stevcni, Mr. and Mrs. n.mow.
Tlcnili Ii'Iih and Piesiott .loo. Mynt and
JJiixl r Kenton and KSTIIKR WAl.l.AOK,
tho Premier oculist.
Mont l'Iee in Vitogrnph.
Two performance dully, ".liu and 813.
l'l leer 13, i."i, "m and 30c.
Special imitlnca prices.
Academy of Music
M. Rels, Lessee and Maunder.
A. J. Duffy, f.' 'Iness Manager.
Week StnrliUK .Monday, Sept. ,
The Schiller Stock Company,
In a icppitoho of recent sw.vh.oh.
PRK'Kti in. :'u and SO conla. Miitiuco
.JU and "11 centH,
tnrhi:' Nialrrsj
I'ommuiU'hif. Monday, Sept. 13,
MutliU'i. TiioMlny and Wetliietfilay.
Now York's. UIk lilt.
Mntlnee Prlcoii 15c 111113 :3c.
Nh'iu li Ices 13c, l'3c, 33d and 30c.
KoiiU 011 nale,
William A. Pearson, of Quincy Ave
nue,' Passes Awny.
A telegram wits received In this city
yesterday front William O, "Pearson, n
student at Mt, Herman, Mass,, an
nounelnu the death of his father, Wil
liam A. I'otirKon, ut the residence of
deceased's brother, near Bradford, Vt,,
where ho was spending the .summer.
Mr, Pearson teslded at Clti Quincy
avenue, and was employed In the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany's irelght lioiiso for thirty yeats.
He Is survived by his wife and one son,
Tho teninlns will arrive In this city
today, nnd the funeral arrangements
will be completed on the utrlvul of the
The following Is the make-up of th
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today;
Hxtras Hint 11.30 a. m., I). Huggerly.
Hunniilttf 8 a. in., Nichols,
Pushers 7 a. pi,, Wldnur; S a. m.,
Hotiber; 11.43 a. 111., Mornn; 7.30 v. m.,
Murphy; t p. m,, W, H. R.utholomow,
Helpers 1.20 a. 111., Magovcrn; 7 a. in.,
Gaffncy; 10 a. in., Secor; 3.13 p. in., Stan
ton. NOTICE.
Golden and crow will run S a. m. extra
cast, Saturday, Sept. 13.
Advice at Tryingi
Should Remembej
Freely Offers Her
Owing to the fact that some skeptical people
have from time to time questioned the genuine-
new o( the testimonial letters we are constaoUr
wiblnhini; e have deposited with tne National
"itv Hank, ot Lynn, Mass., J 5,000, vvntcn wui
reison wo will show that the above testimonial ii not
bii'.'rd lien-e ohuininr the wilter's speclalpermit
'lulilmm Mrdlclne Company, Lynn, Man.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Rels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy. Business Manager.
Saturday Matinee and Night, Sept. 13.
The Only Attraction of Its Kind on Earth
Royal Lilliputians
In their New Spectacular Production ,
In Posterland
Jiitiodiicliig all the well known characters
of the day. Katzenjammor Kids, Sis.,
Hopkins. Foxy Grandpa, Happy Hoolfc
hau, etc. , ,.
W-Pooplc, both I.argo and Small 10...
An eiitPitaliimcnl to aniusa qld ino
Mntlnee Pilces-Chlldrcn. 13c. to an
part of Iioiim'. Adults. 23 nnd 30c.
Night Pilrc-1.'3.M. 73c, $1.00.
Diagram now open.
Tticwluy Night, Sept. 10,
W. E. Nankeville'?
New Melo-Dramntle Success, Entitled,,
Little Mother
Ily Lawrence Mnnuon, e?q.
A pal hollo Mnry Intermingled with
bright and sparkling comedy. Special
becnory, oloclilcal and mechanical effects
l'rlci'h 13c, ;i.'.c, 50o and 73c,
Diagram opens Saturday at 9 a. m.
qfut This Out
Bring it here today (Sat
urday) and get 25 Green
Trading Stamps Free with
every $ loo's worth.
Shoe Store,
328 Lackawanna Avs,
25 rail
ronTiari ?
1 fr f