The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    i T-iv.,.2 11 ' '
trf ,1 f ,; ;
'An Open Air Service on the Campus
of Keystone Academy Interesting
Address of Prof. Evans The Final
Session Committees Announced by
Moderator Keller Next Meeting of
' the 'Association Will Be Held in
Special to tho Scrnnton Tilliune.
Factoryvlllo, Sept. 11. About two
hundred delegates have been In attend
ance at the exercises of the Abltigton
Baptist association, which have been
hold In the Baptist church In this place
during the past three days. In many
respects this has been one of the best
anniversary gatherings of the associa
tion for a long time. Excellent nit
dresses and sermons have 'been deliv
ered, and the delegates return to their
homes wiser In tho things of God'B
kingdom, and spiritually uplifted with
,i happy remembrance of the hcfapl
Mable entertainment shown them by the
ppoplc of this beautiful and cultured
The exercises of yesterday began at
8.30 o'clock with anjipen air Bcrvlco on
tho campus of Keystone academy, In
the front of tlio academy buildings.
There were more than two' hundred
students and delegates present. Rev.
II. P. East, of Clark's areen, was In
charge of the service. Rev. XV. B. Grow
offered prayer at the beginning, und
Evangelist Wells, Dundaff, led the as
sembly In song. Principal Elkanah
Hully gave an address of welcome,
which was fittingly responded to by
Dr. B: G. Beddoe, of Scranton. At the
close prayers were offered by Rev.
Henry S. Potter, of Scranton, and Rev.
H. J. Whalen, D. D., Carbondalo.
At 0.20 o'clock the morning sermon
of the association was opened, with
Rev. Thomas do Gruchy, D. D., of
Scranton, In the chair. In the absence
of Moderator Keller. An unusually
largo attendance was present at this
Fesslon. The order of the programme
was taken up with the reading of
church letters by the clerk. The letters
Rhowod that during the past year 209
f" baptisms have occurred. Mrs. William
Uuy rpad a very in,0,'stlng historical
sketch of the North Main Avenue Bap
tist church, Scranton. Professor Milton
G. Evans, D. D., of Crozer Theological
seminary, Chester, Pa., delivered a
most able address on "The Aim of Mln
itorlal Education." He said in part:
"A man inay be an educated man nnd
not an educated minister. It is to be
taken for granted that a young man
entering the ministry will have com
" ' won sense, piety and moral worth.
Having thebe he needs education to
make an effective minister. Educated
men have been called by God to do His
work. The Insidious foes of the church
nre not the saloons, the gambling dons,
etc., but the philosophy that creeps into
men's minds. It is tho philosophy of
life that sends men to these places. No
man has a right to devote himself to
the Christian' ministry unless ho de
votes what he Is and what he may be
come by training In schools. All may
not be able to get a collegiate cducttr
tlon, but if a man puts off his entering
the ministry until thirty, and takes
time for an adequate education, he will
last longer In-the ministry."
Rev. David Spencer, D. D., of Blake-
1 ' '" ly, made a report In behalf of tho Home
Mission society, and Mrs. A. H. Smith
sang beautifully a solo. ' The annual
doctrinal sermon was preached by Rev.
A. H. Smith. Rev. Thomas do Gruchy.
D. D., read tho Scriptures, and Rev. R.
R. Thompson, Da'. ..."fered prayer.
Rev. Smith la tho ablp pastor of tho
North Main avenue church. Scranton,
and Is a pulpit orator of great power.
His sermon was given the closest at
tention as he discoursed upon "The
Love of Christ," and his text was Ephe
plans, 111:14-19. The sermon sparkled
with profound thoughts, clothed In elo
quent language.
Among other things be said: "Love
Is not simply an affection, but a prin
ciple of action." In dellning the glory
of God he declared, It to be his charac
ter. The earth Is full of the glory of
God because It Is full of His character.
What God has wo may have. All re
ligious systems will yet put their
crowns on Christ. You cannot 'raise
tulips from heaven unless you get your
bulbs from Christ. We have not a love
because of a relationship, but a rela
tionship because of a love." He graph
ically and Impressively depleted the
wonderful love of Christ and Its effect
s upon human hearts. A collection was
taken nt tho end of the sermon for tho
"Ministers' and Widows' Fund," With
prayer the session came to a close.
The final sesMnn of the association
begun at 2 o'clock with devotional ser
vice, Jpd by Rev. W. F. Clark, of
Wavorly. Most of the time was taken
up with business and reports of com
mittees. Tho first in order was the
reading of the following standing com
mittees by Moderator Keller:
Systematic Beneficence TliomnH de
Gruchy, Grant Lewis, G, T. Gibson, A.
XV. Gardner, J. V. Daves.
Auditing 'Committee Charles v Corliss,
XV. O. Jenkins, William Chappell.
Committee on Arrangements for Next
Session 0. It. Smith, Thomas de
tlruchy, a. F. Y. Pierce, Dr. B. Q.
Church Letters F. M. Koehler, Miss
t$. V, Conover, J. J. Van Nort.
Education Society J, S. Thomas.
Publication Society R. F, Y. Pierce.
Beware of Ointments (or Catarrh
that Contains flercury.
us mercury will surely destroy tho sonbe
nf smell and completely dctunga tho
wholo system whoa enteilng it through
Iho inucuus surface. Such articles should
never bu red except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, us the dam.
ago they will do Is ten fold to the good
j nu cuu possibly derlvo from thorn.
j lull's Catarih Cure, manufactured by
F J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains
)i pieicury, and Is taken internally, ct
lng directly upon tho blood and mucous
turfucco of the system. In buying IIiiII'b
t'atairh (Jura lip emu you gel tho genu.
I'iv it li taken Internally and made la
Toledo. Ohio, by F, J. Cheney & Co. Tcs.
(Iitinnlnls free.
Sold by drugglst3. Pilco, 73c. per bottle.
Hall's Funitly xls aio tho best.
Homo Missions Thomas do Gruchy.
Foreign Missions It.. It. Thompson..
Obituaries James W. Lowry, James
Fielding, C. C, aillett.
Benevolence H. S. Potter, A, B.
Lewsley, M. It. Thompson.
Temperance C. A. Spalding, E. IS.
Finn, H. S. Cole.
Keystone Academy David Spencer,
H. Ht Harris, William M. Fowler, Dr.
W. J. Lowry, W. F. Clark.
Missionary Committee H. J. Whalen,
A. II. Smith, O. It. Smith.
A, B. Clay presented the treasurer's
report, which was adopted. C. M.
Hathaway was elected a trustee of
Keystone academy tor a term of three
yenra of tho association. Seventy-ono
dollars was raised for tho academy.
Rev. Charles II. Spalding reported for
tho board of trustees. The following
persons were elected members of the
ussoclutlonul board of trustees: James
Lowry, Rev. Thomas de Gruchy, D. D
Row II. J. Whalen, D. D., and Rev. H.
S. Potter. For vice-president of Stato
Mission society, Rev. A. H. Smith was
chosen, and for vice-president of Edu
cational society, Rev. J. S. Thomas was
elected. Tho following delegates were
appointed to represent the association
nt the state convention In Greensburg
in October: Luther Keller, Rev. A. H.
Smith and Rev. Thomas de Gruchy. F.
M. Kobhler reported for the benevolence
committee, showing a d'ecrcase In offer
ings nmong the churches the past year.
Rev. C. H. Spalding gave a report of
tho temperance committee. Rev. Thomas
do Gruchy, D. D., reported on next ses
The association will meet next year
In the First Baptist church, Scrnnton.
The introductory sermon will be
preached by Rev. R. It. Thompson; al
ternate. Rev. C. H. Spalding, and tho
doctrinal sermon will be preached by
Rev. G. It. Smith, with Rev. H. H. Har
ris, alternate. The report for the Pub
lication society was made by Rev. R.
R. Thompson, and Rev. G. It. Smith
made a report qn foreign missions,
whllo C M, Hathaway reported for the
committee on obituaries. Rev. H. J.
Whalen read a report on the State Mis
sion society. The following resolution,
presented by Rev. A. H. Smith, was
unanimously adopted:
"Resolved, That we express to the
Factoryvllle Baptist church our sincere
appreciation of their very delightful
Christian hospitality extended to the
ninety-fifth anniversary of the Alding
ton Baptist association. We rejoice
with the Factoryvllle church In the
abundant evidence of financial and
spirltunl prosperity, and pray God's
richest blessing upon our brother, the
pastor, whom we esteem very highly In
love; upon his devoted nnd efficient
companion and upon his church. We
recognize In the dally press a very
powerful and efficient agency for mold
ing public opinion in the cause of
righteousness nnd truth, and record ap
preciation of the Scranton Tribune and
Scranton Republican for uniform cour
tesy and for liberal space given tho re
ports of this annual gathering."
Rev. H. J. Whalen, D. D spoke in
behalf of the Pennsylvania Baptist
Educational society. He referred to the
lamentable fact of a decrease In the
number of men entering tho Christian
ministry, and made an appeal for the
churches to pray more for ministers and
to give more to educate them. An ad
dress on the work of the Home Mission
society was delivered by Rev. E. B.
Palmer, D. D., of Philadelphia.
The closing service was of a devo
tional character and was conducted by
Rev. W. B. Grow, who Is the oldest
minister In the association. Evangelist
E. E. Wells sang In n pleasing manner
"Mother's Prayer." Several brief ad
dresses were made, expressive of their
great enjoyment In attending the as
sociation, and adjournment followed.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, Sept. 11. Clothier XV. H.
Mawhlney nnd Deputy Postmaster P.
A. Mack are on a business and pleasure
trip to New York city,
A dunce wns given at Village hall,
Wednesday evening by the young peo
ple of tho town.
A ping pong party was given at tho
home of Mrs. Adeline Stoddard on
South Main street. Monday evening, In
honor of her guest. Miss Emily Deck,
of Bethlehem, who is spending a few
days In this place.
J. C. Harrington left Monday for a
combined business and pleasure trip
to Syracuse nnd other places.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Balentine, of
Scranton, will occupy D. It. Lnthrop's
hundsome residence on South Main
street, this fall, until their homo which
Is being built a few miles below South
Montrose Is completed,
Mrs, Mary Webb, who for several
days has been In a very low condition,
Is not Improving, and It Is doubtful nt
her advanced age If she ever recovers
her former state of heath.
Excursion rates will be given on all
railroads running to Montrose next
Tuesday and Wednesday on account of
the annunf fair to bo held on those
days. The Susquehunnu County Agri
cultural society was never liv. a better
condition of affairs, and a larger at
tendance than usual is anticipated.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Blssel are en
joying a short outing at Crystal lake.
Quito it number from this place at
tended the first exhibition of the Law
ton Farmers Club fair, which was held
In Lawtau on Wednesday.
The Montroso hall team leaves Satur
day for Scranton, on tho 0,45 n. in. train
to play the semi-professionals,
Village hall Is being greatly Improved
by a handsome coat of paint,
Miss Elizabeth McGee. of Philadel
phia, is a guest of Miss Salllc Court
rlEht. Jesse B, Wanimer leaves Friday to
resume ills studies at State college.
'Die Montrose ball teum went to. New
Mllford this morning to play tho New
Mllford team.
MlBFes Lou and Bessie Person re
turned on Monday after spending their
vacation at Monroeton.
Special to the Scranton Tilbune.
New Mllford, Sept, 11, The young
people of the Epworth League will
conduct an Ice cream festlvul at the
home of Mrs. Fletcher on Friday even
ing of this week. Everyone Invited.
Miss Clara Inrterlled has returned
from Blnghamton where she has been
sp-"dlu a week with relatives.
Tho ladles of tho Methodist church
will i.unduct Hwlr weekly sale of baked
stuff on Saturday afternoon and even
ing in tho Library building.
Attorney A. Smith and daughter,
Florence, of Montrose, were pleasant
callers In town Sundny.
Mis. C. S. Vail and daughter, Mitttlc,
spent Monday In Blnghamton,
A. F. Hcltaman spout Sunday with
relatives in Blngh'nmton.
Tho New Mllford school hoard recent
ly purchased Dr. Tiffany's cabinet of
Industry and placed It In tho school
On Wednesday afternoon at 7 o'clock
occurred the marlagc of Miss Mattle
Crlss and Mr. George Bennett. Both
are young people of this place.
A. J. Spencer Is conllnod to his homo
by Illness.
Henry La Burr Is suffering from In
juries received by falling from the roof
of a building on which ho was work
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhnnnock, Sept. 11. Tho law
library and odlcc' furniture of the late
James E. Frcar will bo sold at public
sale by the administratis on Saturday
Judge John A. Slttser, Attorney B. W.
Lewis nnd Dr. B. E. Bldleman returned
on Tuesday from n bicycle trip through
Central New Yoilt.
Miss Cora Sprngue, of Moravia, N. Y
Is spending some time with her sister,
Mrs. Hill, on East Tioga street.
Orlumjo E. Rlckett, of Lnceyvllle, was
In town on business Wednesday.
Mrs. J. K. Peck and daughter Mamie,
of Kingston, and Miss Ruth Hard, of
Massachusetts, ure tho guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Wood Piatt.
Mrs. Charles Terry, of Sayre, Is visit
ing the family of Judge E. M. Phillips,
on North Wuren street.
Corey L. Kresky, of Scranton, was
called here this week by the Illness of
his father, Jacob Kresky, of Harrison
Miss Ada Welch Is In New York buy
ing millinery goods for the fall trade.
Rev. William Hlle, the new pastor of
the Baptist church, will remove his
family here from New Jersey, and go
to housekeeping in tho Ralney resi
dence. Our canning factory, after a brief and
disastrous existence, Is to be disposed
of at sheriff's sale In the near future,
The October term of court will con
vene on Monday, October 13, lusting
two weeks.
Lee Stark is about to re-enter Lafay
ette college, at Easton, as a student.
Speclil to the Scranton Tribune.
Welsh Hill, Sept. 10. The Ladles'
Aid society meet tomorrow, Sept. 11, at
the hall, where dinner will be served.
Mrs. Henry Harris, of Providence, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. John Evans.
Miss Katie Jones, of Forest City, who
has been visiting her sister, has re
turned home.
Mrs. Sarah Richards Is 111 with neu
ralgia and rheumatism.
Thomas Jones has returned from a
trip to the far west, looking much im
proved in health. His daughter, who
accompanied him, did not return.
Miss Lizzie Ebdon in being treated
at the West Side hospital, Scranton.
An interesting game of ball was
played hero last Saturday, between tho
Welsh Hill Giants nnd the Unlondnle
team. The Giants won.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moses and daugh
ter, Lizzie; Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Owens,
Owen Owens and daughter, Mrs. Thos.
Butler, attended the funeral of Miss
Cora Roberts, of Scranton, on Saturday.
The funeral of Miss Teresa Connors
took plnce yesterday morning from the
family residence In the North End.
Requiem mass was celebrated by Rev.
M. F. Crane. Interment wns made in
Dunmore cemtery.
Miss Mnybell Allan has accepted a
position as teacher in Old Forge
Misses Nellie Murphy, Catherine
Brehony, Cecelia Moloney and Mary
Gordon returned home yesterday from
New York.
Misses Anna Brehony, Mary Reap
and Mary Jennings have entered St.
Cecelia's academy to take up a mathe
matical course.
There will be a regular meeting of
the Hose company on Monday evening.
Patrick Heston, John Hopkins, and
Mnrtln King left yesterday to resume
their studies In St. Michael's college,
Thomas Manley, of the West Side,
is nt the Lackawanna hospital under
going treatment for appendicitis.
Miss Mary Saulers, of Lincoln Hill,
is seriously III of stomach trouble.
Miss Eflle Williams, of Parsons, Is a
guest of her sister, Mrs. James Crowe.
Thomas NIbono left on Tuesday to
enter siroucisuurg .xormul school as a
Andrew Druffner Is visiting friends
In Mcshoppen.
Mrs, Hufford, of Wllkes-Bane, Is
visiting Mrs. P. J. Shilling.
George B. Leonard, of Penobscot,
Pa., visited friends hero this week.
Misses Josle and Tenia Hunter and
Maud Miller, of New burg, N. Y aro
FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho pictures appearing on tlds page each
day, draw a pencil murk around tho hidden object, save them' until Saturday,
then send thorn or titko them to Tho Tribune office in nn envelope nddressed to
"Puzzle Department." Enclose In iho cnvelopo your nume, ago and address. Tho
boys and girls who conectly mark tho six pictures appearing during tho week,
and whoso answers aio Hist received, will liavo their names published In Tho
Tribune Monday morning.
J T"-'1 n t wt i w m i m))ri
Fnd Sleepy Ned's more wide -
visiting tho former's mother, Mrs,
Susan Hunter, of this place,
V. Smith Is on the sick list.
Dr. nnd Mrs. 0. E, Merrill were called
to Sayre,' this week by the death of
the tatter's brother, Charles.
Mrs. Harvey Fritz, was a caller in
Scranton, on Tucsdny.
Frank Dallcy Is repairing his houso
which was' struck by lightning recent
ly. A milk depot Is to bo built by Scrnn
ton men where the old blacksmith shop
of T. Billings stands.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards has
moved to New Mllford.
The condition of Itov. Mr. Grols.4, who
Is seriously 111 with typhoid fever at
the homo of his brother-in-law, Dr.
Kncdler, remains unchanged, and his
friends arc anxiously waiting for the
crisis, nlthough strong hopes are enter
tained for his recovery, as everything
that medical skill and careful nursing,
can do Is being done.
Mr. Grclss, of Alburtls, was a guest
at tho homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. Knedler
over Sunday.
Rev. G. H. Colo, C. C. Clay ana A. B.
Clay represontedHho Baptist church of
this place at the Ablngton association,
held at Factoryvllle this week.
Miss Mamie Dunning, who has been
successfully operated upon for appen
dicitis nt Moses Taylor hospital, is ex
pected home on Saturday.
Miss Inez Olds, of Lewliburg, .J vis
iting friends hero. She was accom
panied over Sunday by MUs Stephens,
o' lluckncll university.
The Ladles' Aid society nf the Bap
tist church are preparing "or a poclol
tn he held at tho homo or. T. W. Wil
liams', some ovenlng next week. Tho
d.itu has not yet been decided upon.
A. E. Cobb Is 111 at his bono at Mount
Cclb. Dr. Knedler attend him.
Mrs. Blckel, of Reading, Is spending
some time with her sister, Mrs. J. W.
Knedler, during the Illness of their
brother. Rev. Mr. Grclss.
Mr. Albert Barber and family have
moved to Dunmore.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. D. Cooper made a
business trip to New York city last
One of the features of both the morn
ing nnd ovenlng services at the Baptist
church, next Sunday, will be special
music 'furnished by visitors from Scrnn
ton, friends nnd guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Beale.
National League.
At Now York first game U.I I.E.
Chicago 0010000012 6 1
New York 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x :t 0 1
Batteries Lundgrcn and Kling; Miller
and rtowernuin, Umplic O'Duy.
Second game R.H.E.
Chicago 0 0 I 0 003 00 7 13 7
New York 10 0 0 0 0 10 02 4 7
Biitteiich Mnrrihsey and Lamar; Jftc
ainnlty nnd Bowermnu. Umpire O'Duy.
At Philadelphia first came R.H.E.
rittsbnrg 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 7 2
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1511 5
Batteries Cheshro, Lecver and Phelps;
lyhlte and Douglass, empires Irwin
nnd Latham.
Second game R.H.E.
Pittsburg 00400004 x 8 12 2
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 8 2
Batteries McLaughlin and Zlmmor;
Fraser und Shea. Umpires Irwin nnd
At Boston first game R.H.E.
St. Louis 30 0 0 000 00003 9 2
Boston 2 0 0 0 1000001411 3
Butteries O'Neill and O'Neill; Malar
key and Klttredge. Umpire Emslle.
Second game R.H.E.
St. Louis 001000 102 4 1
Boston 000110002 0 1
Game called after eighth inning on ac
count of darkness.
Bntterles Yerkes nnd O'Neill; Long
and Morgan. Umpire Emslle.
At Brooklyn first game R.H.E.
Cincinnati 3 3 10 0 13 0 0-1113 .1
Brooklyn 10 0 10 0 10 0-3 9 n
Batteries Ilahn and Bergen; Evans and
Bitter. Umpire Brown.
Second game R.H.E.
Cincinnati 10 0 0 0 0 0 102 5 3
Brooklyn 3 100 000 Ox 4 S 3
Batteries Phillips and Bergen; Kit&on
and RIttcr. Umpire Brown.
American League.
At PhlTiidelphla first game R.H.E.
Baltimore lOOOoooOO 1 7 1
Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 0 3 4 0 x !) 15 2
Batteries Wllti-o nnd Robinson; Plank
and Powers. Umpire Johnstone.
Second game R.H.E.
Baltimore 10 0 0 10 0 103 0 1
Philadelphia OHOOOlOOx 4 s
Batteries Butler and Smith; Wilson
and Schreckengost. Umpire Johnstone.
At Boston- R.H.E.
Washington 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 1010 0
Boston .. 0 110002127 0 4
Batteries Carrlck and Drill; Hughes
and Ciiger. Umpire Connolly.
At Detroit- R.H.E.
St. Louis 00 00 2000 0-2 7 4
Detroit 1 0 0001 1 2x 5 12 0
Batteries Donahue and Kahoe; Yea
ger and Buclow. Umpires STierldan and
At Cleveland- R.H.E.
Chicago 0 0030 00025 13 0
Cleveland ,.., 10 0 0 10 0 0 02 9 1
Batteries Patterson nnd MeKnrland;
Moore nnd Bemls, Umpire O'Loughlln.
awake boy and girl companion.
Only Half a Cnt a Word.'
For Bent.
A BKAPTIFUL single house for lent nt
jmo. : I'intt J'lace. uompictciy mi
nlshcd, In llrst-cliiRS condition! can be
lentcd nt a very reasonable rent, with
5 or 6 boarders staying at the present
time. I want nobody but llrst-rlass peo
ple to apply for this place. Call and seo
J. O. Kurlllch, 517 Lackawanna uvenue,
real cslato broker.
A BEAUTIFUL house for rent, nine
rooms and all modern Improvements,
nt 101(1 Adams avenue. Vacant now. Lot
00 feet front, wtMi sltado ticcs and beau
tiful ynrd In rear. At very rcasonalito
rent. Cull and see J. C. Zurflloh, S17
Lncknwauna nvonue.
FOR UENT-IIouse; Inquire Jit Mulberry
street. ,
FOR RENT To husband nnd wife, live
rooms, bath and stornge; Jll.00 per
month. (117 Adams live.
FOR RENT-Furnlshed house, 501 Mon
roe avenue, cntlra possession, or would
consider suitable party desiring to lease,
and bonrd tho present occupants only.
Mrs. L. S. Barnes.
FOR RENT Two furnished cottages at
Lako Bherldan; dry and healthy loca
tion: good shade and finest placo for a
week or a month's outing In Northern
Pennsylvania. Address H. L. Harding,
Factoryvllle, Pn.
For Sale.
FOR SALK Alinut "II fnnt nf ileslt eolllV
tor, surmounted with glass front and
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with drawers und shelves under
neath. May be seen at the oftlec of Tho
FOR SALE Organ, lino tone, walnut
case; sold quick, J1S.00. 5.14 Spruco Bt.
FOR SALE-Fivo shares of tho Title
Guaranty nnd Trust Co. stock for sale
nt 182 per share. Comcgys & Co., 703
Council building. 'Phono 109.
JUST ARRIVED with a carload of
horses. Snddlers, drivers,
purposo nnd heavy draughts. Can bo
been at 334 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb.
FOR SALE-A scholarship In tho Scran
ton Business college at u reduction.
Apply to box 203, Factoryvllle. Pn.
FOR SALE Cheap, one largo new gro
cery wagon, carrying capacity 4,500
pounds; nlso ono largo coffee grinder;
can bo run by motor or hand power. Ap
ply to B. Moses, 518 Lackawanna avenue.
FOR SALE A first class meat market
Owner will work for party. Address
131 Chestnut street, Dunmore. Pa
Boom for Bent.
FRONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 421
Adams avenue.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED A small house or flat, prefer
ably furnished, In dosiiablo location.
To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Box
327. ,
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR RENT First class furnished rooms,
all Improvements; price reasonable.
Inquire 510 Washington avenue, city.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modorn
Improvements; private family: gen
tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenue.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at 539 Adams avenue.
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLF. suite of rooms with
first class table board, can bo obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
mer boarders; three largo nlry rooms
and good table board. Address O. K
Dalton, Pa.
WANTED A small or medium sized
writing desk; not too high priced. Ad
dress Desk, care of Tiibuno office,
lar oflico hours. Prices reasonable.
Address R., Tribune.
Money to Loan.
Qulck, Htiaight loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 314-313 Connoll building.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Freo on application. S. M.
Htbbnrd & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 41 nnd 4G
Broadway, New York. Established S64.
Long Distance 'Phone 2388 Broad.
LOST N shaped society .clasp pin. Name
' on back. Reward If returned to Fied
Wagner, 511 Lackawanna avenue.
launders shirts at Ec. each and collars
and cuffs at P.&c. each.
BRIDGE PROPOSALS Sealed proposals
will bo received at tho office of the
Superintendent of Public Uioiuuls and
Buildings. Hairlsbiirg, Pa., until 12 o'clock
ni on Tuebday, Septembor 2.1, 190.', for
the rebuilding of tho supor-structuro of
the bridge over Lackawanna river, at the
Borough of Old Forge, Lackawanna
County, Pn. Bids must bo placed in hop
arato envelopes omlorsed on the outside
with tlin name and location of the bildge
and tho uamo uf thev bidder. Plans and
specifications can bo had oa application
to tho Supeilntcndent of Public Grounds
und UulldiugH at IlarrHburg, Pa. Hlln
will bo opened In tho preseuco of tho bid
dcis or their representatives In tho Re
ception Room of the Executive Depart
ment at Harrisburg, Pa., at tho time
named above.
By older of the Board.
T. L. EYRE, Supeilntenduat.
William A. Stone, IS. B. Hiiidenbergh,
Frank G, Ilanis, Board of Commissioners
of Public grounds and Buildings.
IN RK: Petition to fico tho Ridge Turn
pike Company's road from lulls und
toll cutcs.
Notice Is hctobv given that an appli
cation will l)o niado to tho Court of Quar
ter Sesblons of Lackavsauua county, on
Monday, iho lith day of October, 190.', at
9 o'clock a, in., In accordance with the
provisdoiiH of an Act of Assembly of tho
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap
proved Juno 2, W7, and the supplements
thereto, for tho appointment of a jury of
view, consisting of Iho leputublu citizens
of said county, to view und condemn the
Rldgo Tin niilke Company's mad, a load
located wholly in Luckuwauuu county,
extending from Sanderson avenue In tho
rty of Scranton, to Mulu street. In tho
boiough of Dickson City, and to muko
the sumo freo fiom tolls and toll gates,
und to assess the damages to which tho
owners or owners thetcof may bo en
titled theiufor, The sumo being a road
upon which tolls .aro now charged tho
traveling public by vlitue of un Act of
Assembly. T. P. DUFFY,
Attorney for Petitioners.
j Eastern League.
Toronto, 4; Jeisey City, 3.
Newark, 3; Montreal, 0.
Buffalo, 5 j Providence, 4.
Rochester, 7; Worcester, 5.
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Thau to Cents.
Branch WANT Offlim,
Want Advertisements Will Be
Becelved at Any of tlio Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 V. M.
Central City
berry street nnd Webster ave.
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
FRED L. TEBPPE. 729 Cedar
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo and Market
Oreen Bldge
son avenuo.
F. J. JOHNS. 020 Groen Rldgo
C. LORENZ, corner Washington
avenuo and Marlon street.
W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
J. a. BONE & SON.
Help Wanted.
HOME WORK fOO monthly conylnc lot
teis; cither sex. Send two stamps
for particulars. Hick's Supply Co., 5051
Hoisted street, Chicago.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Drug clock, qualified assist
ant. Address "Quinine," cure Tribune.
WANTED Boy 10 or 18 years old to learn
drug business. Address "Druggist,"
enro Tribune.
SALESMAN Expel lonced In placing pro
prietary medicines with retail drug
gists; high class line; liberal pay. Address
stating experience nnd roforeneo. 13. B.
Giles ft Co., 2330 Market street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
kWANTED On account of incrensed work
cumpuieni macnimsis 10 woik in iuiku
railroad shogs near Pittsburg; wages, 23,
20, 27 cents per hour; permanent employ
ment given for satisfactory service; free
railroad transportation furnished from
Wllkes-Barre to Pittsburg. For further
Information address C. L. Snyder, 022
Mooney building. Buffalo, N. Y in writ
ing; give date of birth, experience, where
last employed: on what kind of work,
nnd when ublo to report for duty.
Help Wanted Female.
ANY LADY who can nddress envelbpcs
at home, send addressed envelope,
particular of our work, and pay. No can
vassing, no letter writing to friends,
American B. C. KG, Box 15SS, Philadelphia.
WANTED A German girl for general
housework In a family of two. Can
have every evening off and can sleep
home. Call 1500 Price street.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
, Genornl Agont for this county. No
books, Insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
State age. experience, references first let
ter. Address. Suite 572, No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Salesmen Wanted.
capable of earning good money, to
hnndlo our lino of carbon copying pa
pers, either regular or on tho side. Philip
Hano & Co., 1-3 Union Squnre, Now York
Situations Wanted.
dressmaker; will go out by the day or
will take In sewing. Address 013 Plttston
cashier.' Three, and one-half years
experience. Also an expert needlewoman.
Best of reference. Addres-s "Marsh," euro
The Scranton Tribune.
years old In oflico or store. Address
1555 Dickson avenue.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bunk Building. OJd 'phono ISlil.
Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
nell building.
building, Spruco street, Scranton.
Fire Insurance.
SCH LAGER & CO, Trudeis' Bunk Bldg.
Patent Attorneys.
rt I L.IM I O or the Globe.
The only licensed und equipped patent
solicitor In tho city. No chiugo for In
formation on patentability, over ten
years' experience,
Rcplojrlc & Co., Alcars llldj;.
Hotels and Bestaurants.
Un avenue. Rates reasonable,
P, y.lEULBU, Propilelor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor,
and cohs pools: no odor; only Improved
pumps iiM'U, a. II. llrlggs. pioprletor.
Leave uuleiu BOO Noith Main avenue,
or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens,
aye., Scruntou, nifis. ot Wire Screens.
piles, envelopes, paper bugs, tv.'lno.
Wui chouse, 130 Washington uvenue.
bo had in Scranton nt tlio news stand
of Rclsmau Bros., 1W Spruco and 501
Linden: M. Norton. 32J Lnelciiwanna
I uve.; I..S. Schutzer, '.'U Spruco street.
Only Half a Cent a Wort.
Beat Estate.
FOR SALE-200-ncro farm! Glenburn,
nuuivsH m, u, Uilliun,
LOTS, houses and fauns for Bale.
J. C. Zurflloh.
FOR SALE Elegant Bites for homos In
, upper Grcon Rldgo; choice neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marviao,
173(1 Sanderson avenue.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western'.
In Effect June 1, H02.
Trains leave Scranton for New York
At 1.50, 3.20, 0.05. 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.; 12.10,
3.10, 3.35 p. m. For New York and Phllu
delphla 7.50, 10.10 u. in., nnd 12.40 and 3.35
p. in. For Gouldsboro At 0.10 p. m. For
Buffalo-Lin, 0.22 and 0 00 a, m.; 1.55. .50
nnd 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmlra
nnd way stntlons-10.25 a. m., 1.03 ti, m.
For Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca 1,15 and
0.22 a. in.; 1.53 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse
and Utlca train at 0.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday, For Montrose 0.00 a. in.; 1.05
and 0 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation
4.00 and 0.15 p. in.
Bloomsbiug Division For Northumber
land, at U35 and 10.10 a. m.; 1.55 and (1,10
p, m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.i 3.40
and 9 03 p. m.
Sunday Trains For Now York, 1.50, 3.20,
0.05, 10.10 n. in.: 3.40 and 3.33 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.15 and (1.22 a. un.; 1,5,1, ti.50 and
11.10 p. in. For Elnilra and way stations
30.23 a. in. For Binsliamlon nnd way sta
tions, tl.OO u. m. Illoomsburg Division
Leave Scrnnton, 10.10 n. m. and fi.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
In Effect Juno 13, 1002.
Trains Leave Scranton
For Philadelphia nnd New York via D.
&. H. R. R.. at at 7.41, through Parlor Car
and Day Conch Curbotululo to New York
nnd 9.47 a. m with L. V. Couch Carbon
dalo td Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.35 (Black
Diamond Express), nnd 11.49 p. m. Bun
days, D. Sr H. R. R., 1.5S. 9.17 p, 111.
For White Haven, Hazleton and princi
pal points in tlio coal regions, via D. &
II. R. R., 7.41, 2.18 and I.33 p. m. For
Pottsvlllo. 7.41 a. m. l
For Bethlehem, Eniton, Reading, Har
risburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. & 11. ,R. R.. 7.41, 9.47 a. m.;
2.18, 4.33 (Black Diamond Express), 11.49 p.
in. Sundays. D. & II. R. R., 9.3S a. nv,
1.5S. 9.17 p. in.
For Timkhnnnnck, Townnda, Elmlrn,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate
stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 0.33 a. m.
and 1.55 p. in.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and nil points west via
D. & H. R. R.. 12.0.1 p. m.: 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express), 10.41, 11.49 p. m. Sun
days. D. & H. R. R 12.03, 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Vnlloy Pnrlor cars on nil trains between
AVllkes-Bnrre and New York, Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 26
Cortland street. New York.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt 26
Cortland street. Now York.
A. W. NONEMACHER, DIv. Pass. Agt..
South Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations
npply to city ticket oflico, 03 Public
Square, Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29, 1902.
Stations in New York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Munch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Barro and Pittston nt 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, "2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., through solid vestibule trnln
with Pullmnn Buffet Parlor Car for Phila
delphia with only ono change ot carsfot
Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and all
principal points south and west.
For Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barre,
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sundny, 2.10 p' m.
For Long Brand, Ocean Grovo, etc.,
7.30 a. in. and 1 p. m.
For Rending, Lebanon and Harrisburg
via Allentown nt 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sundny, 2.10 p. m.
For Tnmnqua nnd Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.;
1 p. m. and 1 p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager.
C. JL BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect June lfi, 1902.
Trains lcava Scrnnton fi.38 a. m., week,
dnvs, through vestibule train from
Wllkes-UuiTC. Pullmnn buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at principal intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Siinbury, Har
lisbiug. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg nnd the West.
9.47 n. m.. week days, for Siinbury. Hnr
rlsbiirg. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho West.
1.12 p. m., week dnvs. (Sundays. 1.5S p.
m.), for Siinbury. Hnnisburg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore. Washington and Pitta
burg nnd tho West.
3.2S p. m week days, through vestibule
train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet
pnrlor car nnd couches to Phlludelplilo via
Pottsvllle. Stops ut pilnclpal Intermedi
ate stations.
4.35 p. m,. week days, for Hazleton. Sun
bury. Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
mB' J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD, Gen, Pass. Agt.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In Effect June K 190.'.
Trains for Carbondalo leave Scranton at
fi.44. 7.2ii, 8.30, 10.13 n. m.: 12 03, 1,12, 2.11.
3.r,il. 5.29. 0.25, S.2I, 9,13, 10.01 p. m.; 12.18,
1.3S a. m.
For, 10.13 a. m.: 2.11 and
5.29 p. m.
For WllkPS-RaiTP-0.38. 7.41. S.41. 9.47,
10.53 o. 111.; 12.03. 1.1-', 2.18, 3.28. 4.33, 6.10,
7.IS. 10.11, 11.49 p. ill.
For L. V. It. It. Points 7.11, 9.17 a. m.
2.1S, 4.33 and 11.41 p, 111.
For Pennsylvania R. B, Points 6,31
9.17 it. in.; 1.1!. ".2S and 4.35 p. jn.
For Albnny ana an nouns nuiiu i.m .
i, and 3.50 p- in.
For Cailmndnle S.W), 11.3.) a. m.; 2.11,
3.5H. 5.52 and 11.17 p. in.
For WIIU('S-13arie-9 3S a. in.; 12.03, 1.53,
3.2S. 0.32 and 9.17 n. 111. , .
For Albany and points north 3,o6 p, m.
For IIoncsdalo-8 50 n. m,; 11.53 nnd 3.53
Pw!'l. PRYOR, D. P. A Scrnnton, Bfi.
Erie Bailroad Wyoming Divisions
In Effect July 30th. 1962. A -T.
Tralns leavo Scranton foe llawlcy ujld
local stations ut 7.2H and S.4". a, in.; J
and 3.20 p .m. Siimliiys, 9.) a,, m. UBU
1.35 p. in. For New Ypiif.i Nowbimh and
Intermeilluto pohits rtr 7.20 a1; m. 'and L33
p, in. Sundays. 1.35 p. in.
For Hnnesdale 1.35 und 5.20 p. m.
Tialns arrive at Scianton S.20,"lMlt3.
m.: :i.oii and 9.13 p. in. Sundays, l.OO and
8.13 p, ni, -.
New York, Ontario and Western.
Time Tnlilo In Elfoct Simdnv, June 13, 1902.
LeaWt Leavo lAuWo
Trains, Scianton, Caibnmlnlo. Cadosla.
No. 1 , 10.30a.m. 11, ion. in, l.oup. in.
Nn, ;i , i.oo p. ni. 4.14 n, in. o.uo prn.
No. 7 O.lii p. m.Ar.Cai'lioiulalo O.lti
Leave Le.ivn Anrvn
Tialns, Cadosla. Cai houiliite. Scranton.
No. li li.Mla, in. 7,"J.u.tij.
No. 4 (Uio. in, lo.oi a. iii, 10.4Oa.Jn.
Nn. 2 2.15 p. 111. 4.00 p. ni, 4.43 p.lp,
Lea vi) Leave Ai'lltJij
Trains. Scranton. tadobK;
No. 9 ...,,, 8Ji6u. in 9.10 n. in. ' liMS n. m.
No, 5 7.00 p. ni.Ar.Cnihondalo 7,13 lun
Le.ivo Lea ye ArilY.o
Trains. Cadoslu. Cailiondnle, Peruntoq.
No. 0 ...,,. ti.Mii. m. 7.'.'.Vu.ttf;
No. 10 4.C0p.m. aOip.m. Map. m.'
Trulns Nos. 1 on week clays, and 9 nn
Sundays canned for New York cltv, Mid.
dletown, Wnltou, Norwich, Qnclda. Os
wego nnd ull points west.
Train S for Poyntclle, Walton, Delhi,
Sidney, Norwich and all New Berlin
blanch .points.
Truiiv Nn. 0, with "Quaker City Ex
prcw" nt Perontoiii via C. R. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltlmoro,
Washington and V Pennsylvania state
pointer ' "" r
Sco tlmc-tnlilo and consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines.
J, C. ANDERSON. O. R. A., New York,'
J. E. WELSH, T( Fv-Aa Scmptan, Pa:,
JA i4. "fe,-., i
teHL- i.h.-.