f ::mj f.V'-fcvJ :?' : rfe s.W'O $F i M? r v; 'sstst .'. -. -- kn f ' n' ." , - - tftirui n: y t i $ ?r ! '1 j,r 4 ' $ 4 M .' M M ,Vtl m THE SGiUNTON KIBUNE-FlUDAr, SEl'lEMBIiIir 12, 1902. h h z1 - ft Tr1- mi. MktrMur I tfe $mnton tn6utic jTuhlfihtrt Unify Ktcrpt fciimlay, by 1 h Ttlhiine TttMIliMt Coinpnnht Fifty Cent n Month. UVva turiiAnrm ... mutoh. a r. nyxjiKK ' iiuNkm mamaurr t-4JH-J.-'ijijt. -ii . . - ; Ktlertd at Ui 1'iwtofflca at Hcriuiton, as Second , , L'Iiim Mill Mailer. rti1. r- -r--rT-- ffhrn apnea will permit, Thf Tribune It lUtrfija Rind to print (hart ltctlra front Ita fricndi tienrlng tin tirreut tiitdra, hut Hi fhln If that them mint Im ilencd, fur puli. lltmtlou, hy tlm writer's rani tunnel nnil thi condition tirm'ftltiiit tn nrcvptntico li thnt nil rnntrlhullnm alialt lie object to edltorlnt ravliltui. ME rr,AT ItATK KOK AIIVKRTIHINO. l)ti following table lion tbt irke per Intli racli Inaertlon, ipnoo to he Used v lllilii una yean . DISPLAY jLVk than JO Inrlira. .Ml Incliee . . . . loo " 210 " lWXt " . . . . Hum of , Paper ' to .30 silling i on Hittlngi ' i h .11 Villi 'utltlun To ' .it .lil .10 .u .111 It. 1 .! I HI For card of thanks, resolutions of tuiidoleince, anil ilmtlar cnnlrlliiillnin In tin imlure tifailVHrllslnir, The Tribune miikcs a cliurge of tl tents a Hue TEN PAGEvS. 'scrtANToN. Hi:i'Ti:.ini:it i: vmi. REPUBLICAN TICKET. ' State. Govemor-S W PHNNYPArtCRn. tlculn int (loifi not V M DHOWS. Societal' or Inteiiml AITalls ISAAC B BROWN. I County. CoiiBross-wn.1,1 m rossnuj JudRc-A A VOHIlfrtG Commllonpi-H)IIN roiTninii MOIl- ms JOHN' PI1NMAN MillP Insprtois-.,lJVi:i.YN M. 1V ANS, DAVID T W I T.I.I A MS Legislative. Fiit nistiiit-josiipn ot,ivi:n bpooihi Dixtiiit mux s('in:i"i:it. JU. Thlld DlHlllil-i;iJVAH1 IAAIKS. Fourth Dlslikt-P A PI1II.D1N. Election das, Xm. 4 feeietiuv Shaw l nifr thf tmll -pi' Ahen he ald' ''Pin- iioteitli t.ulfl Is nut tile niotlu'i nt- mist'-. IIuuikIi It if the p, i lent (if iiiulltloiis that niuKe it profltniiU' foi inplt.il to i inuliine, anil congenial lot l.tbin loots tttle" The Good of All. IN TIM' illffetilit spuLlnt chilli J'llili'iit ISooMctt linx iiuuh- up and ilown the (ouiittv befoic inenibeM of oiganlid labor, he lnyt- emphatic sliest upon the 1iio.nl piliulple that the usefulness the 1 1 11 it and adaptation ol oinanitd labia tn the (in unis-tamis nnil lniltistil.il pi OKI ess. of the tlliKS tan onh be sus tained h tetoKnltioti ul lndl Idu.if le t.pnnslblllt A man who inteis a union and Is hoin of this fm tot In bis in.in liood and illi alleKlalue to sUi iet as a" u holt', cannot be leganled as u flee HKenl SoUot, it Is title, Is itselt an niank union but the sue 111 unit is al)olllti.l lite so loilK as Ills lieidoiu of .niton does not Inttlfeie with the eiflflU of otheis Ithin this spheie he is at llbeit to puisne in his own n thP ideals of lllo and happiness which hi Is i.tpable ot attalnlni? It Is the teridpnij. the nnfoi tun.ite tendeiax or ois.inied l.iboi to c in muse ilbe as IniRPb as possible the libeitv ot In itlathe ol the menibeis of the union, and not satislled with this Inio.ul upon indlvidu.ilisiu It PiiiltMVo b lawful niTans. wlitn possllilc, but b unlaw ml acts tieiilienth, o -et limitations ui the actiities ot men who lettise upon their own iesponsbllt to become as boeUtcil with its m.uhliiei The mav 111' Wisp ill the JU i be foolisll ill tills latitude, hut It Is tilt business of eei rch eminent which has a conception of its bishPst lcsponsihllit toecllle them npalust the .iK8ies.iui ot any man oi boi1 of men who ti to abuiLtate th it pihlleRe, Willi h Is at tbt bottom of all otheis, the tiftlit ot pmij nian to wenk tiicl sell his laboi when and allele he Dlcav's Tile apoloslsls ot loeic ion rind intlinl ilHtlun ol nee laboi Insist tint weie it tiol tin Hade unloiil.sui tlie lot ot the WnikliiKin.iii would be what It was twent cais ,iro, mil that coinbliu tiun s absoluti l ne(is.sn to coinbtt with Its own iiii'ilinils the tinsiiupiilous aFrRltssion and tiiiin ol eapltal No one with sensi disputes tlie M'litinl forte anil the until of these fiiKUincnts Capital lias bteu Kiettl, m(si ami tvianulcil it is not it inaiKalile lot its ni.iriii.tnlinltx it, The let,'lllmiite fiopc and attitude ot timle unionism is foitiiiK it into a itioKiiitlou ol itx ie pponslblllt as well iik ilHlmltulliiK Its rlKlits If c oeii Ion and Intlinlilatluii wcie the weapons enililo.wcl h ciipliiil in Its icouomle and liltoile declop nipnt to stiboullnate luboi to Hh woltlsli Kircd. Is it an iiu!ok oi Justlllc alloii foi unlonlsiu to iiuulate its win si nnlts,' It Ik haul to billee tHut It tun bfi "0, We'aie not'tonrei neil ubout inpl tal. It will in the end tnUe inie ol It pel f. When oiKiiuled luboi aiiUleMes in, if It does not upinc of Intlinldu tlonMoeiilpititHijil the botott to toup nim 'tiVrgtiiln fioiii doing what tlU'-5Bf;4riK,feaUilBlit to do, iiolliiUK tan f""Wwlilii(' 1'R fpllow hut law less fe-sffMUViliiK IP lidvl(lu.ls and thigtinjrttinult The f,ond uf eacli for all,itiUli7ofliU ror emh Is, as tlio pieHi(leKi)oTnf)yit, the eniiKel of the pentlipJjjaJiTO Any tji.e vchlih RiileitWilJt.xJMh of oiRanl-ieil miiI el" Is ufiti3,iinilr)H""l-Pi"SU''t'Ivo nnil Bnti.ntitlolvJTlJJpoort of nil, f'lV" ' tan only n&'tjnmil In tlie pibwlute vupienitu olVljtWiinil oiiju.satld the Kimil of emh iTSPii'll inn only he Ju. talned by (uui unlet htir to the inii. Iditnl the fflupieimicy of IiIh uwn In ltiatle In ul that eonteins hlinnelf mid thltt does wit Intefeie with Uiu ludl JtluallMii oghlB n'elKlibiu,' It all amount, IuUIiVV iiililn tlm ulniple code of IllcJJund nioiiilsithe lii)Iet and most hSxfiagab"ieor nil the upluu. Isnis of llft''Jae and let lle," e , The newtfUpeit nay that Knipeioi tyilllarn'a BtwrnfosM atthe aeiinan army inanoeuveiH is tellliiK upon some 3 the lsltnis vho tue not nc customed to.Ct.up.at 3 a. in., after luuliik- u tifed'two hoilis befoie. Wo will wuBer tlft 'fVllluirt v'atlnot out;iic i.e-ouaid Th'rf number of Aiueilcuit whs vessels , ""J!,",!"; sp'ounfj tliCbt; da3 LtppcsU tlj ired of liiti eased n jnactlie lb the nouiulliiK leads and or a shiiht- j'7n the chart iltjiait.nent Tliiutu unwiui. Mlllllmwlollnl- bonis are Ion Vtilun)ite to be subjected to tlttnecesmtry tlsk. ,. . , . .. ( The odd IIiIiik it limit the hiencli ot jomle case which Is tnitltliiK unlmjipy Hip tally inituled life of fiillcRi' I'tofin ciirJliunilmilKli. In that ith Kill Hltotild waul ilitiuitKi's fm- not belni; allowed to many a man t nimble of wilting Midi tlttellv stlipld loll' lellets The Training: of pur OlrU- r TIM IIIMJl!!-' Is nppiitenllV spieadlliB that lunvalent edtlcatlolinl methods In pub lic and hiinidltiir school", si'inlnai Ich mid colleKt'-', not to meiitlnn lonsenatinles and pIikch of petliilled instl llt'tlnit, hocei iiilValitUKeous they mav he to bo. s in tialuliiK foi u Ikoi' nilM Hud etlccthe mmiliood, leae lunch to he ilesjied In tllelr effet I tipon women. The nitlcle which we pi luted on 1 lil- pane I hu olhei day, fi mil the Medliul Iticoul, ijKlnir u .Monti lull, X. J., pli sit Inn's hw as to the need of beltel phsia 1 1 ul nlnic for young Kills, was incieU one of in in piolests fiom allllioiltatlle vmiues at the liihlllliiinltv mid, liom it talloiial hoc In I standpoint, the stupendous foil of t;ilndluir out the ht.iltli mid, teal happiness of oin Kills In the hlgli pitssuie mill which we c onverillonallv dill "'niodei n iducn tlon " One does not UUe to admit, mid the tiailltlom of ihhiiliv me all :iKiiltit adinlttliiK. that the Ameiitiiu Kill has an faults,- but the told titith ton tionts u tneiy tit, mid It seems to be KettlnK toldei as the'ems pass, that the Ametlcan Kill "f the pellod Is de le! loialillK phsl(ally. Not that slie is IosIiik hei beaut. It by beauty is meant sinaitntss of appeal aiu e, dls tltutlon In diess mid iliaiui of munnei, theie tun be no Kalusnal that she is far inoie benutlftil than tVei her mbthel ol her Kimidmotllei was, beau tiful tliotiKli tliev weie deenied In tlie hev da of theii tliaiins Hut theie Is this sul dlffei elite to note' The uiothel and the KWinilinothti Kept theli beauty, foi the lenson that they kept thell health, wheieas the Ameikan xii 1 of tod i s ii'l Hlits heiMesene utotes of ltallt to tlie l uthltss ileiuanils ot Ir i.itlnnil taslilons, mil when old ciioiikIi to wem the iioCtu ot niolhei hood, as It might to be win n, In the bloom of htaltli. lillds beloie hei in' too often a dieai ista of linalldlstii m of net wills (In line We know It Is lustonim tli meet this aiKUiiient b citing tile spiead of ttiu Inlne athh'tits and In pointing to iu st.uuis of health- woiilinliooil pie seied into old aKe Hut the fait le nuiins is we liat' stated It a tint con tinued b ltul statlstlis h the testl mon of ihslclins tml b tominon obsfi atimi. Our blitli l ite Is del lln Iiik as oin niitloiial wealth Inn eases, 111 othei Winds when intents ale best pit piled loi thlldieii in the sense of liaiiiK the means to feed clothe and educate them, iewel ihlldien imiie W'h ' Not bet uise the aie tiuwel i time Let no nian. think so meanl of the Allieikiili people as seiiousl to he lie e that Ti.ue down the leuScms wheieei possible to do so tialik), and see it tlie i hiet among: them Is not the pll.slt.tl lilipiepaietlliess of mil o el -ediitateil and oei net nous slstfis and d.iUKliteib to beat the stiaius and (Hies of matt i nil without peisuiml s ttiitUes whlc liTinh maitis Invite It is s-llh to sa that this Is not a iiijtui toi publli illst iisslou It Is a Mi vital, mattei tin not mil publli disLtisslon but also publli lelned. The evil Is plain It dots not disappeai when we shut mil ees to It Theie lillist be vas to alleIate It, and tlls t usslon should In lug lhee loilh And the stuitlng point of any well-ouleied discussion shoi(ld be the tail that a sWein ot eduiutlon whltli btglns b puttiiife upon oung gills u ta of t-n-duuinie be.onil theli natuial pnweis, and whltli loiitlnues tliiough Intel -mediate Blades mid t loses without plaiiug as uppeiinost the need of a sound and stiiul liod to tail the Kiacts of a well-li allied mind and the inoial beaut of a inltuied soul is a tiimt, taiiing its niise down to 1 li tu I ' gtneiatloiis 4, The teat hei s of the Nesiiuehonlng sthools ma. be puispettivu iiilitllilates fm local politltal luinoip. The American Way Best. OM PLAINT Is t amnion among Ameiltan liaveleis at the sU. tailed cMesslve tliaiges made b tlie Pullman lompmiv fm sleeping and pailol cm seivlte Wliethei these ihaiges ate extesslve in not is a mattei of oplidon; those pa iug them natuially holding dlffeient vlew.s fiom those exattlng them. If the Pullman tompany hud .shmp com- petltlon and the same pi lies piewiiled, tlie ihaiues me that most tiavtltis would pay without iniii muting; tile fin t Unit thine Is mi i oiiipetltlou Is what giates. Hut whuleM'i the equity of the Am eiltan t liaises, they me inode.st uliii p.ueil with the pi lies for a similar although Intttlor set lie In Iaiiope. William V., Tuitls makes this clem hi a leltei 111 the Chlutgo Iteioul-lleiuld imupuilng Ameikan with Kuiopeau lalhoiid iiiethods. In ndtlltlini to the tact that oullnaiy passenger tales me KU pel tent, hlghei on the othei tilde, with uiiommudatlmis fm less than on this, (to width, on some tialns i mining no fustei than so miles mi limn, uu ex cess i.ue, or "spenl supplement" of .11 l-.t pel tent. Is added), ho pieseuts the following table showing lompm ismis of beith ihaiges In sleeping cms Im toinpaiallve distant es: Chicago to ban Via lit Ism , tllili Pails to Const. inilnnnlt- u 'li 'I'lilcago to Nnl uik , r. 10 Pilllh to Mildild , ,,, U'lKi illiah" I" Di liVi'l ,,.. ' o) I'ail to .Muiilti t'ailn,, d Su t'lilt.igo to llos'ttin , , ,, h 01 Palis to Home ,,..,......, ,, 2. tu l'lli'at,ii to New Ul leans ,..,.,,,, d (0 fails to Ht, I'ftt'islilltg,,,.,., ,,, ) u t'llitagii to HI, Paul ,.,. '.' (0 Pmisi to .Maisellles.,, , ,,,,,, 1.' to I'llliiigo to ilinalni. ...,,., , , 'J ,'u Paibi lo Vienna , 7 10 t'hliugo to IMIlsbilig,,.', ,,,,,, ,, ' fO falls to (leno.i , 7 iU t.'liluHJo n Detiolt ,...., J in) falls to delimit.,., , ,.,, HO nilcsgo to Dulfalu , .1(0 l'aila to Deillii...., 7 00 In addition to these ihaiges the pas senger lu Lompulled to pay a booking fte amounting to 50 op 73 tens f he bu)s a tltket at any uthei plucc than c the tlopot. OtiHIile tluket ofllLci, which mo maintained for the coiivnifetire of the public, ate Hilppoitrd hy tlirni anil not by the inlluay companies, iih lit the United Stales. The URciiti who i tin them iccih'e no c ompeunntliiii oth er than the t mmnlsnlmiH they me al lowed to fliaige tipmt tlcketH stild. VW theiinoie, Hlei'iiltig cat spute In Ihltope must be paid for when tespived and If the htiyci chmiKcs his mind or Ih ttn able foi' any icnson tu niitlti' the Jour ney he foi fells the money or takes hjs eluincps of disponing of his deeping inr ticket ieisonally. In otne iilnces it II nv ticket agents will take the tiotlbte to well his lesei tut lull for him after all the other heitliM In the tur me mild, piovlded he pas them a llbeial (om mlsslon, lo, 1". oi L'O per tent, of the value of the ticket.1 Home eats ago when .Mr. t'nitls wanted to give up n lesei tittlon mi the .sleeping tat Horn I'.nls to Mudiltl, the ticket ugent kept mine than one-half of whal he got us his ioiiiiiiIhsIou lot It, 'Pile lilies of the loinp'tiiy would tint allow him to rc iliem It oi sell It olllclallv, but alter cvci v ollit'i' btith In the tur was sold he itiulil dispose of It mi Ills pilwite luvfTuiit If then' shoiiltl he niiv lilllher ik'inuud. (.Ii. (.'nuts p. ild $1.! fm a bei th and sold It lor $". . Iltiiopean Hlteplng tats, he explains, me divided Into i mnpm tincnts aiiom moilatlng two ami I'oiu peisons, with Just loom enough Im the legs between the edge uf the bet th and the patlltlon. At most agent les a lallwa lltkel Is lequlieil fm eveiy hei th, and It Is Im possible fm a passenger lo buy an en tile tompaitmtut without pa lug double lallwa I'. lie. If a man and his vife tu two ladles me tiae.llng to gethei thete Is no Im oiivenlence, pio vlded single t oiup.tt tinents tun be had, but If none hut double tompailmeiits lenialn tmsolil the me Compelled to sleep in a little tell not laigei than an nullum double bed, with one or mole sti angeis, anil tlikets me sold intlisiilniiuately to men and to women. In the fate of these facts, which do not t-eein to be geiieiall known lit this tountiy, it Is not to be wondeied at that laiiopeuns w ho tiael In tlie t'nl ttd States go home chimin iug foi Hip adoption theie of Ameiltan lailway methods it Is auothti way of llbeily enlightening Hie woiltl. Tht piomuttis of the PutlNon up tlsing lime tlius lai been unable to un tilt an. save geiieuls. Although his taitli ma at times be shaken, tilt volte ot Ml Itijan nevet tails Kvidtntlv tht Hookei Washington ln tldeiit has bten foigiven. VIOLENCE CANNOT WIN. I'luni th llaiil-lnii Patilot t'nlled Statts St natoi Piatt, of New York mi In ioiik hi piedlttlng that the stilke will tint within a wetk, but ir tht lawltssiii'ss (ontliuus the t nil Is m u ut hand No stilkt was evil won ill Ameilti In v iolt me On the tmiliii, in in thins stuUtis vvhiisu t uise was illst have Inst littaust of It No -Hike of gnat pi optn Huns atttiting vast lntlus tnts .mil loin hlng whole i (immunities, as tints the slilki of the alilluacite niineis, tan suttttil wltlimit tlu sMiipath of the ptople I. twit ssiiess Is the one sine wav to nihil. He that sMiipath fail pla and equal lights loi all ale bask pilmiple-, of Ann ik, in institutions 'I ht AimiUan penpli mngiilzt the light ot the mini is to stilki, audtlle iht of an nihil nun to mill in theli pi. lets and foi the wiims vhlih the stilkeis hat tleseited and ie Itcttil The will Insist on the nl ilutt n aiue ot those lights with all the powti ol the ,o eminent 'J llese ale the lilt ts no mattei what deiniij,nt,iies anil illshon tsi pollutions mi sa bethel the niineis had 1,1 It antes tint Instilled the stilkt' Is not the tiuextlon1 Tin hud a ilMit to stiLxt Tin have no light to plevint othti mi n Hum woiklng U lit u tilt utti nipt In win b v iolt lite tilth i uise Is lot. Tito whole bod of stilkeis an not to be condi liuittl for the utts ol a ftw, but the it pons ot tllaoultr and nua nce to life and iiiopeit) .lie Incoming ul tiihcttit I tun ritiiueut II All. .Mitt lit II i aiinot louliol the nun whom Ills oigau l.itioii has hd inlo idleness lasting man months, the soonei he advists tliem to go li.it k to wink Uu liettei It will be lor him anil them Hint, minder and the de stitution ot piopeitv uev 1 1 hue won a stilke in Amirlta and nevei tan. THEY APPBECIATED SCHWAB. f 111 the lUiilllilaili village ol l.olelto, wheie I'h.ules M Sihwali has his sillll nit i home, and wheie lie yient Ills boy hood, lie Is louunnnlv kiioVu as c'liu lle" ruhvvab Ki tenth Mi bihwnb do nil ul to adil to Ids t state soutti piopeity bt longing to tin village piupei, nnil made oviltiuts with that object in view. Ml. Sthwab has uhas had the inlt tests uf tht V Hinge ul lit ait. lliul not long slut e built a limit li loi the roiumiuilt ot - souls, mid I oi those, in u iikIIiih ol ninny lllllts, tosllllg iipwmil of JJOOIMO A town niielliig was uilleil ty toiislder Ills pioposltlnn, 'Pile ihlel spt akui was a village ih u. uler who urns a loacl house. He Is a stanth ml rate of .Mi, Sthwab, anil when i onset! Is possessed with stioug Iolt nslc povveis. "fellow townsmen." lie began, villi hat hi hand, "I'liailles Stimuli wants tills piopeil, anil we should give it to him, tonsitleilng ul lie has dune im this village and pi.iple Altlloiuli lie has I Ni ll abiiv e theiluamsot iivmice, lit has nevei fiilgotteu lie gicvv up hue nod will alas he to us plain I'haillo Schwab What would this town be with out 1 1 1 111 . Whn I would It he if he should It live US.' I It'll von If lie does not get this piopeitv, he inuv j,ct dls"iistid with an iiiigiattlul ptopltt, anil If riiatllit Siliwab leaves us. wo might as well put a piullotk on tlie d-d town and get out " Nitdliss to sa,v, the piopeil was giv en to 'dim lie" Sthvvuh uoi would tlm village lousitlei any peiiiiilmy leriiu neiutloii Now Voile Times, DRIFTING, foi Tlm Tilhiiiie. Lot llin hum its), let us tliltt with the licit, Out on the wnlejsiso dtip and so wide, In the soft glow of the piiipling skv Vim ami I, dailliig, ah! just ou and I. t'uuld wn but glide thus foitvu and ill emu , Un a pathway of gold, o'er Ihu beautiful bit emu, 4 lit if In my aims, as I hold ou tonight Life would be all sunshine, all golden and hi (Kill. Just fin an limn !-ah, tlmn Is so btltf 'Po be lully iihsohtd fiom tliu woild uml Us gili f, To drift fur away fiom llte'n ttmiliillous dii ant, Out with the tlilp on the In east ot the SU tarn Let the ours lost let us tlilft with the tide, Out on the watcis so deep and so wide liehlnd us, the rotks puiple shadows en fold, Before us, the glorious pathway of gold, -l$ose Vunll. Bpeeee. Stiantuu, tit-pi. It. Truth as to LoWer Prices Abroad 0' I'll Dtinofiiitlc! fi lends mi' li.clng til fdi re nil Issue nut of the fact that Koine of our inuiiurni lines ate stild abioad at lower iitlpen (linn ut linine. I admit Unit such Is the i use, hul what dots It iiiiinimt to? I.el tlie IllieoiiliiiMittil llgmpi tell! In inn.', lisonl iai, we tiiaiilifat'tutttt Jl M)l,Ti)l ik.i, of whltli we sold uhltiiiil toi,'),:i.i, ami or timl jlim.oiniitKi, ut lowel pijtes only $ ' i urn. Ill othiil winds, of all tun salts abioad or our mmilifactuirs, mile i pel tint, was minted in pi he, nnil ol our tottil in lnilfailllre of $1 1 uw UuU.uiM, the ptufopt tlun so snltl was less t tin it oiie-tlilitlelh of 1 poi t tut. 'Phut l all it tost us In tlie wuv uf "cut ii Ices" to keep Ii,7,"0 0i0 wage imiieis w'otkhig full time at high wages, us In the gloom low tut I rr eats or IMl-'iil I'msulng the liiM'stlgallim luithei, I lliul bv the let'oiils of the lestlinoiiy gheu hefoie Hie liiilusluous Indtlsttlal t utmiiNslun, that the fullowliig lines of niimiifiietme welt vmlolisl luluceil In pi ko foi loiilgn sale. The lestlmoiiv glis the total iiimUiil piodiut ol tilth ttHlllvliig l.i in nnil the pel tint, tepmttil or Ihil anuuiil pioiliiit, as follows; Pel C'tut ot i:poilid I'loilui't. Mm blue tools ILMOuO ll) ) 10 10 i i,i i !'. t l Motois uml ihlintiios IVliieo l'llllls I'll (hill Canntil upplis loooo Pianos uml mgaus,,,,, i, Juo P.ottltd In ui "ooo Sltcl plnle, net tons (,(K)0 Anvils IOimi i Jut ilen tools , I r.i x I Oplltal aiipaiatus Uoiiim Lutks and pad links i " lion Steam II I f engines 10U00 Wile ami niaiilla lope iMIOflO l'llntllig iiests 17ihjo lion winking mac lilnei .. -1000(1 Coppei wile Hint slit els., room) lo "'2 R.1'. " fi Lleittlcal llistl mill Ills ,,,. T'iOOO Pint and salet plus -.'I urn) Metal planing mat nines... 7,oo Hottle v ashing machines, noun Patent luniks and e ts '10 WW iV l'2 ID Cut soles I'tlioo J Skates 1000 J 1 hae been un ible to tllicl nnv sufll ibnl data rtgiuliiiK tlie , "washboards and meut ilioppiis," so pionilnentlv ip feired lo bv ('haiimiu (iilggs and the Deinoeratk iiipeis Now, )( t us sic what Hie wltnissts s tlu us to tin lates ot lcduetlun unci the n.tsons then foi I siimni irle and quote "Twent v pu teul lowei to orf set ti iiispoitatlou thuigtk and tint: low u on ui i mint ot Canatllau tarllt, 5 to 10 pt i tent, to t oiimil-slim liousts (al most alwas necess.nv hi selling to foi elgueis), slightly Ii ss at times oil at touiil of Ann ill n coiuik tltlou a natuial lesiilt of bus ffittnilesj; " pel tent, less; lovvti In cause of til ivv bin k lowei to meet Ihlgllsh fienth and (leim.m thtap la bel J nianulattuu is, .o pet cent, lowei to sell stiiplus a fuqiitnl leisou to gt t rid ot out-of-date goods), lowei b tost of busing and tlillveiv, tllstotuit. 10 pel tent, width equ lis tost of selling in tin Pulled Slates It tonstanl reason In these tlnvs of multltailoiis Ameikan diuiiiintis to biln' tin mtiktts to the un uh mt histt id ot the nitiehant going to the inuiket In the "good old," slow- going I)c iiioti itltl ilns, lower to inn lull time lib n lv in tlie Intel est of the miiitan wage eiineil, lowet becau-e ttitns me tash, lowei lilhti than lie foictd out of the maiktt: 10 pel tent, lass to Hngl md and (.'annua, all othtis higlitl, aeiagt. J. to .1 pel ((.lit low ( I to Hurt loulgn piltts, lovt'l to mtlt.ise volume lit buslni ss at lioint fund emplo mull' mini, and In one solltai, uufortu nutt i isi-anlls "pi.u titalh at tost to meet foitigll fthtap I tbor) t ompi tltlou " 'Pile lliul lepoit of the Indiistilal t oin mission. Vol NIX p igti li.li sums up on this point of selling at lowOi pilces abiniil, as follows "In oidti to gain and hold fnlelgll tiade II ll is oct isloually been ntuissaij foi linth i ombln itlons and Inilhldlf ll espoiteis to make low pi lies lo foielgn puieliiseis It is lu evi dence btloie the commission that, oven within this loimtt, the mine distant maikels ittehi eonn salons In pi lie. lu ubout -'0 pel tint of the ( uses toMltd bv the i oinmlsslon's n till lis the ixpoit piltts liiist- nihil lowtr th tu those ch.uged to home consumer Snim times mini sin plus stot ks have bten un loiihd upon the toiPlgu mil lit t. At othei Units whtu the home iitmund has -lai kt net! somtwliit, It has bun possible to kttp miiiuif.it tin big rstntillslinients iniplovtil to theli full input It and most pioduithe f tilt lent v. onh bv llndlng a foulgn mm lot foi pint ol the piodiut, and that toiild be last done b cutting in lees 'The pi at tin Is quite common In all loiinules, and on the part of separate istalilis,hments as will as of iiimbliu tlons Wtn this plan nut adopttd, It would uftiii be neies-aiy to Mill the plants ouh pint of the time, vvhkh would not menlv thlov a poitlon of the Iiilioieis out of tinploinent, but vould also add nnteil.ill to itie cost of pio duillon of the remaining product. It Is pi tillable, thtlttoie, that when the ex poit prlits have been at cost (?) the io sult has Im ii, bv keeping the plants full tmploMil, lo hold the piltts to Ameilcan eonsiimeis lowtr than would have been pot sidle, otht i wise " Anil on page 1 21, the repot t fiutlier rajs' "1'iom sut h Infoim itlon as camo to the ludiisiilal itmnulssion in icsponse to Its liupililes addiessptl to tspoittis, It Is ceitalu that tlie malting of lower pi lets abioad than at home has lit on guutly exaggtialitl 'boiil 20 pi i tent, of those it polling sii that the oiia hlonnllv miike such pi leu In orilet tn Intel the niaiket nntl sell tholt goods; but SO per t c uf. u poit that the st ut elthti tlie sinie piliu abioad as at home, or at bight i pi lees. "It Is a fact well known lu the ,coni imit'itl woild that espoits fiom all countiles are often sati lilted In foielgn mntl.ots (Note No iminti) and no body of wage eauitis stifieied inoie fiom this tliuii did we of the l'nittd Statis nuclei the Wll-ou-fioiliiail low tiee tiade ait wholly liit'speelive of all tmlffs at lioiue. This was so lepuited b the iov.il torn mission to the Kiltlsli pailliiment, as far back as ISI, In whldi it-port we llud the following slgnilliaut language, on this point piilluilail : "'The lalioilng ilassts lu the ninnu fm lining ilistilcts ale veiv little uwii)e of the esteiit to which itirv am ortcn llldilittd foi tiling tinploved at all to the lo.ses whli h tlitlr emplo eis voliuitmlly hu ur lo gain anil ketp possession of foi tigll maikets' The pun the thus re potted upnii more than llfiv eais ago In n flee tiade cnuntiv has since been Mun ition to all (Dimtilis, as Is tout liishely sliovvu b the lepoit of J, W, Jenks, who Illestigutid the silbltct 111 llmopu ni agent of the liulustilal commission. It shows u couiuieito vvlildi is piaitkally hub penile nt of tmlffs, and which does not t-eem to be pieveiilable bv leglslu lion estept on (lie part of tlm Impelling itiiiutiv, 'I be making ill lowei espoit pilots Is a question of busbies policy. It Is iiiipopulai and (amiot be Jiistlllul uu li ss the hciitlltH to the publln am at least as gnut as those of the expoiteis," The Republic 'in pally iliiilms that tlie benefits lire u gieat, m gieatei. to (Im public as to tlte esptnteis, In that no wage tuHi lias et'l betll nsked to lic it pt lowti wages for that poitlou of his lulioi uu the qiiaullty txpoileil at lower prlips, ('onsiiiieittly, the u,o cainei's lliont has betn tllshiuseil aniciug the publli; to Just the same amount as would have been dlsbiux'il bad not an uitlelu of his mmiufaituiu been so exported, while his einpliiM'i suiters lu lessened In. tome, whale 1 1 ma bo the shilnkitgo than liatiired to help keup his facloiy i tinning on full time. 'I his, then. Is 'the " bead and front of oin offending" lu tho matter of selling at lower pikes abioad Wo auswei to the tb.itge, ami do not fear tho vculict of tho jut the Ameiltan voteis to be given next Novembti. -Waltei J. Uallurd. Schenectady, N. ., Sept. II INrORMATION. 'Pho late Piofpssor Ittidoliih Mi chow i ot He) lilt, who died lu Ills elght.v'-seuuid vim, icspptted thuiughotlL the vvmltl for hlit iiehlevetilents lu pittlicilo'gy atiil inunl ilpul iKilltlrs, tlithed on the hours' sltep it night and hmilitd on a bottle nt becr iiiitl tvvo Niinilwlt Ins. Ills woikioom Itoor vvns gtutinlly tilled with skelcluus and Hltillls, 'Pile btmliKss tit ltlshop llaiells Afil inn illottne It quins hllu In tin el .MiHiO milts to unci it, 'l he lillietaty Includes a (lip tluougli the Alcillteiiiiueiin, doivii the nist coast of A ft hu to Helm, then I ii In it 1 1 iiuiulu'ils' or mllis west thuiiigh Ithodi'sla ami southwest muss the tuu thitnt to Cape Town; then to Madtlia Islands; I win- lo Lllieilu to hold annual iimfeunces tlnie; down the wesl itiust to the Congo, up t tin t. liver to the Illst falls; tht a Into the Intel lor of Angola, tin tin i' south, for the weeks; I) tell to .Maililia, mid lluitly to Aiiicilta, via 1'u lupc, 'I'lie bishop, who Is now lu this tuimtiv. Is veiv hopeful us to the llltiue of South A fib, i and dots mil ft n that Hopis mid Ihltisli will not get along lo gut hei. Theie aie lepolltd bv the census IS 220 liewspapeis and pel ludlenl., of all kinds In (lie I'tiltul HlntiS. uu ilicu use ut 2.' 1 pel tout, riotn (lie census ol ifflii Of tliese J.jjii mo dallies, I.'.'IT1' wiekllis, unit 1.SI7 monthlies The t hiiiat It i of the illt I'tient piilillcatlous Is us Tollows: News, polltlis, t tc H SiiT Religion ., 'ii.J t'oliitnt It lal it tut tiade papels, tie.... 710 Agrlt iiltiiial , , u (Jem nil Ilteiuttiie, Im hiding maga zines I 'J Kducatloti mid hlstoi 2'.U Kuiti I na I oigiiilatlous too Colkge and si hoot peilodituls,,.. 1 'J Mtcllclne nnil smgelV Ill Sotletv, mt, music, tie sx Law 02 'Pin- following table shows the Ineit ise in tne mmiiiei mil tiuuiatiou or clnllj newspaptis dining the list hair untui: Number or Total Dallies. ClreillUlon. 1S.-.0 .'"it 7"iS,-t'il topics 1SIX) !S7 3. ITS. Il" topics 1x70 r7l J tni.lT eoples HW '171 .!."iU, T. copies 1OT0 l.blu 8 !S7,1liS cople s lliOO JJ.ii l"i,10J, lti copies Tho total i Ire illation pel Issues of dull liewspapeis dining the s oi 1 1 I'lOO was siit llclent to supplv one copy to eveiy live Inliabll.inls of the entile tontitiy evetv div and that of wis kilts and monthlies about one to every two Inhabitants. The t ensus lepoits cone eiiiing newspt pers published In lorelgn 1 inguiiges aie Interesting W. 13 Cm lis aniiyes them In a lcient Issue or the Chit ago Htcoul llei ild. In 1SS0 tho list enmprised Iirteeil dltlennt lingiiuges oi coinbltiatlons ot luiigmges; In 1SIH) thlitv, and in 1300 twen-tv-Ihe. but In this t ase the Dinlsh, Swedish ami Norwegian papeis .no all tlussllled as published in Hie one 1 ni guage, which Is Intoiiett, btiause eat b of Hum dirrcis maleilallv fiom tliu oth eis The languages In whltli an Ineieaso Is shown aie Hohemliu, llebtew, ltillau, Polish Seandln l iau nnil Spanish Theie was iL dot lease In tile immbti of peilod li lis published in Dutch, Punch mil lift man The following t ible shows the newspipeis and ptilotliials published in the I'nlted Slates In loulgn Ituguagts as shown by the census of IfcM), ism and I'KIO 1'ilH) IS'ltl 1SS0 Hngllsh 17,104 1IMS 10"- Ai niPiilan I Hohenil in . . . . 2b 2 1 1 Hohemlaii and Kng- llsli 1 1 Catalan 1 Chinese ii 1 " Deutih U li, Jl Finnish 7 I Flench .7 lu 41 1'ieneli and Fuglish.. I a ,, . Gaelic .. . . 1 Gaelic and Hnglisli. . ! :: Gel man and KnglNh Id 27 .. . Gei man and llebiew ' i I It blew i. llmigailrin .... 2 1 Indian and Lnglish.. J 1 lilsli Italian 0.7 l: Italian and English l Lltlmaiitaii 0 X Polish r. Is Poitugiiiso 2 Standlnavhin 11". 112 Slivonle, not speci fied I Spiulsh ;i L'l Spinlsh uu! Kngllsh 1 7 Yolapiik 1 Yolipuk and Kngllsh .. .. 1 .... Welsh I Welsh mid L'ngllsh.. 1 1 .. . All othei languages . XI Total 12.0 II SHU 11,111 The Crane Store Opportunities pre sented for a peep at what Mistress Fashion Has consented to approve for Early Fall. Take Elevator at 324 Lackawanna Ave. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a tliort course, nor an easy count, nor a cheap course, but tlie beat education to be lad. No other education ii worth (pending lime and money ou. II you do, write lor a tatalouo ol Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which offer thorough preparation In tbt IngiDcerliij and Chemical Proleiiloni aj well u tbi regular College course. Entries Close After October 1, no more new con testants can enter i iii; Contest Closes October 25. I " " -. 2 "2 Scholar- Value (fcft CAA UU ships "Over $"j9U" List of Scholarships Universities 2 Seholoi ships in Syincuso Univetslty, nt ?432 each... 8 804 J Scnolninhip in Buckiiell Unlveisity 520 1 Scholarship in the University of Rochester 324 Preparatory Schools 1 Scholntship in Washington School for Boys S1700 1 Schohuship in Willinmspoit Dickinson Seininniy 750 1 Scholaiship in Dickinson ColloRlate riepniatoiy School 750 1 Scholarship in Newton Collegiuto Instituto 720 x ouiioiaisnip in iieystone Academy 600 1 Scholaiship In Blown College Piepaiatory School... 600 1 Scholaiship in the School of tho Lackawanna 400 1 Scholaiship in tho Wllkos-Baire Institute 270 1 Scholarship in Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) 230 S6026 Music, Business and Art 4 Scholaiships in Sctanton Conseivatory of Music, at 4 9125 each S 500 ( 4 Scholaiships in the Hnulcubeigh School of Music and ' Ait 4Q0 3 Scholaiships in Scianton Business College, nt $100 each 300 A 5 Scholaiships in Intel national Couespondence Schools, ft avei age value $57 each 285 & 2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at S85 ench ;. , 170 2 Scholarships in Alfied Woolei's Vocal Studio 125 ?1840 Rules of The special ieiauls will bo glui to the ppisou fettulng the latgtst num bci of points Points will he ciedlled to contestants spt'iiilng new siibstilbei 1 to 'Hie Seiauton Tilbune us lollows. " l'ts Que month's subscilptlon $ 71 1 'I In Of mouths' siibsciiption.... 1 2" ! Sl moutlis' siibstilpilon 271 ii One je.11 s stthse ilptiou 100 12 'I lu contestant with the hlghe-l mmibfi ot points will be gl(n k cholci Horn the list of special re. nils the contestant witli the i" conel high est immbti of points will be giwn a choke of the it m lining lewaids, .mil so on tluougli the list 'I he contestant who setiues the highest niunh"i of points dining nn (iltndm mouths of the eonti st will licnho a vpLLlal honoi lewnitl, this lew .ml being cutlieh Inilt pendent ol the ultimate disposition of the sthol nishlps F.ich contpstant falling to .sec 111 e .1 special lew un! will be s1ph 10 pel An Excellent Time to Enter A new contestant beginning today lias an excellent opportunity to secure one of these valuable scholarships. Thirty-three are sure to get scholarships Only two early subscribers, counting 24 points, would place a beginner in 32d place among th3 "Leaders." 1 Send at once for a canvasser's equipment. 1 Address CONTEST EDITOR, Four Special Honor Prizes. To be given to the four contestants scoring the largest number of points during the month of September. This is entirely additional to the main contest, all contestants starting even on September 1. First Prize A handsome Mandolin, valued at $10, to be se lected by the successful contestant from the stock of J. W. Guernsey. Second Prize No. 2 Brownie Camera, including one ,. ill of films. Third Prize No. 1 Brownie Camera, Including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. Fourth Prize No. 1 Brownie Camera, including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. EDUCATIONAL. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. LOCATION. This popular State Institution is located in the midst ot the Delaware Water Gap-Mount Pocono Summer Resort Region, the most healthful and picturesque in the state, and one that is visited by thousands of tourists annually. COURSES OF STUDY. In addition to the departments of the regular Normal Course, we have special departments of Music, Klocutioni Art, Drawing and Water Color, and a full College Preparatory Department. You can save a year in your college preparatory work by coming here, FREE TUITION. Tuition is absolutely free to those complying with the new state law. This gives a rare opportunity to those desiring a com plete education and should be taken advantage of at once, as this law may be repealed by the next Legislature. COST OF BOAROINQ. Boarding expenses are $j.?o per week, which includes fully furnished and carpeted room, heat, elect! ic light and laundry. The additional expense is less with us than at most other schools. IMPROVEMENTS. Among these are a new Gymnasium, a fine Electric Light Plant, and a new Recitation Hall now being erected, which will contain fifteen large iincj fully equipped recitation rooms. In ad dition all bed rooms will be replastcrcd and filled up, and various other changes made in the dormitories for the further comfort and convenience of the pupils of the school. NEW OATALOGUE. Catalogue for 1002, gives full information as to free tuition, expenses, courses of study, and other facts of interest, and will be mailed without chaige to those desiring it. Fall Term opens September Sin, 1902. E. L. KEHP, A. AT., Principal. as, is.. irrrtitLirvrt Tmr-wm Chestnut Hill Academy WisbUliiuHau Height:. Chestnut Hill, I'a. A bealtlint; ucliuol lor bou ' In the 1 Unalcd and b.iutitul open touutii 1101 Hi uf I'hll , ndclphlu. U) mluutcu fiom Bioad St. station. Cata logues on npplUatlqn. BCKANT0N COERESPONDENOE S0E0DM hCUANrON. . 1. J. Foster, I'ltsldtat. timer II. Lawill, lieu, B. j. Fetter, Stanley f. Alien, Tie President, . Secretary, October 1st. liiiiiii lies -s?1708 :!i- 99574 , the Contest tent, of all miincv he 01 she, turns In. All subset ipttons must bo paid in aiLnnce Onl new Biibscillicis will be counted. Renewals bj pus0im whose names me ahead- on otu subst ilption list will not be ciedltpd The 'lilbiuio will linestlgate e.u li subscilptlon and if found Illegal ii in any way leserves the light lo lejctt it. No tnnsieis tan be made after tiedlt his once been ghen All siihsxilptlons and the cash to pay foi flu m must he handed In at Tho Tilbune oriiee within the week In which the aie seciiieil, wo thnt pa pus tan bo sent to tho subscilbcis at one e Subset Iptlons must bo wiltten on blanks, which tin be seemed nt Tlia Tilliunu ortlce, 01 will be sent by mull XOTICF, THAT ACCOTtDINa TO TIII1 AJiOVH ItFLi:S. FVHHY CON TLSTANT WILL UH TAID, wiiHTiinn thuy snrimc a spu- FIAL IlUWAItD OR NOT. Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa EDUCATIONAL. Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office, ti MQUQUHNbil 11 1.11 J "Vj A r" ll.s V t A, A J3 -&2. J?? ?-Pfe 7 - its-i'r --fa, : is "$M.i J.'f'-f-- '-. j , JfJTUS-