The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 09, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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State League of Republican Clubs'
Annual Gathering Will Mark the
Opening of the State Campaign.
All the Candidates and Many
Other Prominent Republicans to
Bo Present Eight Clubs from
Lackawanna County Have Elected
Delegates to Meeting.
Deputy Attorney General Frederic
W. Fleltz ictuincd Suturduy from his
vacntloii In Canada, whcic lie spent a
month In hunting and nshliiR, and
when seen nt Ills olllcc by a Tribune
nmn showed every Indication of having
lmd a very pleasant and beneficial trip.
In logartl to the local political situ
ation, Mr. Fleltz expressed himself us
being entirely confident of a complete
Republican victory this fall.
When asked about the coming annual
convention of the Pennsylvania Stntc
League of Republican clubs, which Is
to be held at Erie on September 17 and
IS, Mr. Fleltz said:
"I have kept In close touch with the
detail work which has been done by the
officers of the league during my ab
sence, and from their reports and the
lontents of the letters which I have
found awaiting me upon my return, 1
am satisfied thnt this convention will
ho one of the laigest and most enthusi
astic ever held by the State league.
Largo delegations will go In special
tialns f lorn Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
mid many of the Interior counties will
also send large repiesentatlons.
"I am especially gratified to learn
that eight clubs from Lackawanna
county have aheady paid their dues
and will send delegates to Erie, and I
am now arianglng to secure a special
car for the accommodation of delegates
and their friends from this section. We
will probably leave here for Erie either
Tuesday morning or Tuesday evening
by way of the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western railroad, and the dele
gates and otheis who expect to go
should at once notify the assistant sec
retary of the league, P. Silas Walter,
In the Council building. In order that
definite anangenients may be made for
their accommodation, both on the train
and at Eric.
"All a tillable space In the hotels of
Uile will be severely taxed, and ar
langcments for quarters should be
made at the earliest possible moment,
and it is Impossible to do this until we
know definitely just how many are
going. The l jilt odd company has been
very liberal with us in the matter of a
hpeclal late, giving us a one-fare tate
for a round tlip, which will amount to
about ?S."
The local committee at Erie, under
the dhectlon of ex-President Sobel, is
making elaborate plans for the enter
tainment of the lsitors. ' The pro
gramme anangcd follows:
Tuesday ccning, September ICtli, at 8
o'clock, tho Chamber of Commerce, tlio
leading industrial association of Krie, will
tender a reception to tho IMtlng dele
gates and their fiiends; thercfoie, it is
desirable that all delegations, if possible,
arrive in Erie by that time. Wednesday
morning, September 17th, at !) o'clock, a
ride to "Wnldamoor by the Lake," where
a bmokcr will be gien. Wednesday af
ternoon at " o'clock, in the New Park
House, the opening .session of the league
will bo held, at which time addiesses of
welcome by the major of Erie and others
will bo delivered, and nppropilato le
Mionscs made on behalf of the league.
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, in tho
Opera House, a monstrous mass meeting
will be held, which will bo addressed by
some of the best hpeakcrs In our party.
Thursday morning, September 18th, at 10
o'clock, the business session of the league
will be held at the Opera House. On afternoon, from 2 until 6
o'clock, there will be a ride on Lake Erie
on the stunner Shenango; also visit to
an old-fashlouod country fair, at Edln
boro. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, a
lccepllon and ball will bo held at Waldii
mecr in honor of tho visiting delegates
and their friends. Friday morning, Sep
tember 19th, those who can remain will
oo given an opportunity to go by special
train to Niagara Falls, at a round trip
faro of $1.73; train to leave Eiie Friday
morning and return Friday evening.
"The public meeting which will bo
held In the Opera house nt Eile on
Wednesday evening, Sept. 17, will be
the opening of tho gubernatorial cam
paign, and consequently of much In
terest nnd Importance," continued Mr.
Fleltz. "Judge Pennypacker and Hon.
William M. Blown, the Republican
candidates for governor and lieutenant
governor, and Senator Penrose, have
positively tiBsuic me that they will bo
present nnd speak. I am also In hopes
that .Governor Stone nnd Attorney
Genet al Elkln will participate in tho
speech-making on this occasion. There
is a strong probability that Senator
Beverldge and Isaac Miller Hamilton,
of Chicago, piesldent of tho National
League of Republican clubs, will also
bo preseift nt Eile and take part In
the proceedings, I have the personal
assurance of ninny of the most ptom
inent politicians In the state, that they
will be present at the convention, and
participate In Its work. Erie Is famous
as a convention city, and nil who go
may rely upon having a splendid time.
An opportunity will also be given tho
delegates nnd their fiiends to visit
Nlagata Falls nnd Buffalo on their
way home. I hope tho clubs In Scran
ton, that have not already done so,
will elect their delegates and report nt
once to Mr. Walter."
Mr. Fleltz left yesterday afternoon
for Hnrrlsburg, and expects to rctuin
to this city on Friday,
Forger, Who Got Away from the
Police, Is Caught Again,
Frank MoViddlo, of Wyoming ave
nue, CJieen Ridge, was Indicted Match
18, 1001, for passing a forged check on
a Penn avenue business man. Ho fulled
to appear for trial and forfeited $500
ball put up by his mother,
July 1, 1001, a patrolman brought to
the Center street police station a young
innn charged with recklessly discharg
ing a revolver. At the station house
lie, was recognized as tho fugitive Mc
"Vlddle, and the chief was sent for that
the ball piece might be served on hliu.
As he was sitting near tho sergeant's
tletk, awaiting the coming of the chief,
lie baw n chance to escape by suddenly
bolting through the door and success
fully took advantage of It,
Yesterday afternoon Superintendent
nf Police Day chanced' to drop Into a
central city business place and there,
calmly seated on a chair tilted back
against the wall, Has the much wanted
McYlddlc lie spent the night In thi
most secure cell in headquarters. In
addition to tho charges of forgery and
recklessly discharging flreatms, he will
now be called upon to answer for
breaking Jail,
'The Head Waiters."
Thcro are theatrical performances that
defy analysis and criticism nnd tho Ly
ceum hod olio last night In "Tho Head
Waltcia," n little of everything with
Wnrd and Voltes ns the center piece.
It's Just to laugh, Is this bodge podge nnd
Ward and Vokes simply compel laughter
whether you will or no.
They had their usual lino of talk ob
Percy and Harold, some of which was
new, moro of which has done service in
scnson'B now long gone. Tliey bad with
them Lucy Daly, who sings and dances as
well, If not better, than sho over1 did and
Margaret Daly Vokes who docs not. They
had a Wnrfleld Hobrcw, a. dope fiend, a
female brass band, and In fine everything
and anything thnt would add' to tho
gaiety of the occasion. Theio was some
thing doing ovoiy minute the curtain was
That this form of entertainment Is en
joyed, last night's audience testified. It
was laigo nnd evidently delighted. The
applause wa honest and convincing.
Mnx Hugomarks, mtiRlcal director of
tho company, Is the author of nine of tho
musical numbers In "Tho Hend Walters"
and arranged tho musical port of the en
tire pioductlon. Among his musical suc
cesses Is "Oh! Fudge," rendered by the
Tuxedo band nnd encored three times.
Schiller Stock Company.
The Schiller Stock company opened to
a large audience nt the Acndemy of
Music last ovcnlng. Their opening offer
ing was a poweiful melodrama by Chas.
11. Longden nnd Eric Hudson entitled
"Man's Enemy." The play 'dents with
temperance. Campbell Stratton us Hairy
Stanton nnd Mamie Sheridan Woiroul
as Sally tianks were easily tho stars of
tho pioductlon though the entile com
pany deseives mention.
Among tho .specialties that of Gorman
and Leonard In a burlesque on tho new
comic operas was a top liner. TJu-to-dato
.specialties by Kelly and Roe and Bclmar
and Lair drew forth lounds of applause.
This afternoon, "The Indian" will bo
played by request In place of "A Wif'cs
Honor," as ndveitlscd and tonight How
ard Hall's great success, "Slaves of Rus
sia." Dixie's New Bill.
"Tho best jet," was the seneral ver
dict of patrons who enjoyed tho new
piogiammc ul Dixie's theatei yestoiday
afternoon and evening. The fun was
stai ted by Rustics and Banks with a very
clever aciobatic sons and dance act.
They both sing well and the male member
of the team does some wondeiful acio
batic woik dtulns Its rendition.
The Impel lal Japanese tioupo appeared
next with their Hick dog.s who woik very
cleverly and give a most pleasing act,
K wlui us Juggling act followed and then
the fcatuie of the bill the Gieat
Amcta gave nn art the equal of which
has never been seen In this city? Thcio
was prettv sceneiy shown nnd beautiful
eieetilc effects wcie produced by the aid
of mirrors, etc.
Muiphy and Wlllard opened the second
act of tho progi amine In a .sketih called
"Doughnuts." it might as weil bo called
"Doughnuts" ns anything else, but It
was ceitninly erv cntoi tabling, full of
quick wit and leal mcrltoiiuus musical
numbers Other members of the Japanese
tioupe heio appealed In nn acrobatic
sr-cno very clcveily perfoimed nnd tho
little Japanese gill finished the act was
an astounding pcifoimanco upon a Hying
The vltagrnph closed the most Intel cit
ing progiamme wl(h some new funny
pictmes and concluded with tho full
pantomime of Cindeiella and tho fair.
Owing to Mr. Hlekey's Inability to per
form last evening, tho Hlckcy and Nel
bon number on the piogramme will bo lc
placcd today by a Hist class attinctlon
from New York.
"The Morning Glories."
Seilbncr's "Morning GUiiies" bloomed
yesterday afternoon to a delightful audi
ence at the Star. In addition to a meri
torious progiamme in tho way of tho
usual burlesque arts the Morning Glories
gavo a sin prise ycstciday In the way of
an excellent and mid well drilled choius
which tendered selections fiom tlio gland
operas with a spirit and finish seldom
equalled by tho opera companies that
visit Inland cities.
The singing of the "Anvil Chorus" from
"II Trovatoie," with anvil accompani
ment, was an artistic pei formanco and
evoked heaity encoies Tho musical bur
lesque entitled "My Son's Wife" is nn old
themo thnt has been brightened up with
now jokes and music and enabled Hairy
Hastings and company an opportunity
to ialf.0 the usual laughs
The olio contains acts by star porform
eis Including Billy Johnson, Couture
Btothcts, Cooper nnd Schnll, the Hoov
ei s, Cllffoid and Bailee, Leslie Brothcis
and tho Bijou Comedy trio. Tho Motning
Glories, who will bo at tho Star today
and tomonow afternoon and ovcnlng,
may bo included among tho best bur
lesque troupes on tho toad.
Robert Mantell Tonight.
Roboit B, Mantell and his manager, M.
W. Hauley, aro Arm believers In tho 10
mnntic diamn. Tlioy woro tho first to
foresee tho populailty of pl.ijs of this
type, and Mr. Mantcll's many .successes
In them havo made him one of tho foie
most of actors. In "Tho Dagger nnd Tho
Cross," tho new play, Mr-. Mantell Is ho
llo veil to have excelled his pioviotiH'ttl
umphs, and the ciltlcs wherever tho play
has been presented havo bestoyed the
highest praises upon drama, actor, com
pany and scenic Investiture,
"Tho Dagger and tho Cioss" will bo
piesented at tho Lyceum tonight and
tomonow afternoon. Wednesday night
Mr. Mantell will play "Mnnhurs."
Robert Mantell la under tlio manage
ment of M. W. Miinlov, who has sur
rounded his star with a select company.
Scats on sale.
"A Colonial Girl."
"Tho homo of lomaiico," as Frohman's
Lyceum theater hns becomo known to
Now Yorkers, has turned out no mote
successful play thnn tho charming com
edy of l evolutional y days, "A Colonial
Girl," In which Miss Boitlin Crelghton
will appear at tho Lyceum theater on
Thursday night.
Slnco tho original production, tho play
has boon rewiltten by the authoress,
Guico Livingston Kumiss, especially for
iMflss Cielghton's tour, Entlioly now
scenery and accessories havo been pre
paid!, tho entile production being nn ex
act duplicate of tho Lyceum piCHcnta
(ion which wits noted for Its historical
accuracy and plctuiesqiicncss. Dlngium
opens this morning at 9 o'clock,
Corlnno and Allco Judson havo both
joined "Flerodora" casts.
Flo Irwin and Walter Hawlcy aro to
star Jointly In "Miss Kidder."
Dlgby Bell Is to bo tho Sam Woller In
Do Wolf Hopper's production of "Pick
wick." Charles Clear will not ho with "A Royal
Family" as has been stated, but will re
turn to "Dolly Varden."
Isabel Dclmont, a notable beauty of
Chicago, Is to go on tho stngo, and will
appear ia "A Country Girl."
Gertrude Rutledge, last season with
"The Belle of Now York," Is to be with
the Four Cohans this teason.
"The romance of an enlisted man" is
tho way Kirk La Shello describes his new
heroic drama, "Sergt. James."
George Monroe, of 'Aunt Bridget"
fame, wilt star this season In a musical
comedy called "Tho Doings of Mi 3. Doo-
Concluded from Page fl.)
pany ngalnst John ti. Jenkins was not
properly on the list nnd was stricken
off. The case or B. B. Robinson et nt.
against John M. Koinmerer ct nl.
having been continued seven times on
account of the absence of Thomas Ai
Blythc, of Philadelphia, court refused
to continue It ngnln for that reason
and It wilt probubly be called Thurs
dur, When tho common pleas list was
called only two cases were continued
and all tho others were marked for
trlul, The eases continued ure tho .Art
League against J. B. Gllhool, appeal,
and Bridget Gray against Mary Mc
Cormlck and others, ejectment.
Grand Jury Charged.
E. P. Kingsbury was named ns fore
man of tho grand Jury by Judge John
P. Kelly, after the jury was called yes
terday morning. Frank Beavers and
Peter Davidson, of this city, were ex
cused on account of Illness, and Wulter
Flick, of Curbondnle, and William
Adulr, of Olyphant, were excused be
cause of Inability to be present. I C.
Davis, of Tnylor, and M. M. Hufford,
of South Ablngton, were repotted as
not found.
Judge Kelly In his charge to the Jury
did not make nny reference to the stilke
or the rioting and disorder growing out
of it. He told the Jurors to show no
fpnr or favor in considering cases, and
urged the necessity of keeping inviolate
the secrets of the grand Jury.
Among the prominent members of the
prund Jury besides the foiemnn, E. P.
Kingsbury, is C. C. Mattes, W. II.
Logan, manager of the Dun agency in
this city, and Frank Swartz, the Dun
more merchant.
Immediately after being charged the
jury ictlred and took up the consider
ation of cases. Those heard during the
day were of minor importance.
Constables Returns.
Few returns were made by the con
stables of the county yesterday, most
of them declaring that nil kinds of
laws are respected in their respective
bailiwicks. The returns mudc follow:
Lehigh Township, J. G. Bailer, con
stable Brldgo nciof-s Pond cieek, at
Lawrence, in poor condition.
Blakely boiough, Second waid, Fiank
Bennle, constable Scott load In bad
Aichbald boiough, Fiist ward, James
Caiden, constable Road leading fiom
Gieen Grove to Jeimyn boiough is im
passable. Aichbald borough, Thhd ward Philip
Wolsein keeping a tippling house.
Scr.mton, Thirteenth ward, T. S. Huf
fllng, constable Mis. S.uah Ciane, 132$
Cnpouso avenue, keeping a tippling
Sciantnn, Twcnty-flist ward, James
McGlnty, constable James Black and
John Loftus, keeping a tippling bouse.
Mooslc boiough, Fouitli waul, John R.
Footc. constable Pal t of main load ul
most Imp.'i&s.iblc.
Scott township, A. M. Hobby, constable
Roads and lni(lKC3 in bad condition.
Lackawanna township, John St. John,
constable Itoads dangei ous.
Tnjlor, Sixth ward, G. W. Shannon, con
stableRoads and bildgcs in poor con
dition. These reports weie all referred to the
grand juiy.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
John William Ol pliant
Rosarla Morrclli Olyphant
Patrick H. Cojnc Sornnton
Sarah T. Morley Scianton
Joseph Boezar Scrimton
Anna Ynszcz Seranton
John Ncwmuls Seranton
Roslo Romey Wllkes-Bano
Michael McL.ine Seranton
Catherlno McGlnnis Seranton
Mai tin Harmon Seranton
Bridget Kelly Dunmoio
William C. Snndeis Scianton
Ethel Richard '. Seranton
William M. Kilcullen yesterday regis
tered as a law student with Attorney
John P. Quhinnn.
James McGlnty, constable of the
Twenty-first ward, yesterday appointed
Frank Cobb as his deputy for the ward.
An amended dcsulption of tho lund
was allowed to be filed jestoiday In tho
enso of A. D. Dean, tuistec, against B.
M. Wlnton.
Chailcs W. Piirdy having icsigncd tho
offico of tax collector of Dalton borough,
the comt yesterday appointed W. S.
Huslnnder to fill tho vacancy.
In tho matter of tho adoption of Mabel
Vandcrmark, a uile was gi anted yestor
tloy to show cause why adoption should
not bo allowed nnd decreo granted. It
Is returnable to nigument court.
Gcorgo II. Hnvcrly, collector of taxes
for Throop borons)), yesterday filed his
bond In the sum of $15,000 with Clerk of
tho Courts Daniels. The United States
Fidelity and Guaranty company Is his
Another continuance, was allowed yes
terday In the equity nso of tho Now
York. Ontmlo and Western Railway
company against tho Noithwest Coal
company. This continuance Is until
Nov. 3.
City Solicitor Watson yesterday asked
tho court for the appointment of vloweis
to assess the benefits nnd damages thnt
will bo caused by tho construction of
section G of tho Seventeenth district
main sewer.
A tain icturnnblo to argument comt
was yesteiday granted In tho rasa of
Hopkin Mnddoek against James i, Mr
Conn to show cause why tho mechanics'
lien should not bo stilckcn off. A sltnl
lar rulo was gi anted In the case of M.
C. Anslev against Pntllck McAndiew.
Mrs. Mlnnlo A, Clearvvnter yesterday
asked the court for un attachment
against her husband, Walter K, Clear
water, who refuses to obey tho order of
the court and pay her alimony. Clenr
w ater has not paid any alimony during
July, August or September. Tho rulo for
an attachment Is mado icturnnblo Sep
tember ID.
In tho divorce ease of Georgo H, Trnu
gor ngalnst Vlrn Trnugcr, nn application
was made yesterduy by Mrs, Trnugcr for
n rulo to compel her husband to give
security for costs. It Is alleged that ho
Is gottlng rid of his property to avoid
paying tho J3) alimony which tho court
lias allowed her,
November 10 was fixed as the date for
tho tinniest to make paitltlon In tho es
tate nf Bridget Cassldy, deceased,
James Keogh, guardian of James
Roach, minor child of Mary A. Roach,
deceased, was cmpoweicd to sell his
ward's sliaio of tho mother's propcity to
Ellen Mcarnth for 500.
In tho rstnto of Isaac Evcictt, do-reni-ecl,
William A. Wilcox, tiustee, dls
ti (button nccoidlng to tho continued no
count of tho tlimteo was usked for by the
heirs. The exceptions to Iho bill of At
torney Monls wero wlthdiawn.
Lawyer Killed by a Train.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Sept. 8 While dihlng
across the Baltimore and Ohio lallroad
track near Tukoma park, sevcinl miles
from this city this afternoon, Major Dan
iel O'Drlscoll, one of Washington's piom.
Inent lawyers was struck by u train and
Instantly killed. He camo to this city
fiom Chicago, where ho was prominent
, both in tho law and In politics.
Wall Street Iterlew.
, New York, Sept. 8.-PersUtent strength
In tho face of continued high money,
which nt ono time ruled at 10 per cent,
and a further draining of local resources
was tho most striking feature of todny'a
stock markot. Under London's lead tho
list Ignored Inst weok's bank statement,
opening with but the slightest twice of tr
lcgulailty, although this condition he
camo rather acute before tho end of the
first hour, when demand loans weio
quoted nt 8 per cent. Rending common
advanced about 1! per cent. In tho Initial
trading, but soon lost much of Its gain,
only to moio than recover Its loss nt tho
close. Other early features In point of
strength were Minsotul Pnclllc, St. Paul,
Baltlmnro nnd Ohio, Wabash Issues, Can
adian Pacific. Pacllle Coast. Paclllu Mall
and some other lallwuy Issues, while in
tho Industrial class thoro woro very ma
terial gains in the Independent stcct
and Iron stocks. Recessions of tho cm ly
market wero cleat ly duo to profit-taking
no less than to uppichcuslon over tho
monetary outlook, but fiom start to
ctoso the miukct maintained a film un
dertone. Total sales for tho day. 011,100
shares. United States old 4s declined ',
per cent, nnd tho new l's registered ad
vanced 154 and the do. coupon l?i per
cent, on the laBt call.
The following quotations aio furnished
The Tribune by Halght & Fieeso Co . 3H
315 Mcars Building. W. D. Runyon, man
ager. Opon.Hlgh.Low.Closei
Amal. Copper 1,114 70T& li 705s
Am. S. & R. Co .... 33 3:V4 "' 3.V,i
American Ice nS iij 11 11
Ameil Ice, Pr 39 40 37V4 S7V6
Am. Locomotive ... 33ft S.i 33(j 331,
Am. Loco.. Pr 9.1V4 St! U3V4 W
Am. S. & R. Co .... IJTs 43 43'f 1"
Americun Sugar ....219 12ri 12SV4 129
Anaconda Copper ...107 107 107 107
Atchison 9PA o:, !U',6 Mh
Atchison. Pr 10)i 10S 10Pi 103H
Bait. & Ohio lm 111 H4',fe 114
Brook. R. T 70V6 71H 70VS 7J
Canadian Pacific ...140 141 140 140
Ches. & Ohio 160 173U lCfi-i 137
Chicago & Alton .... 42U 42H 41 42
Chic. & G. W 3.1 33 3.1 33
C, M. & St. P 189 192 189 1'IIH
C, R. I. & P 193 1974 190 1
Col. Fuel & Iron.... 814 81 81 81
Col. & Southern ....33 33 33 33
Den. & R. G 49 49 48 49
Den. & R. G., Pr.... 94 93 94 93
Detroit Southern .. 23 24 23 23
Erlo 41 42ft 41 42Vi
Krle, 1st Pr 70 71 70 "1
Erie. 2d Pr f.7 57V4 57 57
Hocking Vnllev ....101 101 101 101
Illinois Central 172 172 171 17:
Iowa Central !0 49 49 49
Kan City & South.. 37 37 37'A 37
Louis. & Nnsh 132 132V, 151 13.'
Manhattan 137 137 13 137VJ
Met. St. Ry 148 148 147 147
Mexican Central .... 23 29 29 29
Mo, K. St. Te 33 33 at 33
Mo, K. & T., Pr .... 67 r,7i. (!(! 67
Mo. Pacific 119 122 119 112
N. Y. Centrnl 164 lb3 Hit 161
Norfolk & West .... 7fi'A 70 7.3 7il
Out. & West 37 37 36 37
Pacific Mail 46 46 46',J 46
Penna. R R 167 1SS 166 167'.
People's Gas 108 10) 107 10S
Pressed Steel Car.... 31 Bl W r,1
Reading 741', 7.3 73 73
Reading, 1st Pr .... SS 89 Rsu. 89
Reading, 2d Pr 77 7S 77 78
Republic Steel 21 24 2.! 2J'i
Republic Steel. Pr .. S2 S.1 82 ,S2
St. L. & Sin r .... SO 82 SO 81
St. L. & So W .... 36 36 3611 3n
Southern Pacific .... 78 SO 7S 80
Southern R. R 39 :m 38 39
Southern R. R. Pr.. 96 96 16 9i,
Tenn. Coal & Tion.. 70 70 70 70V-
Texas .l Pacific .... 42 5PA .319; 3.1',
TTnlon Pacific 110 ni9t ioi4 111
1 ninn Paeitlc. Pr .. 92 oj oia. ni
V. S Leather 11 11 ir. 11
1T. S. Leather, Pr.. S9U. S9 89 SSI
K- 5- J3.'00,1 a "'" 4,!'4 n' K 41
1T. S Steel, Pr ...... 90 91 90 91
Wabash . 30 37 36 37
Vpbash. Vr fin rl 41 TV.
AVest. Union 9.3 93U 93 93
Wheel. & L E 28 29K 28 "1
Wis. Ccntial 29 29 29 29
Total .sales, 902.100 shales.
Money, ti per cent.
M HDAT Open. High. Low.Closo
December (,s 67 t,7
MCORN- hVA b'J'k
December 12 42 4' 4'
JOATS- S93s SD38 "SV" Vs
December 31 31 30 30
May i
October 1693 169", r9.3 1613
JnniMiv 1392 1493 11 DO 1190
October o,
Jnnuaiy S37 S J7 S33 8.13
October non y 7 87 7.90 7.S7 7.87
Onen. High. Low. Cole
September 8 13 8.43 8 22 8 22
October 8 10 8 10 S 18 S.18
December S31 s !l 8.1! 813
January S32 8.32 S13 8.11
Seranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid.Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... CO
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co 300
First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ... BOO
Thild Uutional Bank 530
Dlmo Dep. & Dls. Bank 300
Economy L., H. & P. Co 401
Fiist National Bank ijoo
Lack. Trust & Safo Dep. Co . 193
Clark & Snovor Co, Pr 123
Scianton Savings Bank E00
Trndeis' National Bank 223
Scianton Bolt & Nut Co 125
People's Bank 133
Scrnnton Packing Co 33
Seranton Pnssenger Railway,
liist mortgage, duo 1920 115
People's Strcot Railway, tlrst
moitRUgc, duo 1918 115
Peoplo's Street Railway, Gen-
cial mortgage, duo 1921 115 ...
Scianton Tiac. Co., U per cent, lis
Economy L, H. & P. Co 97
N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co 1. 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103
Seranton Wholesale Maiket.
(Coi reeled by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.)
Flour- I 40.
Buttei Fresh creamery. 23c: fresh
dairy, 22c.
Eggs Neaiby, 22V2C; western, 21c.
Marrow Beans Per bushel, U 33a2.40.
Gieen Pons Per bushel, ?2 25.
Onions Per bushel, 90c.
New Potatoes 30c por bushol.
New York Grain and Produce Market
New York, ' Sept. 8. Flour Quiet but
steadily hold. Wheat-Spot steady; No. 2
led, 73o, elevator! No. 2 led, 73o. f. o,
b. afloat! No. 1 not thorn Dulutli, 79u. f.
0. b. nfloat: options closed firm nt ',-. net
decline.; May, 73c.; September, 7Gyc,;
December, 73e, Corn Spot steady; No.
1. 09c. olovtitor and 70e. f, o. b. allont;
No. 2 yellow, 72c; No. 2 white, 72c; op
tions closed c net higher, oxcept Sep.
tomber, which wus 2c. lower under
manipulation; May, Uc; September,
(mc; December. 4bc Oats No. 2, 34c:
track white, .WaMc; options, May closed
33c; December, 33n33c; closed 35c,
Butter Firm; extra cieamoiy, 20!c; 'do,
fnctoiy, 13'iat5c,; renovated, 13al7c; im
itation cicnmeiy, 14al7c; stnto dairy,
l&iul9Kc: common to choice, loa20c.
Cheese Film; laigo slightly fnmor; small
steady: now state full cream, small col
ined, fancy, 10c: small white, 10o.:
huge coloicd, 10c; largo white, 10c EKgs
Steady; stuto and Pennsylvania, 21a22c;
western candled, 20nj21cj western un
candled, 17a20c,
Philadelphia Drain and Provision.
Philadelphia, Sept, 8 Wheat He low
ei; contract grndo, September, 72Wn72e,
Corn Quiet but sternly; No. 2 yellow on
tlliek, u9a70c Outs-Steady, fulr do
in.ind; No. 2 white clipped, W.aSSu. Flour
Quiet but steady; winter supei, J2.MU
2 80; do, oxtias. J2t.Du3; Pennsylvania rol
ler clear, (J.IOaS 23; do. do. stuilght. M.:a
3.40; western winter clear. (J.10a3 23; do.
do straight, J-'t 30a3.40; do. do. patent, t-1 W
n3.70; spilng cloar, $3 30alK; do. stuilght,
JJIU3 90: do. patent, U93a4.10; do. favor,
lie biunds, Jl.irxil 2.3; city mills oxtiu, (2.83
u3; do. clear, J.10a3 30; do. straight. 53 30a
3 CO: do. patent, JJoOal.23. Ryo Flour-fj20
aJ23. Buttei Firm, lo. higher; cxtia
western cieumery, 21c; do. nearby pilnts,
22c Eggs Firm; good demand; fiesh
nearby, 2lc.j Iohs off; do. western, 51e,;
do. do. do. southwestern, 19a20c; do. do.
do. southern, 18c: do. do. Cheeso Steady
Steady: New York full cieuma. prime
smull, 10ul0c; do. do. do. fair to
good, lOalO&c Refined Sugais Strong
und active. Cotton Unchanged. Tallow
Steady; cltv prime. In tlerres, 6aoc;
country do. do.,, barrels, 6u6o.; do. duik
In panels. Bl&a5u; cukos. 0!Jauo. 1,1 vo
Poultiy Film and higher; fowls. 13al3c;
Capital, $200,000
fffiffi $600,000
Pays 3 Interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to 8.30. v
Spencer Trask & Co.
IT & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
No 57 Broadway, New York Clly.
"tir-ACHE t,
old loostcis, 9c.; spiinK chicks. Malic;
spilnt? ducks, llalL'c. Dieased Poultiy
Fowls, choice western, lJu.; do. south
ern and southwestern, Uy-ic; do. lair to
good. UKall'c.; old roostcis, flc.; biolleis,
neaiby huge, 16c; do. small and medium,
Haldc; western do., l.uge, l-lalje.; do.
small and medium, I0a13c Receipts
Flour, l.L'OO ban els and .100 000 pounds in
sacks; wheat, 37,000 bushels; corn, ",000
bushels; oats. 29,000 bushels. Shininont.s
Wbent, 19.000 bushels; torn, 1.C00 bush
els; oats, 1.S00O bushels.
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Sept. 8 Sceral bcaiish fac
tois combined today to press gialu pi lees
lower with the icMilt that tho near fu
tuies declined to s-omo extent. Specula
tors In, however, weic Inclined
to the belief that the far dcllvcilcs weie
In 11 stiong position and in consequence
in those months the bulls had a little
tho better of the aisumont. September
wheat closed a shade lower; December
wheat, c. down; Scptembci coin, VAc
lowei ; December com, '.aVic. higher;
January pioUsions closed S'iai'c. lower.
Cash quotations weie ns follows: Flour
Steady; No. a spilng wheat, inc.; No. It,
69a71lc; No. 2 led, TlViVJ'fcc.; No. 2 corn,
raaJ9Vsc; No. 2 yellow, GOAbOV&c.; No. 2
oats, 2SV4aJSc.; No 2 white, ; No. 3
white, 2b,,.i34Vc.; No. 2 rye. r,lc; mess
poik, per battel, $Ii; SO.ilt! Sj; laid, per 100
pounds, $10t0ul0UV: shmt libs, sides,
jlOJOalOSo! Hhouldeis, 8u9i!.; slioit clear
sides, 9?4dl0;4c.
Buffalo live Stock Market.
East Buffalo, Sept. S Cattle Receipts,
5,500; good epoit and .shipping htceis,
steady to stiong; common, 10a20c. lower:
prime steers, f7.75aS.2i; choice, 1,200 to 1..100
pound, $7.25a7 50; fair to good. $iiri0aU7r;
choice 1,000 to l.ir0 pounds, $")7nat!2j; fair
to good, S4.7jiij50; choice helfeis, $"2ia
5 73: fair to good, $la4.7o; light to fair, a
uJ.75; best fat cow.s. Jl SO; fair to
good. Sal; canncis. $l.BO.i2.7'i; expoit bulls,
$iai TO: butcheis, $3 5Qa4; sausage, $3aU.40;
fiesh cows and spiingcrs, steady to good,
common and medium veiv dull; choice
cows, fJOabO; fair to good, J3ja4"i; common,
$18a2j; feedcis, $110a4,r; stockeis, i 50a
4 2"; stOLk heifers, $Ja3M Veals Re
ceipts, R.7); steady: tops, J7.75aS; fair to
good, $)50a7W); common to light, $"aii.
Hogs Receipts, 12,000; active; heavy, Hi 10
aS20; 11 few at 8.2.": mixed. $Sa8.10: pigs,
$7.50a7.(w; roughs, $0 23i7: stags. $3G0afl:
giahsers and dairy. S7.50a7.9r,. Sheep and
Lambs Receipts, 11,700; sheep steady;
lambs, slow: top lambs, J75a5 90; fair to
good, JVila.T&O; culls to common, J.I.VU
4 50; yearlings. $1.14 25; wethers, $3.75.11;
ewes, $J.23aJ50; sheep, top mixed, $3 25.1
3 50; fair to good, $3.i3 23; culls to coni
mun, Jl.7Ju2.73.
Chicago Live Stock Markot.
Chicago, Sept. 8. Receipts,, 20,000. In
cluding 200 Texans and 11,000 westerns;
mnikct steady for good natives; nil othets
slow; good to pilmo steets, $7,75.18.50; poor
to medium, $4a7.50: stockeis and fcedois,
$J50,i5.40; cows. $1.50a5.50: helfeis. $.'.50 1
5 73; cnnneis. $1.50,12 50: bulls, $2 23a4.75;
calves, $3,i7.23; Texas fed steers, ?Ja4 30;
western steeis, $3.75a5 75. Hogs Receipts
today, 27,000: estimated tomonow, 18,010;
left over, 3,000; maiket opened 5al0c. low
er;' closed stiong; mixed and butchers,
$7 30-17.80; good to choice heavy. $7.ia
1MW. rough heavy, $7.20.i7.G0; light, $710.1
7.70: hulk of sales. $7.IO.i7(0. Sheep Re
ceipts, 35,0110; sheep steady; iambs, low
er: good to choice notions, $J.23a3 75:
fair to choice mixed, $J.23aJ25; nntho
lambs, J3t.0n5.73.
East Liberty Live Stock.
Uast Liberty. Sept. 8 Cattle Lower;
choice, $7.10n7.25; nilme, $1, 25.i7.73; good,
$3n5,73. Hogs I Uglier: pilmo heavy
hogs, $7 93.i8: mediums. $7.S5: henvv Yoik
pis. $7.80a7.83: light do., $7.70a7.75: pigs,
$7.10a7,M): loughs, $i!.i7.25. Sheep Higher;
best wctheis, $3.40a; culls und common,
$1.50,i2; holco lambs, $3J5n5t,0; veal
cahes, $7a7.50.
Oil Maricet
Oil City, Sept. S.-Ciedlt balances, 12i;
ccitlileates, no bid: shipments, li!,3.'I bat
rcls; average, 8.1,810 lnuiels; tuns, 1U1,5G3
bairols; average, b9,0S8 bairsls.
At Now York (list
I'ittubuig ,,,,,..0
Now York U
game- R.H.n.
ooootoooi 3
0 0 0 0 1 2 0 X 3 Q 2
and I'hclpv, McOln
Umplre O'D.ty,
Hdtterles Chcsbi o
ally und Ilaweimuii,
Second gumo
Pittsburg ,.,,, 0
New York ,,3
Ilatterles Leocr,
000004004 ti 1
2000002 x 7 H 4
Smith and Phelps;
Croiiln and lloworma
n. Umpire O'Puy,
At Phllndelphlu-tlistganie R.II.K.
Cincinnati ...,,.,.,.020200000 410 3
Philadelphia 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 x 5 It 5
ilatterles Phillips and Ilcrgeu; Daggle
by and Dooln. Umpires Latham una jr
wln. Second game R.H.U.
Cincinnati .,,,, 0 0 12 12 10 0715 2
Philadelphia ,,00 0 100 000 1 5 il
Batteries Theilmau and llergen; Iberg
and Doolu. Umpires Latbum anil Irwin.
At Boston R.H.K.
Chicago ,.,.,,,1000000001 3 2
Boston , ..1 0 1 0 00 00i 2 5 3
Autumn Dress Goods
Are Good To Look At...
As long as wits are sharp and wants varv we
will have new things. And
gu uul io me counters wnere ncnesc uressers congre
gate in largest- numbers. To meet the wants of our
discriminating public we have gathered the best we,
could; each season's best is next season's starting
Neyer were fabrics so beautiful as these new
est Autumnals ; but you can see them for yourselves,
you know. '
First Showing: of the
New Plaid Silks
Plaids are the latest fad and the fashionable
dressers will wear them. Never were styles so un
like all previous ones. Never did spinner; and weav
er, and dyer, and artist-of-design bring their gifts to
such perfection as now. Our Silks . are 22 inches
wide and two different qualities. I
$1.00 a Yard.
$1.25 a Yard.
Wish we could pen picture some of these dash
ing plaids but we've done the next best thing a win
dowful for you to look at.
Markdowns at Jewelry Counter
Shirtwaist Sets with opals, medallions, pearls,
turquoise and such like.
Were 35c," now 15c. Were 50c, now 25c.
Handsome-Brooches for Belts.
Were 35c, now 19c. Were 50c, now 25c.
Takea stroll through the Store anyway.
JaP? Ted
rjf MILLING co. vmSl
. TM j I
. , T
Slag Roofing
Guaranteed 10 Years,
Ask Us About it.
fJi Xttnehncftnn AvA
,- ..M.Mt,. .-.
Jliitterles Morrlbcy anil Kline; 'Willis
anil Kltrldec Unuilro-KniBllc.
At Hrooklyn- It.U.C.
St, Louis 000000001-1 0 3
Hiooklyil ,40001 lOOx-fl 8 1
Iluttfilcs O'Nolll and CVNelllj Nowton
aial Latimer, Umpire Drown.
American League.
At Detroit- K.H.I3.
St. Louis ,,030004030-813 4
Detroit , , 1020000 10-4 9 5
Hntetrles-Shlelds, Builhoff anil Kalioo;
Jlercer.ancl McQutro. Umplie Sherlclun.
At Cloveland- K.1I.B.
Plilladelpliia 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 8 U 1
Cleeluiul , ..100 1 I 0 0 L'0-5 11 5
Iluttcrles Wuddell and SehrcckenBosti
Moore and Wood. Umpire O'Louflilln.
Other clubs no bcheduled.
Eastern League.
At Toronto Toronto, Ij Buffalo, 0.
At Monti eal Itochester, aj Montreal, 2.
At I'rovldeacc Piovldenee, C: Jersey
City, 3.
At Worcester WoicesU-r, ljj New
ark, 1 f
where would the prettiest I
When in Need
Of anything in tho lino ot
T optical goods we can supply it. .j,
l Spectacles
I and Eye Glasses:
,, Properly fitted by an expert J
4. optician, ,
From $1.00 Up,Ji
A Alan nil TrlTlifl nf nrftfarrln.
. r r- , ,
tion work and repairing. T
Mercereau & Connell, J
132 Wyomincr Avenue.
. '1
4. .
fllanufacturcrs of
Old Stock
S0 4S5
N. seventlt at
. Seranton, Pa,
Old 'Hhone, 333i.
New 'Phone, 2P35,
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253327 Pcnn Avenue.
intfs U