The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 08, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Hon. G. A. Crow's Retirement An
nounced Hov. Porsonous Joins
Elijah No. 2 Fourteen Converts
to Mormontsm Will Soon Leavo
Susquohnnna County A Pew
Pleasantries and Other Things In
Brief Paragraphs.
Spcclnl to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Sept. 7. Parmer Jcsso
Travis ot near Stnrruccu was on Sat
urday attracted by the constant bark
ing of his dog near the edge ot the
woods. He made an Investigation and
discovered the object of his (Hog's at
tention to bo a silver grey fox, whoso
bushy tall, In some unaccountable
manner, had caught In tho rough bark
of a hickory sapling, and In the effort
of Reynard to escape had become se
curely fastened to the sapling. Tho
dog fenrlng to tackle tho fox, stood a
short distance nwny, barking at It,
when Travis grasped a stone and
killed the fox. The nnlinnl was full
grown, and Its fur was very tine.
Hon. Gnlushu A. Orow, the voner
t nblo eongressumn-at large, who Is
summering on Ids farm at Glenwood,
this county. Informs his acquaintances
'that he positively retires from political
life at tho close of the present con
gress. Prominent friends arc urging
Mr. Orow to write a record of his per
sonal experiences us n member of
eleven congresses, from tho thirty-sec
ond to tho thirty-seventh and from the
ntty-thlrd to the fifty-seventh Inclu
sive. The veteran statesman Is In ex
cellent health.
Charles R. Personeus, for several
years a minister of tho M. K. church
and a member of tho Wyoming confer
ence, and whoso last charge as a min
ister was Sanitaria Springs, has sur
rendered his ordination parchment and
no longer sustains a ministerial or lay
religion to the 51. K church, ho hav
ing become a disciple of the so-called
Second Elijah.
A number of its best players having
left town for the season, the Star ball
club has disbanded, with a record of
twenty-two games won and five lost.
Hon. Galusha A. Orow on Sunday,
September 1, celebrated his eightieth
The oat crop will be the largest In
Susquehanna county, will be the larg
est since 1871.
The annual meeting of tho Susque
hanna Association of ITnlversulists
will bo held at Brooklyn, this county,
September 12, 13, 14.
Fourteen converts to Mofmonlsm
made by missionaries will In a few
days leave Susquehanna county for
Salt Lake City. As a result, several
homes will be broken up and Susque
hanna county will be short on fools.
The protracted deadlock In the Hall
stead school board has been broken by
the temporary re-election of Principal
B. M. Pease.
When a private dies the editor is
asked to write of the good qualities
and leave the bad out. When an edi
tor dies tho private citizen says: "Now
the blank liar will got his deserts."
Room your town. If things look
dark now and then, grin and bear it.
Don't whine. Don't cry over spilled
milk. It may be half water.
"Keep your eye open as you go
through life," may bo a good motto,
hut there is nevertheless wisdom In be
ing blind occasionally. Some people
nre made miserable by seeing too
Catfish, mosquitoes and fools are bit
ing. It Is easier for a father to support
ten sons than It Is for ten sons to sup
port a father.
"Poverty Is no disgrace;" and tho
same may be said of tho smallpox.
The fifth annual reunion of the Cox
and Howell families will bo held at the
home of Moses XV. Cox, at Klngsley, on
Thursday, Sept. 11.
William H. Dennis, Sr., of Montrose,
has been re-elected commander of the
Susquehanna County Veteran organ
ization, Erie Hose Company No. 1, of Sus
quehanna, will go to Port Jervls on
Thursday next, to participate In the
annual parade of the fire department
of that village, as guests 'of Fowler
At Great Bend a few days since, a
train ran over a blacksnako measuring
six feet In length. The train was not
At Ararat a few days ago a hunter
killed a pure white squirrel.
, Tho Brldgewnter Baptist association
will meet ut Camptowu on Tuesday,
, Wednesday and Thursday next.
The flfty-slxtli nnnual exhibition of
the Susquehanna County Agricultural
society will bo held at Montrose, Sept.
Tho Susquehanna Unlversallst church
edifice Is offered for sale. It Is the
property ot tho State Association of
Rev, A. F. Von Tobel, of Philadel
phia, will assume tho pastorate of tho
First Presbyterlun church ut Montrose,
Sept. 21.-
Furnier Eldtidgo, ot Brooklyn, this
county, expects to sell 1,200 barrels ut
picked, graftpd apples this season,
Tie forty-fifth annual exhibition of
the Harford fair will ho hold on "Wed
nesday and Thursday, Sept. 21-23. This
Cured by One Bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy,
''My father hud for years been
troubled with chronic diarrhoea and
tried every means possible to effect a
cure, but all to no uvall," says John II.
Zlrkle, of Phlllppl. W, Va. "Ho saw
Qhumberlaln's Colic, Cholera and Dlar
ihoea Remedy udvertlsed in the Re
publican and Redded to try it. The
result Is ono bottle of It cured him
nnd he has not suffered with this dis
ease for over eighteen months. Before
taking this remedy he was u constant
sufferer. He Is now sound and well,
and although sixty years of ago can
ydo as much work as a young mun.
I 'PhpSft nrfl tnota oml van ini. ...- iV,n
...v. .. H fMr -u UPC ItiU
above if you desire." Mr. Blrkle and
his brother publish tho Phlllppl Re
publican. This remedy Is for sale by
all druggists.
Tbe Experience of a Scranton
Man with the Little
Tho experience of Mr. . T. Evans,
related lit the following words, will
deeply Interest hundreds of readers.
Mr. Evans Is a Scranton citizen, resid
ing at 223 Twelfth street. No better
proof ot merit can bo had than his
Mr. B. XV. Evans, of 223 Twelfth
street, Hyde Park, employed by the
Lackawanna Iron and Steel Co., as
mine machinist, says: "I was troubled
considerably with a dull pain across
my back from hip to hip, and at times
a darting pain extended down my legs.
It was always worse toward evening.
When I got cold or during damp
weather I, was so lame and sore across
tho loins that It was actual torture to
stoop. I wore plusters without relief.
Doun'r Kidney Pills were recommended
to mo by u friend and I procured a box
from Mntthews Bros.' drug store. I
was careful to use them just as direct
ed, and gradually the pain In my back'
began to leave me, and when I bad
completed the treatment It had com
pletely disappeared."
For sale by all dealers; price CO cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Remember the name, Doan's, and
take no substitute.
Is one of the most drawing cards
among fairs of Pennsylvania. It has
always been a success, and it has
never had a horse race.
You can use a postage stamp twice.
Tho tlrst time is will cost two cents;
the second time, $50.
Many a matrimonial match Is lighted
by the lire In a.mnlden's eye.
The barber is one who must rake
and scrape to make 'a living.
"Did he advertise?"
"Did he succod In business?"
"Did he fall?"
It Is tho old, old story!
"When a young man applies for a po
sition, ho should always have a cigar
ette In his mouth If he does not want
a situation.
You can have your sympathies en
listed In a good cause without danger
of drawing a pension.
No one realizes what "Home, Sweet
Home," is until he' hears It sung for
the fourteenth time in a boarding
house parlor.
Tho Hallsteacl Water company, com
posed of Scranton capitalists, will sink
an artesian well to the depth of 1,000
feet, near the spot In Great Bend
township where gas, oil and salt were
recently encountered. Farmers are ex
acting fancy prices for vicinity land.
Hiram Lawson, of Pleasant Valley,
has received word that ho has fallen
heir to ?.r,000, bequeathed by the father
of a 5-year-old girl whom he rescued
from drowning, In July lust, at Savin
Rock, near New Haven.
The Franklin Forks oil-gas well Is
among the good things that were.
In the general shullle, keep in mind
thnt the Republican senatorial dead
lock In the district of the coal strike
may be settled, In, the same week.
Bro'r Quay, the silent fisherman, may
bo a potent factor In settling them
There were frosts in the vicinity of
Susquehanna on Friday night. It will
be well to call In the straw hats of
1002 without delay. Feed the Panama
to the cows.
It Is understood that Susquehanna
county Prohibitionists will open no
bar'l this fall.
Susquehanna county Democrats are
preparing to elect a county commis
sioner. By a slnguler coincidence, tho elder
and tho straw crops are both largo In
Susquehanna county this season.
Spfclal to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, Sept. 7. The stone masons
employed on tho Cannon Ball trolley
lino In Plttston city have been on
strike the past-week for an Increase of
wages. They have been receiving $2,70
for a day of nine hours and ask for
$3.00 for the same length of time. The
contractors have refused to grant their
demands. Three of the men returned
to work yesterday, but the remainder
are still Idle.
Mrs, Catherine Anthony Is critically
ill at her home on High street.
Georgo Martin, of Oregon, who was
In the Mt. Lookout mlno last week with
Rudolph Sweltzer, when the latter re
ceived fatal burns by an explosion of
mine gas, and who was slightly burned,
has so far recovered as to be able to
return to work yesterday.
The Brothers' base ball team defeated
the Luzerne tenni yesterday afternoon
at Y, M. C, A. park, Wllkes-Burre, by
u score ot 4-3.
Tho Luzerne County fair opens on
Tuesday of this week nnd bids fair to
bo one of tho most successful fairs held
In recent years. Tho entry list for tho
races Is n large one, and speedy races
are looked for,
Hugh Jennings was a visitor at tho
home of his brothe'r, Dr. Jennings, here
yesterday, Hugltey Is out of tlie game
for a few days, owing to an Injury.
Rev. Dr, Harrington, rector of Trin
ity parish, West Plttston, received tho
agreeable Information yesterday that
Mrs. Margaret I.acoe "White", of Rock
Island, III., has offered to erect for tho
parish a beautiful rectory on the plot
of ground at the corner of Montgomery
and Spring streets, adjoining the lot on
which the church Is situated, The do
nation Is made In memory of her
father, the late Ralph D. Lacoe. Mrs.
White will also erect a memorial tab
let to her father on tho wall ot tho
church opposite the seut formerly oc
cupied by Mr. Lacoe,
A scries of evangelistic meetings nre
being held under canvass on Luzerne
avenue under the auspices of enthusi
astic Christian workers from several of
the churches on the West Side. E, A.
Coray IS chairman of tho commlttco In
Tho Republican primaries for tho
nomination of county candidates wcro
held yesterday afternoon under tho
Crawford county system. Only a light
vote was polled In Plttston and West
Plttston. Interest hero centered on tho
race for the commlsslonershlp nomina
tion, there being two candidates from
Plttston, John M. Jones, tho present
commissioner, nnd Charles Smith, a
clerk In the register's olllce. Jones led
Smith In Plttston by about twenty
vote?, while on the West Side, Smith
secured 231 votes to Jones' 114, Latest
reports from the county headquarters
this morning wcro to the effect that
Jones, of Plttston, nnd Thomas Smith,
of Wllkes-Barre, were tho two nomi
nees for the ofllco of commnsloncr nnd
thnt Malnwnrlng was In the lend over
Kuntz for register.
While visiting In Yntcsvlllo last week,
Mrs. Mary A, Banker, mother of Frank
H. Hanker, the real estate agent, and
an aged resident of this city, accident
ally" tripped nnd fell, No bones wcro
broken but she received a severe nerv
ous shock and hos lost tho power of one
of her limbs. She Is nt tho homo of her
daughter, Mrs, Dr. Mahon, on North
Main street.
The trial of Constable Michael Dowd,
of tho Second ward, chnrged with the
killing of a foreigner, who attacked
iiltn when -he was about to servo a
warrant a few months ago. and who
he shot dend, will be called In the Lu
zerne court to-morrow.
Quito a little stir was caused hero
last evening about fl o'clock by the ar
rest of a Dupont foreigner. The man
was caught trying to burglarize tho
Florence Coal Company's store nt Du
pont and was placed in a wagon nnd
brought to the lock-up here. The pris
oner was boisterous and made strong
efforts to escape. A constable and two
assistants were kept busy preventing
him from leaping from the wngon. As
the Improvised patrol wagon entered
this city attention wus attracted by tho
yells of tho prisoner, who said he was
being murdered, tho constable nnd his
assistants sitting on him to hold him
Frank Kane nnd James Burke re
turned to Philadelphia to-day after a
visit at their old homes here.
Frank Stevens of Delaware avenue,
West Plttston, for the past eight years
foreman of the power house of tho
Wyoming Valley Traction Company at
Wllkes-Barre, has accepted a position
to take charge of tho new AVestlng
house power house at Scranton, which
will furnish motive power for the new
Cannon Ball trolley line. Mr. Stevens
assumes his new position next week.
Miss Grace Persan, of Brooklyn, is
the guest of her brother, Ferdinand, of
Parke street, West Plttston.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannoek, Sept. 7. Isadore Stern,
who has been occupying the.Louls Hll
kowich house on Harrison street, will
move his family back to New York city
some time this mouth,
Beginning September 14, there will be
a mission held in the Catholic church
hi this place, which will continue sev
eral clays, and will be under the super
vision of one of the Pnssionists Fathers
of Hoboken, N. J. '
A slight lire broke out on Saturday
morning at the house of Thomas Slier
wood, on East Tioga Htreet, caused by
ignition from the kitchen stove. It was
soon extinguished, with small damage
to the building.
'Squire Dennis J. Hnrley and cx
Sherlff A. G. Gregory, of Meshoppen,
were in town on business Saturday.
The trial list for October term of the
court of common pleas was made up
by the Bar association on Saturday
There is quite a rivalry between tho
two ferry companies at this place, and
the cost of transportation on the river
is accordingly being reduced.
The annual convention of the Wom
en's Christian Temperance union of
Wyoming county will be held at the
Baptist church hero on Monday and
Tuesday, September S and 9. Miss
Belle Kearney, the brilliant young ora-.
tor of Mississippi, and author of "The
Daughter of a Slaveholder," will be
present and address the convention on
Monday evening. The public are cor
dially invited.
The Democratic county convention
convenes at tho court house today at
2 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating
a county" ticket to be voted for at the
November election.
The now Citizens' National bank is
expected to be ready for business in
their rooms In the Billings building, on
"Warren street, September 1.
Patrick Boyce has resumed his posi
tion as foreman on the Lehigh Valley
railroad. His son, P. A. Boyce, Is his
Tho fair nt Montrose will be held
September 16 and-17, and the fair at
Harford, September 24 and 25.
The Democratic primaries were held
In the different wards on Saturday af
ternoon, between the hours of 5 and 7.
Tho Republican candidates on the
, FOIt THE LITTLIi-ONES.-Cut out tho pictures nppoarhig on this page each
day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, huvo thorn until Suturduy.
then send thorn or tnko them to Tho Tribune ofilcu In an envolopo addressed to
"Puzzle Department." Enclose In tho cnvelopo your name, ago and address. Tho
boys and girls who correctly mark tho six pictures appearing during tho week,
nnd whoso answers aro first received, will havo their names published In The
Tribune Monday morning.
Puzzle Solvers,
The following nro tho only ones who solved all of last week's puzzles cor
rectly: 1. Carrie E. Jackson, HI Hitchcock court. Age, 13 years
2. Anna Bell Dale, 129 West Market street. Age, G years.
" " I
Where are the two playmates of this llttlo girl?
Solutions for Last Week's Puzzles.
Monday, Sept. 1. Ono Is nbovo tho
man's toot and the other uboyo rht
fenco post.
Tuesday. Sept. 2. Ono Is between the
fuTes of tho two men und other Is back
of kneeling man,
Wcdnesduy, Sopt. 3. Tho farmer Is back
of tho horseman, whllo tho dog Is In
fiout of the horse's face.
By Sltampqos with
BBS'. i JB v' lrv
And light dressings with CUTICURA,
purest of emollient skin cures, This
treatment at once stops falling hair,
removes crusts, scales, and dandruff,
soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stim
ulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots
with nourishment, and makes the hair
grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy
scalp when all else fails.
Millions Use
Ccticura Soap, assisted by Cuticuba,
Ointment, for preserving, purifying, nnd
beautifying tho skin, for cleansing tho
scnlpuf crusts, scales, nnd dandruff and tlio
stopping of falling lmlr, for softf nlug, whiten
ing, nrni soothing red, rough, and sore hands,
for bnby rashes, ltciilngs, and dialings, and
for nil tho purposes of tho tollot, until, nnd
nursery. Millions of women uso Cuticuka,
SoAPln tho form of baths for annoying Irrita
tions, Inflammations, and dialings, or too free
or olTcnsivo perspiration, In tlio form of
washes for ulccrntlvo weaknesses, and for
many sanative, antiseptic purposes which
readily suggest themselves to women.
Complete Humour Cure, $1
CuTicunA Soap (25o.), to cleanse tho skin of
crusts and scales, and soften tbe thickened
cuticle, Cutiouka Ointment (00c), to in
Btnntly allay Itching and Inflammation, and
sootho and heal, and Cutiodra Resolvent
Fills (25c.), to cool and cleanse tho'lilood.
CuticdiU Resolvent l'n.LS (Chocolnto Coated)
aro a now, tnstelcna, odorless, economical But),
etltute for tho celebrated liquid CuTicnnA Its.
solvent ns well o for nil othor blood purifiers
and humour cures. In screw-cap vlalo, contain
ing 80 doses, price, 20c.
Bold Ihroachoat th World. BrltUh Dapott 27-28,
Cbarterhouio Sq.. London. French Depot! 5 Rae do
iftl'aix, Pftrle. VOTTcnlJBro ahd Cubii. Cosr., Solo
Topi., Boston, U. 8. A.
county ticket held a meeting at Hotel
Graham on Saturday afternoon, for the
purpose of electing a chairman, secre
tary and treasurer of the county com
mittee. As a. result of their deliber
ations, Frank S. Harding, of Eaton,
was chosen chairman, and Alvira G.
Gregory, of Meshoppen, to be secre
tary and treasurer for the ensuing
The following graduates of the Tunk
hannoek High s'chool in 1002 have reg
istered as students, as follows: Miss
Pearl Dietrich, at Drexel Institute,
Philadelphia; Miss Marion Lelghton, at
Buoknell university, Lewlsburg; Miss
Kate Townsend, at Packer's Business
college, New York city, nnd Jacob
Colesky, college at Allegheny.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Wyuluslng, Sept. 7. Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Leach and son Frederick, of
Auburn, X. Y., are spending a few days
with Mrs. Leach's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. J. Gaylord.
Burt Gaylord has moved his family
to Towanda, where he has secured a
Miss May Wcs'lly, of Russell Hill, Is
spending the week with her cousin,.
Mrs. G. Mortlmore Lewis.
Mrs. Sarah Parks and son Francis,
of Westfleld, Mass., are visiting rela
tives" In town.
William" Ellsworth and George Mor
ris, of LeRaysville, spent a few days In
town recently.
Miss Mary Hoag visited relatives at
Lacoyvlllo last week.
Bruce Cook returned to New York
city Saturday morning.
Misses Bessie and Jennie Slocum and
Francis Parks, of Westfleld, Mass.,
spent last Friday at Lake Carey, the
guests of Mrs. Polen.
Sirs. Samuel Howard and Mrs. N. H.
Allls gave a reception last Wednesdny
afternoon from 3 to 7 o'clock,
L. B. nines, of Scranton, spent last
Sunday with his mother at this place.
Edward Larkln Is attending the High
school In Athens.
Fred Mitten has moved into Miss
Hattle Marsh's homo, and Rev. Armn
trout into the one vacated by Mr, Mit
ten. Tluirsduy, Sept. 4.. One Is over top of
thu wall and tho othor Is to tho right
of mini's hat.
Friday, Sept. fj.-Ono Is under Wayno's
upraised arm and tho other In front of
tho foremost soldier,
Saturday. Bcp't. U.-Ono Is In front of his
faco and the other buck of his feet.
I lull llblllWf
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Tor Bent.
FOIt niONT-FurnlHlicd house, COt Mon
roe avenue, entire possession, or would
consider suitable party desiring to lease,
and board thn present occupants only.
Mrs. L. H. Barnes.
HOtlfln for Heat, S rooms, brick, near
High School, Improvements. Comcgys,
709 Council building.
IS YOttft hotiso empty? If so, Comcgys
enn rent It for you, Council bltlg.
FOIt RENT Modern single eleven room
homo; furnished. Inquire :I12 Whcclor
FOR KENT-From September "1, 9-room
house, 031 Green Rklge street; modern
Improvements: Bloam heat froo; location
very convenient.
FOR RENT-Two furnished cottages at
Lako Sheridan; dry and healthy loca
tion: good Bhndo nnd finest nlnco for n
week or a month'H outing In Northern
Pennsylvania. Address H. L. Harding,
Fnctoryvlllo, Pa.
Tor Sale.
FOR SALE-Flttccn shares United States
Lumber Co. stock for sale at I'M. Ad
dress T. A., euro of Tribune.
FOR SALE A good paying business with
llttlo capital required: 11 good thing for
right party. Address, Business, Tribune,
FOR SALE-Edlson phonograph, with
records and horns. All up-to-date and
In good condition. Apply to Isaac J". Ev
ans, 400 North Main avenue, West Scran
ton. FOR SALE-A scholarship hi the Scran
ton Business rollego at a reduction.
Apply to box L'03, Fnctoryvlllo, Pa.
FOR SALE Cheap, ono largo now gro
cery wagon, carrying capacity 4.."no
pounds; also one lurgo coffee grinder;
can bo run by motor or hand power. Ap
ply to B. Moses, 31S Lackawanna avenue.
FOR SALE A tlrat class meat market.
Owner will work for party. Address
131 Chestnut street, Dunmorc, Pa.
Boom for Bent.
FRONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 424
Adams nvenue.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED A small house or flat, prefer
ably furnished, in desirable location.
To guln attention, state terms. P. O. Box
Furnished Booms for Bent.
Improvements; private family; gen
tlemen preferred, at 037 Adams aveauo.
heat, gas nnd bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at E59 Adams avenue.
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with
tlrst class tablo board, can bo obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
Boarders Wanted.
mer boarders; three largo airy rooms
and good tablo board. Address O. K.,
Dalton, Pa.
Beal Estate.
LOTS, houses and farms for sale. See
J. C. Zurflloh.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homes in
upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor
hood; most deslrnblo locality for home
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Mnrvino,
173G Sanderson avenue.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened in
the ofllco of tho City Recorder, by tho
Director of tho Department of Publio
Works, nt 3 o'clock p. in., on .Monday,
September S, 11102, for the following named
work :
Filling tho northerly approach to tho
Bloom avenue culvert und grading said
Bloom nvenue from Block street to tho
said northerly approach to tho Hloom
avenue culvert. Also for tho rebuilding
of tho sub-structuro nnd for tho repair
of the superstructure of tho Hollow Htreot
brldgo over Leggett's creek, In tlio Third
Each proposal shall be accompanied
with cash or cortlllod check as a guar
antee to perform tho war!: inueconllnce
with the plans and specifications there
for as follows: For the tlrst mentioned
work fifty dollars, and for tho last men
tioned, twenty-live dollars.
Bidders will lie furnished with proposal
blanks at the Bureau of Engineering and
no others will be accepted.
All proposals must be filed with the
City Controller, at his office In thu City
Hall, S'cruuton, Pa., not later than 2.30
o'clock p. m., on Monday, September 8,
1002. '
Thn city reserves tho right to reject any
or till bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director,
Department ot Publio Works.
BRIDGE PROPOSALS-Sealed proposals
will bo received at tho office of tho
Superintendent of Public Grounds and
Buildings. Harrlsburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock
ni ou Tuesday, September 23, 1902, for
tho rebuilding of tho supor-struetiire of
tho bildgo over Lackuwanna river, at the
Borough of Old Forge, Laekawunmi
County, Pa. Bids must, ho placed In sop
nrato envelopes endorsed on tho outsldo
with thn name and location of tho brldgo
and tho nuino of tho bidder. Plans and
speclllcntlons can bo had on application
to tlio Superintendent of Public Grounds
and Buildings at Harrlsburg, Pa. Bids
will bo opened In tho presence of tlio bid
ders or their ropresontntlveu 1n the Re
ception Room of tho Executive Depart
ment at Harrlsburg, Pa., ut tho time
named abova.
By order of tho Board,
T, L. EYRK, Superintendent.
"William A. Btono, E. B. Hurdenbergh,
Frank G, Harris, Board of Commissioners
of Publio Grounds and UnlMlngs,
American League.
At Detroit
Baltimore 0 o 2 1 1 2 0 0 0-G U 1
Detroit I 0002 0 fiox-ll .' 4
Batteries Wiltbo and Smith; .McCar
thy, Kiigcu and Buclow,
At St. Louis It.H.K.
Boston 1 l 0002 sou a ii ;i
St. Louis 0000200002 r, a
Batteries Dinecu and Criger; Powell 1
and Kuhoe. Umpires Sheridan und
Johnstone. Attendance 18,500.
At Chicago (first gunio)- Jl.II.E.
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1-3 2
Chicago ,, 3 0 02 1 1 0 Ox-0 10 1
Batteries Townsend and Drill; Putter
son und McFarlund, Umpire Caruthers,
At Chicago (second game, thirteen Innings)-
Wushlngtou .0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 13 2
Chicago 0 2 00 100000000-3 S 1
Battel les-Carrlck and Clark; ariftith
and McFurland, Umpire Curuthqru. At
tendance 17,100.
Exhibition Games.
At Utlca, n. y.-
Pittsburg.,, 10000000 0-1 U 2
Utlca 00000 0000-0 3 1
Butteries Cushiniiu and Phelps; Pounds
and Donahue. Umpire Bheelmn.
At Newmk-St. Louis, 4; Newark, 2.
New York, W; Hoboken, 0.
No Order
Accepted (or Less
Than 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offices.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Becelved nt Any of tho Follow-
Ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
' ALI3ERT SCHULTZ. corner Mul
borry street nnd Webster nvo.
West Side
CEO. xv. JENKINS. 1P1 South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
729 Cedar
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo and Markot
Green Bidge
son avenuo.
F. J. JOHNS, 920 Groon Ridge
C. LORENZ. corner Washington
avenue and Marlon Btreet.
1017 Irving
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED On account of Increased work
competent machinists to work in largo
railroad shos near Pittsburg; wages, a,
20, 27 cents pur hour; permanent employ
ment given for satisfactory service; free
railroad transportation furnished front
AVIIkos-narro to Pittsburg. For further
Information address C. L. Sn viler, U22
Mooncy building. Buffalo, N. Y.. In writ
ing: gH'o date of birth, experience, where
last employed; on what kind of work,
and when able to report for duty.
YOUNG MEN. Luarn rapid lettering for
for Higns, show cards, tickets, etc.
Home study; booklet free. W. A. Thomp
son, Pontlac, Mich.
TRUSTWORTHY person In each county
to manage business of old established
house of solid financial standing. Straight
bona fldo weekly salary of SIS paid- hy
check each Wednesday, with all expenses,
direct from headquarters. Money ad
vanced for expenses. Manager, 312 Cax
ton building', Chicago.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
Stato age, experience, references first let
ter. Address, Sulto 572, No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Salesmen Wnnted.
capable of earning good money, to
handle our lino of carbon copying pa
pers, either regular or on tho bide. Philip
Ilnno & Co., 1-3 Union Square, New York
Ctty. ,
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Freo ou application. S. M.
Ilibbnrd & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange. 44 and 41
Broadway, New York. Established 1S6I.
Long Dlstanco 'Phone 2188 Broad.
Money to Lean.
Qulck, stialght loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to G per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connell building.
INSTRUCTION In advance Greek free,
lady pupil preferred. Address "D,"
Tribune ofllce.
PROF. C. A. STUART, B. L. I., teacher
or elocution, oratory and dramatic art,
hall No. 4, Guernsey building. Best result
guaranteed; teaching amateur dramatic
classes a specialty.
launders shlrtfc at Sc. each and collars
and cuffs at lc. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG4.
Real Estate Exchange Bldg., laj Wash
ington ave.
Civil and Mining Euglneors.
building, Spruco strcot, Scranton.
Fire Insurance.
SCHLAGER & CO., Traders Bank Bldg.
Patent Attornoys.
rM I LIN I O or tho Globe.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor hi the city. No clutrgo for In
formation on patentability; over ten years
Rcploglc & Co., Alcnrs Hldg.
Hotels nnd Restaurants.
lin avenuo. Rates reasonable.
P, S51EGLER. Proprietor.
Passenger dopot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprlotor,
nnd cess pools; no odor; only Improved
pumps used. A. B. Brlggs. proprietor,
Leavo ordoru 1100 North Main uveivjo.
or Elcko's drug store, cornor Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screous,
avo., Scranton. mfm. of Wire Screens.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twlno.
Warehouse, 130 Washington avenuo.
be hud In Scranton nt the iiqwb stand
of Relsmun Bros., 400 Spruce and C03
I.indon; M. Norton. 3) Lackawanna
ave.; I. S. SchuUcr, '.'U Spruco street.
Only Half a Cent a WorJ. -.
Situations Wanted.
man nged 22, good penman nnd willing
to learn, speaks German and English. Ad
dress C. V. XV., 331 Adams avenue, city.
wants a homo In good family for her
l.i-ycar-olil daughter, where sho can do
light housework for her board und attend
school; bus had good training; good ref
erences given. Inqulro nt Y. W. C. A.
rooms, 20,-. Washington avenuo.
. years old In ofllco or store. Addross
im, Dickson avenue.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western.
. In Effoct Juno 1, 1902.
Trains lcavo Scranton for Now Vork
At 1.50. 3.20, 0.05. 7.50 and 10.10 a. in.: 12.40,
and 11,10 p. m. For Blnghamton. Eltnlra.
nnd way statlons-10.23 a. m.v 1.05 p. m.
1'or Oswego, Syracuso and Utlca 1.15 and
'". ":.."': LK! p. m. Oswego, Syracuse
and Utlca train at C.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday For MontroRC-n.CO n. m.; LOS
nmLc'r'' ' ,n- Nicholson accommodation
1.00 and, p. m.
Bloomsburg Division For Northumber
land, at 8.35 and 10.10 a. m.: 1.55 nnd .10
p. m. For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3.40
and 9.05 i. in,
Sundny Trains For Now York, 1.50, "21,
Wi. 10.10 n. in.: 3.40 and 3.35 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.1,-, nml C.22 a. m.; 1.55, fl.R) and
11.10 p. m. For Elmlra nnd way stations
1. ' " !" ''or UhiKiiumton nnd way sta
tions, 9.00 n. m. Bloomsbtirg Division
Leavo Scranton, 10.10 a .m. and G.10 p. m.
Lehigh'Valley Bailroad.
Ill Effect Juno 15, 1902.
Trains Leavo Scranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via D.
& II. R. R., at 7.41. through Parlor Car
and Day Coach Carbondnlo to New York
and 9.47 n. in., with L. V. Coach Carbon
dnlo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.35 (Black
Diamond Express), nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, D. a H. R. R., 1.3S, 9.17 p. m.
l;or yvliltn Unven, Hazleton and princi
pal points In tho coal regions, via D. ,fe
" Il.R.. 7.41, 2.1S and 4.33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7.41 n. m.
I or Bethlehem. Enston, Reading, Har
rlsburg nnd principal intermediate stn
i'onsi !'ln D- H- B- B 7.41, 9.47 a. m.:
2.18, 4.3.. (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p.
PVo Sundays, D. & H. R. R 9.3S a. m.:
1.68, 9.17 p. m.
T For Tinikhnnnock. Towanda, Elmlra.
Jtliaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermediate!
stations via D., L. & XV. R. R 6.35 a. m.
and 1.5) p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlng-5-!'a
J'nJia' Chicago and all points west via
D. ft H. It. R., 12.03 p. in.: 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express), 10.41. 11,49 p. m. Sun
days, D. & II. R. R.. 12.03. 9.17 p. in.
.Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
v.iv.'.oy Parlor cars on all trains between
Wllkes-Barro and Now York. Philadel
phia, uiuraio ana Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN II. AVILRUR. Gen. Supt., 28
Cortland street. New York.
CHARLES S., LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 28
. Cortland street. Now York.
,A. W. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt,
South Bothlehem. Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations
apply to city ticket office, 09 Publio
Squnre, Wllkes-Bnrrc. Pa.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
. In Effect Juno 29, 1902.
Stations In New York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. 11.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Eastern, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mnvich Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Barro and Plttston nt 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sundny, 2.10 p. m.
Quakor City Express leaves Scranton
7.20 n. m.. through solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil
adelphia with only ono cbango of cars
for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and
all principal points south and west.
For Avoca, Plttston nnd Wllkes-Barre,
1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 a. m. nnd 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lobanon and Harrlsburg
via Allentown nt 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sunday. 2.10 p. m.
For Tnmnqua and Pottsvlllo, 7.30 a. m.:
1 p. in. nnd 4 p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
W. O. BESSLER, Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule In Effect Juno 1, 1002.
Trains lcavo Scranton: C.'iS a. tn week
davs, through vestibule, train from
Wilkes-Banc. Pullman buffet parlor enr
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllo; stops at principal intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington andfor Pittsburg and tho West.
9.47 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington anil Pittsburg and tho West.
1.12 p. in., week days, (Sundays. I.SS p.
m.), for Sunbury. Ilarrlsburg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore. Washington nnd Pitts
burg and tho West.
3.2S p. in., week dnys, through vestlhulo
train from Wllkes-Barro. Pullman buffr-t
parlor car pnd coaches to Philadelphia vU
Pottsvlllo. Stops nt principal Intormedl
nto stations,
4 35 p. m.. week diys. for Hazleton. Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
bUlS" J. H. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J, H. WOOD. Gen. Pass, Aft.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno 10. 1902.
Trains for Ciirbondalo leavo Scranton at
0 41 7 3(1, K.::ii, 10.H a. in.; 12.05, 1.12, 2.11.
2M, 5.29! 0.25, S.24, 9.15, 10.01 p. in.; 12.1S,
X,For'Honcsdale-G.U 10.13 n. in:; 2.11 and
5Kor' WHItcs-Barrc 0.38. 7,41. S. 11. 9.17,
10 63 a. 111.: 12.03, 1.12. 2.IS, 3.2S, 4.35, 0.10.
7. iil 10.11. 11.49 p. HI.
i, or I,, . ... ... .. ,.., ..., ... ,,,.,
' IS 4.35 nnd 11.19 P. m.
"For Ponnsvlvnnin R, R. rolnts-0.33,
9 47 n. 111.; 1,42, 3.2S and I.3S p. 111.
For Albany nnd all points north 7.38 a.
in. and 3.5tn..r n6AV TnA,NBf
For Ciirbondnlo 8,50, 11.33 a. m.j 2.11,
S'F'or'wiiurs-lJnrro-9.23 a. m i 12.03, 1.53,
3.28, (1.32 and 9.17 P. m.
For Albany and points north-3.58 p. m.
For Honesdalo 8.00 a, m.; 11.33 and 3.31
P' w' L, PUVOR, D. P. A.. BcrnntonJira,
Erie Railroad Wyoming Divistqp;
In Ultect JulyWWliNS. ;.
Trains leavo Scranton tor Ilawley ard
local stations at 7,i und S.I5 a, "m.ffr.M
and 5.50 p. in. Sundays, 9.0O a, m. .and
1.35 p. in. For New Yoik,-"NoAvburgli?anrt
Intermediate points at 7-20 a, m, niidfd.lij
p. in, Sundays. 1.83 p, in. ..
For Hoiu'sdulo l.US'and 5C0 p. m.
Trains arrive at Scrantnn. P.20, lo.u, a.
m.: 3.0(i and 9.15 p, m, Sundays, LOOijnd
S.15 p. m. i ' '
New York, Ontario nnd Western)
Time Tablo lit Effect Sunday, Juuu 15."190J
Leavo Leavo Arilv
No. l .
Scranton, curiioiululo. Cartoslu,
10.20 a, m. 11,10 a. m. l.oo p.- m,
No.' 7 .'.'.'.'.'.' 0 10 ! in. Ar.Caiboiulalo ti.46 n ni
iNO. i ...... aour hound, f.',
No, 3
4 ou p. in, i.n p. in. p. m.
Leavo Lcavo Arrlva
Cadosla. Carbondnlo, Scranton,
No, (1 ,.,..
v,i' .i .' '.V.'. 8.40 n. ni. 10.01a. in. 10.40 arin.
li.DUU. 111. T.Jo iu m.
No. 2 2.15 p.m. 4.0011. Ill, 4.45 p; pi.
HUNDAVH UJN1.1, INUKTil uuujnij,
Leave Lcavo Arilvi
No, ,,..
No. 5 ,,,..
Scranton. Cnrhnudulo. Qadoslu,
8.20 U, 111. U,tUP,lll. 10.43 (Cm.
7.00 p. imAr.Curbondalo 7.43.1T.IB
south bound. ;:
Leave Lcavo Arrtvi
Cadosla, Carbondnlo, Scranton,
No. u
INU, U ,.,,,. ...-. ... ,,,, ..... L,,.,,
No. 10 4.30 p.m. ti.Oip. in. 6.43 iwm.
'iviilim Nos. 1 ou week days, and J'on
Sunduys connect far Now York city. Mid.
dlctown. Walton. Norwich, Oneida, ' Os.
wego and all points west.
Train 3 for Poyntello. Walton, Delhi,
Sidney, Norwich and all Now Borlln
branch points. '.
Train No. 0, with "Quakor City Ex.
press" at Scruiitqp. viae, R. .R. of N.-J.,
for Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore
Washington and Pennsylvania stnti
Geo time-table and consult ticket agent
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDERSON. G. P. A., Now York.
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scrunton. Pa
.w, .i ;iu p. m. For Now York nnd Phlla
dclphla 7.60, 10.10 a. m and 12.40 and 3.3.1
I',' '"'. lo1' Gouldsboro At (i.10 p. m. For
Buffalo 1. IS. I!"!! nml fl.nil n. in.! IK. ll.iM