The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 06, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Cotinly Savings Bank
and Trust Company,
506 Spruce Street.
Receives t 4 and
Deposits T I Up
In Sums of K wards
and pay3 per cent, in
terest thereon.
L. A. WATRES, President.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vlce-Pres.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cnshter.
V'ni, r. Hallstcnd, IKvoictt AViiiien,
H. I. Klngsliiiiy. August Itnblnsoti,
O. S. Johnson, lJos. O'Uilpn,
I.. A. AVnlies.
This business is de
voted exclusively to the
wants of Amateur Pho
tographers Kodaks,
Supplies and
211 Washington Ave.
9 "They Draw Well."
9 Morris' Mapet Cigars
X Th" best value for 5 cents.
v Tiy one and jou will smoke no
0 other.
X All the loading brands of nc.
V cigars nt $1.75 per hot, or G for :")C.
A Tho largest variety ot Pipes and
a Tobaccos In town.
ft E. C. MORRIS,
X The Cigar Man y
a 325 Washington Avenue. 9
In and About
The City
Accused of Assault.
AUloim.m M. J. Ruddy held Pulei A'ei
ver. of West Lackawanna aenue, In $J00
ball jcsteiday on the chaigo of assault
and battel y piefeued by A. Bojdy.
Charged with Non-Support.
James Muithn, ot No. 4 Illckoiy stieet,
was committed to the county jail List
night by M. J. Ruddy on
chaigcs prefeired by his wife, who ac
cuses him of nou-suppoi t.
Annoying Beggar Arrested.
Supciintoiidcnt of Police I.ona U. Day
jesteiday montlng attested a man who
has leccntly atmojed many petsons about
tho cential city by pei.slstently begging
alms fiom them. Mis AV. B. DtiBgan,
agent for tho Associated Charities, lodged
tho complaint against him.
Will Meet Monday.
Special attention Is called to tho meet
ing of tho 131m Patlc Woman's Foielgn j society, wlilcli will be held at
'.he residence of His. c. D. Simpson, at
t o'clock Monday alteinoon, September S.
Owing to tho deficiency In branch con
tingency funds, a silver offetlng will be
Runaway Boys Held Heie.
Attltur and Nathan Butler and Chailes
Shuto, the young Now Yoik imi.iwny
boys who weie nt tested 'Wednesday for
vaginncy weio estcrdny committed to
the county jail. Supcilntendciit Day com
nunlcated with their paientH nt Homer,
"J. Y and was ieiuested by (hem to tiiin
tho boys loose and let them como home
as best thoy could. As they evinced no
willingness to send on funds to pay lor
'.ho bojs' return, tho latter weio com
mitted to tho county Jail as vagmnts.
Threatened His Life.
AVIIliam Taylor and Patilclc HaiiPtt,
two farm hands, weio niialgncd befoie
Alderman M. J. Ruddy last night, chuigcd
by tholr emplojer, Adam Itosencinus, of
Koyser avenue, with tin eats to mil and
'carrying concealed weapons. Itosencinus
alleged that the two men bioke a plough
yesterday afternoon, and on his icml
mandlng them, assaulted him. Ho claims
that Iluuatt then went to his loom, mid
emeigrd with a pistol, aimed with whlth
he drqve Roscncinns fiom tho scene,
Both Wn weio held In $C0O ball.
Drew His Knife,
An rold .man, who iufm,ed to givo his
namo at tho pollco station, was uucsttd
last night by Pntiolman Pantle on tho
charge of drawing a knlto on c, M, Ilutts
and A. J. SauiiUeis. Tho thico hnd ipinr
leledgjtt the Giand Central hotel, and
tho t)d man hnd diawn a pocket knife
ami Druck nmts In tho faco with Its
handle. Butts and Saundeis tlie.ii went
to th? Lackawanna Valloy house, but
weio followed by tho old man, who
thienjened them theio with the blade of
his weapon. Patiolman Pontle then In
teifcijAl and led him to the Center btieet
polloj htntlon.
I Donations for August.
Thermauagement of the 1'loience mls
clon gratefully ticknow ledgo tho following
donutjfns for August with thanks; w,
11. Pjjice and V. J, Mm vol's inuiket,
all klpds of vegetable and liult weekly;
R. U.jComegys, hamper, ?1 in cash; Mis.
R. G.UUioolis, meat; Mis. FU, upplus
twice. 'two quarts futlt, laid, sugar; Mis.
AV, JLdeaihait, meat; Mis. tJchump. po.
tatoea. apples, cuiumbeis; Mis. Dlehl,
lamb; Mis. A. D. Stelle, meat; Mnibeiger,
meat; Mrs. Jl. M. Boles, meat; Mia. AV,
H. Taylor, 12 pound-ham, lefilgeiator;
Mrs. Kays, meat; Mis. Ciuwfoid and Mis,
Biooks, meat; Mrs. .John, .two 'dozen
cakes, peaches, blackberiles; .Cpusumer?'
-Ice Ca, Ico daily? Lackdwunna, dairy,
milk dally; Dr. Claik. piofcslonal ser
vices; Bcianton Tiibuno, Tiuth, Republi
can, dully.
Lively mid Closely Contested Games
In the Flist Day's Play Witnessed
by n Lai go Throng Messis. Rubs,
Crane and Cool Win Their Second
Rounds Finals Will Take Place
This Afternoon New Bowling Al
leys Poimnlly Opened First Ball
Rolled by Miss Fiances Hunt.
Practically all the Country club ment
hol b, who tn c back to the city, weie
out yesteidity to witness the beginning
ot the two days' tennis tournament
mm king the fat mill opening of tho
club's pnlniged and temodclled home.
They enjojed n series of lively mid
closely contested games, mid between
times Inspected the Additions and leno
viitlons of the house.
In the evening the new; howling alleys
were opened unci nn Informal leceptlon
given by the house committee. Today,
the tournament will Loncludp, nnd In
the evening there wilt be bowling
Theie weie seveuil Intel cstlng con
tests In yesterday's singles and one
that was paitlculaily lutoiestlng be
cause of Its being legnided by many
ns deciding the winner, of the tourna
ment. The plttyeis were ('. S. Cool, of
Plttston, and John II, Brooks. The
scoio was 6-5, 5-0, C-5. ICach hud won
his prellmlnaiy by default and In con
sequence neither was familiar with the
others play. The results In the differ
ent rounds weie as follows:
Mtfc Ucssell defeated AV. M. Bunnell,
G-r, 5-0, 0-J,
Kail von King, of Kingston, defeated
Dr. C. AV. Wnlket, 5-G, t,-t. 0-1.
Russell Spiitgue defeated Dr. J. 13. Cor
sei, ii-J, 0-5.
llaiold AVelles defeated II. S. Kitkpat
llck, 0-5, S-C, 0-.
11. JlcK. Glazabiook defeated A. G.
Rutheifoid, of C.irbnmlale, 0-1, 0-.'
J. S. Mollis, of Catbondale, defeated
Albeit AVntson, 0-5. 5-0, fc-5
AV. S. Chamboilaln defeated DouglaBs
Toirey, 0-3, 0-0.
P. C. Fuller defeated C. Donance, ot
AVllkcs-Baite, u-.'. 0-1
r. S. Cool, of Plttston. bv default, d.--feated
"iauk Sliafei, of Monti ose,
J. II. Biooks, by default, deteated AVal
ter Stevens.
Ildwln Shafer defeated D. l.amb, Jr., of
Plttston, G-l (,-l
Douglas Moffat, by detault, defeated
Boaidman AVilght. of Pialnllclil, N. J.
J. Ii Peck, of Plttston, by default, de
feated S. B. Thome
Geoige II. Russ, jr., defeated G. F. Par
iMi, of AVilkc-Bane, 0-L', 3-0, 0-3.
J. A. Linen, ji., by default, deteated
Illllaty Zeltnder.
Albeit Ciatie, of Caibondale. by default,
defeated C.iilctou Shafer, of Monti ose.
Geoige II. Buss, jt., defeated J. L. Peck,
0-1, C-S
Albeit Ciane defeated J. A. Linen, jr ,
0-4, C-l.
C. S Cool defeated John II. BtooKs, o--,,
5-0, 0-5.
II. McTC. Glazabiook and Mat Bessell
deteated D. Lamb, jr, and A. Bovei, bt
Plttston. 0-0. 0-1.
AV. J. Hand and F. C. F.iller defeated
AV. M. Bunnell and George II. Rtiss, jr.,
5-G, 0-4, 0-3.
Play will be resumed this morning
promptly at 10 o'clock. The winning
player of the flist pair plays the win
ning player of the second pair, the
vvinneis, tespectlvely, of the tlilid and
fomth pali.s, aie pitted against each
other nnd the respective vvinneis of
these second rounds, in turn become
opponents, and so on down the list un
til the victors dwindle down to two,
who then compete for the first ptlze.
The matching Is made accoiding to
the order in which the names appear
In the above table. The finals will be
played at 4 o'clock.
Tea was served on the lawn by the
entertainment committee dining the of the play, and in the even
ing dinner was heived in the newly
furnished and gteatly enlatged dining
At 8 o'clock the new bowling alleys
were formally opened. The ptlvllege of
tolling the (list ball was nuctloned off,
nnd after some spiilted bidding was
knocked down to John II, Biooks, who
Is chaiimun of the committee in chaige
of the bowling. He giaciously tians
feired his pih liege to Miss Fiances
Hunt, who is an enthusiastic bowler.
The honor of rolling the second ball
was accorded to N. G. Robertson, px
piesldent of the club nnd one of the
tllrectois. The first spare was made
by Dr. Claude AV. AVolker; the flist
stiike by A. G. Hunt, and the first
game by John II. Brooks. Fourteen
membeis paitlclpnted In the flint game,
The alleys are located In a ono-stoiy
addition extending fiom the uotthern
end of the main building. ,They were
built by the Buinswick-Balke company
nnd me said to be the best in these
parts. An expert has been engaged to
attend the alleys and give lustt actions
to membeis. Bowling piomlses to be a
feat in e of the club's winter entertain
ment. For the piesent only adults will
be allowed to use the alleys.
The tlub'.s house and giounds now
rank among the best equipped in the
countiy. Besides the bowling alleys,
the new linpiovcinents comprise a hand
ball and "squash" tennis building,
shower baths and lockers. The amuse
ments now affoided are golf, tennis,
croquet, base ball, trap shooting, to
bogganing, hand ball, "squash" ten
uis, ping-pong, bllliaids and pool,
Under this heading short letters of In
terest will be published when accom
panied, for publication, by the writer's
name. Tho Tiibuno does not .Issunio re
sponsibility for opinions here expressed.
No Letter Was Received.
Hdltor of The Tilbuiie.
Sir: In simple Justlco to Mr, Jllkholl
wo wish to collect tho statement In your
Issue of this inoinlug, that Mr, Mltcholl
teplled to oiii letter and guvu us his pos.
ttvo ussmume that the tompany would
not be molested In any way by membois
of the United Mine Wuikeis of Ainoi.
ha. Mr, Mitchell did not give us any as
hiii ante of any kind. In tact our letter
to lit nt was aim ply a statement nt what
wo Intended to do, and did not lull for u
leply, and Mr. Mitchell lias not made any.
Vi'iy tinly joins,
Nmth Ameilcan Coal Co,
A. R. Anthony, Ueu. Mgr.
Sera n ten, Pa., Sept, 4.
i ii
Yesterday's Manlage Licenses.
Fiade A. Claik ,,...,,,, Bcrunton
Mary H. Llddle.
231 JcfTeisoii avenue, Scranton
Albert Roso ,...., Minooku
Addlo Goodwin ,..,,.,,, Taylor
Alexander McGulio ,,,. .Scranton
Coiu Bums ,,,,,,,,,,, ,..,,,Scianton
This 1$ the Day to Register In
Alfred Wooler's Saturday
Morning Singing: School
This pchool will nfford nn opportunity for clilldien 7 to U years ot ngo
to leant how to slug, tor the extremely small sum of $" per year. Foity les
sons, one tier week, constitute a full cni's conisc,
TPITION J5 per venr, iiavnbla nn leglntcilng.
N, U. Tho Instruction will uo given by Mr. AVooler personally.
Hchool opens Satuulnv morning, September 13th.
Reglnter now nt Mr, Wooler's studio, 217 Cat tor Building second floor
C0I Linden silent, ftciituton.
Don't Forget the Preparatory Classes,
Thee c!nf.sps nie for children who Intend later to study tho piano, or any
other nutsluit hiHtiumcnt. The distinction will so equip the pupil vvitlt a
knowledge of the pilnclplrn ot music tlutt rnpld advancement will bo tho to
suit when piano study Is iiudei taken,
TUITION $10 per year, pnyablo tr on reglstcilng, and $5 January 1st, 1D0J.
First elnss begins Monday, September 8th,
Lesson limns 4 p. in, to 5 p. m. '
Regius Monday evening, September 15th,
TCITION-110 per year.
Pupils may leglster now.
Burned Building Has Been Replaced
In Just Thirty-five Days Mass
Meetings Daily.
Tiue to Its announcement, the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany yesterday started up the Bellevue
vvashcry. All tho woodwoik was not
In place, but the plant was In shape
for opeintlon nnd the great need of
coal prompted a start nt the enrllest
possible moment.
The wnshery was de-tioyed by fire on
the night of Friday, August 1. While It
wns still burning, Superintendent Phil
lips set about the task of lepluelng It.
Otdlnnrlly It takes ninety days to build
a wnsheiy. Supeilntendent Phillips de
clared the wnshery would be rebuilt
inside of sixty days. Yesterday was
the thirty-fifth day since the 'flie. It
was August 8 before the first timber
was dellvcted on the ground. On thiee
of the four intervening Sundays work
was shut down. Twenty-five das were
actually spent In constiuctlon.
Tho company claims, It has Its old
force of forty men back at woik, and
that It could get many moie If It needed
them. This makes five wnsheiles the
company now has In operation.
Assistant Superintendent Tobey stated
yesterday that there is mining going on
at neai ly every one of the company's
twenty-four collleiles. At six of them
coal Is being hoisted and run thiough
the breakers. At tho others cool Is be
ing cut and loaded or set aside ready
for loading after the available cars are
all filled. AA'hen sufficient coal Is ready
for hoisting ot any place, the bleaker
will be started.
SoniP ot the miners now at work in
collleiles where the bieakers are In
operation are making small foi tunes.
One miner is given three, four or five
chambers, with a laboier for each
chamber nnd all the ens ho can 1111.
He simply attends to the blasting and
such other duties as only; a certificate
miner Is allowed under trie law to. do.
At one colliery In this dlstilct a num
ber of tockmen have turned in at min
ing and aie lecelving a fixed wage of
$12 a day. This, It is said, does not be
gin to compaie with the money being
made by some miners who me being
paid by the car.
The strikers' mass meetings continue
dally, and nil the leaders aie busy at
tending them, speaking woids of en
couiagement to the men, and urging
them to do all they can In the way of
making themselves self-supporting, so
as to tellpvo as much as possible thp
dinln on the union's treasury.
A big meeting was hold at Archbald
yesteiday afternoon and another at
Glen Lyon at tho same time. Secrelaiy
Dempsey, A'ice-President Ryscnvage
and Bonid Member Healey were among
the speakeis at Archbald. Piesldent
Nlcholls attended the Glen Lyon meet
Allegation Is That It Caused the
Propel ty of George Fendred to
Be Greatly Damaged.
George Pendred sued the New Yoik,
Ontaiio nnd AVestem Railway company
jesterday, to collect $1,900, the amount
of damage which he alleges has been
done to his lot In Jermyn by the com
pany. It Is chaiged that the defendant
elected a bildge over a stieam near
Pendied's laud and that the abutments
for the btldge weie so placed that the
bed of the stieam was nan owed and
dining peilods ot high water a great
quantity of stone, gravel, etc., wns
washed onto his land, destroying ciops
and gteatly lujuilug Its value,
I'endied Is lepiesented by Attorneys
I, II. Burns and II. D. Caiey,
Collectors' Bonds Filed.
The bond ot Lewis McCloskey, col
lector of taxes ot Ransom township,
was filed yesteiday with Clerk of the
Courts Daniels. It Is In the sum of
JG.100 and has M. V. Petty and James
Lacoe for sutetles. The bond of James
P. AVIIson, collector of taxes of Scott
township, wtts also filed. It Is lit the
sum of $15,000, with James Wilson and
F. S. Benedict as sutetles, '
Another bond filed was that of John
J, Coyne, collector for Lackawanna
township, The amount of It Is $17,670,
and the suietles aio Patilck Mulheiln,
M, A. Donuhoe and Thomas J, Coyjje.
Conducted by the
Preparatory department for
young boys.
Diplomas honored by tho
university of the State, nnd by
the Board of Regents of New
York. '
Studies will be resumed on
Monday, Sept. 8, 1902.
For particulars call or address
F. Ml F, S. C.
Natntorium in the Thirteenth Regi
ment Armory Was Formally
Opened Ladt Night.
A large ciowd of .Interested specta
tors gatheted last night nt the Thir
teenth regiment's armory and watched
the Soldier boys make merry at tho
swimming pool. It was the formal
opening of the natatorlum, and the
membeis of Companies D and F ar
ranged a most Intel esting programme
of aquatlo spirts, In honor of the oc
casion. Lieutenant II. II. Ripple, ot Com
pany D, was leferee of the games and
geueial master of ceremonies. Shortly
after S o'clock, the enjoyment was
stalled, when a veiy quaint procession
of soldier boys paraded about the tank,
clothed in most outlandish costumes,
nnd after going thiough a series of gro
tesque movements, dove Into the water
and did some veiy clever swimming.
Lieutenant Bielg, of Company F, and
Regimental Sergeant Major Robert
A'ail were the two highest-ranked offi
cers in the procession. The latter was
attired In white trousers and coat, and
a high hut, while Bielg was In quast
mllltary uniform. Sergeant Ralph
Gicgory, of D, was also In seml-unl-foim,
and Sergeant Allison Kinsley, of
D, was attired much the same as Ser
geant A'ail. Private "Rusty" Connell,
of F, looked like a six-foot
woman, In his female make-up, and
Private Bartz, of F, chose a novel
swimming uttlre. In the form of a po
liceman's uniform.
Private Snyder, of D, masqueiaded
as a fiog, and Private Terry, also of
Captain Merilman's company, was
made up as a woman. Private Holvvlll,
ot F, wore a crash suit. Following the
parade, was a tub race, between AAr. H.
AVItheis and Pilvate Holvvlll, ot F. It
was easily won by the fotmer. Ser
geant Gregory nnd Pilvate Connell
gave a pietty exhibition of fancy div
ing and swimming under water, and an
exciting game of water polo then took
It was between Companies D and F,
and the latter's lepresentatlves won
out by the scoie of 5-2. The teams
lined up as follows: F Brleg, goal;
Connell, center; Holvvlll, light forwaid;
Wartz, left forwaid; Ryan, center foi
waid. D Giegoiy, light forward;
A'ail, left foiwaid; Teny, center; Sny
der, right forward; Kinsley, goal Con
nel and BarU each scoied two goals
for the visitors, and Holvvlll scoied
Gregory and Terry scored for D,
Some veiy pretty passing was done by
Gregoty, Connell and A'ail. Mis.
Comlskey, the lady swimming Instruc
tor, brought the exhibition to a cloe
by doing some clever diving and fancy
sw Imming.
Programme That Will Be Rendered
Sunday in Cathedral.
St. Peter's cathedral choir re-oigan-Izcd
for the coming season last even
ing, and the following musical pio
gi amine will bo tendeied on Sunday,
Sept. 7, viz.: Gounod's "St. Cecilia's
Mass"; solo parts by Mis. M. J. Leon
aid, Miss B. A. Lavelle, Messis. Gus.
Repert and AV. R. Bradbury. Offer
tory: "O Deuo Pater" (trio), Miss La
velle, Messrs. Repert and' Bradbury.
It Is Intended to enlarge the choir,
and all those who wish to join the or
ganization aie lequested to call at
Prof. Schilling's studio, 134 Wyoming
avenue, or he may be seen In the ca
thedial any Sunday after the late
mass. The piesent membeiship of the
choir Is as follows, vl.:
Soptano MIhs B. A. Lavelle, Mis. M. J.
Leonatd, Miss Maiy B. Uiuko, Miss Hllz
abeth Kane, Mis. James Pnyton.
Alto Miss Uiuia Rafter, Miss Jo
sephine Raftoi, Miss Elizabeth Snow,
Miss Maiy 12. Keofe, Miss Cecilia G.
O'lloyle, Miss Catheilno Ar. AValsli. Miss
Maiguiet Kone, Miss Nellie Ban, Miss
Belle Phllbln.
Tenoi Gjtstav Ropert, L Fiank Mellon,
Edvvaid Walsh, Danlol Buckley,
Uass F. G. AVnkelce, John Gimster,
AV. R. Biadbiuy, John Stocber.
System Likely to Be Extended
Through the Adirondacks.
A lease In peipetulty of all the Chat
eaugay lallroad piopertles In tho Adl-
ondacks will piobably soon be execut
ed, and It Is expected that the Chat
eaugay nnriovv-gauge lines will be wid
ened to standmd gauge In time for
next season's trutllc.
Tho Delawaie and Hudson company,
which now practically owns the prop
erty, will then take formal possession
and will opcrute the lines as part of
the Delaware and Hudson system.
New York Sun.
Kingston, Fa,
Special work: Chaiacter-bulldliig and
preparation for college and business,
Certificate received by colleges. Co
educational. Ample attention given to
the ornamental branches. Supetlor
dormltoiles, science hall, chapel, din
ing room, gymnasium and athletlu
field. A finely equipped prepaiutory
school. $300 a year; term opens Sept.
17, For catalogue, uddress L. L,
Sprague, D, P., piesldent.
See the Out Man.
Ilffectlvo and uttiactlve half-tones
and line cuts for caid, advei Using or
any other puipose, cuii be secured at
The Tiibuno ofllce, We do work that
Is unexcelled, do it piomptly und ut
lowest rates. A trial older will con
vince jou,
Directors Meeting.
The dhectois of the Rescue mission will
meet at the mission looms on Monday
next, September 8 ut S p. m,
One Residence Sank Four Feet nnd
the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Tracks Were Depressed
from One to Six Feet for n Distance
of Fifty Yards Center of tho Dis
turbed Area Is Just Over the
"Foot" of the Old Tripp Slope.
Twenty-flve Acres Affected.
There was a further settling, yesters
day, ot the nbandoncd workings of the
old Tripp slope, and tho twenty-five
acres of Tripp park which weie so se
verely disturbed a. week ago, suffered
another collapse.
The greatest damage was done at the
enstern and western extremities of the
dlstnrbed dlstilct. Several houses near
the western end sunk thiee to live feet
and the Delaware, Lackawnnim and
AVestem tracks, on the eustern end,
were depressed for a distance of fifty
feet, the center of the depression hav
ing settled fully flvp foot. It appeared
from surface Indications Unit the work
ings which caved In last week settled
some more, yesteiday, and also that
new cave-Ins occurred along the edge
of the old.
The center of tho disturbance is In
the nelghboihood ot the Intersection of
Sumner avenue and Bulvver stipet, just
north of the culvert through which the
tiolley cats formerly ran beneath the
Delavvaip, Lncknvvannn and Western
tracks. The extent of the depression
Is most nppntcut on the inlhoad, wheio
tho telegiaph wires skirting the ioad
bed which weie foimerly nt the normal
height nbove the tracks, can now be
touched by a man with a cano. Seven
feet of filling was used to biing the
tracks to their proper level after last
week's cave, and six feet more had to
be put In yesterday.
It was 4 o'clock In tho morning when
jestcrdny's cave occtined. The watch
man who has been stationed there since
the last cave, qulcklv set the alarm
signals to halt till trains, and hastened
a message to the ofllce In Scianton.
Before daylight the company hnd
four trains and as many hundred men
lepnitlng the damage. The tracks were
raised with Jacks and blocked and till t,
clndeis, tultn and "bony," secuied from
wheiever It could be tho most quickly
gotten, were dumped Into the depres
sion until it was filled to the level of
the tiacks. Then u "hog" engine wns
tun to and fio over each track to pack
down the bed, and after this, the "nav
vies" tamped caith solidly about tho
Passenger tinin No 12, south bound,
at 6.30 a. m., was mil over the "sag,"
but with the, greatest of caution. All
other tiains, until 1 p. m wcte sent
aiound by way of Keyser Valley. By
night fall the tracks weie once mote
In n peifectly safe condition, but not
ns level and solid as they will yet bo
The residence of William Farr, at tho
coiner of Sumner avenue and Eliza
beth street, has settled about four feet
and Is slightly out of plumb. The
lesldences of John Curtail and AV. D.
Edwards on Elizabeth street, and
Chailes Cooper on Bulvver stieet, have
also settled a few feet. All four houses
had their plnstcilng and cellar walls
cracked. They ate located on tho ex
tteino western end of the disturbed
aie.i. New flssuies opened In many
patts of the paik, especially at the
western end. It would' seem that the
cave is creeping westerly and south
erly nnd feais aie enteitalncd thnt xlt
may yet reach the knoll on which new
No. 20 school Is located, In which event
serious consequences mayresult as the
surface vein has been mined outfiom
beneath it.
The center ot the disturbance, ac
coiding to Supeilntendent James
Evans, of the Diamond, Is just above
the "foot" ot the old Tilpp slope, fiom
which the gangways ladlttto and which
In consequence had a wide expanse of
unsuppoited roof, The settling fol
lowed the main gangway extending In
a westerly dliectlon.
Superintendent Phillips of the Dela
waie, Lackawanna and AVestern coal
department, hud an examination made
yesterday, and It was lepoited to him
that all the veins down to and Includ
ing the Claik have caved In, and that
theio Is scaicely n likelihood of fuither
Thousands visited tho scene of tho
cave-in dining the day, nnd many of
tho lesldetns In tho nelghboihood put
In u piofltable day by picking coal fiom
the "bony" that was hauled thither for
Many Applications for Relief Were
Henid Yesterday.
The poor boaid met yesterday after
noon and henid applications for lclief
by a largo number of destitute men
and women. In the absence of Piesl
dent R. Q. Biooks, the meeting was
presided over by Attorney Fiedeilck
A pathetic case which was luought
to the membeis' attention was tllut ot
Sablna Malta. Although deaf and
dumb and pr.ictlcully helpless, who has
undertaken the caio and protection of
the two young clilldien of her dead
hi other. Her application for lellef was
refened to Director Timothy Buike,
The s.iniu action was taken In the
cuse ot Mis. Mm gin Pt Langan, of Dun
moie, who wns lecently deserted by
her husband. She has two small clill
dien, Mis, Slater, of Penn avenue, was
admitted to the Hillside Home, Mis.
Slater Is supposed to be addicted to
tho tibo of narcotics, Mis. Noui Buny
asked truuspoitutlon to Ai Kansas, but
her petition was not gi anted.
Mrs, Jane Lyman, of Gibson stieet,
was admitted to the home, us was also
Mis, Roso Floitl, who was funnel ly
an Inmate, hut left the city some
months ago, Supeilntendent Ueemei's
report showed thieo deaths and thiee
births ilming the mouth, und a total
number of Inmates of 407,
Edwin M. Welssenfluh Is Trying for
Pennsylvania Team.
Edwin M. AYelssenlluh, of this city,
who will enter tho Unlveislty of Penn
sylvania this month, Is now practicing
with the 'varsity foot ball squad at
Eaglesmero. He Is being played at
halt back on the legulnr team and has
done good work to date.
To know exactly wlint the facta are concerning this new
Loan Company before you go to the old.fnshloned concern
Wo ark for your patronage on
new methods give you p. positive
More Reasons
You' will not have to get somo one to endorse papers for you.
You will not pay IntPiest on the paid-up principal here.
You may move whenever you like.
New 'Phone, No. a8a6.
Scranton Loan Guaranty Co.
No. 207 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.. Near'Cor. Spruce St.
Business lionises a. m. to 6 p. m.: Sntuidays, 8 a. m, till 9 o'clock.
Handkerchief Sale
Has taken tho town bv stoim. Bttveis of good Htindkci chiefs are Bia
sed and delighted. Tho sale continues Satuidav and Mondav. and bar
H pilsed and delight
gain nssottineuts s
gain nssottineuts still remain unbroken. Sco dally papeis of AVedncsdJty
Uf and Tluusday for details-
Special Bargain Offerings
Children's School Dresses, '
School Hosiery, Headgear, ,
Boys' Waists, School Umbrellas,
Coats, Jackets, Etc.
Hotter goods for less money than nnywheto else In this town. You'll
mako a mistake If ou fall to look us up befoto buying,
The I nf ants' Department
Is peifectly complete; nnd as
dutull, this dcpuitment orcein ad
vvheic The slock includes long
mere Jnckets: coats. In IJetllord
Long and shot t skirts, socks) nnd
bunds, onibioldeicd blankets, kni
set Imps and oveiv thing olso
tiling tot that still tcciiihes moth
styles of apions ate sold In this
Saturday Bargains
Hen's Furnishings, Ladies' Hosiery,
General Underwear, Cloaks
' and Suits, Waists and Skirts
Many half-pilco lots, and all tho leading new fancies for early fall
A'ou can't do better than visit our storo tomonow. You'll' save money
if you do. '
cConnell & Co.,
The Satisfactory store.
2 400402 Lackawanna Avenue, m
117 Wyoming Avenue,
Desires to call attention to the above Miniature
Grand Piano by Steinway and Sons, of New York.
Also'to his stock of other pianos:
Steck, A. B. Chase, Kranich & Bach,
Honroe and Others.
Pianos to Rent. Complete Lino of Sheet flusic.
J 5'
Benjamin Franklin said:
"A good roof is second only in importance to a
good foundation.
He, ot course, meant j
as applied by the
J1 ! ! ! $ 4,,l 4" 4 4 H $ $
Frank Collins, ot Carbondulc, la be
ing tiled ut center on tho samo team.
AVpltssenlluh Is nbout live feet eleven
Inches In height and weighs 175 pounds.
He is a good Hue plunger, fast on his
feet for a heavy man, and a fair de
fensive uluyer, Ho was foimeily a
tho distinct .understanding that our
AA'o have done nway with several dis
agreeable and expensive features.
Less Expenses. Less Interest.
without any other security.
for Coming Here:
P. O. Box, 94
tho slock Is now down to tho smallest
vantages to motheis not to be found elso-
shott dresses, slips, crochet and cash-
coitis, cKtci downs, biik, casnmcie, etc.
stockings, shoes, bootees and mittens',
tied squat es and shawls, veils, hats, caps,
jou can think of for tho baby or tho tod
er's attention. Nurses' and all other
dopaitmcnt. Also
t 4
star player on the Scranton High
schol team, vrheie he played tenter,
tackle ami half buck. Ho ought to
mako the Pennsylvania team, especial
ly In view of the fact that the Red
and Rluo has a paucity of A No. J
t "I
tA...'i.4v 4, .m
l- Mfc.M-'J .'fci.J. 4
ifw i , ie i f- i