--tt tl .' ft-' i : ', v. ... , , n . kr THJiJ SCHAiNTOiN TJhWUNJSATlJtDAV, SMI'TEMJJETt 0, 1902 fwFrTi :t(!e crMfon d6uttt ' rubtlnhul mil- tftMpt HitmUj-i T The Tribune ' rnMUIilni-conipmlj-,! fifty Cnt it Month. I.tXJV. HICIIAllll o. f, ny.vBKi: .. KulTnn.1 ill KIVKM MAfAflKn. Xnt' ' th PnVotHcr lit icriilon, m mh-oihI. I,Im Mali .Matter. .tWhen apnea will ptiriiilt, 'III Irlliunr la mtmnj Kind lo prltil alitit-t Irtlriji from IN (rlanrla lirnrliiB mi ciirrrnl Milieu, liut III Vni la that llipur mull lie ilirnfrt. for pub. llnnllniit lir ll' wrllrr'n renl numiil Mini h cnnilltloti pm-rdml'tei urt'friititrntf la thnt nil ronlrtlmtlnne 111011 lie aubjert lo rtlltnrlM rerlilnn. illK M.AT KATK I OK AIIVKRTIHINO. Xh fbllotvlnc tahtr hIkivmi th prlca per Inch each Innrilnn, itpur to lia tif il vt llliln una yciir: ; DISPLAY EmViIiiui'so' ini Iim Ml Inchri . . . lao N" '"M" ," 1090 " , Kim of ' Paper "El .40 .VII 'HI Milling on KMiilInc l'llll t'o-llltm ." .41 .11 .C .1(1 .III .IV I "Far cril of ttianln, rrsolnltou of contlolanca, aiftl 1mllr contributions In th iiaturaorailvrllln-, Th Trlbuna makut ft charea of S emu a lint-.' TEN PAGES. S 'It ANTON, SKPTHMUKIl ti. 1!'U-'. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. !.Oornor-S. W. PCNNVPCKKn. "Lieutenant novcrnniYV. II HROWN. Bectetntv of Interna I Affilm-ISAAC B. BROWN. County. ' CoilffUSV-WlMilAM I'ONNKLU .Ttirlpe-A. A VOSlSt'ltG ComnilitloiiPix-.IOH.V COIMlTRrt MOR RIS. JOHN im:nman. , ,. Iln Insncrlnii l.l.r.WV.I.YN m. r. - ANS, DAVID T. WILLIAMS. Legislative, nut Distiict-JosRPii oi.ivna. ."Second DNtilct-JOIIX SCIIKKKR, JR. Thlirt DlHlilct-I'DWARD .IAMK3. Fomlli Dlililct-P. A. PIIII.11IN. Election day, Nov. 4. ' "The action of Hie grand Juiy on tlic oa"e of tht Wainkf ilepnllft sefint to have dispelled any ft-ais that tlis toitn ty Keat of TjIIxpi ui ollld lmc In be le moved from Wllke-4-Kniie to Dnr.vej. Afterward, What? IT IS ENrOl'ltACSlNU lo obien e that many ot the lending tlilnKeis of the I'Oiinti.T, the men who look ahead, aie already kU'Iiik thought tor condltioiiH Atlii'ii this mine Jitlike shall have ended. One Kieat ttouble in 'the haid toal mlninic luduity In ye.itt 'roup by Iiiih been the l.itk ol IIiIiiLIiik. of- looking- ahead. Hail uiieiutuix looked ahead, theie would haw been no powder question to inflame the men, no conipuNoi v tiadhiK1 In toiiipjiiv Ffote', no exeelve dinkase and no toleianie ol ?io'- and wholesale faot tlm or pettv ti mny on the p.nt of iTiAiiy iiilno bosse" intlated with bilef a,ittlioi ity. Mud the mlnei looked -l)ead, they Mould not hae iiched the Wattle for betteied tundlllinis in the foolish hope ot Kettlnx instantlv evc-iy-Ul'lliK asked tot under penaltv of stilkr, JOm would the lia e let the lolillol 'of. tlieli IouiN hllp in mull) In "slances tiotn toimeiMitUe Into U.ne ilcll baudt. If both sides had look,,! plieail, theie would hae lieen no lilke and no pulling- at the pllhu-i of pios peilty with il.ini.iK" ieiUliintf r.iti lo lepair. The let of tumiiioii 'eii-i -abllltv to pioflt by etpei leiue, and tlieietoie it is thnel.x to toii'ldei what iM.il bo done In the futrie to nuii! and undo the-e mistakes ol the p.'xl. ",1'lieie ate two toim-, of .ulv.iuied (teatment of the labor iJioblem whit It h'tve enlliusla-'lle t li.tinptonx. One In volves soelil itsivlte: that Is, Miilotllltl IpK the woikmau'.s woik and liouie life yHh multiplied uiaenleui t s and i uiu- :iiut helpiiiK him to educate his chil dren and eudeaWMlns. in hi ief, to pa triate halle Industi). Some excellent Jesuits hae been wiought by these Means; but It will e'''i be uiallv.J to the doti linen f of this li.iin of enti-i pi Ke that when Hie National Casli Itegi-iei .company, al Dayton, li.iil made lis r.u tory life the model foi all the win Id and had KOiie lo lengths of yood will mid Seneious tie.ilment establlsMiiK .slilu lug tocoids in the lelatloiih uf employ er anil employed, the whole wotklntj force .struck "beeatise the fue towels .supplied to them h id been sent I'm :laundiylUK to a pool woman who did not belong to the union. . The otVer melhotl, mnie sti j tl busl-aiess-llke. Is iiiollt-hliailuK. Our lap tains of iielUhtiy me eiy Ini gel) tuiu Inar Inch attention to the Institution of old age p"isous, sick benefits and aicldent Insui time fin ins of piollt stiailns; ami theie haw- been sint.ess ful lustames of stiaiKht piotlt-sh u Iiik, The Jiiiioklyii Kagle tells uf our, Unit of a well known soap faetoiy neai I'ln-t-lnnHll, wheie. It sas, "th thaiacter Tf the woik was i adit-ally tlmimtd In a 'fjCv months by Hit- Inuodiit-tlou of this nhii ling system. I'utll tln-u, Ihe pui- p'rlploj.li!id been nt gieal loss ihioiiKh Jth(i VaTelessuess, law lessiies, a.linss AM 'iSfnciy I'M'titf IftilCJi" '"' 'J'i'-y t-iiii!?;;:f j,pi:,'m;,j uiiii; ' Thvy w ere wasteful, TheV'Vvottltl woik till they Ha ginned enougli-iuMft di link with, iuiflnnmi"a:aiti lusrt ti-n at them. Kvj-iy new man'itVilirwP ihe oveislglit 3f a linTneil one while he was leaiillng, and dining that peiltnl he was not only jj7inpii)tluclle hlmsuir, but he i-nused lilq lltHtiuutor to be non-pi udtlcUs e also, Mateilnls'weiH tlestioynt thiotiKh sheer il(Ala'i!Wn((, The llleil w'ein niitleau ,'nnrt unpleaHuiil. They weie not good .pjliieiis, -because they liud no lutuicst InUhelr tnwii, ami no mjhip to a hotter public splilt, . UiAK-lHo-ilH these ptopltt Welt- lUlltlt P m))Jpfftfnsl tliut, they wouM ptollt by ;helr, woik In thu smue way as their .'mployel-H, all wus thuiigi-il. Tim men 'JScamti eaiiiest, they slopjietl nil wuste 'uj inli)t8Mjihfy lietame sober and In Justl Ions", thoy uetled to a tmer home ,i(e, and began to take an Inlet est in IJU'ols ajpl otliei' jmblli- heloiiglngK of 'he place, tlicy weio helptd In the huy ng tif liouiifs, and lastly wne encotii ijfffl W buy stotk In the factory, which jWW found for litem In the nuiikot, and "lift'e allowed for the pumeul. When a Ijptef was w oiklng pot only r,ii il. .jtjnlrdrinual gltt, Jiut ior a dividend on ii tihaics, he winked to n purpose, Phe experiment has been emliely suc- whe r' l Inclined to lecomiuend dhect pHilU-Hlnnliig a a pnillnUvc of the dlsttithed conditions In the nutln-a. tjtp legion, Us itigtlineiit being that utoekliolilerji mlslil better give i per tent, and get i per lent, lit dhlileilds Ihnn tu ginsp ror f, pi- cent,, and got nothing because nf stt Iking, shlik lllg, ilesltitclKiit of ptnpeity iihd rrlme. It mlds! "It (piollt-sluttllig) would III time weed out fioill Hie mines the pel sons who attack women ami blow up houses. They aie useless III mine as lliey ale exeiywheie, but the Incentive to teal woik would keep ,1110 men-nho liml minds us well as hands, anil the Jmliisliy would thilxe, Kspe I'liillv .would Jt piosper If the laboiem roillil be peisuadeil to InSest III a few shines, paying for tlitin by luslalinenlH of a liulf tit il I it r a week, or applying to that puipose tile piollt sinned on divid end iln.Ns. Theie would be less of toin HiK" uud going, less lawlessness ami dls toutent, belter hollies, more public m jili It, anil piobablv u less acllliil Iosh to stockholdei s than 1 Inclined by Dies- teaseless and ilesliucllVe tllsttlib alice." The wa.s and means of establishing heller conditions leiiuhe tuieftll study snd doubtless will call for expel hnenl as well, Hut after the'sttlke theie must be betterment. Simply as a busi ness (imposition, taking no higher view, this will be Impel utlVe, - The Pocohonlns coal stllke was de- clated off without ronretence of any kind, and t:eiybody In the legions Is liappv. m The Trand Toward Compulsory Arbitration. AN INTKRKSTINt.; measure has been drafletl by touusel for the t'niled Mine AVork eis of Ameilca for submis sion lo congiess ut Us next session. It plot hies that when a cot pointlou doing an Intel -state business, and, by leasotl of Ilinlilllt.N to meet Its fixed ihaiges, shall hint- Its affairs adminis tered bv a lecehei, Is eugiiKetl In a loutest with 0U pel tent, ot Its em ploxes for a pel hid of twenty tln.s, by e.ison of which .".mill ot nitue men he t nine Idle, utitl the ollieials of such inr lioiatluu tefuse to deal with their em (iIoNes oi those lepi eventing them, or to agiee upon a (dan of aibltiatlou to adjust their diffei ences, the piesldellt of the I'ulted States shall give notli e thai if within ten il.i s no agieement is i".ichrd looking to adjustment, the piesldellt of the t'nlted Stales shall suspend the president and ofllcl.ils uf said t oi porallou, and shall appoint, subject to ninth illation by the senate, "a minpeleut pel sun who shall mlmiii istei the all. ill.- ol the said luipoiatkin unlit such time as the slut kholilers of the tompaiiv shall depose Its piesldellt and otllti.'ils and elect sutiexois who .-hall tome to an agieement with their emploes." This ofllter is tu hae the (towns, duties, and obligations of a le l eirr. Tlie bill further pi in Ides that "If the einploe.s do not Immediately letuin to woik under mli tei mm as may be designated b. the udmiulstialoi-, then the rmploNes ale to name an aiblliatoi, ihe inusitlMiii of tlie rolled States an aibiliatiM, and these two lo select a thlid, which thlee shnll then i.fs upon all dlfltieiites for sin h lime as the toi IJoi.illuii has breu In the hands of the ailniinl-ti aim , and the Hading of Hie tald ai biliatois shall be final and i oii i'llie on oil patties and shall be m tepled with Ihe same lone and elicit a- a detite of the t'nltetl States com t." Tlie p.i of the .idiiilnlstiator and his asxlsianls is juded foi . and his len til e is to continue until the .stockhold ei s elect fi pieslilclil and boaltl of ill it i tins who mine to an agieement with Hie eiiiplnii , "tlllOUKh llleil l'eit esell lathex," wheKiipon the piesldellt of the fulled Slates shall, aftel leusolw aide notli e, dt-slguate a ti.j when the .uliulillsli.iloi'rt diitits shall lease and the atlmiiilstialur eliminate himself as functus ottli lit. This measuie has no (iie.seiit refei ente to Hie aiilhiacite situation, though, If cu. H led, it mlKht h.tt- at some tiituie time. Its llllelesl lies illl,.l. In s icwlntiou of Hit liend of tlie thoughts of Its atltliol low aitl (iiiiipulsuiy ailil lialiuii. In pi lilt Iplc theie Is little tllf telelllf between this lilll ami that of liuw-llinr Stone; both letogllle llltl the public Intel tM, which shtiuld be pai amount, tails lor a judicial Instead ot an auaiihistlc M-ltleiueut of iiulus 11 1 ll I dilleieuie.s, Cunsltleilng the absence of lilcliaid Hauling Unvls, tin- aimy and ua. aie imtking a w-ry guod .showiliK on the New Ihiglaud toast. Tlanltoba. A II KN Wi: consider thnt , less than a gt iietatlou ago the (it ov luce of .Mult iloba, ill Camilla, was known uulj to hiiuitih, ttappcis and lluil-nu ll.i.s i linnets, ami that lit the Intel v inlug time it lias glow u to be not otil "Hie maiiiu of Hillnln" but uHo the inosl iuositiuus and (iiouilslng pait of the entile dominion, the details of Its ugilciiltuial wialth, oidluailly iliy leading, btiottie Invested with something ot the cltatui of toinaiite. The Maulloba Kim I'icss has tecent l Issued a ciop supplement which Is full of Infill Illation. Wheie, lu187U, tile e.e of mail i unlit scan the lioilzou In vain for signs or human habitation (hue aie now ill't wheal elevatots, with Moiage tapac fur '.'U,0T7,t)Uu bushels of main, and these ate Inxiilllrlcnt to taki" caie of the enormously Incieaslng auinial yields. Kur example, in jss'!, theie weie in clllth llllon JtiO.Sl.' ucie.s of wheat, with a leld uf S.liMI, I5"i biislf es, ami about as niiuli iiitaln in oals and bailey. In 1W7 the wheat acieagn hud gmvvn to ll.i:U ami the jlobl tu U'.'IM,".'! bushels, In M,(i tm wheat at it age stood at 74ti,0."8, ulili a lehl of H,ti6r),7ii'J bushels, while at the same time y,r,:t,-lll bushels of nits and .'.Olil, 415 hushtls uf bailey wcte gmvvn, lly nil") the wheal acii'age had nachul l.Hu.JTi; and the li-ltl htood at ,l,i,'',01S biiahi-ls, an avei.itte of .'7,Mi bushels to tin- aim, the highest uveiaga jet seined. I.at jeai's jjeltl capptftl the i Umax for itmntlly itinouitllng lo oO, 50J.W5 bushels nf wheal, gtown fitini mote than K,000,w alien; 'J'JKb.JSS bushels of oats and 6,3J0,155 busheU of bdiley, Counting all crops, the aggie- gate lilit wan .S.",17f,S."S httshclit, fiotu 2,91 7, MO aties. The eatluuiles for the piesenl yedt excpctl largely the Humes of lust yent's letil, though It will soon be possible to nntiottlii'ii the cMict llguies. The lm pot (ant fuel Is that .Manitoba has plenty of loom foi twite us tunny wheat glow ets as ale now located within Its hoi dets, .-nitl the steady stieaiu or linmlgiiiuts ussuies that ill no distant day the people and the fai ms will get together1. Mvety etir mills to the ilexelopiuelit of stotage and tinnspm tallon facllllles within the (inn luce, to the number of new homes noil to the iHciiiiinliitluiis In the banks of honestly earned luullts ciedlted to the "limn with the hoe.", The tellsus bulletin saying Hint piu-git-us In meillcnl and situlluiy science has In the past decade added a year to the median age of tlie Anit'ileau peo ple Is .somewhat iiuulllled by the uilill tlotial stuteinenl Hint one Iticlor i-iin-tilblltlug lo'thls it-suit has been the det lining lililh tale. The median iige, ll tuny he eplulnei1, Is the llijuie leaclKd by adding the total number of yeais of uge of all the 'people and dhidlng by the number of people. It Is now 1!-' S uud ten euis uko It was 21. H. Hut ll Is little tu our cicillt that us i h i'llatltiii ath antes and the need of gootl people Ini'tcnses, those best able to H-nr , hlldien ptuperly, or nt least those possessing the best melius of pmxldlug lor their rdtiinllon and mateilal W'elfaie, ale iticituslugly In t lined tu sltlik tills social obligation and thmw the Inn den ot iet:i lilting the population upon pet sons In mote stiatt enetl cltcuinstuticts. II Is sntlsfactoiy to note that Min ister Wtl has innilc denial ot the pub lished leptitl Hint Upon his lecent visit to Klnghaniton he wits heated with tlsi out tesy while passing thiotlKh tin; mining lesion. He says he was never mote courteously tieated In his life. The nilnlnn tegiou has enough tu an swet fot when the ti tit li Is told; this thing of llng ubout It Is vety til e-sotne. And now some pnpeis ute mean enough to Intimate that Hon. Tom Johnson's captuie of the Ohio Dem on ut j Is of no litoi e (iiaclical tolise illleitte than the lmaglliaiy destitution of I'nt'le Sam's fleets on theXcw Kng i.t tu I i oast. "Will the Novel Dlsappeai ?" Is the title of a leal ned symposium. Judging t' i dim the iiumhtr (Minted it will not; but most of them could be spat ed without setious loss. failles III thntse of the details of the Venezuelan i evolution have evi dently det bled to enjoy the few temaln itig tin 4 ot the v .nation season. The pulllit iau who thinks he tan tlag the Itooxevelt bootii two je.ua heme by a ti list-made tlaiiKet signal is likely to uteil aitiiletit Instil ante. ll iiiij be that the Demount j' for lnut will be shv on Is.sues, but Tom Johnson does not (impose Hint it shall be minus a mall. The taiidlilates at Heading the other tl.ij- seem to have been also notltltd that the i!eiubllians ate a w liked t low it. Hue h of the latge pat lies having se tuied a wing and a leg of the guilt less t'nlon p.utj, let us have peace. The act lilent to the Bioukljn gave .iliiios-fiij gotten Itti.aiil's Hay a place on the map again. The Indications of n t'alllson land slide i tint liuie to be Invisible, IiilaiiKible and noli est. PROTECTION HELPS EOBEIGN TKADE. IMItol ul Tile Tllbuiie, Sit. It is oltt u a it; lit il that iiioleclion luillllieis Ihe pinteclid itiuutlj 111 the tle Veliipini lit in Intieasi' i,l Its hales to olln-i tiiuiillits. Tin l e Is uiithiug In that tiiiiteiiiluu. If nut gutitls ate lUht and out pi In- Ilulit, Hie til In t t ulitili li-s will buv tin-in, even thniiMh uut iitiitetllve tui t IT was as snilii us the L'hlui-e wall II-, d tu lii. I.cl the llt,uns ut ls'ii,, law ful Iff. mil I'm.', IiIkIi till ill, tell. Out inii staull.v luc tensing sales to ('anaila, with Us plefl lelltilll I, II IT! in tnviil uf HllK liiutl, iinvi- that, iih .iImi do tlie lolluwliig liguiis, using tulllltiiis uulj : Umi-k of liupoils, Iiiiis, i:i'ts, l!il i.ll via -17 I vl TU ViT 5 lis t;s jsj uu Is'tT "i.l I, i"n I'il. Ins i,p; 1,2:1 1,13 ivi i.'iT 1,2-7 .l.'li ismi M'l 1, "it .VU l'llll N.'l 1. VT H.l I'm.' nut i,;im -i;s 01, put ll this wnv ; Kxcess ul cnilx Mum tlm liiiliulatluli of the novel tiinent to the emit tmeiit nf Ihe Diug- lev- law $ .l,1i!,MlS.'2 Km ess nt expoils -Ince Hie t liiiclmellt of Dlllgle.v luvv .... l',M-'.iJI,1l3 (five jesis onlvi. Hilt, they tell us, "High till 111 ki.ps llovvtl llllliiilts anil lec-tlls KOVelUUielit le venue." At-alu liny ale wiling. The Humes nf Impntls above quiitcd. lit Hie I1UI1 tin Iff veins iS'ii-l'iii.', inuve the iiiutiiiiv. Nor ilu tile illMnuis let-eiius lielp their lllllil 1 lulls uigimielit III I'm.'. IImiiI Jem Jtlst tluct'tl, vv collecleil ?.', Htl,'U7 duties on Imp"! Is, In Inn in-ill I) $tin,iKi nioiu than In tlie low tailfi jenr, lb' out 1 a-nun 1 11 tu "no pulicj" fi lends must it j sinne nilier tuck, Thej tan never Illlike pint tilt litis one, 'Walter J. llallatd. Sclicntcliidj, N. V Sept, o. 'POETRY." in:. If 1 mil' us 1 It li as Miiigim's tutu), lib, think vvltiti Jov itiul bliss! Wn toiilil yet 1 iiiisolliliitcil, And atui k up coin 1 1 K e Kin:. Hut i-Iik i- jcni'iu nut mi j-liuaieil, And iliin't iivvt, a tiling In town, 1 tlpu'l caio to yet 1 iiiMolldHtcd, Hu please g.i ti nay hat k , ami ltd n w n. -Anon. INFORMATION, Dm lug (tin our ended .limn So, 1'ml, ns shown by (ho liiteiHulu I'oiiinii ue itmi inlssltin's let nit ittmil, the gloss cm it lugs of nil tlie inllitiiils of the fulled Stalls vvne H,riSS,1.'..,ni7, 11 -..lilt of lul, imiilii") met the Jeuls 1Vii-1'i til. OpeiilllllK t Npi Uses weie 4l,l!ti.V,i "7n, alt lliinnsu uf ottlv i,s,'ii,s,7,Vi, The net i.iiiiltms V.I:s,7ii7 leglsleieil, theiefole, a Kit In liver Htti .vent pifiiillug of fl.VIJ,lut KniuliiLts have mole Hum kept pate with Inciiilse III inlluige, tut- Ihe iiuiiigo 11" tin us ier utile havi glow 11 ft tint W.T.'J lit iMfi-llmn tu J,MI lit I'lOil.'Ol. Yet Item l I,ihi tulli s ol new tniek Went I. lid III lite pi 1 I111I coveltd by the t iininilssltiit's lepiilt. I'assetigrt tintlle shtivvetl a tela lively gleiilir Incteiise tlllttl fnlgltt tint He. Tin- tiutnlier of p.issi'tmciti tallied was w",""",!.'!, 11 gain of inuniil.uuii tut thu lenilil of the x t ill- lilnetllng. l'telgllt tiilliniKi- led off ft little, the lotitt l.lix'J, '.'.'tp, I In-being stnallif be 1.',uini,inhi II11111 Hint fin ivi'i-pum Hut Ihe Ion mileage tutnnlly liieicai d, Indli-utlng 11 gteatct dtiisliy ul tlalllc, unit the total it venue 1 1 olll fulfill scivlu- lose mole t lilt 11 !'', IHKi.tmil iihove Hie level nf the pltcedllK vein-. I'lisseiiger it-venue, with 11 gtoillef expatisliui uf btishitss, miiile a gulll of J.'7.iilU,i..'il. 11 llttl" laiger peicellluge tlnil Hint shown In the it nuns finui Height. The itioiiiiiius siule on whit It nilliuid tiieiullnns lit this tnuutij aie uovv ton tint led Is suggested bv the census taken of liillvvuv cinploves. Ncnil.v l.lntl IKK) nun weie on the i.tllioail pajinllM In 1HU I'M, lite eviit t number being I,tl7l,1ii9. This was nit lm tease of .Y!..1ltl over tilt) itei tiling venr, nml It Is sale to nay that an cipi.il nildltlnu lias been tnittle lo this vnst ni m since Hie 1 tuiiinlsliiu s latest 1 1111 met nt Ion was tn-n.li-. Rlai-ksinlilis lecelve as wa-ja-s In Xevv Votk t-.i'i pel tin j". In I .midou Jl.ipJ' per tlav, In fhltiign .' Mi pel iluv, lit liliisgovv $I.IS ter tlav. ltliiclcsinldtx' helteis te telve In flile ign fl ii'i n-i tlav, 111 .Mau 1 hester Wtl'j, In St. Louis 411,1 (u-r day, In Olasguw tV'V, (ief ilnv. (inpi ulem litclve In New Yolk $.! I'l -'-I pi I tlav. Ill l.iiiitltili Jl.i.S., ier il.iv, in St. Litiils J.'! 11 pit tlav, In .Mam lu-stei Jl .I'l'.,, In t'lili ai.'o j-II. In (llast-uvv ?l 1ii4 )ic't- daj. Cabinet in.ikets ntilve J J in per tiny In New Votk as against H '!7'i in Mane hester. Jinn tnnlileis iicelve V."'U III (,'hliago, as against l.(.'t, In til isgovv. Machinists teetlve tj 11 in Xt w Y01 k, us against f! 5i4 In l.outlon utitl V.'-'i In St. Louis, as against Jl.lll iu.Miiliihestel. I'attein inakeis nt eive ' 7fi'; in SI. I.tnils, as against $I.1M, in Manclit'-tti r. It Mould baldly stem nctc-stiy to ailvume uu' luitlic-i atgtimeut to th" Intelligent Ann 1 h 1111 wiukluguian In uidti to ptove In ll I tu that It was In his It'lete-d to stip poit the pntv whese atlln-ience to the doclihiu of piutecllim litis saved blni liiutl the Lontpetltltiu uf 1 ilinr ptld at the lutes iitntetl, espet lallv when the olilv uppuiient uf that (i.iilv is iipeitly anil nvtiVM-tlli upposul to jnolet lion stud ailviitates a pulli v which must inevitable tisiill in miming the wages nf the Atneilcnii wiukinen lo thu level with those paid to llleil Illitlslt litotlu-is. The tepuit ut V oiiiiulsxiiiin 1 t'liambei- l.iln, ol the liiiitau ul 11 iv Igatloii, at Waslilugluti, show leg, as It tlut-x. tin. ilitadent lunilitluu ut uut ttieiiliaul ma il nf, gives a shin p at lentil illoii lo the l.llllllo ol inngle-s al Its litetit se-sltm to p.iss a ship Hiibsidv hill, c'onituls-luu-er I'luiinbei Iain's statistics show tin ac tual dei tease uf llftv-twu vt-ssds in the uiitubt-r cunsti ulIi d In the last fisial Mat, and u tin lease in tonnage uf J1,--C1. "Last Julv," It Is said, ,,i,T.l.tjn luns uf ocean steel steameis weie mulct 1011 stiiictluu in lindi'i cunti.ut. while dining the s.nue 1111111H1 this win uulv abuiit llu,- (it) tuns ate undei 1 iinsti nt Hon, and no l.ilge seabnaiil cniitiatls ale lc polled." lit the Mat 1 nded June .ID, Jtml, 111 tout ing tu the Inleisltte fiiniiueiie luinuits-.-lun, unit i.iss.or was kUlid nil Ameil taii lalhoads fui eviij- 1!, 1.1.1 lu'i taiild, anil one was inhlitd lot eveij .I,7I un tied lit the dm nine ol ch nice this minus that the aveiage in 111 would until In make a Jiim nev of i,I,"m7,"iIS miles b.v tall bt-luie g. tlln Klltt I. 111 one uf :,47!i,nii7 nillis belnle being liijiueil. The Cilsnii lumpany of Spain, In which King Allnusii Is lamt-H lutciextid, his unltttd In.iHin tuns nt Anii-lli.ni eltttiltal tiiilt him 1 In fhltaii, Willi whit b tu eipilp the , Spanish ,11-cinl ut lliiblu, Spain. .Mute than $miiiiihi vwiilh uf Ann 1 It a a inachlneiv will Ije useil lit is talillsltlug the plain uf the Spinlsh 1 tun pinv. whit li will be one of Hie I.iliiest ul lis kind in the win Id. In 1 uniitt tlun with uiii 1 1l11tatiu1j.il It-nl It Is win Hit u note Hint nut ipuit uf inanulat tun s tu Kuiiipe dining the Iim.iI i-ii just iIumiI liitliulttl .'..SIii.Ti..! win Hi ul stliutilic- iii-.lt unit Ills uud JI,'H1,ihiJ of iniislial Instiunieiits, ut neiiil.v as 111111 It as tun aveiage jiaflv tnl.it espoils ol nil inauulai lutes, tu .ill tiumtilts, In thu ISJl-Kil die. ul,- New Yolk state spent M"5. !1 2i 1 lm schools lot lilt! jiui I'Ml. uf with h liltv nlue per n ui nr $-'l iDl.dlt, was lor te.ulieiH' sal it hs. Illinois spnil sls,li,1,. "I'l lot- sthuiil piiipu-cs lor the je.11 I'iiiii, ut width slMj-thiie pel cent., 01 $11, 41.1,'itJ, Was lui li 111 hi is' xitl.nk-s. Of the win Ill's Hilt ty-s... in steamship line- Hint pu-so ovi-i Iihi.ihkI tuns each uulj tvvn alii Atutiliaii. Tltu cheaplj maiinid. theaplv built, heavily stibsl 1II.11I luiiimt sttaineis liuve ill hen Ann liiutl ships fnrm Ihe niielgii i.uij A Hade THE PUBLISHING BUSINESS. l-'tiuu Aluhin's Mu-ia.liie The publishing Intliisli.v, us 11 whole, titliks easllv- nulling the 111. si ul the na tion, lm biding bunks anil lull ptliitlng, the total luiidutts ot the lust itiisus jtai Weie $:i7uV,,ir,ll Time vvtlt- i'.',,!!.' estitb llslllnellts, v llleil lepleseutetl a value III JJ'iJ.'lT.o"-'. The wmklim ill tin st plants uavi! cmplo.vnu'nt to .I7,7!'l sahnkMl uf. Iliets uud i,."i'i.' wime laliuts H.ilailes tent lit ll Jtilli'ilJil'i, aildWllMH $l,:i'i,'HI, Wn inav iiieasiilii olil leadhig unit it b.v tlie pounil. In 1'iirn It timk l.ru.. 1 IJ.JIs pounds of piper tu mitku mil nuvvspapcis ami bunks uud lot our loliuoik. I.0.11I11I on inlght tats this vast aggiegalo, ot p.ipi-1- vvuiihl nitl' n 11 Hitllil 1 1 ti In over lln tulles long The Intnl 1 list of the paper was i7.s.'!,Mi', or an .iwiagu ot M.l tents (ief liounil, Adv el Using lias tuoiii than kept pant Willi Iho tlnvt Inpuienl of th" newsiapi r It is liitteaslllglv tividellt that Hie pllh- lll.... tu .!.,.,., K.I. ..t .,,.. tl.. .,.1. ... tl.... Ilsllet s ileiletldi lit lloull the iltlli.l tlser tin Ills suppoH. Ilete inn thu lolnls tu 1 chid tut Miisi-ilitiuns and sales, ami lm advei llsiiig. us shown In the. past Illicit icnsiis veils: Sulisi ilptloiis fer I'enl, and oi'.Vilvii- Salt-s Adveitlshig. Using 1NMI 1'in liu) $l'i,s7.',7i,s $ '1,1 iii !ii lln 7-'.,li,in7 7l,'.'ll,.t'l I'Hi 7!I,'I-'S,S! !H,W,.'7 HOW TO ADVERTISE. BI..-I fioni a I'liiieitt Adveilli-eniinl Thu I'toi tot V iluiulilt! fo, nt I'liiclii nail, luive uvviiiilcd a imitiuit lot a lull palm in eat h hi-lie ol Hit) Lndli s I Initio .liituual lo) tlutti jtais, with option of two aililillonal jeitts, for the aihi'ilhe. mtnls uf Ivoij Soup. TIm pi lei' ngieitl Is the .leiui n.i I'm lull in le (l.timi pet p. 1 ','-, uiuklng an c.peutlltute nf Jh.ii'w pi i t III. Ill Jlll lilt UlU thll-tt .MIIIH illl.su- liltelv- tnliliat (i'iI fui, atui ''h.ihi lot thu two 'opllini.tt jeais, lepiehcntliig a ton Had for .'(i,mii. AFRAID TO BID. .SI an uut llltl Mile of uiNccll iiiiius rimiiN at a ii'iniliy stun- the auttlnii'er (tut up a 1 1 1 1 i. K ' lobe nf licit ,v- guild 1 (iiil ll. .S11 old fainier litspe-ctcd it cIihcIj-, see-med to Ihlnl. Ilteio watt a -baigalu In It. and j el ho hc-yllatcd lo bid. "Think It chcapY" aske'd the auctioneer, cijlng u 1'J cent bid. The Crane Store Opportunities pre sented for a peep at what Mistress Fashion Has consented to approve for Early Fall. Take Elevator at 324 Lackawanna Ave. Special Sale Iteilip lis, it And other $i.jo Shirts re duced to $1.00. 412 Spruce Street. t r, vt i t v. Men of Sense Who own er ood horses, who do heavy jf teaming, ' Want Good Stuff V A yood horseman s knows good feed, so does his horse. g Why Not Buy Good feed even if the price is a little higher. Our Best Feed Is as good as feed Can be made. Dickson 111 ft Grain Co., Piovidence Road, SCRANTON, PA. 5 ." X .1 s ." ." s ft a s a x fS 5 "A "A'A,"A-'4A 'A " ' ' " "A " 4 I When in Need I Of anything: In tlie line of ? optical goods wo can supply It. I Spectacles i i and Eye Glasses! . Piopeily fitted by an expeit -j. optician, -. J From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of piescrip- tion work and lepahlnij. 4. Mercereau & Connell, t 132 Wyoming Avenue, '"1 Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GiiiisteiiForsytn iyi'iil Peim Avemio. 1 1 "Then why don't jou Mil and get It.'" "Waal, I'vu bought heaps n' things lit thy rfooils and sh un," slovvlj it-Jnlued thi) old man, "and 1 never jet look huiuo iiiij thing Unit thu olil woman t Inula li c. wits wnttli the (iito. 11 I g--t that 'no 1 ..be fur c-veu 11 touts, shn'tl giab It up. mill at one end, ch,ivv on a imiui- and call out; 'c'lieatcd again! Moic'n half cut'. Inn!' That's Iho leiibun 1 dasu'X bid." Ohio .Statu Juniiml. ) in thiidLm Entries Close After Octobsr I, Ho more now con testants can enter Tf Ed Contest Closes i ' ' " ' i i n "X Scholar- Value $fl CAA UU ships Over tjJJjSvU List of Scholarships Universities 2 Scholniahips in Syincuse Univeisity, at ?432 e.ich...S 804 1 Scholniship In Bucknell University 520 1 Scholarship In the University Preparatory Schools 1 Scholarship In Washington School for Boys $1700 1 Scholarship in Willlamopoit Dickinson Seminniy 750 1 Scholniship in Dickinson Collegiate Piepaiatory School 750 1 Scholarship in Newton Colleginto Institute 720 1 Scholaiship in Keystone Academy 600 1 Scholarship In Brown College Piepaiatory School... 600 1 Scholaiship In the School of the Xacka wanna 400 1 Scholarship In the Wllke-s-Bane Institute 270 1 Scholaiship in Cotu.it Cottage (Summer School) 230 Music, Business and Art 4 Scholarships in Scianton Con&ervatory of Music, at $125 each 8 500 4 Scholarships in the Haidenbeigh School of Music and Art 460 3 Scholaiships In Scranton Business College, at $100 each 300 5 Scholai ships in International Coriespondence Schools, avoiagc- value $57 each 285 2 Scholai ships in Lackawanna Business College, at $85 each 170 Scholai ships in Alficd Wooler's I Rules of The xpeclnl tew aids will lie given to the pen-on ectiilng tho laigest iiuiii boi ot putnl Points will be c-icdllotl to contestants pec-tiling new stub eilben to The Scianton Tilbune as lollows: l'ts. Ono mouth's siibM-ilptlon $ .." 1 Tlttpe months' subset Iptlon.... .St .! Six montlis' subset Iptlon .'Ml t! One vent's sulisi ilptlnu Ti On U The contestuut with the ItigliC't number ot points tvlll he Rlvt'it a choice- Horn the list of ipctl.il levvanls; the toiitestant v.lth the secoutl hl?lt et liumbci of (mints will be given n choice of Hie leniiilitlng tewalils, itiul so on thituiKh the list. The t'cinlestaiiL who setutes the hliclu st number of points dining nn cnltiiil.il- months ol the tunlesl v. ill lecelve a special honor lew. ml. this lcwanl bilng entlielv luili-i talent ot tin- ullhn.itu dsiiuliloti ol Ihu schol ai ships ilu h roiilcslnnt failing lo setmo a .s(iccial lcwanl will be shell 10 pei An Excellent Time A new contestant beginning today has secure one of these valuable scholarships. scholarships. Only two yearly. subsccibers.iCounting 24 points, , would place a beginner In 32d place among the "Leaders. Send at once forti canvasser's equipment. Address CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. ; s ' Four Special Honju Prizes. To be given to the four contestants scoring the largest number of points during the month of September. This is entirely additional tp the main contest, all contestants starting even on September 1. First Prize A handsome Mandolin, valued at $10, to be' se lected by the successful contestant from the stock of J. W. Guernsey. Second Prize No. 2 Brownie Camera, including one .ill of films. Third Prize No. i Brownie Camera, including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. Fourth Prize- No. i Brownie Camera, including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. EDUCATIONAL. School of the Lackawanna Scranton, Pa. .lOTII YI4AK. Lower school receives young children. Upper .school prepares for leading colleges. The school diploma admits to many colleges. Experienced teachers only. For Further Information Address Alfred IIOX 46 4. SUMMER RESORTS "Atlantic' City.' The temperature at the AOM1W. On the llcaclt, in CliiUeu, Atlantic City, 'I Inn iltty wat. iuJ, llvcij appointment ot a modem Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND. KrnliK.Lv Avenue. I'lut Hotel hum lliuc-h, At lJHlio ( It, S J, I ll Ou'.ili view runnii; 14 fiaelty -litu, wrltu m tjniljl rule's J. II. Jcuk. ilu, Prop PENNSYLVANIA, BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a fpur uf the' AlUubatiy Mountains. Irlilh jliy ulhujil, iiui I'irtJii'li llulilinc, lli'tini;, ()ott, etc i:iilbitt Utile, Itia.onalili iitcJ. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL 1' 0,. Ape, Vt. Semi (or booklet. ' ' ' ' O, K, II IIIU3 LAKE WINOLA, PA. Hotel Clifton Special intc m at Hotel I'llllou, Utl.ii M'i nulii, for Septi luhi'i Tt.ilns havu Kit. in Um us followm U a, nt , l.lu p. in , I p in anil U 10 p in. ECRANTON COREESPONDEHOE SO'-IOJM t'vyiAMOS'. PA, T, J. Fo.ttr, i'lultieviU Miner II. Lanalt, lieu. B. J, fcittr, fct8Ulc V Allen, Vict rrcildcnt. 8:crttr, October 1st. MIS ni. October 25. of Rochester) 324 -?1708 -$6026 Vocal Studio 125 -$1840 $0574 the Contest cent, ol nil money he or she turns In. All subscilptlons must be paid In advance. Only now- mibscillicis t ill be counted. Keticwnls bj pel sons whose names .lie nlieadv on our subsc-llptlon list will not b cic'tlitrd. Tho Tilbune will Investigate each subscription and IC found It tegular In any waj" reserves the light to l eject It. No tinnsfeis can be made aftor cicillt has once boon given. All subscilptlons and the cash to paji for Oiem must bo handed In at The Tilbune otllre within the week tn which thej- ai o seemed, so that nn peis can be bent to the subscribers at once. Subscilptlons must bo -wiltten on blanks, -which can be seemed at The Tilbune olllce, or will be sent by mall. NOTim THAT ACCOIcDING TO Titn ahovu Jcnr,T:s, vjvury con- TKSTA.N'T AVI 1,1, HH PAID. vvTinTirnn tiikv snerue A spc- C'lAf, TtKWAIlD OR NOT. to Enter an excellent opportunity to Thirty-three are sure to get EDUCATIONAL. G. Arnold, A. B. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a ihott cottice, nor n ttsj coure, nor a cheap course, but the best cJucitlon to bo luil .No other education Is north inrntllnt; t litis anil money em. It Joi do, utitu tor a catalogs ol Lafayette College Gaston, Pa. ithirli odt-n tliorotiih prcpantton In the Inrflnceilni: anil Clinnlial l'rofcslonj ti well 4 the regular Collc.-a c'ouiacJ. Chestnut Hill Academy W'ishalilt-Kon HciKTlits Clic-btiiiit Hill, Pa. j lio.tiillns bcheiol tor Uo3 in thu clovuted and ucaulldil iipcn cuaiiuy not th of I'hll. ndclphi.i, -'J inlniiUs fiom Hip ul Kt slntlon, Cata Joeucs on uppllcatlon. '4 w'O" r say y vV y. .