, -rvuj '.rtf ,:- ft ij ,i 'i'W'w'' i jJWv v It" 'V v i( VS. i?' "" ' LlV A!- j k Sr' 1 ' . I 1 THE SCKAJSTOJS TUlBUiNJW-SATLjUAlr, SEPTEMBER 6. 1902. 4 ""TV ";.i '"' RELIGIOUS NEWS THE ninety-fifth anniversary of the Ablngton Baptist association will be obscivcd In tht Fac toryvllle Baptist church, on Wednesday and Thursday, Sep tember 10 and It. Following Is the programme: WEDNESDAY MOItNINO. W.06-Devotlonal Service, led by Itev. It. R. Thompson UJO-Report of committee of arrange ments. Reading nules of Order. Letter of Facloryvllle Baptist ' church. Address of welcome, Pastor O. R. Smith Election of ofTlcon. U.00 Introductory Sermon "The Se cret of True Stlcccsi In Chris tian Effort and neal Revival." H. J, Whalcn, D. D. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. S.99 Devotional service, led by Rev. H. S. Totter 2.20 Report of Keystone Academy. Address. "Keystone Academy and Christian Education. " Principal t'lkantih Hulley 5.50 Our Education Society, Secretin y I.eroy Stephen, I), t). i.10 Missionary Union Hour-Special Session F. 8. Dobbins, D. D., Philadelphia. Rev. I,. W. Cronkhllc, Basscln, Burmab. Rev. Will M. Upcraft. China. 4.00 Women's foreign Missions Addreiscs Mrs. It. N. Jones, of Philadelphia. Jllss Susan E. Jones, of Mexico, and other. Adjournment. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Toung People's Jtallj 7.30-Prajer and praise seivlce, led by Dr. B. G. Beddoe 7.43 Anthem. T.30 Echoes of roldence convention, Brother D. H. Williams, Jackson Street chinch. 120 Solo Mrs. H. J. Whalcn S "5 Address, "Shnmmah and His Patch of I.cntlle," Rrv. Henry S. Pottei, Giecn Rtritje Baptist church. THURSDAY MORNING. 9 00 Devotional bcnlcc. led by Rev. H. P. East 20 Reading of church letteis. 10.00 Historical Sketch of North Main Avenue church. 10.10 Reports of committees, tecep- tlon of churches, etc. 10.30 Address, "Aim of Ministerial Education," Prof. Milton G. Evans, D. D of Crozer seminary. 11.00 Doctrinal seimon, "The "..ove of Chi 1st," Rev. A. H. Smith. Noith Main Avenue Baptist chutch. K.OO Adjournment. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 2.00 Devotional service, led by Rev. William F. Clark 2 JO Our State Mission Society, Secretary C. A. Soars, Philadelphia 2.40 Home Missions Secretary E. B. Palmer, D. D., Philadelphia. S 00 Reports and miscellaneous business. 80 Solo Mis. Albeit Hatcher Smith 5 Si Closing conference. 4 00 Adjournment. Providence Presbyterian Church. Tomorrow will be a joyous dav in deed to the worshlppeis of the Pi evi dence Presbyterian church. Not only because, after the Interim of the sum mer vacations, the legular services will be resumed, and the pastor. Rev. Dr. Guild, will be in his place In the pul pit, but also, because the edifice with in has throughout been eamlshgd and beautified, and tomorrow will be used foi the first time since the work was completed. ' The walls of the auditorium have been tinted and frescoed. The beauti ful window, "The Star of Bethlehem" has been placed in the circle of the mall wing on the north of the church. New carpets and the letouchlng by painters ace to be seen on every side In the main room and Sunday school room, pastor's study, halls and vesti bules and even in the kitchen in the basement. The chorus choir with C. P. Whltte more, musical diiector, will also begin their work tomorrow, and lead In the musical features of the service. Rev. Dr. Guild's theme In the morning will be "Temple Worship," and in the even ing will give an address on "Charles Wesley, the Hymnologlst," and the hymn selection for the evening will be taken from Welsey's writings. Sunday School Association. The Ablngton Baptist Sunday School association will hold a meeting at Fac toryvllle, Tuesday, Sept. 9, at which the following programme will be ob eerved; MORNING SESSION. 10 00 Devotional exeiclses, led by resi dent 25. D. Edwaids, Blakely. 10.15 Addiebs of welcome, by Snpciiti tendent A. B. Fitch, Fautoiyvllle, Response by President 55. D. Kd wards, Blakely. 10 SO Business (A) teports (B) election ot of fleets. 10.45 Address, "Why W Attend Sunday School," Maxwell D, Lathi ope, Carbondale. U00 Repoit of the International Sunday School Convention, Denver, A, Wilson Gcaiy, Bciean, Caibondale, 11.20 Report of lleait Lake Summer School, E. K. Jones, Haiford. 11,40 Geneial discussion. 11 50 Offeilng'and announcements. 12.00 Adjoin nraent, AFTERNOON SESSION. 2.00 Devotional cxfielsea, led by Albeit Ball, Dalton, MO-Readlng, Digest of Letteis. I JO Paper and Discussion. "Does Sun day School Work Pay?" K. 6. Williams, Penn' Avenue, Sci anion. 1 00 The Pupil, open confeience, led by S. Fletcher Weybuin, Penn Ave nue, Scranton. (1) How to catch him. 13) How to hold him.. (J) How to save him. 140 The Teachei, open confeience, led by Professor J. R. Hughes, Flint Welsh church, Hde Paik. (1) Impoitanca of Regular and prompt attendance. (.') How can we secute a higher giade of teaching. 4 20 Addiess, "Missions in the Sunday School." Dai win Comings, Amer ican Memotlal Mission. 4 40 Discussion. 4 to Business, 1 60 Announcement and adjournment. EVENING SESSION. T JO Devotional exercises, led by Ptofes nor B. F. Thomas, Keystone Academy. T.4S Address, "Relation of Teacher to Pupil," Piofessor Qeoige V, Phil lips, Green Ridge. 1 15 Anthem, I20-Addrts, John H, Hauls, D. D. LL. D., Bucknell, Lewlsburg. ' The Bright Hour Service. At the Penn avenue church Or, Pierce will continue the "Blight Houi" services of sermon and song on Sun day evening. The large congregations at the eyentng services at Penu avenue attest the Interesting and helpful char acter of the meetings. On Sunday even ing, In addition to the excellent music by the choir, Mis. IJrunilnge and Miss Via .tones will sing, and Miss Lottie Jones will londcrthc selection, "Rock of Ages," assisted by sopiano voices. The "Blight Hour" begins promptly at 7.30 and closes promptly at 8.30. The services are puicly evangelistic and are based upon the motto of the meet ings conducted by Rev. C. H. Yntmun, viz., "To Make Bail People Good and Good People Better." Award for Good Attendance. The members of the Sundny school of Giacc Reformed Episcopal church who ate present every Sunday In Septem ber will each receive one of the famous Perry pictures, mounted upon heavy giern cnidboatd. Tomorrow being the fli st Sunday of the month, some three bundled different subjects, the choicest of this Justly celebrated collection, will adorn the walls of the Sunday school loom. This will not only nffoul the scholars of the school nn opportunity of seeing the Intgest number of these plctuies in a single group that they have ever seen, but they can select the one they would like to own, with the full assuiance that It will surely be presented to them on the llrst Sundny In October, If they are present every Sunday In September This collection cmbiaces tcproduc tlo'ns of most of the woiks ot the gteut paintcis, and cover the life of Chi 1st, the Madonna and other leliglous pic tures, beside tinvcls in Egypt, Italy, France nnd other countries, Including ours. An Invitation Is extended to nnv who wish to see these beautiful pic tures. Meeting of Universities. Following Is the piogramme that will be obseived at the meeting of the Sus quehanna Association of Unlversalists, to be held at Biooklyn, Pa., on Filday, Saturday anil Sunday, September 12, 13 and 14: FRIDAY. 11.30 a. m. Opening session and appoint ment of association commit tees. 2 00 p. m. Orcnslonnl sermon, Rev. L L. Lewis. 3 00 p. m. Council. 7.30 p., m. Seimon, Rev .T. B. Payne. SATURDAY. 9 00 a. m. Confeienco meeting, Nellie I.oomls, lcadei. 10 00 a. m. Council. .'30 p. m Seimon, Rev. N. C. Dickey. 3 30 p. m Council 7.30 p. m. Talks on life of John Muiray and poem. "An Idyl of Good Luck," icud by Mis. G. B. Tei i . . SCNDAY. 1000a. m Confeienic, subject, "Walking bv Faith," leader, S. B. Eld rldge. 1100 a. m. Seimon followed bv Commun ion, Rev. J. D. Tillinghast. - 30 p. m Sermon. Rev. T. ft. Payne. 630 p. m Y. P. C. V. devotional meet ing, sublect, 'Thoughts fiom Portland, 1"0." Lead er to be selected. 7 30 p. m. Seimon.pieacher to be chosen. Religious Notes. The First Piesbyterlan chinch, whlrh was closed during August, when the First and Second churches worshipped together, will be re-opened for services tomorrow. Rev. Ti. McLeod will preach. The pastor of the Second Presbyter ian ehuieh lesumes' his place in the pulpit tomoriow. This church Is pay ing special attention to young men, particularly those who boaid In the city and are deprived of the comforts of home. Tomoriow evening, at the close of the seivlce a reception of young men will be held, when Mr. Odell hopes to meet as many as pos sible. The seenth annual convention of the Christian and Missionary Alliance for the Northeastern district of Pennsyl vania, will be held In Dunmore, Sept. 6 to 14. The speakers expected are: Rev. A. B. Simpson, piesldent, and Rev, A. R. Funk, secietary. Christian and Missionary Alliance; Rev. F. H, Senft, state supciintcndent for Penn sylvania; Mis. F. H. Senft, Mr. A. D. Jackson, state superintendent for New York; Rev. R. II. Glover, South China: Rev. Howard Smith, Soudan, Africa; Rev. C. D. Sawtelle, Hanisbuig: Rev. J. H. Ballard, Elmlra, N.Y., and others. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSOW FOR SEPT. T THE PROPHET LIKE MOSES. Suet. xiii:9-22. BT REV. J. K OILDERT, O. D. IfcrtUry ct American Sooittj o Itellfita Edu catles. CONNECTING LINKS.-Our Inst les son, "The lliazeu Set pent," lett Isiaut at the beginning of Ita Journey not lit ward fiom Mount Hoi-. (Numbers, xxi, 4), to compass tho land of .'Jdom on the way to Canaan. The student should tend the lemnlnliiK cluipteiR In Numhcis to obtain the connecting links with the pies ent lesson. The defeat of Off, the minis tiy of Balaum as the piophet of Balak, the command to make war on the .Midi unites, nnd the settlement of Reuben and tiad east of the Joidiiu, me souui of the piinelpal events. At length (It. C, HMj the people encamped on the fast of the Jotdan, and Mnnes pieputed ut God's command to lu down his oiUch of lead, eishlp by causing Joshua to be anointed as his successor, Isiael then assembled 111 the plains of Mnub (Numheis, xxxvl, 13), wheie Moses teheaised and expanded tho law as ircmded In the book of Den teionomy (the ueronil law.) PRACTICE CONDEMNUD.-tVeises 9, 10, 11,) The powvi of association nnd ex ample was well untleistnocl, and It was highly Impoitant In guaid Isinci against thu customs of tilt) Canuuniles among whom they must dwell, It was for this leuHon that the geneial pilnciplo o( uopa lation whs adopted. (Kzih, x, 11.) A seiles of piactlces, all of them connected with the lellglons of thu ruuntiy, weio f oi bidden. Passing tlumigh the Hi a was an act of consociation to Moloih; divina tion ptofesseil favor of the gods In Hurt ing out the futute; obseivance of (lines foictold the futuie by piesent ocelli ences; enchanters Inspected the cuttalls of beasts and dtew aiiiriulcs theicfiom; a witch ptetencli'd to celestial Influences, a dimmer was a dealer In subtle devices ot ails; a rons'ulter with familiar spliits was the spliltuallsts or that day; a wU. aid was the in.usciilluo of witch, with similar puisults; a necromancer Involved the dead to secuie scciets of the spltltual world, another kind nf splrltuullst. These piactlces exhibit the mptal and religious condition of the heathen. REAbuNS GIVEN.-tVcises 12. U, i) Why not do thess things? It Is icmark able that almost eveiy command of God has a lesson attached. It was not strict y necessary, but It was a giaclous con' descension and a method of education. Men ought to obey the flat oX the Al mighty, but when the leuulremcnt icsls upon that which the Judgment approves then obedience Is easier nnd morn heitiiy. (Isaiah, I, 18.) Tluce reasons nie here nsslgned for the plohlhltoi statue, ) The things condemned are displeasing to God; they aie not according to Ills wilt. That ought to dotet mine the mutter. S. The people should be pel feet with the Lot d live as He icciulres, and that they could not do and Indulge In ptnctlu-s which wete offensive to llhn, 3. These customs ot the peoplo of the bind had led to their mini They weie degtadlng to the minds, cmiuptlng to the mm ills, In Jin Ions to tho health, so that the l.oul dole! mined to drive the Inhabitants out, to ovcrthlow their Institutions ond scal ier them nbioHil, as unworthy longei to bo a people. Smelv these reasons veio adequate to deter 1st act. TEACHER PROMISED.- (Vol so 13) Hopes wcie nevt n wakened thiough a ptomlsQ ot fai-i caching Impel t, Another teacher, eminent nnd annulled, icscni bllng Moses In some lespccts, should bo inlsed up bv the t.oid to lincl. Some have nuclei skim! this as icfeiilug to tho pinphpts who In nfter centuries did such splendid seivlce. But the gi eater num ber of exposltois. with good icasou, be lieve that the piomlse pettnlned to Jesus (John, I, l"i), as Peter declnied. (Acts, III, 22.) Two puiposcs mnv hn,u piompl cd the promise. It may have been In tended s a piotectlve against false methods of obtaining Infoi mutton on le llglons subjects a teacher ot sacieO things would bo able to Instinct on all those mutteis attempted to be covered by the foibldden piactlces. It Is moio pinbablc as the ptomlse i elated to somo distant peisnn, that the people weie by It Incited to loval ohsei vauce of the cov enant and n sallsllcd submission to Its methods ot Insti action on the mysteiles of life and the futuie. REQf'KST GRANTKD.-fVciso Id.) Tho coming of flint piomlscd teaciier, nnd thu use of oidlnaiv methods of Instiuctlon to the total exclusion of tho heathen alts and devices, would bo, moicovei, In hc coidanci with the expressed desire ot the people. Moses lemindcd them that In the wouclei fill displays of the supernatural, gi anted at Sinn I. they had been ten Hied (Endus, x, 11), and lequested that com munications might be made fiom God thiough him. it would be manifestly un wise to letuin in Canaan to the ehlbl- iniii" mi'it't rveii li liit'i vi'ir i-iiiiiii-. uieicuy Hguiu HiouHiug incii ic.iis. liui was a stiong aigument. Men ought to len i n bv expei lence what Is best for them. Tiiith ilellveied calmly by a man of God, by a teachei. Is In eveiy inspect bellei than those Htiance demonuttntlons of nl7nids. channels, iwioniaiiccis, and illvlneis, that mouse the Imagination but leave one In gicut iinceilnluty as to the things that were supposed to be coveicd by them. DESIRE APPROVED.-(Veises 17 nnd 18.) Moses went on to miv that the de slie cxpiesscd by the people at Slnnl was f nil v oppioved bv the Lord at the time (Deiiteionumy), and that the deteimlna tlon to send the Gleat Teacher like Moses was In consequence of that nppinval, or lather In hnimonv with It. In other wouls, the cholcp of a method then made bv Ismel was In full acooid with the divine pin pose of a method. Thev de slied a humnn voice nnd Tie had deter mined to give It to them Moieover, Jehovah declared then, and that was foity eais befoie the present nddiess, that the Teacher to be inlsed and sent should have the divine vvoids put Into his mouth, lust what Jesus deciaied to be tine of himself (John, wil, &), nnd that this Teacher should speak pteclselv what God commanded hlm. lie would theieby become tellable, authoiitatlvo and hence final, all that any one might need. ACCOUNT RRQCIRHD. (Votses 11 and 20) Hem then was the system of divine Instruction instituted just befoie entiance Int" Canaan. To piotect It and secuie It against petveislon or neglect responsibility of two kinds was Imposed Flist, upon the people If they did not barken to the words spoken they would be accountable to God. (Deulcionomy. 1, 3.) Inrilffeiciice to a messenger would be dlsiespect to Him who sent the nu's scngei. (Acts, Hi. 2.1.) Second, upon tho piophet who shall piecedo the Gieat Teachei and piep.no the way for Hlm. (Revelations, xi, ltl ) All those holv men who spake as thev weie moved by the Holy Ghost (If Petet, I, 21), weie foio l Illinois of Jesus seeking to pieseive tho nation In lojally to the conditions and put poses of the covenant until Messlih should come. Hence, they weie made accountable for the faithful illsclmige of theli otllclal duties. If thev spoke in tho name of other gods, ot spoke what God did not give them, death would be tho lesult. Bv these two piovlslons we see how God had limited Ills people in their modes of .seeming iegous knowledge, STANDARD GIVEN.-(Vei.e Jl and 2.'.) One point needed to be guaided. Suppose n piophet should speak what tho I.oid hnd not given, how would the peoplo know? How might they distin guish a divine message and a human message? It was necessniy to gunid against all imposition. The people must have something tellablp. The Loid pie scilbed a method to meet such conting ency. The piophet would give a sign as a pi oof of his divine commission. That sign Involved the Item of piesclence. (Jeiemlah, xxvlll, ft) He would make a statement that icsted .foi Its vet Ideation upon something futuie. and If the piedlc Hon weio fulHIIed then it would be known that the statement was tollable, otheiwise that the wotcl was without the authoilty of God. (.Deiilcionomv, xlll, 2.) This was a tiustwoithy test nnd stand aid, Inasmuch as no moic man can know the futuie. It was In this way that the prophets obtained their Influence upon the people. The piedlctlvo element In their wi Kings and sa.vlngs was token as a sign of thtii light to speak for God. CLOSING iilOUOHTS.-Our topic is not well suited to the passage, Thu Piophet like Mng Is only one Item among seveiul We bee heie that God was Instituting a method In opposition to the heathen nitihod for obtaining knowl edge of leliglous matteis. He would lay his spliit upon leitalu men who would speak for Hlm, who would have nn In fallible sign of their uutlioilty, one that could not be foiged, And beyond these would nilso in Isiael u siipiemo Piophet like to Moses. Heie was the plan foi thu Old Testament, n seiles of vviltlugs pio duced by holy men nuclei the spiilt's guidance with Jesus ns the piospectlve and ultimate peison tovviud which all should tend, Let lis lemembei thut this was the plan of God, adopted befoie the settlement, catrled out lit tho ccntuiles that followed. Thus It was that Isiael was lifted above all the other nations. (Romans, ill, 1-2.) lnxplied teachers and Wliteis guve to tho people and to the woild that pilcelpss body of Until, pin giesslvely unfolding, which has come down thmiigh the rendu lea, emlchlng all peoples, SERVICES IN THE 1 VARIOUS CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Elm Paik cjiuich 1'iajei and pinlse seivlce at 0 30 a. in,; thu J. mil's supcr at 10 30 n, m. Sunday school at 2 p in.; Senior league at h 30 p. m. At 7.30 the pastor, Dt. C, M. Gitfln, will pi each, Sti angers aie welcome. Simpson Methodist Episcopal Chinch, Ninth Main avenue und Lafayette sttcet Rev, II, L McDeimott, D, I), rastol, 1'iuyer meeting at 9 30 it. in. Pleaching at 10 30 a. in. anil 7.30 p. m. Moinlug sub ject, "Conditions of Growth." Evening subject, "Life's Ttuo Pilot." Thcie will be special music lu the evening. Sunday school at i m. The Junior league will meet at 3 p. m. Epwoith leaguo at 0 30 p. m. Tho people aie veiy coidlally in vited to these sci vices. Embury Methodist Episcopal chinch Rev. James Beunlnger, pastor. Pleaching J at 1030 a. m.i subject, "The Tiagccly of Klbioth-Hatlanvah." class meeting nt 11,30! Sunday school nt S p. m.i Epwortlt leaguo nt 1130, H. T. Slime, lender; even ing pleaching seivlce, 7.30; subject, "lit the Shadow." The pastor will picnth morning nnd evening. Seats flee unci a ecu dial welcome. St, Paul's Methodist Episcopal chinch V. P. Doty, pastor. Services In Phillips' hall, Pig stieet. lu'10, mot mug woiflhlp and seimon bv piistor; 11.4" it. in , Sun dny school; 3 30 p, uu, Junior Kpvvmlh leaguo nt pntHoungc; 7 p. in,, Epwoith league scivlic! 7,'!0 p. in., evening dlu couisc. All coldlullv welcome. Asbiily Methodist Episcopal chill eh, coiner Mousey itvcnua nnd Delawaio stieet Rev. Chniles A. Brnjiiinlu, pas tor. Biothcthood meeting nt 0 30 a, til, Pleaching nt 10 10 a, in. by the pustni ; subject, "The Testimony Continued;" Sunday school nt 230 "p. m.; Epwoith league at t!30 p. in. Pleaching at 7,'in p. in.; subject, "Turning Point lu Life." Seats flop and all ate welcome Ptovldence Methodist Episcopal church Bintheihood of St, Paul meet for puty er nt 10 n. in. Pienchlng nt ln.!0 u. in,; subject, "They Ale Biend for t's " Sun day school at 2 p. in,; Epivmth tcngtic at fi I"; topic. "Fuctois lu Eviingellzlng tho Wot Id," Mis. Walter Jackson, leader. Pleaching at 7.30; subject, "The Thltd Commnndment." Coillt Stieet Methodist Episcopal church Rev. G, P. Lvmiiti, piistcu. Class meeting at 0.41 a. in., O. D. DeWItt, lend er. Preaching nt 10 30 u, in. by pnstor; subject, "New Birth." Sunday school, 11,4") a. m O. R. tinilc siipeilntcmlcnt. Epvvnrth league, li 30, Ada Able, leader. Piearhlng nt "."0 p. m. Seats fiee. Piospcct Avenue (leimnn Methodist Episcopal chinch, coiner Piospcct nvc nue'and Blich stieet Rev. O. V. tlauss er. pastor. Set vices nt 10 30 it. in. nnd 7.30 p. m. Moinlng theme, "God's Wmd the Tine Guide Thiough Life." I'siilm, 110, 10i j evening theme, "The Gieat Ad nntnges of Holiness," iirnnlhv, I, 4-s. Sundiiv school at 2 p. ni.; Ciulstlan En deavor, fi t" p. in ; c lass meeting i'ues day night nt X p. m.; piaer meeting Til. dav evening, 8 p in. Ash Stieet Methodist I'plscnpnt church Rev. J. R. Austin, pnstoi. Moinlng Pleaching -.civile at 10 30; subject, "Tho Wnv to Tine Pinspeilty." Class meeting at 11.30 a. in., Charles Cioop, lender; Sunday school nt 2 p m, Peter llmt- man, siipcilnlenilent; Epworth Lengiic nt ti.li p. m , .Miss Giiicc (nicy, leadei ; even ing pleaching sci vices at 7.30, subject, "The Hidden Tieistiie. Pleaching in the N.iv Aug Methodist Eplscopnl chut ch Satuiduy evening at 7.30. A cordial welcome. Afilcan Methodist Eplsiop.il chinch, Hovvaid place Dr. D. S Ilentlv. pastor. Pleaching, 1030 a. m : sublect. The I'ni veisal Reign of God's Kingdom" Sun day school. "TO p in. Piciulilng. 7.43 p. m.; subject, "Coming In Ills Gloiy." A coidlal welcome to nil. BAPTIST. Penn Avenue Baptist Chinch, between Spiuce and Linden 'licets Pleaching moinlng ut IO'iO mid evening it 7 !0 ov the pastoi. Rev. Robcut F V. I'leue, D. D Moinlng players lu the vcstiy at 0 4" Theme of the moi nlng sei moil, "The Test of Faith" Stuidav school at IJ o'clock, Immediately lollowlng the -ci vices lu the audlloi linn. Suudav school at tho Amei man Mcmoiial mission nt 3 M p. m. Young people's meeting at li.iu At 7..'0 the "Blight TIoui" seivlce will piesent the Gospel atoiy In slty minutes of seimon and song. I'll st Baptist dim ch. South Main ave nue Sei vices nt 10. !0 n in. nnd 7 W p in Itev. Joseph Y. livvln, of M.ittuwan, N. J will pi each. Sunday school, 3 p in ; Baptist Young People's t'nlon, i, 30 p. m Wednesday evening pi a, or meeting will bo led bv Deacon Randolph Jones The public Is Invited to all scivlccs. Seats flee. Jackson Stieet Baptist chinch Rev Thomas do Giuihv, D. D, pistm. Morn ing men's meeting at n 30, rsiothei Mat thew Hollev, leadei. Piriicliltig beivlio nt 10,10 The pastor will pleach; topic, "The Ci.vstal Rivet." Sunday si hool at 2 p m, John Llocl, supei liitcudent. Evening seivlce at 7 shnip. PtaNe and song seivlce. followed bv a shoi t addiess, "New File for the Altai." A coidlal in vitation Is cNtcndcd to nil to ome uud win ship with us. Seals nie flip. Gieen Ridge Baptist church The pas tel, Rev. llenrv Sterling Potter, having returned fiom his vacation, will pi each both morning and evening. Communion seivlce al tho close of the moinlng sei mon. Meinoil.il Baptist chinch, Chinch ave nueRev. W. F. Davles, pastoi Sei v lies at 10 n. m. and h p. m : Welsh In the moinlng and I'ngllsh lu the evening lllblc school, J p. m. Sei vices the coming week at the usual time, Monday, Tuesday anil Thin sdny evening. Flist Welsh Baptist chinch, West Mai ket stieet Rev. J, V. Davles, pastoi. The pastor will occupy the pulpit on Sunday at the usual bouts, at 10 n. m. and b p. in. ; Sundtiv school at 2 p. in. The evening seivlce will be conducted lu Englhh. EPISCOPAL. St. Luke's Palish Rev. Rogeis Isiael, D. D, icctoi; Rev. Edwaiil J. Ilaughton, senloi ciiiale; Rev. ftolieit V. Roe, Junior ciiiate. Fifteenth Suudav ultei Tilnltj. St. Luke's chinch 7 30 u. in., holy com munion; o t"i a, m, morning puiyei; 10 30 n. m., seimon and holy communion; 7 p. m, evening pi.ier; O.l'i a. m, Sunday school and Bible classes. St. Mark's, Duumoie 8.10 n. m, holy communion; 1030 a, m, moininy puiver nnd seimon; 7!0 ji ,m , evening pinjei and sermon; !) "0 a, in, .Sunday school and Bible c lasses. East Kud Mission, Piescolt uvonile 3 p. ni Sunday school and Bible classes. South Side Mission, Fig stieet 9 a. m , Suudav school uud Bible classes. St, James, Nicholson 10 ill a. m,, tnoin lug pinyer ond seimon; D 4i a, in., Suu dav school. Chutch of the Good Shepheid, cot iter Monsev nvenue nnd Gieen Rldgn stieet Rev. Finncls R. tlateiniin. rectni. Fir teenlh Sunday nflei Tiltilt. Moinlng Plner and holy communion, 1030 n ni ; Sunday school and lector's class, 2.30 p. m,; evening piaver, 7.30 p, in, St. John's Mission, Ostei hout Hull, Piovldeiue Squaie-lloly c oniuiiiiilnn, 7 10 a m. Suiidnv school, 2 p. m.; evening piner, 4 p, in t'ln 1st Cluui'li, coiner AVashlngtou nve nuo and Paik stieet llev F, S Ilullen tine, lector, Moinlug piaycr, holy coin niiinlnn nnd seimon, It) 10; Sunday school, 2,10; evening piner and seimon, 7.30. All sents fiee. All welcome. REFORMED EPISCOPAL. ar.ee church, Wyoming avenue below Mnlbeiry street Prayer und pi also ser vice at 9.30 e, m.; divine worship, loii u, m. and 7 30p. ni, Henry L Peabodj, editor and piibllshci of the Evangelist, will ineach both morning und evening, The Young People's Senility of (iillstlau Eiulenvoi, at G30 p ni. will be led liy W. W. I.iithiiipe; subject, "The llefoimiil EplHcopnl Church." Sent fiee, Evei. body welcome, Ilium h chuich, Hoso lluiise, Tilip park Services ut 10 30 u. m. nnd 7.30 p, m, Heniy Cuiilew will pre.uh at both sei vlces, Siiuduy school, U.m. Prajur meet ing, Thuisday at 7.t" p. m. PRESBYTERIAN. First PicBhytciluii chuicli-Sei vices at 10 30 a m. anil 7.10 p. m Dr. Mclacid will piruch. Ku'idav school, 12 in Mld-wceU sei v lie, Wclnesclny evening, "' o'clock. Second Picsbjtcilnn cliuich, .leffeison avenue (between Vine and Mulbeiiy stteets) Moinlug woishlp. ID 30; Sunday school, 12 m.; Young People's Society ot (iillstlau Endeavor, !.' p. in,; evening worship, 7.30. The pastor, Rev. J. 11, Odell, will piciuh at both seniles. Sub ject of tho evening seimon, "Tho Woi shlp of the Best." Giecn Ridge Piesbtcilan chinch Rev, 1. J, Lansing, pastoi; Rev. L. It. Foster, assistant, 10.30. seivlce of woishlp with seimon by the lustm; 12 m., Bible school; 6 30 p. m. ('Iillstl.cn Endeavor; 1 Z0 p. in, evening worship, with sermon by tho pas tor. All uru coidlally we Iconic. Ho Waists!! T0 Waste!! . All the white waists we haveto go. You know if they are kept over season they are worth as much to us as waste paper nothing more. Not one garment in the lot but actually cost us $1.25. Here they go, at these prices Five only fine white tucked '. 5f)C each Twenty tucked and insertion; reduced from $2.25 08c each Six only beauties, too sheer white Inserting 81-31) each Six of our finest 4.00 Waists; to close out $2.29 each Two of those all-over Swiss Embroideries, tucked, from $6.00 $3,48 fleldrum, Scott & SECT. LONG 1 have been having lots of fun fighting I snail, aoom America's aencious reaay-to-eat TRYABITA FOOD IStflBS It is the creation of a renowned scientist and is the only cereal prepared according to scientific principles on account of being thoroughly impregnated with Pepsin and Celery. It is both a stomach and nerve builder. It ii thrice baked ready-to-eat at once and in its various processes of manu facture only expert Union Labor ee contains morn O lbs. of Porterhouse teeniest stomach d eest8 It stand dieeStS it easllV? A .! Mnir?MH -f r i.!.- ' .1 - PR"E for vour irrocera namn nnrl a 2 TDVADiTi II1IHUII1 RATTIF W . m - i m mm ' -,,4.4.4. package contains more nutriment than- CjM .J; .-- KSOfcJKBL iO lbs. of Porterhouse steak and the tv I V MifnTtint rnJTrTflWfc I m r 1 tt inryour grocers name ana a 4 cent stamp. 5-l' r'mSSSSSBS3hama JM I K-zs-TRYAB,TAFOODCa'Lt(-- MTiS5B!HarH I iSSK BATTLE CREEK, - iJtrTSBJBNrWy BH DOMESTIC SCIENCE. With thu Hist gicoii upijlcs In the maikcL ionics the aunotito fin those ' old lamlll.ns, apple piu ami apple s.tutu. How to lime them In poifixtlou Is .1 nmttei of Individual picfoioutu and l.imilv custom; but thesu muthucls aiu unlvei.s.illy uppiood: Ol.D-KASUIONKD Al'PLT PIU. lliuo In icrtdliioiis 11 latliur deop plo platu coveicd with 11 good lenclor iaiti. A tin pie plate ii pic'lcucd, 11s tliu bottom ot tho crust bakes beltci. Kill wltli tait apples, peeled, coied and tut In eighths, pllliiK evenly tiioiii.d tho ocIko unci heajilug nllhtly lu the middle If ei. cliv, add 11 spoontul ot alei, but this Is .seldom iKtc-s.il. bpilnlvlc 11 half tii of Misui oei the aiiplcs and add a Utile iiutnie-,- or clniiauioii lor llaxoilng. "S' Put on tho uppei ciust und bind the c cIkos with a nnitow stilp ot wet tot- ton cloth to keep In the Juke. H.ike about half .111 houi and tciu win 111 01 told, but ulwa.N.s with t heeso Viiiliitlons in tlie peiisonlliff foi apple pie. in. iv he found b addliiK 11 little cold tea, 11 little of tho mated ilnd and julto uf a lemon. Somo Hood hoiiseltetpeis Insist upon hiivlm- 11 little butter added to apple plo or saute, und othet.s think that a ery little .salt biiiiKH out tho II, nor. A newer method of making applo pie, und mnny rciolM think it piolet able, is to put the apples in without tlthei sugar 01 Iknoilug nnd coer with the upper ciust. Cut 11 few silts lu the paste to let the steam out while toolclng. liiush the lop with the beat en olk ot egg nnd bake. This done, lemove to ,111 euithen plate It the plo Is to .stand ,mv length of line, i.ilso the upper 1 1 11st eiy tmefiilly and spi Inkle the suigur and splti- oer the ft tilt. Add u lew bits of butter, lu pl.icn tho ciust nnd dust with pow deied Mignr. A slight wuiittlcm 011 this Is to make, a t.wup of watei and sugui, iillowlng four level tablespoon fuls of .-uiir to 0110 of wuli'i; fliior with lemon nr nutmeg uud pour cner the fiillt uflei It Is Inked. AVhilo tho iI.imu is peihtips 11101 e ilelkate, the cuok whew mlniiti's am pieiicius uu gold iiuty still ding to the old lashlim lu apple jilt's, iissmcd that they will be eaten and pioiumnceil good, l'or tho ideal apple Niuie, smooth, tleni und nut too swet, tiy thU nit thud; With it shuip hullo, sliver piotiuicd, out the apples Into iiiiuteis, pate, com and chop ut once Into a pan uf cold water to pievent disc cilotatltiii. When all me done, skim nut nf thu water nnd put Into n I.uge liottom"d gintilto nr again kettle, so that thoy will not be tinwdeil. Add boiling wa-tei"-ust euoimll to show-eovei elosu ly to keep In the steam ami cool qulil.lv on the tup uf the Mine, sluli- Inir often tn lllevellt stll killir. Ah snnll 4 as thev uie leuilei, and it will take but 11 few moments, mush with a sil ver tuik spilnkle with sugar to taste, cover again and conk until tho sugar Is dissolved Till n Into a glass dish and seivo hut 01 inld, A pleasing vailatioii of legiihu ap ple hiiiico Is the iiildltl uu of a lew Kl outlet or lliiclj chopped aliiioucls cr butteiliuts The hitter aie pin llciilar ly delicious While the sttne 100111,1 lo-et shelves nf the fnieliaiidcil housewife aliendy have a bt.ive show ing uf the eatly sninll fl lilts, theie aie still nuiiiv busy dujs itlieail nf her ill eating foi thu abundant supply of tipples, penis, peaches giupoi, iiiilnies mid I1.11 tieiilcs th.'tt gniid Mothei .Valine Is iHV'lslily ptovlilliiK i:ceptlug lu tho tlnlcat of 1 Itv Hals, wheie meiy Inch nf loom l at a pie mltim, nr lu some hihospltable leglitu vvheto Unit has to be iiupuiiiil the hutne. made pieseives, pickles and id Isbes will not only pinvo supeilnr in I uu 11 1 - and llnvor tn nuj thing jnu can buy for inodeiiile pilccs, bill will cost only about half as nun li Most housewives delight In thli avncatlnu, Theie Is a feeling ut solid cninfolt in seeing well illicit j.its and tiimbleis und buttles lined up In sj 111111ct1lc.il tows, and anticipating the pleiisuie ot 4 'I''r'-l-I''i' Providence I'icl Iciluii church Hev. Dt. Guild, imstoi, will ptcath ul t0."-U a. 111. and 7..M p. m.; Kuliday school at noon; Junior nndeavor at 3 o'clock; Senior Ku dcavur ut 6-w. Tlfe cvenlnb' bervico will AND THE U. S. NAVY Sham battles and playing ' 'hide and seek. " wheat flake is employed. .One nutriment tnan- steak and the eas Iv Under startling Novelty, a v-i, r ti i. rnl sfsmn. X ennn rn iu IWDD VV"i LlUi rRFFIC w. .-,,4.4, 4,4. fsH-"MM--4f4-M--f-M"M-f4--4: Menu for Sundag, Sept. 7. BREAKFAST. Canteloupc. Geimea. Bi oiled Salt ALukeicI, Snuflle Potatoes. Gtahnm Gems. Coffee. DINNER. Lettuce unci Tomato with Mavnnnalse. fold ltoiiht of Peef. Kited Potato. Com on the Uar. Heels. Gieen Apple Pic Cheese. Walei melon. Coffee. MJPPGK. Tongue nnd Hliiekbeny Jam Saiidwlehes. Neiilthatel Cheise. Pal kin. lie Tea. Pi lilt. X t ! tHIH -M-M-f -M-f-f-M- bilnglng foi th later tho '"1111 cut swups" foi the deleetiitlon of family and cue-is. The ait of cunning piopeilj Is often quite a nivsteij- to the joung house keeper, who has seen it done miuiv a time, doubtless, but has never bcfoiu had tho lesponslblllt.v. Once Initiated, however, tho lahni will cease to ap peti hvdiuhcndcd. "ilodein methods and appliaiu es ,11 c doing much to lighten tho label nf putting up fiuit. The gas lunge 01 a good oil stove Is a boon to the pieseivei, as It is much looler and easier icgiiliited. Self-sealing Jus uie within the leueh nf eveiy one. haige-innutheil ones, with glass nr pou el, tin lined covcis, uio ptcfer ablc. For the sninll tamllv, pint Jiiis nio the moie convenlnnt. These, with the iiibbcis, should be tliotonghlv sulli ed nnd hot when thu tilling begins, liven tans that have been put away si 1 lipiilously cleiin need staldlug and Ilia lubber lings must be in peileet eouditlnn. .Miuiv cans of fiulls and vegetables am lost thiough cuteless liess lu this lesiiett, All fi ults Horn the 111,11 Hot should bu washed befoie using, nnd those fom home uiirdeus slinuld have similar tieutment. If they liave been eposeil to dust ni If uuv in"!cetltlde has been emploved near lliem. I'lep.ne the liult with 1 aie, band Hug the delleate kinds 11s little lis possible, While tho fiuit Is tonklug, neat the j.ns bv lolling in 'it pan of hot vviiter. When teady to till stit'ml nil the li.uk of the stove, 01 a table close at hand, In another small basin, with a handle, having a wet chilli folded In the bottom Fill wilh thu (.11 ....11 ..,, I .. ..t, ...... I...I... scalding 1 1 tilt, slipping u silver kiiiftt nr spoon nioiuid lu the Jar net to the glass, so that nil air bubbles may es cape, Jusl belnie the llipilil inns in el, put uu the 1 libber, whlill should luivo been dipped In win 111 water, together with the glass top, put In moie scald ing liquid until It inns over, seirw uu the tnp uud set nut nf a dtaiielit, As the Jar cools keep scievvlllg tighter. Some nf the most delicious pieseiVPd small fiuMs that I have evei eaten weie put up this jear bv the I Jet mini method ill California, Sour chcules sliawbeiiles, liliickbeiiles and logau lictilos weie the fiulls used, mid pio limiiirecl peifrrllou by all who suiv them "Kvnu better," sajs llui wo man who put them up, "will be the Tnkav giapes whlih 1 shall pteseivo III SeitteniliPi " Figs, slip thinks, wntl Id nl.'o he good tieuteil in tint same waj, but peaches, teats anil plums have pot Julto riinugh 111 theiu sehes, The liile, as usually given, mils for a pound nr sugar tn a pound nf f 1 nil. but she uses much less sugar nnd keeps the flesh' tastu of tho fiull. She cnmnieiiees the pi needs at night, hulling the betrles, pitting the cher lies, or Hitting nut tho two seeds nf tlin ToUujs, as the case tuny lie, ami taking una tu pieseivo eveiy hit nf the Juice. For each pound uf the fiuit mens, tiled befoie pitting or seeding, she al lows a scant pound of sugar fund In many Instances veiy much less), ami 4'4 - 4' f4i'n4-4- 'i4-H4-i' (cmslst nf uu addirs; nu Chillies Wesley, j and somo of his hymns will be sung. The sents of the chinch aie fiee. Washburn Street Ficsbjlcrlju chuu llov, John V. Moffat, U. D , pastor. Sv may., f a hip iii iihm J'V'ci7BitifS Wmm 126 Wyoming Ave. Thcro -nothing cereal 4 spi Inkles nil over the fittlt. By morn- 4 lug theie Is a thick sjuip. This she 41 puis 111 the preserving Kettle, mining 4, lu some cases a very llttlo water. "L'se jour head, jour common sense and jour lastc,)' she says, "In wh.it evet vou do " This is then allowed to cook slowly lor about ten minutes, skimming. If necessai.v. At the end of that time put in the fiuit uud cook until it tomes to a boll. Skim out the fruit and spread fiuit and svrup on broad 4, platteis and set In tho hot sun, cover- j, Ing with netting or pants of window . glass. Tho fiuit Is then allowed to "J havo the full benetlt of the sun's l.ij's until lleh and thick. In California .1 day uud a half Is usually unite suf- lleient, but under duller skies tluce 4. or foul il.i.vs in, iv be leuuiicd. Put In 4, jcllj" glasses nnd cover with writing , paper thoioughly wet with biandy. Put up this waj the fiuit letalns its 1iiit111.1l color and taste, und I3 ready vei v little tioubln to do 'I he loBunbeii v, which Is 11 native California!!, is as jet comparatively' unknown outsldo the Golden State. Once iutiodiiced to gcnernl notice, theie is 110 doubt but that it will bo- come CNttemely popular. It is a cross f 1.... .1... , - i.. , .1. HULwruii uu 1 111 i.iauijci 1 uim Kin wild blackbi iry, having tho tasto and J color of thu former with the form and J a llttlo of the acidity ot tho hitter. l'or jelly and pies It has no stipeiior. Like Topsv, it "just giowed" Itself. 4 l)r Logan, of Santa C'rti, set out a 4, low of taspbeiiies along the edge of 4, h wood where tho blatkheirles gtew j, In abundanio.the pollen became mixed T and the delicious loganbeiiy lesultccl. It is uu exceccllnglv prolillc vine, one man having sold $U worth of berries fiom 0110 acio dining thu past season. " A salad of poms and peaches Is a 41 good accompaniment for a luncheon, 4, 01 It m.ij' bo used for lucnkfiist. For a, tills puiposn the Julev Ruitlett or . Sicy Scckel Is best. I'nic, sllco unci T 111 lunge In a glass dish In alternate . laj-ers with whipped cienm and sugar sr betweon. Thev slinuld stand on the lee for a half hour befoie bet v lug. I'nfeimented giape Juice, which makes a lefteslilng and healthful ililuk. can be mucin at home when giapes nio abundant for llvo tents a bottle, lu Gel many this ill Ink Is used as a cine for dyspepsia Wash anil plil; over sound Coiicnid giapes, 10 jeetlng all that 1110 soft Put Into a pieseivlng Icettlo and ncld n llttlo cold watei, not iiulle enough In tovel. Cook slowlv, until the sklus bteak, '4, niiishliig fi mil titnu to lime with a j, wniKieu spouu. 1 lieu aiiovv mem 10 41 just ccime In the boiling point and 4. ........ I.. ...... ..... I. .11.. 1.... ... .lw,l. tiiiiir 111 new i,i,ii.-mi j.ii, ij.ik 10 .I...III.' j Aieasuio the Julie and tci cull -jpurt ; allow fiitir ounces of gianiilated sugar, Holl ngaln for. lour minutes, icninvn W buttle, 101k and seal wlfilo lint Tho 4 linttles slinuld bo lu hot water to 4 hmiIiI bieaklnu'. 4, A Welleclcv ieelie for giapn Juice 41 cllffeis a little, but is excellent To 4, nuo pec is in giupes picM'ii unni uio x stems allow thiee quails nf watet. When looked, stialn the Juice, taking 7 1 111 u that noun of tho pulp pt esses thiough Add twn-thlids of a cup of sugui tn each cuen quint nf juice; let 4 It time In a boll, skint raiefully nnd 4, bottle 4, A delicious water li o Is made nf j Cnncoiel giupes Wash und duiln fho j fiuit, and ptess tllioiitjli 11 sieve, tnk- "J Ing lain not to bteak the seeds, Al- low nno pint nf watoi and nun lupfitl uf giaiiulaled sugar tn each half ulnt nf juice Hull the sugar and wntep In. 41 Kolher for fivo minutes Add itha 4, Ktape Julio and one ttihlcbpiinnliit nf j, gclatlnp dissolved lu a llttlo cold T watei When the mlMuto Is told, till r T Into a ficeer and Iipczp Tomato liulti1! Is a tellsh greatly fawned in Southern I'allloinla. 4 Tn nine pounds uf llpe tnniatPPs pated and sliced allow tin en pnumU 4, nf sugar, one pint nf Incgai, tlney ,t, liiblespnonfiils of ilinmnioii, nne nnd one-half tablesponus allspice mid nuo T tablespnnnful cloves Cnnk until thick, ktliilug nfteii tn pievenl senichlng. "I" KM. MA PADDOCK Tlll.FOHD. vln e at in in 11 in. mid TV) p. m. Biblt -chonl at ).' m.; Cliilsti.111 Kmleavor youiuj opie 111 o.u p. m.; piajer meeting wcu. ICemtlttucd on Fuse 3 Co., M " 1 H J MOM P- VBV"7 . W FOR -.- HNIAI JL SX "TIL fttMWCll U T:r '-.-... sBV)', M mfci il. -- BSBtamsimmzM r 1 . J j .,ttq.y muibm.s H-A j