The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 05, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    " K'ri'TiP "i '";"''" r:si;fi m ,"i ' vrf7"U r?m''$fti'matSrim "SBr'3i'Jrvq
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M'en Returning from Work at the Mt.
Pleasant Mine Were Set Upon and Po
lice Had -to Be Summoned.
Throe men HvIiir In Kvnns court, nenr
Swcllnnd street, were Htoncd by a
largo ciowd on Wednesday evening,
while returning from work In the Alt.
Pleasant mine. The crowd walled for
them about 6 o'clock and when they
left Main avenue to so up Swctland
Hticot, they were nifsallcd with a vol
ley of stones. j
A call was Hcnt to the "West Side po
lice station, and Llcutcnnnt Oavtcn and
three patrolmen responded. At the
right of the liluocoati, the crowd dls
j)crscd and allowed the men to bo home.
I,ast evening, the crowd again waited
for the men, but someone notified them
of the trouble In store, and they went
home by another route.
Chapter of Accidents.
John Welsh, of Dunmoro, met with a
painful accident Wednesday, while nt
work In Ansley's mill. He caught the
middle finger of the loft hand In a
buzz saw, nnd as a result It wus almost
severed. Dr. P. 0. Hull dressed the
injured member.
Harold, the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Wletzol, of South Outfield
avenue, fell down stairs Tuesday, and
lan a rusty nail in his foot. The In
jury is a very painful one.
Arthur Decker, the son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Decker, of :',71 Evans court, while
playing with some companions, fell off
u high fence and broke his left arm.
Dr. P. C. Hall set the broken bone.
Margaret Hobluson. who lives with
her aunt on Capouse avenue, while vis
iting on West mountain, on Wednes
day, foil out of a small express wagon
nnd bioke her tight arm. Dr. Hall bet
the Injured member.
Selling Without License.
William Jones, or South Everett ave
nue, was arrested by Patrolman Klah
rotors, yesterday afternoon, , on the
charge of selling produce without a li
cense. He was given a hearing before Mag
istrate Davis and lined $10. Later he
denied that he was selling produce, but
claimed that ho was delivering It for a
central city firm. After hearing this
bit of evidence bo was discharged, the
line being remitted.
Aldermanic Cases.
Michael Covenshall, of 1'cckville, had
Taul Brunda arrested on the charge of
larceny. Ho was taken before Alder
man Davles and at the hearing, held
Wednesday evening, the prosecutor
claimed the Brund.i stole a sum of
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
i The School Bell I
I Will Ring Monday f
Calling the children together for another educa- g
tional session. Of course you want them to look $.'
well, and you don't want to spend a great deal of g
money over it. Here are a few suggestions $;
which may prove helpful. g
1 lis i Ml Dies lies I
The most durable, inexpensive fabric known.
Looks well, wears well and
; line of shadings. This week
a Scotch Plaids
Double fold, in a splendid assortment of bright col
orings, also a few of the dark plaids that are so
?& dressy. All fast colors. This week, yard .
Granite Suitings
Good, heavy, firm make all the best colorings.
These wear splendidly and always look well. An
extra special bargain for this week at
I Artisca Suitings
Their name is suggestive.
ful and being specially designed for children's
wear, they are fit lor hard service ot any kind. All
the new colors in an entirely new weave, at
a School Hosiery
Fast Black Hose, double
mnlf ftsneciallv for rnnoh
give gooe satisfaction in service. This week, pair 1 5C S
Children s Stockings, fast black and absolutely
stainless, 3-thread heel and toes, good weight, all
sizds at the same price. A matchless value
Children's Fine Lisle Thread Hose, high spliced
heel and toe, fine guage, but with weight enough
to guarantee durability. All sizes
School Umbrellas
You don't want to pay much for a school umbrella,
for you can't tell whether it's going to come home
whole or not. A good rain shedder, large enough
and as strong as can be made. This week, only. . ODC
Globe Warehote?.
money from his pocket when they wero
occupying the same room at the hoard
ing house in Peckvlllc. Brunda was
committed to Jail.
George llalnbrldge, of Luzerne street,
had Prank and Barney Cobb, of Christ
court, and Annie Shnloskcy, of Luzerne
street, arrested on the charge of as
sault nnd battery. The ease grew out
of a mix-up that the defendants had
with some children, on Luzorno street,
and In which mix-up the prosecutor
took n hand. Annie Hhuloskey was dis
charged for lack of evidence, but the
Cobb brothers were held under $200 ball
Miss Martha R. Wagstaff, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wagstaff.
of 1403 Division street, was united In
marriage to Harry Olaesnian, perman
ent man at Engine company No. :i, on
Wednesday nt noon, by Rev. Jacob
Schoettle, pastor of the Chestnut Street
German Presbyterian church.
The contracting parties were unat
tended, the bride being dressed In a
gown of blue broadcloth, trimmed
with white lace. After the ceremony
they were driven to the homo of the
bride's parents, where a bountiful wed
ding dinner was served and u recep
tion held.
Mr. and Mrs. Glncsman nre well
known in West Scranton, and will re
side in a newly furnished home on Six
teenth street.
A very pretty home wedding took
place at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs.
William Jones, of Luzerne street, Wed
nesday evening, when their daughter,
Miss Martha, was united In marriage to
Benjamin Kvans, of Swctland street,
by Rev. H. H. Harris, of Taylor. The
contracting parties were unattended.
The bride was neatly gowned In
moussellne do sole and carried a show
er bouquet of white roses. After the
ceremony there was a reception and
wedding supper. Mr. and Mrs. Evans
left for an extended wedding trip, and
upon their return will reside in a newly
furnished home on Luzerne street.
Rev. John I. Moffatt, D. D., of the
Washburn Street Presbyterian church,
returned homo on Wednesday from Ills
vacation, spent In Indiana, Pottsville and
The Alert Social club will conduct their
Initial fiance In M cars' hall this evening.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Eynnn, of Mel
bourne. Australia, formerly of this side,
have- returned to West Scranton, after
an absence of oer twelve years.
Miss Ida Lambert, the 1,-ycar-o1tl
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lam
bert, of 2ii."it Frlnk street, who was so
terribly scalded on Tuesday, is much bet
ter, and by the use of soothing applica
tions the pain has been much lessened.
Anthony Arthur, of l'lttslon, was united
in marriage to Francis Kelly, of Wilkes-
keeps its color. Full
only, yard ,
10c I
They're really beauti
22c f!
knees, heels and toes,
Wfnr nnd crnrirnntunH In
Bnrre, by Alderman Noone, nt his offlco
on September 2.
itov. James Bennlngor, of the Embcrry
Methodist Kplscopal church, has returned
homo from his vacation nnd will occupy
tlio pulpit as usual next Sunday.
Tho probationers' clnss of thu Simpson
Methodist Episcopal chut el) wilt hold a
mooting this evening.
A, number of people called nt the homo
of Mrs. Daniel Payne, of Drown court,
to nee the beautiful night blooming
Hnv, Thomas de Oruchy will prcnrlt at
the evening service of tho Flist Welsh
Unptlst chinch on Sunday.
, The West Side Central Republican
club will hold all important meeting to
morrow evening.
Local No. 1713. United Mine Wnikcrs
of America, will meet this evening In
Jnyue's hall.
Class No. 12 of the Embcrry Methodist
Episcopal chinch, enjoyed a trolley rldo
to Ciiibonditle last evening.
John A. Swnnt, of Keyser avenue, loft
yesterday morning to resume, his studies
at Ht. Charles follogo, Klllcntt City Md.
Miss Jennlo Morgan, of 117 North Fit
moio avenue, 1 In Now York city on a
business trip.
Miss Anna Jones, of Washburn street,
Is homo from her vacation, spent In the
Social Session of the St. Aloyslus
Society Held In Pharmacy Hall.
Features of Entertainment.
A most enjoyable evening was spent
nt Pharmacy hall on Plttston avenue,
lust evening, when St. Aloyslus' Total
Abstinence society convened In social
session. It Is tho custom to hold a
smoker once 11 month, and lust night's
session was one of the series. A first
class 'vocal and Instrumental pro
gramme had been provided by the com
mittee, and it was heartily appreciated
by those present. Itov. Father Roland
was Introduced by Chairman Hubert
V. Coyne, and made the address of the
evening. He spoke strongly on the
value of total abstinence, and his good
advice was well received.
Among those who took part in tho
exercises were: Joseph McCann, who
rendered a vocal solo; John Murphy
and Thomas Barrett, who gavo recita
tions, while songs were given In good
voice by Hubert Coyne and John Court
ney. Patrick Moran rendered a clever
solo on the mouth organ. A buck and
wing dunce by Prank Lavello was also
highly appreciated. Selections wero
given at intervals by Flore's orchestra,
who closed the musical part of the
programme shortly after 10 o'clock,
with n medley of popular airs.
Refreshments consisting of lemonade
and cake were then served, and the
cigars were afterwards passed.
St. Aloyslus society was organ I zed
about seven years ago. It has a mem
bership of ISO, and has been a power
for good in the community.
Aldingtons Again Victorious.
Another good bowling match was
played last evening between the Macn
ncichor team and tho Aldingtons, on
the hitter's alleys. They won till tho
games with a total score of "404. The
scores for the three games arc as fol
lows: AftLINOTONS.
John Klefcr 1ST 153 161-503
O. Pooltlns I", 137 121 4I
Clinrles Klefcr.... 117 11,1 17S- 170
Philip Roll Kit 177 310 -irO
William JlehUcr .. ns 161 1W MS
SIX 7S1 7SO-2101
Oils Report Ill 1.11 102 WB
V. Heinz 153 120 132-407
JVIer Hang 141 17 I'll 4)7
CIiiih. AVcslpfaht.. 131 Ml ltfi 1B1
AVII1 Zlesmcr 163 1H1 123-432
770 720 631 2133
Tho Arlington: will play the Hmiipe
team a mutch game on Hampe's alleys
next Monday night.
Laid at Best.
The obsequies for Jllss Maggie Mawn,
who died of burns she received Monday,
took place yesterday from the family
residence on South Irving avenue, and
wero largely attended. Shortly before
9 o'clock the sad cortege moved to St.
Peter's cathedral, where a mass for tho
deceased was solemnized. Interment
was afterwards made in the Cathedral
The pall-bearers were William Mc-
Oulre, Thomas Jordan, Richard Cole
man and Patrick Hughes.
Another largely attended funeral took
place nt 2.30 p. m. yesterday, when the
remains of the late Jumcs Donahoc
were interred In the family plot In
Cathedral cemetery. Friends and neigh
bors gathered in large numbers at tho
family residence, 539 Kiver street, and
from there proceeded to St. Peter's
cathedral, where services for the dead
were held. Final services wero held at
the grave about 4 o'clock.
First of the season. Sunday's mar
ket, 533 Cedar avenue.
The Fourteen Friends met last evening.
The excursion committee reported finally
tno result or tno ouiing last month, and
all matters in connection therewith were
Robert Olngle, a young mini who left
for his home in Germany some months
ago, after ncaily a two years' residence
on this wide, has arrived hero again. The
rnitcd State Is good enough for him, nnd
ho Is back to stay.
Miss Carrie Wagner, a daughter of John
Wagner, resident at 73.' Fltthton avenue,
was taken suddenly ill yesterday and tho
eao was Inter dlugnosed as uppciullcl-
Dudley Tlerney and Richard Kennedy.
of this side, lott yesterday to take up
tlieir stuuies at at. diaries college .Mary
land. J. A. Wheeler, a foimer resident of tills
sldo, left for his homo, Lawrence, Mass.,
yesterday, after a brief visit to bis
mother, on Prospect avenue.
Dr. Schley's l.nng lleuliug Ilulsam is
guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No euro,
no pay." For halo by all dcalois.
Hugh Haitlcy, tho 5-year-old son of
Frank Haitloy, suffered tho loss of his
middle linger yesteiday as tho lesult of
playing with n hutchot. Tho llttlo fellow
win trying his stiength In cutting down
n small tree and In somo way gashed his
finger so badly thut Dr. Uerusteln found
It necessary to amputate tho member,
Tho teachers of the high school will
meet In tho superintendent's ofllcu this
men nine nt 9.3ft o'clock,
Tlio teachers .of tho borough will meet
In the bight school Piiduy aftctnoon ut
B o'clock,
Geo mo Oswald, of Dlukcly street, has
returned from a week's stay at I-uko Un
derwood, Dernard 1 funis returned to his homo In
Coucoid, N. Cv yesteiday after n stay of
several weeks in town.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Collin, ot Duller
street, aro visiting fi lends ut Viudcii,
Miss Anna l'owpll hug returned from a
Muy of bovarul week,s In Now York city
uud Connecticut.
Mr. and Mrs. John 13. Swift havo re
turned fiom a stay ut Atlantic City,
The Request is Granted Hundreds of Seriously Sick Ask for a Lower Rate All Persons Applying Now
will be Treated for $10 Until Cured, Medicines Included This Does Not Mean $10 a Month, but $10
for a Complete Cure All Persons Accepted Under Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money Refunded
This Offer May be Withdrawn at Any Time It is Important to Call at Once The Great Quaker
Physician's Work for Humanity, One of the Brightest Epochs in Medical History.
It has ntwnys been the cardinal principle ot
the Groat Quaker Physician's life to do the
greatest amount ot good to the greatest num
ber ot people. Ho has readied that during
tho past few months many people In Scran
ton havo been suffering from financial de
pression, owing to the existing labor condi
tions. Hundreds ot people have asked to
bo treated at a reduced rate. They havo
statod that their financial condition was
such that It would bo Impossible for them to
pay tho ordinary feo charged by physicians.
Doctor Byers' offlcea ara crowded to their
utmost capacity. His practice In this city
Is the largest evor accorded to any physician
In tho history of medicine. Hundreds of
hopelessly alclt have been restored to perfect
health nnd nl name Is a household word
throughout the state of Pennsylvania. It
would bo manifestly unjust to treat a few
at a reduced rato and charge others a higher
price, In order to give all an opportunity
to bo cured at n nominal price, he will treat
nil persona applying at his offices on the
following conditions:
1 All persons applying for treatment at
once, no matter what tho trouble may be,
will bo treated for the nominal sum of (10.00
until cured, medicines Included. This does
not mean (10.00 a month, but (10.00 for a
complete and rndlcnl cure.
Ho furthermoro agrees that If the patient
Is not completely cured in a specified length
of time, to return the money paid without
any quibbling or evasion; In other words, It
.will not cost the patient ono cent unless a
cure Is effected.
Doctor Byers wishes to emphasize
the fact that this offer may be with
drawn at any time, and In order to
get the benefit of It, It Is Important
to call at once. His practice Is so
largo that It will be Impossible for
him to continue this offer indefinitely.
If you call now you will receive the
most careful and scientific X-Ray ex
amination known to science, free of
charge, and you will be treated until
cured at the nominal sum of $10.00,
medicines included. If you are not
cured your money will be cheerfully
returned to you. Call at onpe, as this
offer may be withdrawn at any time.
The different tissues ot the body are made
up of minute cells, and when these celts
become disarrange!., disease Is the result. By
supplying the proper nutriment to the cells,
perfect health can be obtained. All diseases,
no matter how chronic, can bo cured by bring
ing tho cells back to their normal condition.
The treatment used by Doctor Byers Is not
allopathic or homeopathic. It Is a treat
ment based upon an exact science and cures
with tho certainty of a fixed law.
Doctor Byers never accepts a case unless
he knows to a certainty the cause ot the
trouble, and this can only bo determined by
a scientific X-Ray examination. His X-Ray
outfit Is the most elaborate and complete In
this country. By his special Fluoroscopic at
tachment ho Is able to examine all parts ot
tho body and find out to an absolute certainty
the cause of the patient's affliction. Come
and be examined; It Is absolutely free. He
will not charge you one cent. Come and
find out what your trouble Is and he will ad
vise you lu reference to a cure. It is all
Iree. Ho ailu ao compensation.
Suffering from Poisoning Similar to
That in the Babcock Cases House
at 1110 West Market Street,
Owned by Michael Devine, Wns
Destroyed by Eire Believed to
Have Been Caused by Explosion
of a Lamp Meeting of Bepublican
Club Tonight Other Notes.
James Fcnthcrby, of Summit avenue,
v,ts taken suddenly 111, Tuesday even
ing, the symptoms showing poisoning
similar to that in the Babcock eases.
Feathorby was eating supper unci
drank some tea, after which he was
seized with a peculiar dizziness in tho
head, with which he wus troubled for
some time.
He went to work in tho morning and
wns seized with peculiar convulsions,
which crippled his lower limbs. He
was removed to his home, where he
revived, but later was again attacked
In the same manner.
Dr. D. J. Jenkins was called and
found his patient in a serious condi
tion. The doctor stated last evening that
Fcnthcrby will recover. He says his
trouble is due to poisoning.
Devine Besidence Destroyed.
Fire broke out In the residence of
Michael Devine, of 1110 West Market
Btreet, yesterday morning at 2.20
o'clock, An nUrm was sent In from
box 85, on West, Market street, which
brought Hoso companies 4 and 7 to tho
scene. The firemen, under the direction
of Captain Hopkins, of Hose company
No. 4, worked bravely for more than
an hour, when they succeeded In get
ting the fire under control.
The origin of the lire Is believed to
havo been caused by tho explosion of
a lamp. The building was in a mass
of Humes when the hose companies ar-
vlnnrl T t i.,,a nnnnnlail lit, Vt ,a MnPiin
.....1 Tnl... T.-lnlff Tlntli fumlllaa lna('
most of their turnlture, as they had no
time to remove them from the burning
stiuctuie. The building was Insured.
A regular meeting of tlio North Scran
ton Republican club will lie held this
evening In their looms on Went Markot
street. AU members nnd outsiders who
Intend going to tlio Kilo convention aiu
requested to meet nnd get transportation
rates. Tho regular mombois ato earn
estly requested to meet, uh business of
Importance Is to bo tinnsncted.
During the nhsenco of tho pastor on his
summer vacation tho Indies uf tho Provi
dence Presbyterian chinch havo bo?n
bUBily engaged lu Impiavcments upon
tho Intel lor of tho chuich building and
now Invito tho 6ongrcgaton and their
friends to Inspect tlio completed woik at
an Informal leception this evening. All
nio most cordlully Invited to attend,
Mis, David M. Jones, of Parker stieet,
Is 111.
James Jones, permanent man of IIoso
(or children teething, Is the prescription ot
Sno of the best female pliy&lciaus nnd
urscs In the United States, and has beeq
used sixty years with never-falling sue
cess by millions ot mothers for their chili
dren. During tho process ot teething us
Valua Is Incalculable. It relieves tho chiles
trom pain, cures Ulnrrhoea, griping In tin
owels, and wlnil-collc. By giving health,
to tho child It rests tlio inothor, Price,
twenty-uv cent a a bottle.
Mr. Fred Rentuchler, 351 Elm St.!
"For a number of years 1 had been nlllng
with what tho doctors called kidney trouble,
There were pains across the "small" of my
back which would nt times extend around In
front down toward tho groin. My appetlto
was poor, I grew weak, nervous and could
not sleep tho night through. I treated with
doctors here, in New York and elsewhere, but
they did not euro mo. It wnsjn the early
part of May that I began with Doctor Dyers'
treatment; I Improved right along untllJ
wns completely cured. I never felt better In
my life, than I do now."
Doctor Byers was born of Quaker
parentage and received his early edu
cation under the Influence of that re
ligious denomination.
He graduated with honor from the
Jefferson Medical College of Philadel
phia, 1872.
Matriculate of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy.
Full course attendance Pennsylvania
Hospital for Acute and Surgical Dis
eases. company No. 1, has returned to his du
ties after a ten days' vacation.
Dudley Athcrton. of North Main ave
nue, has I'cturnul fiom a recent visit at
Miss Ucs.hIc Mullinex, of Claik's Green,
has returned after spending several days
with her aunt, Mrs. C. F. Crossmun, of
Throop street.
Thomas Floyd, uf Ka.t Slnrkct street,
and Alexander Walls, uf Hiick avenue,
have returned fiom a business trip
through Now Yen!; stale, where they
both weio investigating sonic teccnt In
vestments. D. D. Jones, of North Main avonuo.
left on a business trip to linltimoic yes
terday morning.
O. V. Palmer, of North Main avenue, is
seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. William Owens, of Green
street, have leturncd from a few days'
visit in New Jersey.
William Ilomicr, of Wayno avenue, Is
visiting f i lends In Cnrbomlale.
William Kdw.uds, of Maigaret utcuiio,
has i etui tied homo from Philadelphia,
where ho has been spending buveral
Daniel Williams, of AInrgarot aNciiue,
and Harry Jenkins, of Parker street, mo
spending their vacations nt Conoy Island.
Tho members of tho Memoilal church
choir aro requested to bo piesont at re
hearsal this evening to make arrange,
meats to attend the funeral of (bo late
Miss Cora Robeits, which will tako placo
Miss Margaret Williams, of Putnam
street, left yesteiday to spend her vaca
tion at ICImira and Utlca, N. Y.
Miss Edith Prace, of William stieet,
has returned after visiting filends In Tay
lor for tho nast week.
Miss IjIiIii Melvln, of New York city,
has returned home nfter a week's stay
with her mother, Mis. Mary Melvln, of
West Market street.
Patilck Jordan, of Noith Main inenuc,
has mado extensive Improvements about
his home.
Robert Thomas, of Gieen Rldgc, has
returned homo after a visit with Wllkes
Barro friends.
The Womnn's Homo nnd Foreign Mis
sionary society of tho Gieen Ridge Pres
byterian church will hold its tegular
monthly meeting nt tho home of Mrs. D.
K. Oakloy, 1.19 Madison avenue, at i.'M
o'clock this afternoon. A largo attend
ance Is very much desired. Tho following
programme has Ijeen picpaied: Opening
services; minutes of August meetlmt;
foiccast and rally, Mrs. Vondervcer, Mis.
M, R. Kays, Mis. Goorgo Phillips; solo,
Mis. Uthman; roll call; paper on Japan;
hymn; Lord's Prayer; social, half hour,
Tho Misses I'loienco and Kllzaheth
Claik, of Saudeisou avenue, have 10
turned fiom Atlantic City and Philadel
phia, whoio they havo been spending
their vacation,
Miss I.izzlo Wnricn, of Mailou stieet,
leaves tomorrow for lliooklyn, N. Y.
Miss Qiaco Itilggs, of Marion stieet,
Is spending a few days in Pittsliiug,
The Sunday school of the Gieen Rldgo
Baptist church wll picnic at Nay Aug
Miss I lull let Pilco entertained last
nvouing hi honor uf her cousin, Miss
Uinro Stone, of Oneoiitu, N. Y.
Rex Tiovoiton, vof llonesdalo stieet, Is
rnnlliied to his home by Illness.
Miss Mary Wells, of Breaker street, Is
visiting filends lu Pleasant Mount,
(ieoiKO Said, of Capouse avenue, hns
been declined the champion player of tlio
Gieen Rldgc Quoit club,
Mr, and Mrs, II, M, Colo and daughter
havo inturucd from Montrose, wheie
I hoy spent tho summer, Mr, Colo bus on
exhibition a pet lacoon ho hi ought home,
with him,
Eox's First Game.
Jacob Fox, the South Scranton ball
tosser recently signed by tho Philadel
phia National League team, pitched Ills
llrst gamo lu hlg company yesterday, Tho
game was at Philadelphia, und the
Quakeis defeated St. Louis, 13-G. Fox did
not pitch the entire gume, but divided
honois with Diiggleuy, tho old Wilkes
Uune player. Although a llttlo ner
vous ut tho start, tho Scranton man did
good work '
Mrs. Samuel Brokenshlre, Jermyn,
Pa.; "For over ten years I suffered the most
agonising pain from ectema. notb legs were
entirely raw from the knees down to tho feet.
They Itched and burnt so I had to sit and fan
my legs to keep them cool, i Had to lay at
nll. -llh m... I..- h h -.lllnn. ttn.t ,iaan,a
,.B.b null Ul irn vu Jilliun a.ui, pinouia
as the result of the pain, coming on every
twenty minutes, My friends expected ma to
dls In every spasm. All doctors gavo mo
up; said It was Impossible to euro me or even
tor me to live. Reading about Doctor Byers
my nushand decided to try him as a last re
sort. Ills treatment acted like magic, the
pains nnd Itching have entirely ceased, 1 sleep
all night, havo no more spasms, am able to
do my housework, and the legs nre almost
healed up. I feel that Doctor Dyers has
saved my life."
Full course attendance Blockley hos
pital for Skin and Chronic Diseases.
Late of Eye and Ear Clink -. Will's
Hospital, Philadelphia.
Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clinics
Diseases of the Throat.
Late Examining Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid As
sociation of Cincinnati, O.
Late Examining Physician Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Association of New
York. '
Dixie's Theatre,
Lessee and Manager.
Another great bill, intindiielng
with the
Coronation Pictures,
Showing King Edward VII and all the
Two pcrfoinianees dally, i.UO and S.Ij.
Pliers ir,, LT), il'i and .Wc.
Special matinee prices.
Matinee Labor Day, Monday, at Dixie's,
the Coolest Theater In tho city.
September I, 5, C.
"The Octoroons."
When in Need
Of anything in the line of
? optical goods wo can supply it. .j.
I and Eye Glasses!
4 4
.j. Properly fitted by an expert
.t. optician,
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of prescrip- J
Mercereau & Conned,
133 Wyoming Avenue.
MRS, MARY SHAY', of 010 Fellows
street, .died nt hor home nt 1 o'clock
yestenjiiy afternoon. Deceased Is sur
vived by her husband" nnd the follow
ing children: Mrs. V. F, Mourn, Mrs.
Charles McAuulty, and John Shay, of
Philadelphia, Funeral notice later.
The funeral of Miss Cora Roberts will
tako pluco Satin day afternoon. Tho pio
cession will leave the parental home, 17(11
Summit avenue at 1.30 o'clock for the
Memoilal Raptlst chinch of Church uvc.
liuo, Tho service at tho church will bo in
ehurgu of Rev, W, F. Davis, pastor of
the church, Interment will bo mudo In
tho Washburn street cemetery,
The Into Patilck Phllbln will bo laid at
I est from his lute luunu on Pitston avo
nuo tomorrow morning. Services will be
conducted at 'J o'clock lu St. John's
cluueli. on Fig street, nnd interment will
he made lu the, Cnthedrnt cemetery,
James Devanucy, whoso death occurred
Wednesday, will bo luld In Ids last rest
ing place tomoriow morning. Services
will lulco placo lu St. Peter's cathedral
at 9 o'clock and inlcrmcnt will follow lu
tho Hyde Park Cathollo cemetery.
Irvln Gearhart, 2006 Smith Place.
corner Jadwln street, n well-known carpenter
and cltzen, says: "I don't know how I can
express In words sufficient pralso for Doctor
Ilyers' treatment. I had been troubled at
year with pains that often kept me from
work, bast August I was laid up three week
nnd nearly nil of January and the whole 4
February. The pains teemed to come throuxl
the small of ray back down Into the left
groin. At times they were so severe I could
neither llo or sit down. 1 wns also troubled
greatly with my head. Dr. Byers' treatment
has cured me ot all these distressing condi
Mrs. Barbara Dickson, Parker
street, Providence: "I had chronic diarrhoea
for fourteen years, which caused violent bear
ing down and drngglng palnn in my' abdomen
and loins. My bowels were often moved at
high as seven times In one day. The strain
ing finally brought about severo protruding
piles. These caused me much misery. When
I went to Doctor Byers' office 1 was so weak
from my suffering that 1 could hardly drag
myself along. The first treatment he gave
mo drove nil the palna out ot my hips and
legs. My bowels now move regularly one
a day, nnd tho piles have ceased troubling
me. Clod bless tho good Quaker doctor for
what ho has dona for me."
Mr. Conrad Heillg, 115 Ash St.,
Scranton, says: "I had been troubled wltli
Rheumatism for over bIx venrs. In fact.
.my condition was bo bad thnt I was unable
to move n round wttnout assistance. wnea
I sat down It wub Impassible for mo to get
up alone. The pain whs something terrific;
no ono will ever be able to appreciate the
torture thnt I endured. I tried various doc
tors only to get temporary relief. Finally
niter hearing eo much about the wonderful
cures being performed by Doctor Dyers'
treatment 1 concluded to go td his office and
placo myself under his care. Todoy I ara
a living example of this man's superb skill.
I can walk nrpuiid like other people, and, In
fact, I nm a new man In every particular.
God bless the great Quaker Doctor for what
he has dono for me."
Mr. William Snowden, Farwell,
Wayne Co., Pn says: "I had been troubled
for over three yenrB with n severe cough. I
lost over thirty-five pounds In weight; I had
no nppetlte, and was unable to sleep. la
fart, my condition became so alarming that t
had atmoBt given up hopes of a cure. Doc
tors were unable to do me any good. I con
cluded to try Doctor Byers' treatment, and
I commenced to gain In strength nnd weight
almost Immediately. Now I Bleep ,well; my
cough does not disturb mo ob In the past,
and every ono remarks about tho wonderful
Improvement that I havo made. I shah
never cease Bounding tho Great Quaker'
praises for what ho haB dono for me."
Chief Consulting Physician of the Bl-
Cnemic Treatment.
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 12: 2 p. m. to i.
Evenings, 7 to 8 Dallr.
Sunday, 10 a. m. to 12 m.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Rcls, Lessee and Malinger.
A. J. Duffy .Business Manager.
Saturday, Sept. 6, Matinee and Night
Alfred E. Aarons and Goo. II. Murry
present the Ringing Musical Comedy,
Book by Geo. Totton Smith, music by Al.
fled E. Aarons; with
Josephine Hall
And a distinguished cast. Samo grand
ensemble that packed the Walnut Street
Theater. Philadelphia, X weeks; Columbia
Theater, Boston, 4 weeks.
Special Mntluop Prices, ill und 00c.
Night Prices. J.'ic. to $1.00.
Scats now on sale.
rionday Night, Sept. 8.
The Laugh Makers
Chorus of
In nn all new edition of
The Head Waiters
Prices 2.". 00, 70c. $1.00.
Diagram opens Friday 9 a. m.
Tho Eminent Romantic Actor,
Robert B. Mantel I,
And a select company under tho man
agement of M. W. Hanlov.
Piesentlng Tuesday night nnd Wednes
day matinee,
'The Dagger and the Croos,"
A Romanco of ITJi.
Roth plays will bo supeibly staged.
Matinee Prices L'S, 50. 75 cents.
Night Prlccs-1'.'. 50, 7.1c. and $1.00.
Dlngram opens Satuidtiy, 9 u. m.
Academy of Music ,,
M, Rels, Lessee nnd Manager. '
A, J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Week Starting Monday Sept,' 1,
Myrkle-Harder Stock Co.
All New Plays. Strong Cast.
PRICES 10, 20 and SO cents. Matinee,
10 ii ml 20 cents,
The Schiller Stock Company,
Headed dv tno i oiiiik jininuiuiu iciui.
cnmpueu Btnuton,
Monday Night, "Man's Enemy,"
Supply Committee Met,
Tho supply committee of the board oi(
contiol held a In let session lust night
und nasscd a number of bills. This Is the
Mine uf year when the committee, usually
nriangcs for tho puichnsu of tho coal for
tho coming year, nnd one of the members
suggested last night that tome action he
taken. It wus decided, however, to leuvu
tho matter rest for a time. Homo of the
school buildings aro piovlded with sulll
clent (oal to last twu or thre months,
whllo otheis havo on luind a very limited
supply. If euu.illy dislded, the entlro sup
ply would only last about ono mouth
.,f V