V-' Vi , c ,C ; &,',. 1 J ' I 1 ' , f I' r -r in Cs 1 Special gs Today The Last of the Three Day Sale.. All Prices Restored at 6 O'Clock Three Day Price Children's School) Shoes, but ton or laco, best dongola, heavy soles, spring and regular 0 heel, $1.15 kind for OC Three Day Price Pair bf 75c 10-4 full . size Grey or Tan Blankets 54C 7-cent Furniture Calico, a yard O Three Day Price Lace Torchon and Inser tion, attractive patterns, a yard 3c Three Day Price Second Floor. Millinery Odds and Ends In a lot of Women's Hats, assorted shapes, each. DC , Three Day Price Third Floor Japan Mattings, very pretty designs, colors the want ed kind. A varied assortment. The 25c kind, this sale I7jc 30c kind, this sale I96 c Three Day Sale Fourth Floor Monarch Polish restores to original brilliancy Furni ture and pianos. Makes old look like new. Does not gum; stick or catch the dust. Sold elsewhere at 25 cents a bottle. This sale 17C Vlflll VSr(t For three days only, we will sell from our wail raCl large line of 10c, 1 2c and 15c Wall Papers. A choice selection from 12 patterns at, a double roll. . . OC This don't mean mismatched papers, but bright and clean cut de signs, suitable for any home. Selections can be made now and deliv ered later If you wish. -- NORTHEASTERN 9 PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Sept. 3. Miss Nan Davles returned Saturday from a visit with West Plttston friends. James Morris, Jr., who for some time has been taking treatment In Blng !h a niton, returned Saturday from that place, much improved in health. On '.Tuesday he again went to Blnghumton, where he hus nccepted a good position In a Job office, and will move his fam ily there In a few weeks. This Is the big day of the soldiers' tneampment, and the town Is full of told vets with their happy faces and congenial talk. Harold-S. MucLean, of Wilkes-Barro, Is a guest, of his aunt, Mrs. Frances lAitken. F. A. Davies and family, of Dundaff, have arrived In town, and are occupy ing the house formerly occupied by tho late George H. Fruzler, on Wilson etreet.7 Mrs. Frazler niyl son havo re moved to Rush, where they will re Bide ylth her parents, Sir. and Mrsl lAlden Devlne. Mr. Davles hus numer ous friends hero who arc delighted to 'have him as one of the town's citizens. Our people regret to learn of tho re moval of A. F. Kinney and family to Philadelphia, where they will tuke up .their permarnt residence. In tho many years fiey have resided here, they havo endi kred themselves to many and their pa lng will occasion deep Sorrow. They expect to leavo for their Hew homo on Tuesday next. R. J. Stark, of Scranton, was In town tin business Tuesduy. School opened Tuesday with a largo attendance, and many more will bo added In the next few weeks. The Sunday school of St. Paul's Epls fcopal church held their unnuul picnic t Heart Lake last Frldny, and was Very largely attended. Tho day was perfect and all appuiently had a-most enjoyablo time. For several weeks It, has been tho tustoni of many, of our merchants to Close their places of business on Tues days and Thursdays ut 6 o'clock, In rder to give their clerks a much need Id 'respite from work as well as them lelves. All would huvo been well had Iho agreement been carried out, hut Bnow's grocery continued to keep open n the nights above mentioned. Some inknown parties' on Monday night proceeded to throw decayed eggs at ne of tho grocqrymen as he was cjos I Boy Cured, of Colic After Physician's Treatment Had Failed. My boy when four years old was taken with colic and crumps In his Uoiiincli, I sent for the doctor and ho , njected morphine, but tho child kept ;e(tlng worse, I then gave him half a easpoonful of Chamberlain's Colic. ,'holera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and In Julf 'pn hour ho was sleeping and soon lecoyered. F, L.i W'lklns, Sheik Lake, ,Vs. Mr. Wllk(ns h bookkeeper for the Ihell Lake Lumber Co. For sale by all IruseUts AOwWWVlAAS,lVWVV cm Sale. J! Three Day Price Size 18x26 Feather Pll- lows, good ticking, a pair. ' 9C Cotton Crash, a yard.. ac Three Day Prico Falrbank's Glycerine Tar Soap Lathers -freely In hard or soft water. A cake oC Three Day Price Cord for Pillow Tops, assorted colors, usual price, 10c. 12c and !5c. This sale, yard.. 3C Three Day Prico Odds and Ends in Bqys' Balbrig- gan Drawers, Misses' Ribbed Pants, Women's Knit Corset Cov ers, unlldrens Ribbed Waists, always sold at . 25c. Now ISC Three Day Sale REFRIGERATORS No. 150, $14.75, now..... 151, $11.98, now , 152, $23.98. now 153, $11.95, now 154, $14.58, now .$10.35 8.so 17.0a 8.25 9.98 in pro- No. No. No. No. Other numbers reduced portion. Ing for the night, with disastrous re sults. Last evening the store was open and the proprietors were in a warlike mood. How it will end remains for the future to decide. All participants In the contest show their willingness to make It Interesting for the opposing party. Montrose defeated Hallstead In a game of ball on Tuesday, by a score of 12-0. Tho home team will give the Susquehanna Stars a similar dose next Monday afternoon. The golf tournament at the Lakeside Country club's grounds took place throughout Inst week, and a very In teresting contest It proved to be. The winners of the games were each award ed a silver cup. The ladles who re ceived prizes were Mrs. Lyons, of Phil adelphia, ilrst; Mrs. Fitzgerald, Phil adelphia, second. J. R. Beardsloy, Montrose, won the gentlemen's first prize, and Mr. Hopkins, of Philadel phia, second. m 1 HAHLINTON, v' Special to the Scianlon Tribune. Hamllnton, Sept. 3. Mrs. W. B. Christmus and daughter, Bertha, or Scranton, Is visiting Mrs. Christmas' sister, Mrs. F. A. Orchard, Mrs. 13. M. Beale, Mrs. E. R. Town send, Mrs. A. Myers and Churles Men denhull, of Parkersburg, Pa., are visit ing friends In this vicinity. Mrs. Adeline Sampson, of Jermyn, Is the guest of her sister, Miss Mahala Jones, J. J. Williams and wife, of Green Ridge, havo been visiting the latter's brother, Amos Olver, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Clearwater, of Green Ridge, spsnt Sunday with the latter's sister, Miss D. P. Hamlin." R:v, J, D. Brodheod, of Jermyn, preached morning unci evening, Sun day last, in St. John's Eplbcopal church. Public school opened Sept. 1, with Mlsa Eck, of Honesdale, as principal. HONESDALE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune Honesdule, Sept. 3. Thursday even ing the Maplo city bund will glvo an open air concert from the bund stund on Russell Park. A drove of cattle passed through this place on Tuesday, en route for North umbailuivd county) Pa. Honesdale will enjoy another game of ball on Saturduy ufternoon, between tho home team and tho Jonas Long's team of Wllkes-Bayre, Tho Misses Rena and Luoy Edgett, who have been spending the past few weeks at Basin Hiirhmv n r.ni Champlalp, returned home on Vednes- uuy, Manager W. J. Sllverston was fortu nate In securing tho famnna nriniv and' Wilson minstrel troupe for his opening numner. Tne repututlon of th,ts company will Insure a big crowd at tho opera house, Monday evening next. The Honesdale High School Alumni committee have decided to establish a THE SC1UNTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, library, to be called tho Clara. T. Sut ton Memorial library, as a memorial of the late Miss Clara T. Sutton. Friday next tho Erie will run nh excursion to Niagara Falls and the Toronto exposition. ' Lawrence M. Atkinson Is attending a meeting of the Republican stuto com mittee In Philadelphia. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Percy aro en joying a short vacation at one of the Wayne county lakes. Th6 Honcsdalo schools opened yes terday with nearly live hundred pupils In attendance. The school board have arranged to glvo special attention -to truants, and will probably enforce tho law governing this matter. TUNKHANNOCK. Special .to tho Bcranton Tribune. Tunkhanonck, Sept. 3. Squire W. D. Frear, of Beaumont, was doing busi ness In town on Tuesday. Ralph Ncy, of Taylorvllle, was vlslt Irig friends at this place on Tuesday. Tho lumber In the county bridge at Dixon will bo sold at public sale on Thursday, Sept. 18, by tho county com missioners. The sale will take place at the court house. Charles It. Marcy, of Altoona, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Mary Marcy, on Slocum street. Mrs. Henry Bardwell, of Chicago, Is visiting at the homo of Dr. Judson Bardwell, on West Tioga street. Corey L. Kresky, of Scranton, Is visiting hjs parents' at this place. Mrs. Kresky arid family have been spending the past six weeks hero. George Phllllpson and wife, of Car bondalc, are visiting the lattcr's sis ter, Miss Caroline Gray, on Ttoga Btreet. ' Mrs. Samuel C. Hodge, who has been the guest of relatives at Now York city, was called home on Saturday- by the Illness ofhcr husband, who has typhoid malaria. Frank Carey and wife, of Bethle hem, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, on Third street. Dell Scutt and family, of Carbon dale, aro spending some time with friends and relatives at this place. WELSH HILL. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Welsh Hill, Sept. 3. Farmers are busy harvesting their oats, which Is tho one good crop of the season. Mrs. Gertrude Hayden Fenley, of Philadelphia, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Davis, lost week. Mrs. P. F. Resseguie and daughter, of South Gibson, visited relatives In,' this plyce recently. After spending a pleasant vacation, the following of our young people have again resumed their school work: Prof. John Richards, as principal of the Great Bend schools; Prof. H. B. An thony, of Welsh Hill school; Miss Liz zie Moses, of tho East Mountain school; Miss Irene Morgans, of the Burdick school, Elkdaie; Miss Annie .Lloyd, student at Stroudsburg; Miss Daisy Bennett, student at Factoryville; Will Moses, student at Bloomsburg. Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Harrison are entertaining Mrs. Harris' parents, of Plttston, at the parsonage. Messrs. Thomas Thomas and John Lewis, of Scranton, have returned home, after spending a week here. David Evans, of Scranton, is the guest of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Craft, of Jeffer son, N, Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Craft, of Worcester, N. Y., visited their sister, Mrs. M. C. Watklns, over Sun day. N0LD FORCE. Mrs. John Wilson, of Yostville, Is vis iting friends In town. airs. Alfred Avery has returned home, after spending a few weeks with ner parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Drake. Thad. Stewart Is spending a few weeks with his fnther, in Nichols, N. Y. Miss May Williams has returned home, after spending the week at Wya lusinx. Rev. J. C. Jacobs and family dttend' ed the Gardner reunion at Factoryville on Friday. Seymour Smith, of Yostville, was a caller in town on Tuesday. The borough schools opened on Tues day with a full attendance. Clarence Snyder had a valuable cow killed on the Delaware, Lackawanna and AVestern railroad on Tuesday. Tho Junior league of tho Brick church will hold a basket picnic at the Feeder Dam grove on Saturday. Mrs. Bonney, of Scranton, spent Sun day with Mrs. Ira Porter. THEATRICAL. "Devil's Island." The Mnttenthal Brothers havo secured tho rights to ' produco throughout the country, Do NoIond Hall's scenic melo drama, "Devil's Island." The plot of this pleeo Is derived from tho events of the mist famous government lntrtguo of re cent years,, the Dreyfus case. It present-, during tho course of the play, tho Place do la Concorde, whero the unhappy Dreyfus was publicly degraded, the steel cago on "Devil's Island," where ho spent three years of his sentence, the great yacht scene nt open sen, uUublcau which always causes tho greatest enthus iasm among tho assembled spectators, PICTURE PUZZLE. - FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out the pictures appearing on tilts pago each day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, savo thorn until Saturday, then send thorn or tako them to Tho Tribune offlco In an envelope addressed to "Puzzlo Donartmont." Enclose In tho cnvclopo your name, ago nnd address. Tim boys and girls who correctly mark tho six pictures appearing durlnK tho wook, and whoso answers nro first received, will havo their names published In Tho Trlbuno Monday morning. The brother of this young woman and hem. arid the court martini at Ronhes, where Dreyfus Is set nt liberty after enduring tho most mlsornblo dlsgraco ever Inflicted upon twin. "Devil's Inland" 1 to bo pre sented nt tho Lyceum this afternoon and evening. Diagram now open. Prices Matinee, 2c to any part of the liotiso; children, lCc. Night prices, 15c, Kc, 33o and fiOc. "My Antolnotte." The first scene of the second act of Alfred 15. Anrons' and Gcorgo II. Mur ray's production of "My Antoinette," which comps to tho Lyceum Saturday af ternoon and ovrnlng, Is lnld In a drawing room of an nrlstocratlo house In London, England, whero a reception la supposed to ho taking place. It can safely bo nld that tho brilliancy of this nccno has ne,ver been equalled or seen slnco tho elaborate pink ball-room sceno In tho opera of "Ermlnlc." The dresses will undoubtedly form a subject of comment and gossip to tho Indies In tho audience, while tho brilliant effect of dazzling light, and enticing music cannot but nppcal to tho senses of every 0110 who witnesses this vista of hrnuty. In this, as In every other sceno of tho musical comedy, tho accessories nro bundled with a caro and complete ness that Is very rarely found In such productions. ' Tho dlugram opens this moraine at 0 o clock. "The Head Walters." Thoso prime favorites with the laughter loving public, Wrird and Vokcs, will bo fcoen nt tho Lyceum next Monday night, when thoy will bring their now edition of "Tho Head Wnltors." Tho production will be an entirely now one, and tho wardrobe hns been thoroughly changed and brought tip to date. Of course, tho specialty features havo been carefully selected, and this Is the backbono of tho entertainment. The music Is all now and especially written for this year's edition. Tho company surrounding Wnrd and Vokes Is made up of such nblo exponents of this kind of cntortnlnmcnt as Lucy Daly. Margaret Daly Vokes, Allen Cur tis, Joe Kelly, Tony Williams, Smlrl and Kessncr, Addle Kcssncr. Johnny yhalcn, May Murrny, tho Tuxedo Ladles' bund, and n"chorus of forty pretty girls and well-voiced young fellows. Mr. Dixie's Poetic Friend. Dixie's theater has evidently found per manent fnviy with some of tho young people, iudgmg from tho following nnony mous notu received yesterday by tho manager: At Dixie's you may seo a bill Of sentiment and mirth, And acts that make tho vaudeville The greatest sbow on earth. Tho lines aro written with lead pencil In an awkward luind, but the rhythm In dicates that tho young admirer of vaude ville may possess considerable poetic genius. Mr. Dixie Is now speculating as to whether any of tho other boys or girls who attend his theater can-do better. "Tho Octoroons." Opening with a mntlneo this afternoon, "The Octoroons" will occupy the stago for the balance of the week nt tho popu lar atar, and Manager Herrlngton claims to present absolutely tho best colored or ganization extant, to his patrons In Scranton. Music, all new and catchy, Is the feature of the performance presented, but several of the vaudeville acts offered for approval havo been feature acts In the host best vaudeville theaters through out the principal cities In the United States. Fascinating Creole maidens, combined with exceptionally funny dusky come dians, go to make up a company that is well worth seeing. NOTES OF THE STAGE. Don Coleman, the coon-song artist, has signed with Ward and Wokcs for "The Head Waiters." Mabello Gllman Is to stnr In a comio opera by Sidney Rosenfeld, called "Tho Mocking Bird." Helen Bertram, who has entirely re covered her health, Is to appear in "Tho Prince of Pllsen," The name of tho play In which J. E. Dodson nhd Ills wife, Annie Irish, will stnrt Is "The American Invasion," "A Bay State Spinster" is the title of the play which Mls3 Alice E. Ives has written for ThomassW. Broadhurst. John E. Kellerd Is to havo tho leading part In "The Climbers" company which Amelia Bingham will send on tho road. The statement that Bijou Fernandez had withdrawn from tho "Hearts Aflamo" company Is authoritatively de nied In New York. Tho Myrkle-I larder company continues to draw hi? houses at the Academy. Yes terday afternoon, "A Fatal Marriage" was presented, while lust night "Caught In tho Web" was repeated. This after noon "A Nutmeg Match" will bo repeated and tonight "An Indiana Romance." Lost. LOST On Mulberry street, between Ponn and Jefferson avenues, D. & 11. mile age. Finder suitably rewarded by 'ic turning to ill Jeff ei son avenue. LOST Ideal time book between Oak and William streets. Finder will return to ISIS Wayne avenue, or Davis' drug store. . Business Opportunity. WANTED A man to invest f-ora $100 to C00 In a business that will glv. him sat isfactory piollts on investigation. Inves tigators will uddrcss Box DO, Scranton Tilbune. FOR BALE A lino general stoio In good locality with hoises, wagons, fixtures, etc. Stock Inventoried In April nearly $7,000 and business will run from $33,000 to $10,000 per year. Prollts will run 20 per cent, to 23 per cent, Reason of sale, 111 health. Fur further Information write to P. O. Box 337, Scranton, Pa. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with" out delay. Wrlto for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. , S. M. Hlbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated ond Stock Exchange. 41 nnd 40 Broadway, New York. Established 1S6I. Long Distance 'Phono 23S8 Broad. young man arc close friends. Find SEPTEMBER 4, 1902., THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTOR! WANTS. FOR IIS, FOR SUES iJSTS USH J, IUII 111.11 1 u, Only Half a Cent a Word. For Bent. FOR RENT-lInlf of dotlblo holiso, SI3 1'rescott avenue, at $18 ncr month, O. F. Reynolds, Council building. FOR RENT-Modorn slnglo eleven room homo; furnished. Inqulro 312 Wheeler avenue. FOR RENT Flvo rooms and bath and storngo room, for husband nnd wlfo only. $11.00. Apply 017 Adams uvc. LARGE furnished houso for rent to a suitable party. Tho landlady may keep n fow rooms. Comcgys, Connell building. FOn RENT-From September 1, 3-room house, 031 areon Rldgc street; modorn Improvements; steam heat free; location very convenient. FOR RENT-Two furnished cottages at Lako Shcrldnn; dry and'healthy loca tion; good shndo nnd finest placo for a week or a month's outing In Northorn Pennsylvania. Address II. L. Harding, Factoryville, Pa. For Sale. FOR SALE Two now slnglo houses on mo street, near wnceier avenue, each eight rooms. Easy terms. G. F. Reynolds, Connell building. FOR SALE A scholarship In tho Scran ton Uuslncss collcgo nt a reduction. Apply to box 1!03, Fuctoryvllle, Pa. FORSALE Cheap, ono largo now gro cery wagon, carrying capacity 4.G0O pounds; also ono largo coffea grinder; can bo run by motor or hnnd power. Ap ply to B. Moses, 518 Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE A first class m,eat market. Owner will work for party. Address 131 Chestnut street, Dunmoro, Pa. Boom for Bent. FRONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 421 Adams avenue. Wanted To Bent. WANTED A small houso or flat, prefer ably furnished. In dcslrablu location. 1 To gain attention, stato terms. P. O. Box Ml. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Qulck, stialght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connell building. Furnished Booms for Bent. , FORv RENT Furnished room; steam heat, gas imd bath; half block from court houso square till Spruce street. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern Improvements; privato family; gen tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS OR RENT, with heat, gaa and bath, gentlemen pre ferred, at 539 Adams avenuo. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will, bo opened in tho ofllco of tho City Recorder, by tho Director of tho Department of Public AS'orks, nt 3 o'clock i, m., on Momluy, September S, l'JO-', lor the following named work: Filling tho northerly appruach to tho Bloom avenfle culvert and grading said Bloom uvonuo from Block street to the; said northerly appioach to the Bloom avenue culveit. Also for the rebuilding of the siib-slructuro nnd for the repair of tho superstructure of tho Hollow street bridge over Leggett's creek, in the Third waid. Each proposal shall bo accompanied with cash or certilied check as a guar antee to perforin the work in accordinco with the plans and spccillcatlons there for aj follows: For tho Ilrst mentioned work fifty dollms, and for tho lust men tioned, twenty-live dollar. lilcldora will e rurnisneu witn proposal blanks at tho Bureau of Engineering and no others will be accepted. All pioposals must bo filed with tho City Controller, nt his ofllco In tho City Hall, .Scranton, Pa., not later than L'.3D o'clock p. m., on Monday, September 8, ISO!'. Tho olty reserves the light to reject any or all bids. JOHN E. ROCHE, Director, Department of Public Works. PROPOSALS-Sealed proposals will be opened nt tho offlco of tho City Ro coider by the Dliector of this Department at 3 o'clock p. m., on Friday September 3, 190.', for tho reconstruction and repair ing of thd City of Scranton Cnrbago Cio mutory building, accoidlng to plans and .specifications on fllo In the ofllco of tho Bureau of Building Inspection. All bids shall bo llled with tho City Controller at his oflice In flic City Hall not later than 2 o'clock p. m., on Friday, September 5,-190-'. Tho sum of flfty ($30.00) dollars in cash or certilied check Is to, bo enclosed with each bid, which sum shall bo for feited to tho City In case of refusal or omission on tho part of tho bidder to whom tho contract is awarded to execute contract within ten days after tho awnrd Iuk of tho samo. Tho City reserves tho right to reject any or all bids, F. L. WORMSER, Director Depaitment of Public Safoty. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 29, 100J. PROPOSALS Sealed pioposals will bo opened at tho offlco of tho City Re corder by tho Director of this Departmout at 3 o'clock p. m on Friday, September 6. 100., for tho repairing of Engine houses No.'u 2 and 3 according to plans and spccillcatlons on (lie In tho offlco of tho Bureau of Building Inspection. Separata bids must bo submitted on each houso. All bids shall bo flled with tho City Con troller at his oflice. In tho City Hall, Scranton, Pui, not later than 2 o'clock p. m Friday, September 5, 1902. Tho City reserves tho right to roject any or all bids, F. L. AVORMSER. Director Department of Publlo Safety. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 29. 190.'. BRIDGE PROPOSALS-Stalcd proposals will bo received at tho offlco of tho Superintendent of Publlo Grounds nnd Buildings, Harrlsburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock m., on Tuesday, September 21, 1902, for tho rebuilding of tho super-structuro of tho brldgo over Lackawanna river, at tho Borough of Old Forgo, Lackawanna County, P.i. Bids must ho placed In sen arato envelopes endorsed on the outside with thn ranio and locution of tho brldgo and tho numo of tho bidder. Plans and spccillcatlons can bo had on application to tho Supciinteudunt of Publlo Grounds and Buildings at' Harrlsburg, Pa. Bids will bo opened In tho presencu of tho bid dors or their representatives In the Re ception Room of tho Executive Depart ment at Harrlsburg, Pu., ut tho time named nbovo. By order of tho Boaid, T, L. EYRE, Superintendent. Wllllnm A. Btono, E. B. Hurdenbergh. Frank G, Harris, Board of Commissioners of-Tubllc Grounds and Buildings. LEGAL. IN RE; ESTATE OF ANNIE CONNELL. lato of tho city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, deceased. , Letters of administration upon tho nbovo named estate having been gi anted to tho undorslgncd, all persons having claims or demands against tho same will present them for payment, and all thoso Indebted thereto will mako Immcdlato payment to WILLIAM CONNELL. Council Building, Scranton, Pa. WELLES & TOUREV, . Attorneys for Estato. -" IN RE: Estato of John Jermyn, lato of tho City of Sciunton, Pa deceased, Letters testamentary in tho above es tate haing been gi anted to tho under signed, ull porsons huvlntr claims or Judg ments ugulust tho sumo will present them tor payment, und all persons Indebted thereto will make Immcdlato payment to JOSEPH J. JERMVN. GKOltGE B. JBRMYN, EMMA J. JEUMVN. Executors and Executrix. WELLES & TORREY, Attorneys. No Order Accepted Tor Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Offlcas, Want Advertlsemonta Will Bo Beeelvod at Any of the Follow ing Drug Store's Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHULTZ, corner Mul- berry Btreet nnd Webster nvo. QUSTAV PICHEL, 650 Adams avenuo. West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenuo. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE. 729 Codar avenuo. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenuo and Market strcot. Green Bidge CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dick son avonuo. F. J. JOHNS, DM Groon Rldgo street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington avonuo und Marlon street. Petersburg ' W. II. KNEPFEL, avenuo. 1017 Irving Dunmoro J. G. BONE & SON. Help Wanted Male. TRUSTWORTHY person In each county to manage business of old established house of solid Ilnnncinl standing. Straight bona lido weekly salary of $18 paid by check each Wednesday, with all expenses, direct from headquarters. Money ad vanced for expenses. Manager, 31li Cax ton building, Chicago. WANTED A young man to work in on Insurance office. Address In own handwriting, F Tribune offlco.' FOUR experienced Diamond Drill run ners, good wages, steady employment to first class men. Apply at tho offlco of John Muirhcad & Son, Plttston, Pa. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply at 415 Madison avenuo. Help Wanted. WE WANT operators for shirt factory. Steady work and pood pay. Wo will pay transportation to Freehold, N. J and guarantee board to thoso who will como and take positions with ns. V. Henry Rothschild Co., Freehold, N. J. Canvassers Wanted. WANTED Experienced canvassers at once to sell household goods on easy payments, at Philip Levy &. Co., 32 Ad ams avenue. Salesmen Wanted. SALESMEN WANTED-Competent men capable of earning good money, to handle our lino of carbon copying pa pers, either regular or on tho side. Philip Hnno & Co., 1-3 Union Square, Now York City. Real Estate. LOTS, houses and farms for sale. J. C. Zurflleh. Seo FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In upper Groeq RIdffo; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlno, 1736 Sanderson avenuo. Board and Booms. FOR RENT Rooms and board for two gentlemen; references required. 303 Madison avenue. VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with first class tablo board, can bo obtainod at 333 Jefferson avenuo. Boarders Wanted. HOARDERS WANTED Will take sum mer boarders; three largo airy rooms and good tablo board. Address O. K Dalton, Pa. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmore, launders shirts nt So. each and collars and cuffs at lc. each. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING, C. P. A.. 23 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1864. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCH B Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 126 Wash ington avo. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, 815 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON KNIGHT, 726 CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAULI building, Spruce strcot, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING avo. Fire Insurance. SCHLAGER & CO., Traders Bank Bldg. Patent Attorneys. DATTM TC Inallcoiiiitrlcs rA I CUlM I Oof the Globe. Tho only llconsed ond equipped patont solicitor in tho city. No chargo for in formation on patentability; over ton years experience ' Rcplojrle & Co., Mcars Bldg-. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK lin avenuo. Rates reasonablo. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor, i- SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. & W. Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Vlotor Koch. Proprietor. Scavenger, A. B. BRiaaS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor: only improved punlpa used, A. B. Brlggs, propiletor, Leavo orders UOO North Main avenue. or Eicko's drug storo, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones, Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTKL. REAR 511, LACKA. avo., Scranton, mfrs. of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. MEGARGEH BROS., PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bugs, twine. Wurchouse, U0 Washington avonuo. THE WILKEtfiBARRH RECORD CAN bo had In Scranton nt tho nows stand of ReUinan Bros., 406 tipruce. and 503 Linden; M. Norton, 3.'-' Lackawumuv avo.; I. S. Bchutzcr, 211 Spruco street. i ian.i,i 1,1 ISiVmillllElIiRESIHE Only Half a Cent a Worl. Situations Wanted. YOUNG man, stenographer and typo-' writer, deslics position. Address 23 Wuvron sticet, Dimmorc. SITUATION WANTKD-A widow lady wnnts a homo In good family for hor l.)-year-old daughter, .whoro bIio can do light housework for her board and nttond school; has had good training; good ref erences Riven. Inqulro nt Y. W, C. A. rooms, 203 Washington avenue. SITUATION WANTED-By a boy 14 yonrs old In' offlco or storo. Addross Jouj Dickson avenue. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Effect Juno 1, 1003. Trains leavo Scranton for Now York At 1.50, 3.20, 0.03, 7.50 and 10.10 a. m; 12.40, 3.40, 3 33 p. m. For Now York nnd Phila delphia 7.50. 10.10 a. m., and 12.40 and 8.33 p. m. For Gouldsboro At CIO p. m. For Uuftalo-1.15, 0.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.65, 6.60 and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghnmton, Eltnlra and way stations 10.23 a. m.. 1.03 p. m. J or Oswego, Syrncuso and Utlca 1.15 ond 0.22 n. m.; 1.53 p. m. Oswogo, Syraouso and Utlca train at 0.22, a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Montroso 0.00 a. m.r 1.03 'll'L6'00 P- m. Nicholson accommodation -4.00 and O.is p. m. Bloomsburg Division For Northumber land, at 0.35 nnd 10.10 a. m.; 1.53 and 6.10 p. m. For Plymouth, nt S.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 9.03 p. hi. Sunday Tralns-For Now York, 1.60, 3 20. 0 05. 10.10 n. m.; 3.40 and 3.35 ji. m. For Buffalo 1.13 nnd 6.23 a. m.; 1.53, 6.60 and 11.10 p. m. For Elmlra and way stations 30.25 a. m. For Blnfthamton and way sta tions, 0.00 a. m. Bloomsburg Division Leavo Scranton, 10.10 a .m. and 6.10 p. m. lehigh Valley Ballroad. In Effect Juno 15, 1903. Trains Leavo Scranton. For Philadelphia and Now York via D. & H. R. R., tit 7.41, through Parlor Car und Day Coach Carbondalo to Now York and 9.47 a. m., with L. V. Coach Carbon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.35 Blck uiamona Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun diys' 5;L& H. R. R., 1.58. 0.17 p. m. For Whlto Haven, Hazloton and princi pal points In tho coal regions, via D. & g-.R-.R, 7.41, 2.18 and 4.35 p. m. For Pottsvillo, 7.41 n. m. For Bothlehem, Easton, Reading, Hor rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta tions, via p. & H.R. R.. 7.41, 9,47 a. m.; 2.18, 4 33 (Black Diamond Express), 11.49 p. rVo Sundays. D. & II. R. R., 0.38 a. m.; l.liS, 9.17 p. m. For Tunkhannock. Towanda, Elmlra, Rnacn, Geneva nnd principal lntormedlato stations via D L. & W. R. R., 6.35 a. m. and 1.65 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. & H. R. R., 12.03 p. m.; 3.28 (Black Diamond Express), 10.41. 11.49 p. m. Sun days. D. & H. R. R.. 12.03. 9.17 p. m. .Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh valley Parlor cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barre and Now-York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt., 26 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt.t 29 Cortland street, New York. A. W. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt, South Bothlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullmnnroservatlons apply to city ticket office, 69 Publlo Square, Wilkes-Barro, Pa. BEADINO SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. ' In Effect June '29. 1902. Stations In New York,, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leavo Scranton for New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allon toWn, Mauch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash ley, Wilkes-Barro and Plttston at 7.30 n. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.30 a. m., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffot BarlorVCar for'Phll ndelDhla with only ono chance, of cars fOr Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and all principal points south and west. For Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barre, 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Tamaqua and Pottsvillo, 7.S0 a, m.J 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. For rates and tlckots apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pnss. Agt. ii Pennsylvania Ballroad. Schedulo In Effect Juno 16, 1902. Trains leavo Scranton: 6.38 a. m., week days, through vestibule train from Wilkes-Barro. Pullman buffot parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts villo; stops at principal intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg ond tho West. 9.47 a. m., week days, for Sunbury. Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho West. 1.42 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.53 r. m.), for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho West. 3.28 p. m., week days, through vestibule train from Wilkes-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor car e.nd coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvillo. Stops at principal intermedt. ato stations. , , 4.35 p. m week days, for Hazloton, Bun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pltt3 bUrS J. R. niTTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. 1 J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt. ' Delaware and Hudson In Effect Juno 16, 1903. Trains for Carbondalo leavo Scranton at 6 41. 7.30, 8.30, 10.13 a. m.t 13.05. 1.12, 2.1L 'att 5:29, c.23; 8.21. 0.15. 10.W p. m-t'ia-uv For'nonesdalo-O.!, 10.13 . ra.l 2.U an For' Wllkcs-Barro-G.3S. 7.41. B.4V P.47v 10 53 a. m.: 12.03, 1.43, 3.18, 8.28. i.8, 6.10, MS, 1M1..11.49 ;'?,., B . 2.18, 4.33 and 11.49 ,P. m. For lennsyivuniu. j.. n. -aiu vaqi 9.47 a. m.; 1.42. 3.28 and 4.33 p. m,. For Albany and all points north-T.33 a. m. and 3X0"-. ATN& For Carbondolo-8.50, 11.33 (i. ttt.t 2.TX, 3.50, E.52 nnd 11.17 P. m. ' For Wllkes-Barro-9.33 B. m.J 12.03, 1.68, 3.28, 6.33 ond 9,17 P. m. For Albany nnu pomia norm 0.00 11. m. For. Honcsdalo 8.50 a, m. 11.33 ana 3.53 p. m W.' L PRYOR. D. P. 'A'., Scranton, Pa. Erie Ballroad Wyoming Divlslon. In Effect July SOth, 1902. Trains leavo Scranton for Ilawley and local stations at 7.20 and 8.45 n. m.; 1.33 nnd 5.20 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a, m. and 1.33 p. m. For Now York, Nowburgh and intcrmcdlato points at 7.20 a, m, and 1.83 p. m. Sundays, 1.33 p. m, . For Honesdnlo 1.35 and 5 20 p. m. Trains nrrlvo nt Scranton 8.20, 10.41 :a. m.; 3.06 and 9.13 p. m. Sundays, 1.00 and s.lj p. m. New York, Ontario and Western, Timo Tablo In Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 1943 NORTH BOUND TRAINS. Leave Leavo Arrlvo Trains. Scranton. Carbondalo. Cadoala. No. 1 ......10.30 a, m. 11.10 a.m. 1.00 p. m. No. 3 4 00 p. in. 4.4lp.m. 0.00 p.m. No, 7 6 10 11. m.Ar.Cntboudale G.46 p.m ' SOUTH BOUND. Leavo Leavo Arrlvo Trains. Cadosla. Carbondalo, Scranton. No. 6 6 50 a. m, 7,23 a. in, No. 4 ,,.,,, 8-40 a.m. 10.01 a. m, 10.40n. m, No. 2 2.15 p. m. 4.00 p. m, 4.43 p. in, SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND: Leave Leave Arilva Trains, Scranton. Cnibondalo. Cadosla, No.' 5 .V.'.V.' 7.00 P- m.Ar.Carbondalo 7.15 p.m ' u SOUTH BOUND. - IVU, V ,,,,,, s.30 n. m, v.m p. in. 10.43 n. m. Loava Leavo Arrlva Trnln3, Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scranton. , 6.50 a. m. 7.2"ia. m. K- " No. 10 ..... 4 30 p. m. ouup. III. 6 43 p.m. Trains Nos. 1 on week days, and 9 on Sundays connect for Now York city. Mid dlctown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os wego und all points west. Tiuln 3 for Poyntello. Walton, Delhi. Sldnoy, Norwich and all Now Berlin brunch points. Train No. 6, with "Quaker City Ex press" at Scranton. via C. R. R. of N. J., for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore, Washington and Pennsylvania stato poiutB. Seo timo-tablo ond consult ticket agents for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. AT, New York! J, E. WELSH, T, P. A., Scranton, Pa. 1 1 m v V" -V. -, -4W . 1 "'"J! ' - to. 4 --,