tmm yTkJ)Jk'ftfeX ,, ' ' .. t"i "V W THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1962. v& WEST SCRANTON Farewell Reception t'o the Rev. S. Mathews by the Congregation of First Baptist Church. In the ntidltoiium of the First Bap tist church, lust evening, wns holt) a fiiicwcll reception In honor of the de parting pastor1, I lev. S. I' Mathews, who closed his relations with the church on Sunday. The meeting vnn willed to order by the chnlrmnn, Dr. II. O. Red doe, and a hymn was then sung by the audience. 1'rof. James It. Hughes read the twenty-third psalm and offered prayer, this being followed by the singing of "Blest Bo the Tic That Binds." Ilrv. A. Hatcher Smith, pastor of the North Main Avenue Baptist church, gave nn address, dwelling upon the relations that exist between pnstor and church, and the preacher and his chosen work. At the conclusion of Hew Smith's re marks, the choir rendered n very fine anthem. Ilov. Hugh C McDermott, of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, was called upon and spoke of the work nf Ilev. Mathews and the pleasant relations that had existed be tween them us fellow-preachers. Miss Via. Jones sang a solo, accompanied by Jlrs. B. 0. Beddoc on the piano. Miss Jones has a voice of rare power and beauty, and was accorded great ap plause. On behalf or the First Welsh Baptist church, Prof. James B. Hughes ad dressed the audience. Prof. Hughes spoke of his acquaintance with Pastor Mathews In the two years which the First Baptist church congregation oc cupied the assembly room of his church after the fire, and said that In the de parture of Bev. Mathews from the city the First Welsh llaptlst church lost a true friend and one who had faithfully htood by them. Mrs. Lizzie Hughos-Brundnge favored with a solo as she only can render one. Mrs. Brundago responded to an encore, and was given great applause. Itcv. R. V. Y. Pierce, of the Pcnn Avenue Baptist church, made an ad dress and paid a high tribute to the Christian life and'woi-k of Bev. Math ews as it had come under his personal notice. lie said that he was very sorry that the relationship between pastor and people could not be continued in definitely, as ho did not believe that the pastor had found out half the love of the church for him, or the church found out half the work which the pas tor has and could do for them. After a. very line duet by Mrs. Brund .ge and Miss "Via Jones, called "Chrcr 'ttlness." Dr. T. M. Senderling, on be ialf of the church, presented Rev. Mathews, In well chosen words, a hand some gold watch with a suitable In scription on the ease. Bev. Mathews FREE! FREE FREE! Five stamps given, away with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. &mminmmiimmMmmtiMmM The School Bell Will Ring Monday Calling the children together for another educa- ,sj tional session. Of course you want them to look g! well, and you don't want to spend a great deal of gt money over it. Here are a few suggestions : which may prove helpful. & a 1 Bun in ttil Pro fife 1 jf Whipcords The most durable, inexpensive fabric known. Looks well, wears well and keeps its color. Full line of shadings. This week only, yard if Scotch Plaids Double fold, in a splendid assortment of bright col- & orings, also a few of tho dark plaids that are so g-j dressy. All fast colors. This week, yard 1 QC 51 a a a 3 Granite Suitings Good, heavy, firm make all the best colorings. ?5 These wear splendidly and always look well. An a extra special bargain for this week at 1$ Artisca Suitings a Their name is suggestive. They're really beauti- 5 M and being specially designed for children's wear, they are fit lor hard service ol any kind. All the new colors in an entirely new weave, at j School Hosiery a rasi BiacK nose, aouoie Knees, Heels and toes, made especially for rough wear and guaranteed to give gooe satisfaction in service. This week, pair Children's Stockings, fast black and absolutely stainless, 3-thread heel and toes, good weight, all sizis at the same price. A matchless value Children's Fine Lisle Thread Hose, high spliced heel and toe, fine guage, but with weight enough to guarantee durability, All sizes a a i ra a 3 School Umbrellas a a a a a a a a a a You don't want to pay. much for you can't tell whether it's going to come home whole or not. A good rain shedder, large enough and as strong as can be made. This weeki only, . Globe Warehotis?. f IMO(fffW(f(fX(tf(f(t(fef!k(fW F. feelingly responded nnd thanked tho kind givers for their beautiful token of regard. Mrs. Thomas Thompson then pre sented the pastor's wife, on behalf of the ladles of the church, a handsome solid silver tea service. Mrs. Mathews, although taken completely by surprise, made a neat speech In response, In which she thanked them Tor their evi dences of regard. "Abide (vlth. Mo" was sung In con clusion, nnd the Bev. Mathews pio nounccd the benediction. An Informal handshaking was afterwnrd held. New Secretary Chosen. At a special meeting of Section 201, Endowment rank, Knights of Pythias, held last evening In Co-operative hull, Vice President W. II, Thomas presid ing, John II, Thomas was elected sec retary to succeed the late Richard II. Williams, twenty-two members being present. A committee of three was appointed to draw up resolutions of condolence on the death of Mr. Williams. Funeral of Edna Kimc. The funeral services of tho late Edna May Kline, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Kline, of North Hyde Park avenue, who died Sunday morning from paralysis of tho heart, werp held yesterday afternoon at the parental home. Bev. Hugh C. McDermott, of tho Simpson church, had charge of tho services, and made a few remarks suit able to tho sad occasion. At the con clusion of tho services tho remains were taken to tho Forest Hill ceme tery, where interment was made. Mrs. Randolph Jones and Mrs. George W. Powell sweetly rendered "Saved by Grace" and "Some Time We'll Under stand." Tho pallbearers were: Har old Miller, Bruce McDermott, Humph rey Bradley and Dewltt Evans. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Esdras Lowry, tho son of Patrolman and Mrs. Thomas Lowry, of South Sumner avenue, entertained a large number of friends on Monday evening. Tho usual pleasures Incident to tho happy occasion were merrily enjoyed, and at a late hour refreshments were served. Tho director of public works has completed the macadamizing of North Garfield avenue, between Lafayette and Swotland streets. Work has been commenced on Swetland street between Filmore and Rebecca avenues, and soon this too will be in first-class con dition. The members of the Tripp Slope and Diamond Drift Accidental fund are re quested to meet this evening in Co operative hall. George Allspaugh, of 362 North Gar field avenue, while engaged In picking peaches, from a tree at his liome.sllpped and fell to the ground, a distance of 51 lie! J9cg 22c S 6 15c 6 I ""' 12zc H 25c I . 35c s for a school umbrella. r fe fc some twenty feet. He was carried to tho house nnd Dr. F. C. Hall sum moned, who found him suffering from severe bruises. Tho Alumni Athletic association will hold nn Important meeting In tho old Sloetim Bchool house, Thursday even ing. An Ico cream social will he held by tho Ladles' Guild of St. Paul's Luth eran church at tho homo of Mrs. J, 0. Sommers, 1251 North Main avenue, this evening. Mr. and Mis. Richard Barnum nnd son, Edward, of Hallstead, returned homo last evening, after nn extended visit with West Scranton friends. The weekly prayer mooting of tho First Baptist church will bo hold this evening nnd will be In charge of Dea con Corloss. B. G. Morgan and family, of South Main avenue, attended a reunion or the Wade and Stephens family at Brook lyn, Susquehanna county, last Satur day., W. J. Davis, of Eynon street, has returned homo from n trip to Now York city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, of South Hyde Park avenue, nro home from Edwardsdale. Mrs. Fuller and family, of Eynon street, arc spending a week at Lake WIiiiiIm. Frank Davis, of Jackson street, left yesterday morning for Atlantic City. Miss Mae Edwards, of South Hyde Park avenue, left yesterday morning for a visit with friends at Kingston. Mrs. Edward Ford, of West Elm street, Is homo from Wyoming. Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Will Sanders. of IfiOS church avenue, North Scran ton, and Miss Ethel Richards, of 1410 Jackson street. The' event will take place at nonn on Tuesday, Sept. !), at the home of tho bride. Tho groom Is a son of Jt. E. Sanders, tho well known newspaper man, and Is engaged with his father in the Sanders Printing com pany ofllcc. The Ladles' Aid society of the Welsh C'nlvlnlstle Methodist church. South Main avenue, went to tho Beech yes terday to visit a sister of Mrs. Llew ellyn Jones. Twenty-two were In tho party and they had an enjoyable day's outing. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. A meeting of the Scranton Sacngcr rundo took place last evening, nnd tho names of several candidates for mem bership were favorably acted upon. The following officers were elected: President, John Schrocdel; vice presi dent, Jacob Sehrelbcr; treasurer, John Schneider; recording and financial sec retary, Jacob Hess; leader, Prof. The odore Hcniberger. The officers were immediately Installed, and the yearly report which followed showed the so ciety to be in a very prosperous con dition, with a balance in the treasury of $il39.Sl. At the close of tho regular business meeting a social session wns held. Short addresses were made by tho now officers. There was nearly a full attendance at last night's meeting of tho Junger Maennerchor. Prof. Hnusen, of Wilkes Harrc, tho new director, was present and conducted a rehearsal. Judge A. A. Vosburg was present, and a short reception was 'hold in his honor. At the conclusion of the rehearsal, Alfred Guthein;:, tho society's latest benedict, was Introduced. After thanking the society for tho courtesy of a serenade tendered him a few days ago, be Invit ed those present to partake of his hos pitality, and lunch was served in the rooms, to which the members did nm ple justice. The election of officers was postponed until next Tuesday. George Schumacher was arrested at the Instance of his wife yesterday, on the charge of assault and battery. In default of ball, Alderman Lentes sent him to the county jail. Michael Flglowsky and his wife, Francesco, were given a hearing last evening on charges of assault and bat tery, preferred by Josephine Modalsky, his stepdaughter. Tho evidence was insufficient and the case was dis charged. Gustav Winsky, of Moosic street, was given a hearing for abusing his wife. the charge being preferred by his step son, Stanley Stawney. Ho was held for court in $300 ball. Miss Mildred Aplanap, of Buffalo, is the guest of Mrs. Sterling Simrell, on Plttston avenue. General Grant commnndery. Knights of Malta, will meet at Hartman's hall, Friday night, and install officers. Mrs. Joseph Conrad and family have arrived home from their vacation. John Freuchtel, who was for forly flve years foreman at the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company blast furnaces In this city, Is visiting tho now plant at Buffalo, and cnlllng on old friends. A meeting of tho Fourteen Friends society Is called for tomorrow evening. Reports from tho various excursion committees will be read and discussed. Fred I,oewenstoln, a young man em ployed nt Dudcnbaeh's barber shop, was waylaid on Willow street, early Sunday moinlng, while on his way homo from work. Ills assailants rush ed at him from an alley. He had his week's wages In his pocket, and made such a vigorous defense that the high waymen fled. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is giiiunntced to euro all coughs, "No cum, no pay." For sale by all dealers. Miss Eliimn Lcngler. of South Web ster avenue. Is spending her vacation at Lake Ariel. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! First of the season. Sunday's mar ket, DS3 Cedar avenue. OBITUARY. JAMES DEVANNEY. of S19 River stieet, died yesterday at S.iJO o'clock p. in., after an Illness of only a fow days. He Is survived by his wife and iho following brothers and sisters; Mrs. M. Burke, of Scranton; Mrs. M. Morri son and John Devauney, of Cnrbondulo; Miss Delia Devanuey, of Seraiitnn; Michael and Felix Devauney. of To wandit, and Mrs. Owen McCawley, of Suvrc, FUNERALS. Tho funeral of Leonmd quilium will take playo this moiiilng tit 0 o'clock fiom the family home, i::o.i Nmth .Simmer avo. line, Services will be bold In Holy Ros. ury chili ch and Interment made la tho Cathedral cemoteiy, Tho finieiul ol James Dnnnhnc, of Bis River sliccl, will lake place tomoirow afternoon at 2.20 o'clock. Services In Si, Peter's cathedral and Interment hi tho Cathedral cemetery. The funeral of P. H. McNenriiey, of Stalk place, will tnke place this morning at 9 o'clock, from, St. IMttlck's church, Jackson stieet. Interment will bo mado In tho Cathedral cemetery. Tho funeial of Miss Mary Mawn, tho young woman who died at the Lacka wanna hospital Monduy night from bums, will take place from tho family residence, 212 Irving avenue, nt 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Services in St. Peter's cutherdul mid Interment In tho Cathedral cemetery, NORTH SCB ANTON DR. H. A, YOUNG WILL NOT RE TURN TO INSTITUTE. Directors Are at a Loss as to How to Fill the Vacancy Banquet Ten dered to tho Green Ridge Cas tle, No. 100, Ancient Order Knights of the Mystic Chain Single Men Defeated Married Men of Simpson Shops Fcrsonnl Paragraphs and Short News Notes. ' Dr. II, A. Young, the physical di rector of the North Scranton Institute of Human Development, has notlllrd tho directors that he will not return to resume his duties. When he left the city, after the close of the Institute for the summer, It wns with the expec- DR. H. A. YOUNG. tatlon that ho would return nnd take up his work In tho fall, and tho direc tors aro nt a loss lo know just what to do In tho way of replacing him. The opening of the autumn and win ter terms of the Institute will take place during tho fore part of next week. With the new additions to tho locker rooms, the baths, etc., the In stitute is In excellent shape. It Is planned by the directors that within u short time several new pieces of ap paratus will be added to the gymna sium. A night school Is to bo opened, In which bookkeeping, and the English branches will he taught. The children's kindergarten, which was such a great success last year, will be re-opened. Well Attended Banquet. The Green Ridge castle. No. 106, An cient Order Knights of Mystic Chain, held their annual banquet In Morel's hall on Breaker street, Monday night. It was attended by a great number of Sir Knights. The uniformed rank of tho Peters burg castlo was In attendance, and during the evening gave an exhibition drill that was excellently done. Past Commander Richard Rutland warmly welcomed tho visitors to the evening's enjoyment. His reports showed that the lodge Is In a very prosperous condition, both as to mem bership and finance. Following his remarks there was nn address by District Deputy Nealson, solos by Richard Rutland, James Cous ins, Stephen Mlddlcton, W. J. Jones, James Sharpless and Griffith Jones, a duct by Messrs. Rutland and Jones, and recitations by Richard Butland and Richard Ascott. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. A regular meeting of the North Serantoon Republican club will be hold in their rooms, Friday evening. All members Intending to attend the con vention nt Eiie aro requested to bo present, so that the exact number can bo known. The Foreign Missionary society of the Providence Presbyterian church will meet with Miss Selby, In tho par lors of the Young Women's Christian association, 204S North Main avenue, Friday afternoon, Sept. 5, at 2.S0 o'clock. The meeting will be In the form of a Japanese tea. All members are urged to be present. Miss Nellie McDonnell, of Plttston, returned home Monday from a visit with Parker street friends. Miss Flossie Lo Feral, of Milton, Pn Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. B, Gotten, of North Main avenue. Miss Maine Million, of Plttston, is spending a few weeks with Patrolman and Mrs. Patrick May, of Parker street. Druggist George W. Davis and Pat rick Jordan, of North Main avenue, spent Labor Day fishing at La Grunge. Davis landed a four pound bass. Mrs. TJiomas Sharpies, of Riughnm ton, N. Y Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mlddlcton, of School street. The Anchor club, which Is composed of a number nf our young men, will conduct their first annual trolley ride this evening. Cars will leave the square at 7.!10 o'clock and go through the different sections of tho city. Master Albert Lowe, of Park street, Is spending a week at Lake Henry. Miss Gertrudo Lowe and Master Os wald Lowe, of Park street, have re turned from a two weeks' vacation at Ocean Grove and New London, Conn, Rev. John Lynott, of Blossburg, Is visiting at his home nn West Market street. The single and married men of tho Simpson shops played a game of base ball on tho Drop Forge grounds, Mon day, tho single men being victorious by a score of 15 to lii. The game was one nf the most interesting played between these teams this year. Tho batteries were: Blrtley and Evans, for the sin gle men, and Mills ami Miller, for the mnuied men. ' ' GREEN RIDGE. The Green Ridge Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet this after noon at 3 o'clock, In tho Evungellcul church, M20 Capouse avenue. Subject for the meeting ill be "A Review of the Year's Work." A cordial Invitation Is extended to all Interested, Volunteer Doctor Rebuffed. A Philadelphia oculist of national fnmo was leturnlug from Pittsburg recently and had as a follow passenger from liar- ATT OtO AITD WEtMrRIED REMEDY, MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHINa SYRUP for children teething, Is tho prescription ol pno of th? beat female physicians and burses In tho United States, and has beeri ueed sixty, years with never-falling sue tees by millions of mothers for their chIN Jren. During the process of teething its Juloe Is Incalculab e. It relieves tho chili from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in tha bowels, and wlnd-collc. By giving hcaltlj lo the child It rests thn mother, Price, twenty -a ve mU a betU. ' llllllbi'' iPHrfffP IPiliiit -"? f9EimxMm- ! "k dgflMHfl TfEKI(3 I NIB 1 A 'FAYOBITlp ' Affer tho honeymoon, when on America's kingly ready - verse. palato ment than 10 pounds of porterhouse steak, and is far easier digested. the Union Label. Beware of grocers that offer inferior cereals largely advertised, and are counterfeiting our name. A startling novelty, a sample package of TRYABITA and a Doll Receipt Book for your grocer s name anu a J cent TRYABITA FOOD lislmrg down a young woman who seem ed In great distress with her eyes. Think ing a cinder or somo dirt bad liccu taken In, ho stepped actors tho aisle of tho pnllman anil, politely Informing her ho was an eye doctor, offered his scrvlct'S, She drew up haughtily ami told him she could wait until leuchlng tho city, where she should Hud a specialist "of somo u pute." Keeling duly crushed, he , aslwd Iter paidou and resumed Ills sent. Flvo minutes after ho 1 cached home, a pa tient was uimoiinced, and ho walked Into his operating room to meet tho same young woman, who told him sho ciimo to lilm nn tho leconmieudiitloa of friends hi llarrl.-ibiiig. Philadelphia Times, PROSPEROUS PORTO RICO. Governor Hunt Is justly enthusiastic oyer tho fut 111 a of Porto Rico, "Now that an Isthmian canal is assmeil," ho says, "tho Mgnllleunco of tho position of this beautiful island win rants considera tion, from both patriotic and commercial viewpoints, Porto Itlcn lies 1.BS0 miles finm Now Voik, l.oiKJ fiom Colon, 1,200 Iroin llieytown, 1,000 fiom Havana, 210 from SI. Thomas, and Is half-way ha tweeu Now Ymk ami Para, Its strategic advantages stand foith when we read the past history of the wars of thu f'.n lb bean sea; its commercial .situation Is that of an entrepot In tho Undo that tho Unit ed States may win with tho 10,000,000 of peoplo south of the Island that commer cial expansion, that larger business ex tension I'oietold by President McKlnley at tho Pan-Ameilcan exposition last year. Governor Hunt calls the Island "an asrl- cultural Mimtu CrlMo." Sugar, coffee, to bacco, and fruit aro the principal pro ducts, and under tho brief term of United States control theso huvo greatly In creased In quantity, Tho sugar crop of 190J will ha tho largest over marketed; colfco yields a crop worth $12 net per ucie, and tho value of the exports to tho United States aro seven times liugei than a year ago. Freo trade with tho United States (declined July 2", 1901) Iiiih woiked wonders h tobacco fanning. Tho piico of tho leaf has greatly advanceif, tobacco lauils huvo ilscn iu value, and tho nrea under cultivation Is being rapidly extend ed. Tho crop of 1902 will be tho most valuable over pioduced, reaching nearly luo.000 quintals. "Spain In her best year taught 22.000 children hi a wictihed way; we aro tencii. ing mora thuu M.nuO noiv with an estan. llshed flee school system. Spain never built a sehoolhouso; wo huvo built over thltty, and uro projecting moie. Spain iu nearly four hundred years built only two ,v ii n,c.AGrNcrsjr , -mm ' housekeeping really begins, the up-to-date to - eat wheat flake cereal ITA is scientifically prepared and thoroughly impregnated with Cel ery and Pepsin. A Big 15 cent Package contains more real nutri stamp. CO., Ltd.. Battle Creek, Mich. AMUSEMENTS. Dixie's Theatre, HENRY PARNSWORTH DIXIE, Lessee and Manager, ALWAYS THE REST IN VAUDEVILLE WEEK OE SEPT 1ST. Another gloat bill, Intindiicing THE AMERICAN VITOGRAPH, with tho Coronation Pictures, Showing King Edward VII and all tho RoMilty. EIGHT BIG ACTS. Two performances dully, 2.20 and S.13. Pi ices IT,, 2.", ill nnd ,"0c. Special matlnco pilees. Mutineo Labor Day, Monday, at Dlxlo's, tho Coolest Theater iu tho city. STAR THEATRE ALE. G. IIERniNGTON, Manager. Grand Opening Monday, Sept, t, 2, 2. Hoonlight Haids, D.illy Matinees. New Tel. 2S91. hundred and eighty-four kilometers of wagon roads; iu less than four yeais wo huvo built oer 0110 hundred and forty kilometers; that is to suy, In less than four years wo haw built mom than one. half ns many kilometers of toads ns Spain built In 0110 bundled times four yenis. Spain evacuated Porto Hlco leav ing un empty public treasury; on July 1, !SD. there was not a dollar of indebted uess against tho island, while tho treas ury icpoits showed n balance of curicnt available insular revenues of MH.000, an lucienbo of $2.i9,90.S In tho (Iscal year. To this should bo added what Is left of tho refunded customs loilglmilly amounting to K.OOO.liOO, given by congress two years ago), which brings the total cash assets of tho Insular government, on July 1, 1902. up to tho substantial sum of fl,7M), 097. ''Erom nu Impartial standpoint, whether political, cemmeidal, or moral, thu stu dent, tho business mail, uud tho patriotic cltUeii may dcilvu batlsfuctlon. If not comfort, In tho whole situation." Public Opinion. H The Crown Prince of Germany Threatens to give up the Ger man throne for love of a beau- em mu. ...... B.. ... girls arc like American products, they conquer all over the uni- American wife tickles bar husband's Look for that are FREE SS AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. Rels, Lessee nnd Munnger. A. J. Duffy. Business Manager, THURSDAY. SEPT, I. Mntlaeo & Night. Mittenthal Bros.' Grand Speetacural Production, of Devil's Island Founded on tho celebrated Dreyfus case. See tho Couit Martial. Public Degrada tion, Great Yacht Scene, Rescue at Sea. Prices Special bargain day matinee, 23 cents to any part of the house. Chlldrop lje. to anv iiart of tho house. Night Prices ISc. 25c. ilic, SOc. Diagram opens Tuesday, 9 a. m. Seats now on sale. Saturday, Sept. 0, Matinee nnd Night Alfred E, Aarons nnd fico, II, Murrj present tho Ringing Musical Comedy, "mm nurnitfiiTTPH Hook by fieo, Totten Smith, music by Al lied E. Aarons; with Josephine Hall And a distinguished cast. S.inio grand eusemblo that packed tho Walnut Street Theater, Philadelphia, S weeks; Columbia Theater, Boston, I weeks, Special .Matlnco Prices, 2:, and 50c, Night Pilees, 2.'c. lo Jt.W. Diagram opens Thursday, 9 a, in. Academy of Music M. Rels, Losseo nnd Manager, A. J. Dulfy, Ruslncss Munager. Week M Septembsr 1, Myrkle-Harder Stock Cc All New Pl.ivs. Stioug C.i' weuuesu.iy .Miiunee, "The Tid3 of Fortune WEDNESDAY N1UI1T, "Caught in the Web" Pltlt'ES-R 20' and 30 centn. MnllnoA. 10 uud 20 lents. Scats UOW oil SUIQ ft ,-... jAg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers