The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 02, 1902, Image 1

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Organized Workmen, o? Philadelphia
Pati Their Tribute to the Mine
Workers' President.
MORE THAN 10,000
President Mitchell Rides at the Head
of the Pvoces3lon Twelve Miners,
Dressed in Grensy Oveialls nnd
Blouses, Acted as an Escoit Big
Picnic Held at Washington Park.
Mr. Mitchell's Speech He Believes
That the Workingman Will Solve
the Labor Problem Hopes to See
All Men in the Trades Unions.
Labor Day Celebrations Elsewhere.
By Exclusive Wire from llic .--soelatcd l'ies.
Philadelphia, Sept. 1. The oiganized
woikmen or Philadelphia today paid
their tilhute to John Mitchell, pi evident
of the United Mine AVoikers of Amei
ica, and at the same tlmo .showed tholr
sympathy In a substantial way for the
stilklng anthracite mine workcis of
Pennsylvania. The presence of tho
minei ' chief was made the occasion of
probably the gteutest demonstiatlon
that oipaniptl l.iboi has eer held on
Labor day. In the foienoon a paiade
was held, under the auspices of the
Central Labor union, In which neatly
all the tiudcs of the city were lepie
sented. "It Is estimated that moie than
30,000 men were in line. President
Mitchell i ode at the head of the pio
ecsslon, and his teccptlon alone- the
loute of the paiade was enthusiastic.
Twelve mineis, diessed in their gieusy
oveialls and blouses, acted as an es
cort. After the paiade, a big picnic
was held at Washington paik, on the
New Jersey side of the Delaware liver,
u few miles below this titv. Thpie
weie probably 40,000 pel sons in attend
ance. Heio Mr. Mitchell made two ud
.dicssies. His pilnblpul speech was 'made
in the ginve, vvheie between lrn and
6,000 listened and cheered the strikers'
Mr, Mitchell's Addres3.
Mr. Mitciull said:
This dav has been docictd as l.iboi 's
speclnl hollduj, ami trom one end of tho
countiy to the othci the hosts of la
bor have assembled nnd aie lovievving
the stiuggles ot the past nnd piepailng
lor the snuggles ot the inline. rho
eai that has just closed lins been un
precedented In the giowth ot tho tiades
Union movement and the giowth of Inde
pendent thought and Independent action,
but with tho giotvth of the tiades
union movement, new ;ioblems have
itilscn that will tax om gie.itest stiength
to solve. We have this ear government
by injunction and owneishlp by divlno
light In their most accentuated foim. If
one of the most conspicuous of the cap
italists of our countiv piopeily iepie
sents the .entlrmnt and feeling of his as
sociates, then we must take it foi Runted
that they be!lee that God In His infinite
wisdom has given Into theii control all
the lesouicos of our countiy. I was
taught to believe when a boy, that God
loved all Ills people alike. I was taught
to believe that He confened no moie
powei or fiivniH upon one than upon nn
iitht'i ; and notwithstanding the declaia
tion of thu contiolltns of ti lists, am not
piepaicd to abandon the teachings of
my bojhood das.
Eveiy e.u sees some stiuggle of thu
woikeis that stands out moie conspicu
ously than otliei stiuggles. This jimi It
1 appens that the coal mine is of Pcnii
svlvuiilii aio engaged in a life and death
snuggle for tho light to live. Tho stiug
gle of tho ininois of Ppiuislvania Is
not onl the gie.itest contest between
lapltal and laboi In the history of the
noild hocaiise of Its magnitude, but It
tands out in bold lelief ns the gi cutest
tiuggle berauso of the Issues Involved.
'he mlnois ot I'ennsv Ivanla aio lighting
or Hit lights gwmted them by tho laws
of our lountiv nnd ns perclsed by their
tmploeis Tho coal nilueis of Pennsyl
vania nie engaged In a life and denth
htiuggle li. slug to soeuui sufficient to
take their little bovmiml little gills of ten
dui age anil lull phvcliiun tiom tho mines
and tho mills and send them to school,
wheie, as Ameiltan ihlldien Ihey piop-
i lj" belong, Had tlu roal tiust known
fnui mouths ago that It would have to
tight the Ainuiliau people heroic it could
ci null the Penusvh aula nilneis It would
never have engaged In the light
Faith in His Countrymen.
1 havo an abiding faith In my countiy
men, I havo subllmu eonlldeiuo In thu
Anieilcun people, I hcltoui that onco
Amei Idin people belief u u VMong Is be
ing pmpctuutcd tliclv gieat lieuit will go
out in sympathy and that they will sue
that the winng Is lighted, If my iccup
tlou In Philadelphia, If my reception heio,
is icpresentatlvo of the sentiment pin.
vailing tliiougliout tills co u ill r, 1 bellevu
this, then, my ti lends, the coal mliuns
(iilliuit lose, I inn nut ono of those who
bellow) Hint the loss of tho mlneiR' stilke
would ineail the destiuctlon of thu ttadts
union nioveinent, iut I do helluva that
tho destiuctlon of the mlueis" union
would give the tiades union movement
the most seveie shock It has lecclvcd for
many yea is.
The history of the Inception uiid ping,
less of that stlll'.e Is known to jou all,
t Is Impi luted indelibly In thu heaits of
the woikilignien of our ctiuuti.v, It Is
unnecPHsary for me to levlew It ninv, but
J do wnnt to take this occasion to say
that tho stiiigglo was not stinted until,
wo had oxhuusted every conceivable con
clllutoiy method known to minklnd. Tho
Btiugglo would not huvo been continued
would pot, havo been InaiiKiiinted-lf tin
operatuis had agieed to mediation, coin
dilution or nibitiatlon, To all our over
tures they turned u deaf ear, and the Is
sue now Is that we must win or wo must
be clashed, To win this stiuggle will ic
quite the assistance of our fellow woikeis
nnd all geneiomi citizens of our country.
It is moio pleusniit to give than to lit
eclve. 1 should bo much happier, my fe.
low citizens, If J could come heio and say
to ou that the miners' union had hint
dieds of thousands to give away, uther
than to ask you to glvo out, your money
fced our people. Hut ns It Is wo nio
Yipcllcd to appeal to the vvoikliig people
. to the public In geneinl to give us at
, V,n small portion of thulr cainlngs to
ft'ip Olll liCOIMO L1UI1I Still Vlllfc.
Workingmen Will Solve the Problem
Ladles and gentlemen, 1 am one who be
lieves that the time Is not tar distant
when the woiklngmiin will have to solvi
the labor piobltm. 1 am free to say that
my own views have been somewhat
changed since this stilke stalled. Near
ly till well Informed woikeis know that
1 hud Identllicd mself with evciy peace
movement that I thought would help thu
woikeis. I am not piep.ncd to say that
they in e falhues, but they me fullutes as
long ns emplovcis will not listen to ica
son and to truth. 1 look foiwaul to tho
time when all wage e.uneis will take
their pioper places In tills movement. 1
look fotwnid to tho time when those who
build the mansions will not have to live
In hovels. I look foiwaid to the time
when the men who build the lightning
expiess and the men who build the beau
tiful Pullman palace cais will not have
to walk from fetation to station looking
for vvoik. 1 look foivvnid to the tlmo
when those whoso laboi builds beautiful
edifices, whoso spiles point heavenwaid,
will not havo to walk past them, too
ragged to enter. I stand for tho solldaiy
of tho tiade union movement. I hope to
see the time when no man who earns his
bread bv thu sweat of his blow will be
outside tho luns of his tiade union I
look forwaid to the time when the woik
eis of our countiy will take possession
of their own countiy.
Hi. Mitchell's second speech was con
fined to an apepal for aid. Among the
otheis speakers at the two meetings
was M. M. Dolphin, of New York, for
ma ly national president of tho Rail
way Telegraphers' union. The entire
proceeds of the picnic, estimated at
$10,000, will be tuined over to tho
miners' union.
Labor Day Pleasure Seekers Refuse
to Ride with Non-Union Crews.
Altoon.i, Pa., Sept. 1. One of the fea
tures of the Laboi day celcbiation heie
was u piogramme of amusements held
at Lakemont paik this afternoon, but
hundreds of union labor men nnd their
friends in lived too late to see the first
pin t. They i ef used to ride to the pat k
on tiolley cais In chaige of non-union
Shortly after noon a body of union
men boarded a ear, and asked the crew
if they belonged to the union. When
they said no, one of the men said,
"Pile off, boys," and every passenger
on the ciowded car obejed. This was
the beginning, and after that no one
would tide on the non-union man's
car. Hundreds of men, women and
children waited patiently in a boiling
sun to be can led by union men.
Mine Workers at Hazleton Pass
Resolutions Against His Order.
Hazleton, Sept. 1. Eight thousand
United Mine Workeis fioin every por
tion of the Seventh district, except the
Panther Ctoek valley, participated In
the Labor Day demonstration here this
At the mas meeting, held after the
parade, resolutions weie adopted, de
nouncing the older of General J. P. S.
Gobln, which directs the soldieis ut
Lansfoid to shoot If Insulted or In
tel feied with by the stilkeis. nnd te
questlng Gov ei nor Stone to lemove
Gobln fiom the command of the tioops
In Hie fields. Similar lesolutlons
weie passed at the conclusion of the
paiade at Frcelund.
Farley Cieates Sensation.
Spilngfield, 111., Sept. 1, Ip a speech
at the Labor Day celebiatlon at the
Fair Giounds this evening, W. J. Far
ley, piesldent of the I'nlted Mine
AVoikeis of Alabama, eieated a sensa
tion by denouncing Federal .Judge
Jackson, of AVest A'lrglnla. He de
dal ed thai If eveiy judge should issue
Injunctions which would tompaio with
those Issued by Judge Jackson, In a
shoit time stilkes would be a thing of
thu past and laboi lug men would have
no lights.
Ho critlcled the order of General
Gobln, of Pennsylvania, to shoot should
the miners iuteifeie with the soldiers.
He dpclnied that operatois stated that
the stilke was not a mutter of public
Intel est, and said if that was true he
Insisted that the opeiatois should not
bo allowed the use of publlo money for
troops to piotect their piopeity.
All on Account of Morgan.
Davenpoit, Iowa, Sept. 1. Kugene A'.
Debs spoke at the Joint celebiatlon of
Labor day by the labor unions of
Davenpoit, Hock Island and Mnllne,
III,, today. Discussing the loal stilke,
he suld that It was a snuggle between
thousands of men on one side and half
a dozen oh the othei, who lenlly lepre-
sentea only ono tuiin, J, I'leipont Mor
gan. However the Htilke must end,
Debs declined, It woultl he a success
because of the manner In which It
called attention to Hit) danger of ono
man power In the business uoilil,
Qompers at New Ot leans.
New Oi leans, Kept, l.l'iesldeiit
Gompeis, of the Ameilcilll l'Vileiatlon
of Laboi, today reviewed an liniiienso
parade of oiganUed labor, It was tho
Hist celebiatlon under the law inuklng
the Hist Monduy In September Labor
day. Hanks, exchanges, publlo build
ings and many business house's closed,
Mr, Gompeis dellveied mi orutlop ut
the big picnic given by the Central
Labor and Tiades councils.
Paiade at' Beading.
Heading, Pa., Sept. I. Labor day was
observed heie by a parade of Heading's
foity-elght labor oiganlzatlons. Theio
weie ubout '-1.000 peiions In )ne. Tho
parade was followed by exeiclses this
afternoon at Luuei's paik. Contrlbu-.
tions weio jeeelvcd for the striking
miners, and throughout tho afternoon
nildt esses and demonstrations sympa
thetic was shown for their cause.
Competition for the Hilton Trophy
Will Begin Today.
IJy Kxclmtve Wire Irotn Tho Aiocltul Treat
nifle Itange, Sea Gilt, N. J Sept. 1.
The cream of the shaipshooteis of
nearly a dozen states of the Union unit
of the United States Mnllne corps, as
well us a liuriledly organized team fiom
tho depuitment of the ' Kast, United
States army, are in line fettle for tho
big event of tho Interstate rifle tourna
ment, the Hilton trophy match. This
competition will open at 10 o'clock to
morrow morning,
Squadron A's team, of New York, won
tho carbine team match today. Us
total was 20S, out of a possible 250.
The First troop, of New Jersey, was
second, with 203. The team of the
Pennsylvania squadron, thlid, with IDS.
The team representing Uatteiy A,
heavy attillery, Massachusetts, cap
tured flist prize, a trophy, a medal to
each member of the team and $25.
Second pilze, $25, was won by Squad
ion A, New Yoik, and third pilze, $10,
by Tioop A, Maiyland (first team).
This being the third time Battel y A,
Massachusetts, has won this match, the
trophy becomes Us property,
The Inter-club match, the final com
petition today, was shot with a strong,
gusty wind blowing across the lauge.
The contest was for the rifle club cham
pionship of the United States.
The match was won by Cottage Rifle
and Revolver association, of Jeisey
Italian Shooting association (first
team) was second, and Philadelphia
Iliflc association, third.
Winners at the 13th Annual
Contest of Middle States
By KxUushe Wire from Tito Associated t'rc-,3.
New Yoik, Sept. 1. Louis Scholes,
the Toronto Rowing club crack, was
beaten today by Frank Vesselly, of the
Bohemian Boat club, at the thirteenth
annual regatta of the Middle States
Regatta association, rowed on the
Harlem river today. It was the most
surprising incident of an excellent day's
sport, and hundreds of dollais changed
hands on the result. The water was in
fair condition foi rowing and the time
in several races was veiy fast. The
course was along the Harlem liver
speedway, and the distance one mile
straightaway. The results:
Junior eight-oai ed shells AVon by
Dauntless crew, New York; Metropolitan,
New Yoi k, second. Time, I lil'i
Junior single scull" Won by II. C.
Ciowley, AVachusett Boat club, AVoicps
ter. Mass ; AW M. Vailey, Atlanta Boat
club. New York, second. Time, 5 13.
Intel mediate double sculls AA'on by
Philadelphia Barge club, AV. II. Rhoades,
bow, and F. Rlvinlus, stroke: llailem
Rowing club, New Yoik, Theodoio Scan
nell, bow, and I Hoffman, stioke, sec
ond. Time, 5!iS',.
Junloi pair oaied shells Won by Har
lem Boat club, New Yoik, M, lllisch,
bow, and James Donough, stioke; Lone
Star Boat club New York, did not finish.
Time, 7.10'i
Junior single sculls AVon by Fiank
A'esselly, Bohemian Boat club, New A'oik;
L. Scholes, Toionto Rowing club, Toion
to, Canada, second. Time, 3 1SL
Junior double sculls Won bv Ullenthal
and Kauffman. Lono Star Boat club, New
York; Seholield and A'aniidiim, Clifton
Bout club, Statcn island, second. Time,
5 u8V
Intermediate foui-oaied gigs Won by
Aiumlel Boat club, Baltlmoie; Metio
polltan Rowing club, Now Yoik, second.
Time. i.W,
Senior foui-oaied baige nice, awaidctl
to Valencia Boat dub, llobokeu, N. J.,
on a foul. Tho Atlantic eiow, Ilobokcn,
N, J weie nhead by twenty lengths at
the finish
Association senior singles Won bv V.
Fuessel, Harlem Rowing club, New Yoik;
F. S. Smith, Toionto, Canada, second.
Time. G22',i.
Junior four-oat ed gigs AVon by Arun
del Boat club, Baltlmoie; AVaveily Boat
club, New Yoik, second. Time, 5 40.
Junior quadruple singles Won by Nas
sau Boat club. Now A'oik; Metiopolltun
Rowing club, New A'oik, second. Time,
Senior foui-oaied shell AVon bv Penn
sylvania Hal go club, Philadelphia; Bo
hemian Boat club, New A'oik, second.
Time, 5 01'is
Senior elglit-oaicd shells AVon by
Dauntless Rowing club, New A'oik; Hnr
lpm Rowing club, New Yoik, second,
Tlmo, 2J9',fc,
Over 1,400 Are Sent to Panama-rEn-thusiasm
in Government Circles.
lly Ihchuh c Wile fiom The Asaoclilnl I'rots.
Colon, Colombln, Sept, 1, Over 1,400
tioops were sent fiom heio to Panama
yesterday, and the piompt aulval ot
tho ;elnfot cements has eieated much
enthusiasm In government clicles.
Further lelnfoi cements are expected
dully fiom Caitagena by a Liverpool
It Is riimoied heie that Geneial lleetl,
the government commander nt Agua
Dulce, lecently attacked Geueial Hei
lera, the comiuandei of the i evolution
ary fortes, who was obliged to ubun
don his trenches. At tho same time,
according to icpoit, (leneial Hertl ob.
tallied u huge number of cattle.
The Colombian eiiilsep Caitagena
sailed for Caitagena yesteiday,
The Colombian gunboat Gcneial Pin
zon has leturued heie fiom Puerto
Champion Wins 25-Mile Race.
11 kirlmlto U'lic front I he Auoilatul l'tcj.
IIohIoii, Bcpt. I, Albeit Champion beat
Hatty Kikes and Will Htlnsou lu a 25-iuilo
motor paced line at Clunles River paik
this afternoon. Up to the last mllo It was
mi exceedingly close light, but at that
point both Htliltou and Hikes' motors went
wiong and tho two milo unpuccd. AVhen
Champion finished Hikes miiuugcd to pull
Into second place Just ahead ot Stlnson.
Thu timu was iiti 21 4-5.
Tlie Tour Throuah the Green Moun
tain State Is Goiicludcd
at Brattleboro.
Men, Women and Children Shower
Loose Flowers Upon Him Steps to
the Pavilion Where His Address Is
Delivered Are Strewn with Blos
soms by Little Girls Drawn Up on
Both Sides The President Will
Visit Moody's Grave Today.
By Kxcluslve Wire from The Asiociatcd Press.
Hast Noi thfleld, Mass. Sept. 1. Presi
dent Roosevelt today concluded his
tour through Vermont at Brattleboro,
ond is spending the night here at
Northfield. The teccptlon accorded
him at Biattleboro was among the
prettiest, well-conducted and most en
thusiastic he has received In his tour
of New England. Upon arriving at the
station he was met by a company of
Infantry, headed by a band, and es
corted to tho common, where he de
livered a brief address, In which he
spoke of Abraham Lincoln as the man
of the hour In the great Civil war. He
feelingly lefened to the veneiable ex
Govemor Holbiook, who was on the
platform, and who accompanied the
president a short distance through the
state, as being one of the few men who
had lecelved the distinction of being a
war governor.
Tho president's progress through
Brattleboro was a continuous ovation.
On tho lino of march, his carriage was
stopped In front of the leading hotel,
and fiom the balcony, men, women and
children showered loose flowers and
bouquets upon him. Arriving at the
common, where he delivered his ad
Uipss, the pavilion steps were strewn
with floweis by little glils, who were
diawn up on both sides.
The president began the day's jour
ney at Burlington, reaching that city
fiom Shelburne, the home of Dr. AV.
Sewai'd Webb. After a drive about" the
city, the president's train started south
ward, stops being made at Vergennes,
Mlddlebury, Brandon, Proctor, Rutland,
Ludlow, Bellow's Falls, Chester and
Brattleboro, and his Vermont trip was
ended. He crossed Into Massachusetts
In the early evening and went to
Northfield, to remain tonight as the
guest of William R. Moody, son of the
noted evangelist, Dvvlght L. Moody, at
the Northfield hotel. The president will
go to Round Top in the morning to
visit Mr. Moody's grave.
The president spoke at every stop .to
day, but most of hi? addresses were
brief. That of greatest Import was the
one delivered at Proctor, the home of
Senator Pioctor, wheieln he defined his
idea of the Monroe doctrine.
At' Moody's School.
East Northfield, Mass., Sept. 1. Presi
dent Roosevolt came directly from
Brattleboro to the Mount Hermon
school, being met at the station by W.
R. Moody, the head of the Northfield
school, AA'hen the president appealed
In the audience room of the Northfield
school chapel, he was greeted with pro
longed cheeis by the students. Mr.
Moody Intioduced him by simply say
ing; "I have the honor to Introduce to you
President Roosevelt, who will now ud
dress you."
In the course of his temaiks, he said;
"I think they teach heie the essen
tials of good citizenship, that Is, that a
man is no good who does not know how
to vvoik with his hands as well as with
his head."
At S o'clock this evening the president
spoke In the lnige Northfield Auditor
ium, which was completely filled.
At the close of his address, the presi
dent wns presented with a large bou
cmet by the local Grand Army post.
The presidential party was then es
corted to tho Hotel Northfield, wheie
they are to pass the night.
The Volcano in a State of Unrest
Since the Fifteenth of
By Kxcludic Wire from The Associated Press.
Castiles, Island of St. Lucia, B, AV.
I Sept, 1, -Mout Pelee has been In
constant eiuptlon since Aug, JG, Theio
was an enormous fall of ashes fiom tho
volcano the night of the !i5th. There
was a veiy seveie eruption the night
of tlie 28th, when the volcanic tumb
lings weie heaid at a great distance.
The mountain buined fleicely that
night, and out at sea passing vessels
weie covered with ashes. The night ot
the 30th there weie threo separate
e i options.
it Is impossible to upproucli the
lulned'town of St, Pleire fiom the sea,
The people of the village of Le Carbet,
on the coast, nio ten or stricken nnd
Hying to the Intel lor. Hot water Is
pom lug dawn on Loiraln and Basso
Polnte, villages to tho noitheast of the
cuter. Iloirlblo detonations weie
heard, the ground rocked and quaked
and articles on tables were thrqwn to
the floor, '
The governor of Martinique has or-
deied eveiy avullnblo boat to leipov
people f i om the coast villages to For
de France. i '
At 8 o'clock In the evening of the
30th, the sky was cloudless. Suddenly
and without warning onerhulf of the
horizon was obscured by a pitch black
cloud of dust, This cloud was the cen
tre of most magnificent electrical ef
fects, the Hashes of light surpassing
tho most elaborate fireworks. Flames
and flashes continued to hurst fiom
the cloud until nearly midnight. Col
umns ot flame Bhot out of the crater of
Mont Pelee to explode ubout the cloud
In showers of balls of golden fire which
fell through the darkness In myriads
ot sparks. Thtec large aureoles were
seen In the sky over the opening of
the crater.
A tidal wave rushed upon Fort do
France and the terrified Inhabitants
fled In large numbers to the Interior.
The wnve was not severe and did but
slight damage.
At midnight of tho 30th Mont Pelee
was quiet; shortly after this hour
there came another shower ot ashes,
accompanied by vivid sheets of light
ning. In addition to the 200 persons
leported to have lost their lives nt Le
Carbet and Morno Rouge many other
persons are said to have been killed all
over the northern districts of tho
island. The governor of Martinique is
believed to have started for tho scene
of destruction.
When the steamer Korenti arrived
here yesterday she was covered with
ashes and scoria. ,
The $10,000 Futurity for 3-
Year-Olds the Greatest
By Exclusive w Ire from The AssociateifTress.
Hartford, Conn., Sept. 1. The $10,009
Futurity for three-year-olds was the
feature of the Charter Oak Grand Cir
cuit meet here today. A field of eight
starters In this lace was reduced to
thtee In the final heat. Gall Hamilton
took first money. It was a great race,
heaitbreaking finishes characterizing a
majority of the heats. It took six heats
to settle the question of supremacy,
the Pennsylvania horse being beaten by
a nose In the final heat. Summaries:
Haitford Futurity, foals of 1899; purse,
Gall Hamilton 14 3 15 1
John Mac 2 1 1 J 2 2
Red Robe li 7 2 4 1 &
Bell Moor, Direct A'low, Kentucky
Wilkes, jr., AVig AVng, Sister Colleto also
started. Time, i! 1j,4, 2 17V4, 2.1SV4, 2.17,
219U, 2 18W.
2 30 trot; purse, $3,000; three In five.
AVIlcnie 3 J 1 1 2 1
Rhythmic 2 12 3 12
Darwin 5 5 3 2 3io
Zephyr, Horace AVIlson. AlfiPd Stai,
The Quaker also started. Time, no time;
2 10. 2 OOYi, 2.UM, 2 11, 2 13U-
2.19 trot; purse, $.1,000; thieo In five.
The Roman Ill
Messcto 2 2 4
Fatchen Maid 1 J i;
Austin Boy, Baron Bell, Authoiess, M.
M. D. also staited. Time, 2.1. 2.11U.
2 07 pace; puise, $1,300; three heats ono
mile each.
Carl AVIlkes 7 1 1
Dumont AV 1 8 5
A'ou Bet 2 U 9
Nathan Strauss, The Bishop, Sphinx S ,
Annlsdress, Lottie Smart and Martha
Mnihhall also started. Time, 2 03. 2 0G,
2 06
At Kingston.
Kingston, N. Y Sept. 1. Three thou
sand persons attended today's Hudson
and Mohawk Aalley circuit races. The
2.13 pace proved one of the best races
of the season. Fred M the favorite,
was beaten, however. Favorites won In
the other two events. The summaries:
2 33 clnss, trotting; puise, $luo.
Momcnto Ill
Piinco 2 2 2
Count Stringer 3 3 3
Time, 2 2JU, 2 'Mi, 2 27.
2 30 class, pacing; puibc, $100
Governor Plngiee Ill
Sunuvsldo 2 2 4
Jeisey AVood 0 b 2
Kitty G., Judge Joseph, My Star also
stai ted. Time, 2.22'i, 2 20U, 2 2.'.
2.13 class, pacing, purse, $400.
Leo S 3 112 1
Fied M 2 4 3 12
Allco Mapes 10 4 15
Lucy Pozy, Elmer D , also itnrted.
Time, 2.13, 2.13',4, 2.17, 2.12'J, 2 IPS.
Propaganda Recommends Him for
Archbishop Choice for Arch
diocese of New York.
By Inclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Press.
Rome, Sept. 1, The propaganda after
a lengthy sitting today decided to ioc
ommend the pope to appoint the Rt,
Rev. John M, Farley, D. D the auxil
iary bishop of New York, as archbishop
of New York, In succession to the late
Most Rev. Mlchuel Augustine Conlgan.
The appointment of the Rt. Rev.
Geoige Montgomery, bishop of Los
Angeles, Cal,, as coadjutor to tho Most
Rev. Patrick AVUIIam Rloidan, utch
blshop of San Fianclsco, also was rec
ommended, John M. Fat ley was born In County
Armagh, li eland, on Aug. 20, 1S42. Re
ceiving his early education In his na
tive county, lie came to the United
States befoie ho attained his mntuiity
and enteied St. John's college, Ford
ham, from which he was guiduuted In
1806. He began preparation for the
piiesthood the following year at St.
Joseph's Provincial seminary at Ti ay.
At this time tlie young man gave such
signs of ptomlse that Cardinal McClos
key took a strong peisonal Interest In
him and sent him to the American col
lege In Rome to complete his ecclesias
tical studies.
He was oi dallied III Rome Juno 11,
Platform Will Indoise the Adminis
tration of Piesldent Roosevelt.
By i:sclu.Uc Wire from 1 lie Atsoclated l'ies.
New A'oik, Bcpt, 1. Senator Piatt has
mado a final declaiatjoii that although
the Rcpirbllcun stato convention will wi-
doiso tho Roosevelt udiulnlstiatlon It will
not declare for tho leuomlnatlon of tho
piesldent lu 1901. Ho spoke with a tone
of authority on this point vcstciday, and
ndded that the convention might nut be
pieparcd to ti vj fur us Roosevelt had
gono on the question of truts. Tho
stuto party, ho asserted, had nothing tc
four from tho Democrats, so far as any
Issue could bo uilsed on the high pilcc-3
of coal and meat.
"Tho pjatform which will bo adopted
by tin- state convention next month will
contain a very waim Indorsement of the
administration of Piesldent Roosevelt,"
said the senator, "but It will not declare
for his lenomlnntton In 1904, The plat
form will contain a plank on tho subject
of trusts, but at this time It Is Impossible
to say how this will be worded. No ono
knows how the platform will go lu this
subject, but the matter Is iccclvlup thu
consttleratlon that Its Impuituuco de
serves. I cannot say that thu platfoirn
will go as fur on thl subject ns the pres
ident hns gone In' tho speeches ho has
been making In New England."
Admiral Higglnson Cuts Out Import
ant Work for the Jnckies tinder
His Command.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Newpoit, R. I., Sept. 1. Admiral Hig
glnson did not delay after tho declar
ation of hostilities today, to cut out
woik for tho lackles and marines of
his fleet, accomplishing In daylight, but
under cover of fog, two things that
General MacArthur's army had not an
ticipated. These were the seizure of Martha's
Vineyard and Block Island and tho
captuio of the army's signal station at
each place. Tonight he followed up his
good work by a demonstration In force
against the extreme western end of tho
Hue of defending fortifications, but it
cannot be determined until later If he
actually attempted to force his vvav
into Long Island sound or simply aimed
to give his cievvs a little big gun prac
tice. The navy's night attack was not ex
pected at the western end of the line
nulte so early In the game. The theory
was held all day, after It was known
that Higglnson had secured a base on
the outlying Islands, that he would send
his cruisers for a reconnalsance against
both ends of the line und then swing
his fleet Into the centre or around New
port for a sharp, yet heavy attack
there, manoeuvring quickly, and then,
when things became most Interesting,
sail to the westwaid and make his
grand effort to foice his way Into Long
Island sound. This would have been
his night attack, for It seems almost
certain that the day attack will be
against Fort Rodman, the eastern
Once tonight Newpoit got a scale,
when a message came from Port Jud
ith that marines weie being landed
theie in the fog. All communication
with that point was cut off. Then at
10 30 came an official bulletin announc
ing the bombardment of Forts Mlchl
and AVright, but when Port Judith sig
nal station was again In touch with
the central Intelligence bureau, It was
explained that the signal men theie
weie given a drill In saving equipment,
on supposition that the enemy was
making a landing. They cut out the
telegraph and telephone wiles, picked
up their equipment and made a recoid
breaklng retreat, then returning le-es-tabllshed
the station, doing a ci edit
able piece of work. Outside of this In
cident the routine of war duty along
Narragnnsett bay was simply a good
measuie of haid work nil day, and
some veiy lively seaichlight woik to
night. -- m -
State Legislative Boaid Holds a Se
cret Session in Harrisburg.
Oy r.Tclmlve Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Harilsburg, Sept. 1. Tho state legis
lative boaid of the luiltoad employes
of Pennsylvania held a seciet session In
this city today to discuss ceitaln legls
latlon to bo piesented to the next legls.
latuie. A committee, composed of W.
J. Zerbe, of Mauch Chunk; S. AV 111
ler and George AA'. Coyle, Philadelphia;
C, L. Schilner, McKees Rocks, and M,
T. Robinson, llaulsburg, was appoint
ed to piepate a lecoid of all legislative
candidates. This lecord will indicate
how each candidate stands on the labor
question, and will be printed und cir
culated uinong the membeis of tho or
der during the fall campaign.
Benjamin Cuiger and Geoige W.
Coyle, of Philadelphia ; AV. L. Plum
mer and AA'llllam A. Hoats, Pittsbuig;
Jeio N. AVeller, Mauch Chunk, and M.
T, Robinson, Ilauisbuig, were appoint
ed a committee to wait upon Governor
Stone on his return fiom Pittsbuig,
and uige him to use his good ofllies to
bring about a settlement of the stilke
In the anthracite coal regions and to
call an extia. session of the legislature
for the passage of an nibitiatlon bill,
If it should be found that such action
would entl the strike.
The boaid will meet agul i tomoirow,
at which session It Is espeed some
Hctlon will be taken tin General Gobln's
order to shoot strikers and arrest wo
men and chlldien who Insult the tioops
on duty In the stilke legion, Tho
board Is composed of 1C0 delegates, and
lepicsents the llintheihnod of Locomo
tive Ihiglneeis, Older of Rnllioad Con
ductor, ill othei hood of Railway Tinln
men and the Oidei of Rallioail Tel
egraphers, lepiesentlng In all a con
stituency of over 100,000 inllvvay men,
A meeting of the boaid was held to
night, at which lesohttlons wejo adopt
ed endorsing the candidacy of ex-Governor
Robert n. Pattlson, of Philadel
phia, the Democratic nominee for gov
ernor, and advocating his election.
Thomas T. Sheridan, of Conemaugh!
Cyrou G. Austin, S. AV. Hlller, S. G.
Bowman and P. O. Graham, of Phila
delphia, Avere appointed a committee to
visit Reading on Thursday, when the
Democratic stuto candidates will be
formally notified of their nomination,
and advise Mr, Pattlson of the boaid's
Twentu-One Passenoers Arc In-
stantlu Killed-Elohtu-Onc
Others Arc Injured.
An Excursion Train on the Southern
Knilroad Leaps the Track Upon a
High Embankment Four of the
Coaches Loaded with Negroes Foi
low the Engine Down a Steep In
cline nnd Are Crushed Like Egg
shells Indescribable.
By rxcluHe ire from The Associated Tren.
Uhmlngham, Ala., Sept, 1. While
rounding a curve on a high embank
ment near Berry, Ala., at 9.30 o'clock
this morning, the engine and four car3
of an exclusion ti.iln on the Southern
latlroad leaped fiom the ttack and
lolled over and over down tho incline,
smashing the coaches Into kindling
wood nnd causing the Instant death of
twenty-one persons and the Injury of
eighty-one otheis. Physicians say that
at least twenty-nine of the injured can
not live.
AVith the exception of H. M. Dudley,
trainmaster of the Southern lallway.
living at IJinnlngham, and Roscoe
Shelby, of Columbus, Miss., all of the
dead and Injuied are negroes, who had
taken advantage of excursion rates
from points In Mississippi to Birming
ham. AVhen the vvieck occuried the train
was running at the rate of thirty miles
an hour and just started around a
curve on top of a slty-foot embank
ment. Without warning the tender of
the engine suddenly left the track,
Jeiklng the engine and the four first
cars with It. There were ten cars In
the excursion train, but the fouith
broke loose fiom the fifth, and with the
heavy engine plunged down the steep
Incline. The cars, which weie packed
with passengeis, turned completely
over several times, and were crushed
like eggshells, killing and crippling the
Persons who have returned fiom the
scene of the vvieck say it is indescrib
able. The bodies of the negioes are
scattered In eveiy dliection, and the
moans and appeals for help from the
wounded weie hearti ending. As soon
as the accident was reported to tho
officials of the toad, wiecklng Mains
carrying physicians weie liunled fidm
Columbus, Miss., and Blimingham, and
everything possible Is being done to
alleviate the suffeiiugs of the injuied.
Wife Asks for S200 a Week Pending
the Suit.
Special to the Scianton Tilbuno
Piovidence, R. 1 Sept. 1. Suit ha i
hren biought In the appellate coui t
heie by .Mis. Michael Hand, jr., of
Paw tucket for tin allowance of $200 u
week pending the loii-ideiatlon of her
petition lor sepaiate maintenance.
Michael Hand was fonneily a lesldent
of Stranton and his fathei, Michael
Hand, si owned bieweiles there, whlili
weie sold and the piuceeds used ti
build a big bteweiy plant at Paw
tucket. A sensational featiiie of the present
case Is the husband's statement that
by becoming Intoxicated once he had
forfeited $".75,000. He swoie that ho
was w oi th but 3l,00o, his piopeity con
sisting of ten shines of stuck In tho
Hand biowety, Paw tucket. He said hit
lather gave him $37D,000 woith of stock
on condition that lie abstain fiom
di Inking. This, condition he violated,
hence lost the stock. The Paw tucket
biowery, lu which lie Is Intciested, Is
woith $l,noo,000. Mis. Hand has been
sepaiatcd fiom him for some time.
Steamship Arrivals.
liy Inclusive Who from The Associated Press.
New York, Sept. 1,-Arrlved: Tiav
Genoa; Filesland, Antwerp. Cleared:
llluchor, Hamburg. Lizard-Passed: Rot
tealam, Now Yoik for Boulogne and Rot.
teidam, HambiligAl lived! Fuoist Bis
marck, Now Yoik via Plymouth. Glbi al
tar Sailed: Allur (fiom Genoa nnd Na
ples), Now York. Arrived: Lahn, New
Yoik for Naple and Genoa (and proceed
ed), Cherbourg-Arrived; Kronprlnz AVU
helm, New York via Plymouth for Bic
men (und proceeded), Sailed: Grosser
Kutfuist (fiom Bremen), New Sork.
I.orul data for September 1, 1902:
Highest toinpeiatuio ,, 8S degree!
Lowest tempeiatuio , ,.,, 03 degrees
Rolatlvo humidity;
S a. m. .,,,,......,........... SO per cent,
8 p. m. .,., C3 Per cent.
Pieclpltatlon, U houia ended S v. in.,
tiace. w. ...
: - -H
f AVashlngton, Sept. 1. Foiecast -fi
for Tuesday and Wednesday; Cast- -il
4- cm Pennsylvania Full und slight- 4
f ly cooler Tuesday, piecedul by -f
showers In early morning; light
4- west wind; AVednesday fair, 4
t-H-Hrt-t.-H'tt tttttta
i jf-m . -v
- !!c
f .