The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 30, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special to the Sernnton Tribune.
Townndn, Aug. 28.-Tlioie Ib no doubt
lhat Towunda will Imvo to cntcrtuln
Bcvoral thousand vlsltois next Wodnes
tlny, September 3, tbo dny for the grand
event of tbo iippourunco of Pawnee
Hill's Wild West show. This Is the
only historical wild west In existence
that Is faithful and absolutely true and
unadulterated, as to Its simplicity,
roorullty, fidelity to nature and grand
eur, and will bo one of the best enter
tainments that has ever left Its tuieks
In this section. Miss May Lllllc, who
Is young In years and 11 Ponnsylvn
nlnn by birth, Is the only champion
lady biucback shot of the world, and
lias won medals In Germany, Franco,
nnd other countries. Tho Austinlltm
boomerang tluowcrs me nlone worth
the admission fee of this enormous ex
hibition. In the long list of attractions,
nil the sports, contests of tho brave and
daring people of our own southern
Flstcr icpubllc, Old Mexico, will bo
neon; also cery rtontler of westein
life, Mexican and Indian life actually
und realistically leproduccd and len
dcicd tiuc to life. A milltniy spectacu
lar drill by all nations In competition
is n'lso spoken highly of by the pi ess.
In the street parade will bo seen live
hands, callope, mounted Indians, tow
boys, Mexicans, Texas steel s, elks,
buffaloes, pialile schooners, Indian
tlavoys, chat lots, Ameilcan, Fieiieh,
Geitnan and English cuviiUy and aitll
leiy. All will bo seen at Ovvcgo, Sep
tember 1; Moravia, Septembci 2; To
wanda, September 3; Sayic, September
4; Buth, .September 5.
A peculiar case comes fiom tho
vicinity of Athens, the facts occmring
one night, hist weelc. A man and vvo
naii dtovo up to the fniinhouse of a
nan named Randolph, late at night,
md seeing no one about tho place,
rose into the bain. The couple then
returned to the house and after mous
ing Mr. Randolph, asked pel mission for
lodging. He sized his isitois up,
nnd noticing that the woman was very
rareful to keep back In the dim light,
lie became suspicious and refused them
admittance. They dcpai ted, giumbllng,
and nothing 111010 was thought of tbo
case. The next morning at 3 o'clock
lie ueard a noise in the kitchen, and on
defending found that the man and wo
man had broken Into the house and
weie about to build a flic In the stoc.
He piomp'ly louted them out of the
louse and bam.-' The following moili
ng Oscar Schoonover, who re&ldcs near
Sayie, found the rig In tho middle of
his oat field, wheie It had been turned
out. The last lepoits were that the
police authorities wete looking after
the ncry couple.
The Lehigh Valley l.iihoad dctectiveh
luivc captuied ten lldeis within the
jiast week. Some paid their fines, while
otheis aie doing time in tho county
bastlle and joining the chain gang.
Tho meeting of tho Bradfoid county
Fiohibitlonist.s was falily attended on
Tuesday. Dr. Swallow was tinablp to
be present, but his place was tilled by
State Chaiiman Jones, of Philadelphia,
and Homer L. Castle, of Pittsbuig. The
following ticket was selected: Sheilft,
O. W. Fawcett, of New Albany; pio
thonotarj, O. A. Wilght, of East Can
ton; 'leglster and lecorder, C. J. Sum
Jier, of New Albany; treasurer, L. T.
Adams, of Sinlthlleld; commissioners,
J. A. Gould, of West Builington, and
Muitiri Fee, of Cnmptown; leglslatuie,
Leslie Barnes, of Rome; F. D. A.
Klngsley, of Smltblleld, and P. M.
Wright, of East Canton; auditois, A.
L. Slsson, of Towanda, and C. L. Ran
dall, of New Ei a.
The nineteenth nniiual reunion of the
One Flundieil and Forty-flist legimont,
Pennsylvania Volunteeis, was held in
Touanda vesterdny foienoon and after
110011. The number of voteians of the
'ieglment present was 12S. Twelve de
ceased membeis weie lepoited since the
t last lcunlon. The addiess of welcome
by W. J. Young, of Towanda, was te
1 pponded to by the president, Hon. D.
1, W. Searle, of Montioso, who paid 11
, glowing tribute to tho old bos who
fought for their country foity eais
ago. The following offlceis weio chosen
for the ensuing year: Piesldent, Hon.
iD. W. Searle, of Montioso; vice-piesl-tlents,
G. W. Kilmer, of Monroe, and J.
), P. Coburn, of Orwell;, Rev.
' t). Ciaft, of Angelica, N. Y.; tioasurer,
' W. T. Hoi ton, of Towanda. The legi
5 nient's roll show s a list of 400 sut vlv
lOis. The next meeting will be held at
Monroeton in 100.1.
1 Specltl to the Scranton Tribune.
. Tunkhannock, Aug. 29. Mis. John
Rtaik, of Lake Caicy, bpent Thuisday
with lelutlves In town.
William Ruthledgo and wife, B. J.
Hope, wife and son Robeit nnd Mis,
Margaret Kluge, of New York city, uio
suests of Mr, and Mis. Patilck Boiee,
ut their homo on Pine sticct.
Tho prlinaiy elections lor delegates to
the Republican county convention to
be held on Monday will be decided to
duy In tho dlffeient election dlstilcts
of tho county. Cousidciublo Inteiest is
manifested In the icsult, and theic Is
no doubt that tlicio will be a laigo
crowd In attendance at tho coming con
vention. Mis, II. W. Chnso and daughter, Les
lie, of Wllkes-Buire, hnvo been the
BUest of tho foi mer's brother, Thomas
II, Giemllle, on Putnam stieet.
Rev. S. C. Hodge, pastor of tho Ptes
bytcilan chmcli, has letuincd f 10111 his
vacation. Mis, Hodge did not jeturn
with him, but remained with iclativca
In New York for a. shoit time.
Tho Tilton Hoho company will go to
Meshoppen on Monday to take p.ut In
thn liremen's parade and races to bo
held theio,
Tho annual picnic of tho Odd Fellows
of Wvomlng county will bo held nt.
Itensihaw park on Thuisday, September
4. The Spilngvlllo Cornet band will fur
nish the music for the occasion,
Charles U. Teny and family are on
a ten days' outing at Thousand Islands.
Miss Molllo Tldd and Charles need,
j( Washington, V. C aio tho guests of
Airs. ElUubetb Ross, on Putnam stieet.
-f Boy Cured of Collo After Physician's
( ' Treatment Had Failed.
My boy when four y'enia old was
taken with collo and cramps In his
(stomach. I sent for the doctor and ho
injected moiphlne, but the child kept
getUne woise. i then gave him half a
teaapoonful of Chumbei Iain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlunhoeu Remedy, and In
half an hour ho was sleeping unci soon
recovered. F. L, Wllklns, Bhell Lake,
Wis, Mr, WHklii8 Is bookkeeper for the
Bhcll Lake Lumber Co. For bale by all
Fiank Carey, of Bethlehem, Is visit
ing his parents, Mr, and Mis. John
Caiey, on Third street.
Leslie Ace Is visiting his father,
Frank Ace, who Is eniplojed at Shields'
stone milt nt Nicholson,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Unlondolc, Aug. 29. Wednesday even
ing, August 27, nt tho home of Rev. D.
D. Jenkins, at Unlondalc, Hownid S.
Poincry and Miss Elizabeth J. Walker,
of Forest City, were united In niar
lliigp, The young couple cnteicd the
pallor to tho strains of the Lohengrin
wedding march. Miss Marjorlo Jenkins
presided nt tho organ. The mat tinge
wits solemnized by Rev. D. D. Jenkins,
under an inch of evcrgiocn, In tho
picscnco of the parents of tho bilde
and groom and sister of the bride. The
bride was uttractlvely attired and
made a very pretty appearance. After
the r.ei oniony there was a profusion of
icfieshmonts scived. The young niar
1 led couple will enter at once upon tho
duties of housekeeping In n vv oil-fur-nlshed
house In Foiest City, whole they
expect to make their futuio home. The
best wishes of their many fi lends go
with tlicm for pleasant sailing on the
sea of mntiinionlal life.
Philip Rlcker, of Oxfoul. N. Y Is
visiting ut the home of Mis. Minnie
Miss Edith Maynard, of Jermyn, re
turned home Tuesdny.
A number of our townspeople attend
ed the last session of camp meeting at
Thompson, Wednesday night.
Miss Aniiabello Bennett's fi lends gave
her a surpilse patty last Ftlday even
ing. There was a laigo number of her
young friends ptesent, nnd she was
vety generously remenibeied.
Miss Bessie Coleman Is visiting
friends in Wllkes-Barto.
Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Haydon last
week entei tallied Linn Diake. This
young man Is a recent gtaduate of Fac
toiyvllle academy, and has been sup
plying tho Baptist chuich pulnit at
Elkdalc dining the summer. Ho Is a
joung man of noble aspliatlons, and is
giving excellent satisfaction In his pul
pit efforts.
Mts. Shubael Carpenter, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ha L. Churchill and JJttlc daugh
ter Blanche attended a wedding leeep
tion of a telatlvo at Oison, Tuesday
Evangelist Chnilcs Newell preached
In Lynn stieet and D.ute's coiners last
Miss Bcs'Slo Caipentcr, of Blooms
burg, was a visitor heie recently.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Hallstead, Aug. 20 O. F. Coiwln and
family attended the Corwln reunion at
Rots paik, Wednesday. About scventy-
llve membeis of the Coiwln family weiu
In attendance.
Hany Kapp, one of the Spanish
Ameiican war eteians, has been
gi anted a p6usloii of $C a month.
The Yoke Fellows band will be led
Sunday morning by William Osterhout.
The afternoon service will be addicsscd
by J. Madison Gnthany, of Blown uni
versity, who Is spending his vacation
in Hallstead.
Mr. and Mis. Chailes Chembeilin are
spending a few days with Mis. Chem
beiiln's brothel, Charles Brown, at
The Hallstead band will hold a sacred
conceit Sundt.y afternoon at 3 o'clock
on the liver lawn.
Postmaster Wniren F. SImrell has
purchased the house and' lot on Pine
stieet from Rufus Smith, of Blnghain
ton. Melvln Gnthany, of League Island
navy yaid at Philadelphia, is homo on
a five days' fin lough.
Fied Lake and "family, of Fergus
Falls, Minn., who hne been ibitlng
Mr. Lake'h sister. Mis.. L. W. Chutch,
have letuined home,
The 0-months-old daughter of Sir.
and Mrs. Scott Ives was bulled Wed
nesday afternoon in Rose Hill ceme
tery. ' "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will appear In
Hallstead Saturday o piling, on tho
liver bank, near Mitchell's hotel. Ad
mission, adults, 23 cents; childicn, 15
cents. Doois open at 7.30; pcifoimuiicc
at 8.
Tho membeis of the Presbi teilnn
Sunday school will hold their picnic
Saturday in Baine's giovc, below tho
bilk mill.
Mrs. Beit Mnvnaid nnd children are
vlhltiiig fi lends In Binghamton.
Clyde Chase left this week for Baltl
moio, wheio ho will make his future
homo with his uncle, Emmett Chase.
Mrs. Michael Hnjs and Mis. James
Millaid aio spending the week with
fi lends In Buffalo.
Miss Anna Moiau, who hns been vis
iting her sister, Mis. John Lynch, has
letuined to her homo In Blnglinniton.
Tho Tiuesdell-Wniner-Mnish reunion
was held at tho home of Mis. Gen: go
Adams, of New Yoilc avenue, Thuis
duv, Twenty books have iccently been ic
colvcd fiom the Pratt llbrniy at Now
Mllford for tho Young Men's Clulstian
association at this place.
Mis. J. T, Kliby and children uro 'vis
iting fi lends In Binghamton.
Special to the Scinntmi Tilbnno,
Honesdnle, Aug. 20, The Maple City
band open nlr conceit, given Thuisday
evening on tho shoro of Park hike, was
enjoyed by a huge audience,
Revs. G. A, Place, of tho Methodist
chuich, and C, L. Percy, of tho Baptist
chuich, will odlclato In their ipspecttvo
chui clica on Sunday next, Theio will
be no pienchlng In the Episcopal and
Pieshytoilan chinches.
Labor Pay excursion to Lako Ladoio
on Monday will take a largo number of
Honesdalo people. Tho Maple City
band furnishes muslo for the day.
An Interesting ganio of ball is piom
Ised on tho Honesdalo giound at 2.30
Satuiduy afternoon.
Mis. Walter A, Wood, Misses Flor
enco AVood and Elizabeth W, Uentley
will seive nn tho golf giounds Satur
day afternoon. '
Honesdnle banks will close Mondny,
Labor Day.
And now comes tho announcement
that tho water power at Hawley Is to
be harnessed to supply electiclty to all
tho cities and towns In Northeastern
Pennsylvania, except Honesdnle,
Tho Wayne County fair will bo held
September 2J, 21, 25 and 26.
The Honesdalo Golf club wl hold
a tournament on Monday Liibor Day,
Prizes huye been eUen by J, D, Wcs-
tJim..-Lf-glVJiM, ubJju,ii,j
ton nnd A. P. Thompson, which wllfbo
competed for.
Benjamin W. Fitch, deceased, car
ried a W.500 life Insurance.
R, Milton Salmon, a recent graduate
of Lafayette college, has entered tho
orrico of A. T. Scnrle as n student at
- mi '
Bpcclnl to the Sci anion Tribune.
Plttstou, Aug. 20. At tho centennlnl
celebration In Itlootnsburg today theio
was but one entry In tho el 1 lit Bound,
that was tlie Eagle Hose company of
this city, and they were nwnrded tho
pilze, giving a dilll In lino stylo, About
150 people from this city attended tho
celebration today.
Mayor Coicoian has vetoed an ordin
ance passed by both blanches of coun
cil piovldlng for tho transfer of a piece
of land to the Plttstou Opeia House
Within an hour after tho dlagiam
for the Lymnn Howo Moving Picture
exhibition which nppoais here next
Monday evening, had opened this morn
ing almost every seat In Music hall had
been s-old. The entertainment is given
under the auspices of the Welsh Con
gregational chinch.
Caids were leeched today fiom Wil
liam Piobyn nnd David Caiter, two
Plttstou vocalists who are travelling
In Euiopo on a conceit tour. They uie
nt Geneva, Switzerland, at piebcnt, en
joying good health and having a splen
did time.
The delegates to the state convention
of tho C. T. L. U. who have been here
for the past two days were tendered
a hnnquct In Keystone hall last even
ing by the local niembois of the union.
Tho work of tho convention was com
pleted yesteulay afternoon. Shamokln
was decided upon for the holding of tho
next convention.
A young Italian bicyclist inn Into
William Giles' giocery team which was
standing on North Main street this
morning. The f lightened horses 1.111
over the boy and blcvcle, badly damag
ing tho latter and but slightly lnjuilug
the boy.
Moonlight Maids.
Tho "Moonlight Maids" Hie billed to ap
pear at the Star for tlneo nights com
mencing wth tho usual matlncu on Mon
dny. The name of tho builesquo Is "A
CIicus Day and Night.," It Is descilbed
as a blight bit of nonsense, conbtuictcd,
somewhat on the lines of the Ensllsh
musical comedies that aio at the piesont
time having Mich a succes.sful iuh both
In New Yoik nnd London.
A foimldablo list of comedians mnle
and female .110 In the cast. Flist comes
Mcssib. AMlllanis ami Adams, tho nu
thois of the plcfc; who will poitiay tho
eli.uacteis of 'Ttiibber Ike" and "Levi
Winoutskj," with then usual bklll and
nonsense. MI'S Tuni.i Ilanlon, a quaint,
oiiginal j.onng actioss with tho keenest
possible sense of huinoi, quick in action,
with a vciy mobile countenance and an
ctiamdiimiy lino voice. She is .1 ' So
cict" to the niaiiow with a hciuty
honest laugh and an unlimited command
of Iiugh piovoking devices Then thoie
aio Campbell and Daic. Piey and Allen,
Fields and Evans, Miss Geoi,;la OTt.imej,
the bislcis Little Mold and 111 my otheis.
Mntlncrs daily at -'30, evenings at 8 1"
Evening pilees will be chaiged at the
Monday (I.ibor Da) matinee, as on all
boliilaj-. Se.tts now on bale at the bo
olllce. New 'phono JkOl.
A Cool Theater.
Tho management of the Dixie theater
has been singularly foitunato in having
tho nil alignments of tho beautiful bouso
peifccted with a view to good ventilation.
On account of tho manner in which tho
building is situated, numerous cits have
rot only been possihlo but the ventilating
facilities 1110 unsumasscd.
None ol tho aitltlclallv -cooled theateis
of tho metiopolls have dining tho past
few davs of summoi weather been ns cool
and delightful as tho DKic audltoilum,
and pattons dm lug the piomUod hot Sep
tember will llnd tho houso most icfiesli
lng in tlie niattei of tcmpeiatuie. This
uftoinoon and ovening will clobo tho lit Ht
succpbsful week. On Monday an entlio
new bill will bo picsonted which will bu
headed lv Jlr. and Mis, Itobyns, the
Ameilcan Kendalls, in fuico comedy.
Vaudeville Next Weelc.
Dixie's theater will inesent another
ilaboiato bill net weelc which will bo
beaded by Mr. and Mis Itohjn, who 1110
known in music IiiiIIh as tlio "Ameilcan
Kendalls." They will appear in 11 fuico
comedy of unusual meilt, entitled, "Tho
Morning Aftci."
Seven other ncls will bo given in con
junction with tho Itobvns A most intei
cstlng fc.itme, e.specinlly 101 tho olmg,
will be tho Vitogiaph plctuies of tho
coionation of King IMw.ud, which uio
(omplcto and autlicnth', and will bo ex
hibited In Amcilea for tho (list time.
At Acndemy Next Week.
In speaking of thn M.vikU & Hauler
Stock company which opens a week's en
gagement at tho Aradomv with n special
Labor Day matlneo Monday afternoon,
the Dally News of Alpena, Mich , bajs:
"Tho gicat seciet of tho taiecesi of tho
Myiklo & Haider pioductlon, however,
made itself upp.ucnt befoio tho conclus
ion of tho second net, and lhat is not
only tho commendable Individual meilt It
contains, but tho talent in the nggiegate,
well balanced and evenly modulated,"
Nathan Halo.
An incident of special note to tho tho-
atei-gneis of our city will bo tho picbou-
tatlon of Cljdo Fitch's four-act diuma,
"Nathan Hale," with Mi. Hownid Kile
FOR THE LITTLE ONES, Cut out tho plctuics appealing on this page each
day, diaw a pencil niaik mound tho hidden object, suva them until Satiuday,
then send thoni 01 tnko them to The Tilbune of ilea in an envelope mldicsactl to
"Pii-.zlo penai tmeiit." Encloso in the euvelopo youi nnmr, ago and addicts. Tho
lios and ghls who couectly mink the nl plctuies appealing duilng tho vvoelt,
and whoso nusweis aio (list lecclveil, will havo their names published in Tho
Trlbuno Monday morning.
r isHir-r
Tho dog In this picture Is looking for
the two missing animals. '
In J.I10 tltlo role, nt tho Lyceum. It will
bo ptoduccd with full stnga settings, nnd
coBtumca of ronipoteut plnjcin.
Ai omul tho hciolc cliiuiictois, fiom
whom tho play doilves Uh mine, tho ati
thoi 1ms woven a tomiiuco of ubsoiblug
Intel est. .
The musical net of Uiand and Grant at
Dixie's tlicnter, Is one of the best of the
kind on tho load. Theio coloicd m tints
mo Ideals In the tendltton of ing-tlmo
music, and their "Dusky innlden," which
Is 11 soil of btulcHnuo upon tho "Pretty
Maiden,' of "Kloiodmn." fame, Is 11 de
lightful nunpVr that never fulls to sccuro
till niinnrn.
Ucoigo II. Muitny, who Is managing'
tho nuiHlral comedy, ".viy Aiiiuincttc,"
which will bo seen at the Lyceum on Sep
tember fi, has Just ai lived In this illy to
mnko llniil airatigcnicnts for tho pioduc
tlon of the piece. Ml. Mtirinv will bo ro
tncmbeicd as tho pioneer of "l'ovy Gland,
pa" and unions successes, so theio U lit
tle doubt that ho will be able to add an
otltei feathei to his alicndy well decoi
iited caii li his now vcnluiv.
Bv pavlnR WW tn Mi, Sillsbuiy Mun
nger Gnu Hill lotnliiH tlio eastern tights
to "Alpliouso nnd Gaston," whllo tho
western tcnltoiy will bo conliollcd by
the Hist named nuiuagcr.
Maud Iliijniond, tho wife of Oiih Ung
cis, Iuih been engaged by Clmili.4 Pioli
man for "Tho Now Clown," She will Im
pcibotinto a London scilo-comlc and will
intioducc lier songs and specialties.
Dointhv llnnimoud will bo Mr. Rtchntd
Miinslleld's leading lady next season. She
comes fiom Tony's the iter, Lomlon, and
Is icpoiled to bo ciy beautiful and tal
ented. Mailo Diessler lias resigned fiom "The
King of High Hull ' company anil Is still
nut of an engagement. Mts Diessler
claims the pnjt iisslsncd to her wa3 be
ncath her capabilities.
The follow lng Is tho make-up of tho
Dclawaie, Lackawanna und Western
board for today:
I'ushcis 7 n. 111, C II u tholomow : 8 a.
a. m, Houbcr; 11 43 a. 111., Moran; 7.o0 p.
m., Muriny; 0 p. m , Case.
Ilrlpeib 130 a. m , MrGovcin; 7 a. m ,
Lamping; 10 a. 111 , Coskn ; J 15 p. m., Lat
imer. NOTICE.
Kliby will 11111 Nealls' cievv Fildny,
Aug. JO, and until fuitliei notice.
JIcCuo and cicw will take their tun on
1130 p. m. etia east, Fild.iy, Aug. 29.
Biady nnd clow will lun S a. m. extra
cast, S:i tin (lily, Aug. .10
Follows and cievv will take thcli run on
No G. Satuidaj, Aug 30.
Itnffeitv and cievv will take their 11111
0113.13 p. in. cxtia cast, Satuulay, Aug 30
American League.
At St. Loulb (Hist game) R 1I.E.
Baltimnic 10 00 000 001 -' J
St. Louis 0 2 J 0 02 0 1- 7 7 J
Uutteilcs Ilcisenian and Robinson;
Powell and Kahoc. Umplia Shcildan
Second game- ' R.1I.E.
naltimoiu 0000 100 10- 1 o 1
&t. Louis U I) 0 1 0 1 J 0 - I 8 J
li.itteiies Howell, Butler and Smith;
Sudhoff and Susdcn. Umplic Shcildan.
At Chicago RUE
Philadelphia 3 1130020 0-10 k! 0
Chicago 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 J 1 (i 1) 3
Hntteiles and Schicckengnst;
Callahan and llugheb. Umpltcs Caiuth
ci.s and Johnstone.
At Cleveland- K II E
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 110-.' fi 2
Cleveland 0 2 0 0 0 0 J 0 1 S 1
Battel ics Tow nseiul nnd Cink; JI0010
nnd Wood. Umplic Connolly.
At R.H.E.
Hoslon 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 h U 0
Detioit 00 0000 00 11 u -1
Bittciiob Dliiccn nnd W.111101; Mullen
and Buelow. L'mplio O'Loughlin.
National League.
At Boston- ' R II E.
BlooklMi 000000000-0 5 1
Boston 00 0.' 00 11 I 3 0
Battel icb Evans and Lattlmer; Plltlng
cr and Jloian. Umphe Blown.
At Plttbbiug- R.H.E
Chicago 03100012 00 li 1
Pittsburg 10 02000003 7 1
Battel! es Williams ami Kllng; Ciibh
man and Pohl. 1'mpiie O'Day.
At Philadelphia R II. E.
New Yoik 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 02 0 0
Philadelphia 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 .' li 7 o
Battel les McGlnnitv and Bovvoinmn;
Ibeig and Douglobs Umplic li win,
At Cincinnati R.H.E.
St. Louis 0 10000000 1 10 2
Cincinnati I 1 0 1 0 0 1 .! 10 IS 1
Battel les Ycikes nnd Rjaii; Halm and
Bcigen. Umphe Einsllc.
Eastern Lengue.
Nowaik, 3; VVoiiostoi, 1.
Fiovldeuce, fi; Jeisey City, o ,
Monti eul, G; Toionto, 1.
Buffalo, 10; Rochester, 3 ((list game).
Rochestei, 5; Buffalo, 3 (second game).
Help Wanted Female.
ACNTlTDAgo7lcirr'mi"i3r'l)0w ill
iccommciided. JIis. A. B. Blair, 101
Jcffoison avenue,
WANTED Ghl for geneial houscwoik.
Apply at -113 Madison avenue.
HELP WANTED-An expeiJenced bales-
lady. Addicss below stating vvhciu
omplojeil and salaiv opeeted. Addicss
"Lackawanna Ave.," caio Tilbuno otlleo.
tho cat thut chabed tho rut, Find
AiWiMm j .,.,-j J,fi!iifm''i0idkli(...
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
FOR RENT-Flvo fin nlshed moms with
nil' model n ImmnvcmouU for hoiibe
keeping, 110 Washington avenue.
FOR RENT Fiom September 1 ,9-ioom
house, 027 Gloeit ltldgo stieet! modem
Improvements; steam heat free; location
veiy convenient.
FOR RENT-Benutlful ten-loom slnglo
house, completely fin nlshed, with nil
ImpiovomrntB, centrally located, on
Bpiuco stieet. tnniilto J. C. Zuillleli, leal
estate luokci, 517 Lackawanna avenue.
A BEAUTIFUL Iioiiho for lent, nine
looms and nil model n Impiovcmontii.
nt KiKi Adams avenue. Varnnt now. Lot
(0 foot fiont. with shado tiees nnd beau
tiful Mud In tour. At voiy icnsonulilo
lent. Call nnd seo J. C. Zuillleh, 517 Lack
awanna avenue.
FOR KENT l-'rnm Rcptemhpr 1, D-ioom
Iioiihc, mi Gi pen Ulilftc sticct; model n
Impiovements; stcum heat free; location
very convenient.
FOR RENT Two fill nlshed cottages nt
Lako Slieildan; dry and healthy loca
tions good shade and llncst place for a
week or a month's outing In Noithcin
Pennsylvania. Addicbs II. L. Haidlng,
Factoryvlllo, Pa.
For Sale.
LARGE fm nlshed hniiso for lent to a
suitable pnitv. The landladv mnv
keep a few looms. Comegys, Council
FOR SALE Cheap, one laigo new gio
cei y wagon, cm i ylng capacity 4 "00
pounds; alho ono huge coffeo gilndei;
enn bo l an by motoi or hnnd povvei . Ap
ply to B. Moses, sis Lackawanna avenue.
FOR SALE A (list class meat niaikot.
Ownei will woilc for patty. Address
111 Chestnut street, Dunmoie, Pn.
Help Wanted.
HOME WORK $(,0 monthly coining let
tens; eithei soc. Send two stamps for
paitlculius nick's Supply Co, 3031 Ilnl
sted St., Chicago.
WE WANT opcintois foi shht fnrtoty.
Steady woik and good pay. We will
pnv tianupoitntlon to Ficehold, N. J., nnd
guniantca bonid to those who will come
and take positions with us V. Henry
Rothschild Co, Ficehold, N. J.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Fin nlshed looms for light
housekeeping. J. B. Tilbuno office.
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST Between Cl.nk's Gicen and Chin
chilla, a black silk jacket Tinder ic
wnidcd if left at Praco's stole, or Bun
noil s stoic at Clink's Summit. Mae
Com night, Cktik'8 Gicen, Pa
Room for Rent.
FRONT ROOM for tent; deniable, 421
-uams avenue.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED A Rmall house or (lat. profit
ably furnished, In desirable location
To gain attention, state terms. P. O, Bon
Money to Loan.
Qulck, btialght loans or Building and
Loan. At trom 4 to G per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 314-313 Connell building.
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
rURNMSHnrTOMSforrcnt. "mo5orn
Improvements; pi hate family; gen
tlemen pi of ei led, at 537 Adams avenue.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pio
ferred, at 533 Adams avenue.
Wanted To Hiie.
WANTED TO II1RE-A hoiso for light
deliveiy duiing Septembci. Seinnton
Bedding Co, COO Lackawanna avenue.
Auction Sale.
AUCTION SALE-Wedncbday, Sept. 3,
1 ,0. All tho contents of my lively,
hoi so, harness, cnirliiges, lumbei wagons
and sleighs. 315 Oakfoul couit, Biovvn'3 ei y.
PROPOSALS Sealed pioposils will be
opened at tho ofllco of the City Re
coidur by tho Dliector of this Depaitmcnt
ut 3 o'olock p m , on Pi Ida v, Septembci
.", ISO.', toi tho icpalilng of Engine houses
No 'h 2 ai.d 3 uceoidlng to plans and
bpccillcatlons on lllc In tho ofticn of the
liuicuu of Building Inspection Sepaiatc
bids must bo submitted on each house.
All bids shall bo liled with tho City Con
tioller at hla ofllco, In tho City Hall,
Seianton, Pa , not luter than 2 o'clock
p in., Filduy, Soptombor 5. 1'Ju.'.
Tho City lescives tho light to loject
any or all bids.
Dliector Department ot Public Safety.
Pci R,
Seianton, Pa.. Aug. 20. 1902.
I'ROPOSAI.S-Sealed piopoMiils will be
opened at the ollleo of tho Cltv Re
coidcr by tho Dhcctoi of this Depaitmcnt
at 3 o'clock p m , on Filduy September 5,
1902, for tho icconsti action and lopall-
ing or tno city ot seianton liiitn.igo c-io-matoiy
biillillng, acioiding tn plans and
spocilicntlmiH ou 11 lo hi tho ofllco of tlie
Iliucau of lluildlug Inspeetiiiu. All bids
shall bo Hied with tho City Conti oiler at
his ofllco lu tlio Clt Hall not later than 2
o'clock i). in,, ou Filduy. September n,
190.'. Tho sum or llftv ($7)00) dollais In
cash in cei tilled (heck Is to bo enclosed
with each bid, which sum shall bo loi
letted to tho City In easo of lefusnl in
omlbsioii ou tho unit of the bidder to
whom tho (outuict Is avvaided to oveciito
rnntwict within ten dus after tlio awaid
iug nfUho snnio,
'I ho City icseives tho light to teject
any or nil bids.
Dh color Depaitment nf Piibila Safety.
Seianton, Pa., Aug. 20, 190.',
Per R
BRIDOll PHOI'OSAl.S-Sealed pioposals
will bo torched at tho ollleo of tho
Supeilnteiiilent of Publlu Giminds and
ItuildingH. Hniilsbuig, P.i , iiulil U o'clock
m . on Tuesday. September 2J, 1002. tor
the lebullilliig of tho super-Htiuctuio nf
tho bildgo over Lackavvanua ilvei, at tli
Uoimigh of Old Foi go, Luekiiwanna
Cnuiity, Pa Bids must lio plaied In son
atina envelopes endorsed nn tlio oiiIhIiI"
with tho namo nnd location of tho InlilgK
ami tho ii. mm of tho bhtdoi, Plans nut!
t-pei ideations ran bo hud on npplluitlnu
to tlio Siiiiciluti'iiduiit of Public Oinuuds
and Buildings at Banishing, Pa. Bids
will bo nponul ill tho piobomu nf tho bid
deis or their loiiiosentativts In tho Bo.
t option Room of tho Evocutlvo Dopait
in cut at Haiilsbiug, l'a., at tlio time
limned abnvn, ,
By Older nf tho Boaid, '
T, L. EVRE, Supcihiteifdoilt
William A Stone, E H, llnidenbeigh
Fiank (1. Ilm lis, Iloanl of Commissioner:;
of Puhllo aiouuils und Buildings,
Salesmen Wanted,
A.LESMEN WANTED-Competent mor
(iiiui)io in caiiiiug gnou money, iu
liuudlo our lino ol carbon copying im
neis, either logular or on tho bldo. Plillln
lliino iz Co, 1-3 Union Squuic, New Yoik
ACTIVE speciality salesman to take poi
maneiit agency for well cstabilslicr
(luis of goods uued In factories nn
Btuhlrs. No capital, but small bond ie
nulled Address Vlscol Company, L'as
CamlnidKie Mass.
?--.-,.v.jBt,.J,l.Ml,-viw -JAM.,i.
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Than 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offices,
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Recetvod at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT SCIIULT55. coiner Mul
beny street nnd Webaloi avo.
West Side
OEO W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avonuo.
South Scranton
I'RED L. TERPPE. 729 Cedar
North Scranton
OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avonuo und Matkct
Green Ridge
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Rldgo
stieot. ,
C. LORENZ. comer Washington
avenue und Mat ion sticct.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
Wanted To Purchase.
WANTED-Mulc lRlirXth?0oTV12
months old. color, hilndlc pioteiicd;
pi ice must lie icasonable. Coachpian, J29
Costcllo couit.
Help Wanted Male.
CIVIL Servlco Government Positions.
About 10,000 appointments made Inst
$e.u. Only common school education 10
(i ii I led lor examination Salaiics Inige.
Woik easy. Catalogues ot infoimatlon
fiee. Columbian Conespondenec College,
FOUR cxpeilenced Diamond Dilll ltm
nois, good wages, steady employment
to Hist class men Applv at the ofllco of
John Mull head & Son, Plttstou, Pa.
YOUNG man wanted as oideily at the
West Side Hospital. Refeicnces ic
qulicd. Business Opportunity.
FOR SALE A (lno geneial store hi good
locality with horses, wugons, lKttues,
etc. Stock inventoilod In Apt II ne.uly
$7,000 and business will tun fiom $3"i,000 to
$10,000 per jcai. Prollts will urn 20 pel
cent to IT, pei cent. Reason of bale, ill
health Fm fuithor Infoimatlon wilte to
P. O. Box 3J7, Seianton, Pa.
out dolay. Write for our special mar
ket lcttor. Freo on application. S M.
Hibbaid & Co, membeis N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 44 nnd 45
Bioadway. New York. Established 1S01
Long Distance 'Phono 21S8 Broad.
Real Estate.
LOTS, houses and faims for salo. Seo
J. C Zurflioh.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in
upper Green Ridge; cholco neighbor
hood; most deslrablo locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvino,
173G Sanderson avenue.
Dissolution of Partnership.
F. C. Waltcib, doing business under
tho name of the New Renovating Com
pany, was dlsbolved on May 14, 1102.
launders ahli ts nt Sc. each and collars
and cuffs at lVc. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiaders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG4
Real Estate Exchange Bldg , 120 Wash
ington avo.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spiuco stieot, Seianton.
Fire Insurance.
SCHLAGER & CO., Tinders Bank Bldg.
Patont Attorneys.
a "T"C IVITTCS In all countries
PA I fc. 9M I Oof the Globe.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In tho city. No chnrgo for In
foimntlon on patontublllty; over ton years
Replotflc & Co., Mcars Blclff.
Hotels and Restaurants.
i 111 nvenuo. Bates lcasouablo,
P. S5IEGLER, Pioprlotor.
Passongor dopot, Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Propilotor.
and cobs pools; no odor: only lmpiocd
punipa used. A. B Bliggs. propilotor.
Leave ouleis 1100 North Main avenue,
or ElcSo'b ding btoio, comer Adams and
Mulbony. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
,vo, Sciunton, mfis. of Wlro Scroons.
piles, envelopes, papsr bags, twine.
Wamhouse, ID Wauhlnstoii nvenuo.
bo had In Seianton at tho news btand
of Ruiaumii Bios, W Spiuco and 503
Linden; M. Not ton, 3J Lackawanna
ave.i I. S. Schutzor, 211 Spiuco stiost.
Boarders Wanted,
mor IiouuIcih; tinea lurgo ally rooms
and good tublo boaid. Addiesb O. K,
Dulton, Pa.
Board and Rooms,
VERY DESIRABLE vulto ot rooms with
llrst class table board, can bo obtainod
at 3il Joftersan avenuo.
,m. i,
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Situations Wanted.
SlTtfATION WANTED-A widow lady
wants a homo In, good family for her
ln- car-old daughter, whero sho can de
light hoitsowoik Tor her board and attend
school; hns had good tininlng; good rcf
oienqes given, liutulie at Y. W. Ct A.
looms, 20," Wnshliigtoii avenue.
SITUATION AVANTED-By a bov 14 old In orilco or store. Address
15j5 Dickson avenue.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1902. '
Trains leave Seinnton for Now York
At 1 GO. 3 20, (i 05, 7.50 and 10 10 n. m.rl3 49,
3 40, 3 33 p. m. For Now York nnd Phlla-delphla-7.30,
10 10 u. m , nnd 12 40 and 3 31
p. m. For Oouldsboro At 010 p. m. For
Bllffillo-1 15, 0.22 artd 9 00 ll. in.; 155, liu)
and 11.10 p. m. For Binghamton, Etrnlia
and way stations 10 25 a. m , 1.03 p. m.
For Oswego, Syracuse aVid Utlca 1.15 nnd
C23 n. m.; 1,55 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse
and Utlca trnln nt 6 22 n. m. dally, except
Stindnv. For Montrose D 00 u. m.; 10a
undo COn m. Nicholson accommodation
I 00 and C15 p. m. ,
, Bloomsburg Division For Northumber
land, nt 0 35 nnd 1010 a. tn.: 155 and 10
P. m. Tor Plymouth, at S.10 a.-m.;J4C
and 0 05 p :n. ...
Sunday Trnlns-For Now York, 1.50, 3 20.
na,, 1010 a, m,; ,140 and 3 31 p. tn. Tdi
Buffalo 1,13 and 0 22 a. m.; 155, G.50jini!
11.10 p. m. For Elmha nnd way statlons
10 2.) n. m. For Binghamton and wny sta
tions. 0 00 n. m. Bloomsburg Dlvlston
Lcavo Seianton, 10.10 a ,m. and 6 10 p .m.
Lehigh 'Valley Railroad.
In KfTect Juno 15, 1902.
, Tiulns Lcavo Seianton.
Tor Phlladelplila and Now Yoik via D.
6 II. R. R, at 7 41, thiough Pallor Car
and Dny Coach Caibondalo to Now York
nnd 9 47 a. m, vvlth.L. V. Conch Caibon
dalo to Philadelphia, and 2 18, 4 35 (Black
Diamond Expiess). and 1149 p. m. Sun
davs, D & II. R. R , 1 53. 9 17 p m. .
For Whltn Haven, Hazleton and prlncH
pnl points in tho coal regions, via D A:
H..R. R, 7.11. 218 and 4 33 p. m. For
Pottsvlllo. 7.11 n. m.
For Bethlehem, Enston, Rending, Har
rlsburg nnd piinclpnl intei medlato sta
tions, via D tk H. R. R.. 7.11. 9.47 a. m ;
2 IS, 4 35 (Ulack Diamond Evpiess), 11.49 p
m Sundajs. D. & II. R. ,R , 9 3S a. m ;
1 5S, 9 17 p in.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmha,
Ithaca, Geneva and pilncipal Intcrmedlnto
stations v la D , L. & W. R. R , 6 33 a. m
and 1 5", p m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag
nia Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D. & H. R. R, 12 ot p m : 3 2S (Black
Diamond Express), 10 41, 11.49 p m. Sun
days. D. & H. R. R . 12 03. 9 17 p in
Pullman parlor and slcoplng or Lehlfth
Vnlloy Parlor cais on nil tuiins between
Wllkes-Bairo nnd Now York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt , 2
Coitland street. Now Yoik.
CHARLES S LEE Gen. Pass. Agt , 26
Coi tlnnd stieet. New York. '
A. W. NONEMACHER. Dlv. Pass. Agt,
South Bethlehem, Pa
For tickets ami Pullman reservations
apply to city ticket offlcc, 69 Publlo
Square, Wllkes-Bnrie, Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29. 1902.
Stations In New York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R
Tinins leave Seianton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mnuch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Baiio and Pittston at 7 30 a.
m . 1 p. m. and 4 pm. Sunday, 2 10 p. m
Quaker City Express leaves Seianton
7 30 a. m, thiough solid vestibule, train
with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phil
adelphia with only ono change of cars
for Baltimore and Washington, D C , and
nil pilncipal points south and west.
Tor Avoca. Pittston and Wlikes-Baue,
1 p m. nnd 1 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p. m.
For Long Blanch, Ocean Giovo, etc,
7 30 a. m. and 1 p. m.
For Rending, Lebanon and Harrlsburg
via Allentown at 7 30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p m. Sunday, 210 p m.
For Tamnqua and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m ;
1 p. m. and 4 p. m
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
W. G BESSLER, Gen Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
. .
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schcdulo In Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Trains lcavo Scranton: G33 a. m.( week
days, thiough vestibule train from
Wllkes-Bairo. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllo; stops at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbuiy, Har.
lisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash,
ington and for Pittsburg and tho West.
9 47 a. m . week days, for Sunbury. Har
Usburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho West.
1.42 p. m , weelc days, (Sundays. 1 53 p.
m.), for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore Washington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3 28 p m , week days, through vcstlbula
tialn fiom AVllkcs-Bnrrc. Pullman buffnt
pallor car end coaches to Philadelphia vii
Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal Intermedi
ate statlonB.
4 33 p m . week dsvs, for Hn-sleton, Sun
bury, Ilanlsbuig, Philadelphia and PlttB-
bl"S' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Tinins for Caibondalo lcavo Scranton at
0 44 731). 8 JO, 1013 n. m.I 12 03. 112, 211,
35b! 529; 1)23; 8 21, 9.15, 10 01 p. m.i 12.1S,
1 Forllonosdalo-C44, 1013 a. m.; 211 and
fi nl n in
For Wllkes-Barre-0 38. 7.41. 8 41. 0 47,
10 5J n. m.i 12 03, 1.12. 2.18, 3 28. 4 33, 6.10,
7 48 10 41. 11.49 P- Ill-
For L. V- B It. Polnts-7.41, 9 47 a. m.:
2 18, 4 33 and 11.49 p. m.
Tor Pennsylvania R. R. PoInts-6 38,
9 17 a m ; 1.12, 3 2S nnd I 35 p. m.
For Albany and all points noith 7.30 a,
m nnd 3 50 P '"
m. nau ""jJujjjy TrAINS.
For Carbondnlo-8 50, 1133 a. m.; 211,
3 50. C52 and 11.17 p. tn
For Wllkes-Barro-9 33 a. tn.; 12 03, 1,59,
3 28, 0 32 nnd 9,17 p. m.
For Albany and points north-3 58 p. m.
For Honesdalo 8 50 a. in.; 1133 and 3 53
V' V,' L. TRYOR, D. P. A., Scranton, ,Pa.
Erie Railroad Wyoming Dlvlslttft.
In Effect July 30th, 1902. it
Tialns lcavo Seinnton for Hawley nnd
local htatlons at 7 20 and H.43 a, in pLV!
and 5 20 p m, Sundass. 9 00 a. m nnd
1 33 p m For New Yoik. NovvhiirBh nnd
lntoimcdlato points at 7 20 a, m. audfMl
p. m, SuiulajH, 135 p. in.
For Honebilalo-1 35 ami 5 20 p. in. t
Tialns uirlvo nt Seianton 8.20, JO 41 n.
m.i 3 00 nnd 9.13 p.; in. Spndais, too hnd
S.15 p, m, r
ij n-n 1 t, i . , p
New Yoik, Ontario ana WesterriT
Timo Table In Eltoct Sunday, Juno 15, -I00J
Leavo Leavo Airfve
Tialns. Sen Hilton. Ciubondiile, Cadola.
No. 1 to JO u. in. 11,10a.m. 1 0i) prm.
NTn. i 4 001). in. 4 41 n. m. UOOiOn
No. 7 UlOp. m ArCaiboinJalouioffiw
Leavo Leavo Arrtyo
Tialns. Cadosla. Ciubondnlc, Suantou.
Nn. i! ...... i. Win. nh JinVjh.
No, 4 840n.m, lootn.m, l()40am.
No 2 215p.m. loop III. 4 45p..ln.
Lca,vi ' J (Iav Ai livo
Tinins. Seianton. Caibondalo. Chdnjjft,
No 9 , 8i0u. Hi.; .(LIVJWH, l!liJ5nwri.
No. 5 700 P- in Arrai'b(
Leavo Leave Arfivo
Tialns. Cadosla. CniboiulalcvScianton.
No. U ,,,,,, i,50a.m. 7.23afn.
No. 10 4 30 p.m. OOiipm. 6 43p"m.
Tialns Nos. 1 on week diija, and Q-on
Suudayb lonncct for Now Yoik city, Mid.
dletown, Walton, Noiwlch, Oncldu, Os
wego und all points west, ,7
Tiuln 3 foi Poyntelle, Walton, DaBil,
Sidney, Noiwlch and nil New Benin
biuncn points ,. '
Tiuln No .ir;xwUH VQipiker cltv Ex
pioss" ut Simnou. Via C,1J. . of N. JS ,
for piilludelphliuj Atliiitlo bfjyl Baltimore'
Washington JLiidva,imnsyi4iua ststo
Seo tlme-tnblo nnd consult ticket ngents
for eqimecllnns w Ithother, Upfsw y,i, ..
J. C ANDKRSON.lf.i'A.'Now'yorlr.
J., B. WELSH. V P. A.. Scranton. Pa.
'. J